Architectural Review Board - Staff Report (ID # 13524) - City of Palo Alto

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Architectural Review Board - Staff Report (ID # 13524) - City of Palo Alto

                                                Architectural Review Board
                                                          Staff Report (ID # 13524)

Report Type:            Action Items                             Meeting Date: 10/7/2021

Summary Title:          2585 E Bayshore Rd: Exterior Improvements

Title:                  2585 E Bayshore RD: [21PLN-00121] Request for a Minor Board
                        Level Architectural Review to Allow the Removal and
                        Replacement of Building Façade Materials, Addition of
                        Outdoor Patio/Employee Amenity Space, Replacement of
                        Rooftop Mechanical Equipment, New Landscaping Throughout
                        the Site and Changes to the Parking Lot. Applicant also Seeks a
                        Director's Adjustment for Reduced Loading Space. Zoning
                        Designation: ROLM (E)(D)(AD). Environmental Assessment:
                        15301 Existing Facilities. For more information, please contact
                        the Project Planner Samuel Gutierrez.

From:                   Jonathan Lait

Parcel Recommendation
It is recommended that the Architectural Review Board (ARB) take the following action(s):
     1. Recommend approval of the proposed project to the Director of Planning and
         Development Services based on findings and subject to conditions of approval.

Report Summary
Request for a Board Level Architectural Review application to allow exterior updates to an
existing building via exterior facade changes that include new colors and materials. The project
also involves redesigning the parking lot, new landscaping throughout the site, and the addition
of an outdoor patio/employee amenity space. Minor changes to the interior of the building by
enclosing two existing open courts, utilizing gross FAR exemptions for amenity spaces.

Project Information
Owner:                            2585 BAYSHORE LLC
Architect:                        Ken Hayes Architects
Representative:                   N/A
City of Palo Alto
Planning & Development Services
250 Hamilton Avenue
Palo Alto, CA 94301
(650) 329-2442
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Architectural Review Board - Staff Report (ID # 13524) - City of Palo Alto
City of Palo Alto
Planning & Development Services Department                                             Page 2

Legal Counsel:                 N/A

Property Information
Address:                       2585 E Bayshore Rd
Neighborhood:                  Baylands
Lot Dimensions & Area:         265.3’ x 165’; 43,771 sf
Housing Inventory Site:        N/A
Located w/in a Plume:          N/A
Protected/Heritage Trees:      N/A
Historic Resource(s):          N/A

Existing Improvement(s):       16,045 sf; 1 story; 14 ft 11 in tall; Year built 1977
Existing Land Use(s):          Vacant
Adjacent Land Uses &           North: ROLM(E)(D)(AD) (General Business Office)
Zoning:                        West: ROLM(E)(D)(AD) (General Business Office)
                               East: PF(D) (Open Space Baylands)
                               South: ROLM(E)(D)(AD) (General Business Office)
Aerial View of Property:

Source: Google maps

Land Use Designation & Applicable Plans
Zoning Designation:        ROLM(E)(D)(AD)

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Architectural Review Board - Staff Report (ID # 13524) - City of Palo Alto
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Planning & Development Services Department                                                Page 3

Comp. Plan Designation:        (RO) Research/Office Park
Design Criteria:               N/A
Downtown Urban
Design Guide:                  N/A
South of Forest Avenue
Coordinated Area Plan:         N/A
Baylands Master Plan:          Yes
El Camino Real Design
Guidelines (1976 / 2002):      N/A
Proximity to Residential
Uses or Districts (150'):      N/A
Located w/in the Airport
Influence Area:                N/A

Prior City Reviews & Action
City Council:                  None
PTC:                           None
HRB:                           None
ARB:                           None

Project Description
The project is a request for a Board Level Architectural Review to allow exterior improvements
to the existing building and exterior site. The project site is located on E. Bayshore Road,
directly adjacent to the Baylands area, and is zoned ROLM(E)(D)(AD) which allows for limited
office, research, and manufacturing uses in a manufacturing/research park environment.
Generally, the context of the area around the subject site is limited office-like uses that are
boarded on the west by the 101 freeway and by the Baylands to the east.

The exterior changes to the existing building include the replacement of the brick accent panels
on the façade with Shou Sugi Ban cladding (wood-like panel) in a dark grey/black color. The
existing concrete/cement plaster is proposed to be painted a dark gray color. The project will
preserve the existing openings on the building with clear glazing and dark metal accents. The
rooftop mechanical screen will be constructed of aluminum panels painted medium gray color
consistent with the other grey and black colors proposed for the façade. The proposed colors
and materials appear to complement each other and provide a more contemporary appearance
to the existing building while balancing the Baylands Design Guidelines requirements for muted
non-reflective colors and finishes.

Additionally, the project includes changes to the northern exterior area of the site, where
existing paved asphalt and play structures exist from the previous daycare center tenant. The
project proposes to convert this area into an outdoor amenity space for employees that
includes new trees and landscaping. The outdoor amenity space includes an outdoor meeting

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room, exterior lunchroom area, and additional outdoor space with seating called the relaxation
area. The design of the outdoor areas appears to be well-thought-out and compatible with the
proposed improvements to the façade of the building.

