APRIL 15-18 - Orlando Ballet

Page created by Philip Malone
APRIL 15-18 - Orlando Ballet
APRIL 15-18
APRIL 15-18 - Orlando Ballet

Harriett Lake
APRIL 15-18 - Orlando Ballet
                                    Orlando Ballet relies on your philanthropic
                                     support, in addition to your patronage, to
                                       ensure that we are able to continue our
                                      mission to entertain, educate, and enrich
                                         through the highest quality of dance.

                                                                       If you would like to
                                                                   support Orlando Ballet
                                                                  individually, please visit
                                                          and designate to Orlando Ballet
                                                                  through April 30, 2021.

                                                               THE BARRE GETS
                                                                  YOU CLOSER

        Dancers: Thomas Holdsworth (UK), JinHo Won (Republic of Korea) | Photography by Michael Cairns 2020

   Find all of the exciting details at OrlandoBallet.org
Contact Us • asamuels@orlandoballet.org 407.418.9812
APRIL 15-18 - Orlando Ballet
Rendering: RSVP Design Studio LLC
Join thousands of Central Floridians in ensuring the arts are accessible
                       to all by donating to the
             2021 Collaborative Campaign for the Arts.
Designate your donation to Orlando Ballet by 5 p.m. on April 30, 2021
             to be eligible to receive a 15% match from
                   United Arts of Central Florida.

                                                  Harriett’s Orlando Ballet Centre is an
                                                  asset not only for Orlando Ballet, but the
                                                  community at large — a place to gather
                                                  and share in the magic inherent to the
                                                  City Beautiful, all while overlooking idyllic
                                                  Lake Formosa.

                                                  FACILIT Y RENTAL S
                                                  Interested in hosting an event to
                                                  remember at Harriett’s Orlando Ballet
                                                  Centre? The facility is available
                                                  for weddings, corporate events,
                                                  performances, and more.

                                                  Contact Katherine Fabian, Managing
                                                  Director, at kfabian@orlandoballet.org
                                                  for more information.
APRIL 15-18 - Orlando Ballet
APRIL 15-18 - Orlando Ballet

     Gratitude &

Peter Pan was right. The moment you doubt            From the magic of Sleeping Beauty to the
whether you can fly, you cease forever to be able    gritty vibrancy of Jorden Morris,’ Moulin
to do it, said he. Orlando Ballet is flying high     Rogue®, The Ballet we conclude this season
after a remarkable season that might not have        with a delightful dose of childlike joy from
happened had we doubted ourselves.                   another beloved ballet by Jorden Morris –
                                                     Peter Pan. From Peter’s perspective, it might
Thanks to the collaboration between staff,           be nice to never have to worry about grown
executive leadership, our Board of Directors         up things, but because we did indeed make
and this amazing community, Orlando Ballet           adult decisions, Peter Pan is now here.
did what virtually no other professional
dance company was able to do this year – we          We end this season with hope and gratitude
performed a full season on stage before live         for your continued and significant support.
audiences.                                           And as Peter once said, “Never say goodbye
                                                     because saying goodbye means going away
Certainly, we have a fundamental advantage           and going away means forgetting.” We will
– the Harriett Orlando Ballet Centre, a state-       never forget this season or you.
of-the-art building that enabled us to remain
fully operational and even able to host our first
mainstage performance with The Robert Hill
Collection. We stayed true to the dancers’ culture
of discipline by adhering to significant safety
practices and protocols that contributed to the
overall protection of our organization as well as
members of the public.                               Robert Hill
                                                     Artistic Director, Orlando Ballet
APRIL 15-18 - Orlando Ballet

                                               Dreams Come

“The moment you doubt whether you can           tender care of Nana, the daring deeds of
fly, you cease for ever to be able to do it.”   Peter Pan, and the sheer delight of
--J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
                                                Together we have been through so
I am struck by this quote from J.M.             much. I’m grateful for every donor, every
Barrie, about the power we have within          student, every patron, every sponsor,
us to fly. Tonight, we fly together,            and every person who supported us and
in a world originally created by J.M.           kept us going this past year. I’m grateful
Barrie in his beloved classic Peter Pan.        for every dancer, every artist, every staff
The inventiveness of Orlando Ballet’s           member, and every volunteer. You have
choreographer-in-residence Jorden Morris        never doubted and your belief in us has
will give us a chance to soar, as he brings     kept us aloft. It’s my wish for you that
to brilliant life London, the night sky, and    this performance will delight your inner
Neverland. Our dancers have worked              child, and give you the faith, and trust,
hard this season, training in new and           and pixie dust to fly.
different ways, managing masks and social
distancing. I’m so proud of what they have
accomplished. I look forward to watching
them take to the stage, and to the air! What    Thank you and I will see you next season.
a way to lift off from the challenges of this   With gratitude,
year. To literally fly.

In this magical ballet that closes a most
unique season, it’s more than pixie dust
that can transform us all into children. As
we experience the pure joy of dance, the
beauty of a fairy tale, and the magic of        Cheryl Collins
belief, our spirits can be revived. It’s the    Executive Director, Orlando Ballet
inner child in each of us that needs the
APRIL 15-18 - Orlando Ballet
       Andrew Beck & Don Rutley

            Anne Armit

          Robert Hand Jr.
      Adapted by Helena Kuuka

           John Beaulieu

       Rita D’Angelo Tikador

        Eddy Frank Fernandez

           Norelis Dean

           Andy Haynes

             Melissa Trupp

            Jaren Conklin

            Flying By Foy
APRIL 15-18 - Orlando Ballet
                                    Choreographer, Orlando Ballet

Jorden Morris is an Alberta-born, internationally renowned ballet choreographer and director. He trained at
the Banff Centre School of Fine Arts and Royal Winnipeg Ballet School. Morris Began his career with the RWB
after graduating, and quickly rose to the rank of principal dancer, performing lead roles in both classical and
contemporary works. After retiring from his career on stage, Morris studied choreography and theater arts
at New York University, as well as early French choreography from Claude Bessy and Serge Golovine of the
Paris Opera.

Jorden premiered his first work in 1999, a one-act interpretation of Alexandre Dumas’ The Three Musketeers.
He choreographed three works in 2000, one for the Alabama School of Fine Arts in Birmingham, that
would go on to be performed at the Birmingham Arts Festival. Morris was also commissioned by the RWB
to choreograph two pieces for Queen Elizabeth II during her Canadian visit that year, which were broadcast
nationally by the CBC.

Morris then expanded his career by taking the position of Ballet Master and assistant to the Director at Boston
Ballet. He rose to the rank of Chief Ballet Master and was the interim Director for the 2001 season.

After returning to Canada as Associate School Director for the RWB, Jorden was commissioned to create his
first full-length work Peter Pan. This production became the biggest box office in the RWB’s history, until it
was surpassed three years later by his next full-length ballet, Moulin Rouge® - The Ballet.

