Planning Applications within Edinburgh - Edinburgh Council

Page created by Harvey Goodman
Planning Applications within Edinburgh
Date: 14 June 2021
The Weekly Planning Bulletin is organised by ward. Under each ward you will find the following

    •    Section 1– Recently registered planning applications;
    •    Section 2 – Proposal of Application Notices received;
    •    Section 3 – Proposals for tree work in conservation areas;
    •    Section 4 – Proposals for tree works where there is a Tree Preservation Order;
    •    Section 5 – Prior Notification of Telecommunications.
    •    Section 6 – Certificate of Lawfulness Existing.
    •    Section 7 – Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed.

If there are no applications or notices in a ward, the space underneath will be blank.

Section 8 at the end of the document contains consultations from other planning authorities.

Planning decisions are on a separate document.

Wards – click on the links below

Ward B01 - Almond
Ward B02 – Pentland Hills
Ward B03 – Drum Brae/Gyle
Ward B04 – Forth
Ward B05 – Inverleith
Ward B06 – Corstorphine/Murrayfield
Ward B07 – Sighthill/Gorgie
Ward B08 – Colinton/Fairmilehead
Ward B09 – Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart
Ward B10 – Morningside
Ward B11 – City Centre
Ward B12 – Leith Walk
Ward B13 – Leith
Ward B14 – Craigentinny/Duddingston
Ward B15 – Southside/Newington
Ward B16 – Liberton/Gilmerton
Ward B17 – Portobello/Craigmillar

The physical posting of site notices has now recommenced however this will remain under review. The
Council, as planning authority, hereby gives notice under paragraph 9(2) of Schedule 6, Part 3 of the
Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020 that it has decided not to physically publish weekly lists of planning and
related applications and make these available for inspection at our principal office and public libraries on
the basis that doing so

(a)may give rise to a significant risk of the transmission of coronavirus, or
(b)is likely to be ineffective or inappropriate due to action taken in order to control the incidence or
transmission of coronavirus.

In accordance with paragraph 9 (3) of Schedule 6, Part 3 to the Coronavirus (Scotland) Act 2020, copies
of the aforementioned documents can be viewed on the Council’s Planning and Building Standards On-
line Services using the link below

Please note that this notice does not affect resumption of neighbour notification and publication of
notices in the Edinburgh Gazette and Edinburgh Evening News during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Where can I see the documents?

You can view the plans, forms and other documents at Planning and Building Standards Online
During this time we are unable to provide a duty planner service.

What Can I Comment on?

Under statutory legislation, you should only make comments to the City of Edinburgh Council on those
applications appearing in Section 1 – recently registered planning applications.
Planning is about the development and use of land and buildings so any comments made on
applications should be relevant to this. These are called ‘material considerations’. If you submit
comments which are non material they will not be taken into account. This can be difficult to understand
so we have given you some examples below. It should be noted that the legislation governing the
control of advertisements does not include any provision for a period for representations to be submitted.
Therefore, the Planning service may determine an application for advertisement consent prior to the
date set out in this list

       Material                                                      Non-Material
       Contrary to Local Plan/Structure Plan                         Devaluation of property
       Appearance (design, materials, scale, etc.)                   Loss of private view
       Residential amenity e.g. noise, overshadowing                 Business issues relating to the applicant
       Traffic, parking or access problems                           Possible fire hazard

Comments on Section 2 proposals should be made directly to the applicant and comments on section 6
applications should be made direct to that planning authority. There is no provision for the public to
make comments on tree work and prior notifications and these details are for information only. This also
applies to certificates of lawfulness where decisions are taken on the facts of the case in relation to
planning law and public comments cannot be taken into account.

How Can I Comment?

We would appreciate it if your comments could be made online at Planning and Building Standards
Online Services. This means we can contact you quickly by email with any amendments and the final

At this time no comments can be received by paper due to no staff being available within the office.

Your comments must be received within 21 days of the date of registration, neighbour notification or
advertisement in the press, whichever is later. These periods are extended for public holidays. The
Comments Due by Date appears in the bulletin although we cannot always guarantee it will include
additional days for public holidays. Please contact the case officer if you need advice on this.

Anonymous comments will not be taken into account and we need your name and address as your
representation will become part of the application record, which is a public document. The comments
you make may be made publicly available to view on the Council website. Any comments that are
racist will not be accepted and may be sent to the police for further investigation. Further advice on
commenting on planning applications can be found on the Council website.

What Happens to my Comments?

You will receive an acknowledgement of your representation. You will also be informed of the decision.

Most applications are processed by delegated decision whereby planning officers decide applications
under a publicly accountable process. If, however, there are more than six representations and these
take an opposing view from the recommendation, then the application will be decided by your elected
councillors on the Development Management Sub-Committee.

Any Questions?

Contact the Planning Help Desk at

Ward No. B01 – Almond
1. Planning Applications

 Queensferry     Single-storey               Maxwell Davidson.     Mr & Mrs Ebdy,       Delegated   Registered    Householder
 Conservation    extension.                  19 Echline Terrace    4 Ashburnham Loan    Decision    on:           Team
 Area            at                          South Queensferry     South Queensferry                04/06/2021    planning.househol
                 4 Ashburnham Loan           EH30 9XH              EH30 9LE                                       der@edinburgh.go
                 South Queensferry                                                                  Site Notice
                 EH30 9LE                                                                           posted on:
                                                                                                    11/06/2021    Community
                 21/02463/FUL                                                                                     Council:
                                                                                                    Advertised    Queensferry &
                                                                                                    on:           District
                                                                                                    Comments      Developments
                                                                                                    Due by

                 Alterations to an           Low Carbon Studio.    Mr & Mrs             Delegated   Registered    Tom Hutchinson
                 existing house to           FAO: Colin Campbell   Buckingham,          Decision    on:           tom.hutchinson1@
                 enclose an existing         Denerigg              25 Inveralmond                   19/05/2021
                 balcony alter and form      West Saltoun          Drive
                 new windows and             Pencaitland           Edinburgh                        Comments      Community
                 doors and internal          EH34 5EJ              EH4 6JX                          Due by        Council: Cramond
                 alterations and new                                                                29.06.2021
                 rear decking.                                                                                    Householder
                 at                                                                                               Developments
                 25 Inveralmond Drive
                 EH4 6JX


                 Proposed Gogar Link         Iceni Projects.       West Craigs          Delegated   Registered    Sean Fallon
                 Road and active travel      FAO Adam              Limited.,            Decision    on:           sean.fallon@edinb
                 route                       McConaghy                                              28/05/2021
                 at                          11 Alva Street
                 Site 100 Metres East        Edinburgh                                              Advertised    Community
                 Of                          EH2 4PH                                                on:           Council: Ratho
                 194 Glasgow Road                                                                   18/06/2021
                 Edinburgh                                                                                        Other
                                                                                                    Comments      Developments -
                 21/02941/PPP                                                                       Due by        Local

                 Addition of two roof                              Mr Lars Jeppesen.,   Delegated   Registered    Householder
                 lights to front elevation                         5 Hope Street        Decision    on:           Team
                 and modest single                                 South Queensferry                28/05/2021    planning.househol
                 storey extension to                               EH30 9LX                                       der@edinburgh.go
                 rear.                                                                              Comments
                 at                                                                                 Due by
                 5 Hope Street                                                                      29.06.2021    Community
                 South Queensferry                                                                                Council:
                 EH30 9LX                                                                                         Queensferry &

                 Change of use of the        Fresh Design          Tesla Motors.,       Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
                 ground floor unit for the   International         122 Burgemeester     Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                 sale and servicing of       FAO: Kristopher       Stramanweg                       11/06/2021
                 motor vehicles (sui         Jones                 Amsterdam
                 generis).                   Bond 31               Netherlands                      Comments      Community
                 at                          42 High Street        1101                             Due by        Council: Ratho
                 Alexandra House             Hull                                                   05.07.2021
                 21 Cliftonhall Road         United Kingdom                                                       Other
                 Newbridge                   HU1 1PT                                                              Developments -
                 EH28 8PW                                                                                         Local


Cramond          Alterations to combine    Hazel Dickson,         Mr Alex Flucker.    Delegated   Registered    Householder
 Conservation     upper and lower           Architect.             3 Brae Park         Decision    on:           Team
 Area             properties to form one    23 Reid Street         Cramond                         31/05/2021    planning.househol
                  dwelling, including two   Dunfermline            Edinburgh                                     der@edinburgh.go
                  storey rear extension.    KY12 7EE               EH4 6DJ                         Site Notice
                  at                                                                               posted on:
                  3 Brae Park                                                                      11/06/2021    Community
                  Edinburgh                                                                                      Council: Cramond
                  EH4 6DJ                                                                          Advertised
                                                                                                   on:           Householder
                  21/02977/FUL                                                                     11/06/2021    Developments

