New building An update - High contact count - MPE-Garry GmbH

Page created by Patrick Carr
New building An update - High contact count - MPE-Garry GmbH
Issue 51
                04 | 2021

New building
An update

High contact
M16 connector

10 years of
binder Sweden
New building An update - High contact count - MPE-Garry GmbH
COMMENT                                                                                            EDITORIAL

Time for change                                                                                   Looking forward
Change marks the beginning                                                                        Dear reader,

of something new.                                                                                 Orders have been very strong in 2021, which meant that staff who
                                                                                                  had seen their hours cut brought back to full-time duty. This gives
                                                                                                  us courage and confidence to continue on our charted course.

The current situation demands that changes be made that have an impact on our everyday            Sadly, we remain subject to the restrictions imposed due to
lives, on our work, on how we spend our leisure time and on us personally.                        Covid-19 both in our personal and professional lives. We have
                                                                                                  systematically adopted measures designed to protect our
Every change comes with a new set of challenges, which forces us to step outside our comfort      employees’ health. Among others, we procured 15,000 self-tests
zone. This requires an active effort on our part.                                                 before the German government issued a mandate requiring
                                                                                                  companies to do so (see page 10 for more information).
We believe in the importance of change. Change is necessary in order to grow and develop,
and we have to be open to it.                                                                     We are making excellent progress in moving staff into our
                                                                                                  production and logistics centre at the Neckarsulm site. Several
On that note!                                                                                     departments have already begun working at the new building,
                                                                                                  whose unique design makes it an architectural highlight on
Marketing                                                                                         Rötelstrasse in Neckarsulm.

                                                                                                  Another story that will be covered in this issue of verbinder is
                                                                                                  the 10th anniversary of binder Sweden. We’ll also be reporting
                                                                                                  on our M16 connectors and the central role social media plays
                                                                                                  at binder. Finally, you can also find a fantastic interview with
                                                                                                  binder USA in this edition.
   The verbinder                                    Your opinion counts
   is also online                                                                                 Let’s work together to meet the challenges that lie ahead.
                                                    We are often to suggestions, ideas and
   Missed the last issue of the verbinder? No       every form of criticism – both positive and
   problem – the digital edition brings the         negative – because it is only by keeping
   magazine’s topics to your smartphone,            a dialogue going that the verbinder will      Happy reading!
   tablet or PC.                                    keep its dynamic quality.                     Kindest regards,                     So be brave and tell us what you think
   news-presse/kundenmagazin-                       of the verbinder:
                                                           Markus Binder
                                                    Tel. +49 (0) 71 32 325-302                    General Manager

New building An update - High contact count - MPE-Garry GmbH
CONTENT                                                                CONTENT

                                                       Injection moulds
                                                       Improved plastics

    Issue 51
       New building
       An architectural           M8 cable connector
       highlight                  Reliable EMC

       06                         18
                                                                                   Social media
       Coronavirus pandemic                                                        Far more than just
       To a job well done                                                          a trend

       10                                                                          30
                                                       Tool making                                       MPE-Garry
       M16 connector                                   Laser welding               binder USA            Warehouse                 binder in figures
       High number of contacts                         at binder                   Pure identification   optimisation              A current overview

       12                                              24                          32                    40                        46
       M12 A connector            Moving to the new    Apprenticeships at binder   binder Sweden         binder cable assemblies
                                                                                                                                   02 Comment
       Flexible hybrid solution   binder building      A prime example             Major anniversary     Success with EFQM

       16                         20                   28                          36                    42
                                                                                                                                   03 Editorial

                                                                                                                                   47 Abbinder

                                                                                                                                   47 Credits

4                                                                                                                                                       5
New building An update - High contact count - MPE-Garry GmbH

                                                                                                                                       The ceremony to mark the start of construction on the new building
                                                                                                                               going up at binder headquarters in Neckarsulm was held on 29 March 2019.
                                                                                                                                 Since then, several departments have started work in the new production
                                                                                                                                 and logistics centre. Keep reading to find the latest news, learn what steps
                                                                                                                                            are planned and discover special features of the new building.

                                                                                                                                                                                         Text Patrick Heckler

    ‘I’m very exciting that we were   that the new production and       Status update                      bay warehouse with shuttle        floor of the new building was     siderations in the design of
    able to complete the first        logistics centre bring: ‘The                                         has been installed.               completed in late April (read     the new building. binder re-
    phase of construction more        new centre will improve the       In the first phase of construc-                                      more on page 20). That means      cognises its responsibility to
    or less on schedule despite       workflows and processes at        tion, a 14,097-square-metre        Moving into the new building      11 departments with a total       reduce the amount of green-
    Covid-19,’ states Markus Bin-     our company now and in the        building, measuring 65.6 me-       was a complex undertaking         staff of around 300 are now       house gases it generates in
    der, General Manager of the       future. It will make us more      tres long, 68 metres wide and      since we had to ensure a          working there.                    production and is committed
    binder group, adding: ‘My         competitive while also being      26 metres high, was comple-        smooth transfer with no dis-                                        to prioritising the issue. An
    deepest gratitude goes out to     an architectural highlight that   ted. In late 2020, the logistics   ruptions to production. The       Smart energy concept              intelligent room and process
    everyone who helped make          helps clearly position us as a    and dispatch units began           task was completed to great                                         cooling system as well as
    this happen.’ In follow-up, he    company.’                         working in the ground floor,       success. Transfer of produc-      Sustainability and environ-       mechanical ventilation of the
    describes the advantages                                            where a 27-metre-tall high-        tion from Plant 2 to the first    mental aspects were key con-      entire office and

6                                                                                                                                                                                                               7
New building An update - High contact count - MPE-Garry GmbH
NEWS                              NEWS

    production space were some       Having the administrative          To match the impressive ex-
    of the items considered when     operations physically – not        terior, the interior of the buil-
    drawing up the plans for the     just metaphorically – so close     ding set new standards, with
    building. The use of sustain-    to production means more           high-quality materials to go
    able building materials and      efficient processes.               along with a sleek design.
    rollout of digital processes                                        Ultra-modern offices with
    also help make binder more a     High-quality architecture          well-designed ergonomic
    more environmentally friendly                                       workstations are complemen-
    company.                         The impressive modern de-          ted by innovative production
                                     sign of the building’s exterior    facilities and stylish common
    This is great for the environ-   catches your eye immediately.      areas. In short, the design of
    ment and for staff who now       A total of seven custom-ma-        the new centre reflects the
    work under better conditions.    de sails, each one 20 metres       unique commitment to quality
    There are a number of ad-        tall, were affixed to the glass    of the binder brand as well as      high-quality architecture, is
    vantages first and foremost      façade of the building, adding     the dynamism and innovati-          a clear signal by binder and
    for production employees,        a new architectural highlight      veness of the company.              helps set the company apart
    thanks to improved lighting      to Rötelstrasse in Neckarsulm.                                         in a crowded marketplace.
    and air quality as well as                                          The future looks bright             The first obstacles have been
    a quiet work environment.        The Binder family came up                                              overcome and the first mi-
                                     with the basic concept for         Now that the first departments      lestones reached, with many
                                     the distinctive façade. ‘Our       have moved into the new             more to follow.
                                     main factory on Rötelstrasse       building, other key milestones
                                     is essential in shaping how we     are to follow in the months
                                     are viewed as a company. It        to come. This summer, the
                                     was therefore really important     new canteen, located on the
                                     for us to have an architectural    second floor of the structure,
                                     design that is both unique and     will be ready for use, with a
                                     individual,’ reports Kim Binder.   total capacity of 150. Fresh
                                     The building’s glass faça-         meals will be provided by an
                                     de is the creation of Vollack,     outside catering firm. When
                                     a company specialised in           the canteen opens, the times
                                     methodical building design         for lunch breaks will be ad-
                                     concepts. Features like the        justed, and a shift system will
                                     perforated steel sails affixed     be introduced. The second
                                     to the front of the structure      floor will also feature a green
                                     make the building stand out.       rooftop deck with seating
                                     ‘From day one, we shared a         options as well as a workout
                                     common vision on what the          room that will be available
                                     building should look like – and    for use starting this summer.
                                     this really played off,’ states
                                     Kim Binder.                        The new building, which
                                                                        combines sustainability and

