Application of Nano-technologies in the Energy Sector - Hessen - there's no way around us.
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Hessian Ministry of Economy, Transport, Urban and Regional Development Application of Nano- technologies in the Energy Sector Hessen – there’s no way around us. Hessen Nanotech
Application of Nanotechnologies in the Energy Sector Volume 9 of the series Aktionslinie Hessen-Nanotech
Imprint Application of Nanotechnologies in the Energy Sector Volume 9 of the series Aktionslinie Hessen- Nanotech of the Hessian Ministry of Economy, Transport, Urban and Regional Development Created by: Dr. Wolfgang Luther VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Zukünftige Technologien Consulting Graf-Recke-Straße 84 40239 Düsseldorf, Germany Editorial Staff: Sebastian Hummel (Hessian Ministry of Economy, Transport and Urban and Regional Development) Dr. Rainer Waldschmidt, Alexander Bracht, Siemens AG Markus Lämmer (Hessen Agentur, Hessen-Nanotech) Publisher: HA Hessen Agentur GmbH Abraham-Lincoln-Straße 38-42 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany Phone +49 (0)611 774-8614 Telefax +49 (0)611 774-8620 The publisher does not take any responsibility for cor- rectness, preciseness and completeness of the given information. Opinions and views expressed in this publi- cation do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. © Hessian Ministry of Economy, Transport, Urban and Regional Development Kaiser-Friedrich-Ring 75 65185 Wiesbaden, Germany Reproduction and reprint – even in parts – subject to prior written approval. Design: WerbeAtelier Theißen, Lohfelden, Germany Print: Werbedruck Schreckhase, Spangenberg, Germany August 2008 Illustrations Cover top: Siemens AG bottom left: Evonik Degussa GmbH bottom center: Fraunhofer Institut für solare Energiesysteme bottom right: BASF
Content Preface .............................................................................................. 2 Abstract ........................................................................................... 4 1 Introduction into Nanotechnologies ................................. 9 2 Innovation Potentials in the Energy Sector .................. 13 3 Application Potentials of Nanotechnologies in the Energy Sector ............................................................... 36 4 Practical Examples from Hessen ....................................... 54 5 Research Programs, Funding and Support Possibilities ............................................................... 65 6 Statements of Associations and Networks in the Energy Sector ............................................................... 71 7 Annex ............................................................................................. 78 1
Preface Dr. Alois Rhiel Hessian Minister of Economics, Transport, Urban and Regional Development The worldwide energy demand is continuously growing and cross-sectional technologies exhibit the unique and, according to the forecasts of the International potential for decisive technological breakthroughs in the Energy Agency, it is expected to rise by approx. 50 per- energy sector, thus making substantial contributions to cent until 2030. Currently, over 80 percent of the primary sustainable energy supply. The range of possible nano- energy demand is covered by fossil fuels. Although their applications in the energy sector comprises gradual short reserves will last for the next decades, they will not be and medium-term improvements for a more efficient use able to cover the worldwide energy consumption in the of conventional and renewable energy sources as well as long run. Nuclear energy covers a part of the global completely new long-term approaches for energy recov- energy demand without climatic effects, according to cur- ery and utilization. This NanoEnergy brochure of the rent assessments, however the supply of nuclear fuels will Aktionslinie Hessen-Nanotech published by my Ministry also run short in the foreseeable future. In view of possi- is offering information on these topics. The aim is to ble climatic changes due to the increase in the atmos- describe which technical solutions can already be applied pheric CO2-content as well as the conceivable scarcity of today, and for which issues new solution options will be fossil fuels, it becomes clear that future energy supply can available only in the medium to long run. With this, we only be guaranteed through increased use of renewable want to trigger off innovation processes urgently required energy sources. With energy recovery through renewable in Hessian companies and science. sources like sun, wind, water, tides, geothermy or bio- mass the global energy demand could be met many times over; currently however it is still inefficient and too expensive in many cases to take over significant parts of the energy supply. Due to the usual adaptation reactions on the markets, it is foreseeable that prices for fossil fuels will rise, while significantly reduced prices are expected Dr. Alois Rhiel for renewable energies. Already today, wind, water and Hessian Minister of Economics, Transport, sun are economically competitive in some regions. How- Urban and Regional Development ever, to solve energy and climate problems, it is not only necessary to economically utilize renewable alternatives to fossil fuels, but to optimize the whole value added chain of energy, i.e. from development and conversion, transport and storage up to the consumers’ utilization. Innovation and increases in efficiency in conjunction with a general reduction of energy consumption are urgently needed in all fields to reach the high aims within the given time since the world population is growing and striving for more prosperity. Nanotechnologies as key 2
Key to Sustainable Energy Supply Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmid Chairman of Institut für Solare Energieversorgungstechnik (ISET), Kassel High demands are placed on a strategy for the reorgani- technologies. The future challenge is the integration of zation of the current energy supply structure: the promising nanotechnological approaches into techni- The drastic reduction of global CO2-emissions with con- cal innovations for the development of a sustainable temporaneously high supply reliability requires strategic energy supply up to the commercial implementation, and changes in the design of future energy systems. Apart their realization as a contribution to cost reduction in from the enhancement of energy efficiency, mainly the renewable energies to increase efficiency in generation quick implementation of low-emission technologies has and consumption. To enhance competitiveness and inno- to be advanced. Renewable energies have a long-term vative strength of Hessian enterprises, intensive coopera- potential to take over the entire global energy supply. tion with Hessian universities and research facilities may However, during a transition period, conventional fossil provide essential impulses, in particular by combining