Assessing changes in distribution of the Endangered snow leopard Panthera uncia and its wild prey over 2 decades in the Indian Himalaya through ...
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Assessing changes in distribution of the Endangered snow leopard Panthera uncia and its wild prey over 2 decades in the Indian Himalaya through interview- based occupancy surveys ABHISHEK GHOSHAL, YASH VEER BHATNAGAR, BIVASH PANDAV KOUSTUBH SHARMA, CHARUDUTT MISHRA R . R A G H U N A T H and K U L B H U S H A N S I N G H R . S U R Y A W A N S H I Abstract Understanding species distributions, patterns of have been used to estimate national and global snow leopard change and threats can form the basis for assessing the con- ranges. servation status of elusive species that are difficult to survey. Keywords Asiatic ibex, blue sheep, carnivore, occupancy, The snow leopard Panthera uncia is the top predator of the snow leopard, survey, threat, ungulate Central and South Asian mountains. Knowledge of the dis- tribution and status of this elusive felid and its wild prey is Supplementary material for this article can be found at limited. Using recall-based key-informant interviews we es- timated site use by snow leopards and their primary wild prey, blue sheep Pseudois nayaur and Asiatic ibex Capra sibirica, across two time periods (past: –; recent: –) in the state of Himachal Pradesh, India. We Introduction also conducted a threat assessment for the recent period. Probability of site use was similar across the two time peri- ods for snow leopards, blue sheep and ibex, whereas for wild T he distribution and habitats of some species have been negatively affected by human activities and develop- mental pressures globally (Sanderson et al., ). Large prey (blue sheep and ibex combined) overall there was an mammals, especially apex carnivores, are often considered % contraction. Although our surveys were conducted in to be umbrella or flagship species for ecosystem conserva- areas within the presumed distribution range of the snow tion (Simberloff, ). Large home ranges and habitat leopard, we found snow leopards were using only % of specificity tend to make large mammals vulnerable to the area (, km). Blue sheep and ibex had distinct dis- range contraction and extinction (Ceballos et al., ; tribution ranges. Snow leopards and their wild prey were not Michalski & Peres, ). Understanding threats to large restricted to protected areas, which encompassed only % mammals and determining their occurrence and changes of their distribution within the study area. Migratory live- in distribution are thus important for conservation planning stock grazing was pervasive across ibex distribution range at large spatial scales (MacKenzie et al., ; Karanth et al., and was the most widespread and serious conservation ; Taubmann et al., ). threat. Depredation by free-ranging dogs, and illegal hunt- Since the s India has experienced a % increase in its ing and wildlife trade were the other severe threats. Our human population alongside rapid economic growth, which results underscore the importance of community-based, land- has negatively affected mammal species and their habitats scape-scale conservation approaches and caution against reli- (Madhusudan & Mishra, ; Das et al., ; Singh & ance on geophysical and opinion-based distribution maps that Bagchi, ). Studies at national and regional levels have re- ported declines in distribution ranges of some common large mammalian species (Karanth et al., ; Pillay et al., ). In comparison to the large mammals of the Indian peninsula, the ABHISHEK GHOSHAL* (Corresponding author), YASH VEER BHATNAGAR†, distribution and conservation status of the high-altitude large KOUSTUBH SHARMA†, CHARUDUTT MISHRA†, R. RAGHUNATH and KULBHUSHANSINGH R. SURYAWANSHI† Nature Conservation Foundation, 3076/5, mammalian assemblage have received little scientific attention IV Cross, Gokulam Park, Mysore, Karnataka 570002, India (Gaston et al., ; Mishra et al., ). Reliable baseline in- E-mail formation on distribution range is lacking even for charismatic BIVASH PANDAV Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India and threatened species such as the snow leopard Panthera *Also at: Snow Leopard Trust, Seattle, Washington, USA; Wildlife Institute of uncia and its primary prey, blue sheep Pseudois nayaur and India, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India; and Saurashtra University, Rajkot, Asiatic ibex Capra sibirica, in India (Lovari et al., ; Gujarat, India †Also at: Snow Leopard Trust, Seattle, Washington, USA Lyngdoh et al., ; Snow Leopard Network, ). Received February . Revision requested April . The snow leopard, which is categorized as Endangered Accepted June . First published online October . on the IUCN Red List (Jackson et al., ), is the top Oryx, 2019, 53(4), 620–632 © 2017 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605317001107 Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Sep 2021 at 04:37:42, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
