ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-18 - Wellspring

Page created by Max Mccarthy
ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-18 - Wellspring
ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-18 - Wellspring
My life took a very positive turn after
    experiencing Wellspring. The support
    I received has been invaluable.

          I am eternally grateful for Wellspring. It has
          helped bring my life back into balance, eased
          my distress and helped me rediscover hope.

                         Coming into the Wellspring family
                         helped me to open up as a person
                         in general and it has given me
                         confidence to journey through my
                         cancer treatments.

ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-18 - Wellspring
CEO Report
                                                                     care to help see them through their cancer experience. With this
                                                                     in mind, we have been successfully developing collaborative
                                                                     partnerships with cancer medical care providers so we are better
                                                                     positioned to extend a caring arm out to those new patients. We
                                                                     have undergone a thorough evaluation of our program roster in
                                                                     order to streamline our offerings to those most impactful and
                                                                     cost-efficient, and we’re now offering alternative approaches
                             Christina Smith                         to programming in order to serve people who live beyond the
                             Chief Executive Officer                 reach of a Wellspring centre. Now our focus has turned to an
This time last year we were announcing plans to commemorate          earnest look at new and innovative ways to financially sustain the
the 25th anniversary of Wellspring.                                  organization through these and many more changes as we prepare
Our nostalgic look back over the years provided us                   for the new reality of increased demand for services, with far
with many opportunities to share heartfelt memories,                 fewer available resources.
to renew relationships with dear friends and long-serving            But this is just a start of our redevelopment. Recognition of the
supporters, and to recognize the profound work and dedication of     importance of psychosocial supportive care for cancer patients,
those who have contributed so much to Wellspring over the past       as an adjunct to their medical care, is higher than ever before, so
quarter century.                                                     if there was ever a time for Wellspring to step up and maintain its
This year, our focus will turn to the future of Wellspring. We       leadership position in this field, it is now. We’re only 25 years old,
have begun strategizing how best to ensure we remain at the          and still agile enough to rethink opportunities available because our
forefront of innovation and the recognized leader in the provision   motivation and passion to make a difference in the lives of people
of supportive care for people living with cancer, for the next 25    living with cancer remains as strong as ever.
years and well beyond.                                               We’ve never been able to do it alone and our reliance on
Thankfully, our mission allows us the greatest latitude to           our loyal donors has never been more important. We are
prioritize and innovate without ignoring our founder’s wishes        tremendously grateful for the valued relationships with donors
and dreams. Although we may look to new and improved ways            which have been developed over the years, and for their resources
of doing things, we will always remain devoted to providing for      which have provided for our past needs. As we develop plans
the non-medical needs of cancer patients, and to serving as many     for our continued trajectory into the new world ahead, growing
people as possible across the country, within warm, safe and         our philanthropic support will be more important than ever if we
caring environments.                                                 want to continue to positively impact and improve the lives of
                                                                     people living with cancer.
Sustainability and growth are the two most important keys to the
future of Wellspring, and both will be vital components of our
future planning. The number of cancer cases in Canada continues
to increase, but so are the survival rates, meaning more and
more people will come to rely on Wellspring for vital supportive
                                                                                                                  Christina Smith
                                                                                                                  Chief Executive Officer

ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-18 - Wellspring
The Year in Review
      WE HAVE
      REACHED                                         Visionary Campaign
                                                      In celebration of the 25th anniversary of
                                                      Wellspring, and as an investment in the future of

                                                      the organization, a special ‘Visionary Campaign’
                                                      was established. The goal was to raise $250,000
                                                      through 10 donors each contributing $25,000.
                                                      Twenty of Wellspring’s generous donors
                                                      contributed to the Campaign, raising $395,000 for

      MEMBERS                                         the continued growth and delivery of Wellspring’s
                                                      exceptional and impactful programs and services.

    Enhanced Awareness                                Visionary Award
    A new public service announcement, filmed on      Mr. Ted McDowell was the recipient of the
    location at Wellspring Birmingham Gilgan House    inaugural Visionary Award in recognition of
    and featuring Wellspring staff, program leaders   his exceptional and long-serving patronage,
    and members, has been widely distributed by       support, compassion and dedication shown to
    social media networks across Canada.              Wellspring over the years. The award, presented
                                                      posthumously to Ted McDowell by past Board
                                                      Chair, John MacIntyre, was accepted by
                                                      Elda McDowell and daughter Laurel Carley.

ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-18 - Wellspring
Essential Partnerships                               Events
Strategic partnerships continue to be established    The approach of Hurricane Irma necessitated
with health care organizations across Canada.        a last-minute re-route of the annual Peloton
In-clinic Peer Support is now provided directly      Challenge away from Miami Beach. Instead,
to cancer patients at Michael Garron Hospital;       22 determined cyclists successfully made their way
Kensington Health Centre is now providing the        to Austin Texas, traveling 3,000 km over 7 days
Second Mile Caregiver Support Program, Peer          and 8 nights, to raise $430,000 for Wellspring.
Support is being provided to pancreatic cancer
                                                     The 7th annual Well Dressed for Spring Fashion
patients, in collaboration with Pancreatic Cancer
                                                     Show, held in collaboration with Holt Renfrew,
Canada, and support training has been provided
                                                     featuring celebrity and financial industry
by Wellspring to Bladder Cancer Canada and the
                                                     representatives as models, raised $310,000.
Canadian CML Network (Chronic Myelogenous

New Administrative Office Location                   Program Onsite
Wellspring administrative staff were relocated to    A week-long review of Wellspring program
existing and renovated space within Wellspring       offerings was held to determine a roadmap for
Westerkirk House on the grounds of Sunnybrook        the future strategic mission direction of the
Hospital. Moving out of the 4 Charles Street         organization. The areas of focus included a
location, which had served as admin space for five   comprehensive assessment of all programs; a
years, will save Wellspring in excess of $800,000    long term strategic direction to increase reach,
over five years (2018-2022).                         impact and growth of membership, as well as
                                                     opportunities for funding through alternative
                                                     approaches to program delivery (e.g., partnerships,
                                                     online, third party, etc.).

ANNUAL REVIEW 2017-18 - Wellspring
Cancer Exercise
Leading health experts and influential
health and cancer organizations have
recently announced that exercise should
be considered an essential component
of treatment for all cancer patients. One
leading cancer researcher has even gone
so far as to state that not prescribing
exercise to every cancer patient would be
considered harmful.

This is not news to Wellspring. The
Cancer Exercise program, developed
through the Centre of Innovation in
2007 and exclusive to Wellspring, was
the first, and today remains the most       lifestyle to work through symptom
comprehensive cancer exercise program       management or restore health after
in Canada.                                                                                               Exercise is offered in
                                            treatment. Modest activity such as brisk
                                                                                                         a safe and supportive
No one intervention has proven more         walking and resistance exercises are all
                                                                                                         environment with a
beneficial to improving the health and      that is needed to see benefits.
                                                                                                         focus on individual
well-being of cancer patients on as many    Cancer Exercise at Wellspring, led by          needs and abilities. This experience
psychosocial levels as exercise. The        cancer-trained professionals, is one of        gives me an opportunity to address
outcomes are unequivocal, showing:          the most popular programs available            any concerns and to receive expert
  •   Overall improvement in quality of     at each and every Wellspring centre,           professional direction. The program
      life measures                         with more than 786 members making              gave me an opportunity to meet
  •   Improved cardiovascular fitness       more than 13,000 visits over the past
                                                                                           with other people who shared the
  •   Increased strength and stability      year. Recent evaluations of the program
                                                                                           same goals - to improve our health
  •   Less fatigue                          indicated that almost 96 per cent of
                                                                                           and heal our body and mind. It is
  •   Less depression and better overall    participants felt strongly satisfied, and
                                                                                           a program I would recommend to
      emotional wellness                    that the program helped them have a
                                            better understanding of how exercise           everyone!
  •   Weight management, and
      improved body image.                  helps improve and maintain health.