Minor changes to the interior of the building include enclosing two existing open courtyards,
utilizing gross FAR exemptions for qualified amenity space that would help reduce trips
generated by employees to the site. The exempted amenity space FAR includes but is not
limited to recreational facilities, credit unions, cafeterias daycare centers, automated teller
machines, convenience stores, and on-site laundry facilities. The project includes a new
fitness/recreation center (480 sf) & two shower/locker rooms with laundry amenities (~143 sf
each) for a total of 765 sf. The existing courtyards are 709 sf; thus, the proposal results in 56 sf
of existing FAR becoming exempt. The fitness/recreation area with the locker rooms area has
been determined to be a qualified amenity and the change to the interior square footage of the
building is exempted from FAR and lot Coverage.

The project's parking lot changes include changes to the northernmost driveway by relocating it
to the center of the site and redesigning the entire parking lot area. The changes increase the
green areas via new planting strips, new trees, and landscaping. These changes increase the
site's compliance with the 50% parking lot shading requirement. The required parking for the
general business office on the site is 53 parking stalls. The site's proposed parking complies with
this requirement by providing five accessible stalls (counted as 10 parking stalls), and 43
standard parking stalls. Additionally, the project includes three long-term bicycle parking spaces
and two short-term bicycle parking spaces, consistent with the parking requirement for the
proposed use.

In terms of the loading area, the project is requesting a Director's adjustment to reduce the
required loading space size (typical delivery truck size, SU-30 vehicle). Overall, the new design
of the project site's parking lot is consistent with the City’s parking facility design standards and
improves the site.

Neighborhood Setting and Character
The subject site is located on E. Bayshore Road and directly adjacent to the Baylands area.
The property’s ROLM base zoning district provides for a limited group of office, research, and
manufacturing uses in a manufacturing/research park environment. Along this stretch of E.
Bayshore Road, there are existing office uses, church use, and automobile dealerships. Further
southeast of the subject site the Baylands area extends to E. Bayshore Road to the Municipal
Service Center at 3201 E. Bayshore Road. The subject site is also adjacent to the 101 freeway
(west of the site). Generally, the context of the subject area is limited office-like uses that are
boarded on the west by the 101 freeway and by the Baylands to the east.

ROLM(E)(D)(AD) Zoning explanation
The ROLM subdistrict Embarcadero (E) modifies the site development regulations of the ROLM
district to apply to smaller sites in areas with limited access or with environmental sensitivity
due to their proximity to the Palo Alto Baylands in the Embarcadero Road area.

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The combining district of (D) requires site and design review intended to provide a process for
review and approval of development in environmentally and ecologically sensitive areas. The
intent of the review is to assure that use and development will be harmonious with other uses
in the general vicinity, and will be compatible with environmental and ecological objectives, and
will be in accord with the Palo Alto Comprehensive Plan.

The automobile dealership (AD) combining district modifies the regulations of the ROLM
district, in this case, to create and maintain areas accommodating automobile dealerships
primarily engaged in new and used automobile sales and service on a citywide and regional
basis. Palo Alto Municipal Code Section 18.20.030 details the permitted and conditionally
permitted land uses within the ROLM(E)(D)(AD) district.

It should be noted that this site had a retail preservation waiver application (20PLN-00048)
submitted and approved by the City Council in 2020.1 In short, the site was previously occupied
by a daycare center use (with a Conditional Use Permit) and the City’s retail preservation
ordinance would have required retention of retail or retail-like use. The Director and City
Council agreed that given the site's somewhat remote location, and surrounding context, a
retail preservation waiver was appropriate.

Requested Entitlements, Findings and Purview:
The following discretionary applications are being requested:
   • Architectural Review (AR): The process for evaluating this type of application is set forth
        in PAMC 18.76.020. Site and Design applications that are minor in nature may be
        reviewed through the Architectural Review process. Action by the Director is appealable
        to the City Council if filed within 14 days of the decision (PAMC 18.77.070). AR projects
        are evaluated against specific findings. All findings must be made in the affirmative to
        approve the project. Failure to make any one finding requires project redesign or denial.
        Findings to approve this AR application are provided in Attachment B.


Consistency with the Comprehensive Plan, Area Plans, and Guidelines3

  City Council Aug 10, 2021 Action Minutes ;City Council Aug 10, 2021 Staff Report
  The information provided in this section is based on analysis prepared by the report author prior to the public
hearing. The Architectural Review Board in its review of the administrative record and based on public testimony
may reach a different conclusion from that presented in this report and may choose to make alternative findings. A
change to the findings may result in a final action that is different from the staff recommended action in this

        The        Palo         Alto       Comprehensive         Plan           is        available        online:

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The Comprehensive Plan includes Goals, Policies, and Programs that guide the physical form of
the City. The Comprehensive Plan provides the basis for the City’s development regulations and
is used by City staff to regulate building and development and make recommendations on
projects. Further, ARB Finding #1 requires that the design be consistent and compatible with
applicable elements of the Palo Alto Comprehensive Plan.