8                                                                                                                                           9
New building An update - High contact count - MPE-Garry GmbH
NEWS                                                                                                  NEWS

                                                                                                         Thermometers that are used to     binder has adopted a broad          require all persons to wear an
                                                                                                         check a person’s temperature      range of measures. Here are         FFP2 mask when on company
                                                                                                         before he or she receives the     just a few examples to illustrate   property, which was another
                                                                                                         Covid-19 vaccine is another       this. A Covid-19 plan, which        step that proved highly ef-
                                                                                                         such example. ‘Our emplo-         set out rules of conduct and        fective in reducing the risk
                                                                                                         yees and I are proud that our     provided employees with a           of infection. Markus Binder
                                                                                                         products could play a role in     list of contacts, was already       believes the crisis manage-
                                                                                                         fighting Covid-19,’ says Markus   in place in late March of 2020.     ment policies adopted by
                                                                                                         Binder, General Manager of        The hygiene concept drawn           the family-run business will
                                                                                                         the binder group. He firmly       up by the company includes          continue to bear fruit. ‘The
                                                                                                         believes that one thing made      the procurement of a large          health of our employees is
                                                                                                         this all possible: ‘The strong    quantity of hygiene products,       our top priority. Over the past
                                                                                                         sense of team that sets us        regularly updated notices and       months, we did not panic and
                                                                                                         apart as a family company         a new policy to allow emplo-        took considered action, which
                                                                                                         makes it possible for us to       yees to work from home with         is something we will continue
                                                                                                         take on this role.’               the aim of reducing the risk of     to do.’

                 To a job well done
                                                                                                                                           infection at the office. Along
                                                                                                         Effective measures                with this, binder was one of
                                                                                                                                           the first companies to offer
                                                                                                         With 1,000 employees at the       free rapid antigen tests to its
                                                                                                         Neckarsulm site, it should        staff from November 2020. Up
                                                                                                         come as no surprise that there    to 117 such tests were carried
     The first verified case of Covid-19 in Germany was reported on 27 January 2020. Less than two       were a few isolated cases of      out by trained professionals
     months later, the first lockdown was imposed on 22 March. This article outlines the measures        Covid-19 at binder. The checks    at the Neckarsulm site daily. In
      binder has taken to protect employees’ health and reveals the role the company’s products          we carried out caught these       addition, binder was early to
                                  had in helping to treat Covid patients.                                quickly, however. ‘In some
                                                                                                         case, we were able to start
                                           Text Patrick Heckler                                          contact tracing immediately
                                                                                                         and ensure a fast flow of in-        Hygiene products procured
                                                                                                         formation to halt the spread         September 2020 until April 2021
                                                                                                         and guarantee safe working
     Covid-19 has brought public      fighting Covid-19. On the flip    Strong sense of team as          conditions for our employees         50.320     medical face masks
     life to a halt for more than a   side, we face the challenge of    crucial ingredient               at all times,’ reports Kristina      35.800     FFP2 masks
     year now, and it’s changed the   providing the best protection                                      Bitz, HR Director (K-PW) and         15.000     Covid-19 self-tests
     way we live and act. The pan-    possible to our employees by      Medical technology accounts      official in charge in Covid-re-       6.300     medical gloves for Covid-19 tests
     demic presents challenges        adopting proper measures          for roughly 15 per cent of the   lated matters at binder. ‘It           4.100    tongue depressors for Covid-19 tests
     for each of us – and for com-    and making smart choices.         binder group’s total revenue.    is incumbent on each and              2.800     rapid antigen tests
     panies like binder, too. As an                                     The connectors it makes are      every one of us to exercise            1.200    disposable gloves
     essential manufacturer and                                         deployed in respirators and      responsibility to ensure the             700    lab coats for Covid-19 tests
     supplier of connectors used                                        infusion pumps, which are        measures are effective. It’s             120    bottles of hand disinfectant
     in the medical field, binder’s                                     two key pieces of equipment      a matter of solidarity and                90    bottles of surface disinfectant
     products play a vital role in                                      used in the medical field.       respect for others.’

10                                                                                                                                                                                                               11
New building An update - High contact count - MPE-Garry GmbH
SALES                                                                                                    SALES

                   M16 connectors                                                                    M16 connectors were originally
                                                                                                     designed to meet the requi-
                                                                                                     rements of Deutsches Institut
                                                                                                                                           angled connectors terminated
                                                                                                                                           by soldering, with screws and
                                                                                                                                           crimp. Pre-moulded cables
                                                                                                                                                                              antenna line devices in the
                                                                                                                                                                              wireless industry.

              The perfect solution for                                                               für Normung (German Institute
                                                                                                     for Standardisation) that de-
                                                                                                     fined the standard for circular
                                                                                                                                           are available and the options
                                                                                                                                           are as equally comprehensi-
                                                                                                                                           ve when it comes to the pa-
                                                                                                                                                                              binder’s Series 423 and 723
                                                                                                                                                                              M16 connectors, for examp-
                                                                                                                                                                              le, are available in 8-pin DIN

              applications that need                                                                 connectors for analogue audio
                                                                                                     signals. These were used widely
                                                                                                     for many years and commonly
                                                                                                                                           nel receptacles with front or
                                                                                                                                           rear fastening as standard
                                                                                                                                           for solder bucket versions and
                                                                                                                                                                              variants, of which four to five
                                                                                                                                                                              contacts are used. The pro-
                                                                                                                                                                              ducts are AISG C485 compliant

