Are all We How will we live in the year 2030? - Franklin Foods

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Are all We How will we live in the year 2030? - Franklin Foods
Our Hochland Magazine
                        are all
                                          1 | 2020

     How will we live in
     the year 2030?

     Lighthouse         New canteen
     project launched   concepts at the
Are all We How will we live in the year 2030? - Franklin Foods
1 | 2020


Dear Hochländer,

First of all I wish you all a happy, healthy and successful   Together with many Hochländer we filtered out the topics
new year!                                                     and questions that are important for us.

I am sure you have also been thinking about the past          Then the work began: We worked out answers to these
and coming year.                                              challenges and from that we derived a roadmap for the
                                                              next 5 years. A roadmap that gives orientation, inspiration
We live in a fast time, with many changes happening           and motivation for us all. Our Vision 2025!
with such a rapid speed. Each one of us knows the feel-
ing. Everyone of us has to decide every day how to deal       But what is this all about?
with it.
                                                              It is about actively shaping our future together.
But how does a company like ours manage this? How
do we manage to be well prepared for the future?              We have our future in our hands. Let‘s do it!

In preparation for this, we started to take a look into the   Sincerely
future in spring 2019. With the help of a future institute
(oh yes, such a thing exists!) and its worldwide network,
we were able to get a good picture of what is there to
come for us in the next ten years.

Are all We How will we live in the year 2030? - Franklin Foods
1 | 2020

The future is what we make out of it

How will we live in the year 2030?
                                 No one can look ten years into the future, right? That‘s just fortunetelling! So why
                                 should Hochland draw a picture of the future in 2030 – It‘s all going to be totally
                                 different anyway?! Right?

The answers for many             create the conditions for        time span actually seems        do we need to make to
questions about the future       this today. Incidentally, this   too long. The picture of        achieve these goals? – The
are already there. Or at         could provide a way out          the future 2030 was             Vision 2025 will serve as
least probabilities, which       of the current dilemma for       therefore the starting point    a compass for this, which
can be derived from current      the entire dairy and meat        for developing the con-         every Hochländer can use
developments. That‘s what        industry. Because the indus-     crete “Vision 2025“ for         as a guide.
Hochland has done: With          try is heavily criticized for    Hochland, which will be
the help of the consulting       its impact on the environ-       presented to all Hochländer     Peter Stahl is convinced
firm 2bAhead and inspired        ment and climate. The first      in March. It will then follow   that the compass will work,
by 17 experts from science       successful trials with labo-     the currently valid Vision      as developments in recent
and business who have an         ratory milk have already         2020.                           years have shown: The CEO
eye on the trends in their       been conducted. And meat                                         attributes the growth to
industries.                      is also „bred“ in the petri      Many Hochländer were            the fact that the manage-
                                 dish. It is still unaffordable   involved. In addition to        ment team had a clear goal
You are curious about a          today. But the first step has    the Executive Board, all        in mind with Vision 2020
sample? “Nobody in retail        been done.                       managing directors and          and knew what had to be
will need our brand in                                            divison managers, further       done to achieve it.
10 or 20 years.“ Or this:        These two examples               colleagues at all the sites
“Laboratory milk will de-        are only a small part of         were able to contribute
velop from a special offer       the findings of a several        their opinions and ideas on
for vegans to an everyday        months lasting process.          various possible scenarios
product“.                        The picture of the future        that resulted from the work
                                 2030 has also opened our         on the picture of the future
The first quote comes from       eyes to other issues: Con-       2030: Which developments
the managing director of         sumers expect more and           are relevant for Hochland
a large food manufacturer.       more transparency about          and which are less rele-
Anyone who thinks like this      the products they buy. Any-      vant? For example, should
will consider how to further     one who can analyze and          the topic “New markets
develop his business model       interpret the available data     in emerging countries“
as a branded company in          along the entire value chain     be included in the vision
due course.                      has an additional selling        or not? There were quite
                                 point. Autonomous driving        different opinions on this.
Werner Giselbrecht is            and air taxis – already in       The Executive Board took
                                                                                                  Who would have believed
convinced of the success of      test operation today – will      the suggestions as valuable
                                                                                                  in 1905 that the automobile
laboratory milk. The busi-       also make new logistics          feedback.
                                                                                                  would one day completely
ness manager of Hochland         models necessary.
                                                                                                  replace the horse-drawn
Deutschland was also inter-                                       Where does Hochland
                                                                                                  carriage? Still today, it
viewed by the futurologists      The time horizon of 10           want to go in the next five
                                                                                                  seems just as incredible that
of 2bAhead.                      years is ideal for broaden-      years? And what decisions
                                                                                                  an air taxi will take us from
                                 ing the view and opening
                                                                                                  A to B, or that milk will no
If he is right, the effects on   up to the future. However,
                                                                                                  longer come from the cow
Hochland are obvious. It is      to define concrete goals for
                                                                                                  but from the laboratory.
therefore worth consider-        one‘s own company, this
                                                                                                     Picture: National Archives
ing whether we want to
                                                                                                         Photo Nr. 30-N-18827
process laboratory milk in
future in addition to “clas-
sic“ milk from animals to
cheese and how we can

Are all We How will we live in the year 2030? - Franklin Foods
1 | 2020

Modernization project „Lighthouse“ started in Dieue

Lighthouse provides orientation
                                The production was stopped for an hour so that all employees could participate:
                                The „kick-off“ meeting of the „Lighthouse“ project in Dieue-sur-Meuse was held
                                under the motto „Let‘s light up our lighthouse together“.