The Comprehensive Plan land use designation for the project site is Research/Office Parks (RO),
which prescribes office, research, and manufacturing establishments whose operations are
buffered from adjacent residential uses. The proposed general business office use is compatible
with the land use designation and zoning of the site. Additionally, the proposed general
business office use is consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies that seek to maintain the
East Bayshore Rd corridor as a diverse business and industrial area, where the rehabilitation of
existing buildings takes place (Policy L-5.4 & B-7.7).

Baylands Master Plan, Design Guidelines
The proposed project is limited in scope compared to new development where the scope is
more significant and disruptive, and the applicable Baylands design guidelines were applied
during the analysis of the project. The proposed exterior façade change to the existing building
proposes dark colors that are not reflective. The project does not propose any changes to the
height of the existing building, thus preserving the horizon line with low and horizontal

On balance, the project is consistent with the policies in the Comprehensive Plan, Baylands
Design Guidelines, and the required findings. A detailed review of the project’s consistency with
the Comprehensive Plan is provided in Attachment B.

Zoning Compliance4
A detailed review of the proposed project’s consistency with applicable zoning standards has
been performed. A summary table is provided in Attachment C. The following section details
some of the applied zoning regulations that facilitated the changes proposed to the exterior
and interior of the existing building.

FAR Exemption
The existing building on the site has two exterior enclosed courts (open to the sky) that the
project is proposing to fully enclose. This would increase the FAR and coverage for the site in
most cases, except to the extent the new space would be exempt from floor area as on-site
employee amenities that would facilitate the reduction of employee vehicle use. These include
but are not limited to recreational facilities, credit unions, cafeterias, daycare centers,
automated teller machines, convenience stores, and on-site laundry facilities.5 The project is
proposing changes to the interior of the existing building that include a new fitness/recreation
center (480 sf) and two shower/locker rooms with laundry amenities (~143 sf each) for a total

    The Palo Alto Zoning Code is available online:
    PAMC 18.04.030(a)(65)(B)(v)

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of 765 sf. The existing courtyards are 709 sf total; thus the proposal would exempt 56 sf of
additional existing FAR for the site. This would effectively reduce the FAR for the site as the
fitness/recreation area, with the locker room area, has been determined to be a qualified
amenity space.

Proposed Design
The project consists of exterior changes to the existing building and the surrounding parking lot
areas. The exterior changes to the existing building include the replacement of the brick accent
panels on the façade with Shou Sugi Ban cladding (wood-like panel) in a dark grey/black color
that shows a wood texture. The existing concrete and cement plaster on the exterior of the
building will be painted a dark gray color. The existing openings on the building (windows &
doors) will have clear glazing accented with dark metal panels along the sills and will include
flood protection hardware that will allow flood panels to be installed during a flood event. The
rooftop mechanical screen will be constructed of aluminum panels painted medium gray color.

Overall, the proposed change to the façade is an improvement over the existing façade colors
and materials. The existing façade (as shown above) has a color scheme that includes a sandy
brownish color, with bands of light grey, and is topped with a dark grey roof screen around the
top of the building. The proposed colors and materials appear to complement each other and
provide a more contemporary appearance to the existing building while balancing the Baylands
Design Guidelines requirements for muted non-reflective colors and finishes.

Additionally, the project includes changes to the northern exterior area of the site, where there
are currently paved asphalt and play structures from the previous daycare center tenant. The
project will turn this area into an outdoor amenity space for employees that includes new trees
and landscaping (see images below). The design of the outdoor areas appears to be well
designed and is fitting of the new façade design with hardscape and landscape strips (grass
between pavers) that are rectangular in design, matching the rectangular windows and façade
panels of the building.

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Multimodal Access, Parking, and Loading Space
The existing access to the site is only from E. Bayshore Road, where two driveways provide
access to the site. The northernmost driveway is a two-way driveway on the subject property,
while the southernmost driveway is a shared two-way driveway with the adjacent property.
The project is proposing considerable changes to the exterior parking lot area that surround the
existing building. The changes increase landscaping within the parking area by including
additional planting strips for new trees and landscaping. This increases the site's compliance
with the City’s parking lot landscaping regulations that specify surface parking areas shall
include tree plantings designed to result in 50% shading of parking lot surface areas within 15
years (sheet T.04).6

Though the inclusion of the new planting strips does decrease the area overall on the site that
can be utilized for parking stalls, the 53 parking stalls proposed are compliant with the required
parking for the site and the proposed general business office use (see Attachment C). The total
parking proposed is 53 stalls made up of, five accessible stalls (counted as 10 parking stalls)7,
and 43 standard parking stalls (47 physical parking spaces are proposed).

The project is including new bicycle parking for the site, which does not currently provide any
such parking. The proposed general business office use is required to have three long-term

    PAMC 18.54.040(d) Tree Canopy Size
     PAMC 18.52.040(B)(8) Calculation of Required Parking

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bicycle parking spaces and two short-term bicycle parking spaces and the project's proposed
bicycle parking is consistent with this requirement. Three new long-term bicycle parking spaces
(lockers) are located on the southwest portion of the front parking lot, with two short-term
parking spaces (one bicycle rack) provided along the right side walkway to the main entrance of
the building (sheet A0.4).

