APRIL 2022 In & Around - Truist Plaza

Page created by Marie Palmer
APRIL 2022 In & Around - Truist Plaza
In & Around

                                    APRIL 2022

                                                                APRIL 1, 2022
Every April Autism Speaks celebrates World Autism
                                                               April Fool’s Day
Month, beginning with United Nations-sanctioned         International Fun at Work Day
World Autism Awareness Day on April 2. Throughout
the month, they focus on sharing stories and                   APRIL 3, 2022
providing opportunities to increase understanding                Ramadan
and acceptance of people with autism, fostering
                                                               APRIL 10, 2022
worldwide support.
                                                                Palm Sunday

                                                               APRIL 15, 2022
Growing tired of winter yet? As much as we all may              Good Friday
enjoy a cozy night by the fire, the change in seasons
brings a much-needed chance to shed that Vampire-              APRIL 17, 2022
                                                               Easter Sunday
like avoidance of daylight and venture back into the
great outdoors. April is, after all, the month when            APRIL 22, 2022
spring springs, so April’s National Garden Month is              Earth Day
the right time to get outside and enjoy Mother
Nature’s colorful antidote to cabin fever.                     APRIL 29, 2022
                                                                 Arbor Day
APRIL 2022 In & Around - Truist Plaza

The Atlanta Dogwood Festival       The Beer Festival at Atlantic   Pandora presents Disney
is back! Hundreds of artists       Station features 64             Princess: The Concert…'Be
from around the country will       different Georgia craft         our guest'' as an all-star
set up their tents for the 86th    breweries including Atlanta     quartet of Broadway and
Annual Atlanta Dogwood             Brewing Co., Bold Monk          animated film icons, their
Festival this Spring.              Brewery, Georgia Beer Co.,      magical Music Director, and
                                   Monday Night Brewing, and       enchanting Prince celebrate
An Atlanta staple for more
                                   of course Sweet Water           all the Disney Princesses in
than 80 years, there is                                            an unforgettable evening of
                                   Brewing Co. These
something for everyone at the                                      songs, animation, and
                                   breweries will be offering
Atlanta Dogwood Festival.
                                   250+ styles and flights of      stories! Fans are encouraged
Virtually every kind of art                                        to dress up in their best
                                   beers. There will be live
imaginable is represented at                                       royal attire for an
                                   music provided by Dave
the festival, with a nationally                                    unforgettable evening.
                                   and The Love band and
renowned-juried Fine Artist                                        Dreams will come true as
                                   there will be food trucks
Market that includes
                                   serving delicious bites that    these acclaimed performers
sculpture, paintings, pottery,                                     sing over 30 favorite Disney
                                   pair well with all the beer
jewelry, photography and                                           Princess songs, and share
                                   you are inclined to drink.
much more. In addition to the
                                   This event is rain or shine,    their exclusive, hilarious,
fine art for adults and art                                        and heartfelt behind-the-
                                   alcohol will be cut off at
collectors, there is a Kids                                        scenes stories from their
                                   4:45 PM and free water will
Village featuring arts & crafts,                                   time on the stage and
                                   be given to all.
interactive make and take                                          screen.
activities, face painting and
more for all ages.
          LEARN                             LEARN                          PU RCH ASE
          M ORE                             M ORE                           T ICK ETS
APRIL 2022 In & Around - Truist Plaza
MARTA REACH                                                          Truist Plaza
                                                                           Blood Drive
MARTA hasn’t done this in a long time, but the                  The American Red Cross is facing a national blood
region’s needs, and goals have changed. MARTA is                crisis – its worst blood shortage in over a decade,
trying to make sure that the bus network is right for           posing a concerning risk to patient care. Doctors
today, and tomorrow. MARTA is working on many                   have been forced to make difficult decisions about
projects to enrich the transit network and expand               who receives transfusions and who will need to wait
their bus service in the next two years. Since the              until more products become available. Blood and
opening of its first routes, MARTA’s bus network has            platelet donations are critically needed to help
gradually expanded to accommodate growth in the                 prevent further delays in vital medical treatments.
service area and serve newly developed areas. Due to            Put simply, the American Red Cross needs your help.
expansions, declining ridership, and changing travel            Please book an appointment to give blood or
patterns, MARTA wants to reconfirm a bus network                platelets at the upcoming blood drive in the Truist
that best serves its customers. The MARTA REACH                 Plaza Garden Offices Atrium on April 19th – 20th
program is one of the ways MARTA is trying to reach             from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM. Register at RED CROSS,
new customers and please existing customers.                    enter sponsor code tplaza.