                 high pin counts                                                                     known throughout the audio
                                                                                                     industry and to the consumer
                                                                                                     as DIN connectors.
                                                                                                                                           front-fastening for dip solder
                                                                                                                                           and pre-terminated flexible
                                                                                                                                                                              and available as male and
                                                                                                                                                                              female shielded cable and
                                                                                                                                                                              panel mount connectors. The
                                                                                                                                                                              connectors, which can be used
                                                                                                     High pin count and protection         This connector style, along with   for all wireless networks, meet
        From its early beginnings in the audio industry more than 50 years ago – in fact the M16     up to IP68                            the benefits of rugged design      the requirements for protection
       connector was the first connector system binder manufactured – today’s M16 connector                                                with good environmental re-        class IP68 when connected,
      is very much a “go to” connector solution for a huge variety of indoor applications. Thanks    “Although still available in its      sistance, have seen the M16        offering maximum reliability
     mainly to continuous development and refinement, the M16 connector is now the ideal choice      original unshielded IP40 DIN for-     become widely used in instru-      even under extreme external
     for specifiers looking for a cost effective, robust screw locking connector that can accommo-   mats, the latest M16 connectors       mentation, measurement and         conditions.
                     date as many as 24 contacts – with or without EMI shielding.                    are far removed from the early        sensors for indoor use where
                                                                                                     audio versions,” says Sascha          there is a need for a higher pin   Data transmission up to
                                        Text The Editorial team                                      Döbel, binder’s Product Mana-         count than is offered by M8        10Gbits/s
                                                                                                     ger for M16 connector systems.        and M12 sensor connectors.
                                                                                                     “Driven by market demands             Other applications include         One of the latest additions to
                                                                                                     for lower contact resistance,         pneumatic controls, gas and        binder’s M16 offering is an X –
                                                                                                     higher pin count and improved         pressure measurement, tor-         coded connector capable of
                                                                                                     levels of protection, today’s         que sensors and motor speed        handling the data speeds de-
                                                                                                     M16 connectors are capable            regulators.                        manded by today’s sensor-ba-
                                                                                                     of accommodating between                                                 sed automated production
                                                                                                     two and 24 contacts. They             Suitable for 5G roll out           facilities. Data transmission
                                                                                                     are mainly housed in metal                                               figures are up to an impressive
                                                                                                     bodies, with or without shiel-        The latest applications for M16    10Gbits/s.
                                                                                                     ding from electromechanical           connectors include the impen-
                                                                                                     interference (EMI) and providing      ding roll-out of 5G networks       The combination of a high pin
                                                                                                     international protection up to        where binder’s AISG-compli-        count with the compact size
                                                                                                     IP67 or IP68 for certain versions,”   ant connectors are designed        of nominally 18.5mm diameter
                                                                                                     adds Sascha Döbel.                    to provide high international      and 60mm in length means
                                                                                                                                           protection for selected out-       M16 connectors offer an excel-
                                                                                                     Versatility of application is         door installations. The AISG       lent alternative to more ex-
                                                                                                     assured as a range of alter-          (Antenna Interface Standards       pensive connector systems.
                                                                                                     natives are available for cable       Group) defines standards for       Special short versions and
                                                                                                     mounting with straight or right-      the control and monitoring of      right-angled versions with

12                                                                                                                                                                                                              13
New building An update - High contact count - MPE-Garry GmbH

     a height of only 37mm mean        To sum up binder’s M16 pro-
     M16 can be used in applications   duct offering, Sascha Döbel
     where space is very tight.        comments “At binder we have
                                       found that the flexibility pro-
     M16 connectors accommo-           vided by our comprehensive
     date cables ranging from 4.0      range of M16 connectors with
     to 10mm diameter, are rated       the seemingly endless options
     to 250V and can withstand an      at relatively low cost compared

                                                                          ‘binder strives to
     impulse voltage up to 1500V,      to other connector systems,
     with current handling of up to    has led to its popularity con-
     7A (at 40ºC). With increasing     tinually increasing and its ap-

                                                                          develop customer-
     requirements from equipment       plication range has extended
     manufacturers for shielding       remarkably from the humble
     against EMI more applications     1960s microphone to the latest

                                                                          specific solutions for
     now require shielded cable        communications and security
     systems with the requirement      systems that touch us all.”
     for connectors with good shiel-

                                                                          circular connectors
     ding characteristics. For opti-
     mum results 360º shielding is
     required and this is achieved

                                                                          in the automation,
     by integral shielding rings,
     providing a high attenuation
     over a large frequency band.

                                                                          industrial and
                                                                          medical field.’
                                                                          Mission statement

                                             Unparalleled reliability –
                                                even under extreme
                                                 outdoor conditions.

New building An update - High contact count - MPE-Garry GmbH
SALES                                                                                             SALES

                 binder creates flexible hybrid solution                                          The versatility and flexibility   can be processed in modern
                                                                                                  of the new hybrid connectors      reflow processes.
                            for complex applications                                              makes them ideal for applica-
                                                                                                  tions in industrial indoor and    Practical application and
                                                                                                  outdoor areas where both          further development of the
                                                                                                  power and signal transmission     offer

                                                                                                  is needed in the smallest of
                                                                                                  spaces. In addition to sen-       The connector has been spe-
                                                                                                  sors, actuators and camera        cifically designed for deman-

         M12-A connector
                                                                                                  systems, this also includes       ding outdoor applications.
                                                                                                  motors, drives and control        When mated, the connectors
                                                                                                  systems.                          protect to IP67 and the ope-

       combines power and
                                                                                                                                    rating temperature range
                                                                                                  Current and signal properties     is -25°C to 85°C. The screw
                                                                                                                                    connection of the M12x1 stan-

         signal contacts
                                                                                                  The first available versions      dard thread is made of stain-
                                                                                                  feature nine contacts – two       less steel although an optional
                                                                                                  gold-plated current contacts      plastic version is available.
                                                                                                  rated to 12A at 63V and seven
                                                                                                  gold-plated signal contacts       binder is also announcing
                                                                                                  rated 0.5A at 12.5V. The power    a connector variant with six
     binder announces the first models in a new range of overmoulded M12 A-coded connectors.      conductors are inserted in a      contacts among the other
     Its hybrid design means the single-cable solution contains both power and signal contacts.   cable connector moulded           models that will soon follow.
                                                                                                  with polyurethane (PUR) and       This combines two current
                                      Text The Editorial team                                     feature a cross section of        contacts – up to 16A – and
                                                                                                  0.75mm2 (AWG 18). The signal      four shielded signal contacts
                                                                                                  transmission conductors are       for data transmission. This
                                                                                                  0.14mm2 (AWG 26).                 enables future DC applica-
                                                                                                                                    tions with power requirements
                                                                                                  As standard, the new connec-      of up to a maximum of 1kW
                                                                                                  tors are supplied with 2m         and with simultaneous data
                                                                                                  and 5m cables although            connection up to 100Mbit/s.
                                                                                                  custom cables lengths are
                                                                                                  also available from binder on
                                                                                                  request. For PCB applications,                          Designed for
                                                                                                  the connection to the printed
                                                                                                  circuit board is implemented                       demanding outdoor
                                                                                                  using dip soldering technology
                                                                                                  (THR) for the power contacts                            applications.
                                                                                                  and SMD technology for the si-
                                                                                                  gnal contacts. The connectors

16                                                                                                                                                                        17
New building An update - High contact count - MPE-Garry GmbH
SALES                                                                                                SALES

                    A new type of M8 circular connector                                              The newest version of the M8       The rated voltage and rated           “With the continuous further
                                                                                                     cable connector is among the       current differ depending on the       development and expansion
                          expands the binder portfolio                                               smaller sizes in the constantly    number of pins. The 3-pin and         of circular connectors, even for
                                                                                                     expanding binder range and         4-pin versions offer 60V and          the smaller sizes such as M5 or
                                                                                                     increases binder’s presence        2A up to 4A, depending on the         M8, we are very well positioned
                                                                                                     into application areas whe-        conductor cross-section. The          in the areas of factory auto-

                       Reliable EMC with                                                             re size and performance will
                                                                                                     constantly increase in the fu-
                                                                                                     ture. In addition to the basic
                                                                                                                                        6-pin and 8-pin designs can
                                                                                                                                        handle up to 30V and 1.5A. The
                                                                                                                                        cable is optionally available
                                                                                                                                                                              mation and miniaturization,”
                                                                                                                                                                              stated Guido Werner, Product
                                                                                                                                                                              manager in the Sales depart-

                        360° shielding:                                                              properties of M8 connectors
                                                                                                     such as compact size and
                                                                                                                                        in PVC or PUR. In addition, the
                                                                                                                                        cable length can be configured
                                                                                                                                                                              ment at binder since 2013.