The project is requesting a Director's adjustment to the required 12 ft by 45 ft loading area.
Given the changes to the parking lot, the project is required to provide one loading space due
to the existing building (office use) exceeding 10,000 sf. Given the site's size and potential uses
(office uses), the Director agrees with the applicant’s request for a modified loading area of 10
ft by 30 ft that will accommodate a SU-30 vehicle (typical delivery truck size). The new loading
space area is centered in the front parking lot area closest to the main entrance of the building
(sheet A0.8). The addition of a loading space increases the degree of code compliance where
the existing site plan does not have a compliant loading space.

The reconfiguration of the parking lot, new loading space, and bicycle parking were reviewed by
the Office of Transportation and found to be consistent with the City’s parking facility design
standards. Overall, the proposed changes to the parking lot areas are an improvement to the
site and for circulation.

Environmental Review
The subject project has been assessed in accordance with the authority and criteria contained
in the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the State CEQA Guidelines, and the
environmental regulations of the City. Specifically, the project is exempt from the provisions of
CEQA via a Class 1 exemption, 15301 where projects consist of the operation, repair,
maintenance, permitting, leasing, licensing, or minor alteration of existing public or private
structures, facilities, mechanical equipment, or topographical features, involving negligible or
no expansion of existing or former use. The project is proposing exterior changes to the existing
building façade, installation of floodproofing materials, and parking facility improvements.

Public Notification, Outreach & Comments
The Palo Alto Municipal Code requires notice of this public hearing to be published in a local
paper and mailed to owners and occupants of property within 600 feet of the subject property
at least ten days in advance. Notice of a public hearing for this project was published in the
Daily Post on September 24, 2021, which is 13 days in advance of the meeting. Postcard mailing
occurred on September 24, 2021, which is 13 days in advance of the meeting.

Public Comments
As of the writing of this report, no project-related, public comments were received.

Alternative Actions
In addition to the recommended action, the Architectural Review Board may:
    1. Approve the project with modified findings or conditions;

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       2. Continue the project to a date (un)certain; or
       3. Recommend project denial based on revised findings.

       Report Author & Contact Information                         ARB8 Liaison & Contact Information
            Samuel Gutierrez, Planner                            Jodie Gerhardt, AICP, Planning Manager
                 (650) 329-2225                                              (650) 329-2575               

   • Attachment A: Location Map (PDF)
   • Attachment B: Draft ARB Findings (DOCX)
   • Attachment C: Zoning Comparison Table       (DOCX)
   • Attachment D: Draft Conditions of Approval (DOCX)
   • Attachment E: Applicant's Project Description      (PDF)
   • Attachment F: Project Plans (DOCX)

    Emails may be sent directly to the ARB using the following address:

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                                                                                                                                          T BA





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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             2585 E Bayshore Road


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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The City of Palo Alto assumes no responsibility for any errors ©1989 to 2016 City of Palo Alto

                                      ATTACHMENT B
                                ARB FINDINGS FOR APPROVAL
                                   2585 E Bayshore Road

The design and architecture of the proposed improvements, as conditioned, complies with the
Findings for Architectural Review as required in Chapter 18.76 of the PAMC.

Finding #1: The design is consistent with applicable provisions of the Palo Alto Comprehensive
Plan, Zoning Code, coordinated area plans (including compatibility requirements), and any
relevant design guides.

The project is consistent with Finding #1 because:

The proposed project complies with the zoning code as proposed. The project is subject to the
Baylands Design Guidelines due to the project sites location. The proposed project is generally
consistent with the following Comprehensive Plan, below is an analysis of the applicable goals
and policies:

 Comp Plan Goals and Policies                     How project adheres or does not adhere to
                                                  Comp Plan
 The Comprehensive Plan land use designation The project is proposing exterior parking lot
 for the site is Research/Office Park (RO).       and façade changes to an existing office
                                                  building for a new general business office use.
                                                  The proposed changes and new use are
                                                  consistent with the land use designation of
                                                  Research/Office Park (RO).
                                  Land Use and Community Design
 Goal L-1 A compact and resilient city providing The project is proposing changes to an existing
 residents and visitors with attractive development historically used for offices in
 neighborhoods, workplaces, shopping districts, order to return the office uses (jobs) to the site
 public facilities, and open spaces.              in a modernized building. Consistent with the E
 Policy L-5.4 Maintain the E Bayshore Rd & San Bayshore Rd business district environment
 Antonio Rd corridor areas as diverse business (employment district).
 and industrial districts.

                                 Business and Economics Element
 Policy B-7.7: Seek to balance increases in costs The project involves the rehabilitation of
 for business space with the need for existing development on E Bayshore Rd. the
 rehabilitation and replacement of outdated rehabilitation involves improvements to the
 space in the San Antonio Road and East parking lot, exterior, and interior of the
 Bayshore areas                                   building to modernize the site for new tenants.

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The project has also been reviewed for conformance with the development standards in the
zoning code and found to be in compliance with the intent and regulations contained therein. A
comprehensive review of the project to applicable development standards is included in the
administrative record.

