Area 12 Show Jumping - 23 rd July 2021 - Oakley Hunt West & Whaddon Chase - Bury Farm Equestrian Centre Mill Rd Slapton Leighton Buzzard LU7 9BT ...

Area 12 Show Jumping - 23 rd July 2021 - Oakley Hunt West & Whaddon Chase - Bury Farm Equestrian Centre Mill Rd Slapton Leighton Buzzard LU7 9BT ...
Oakley Hunt West
                                               & Whaddon Chase

        Area 12 Show Jumping - 23rd July 2021

Bury Farm Equestrian Centre Mill Rd Slapton Leighton Buzzard LU7 9BT
Area 12 Show Jumping - 23 rd July 2021 - Oakley Hunt West & Whaddon Chase - Bury Farm Equestrian Centre Mill Rd Slapton Leighton Buzzard LU7 9BT ...

Official Steward         Helen Jackson

Organisers               Nikki Thorne, Nicky Dunning, Claire Powell, Fiona Falle

Entries Secretary        Claire Powell

Health and Safety Officer Nicky Dunning

Safeguarding             Claire Powell

Secretary on the day     Fiona Falle

Judges                   Tracey Hopkins, Claire Powell, Ashlie Powell

Scorers                  Helen Jackson, Anne Sandford

Course builder           Stuart Reeve Young

Collecting Ring          Nicky Dunning

Tack Checker             Katy Treharne

Parking                  Nikki and Mark Davison

Paramedics               OBS Medics

Veterinary Surgeon       Chiltern Equine

Photographers            SBM Photographic


Many thanks to all our volunteers from Whaddon Chase and Oakley Hunt West Pony
                     Clubs and also to our generous sponsors:

                               Country & Stable

                                Brayfield Estate

                            Alice and Alastair Cook

                              Wappenham Farms

                                Michael Graham

                                  Chris Gates
Area 12 Show Jumping - 23 rd July 2021 - Oakley Hunt West & Whaddon Chase - Bury Farm Equestrian Centre Mill Rd Slapton Leighton Buzzard LU7 9BT ...

1. Prior to arrival please download and print your numbers from the page in and use in a number bib.

2. Parking will be allocated. Please adhere to this and follow an Arrive. Compete Leave
   strategy. PC100/PC110 competitors must not arrive before 1pm as parking is
   limited and you may not be able to park if you arrive earlier.

3. All classes will run in the outside International Arena

4.    There will be separate warm up areas for flatwork and jumping with a max of 2
     teams in each. Competitors may not use the indoor warm up arenas or hacking

5. A tack check will be carried out before entering the warm up and competitors may not
   compete until this has taken place. There will not be a Turnout Competition.

6. Only 1 designated person from each branch is allowed in the warm up at any time.

7. Please note rules below regarding the PC90 competition which will not have a jump

8. All scores will be uploaded directly onto the page.

9. There will be no prize giving. Rosettes can be collected from the secretary by the
   team manager or DC after results have been verified.

                                  CONDITIONS OF ENTRY

1. The Judges’ decision is final. Any objections must be made no later than 30 minutes
   after the class has finished. Queries may only be made by DCs or Team Managers
   and only via the Secretary.

2. Organisers of this event have taken reasonable precautions to ensure the health and
   safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective, everyone must take
   all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey
   the instructions of the Organisers and all the officials and stewards.

3. Save for the death or personal injury caused by the negligence of the Organisers, or
   anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the Organisers of this event or
   The Pony Club nor any agent, employee or representative of these bodies, nor Bury
   Farm Equestrian Club, accepts any liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or
   illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, cars, their contents and
   accessories, or any other person or property whatsoever, whether caused by their
   negligence breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever.

4. Horses must have been vaccinated against equine flu within 6 months of the date of
   the competition and at least 7 days prior to the competition. Passports must be
   available for checking.
Area 12 Show Jumping - 23 rd July 2021 - Oakley Hunt West & Whaddon Chase - Bury Farm Equestrian Centre Mill Rd Slapton Leighton Buzzard LU7 9BT ...

Except as set out below this competition will run in accordance with the Pony
 Club Show Jumping Rule Book 2020 together with the additional 2021 rules


This competition is run over two rounds. The first round to be run as Table A (not
against clock but with time allowed). The second round to be run as Single Phase.