                                                                                                   Due by

                  Proposed attic            N7 Design Studio.      Mr & Mrs Frost,     Delegated   Registered    Householder
                  conversion to form        FAO: Nick Walker       40 Station Road     Decision    on:           Team
                  bedroom and shower        1 Lambsmiln Place      South Queensferry               01/06/2021    planning.househol
                  room.                     Kirkliston             EH30 9JX                                      der@edinburgh.go
                  at                        EH29 9GP                                               Comments
                  40 Station Road                                                                  Due by
                  South Queensferry                                                                30.06.2021    Community
                  EH30 9JX                                                                                       Council:
                                                                                                                 Queensferry &
                  21/03010/FUL                                                                                   District


                  Entrance ramp and         Charlotte Cotton       Mr Hugh & Mrs       Delegated   Registered    Tom Hutchinson
                  steps. Rear patio and     66 Silverknowes        Sylvia McLean.,     Decision    on:           tom.hutchinson1@
                  steps. Utility room       View                   15 Silverknowes                 03/06/2021
                  extension.                Edinburgh              Road
                  at                        EH4 5PS                Edinburgh                       Comments      Community
                  15 Silverknowes Road                             EH4 5LH                         Due by        Council:
                  Edinburgh                                                                        30.06.2021    Silverknowes (Not
                  EH4 5LH                                                                                        Active)

                  21/03081/FUL                                                                                   Householder

                  A single storey side      Alisdair Wight.        Mrs Emma Bell.,     Local       Registered    Householder
                  extension.                22 Stoneyflatts        5 Echline View      Delegated   on:           Team
                  at                        Crescent               South Queensferry   Decision    04/06/2021    planning.househol
                  5 Echline View            South Queensferry      EH30 9XL                                      der@edinburgh.go
                  South Queensferry         EH30 9XX                                               Comments
                  EH30 9XL                                                                         Due by
                                                                                                   25.06.2021    Community
                  21/03098/FUL                                                                                   Council:
                                                                                                                 Queensferry &


                  Single storey extension   Timber Bush            Mr Neil Porter.,    Delegated   Registered    Householder
                  to the rear with patio    Associates Ltd.        4 Queen Margaret    Decision    on:           Team
                  area to provide           (Tranent).             Drive                           07/06/2021    planning.househol
                  enhanced living area.     FAO: Graeme            South Queensferry                             der@edinburgh.go
                  at                        Blackwood              EH30 9JF                        Comments
                  4 Queen Margaret          2 Seton West Mains                                     Due by
                  Drive                     Tranent                                                01.07.2021    Community
                  South Queensferry         EH33 1NA                                                             Council:
                  EH30 9JF                                                                                       Queensferry &

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

                  T1 Oak - crown reduce      McLaren Tree             Ms Val Malcolm.,      Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
                  height by 2m-3m and        Surgery Ltd.             57 Gamekeeper's       Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
                  sides to match to          FAO: Crawford            Road                              14/06/2021
                  balance, T2 Oak -          McLaren                  Cramond
                  crown reduce height by     300 Colinton Mains       Edinburgh                                       Community
                  1.5m-2.5m thinning,        Road                     EH4 6LR                                         Council: Cramond
                  removing overly long       Edinburgh
                  branches and sides         EH13 9BS                                                                 TCO and TPO
                  at                         mclarentreesurgery@                                                      submissions
                  57 Gamekeeper's  
                  EH4 6LR


4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B02 – Pentland Hills
1. Planning Applications

 Juniper Green    Replace existing           Planning Solutions       Mr Richard Frette.,   Delegated   Registered    Weronika
 Conservation     garden buildings with      Edinburgh.               561C Lanark Road      Decision    on:           Myslowiecka
 Area             new garden buildings;      FAO: Nicholas Morris     Edinburgh                         25/05/2021    weronika.myslowie
                  Replace arch and iron      Midlothian Innovation    Juniper Green                                   cka@edinburgh.go
                  gate with timber gate      Centre                   EH14 5DE                          Site Notice
                  with side entrance and     Pentlandfield                                              posted on:
                  new decking and patio      Business Park                                              18/06/2021    Community
                  areas; Remove tree         Roslin                                                                   Council: Juniper
                  and replace damaged        EH25 9RE                                                   Advertised    Green
                  wall with a timber                                                                    on:
                  fence. Repair the stone                                                               18/06/2021    Householder
                  wall where necessary.                                                                               Developments
                  at                                                                                    Comments
                  561C Lanark Road                                                                      Due by
                  Edinburgh                                                                             09.07.2021
                  Juniper Green
                  EH14 5DE


 Colinton         Proposed new home          Helen Kelly Architect.   Mr Mordaunt & Ms      Delegated   Registered    Householder
 Conservation     office within garden.      35 Raeburn Place         Warren,               Decision    on:           Team
 Area             at                         Edinburgh                440 Lanark Road                   01/06/2021    planning.househol
                  440 Lanark Road            EH4 1HX                  Edinburgh                                       der@edinburgh.go
                  Edinburgh                                           Juniper Green                     Site Notice
                  Juniper Green                                       EH14 5BB                          posted on:
                  EH14 5BB                                                                              18/06/2021    Community
                                                                                                                      Council: Juniper
                  21/03009/FUL                                                                          Advertised    Green
                                                                                                        18/06/2021    Householder
                                                                                                        Due by

Replacement fence                                  Mr Andrew Hogg.,      Delegated   Registered   Householder
                  (deteriorating wall                                278 Baberton Mains    Decision    on:          Team
                  removed).                                          Drive                             01/06/2021   planning.househol
                  at                                                 Edinburgh                                      der@edinburgh.go
                  278 Baberton Mains                                 Scotland                          Comments
                  Drive                                              EH14 3EG                          Due by
                  Edinburgh                                                                            30.06.2021   Community
                  EH14 3EG                                                                                          Council: Juniper

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

                  Oak Tree located in G4     Treesmiths Scotland     Mr Marrack Tonkin.,   Delegated   Registered   Steven Milne
                  of Title number            Ltd                     5 Newmills Road       Decision    on:          steven.milne@edi
                  MID36176 - Removal         FAO: Christopher        Balerno                           09/06/2021
                  (by rigging) of 1 Oak      Smith.                  EH14 5AG
                  tree causing damage to     Treesmiths Scotland                                                    Community
                  boundary wall.             Ltd                                                                    Council: Balerno
                  at                         16 Wintour Lane
                  5 Newmills Road            Currie                                                                 TCO and TPO
                  Balerno                    EH14 6AY                                                               submissions
                  EH14 5AG

                  21/03166/TPO               Info@treesmiths-

                  Two small Coniferous       Blaikie Tree            Mrs Tym Lo.,          Delegated   Registered   Steven Milne
                  trees - Full removal of    Services.               10 Ravalrig Gait      Decision    on:          steven.milne@edi
                  two small conifers trees   FAO: David Blaikie      Balerno                           09/06/2021
                  in rear garden. One 5-     3/6 Inglis Green Gait   Edinburgh
                  6m and other is 3m.        Edinburgh               EH14 7NH                                       Community
                  at                         EH14 7HZ                                                               Council: Balerno
                  10 Ravelrig Gait           blaikietreeservices@
                  Balerno                                                                        TCO and TPO
                  EH14 7NH                                                                                          submissions


5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

 Juniper Green    Apply new timber                                   Mr Jonathan          Delegated   Registered   Householder
 Conservation     cladding to external                               Wilkinson.,          Decision    on:          Team
 Area             walls at the rear of the                           21 Baberton Avenue               07/06/2021   planning.househol
                  property. The timber                               Juniper Green                                 der@edinburgh.go
                  cladding would be                                  EH14 5DS                            
                  applied over the top of
                  the existing pebble                                                                              Community
                  dash render and                                                                                  Council: Juniper
                  painted wood cladding                                                                            Green
                  which is the current
                  makeup of the walls.                                                                             CLE and CLP
                  The external walls at                                                                            submissions
                  the rear of the property
                  face a private
                  contained walled
                  garden and is not
                  directly looked onto by
                  any other property.
                  Options for new timber
                  cladding type: Larch or
                  Thermally treated
                  21 Baberton Avenue
                  Juniper Green
                  Juniper Green
                  EH14 5DS