During the kick-off meeting     The entire workforce of the      Office (PMO), Cécile Henry,     This international core team
the French-German project       French plant had the oppor-      Martin Strommer and             with colleagues from France
team had to pass the first      tunity to receive information    Volker Büstrow, presented       and Germany has already
challenge: the members          about the future of the site.    the Lighthouse project: The     developed requirements and
had 90 minutes to build a       There was even a tent set        concept is based on the         rules for our intercultural
four-meter-high lighthouse      up for providing enough          three pillars of milk variet-   cooperation.
together and light the          place for everyone. Far over     ies, flexibility and sustain-
beacon.                         200 colleagues from Dieue        ability. In Dieue, it will be   After the presentation, the
                                and around 20 representa-        possible to process different   colleagues from Dieue had
Their recipe for success:       tives from Germany took          types of milk into different    the opportunity to write
a lot of team spirit, quick     advantage of the opportu-        categories of cheese. The       down questions and com-
solution finding and good       nity.                            plan is to retain all three     ments on cards, and they
interaction as a whole team                                      current cheese categories:      made extensive use of this
- a good signal for future      Managing Director Josef          soft cheese, cream cheese       opportunity. At the Christ-
cooperation! As a symbol        Stitzl gave an outlook on        and semi-soft cheese.           mas Reception in Dieue,
of intercultural cooperation,   how Dieue will be made                                           each employee received a
the lighthouse will ac-         more flexible and adaptable      Variable product shapes         brochure with the answers
company all participants        in the future and why these      and recipes, ranging from       from PMO and manage-
through the project.            changes are necessary. In        standard products such as       ment.
                                addition to investing in         Brie or Oval to specialties
This marked the end of a        equipment and technolo-          made from goat‘s milk, will     After the kick-off in Oc-
successful kick-off event       gies, the organization is also   make it possible to produce     tober, the team initially
for a major challenge: a        being further developed          numerous different and in-      concentrated on rapidly
modern production facility      and employees are being          novative products. The plant    completing the approval
for various categories of       trained for this.                is aligned to the principles    procedures for the various
cheese will be built at the                                      of the circular economy. Re-    construction projects. We
Dieue site over the next few    The three project managers       cyclable packaging materials    hope to be able to start the
years.                          in the Project Management        are to be developed and the     first construction measures
                                                                 plant is to operate CO2-        in spring. These include the
                                                                 neutral in the future.          sewage treatment plant and
                                                                                                 the milk reception area.
                                                                 The aim of the kick-off was
                                                                 also to present the project     At the kick-off, Josef Stitzl
                                                                 organization: The large         expressed his confidence
                                                                 project, which will run over    that „Hutin has the abil-
                                                                 several years, will be di-      ity and motivation for the
                                                                 vided into smaller and larger   necessary changes. He ap-
                                                                 sub-projects. They will be      pealed to everyone: “It‘s a
                                                                 coordinated by the PMO          marathon. So what are we
                                                                 together with the afore-        waiting for? Let‘s start our
                                                                 mentioned project leaders       Lighthouse project.“
                                                                 Cécile Henry, Martin Strom-
                                                                 mer and Volker Büstrow.
                                                                 The three are supported by
                                                                 Blanche Leroux (Organiza-
                                                                 tion, Communication) and
                                                                 Daniela Weise (Controlling).

Are all We How will we live in the year 2030? - Franklin Foods
1 | 2020

Successful Franco-German exchange

What the participants say
                                What was your impression of the kick-off? What impressed you the most, how
                                do you see it continuing? „We are Hochland“ has been asking around among the

Louise Manesse, shift           effort is required to make                                        all our questions. I enjoyed
manager, soft cheese            the project a success. I think                                    working on the construction
department:                     everyone is aware of that.“                                       of the lighthouse together
                                                                                                  with our German col-
“This meeting brought                                                                             leagues“.
together our German and         Works council of Fromag-
French colleagues for two       erie Hutin:
days. It showed the employ-                                                                       Daniela Weise, Head of
ees of Fromagerie Hutin the     “We as members of the                                             Finance and Projects,
great commitment of the         Hutin Works Council were                                          Hochland SE:
German side, and that the       very pleased to attend the       tion. This shows their great
board believes in our com-      presentation of the „Light-      interest and commitment.         “For the first time in the
pany. The many questions        house“ project. The project      The strong participation         history of the plant, all
that were asked show the        has shown all the employ-        in the Q&A session also          employees were invited to a
employees‘ sympathy for         ees of Fromagerie Henri          shows that they are think-       one-hour information event.
the future of Henri Hutin.      Hutin that the future is         ing about their future and       During the Q&A session I
There was not enough time       ahead and that it will be-       the future of their company      was particularly surprised by
to answer all the questions.    come more assuring. During       and that they want to be         the scope and depth of the
But the employees will get      this meeting, we felt the        informed about what will         questions. This shows that
their feedback. This will       trust Hochland puts in us        happen. This must be taken       the employees had already
assure them and gather          and we thank you for the         into account for the com-        dealt intensively with the
the company behind this         smile that was shown to all      munication throughout            project, so that very con-
project, which will cre-        the employees. Let‘s surf        the project. The rest of the     crete and good questions
ate a modern factory that       this wave to the lighthouse!     workshop took place in an        were asked.
respects the environment        »                                excellent Franco-German
and the well-being of the                                        atmosphere. We received          The work in the project
employees while meeting                                          information from the proj-       groups was very pleasant.
customer requirements for       Jonathan Durant, head of         ect team and were also able      I had the impression that
quality and product diver-      IT Hutin:                        to contribute ourselves. All     the French colleagues are
sity. The involvement of all                                     these values are a solid basis   very open for the coming
hierarchical levels is essen-   “It was very important           for the construction of our      changes and are eager to
tial and very welcome.          that every member of the         lighthouse“.                     play their part in making it a
                                Fromagerie could attend the                                       success.
The kick-off was a great        presentation. After all, this
success of the cooperation      is the largest investment of     Alice Floquet, quality
with our German col-            the Hochland Group in a          manager:
leagues. A great deal of        plant.
                                                                 “This day was very enrich-
                                A large number of employ-        ing and constructive. The
                                ees accepted the invita-         large number of people
                                                                 who came to the informa-
                                                                 tion event shows the en-
                                                                 thusiasm and desire of the
                                                                 staff to participate in the
                                                                 Lighthouse project. In the
                                                                 working groups I noticed
                                                                 that the project team was
                                                                 very attentive and answered

Are all We How will we live in the year 2030? - Franklin Foods
1 | 2020

“Monday for Future“ at Hochland

“We show we‘re not looking away“
                                Camilla Kranzusch made it: On November 14th she arrived in Morocco, a few days
                                later she met with young people from Africa. They all share one goal: to draw
                                attention on the climate crisis – and on solutions that could help to significantly
                                reduce the climate-damaging CO2 worldwide. On her way Camilla also stopped at
                                Hochland in Heimenkirch.

With the decision to make       On her journey, Camilla         abundance every day, could      in Heimenkirch and Schon-
the three plants in Heimen-     made a stopover in Heimen-      be used much more than          gau in cooperation with
kirch, Schongau and Dieue       kirch, because she appreci-     now. That is the reason why     Plant-for-the-Planet: Two
climate-neutral from now        ates our commitment and         Morocco is the destination      academy days in which chil-
on, Hochland Deutschland        wanted to recommend             of her trip: In the south of    dren were trained as climate
GmbH is one of the first        Hochland to other com-          Marrakech, in Ouazarzate,       ambassadors.
companies in Germany,           panies as a role model.         the world‘s largest solar
which has already done          She was delighted by all        park, Noor, is located. Noor    At the end of Camilla´s jour-
a lot to reduce its CO2         the people welcoming her        is a solar-thermal power        ney Josef Stitzl sent a video
emissions. For example by       and how many interested         plant that stores its energy    message to her, which you
switching to 100% green         listeners wanted to talk        in salt and thus provides       can watch on the website
electricity, own photovoltaic   with her: About 60 pupils       clean energy 365 days a He
systems on the roof etc. A      from the primary schools        year.                           also makes an appeal to
                                                                                                other companies with this
                                                                According to Camilla            video: „We are producing
                                                                Kranzusch, our mobility is      climate-neutrally since this
                                                                based on fossil fuels for too   year and we can proof that
                                                                long now: „We can already       we are not looking away.
                                                                produce e-fuels today“, i.e.    By voluntarily becoming
                                                                fuels that are produced with    climate-neutral, we can
                                                                electricity from water and      all make a contribution to
                                                                carbon dioxide. But such        finally implement global,
                                                                solutions, she mentions,        worldwide solutions - for
                                                                are not being implemented       climate protection and far
                                                                consistently enough in          beyond. After all, through
                                                                projects.                       reforestation and solar
                                                                                                energy we can create hun-
                                                                Camilla was supported           dreds of thousands of new
                                                                in Heimenkirch by Lara          jobs, and with them we can
climate balance has shown       in Heimenkirch and Opfen-       Dietlein and Pia Dostal from    raise hope for an eco-
us how much CO2 is still        bach as well as from the        the Lindenberg Fridays for      nomic future in the African
left. We are compensat-         secondary school in Linden-     Future Group. Levin Sohn,       countries. – Let´s be open to
ing this by making a large      berg participated. Some         ten years old and ambassa-      these solutions!“
amount of money available       Hochländer and our share-       dor of Plant-for-the-Planet,
for the Plant-for-the-Planet    holders Angela Wagner-          also called us to action to
reforestation program. In       Summer and Claudia Reich        jointly protect people from
the coming years we want        attended, too.                  global warming.
to reduce our emissions
continuously. 2020 should       Besides reforestation, Ca-      Managing Director Josef
become a “climate year“         milla mentioned two other       Stitzl was pleased about
for Hochland Germany.           important measures how          the successful „Monday for
                                CO2 could be reduced: Solar     Future“ at Hochland.
                                energy, which is available in
                                                                In the meantime, the next
                                                                actions have taken place