the fuels will have to be utilized and, probably, technologies fields of materials research and energy research. for the separation and safe final storage of CO2 in suit- Against the background of the potential of nanotech- able deposits. In this case, the transformation process has nologies in the energy sector, the previous research and to allow utmost flexibility and economic efficiency for the development activities altogether seem to have room for application of individual energy technologies. Utmost improvement. Therefore, we actively support the very efficiency of supply systems will be achieved, if preferably welcome initiative of the Aktionslinie Hessen-Nanotech of all fossil and biogenous energy sources are used for the the Hessian Ministry of Economy to spotlight the issue of coupled generation of electric current and heat. This also NanoEnergy with projects, events and this brochure. includes the possibility of highly efficient exploitation of coal through coal gasification. The feeding into the natu- ral gas grid anyway requires the CO2 separation from bio- gas or the conversion of synthesis gas into methane and may thus be a first step towards decarbonization. The almost complete separation of carbon both from synthe- sis gas and methane and the provision of pure hydrogen are possible in a later stage without difficulty. The utiliza- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Schmid tion of nanotechnologies in the most important fields of Institute for Solar Energy Technology energy supply such as building, transport and traffic, (ISET, Germany) portable resp. off-grid power applications may contribute decisively to the solution of these problems. Due to the existing research and development capacities in universi- ties and extra-faculty facilities, above all in industry, the state of Hessen is already well-positioned in nanotech- nologies and the adjacent fields of material and surface technologies, microsystems technologies and optical 3
Abstract Nanotechnologies provide the potential to enhance and the global climate protection policy will be energy efficiency across all branches of industry and achieved. Here, nanotechnological innovations are to economically leverage renewable energy pro- brought to bear on each part of the value-added duction through new technological solutions and chain in the energy sector. optimized production technologies. In the long run, essential contributions to sustainable energy supply Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy sources change distribution storage usage Regenerative Gas Turbines Power Transmission Electrical Energy Thermal Insulation Photovoltaics: Nano-optimized Heat and corrosion protection High-Voltage Transmission: Batterries: Optimized Li-ion- Nanoporous foams and gels cells (polymeric, dye, quantum of turbine blades (e.g. ceramic Nanofillers for electrical iso- batteries by nanostructured (aerogels, polymer foams) for dot, thin film, multiple junction), or intermetallic nano-coatings) lation systems, soft magnetic electrodes and flexible, ceram- thermal insulation of buildings antireflective coatings for more efficient turbine nano-materials for efficient ic separator-foils, application or in industrial processes Wind Energy: Nano-compos- power plants current transformation in mobile electronics, auto- ites for lighter and stronger mobile, flexible load manage- Super Conductors: Optimized rotor blades, wear and corro- Thermoelectrics ment in power grids (mid term) high temperature SC‘s based sion protection nano-coatings Nanostructured compounds on nanoscale interface design Supercapacitors: Air Conditioning for bearings and power trains (interface design, nanorods) for loss-less power transmis- Nanomaterials for electrodes etc. sion (carbon-aerogels, CNT, Intelligent management of for efficient thermoelectrical metall(-oxides) and elektrolytes light and heat flux in buildings Geothermal: Nano-coatings power generation (e.g. usage CNT Power Lines: Super con- for higher energy densities) by electrochromic windows, and -composites for wear of waste heat in automobiles ducting cables based on micro mirror arrays or IR- resistant drilling equipment or body heat for personal carbon nanotubes (long term) reflectors electronics (long term)) Hydro-/Tidal Power: Nano- Wireless Power Transmission: Chemical Energy coatings for corrosion protection Power transmission by laser, Fuel Cells Hydrogen: Nanoporous mate- Biomass Energy: Yield opti- microwaves or electromag- rials (organometals, metal hy- mization by nano-based pre- Nano-optimized membranes netic resonance based on Lightweight Construction drides) for application in micro cision farming (nanosensors, and electrodes for efficient fuel nano-optimized components fuel cells for mobile electronics Lightweight construction ma- controlled release and storage cells (PEM) for applications in (long term) or in automobiles (long term) terials using nano-composites of pesticides and nutrients) automobiles/mobile electronics Fuel Reforming/Refining: (carbon nanotubes, metal- Nano-catalysts for optimized matrix-composites, nano- Hydrogen Generation fuel production (oil refining, coated light metals, ultra Nano-catalysts and new pro- desulphurization, coal lique- performance concrete, cesses for more efficient faction polymer-composites) hydrogen generation (e.g. Fuel Tanks: Gas tight fuel photoelectrical, elektrolysis, tanks based on nano-com- biophotonic) Smart Grids posites for reduction of hydro- Fossil Fuels Nanosensors (e.g. magneto- carbon emissions Industrial Processes Wear and corrosion protection resistive) for intelligent and Combustion Engines Substitution of energy inten- of oil and gas drilling equip- flexible grid management sive processes based on ment, nanoparticles for impro- Wear and corrosion protection capable of managing highly ved oil yields decentralised power feeds Thermal Energy nanotech process innovations of engine components (nano- (e.g. nano-catalysts, self- composites/-coatings, nano- Phase Change Materials: assembling processes etc.) particles as fuel additive etc.) Encapsulated PCM for air Nuclear Heat Transfer conditioning of buildings Nano-composites for radiation Efficient heat in- and outflow Adsorptive Storage: shielding and protection Electrical Motors based on nano-optimized heat Nano-porous materials (e.g. Lighting (personal equipment, container Nano-composites for supercon- exchangers and conductors zeolites) for reversible heat etc.), long term option for ducting components in electro (e.g. based on CNT-composi- storage in buildings and Energy efficient lighting sys- nuclear fusion reactors motors (e.g. in ship engines) tes) in industries and buildings heating nets tems (e.g. LED, OLED) Examples for potential applications of nanotechnology along the value-added chain in the energy sector (source: VDI TZ GmbH) 4