         M8 cable connectors
                                                                                                     low weight, the new 718 Series     to customer requirements.
                                                                                                     connector, which is available
                                                                                                     now, differs mainly from other     Important component of a

             for sensitive
                                                                                                     approaches in its application      growing spectrum
                                                                                                     areas by a new type of 360°
                                                                                                     shielding.                         With the constantly growing

                                                                                                                                        portfolio of compact cable
                                                                                                     Fields of application and          connectors, binder can provide
                                                                                                     product properties                 enhanced products primarily to
                                                                                                                                        those application fields requi-
                                                                                                     The shielding concept, used        ring a great degree of flexibility
                                                                                                     for the first time in this en-     in a small space and whose
     Industry knowledge and experience in industrial circular connectors are both recognized hall-   vironment, ensures particularly    importance in the future will
      marks of binder. The company operates in many fields of application thanks to its compre-      reliable EMC shielding without     continue to increase greatly.
      hensive range of products the latest of which is a molded M8 circular connector. Part of the   interference. This property in     Finally, binder is developing a
      718 Series, the new connector provides high reliability under advanced requirements – even     the M8 format makes the circu-     12-pin M8 connector that has
                 for customized specifications – with a new type of shielding concept.               lar connector useful primarily     already proven itself capable
                                                                                                     in applications such as sensor     in measuring equipment ap-
                                        Text The Editorial team                                      technology, laboratory equip-      plications and in automation.
                                                                                                     ment and drive solutions. As
                                                                                                     with many connectors in the
                                                                                                     binder portfolio, this product
                                                                                                     can also be implemented as
                                                                                                     a customized design. binder                                             New umbrella
                                                                                                     offers four versions of the new
                                                                                                     cable connector with 3, 4, 6 or                                         concept to set
                                                                                                     8 pins. Degree of protection
                                                                                                     IP67 is provided in all versions                                            us apart.
                                                                                                     of this model as is a mecha-
                                                                                                     nical lifetime of more than 100
                                                                                                     mating cycles.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                               19
PRODUCTION AND LOGISTICS                                                                               PRODUCTION AND LOGISTICS

                                                                                                         manual production. This unit            Relocation of production
                                                                                                         has since been integrated into
                                                                                                                                                 operations in numbers
                                                                                                         other segments.

                                                                                                                                                 85      manual assembly workstations
                                                                                                         Fantastic teamwork
                                                                                                                                                 57		    kanban racks/logistics rack systems with shuttle
                                                                                                                                                 24      fully-automated assembly units
                                                                                                         Completing such a complex
                                                                                                                                                 16      standalone computer workstations

           Moving into the new
                                                                                                         undertaking requires a team
                                                                                                                                                 15      semi-automatic packaging machines
                                                                                                         effort. An operation of this scale
                                                                                                                                                 15      semi-automatic assembly machines and lines
                                                                                                         could not have been done
                                                                                                                                                 10      installation workstations

            binder building
                                                                                                         without the active assistance
                                                                                                                                                   2     fully-automated packaging machines
                                                                                                         of multiple departments. The
                                                                                                                                                   2     inspection stations
                                                                                                         unit in charge of removing
                                                                                                                                                  ...    and numerous other machines and systems
                                                                                                         the equipment from service
                                                                                                         was the Equipment depart-
                                                                                                         ment, which also prepared            for maintaining production, a      in the background, where they
     Staff began to move into the new production and logistics centre at the Neckarsulm site early       and carried out the transport        task it completed with flying      had general responsibility for
      this year. This massive undertaking has now been completed. With it, the company opens a           of the machinery. It also instal-    colours.                           master data maintenance and
                                         new chapter in its history.                                     led, calibrated and restarted                                           the provision of materials.
                                                                                                         the systems. Once this was           Mission accomplished
                                            Text Patrick Scheer                                          completed, a test run was
                                                                                                         carried out. Plant Maintenance       Each individual department
                                                                                                         provided critical support to         has an authorised coordinator
                                                                                                         the Equipment team during            who served as the central point
                                                                                                         transport. They disconnected         of contact for external remo-
                                                                                                         the machines from the media          val companies and provided                About the author
                                                                                                         supply, power, compressed/           support to them as required.
                                                                                                         exhaust air and the network          The systems and processes
     All the advanced preparations     Timeline                        11 February, during which time    and reconnected them at the          underwent checks before the
     paid off. Months were spent                                       the Miniature Connectors and      new site. All network connec-        machines were approved to
     planning for the transfer of      Transferring production to      Strand Production segments        tions were set up according the      resume large-scale produc-
     production to the new faci-       the new building took a total   were relocated to the new buil-   specifications given by the IT       tion. The Production and Qua-
     lity. Production of miniature     of three-and-a-half months      ding. The Automation segment      department, which was also           lity Assurance teams worked
     connectors was the first to be    and entailed no disruption      was moved during phase two,       placed in charge of allocati-        closely together to agree on
     moved, with others to follow in   to operations. The move was     which was completed between       on and patching of Ethernet          test materials, quantities and         Patrick Scheer has been
     stages. After nearly two years    carried out in three phases     19 February and 17 March. This    outlets. The Production depart-      deadlines. The project was a           working at binder since
     of construction, all production   to ensure binder would be       was followed by the Power         ment had a major role in the         success in no small part thanks        August 2014 and is a Pro-
     operations from Plant 2 could     able to meet its production     segment (29 March to 15 April),   relocation of production ope-        to the efforts of the Operations       ject Manager in the Value
     now be transferred to the new     and delivery obligations to     which preceded the relocati-      rations. It acted as an interface    Scheduling, Production Control,        Stream Design Projects
     building.                         customers. Phase one took       on of production operations       to other departments while           Process Organisation and Logi-         department (P-IE-WSP).
                                       place between 11 January and    on 21 April with the closing of   also being given responsibility      stics departments. They worked

20                                                                                                                                                                                                                21
PRODUCTION AND LOGISTICS                                                                                           PRODUCTION AND LOGISTICS

             Improvements in                                                                                         singly stringent requirements,
                                                                                                                     especially in terms of flame
                                                                                                                                                          existing one, which, due to its
                                                                                                                                                          specific geometric properties,
                                                                                                                                                                                              detail and identify solutions to
                                                                                                                                                                                              the particular issue.

            plastics production
                                                                                                                     retardancy, more targeted            was ideally suited to serve as
                                                                                                                     venting must be carried out          the test object, was chosen
                                                                                                                     on injection moulds. Special         for the pilot project. The tests
                                                                                                                     coatings are applied to tool         on the production model were
                                                                                                                     steels that improve the wear         fully documented in matching
                                                                                                                     properties and demoulding            forms. While this was going
       The market for connectors continues to grow all the time, placing increasing demands on                       process. A vacuum is applied         on, Tool Design, Tool Making
     companies and the products they make. As an innovative company, binder has optimised the                        during venting to improve part       and Process Technology, the
     processes it uses to produce injection moulds that will allow it to play a central role in shaping              filling and enable reliable pro-     departments taking part in the
                                                   the market.                                                       duction at sufficiently large        project, coordinated activities.
                                                                                                                     batch sizes.
                                             Text Claus Burmeister                                                                                        Thanks to the project, the ven-
                                                                                                                     Connectors are becoming              ting process required during
                                                                                                                     increasingly delicate and com-       injection moulding could be
                                                                                                                     plex, especially in the area         optimised. The findings and
                                                                                                                     where they are plugged in or         methods used to resolve the
                                                                                                                     connected. Achieving reliable        issue delivered with the test
                                                                                                                     production results along with        mould are now applied to all
                                                                                                                     satisfactory component quality       compatible tools. As a result
                                                                                                                     is only possible if the compo-       of the project, binder was able
                                                                                                                     nents are tested in terms of         to streamline its production
                                                                                                                     mould filling and optimised          process and reduce accom-
                                                                                                                     during this phase. The simu-         panying costs.
                                                                                                                     lation cannot always be fully
                                                                                                                     visualised especially in the         Providing support to young
                                                                                                                     border zones, however.               professionals                             About the author