Jorden has also choreographed for the Genie and Gemini awards which were broadcast nationally and
featured dancers from The National Ballet of Canada and the Royal Winnipeg Ballet.
APRIL 15-18 - Orlando Ballet

At the Darling family home in London, young           Peter brings the children to the Fairy forest
Wendy dances in her bedroom. Her brothers             where all of the sprites dance in celebration.
John and Michael arrive and join in the fun.          The Lost Boys arrive, and everyone is happy
Mrs. Darling and Liza the maid come to the            that Peter has returned to Neverland. But
nursery to ready the children for bed. Mr.            the merriment does not last long when the
Darling arrives and is worried about being late       Pirates challenge Peter and the boys to a
for a dinner party. After the boys pretend to be      fight. Dueling with Hook, Peter is almost
pirates and kidnap Father, the playful children       defeated, when just in the nick of time the
foil all of Mother’s attempts to get them into        Crocodile chases Hook away.
bed. Finally, peace is achieved and with the
children drifting off to sleep, Mr. & Mrs. Darling    The Pirates enter the underground home
leave for the party.                                  and capture all the children. Only Tinker Bell
                                                      escapes! Captain Hook, disappointed in not
When the coast is clear, Tinker Bell enters the       finding Peter, poisons the medicine bottle
nursery in search of Peter Pan’s shadow, which        in hopes that he will drink from it when he
he lost while listening at the window to Wendy        returns. Later as Peter gathers his sword and
telling stories to the boys. After madly searching    his courage before heading out to save the
the room, she finally finds it in the washstand.      children, he remembers to take his medicine.
Peter enters and tries frantically to catch his       But before he can, Tinker Bell drinks it to
shadow. Unable to do so, he slumps down               herself to save Peter’s life. Tinker Bell begins
beside Wendy’s bed and begins to cry.                 to fade despite Peter’s attempt to revive
                                                      her. She slips away. Only the Fairies, having
Wendy awakens to see Peter crying and offers to       sensed Tinker Bell weakening, are able to
sew his shadow back on. She is quite taken with       revive her by dancing until she is magically
Peter and seems to have a vague recollection of       resurrected.
him. She offers him a kiss and when he doesn’t
know what that is, gives him a thimble. Peter         On the pirate ship, the new “recruits” are
invites Wendy to Neverland where she can be           put to work. Peter flies to the ship and after
the mother and tell stories to the Lost Boys.         a fierce battle, defeats Captain Hook and the
Meanwhile, Tinker Bell is very jealous and upset      pirates. After celebrating their victory, Peter
at Peter’s attention to Wendy. After accepting        begrudgingly agrees to take Wendy, John and
Peter’s invitation, Wendy wakens John and             Michael home. Wendy is worried that her
Michael who are overjoyed to see Peter and            brothers are forgetting their real parents. The
Tinker Bell in the nursery. All three children        Fairies fly the ship home, where the children
have a quick flying lesson and with the help of       surprise Mrs. Darling in the nursery. Mr.
Tinker Bell’s fairy dust, they take off through the   Darling hears the commotion and rushes
nursery window. After flying over London, they        in where he is introduced to the Lost Boys
are off to adventures in Neverland – second to        who have decided it is time to grow up. After
the right and straight on till morning!               the others leave the nursery, Wendy returns,
                                                      having sensed that Peter is still nearby. He
In Neverland, Tiger Lily, the Fairies and the         has been waiting outside the window. After
Crocodile are in the lagoon when they hear the        a tender moment, with Peter promising to
pirates coming and quickly hide. Smee tells           return, Wendy watches him fly off into the
Captain Hook that Peter has returned to the           stars. And on to another adventure!
island with new treasures when suddenly the
Crocodile appears and tries to get another taste
of Hook.

Montague Phillips, The Shadowy Pines from the Surrey Suite, op. 59

Sir Edward Elgar, Sun Dance from the Wand of Youth suite no. 1 op. 1a

Montague Phillips, Graceful Dance from “Four Dances from the Rebel Maid”

Sir Edward Elgar, VI The Merry doll from Nursery Suite

Sir Edward Elgar, Allegretto piacevole from the “Dream Children” op. 43

Sir Edward Elgar, Little Bells from The Wand of Youth suite no. 2 op.1b

Eric Coates, The Dam Busters March

Eric Coates - Covent Garden from the London suite (London Everyday)

Sir Edward Elgar Soliloquy for Oboe and Orchestra

Sir Edward Elgar, II Allegro

Sir Edward Elgar, Pop and Circumstance March No. 2 in A Minor

Sir Edward Elgar, The Wagon Passes from Nursery Suite

Eric Coats, Prelude and Hornpipe

Montague Phillips, IV The Villagers’ Dance (allegro vivace)

Edward Elgar, No 3. In C minor rom Pomp and Circumstance Marches

Sir Edward Elgar: Allegro de molto

Sir Edward Elgar, VII Fairies and Giants from The Wand of Youth, Suite No. 1, Op 1a

Montague Phillips/Kingston Market from the Surrey Suite

Montague Phillips Graceful Dance from “Four Dances from the Rebel Maid”

Sir Edward Elgar from the Wand of Youth suite no. 2 OP. 1b

Sir Edward Elgar/Wand of Youth suite 2 track 13 the Wild Bears

Sir Edward Elgar/Dream Children OP. 43 track 15 Allegretto piacevole

Sir Benjamin Britten, Fugue and finale from The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra

Eric Coates from “The Three-Man Suite” - The Man from the Country

Ron Goodwin/Ruman Gamba/BBC Philharmonic, Squadron 644

Montague Phillips, Hampton Court

Sir Edward Elgar / Halle, Cockaigne (In London Town)

                           (*) 4.15, 4.16, 4.17 EVE, 4.18, MAT
                                 (**) 4.17 MAT, 4.18 EVE

PETER PAN                                         SHADOW PETER
* Patrick Frenette                                Nathan Rowell
** Matthew Cunningham
WENDY                                             Katherine Whitfield
* Rachele Eusebione
** Kate-Lynn Robichaux                            JOHN
                                                  Elisabeth Moser
* Junna Ige                                       LOST BOYS
** Ashley Bazto                                   Kobe Atwood Courtney,
                                                  Amir Dodarkhojayev, Nathan Rowell,
MR. DARLING / CAPTAIN HOOK                        Remina Tanaka
Adam Boreland
MRS. DARLING / TIGER LILY                         Francis Mihm, Ryan Ward,
Anita Boer                                        David Wright

SMEE                                              RED PIRATE GIRL
Israel Zavaleta Escobedo                          Anamarie McGinn

CROCODILE                                         BLACK PIRATE GIRL
David O’Matz                                      Isabella Mendez

LIZA                                              FAIRIES
* Kellie Fulton                                   Ashley Coupal, Kellie Fulton,
** Kenna Gold                                     Kenna Gold, Isabella Mendez,
                                                  Olivia Mitchell, Hitomi Nakamura,
NANA                                              Olivia Sparling
* Francis Mihm
** Ryan Ward
ORLANDO                             BALLET                        MISSION                        STATEMENT

         Orlando Ballet entertains, educates, and enriches through the highest quality of dance.