Are all We How will we live in the year 2030? - Franklin Foods
1 | 2020

Cycling for a good purpose

“All the world up on the bike“
                                 For many years, Hochland Polska has been offering its employees inspirations to
                                 do more sport and be active. This has included participation in the “All the world
                                 up on the bike“ campaign.

The campaign combines            their own health, for their
cycling with charity: the        body and for the environ-
kilometers cycled are con-       ment by leaving the car at
verted into zloty. This sum is   home. They were motivated
then donated to a chari-         by the idea that they could
table organization that the      also do something posi-
participants have chosen in      tive for others. The 50,000
advance.                         kilometers have been com-
                                 pleted and 5,000 PLN an
The aim of the Hochland          equivalent of around 1,300
Polska was to cycle 50,000       dollars went to Ryszard
kilometers in order to           Szurkowski.
donate the money for the
rehabilitation of Ryszard        The most committed cyclists
Szurkowski, a well-known         were awarded at staff
cyclist.                         meetings at Kaźmierz and
                                 Węgrów. After the great
So the Hochland cyclists did     success, organizer Jacek        to other Hochland subsi-       ning to repeat the cam-
not only do something for        Wyrzykiewicz is now con-        diaries. In any case, Hoch-    paign this spring.
                                 sidering whether this cam-      land Polska is already plan-
                                 paign could be extended

Hochländer plant even more trees

Compensation of CO2 emissions
                                 Not only in Germany, but also in the other Hochland subsidiaries, colleagues are
                                 taking measures to reduce the CO2 footprint.

Hochland Polska, for             On August 11, 2017, a                                          they made an important
example, cooperates with         hurricane destroyed hun-                                       contribution to climate
specialized waste manage-        dreds of thousands of                                          protection. A small tree can
ment companies in the field      trees in the Gniezno forest                                    produce about 118 kg of
of packaging recycling. The      district. 4,500 hectares of                                    oxygen per year.
colleagues also took part in     forest were devastated. By
a planting campaign at the       reforesting the Hochlän-                                       In comparison an adult con-
end of last year. They sup-      der helped to restore the                                      sumes an average of about
ported foresters in planting     beautiful forest, so that                                      176 kg of oxygen
a total of 1,000 pines.          the trees could once again                                     per year.
                                 take on their important
                                 function as „air filters“ and
                                 bind CO2 from the air. Thus,

Are all We How will we live in the year 2030? - Franklin Foods
1 | 2020

New chapter in the history of Hochland Española

Neighboring property acquired
                               Last year in July, Hochland Española succeeded, together with our partner TGT, in
                               acquiring a 2,500 m² plot of land next to our plant.

1.500 m² of it are construc-   A modern warehouse for          targets of Hochland Espa-       of what the future plant in
tible surface. This means      finished products and pack-     ñola.                           Viladecans might look like.
that we are gaining another    aging is going to be built                                      Various alternatives were
30% on top of our previ-       on the site. The plant will     The Viladecans plant was        examined before the deci-
ous area. The property is      also be expanded and more       built in the early 1980s. It    sion was made to purchase
currently rented and can be    space for new production        was designed for a produc-      the neighboring plot of
used from October 2022.        facilities will be created in   tion volume of 8,000 tons.      land – for 1.6 million euros.
                               order to achieve the growth     Today we produce almost         Immediately afterwards, the
                                                               the double amount. Due to       technical planning began
                                                               the shortage of space how-      in order to define the new
                                                               ever, growth has reached its    plant concept, which could
                                                               limits by far. There was not    be completed by the end of
                                                               enough space to automate        2019.
                                                               some of the manual pro-
                                                               cesses involved in packaging    With this purchase, another
                                                               and palletizing, and the risk   chapter in the history of
                                                               of accidents also increased     Hochland Española has
                                                               due to the lack of space.       begun. We will keep you in-
                                                                                               formed about the planning
                                                               Since early 2019, a local       and construction progress.
                                                               project team has been
                                                               working on the question

Findings from the test market in Berlin

Liebkost can do more
                               It was an exciting test. At the end of September we stopped supplying
                               selected markets in Berlin with our Liebkost cheese. But this is not the end
                               of the project.

                               Since then our core Liebkost    salt and lemon juice con-       and show transparently
                               team has been working on        centrate. Its recyclable        and honestly what we have
                               the positioning, the design     packaging has been              already achieved and what
                               and a tailor-made marketing     awarded the Interseroh          we are working on“, this is
                               concept.                        seal of approval „Made for      our philosophy.
                                                               Recycling“. We were also
                               The Liebkost cheese for         consistent in our commu-        Do consumers appreciate
                               frying, cooking & grilling      nication. The homepage          this, especially a young,
                               is consistently natural and     provided detailed informa-      consciously consuming tar-
                               sustainable: it is produced     tion, including the origin of   get group? To find this out
                               in our factory in Dieue from    the ingredients. “We want
                               only three ingredients: milk,   to get better and better

Are all We How will we live in the year 2030? - Franklin Foods
1 | 2020

we chose the booming capi-      For five months we gained       other things the team is       thus in the planned (re-)
tal of Germany for the test     valuable experience. Then it    working on a new packag-       launch there will be three
market because we reach a       was time for the core team      ing design that whets the      delicious Liebkost varieties.
particularly large number of    to evaluate the test market.    appetite at first glance.
representatives of our target   We realized, for example,       However, Liebkost will still   Our team will continue test-
group there. We supplied        that we needed to comple-       be „different“ in appear-      ing in the coming months.
approximately 40 shops,         ment the communication:         ance and stand out from        Consumers will be involved
primarily independent           The focus so far has been       classic cheese products.       in the development to find
REWE and EDEKA retailers        on the sustainability as-                                      the most promising prod-
with whom we had a close        pects. These will continue to   At the same time, we are       uct and brand concept and
personal exchange of ideas.     be important to us, but we      developing a second mari-      make it profitable.
Supported by a small exter-     also want to make consum-       nated variety, as the herb
nal team in Berlin, we were     ers curious about the many      variant was the clear favor-
in the position of gathering    different ways in which they    ite in the test market. The
reactions from consumers        can use the product. Be-        natural variety will remain;
quickly and easily.             cause Liebkost is more than
                                “just“ a grill cheese. Among

A Hochland “subsidiary“ in Lindenberg?