                                                                                                                     Solution                             binder’s philosophy of fostering
                                                                                                                                                          the talents of ambitious junior
                                                                                                                     To overcome the challenges           employees has paid off once
                                                                                                                     outlined above, the most sui-        more. While training to qualify
                          The injection moulding trial tool optimises plastics production                            table solution was to design a       as a technician, Stefan Schwei-
                                                                                                                     test mould, which was used to        zer was given a key research
                                                                                                                     carry out a full battery of tests,   and organisational role in a
     Connectors make it possible        standards increase, the mar-              production.                        make tweaks and check how            project to create a test mould        Claus Burmeister has
     to create modular assemblies,      ket today demands plastics                                                   effective the changes were.          for connectors at his partner         been with binder since
     devices, systems and machi-        that can adapt to meet the                Problem                            This process would not have          company binder. A team of             July 2008 and works as a
     nes. Product design is highly      changing standards. During                                                   been possible using a mass           technicians there was able to         Team Lead in the Tool De-
     reliant on the development         machining, there are nume-                Additives alter the properties     production mould. Rather than        document the complex pro-             sign department (P-WK).
     of these systems. As product       rous factors that complicate              of plastics. To meet the increa-   using a mock-up product, an          cess, record the results in great

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                               23
TECHNOLOGY                                                                                              TECHNOLOGY

                                                                                                               The problems of using             G2 model – in 2020. Welding
                                                                                                               external contractors              work can now be done in less
                                                                                                                                                 than an hour. The state-of-the-

                        Absolute precision                                                                     Without laser welding techno-
                                                                                                               logy, using the highly specia-
                                                                                                                                                 art laser welding technology
                                                                                                                                                 is now available whenever it’s

                          laser welding
                                                                                                               lised tools that the company      needed, meaning maintenan-
                                                                                                               manufactures for decades          ce routines can be planned
                                                                                                               wouldn’t be a realistic option.   over a much longer period of

                             at binder
                                                                                                               That’s why binder has relied on   time. The fact that the laser
                                                                                                               this method for such a long       welding unit is operated by
                                                                                                               time. However, carrying out the   two highly qualified, internal
                                                                                                               welding work internally wasn’t    employees means that even
                                                                                                               an option until 2020, which is    complicated welds are now
                                                                                                               why it was done by an external    possible, with a drastically re-
       Whenever laser beams are mentioned, cinema enthusiasts inevitably think of Jedi Knights.                service provider. While this      duced error rate. Even though
     Laser technology has been a part binder’s everyday work in tool making since 2013, with laser             solution was a cost effective     the cost of purchasing a high-
     welding also becoming a regular occurrence since 2020. Of course, this has nothing to do with             one, it also came with several    tech device such as a laser
               science fiction and mystery. But the use of the technology is always exciting.                  drawbacks. The delivery time      welding unit is high, the ad-
                                                                                                               was often two days – valuable     vantages clearly outweigh the
                                            Text The Editorial team                                            time in which the tools were      disadvantages. As a result, bin-
                                                                                                               missing in production. There      der’s Tool Making department
                                                                                                               were also transport costs to      is significantly more flexible,
                                                                                                               pay in addition to the main-      and the added value remains
                                                                                                               tenance costs. But that’s not     within the company.
     The Tool Making department          The tools, which come in many       be welded within fractions of     all: the external maintenance
     (P-WB) at binder has 32 per-        varieties, constantly need to be    a second, instantly creating a    staff’s lack of familiarity and
     manent employees and eight          cleaned, maintained, rebuilt        weld. The process is ideal for    training in handling the highly
     apprentices. It manufactures        and repaired.                       repairing and maintaining tools   customised tools meant an
     precision tools for plastics pro-                                       in particular. The object to be   extensive amount of com-
     duction in-house, under the         How the procedure works             welded is positioned on a ball    munication was needed. This
     leadership of Steffen Schmidt.                                          magnet table and precisely        arduous back and forth didn’t
     Anyone familiar with how rich       When a material is applied to       aligned. Using Leica binoculars   prevent time-consuming and
     and varied binder’s connec-         a surface by laser welding, it is   with 16x magnification makes      expensive reworking from being
     tor range is can get a rough        referred to as build-up welding     it possible to capture minute     required again and again.
     idea of how multi-faceted the       as the volume increases to a        edges and recreate the ori-
     process for designing the tools     minimal extent. In laser wel-       ginal edge progression. Laser     Acquire a laser welding unit,
     to manufacture the products         ding, light is focused on a tiny    welding equipment allows the      solve the problem
     is. But the highly specialised      spot using a lens. The welding      tools to be restored to their
     injection moulds often remain       wires used have a diameter          full functionality and quality    These problems were consi-
     in service for decades, which       of just 0.2 to 0.6 millimetres.     while only needing a minimal      gned to history after binder
     means the job is by no means        The extremely high energy           amount of material.               acquired its own laser welding                                       The ALPHA LASER ALV 150 G2
     done once they have been built.     density melts the material to                                         unit – the ALPHA LASER ALV 150                                               laser welding unit

24                                                                                                                                                                                                         25
l   ement
style e
ORGANISATION                                                                                                 ORGANISATION

                      ‘You just have                                                                                   that we were allowed to learn
                                                                                                                       with him. Being able to do
                                                                                                                                                         wed ambition right from the
                                                                                                                                                         start of his time in Production
                                                                                                                                                                                           specialist is another serious
                                                                                                                                                                                           step forward. In a company like

                         to want it’
                                                                                                                       the internship in Vienna was      Control, where he has been        binder, every path is open to
                                                                                                                       another highlight – that was      working since October 2017.       you – you just have to want it.’
                                                                                                                       great!’ Fabian’s eyes light up    ‘binder places a great deal
                                                                                                                       when he talks about the ten       of emphasis on the topic of       The JAV is very happy for Fa-
                                                                                                                       days he spent at binder Austria   corporate digitalisation. You     bian; he has really achieved
                                                                                                                       together with other apprenti-     can really see how this makes     a lot in the last ten years. We
           Fabian Götz is just 27 years old, yet he can already look back on a whole decade of service at              ces during his apprenticeship.    the company structure even        wish him continued success
           binder. Time has passed in the blink of an eye – ten years in which he has steadily developed               ‘It was a great experience.       faster and more effective. I      and are curious to see how
                    on both a personal and a professional level, becoming a conscientious adult.                       Although we were still quite      trained as an SAP key user        his story continues.
                                                                                                                       inexperienced, we were allo-      for production and logistics
                                                       Text JAV                                                        wed to really lend a hand at      so that I could also contri-
                                                                                                                       binder Austria and support        bute to this development.
                                                                                                                       the employees in their day-       The qualification I’m currently
                                                                                                                       to-day work.’                     doing to become a technical