Ward No.B03 – Drum Brae/Gyle
1. Planning Applications

                  Change of use from         APS@EH21.               Mr & Mrs Bonnar,     Delegated   Registered   Householder
                  feudal land to private     FAO: Christopher        18 Fauldburn         Decision    on:          Team
                  garden ground;             Bonnar                  Edinburgh                        08/06/2021   planning.househol
                  alterations to existing    7A Victoria Terrace     EH12 8YN                                      der@edinburgh.go
                  garage to form ancillary   Musselburgh                                              Comments
                  room; erection of new      EH21 7LW                                                 Due by
                  timber hut and fencing.                                                             01.07.2021   Community
                  at                                                                                               Council: Drumbrae
                  Land 6 Metres West Of
                  18 Fauldburn                                                                                     Householder
                  & 18 Fauldburn                                                                                   Developments
                  EH12 8YQ


                  Erection of orangery       Lochinvar.              Mr & Mrs Yip,        Delegated   Registered   Householder
                  extension to rear of       FAO: Mark               21 East Craigs       Decision    on:          Team
                  dwelling.                  MacKenzie               Wynd                             31/05/2021   planning.househol
                  at                         25 Fisherrow            Edinburgh                                     der@edinburgh.go
                  21 East Craigs Wynd        Industrial Estate       EH12 8HJ                         Comments
                  Edinburgh                  Musselburgh                                              Due by
                  EH12 8HJ                   EH21 6RH                                                 29.06.2021   Community
                  21/02975/FUL                                                                                     Corstorphine


Proposed erection of       Arkiplan Ltd.         Mr Muncie,           Delegated   Registered   Householder
extension to side of       FAO: Sean Elder       95 Clermiston Road   Decision    on:          Team
dwelling.                  28 Grahamsdyke        Edinburgh                        02/06/2021   planning.househol
at                         Place                 EH12 6UU                                      der@edinburgh.go
95 Clermiston Road         Bo'Ness                                                Comments
Edinburgh                  EH51 9QZ                                               Due by
EH12 6UU                                                                          30.06.2021   Community
                                                                                               Council: Drumbrae

Erection of single         David Lockhart,       Mr & Mrs Watson,     Delegated   Registered   Householder
storey extension to rear   Architectural         139 South Gyle       Decision    on:          Team
of property.               Technologist.         Mains                            04/06/2021   planning.househol
at                         82 Relugas Road       Edinburgh                                     der@edinburgh.go
139 South Gyle Mains       Edinburgh             EH12 9HU                         Comments
Edinburgh                  EH9 2LZ                                                Due by
EH12 9HU                                                                          30.06.2021   Community
21/03086/FUL                                                                                   Corstorphine


Proposed two storey        Grant Allan           Mr Max Greene.,      Delegated   Registered   Householder
extension to rear of       Architecture.         8 Clermiston Green   Decision    on:          Team
dwelling house to          45 Pitmedden Road     Edinburgh                        04/06/2021   planning.househol
create larger kitchen      Dunfermline           EH4 7PD                                       der@edinburgh.go
area, bathroom and         KY11 8FJ                                               Comments
bedroom.                                                                          Due by
at                                                                                01.07.2021   Community
8 Clermiston Green                                                                             Council: Drumbrae
EH4 7PD                                                                                        Householder

Proposed single storey     Scott Allan           Mr Allan And Mrs     Delegated   Registered   Householder
gable extension,           36 Wallace Avenue     Clare Frances.,      Decision    on:          Team
internal alterations and   Wallyford             115 Clermiston                   07/06/2021   planning.househol
air source heat pump.      East Lothian          Road                                          der@edinburgh.go
at                         EH21 8BZ              Edinburgh                        Comments
115 Clermiston Road                              EH12 6UR                         Due by
Edinburgh                                                                         01.07.2021   Community
EH12 6UR                                                                                       Council: Drumbrae

21/03124/FUL                                                                                   Householder

2. Proposal of Application Notice

                  Proposed mixed use         Savills               Bankfoot APAM.,       Additional   Registered      Jamie Carver
                  redevelopment of           FAO: Alastair Wood    3 Barrett Street,     Consultati   on:             jamie.carver@edin
                  centre including           Wemyss House,         St Christopher's      on           01/06/2021
                  new/relocated              8 Wemyss Place,       Place,                Required
                  commercial and retail      Edinburgh             London                             Earliest date   Community
                  floorspace transport     W1U 1AY                            for planning    Council:
                  interchange                                                                         application     Corstorphine
                  infrastructure, car                                                                 24.08.2021
                  parking, access,                                                                                    PAN submissions
                  servicing and
                  associated works.
                  (Class 9 houses /sui
                  generis flats),
                  community facilities
                  (Class 10), leisure
                  (Class 11), public
                  realm, (Class 1, 2 and
                  3), business (Class 4),
                  hotel (Class 7), senior
                  living accommodation
                  (Class 8), residential.
                  Gyle Centre
                  Gyle Avenue


3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  Replace a garden shed                            Mr Alistair Scott.,   Delegated    Registered      Householder
                  with a solid structure                           12 Parkgrove          Decision     on:             Team
                  and insulated room.                              Avenue                             08/06/2021      planning.househol
                  at                                               Edinburgh                                          der@edinburgh.go
                  12 Parkgrove Avenue                              EH4 7QJ                                  
                  EH4 7QJ                                                                                             Community
                                                                                                                      Council: Drumbrae
                                                                                                                      CLE and CLP

                  Proposed dormer, solar     Resi.                 Mr Kenny Morton.,     Delegated    Registered      Householder
                  panel relocation, floor    FAO: Alberto Ochoa    28 Maplewood Park     Decision     on:             Team
                  plan redesign and          International House   Edinburgh                          07/06/2021      planning.househol
                  associated works.          Canterbury Crescent   EH12 8WU                                           der@edinburgh.go
                  at                         Brixton                                                        
                  28 Maplewood Park          London
                  Edinburgh                  SW9 7QD                                                                  Community
                  EH12 8WU                                                               Council: Drumbrae

                  21/02822/CLP                                                                                        CLE and CLP

Proposed external          Core Associates.       Ms Mcilwraith,         Delegated   Registered    Householder
                 alterations to the front   FAO: Jonathan          150 Glasgow Road       Decision    on:           Team
                 and rear elevations of     Dalling                Edinburgh                          03/06/2021    planning.househol
                 existing garage.           The Hatrack            EH12 8LS                                         der@edinburgh.go
                 Existing garage door       144 St. Vincent                                               
                 removed and replaced       Street
                 with timber door and       Glasgow                                                                 Community
                 side glazing. Existing     G2 5LQ                                                                  Council:
                 rear door and window       jd@coreassociates.c                                                     Corstorphine
                 to be removed and
                 replaced with patio                                                                                CLE and CLP
                 doors.                                                                                             submissions
                 150 Glasgow Road
                 EH12 8LS

Ward No.B04 – Forth
1. Planning Applications

                 Proposed single storey     Les McCaskey           Mr Graham Mitchell.,   Delegated   Registered    Householder
                 extension to rear of       Architectural Design   8 Pilton Gardens       Decision    on:           Team
                 property.                  Services. (East        Edinburgh                          31/05/2021    planning.househol
                 at                         Linton)                EH5 2HY                                          der@edinburgh.go
                 8 Pilton Gardens           38B High Street                                           Comments
                 Edinburgh                  East Linton                                               Due by
                 EH5 2HY                    EH40 3AB                                                  29.06.2021    Community
                                                                                                                    Council: Granton +
                 21/03002/FUL                                                                                       District


 Victoria Park   Existing conservatory      Icosis Architects.     Mr & Mrs Bishop,       Local       Registered    Householder
 Conservation    to rear garden to be       FAO: Euan Millar       40 Summerside          Delegated   on:           Team
 Area            removed and replaced       Signal Tower           Street                 Decision    08/06/2021    planning.househol
                 with a single storey       Battery Road           Edinburgh                                        der@edinburgh.go
                 extension.                 North Queensferry      EH6 4NU                            Site Notice
                 at                         KY11 1JU                                                  posted on:
                 40 Summerside Street                                                                 18/06/2021    Community
                 Edinburgh                                                                                          Council: Trinity
                 EH6 4NU                                                                              Advertised
                                                                                                      on:           Householder
                 21/03039/FUL                                                                         18/06/2021    Developments

                                                                                                      Due by

 Listed          To reclaim a room that                            Mrs Whitby,            Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
 Category: C     belonged to 45/2 and                              45/1 Newhaven          Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                 was sold to 45/1 in                               Main Street                        03/06/2021
 Newhaven        1943.                                             Edinburgh
 Conservation    at                                                EH6 4NQ                            Site Notice   Community
 Area            1F1 45 Newhaven                                                                      posted on:    Council: Leith
                 Main Street                                                                          18/06/2021    Harbour And
                 Edinburgh                                                                                          Newhaven
                 EH6 4NQ                                                                              Advertised
                                                                                                      on:           Listed building and
                 21/03059/LBC                                                                         18/06/2021    Con Area
                                                                                                      Due by