Snow leopards in the Indian Himalaya 621 predator and flagship species for conservation of the Indian steep cliffs and rocky outcrops. The terrain is rugged, with Himalaya (Snow Leopard Network, ; Bhatnagar et al., cliffs and sharp ridgelines interspersed with alpine and sub- ). The Indian Greater and Trans-Himalaya form the alpine tracts in the Greater Himalaya. The south-east and southern limit of the global snow leopard distribution north-west extremes of our study area are characterized by a range and constitute c. % of the estimated global snow leop- relatively moist climate and tracts of forest. The entire region is ard range (Snow Leopard Working Secretariat, ). characterized by Palaearctic conditions, with annual tempera- Amongst the five Indian states where snow leopards occur, ture ranging from c. −°C in winter to c. °C in summer. Himachal Pradesh has c. one-fifth of the potential snow leop- The region is drained by three major rivers, the Sutlej in ard habitat (,–, m altitude; Project Snow Leopard, Kinnaur District, the Spiti in Spiti subdivision and part of nor- ; Snow Leopard Network, ), corresponding to thern Kinnaur, and the Chandra-Bhaga or Chenab in Lahaul c. , km. Within Himachal Pradesh a large, contiguous and Pangi subdivisions. patch of potential snow leopard habitat is constituted by the Given the difficult terrain, limited plant productivity and four regions of Kinnaur (, km at ,–, m altitude), extreme climate, the local agro-pastoralist communities Lahaul (, km), Spiti (, km) and Pangi (, km). inhabit the landscape at low densities (one individual These regions (, km) constitute % of the potential per km in Lahaul and Spiti; per km in Kinnaur; per snow leopard habitat in Himachal Pradesh. Since the s km in Pangi). Kinnaur, Lahaul and Pangi are inhabited pri- considerable socio-economic changes have occurred in these marily by followers of the Hindu religion, with Buddhists in- four regions, including improvements in connectivity and the habiting only the uppermost villages, whereas Spiti is advent and spread of cash crops (e.g. green peas in Spiti and inhabited primarily by Buddhists. Their traditional depend- Lahaul, and apples in Kinnaur and Spiti) (Mishra, ; Rana ence on natural resources for food (including wildlife), fuel, et al., ; Basannagari & Kala, ). Increased road connect- livestock grazing (sheep, goats, cattle, yaks, yak–cattle hy- ivity along international borders has led to a rise in infrastruc- brids), fodder, construction material and medicinal plants ture projects and unregulated tourism, especially since , is widespread and varies across the landscape (Mishra, when Kinnaur and Spiti were opened to Indian and inter- ). The regional economy has shifted from a subsistence national tourists (Snow Leopard Network, ). and barter-based system to being cash-based and market- We conducted a threat assessment and evaluated changes driven (Mishra, ; Bhatnagar & Singh, ). The advent in the distribution of the snow leopard, blue sheep and ibex in of the green pea Pisum sativum as a cash crop from on- these regions over a period of decades. We used multi- wards and the opening up of Kinnaur District and Spiti sub- season occupancy modelling (MacKenzie et al., ) on division to tourists in have accelerated these changes. detection/non-detection data collected by interviewing Development and agricultural intensification are providing local people and corrected for imperfect detection across job opportunities and attracting non-native labourers to the two time periods (Karanth et al., ; Pillay et al., ; landscape. Additionally, migratory herders from Shimla, Taubmann et al., ), past (–) and recent (– Kangra and Chamba districts graze livestock in the high- ). The method facilitated analysis of data from past and altitude pastures across most of the study area during sum- recent time periods based on recall of interviewees. Multiple mer (June–August). respondents from a sampling unit were treated as replicate Carnivores in the study area include the snow leopard, surveys for the primary sampling seasons, thereby accounting the wolf Canis lupus and the brown bear Ursus arctos at for imperfect detection. Thus, sampling difficult-to-detect . , m altitude, and the common leopard Panthera par- species across a large area and multiple time periods is pos- dus and Himalayan black bear Ursus thibetanus at , , m sible using this method. We present distribution maps of the altitude (Jayapal & Ramesh, ; Mishra et al., ). Among snow leopard, blue sheep and ibex for the two time periods, wild herbivores, the Himalayan tahr Hemitragus jemlahicus, using appropriate covariates. We discuss the implications of Himalayan serow Capricornis thar, musk deer Moschus our findings in the context of snow leopard conservation pro- leucogaster and Himalayan goral Naemorhedus goral occur grammes at state, national and global levels. in the Greater Himalaya, and blue sheep and Asiatic ibex occur in both the Greater and Trans-Himalaya. Study area The study area comprised , km at ,–, m Methods altitude (potential snow leopard habitat, Snow Leopard Network, ) covering the contiguous potential snow Survey design and data collection leopard habitat across the Greater and Trans-Himalaya Mountains in Himachal Pradesh (Fig. ). The vegetation in We used key-informant interviews with a structured ques- the Trans-Himalaya is largely dry alpine steppe (Champion tionnaire to record occurrences of snow leopards and & Seth, ), with gentle-rolling uplands interspersed with their prey for two time periods: – and – Oryx, 2019, 53(4), 620–632 © 2017 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605317001107 Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Sep 2021 at 04:37:42, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