While each is a worthwhile outcome
in itself, when embedded in a broader
psychosocial context, these benefits
create a platform for more robust coping           In response to popular demand and ongoing requests to continue Cancer Exercise
with all the other challenges of the               beyond the 20-week program time frame, Wellspring completed a successful
illness, its treatments and life.                  pilot project in which the CancerSmart® Exercise program was provided by
Following a research study conducted               Wellspring’s cancer exercise leaders, through the Oakville YMCA on a fee-for-
at Wellspring and recently published in            service basis. More than 34 members, most of whom completed the program at
the fall, 2018 issue of Current Oncology           Wellspring, attended almost 700 sessions.
the learnings show encouraging benefits
and may help motivate those who may
not yet have included exercise in their

Use Increasing
Wellspring is acutely aware that the            Wellspring will soon have
beautiful community centres sporadically        volunteers providing Peer Support
located throughout Southern Ontario and         remotely to pancreatic cancer
Alberta are both an asset and a barrier         patients across the country, and
to providing supportive cancer care for         they can do so from the comfort of
everyone in Canada. Traveling to and            either a Wellspring centre, or their
from a centre is often difficult, if not        own homes.
impossible, for many who live in remote
                                            •   Pilot-testing of a mobile app is
areas or are too unwell to travel.
                                                underway for those interested in
Wellspring is now developing ways               continuing their Cancer Exercise
to extend its reach to wider and wider          program at home following
audiences. Online technology is                 completion of the 20-week
providing a means of integral outreach          in-centre program.
permitting distance learning for our
                                            •   Materials for programs, such
                                                as informational guides, home
Wellspring is embracing new platforms           training tips, meditation tapes
and new technologies as a means of              and even Tai Chi moves are now
serving patients and their families             available for download through the
either living beyond the reach of our           Wellspring website.
community-based centres, or with
                                            •   Money Matters and Returning to
significant life challenges that preclude
                                                Work are being offered through
them from the journey:
                                                video conferencing to make
  •   Video conferencing is used for            program access more timely, in
      large-scale educational events such       addition to extending reach across
      as the Well Talks series and as a         the province.
      means of staff at centres across
      Canada to connect securely, and
      face-to-face, as they carry out the       Use of video conferencing for
      activities of their centres.              programming is increasing rapidly,
                                                and it is anticipated that by the
  •   Online peer support allows
                                                end of next year, upwards of
      Wellspring’s trained volunteers
                                                15 per cent of all programming will
      to securely and privately connect
                                                be offered using such platforms.
      with a member at home through
      the patient’s computer, laptop,
      tablet or even their smartphone.
Well Talks

Well Talks, previously known as the Professional Speaker             at other Wellspring centres, to participate at the same time. Work
Series, is Wellspring’s cancer education series providing trusted    is progressing toward involving the entire Wellspring affiliate
information on a variety of topics related to cancer. Well Talks     network across Canada in these broadcast sessions.
sessions frequently feature some of Canada’s leading cancer
                                                                     Well Talks@Home is the latest addition to the Well Talks
experts, notable speakers and information providers who address
                                                                     offerings. These sessions occur at a Wellspring centre, but are
a wide range of issues and discussions of interest to our members.
                                                                     live broadcast through secure channels that enable our members
Well Talks are provided as part of the Wellspring mandate to         to participate from the privacy of their own homes. This format
educate, inform and empower members, caregivers and loved            is particularly well-suited to sensitive topics of discussion or to
ones with respect to their cancer experience. Highly popular         audiences who have difficulty accessing a centre.
among the membership and external health care providers alike,
                                                                     Coming soon, will be Well Talks@Online. These learning
Wellspring offered 83 Well Talks sessions at the GTA centres
                                                                     sessions will enable members to access a pre-recorded education
in 2017/18, each one providing an opportunity for participants
                                                                     session hosted on the Wellspring website, at a time and location
to connect with others experiencing similar needs and concerns,
                                                                     that best suits their needs.
and to interact with the health care professional leading the
session, all in a safe, comfortable and relaxed environment.

Three types of Well Talks presentations are now offered.
Well Talks@Wellspring sessions are those which are
offered at one location and broadcast live to members who gather

Moments                                Wellspring has been
                                       life-changing, in the

= A Lifetime                           very best way.

of Impact
                               I needed so much
                               information in order to
                               learn to cope, to manage
                               and to heal. I would not
                               be where I am without
                               Wellspring. I love this place.

                               My overall health and
                               mental outlook have
                               increased substantially.
                               Thank you Wellspring.

                           Without Wellspring, I think
                           I might have suffered deep,
                           deep depression and isolation.
                           I’m eternally grateful to this
                           organization and the brave
                           volunteers. Thank you for
                           rescuing me.

