AT&T IP Toll-free Site Readiness: Prepare for Installation and Service Activation - ATT

Page created by Marshall Wright
AT&T IP Toll-free Site Readiness: Prepare for Installation and Service Activation - ATT
AT&T IP Toll-free

   Site Readiness: Prepare for Installation and Service Activation

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Getting started with transport details for your IP Toll-free order
    Customer site requirements                                         If you are ordering new transport                          If you have existing transport

     Designate a local contact who must be                            AT&T will negotiate a project schedule with you to         AT&T will negotiate a project schedule with you to
      knowledgeable and on-site                                        enable service completion as close to your desired         enable service completion as close to your desired
                                                                       date as possible.                                          date as possible.
     Hire vendors to prepare your site, unless AT&T is
      providing entrance facilities.
                                                                       You should expect an installer to be at your site to       You will receive emails with the dates for installation
     Receive / review emails from AT&T and check                      install the transport. In some areas, the installer will   of IP Toll-free service with a link to check status via
      status via Order Status Manager.                                 install and pretest the router and the transport           Order Status Manager ( or you may check via AT&T
                                                                       circuit on the same visit.                                 Business Center).
     Complete inside wiring.
     Work to schedule building access and disclose any                You will receive emails with the dates for these site      Prepare to negotiate out of service time with the test
      noise or time restrictions, building access parking,             visits and a link to check status via Order Status         and turn-up AT&T Representative as appropriate.
      loading zones, work area concerns, as needed, etc.               Manager ( or you may check via AT&T Business               This will occur when the while the router is swapped
                                                                       Direct).                                                   out.
     Be a liaison and advocate when working with
      building owner or manager.
                                                                       In certain cases, special construction may be required     Please complete appropriate router installation as
     Show AT&T where the circuit demarcation                          due to lack of facilities. In these cases, AT&T will       soon as possible.
      (demarc*) is located.                                            contact you with additional information and
     Ensure the router is extended from the demarc as                 instructions.
      appropriate and router extended to the CPE.
                                                                       Please complete the site preparation checklist as
     Engage your phone vendor for software and                        soon as possible. Additional details are included on
      configuration changes, as needed                                 the next page and on the AT&T Dedicated Internet
                                                                       and AT&T Virtual Private Network Customer
                                                                       Resource Centers.
    *The demarc is a location inside the building where AT&T service
    terminates from the street.

                                          If your company has multiple sites, each site installation will be managed separately, however
2                                                                    installation steps may be concurrent
Site Preparation: New AT&T Dedicated Internet (ADI) or AT&T Virtual Private
Network (AVPN) orders with IP Toll-free*
                                                      AT&T will perform**                                                   Customer will perform the following…

    Meet with the AT&T engineer                        Outside conduit specifications                                          Inside conduit specifications
    • An AT&T engineer will explain to your site         (Property Line to your building)                                        (Demarcation point to router if not in same room)
      contact all customer responsibilities            • Minimum 2” – 4” conduit with pull rope                                • Needs to be completed prior to installation
      shown on this page.                              • Minimum 3’ sweeping radius                                            • You may hire an electrical vendor for inside wiring
                                                                                                                               • A conduit or cable tray is required, and a clear
    • The engineer will reach out to the site            Pull box* required when:                                                 path for access
      contact within 48 hours of your order to         • There are 3 or more right angles                                      • Minimum 2” conduit
      schedule a visit.                                • The path is longer than 300’                                          Additional inside wiring
                                                       • *Dimensions for pull box – 12” x 12” x 18”                            • Inside wiring, unless otherwise noted, is your
    • If you are eligible for the entrance facility                                                                               responsibility; you can do it yourself or hire a
      offer, AT&T will complete items 2-5 on                 Wall mounted backboard
      this list. This will occur after you sign the    •     4’ x 4’ x 3/4”                                                    • Inside wiring includes:
      systems permission form.                         •     Fire retardant plywood                                            • From the router to your PBX (and fax or modems
                                                       •     Mounted to studs                                                     as needed)
    • If the entrance facility offer is not            •     Space available Backboard to include Router                       Note: Incomplete inside wiring is the number one
      available in your area, you will be                                                                                      reason for service delays
      responsible for completing the work or                 Electrical specifications
                                                       •     AC power outlet on a dedicated fused                              Telephone land line (not mobile)
      hiring someone to complete the work.                                                                                     Telephone land line is required for successful
                                                             breaker rated min. 15 amps OR
                                                                                                                               activation and ongoing maintenance
                                                       •     Nominal voltage, 48VDC, +24/-24VDC, 110V
                                                                                                                               • If you do not have a land line, talk to your sales
                                                       •     Either power option needs to be located                             person about ordering one
                                                             within 6 ft. of the AT&T equipment                                • Please do not disconnect or power down any
                                                       •     Multiple outlets required for all equipment                         AT&T provided equipment without notifying
                                                       •     Relay racks, cabinets, routers and your CPE                         AT&T
                                                             must be grounded
                                                           **You are responsible for items 2-5 if you did not qualify for EnF offer
                                                            *Additional site requirements may be required if the transport is Ethernet
Transport Wall mount example