622 A. Ghoshal et al. FIG. 1 The locations of Kinnaur, Lahaul and Spiti Districts and Pangi sub-division of Chamba District, in Himachal Pradesh, India. The shaded region denotes ,– , m altitude, the potential snow leopard Panthera uncia habitat in Himachal Pradesh. (following Pillay et al., and Taubmann et al., ). The study species among images of numerous other carnivore survey was carried out during the summer season (June– and mountain ungulate species, such as the Tibetan wolf September) of . The study area was divided into Canis lupus filchneri, brown bear, common leopard, grid cells (sites) of × km (area km) each, the area Himalayan black bear, Himalayan tahr, Himalayan serow, being similar to the estimated mean home-range size of the musk deer, Himalayan goral, Kashmir stag or hangul snow leopard (Johansson et al., ). Cervus elaphus hanglu, markhor Capra falconeri, kiang The questionnaire (Supplementary Material S) con- Equus kiang, Tibetan gazelle Procapra picticaudata, Tibetan tained two sections. The first dealt with information related argali Ovis ammon hodgsoni, wild yak Bos mutus and to the attributes of the respondents that could affect reliable Ladakh urial Ovis vignei vignei. Respondents who failed to detection of the study species (Table ), and the second con- identify study species from the images were excluded from tained questions regarding detections of the study species the analyses, as were those who were unable to provide reli- during the two time periods, including the location, year able information on location of species detection. The iden- and approximate month of each detection. tity of the respondents has been kept confidential. Upon entering a village we first created a focus group of We identified conservation threats to the snow leopard two or three people with thorough knowledge of the site or and its wild prey in Kinnaur, Lahaul, Spiti and Pangi based grid cell. With their help we prepared resource maps on discussion with the focus groups and personal observa- (Suryawanshi et al., ), with approximate locations of set- tions. The threats were ranked based on area of spread, inten- tlements, agricultural areas, pastures, seasonal use of pastures, sity and urgency, following Margoluis & Salafsky (). We number of livestock and areas used for biomass extraction. identified fourteen threats in four broad categories, namely, This information was transferred to printed maps of the livestock–wild prey interactions, people–wildlife interactions, area. During this exercise we did not record species detec- developmental activities and other human disturbances. For a tion/non-detection, as the reports of one person could be in- particular threat in a region, a score of – was assigned, with fluenced by another in such a group. These respondents and indicating low and severe. Thus, total ranking of a threat others were later interviewed individually by AG, specifically (sum of scores for area, intensity and urgency) in a region to gather data on detection/non-detection of snow leopards could be –. We considered a score of – to indicate and their prey. The resource mapping facilitated the plotting low threat, – medium threat, and – severe threat. of detection locations on a map. The respondents included herders, active and former hunters, cattle herders, medicinal Data analyses plant collectors, forest department officials, staff and contrac- tual workers, military personnel, tourist guides, porters and To define the past time period we chose two landmark photographers. Key informants were shown images of events: the introduction of the green-pea crop in Lahaul & Oryx, 2019, 53(4), 620–632 © 2017 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605317001107 Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Sep 2021 at 04:37:42, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
Snow leopards in the Indian Himalaya 623 TABLE 1 Site and survey covariates used in occupancy analyses to assess changes in distribution of the snow leopard Panthera uncia and wild prey (blue sheep Pseudois nayaur and Asiatic ibex Capra sibirica) between two time periods (– and – in the Greater and Trans-Himalaya of Himachal Pradesh, India (Fig. ), with description, variable type, and expected relationship with site use and de- tection probability. Variable Expected relationship with site use and detection Description type probability Site covariates Altitude Mean altitude Continuous Positive correlation with site use by study species up to c. 5,200 m altitude Ruggedness Proportion of rugged area, using terrain Continuous Positive correlation with site use by study species ruggedness index Normalized difference Proportion of vegetated area Continuous Positive correlation with site use by blue sheep & vegetation index ibex Migratory livestock Presence or absence of migratory livestock Binary Negative correlation with site use by blue sheep grazing grazing and ibex Livestock population Number of sheep/goats Continuous Negative correlation with site use by blue sheep and ibex Survey covariates Active Whether respondent was active or not during Binary Active respondents are more likely to encounter the primary survey periods study species Time spent Number of months in which the respondent Continuous Respondents spending more time in area of was active in the area of knowledge knowledge are more likely to detect study species Familiarity Number of years for which the respondent Continuous Respondents with higher familiarity are more was familiar with the area of knowledge likely to detect study species Age Age of respondent in years Continuous Mixed effect on encounter of study species Profession Categorical variable representing sedentary, Categorical Respondents with outdoor work are more likely semi-outdoor & outdoor work to detect study species Spiti in , and the opening up of Kinnaur and Spiti to periods. Each interviewee’s report from a particular site tourists in . We defined the recent time period as the was assigned as a replicate survey within the site. Site -year period prior to our survey (–). As years covariates that could influence probability of site use by a is a considerably long period to assume population closure species were modelled using logistic insertions (Table ). within sampled units, we assumed