Listed           Internal alterations to    Planning & Building    Ms Emily Wright.,     Delegated    Registered      Local1 Team
 Category: B      form a new opening         Design Ltd.            2F2 3 Granton         Decision     on:             planning.local1@e
                  between Living Room        FAO: Keith Owens       Square                             04/06/2021
                  and Internal Kitchen to    24 West Nicolson       Edinburgh
                  provide natural            Street                 EH5 1HE                            Site Notice     Community
                  daylight, Natural          Edinburgh                                                 posted on:      Council: Granton +
                  Ventilation and improve    EH8 9DA                                                   18/06/2021      District
                  activity space within
                  Kitchen Area                                                                         Advertised      Listed building and
                  at                                                                                   on:             Con Area
                  2F2 3 Granton Square                                                                 18/06/2021      Consents
                  EH5 1HE                                                                              Comments
                                                                                                       Due by
                  21/03097/LBC                                                                         09.07.2021

2. Proposal of Application Notice

 Listed           Mixed use                  PPD.                   Edinburgh Marina      Additional   Registered      Jamie Carver
 Category: B      development                FAO: John Paton        Holdings Limited.,    Consultati   on:             jamie.carver@edin
                  containing residential     Bankers Brae           The Old Gunpowder     on           07/06/2021
                  flats, houses and          Balfron                Store                 Required
                  commercial/retail units.   Glasgow                21 Lochinvar Drive                 Earliest date   Community
                  at                         G63 0PY                Edinburgh                          for planning    Council: Granton +
                  Granton Harbour          EH5 1RY                            application     District
                  West Harbour Road                                                                    30.08.2021
                  Edinburgh                                                                                            PAN submissions


3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  To confirm proposed        Whitelaw Planning &    Delivered In 60 C/O   Delegated    Registered      Local1 Team
                  food preparation use       Energy.                McKinley And          Decision     on:             planning.local1@e
                  (class 4)                  FAO Nicolas            Coutts.,                           28/05/2021
                  at                         Whitelaw               23 Melville Street
                  1 Saltire Square           8 Queen Margaret       Edinburgh                                          Community
                  Edinburgh                  Drive                  EH3 7PE                                            Council: West
                  EH5 1PR                    South Queensferry                                                         Pilton/West
                                             EH30 9JF                                                                  Granton
                  21/02959/CLP               nwplanningenergy@
                                                                                                    CLE and CLP

Ward No. B05 – Inverleith
1. Planning Applications

 Inverleith      Separate existing office    Lorna Morgan             Mr Charles Brigain.,   Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
 Conservation    accommodation to form       Architect.               112 Craigentinny       Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
 Area            both office                 4 Bellevue Street        Avenue                             31/05/2021
                 accommodation and a         Edinburgh                Edinburgh
                 residential dwelling. As    EH7 4BY                  EH7 6RH                            Site Notice   Community
                 part of residential                                                                     posted on:    Council:
                 development garden                                                                      11/06/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
                 area is to be reinstated.                                                                             eith
                 As part of office                                                                       Advertised
                 development to change                                                                   on:           Other
                 classification of office                                                                11/06/2021    Developments -
                 area from Class 2 to                                                                                  Local
                 Class 1 (non-food).                                                                     Comments
                 Minor alteration to front                                                               Due by
                 elevation.                                                                              02.07.2021
                 1 - 3A Bowhill Terrace
                 EH3 5QY


                 Proposed conversion         Christopher Thomson      Mr Mainnie,            Delegated   Registered    Householder
                 of lower ground floor       Design.                  28 Dean Park Street    Decision    on:           Team
                 plus timber balcony to      63 Queen Charlotte       Edinburgh                          01/06/2021    planning.househol
                 rear.                       Street                   EH4 1JU                                          der@edinburgh.go
                 at                          Edinburgh                                                   Comments
                 PF3 28 Dean Park            EH6 7EY                                                     Due by
                 Street                                                                                  30.06.2021    Community
                 Edinburgh                                                                                             Council:
                 EH4 1JU                                                                                               Stockbridge/Inverl

 World           Extension and internal      K-ARC                    Mr Iain Levein.,       Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
 Heritage Site   refurbishment               FAO: Kyle Cowper         44 Ann Street          Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                 at                          2 Orchard Brae           Stockbridge                        01/06/2021
 Listed          44 Ann Street               Gardens                  Edinburgh
 Category: A     Stockbridge                 Flat 3                   EH4 1PJ                            Site Notice   Community
                 Edinburgh                   Edinburgh                                                   posted on:    Council:
 New Town        EH4 1PJ                     EH4 2HJ                                                     18/06/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
 Conservation                                                                                                          eith
 Area            21/03015/LBC                                                                            Advertised
                                                                                                         on:           Listed building and
                                                                                                         18/06/2021    Con Area
                                                                                                         Due by

World            Rear extension            K-ARC.                  Mr Iain Levein.,        Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
 Heritage Site    at                        FAO: Kyle Cowper        44 Ann Street           Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                  44 Ann Street             2 Orchard Brae          Stockbridge                         01/06/2021
 Listed           Stockbridge               Gardens                 Edinburgh
 Category: A      Edinburgh                 Flat 3                  EH4 1PJ                             Site Notice   Community
                  EH4 1PJ                   Edinburgh                                                   posted on:    Council:
 New Town                                   EH4 2HJ                                                     18/06/2021    Stockbridge/Inverl
 Conservation     21/03017/FUL                                                                                        eith
 Area                                                                                                   Advertised
                                                                                                        on:           Householder
                                                                                                        18/06/2021    Developments

                                                                                                        Due by

 Listed           Erect car port for two                            Marcus Dean             Local       Registered    Householder
 Category: B      cars on existing gravel                           Associates.,            Delegated   on:           Team
                  parking area.                                     FAO: Mr Marcus          Decision    02/06/2021    planning.househol
 Inverleith       at                                                Dean                                              der@edinburgh.go
 Conservation     23 Inverleith Terrace                             23 Inverleith Terrace               Site Notice
 Area             Edinburgh                                         Edinburgh                           posted on:
                  EH3 5NS                                           EH3 5NS                             18/06/2021    Community
                  21/03051/FUL                                                                          Advertised    Stockbridge/Inverl
                                                                                                        on:           eith
                                                                                                        Comments      Developments
                                                                                                        Due by

 Listed           Continued temporary       Turley.                 Edinburgh               Local       Registered    Lewis McWilliam
 Category: B      use of ground floor and   FAO: James Wall         Academy.,               Delegated   on:           lewis.mcwilliam@e
                  upper floor modular       26 Dublin Street        48 - 54 Henderson       Decision    14/06/2021
 New Town         classroom facility.       Edinburgh               Row
 Conservation     at                        EH3 6NN                 Edinburgh                           Site Notice   Community
 Area             The Edinburgh                                     EH3 5BJ                             posted on:    Council: New
                  Academy                                                                               18/06/2021    Town/Broughton
                  48 - 54 Henderson
                  Row                                                                                   Advertised    Other
                  Edinburgh                                                                             on:           Developments -
                  EH3 5BJ                                                                               18/06/2021    Local

                  21/03109/FUL                                                                          Comments
                                                                                                        Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Inverleith       TR01 - Sycamore -          S1 Developments.        Mr Teague,              Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     west-most limb to be       FAO: Stewart Rees       52 Dundas Street        Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Area             reduced to its first       52 Dundas Street        Edinburgh                           08/06/2021
                  lateral and crown          Edinburgh               EH3 6QZ
                  reduction of the           EH3 6QZ                                                                  Community
                  northerly canopy. TR02     stewart@s1developm                                                       Council:
                  - Holly tree - to be                                                                 Stockbridge/Inverl
                  removed (marked with                                                                                eith
                  orange spot on trunk).
                  TR03 - Sycamore -                                                                                   TCO and TPO
                  crown reduction of the                                                                              submissions
                  northerly canopy.
                  30 Inverleith Terrace
                  EH3 5NU


 New Town         Sycamore - Dismantle,      Lord Of The Trees.      Mr Robert Kay.,         Delegated   Registered   Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     Cherry - Dismantle.        FAO: Andrew Senior      76 Hamilton Place       Decision    on:          ellen.mccalman@
 Area             at                         11 Callander Place      Edinburgh                           11/06/2021
                  1F2                        Cockburnspath           EH3 5AZ
                  76 Hamilton Place          TD15 5XY                                                                 Community
                  Edinburgh                  andrew@lordofthetre                                                      Council:
                  EH3 5AZ                                                                             Stockbridge/Inverl
                                                                                                                      TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  Proposed removal of        Robert Jack.            Mr Nick Kordowski.,     Delegated   Registered   Householder
                  garage and                 FAO: Robert Jack.       39 Strachan Road        Decision    on:          Team
                  replacement with new       3 Brick Row             Edinburgh                           31/05/2021   planning.househol
                  garden room to rear        Gladsmuir               Scotland                                         der@edinburgh.go
                  garden with gym area       Tranent                 EH4 3RQ                                
                  and associated             EH33 1EE
                  decking.                   robert.jack1000@yah                                                      Community
                  at                                                                                Council:
                  39 Strachan Road                                                                                    Craigleith/Blackhal
                  Edinburgh                                                                                           l
                  EH4 3RQ
                                                                                                                      CLE and CLP
                  21/02997/CLP                                                                                        submissions