Development of Primary Energy Sources Energy Conversion Nanotechnologies provide essential improvement The conversion of primary energy sources into elec- potentials for the development of both conventional tricity, heat and kinetic energy requires utmost effi- energy sources (fossil and nuclear fuels) and renew- ciency. Efficiency increases, especially in fossil-fired able energy sources like geothermal energy, sun, gas and steam power plants, could help avoid con- wind, water, tides or biomass. Nano-coated, wear- siderable amounts of carbon dioxide emissions. resistant drill probes, for example, allow the opti- Higher power plant efficiencies, however, require mization of lifespan and efficiency of systems for the higher operating temperatures and thus heat-resis- development of oil and natural gas deposits or geot- tant turbine materials. Improvements are possible, hermal energy and thus the saving of costs. Further for example, through nano-scale heat and corrosion examples are high-duty nanomaterials for lighter protection layers for turbine blades in power plants and more rugged rotor blades of wind and tide- or aircraft engines to enhance the efficiency through power plants as well as wear and corrosion protec- increased operating temperatures or the application tion layers for mechanically stressed components of lightweight construction materials (e.g. titanium (bearings, gear boxes, etc.). Nanotechnologies will aluminides). Nano-optimized membranes can play a decisive role in particular in the intensified use extend the scope of possibilities for separation and of solar energy through photovoltaic systems. In climate-neutral storage of carbon dioxide for power case of conventional crystalline silicon solar cells, for generation in coal-fired power plants, in order to instance, increases in efficiency are achievable by render this important method of power generation antireflection layers for higher light yield. First and environmentally friendlier in the long run. The foremost, however, it will be the further develop- energy yield from the conversion of chemical energy ment of alternative cell types, such as thin-layer solar through fuel cells can be stepped up by nano-struc- cells (among others of silicon or other material sys- tured electrodes, catalysts and membranes, which tems like copper/indium/selenium), dye solar cells results in economic application possibilities in auto- or polymer solar cells, which will predominantly mobiles, buildings and the operation of mobile elec- profit from nanotechnologies. Polymer solar cells are tronics. Thermoelectric energy conversion seems to said to have high potential especially regarding the be comparably promising. Nano-structured semi- supply of portable electronic devices, due to the rea- conductors with optimized boundary layer design sonably-priced materials and production methods contribute to increases in efficiency that could pave as well as the flexible design. the way for a broad application in the utilization of waste heat, for example in automobiles, or even of Medium-term development targets are an efficiency human body heat for portable electronics in textiles. of approx. 10 % and a lifespan of several years. Here, for example, nanotechnologies could contribute to the optimization of the layer design and the mor- phology of organic semiconductor mixtures in com- ponent structures. In the long run, the utilization of nanostructures, like quantum dots and wires, could allow for solar cell efficiencies of over 60 %. (Source: Siemens AG) 5
Low-loss Power Transmission and Smart Grids Regarding the reduction of energy losses in current In the long run, even hydrogen seems to be a prom- transmission, hope exists that the extraordinary elec- ising energy store for environmentally-friendly tric conductivity of nanomaterials like carbon nan- energy supply. Apart from necessary infrastructural otubes can be utilized for application in electric adjustments, the efficient storage of hydrogen is cables and power lines. Furthermore, there are nan- regarded as one of the critical factors of success on otechnological approaches for the optimization of the way to a possible hydrogen management. superconductive materials for lossless current con- Current materials for chemical hydrogen storage do duction. In the long run, options are given for wire- not meet the demands of the automotive industry less energy transport, e.g. through laser, microwaves which requires a H2-storage capacity of up to ten or electromagnetic resonance. Future power distri- weight percent. bution will require power systems providing dynamic load and failure management, demand-dri- ven energy supply with flexible price mechanisms as well as the possibility of feeding through a number of decentralized renewable energy sources. Nan- otechnologies could contribute decisively to the realization of this vision, inter alia, through nano-sen- sory devices and power-electronical components able to cope with the extremely complex control and monitoring of such grids. Energy Storage The utilization of nanotechnologies for the enhance- ment of electrical energy stores like batteries and Nanostructured super-capacitors turns out to be downright promis- heat protection layers for ing. Due to the high cell voltage and the outstanding gas turbines energy and power density, the lithium-ion- technology is regarded as the most promising vari- ant of electrical energy storage. Nanotechnologies can improve capacity and safety of lithium-ion- High temperature batteries decisively, as for example through new superconductors for ceramic, heat-resistant and still flexible separators motors and and high-performance electrode materials. The com- generators in ships pany Evonik pushes the commercialization of such systems for the application in hybrid and electric vehicles as well as for stationary energy storage. Nano-optimized fuel cells for automobiles and transport vehicles Nanomembranes for separation of carbon dioxide in CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) power plants Nanocrystalline mag- netic materials for efficient components in current transfor- mation and supply (e.g. transformers, electric meters etc.) 6
Various nanomaterials, inter alia based on economic point of view, are also adsorption stores nanoporous metalorganic compounds, provide based on nanoporous materials like zeolites, which development potentials which seem to be econom- could be applied as heat stores in district heating ically realizable at least with regard to the operation grids or in industry. The adsorption of water in zeo- of fuel cells in portable electronic devices. Another lite allows the reversible storage and release of heat important field is thermal energy storage. The (see practical example Viessmann, p. 60). energy demand in buildings, for example, may be significantly reduced by using phase change mate- rials such as latent heat stores. Interesting, from an Scenario with examples for future application possibilities of nanotechnologies in the energy sector (Design: VDI TZ GmbH; Photo credits: Siemens, BASF, Evonik, Bayer, FHG-ISE, Rewitec, GKSS, Magnetec, FH Wiesbaden) Lithium-ion-batteries Nanoporous for stationary Carbon nanotubes as hydrogen storage energy storage or as high-tensile con- materials for power unit for struction materials e.g. fuel cell vehicles hybrid/electric cars for rotor blades of wind power stations or as material for low- loss cables/power lines Polymer solar cells for large-scale applications in buildings or for mobile electronics Dye solar cells as decorative facade elements in buildings Nanostructured thermoelectric materials for power supply of mobile electronics Nanostructured wear protection layers for OLED for large- machine components scale displays and with a high mechani- lighting devices cal load (e.g. engines, bearings, drilling equipment) 7