that the occupancy esti- Topographic covariates such as mean altitude above mean mates would reflect the probability of the sites being used by sea level, and proportions of rugged area in a site (terrain the study species in the respective time periods. This inter- ruggedness index) and vegetated area in a site (normalized pretation of the conventional occupancy estimate as the difference vegetation index) were generated using Shuttle probability of site use allows for changes within the sam- Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) and Landsat data, re- pling units and relaxation of the closure assumption spectively. As snow leopards are known to occur between (MacKenzie et al., ; Taubmann et al., ). This design , m (above the tree line) and , m (approximate assumes that the changes in probability of site use within lower limit of permafrost and limit of vegetation growth) each sampling unit during each sampling period were ran- in the Western Himalaya (Project Snow Leopard, ; dom and described by the specific covariates applied. Snow Leopard Network, ), we used mean altitude and Probability of colonization (γ) was estimated as the prob- its square to model probability of site use as a linear and ability of a site that was not used by a species during the quadratic function of altitude. We expected probability of past time period being used during the recent time period, site use to be higher in sites with a greater proportion of ter- whereas probability of extinction (ε) was estimated as the rain ruggedness (Snow Leopard Network, ; McCarthy & probability of a site that was used by a species during the Mallon, ). A higher proportion of vegetated area was ex- past time period not being used during the recent time per- pected to favour the distribution of wild prey. Presence of iod (MacKenzie et al., ). The probabilities of local col- migratory livestock grazing reflected areas that were used onization and local extinction can be interpreted as for grazing only during the peak summer (mid June–mid probability of distribution expansion and contraction, re- August) and were far from villages, and hence not grazed spectively, between the two periods. by local livestock. Presence of migratory livestock grazing Data on sightings of snow leopards, blue sheep and ibex was expected to lower the probability of site use by wild gathered during interviews were arranged in a detection/ prey. The livestock population (i.e. the number of sheep/ non-detection (/) framework for past and recent time goats in a site) was expected to negatively influence Oryx, 2019, 53(4), 620–632 © 2017 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605317001107 Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Sep 2021 at 04:37:42, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
624 A. Ghoshal et al. probability of site use by wild prey. If the confidence interval TABLE 2 Number of detections, and number of respondents report- of the coefficient of a variable included zero we interpreted it ing detections, of snow leopards, wild prey (cumulative detections as a statistically non-significant association. of blue sheep and ibex), blue sheep and ibex in the Greater and Trans-Himalaya of Himachal Pradesh, India (Fig. ). Multiple re- Covariates that might have influenced the probability of spondents reported both blue sheep and ibex from more than one detection of a species and its reporting to the researcher grid, and therefore the detections of wild prey sum to more than were used as survey covariates to model detection probabil- the detections of individual species. ity (Table ). These included respondent age, profession, duration (in years) of familiarity with the area for which No. of they were providing information, time spent in that area an- No. of detections respondents nually, and a binary variable indicating whether or not a re- Past Recent Past Recent spondent visited snow leopard and prey habitat during each Snow leopard 54 110 24 30 time period. Wild prey 330 351 27 33 We modelled probability of site use and detection Blue sheep 51 144 27 33 Ibex 55 214 27 33 probability through single-species multi-season models for snow leopards, blue sheep and ibex, using Presence . (MacKenzie et al., ; Hines, ). We parameterized our models to estimate empirically historical and recent ., respectively. Naïve estimates of the proportion of sites probabilities of site use and probability of distribution ex- used by wild prey in the past and recent time periods were pansion. Estimates of probabilities of distribution contrac- . and ., respectively. When analysed individually, tion were derived. Models were ranked in ascending order naïve estimates of the proportion of sites used by blue based on the Akaike information criterion (AIC, Akaike, sheep in the past and recent time periods were . and ; Burnham & Anderson, ). ., and by ibex . and ., respectively. Our analyses yielded multiple models with similar AIC va- lues, thus indicating that no one model, by itself, could ex- plain the observed variation in the data adequately. Thus, Detection probability following a multi-model inference approach (Burnham & According to null models the detection probabilities of snow Anderson, ), we considered a set of models with a cumu- leopards, blue sheep, ibex and wild prey were . ± SE ., lative Akaike weight of $. to yield the best approximating . ± SE ., . ± SE . and . ± SE ., respective- model by using model averaging (Burnham & Anderson, ly. When modelled with survey covariates, detection prob- ; Symonds & Moussalli, ). Models that did not con- abilities of snow leopards, wild prey, blue sheep and ibex verge were dropped from the model set before model aver- varied