 World            Temporary use of a         National Galleries Of   National Galleries Of   Delegated   Registered   Local1 Team
 Heritage Site    portaloo in our car park   Scotland.               Scotland.,              Decision    on:          planning.local1@e
                  for one month.             FAO: Bill Darling       Modern 1                            10/06/2021
 Listed           at                         Modern 2                75 Belford Road
 Category: A      Scottish National          73 Belford Road         Edinburgh                                        Community
                  Gallery Of Modern Art      Edinburgh               EH4 3DR                                          Council: West End
 Dean             75 Belford Road            EH4 3DS
 Conservation     Edinburgh                  bdarling@nationalgall                                                    CLE and CLP
 Area             EH4 3DR                                                                          submissions


Ward No. B06 – Corstorphine/Murrayfield
1. Planning Applications

 Corstorphine    Change of use from        F.E.M Building         Lanark Road           Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
 Conservation    public toilets to cafe    Design.                Properties.,          Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
 Area            (Restricted Use class     FAO: Douglas Mack      Mr John McDonald.                 31/05/2021
                 3).                       8 Plantain Grove       199 St John's Road
                 at                        Lenzie                 Edinburgh                         Site Notice   Community
                 199B St John's Road       Glasgow                EH12 7UU                          posted on:    Council:
                 Edinburgh                 G66 3NE                                                  11/06/2021    Corstorphine

                 21/03001/FUL                                                                       Advertised    Other
                                                                                                    on:           Developments -
                                                                                                    11/06/2021    Local

                                                                                                    Due by

                 New roof on               James Clydesdale &     Mr Peter Swan.,       Delegated   Registered    Householder
                 outbuilding, refit        Associates.            27 Ormidale Terrace   Decision    on:           Team
                 kitchen and form new      FAO: James             Edinburgh                         01/06/2021    planning.househol
                 back door.                Clydesdale             EH12 6DY                                        der@edinburgh.go
                 at                        The Studio                                               Comments
                 27 Ormidale Terrace       11 Mortonhall Road                                       Due by
                 Edinburgh                 Edinburgh                                                01.07.2021    Community
                 EH12 6DY                  EH9 2HS                                                                Council:

                 Attic conversion to       David Casey,           Mr & Mrs              Delegated   Registered    Householder
                 provide 2 No.             Chartered              McCombie,             Decision    on:           Team
                 additional bedrooms       Architectural          138 Saughton Road                 03/06/2021    planning.househol
                 and a bathroom.           Technologist.          North                                           der@edinburgh.go
                 at                        31B Alderbank          Edinburgh                         Comments
                 138 Saughton Road         Terrace                EH12 7DR                          Due by
                 North                     Edinburgh                                                01.07.2021    Community
                 Edinburgh                 EH11 1TA                                                               Council:
                 EH12 7DR                                                                                         Corstorphine

                 21/03062/FUL                                                                                     Householder

 Listed          Installation of outdoor   Gibbon Lawson          ESM Schools.,         Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
 Category: C     shelters to Easter        McKee Ltd              Estates Department    Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                 House at Mary Erskine     (Torphichen St).       Queensferry Road                  04/06/2021
                 School.                   FAO: Aythan Lewes      Edinburgh
                 at                        20 Torphichen Street   EH4 3EZ                           Site Notice   Community
                 Mary Erskine School       Edinburgh                                                posted on:    Council:
                 95 Ravelston Dykes        EH3 8JB                                                  18/06/2021    Murrayfield
                 Edinburgh                                                                          Advertised    Other
                 EH4 3NT                                                                            on:           Developments -
                                                                                                    18/06/2021    Local
                                                                                                    Due by

Listed           Flood lighting within the   St George's          St George's           Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
 Category: C      grounds of the listed       Edinburgh.           Edinburgh.,           Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                  buildings, to the 2 multi   FAO: Bruce Dawson    St George's                       07/06/2021
 Coltbridge And   use games pitches.          St George's          Edinburgh,
 Wester Coates    at                          Edinburgh            Garscube Terrace                  Site Notice   Community
 Conservation     Lansdowne Lodge             Garscube Terrace     Edinburgh                         posted on:    Council:
 Area             11A Coltbridge Terrace      Edinburgh            EH12 6BG                          18/06/2021    Murrayfield
                  Edinburgh                   EH12 6BG
                  EH12 6AB                                                                           Advertised    Other
                                                                                                     on:           Developments -
                  21/03123/FUL                                                                       18/06/2021    Local

                                                                                                     Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Corstorphine     Pear Tree that is                                Mr Peter Borgen-      Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 Conservation     leaning on external                              Nielsen.,             Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
 Area             garage - Cut the tree                            103 West Bow                      08/06/2021
                  down to the stump                                Edinburgh
                  at                                               EH1 2JP                                         Community
                  89 St John's Road                                                                                Council:
                  Edinburgh                                                                                        Corstorphine
                  EH12 6NN
                                                                                                                   TCO and TPO
                  21/03151/TCO                                                                                     submissions

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  Ground floor windows        Kay Gourlay          Mr David MacSorley    Delegated   Registered    Householder
                  and doors on rear           Architect.           And Mrs Lucy          Decision    on:           Team
                  elevation to be             FAO: Kay Gourlay     Brown.,                           31/05/2021    planning.househol
                  replaced with new grey      5 Crarae Avenue      33 Ormidale Terrace                             der@edinburgh.go
                  aluminium windows in        Edinburgh            Edinburgh                             
                  different arrangement       EH4 3JD              EH12 6EA
                  to suit internal            kaygourlay@blueyon                                                   Community
                  alterations. Existing                                                            Council:
                  overall opening width                                                                            Murrayfield
                  extent and height to
                  remain as it is.                                                                                 CLE and CLP
                  at                                                                                               submissions
                  33 Ormidale Terrace
                  EH12 6EA


ard No. B07 – Sighthill/Gorgie
1. Planning Applications

                  Proposed alternative       Format Building       MacTaggart            Delegated   Registered   Local1 Team
                  use of student             Design.               Properties Ltd.,      Decision    on:          planning.local1@e
                  accommodation as           FAO: Shona Mackay     ELS House                         27/05/2021
                  residential                Holyrood Business     555 Gorgie Road
                  accommodation, for a       Park                  Edinburgh                         Comments     Community
                  temporary period of        146 Duddingston       EH11 3LE                          Due by       Council:
                  two years.                 Road West                                               01.07.2021   Hutchison/Chesse
                  at                         Edinburgh                                                            r
                  555 Gorgie Road            EH16 4AP
                  Edinburgh                                                                                       Other
                                                                                                                  Developments -
                  21/02909/FUL                                                                                    Local

                  Erect Hoarding Sign                              Posterplus Ltd.,      Delegated   Registered   Sonia Macdonald
                  at                                               FAO Gavin             Decision    on:          sonia.macdonald
                  28 Inglis Green Road                             Hollywood                         09/06/2021
                  Edinburgh                                        7 Alloway Place                                k
                  EH14 2ER                                         Ayr                               Comments
                                                                   Ayrshire                          Due by       Community
                  21/02911/ADV                                     KA7 2AA                           30.06.2021   Council:


2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed
Ward No. B08 – Colinton/Fairmilehead
1. Planning Applications

                  Raised decking to rear     Tom Wallace           Mr McRoberts,         Delegated   Registered   Weronika
                  garden.                    BuildingTechnology.   3 Buckstone Terrace   Decision    on:          Myslowiecka
                  at                         7 High Street         Edinburgh                         26/05/2021   weronika.myslowie
                  3 Buckstone Terrace        Kirkliston            EH10 6QA                                       cka@edinburgh.go
                  Edinburgh                  EH29 9AY                                                Comments
                  EH10 6QA                                                                           Due by
                                                                                                     29.06.2021   Community
                  21/02886/FUL                                                                                    Council:


