ASDS by Amminex Diesel engine retrofit: A fast-track to cleaner air - June 5th, 2018 - Augsburg Innovationspark

Page created by Clyde Chen
ASDS by Amminex Diesel engine retrofit: A fast-track to cleaner air - June 5th, 2018 - Augsburg Innovationspark
ASDS by Amminex
Diesel engine retrofit: A fast-track to cleaner air
                                                      June 5th, 2018
Augsburg Clean Air Tech Day
ASDS by Amminex Diesel engine retrofit: A fast-track to cleaner air - June 5th, 2018 - Augsburg Innovationspark
Amminex introduction

       Danish clean-tech company
            Spin-out from university
            HQ, R&D and production in Denmark
       Since December 2016: A Faurecia company
       Core technology: ASDS™
            Ammonia Storage and Delivery System
             for optimal NOx reduction on diesel vehicles
       ASDS launched for emissions upgrade of trucks/buses
            50 million km driven
            > 600 ton NOx removed
            On-line emissions monitoring

ASDS by Amminex Diesel engine retrofit: A fast-track to cleaner air - June 5th, 2018 - Augsburg Innovationspark
ASDS by Amminex
Key benefits of clean diesel retrofitting

   Existing diesel vehicles reach latest emissions standard
    via retrofitting
       NOx is reduced in an SCR-catalyst by ammonia (NH3)
                                                                     NO + NO2 + 2 NH3
       Conventional AdBlue liquid: An indirect NH3 source that
         works well with hot engine conditions                       → 2 N2+ 3 H2O
       Our ASDS with direct gas dosing ensures low emissions even
         during slow city driving (= cold engine conditions)

   Retrofit is cost-effective
       Low investment compared to battery vehicles

       1 battery bus  retrofit of 30 existing buses

       Fast track to meet regulation and health benefits

       Upgrade to Euro VI and avoid scrapping fully functional
        Euro III/IV/V vehicles
   … and it is available now!
      NOx pollution is an urgent health crisis that needs to be
       dealt with promptly

ASDS by Amminex Diesel engine retrofit: A fast-track to cleaner air - June 5th, 2018 - Augsburg Innovationspark
ASDS by Amminex
Upgrading “old” diesel to near-zero polluting vehicle
                                                    •   Near-zero polluting diesel
   London city bus: Euro V Enviro 200              •   Better fuel economy than gasoline
                                                    •   Don’t kill the diesel engine!
   Retrofitted with ASDS and new exhaust system

   Emissions performance (London bus cycle test)
        76 mg NOx/km (< 0.1 g/kWh)
        > 99 % NOx reduction
        Ultra-low NO2
        Particle emissions below Euro VI level

ASDS by Amminex Diesel engine retrofit: A fast-track to cleaner air - June 5th, 2018 - Augsburg Innovationspark
ASDS by Amminex
A complete solution for clean air initiatives

                              ASDSTM                                    NOxTracker™

        Full cartridges are            Ammonia gas
1       placed into a                   activates the      2   Sensors report the
        vehicle equipped                  catalyst to          measured NOx emissions
        with ASDS                           eliminate          from tailpipe 24/7

                                                               Live NOx level and
                                                               performance is displayed
                                                               on public app and city

        ASDSTM                                  Empty
    4   cartridges                         cartridges      3
        are refilled with               are removed
        ammonia                         and returned
                                           for refilling

ASDS by Amminex Diesel engine retrofit: A fast-track to cleaner air - June 5th, 2018 - Augsburg Innovationspark
ASDS by Amminex
Restoring faith in diesel: Full transparency to customers and citizens
     LIVE NOxTracker™ App

         Convincingly illustrates how ASDSTM is dealing with the
          NOx problem
         Free to download on the App Store and on Google


                                                                                    Number of vehicles driving
                                    1   City selection                          5


                                    2   Ambient temperature                     6   Total NOx removal

                                   3     Current NOx emissions (in real-time)       Number of ASDS cartridges used


                  7                 4    NOx reduction                              Distance driven
      8                                                                         8

ASDS by Amminex Diesel engine retrofit: A fast-track to cleaner air - June 5th, 2018 - Augsburg Innovationspark
ASDS by Amminex
Detailed performance monitoring for authorities and fleet operators

   Each city has map
                                    Copenhagen                        London
    with live overview
    of all vehicles

   Detailed
    performance info
    on each vehicle

   Warning via
    email/SMS if
    service is needed

ASDS by Amminex Diesel engine retrofit: A fast-track to cleaner air - June 5th, 2018 - Augsburg Innovationspark
ASDS by Amminex
Enhance air quality, improve health of citizens

              The need for                             ASDSTM                               Healthier,
           improved air quality                      technology                          happier citizens!

       Many German cities exceed the                                        Remove an estimated 10 μg/m3 of
        allowable limit of nitrogen oxides                                    roadside NOx* in large cities by
        (40 µg/m3)                                                            retroffiting all of the public transit
                                                                              buses with ASDS™
       If the problem is not addressed, the
                                                ASDSTM removes NOx
        EU Commission will require action to                                 1 kilogram of NOx emitted typically
                                                  particularly well in
        reduce NOx levels                      urban driving conditions       costs 30 Euros** in health expenses

                                                                             1 Euro spent on ASDSTM retrofit will
                                                                              save 6 Euros on social damage cost

                                                                          * dependent on current bus technology
                                                                          **According to UK Government calculations

ASDS by Amminex Diesel engine retrofit: A fast-track to cleaner air - June 5th, 2018 - Augsburg Innovationspark
ASDS by Amminex
Benefits for your city

        Enhance air quality, improve citizens’ health                               Examples of deployment
        •Reduce transport NOx emissions by a factor of 4
                                                                            Copenhagen (DK)
                                                                              ~300 buses equipped
        Select most cost-effective way of removing NOx                        over 46 million km driven
                                                                              over 525 ton of NOx removed
        •Remove more NOx at 3% of the cost of a new electric bus fleet
                                                                            London (UK)
                                                                              ~155 out of 900 buses installed
                                                                              6 million km driven
        Provide full transparency on NOx emissions                            over 115 ton of NOx removed

        •Give your community transparency on the air quality progress       Seoul (KR)
                                                                              20.000 buses & trucks awarded

        Stimulate economic activity in your community

       •Generate local jobs: Installation, service & distribution

        Position your city as a pioneer in clean mobility
       •Adopt a recognized and awarded, innovative technology

ASDS by Amminex Diesel engine retrofit: A fast-track to cleaner air - June 5th, 2018 - Augsburg Innovationspark
Thank you for your attention
        – see you later at the booth

                                                    Your contacts at Amminex:
Download the NOxTrackerLive™ App now:
                                           Fabien Milanesi
Search “NOxTracker” on                     General Manager
                                           (+45) 3055 3550

                                           Dr. Tue Johannessen
                                           CTO
                                           (+45) 2254 6242

                                           Lars Tinggaard Johannesen
                                           Retrofit Product Line Manager
                                           (+45) 2022 8220
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