                                           Anyone who comes across                A great apprenticeship               A golden future
                                           the Deputy Head of Producti-
                                           on Control at his workstation          ‘To me, it felt like I was jumping   The self-confidence that the
                                           always finds him in a good             in at the deep end. Today, the       teenagers built up during                                    Commitment
                                           mood and walks away with               new apprentices are carefully        the internship also had an
                                           the impression of a thoroug-           integrated into company life.        effect on the later years of                                and a sense of
                                           hly relaxed man. This isn’t a          We didn’t have any on-boar-          their apprenticeship. ‘At bin-
                                           given for a young man who is           ding programmes or careful           der, you notice quite quickly                            responsibility are
                                           about to become a father for           support to help us acclimatise       that if you want to achieve
                                           the first time and who is also         from student life into the world     something and make an ef-                                 decisive factors.
                                           completing further training to         of work in our day. We arrived       fort, then every door is open
                                           become a technical specialist          here and started working stra-       to you. Realising that fact
                                           on top of his responsibilities         ight away.’ Even though Fabian       guaranteed that I applied
                                           at work. ‘I always say: where          Götz is happy to see how the         for other internal positions
                                           there’s a will, there’s a way.         apprenticeship at binder is          just a year after the appren-
                                           You can always get everything          evolving and thinks it is a po-      ticeship was over. That was
                                           done; you just have to want            sitive thing, he doesn’t think       in February 2016.’ Fabian Götz                          About the authors
                                           it.’ Fabian, whose surname             he missed out on anything            demonstrated commitment
                                           back then was Senf, proved             ten years ago – quite the            and a sense of responsibili-        The JAV (Youth and Apprentice Council) at binder includes
                                           his will for the first time in 2011.   opposite in fact. ‘Eberhard          ty as an internal fitter in the     Rudolf Shmidt (Chairperson), Andrea Messer (Deputy
                                           As a recent school graduate,           Schmid was our instructor, a         automation segment of Plant         Chairperson), Vincent Kühnle (Secretary) and Lucca
                                           he seized his opportunity and          very inspiring person who was        2, where he rectified faults on     Stoppani (Backup Member). These four dedicated young
                                           began an apprenticeship as             committed to looking after us        production machines and took        professionals were elected to the board for two years on
Fabian Götz has been at binder since       a tool mechanic at binder.             and taught us a lot. We are all      responsibility for organising       22 October 2020.
he was an apprentice                                                              happy and also a little proud        shift schedules. He also sho-

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                            29
MARKETING                                                                                       MARKETING

                    Social media:                                                                     1. General social networks
                                                                                                      such as Facebook, Twitter,
                                                                                                                                         your own content and rating
                                                                                                                                         that of other users.
                                                                                                                                                                              On both the general and pro-
                                                                                                                                                                              fessional social networks, we

                  far more than just
                                                                                                      Instagram                                                               provide insights into the com-
                                                                                                                                         binder has recognised the            pany’s everyday life, informa-
                                                                                                      Their broad user spectrum and      signs of the times                   tion about products, reports

                       a trend
                                                                                                      high membership numbers                                                 on current events and keep
                                                                                                      make these networks particu-       Whether B2B or B2C – in the          our followers up to date. In the
                                                                                                      larly well suited to contacting    age of digitalisation, there is      future, it will also be impos-
                                                                                                      (potential) customers and          no way around social networks.       sible to imagine a marketing
                                                                                                      applicants, and to raising a       binder has also long been            strategy without social media,
                                                                                                      company’s brand awareness.         aware of the potential offered       especially in terms of interna-
     Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and countless more – most people can no longer contemplate a                                           by the Internet and has been         tional reach. It’s worth giving
     life without social media. Facebook platforms alone are used by around 2.5 billion users every   2. Professional social             leveraging it for several years.     it a ‘like’.
     day. Whether it’s by posting a photo, uploading video or leaving a comment, they all exchan-     networks such as Xing or           An ever-increasing number of
      ge views on current topics, gather knowledge and share personal opinions and experiences.       LinkedIn                           different platforms have been
                                                                                                                                         launched in recent years and
                                        Text Anita Hartwig and Evelin Minz                            In general social networks,        the company’s presence on so-
                                                                                                      people communicate about           cial media is being expanded
                                                                                                      everything and everyone;           constantly. In December 2020,
     This is where it all comes to-       the encyclopaedia any more                                  professional social networks,      for example, binder also joined
     gether – private meets profes-       when they’re looking for the                                however, are primarily used        Instagram, which is now the
     sional, exciting meets arbitrary     latest news and useful infor-                               for professional purposes.         most powerful social network.
     and everyone meets everyone.         mation. Research has shown                                  Both Xing and LinkedIn offer
     While many users enjoy social        that platforms like YouTube,                                companies the opportunity to       Given the current situation, we
     media as something in their          Instagram, Facebook and Lin-                                present themselves in a pro-       have to do without face-to-fa-
                                                                                                                                                                                     About the authors
     private lives, companies often       kedIn are now treated as search                             fessional environment, attract     ce meetings, visits to trade fairs
     pursue traditional commu-            engines just like Google. Only                              new employees, post job ad-        and company events. Trade
     nication goals. No wonder,           what appears at the top of                                  vertisements and participate       fairs are our most important
     seeing as there is hardly a          the results is considered re-                               in professional discussions.       way of communicating directly
     better place to raise your own       levant. Nowadays, companies                                                                    with customers. The needs
     profile, attract new employees       cannot afford to miss out on                                3. Social media platforms          of our target group have ch-
     and customers and network            strengthening their own brand                               such as YouTube and                anged, especially during the
     with them.                           awareness on social media.                                  Pinterest                          pandemic, and have shifted              Anita Hartwig (Category
                                                                                                                                         further into the digital realm.         Leader Employer Bran-
     Why is social media so               Making sense of the                                         Compared to the networks in        The coronavirus pandemic has            ding, with binder since
     important today?                     social media jungle                                         the other two categories, so-      led to a real boom in social            2016) and Evelin Minz
                                                                                                      cial media platforms are less      networks. This makes it all the         (Marketing Communicati-
     Even if some of us still don’t       Social media can generally be                               preoccupied with networking        more important to use digital           on Apprentice, with binder
     want to admit it, we are in the      divided into three categories:                              or communicating, even if          channels to offer an alternative        since 2019) both work in
     middle of the new world of                                                                       this is also possible in princi-   and added value.                        marketing, where they are
     the digital age. Hardly anyone                                                                   ple. YouTube and Pinterest are                                             responsible for binder’s
     reaches for the newspaper or                                                                     about creating and sharing                                                 social media channels,
                                                                                                                                                                                 among other things.

30                                                                                                                                                                                                               31

          Pure identification
     In 2008, binder USA moved into a new building with its own manufacturing facility. Eric Shiver,
     Production Manager of binder USA, has been part of the binder family for the past 13 years. He
      set the foundation for binder USA’s growth over the following years by setting up the manu-
     facturing facility. Eric Shiver is looking back on a fantastic journey with binder which is far from
      over yet. In the following interview, he talks about the steady growth despite the pandemic,
                   manufacturing challenges and overall goals for the US subsidiary.