Extra rooms for a “Thinkhouse”
                                It used to be the sports shop “Monte Rosso“, suddenly since October a Hochland
                                logo decorates the shop windows. Has Hochland opened a store in the neighboring
                                town of Lindenberg? Not quite: This is where our “IT Thinkhouse“ was created.

As reported in various blogs    the IT was looking for con-     was established with the
on the intranet, Hochland is    ference rooms that would        owner of the property at
busy getting ready for “In-     be available to us at any       Marktstraße 10, right next
dustry 4.0“ and the digital     time over a longer period.      to the primary school. The
transformation for some         The location Heimenkirch        business premises had
time now. Digital processes     did not have optimal free       been vacant for some time.
should and will optimize        space to offer. That‘s when     Together with the owner,
workflows and change our        the idea came up to look        since May 2019 we have
working methods pro-            for rooms that we could         been creating a room with
foundly.                        rent nearby.                    a good working climate and
                                                                with a very special flair in
The current focus is on         After an inquiry at the city    this traditional Lindenberg
the SAP project S/4 Future.     of Lindenberg, the contact      building. The IT Thinkhouse
For this major project,                                         extends over two buildings:
                                                                The main building can ac-
                                                                commodate 20 people for
                                                                conferences. There are also    conferences, but also for all
                                                                two additional rooms for       other future digitalization
                                                                smaller groups, a kitchen      initiatives. Once everything
                                                                and a sanitary area. In the    has been organized the
                                                                adjacent building another      rooms will be officially
                                                                group of up to 25 people       bookable on the intranet.
                                                                can meet.                      They are fully equipped with
                                                                                               conference equipment.
                                                                The IT Thinkhouse now of-
                                                                fers the necessary space not
                                                                only for the many, partly
                                                                international S/4 Future

Are all We How will we live in the year 2030? - Franklin Foods
1 | 2020

First FreeTherm 150 goes to India

Natec extends its portfolio
                               Hochland Natec has successfully installed the first self-made FreeTherm 150 in
                               India. Our customer, MilkyMist, had previously purchased a Rota-Therm cooker
                               and a FreePack 1000.

The FreeTherm is a very        packaged on a Corazza            our evaluation of the large     machineries for mixing and
flexible twin-shaft cooker     plant. Previously MilkyMist      market potential and the        heating comes from one
that can be used for           had had these products           desire to expand the Natec      production facility. This
many mixing and cooking        manufactured by a CoPack-        Network portfolio.              makes it easier to imple-
tasks in the food industry.    ing-partner. Therefore it is a                                   ment our “corporate
Processed cheese, pasta        big advantage to manufac-        The concept for the new         identity“, i.e. the unified
filata, analogue cheese and    ture these products inhouse.     cooker was developed by         appearance of the entire
vegan products are just a                                       our product manager Eugen       machine.
few examples. After a very     The installation and com-        Vogel. Thanks to his exper-
short time, the flexibility    missioning in January 2019       tise he was able to meet all    Due to the strong de-
has convinced the owner of     was exemplary, with full         requirements, from product      mand for different sizes,
MilkyMist, Sathish Kumar,      support and acceptance by        safety and hygiene to recipe    a FreeTherm (FT) series
reports Sales Manager          the customer: According to       management, automatic           has been created, starting
Richard Bechteler.             him, this was a matter of        cleaning (CIP) and operat-      with the FT 50 – i.e. with a
                               “plug & play“. Since then,       ing comfort. An improved        capacity of 50 liters –
                                                                steam injection nozzle con-     to the FT 150 and FT 250
                                                                cept was also implemented.      up to the FT 500. With
                                                                Each steam nozzle can be        this series we are able to
                                                                controlled individually. This   meet requests from small
                                                                makes it possible to adapt      customers to large produ-
                                                                the cooking process to each     cers. The FreeTherm is also
                                                                fill graph and each product     well received within the
                                                                individually.                   Hochland Group: Hoch-
                                                                                                land Romania has already
                                                                The spring-operated steam       ordered an FT250 and
                                                                nozzles have also been re-      Hochland Russia an FT500.
                                                                placed by pneumatic steam
                                                                injection assemblies, which     There are ideas and en-
                                                                guarantee a tightness of        quiries about using the
                                                                one hundred percent. This       FreeTherm wave cooker
                                                                was often not the case with     outside the cheese produc-
                                                                the previous steam nozzles.     tion, too. Such projects
                                                                As a result of that, small      have already been imple-
                                                                quantities of the product re-   mented successfully, for
                                                                peatedly entered the steam      example with the continu-
Our customer in India          the production is running        area.                           ous RotaTherm cooker.
was able to expand its         five to six days a week. That
product range and is now       means a product quantity of      The FreeTherm can be built
able to produce grateable      about 1,000 tons a week.         and operated with different
processed cheese itself in                                      modules such as different
square portions and 200g       The strategic decision by        mixing options, buffer tank,
blocks. These are filled and   Hochland Natec to build          shear pumps, etc.
                               their own batch cooker the
                               “FreeTherm” was taken in         In the meantime it has
                               2017. It was supported by        been decided that the
                                                                FreeTherm will be manufac-
                                                                tured entirely at GoldPeg
                                                                in Australia. Therefore, the

1 | 2020

New canteen concepts are launched

“Sustainability on the plate”
                                 Since July of last year our colleagues in Kaźmierz are able to enjoy their meals in a
                                 newly designed canteen. It took over a year from the idea to the opening of this
                                 new canteen.