between the past (–) and recent (–) aging. We plotted the model-averaged estimates of past and time periods (Table ). Age of respondent showed a weak recent occupancy to develop probabilistic maps of past and negative effect on detections of snow leopards, blue sheep recent distributions of the snow leopard and its wild prey. and wild prey. Familiarity with the area of knowledge was an important factor for ibex detection. Time spent each year by a respondent in the area of survey had little effect Results on detection probability. The profession of the respondent had a positive effect on detection probability for all species. We carried out systematic key-informant interviews across Kinnaur, Lahaul, Spiti and Pangi. For analyses we used of these interviews, having excluded two respon- Site use, and expansion or contraction of distribution: dents who provided unreliable information. Respondents snow leopard reported detection/non-detection of snow leopards and their wild prey from a mean of grids per respondent The model-averaged estimate of probability of site use by (range –). The mean number of respondents who reported snow leopards was . ± SD . (range . ± SE . to sighting snow leopards per grid was . ± SD . (range . ± SE .) for the past time period and . ± SD . –), whereas the mean number who reported sighting (range . ± SE . to . ± SE .) for the recent time wild prey was . ± SD . (range –). Detection data period (Fig. a,b). Probability of site use by snow leopards for each species are summarized in Table . We developed showed weak positive correlation with the terrain rugged- competing single-species multi-season occupancy models ness index (βtri = . ± SE .; % CI −.–.) and for the snow leopard, for all wild prey combined, for altitude (βalt.mean = . ± SE .; % CI −.–.) blue sheep and for ibex (Supplementary Table S). (Table ); however, the coefficients were not statistically sig- Naïve estimates of the proportion of sites used by snow nificant. In the % of the area used by snow leopards, the leopards in the past and recent time periods were . and probability of site use by snow leopards was relatively high Oryx, 2019, 53(4), 620–632 © 2017 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605317001107 Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Sep 2021 at 04:37:42, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
Snow leopards in the Indian Himalaya 625 TABLE 3 Untransformed estimates of coefficients (β) from the top models of snow leopard, wild prey, blue sheep and ibex model sets. Snow leopard Blue sheep Ibex Wild prey Model* β ± SE β ± SE β ± SE β ± SE Intercept (ψ)_psi1 1.27 ± 0.42 0.97 ± 0.42 −0.77 ± 0.32 3.44 ± 0.66 Intercept (ψ)_psi2 1.27 ± 0.42 0.97 ± 0.42 −0.77 ± 0.32 2.26 ± 0.46 Altitude 0.73 ± 0.73 −0.36 ± 0.34 −1.13 ± 0.52 Altitude_squared −0.49 ± 0.19 Migratory livestock grazing −2.67 ± 0.61 4.26 ± 1.01 Ruggedness 0.89 ± 0.52 Intercept (γ) −0.75 ± 0.96 −3.54 ± 0.98 −1.53 ± 0.52 −1.39 ± 1.29 Intercept (p1) −2.59 ± 0.26 −1.89 ± 0.23 −1.30 ± 0.16 0.54 ± 0.13 Intercept (p2) 0.58 ± 0.21 1.21 ± 0.21 1.21 ± 0.19 −0.52 ± 0.13 Age −0.06 ± 0.02 −0.06 ± 0.01 −0.03 ± 0.01 Familiarity 0.04 ± 0.02 −0.05 ± 0.01 0.01 ± 0.01 Time spent 0.02 ± 0.01 Prof1 1.30 ± 0.27 0.32 ± 0.29 0.28 ± 0.17 Prof2 1.36 ± 0.25 1.12 ± 0.23 0.39 ± 0.14 *Ψ, Probability of site use; γ, probability of distribution expansion; p, probability of detection for the past time period; p, probability of detection for the recent time period; psi, past probability of site use; psi, recent probability of site use. Site covariates: altitude, mean altitude of a site; altitude_squared, square of mean altitude; Ruggedness, proportion of rugged area in a site, derived from terrain ruggedness index; Migratory livestock grazing, presence ()/ absence () of migratory livestock grazing in a site; Age, age of respondent in years; Familiarity, no. of years or months for which a respondent is familiar with the area of knowledge; Time spent, time spent in months or days by a respondent in the area of knowledge per year; Prof, sedentary profession (e.g. office worker); Prof, sedentary and outdoor profession (e.g. forest guard). (. .). A relatively higher probability of site use (. .) contraction of blue sheep distribution was . ± SD . was recorded in Spiti and in the majority of Kinnaur. (range . ± SE . to . ± SE .), indicating no clear Central and western Lahaul and Pangi had relatively low evidence for overall contraction (Supplementary Fig. S). probabilities of site use by snow leopards (Fig. a,b). There was no clear evidence of expansion of the snow leo- pard’s distribution (γ = . ± SE .; % CI −.–.). Site use, and expansion or contraction of distribution: The estimated probability of contraction of the snow leo- Asiatic ibex pard’s distribution was . ± SD ., indicating no clear The estimated probability of site use by ibex was the same for evidence for overall contraction, and ranged between . ± past and recent time periods (ψ = . ± SD ± .; range: . SE . and . ± SE . (Supplementary Fig. S). ± SE . to . ± SE .; Fig. c,d). Probability of site use by ibex showed a positive correlation with migratory livestock grazing (βmigrh = . ± SE .; % CI .–.; Table ). Site use, and expansion or contraction of distribution: The relationship between ibex site use and mean altitude blue sheep was unclear (βalt.mean = −. ± SE .; % CI −.