                            BOARD                        O F          DIRE C TO R S

                                       PRESIDENT                                 VICE PRESIDENT
                                   Jonathan Ledden                            John A. “Skip” Kirst Jr.
                                      Private Investor                             Broker Associate
                                                                                  Collado Real Estate

                                       SECRETARY                                      TREASURER
                                      Judy St. Peter                                  David Withee
                                  Mark Pulliam Fine Art                       JP Morgan Private Bank

    Jennifer Bentson*                                  Cheryl Collins, CFRE*                             Robert Hill*
Orlando Ballet Ambassador                                    Orlando Ballet                             Orlando Ballet
                                                            Executive Director                          Artistic Director
  Sandor Bondorowsky
Total Media Productions, Inc.                               Nancy Gibbons                               Keri Holliday
                                                              Orlando Magic                                PNC Bank
      Bettina Buckley
  Walt Disney World Resort                             Marcia Hope Goodwin                               Tim Kashani
                                                              City of Orlando                             Apples and
        Carol Burkett
                                                                                                        Oranges Studios
        Orange County                                     Jean Grono-Nowry
         Government                                          Massey Services                            Lynn Le, MD
                                                                                                        Le Concierge MD
                                                                                                        Krista Ledden
                                                                                                  Community Volunteer
                                                                                                        Traci Madara
                                                                                                  Community Volunteer
                                                                                                     La Voyce Porter
                                                                                                     Frontline Insurance
                                                                                                        Kelly Roberts*
                                                                                               Orlando Ballet Ambassador
                                                                                                      Marco Santoro
                                                                                                          Wells Fargo
                                                                                                        Geanne Share
                                                                                                     Community Leader
                                                                                                         Rick Skaggs
                                                                                                 USF Federal Credit Union
                                                                                                     Jennifer Socarras
                                                                                                     UPSHOT Foundation
                                                                                                     Lizette Valarino*
                                                                                                Amigos del Orlando Ballet
* Non-Voting                                                                                             Jayne Willis
Dancers: Adam Boreland (USA), Blair Bagley (USA) Photography by Michael Cairns 2020                     Orlando Health
ARTI S TI C                      S TA F F

                                              ROBERT HILL
                                       Artistic Director, Orlando Ballet

Entering his 12th season as Artistic Director of the Orlando Ballet, Robert Hill continues with his vision for the
company to make ballet relevant to today’s audiences. Mr. Hill blends modern entertainment with classical
ballet and his choreography has been critically acclaimed as energetic, graceful and theatrically beautiful.
Under his direction, artistic collaborations have developed with other organizations such as Central Florida
Community Arts, Opera Orlando, Garden Theatre, Creative City Project, The Abbey, The Bach Festival Society
of Winter Park, the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra and Cirque du Soleil.

Mr. Hill has been a principal dancer with ABT, The Royal Ballet, and the New York City Ballet. As a guest artist,
he has appeared with numerous companies including the Scottish Ballet, the San Francisco Ballet, and the
Australian Ballet. Mr. Hill’s interpretation of the title role in John Cranko’s Onegin, opposite Julie Kent as Tatiana,
presented at the Metropolitan Opera House in Lincoln Center by ABT, was selected by The New York Times as
one of the “Ten Best Moments in Dance” in 2002.

Mr. Hill is especially grateful to the loving dedication he received in his initial training with Liz Bevilacqua and
Al Packard of The Dussich Dance Studio, and with Phyllis Papa of the Atlantic City Ballet.

 MARCH 9, 1927 – NOVEMBER 24, 2018

 Born and raised in New York City, Anna began her working career with
 AT&T in Manhattan—a job which later led her to our sunny Orlando.
 It was here that she retired after working for over 30 years in the
 telecom industry.

 According to those who knew and loved her, Anna was equal parts
 elegant and intelligent—with a razor-sharp wit and an even sharper
 sense of style. She was passionate about helping others—spending
 much of her time volunteering at local hospitals in the neo-natal care
 unit and donating many of her fabulous wardrobe items to low-
 income women who were attempting to transition into self-sufficiency.
 Her impact seems to have stretched far and wide.

 Anna made plans to continue her impact in the community after her
 death by designating Orlando Ballet as a beneficiary of her estate. With
 her gift, Orlando Ballet is able to continue our mission to entertain,
 educate and enrich the community through the highest quality of
 dance, making it more accessible to all.

Anna’s forward thinking has now placed her in the highest tier of giving at
Orlando Ballet. If you have included Orlando Ballet in your will or estate
plans or you would like more information about doing so, please contact
Ashley Samuels at 407.418.9812 or asamuels@orlandoballet.org. We can
work with you and your financial or legal advisors to ensure that your
legacy of generosity will continue in the future.
 With expert care, easy online scheduling, same-day and virtual
appointments, plus convenient locations, Orlando Health is there
 when and where you need us -- so you can get back to making
                       dreams come true.

        Orlando Health is the official medical team of the

ARTI S TI C                   S TA F F

Associate Artistic Director
As Associate Artistic Director at Orlando Ballet, Lisa Thorn Vinzant brings extensive
professional experience as a former principal dancer, choreographer and educator,
contributing to the success of the professional dance company. As the former Ballet
Master, a role she held since joining Orlando Ballet in 2015, she is actively involved in
the dance company’s artistic development. Much of her 20-year dance career was as
a member of the Kansas City Ballet, where she performed numerous principal roles by
some of the world’s greatest choreographers including Alvin Ailey, George Balanchine,
Todd Bolender, August Bournonville, Merce Cunningham, Agnes DeMille, Nacho
Duato and Twyla Tharp. She also served as Kansas City Ballet’s Associate Ballet Mistress
and ultimately Ballet Mistress in Residence. Other career highlights Lisa has enjoyed,
include performing professionally with the Pittsburgh Ballet Theater, Albany/Berkshire
Ballet, Owen/Cox Dance Group, Lyric Opera of Kansas City, Starlight Theatre of Kansas
City and Wylliams Henry Contemporary Dance. In addition to dancing professionally,
Lisa has also choreographed for numerous organizations including the Kansas City
Ballet, Lyric Opera of Kansas City, Actors Theatre of Kansas City and the Kansas City
Youth Ballet. Lisa’s skill and success in choreography led to her being named 2005’s
Emerging Choreographer at the Craft of Choreography Conference. Lisa holds the
prestigious ABT Certified Teacher credential, has a bachelor’s degree in Fine Arts in
Dance, and she graduated Summa Cu Laude from the University of Missouri where
she also served as an Adjunct Professor at the Conservatory of Music and Dance. She
also served as guest instructor for the University of North Carolina School of the Arts.
Lisa is originally from Dryden, New York. She began her training with the Ithaca Ballet
in Ithaca, NY and received the majority of her training at the North Carolina School of