Energy Use To achieve sustainable energy supply, and parallel realizable through tribological layers for mechanical to the optimized development of available energy components in plants and machines, as commer- sources, it is necessary to improve the efficiency of cially marketed by REWITEC from Lahnau (cf. practi- energy use and to avoid unnecessary energy con- cal example on page 61). Building technology also sumption. This applies to all branches of industry provides great potentials for energy savings, which and private households. Nanotechnologies provide could be tapped, for example, by nanoporous ther- a multitude of approaches to energy saving. Exam- mal insulation material suitably applicable in the ples are the reduction of fuel consumption in auto- energetic rehabilitation of old buildings. In general, mobiles through lightweight construction materials the control of light and heat flux by nanotechnolog- on the basis of nanocomposites, the optimization in ical components, as for example switchable glasses, fuel combustion through wear-resistant, lighter is a promising approach to reducing energy con- engine components and nanoparticular fuel addi- sumption in buildings (cf. brochure Uses for Nan- tives or even nanoparticles for optimized tires with otechnologies in Architecture and Civil Engineer- low rolling resistance (cf. brochure Automotive Nan- ing). otechnologies). Considerable energy savings are Conclusion In view of a globally increasing energy demand, When replacing fossil fuels, not only their function threatening climatic changes due to continuously as energy source, but also as energy store has to increasing carbon dioxide emissions, as well as the be taken into account, for instance in the automo- foreseeable scarcity of fossil fuels, the development tive sector. Here, alternatives must be found for the and provision of sustainable methods for power long-term storage of energy and its availability at generation belong to the most urgent challenges short notice and in an efficient infrastructure. The of mankind. Massive effort at political and eco- move into hydrogen economy and the increased nomical level is required to basically modernize the utilization of biofuels are discussed as solutions for existing energy system. Growing efficiency and new the future, which, however, require considerable methods through nanotechnological know-how investments and technological leaps, inter alia on may play a key role for the required innovation in the basis of nanotechnologies. Further challenges the energy sector. Nanotechnological components of the energy sector are the optimization and inte- provide potentials for the more efficient utilization gration of mobile energy supply systems for the of energy reserves and the more economical devel- operation of wireless electronic devices, tools and opment of renewables. This brochure provides a sensors, which have become a key factor in mod- number of examples for possible applications and ern industrial society. developments in which Hessian enterprises and To enable the immediate practical implementation research facilities are actively involved. of nanotechnological innovations in such a broad When implementing nanotechnological innova- field like the energy sector, an interbranch and tions in the energy sector, the macroeconomic and interdisciplinary dialog with all players involved will social context must not be lost sight of. The design be required. This brochure wants to contribute to of a future energy system requires long-term invest- building a bridge and providing generally under- ments in research activities based on realistic standable information for coordinated and target- potential assessments and the careful adaptation oriented acting in politics, economy and society. of the individual supply chain components. In case of renewable energy production by wind or solar energy, for example, it has to be considered that power generation occurs discontinuously and energy stores have to be provided as buffers to balance the fluctuating demand. 8
1 Introduction into Nanotechnologies Nanotechnologies are worldwide regarded as key tinct definition, than they describe interdisciplinary technologies for innovations and technological and cross-sector research approaches, for example progress in almost all branches of economy. Nan- in electronics, optics, biotechnology or new materi- otechnologies refer to the target-oriented technical als, using effects and phenomena which are only utilization of objects and structures in a size in the found in the nano-cosmos. range of 1 and 100 nm. They are less seen as basic technologies in the classic sense with a clear and dis- 1.1 Definition of Nanotechnologies Up to now, there is no internationally accepted defi- logical processes as such are not basically new, but nition of nanotechnologies. First approaches are cur- often represent further developments of proven pro- rently being worked out by the International Stan- duction and analysis techniques. Nano-effects had dardization Organization (ISO) (cf. brochure Nano- already been used in the Middle Ages, for instance, Standardization). The topical area of nanotechnolo- for the red staining of church windows by finely dis- gies, however, does not reveal itself through formal tributed gold colloids or for the hardening of Dam- definitions, but through the description of basic prin- ascene steel of sword blades by carbon nanotubes, ciples and research approaches playing a decisive without being aware of the physicochemical princi- role in this connection. On the one hand, in nan- ples. Thus, the essence of nanotechnologies is the otechnologies, engineering with elementary units of controlled utilization of nano-scale structures, the biological and inorganic nature, i.e. atoms and mol- understanding of the principles effective at molecu- ecules, is applied as if working with a lego-kit (“bot- lar level and the technological improvement of mate- tom-up strategy”). On the other hand, even struc- rials and components. tures measuring only one thousandth of the diame- ter of one hair can be created by means of size reduction (“top-down strategy”). This problem is comparable to the challenge of writing the whole road network of Germany, true to scale, on a finger- nail– and faultlessly, of course. Partially, nanotechno- Nanotechnologies describe the creation, analysis and application of structures, molecular materials, inner interfaces and surfaces with at least one critical dimension or with manu- facturing tolerances (typically) below 100 nanometers. The decisive factor is that new functionalities and properties resulting from the nanoscalability of system components are used for the improvement of existing products or the development of new products and application options. Such new effects and possibilities are predominantly based on the ratio of surface-to-volume atoms and on the quantum-mechanical behavior of the elements of the material. 9