Erection of new            Alexander Scott        Mr Robert             Delegated   Registered    Householder
                  entrance porch to          Architect.             Thompson.,            Decision    on:           Team
                  existing house with        FAO: Alexander         32 Swanston Park                  01/06/2021    planning.househol
                  cloakroom including        Scott                  Edinburgh                                       der@edinburgh.go
                  WC and WHB. Reuse          Flat 1                 EH10 7BR                          Comments
                  of existing entrance       54 Muirfield Terrace                                     Due by
                  door in new location.      Gullane                                                  02.07.2021    Community
                  Construction of a new      East Lothian                                                           Council:
                  concrete platt with        EH31 2HW                                                               Fairmilehead
                  toughened glass
                  balustrade leading to                                                                             Householder
                  new entrance.                                                                                     Developments
                  32 Swanston Park
                  EH10 7BR


 Colinton         Demolish existing          Grant Bulloch          Mrs Lewine Mair.,     Delegated   Registered    Householder
 Conservation     steps and build a single   Architect Ltd.         15 Dreghorn Loan      Decision    on:           Team
 Area             storey extension to the    FAO: Grant Bulloch.    Edinburgh                         01/06/2021    planning.househol
                  side of an existing        91 Restalrig Avenue    EH13 0DF                                        der@edinburgh.go
                  detached house.            Edinburgh                                                Site Notice
                  at                         EH7 6PN                                                  posted on:
                  15 Dreghorn Loan                                                                    18/06/2021    Community
                  Edinburgh                                                                                         Council: Colinton
                  EH13 0DF                                                                            Advertised
                                                                                                      on:           Householder
                  21/03023/FUL                                                                        18/06/2021    Developments

                                                                                                      Due by

                  Form single storey rear    Kyla Martin            Mrs Laura Macari.,    Delegated   Registered    Householder
                  extension, replacement     Architectural          25 Swanston View      Decision    on:           Team
                  windows, doors and         Services.              Edinburgh                         02/06/2021    planning.househol
                  alterations to front       97 Newington Road      EH10 7DG                                        der@edinburgh.go
                  porch.                     Edinburgh                                                Comments
                  at                         EH9 1QW                                                  Due by
                  25 Swanston View                                                                    30.06.2021    Community
                  Edinburgh                                                                                         Council:
                  EH10 7DG                                                                                          Fairmilehead

                  21/03054/FUL                                                                                      Householder

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

                  Sycamore - Remove                                 Mr Joseph DiRollo.,   Delegated   Registered    Steven Milne
                  at                                                20 King Malcolm       Decision    on:           steven.milne@edi
                  20 King Malcolm Close                             Close                             10/06/2021
                  Edinburgh                                         Edinburgh
                  EH10 7JB                                          Scotland                                        Community
                                                                    EH10 7JB                                        Council:
                  21/03199/TPO                                                                                      Fairmilehead

                                                                                                                    TCO and TPO

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  Garage conversion to      Iam ARC.                Mr Dodd,              Delegated   Registered    Householder
                  form playroom.            FAO: Laura Dickson      33 Waterfield Road    Decision    on:           Team
                  at                        64 Caiystane Terrace    Edinburgh                         31/05/2021    planning.househol
                  33 Waterfield Road        Edinburgh               EH10 6TG                                        der@edinburgh.go
                  Edinburgh                 EH10 6SW                                                      
                  EH10 6TG        
                  21/02971/CLP                                                                                      Council:

                                                                                                                    CLE and CLP

                  Proposed porch,           Scott Allan.            Mr Russell Wilkie.,   Delegated   Registered    Householder
                  internal remodelling,     36 Wallace Avenue       53 Woodhall Bank      Decision    on:           Team
                  window / bi-folding       Wallyford               Edinburgh                         01/06/2021    planning.househol
                  door and composite        East Lothian            EH13 0HL                                        der@edinburgh.go
                  decking.                  EH21 8BZ                                                      
                  53 Woodhall Bank                                                                                  Community
                  Edinburgh                                                                                         Council: Colinton
                  EH13 0HL
                                                                                                                    CLE and CLP
                  21/03029/CLP                                                                                      submissions
Ward No.B09 – Fountainbridge/Craiglockhart
1. Planning Applications

 Craiglockhart    Replace existing timber   Houseplans.             Mr Ellis.,            Local       Registered    Householder
 Hills            with PVC Windows          FAO Stuart Baird        31 Wester Hill        Delegated   on:           Team
 Conservation     at                        43 Redford Loan         Edinburgh             Decision    07/06/2021    planning.househol
 Area             31 Wester Hill            Edinburgh               EH10 5XG                                        der@edinburgh.go
                  Edinburgh                 EH13 0AU                                                  Site Notice
                  EH10 5XG                                                                            posted on:
                                                                                                      18/06/2021    Community
                  21/02871/FUL                                                                                      Council:
                                                                                                      Advertised    Craiglockhart
                                                                                                      18/06/2021    Householder
                                                                                                      Due by

 Listed           Removal of approved       EMA Architecture        Haynes Asset          Delegated   Registered    Robert McIntosh
 Category: B      extension                 and Design              Management.,          Decision    on:           robert.mcintosh@
                  (20/05247/LBC) and        42 Charlotte Square     50 High Street                    31/05/2021
                  replacement of new        Edinburgh               Kingussie
                  access stair.             EH2 4HQ                 Badenoch &                        Site Notice   Community
                  at                                                Strathspey                        posted on:    Council:
                  51 - 53 Lanark Road                               PH21 1HZ                          18/06/2021    Longstone
                  EH14 1TL                                                                            Advertised    Listed building and
                                                                                                      on:           Con Area
                  21/02986/LBC                                                                        18/06/2021    Consents

                                                                                                      Due by

Craiglockhart    Replace existing timber    Houseplans.           Mr G Christie.,      Delegated   Registered    Householder
 Hills            windows with new           FAO: Stuart Baird     34 Wester Hill       Decision    on:           Team
 Conservation     white PVC windows          43 Redford Loan       Edinburgh                        31/05/2021    planning.househol
 Area             with profiles all to       Edinburgh             EH10 5XG                                       der@edinburgh.go
                  match existing             EH13 0AU                                               Site Notice
                  windows.                                                                          posted on:
                  at                                                                                11/06/2021    Community
                  34 Wester Hill                                                                                  Council:
                  Edinburgh                                                                         Advertised    Craiglockhart
                  EH10 5XG                                                                          on:
                                                                                                    11/06/2021    Householder
                  21/02987/FUL                                                                                    Developments
                                                                                                    Due by

 Craiglockhart    Extensions to rear and     AC Architects.        Mr Ian Jones.,       Delegated   Registered    Householder
 Hills            side                       FAO Allan Corfield    18 Wester Hill       Decision    on:           Team
 Conservation     at                         Lewis House           Edinburgh                        10/06/2021    planning.househol
 Area             18 Wester Hill             213 East Way          EH10 5XG                                       der@edinburgh.go
                  Edinburgh                  Hillend Industrial                                     Site Notice
                  EH10 5XG                   Estate                                                 posted on:
                                             Hillend,                                               18/06/2021    Community
                  21/03016/FUL               Dunfermline                                                          Council:
                                             KY11 9JF                                               Advertised    Craiglockhart
                                                                                                    18/06/2021    Householder
                                                                                                    Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

                  Traditional carport with                         Miss Anne Wilson.,   Delegated   Registered    Nicola Orr
                  legs replaced by a                               55 Ashley Drive      Decision    on:           nicola.orr@edinbu
                  Cantilever carport.                              Edinburgh                        26/05/2021
                  at                                               EH11 1RN
                  55 Ashley Drive                                                                                 Community
                  Edinburgh                                                                                       Council:
                  EH11 1RN                                                                                        Merchiston

                  21/02906/CLE                                                                                    CLE and CLP

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

Ward No. B10 – Morningside
1. Planning Applications

 Merchiston      Erection of open                                   Ms Nobbs,             Delegated   Registered    Householder
 And Greenhill   gazebo 2.5m x 2.5m.                                60 Montpelier Park    Decision    on:           Team
 Conservation    at                                                 Edinburgh                         10/06/2021    planning.househol
 Area            60 Montpelier Park                                 EH10 4NQ                                        der@edinburgh.go
                 Edinburgh                                                                            Site Notice
                 EH10 4NQ                                                                             posted on:
                                                                                                      18/06/2021    Community
                 21/02690/FUL                                                                                       Council:
                                                                                                      Advertised    Merchiston
                                                                                                      18/06/2021    Householder
                                                                                                      Due by

                 Attic conversion and        Grigor Mitchell        Mr & Mrs Leiper.,     Delegated   Registered    Householder
                 alterations to exterior     Architect Ltd.         1 Bramdean Rise       Decision    on:           Team
                 window openings.            FAO: Grigor Mitchell   Edinburgh                         03/06/2021    planning.househol
                 at                          Schop CoWorking        EH10 6JT                                        der@edinburgh.go
                 1 Bramdean Rise             36 St Mary's Street                                      Comments
                 Edinburgh                   Edinburgh                                                Due by
                 EH10 6JT                    EH1 1SX                                                  30.06.2021    Community
                 21/03065/FUL                                                                                       Morningside