Principal Company & Academy Teacher
Yan Chen was trained at Shanghai Dance School, China and San Francisco Ballet School.
In 1987, She was awarded Paris Foundation of Dance Award at the Prix de Lausanne in
Switzerland. She then joined The Washington Ballet under the Artistic Director Mary Day.
In the fall of 1993, Ms. Chen join the American Ballet Theater, and six months later, she
was promoted to soloist. As one of American Ballet Theater’s most lyrical and versatile
dancer, she has performed many leading roles including Juliet in Romeo & Juliet, title
role in Cinderella, Princess Aurora in The Sleeping Beauty, the Sylphide in La Sylphide,
Swanilda in Coppelia, Gulnar in Le Corsaire, Desdemona in Othello, Giselle in Giselle, as
well as works by Twyla Tharp, Jiri Kylian, Paul Taylor, Lar Lubovitch, George Balanchine,
John Cranko, John Neumeier, James Kudelka. During her performing career, Ms. Chen
had performed as a guest artist through out the world, she has been invited to perform
at many prestigious dance festivals such as Vail International Dance Festival and Jacob’s
Pillow Dance Festival. She also appeared in PBS Great Performance program for Television
and Video/DVD: “American Ballet Theater Now.” Ms. Chen always had passion for teaching.
Since 1994, she has been served as the guest teacher with the Orlando Ballet School
and the Company (then the Southern Ballet Theater). In 2009 she became the Ballet
Master with Orlando Ballet. She is currently the faculty member and adjudicator for the
American Ballet Theatre’s Summer Intensive program and Guest Ballet Master for the
American Ballet Theatre studio company.

Venice, Florida (USA)
Ashley Baszto began her training at the Sarasota Ballet Academy, and
proceeded to the Rock School for Dance Education, followed by the Miami City Ballet
School. For two years Baszto danced with Orlando Ballet II prior to joining Orlando
Ballet as an apprentice in 2013. Baszto has placed in the top 12 for both classical and
contemporary at numerous Youth American Grand Prix regional competitions and
participated in the New York finals. In 2010 Baszto was invited to compete in the
International Ballet Competition in Jackson, Mississippi. She also won a silver medal
in the 2013 American Dance Competition for her classical pas de deux. In 2014
Ashley trained and performed at the Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival Ballet Program.
That same summer she became an American Ballet Theatre certified teacher.

Anaheim, California (USA)
Daniel Benavides began his training with Anaheim Ballet. He furthered his training
with San Francisco Ballet School on a full scholarship. Prior to joining Orlando Ballet
in 2006, Benavides danced with Boston Ballet II and the Suzanne Farrell Ballet
Company. He has guested with Pacific Youth Ballet, New Bedford Ballet, First State
Theater Ballet, and Anaheim Ballet. This is Benavides’ 15th season with Orlando

Baltimore, Maryland (USA)
Ani received her early training in Baltimore, MD, and continued her training with
ABT, Boston Ballet, and Richmond Ballet, graduating on scholarship from the Kirov
Academy in Washington DC. Prior to joining Orlando Ballet, she pursued a BFA at the
Purchase Conservatory, while working and performing with companies in NY. Some
of her favorite roles include Vampiress in Robert Hill’s Vampire’s Ball, Dark Angel in
Balanchine’s Serenade, the Stepmother in Val Caniparoli’s A Cinderella Story, Red
Queen in Wonderland, Strangers in the Night Pas in Twyla Tharp’s Sinatra Songs,
Hermia in A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Lady Capulet in Romeo and Juliet and Prayer
in Coppelia. Some other featured roles included Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Giselle,
Swan Lake, and The Nutcracker. She would like to dedicate her 14th season with
Orlando Ballet to the late Anita Boer.

New Port Richey, Florida (USA)
Adam Boreland is proud to be an alumnus of the Orlando Ballet School. Some of
his favorite ballets performed with Orlando Ballet are Robert Hill’s Vampire’s Ball,
Carmina Burana, Michael Pink’s Dracula, and Val Caniparoli’s A Cinderella Story. He
has also thoroughly enjoyed performing “DJ” in Val Caniparoli’s Lambarena, the
“Trio” in Sir Kenneth MacMillan’s Gloria, and Glen Tetley’s Voluntaries. Adam believes
dance is for everyone, no matter what shape or size you are. Dance brings people
together and creates a community. He is honored to be in his fifth season with
Orlando Ballet under the direction of the incomparable Robert Hill.

Havana (Cuba)
Carlos Claramunt is from Havana, Cuba where he graduated from the National Ballet
School of Cuba. He obtained a bronze medal at the XX International Meeting of
Academies for the teaching of ballet in 2014. Carlos has performed solo and corps de
ballet roles in different ballets such as Sleeping Beauty, Don Quixote, Swan Lake, The
Nutcracker, The Corsaire, Paquita, Romeo and Juliet, Giselle and choreography such as
Legion, Movements, Rara Avis, Lucia Jerez, Danzon Time, In Light of Your Songs, Casta
Diva, Violin Concerto, and Carmina Burana.

Richmond, Virginia (USA)
Kobe Courtney was introduced to dance through Richmond Ballet’s Outreach program
“Minds in Motion.” After receiving a scholarship, he started ballet at the age of 10. Five years
later he decided to continue his training at Pittsburgh Ballet Theater. During his two years at
Pittsburgh Ballet Theater he was able to learn and perform many pieces including Peter Pan,
Bluebird Pas de Deux, and Etudes. He finished his training at San Francisco Ballet School.
There, he was fortunate to perform some of his favorite pieces, Balanchine’s Stars and Stripes
and an excerpt of Jiri Kylian’s Sarabande.

Brigham, Utah (USA)
Matthew Cunningham started ballet at the age of five at a small studio in Brigham
City, UT. He then furthered his training at age eleven with Ballet West Academy. In
2014, Matthew became a Trainee with Boston Ballet. The following year, Matthew
joined Orlando Ballet’s Second Company. He has attended summer intensives at
Houston Ballet, American Ballet Theatre in New York City, Orlando Ballet and Jacob’s
Pillow. Cunningham has competed in Youth America Grand Prix where he won first
place at the San Diego Semifinals and also competed in the New York Finals. He
competed in the 2016 International Ballet Competition in Helsinki, Finland, where
he received the Encouragement Prize and shortly after was promoted to Apprentice
with Orlando Ballet. He is now a Company Dancer and this is his fourth season with
Orlando Ballet.