Many steps are necessary to      Based on three thematic pil-   canteens are being harmo-          user-friendly materials man-
implement such a project,        lars, principles were devel-   nized.                             agement system is being set
starting with the planning       oped as a basis for the new                                       up and connected to the
through the approval of the      canteen concept in Heimen-     Vending machine and                existing ordering system.
investments, to the actual       kirch and Schongau: Under      snack concept                      This will simplify the work of
construction work. The re-       the headings of sustainable,                                      the canteen teams.
sult is impressive. The food     healthy and enjoyable,         Developing a vending
concept and the charming,        the focus is for example       machine and a snack bar            Infrastructure
modern design invite you to      on regional, seasonal and      concept is in progress for
eat and stay.                    ecological ingredients, but    both locations, which will         What do visitors need to
                                 also on animal welfare. And    ensure the supply of healthy,      enjoy a good meal in a
The name has a story behind      not only the taste, but also
it – “Mikser“. On the one        the look of the food and the
hand, the mixer is a well-       furnishings should play an
known kitchen utensil. On        important role.
the other hand, the term
also stands for the fact that    The project consists of six
colleagues in Kaźmierz can       sub-projects:
put their food together
individually with various        Food Charter
components, in other words
they can “mix“ it. Further-      It deals with the ques-
more, the ending “SER“ cor-      tion: What can a healthy,
responds to the Polish word      sustainable and enjoyable
for cheese. The name could       diet look like? The needs
not be more fitting!             of the employees are taken
                                 into account, for example      enjoyable and sustainable          pleasant atmosphere? And
In Heimenkirch and Schon-        in the case of shift work or   food around the clock.             what do the colleagues of
gau there is a new canteen       allergies and intolerances,                                       the canteen team need in
concept in progress, too. It‘s   as well as cultural eating     Marketing and                      order to have fun preparing
not just about a pleasant        habits.                        communication                      the food and to be able to
atmosphere, but also about                                                                         live on their creativity? For
a more sustainable food          Sustainable purchasing         The project team will              answering these questions,
offer. The plant managers                                       develop accompanying               a room concept will be de-
Walter Morent and Stefan         Guidelines for sustainable     communication measures             veloped for each location.
Mayer, together with Car-        purchasing are drawn up,       to keep the Hochländer
men Hügemann‘s project           which are used in the selec-   regularly informed about the       Our colleagues at Kaźmierz
team, have developed the         tion of all suppliers. One     project status. It will also de-   have shown us that an
following vision: “The Hoch-     example is our partnership     velop ideas to better present      inviting company restaurant
land restaurant – a meeting      with the “Herzogsägmühle“      and promote the canteen‘s          also needs a suitable name.
place to feel good. With         charity organization, from     offerings.                         Therefore, the Hochlän-
our enjoyable, healthy and       which we purchase organic                                         der from Heimenkirch and
sustainable menu, we create      quality products in Schon-     Digital inventory                  Schongau will be invited
a smile on the faces of our      gau. Together with col-        control system                     soon to suggest names for
guests“.                         leagues from the purchasing                                       the new canteens.
                                 department the procure-        In cooperation with col-
                                 ment strategies of the two     leagues from the IT and
                                                                the canteen team, a digital,

1 | 2020

Competence Transfer in Production and Technique

Second group finishes its training
                                After a successful first round from 2013 to 2015, a second group has started in the
                                summer of 2017 with the training program “Competence Transfer“. The partici-
                                pants passed their final exam at the end of November. It consisted of a written
                                and an oral part.

Hochländer from Spain,          They proudly received their       ney that demanded a lot of      Now it is time to draw a
Poland, Romania and Russia      certificates. These are a sign    the participants: they had      line and start to develop the
were trained at the Heimen-     of success and recognition        to invest a lot of free time    program even further. On
kirch and Schongau sites.       at the end of a long jour-        into the program in order to    the basis of feedback from
                                                                  learn, even the travel to the   participants, training mana-
                                                                  training location sometimes     gers, plant supervisors and
                                                                  fell on a weekend.              international HR colleagues,
                                                                                                  the project team around
                                                                  The two-year training           Heidi Früh and Frank Mol-
                                                                  program is based on the         zahn will consider in what
                                                                  principles of dual training     kind the competence trans-
                                                                  in Germany. It was crea-        fer could take place again.
                                                                  ted internally by Hochland      Instead of a program lasting
                                                                  and adapted to our needs.       several years, only indivi-
                                                                  Hochländer from Germany         dual modules are being
                                                                  teach their international       discussed. Furthermore, we
                                                                  colleagues the basics of milk   are looking for a way to
                                                                  technology and mechatro-        offer the training material
                                                                  nics in a practical way. Our    digitally.
                                                                  Guidelines on Leadership
                                                                  and Cooperation, the Code
                                                                  of Conduct and Insights
                                                                  into the behavioral pre-
                                                                  ference model „Insights
We did it! Immediately after receipt of their certificates, the   Discovery“ round off the
proud graduates lined up for a group photo. Also pres-            versatile program.
ent were the interpreters who accompanied them during
these two years and the trainers – all of them Hochland

Four participants reflect on their participation

Learning from the experience of colleagues
                                And how did the participants experience the two years? Four of them report on
                                their experiences:

Anton Brak, Senior Me-          the previous course and           and knowledge of my col-        knowledge of pneumatics
chanic, Hochland Russia:        through the employee              leagues from other plants.      and the training documents
                                newspaper. I was particu-         In the course of the training   on electrics and electrical
“I learned about the pro-       larly interested in getting       I have acquired enormous        engineering are very use-
gram from participants in       to know the experience            expertise. Above all, the       ful for my daily work. The

1 | 2020

trainers and organizers have      new technologies and it        the personal development        place in Germany, we were
taken into account the dif-       was very interesting to        is an important component       able to put what we had
ferent levels of knowledge        meet colleagues from other     of competence transfer. We      learned directly into practice
of the participants and have      countries and benefit from     learned a lot of new things     and benefit from the very
responded to each one             their experience. Thanks       that I can apply in my daily    good equipment of the
                                  to this program I had the      work, for example how to        factories there. The fac-
                                  opportunity to experience      achieve a better output in      tory tours in Schongau and
                                  modern cheese production       the production process and      Heimenkirch offered the
                                  in practice. It was great to   in the quality of the end       opportunity to experience
                                  see that training in Ger-      products. I liked the plant     other technologies. I wish
                                  many in milk technology        tours in Heimenkirch and
                                  involves so many practical     Schongau best. We were
                                  tasks. I was also impressed    able to get to know new
                                  by the modern production       production processes and
                                  areas in Heimenkirch and       could exchange ideas with
                                  Schongau. I can pass on the    each other. We also got an
                                  knowledge I have gained to     insight into how the various
                                  my colleagues in the future.   national companies work.
individually. I would also like                                  The exchange in an inter-
to thank our translator Irina.                                   national round was a real
With her help we did not                                         enrichment. In the future, I
just learn about the train-                                      would like to develop my-
ing contents but we also                                         self day by day, personally
received information about                                       and professionally.”            that I can now use what
the people and cultures. I                                                                       I have learned in my daily
would like to continue to                                                                        work.
develop myself personally                                        Zoltan Borbely, electri-
and professionally in the                                        cian, Hochland Romania:
future and also inspire and
motivate my colleagues.                                          “I participated in order to
Through the program I have                                       expand my technical knowl-
a clear idea of how I can                                        edge. It was really exciting
achieve this.”                    Sonia Molina Navas, Shift
                                  Supervisor, Hochland
Przemysław Mikołajczak,
Process Engineer, Hoch-           “I am very glad that I
land Polska:                      got the chance and was
                                  selected for the training
“I participated in the            program. Not only the
competence transfer to            technical content, but also
acquire new knowledge.
I particularly liked the
combination of theory and
practice. We got to know
                                                                 for me to become familiar
                                                                 with German manufactur-
                                                                 ing technologies. I really
                                                                 liked the structure of the
                                                                 training courses. First the
                                                                 theoretical processes were
                                                                 explained to us, so we had
                                                                 the basis to implement
                                                                 them later in projects. I was
                                                                 able to combine the new
                                                                 mechanical knowledge
                                                                 with my existing knowledge
                                                                 of electrical engineering.
                                                                 Because the training took