Finding #2: The project has a unified and coherent design, that:
   a. creates an internal sense of order and desirable environment for occupants, visitors,
       and the general community,
   b. preserves, respects and integrates existing natural features that contribute positively
       to the site and the historic character including historic resources of the area when
   c. is consistent with the context-based design criteria of the applicable zone district,
   d. provides harmonious transitions in scale, mass and character to adjacent land uses and
       land use designations,
   e. enhances living conditions on the site (if it includes residential uses) and in adjacent
       residential areas.

The project is consistent with Finding #2 because:

The area is comprised of various commercial offices and research buildings, one to three stories
in height. The project proposes to update the exterior of the building and the existing parking lot
areas improving their function and appearance. The changes are fitting with the existing
character of the office corridor along the subject area of E Bayshore.

Pursuant to PAMC 18.16.090(b), the following context-based design considerations and findings
are applicable to this project. These context-based design criteria are intended to provide
additional standards to be used in the design and evaluation of development in a commercial
district. The purpose is to encourage development in a commercial district to be responsible to
its context and compatibility with adjacent development as well as to promote the establishment
of pedestrian-oriented design.

1. Pedestrian and Bicycle Environment
The design of new projects shall promote pedestrian walkability, a bicycle-friendly environment,
and connectivity through design elements

The finding can be made in the affirmative in that the proposed project offers short-term and
long-term bike parking for visitors and employees. There are existing bike paths along the E
Bayshore Rd corridor that connect bicyclists to the project site and the inclusion of bicycle
parking and the amenity showers/locker room would further promote bicycling as a mode of
travel to the project site.
2. Street Building Facades
Street facades shall be designed to provide a strong relationship with the sidewalk and the
street (s), to create an environment that supports and encourages pedestrian activity through
design elements

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This finding is not applicable as the E Bayshore Rd corridor is not readily accessed by
pedestrians and due to the lack of continuous sidewalks and remoteness of the site.

3. Massing and Setbacks
Buildings shall be designed to minimize massing and conform to proper setbacks

This finding is not applicable because the project does not involve changes to the site plan

4. Low-Density Residential Transitions
Where new projects are built abutting existing lower scale residential development, care shall
be taken to respect the scale and privacy of neighboring properties

This findings is not applicable as this project involves an existing development and is not
located near low-density residential uses or zones.

5. Project Open Space
Private and public open space shall be provided so that it is usable for the residents and visitors
of the site

The finding can be made in the affirmative in that the project provides a private outdoor
amenity space for employees to gather during breaks.

6. Parking Design
Parking shall be accommodated but shall not be allowed to overwhelm the character of the
project or detract from the pedestrian environment

The finding can be made in the affirmative in that project is proposing a redesign of the existing
parking lot where new trees and landscaping will be installed. This would be an improvement
over the existing parking lot design which has limited greenery and is mainly paved parking lot.

7. Large Multi-Acre Sites
Large sites (over one acre) shall be designed so that street, block, and building patterns are
consistent with those of the surrounding neighborhood

This site is less than an acre and does not include new development. Therefore, this context-
based criteria is not applicable.

8. Sustainability and Green Building Design
Project design and materials to achieve sustainability and green building design should be
incorporated into the project

The finding can be made in the affirmative in that the building will satisfy the requirements for
CALGreen Mandatory + Tier 2 in accordance with the City’s Green Building Regulations.
Additionally, the project includes new EVSE charging stations and new landscaping with

                                                                                                 Packet Pg. 22

shading trees that would reduce the total amount of hardscaping on the site. These changes
to the site would allow for additional water absorption and less vehicle GHG by promoting
Electric Car use. This is demonstrated on the GB sheets in the plan set.

Finding #3: The design is of high aesthetic quality, using high quality, integrated materials, and
appropriate construction techniques, and incorporating textures, colors, and other details that
are compatible with and enhance the surrounding area.

The project is consistent with Finding #3 because:

The project proposes a contemporary style that is includes muted dark colors consistent with the
requirement of the Baylands Design Guidelines. Though the color and materials are different
from the existing development adjacent to the project site, the project has a modern appearance
that is consistent with the office park nature of the E Bayshore Rd corridor. The project uses
materials such as existing concrete paint in nickel, grey, and black. Wood siding colored in a
grey/black finish, and an anodized ash grey aluminum roof screen material. The colors and
proposed textures appear to be well integrated into the design of the existing building and
modernize its dated appearance.

Finding #4: The design is functional, allowing for ease and safety of pedestrian and bicycle
traffic and providing for elements that support the building’s necessary operations (e.g.
convenient vehicle access to property and utilities, appropriate arrangement and amount of
open space and integrated signage, if applicable, etc.).

The project is consistent with Finding #4 because:

The redesign of the parking lot will provide better circulation for visitors to the site by increase
the pedestrian walkways to the entrance of the building and improving the site's bicycle parking
capacity via five new bicycle parking spaces (three lockers, and a bike rack for two parking

Finding #5: The landscape design complements and enhances the building design and its
surroundings, is appropriate to the site’s functions, and utilizes to the extent practical, regional
indigenous drought-resistant plant material capable of providing desirable habitat that can be
appropriately maintained.