Mexico City (Mexico)
Israel began dancing at the age of 12 at the Academy de la Danza Mexicana.
In 2014, he won 2nd place in the International Dance Competition Attitude
and attended the Joffrey Ballet summer intensive. He won 2nd place at the
National Ballet Competition in Mexico in 2015. He later attended the Idyllwilds
Arts Academy Summer and that year he participated in YAGP New York Finals
and earn a scholarship to Orlando Ballet, as later joined as a member of
Orlando Ballet Second Company. He received 2nd place at YAGP semi-finals
in the Pas De Deux category and had the opportunity to perform at the Gala
“Stars of Today, Meet the Dancers of Tomorrow”. He was a competitor at the
USA IBC representing Mexico in 2018 also he was a competitor at CHINA IBCC
representing Mexico in 2019. He is ABT® Certified Teacher in Pre-Primary through
Level 3 and Level 4 & 5 of the ABT® National Training Curriculum. Israel was
promoted to Company Member for the 20/21 Season.

Ocean City, New Jersey (USA)
Kellie is originally from Ocean City, NJ. She trained at The School of Pennsylvania
Ballet for several years before joining the second company. She then spent a
year dancing at Ballet Austin in their Butler Fellowship Program. She attended
summer programs at Boston Ballet School and San Francisco Ballet School.
Kellie has had the opportunity to perform in some of her favorite ballets such as
George Balanchine’s Jewels and Western Symphony, as well as Angel Corella’s
Don Quixote, Swan Lake, and The Sleeping Beauty. This will be Kellie’s second
season with Orlando Ballet.

Bogotá (Colombia)
Luis was trained by Maniya Barredo (Prima Ballerina of Philippines). He joined
Houston Ballet second company at 16 and toured nationally and internationally.
He has performed works by Balanchine, Ben Stevenson, Stanton Welch, and Garret
Smith. Gonzalez joined Orlando Ballet in 2012 through 2015. From there, he joined
Joffrey Ballet in 2015 and danced works by John Newmeyer, Chris Whealdon, Miles
Thatcher, Anabelle Lopez, and Jerome Robins. He has performed at Palais Garnier,
Boch Theatre, Kennedy Center, and Dorothy Chandler. Gonzalez returned to the
Orlando Ballet in 2019.

Junna Ige is a former principal dancer of Silicon Valley Ballet (then known as Ballet
San Jose) and primera bailarina of Ballet de Monterrey. Her roles have included Kitri
in Wes Chapman’s Don Quixote, Giselle in Alicia Alonzo’s Giselle, Cinderella in Ben
Stevenson’s Cinderella, Marie in Karen Gabay’s The Nutcracker, Maria in Dennis Nahat’s
The Nutcracker, Swanilda’s friend in Coppélia, Donald Mahler’s Salut d’Amour, the
Peasant Pas de Deux in Giselle, “My One and Only” in Balanchine’s Who Cares?, the
Principal Dancer, in Allegro Brillante, Kitri in Wes Chapman’s staging of Don Quixote,
Waltz Girl in George Balanchine’s Serenade, principal of Theme and Variations, as well as
roles in Dwight Rhoden’s Evermore, Jorma Elo’s Glow-Stop, Vicente Nebrada’s Nuestros
Valses, Igal Perry’s Infinity and Annabelle Lopez’s Prism. With ballet de Monterrey she
performed as Christine in Albert Mendez’s el Fantasma de la opera, Odette/Odile in Luis
Serrano’s Swan Lake, Nikiya in La Bayadere, Kitri in Don Quixote, Lisset in Alicia Alonzo’s
La Fille Mal Gardeé, and Wendy in Septime Webre’s Peter Pan. Ms. Ige began her ballet
training at Ecole Yokohama and later joined Japan Junior Ballet and Asami Maki School
in Japan. In 2004, she received a scholarship from the Japanese government to train
abroad for two years at the Hamburg Ballet School. In addition, she studied at Staatliche
Hochschule für Musik und performed with Badische Staatcheatler Karlsruhe. She was a
finalist of the 2010 International Ballet Competition in Jackson, Mississippi.

Marathon Key, Florida (USA)
Anamarie McGinn began her Classical Ballet training at the age of 18 with Ballet
Florida in West Palm Beach. In 2003, she became a trainee with Orlando Ballet
School, under the direction of Fernando Bujones, who then promoted her to a
company member in 2004. At the American Dance Competition in 2006, McGinn
received a gold medal in the Senior Classical Division, Silver in Contemporary, and
the Fernando Bujones Excellence Award. In 2007, she received a Bachelor of Arts
degree in Liberal Studies from UCF. Anamarie is also the Company’s Shoe Manager,
a Company Rehearsal Assistant, and enjoys being on faculty at Orlando Ballet
School, where she teaches jazz, contemporary and ballet. This will be her 16th
season with Orlando Ballet.

Litchfield, Connecticut (USA)
Isabella started her training at the Nutmeg Ballet in Torrington, CT. At age 15, she
went to Boston, where she danced in the pre-professional program at Boston
Ballet for two years. After attending the summer program at Orlando Ballet in 2012,
she became a trainee for one year and competed in YAGP winning top 12 for her
classical variation. Isabella was part of Orlando Ballet II for two years prior to being
promoted to an Apprentice position in the main company in 2015. In 2016, she was
again promoted to a full company member position.

Tokyo (Japan)
Hitomi Nakamura began her training at Kaneta Kono Ballet Academy in
Japan. In 2009, she won first place in the Ensemble Category at Youth
America Grand Prix NY final. In 2011, Nakamura won first place in the
senior category at The Ballet Competition in Tokyo. Nakamura moved to
the United States in 2011 and continued her training at Houston Ballet
Ben Stevenson Academy, where she had the opportunity to dance with the
company. In 2013, Nakamura joined Orlando Ballet’s second company and
was invited to compete in the International Ballet Competition at Jackson
where she was a semi-finalist. This is her seventh season dancing with the

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (USA)
David O’Matz is from Pittsburgh, PA and began his training at the Ballet Academy
of Pittsburgh. In 2017, he attended the San Francisco Ballet school until 2020,
where he danced roles with the San Francisco Ballet in Helgi Tomasson’s “Little
Waltz” and“The Nutcracker,” Liam Scarlet’s “Frankenstein,” and Christopher
Wheeldon’s “Cinderella.” He became a member of the Joffrey Ballet Studio
Company in Chicago, where he worked with choreographers Nicolas Blanc and
Annabelle Lopez-Ochoa. He now joins the Orlando Ballet in their 2020/21 season.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (USA)
Born in Philadelphia, Jillian trained at the Rock School for Dance Education for eight
years. She has won several awards at YAGP semi-finals and has competed at the
NYC Finals numerous times. She had attended the Orlando Ballet School Summer
Intensive twice before joining Orlando Ballet II. Her favorite ballets she has danced
in so far are Swan Lake and Balanchine’s Serenade. She has also danced roles in
Romeo and Juliet, Paquita, and Don Quixote. Price has also danced in contemporary
works such as Robert Hill’s Allegretto, Bolero, and Arcadian Broad’s Seasons and
Bach Trio. Price danced for over a year as an Orlando Ballet II prior to her promotion
to Company Apprentice. Price was promoted from Company Apprentice to Main
Company member for the 19/20 season.