1 | 2020

Awards for product quality

Medals for Hochland Polska
                               In Poland, we have again received a series of awards for our products in recent

At the 15th Leader Forum,      “Sahne-Blöckchen” were         ucts, the “Good Cheese“         Minis, Valbon Camembert
we came out on top in          the winners for processed      jury consists of professional   and the Sandwich Slices
three categories: Edamer       cheese.                        chefs of renowned Warsaw        Cream. In the pizza cheese
Hochland semi-hard cheese                                     restaurants. There were also    category the Burger &
was honored for its “top       While at the “Leader Fo-       several medals for Hochland     Toast slices won the bronze
quality“, Almette Herbs was    rum“, representatives of the   products. Gold went to the      medal.
at the top of the podium for   retail trade decide on the     Hochland Sandwich Minis
easy spread cheese and the     most interesting new prod-     and silver to the Almette       The Sandwich Minis were
                                                                                              awarded once again. In the
                                                                                              country‘s largest consumer
                                                                                              survey, they were awarded
                                                                                              the title “Golden Innovation
                                                                                              2019“ in the category “Best
                                                                                              Response to Consumer
                                                                                              Wishes“. Other categories
                                                                                              in this competition are:
                                                                                              Taste, Packaging and “Prod-
                                                                                              uct Moments“.

And another prize

Award for Jacek Wyrzykiewicz
                               The “Mleczne Laury Award“ (Dairy Laurel) is awarded to process engineers, man-
                               agers and scientists who have contributed outstanding services to the Polish dairy
                               industry and cheese production.

Our colleague Jacek            The Dairy Laurel survey                                        ments of the candidates
Wyrzykiewicz, responsible      was conducted from May                                         and their contribution to
for PR and Marketing Ser-      1 to September 30, 2019.                                       the promotion of the Polish
vices at Hochland Polska,      The jury took into account                                     dairy and cheese sector, as
received the prestigious       the professional achieve-                                      well as their achievements
award in the Dairy Manager                                                                    for the benefit of the local
category.                                                                                     community as well as their

1 | 2020

Franklin Foods Attends World Cheese Awards

Cheese from the USA in 1st place
                                 In October, Rocco Cardinale, Vice-President of Marketing, and Alex Gutknecht, Ex-
                                 port Sales Manager, traveled from Arizona in the Western United States to attend
                                 the World Cheese Awards in Bergamo, Italy.

Rocco and Alex thereby           consisting of 260 cheese        Alex, also a Franklin Foods
supported efforts of the         experts and cheese lovers       representative in the U.S.
U.S. Dairy Export Council        from around the world.          Dairy Export Council, adds,
(USDEC). USDEC is a non-                                         “Representing both the
profit organization whose        At the end of the intense       U.S. Dairy Council – along
mission is to enhance global     day of multiple rounds of       with my fellow dairy council
demand for dairy products        judging, two cheeses stood      members – and Franklin
from the United States.          exactly tied. By the final      Foods at such a prestigious
With support and expertise       vote of the Chairman of         event was a real honor.
from dairy trade special-        Judges, Rogue River Blue        Especially to be part of such
ists, academic and policy        from the Rogue Creamery         a historic accomplishment
experts, and marketing           in Oregon, USA edged out        and moment for the U.S.
professionals, USDEC works       Latteria Sociale Santo Ste-     Cheese Industry in winning
with partners to identify        fano’s Parmigiano Reggiano.     the top award – that was
opportunities in the global      It was a bit of a shock for     fantastic.”
marketplace for diary prod-      many conference attendees,
ucts from the United States      that for the first time ever    “The United States has a
and to increase the demand       a cheese from the United        tremendous history of arti-
for these products               States had taken the top        san cheesemaking, as well       were honored to be part of
                                 award.                          as industry-wide creativity     USDEC’s efforts to spread
In 2019, the World Cheese                                        to satisfy and serve global     our message and amplify
Awards were hosted in Italy      “The opportunity to taste       markets,” Rocco elaborates.     the spotlight on cheesemak-
for the first time in its 32     and learn about so many         “But that story is not well     ing in America.”
year-old history. It was held    cheeses from around the         known outside of the Unit-
in Bergamo together with         world in just a few days        ed States. Both Alex and I
the city’s annual FORME          was an incredible experi-
festival and the “B2Cheese”      ence,” stated Rocco. “It has
international trade show.        expanded my knowledge of        World‘s best feta from Greek Family Farm
The scale of the competition     consumer tastes and flavor
continued to expand, reach-
ing its largest size ever this
                                 profiles, which I’m sure will
                                 influence the development
                                                                 Gold medal in Bergamo
year. 3,804 cheeses from         of new products and future
42 different countries were      innovations at Franklin         The World Cheese Awards were not only a success for
tasted and judged by panels      Foods.”                         the US dairy industry: the feta of our partner Greek
                                                                 Family Farm was awarded with a gold medal as best
                                                                 Greek feta in the competition.

                                                                 This honor is very good         the USA and the Australian
                                                                 news and a good support         market, and trades with
                                                                 for the success of these        milk, sheep and feed. Since
                                                                 products.                       January 1, 2019, Hochland
                                                                                                 is holding a 25% stake in
                                                                 Greek Family Farm is supply-    the family business.
                                                                 ing us with original Greek
                                                                 Feta since 2015. The com-
                                                                 pany also produces goat
                                                                 cheese, mainly for Europe,

1 | 2020

Rich in almond protein

No curd – but super tasty
                                  Are you looking for a vegetable protein source? Since October the Simply V-
                                  Frischegenuss (Simply V-Fresh Indulgence) is available, a worldwide unique vegeta-
                                  ble curd alternative with valuable almond protein and only six other ingredients.

                                        The new Simply V-          It is available in the two        Lovers of cream curd who
                                          Frischegenuss has        fat levels “light“ and            want to switch to a vege-
                                            the typical fresh      “creamy“. The light version       table alternative will be
                                             taste and consis-     contains only 1.8% fat and        delighted with the creamy
                                            tency of curd and      tastes especially good to         version with 9% fat.
                                          can also be used in      all those who would like to
                                        the same way. Super        enjoy more vegetable flavor
                                      tasty, unsweetened           without missing a full-bod-
                                    and without soy or palm        ied pleasure.
                                  oil – essential for a modern,
                                  enjoyable and conscious

Simply V                                                           New from Bonifaz Kohler
Well received at trade fairs Practical and delicious
The colleagues of E.V.A. GmbH are eagerly attending                Lyttos Grill & Oven cheese – that is unique Mediterra-
trade fairs to make our purely herbal products even                nean indulgence.
better known and to present the wide range of pos-
sible applications.
                                                                   The spicy cheese with a           without much effort. Since
                                                                   fine marinade – either            the beginning of October,
                                  “The trade fair was a com-       “herbs and garlic“ or „to-        Lyttos Grill & Oven Cheese
                                  plete success, it was very       mato and basil“ – unfolds         is available on a test basis
                                  well attended and we were        its full flavor in a short time   at Aldi Süd.
                                  able to generate enthusiasm      on the grill or in the oven.
                                  among the trade fair visitors
                                  with our range and espe-         Simply remove the foil,
                                  cially with the new product,     place the product in the
                                  the Simply V-Frischegenuss       aluminum bowl with
                                  (Simply V-fresh indul-           the marinade facing
                                  gence)“, reports Marketing       upwards and leave it
                                  Director Bastian Link (2nd       on the grill or in the
                                  from left).                      oven for approxi-
                                                                   mately ten minutes.
                                  Visitors were also looked        Hey presto, ready
After the ProVeg in March         after and presented with         is a hot dish,
2019 in Berlin, they were         cooked samples (from
present at three trade fairs in   left): Corinna Sutter, Isabell
November: Veggie World in         Herrmann, Diana Özcelik,
Cologne, Eat & Style in Ham-      Martin Glauer and Janina
burg and Green Market Ber-        Kurz.
lin. Our pictures are from the
Veggie World in Cologne.