Team placings will be determined by the faults from the best three scores from the
first round plus the best three scores from the second round. If there are teams that
are equal on total faults after the second round, the three times from the best three
scores from the second section of the single phase will be used to determine the
final placings.

Individual placings will be determined by the score in the first round plus the score
from the second round using the time from the second section of single phase.

Competitors eliminated in the first round can only continue to the second round if
they are part of a team which have progressed to the second round. In event of a
elimination due to a fall the rider must have medic consent to continue.

PC100 and PC110

These classes will run under normal PC rules. In the event of equality for qualifying
places after two rounds:

Teams - there shall be one jump-off against the clock and there will be a draw for the
order of jumping. All members of the team must jump-off. The first member of each
team in the jump-off will jump first followed by the second and so on. The whole
team jumps irrespective of previous faults or eliminations and the best three in each
team count. If their jumping faults are equal, their aggregate times decide the

Individuals - the teams will jump-off first followed by any other team member and/or
individual who according to faults over the two rounds is placed first equal in the
individual competition. All qualifying places will be decided by total faults in the two
rounds or if necessary by time and faults in the jump off. In the event of a tie for non-
qualifying places time in the second round will decide.
Area 12 Show Jumping - 23 rd July 2021 - Oakley Hunt West & Whaddon Chase - Bury Farm Equestrian Centre Mill Rd Slapton Leighton Buzzard LU7 9BT ...

PC90 Top placed 3 teams and top placed 4 individuals (not in a qualifying team)

PC100 Top placed 2 teams and top placed 4 individuals

PC110 Top placed 3 teams (provided 6 or more teams compete) and top placed 4

      same combination of horse and rider may qualify for both the team and
       individual competitions (at PC100 and PC110 only)

      If a PC110 Combined team is in a qualifying position then they will be eligible
       to qualify for the Championships and the next placed Branch team will also

      If a member who qualified for the Pony Club PC100 or PC110 Championships
       in 2019 as an individual does not qualify as an individual for the Pony Club
       Championships at their Area competition in 2021, the member (not
       necessarily the combination of horse and rider) may use their 2019
       qualification to enter the Pony Club PC100 or PC110 Championships in 2021
       provided that:

       i.     the Member competed at their Area PC100 qualifying competition in
              2021 and

       ii.    the rider has no more than 20 penalties across both rounds at the Area
              competition in 2021; and

       iii.   both the rider and the horse entered at the Pony Club Championships
              2021 fulfil the current eligibility requirements.
PC90 First Round Times