                                       Interview The Editorial team

                                                                                                                  A section of the production hall of binder USA

                                       Mr Shiver, you have been with           What is motivating you to
                                       binder USA since 2008. What             come to work every day?
                                       do you enjoy about your job                                                tools to arrive from Germany.            despite the pandemic in 2020    million just in cables without
                                       as a production manager and             I still wake up in the middle of   By August of 2010, we realised           was the strategy of cutting     distribution sales. Another sign
                                       what makes it so special to             the night thinking about im-       that we needed a second shift            costs where we could and        of the manufacturing growth
                                       work for the company?                   provements and challenges. I       to keep up with the demand.              keeping important inventory     is the increasing number of
                                                                               enjoy the manufacturing game,      This was a highlight since it            levels up. When the economy     employees. In 2021, we have
                                       binder USA has been at diffe-           hustle and daily challenges of     made me realise how much                 started to reopen, we were in   already added eight new bin-
                                       rent stages of growth. Being            hitting manufacturing num-         the company has grown. We                a strong position and it paid   der employees to the team.
                                       part of the growth and contri-          bers and increasing efficien-      started with two machines                off. This has been a cons-      Currently, there are 96 em-
                                       buting to the overall develop-          cy. Seeing my manufacturing        initially and now we already             tant effort by management       ployees working in three shifts
                                       ment of the firm has made it            decisions come to fruition is      are at six, with possibly two            and production. The people      including 46 binder workers
                                       very special to work for the            very motivating.                   more coming in 2021.                     make the key difference sin-    and 50 guest workers.
                                       company. When I first came                                                                                          ce we have a very dynamic
                                       to binder USA, we started with          What was your personal high-       Looking back on 2020, it has             management and a great          An increase in demand
                                       an empty facility. From my              light throughout your journey?     been a difficult year for many           manufacturing team.             means a higher manufac-
                                       processing engineering pro-                                                businesses. How was binder                                               turing volume is required.
                                       duction background, it was like         Every progressive milestone        USA impacted by the global               How has the growth from 2020    Are there any challenges
                                       a dream come true to have               along the way has been a           coronavirus crisis?                      going into 2021 been for the    coming with an increasing
                                       the operational freedom and             personal highlight. Jon Ma-                                                 manufacturing of binder USA?    demand?
                                       financial resources of setting          gelssen, Production Supervisor     We exceeded our eight per cent
                                       up the production process in            of binder USA, and I set up the    growth forecast for 2020 and             There was a steadily growing    Running three shifts requires
                                       an empty building. The support          manufacturing facility with        did almost $1 million more in            demand from 2020 going into     great communication. The
                                       and the resources I got from            only two moulding machines         sales than expected. A main              2021. Currently, through Ap-    production employees play a
                                       Germany were amazing.                   while we were still waiting for    reason of binder USA’s success           ril we have a backlog of $1.5   key role and they are very

                                       Eric Shiver, Production Manager at binder USA
32                                                                                                                                                                                                                            33

     dedicated to hit the produc-       number in January. The new
     tion numbers while keeping         goal is to hit 18,000 cables a
     the quality high. Personally, I    week. Here, it is important to hit
     think it is very important to      these numbers without using
     clearly communicate problems       overtime. Our long-term goal is
     and keep everyone involved.        to increase the overall produc-
     Another important factor is to     tion by 30 per cent throughout
     structure the workflow and         the year. The implementation
     make sure that all production      of the new test-and packaging

                                                                                      ‘A good logo is
     areas for the next process         station should help to increase
     operations are working to ca-      our production capabilities.
     pacity to keep efficiency high.    Generally, we plan to expand

                                                                                      memorable and
                                        on the distribution cables and
     Are there any new manu-            distribution sales. This is where
     facturing projects planned         our growth in sales will come

                                                                                      distinctive; it evokes
     for 2021?                          from in the long term.

     Currently, we are in the process

                                                                                      an attitude to life and
     of rearranging the production
     floor. We recognised our bot-
     tlenecks were the test-and

                                                                                      everyone recognises it.’
     packaging station. This is why
     we are putting another test-
     and packaging station on the
     line as well as adding another
     crimping machine. Conse-
     quently, we have to rearrange
     the production floor to get a
     better workflow. For 2021, our                                                   BrandBook
     goal is to increase overall pro-
     duction by 30 per cent.

     What are the production goals
     of binder USA and can you
     give us an outlook for the
     rest of the year regarding                                 ‘For 2021, our goal
                                                                     is to increase
     The short-term goal was to
     increase production to 15,000                             overall production
     cables a week by the end of
     February. We already beat that                                by 30 per cent.’

34                                                                                                               35
GLOBAL                                                                                            GLOBAL

                                                                                                         To mark our ten-year anni-          at binder UK, during which we       Norway has a military elec-
                                                                                                         versary, we wanted to take          received some excellent advice      tronics and medical industry
                                                                                                         this opportunity to give you        from David Philips, nothing         as well as with lots of offshore
                                                                                                         a glimpse into the world of         could go wrong.                     platforms for the oil industry
                                                                                                         binder Sweden – from how we                                             and activities in the fishing
                                                                                                         were founded, to who we are,        The growth                          industry. Most electronics for
                                                                                                         through to the challenges we                                            non-military industries are
                                                                                                         face today.                         Björn Jansson was the first         produced in the Baltic states
                                                                                                                                             salesman to join the compa-         nowadays. We have two dis-
                                                                                                         The past                            ny, who has since left. Shortly     tributors in Norway – T&G and
                                                                                                                                             after, Anna Sedström started        Etm4U. Norway has the most
                                                                                                         Former binder salesman Bertil       working at binder as “the brain     electric cars per capita and
                                                                                                         Elgestadt, who worked at EG         of binder Sweden” (as Goran so      over half of all cars sold there
                                                                                                         Electronics, was the gentleman      wonderfully put it), taking care    are electric. Even though Swe-
                                                                                                         who first introduced binder         of all of the administrative work   den is an expensive country,
                                                                                                         connectors to the Swedish           so her brother Peter, and Björn     prices in Norway are even more
                                                                                                         market. When his contract           could concentrate on sales.         expensive, so Norwegians like
                                                                                                         with EG Electronics came to         The next step on the path to        to visit Sweden to go shopping.
                                                                                                         an end, binder Neckarsulm           growth was to hire a warehouse
                                                                                                         was concerned about how EG          worker – Juan Törnbrand – and       Finland is the land of a thous-
                                                                                                         Electronics would continue its      when Björn left the company,        and lakes and the home of
                                                                                                         work and remain committed           we hired Lars Andersson to join     Nokia and the Moomins. The
                                                                                                         to binder. So, he decided to        the sales team, and he is still     country has also handled the
                                                                                                         establish binder in Sweden. A       with us today. From one em-         Covid-19 pandemic with gre-
                   From left to right: Anna Sedström, Peter Sedström, Lars Andersson, Juan Törnbrand
                                                                                                         huge thanks has to go to Goran      ployee to four, from €1.3 million   at success, boasting some of
                                                                                                         Uremovic for encouraging Pe-        to €3 million, from a handful       the lowest figures in the EU. In
                                                                                                         ter Sedström to climb aboard        of projects to countless ones.      Finland, we have ETRA Electro-
                                                                                                         the binder Sweden train and         From one customer to 200            nics as partner. Industry wise,

                   binder Sweden’s
                                                                                                         set off for the future. “Has it     customers. binder Sweden’s          electronics and forest machi-
                                                                                                         been ten years already?” he         growth is sustainable, and we       nery are strong in Finland.
                                                                                                         asks. “It feels like it started     are lucky to have started out in    Chemical plants and ship-

                   grand jubilar
                                                                                                         yesterday!” For the first few       a big office space so that we
                                                                                                         months, it was just us and the      still have some room to spare
                                                                                                         computer, but before long we        for future expansions.
                                                                                                         had rented a spacious office
                                                                                                         with a warehouse and the first      The present
                                                                                                         shipment of binder products
     This year marks a decade on the Swedish market and it is fantastic that we can celebrate that       landed from Neckarsulm – and        Countries in the Nordic region
     achievement. It goes without saying that we are incredibly proud of how far we have come, how the   with the first order, from the      – which consists of Norway,
     journey has unfolded and we are now looking forward to the next ten years with great excitement.    former distributor, binder Swe-     Sweden, Finland, Denmark and
                                                                                                         den was officially started. After   Iceland – are very different in
                                         Text The binder Sweden team                                     a two day ‘company’ course          terms of business and climate.