What you need to know about your toll-free
                numbers for AT&T IP Toll-free order

    Please allow several weeks of lead time         Important Directory Listing: If your
    to transfer toll free numbers. If you           numbers that are being moved have a
    transfer toll-free numbers from another         Directory Listing(s), please provide the
    carrier we need an accurate list of toll-free   listings exactly as they currently exist in
    numbers as soon as possible. No changes         the Directory.
    can be made once the order is placed.
                                                    This can be supplied in Microsoft Word, Excel,
    To avoid delays, please verify that you do      or PDF Format. Any changes to your current
    not have any pending orders on any of your      Directory Listing cannot be made until after
    lines with your previous access line provider   your IP Toll-free service has been installed.
    and that the customer service record with                                                        When toll-free numbers are to be transferred,
    your access line provider accurately reflects
    the lines on the account                                                                             please provide a complete and final
                                                                                                               list of toll-free numbers.
    A resporg form must be completed with the                                                                   Including designation of
    exact information that is on your current
    carriers bill.                                                                                               Fax, modem and alarm

If you need optional features on your IP Toll-free service…

    Advanced features                                    IP Features                                     Alternate Destination Routing

    Fully integrated IP Toll-free service with routing   IP Transfer compliments the TDM features        To support failover between your Toll-free
    across TDM and VoIP endpoints with advanced          providing a SIP-based transfer.                 sites, AT&T offers an IP Alternate Destination
    feature capabilities.                                                                                Routing (ADR) and a TDM-based Alternate
                                                         IP InfoPack – Call Information Delivery and     Destination Routing (ADR).
    To support the Advanced Features with IP Toll-
    free, your Sales Representative must register        optional Data Forwarding                        • IP ADR can be used between IPTF sites as a
    you for the Business Direct customer portal.                                                           first failover site for your toll-free numbers.
                                                           • Standard Svc: CPN, DNIS or DN
    This will allow you to change the routing criteria
    between your centers for your toll-free calls,         • InfoPack: CPN, BN/ANI, DNIS, DN, OLI, UUI   • By adding TDM ADR you can failover to both
    view your bill and pull Toll-free and network                                                          IP and TDM locations as a first or secondary
    performance reports.                                                                                   failover location.

                                                                                                         IP Alternate Destination Routing is available in
                                                                                                         both U.S. and International locations. TDM ADR
                                                                                                         support US locations only.

                        Any changes to your order could change the scheduled Service Activation date.
Getting ready for your IP Toll-free installation
                                You will receive emails from AT&T with critical information about your order and installation.
                                    To ensure your order proceeds smoothly, please read, retain and respond as needed

    Preparing for your service                           Routers and equipment                                             Order Status Manager (OSM)
       If you ordered IP Toll-free with AVPN, a          If you are providing self managed routers,
       technical interview will be held. Please invite   information about configuring your router(s) is
       all technical vendors and local on-site           available on the link for the AT&T
       contacts to the technical interview call to       Implementation Planner under IP Flexible Reach
       make sure we get accurate details for your        service:
       order.                                                      Username: att
       If you ordered IP Toll-free with AT&T                       Password: attvoip
       Dedicated Internet (ADI), a technical
       questionnaire will be sent via email. Delays in   If AT&T is providing and managing the Customer
       completing the information within 48 hours        Edge router, AT&T will have full responsibility for
       will result in delays in service activation.      configuring and maintaining.

       Your voice equipment (PBX) and inside             If you are using an AVPN managed router with a
       wiring should be installed 15-days prior to       cascaded SBC, you are responsible for procuring
       the scheduled due date; if not complete,          and managing the cascaded device, Cisco CUBE
       your service activation may be delayed.           Session Border Controller.                                         You can check the status of your
       Any AT&T equipment received must be               Please be prepared to provide a copy of your                         order 24/7 by using the Order
                                                         router configuration to AT&T prior to Pre-Test
       available for the AT&T installer.
                                                         and Turn Up.
                                                                                                                            Status Manager (OSM) encrypted
       IP Voice services will be activated after your                                                                        link provided within your email
       AT&T Virtual Private Network (AVPN) or
       AT&T Dedicated Internet (ADI) service is
       installed; AT&T will coordinate the dates
                                                             Note: You may also locate router installation guides on the
       with you.                                         •
                                                             manufacturer’s website
Service Activation Installation Information

                                                    ➢ If you are planning to transfer toll-free
    ➢ Your site contact and vendor(s) will need
                                                      numbers from another carrier, you will need to
      to participate in the final testing of your
                                                      disconnect the previous service with the other
    ➢ If you are managing your own router, you
      will receive your assigned IP addresses       ➢ Identify fax and modem numbers.
      prior to your due date– you will use this
      to program your router.                       ➢ If you migrated from another AT&T service,
                                                      you may need to request a disconnection of
    ➢ Please be prepared to provide your IP           that previous AT&T service after IP Toll-free is
      address preferences throughout the              installed. Please contact your account
      provisioning process.                           representative.

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