                 Construction of double      Arctec Build Ltd.      Mr & Mrs Hunter,      Delegated   Registered    Householder
                 storey mono-pitch           FAO: Andrew Dodds      17 Braid Hills Road   Decision    on:           Team
                 extension to side of        4 The Maltings         Edinburgh                         04/06/2021    planning.househol
                 existing dwelling           Haddington             EH10 6HZ                                        der@edinburgh.go
                 house, including            EH41 4EF                                                 Comments
                 removal of existing                                                                  Due by
                 conservatory to the                                                                  05.07.2021    Community
                 rear of house and                                                                                  Council:
                 formation of raised platt                                                                          Morningside
                 and steps leading to
                 garden.                                                                                            Householder
                 at                                                                                                 Developments
                 17 Braid Hills Road
                 EH10 6HZ


 Listed          Install 2 new roof lights   Robert Stanley.        Mrs Victoria          Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
 Category: C     within existing living      48 3F2 Bruntsfield     Rutherford.,          Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                 room and main               Gardens                22 Colinton Road                  04/06/2021
 Merchiston      bedroom                     Edinburgh              Edinburgh
 And Greenhill   at                          EH10 4DZ               EH10 5EQ                          Site Notice   Community
 Conservation    Flat 4 22 Colinton                                                                   posted on:    Council:
 Area            Road                                                                                 18/06/2021    Merchiston
                 EH10 5EQ                                                                             Advertised    Householder
                                                                                                      on:           Developments
                 21/03096/FUL                                                                         18/06/2021

                                                                                                      Due by

2. Proposal of Application Notice

3. Trees in Conservation Area

 Merchiston       Removal of Conifer         Keith Glass.             Mrs Kennedy,          Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 And Greenhill    very one sided -           6 Crichton Drive         Flat 1 7 Albert       Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
 Conservation     remove Conifer heavily     Pathhead                 Terrace                           08/06/2021
 Area             weighted on one side.      EH37 5QN                 Edinburgh
                  at                     EH10 5EA                                        Community
                  Flat 1 16 Albert           m                                                                        Council:
                  Terrace                                                                                             Merchiston
                  EH10 5EA                                                                                            TCO and TPO

 Merchiston       2 Conifer trees -          Fergus Morrison.         Mr Milne,             Delegated   Registered    Ellen McCalman
 And Greenhill    removal of both Conifer    4 Barton Park            22B Polwarth          Decision    on:           ellen.mccalman@
 Conservation     trees.                     Avenue                   Terrace                           11/06/2021
 Area             at                         Edinburgh                Edinburgh
                  22B Polwarth Terrace       EH4 6ES                  EH11 1NB                                        Community
                  Edinburgh                  fergusmorrison_trees                                                     Council:
                  EH11 1NB                                                                Merchiston

                  21/03211/TCO                                                                                        TCO and TPO

4. Tree Preservation Orders

5. Prior Notification - Telecommunications

6. Certificate of Lawfulness Existing

7. Certificate of Lawfulness Proposed

                  Install a velux window                              Mr Leslie,            Delegated   Registered    Anna Grant
                  to the pitched (tiled)                              1 Pentland Grove      Decision    on:           anna.grant@edinb
                  roof on the front                                   Edinburgh                         28/05/2021
                  elevation.                                          EH10 6NR
                  at                                                                                                  Community
                  1 Pentland Grove                                                                                    Council:
                  Edinburgh                                                                                           Fairmilehead
                  EH10 6NR
                                                                                                                      CLE and CLP
                  21/02936/CLP                                                                                        submissions
Ward No. B11 – City Centre
1. Planning Applications

 World            Change of use from         Savills (UK) Ltd.        NFU Mutual.,          Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
 Heritage Site    class 1 to class 3 and     FAO: Craig               Tiddington Road       Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                  the installation of        Gunderson                Stratford-upon-Avon               28/05/2021
 Listed           extract duct.              Wemyss House             CV37 7BJ
 Category: A      at                         8 Wemyss Place                                             Site Notice   Community
                  GF 80 George Street        Edinburgh                                                  posted on:    Council: New
 New Town         Edinburgh                  EH3 6DH                                                    11/06/2021    Town/Broughton
 Conservation     EH2 3DU
 Area                                                                                                   Advertised    Other
                  21/02946/FUL                                                                          on:           Developments -
                                                                                                        11/06/2021    Local

                                                                                                        Due by

World           Exterior - Replacement      ML Projects Ltd.     VF Northern Europe   Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
Heritage Site   of Fascia Signage with      FAO: Alessandro      Services Ltd.,       Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                new Logo.                   Binda                FAO: Steven Payne                14/06/2021
Listed          Replacement of              The Clubhouse        The Curve
Category: B     Projecting Signage with     8 St James' Square   NG2 Business Park                Site Notice   Community
                new Logo. Installation      London               Nottingham                       posted on:    Council: New
New Town        of Aluminium Metal          SW1Y 4JU             NG2 1PW                          18/06/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    cladding on storefront
Area            fascia RAL9011                                                                    Advertised    Listed building and
                (Black). Paint exterior                                                           on:           Con Area
                elevation either black                                                            18/06/2021    Consents
                or grey. Interior -
                Demolition/construction                                                           Comments
                of non-load-bearing                                                               Due by
                partitions. Painting                                                              09.07.2021
                Installation of
                suspended ceiling in
                some areas (see
                drawings). Demolition
                of interior steps.
                Installation of full-
                length steps.
                GF - 4F 14 - 16
                Frederick Street
                EH2 2HB


World           This proposal is based      NGP Architecture     Mr Hume.,            Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
Heritage Site   on the full planning        Ltd.                 43 Northumberland    Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                permission to construct     Federation House     Street                           31/05/2021
New Town        a two storey residential    222 Queensferry      Edinburgh
Conservation    mews on the site,           Road                 Scotland                         Site Notice   Community
Area            granted on March 2018       Edinburgh            EH3 6JQ                          posted on:    Council: New
                under application           EH4 2BN                                               11/06/2021    Town/Broughton
                17/01885/FUL. We                                                                  Advertised    Housing - Local
                propose to add to the                                                             on:
                approved building a                                                               11/06/2021
                space for storage /
                utility and gym, to be                                                            Comments
                located in the                                                                    Due by
                basement. The access                                                              02.07.2021
                to the basement area
                will be directly from the
                courtyard of the
                existing dwelling
                building via an open
                traditional stone
                Lock Up 8 Metres East
                Of 2
                Northumberland Street
                North West Lane


Marchmont,      Proposed alterations to   Amanda French.          Mr Simon And Mrs     Delegated   Registered    Householder
Meadows And     ground floor kitchen      12 Christie Road        Dee Armstrong.,      Decision    on:           Team
Bruntsfield     and utility, and 2 new    Currie                  58 Gilmore Place                 31/05/2021    planning.househol
Conservation    dormer windows to         EH14 5AD                Edinburgh                                      der@edinburgh.go
Area            second floor bedrooms.                            EH3 9NX                          Site Notice
                Addition of downstairs                                                             posted on:
                WC in former cupboard                                                              11/06/2021    Community
                off hall.                                                                                        Council: Tollcross
                at                                                                                 Advertised
                58 Gilmore Place                                                                   on:           Householder
                Edinburgh                                                                          11/06/2021    Developments
                EH3 9NX
                21/02981/FUL                                                                       Due by

World           To install a new black    ML Projects LTD.        VF Northern Europe   Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
Heritage Site   metal cladding (colour    FAO: Alessandro         Services LTD.,       Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                RAL 9011) to the          Binda                   FAO: Mr Steven                   31/05/2021
Listed          masonry at the            The Clubhouse           Payne
Category: B     storefront.               8 St James' Square      The Curve                        Site Notice   Community
                at                        London                  NG2 Business Park                posted on:    Council: New
New Town        GF - 4F                   SW1Y 4JU                Nottingham                       18/06/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    14 - 16 Frederick                                 NG2 1PW
Area            Street                                                                             Advertised    Listed building and
                Edinburgh                                                                          on:           Con Area
                EH2 2HB                                                                            18/06/2021    Consents

                21/02989/LBC                                                                       Comments
                                                                                                   Due by