36                                                                                                                                                                                                                  37
GLOBAL                                                                                          GLOBAL

     builders are also prospering       as a sustainable production        in-design process. He also loves    A grateful thought to all
     in a young country, which is       battery plant in the northern      nothing more than seeing the
     only 100 years old.                part of Sweden – Swedish bu-       direct result of actions and        We would like to say a massive
                                        siness culture is largely based    making progress towards the         thank you to each and every
     Denmark consists of several        on consensus meaning it can        end product.                        single one of our colleagues,
     islands. Most of the industry      take time until everything has                                         wherever you are in the world,
     is based in the western part       been agreed.                       Juan Törnbrand: Juan has            for being involved in supporting
     in Jutland. Copenhagen, the                                           recently become a father and        binder Sweden in one way or
     capital of Denmark is on the       The binder Sweden team             we will miss him when he goes       another and we would like to
     eastern island called Zealand.                                        on his parental leave later this    extend an extra special thanks
     The industry focuses mostly on     Peter Sedström: Peter is a         year. Juan has been with binder     to Sabine Schwandtner, Sylvie
     renewable energy with com-         technical salesman who loves       Sweden for about eight years.       Hägele, Christina Taube and

                                                                                                                                                          Tack så
     panies like Vestas and there is    nothing more than signing                                              Goran Uremovic, who have
     a large food industry. We have     a new business contract, no        Mastering challenges                helped us out many times
     two distributors in Denmark –      matter the size. The diversity     together                            over the years – once more,

                                                                                                                                                        mycket för
     Mikkelsen and ACTE.                and scale of our day-to-day                                            thank you all!
                                        work that comes from all of the    A recent challenge for binder
     Sweden is the largest country      different tasks we have to deal    Sweden was the implementa-

     in the Nordic region and has       with is something he appreci-      tion of SAP Business ByDesign
     the highest population. Swe-       ates greatly – not to mention      last year. The ERP we had been
     den has been an engineering/       the pleasure of being the MD of    using before was a simpler
     in-design country with pro-        the best binder Sweden team!       program, so that meant we
     duction elsewhere for a couple
     of decades. However, we are
     active in the electronics and
                                        Anna Sedström: Seeing as
                                        Anna has a master’s degree
                                                                           needed a lot of extra training.
                                                                           But thanks to the wonderful
                                                                           support from Jürgen Lauth
                                                                                                                                                     Thank you for
     heavy industries thanks to the
     mining and steel production
     operations in the northern
                                        in chemical engineering, it
                                        was a strange step for her to
                                        start working with purchasing,
                                                                           and Maru Neubig, we have
                                                                           cleared all hurdles and are now
                                                                           comfortable with the system.
                                                                                                                                                  speaking with us!
     part of Sweden. For instance,      logistics and administration.
     our biggest customers are          But it’s one that she’s glad       If a customer has an urgent
     Atlas Copco, which provides        she took, and later this year      request and we do not have
     electronic assembly tools for      Anna will be celebrating her       what they need in stock, we
     the global automotive industry,    ten-year anniversary of working    always check with Neckarsulm,
     and Epiroc, which manufactu-       at binder Sweden.                  but if the delivery time is a bit
     res underground mining ma-                                            too long and we do not want
     chines. Engineering skills that    Lars Andersson: Lars started       to lose the sale, we know that
     are second to none and cut-        at binder Sweden in May 2015       we always have our affiliates
     ting-edge technologies such        and has a strong focus on          to turn to. We have helped
     as starting up the world’s first   technical sales. He is delighted   each other out of several tight
     fossil-free steelmaking plant      to be part of the binder Swe-      spots over the years, and that
     HYBRIT (Hydrogen Breakthrough      den team and working closely       is always appreciated, so thank
     Ironmaking Technology), as well    with the customer during the       you colleagues!

38                                                                                                                                                                    39

                                                                                                   Higher, faster, further: the tur-
                                                                                                   nover rate in the MPE-Garry
                                                                                                   warehouse has increased
                                                                                                   rapidly in recent years. So it
                                                                                                   is high time that capacity is
                                                                                                   also significantly increased.
                                                                                                   To achieve this ambitious
                                                                                                   goal, a combined solution
                                                                                                   was chosen, the components
                                                                                                   of which had already been
                                                                                                   tried and tested. A total of
                                                                                                   three new lean lifts and one
                                                                                                   storage lift were purchased;
                                                                                                   all of these systems had al-
                                                                                                   ready been used previously          The newly acquired lean lifts at MPE-Garry

                                                                                                   to store stamping tools and
                                                                                                   stamped parts.                      ving systems. This runs over            MPE-Garry now works even
                                                                                                                                       guide rails cast firmly into the        more ergonomically and effi-
                                                                                                   Precise planning                    foundation and offers storage           ciently thanks to an increase
                                                                                                                                       space for an additional 320             in storage space of around
                                                                                                   The particular challenge was        pallets. With the help of a new,        40 per cent.
                                                                                                   that the lean lifts were deli-      semi-automatic film stretch
                                                                                                   vered before the strip foun-        machine, the pallets are now
                                                                                                   dations needed to install           also protected from dirt and
                                                                                                   them were in place. Precise         moisture.

                                                                                                   planning ensured that ever-
                                                                                                   ything went smoothly – even         Perfect result
                                                                                                   though incoming goods and

                                                                                                   dispatch continued to run in        Increasing storage capacity                    About the authors
                                                                                                   parallel. MPE-Garry’s many          wasn’t the only goal. New
                                                                                                   years of project management         LED lighting systems were                    Alfred Hipp is a Commer-

                       at MPE-Garry
                                                                                                   and construction experience,        also purchased to optimise                   cial Manager (K-L) and
                                                                                                   which customers have al-            the process as a whole. Now,                 authorised signatory at
                                                                                                   ways appreciated about the          two employees can pick and                   MPE-Garry. He has been
                                                                                                   company, also pays off when         pack goods at the same time                  with the company since
                                                                                                   it comes to internal projects.      in perfect lighting conditions.              1985. Claudia Paulsteiner,
                                                                                                                                       The result was that every chal-              who joined MPE-Garry in
     ‘Constantly evolving to meet the demands of the market and customers’ – this is MPE-Garry’s   Yet the question remained:          lenge, including relocating the              January 2020, is Head of
     motto. The expansion of warehouse capacities for connectors, heat sinks and cable assem-      where to put the extra pallets?     strip lighting, supply lines and             the Production Logistics
              blies represents an important step forward for the future of the company.            A specialist for stow storage       fire alarms, was overcome                    Warehouse (PL-L) depart-
                                                                                                   systems had the right solution      within a short period of time.               ment.
                              Text Claudia Paulsteiner and Alfred Hipp                             for this with its mobile shel-      The result is impressive, as

40                                                                                                                                                                                                               41
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