The project is consistent with Finding #5 because:

The project will provide a variety of drought-tolerant planting. Some of the plantings were
selected from a California native palette. The selected varieties of trees would provide
appropriate habitat for wildlife as a part of a bigger neighborhood and community-wide system.
The proposed trees and landscaping enhance the visual appearance of the site and are more
consistent with modern landscape/parking lot design typical of new development in the City.
Additionally, the new outdoor amenity spaces for employees with planting and decking enhance

                                                                                               Packet Pg. 23

conditions for visitors and employees where the existing development has only parking lot areas
or paved areas for open space.

Finding #6: The project incorporates design principles that achieve sustainability in areas
related to energy efficiency, water conservation, building materials, landscaping, and site

The project is consistent with Finding #6 because:

In accordance with the City’s Green Building Regulations, the project will satisfy the requirements
for CALGreen Mandatory + Tier 2. This is demonstrated on the GB sheets in the plan set.

                                                                                              Packet Pg. 24

                                    Performance Criteria
Pursuant to PAMC 18.23, the following performance criteria are intended to provide additional
standards to be used in the design and evaluation of developments in the multi-family,
commercial, and industrial zones. The purpose is to balance the needs of the uses within these
zones with the need to minimize impacts to surrounding neighborhoods and businesses. The
criteria are intended to make new developments and major architectural review projects
compatible with nearby residential and business areas, and to enhance the desirability of the
proposed developments for the site residents and users, and for abutting neighbors and

 Performance Criteria                                         Project Consistency
 18.23.020 Trash Disposal and Recycling
 Assure that development provides adequate and                The project provides an enclosed
 accessible interior areas or exterior enclosures for the     trash facility that meets the
 storage of trash and recyclable materials in appropriate     applicable refuse enclosure design
 containers, and that trash disposal and recycling areas      standards and is located away and
 are located as far from abutting residences as is            out of view from the street
 reasonably possible.                                         frontage.

 18.23.030 Lighting
 To minimize the visual impacts of lighting on abutting or    The applicant has provided cut
 nearby residential sites and from adjacent roadways.         sheets of the proposed lighting to
                                                              ensure adequate illumination is
                                                              provided for safe circulation and
                                                              are directed downward to reduce
                                                              glare and impacts to the Baylands
                                                              area that abuts the project site.

 18.23.040 Late Night Uses and Activities
 The purpose is to restrict retail or service commercial      The current project proposal does
 businesses abutting (either directly or across the street)   not include late night uses or
 or within 50 feet of residentially zoned properties or       activities. Future commercial
 properties with existing residential uses located within     tenants that would like this will
 nonresidential zones, with operations or activities          need to file for a Conditional Use
 between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m.                Permit, as required per the Zoning
 Operations subject to this code may include, but are not     Code.
 limited to, deliveries, parking lot and sidewalk cleaning,
 and/or clean up or set up operations, but does not
 include garbage pick- up.
 18.23.050 Visual, Screening and Landscaping
 Privacy of abutting residential properties or properties     While the project does not abut
 with existing residential uses located within                any residential properties or
 nonresidential zones (residential properties) should be      properties with existing

                                                                                             Packet Pg. 25

Performance Criteria                                        Project Consistency
protected by screening from public view all mechanical      residential uses located within
equipment and service areas. Landscaping should be          non-residential zones, the project
used to integrate a project design into the surrounding     is consistent with the stated
neighborhood, and to provide privacy screening between      performance criteria in that the
properties where appropriate.                               project provides adequate
                                                            screening of mechanical
                                                            equipment areas.
18.23.060 Noise and Vibration
The requirements and guidelines regarding noise and         The stated performance criteria is
vibration impacts are intended to protect residentially     not applicable to this residential
zoned properties or properties with existing residential    development project as the
uses located within nonresidential zones (residential       subject lot is located in a
properties) from excessive and unnecessary noises           residential zone.
and/or vibrations from any sources in abutting industrial
or commercially zoned properties. Design of new
projects should reduce noise from parking, loading, and
refuse storage areas and from heating, ventilation, air
conditioning apparatus, and other machinery on nearby
residential properties. New equipment, whether
mounted on the exterior of the building or located
interior to a building, which requires only a building
permit, shall also be subject to these requirements.

18.23.070 Parking
The visual impact of parking shall be minimized on          The project is consistent with the
adjacent residentially zoned properties or properties       stated performance criteria in that
with existing residential uses located within               the proposed parking layout
nonresidential zones.                                       places the new landscaping areas
                                                            with several trees along the
                                                            frontage of the site and includes
                                                            new planter strips throughout the
                                                            site. The project’s at-grade spaces
                                                            would also be partially screened
                                                            by proposed landscaping from the
                                                            public right-of-way.

18.23.080 Vehicular, Pedestrian and Bicycle Site Access
The guidelines regarding site access impacts are            The project is consistent with the
intended to minimize conflicts between residential          stated performance criteria in that
vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle uses and more            the proposed parking lot changes
intensive traffic associated with commercial and            provided better access for vistors

                                                                                            Packet Pg. 26

Performance Criteria                                       Project Consistency
industrial districts, and to facilitate pedestrian and     to the site and include new bicycle
bicycle connections through and adjacent to the project    parking stalls.