Marchmont,      Kitchen window in rear    Kay Gourlay             Mr Nicolas           Delegated   Registered    Householder
Meadows And     elevation of ground and   Architect.              Pugeault.,           Decision    on:           Team
Bruntsfield     basement tenement flat    FAO: Kay Gourlay        Flat 1                           31/05/2021    planning.househol
Conservation    to be replaced by         5 Crarae Avenue         17 Leamington                                  der@edinburgh.go
Area            French doors, retaining   Edinburgh               Terrace                          Site Notice
                opening width as is.      EH4 3JD                 Edinburgh                        posted on:
                at                                                EH10 4JP                         11/06/2021    Community
                Flat 1                                                                                           Council: Tollcross
                17 Leamington Terrace                                                              Advertised
                Edinburgh                                                                          on:           Householder
                EH10 4JP                                                                           11/06/2021    Developments

                21/02999/FUL                                                                       Comments
                                                                                                   Due by

World           Proposed minor            Henderson Drollinger   Ms Chapple,        Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
Heritage Site   internal alterations to   Architects Ltd.        2F 11 Gloucester   Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                top floor flat forming    FAO: Andrew            Place                          01/06/2021
Listed          part of a Category A      Henderson              Edinburgh
Category: A     Group listed terrace of   5 Barclay Terrace      EH3 6EE                        Site Notice   Community
                houses. Proposals         Edinburgh                                             posted on:    Council: New
New Town        comprise works to rear    EH10 4HP                                              11/06/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    rooms of flat only,
Area            being the formation of                                                          Advertised    Listed building and
                a new kitchen/dining                                                            on:           Con Area
                room, conversion of                                                             11/06/2021    Consents
                existing kitchen into a
                bathroom, +                                                                     Comments
                subdivision of existing                                                         Due by
                WC to form a utility                                                            22.06.2021
                room/pantry off the
                new kitchen + a coats
                cupboard off the hall.
                2F 11 Gloucester Place
                EH3 6EE


World           Layout proposals, rear    Andrew Megginson       Mr Nin Atwal.,     Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
Heritage Site   opening proposals and     Architecture.          8A Moray Place     Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                upgrading of windows.     FAO: Andrew            Edinburgh                      01/06/2021
Listed          at                        Megginson              EH3 6DS
Category: A     8A Moray Place            128 Dundas Street                                     Site Notice   Community
                Edinburgh                 New Town                                              posted on:    Council: New
New Town        EH3 6DS                   Edinburgh                                             11/06/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation                              EH3 5DQ
Area            21/03021/LBC                                                                    Advertised    Listed building and
                                                                                                on:           Con Area
                                                                                                11/06/2021    Consents

                                                                                                Due by

World           Layout proposals, rear    Andrew Megginson       Mr Nin Atwal.,     Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
Heritage Site   opening proposals and     Architecture.          8A Moray Place     Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                upgrading of windows.     FAO: Andrew            Edinburgh                      01/06/2021
New Town        at                        Megginson              EH3 6DS
Conservation    8A Moray Place            128 Dundas Street                                     Site Notice   Community
Area            Edinburgh                 Edinburgh                                             posted on:    Council: New
                EH3 6DS                   EH3 5DQ                                               18/06/2021    Town/Broughton

                21/03022/FUL                                                                    Advertised    Householder
                                                                                                on:           Developments

                                                                                                Due by

World           Internal alterations to   Knight Frank LLP.       BNP Paribas          Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
Heritage Site   form new office within    FAO: Graham             Trustees Of The      Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                vacant suite. Removing    MacNicol                BlackRock.,                      01/06/2021
Listed          1 No. (of 2 No.) access   1st Floor,              12 Throgmorton
Category: A     to ensure that there is   25 Bothwell Street      Avenue                           Site Notice   Community
                exclusive access to       Glasgow                 London                           posted on:    Council: New
New Town        suite. New suspended      G2 6NL                  EC2N 2DL                         11/06/2021    Town/Broughton
Conservation    ceilings, floor
Area            coverings, wall linings                                                            Advertised    Listed building and
                and new WC.                                                                        on:           Con Area
                at                                                                                 11/06/2021    Consents
                105 George Street
                Edinburgh                                                                          Comments
                EH2 3ES                                                                            Due by

World           Proposed change of        Scott Allan.            Gold Brothers        Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
Heritage Site   use (class 1 retail to    36 Wallace Avenue       (Scotland) Ltd.,     Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                class 3 cafe).            Wallyford               217 High Street                  02/06/2021
Listed          at                        East Lothian            Edinburgh
Category: B     91 South Bridge           EH21 8BZ                EH1 1PE                          Site Notice   Community
                Edinburgh                                                                          posted on:    Council: Old Town
Old Town        EH1 1HN                                                                            18/06/2021
Conservation                                                                                                     Other
Area            21/03048/FUL                                                                       Advertised    Developments -
                                                                                                   on:           Local

                                                                                                   Due by

World           Change of use and         Scott Allan.            Gold Brothers        Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
Heritage Site   formation of WC and       36 Wallace Avenue       (Scotland) Ltd.,     Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                stair between floor       Wallyford               217 High Street                  02/06/2021
Listed          level.                    East Lothian            Edinburgh
Category: B     at                        EH21 8BZ                EH1 1PE                          Site Notice   Community
                91 South Bridge                                                                    posted on:    Council: Old Town
Old Town        Edinburgh                                                                          18/06/2021
Conservation    EH1 1HN                                                                                          Listed building and
Area                                                                                               Advertised    Con Area
                21/03049/LBC                                                                       on:           Consents

                                                                                                   Due by

World           Alterations and           Allied Surveyors        McNeill Maguire &    Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
Heritage Site   demolition of existing    Scotland.               McCreath Surveyors   Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                outshoot at rear of       FAO: Gavin Kerr         Ltd.,                            03/06/2021
Listed          property and              The Hermitage           22 - 24 Walker
Category: A     conversion from office    101 High Street         Street                           Site Notice   Community
                to domestic use.          Selkirk                 Edinburgh                        posted on:    Council: West End
New Town        at                        TD7 4JX                 EH3 7HR                          18/06/2021
Conservation    GF                                                                                               Listed building and
Area            24 Walker Street                                                                   Advertised    Con Area
                Edinburgh                                                                          on:           Consents
                EH3 7HR                                                                            18/06/2021

                21/03057/LBC                                                                       Comments
                                                                                                   Due by

World            Make changes to             Tom Wallace           Ms Anita Robinson.,   Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
 Heritage Site    existing sash and case      BuildingTechnology.   Flat 1F 5 Bellevue    Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                  windows - six in total.     7 High Street         Crescent                          04/06/2021
 Listed           All windows to receive      Kirkliston            Edinburgh
 Category: A      double-glazed units.        EH29 9AY              EH3 6ND                           Site Notice   Community
                  Front windows to have                                                               posted on:    Council: New
 New Town         astragals added.                                                                    18/06/2021    Town/Broughton
 Conservation     Kitchen window rear to
 Area             have fewer astragals to                                                             Advertised    Listed building and
                  match windows above                                                                 on:           Con Area
                  and below.                                                                          18/06/2021    Consents
                  1F 5 Bellevue Crescent                                                              Comments
                  Edinburgh                                                                           Due by
                  EH3 6ND                                                                             09.07.2021


 World            Upgrade the existing        Austin-Smith:Lord     Engie.,               Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
 Heritage Site    internal doors to           (Bothwell Street).    Mr Steven             Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                  achieve certified fire      FAO: Oliver           Bennnison.                        04/06/2021
 Listed           performance criteria.       Goddard.              Public Services
 Category: A      at                          25 Bothwell St        Division                          Site Notice   Community
                  52 Melville Street          Glasgow               Coleshill                         posted on:    Council: West End
 New Town         Edinburgh                   G2 6NL                Birmingham                        18/06/2021
 Conservation     EH3 7HF                                           United Kingdom                                  Listed building and
 Area                                                               B46 1JA                           Advertised    Con Area
                  21/03103/LBC                                                                        on:           Consents

                                                                                                      Due by

 World            Internal alterations to     David Blaikie         Mr Sinclair,          Delegated   Registered    Local1 Team
 Heritage Site    create large principal      Architect.            Flat 2 9 Carlton      Decision    on:           planning.local1@e
                  room at the front of the    10 Deanhaugh Street   Terrace                           07/06/2021
 Listed           house to act as a           Edinburgh             Edinburgh
 Category: A      kitchen / dining / living   EH4 1LY               EH7 5DD                           Site Notice   Community
                  space. New bathroom                                                                 posted on:    Council: New
 New Town         and laundry rooms                                                                   18/06/2021    Town/Broughton
 Conservation     formed with access
 Area             from bedroom. Existing                                                              Advertised    Listed building and
                  WC removed and                                                                      on:           Con Area
                  existing sitting room                                                               18/06/2021    Consents
                  and kitchen repurposed
                  as master bedroom                                                                   Comments
                  and en-suite.                                                                       Due by
                  at                                                                                  09.07.2021
                  Flat 2 9 Carlton
                  EH7 5DD


2. Proposal of Application Notice

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