1.2 Nanoeffects as a Basis for Product Innovations In contrast to coarser-structured materials, nanoma- biology, nanomaterials play a decisive role, too, terials dispose of drastically modified properties since nearly all biological processes are controlled concerning physical, chemical and biological fea- by nanoscale structural components such as nucleic tures. Physical material properties of a solid, such as acid, proteins etc. The structuring of complex bio- electric conductivity, magnetism, fluorescence, hard- logical systems, like cells and organs, occurs accord- ness or strength change fundamentally in accor- ing to the self-organization principle, where individ- dance to the number and arrangement of the inter- ual molecules are assembled to larger units on the acting atoms, ions and molecules. In contrast to basis of chemical interactions and molecular recog- macroscopic solids, electrons in a nanocluster can nition mechanisms. In the history of evolution, nature only adopt certain “quantisized” energy states influ- succeeded in realizing extremely complex reaction enced by the number of interacting atoms. mechanisms, such as photosynthesis, due to the highly efficient interaction of such “molecular This results in characteristic fluorescence properties machines”. This is the basis for life on earth and also which vary strongly with the size of the cluster. A cad- for today’s energy supply, which is mainly based on mium telluride particle of 2 nm, for example fluo- the utilization of fossil energy supplies generated by resces green light, while a particle of 5 nm fluoresces photosynthesis during the history of earth. red light. Such quantum dots principally allow a sig- nificant enhancement of the quantum yield of solar cells and thus of their conversion efficiency. Even chemical material properties depend much on the arrangement and structuring of atoms and mole- cules. Nanostructuring usually achieves significantly higher chemical reactivity, since materials broken down to nanoscale substructures show a strongly increased ratio of reactive surface atoms to inert par- ticles in a solid. In a particle with a diameter of 20 nm, for example approx. 10 % of the atoms are on the surface, while in a particle of 1 nm the ratio of reactive surface atoms amounts to already 99 %. In 100 Fraction of surface atoms (%) 80 60 The smaller the particle, the larger the 40 portion of particles present on the reactive surface of the particle (blue) in contrast to the more inert center of the 20 particle (red). With particle sizes between 1 nm and 20 nm, the ratio of surface particles to total number of particles 0 varies considerably. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 particle diameter (nm) 10
Although the total energy yield of photosynthesis is Thus, nanostructuring provides new possibilities for relatively low (despite a high quantum yield in the intelligent material design, with the possibility of com- reactive center of the photosynthesis complex of bining the desired material properties and adjusting approx. 97 %, altogether less than 1 % of the radiated them to the respective technical application purpose. light energy is being transformed into chemical For the energy sector, inter alia, the examples listed in energy), this may serve as a paradigm for future tech- the following overview are of interest. nical energy conversion systems, for example for Organic Photovoltaics. This applies in particular to the production through self-organizing processes from elementary basic modules as well as to high function stability and regenerability. Chemical Optical a More efficient catalysts in fuel cells or for the a Optimized light absorption properties of solar chemical conversion of fuels through extended cells through quantum dots and nanolayers in surfaces and specific catalyst design. stack cells. a More powerful batteries, accumulators and a Anti-reflection properties for solar cells to supercapacitors through higher specific elec- increase energy yield of solar cells. trode surfaces. a Luminescent polymers for the production of a Optimized membranes with higher tempera- energy-efficient organic light diodes. ture and corrosion resistance for application in Electronic polymer electrolyte fuel cells or separators in lithium-ion-batteries. a Optimized electron conductivity through carbon nanotubes and nano-structured superconductors. a Nanoporous materials for the storage of hydrogen, e.g. metal hydrides or metalorganic a Electric insulators through nano-structured fillers compounds. in components of high-voltage power lines. a Enhanced thermoelectrica for more efficient Mechanical power generation from heat through nano-struc- a Improved strength of construction materials tured layer systems. for rotor blades of wind power plants. Thermal a Wear-resistant nanolayers for drill probes, gear boxes and engine components. a Nano-structured heat protection layers for turbine blades in gas and aircraft turbines. a Optimized separability of gas membranes for the separation and deposition of carbon diox- a Improved heat conductivity of carbon ide from flue gases of coal-fired power plants. nanotubes for optimized heat exchangers. a Gas-tight polymer nanocomposites for the a Optimized heat stores based on nanoporous reduction of hydrocarbon emissions from materials (zeolites) or microencapsulated vehicle tanks. phase-change storage. a Nanofoams as super-insulation systems in building insulation which are capable of effi- ciently minimizing the convective heat trans- port even at small thickness of the insulation layer, due to the nanoporous structure. 11