18.23.090 Air Quality
The requirements for air quality are intended to buffer    No proposed uses on the project
residential uses from potential sources of odor and/or     site would produce odor or toxic
toxic air contaminants.                                    air. Future uses are required to
                                                           comply with these performance

18.23.100 Hazardous Materials
In accordance with Titles 15 and 17 of the Palo Alto       This is not applicable to the
Municipal Code, minimize the potential hazards of any      proposed uses associated with the
use on a development site that will entail the storage,    project.
use or handling of hazardous materials (including
hazardous wastes) on-site in excess of the exempt
quantities prescribed in Health and Safety Code Division
20, Chapter 6.95, and Title 15 of this code.

                                                                                           Packet Pg. 27

                                              Attachment C
                                              Zoning Table
      Industrial/Manufacturing District Land Uses (Table Truncated Specifically for ROLM(E) District)

                        Table 1: COMPARISON WITH CHAPTER 18.20 (ROLM(E) DISTRICT)
Regulation                 Required                         Existing                     Proposed

Minimum Site Area          1 acre                           1 acres                      No Changes

Minimum Setbacks (

Front Yard                 20 ft                            80 ft                        No Changes

Rear Yard                  20 ft                            45 ft                        No Changes

Interior Yard              20 ft                            20 ft (left) & 24.5 ft       NO Changes

Street Side Yard           20 ft                            N/A                          N/A

Max. Site Coverage         30% (13,068 sf)                  36.5% (15,925 sf)            36.5% (15,925 sf) No effective
                                                                                         changes (709 sf court yard areas
                                                                                         to be used the exception to
                                                                                         FAR/coverage for amenity

Max. Total Floor Area      0.3:1 (13,068 sf)                15,925 sf                    15,925 sf No effective changes
Ratio                                                                                    (709 sf court yard areas to be
                                                                                         used the exception to
                                                                                         FAR/coverage for amenity

Max. Building Height       35 ft                            14 ft 10 in (roof, 20 ft     No Changes
                                                            top of mechanical
Daylight Plane             None                             N/A                          N/A

    (1) For any property designated GM and fronting on East Bayshore Road a minimum setback of 20 feet along that frontage is

                                                                                                                       Packet Pg. 28

             Table 2: CONFORMANCE WITH CHAPTER 18.52 (Off-Street Parking and Loading)
                                for General Business Office Uses*
Type                  Required                  Existing            Proposed
Vehicle Parking       1/300 sf of gross floor   53 spaces           53 (PAMC 18.52.040(B)(8)
                      area for a total of 53                        Accessible parking spaces with
                      parking spaces                                an accessible path of travel shall
                                                                    count as at least two standard
                                                                    parking spaces for the purposes
                                                                    of the parking requirements per
Bicycle Parking       1/3,000 sf (60% long      0                   5 spaces (3 long term, 2 short
                      term and 40% short                            term)
                      term) equals 5 spaces
Loading Space         1 loading spaces for      1                   1 (Directors Adjustment to
                      10,000 sf – 99,000 sf                         reduce the required load space
                                                                    size to accommodate SU-30

                                                                                               Packet Pg. 29

                                             Attachment C
                                      Draft Conditions of Approval
                                         2585 E Bayshore Road

1. CONFORMANCE WITH PLANS. Construction and development shall conform to the approved plans
   entitled, "2585 E Bayshore RD” stamped as received by the City on July 28, 2021, on file with the
   Planning Department, 250 Hamilton Avenue, Palo Alto, California except as modified by these
   conditions of approval.

2. BUILDING PERMIT. Apply for a building permit and meet any and all conditions of the Planning, Fire,
   Public Works, and Building Departments. A valid Use & Occupancy permit (O&U permit) must be
   applied for and approved for every new tenant prior to occupying the site.

3. BUILDING PERMIT PLAN SET. The ARB approval letter including all Department conditions of approval
   for the project shall be printed on the plans submitted for the building permit.

4. PROJECT MODIFICATIONS: All modifications to the approved project shall be submitted for review and
   approval prior to construction. If during the Building Permit review and construction phase, the
   project is modified by the applicant, it is the responsibility of the applicant to contact the Planning
   Division/project planner directly to obtain approval of the project modification. It is the applicant’s
   responsibility to highlight any proposed changes to the project and to bring it to the project planner’s

5. PARKING. The project includes design changes to the existing parking lot where the total parking
   spaces proposed is 53 stalls consisting of, five accessible stalls (double counted as 10 parking stalls
   per PAMC 18.52.040(B)(8) Calculation of Required Parking), and 43 standard parking stalls (47 physical
   parking spaces are proposed). Additionally, five new bicycle parking stalls are included in the project
   which consists of three new long-term bicycle parking spaces and two short-term bicycle parking
   spaces. The project must maintain all of the proposed parking spaces for the life of the project.