Palm Harbor, Florida (USA)
At 13, Kate-Lynn attended her first summer program at Orlando Ballet, where she
decided to pursue a career in ballet. She trained at Florida Ballet School with Daniel
Deal and then America’s Ballet School with Paula Nunez and Osmany Montano.
Robichaux won a gold medal at the 2010 YAGP Regionals. In 2011 she was the
Senior Division prize winner at the ADC. She danced in a collaboration with Cirque
de Soleil and Orlando Ballet. She also danced Dying Swan at the performance that
was dedicated to the victims of the Pulse tragedy, as well as performing Robert Hill’s
Meditation for one voice in memorial of the Pulse victims.

Knoxville, Tennessee (USA)
Jaysan Stinnett began training at the Thomas Armor Youth Ballet in November
2014 and became a student at the Harid Conservatory in August of 2015, studying
there until joining Orlando Ballet as a company member in 2019. During his time
at the Harid Conservatory, he was accepted on full scholarship to several summer
programs including American Ballet Theatre, School of American Ballet, Ellison
Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet Academy, Pittsburgh Ballet Theatre, San Francisco Ballet, and
Houston Ballet.

Indianapolis, Indiana (USA)
David Wright began his dance training at Infiniti Performing Arts Center under the
direction of his mother Kiyanna Wright. He then went on to train at the Indiana Ballet
Conservatory in 2016. There he competed in Youth American Grand Prix where he
received 1st place awards as well as an offer to be a part of Orlando Ballet II. Wright
danced for two years with Orlando Ballet II prior to his promotion to Company
Apprentice. Wright was promoted from Company Apprentice to Main Company for
the 19/20 season.

              A P P RE N TI C E

Vercelli (Italy)
Rachele Eusebione started dancing when she was only 3 years old. When she
was 11, she joined La Scala Ballet School, directed by Frederic Olivieri. During her
training, she had the great opportunity to work with Patricia Neary, Sergej Virkarev,
Vladimir Derevianko, Piotr Nardelly, Shirley Esseboom, and Monique Loudieres. After
her graduation at La Scala Ballet School in 2017, she joined La Scala Ballet Company
for the production of Ratmanki’s Swan Lake. She has also been trained by Isabel
Seabra who was Etoile at La Scala.
G U E ST            A RTI S T

Vancouver (Canada)
Patrick Frenette was born in Vancouver, Canada. He began his early training
at the Goh Ballet Academy under the instruction of Fiona Smith. In 2008, his
family relocated to California to further his professional ballet training with
former ABT dancer Chris Martin and former Bolshoi Ballet dancer Dmitri Kulev.
He is a two-time recipient of the Senior Grand Prix award at the Youth America
Grand Prix’s regional competitions and in 2011, was also awarded the Mary Day
Award for Outstanding Artistry.

In 2012, Frenette began studying at the School of American Ballet under Jock
Soto, where he was awarded The Rudolf Nureyev Foundation Scholarship. He
joined American Ballet Theatre as an apprentice in 2013. Since joining ABT, he
has created roles in pieces by Alexei Ratmansky and Michelle Dorrance, as well
as dancing roles in ballets by Petipa, Balanchine, MacMillan, Cranko, Ashton,
Morris, and Tharp.

Frenette is an ABT National Training Curriculum fully certified teacher, and in
2015, he co-founded the Boys Ballet Summer Intensive, and is also a faculty
member. As an adjunct teacher of International Ballet Academy in Cary,
NC, he has coached variations and pas de deux, as well as choreographed
contemporary solos and ensemble pieces for the academy. Frenette is
featured in the 2018 film, DANSEUR, which explores the numerous challenges
male ballet dancers face on a regular basis.
ORL A N DO   B A L L ET    I I

 HUNTER         ERIK        ASHLEY               AMIR

 KENNA         ELLIE         ABEL               REMINA
 GOLD         MOSER        RIVAROLA             TANAKA

 OLIVIA        SAKI         NATHAN               RYAN
MITCHELL      OGAWA         ROWELL               WARD

Director of Production
John Beaulieu has been working in Ballet production for the better part of the last 25
years, working on Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre’s production of the Nutcracker as a student
at Emerson College in Boston, to a 20-year stay with artistic directors John McFall
and Gennadi Nedvigin at Atlanta Ballet. John has work at every level from Assistant
Carpenter up to Production Manager & Technical Director. He is thrilled to join Robert
Hill and the team at Orlando Ballet, and lend his experience and talents to an exciting
new chapter in the Ballet’s future.

Costume Director
Eddy Frank Fernandez is a graduate from The University of Arts of Cuba/Instituto
Superior de Arte (ISA). He has been in charge of the Orlando Ballet wardrobe
department since 2005. He has done costume designs for several of Robert Hill’s
productions such as Carmina Burana, Battle of the Sexes, Firebird, Vampire’s Ball,
Swan Lake, and Giselle, which includes set design. His most recent creations include
costumes for Arcadian Broad’s Beauty & the Beast and Wonderland: Mad Tales of the
Hatter, as well as Best of Broadway for choreographers Robert Hill, Arcadian Broad,
Chiaki Yasukawa and Telmo Moreira.

Resident Lighting Designer
Helena is thrilled to continue to collaborate with Orlando Ballet, where her work was
most recently seen in Contemporary Wonders, Beauty and the Beast, Romeo & Juliet
and Swan Lake. Other favorite designs include Barber of Seville for Opera Santa
Barbara, Small Places and Swan Lake for Ballet Memphis, When We’re Gone (World
Premiere), West Side Story, Hello Dolly and Mamma Mia for Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma,
Romeo & Juliet for Tulsa Opera, Aida for Vancouver Opera, Rockland (World Premiere)
for Pine Mountain Music Festival, La Traviata for Kansas City Lyric Opera, and Aida for
Portland Opera, to name a few.

Production Stage Manager
Rita is pleased to be back as production stage manager for the Orlando Ballet. Rita has
worked with various Ballet and Opera companies throughout the world. Rita also worked
as Assistant Director for Francesca Zambello on the original WNO production of Porgy and
Bess and its subsequent appearances at Los Angeles Opera, Lyric Opera of Chicago and
San Francisco Opera. She currently also works for Disney Live Entertainment. Thank you
Olivia, Ava and Ella for the love you give me everyday.
COMPAN Y                  &      SC HO O L             S TAF F