1.3 International Status Quo In 2006, the investments in the field of nanotech- In the medium to long term, nanotechnologies will nologies amounted to approx. 12.4 bn $ with public also have considerable commercial influence in the and private investments of approx. 6.4 bn $ resp. 6 fields of car manufacturing, Life Science and tradi- bn $ being more or less balanced. The private invest- tional branches of industry like construction engi- ments are attributable to company investments with neering and textile industry. Although the enormous 5.3 bn $ and to Venture Capital Investment with economic importance of nanotechnologies as key approx. 0.7 bn $ (Source: Lux Research 2007). With and interdisciplinary technologies is undisputed, the regard to private investments, the USA is in the lead, economic potential of nanotechnologies is hardly closely followed by Asia and clearly ahead of quantifiable. This is due to the fact that nanotech- Europe. Regarding public investments however, nology as an “enabling technology” sets in at a rela- Europe (European Commission and member coun- tively early stage of the value added chain, i.e. at the tries) with approx. 1.7 bn $, the USA (at federal and optimization of components/intermediate products, state level) with approx. 1.9 bn $ and Japan with e.g. through nanoscale coatings or nanostructured approx. 975 m $ belong to the three leading regions materials. Usually, these components account only in nanotechnologies worldwide. Other countries, in for a small part of the finished end products (con- particular in Southeast Asia, China and India increase sumer and investment goods). Frequently, the mar- their commitment considerably and close up quickly. ket value of nanotechnological components in the This enormous public commitment is driven by the added value of the end product cannot be exactly high expectations regarding the overall economic determined. However, without the application of benefit in the form of turnovers and employment nanotechnological procedures and components, directly related to nanotechnological developments. products of many industrial branches would not be competitive (e.g. hard disc storage units, computer In international comparison, Germany is well posi- chips, ultra-precision optics, etc.). tioned in nanotechnologies. With regard to public R&D expenses and patent applications in nanotech- nologies, Germany ranks third worldwide. Concern- ing nanoscientific publications, Germany was also ranking third in the last years, but meanwhile it has been displaced in rank by China and is now forth. The strengths of Germany comprise the well-devel- oped R&D infrastructure and the advanced level of research and development in various disciplines of nanotechnologies, as in nanooptics, nanomaterials, nanoanalytics and nanobiotechnology. With cur- rently 700 enterprises involved in development, application and sales of nanotechnological prod- ucts, there is an industrial basis for the utilization of the research results. With more than 100 enterprises, the state of Hessen belongs to the strongest regions with regard to the economic realization of nan- otechnology in Germany. In many branches of econ- omy, nanotechnological know-how already con- tributes decisively to economic competitiveness – in particular in the mass markets of electronics, chem- istry and optical Industry. 12
2 Innovation Potentials in the Energy Sector Energy “powers“ our life; it provides our living space showing also the highest growth rates, while the and working environment with pleasant tempera- energy consumption in the industrial sector declined tures and lightness, it feeds production plants, urban in the last years. infrastructure as well as the multitude of our elec- At a global level, however, an increase in all sectors tronic assistants in everyday life and enables almost is forecasted, with the highest growth rates being unlimited mobility around the globe. The worldwide expected in Non-OECD countries like China and energy demand increases continuously and, accord- India. It is obvious that for the long-term coverage ing to forecasts of the International Energy Agency, of this increasing energy demand, a radical change it will rise from currently approx. 12,000 MTOE (mil- in the energy sector is required, which means a lion tons oil equivalents) up to more than 18,000 development away from previously dominating fos- MTOE until 2030 (approx. 750 exajoule = sil fuels towards the enhanced utilization of renew- 750. Joule). The major able energy sources. The threatening climatic driver for this sharp increase in energy consumption, change caused by rising carbon dioxide emission and thus also in the worldwide carbon dioxide emis- and the foreseeable scarcity of fossil fuels leaves no sion, is in particular the backlog demand of upcom- other choice than to further push the urgently ing economies like China and India, which more and needed innovations in the energy sector. This more adapt their energy consumption to that of the applies both to the enhanced development of industrial nations and mostly use fossil fuels. The renewable energy sources and to the entire value- largest share in global energy consumption is attrib- added chain including energy recovery from primary utable to the industrial sector, followed by transport energy sources, conversion, storage, distribution as and traffic, households and other business enter- well as the use of energy. prises (services, trade etc.). However, there are big regional differences regarding energy consumption and the development in the individual sectors. In industrial nations like Germany, for instance, trans- port holds the top position in energy consumption 300 Transport Households Services Industry Energy consumption 1018 Joule 250 Forecast of the world- 200 wide energy demand by sectors (source: Energy 150 Information Administra- tion: International 100 Energy Outlook 2007) 50 0 2004 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 13
2.1 Potentials of Primary Energy Sources With about 80 %, the fossil fuels coal, crude oil and Currently the global share in renewable energies natural gas cover the main part of the current global amounts to about 15 %, with energy recovery from energy demand. Current scenarios for the develop- biomass being clearly in the lead. It is followed by ment of the future energy demand go on the water power and geothermal energy, while wind and assumption that the share of fossil fuels in the world- solar power together account for a share of below wide supply will remain nearly unchanged until one percent. The following figure represents the 2030. This trend can only be countered by massive global state of the year 2004 in relation to the total global effort and investments in the field of renew- primary energy supply, i.e. current and heat supplies able energies and by energy saving measures. The as well as fuels. European Union sees itself in a pioneer role and has set the ambitious target to achieve a binding share of renewables in the overall EU-energy consumption of 20 %, a reduction of the EU-wide greenhouse gases by 20 % and an increase in energy efficiency by 20 % by 2020. Tide Coal Renewables Other 0,5 % 0,004 % 25,2 % 13,1 % Wind 0,064 % Share of different energy sources in the global primary energy supply in the year Oil Solar 2004 (source: Energy 34,3 % 0,039 % Information Adminis- tration, Annual Energy Hydro Review 2006) 2,2 % Gas Nuclear Biomass Geothermal 20,9 % 6,5 % 10,4 % 0,41 % There are great regional differences regarding to the power demand they are hardly noticeable in the total utilization of renewables. In Germany, the share of amount. Thus, the ambitious objective of the Federal renewable energy sources in the total energy con- Government, to cover half of the total power sumption is currently at approx. 9 % and thus below demand in Germany by renewables until 2050, is still the global average, a fact mainly due to the low uti- a distant prospect. Such objectives will only be lization of biomass for energy supply in comparison realizable through new approaches and technologi- to less industrialized nations. However, there had cal breakthroughs, which enable a considerable been a sharp upward trend in the utilization of improvement in efficiency in the supply of renew- renewable energy sources in Germany during the ables and the development of significant efficiency last years, especially in the field of electric power potentials throughout the whole value-added chain supply. Due to a very dynamic development in the of the energy sector. wind energy sector, its share in the total energy sup- ply in Germany amounts already to more than 5 %. Sharp growth rates were also achieved in photo- voltaics, although with a total share of 0.5 % in the 14