1 | 2020

Relocation completed

Fetaxa is now produced in Prokhorovka
                                 In April 2019, we already started setting up the new production facilities and tech-
                                 nologies. The official starting signal will now be given this January.

Hochland Russia will start       The practical cup is re-        duction, technology and          also able to contribute their
the production and distri-       closable and available in       quality management, they         knowledge when introduc-
bution of “Fetaxa“, our          two sizes: 200g and 400g.       have been able to overcome       ing the new product.
white cheese in brine, in        Thanks to the eye-catching      initial difficulties again and
Prokhorovka. This natural        design in bright colors,        again. The experienced
product is free of vegetable     they catch the consumer‘s       colleagues Svetlana Su-
fats and has a creamy            eye directly on the shelf.      slova, machine operator
consistency. With its slightly   Ultrafiltration technology is   production, and Sergey
salty taste, Fetaxa tradition-   used in the production of       Shapovalov and
ally refines every salad, but    Fetaxa. It is a new terri-      Evgeny Korshakov,
is also suitable as a warm       tory for the colleagues in      both machine opera-
main meal or snack for           Prokhorovka. Thanks to the      tors packaging, were
inbetween.                       good cooperation between
                                 the Hochländer from pro-

Cash back campaign a complete success

Winning attractive prizes
                                 Last autumn, Hochland Russia launched a cash back campaign for the second
                                 time – with great success.

“Cash back for handing in        cheese in Moscow and            After purchasing a Hoch-         the sales receipt. They also
the receipt – always after       St. Petersburg was to be        land processed cheese prod-      automatically took part in a
your taste“ was the motto        strengthened.                   uct, consumers were reim-        competition with attractive
with which the market posi-                                      bursed 50 rubles (equivalent     prizes. The campaign was
tion of Hochland processed                                       to 70 cents) when sending        supported by, for example,
                                                                                                  promotional materials at the
                                                                                                  points of sale, blogs and an
                                                                                                  internet portal.

                                                                                                  Over 4,200 buyers submit-
                                                                                                  ted a total of 4,838 sales
                                                                                                  receipts during the cam-
                                                                                                  paign. The sales figures of
                                                                                                  Hochland processed cheese
                                                                                                  have increased significantly
                                                                                                  thanks to the advertising
                                                                                                  campaign in Moscow and
                                                                                                  St. Petersburg.

1 | 2020

Almette at the International Balloon Festival

Almette extra (f)light
                               Since 1985 our Almette is an inherent part of the Hochland range. Originally
                               produced and sold only in Germany, it has become a real star on the cream cheese
                               shelf in many countries. But only a few people know: Almette has the greatest
                               success in Poland.

Hochland Polska sells more     In Poland, Almette is not         and Facebook as well as        of the Alps is possible. A
than 11,000 tons per year,     only the clear market leader      enthusiastic colleagues who    romantic atmosphere in the
which is more than 73          in fresh cheese, but also         took part in a panoramic       evening is provided by the
million kegs. So on aver-      the favorite brand in Polish      flight show the success of     Ballonglühen on the 14th
age there are two kegs of      households and a „must-           the campaign.                  January in Jungholz and on
Almette for every inhabitant   have“ in every retailer‘s as-                                    21th January in Grän.
of Poland. Hochland Polska     sortment. Twelve flavors are      And now the time has
thus accounts for half of      available to choose from.         come: The big Almette          Our “Almette pilots“ To-
the group-wide sales of        For the small appetite, there     “extra light“ hot-air bal-     masz and Jarek are already
Almette.                       is also a mini variant with       loon is coming to Germany:     looking forward to many
                               four 30g portions in one          Not far from Schongau          visitors, especially Hochlän-
                               package.                          and Heimenkirch, in the        der from Heimenkirch and
                                                                 beautiful Tannheimer Tal,      Schongau. They will pref-
                               To go along with our light        the 25th International         erably be taken along as
                               and airy cream cheese, the        Balloon Festival took place    passengers, the organizer
                               Polish marketing colleagues       from 11th to 25th Janu-        has agreed. Maybe with
                               have come up with an              ary. Every day between 11      Almette‘s help a long-cher-
                               unusual communication             and 12 o‘clock the colorful    ished wish will come true?
                               measure. Since last year, Al-     hot-air balloons start their
                               mette is going up in the air,     journey over the Tyrolean      More information avail-
                               more precisely an Almette         High Valley from there. If     able: www.ballonfestival-
                               hot-air balloon.                  the conditions are good,
                                                                 a panoramic trip to the
                               Over 100 flying hours, nu-        Allgäu via Neuschwanstein
                               merous selfies on Instagram       Castle or even a crossing

We have been looking for heroes – and we have found them

116 new stem cell donors
                               Following a company typification in Germany in 2014, 116 further people could be
                               registered as potential stem cell donors in November 2019.

The campaign together with     once again, in Schongau           cancer patient somewhere in    10% participation rate that
the “Deutschen Kno-            there were 28 and in Ober-        the world, there is a chance   is common for a company
chenmarkspender-Datei”         reute 13 people.                  that they can help this per-   typification. This time Hoch-
(DKMS), the German bone                                          son by means of their bone     land is once again covering
marrow donor file, had the     Afterwards they all received      mark donation.                 the laboratory costs.
motto “Heroes wanted“.         their donor card from the
The Hochland Deutschland       DKMS and are thereby in           Five years ago, 350 Hoch-      Our heroes remain registered
and the E.V.A. GmbH were       the international donor list.     länder took part in the        in the stem cell donor file
involved. In Heimenkich, 75    If their tissue characteristics   campaign. With this number,    until the age of 61.
Hochländer were typified       match those of a blood            we were well above the

1 | 2020

“Best new dairy product“

Praid cave cheese wins
                                 Hochland România was among the winners of the PIAȚA Award 2019. The
                                 “ATELIER range“ of our cave cheese was voted “Best new dairy product“ of
                                 the year.