–.) The model-averaged estimate of probability of site use by blue (Table ). High probability of site use (. .) by ibex was sheep was . ± SD . (range . ± SE . to . ± SE found in Lahaul and Pangi, and in south-western parts of .) for the past time period and . ± SD . (range . Spiti and Kinnaur. Central, south and eastern Spiti, and nor- ± SE . to . ± SE .) for the recent time period thern, eastern and south-eastern Kinnaur showed low (Fig. a,b). Probability of site use by blue sheep showed a probabilities of site use (, .) by ibex (Fig. c,d). There negative correlation with migratory livestock grazing was no clear evidence for expansion of ibex distribution (βmigrh = −. ± SE .; % CI −. to −.; Table ). across the study area (γ = . ± SE .; % CI −.– There were no clear relationships between probability of .). The estimated probability of contraction of ibex distri- site use by blue sheep and altitude (βalt.mean = −. ± bution was . ± SD . (range . ± SE . to . ± SE .; % CI −.–.) or ruggedness (βtri = . ± SE SE .), indicating no clear evidence for overall contraction .; % CI −.–.; Table ). A high probability of site (Supplementary Fig. S). use (. .) by blue sheep was estimated in the majority of Spiti and Kinnaur. South-western Spiti and all of Lahaul and Site use, and expansion or contraction of distribution: Pangi showed low probabilities of site use (, .) by wild prey blue sheep (Fig. a,b). We found no clear evidence of prob- ability of expansion of blue sheep distribution (γ = . ± SE The model-averaged estimate of probability of site use .; % CI −.–.). The estimated probability of by wild prey (blue sheep and ibex combined) was Oryx, 2019, 53(4), 620–632 © 2017 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605317001107 Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Sep 2021 at 04:37:42, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
626 A. Ghoshal et al. FIG. 2 (a) Past and (b) recent probability of site use (occupancy) by snow leopards across the Greater and Trans-Himalaya mountains of Kinnaur, Lahaul, Spiti and Pangi, Himachal Pradesh, India. . ± SD . (range . ± SE . to . ± SE .) vegetated area (normalized difference vegetation index) for the past time period and . ± SD . (range . ± SE (βndvi = −. ± SE .; % CI −.–.) or presence/ . to . ± SE .) for the recent time period. absence of migratory livestock grazing (βmigrh = −. ± SE Probability of site use by wild prey varied as a quadratic .; % CI −.–.; Table ). The probability of site use function of altitude (βalt.mean = −. ± SE ., % CI by wild prey was high (. .) in most of the study area. −. to −.; βalt.sq = −. ± SE .; % CI −. to Central Lahaul, parts of northern Spiti and parts of −.), and increased with ruggedness (βtri = . ± SE .; Kinnaur (especially along the Sutlej River valley) showed % CI .–.). There was no clear relationship between relatively lower probabilities of site use by wild prey probability of site use by wild prey and proportion of (, .). There was no clear evidence for expansion of the Oryx, 2019, 53(4), 620–632 © 2017 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605317001107 Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Sep 2021 at 04:37:42, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
Snow leopards in the Indian Himalaya 627 FIG. 3 Past and recent probability of site use (occupancy) by blue sheep (a & b) and Asiatic ibex (c & d) across the Greater and Trans-Himalaya mountains of Kinnaur, Lahaul, Spiti and Pangi, Himachal Pradesh, India. distribution of wild prey (γ = . ± SE .; % CI −.– and depredation of wildlife and livestock by free-ranging .). The estimated probability of contraction of the distri- dogs. bution of wild prey was . ± SD . (Supplementary In Kinnaur the severe threats identified were reduced Fig. S), indicating evidence for a marginal overall contrac- prey as a result of competition with local livestock and sub- tion of distribution (range . ± SE . to . ± SE .). sistence hunting by the local community, illegal hunting and The probability of contraction of the distribution of wild wildlife trade by immigrant labourer and migratory com- prey was relatively high (ε . .) in % of the sites. munities, and depredation by dogs. Local livestock grazing These areas were in western Lahaul, northern and eastern was practised in and around villages all across Kinnaur, Spiti, south-western Spiti and Kinnaur (Supplementary whereas migratory livestock grazing was prevalent in Fig. S). south-eastern and south-western Kinnaur (Supplementary Fig. S). Southern and south-western Kinnaur also experi- enced hunting and wildlife trade by local and migratory Conservation threats herder communities and immigrant labourers. The depre- dation of wildlife and livestock by free-ranging dogs was Threat assessment (Table ; Supplementary Fig. S) indi- found to be widespread. cated the major threats across the study area were reduced In Spiti reduced prey as a result of competition with local prey as a result of competition with both local and migratory and migratory livestock, and depredation by dogs, were se- livestock, reduced prey as a result of subsistence hunting by vere threats. Local livestock grazing was widespread except local communities, illegal hunting and wildlife trade by both in a few villages in eastern Spiti on the left bank of the Spiti local and immigrant labourer and migratory communities, River. Migratory livestock grazing was prevalent in north- Oryx, 2019, 53(4), 620–632 © 2017 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605317001107 Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Sep 2021 at 04:37:42, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
. Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Sep 2021 at 04:37:42, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at 628 A. Ghoshal et al. TABLE 4 Threat ranking ( = low threat; = severe threat) based on area (how widespread is the threat; = least widespread; = most widespread), intensity (how severe is the threat; = low severity; = high severity) and urgency (how immediate/urgent is the threat; = least urgent; = most urgent), following Margoluis & Salafsky (), for Kinnaur, Lahaul, Spiti and Pangi, Himachal Pradesh, India (Fig. ). Light grey shading indicates a low level of threat, medium grey indicates a medium level of threat, and dark grey indicates a severe level of threat. Kinnaur Spiti Lahaul Pangi (Chamba) Total Total Total Total Threat Area Intensity Urgency ranking Area Intensity Urgency ranking Area Intensity Urgency ranking Area Intensity Urgency ranking Livestock–wild prey interactions Prey reduction as a result 14 13 5 32 13 13 4 30 7 3 4 14 3 4 5 12 of competition with local livestock Prey reduction as a result 7 14 6 27 12 14 9 35 14 14 10 38 14 14 10 38 of competition with mi- gratory livestock Prey reduction as a result 1 2 3 6 5 6 3 14 2 2 2 6 5 3 4 9 of disease transmitted by livestock Oryx, 2019, 53(4), 620–632 © 2017 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605317001107 People–wildlife interactions Retaliatory killing of 2 8 7 17 6 5 12 23 3 8 3 14 4 8 9 21 snow leopards & wild prey by local community Prey reduction as a result 13 9 8 30 3 2 10 15 8 9 9 26 9 11 12 32 of subsistence hunting by local community Illegal hunting & wildlife 6 10 13 29 4 4 11 19 10 10 13 33 10 12 13 35 trade by local community Illegal hunting & wildlife 12 11 14 37 7 8 13 28 12 13 14 39 12 13 14 39 trade by immigrant labourer & migratory communities Developmental activities Impacts of roads on 4 7 10 21 8 9 8 25 4 7 6 17 7 6 7 20 snow leopard habitat Impacts of hydro-electric 5 6 11 22 2 1 6 9 9 5 11 25 6 5 6 17 projects on snow leopard habitat
Snow leopards in the Indian Himalaya 629 western, western and south-western Spiti (Supplementary ranking Total Fig. S). Depredation of wildlife and livestock by free- 16 28 34 6 5 ranging dogs is an emerging conservation threat in Spiti. In Lahaul reduced prey as a result of competition with Area Intensity Urgency migratory livestock, illegal hunting and wildlife trade by 1 8 11 3 2 the local community, and immigrant labourer and migra- tory communities, and depredation by dogs, were the severe Pangi (Chamba) threats. Migratory livestock grazing was pervasive at rela- tively high densities (Supplementary Fig. S). Areas grazed 7 9 1 2 10 by migratory livestock were also prone to illegal hunting by migratory herders and depredation of wildlife by dogs 8 11 1 2 13 (migratory herders are accompanied by guard dogs). ranking Hunting was prevalent among the local community of west- Total ern Lahaul. Immigrant labour camps were abundant along 12 28 10 17 36 major roadways in Lahaul, and our respondents consistently Area Intensity Urgency reported labourers to be involved in illegal hunting and wildlife trade. 1 5 8 7 12 In Pangi the severe threats were reduced prey as a result of competition with migratory livestock and subsistence hunting by the local community, illegal hunting and wildlife 6 12 1 4 11 trade by the local community and immigrant labourer and Lahaul migratory communities, and depredation by dogs. Similar 5 11 1 6 13 to Lahaul, migratory livestock grazing was widespread in Pangi and these areas experienced illegal hunting and dep- ranking redation of wildlife by free-ranging dogs. Hunting for sub- Urgency Total 19 22 27 40 9 sistence and for wildlife trade, by both local people and immigrant labourers, was prevalent. 1 2 5 7 14 Discussion Intensity We set out to examine changes in distribution of the snow 7 10 3 11 12 leopard and its wild prey, and their current conservation sta- Area Spiti tus across the Greater and Trans-Himalaya Mountains of 11 10 1 9 14 Himachal Pradesh between two time periods, past (–) and recent (–). We used a recall-based ranking Total key-informant survey to collect information on detection/ 14 15 17 13 35 non-detection of snow leopards and their wild prey over Area Intensity Urgency the two periods. These data were analysed using a single- species, multi-season site-occupancy framework accounting 1 2 9 4 12 for imperfect detection. We recommend caution in inter- preting the effects of variables on site use as causation. For example, normalized difference vegetation index data were 3 4 5 1 12 used to represent the proportion of vegetated area in a site; Kinnaur however, these data need not represent palatable forage for wild prey, and may explain the absence of a significant posi- 10 9 3 8 11 Other human disturbances tive relationship between proportion of vegetated area and tion by local & migratory Depredation of wildlife Medicinal plant collec- site use by wild prey. communities & immi- (off-roading/camping/ Unregulated tourism hiking in wilderness, Our results suggest that snow leopard distribution re- military personnel collection by local Fodder/fuel wood Illegal hunting by free-ranging dogs mismanagement) mained largely unchanged between the two time periods, grant labourers Table 4 (Cont.) & livestock by as we did not find any evidence of overall expansion or con- community traction of snow leopard distribution in the study area, garbage Threat whereas there was a marginal contraction in the distribution of wild prey (blue sheep and ibex combined). Snow leopard Oryx, 2019, 53(4), 620–632 © 2017 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605317001107 Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Sep 2021 at 04:37:42, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