The total potential of fossil fuels available on earth 40 to 60 years for crude oil, natural gas and uranium, is assessed at approx. 5.500 MTOE, with 60 % attrib- and at approx. 200 years for coal. These figures vary utable to coal, approx. 30 % to natural gas and continuously according to the development of the approx. 10 % to crude oil. In principle, this amount worldwide consumption and progresses in explo- of energy suffices to meet the global energy ration and production technologies. With regard to demand for some centuries. It has to be considered crude oil, however it will be necessary to revert, to however that, a large part of the global crude oil and an increasing extent, to non-conventional sources natural gas resources cannot be efficiently utilized like heavy oil, oil sand or oil shale, the development with conventional methods. The statistical range of of which entails high costs and environmental already developed resources is assessed at approx. impacts. 16% 14,3% 2005 2006 2007 11,9% 12% 10,3% Market shares of renew- 9,1% ables in Germany 8% 2005-2007 (source: 8% 7% 6,5% 6,6% 6,6% German Federal 6% Association of Renew- 5,4% able Energies 2008) 3,6% 4% 0% Share of Share of Share of Share of Power consumption Heat consumption fuel consumption total energy consumption 100 billion kilowatt hours 8 80 8,9 7,3 6,6 5 3 60 6,4 2,5 6,2 Hydro 4,5 2,2 1,3 Wind Photovoltaics 38,5 Energy supply through 40 Biomass solid 27,2 30,7 renewable energy sources Biogas in Germany 2005–2007 Other Biomass (source: German Federal 20 Association of Renewable Energies 2008) 21,5 21,6 21,7 0 2005 2006 2007 15
2000 2050 2100 2150 Range of conventional Reserves fuels in years (source: Oil German Federal Institute conventional 43 67 for Geosciences and Natu- Resources conventional ral Resources, BGR, 2007 + non-conv. 62 157 reserves: assured deposits which can be exploited Gas economically with existing conventional 64 149 technology conventional 64 756 resources: ascertained + non-conv. deposits, which can not be exploited economically Coal with existing technology resp. presumed not local- Hard Coal 207 1425 ized deposits Soft Coal 198 1264 conventional: economi- cally exploitable with cur- rent extraction technology unconventional: need for Uranium 42 527 new extraction technolo- gies for economical exploitation 0 50 100 150 >200 >1000 Years The potential of renewable energy sources is surface in Central Europe, for example, is limited to unequally higher. Especially through direct utiliza- a maximum of approx. 1000 Watt per square meter. tion of the sun’s radiation energy the global energy Further constraints on the utilization of renewable demand could be met many times over. Wind and energies are the inconsistent energy yield in tidal energies also provide considerable potentials. dependence of environmental influences, low effi- From today’s view, however the technically and eco- ciencies in energy conversion as well as cost-inten- nomically usable part of it is negligible, above all sive production methods and materials. due the low energy density and the limited number of economically usable locations. The energy yield from the incidence of solar radiation on the earth’s 16
Fossil fuels Renewables Global reserves/resources Global energy potential per year Global potential of available renewables and fossil fuels 1: Data referring to global energy con- sumption of 390 EJ in 1997, data from M. Fischedick, O. Langniß, J. Nitsch: „Nach dem Ausstieg – Zukunftskurs Erneuerbare Energien“, S. Hirzel Verlag, 2000 348 155 60 1 3 5 20 200 2850 2: Data source: German Energy potential/Global Federal Institute for Energy potential/Global annual energy consumption1 annual energy consumption1 Geosciences and Natural Resources Energy potential Thereof conven- Energy potential technologically utiliz- Reserves/Resources2 tionally utilizable2 (amount of energy p. a.)2 able (state of the art)2 Coal ~ 135.000 EJ Solar radiation ~ 1.111.500 EJ ~ 1.482 EJ Natural gas ~ 60.400 EJ ~ 12.000 EJ Wind energy ~ 78.000 EJ ~ 195 EJ Crude oil ~ 23.000 EJ ~ 9.800 EJ Biomass ~ 7.800 EJ ~ 156 EJ Geothermal ~ 1.950 EJ ~ 390 EJ Global energy demand 2006: ~ 470 EJ Hydro/tide power ~ 1.170 EJ ~ 78 EJ A prerequisite for a significant growth in energy sup- will play a key role. Long-term scenarios forecast that ply through renewable energy sources are consid- by 2100, the utilization of solar energy will meet erable cost reductions, for example by efficient more than 50 % of the global energy demand. economies of scale in the further development of Whether there will be further options, as for example low-cost production methods and increased effi- for a technically and economically realizable utiliza- ciencies through technological innovations. In the tion of nuclear fusion, is still open at this point. long run, there will be no alternative to an optimized tapping of the potentials of renewable energy sources. Especially, the utilization of solar energy through solar cells and solar-thermal power plants 17
Annual primary energy consumption [GWh] 1600 Others 1400 Solar thermal 1200 Photovoltaics Wind energy 1000 Biomass 800 Hydro power 600 Scenario of the devel- Nuclear opment of global 400 Natural gas energy demand (source: 200 Coal 0 Crude oil 2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2100 2.2 Innovation Potentials along the Energy Value-Added Chain To secure global power supply in the long run, it is logical innovations, especially in the energy sector, not only necessary to develop existing energy depends to a large extent on the political, econom- sources as efficiently and environmentally friendly as ical and social environment and general conditions. possible, but also to minimize energy losses arising The answer to the question which technological during transport from source to end user, to provide development will finally find acceptance, is thus and distribute energy for the respective application determined, above all, by economical necessities purpose as flexibly and efficiently as possible and to and political and social parameters, apart from the reduce energy demand in industry and private technological feasibility. households. Each sector of the value added chain bears potentials for optimization which could be tapped through the application of nanotechnolo- gies. All in all, the implementation of nanotechno- Measured values for energy units The internationally acknowledged measurement Conversion factors: for energy is Joule (kg · m2/s2). Common units in Kilowatt hour 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ the energy sector are also kilowatt hours, hard Hard coal units (HCU) = 29.3 MJ coal units, tons of oil equivalents (TOE) or, in the Ton of Oil Equivalent (TOE) 1 TOE = 41.87 GJ Anglo-Saxon region, the British thermal unit British thermal unit (Btu) 1 Btu = 1.05506 kJ (Btu). Prefixes for decimal powers: k (kilo) = 103, M (mega) = 106 , G (giga) = 109 T (tera) = 1012, P (peta) = 1015, E (exa) = 1018 18