ARTISTIC                              Celio Padilla                        Amyia Burrell
                                      Facilities Maintenance Technician    Head of Young Dancer Program
Robert Hill
Artistic Director                                                          Natasha Glos
Lisa Thorn Vinzant
                                      PRODUCTION                           Head of Pre-Professional Program
Associate Artistic Director           John Beaulieu                        Michele DeLoof
Yan Chen                              Director of Production               Fitness Thru Dance Coordinator
Principal Company & Academy           Eddy Frank Fernandez                 Jonna Stephan
Teacher                               Costume Director                     Summer Intensive Coordinator
Angelyn Traylor                       Rita D’Angelo Tikador                Natalie Weiner
Company Pianist                       Production Stage Manager             School Intern
Eriko Miller                          Norelis Dean                         FACULTY MEMBERS
Company Pianist                       Wardrobe Assistant                   Allison Jay Baber, Ellen Barrett,
                                      Brienne Cooper                       Ashley Baszto, Lisa Buono, Patricia
ADMINISTRATIVE                        Wardrobe Intern                      Catalano, Kobe Courtney, Matthew
                                                                           Cunningham, Israel Zavaleta
Cheryl Collins                        Andy Haynes                          Escobedo, Luis Gonzalez, Gina
Executive Director                    Technical Supervisor                 Hatch, Krista Ledden, Mila Makaroff,
Katherine Fabian                      Melissa Trupp                        Anamarie McGinn Harris, Susan
Managing Director                     Asst. Stage Manager Intern           Olson, Glynn Owens, Kirmari Scott,
                                                                           Amy Seawright-Hartman, Elizabeth
N. Meredyth Davis                                                          Shook-King, Katrina Soricelli, Nicole
Director of Marketing & Sales         IATSE                                Taylor, Heidi Towle, Danielle Towle,
Ashley Samuels                        LOCAL 631                            Marianna Tzanova
Director of Philanthropy
                                      Matt McKim
Rachel Bogan                          Head Carpenter
Digital Marketing & Data Specialist                                        ENRICHMENT
                                      Nick Monaco & Lizz Pittsley
Elizabeth Chastain Hardin             Head Electrician                     Charmaine Hunter
Controller                            Tony Pittsley                        Director of Community
                                                                           Enrichment & Teacher
Caitlin Marshall                      Head Audio
Audience Services Manager             Brendan Duffy                        Katrina Soricelli
Nathan Jones                          Head Flyman                          Community Enrichment
Office Coordinator                                                         Assistant & Teacher
                                      Pete Eisner
Stephanie Propst                      Head Properties                      Katherine Berman
                                                                           Community Enrichment Intern
Philanthropy Manager                  Virginia McKinney
Curtis Sakow                          Head Wardrobe
                                                                           TEACHING ARTISTS
Grants Specialist                                                          Marlena Abaza, Shane Bland, Marena
Dani Coppens                          ORLANDO                              Dreiling, Robert Kelley, Cyndi Litz,
Stewardship Specialist                BALLET SCHOOL                        Samantha Macklin, Gina Makaroff,
                                      Phillip Broomhead                    Patricia Marijanich, Rebecca
Adys Elejalde
                                      School Director                      Sanderlin, Iris Lynn Sherman,
Philanthropy Intern
                                                                           Samantha Wong
Alice Fairfax                         Victoria Sarau
                                      School Registrar & Revenue Manager
Markeing Intern                                                            ORLANDO BALLET
Cameron Imbrogno                      Jenny Logus                          FOUNDERS
                                      School Administrative Manager
Marketing Intern                                                           Barbara Riggins
                                      Kim Marsh                            Kip Watson,
Tanya Egor                            Assistant to the School Director
Event Intern                                                               Patti Watson-Walsh
                                      & Head of Academy Program
Irene Timmons                         Gonzalo Espinoza                     American Express is a proud partner
Administrative Intern                 Head of OBII / Trainee Program       of PETER PAN.
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Amigos del Orlando Ballet Kick Off Reception, 2019. Venue and light bites generously provided by Bulla Gastrobar. Photography by Rachel Bogan 2019.

                  Amigos                                                                       del
                                                                                               OR L A N D O
                                                                                               BA L L E T

                     Amigos del Orlando Ballet is a volunteer group
                 created with the purpose of promoting awareness and
                    appreciation of Orlando Ballet, contributing to its
                   financial strength and providing volunteer support.

              MEMBER S                                     Beatriz Andrekovich                       Gaby Ortigoni
                                                           Vanessa Cole                              Eva Pagan-Hill
              Chair | Lizette Valarino
                                                           Deisamar De Soto                          Christina Pinto
                                                           Dr. Francelis Gonzalez                    Julio Rocha
                                                           Delly Martell                             Ana Carolina Salazar
                                                           Luis Martinez                             Lisette St. Hillaire
                                                           Mercedes McCall                           Carmen Velazquez

                     LE ARN MORE OR R S VP PLE A SE CONTAC T:
                   Stephanie Propst, Philanthropy Manager | spropst@orlandoballet.org

                                                                                                                               Current as of 2.25.2021
Photo Credit: Orlando Ballet

Join Orlando Ballet Ambassadors, a vibrant and engaged group of
young professionals with a passion for the arts, who enjoy social and
business networking opportunities. Help us establish the foundation
that supports the future of Orlando Ballet and have fun doing it!

                 S P E C I A L B E N E F I T S for the 2 0 2 0 / 2 1 S E A S O N :
       Invitations to exclusive OBA events, such   10% off performance tickets
       as Happy Hours, post-performance            (excluding Family Show performances
       gatherings with Orlando Ballet              and Uncorked events)
       Company Dancers, behind-the-scenes          Exclusive OBA pin
       rehearsals, and more.

                           Co-Chairs | Kelly Roberts & Jennifer Bentson

  Jennifer Aires            Logan Chavez           Kevin Olney            Alex Schroeder
  Lauren Bolick             Sarah Guo              Sabrina Pavri          Raj Sawh-Martinez
  Thomas Bolick             Stephanie Kopson       Cynthia Raleigh        Kate Slentz
  Jessica Burgess-Sabo      Jessica Lynch          Brandon Roberts
  Sarah Butz                Kristen Noble          Doug Rohrer

Current as of 2.24.2021
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        K R I S TA L E D D E N

 BeMoved is a dance experience that
inspires people of all movement levels
  to fully express themselves through
           the beauty of dance.


    O R L A N D O B A L L E T. O R G
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            PuBlic day May 23, 1:00 - 4:00 PM
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         Bring this ad. If you can’t use it, Please give to a friend.
Bloomingdale’s   ADVERTISE
                   Proudly Supports
                     Orlando Ballet   IN OUR
                                      Highlight your business
                                      by becoming an Orlando Ballet
                                      Program Advertisement Sponsor!