6. DIRECTOR’S ADJUSTMENT (LOADING SPACE). The proposal includes a request for a Director’s
   adjustment to allow a reduction in the required dimensions for an off-street loading area. The
   adjustment reduced the required loading area to be sized for a SU-30 truck type, as the code required
   load area conflicts with the site design planning and required design guidelines. The SU-30 truck type
   is representative of the truck type that would service the site/use. The proposed parking lot design
   was reviewed for circulation and SU-30 truck access and was found to be sufficient for an off-street
   loading area that does not conflict with vehicle access or circulation. The Director’s adjustment is
   approved and the project shall include the reduced loading area as indicated in the approved plans
   (sheet A0.8)

7. LANDSCAPING. The project shall install new planter islands and landscaping consistent with those
   indicated on the approved plans (sheet L1.0 & L1.1). Any changes to the proposed landscaping must
   be submitted for review and approval by the Current Planning Division of the Planning & Development
   Services Department.

                                                                                                      Packet Pg. 30

8. AMENITY SPACE. The project includes new amenity space that is exempted from the gross floor area
   ratio (FAR) per PAMC 18.04.030(86)(D). The proposed amenity space includes a new
   fitness/recreation room & new showers/locker rooms that total 765 sf. These amenity spaces must
   be maintained for the life of the project and any changes proposed to these areas must be submitted
   for review and approval by the Current Planning Division of the Planning & Development Services

9. PROJECT EXPIRATION. The project approval shall automatically expire after two years from the
   original date of approval if, within such two years, the proposed use of the site or the construction of
   buildings has not commenced pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of the permit or
   approval. Application for a one-year extension of this entitlement may be made prior to the
   expiration. (PAMC 18.77.090(a))

10. INDEMNITY: To the extent permitted by law, the Applicant shall indemnify and hold harmless the City,
    its City Council, its officers, employees, and agents (the “indemnified parties”) from and against any
    claim, action, or proceeding brought by a third party against the indemnified parties and the applicant
    to attack, set aside or void, any permit or approval authorized hereby for the Project, including
    (without limitation) reimbursing the City for its actual attorneys’ fees and costs incurred in defense of
    the litigation. The City may, in its sole discretion, elect to defend any such action with attorneys of its
    own choice.

11. FINAL INSPECTION: A Planning Division Final inspection will be required to determine substantial
    compliance with the approved plans prior to the scheduling of a Building Division final. Any revisions
    during the building process must be approved by Planning, including but not limited to; materials,
    landscaping and hard surface locations. Contact your Project Planner, Samuel Gutierrez at to schedule this inspection.


12. FLOOD ZONE: The proposed project is located within a Special Flood Hazard Area. Accordingly, the
    proposed construction shall comply with (Palo Alto Municipal Code 16.52) and FEMA’s requirements
    for construction within a flood zone.

13. The building’s walls shall be “substantially impermeable to the passage of water.” FEMA has adopted
    the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (COE) definition of substantially impermeable from the COE
    publication “Flood Proofing Regulations.” This document states that a substantially impermeable wall
    “shall not permit the accumulation of more than 4 inches of water depth during a 24-hour period if
    there were no devices provided for its removal. However, sump pumps shall be required to control
    this seepage.” Flood resistant materials, described in Technical Bulletin 2, “Flood-Resistant Materials
    Requirements,” shall be used in all areas where such seepage is likely to occur.

14. The building’s utilities and sanitary facilities, including heating, air conditioning, electrical, water
    supply, and sanitary sewage services, shall be located above the BFE plus one foot, completely
    enclosed within the building’s watertight walls, or made watertight and capable of resisting damage
    during flood conditions.

                                                                                                          Packet Pg. 31

15. Submit draft Flood Emergency Operation Plan for review prior to Public Works Building Permit

16. Submit draft Flood Proofing Inspection and Maintenance Plan for review prior to Public Works
    Building Permit approval.

17. Submit final Flood Emergency Operation Plan prior to Public Works final inspection.

18. Submit final Flood Proofing Inspection & Maintenance Plan prior to Public Works final inspection.

19. Prior to Public Works final inspection, owner shall sign and record an agreement stating that the Flood
    Emergency Operation Plan and the Flood Proofing Inspection and Maintenance Plan will be followed
    for the life of the structure and that the agreement shall be transferred to all subsequent owners.

20. Prior to Public Works final inspection, this Project shall file a Floodproofing Certificate for Non-
    Residential Structures (FEMA Form 086-0-34) with all applicable authorities. The Floodproofing
    Certificate shall include the Flood Emergency Operation Plan and the Flood Proofing Inspection &
    Maintenance Plan as described in FEMA Technical Bulletin 3/January 2021.


    21. Changes to existing electric utilities equipment on site such as switchgear will require a utilities
        application to be submitted. Load changes can potentially require a utility transformer upgrade.
        New EV chargers require EVSE application submittal.

                                                                                                       Packet Pg. 32











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                                      Attachment F

                                       Project Plans

        During the ongoing Shelter-in-Place, project plans are only available online.

                        Directions to review Project plans online:

        1. Go to:
        2. Scroll to find “2585 E Bayshore Rd” and click the address link
        3. On this project specific webpage you will find a link to the Project Plans and
           other important information

                             Direct Link to Project Webpage:

                                                                                            Packet Pg. 36
You can also read