Energy Supply Chains Energy Energy Energy Energy Energy sources change distribution storage usage Politics Society/Environment • Legislation (renewables, heat insulation • Energy and raw material costs • Climate change ordinance, nuclear energy laws, • Competition structure • Environmental protection immission protection, competition law ...) (monopolies/cartels) • Air pollution/ • taxes, subsidies • Private investments/write offs radiation protection Value-added chain (gas, coal, biofuel, solar ...) (infrastructure) • Public technology and environmental • International climate protection agreements • Capital market (VC, interest rates) acceptance and general condi- • Research funding • Economic trends (world, regional) • labor market trends (solar, fuel cells, nuclear fusion ...) tions in the energy sector Framework Conditions 2.2.1 Development of Primary Energy Sources Photovoltaics The world market for solar energy is assessed at turnover of approx. 4 bn Euro (source: Federal Asso- approx. 16 bn $ in 2007 and will presumably reach a ciation of the Solar Industry). Independent of these volume of 30 bn $ by 2010 (source: CSLA). In the last impressing figures, the production of solar energy is year, two-digit growth rates were achieved in the currently still not competitive. Due to high material booming photovoltaics market, especially in Japan, costs and insufficient quantity of components resp. Germany and the USA, which are expected to con- assembly elements for solar modules, the produc- tinue also in the years to come. Studies by German tion costs of solar energy in Germany are more than Shell and the European Photovoltaic Industry Asso- three times higher than for conventional power ciation (EPIA) and Greenpeace go on the assump- plants. tion that in already two or three decades, solar tech- nology will be able to supply 20 % to 30 % of the energy required worldwide. In Germany, approx. 50.000 people are employed and about 150 com- panies are working in the solar industry achieving a 19
World market 30 30 (bn. $) Cadmium Silicon telluride (ribbon materials) 2,7 % 2,6 % 25 24 Silicon Silicon (multi- Left: World market (amorphous) crystalline) solar energy (source: 20 19 4,7 % 46,5 % CLSA study “Solar Power” July 2004) 16 Copper/ 15 13 Indium/ Diselenid Silicon 10 0,2 % 10 (mono- 7 crystalline) Right: Market shares 49,4 % of different solar cell 5 types worldwide in 2006 (source: Photon 0 International March 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2007) Photovoltaics will achieve a broad breakthrough, Today’s market dominating technology, which uses independent of state subsidies, only if it is possible to monocrystalline or multicrystalline silicon wafers, economically equip large surfaces with solar cells. hardly allows cost reduction through technological This requires not only an efficiency increase in energy improvements and mass production. The major con- conversion, but first and foremost also less expensive straint here is the high raw material price of the high- materials and production processes, which could be purity crystalline raw silicon, which, owing to bottle- enabled through the application of nanotechnolo- necks in production, has risen by 500 % since 2004. gies. Thus, in the medium to long run, promising market potentials will result from the further development of alternative cell types such as thin-layer solar cells (inter alia, of silicon or other material systems like copper/indium/selenium), dye solar cells or polymer solar cells. The 64-megawatt parabolic trough Off-grid power supply through solar power plant “Nevada Solar One“ in the plants is profitably applicable especially US-state of Nevada, on stream since June in economically underdeveloped 2007, supplies approx. 129 million kilo- regions, as for example in some regions watt hours (kWh) of solar energy each of Indonesia (source: Schott). year (source: Schott). 20
Type of solar cells Wafer based Thinfilm Electrochemical Electrochemical Basic structure and effi- ciency of current solar cell types (source: HMI: Results of the workshop Structure “Nanotechnology for sustainable power sup- ply”, November 29-30, 2007, Berlin). Further information on solar Materials Crystalline Amorphous Silicon Dye solar cells, Fullerenes (C60) cell types: www.fv- Silicon CIGS nanoporous conjugated cadmium telluride titanium dioxide polymers chung/forschungsthe- Efficiency men/photovoltaik (State of the art) 25 % 19 % 10 % 5% Nanotechnology companies in the field of material cient encapsulation of cells, which are important and module production can substitute a great deal prerequisites for economic mass production. Nan- of the added value of conventional silicon cells resp. otechnologies also contribute to the optimization of tap additional market potentials through drastic cost conventional crystalline silicon solar cells which reductions. Mainly polymer solar cells are said to dominate the photovoltaics market with a market have a high potential especially for the supply of share of 90 %. Here, increases in efficiency may be portable electronic devices, due to their cheap achieved by nanostructured anti-reflection layers, materials and production processes as well as their which provide higher light yield. flexible design. Further application potentials are Such anti-reflection glasses have already been com- provided for self-sustaining and mobile product- mercially marketed and show high growth rates for integrated applications in traffic-control systems, application not only in photovoltaics but also in safety and telecommunication systems as well as at solarthermy (see page 24). off-grid sites in developing and newly industrialized countries for locations with high solar radiation. Medium-term development targets regarding poly- mer solar cells are an efficiency of approx. 10 % and a lifespan of several years, for which, however, basic progress in the understanding of function and influ- ence of nanomorphology of organic semiconduc- tors is required. Also required are new concepts to achieve cost-effective electrode materials and effi- 21
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