8.00   133   Kiera Schiff       Bear                  Bryerley Springs
       134   Jasmin Briggs      Spring Sfever         Bryerley Springs
       135   Lucy Philipson     Cheina                Bryerley Springs
8.06   12    Olivia Braclik     Red                   Woodland Hunt Oaks
       13    Olivia Law         Shine on O            Woodland Hunt Oaks
       14    Jessica Noys       Beautiful Mystery     Woodland Hunt Oaks
       15    Sophie Traynor     Okehurst Nightlife    Woodland Hunt Oaks
8.12   128   Emily Armitage     Sugar Bella           Ivel Valley
       129   Ella Clark         Arramarches           Ivel Valley
       130   Holly Maudlin      D F Paul              Ivel Valley
       131   Frankie Warwick    Don’t Be Blue         Ivel Valley
8.18   116   Katie Millward     Connie                OBH South
       117   Heather Jenkins    Merlin                OBH South
       132   Leah Roberts       Robbie                OBH South
       119   Acacia Dew         Molly                 OBH South
8.24   8     Maisie O'Neil      Kenmare Roger         Flamstead
       9     Josie Reid         Kingswalk Moonraker   Flamstead
       10    Evie Latham        Fi Fi Gadget          Flamstead
       11    Danielle Weller    Maple Valley Ramiro   Flamstead
8.30   20    Grace Pyne         Springfield Stan      East Herts Hunt
       21    Fiona Cairns       Mohurry Beauty        East Herts Hunt
       22    Millie Hammond     Honey                 East Herts Hunt
8.36   124   Kitty Scott        Dec                   OBH Hughenden
                                Mansty Rock
       125 Lily Hinch                                 OBH Hughenden
       126 Alice Daly           Coco Pop              OBH Hughenden
       127 Holly Moody          Johnny                OBH Hughenden
           Rana                                       South Herts & West
       139                      FFS Empire
8.42       Hassanzadeh                                MSex
       6   Jake Molony          Rosscon Swan          OBH North
       7   Ella VIncett         Brook                 OBH North
8.48   30 William Hodges        Floyd                 Bicester & Warden Hill
       31 Cecily Holland        Capisci               Bicester & Warden Hill
                                Coolfin Matchmaker
       32    Sadie Lloyd                              Bicester & Warden Hill
                                                      Bicester & Warden Hill
       34    Lucy Willmott      Elamo
8.54                                                  2
                                                      Bicester & Warden Hill
       35    Scarlett Holman    Joe
             Izzy Ford          Bobble Rock           Bicester & Warden Hill
9.00   68   George Duffy        The real machine       Grafton Hunt
       69   Molly Morrison      Knockateemore Patch    Grafton Hunt
       72   Nancy Davies        Finnan Hillview        Grafton Hunt
                                Straghmore May
       71   Evie Brown                                 Grafton Hunt
9.10        COURSE WALK
9.36   91   Mara Waller         Dance On               SOHS 1
       92   Matilde Perrone     Penny Lad              SOHS 1
       93   Scarlett Stephens   Carra Touch of Faith   SOHS 1
       94   Phoebe Anderson     Jacaranda Knight       SOHS 1
            Sapphire            Med-night Cruising
9.42   95                                              SOHS 2
            Fovargue            Clover
      96    Lily Stephens       Bonds Glen             SOHS 2
      97    Sophia Wise         Mount Ross Ash         SOHS 2
      98    Etty Bratley        Lux Cosmic             SOHS 2
9.48 16     Olivia Braclik      Schmaul                Woodland Hunt Ash
      17    Annabella Briess    Ballysimon Ned         Woodland Hunt Ash
      18    Jessica Noys        Amners Hot Spring      Woodland Hunt Ash
      19    Arabella Smith      Snickers               Woodland Hunt Ash
9.54 57     Mollie Palmer       A Fine Art             SOHC 1
      58    Venetia Mahony      Havana Sunset          SOHC 1
      59    Ruby Illsley        Escada X               SOHC 1
      60    Isabel Bhatia       Clintonstown Windy     SOHC 1
10.00 61    Amy Roberts         Ruthstown Blondie      SOHC 2
                                Chiddock Times
       62   Emma Scott                                 SOHC 2
      63    Isobel Kilroy       Mary Star              SOHC 2
      64    Annabel Wilson      Call Girl              SOHC 2
10.06 140   Isabella Davis      Jack The Lad VI        Whaddon Chase Red
      141   Hannah Cook         Clyard Bob             Whaddon Chase Red
      142   Zoe Butler          Dora Princess          Whaddon Chase Red
      143   Katrina Rosin       Shamrock Manor         Whaddon Chase Red
                                Ballycreen The Kings
10.12 144 Olivia Rosin                                 Whaddon Chase Blue
      145  Jenny MacRitchie     Calico Bay             Whaddon Chase Blue
      146  Eleanor Dillon       Treflan Telor          Whaddon Chase Blue
      147  Merina Marshall      Flash                  Whaddon Chase Blue
10.18 107  Harley Echlin        Knockenwood Bobby      VAH
      108  Jamie Vine           Bloomfield Spotlight   VAH
           Celeste Marr-
       109                      Bonmahon JD            VAH
       110 Katie Branfield      Chapel Hill Jack       VAH
10.24 111   Ellie Davis        Fanta Buddy          VAH
      112   Rosie Grey         Clemenstone Tango    VAH
      113   Freddie Roberson   Pop Prince           VAH
      114   Lucy Handy         Obie                 VAH
10.30 115   Charlotte Grace    Rupert Bear          VAH
      70    Jolly Lewis        Morphus              Grafton Hunt
                               Greylands Abrahams
      51    Esther Pibworth                         Oakley Hunt West
10.36 47    Felicity Lousada   Miss Condi           Oakley Hunt West
      48    Alice Chanter      Primitive Pebbles    Oakley Hunt West
      49    Lottie Gallen      Wizard               Oakley Hunt West
      50    Sapphire Manley    Gleann Rua Ruby      Oakley Hunt West
PC100 First Round Running Order