630 A. Ghoshal et al. distribution essentially overlapped with wild prey distribu- Lahaul, which experienced intense migratory livestock tion, with blue sheep and ibex showing mutually exclusive grazing, widespread presence of free-ranging dogs, and distributions with marginal overlap. illegal hunting and wildlife trade by local and migratory Within our study area we recorded high probabilities of herder communities and immigrant labourers (Table ; snow leopard site use across large patches in Spiti and Supplementary Fig. S). Kinnaur (Fig. ). These were areas where migratory livestock Across Pangi, Lahaul and northern and south-western grazing either did not occur or occurred at low intensity, and Spiti, the ibex is the only large wild prey of the snow leopard. the intensity of other threats, such as hunting and natural re- These are also the areas where migratory livestock grazing, source extraction, was also low (Table ; Supplementary depredation by free-ranging dogs, and illegal hunting and Fig. S). Among areas that showed a relatively high probability wildlife trade by local and migratory herder communities of contraction of snow leopard distribution (Supplementary and immigrant labourers are pervasive and intense Fig. S), % were in south-western parts of Kinnaur and (Table ; Supplementary Fig. S). Migratory livestock graz- Spiti that experienced migratory livestock grazing and hunting ing is a long-standing, widespread and continually changing by local and migratory people as well as by immigrant practice (Saberwal, ; Axelby, ) in parts of Kinnaur labourers. Migratory grazing was prevalent in c. % of and Spiti and all of Lahaul and Pangi, covering almost the the snow leopard’s distribution within our study area entire estimated ibex distribution. The use by migratory her- (Supplementary Fig. S), and was relatively intense (c. live- ders of these relatively steep areas, which are also the stock per km) in c. % of the area, especially in Lahaul and habitats of the ibex, resulted in a positive correlation be- Pangi (Supplementary Fig. S). Intense migratory livestock tween probability of site use by ibex and the presence of grazing, along with hunting by migratory herders and immi- migratory livestock grazing. There is evidence of interfer- grant labourers in Lahaul continue to be serious threats to the ence competition between migratory livestock and ibex otherwise contiguous snow leopard habitat, from Pangi to the (Bagchi et al., ). Migratory livestock displace ibex west, Spiti to the east and Kinnaur to the south-east. Our study from pastures through forage removal and direct disturb- area is also contiguous with the snow leopard habitats of ance. Understanding impacts of migratory livestock grazing Hemis in Ladakh (Jammu and Kashmir) to the north. on forage availability and ibex densities (exploitative com- We found that within our study area % of the area trad- petition) at a finer spatial scale would be useful. itionally considered to be potential snow leopard habitat Blue sheep occur extensively and at relatively high dens- (Project Snow Leopard, ; Snow Leopard Network, ities in Spiti, especially along the eastern bank of the Spiti ) had a negligible probability of use by snow leopards. River and parts of the western bank (Suryawanshi et al., This is despite the fact that areas above , m altitude ), where the terrain is relatively gentle and ibex are (mainly rocky areas with snow and ice) and below largely absent. These are also areas used only for local live- , m (forested zone) were excluded from our survey. stock grazing rather than migratory livestock grazing (USL, Large-scale projections of snow leopard distributions and ), hence the negative correlation between site use by blue populations have relied on extrapolation of information sheep and migratory livestock grazing. based on opinions and geophysical modelling (e.g. Snow Snow leopards and wild prey occurred in large parts of Leopard Working Secretariat, ; Snow Leopard Network, our study area and were not restricted to the seven protected ; McCarthy & Mallon, ). Our results caution against areas that cover % (, km) of the area. Himachal such extrapolations, as they are likely to substantially overesti- Pradesh thus mirrors a global pattern (Johansson et al., mate snow leopard occurrence. ) in which large parts (c. , km) of snow leopard Blue sheep and ibex distributions in our study area were and wild prey distribution lie outside protected areas. This largely mutually exclusive, overlapping marginally along the makes landscape-scale participatory conservation ap- Sutlej and Spiti Rivers (Fig. ). Blue sheep occurred in the proaches, such as India’s Project Snow Leopard () im- eastern and south-eastern parts of the study area, which plemented in the Upper Spiti Landscape of Himachal are less rugged, with rolling mountains (Fig. a,b). Ibex oc- Pradesh (USL, ), and the Global Snow Leopard and curred in the western and south-western parts of the study Ecosystem Protection Program (Snow Leopard Working area, which are more rugged, with steeper mountains Secretariat, ) currently being implemented, more ap- (Fig. c,d). Thus, in Himachal Pradesh, blue sheep and propriate in the context of snow leopard and wild ungulate ibex provide an important prey base for snow leopards, in conservation in the Indian Himalaya. mostly mutually exclusive areas (Suryawanshi et al., ). We found that the overall distribution of wild prey appeared to have declined by % between the two study periods. Areas Acknowledgements where contraction occurred (Supplementary Fig. S), simi- lar to areas with contraction of snow leopard distribution, We thank the Himachal Pradesh Forest Department were in south-western Kinnaur, and central and western (Wildlife Wing) for financial and logistical support; James Oryx, 2019, 53(4), 620–632 © 2017 Fauna & Flora International doi:10.1017/S0030605317001107 Downloaded from IP address:, on 29 Sep 2021 at 04:37:42, subject to the Cambridge Core terms of use, available at .
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