                                                CONTACT US FOR
                                               QUESTIONS OR TO
                                                 RESERVE AN AD

                                               C A IT LIN MA RSJAM
                                                 Audience Services Manager

Dancer: Anita Boer (USA)              cmarshall@orlandoballet.org
Photography by Michael Cairns 2019


               Beyond The Returns

Upshot is proud to sponsor and support the Orlando Ballet
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   M A L L AT M I L L E N I A . C O M

               CREATING A SA FE SPA C E FO R A LL TO
                       E NJOY T HE A RTS !
Sensory-Friendly Family Show

Orlando Ballet’s mission to entertain,            to experience theatrical performances.
educate, and enrich through the highest           “Attending plays and musicals may
quality of dance is inclusive of all who wish     provide an opportunity for people
to experience the magic of ballet with            with autism and other disabilities to
us! Through a multitude of Community              stimulate their imagination, observe
Enrichment programs Orlando Ballet strives        social communication, and experience
to remove as many barriers to the arts            storytelling in an entertaining and live
as possible, which is why we’re proud to          context” says Corbett.
promote Autism awareness with our very
first Family & Sensory-Friendly performance       With training from UCF’s Center for
of Peter Pan.                                     Autism and Related Disabilities (UCF
                                                  CARD), Orlando Ballet staff and dancers
In her article, Autism, Art, and Accessibility,   have prepared to make this performance
Dr. Blyth Corbett highlights the benefits and     welcoming and supportive to families of all
importance of creating opportunities for          ages and abilities.
people with autism and other disabilities

                                                           Photo Credit: Zavaleta Photography

For over a century, families have enjoyed the many tales of Peter Pan and his friends, so
when Jorden Morris, Orlando Ballet’s current Choreographer-in-Residence, created his
own ballet version, it was only natural that it be adaptable for all families to enjoy. When
Morris brought the production to Pittsburgh in 2016, he found the opportunity to adjust
the show to be sensory-friendly for the first time ever.

Bringing this captivating performance to Orlando Ballet, Morris worked with the Orlando
Ballet production team to make adjustments to sound and lighting effects to make the
show enjoyable and safe for all. Designated spaces will be also be available in the lobby for
any guests who need some quiet time to take a break. Thanks to the generosity of Thais
Lopez Vogel and David Vogel of VoLo Foundation, Orlando Ballet will welcome Best
Buddies to this special performance on Saturday, April 17, 2021.

The support of the Central Florida community is truly what allows Orlando Ballet’s
dancers, students, and staff to ensure that our performances and classes accessible to all
who wish to experience dance.

                                       ORL AND OBALLE T.ORG
                            Contact Director of Community Enrichment Charmaine Hunter
              For information about how to sponsor or support Orlando Ballet Community
                    Enrichment programs contact Director of Philanthropy Ashley Samuels

    Orlando Ballet takes pride in not just entertaining and educating, but enriching our community
    through the highest quality of dance. Our philosophy is that every child who wishes to dance
    or experience dance should be given the opportunity to do so. Through the support of our
    community partners, donors, and patrons, the Ballet was able to accomplish incredible things
    during the 2019-2020 Season. We look forward to continuing our impact in the Central Florida
    Community throughout 2020-21.

    Here’s a snapshot of what Orlando Ballet accomplished in the 19/20 Season:


                                                                                students from

                                                                      Orlando Ballet’s Scholarship
                                                                      Training for the Enrichment of
                                                                      Primary Students (STEPS) Program
                                                                      provides free ballet classes, dance
Photo Credit: Charmaine Hunter
                                                                      attire and scholarship opportunities
                                                                      for students from Title 1 schools
                                                                      throughout Orange, Osceola, Lake,
                                                                      and Seminole Counties.

                    $      183,182
                    in scholarships.
                    OBS provides scholarships to
                    students with need and/or merit
                    to pursue their dreams.
                                                       Photo Credit: Daniel Kuykendall

                                                           students to the ballet.

                                                           Students attended a
                                                           performance of The
                                                           Nutcracker at the Dr.
                                                           Phillips Center for the
Photo Credit: Charmaine Hunter

                                                           Performing Arts as part of
                                                           our Intro to Ballet program.


aspiring ballerinas.

Orlando Ballet’s Come Dance
With Us program, in partnership
with Orlando Health Arnold
Palmer Hospital for Children
and Nemours Children’s Health
Network, makes it possible for
children with varying abilities to
express themselves through the
art of dance.                                                                   Photo Credit: Charmaine Hunter

W H AT ’ S T O C O M E :
  •         Gentle BeMoved® classes for local seniors and those with limited mobility throughout
            the City of Orlando

  And so much more...

                                             ORL AND OBALLE T.ORG
                                    Orlando Ballet relies on your philanthropic
                                     support, in addition to your patronage, to
                                       ensure that we are able to continue our
                                      mission to entertain, educate, and enrich
                                         through the highest quality of dance.

                                                                       If you would like to
                                                                   support Orlando Ballet
                                                                  individually, please visit
                                                          and designate to Orlando Ballet
                                                                  through April 30, 2021.

                                                               THE BARRE GETS
                                                                  YOU CLOSER

        Dancers: Thomas Holdsworth (UK), JinHo Won (Republic of Korea) | Photography by Michael Cairns 2020

   Find all of the exciting details at OrlandoBallet.org
Contact Us • asamuels@orlandoballet.org 407.418.9812
Thanks to a momentous $1 million gift from board members Krista and
Jonathan Ledden, bringing their total contributions to $2 million overall,
Orlando Ballet is thrilled to announce a new sustained giving campaign.

An opportunity to invest in the future of
our arts community by funding long-term
artistic opportunities, strategic growth,
and community enrichment programs.

Thank you to the following
Elevation Society donors:
       Cheryl & Tom Collins
       Krista & Jonathan Ledden
       Keith McIntyre & Richard Skaggs
       Orlando Health
       Mark Pulliam & Judy St. Peter
       Ashley & Dan Samuels
       The Bob & Judy Yarmuth Family in honor
       of Harriett Lake

   Ashley Samuels
   Director of Philanthropy
   407.418.9812 or asamuels@orlandoballet.org
Current as of 1.12.2021
Dancer: Kate-Lynn Robichaux (USA) Photography by Michael Cairns 2020
T HANK              YO U         TO       O U R        D O N O R S

The Artists, Board of Directors, students, families, and staff at Orlando Ballet
Company and School extend heartfelt thanks to the generous individuals, foundations,
corporations and government agencies whose support continues to allow us to fulfill
our mission to entertain, educate and enrich through the highest quality of dance.

This list includes individual giving with cumulative totals of $500 and above (less any
Fair Market Value), and organizational gifts with accumulated totals of $3,000 and
above for the period March 31, 2020 through March 31, 2021 (including Orlando Ballet
designated gifts through United Arts of Central Florida, and funds from multi-year
pledges that are available within the current fiscal year). Tribute gift recognition is listed
separately on the pages following this section.

                                   MAJOR GIFTS

                               Laurence & Susan Costin
                            The Estate of Anna F. Henriquez
                              Krista & Jonathan Ledden
                                 Judy & Bob Yarmuth

         Marc & Sharon Hagle Charitable Operating Foundation Trust
                     McIntyre & Skaggs Charitable Trust
                Frank Santos in loving memory of Dan Dantin

                                Lanier & La Voyce Porter

                               Artistic Director’s Circle
                                   Ava & Art Doppelt
                                     Andrea Eliscu
                             Drs. Lynn Le & Wei-Shen Chin
                             Ginsburg Family Foundation
                               Raul & Jennifer Socarras
                                  Larry & Laura Zirbel
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