                            National Gardening Month
During National Garden Month go to the place where it is
done right all year long. Check out these botanical feats all
April long. You may choose to enjoy thousands of
beautiful, fragrant orchids on display during Orchid Daze,
the Fuqua Orchid Center’s annual exhibition highlighting
winter’s favorite plant. Explore the largest collection of
species orchids on permanent display in the United States.
These gardens under glass represent two climate
environments, offering more than 200 genera and 2,000
species of orchids, the largest and most diverse plant
family in the world. You can view how Atlanta blooms by
exploring hundreds of thousands of tulips, daffodils,
crocuses and hyacinths. Check out a variety of ways to
grow bulbs, including container gardens and floating
islands and watch for updates on peak bloom times on
their website. Experience all these wonderful features by
purchasing daily tickets or becoming a member.
APRIL 2022 In & Around - Truist Plaza
Canyon Grill              404.610.7770              IN HOUSE CATERING AND EVENTS
Caribou Coffee            404.681.0208              Looking for a place to host your next
Dunkin’ Donuts            404.589.1122              corporate event? Truist Plaza and Truist
Garden Deli               404.223.3354              Plaza Garden Offices have a wide variety of
Big Kahuna                404.343.0409              options to take your event to the next level.
Morton’s The Steakhouse   404.577.4366              Available locations include the Garden
Pacific Rim Bistro        404.893.0018              Atrium, the Plaza Lower Lobby and the
                                                    Plaza Courtyard. Catering options include
                                                    one of our spectacular restaurants:
Truist Dental Group       404.525.2741
                                                    Morton’s The Steakhouse, Pacific Rim
King Clean Auto Spa       770.842.1020
                                                    Bistro, Big Kahuna, Canyon Grill and
Nick’s Executive Shine    404.482.9531
                                                    Garden Deli.
Truist Branch Bank        404.479.2344
Tower Lobby Shops         404.223.6060

Big Kahuna                      Mon. - Fri., Sat.           12:00 PM - 8:00 PM, 4:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Pacific Rim Bistro              Mon. - Fri.                 11:30 AM - 8:00 PM
Morton’s The Steakhouse         Mon. - Sun.                 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Dunkin’ Donuts                  Mon. - Fri.                 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Tower Lobby                     Mon. - Fri.                 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Garden Deli                     Mon. - Fri.                 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Nick’s Executive Shine          Mon. - Fri.                 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Caribou Coffee                  Mon. - Fri.                 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
King Clean Auto Spa             Wednesdays Only             7:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Canyon Grill                    Mon. – Fri.                 7:00 AM - 3:00 PM
APRIL 2022 In & Around - Truist Plaza
Community Manager’s Corner
                         Great things are happening
                         all over Atlanta. Never miss
                         out on the events happening
                         in and around Atlanta again
                         by subscribing to the
                         Weekend Happenings, our
                         weekly newsletter.              AMENITY SPOTLIGHT
                         Click here to add yourself to   Portman Management is excited to announce that
                         the distribution list.          the Truist Plaza Fitness Center, located on the Atrium
                                                         Level of the Garden Offices, will reopen on April 4th.
Defrieda Doggett can be reached at 404.614.5470 or
                                                         Due to the pandemic, it has been necessary to
via email at frieda@urbanenterprises.com, between
                                                         update the Fitness Center License Agreement, rules
the hours of 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday-Friday.
                                                         and the operational procedures, to include operating
The Community Manager desk is in the Truist Plaza
                                                         hours. If you plan to use the Fitness Center please
LL Conference Center, Suite 155.
                                                         read this article carefully.
 TRUIST PLAZA SOCIAL MEDIA                                   •    New Fitness Center Agreement: Anyone
                                                                  planning to use the Fitness Center must fill
You can find Truist Plaza on social media! Stay up
                                                                  out the fitness center agreement form and
to date on happenings around the building,
                                                                  send it to TPCS@portmanholdings.com,
including Truist Plaza eateries promotions. Click
                                                                  even if you had one on file in the past.
the following links to view Truist Plaza’s social
media pages: Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.                •    Access: Access to the Fitness Center may
                                                                  take up to 48 business hours after
                                                                  management has received the new Fitness
                                                                  Center Agreement. Thank you for your
                                                             •    Operating Hours: Temporary operating
                                                                  hours are Monday through Friday 5:30am -
                                                                  9am, 11am – 2pm, and 4:30pm - 7:30pm.
                                                                  While the Fitness Center is closed, janitorial
                                                                  will clean the restrooms and showers.

 Please be advised that the City of Atlanta Mayor            •    Social Distancing: Please remember to
 has lifted the Executive Order requiring mask use                social distance in the locker rooms, stretch
 indoors in buildings that are not owned or leased                area and while using equipment. Some
 by City of Atlanta. Please note that indoor mask                 equipment will be closed to facilitate social
 use will no longer be required in common areas of                distancing in the work out area. Thank you
 Truist Plaza and Truist Plaza Gardens Offices.                   for your cooperation.
 Please continue to adhere to public health
                                                             •    Wiping your equipment: Please remember
 guidance by social distancing, keeping hands clean
                                                                  to wipe down equipment after use.
 and staying home when ill.
APRIL 2022 In & Around - Truist Plaza APRIL 2022 In & Around - Truist Plaza APRIL 2022 In & Around - Truist Plaza APRIL 2022 In & Around - Truist Plaza APRIL 2022 In & Around - Truist Plaza
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