                        Starts approximately 2pm

75    Sean Duffy               Guess Wot             Grafton Hunt
76    Eve Welton               Darbey Joe            Grafton Hunt
77    Tamsin Houston           Lakeland Irish Mist   Grafton Hunt
78    Sean Duffy               Kinsale Oltaire       Grafton Hunt
83    Georgie Davies           Ballintubrid Dualla   VAH
87    Sybil Barber             Highlight             VAH
85    Harriet Beeby Wynn       Affricks Charmer      VAH
89    Myles Mentiply-Johnson   Bellissima            VAH
23    Eliza Burgess            McCormacks Stitch     East Herts Hunt
24    Charlotte Turner         Peaky Blinder         East Herts Hunt
26    Douglas Naylor           Baileys Dawn          East Herts Hunt
2     Amelie Fogden            Descara               Herts Hunt
1     Trixie Heath             Boom Bang a Bang      Herts Hunt
3     Cassidy Carter           Sarabande             Herts Hunt
4     Francesca Ryde           Special Addition      Herts Hunt
                               Copshawholm Oakley
65    Connie Begg                                    SOHC
                               Urkel’s Diamond
66    James Tappin Urkel’s                           SOHC
67    Olivia Mahony            Zamor II              SOHC
120   Acacia Dew               Alfie                 OBH South
121   Megan Vickers            Fenna                 OBH South
122   Cian Greene              Bandmaster’s Melody   OBH South
123   Lucy Brett-Chinnery      Lickeen Hazel         OBH South
99    Sophia Wise              Devil’s Dynamite      SOHS
                               Wytchwood Desert
100 Phoebe Anderson                                  SOHS
                               Crockmore Just a
101 Belle Turner                                     SOHS
52    Luli Alderman            Maggie May            Oakley Hunt West
53    Maisy Gallen             Pencarder B-B         Oakley Hunt West
54    Libby Hayes              Cryptic Clue          Oakley Hunt West
36    Izzy Smith               Romeo                 Bicester & Warden Hill
37    Milly Brown              Boyzy                 Bicester & Warden Hill
38    Amelie Gregory           Billy Prompt          Bicester & Warden Hill
39    Cecily Holland           Malty                 Bicester & Warden Hill
40    Izzy Smith               Rincoola Hobnob       Bicester & Warden Hill
90    Myles Mentiply-Johnson   Bulby Street Thief    VAH

                           Starts Approximately 5pm

102   Millie Simons        Het Facet                  SOHS
103   Belle Turner         Tinky Pink                 SOHS
104   Tash Turner          Bonmahon Artist            SOHS
105   Maddie McTeague      Ballyneety Cavalier        SOHS
106   Flo Carter           Auburn Dun                 SOHS
                                                      South Herts & West
137 Georgia Harrington     Dolly Mikksture
5     Francesca Ryde       Der Kaiser                 Herts Hunt
46    Cecily Holland       Charlie                    Bicester & Warden Hill
42    Izzy Partridge       Serenity B                 Bicester & Warden Hill
43    Christina Rawding    Ces Wicked Contender       Bicester & Warden Hill
44    Zara Rawding         Emora Karla Sl             Bicester & Warden Hill
45    Rafe Gordon          Funny Business             Bicester & Warden Hill
27    Charlotte Turner     Every Cloud                East Herts Hunt
29    Abbi Jackson         Silvesters Delight         East Herts Hunt
73    Ellie Binns          Chacoa Roulette            Grafton Hunt
79    Isabelle Bradford    Monahawk Dancing Melody    VAH
80    Helena Van Hullen    Lady Lexi                  VAH
81    Harriet Beeby Wynn   Brechfa Baruch             VAH
55    Emily Dunning        Mr Todd                    Oakley Hunt West
56    Katie Garratt        Smart De L’heureux         Oakley Hunt West
                                                      South Herts & West
138 Georgia Harrington     Stormy Mistress
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