The PIAȚA Awards are             and is very popular among
presented in Romania since       consumers.
2006. In the competition
experts from the consumer        The jury consisted of around
goods industry evaluate          600 representatives of
the companies and their          Romanian and international
products. The criteria in-       retailers and some of the
novation, efficiency, creativ-   country‘s largest suppliers.
ity, sustainability and social   So the colleagues from
responsibility are included in   Hochland România can be
the evaluation.                  very proud of this award.
                                 The award ceremony took
The Atelier Brânză Praid         place in front of hundreds
range includes the varie-        of representatives of the
ties “natural“, “creamy“         industry leaders. It encour-
and “with red wine“. The         ages the colleagues on their
cheese is produced in Ro-        way to develop further in-
mania and matured in the         novations for the Romanian
Praid salt mine near Sovata      cheese market.

Two prices for Hochland Hofkäse

On the road of success
                                 Our Hochland Hofkäse has recently received two awards: It can call itself “Best-
                                 seller 2019“ and “Product of the Year 2020“.

Every year, the magazine                                                                  Fürbaß received the prize in
‘Rundschau für den Lebens-                                                                Heimenkirch in November.
mittelhandel’ awards the
five best-selling new prod-                                                               For over 20 years, the maga-
ucts from different product                                                               zine ‘Lebensmittel-Praxis’
groups. In the semi-hard                                                                  has also been identifying
cheese segment, all three                                                                 the most popular product
Hofkäse varieties, “full-bod-                                                             launches in Germany. In a
ied and nutty“, “mild and                                                                 representative market re-
creamy“ and “characterful                                                                 search, consumers voted all
and spicy“ brought home                                                                   three varieties of our
the victory as bestsellers                                                                Hochland Hofkäse into sec-
2019. The period from May                                                                 ond place in the “Products
2018 to June 2019 was                                                                     of the Year 2020“ category
evaluated. Our colleagues                                                                 of cheese.
Dagmar Graf and Nina

1 | 2020

What does Digital Innovation have to do with Mahatma Ghandi?

Food Service develops an online portal
                                 For three months, from April to July 2019, the Food Service in Germany developed
                                 ideas for a digital business model together with existing customers, potential new
                                 customers and an agency. A recommendation for such a business model is avail-
                                 able since July.

It was a small adventure         One wish expressed by our        the project we continue col-    other customer systems in
with innovative methods,         clients from all customer        lecting feedback from the       the food service industry.
new working locations            systems of the Food Ser-         pilot clients. Thus, more and
and a new way of working         vice was an online portal,       more precise prototypes are     As the initiator of this
together: Three days a week      equipped with special            created, and on this basis      digitization project, Volker
Sigrid Albrecht-Paturzo          functions – e.g. an order        a platform that is exactly      Brütting is convinced: „If we
did not sit at her desk in       history, a price configura-      oriented to the customer‘s      accept digitalization and ar-
Heimenkirch, but worked          tor, assortment overviews,       wishes is gradually devel-      tificial intelligence, or AI for
as a link between the Food       Inno-Newsletter, download        oped.                           short, as support and use
Service and the etventure        options, digital customer                                        them in a customer-oriented
team in Munich. The con-         service and more.                In detail the requirements of   manner, „digital business“
sulting firm is specialized in                                    the food service customer       will make our customer
digitalization and flexible      The results of the first phase   systems are very different.     systems more future-proof,
working.                         have also convinced the          In addition to the large        we will achieve competitive
                                 board and management             number of active custom-        advantages and reduce our
                                                                  ers – there are more than       workload.
                                                                  90 – and a clearly struc-
                                                                  tured product range, other      Three sentences by Mahat-
                                                                  parameters spoke in favor       ma Gandhi accompany the
                                                                  of selecting the Industry       project team on its journey:
                                                                  customer system as the pilot
                                                                  with which we will take the     “If you have done some-
                                                                  first steps towards digitali-   thing for two years, look at
                                                                  zation.                         it carefully!

                                                                  Under the project manage-       If you have done something
                                                                  ment of Sigrid Albrecht-        for five years, look at it
                                                                  Paturzo, the entire Industry    suspiciously!
                                                                  team was involved in the
                                                                  second phase from mid-          If you‘ve been doing some-
In the beginning there were      to push this digital project     November. Depending on          thing for ten years, do it
almost 60 interviews with        further. In the next step, the   the workload, the team will     differently.”
17 clients and potential         technical implementation of      decide independently at
new clients from 8 coun-         such an online portal should     regular intervals whether       Project manager Sigrid
tries. This initially resulted   be considered in parallel.       and which other projects        Albrecht-Paturzo has put
in not less than 150 idea        Since etventure has not          and topics need to be “put      this into her very personal,
approaches, which the team       the technical know-how to        on ice“ during this period.     motivating formula:
further evaluated and priori-    do this, a new partner was
tized according to predeter-     brought on board: Together       Our CoPacking Sales             Just do it –
mined criteria together with     with diva-e (https://www.        Trainee, Sophie Grimm,          become digital.
the management and the       is also part of the project
board of directors.              ueber-uns/) we will enter        team. She can benefit from
                                 the second phase.                the experience gained in the
                                                                  pilot project and apply it on
                                 The rough framework of
                                 our clients‘ idea is sketched
                                 out, and in each phase of

1 | 2020

Thank you, Hochland!

Anyone who goes travelling...
                               ...has stories to tell. During the celebrations for the 25th anniversary of Hochland
                               Polska there was a competition in which five Hochländer could win a short trip. In
                               the meantime they are all back and here are their travel reports.

The main prizes were           Munich in August. Kasia
trips to countries where       especially liked the English
Hochland has production        Garden, the Olympic Park
facilities. The winners were   and the architecture of the
allowed to take a compan-      Bavarian capital. She can
ion with them. Hochland        also recommend the good
paid for the flight and        Munich beer.
three nights in a hotel.
                               In September, Roman and
The five Hochländer            his wife set off to con-
received their prizes with     quer Paris. Besides the
great joy. If this evening     well-known tourist attrac-
was already a very emo-        tions they recommend the
tional experience for them,    boulevards along the Seine
then the trips became an       which become a colorful
                                                                The happy winners at the award ceremony on stage.
even greater one:              picnic place in the evening.
                               In September Alicja and
Alicja Sapierzyńska won a      her companion travelled
trip to Moscow, Katarzyna      to Moscow. She was most          The Hochland family stands     of the company in such a
Pawłowicz to Munich,           impressed by the Kremlin         for diversity and beautiful    unique way.
Renata Owsianka went to        and its art treasures.           places where our compa-
Bucharest, Wojciech Korc-                                       nies and plants are located.
zak got to know Barcelona      Wojtek and his wife Ag-          Our winners would like to
and Roman Konieczny was        nieszka were back from           thank Hochland for making
taken to Paris.                their trip just in time before   it possible for them to cel-
                               the editorial deadline of        ebrate the 25th anniversary
Renata started her journey     this edition. And how did
already in August 2019.        they like Barcelona? “It
It was her first flight, but   was fantastic. Barcelona is
she was happy to take up       a very beautiful city with
this challenge. “The visit     many parks, the beauti-
to Bucharest was a great       ful cathedral, the sea and
experience. I was par-         mountains. It‘s a pity the
ticularly impressed by the     trip was so short, but we
large squares and parks,“      have many reasons to go
she says. Also Kasia and       back there.“
her husband travelled to

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