     Although cancer has had an impact on my life, I can
     now use the tools I learned at Wellspring to put it in
     perspective. I’ve learned how strong I am.
                                                             Ladies Out Laughing             Ceilia Bai Euchre Tournament    The Aubrey and Marsha
                                                             LeVan Family Foundation (a      CNA Canada                      Baillie Family Fund (a fund
                                                                                                                             held within the Oakville
                                                             fund held within the Oakville   Collins Barrow
                                                                                                                             Community Foundation)

                                                             Community Foundation)           Gail Dobby
                                                                                                                             Auctionjam Inc
                                                             Liz Ferrier Memorial Golf       Donald F. Hunter Charitable
                                                             Tournament                                                      John Bernhardt
                                                                                                                             Yvonne Bland
      Wellspring wishes to thank all individuals,            Manulife                        Shane and Carol Enright
                                                                                                                             Catherine and Rod Boston
      foundations, and corporations whose generous           MasterCard Worldwide            Ron and Pauline Ferguson
                                                                                                                             Janet Boyle
      support enables us to make a positive difference       Match Marketing Group           James and Julie Forte
                                                                                                                             Mark Bridgman
      in the lives of people and their families who are      Mathews, Dinsdale & Clark       Ed and Sally Frackowiak
                                                                                                                             Jane Broderick
      living with cancer.                                    LLP                             Janice Fukakusa and Greg
                                                                                             Belbeck                         Liette Bromley
                                                             McCarthy Tétrault LLP
                                                                                             Bruce and Kelly Galloway        Craig and Joanne
      We are pleased to list donors who contributed          The Michael and Christine
                                                                                             Howard and Diane Taylor         David Bruce
      $1,000 or more in cash or in-kind donations            Selim Foundation (a fund
                                                             held within the Oakville        Family Fund at the Toronto      Karl and Darlene Burnham
      between April 1, 2017 and March 31, 2018.                                              Foundation
                                                             Community Foundation)                                           Trevor and Julie Byrne
      We also thank those donors who have chosen to                                          The Joan and Clifford Hatch     C&L Carpentry
                                                             Modern Niagara
      remain anonymous. We are profoundly grateful                                           Foundation
                                                             The Muzzo Family Charitable                                     C.M. Odette Philanthropic
      for your support.                                                                      Eric Lizotte                    Foundation
                                                                                             Loblaw Companies Limited        The Caldarelli Family
                                                             National Bank Financial Inc.
Associations,                  B&O Yorkville Run                                             Lydia Mason                     Cambridge Group of Clubs
                                                             Northleaf Capital Partners
Corporations,                  Behaviour Inc.                                                The May Court Club of           The Carmichael-Willis Fund
                                                             The Odette Kaye Family          Oakville
Foundations and                Betty Birmingham                                                                              and The Shorey Family
                                                             Foundation                      Colleen McMorrow and Brian      Fund Endowed and The
Individuals                    Birnie Electric Limited       Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP    Baker                           Alexander and Bernice De
$100,000+                      Blake, Cassels & Graydon      Ozz Electric Inc.               Nathan and Lily Silver Family   Maio Foundation Fund (funds
                               LLP                                                           Foundation                      held within the Oakville
BMO Financial Group                                          Keith Powell and Cynthia                                        Community Foundation)
RBC                            BMO Capital Markets           Struthers                       Navigator Limited
                                                                                                                             Sandra Carusi
RBC Insurance                  William J.S. Boyle            Prollenium Medical              Palettera
                                                                                                                             Martine Celej
Scotiabank                     CI Investments Inc.           Technologies                    Steven Parfeniuk
                                                                                                                             Marlene Cepparo
Sara Turner and John Philp     CIBC                          Jim and Yola Rager              The Peter and Melanie Munk
                                                                                             Charitable Foundation           Debbie Chant
                               The Conn Smythe Foundation    Rogers Communications Inc.
$30,000 - $99,999                                                                            Steve and Sharon Ranson         Colin and Nadia Chapin
                               Barry and Sue Cooper          The Shorey Family
Anonymous                                                                                    Ribbons of Hope                 Valerie Chapin and Richard
                               George and Katherine          Standing Tall Fashion Show                                      Hrynik
Birch Hill Equity Partners                                                                   Royal Canadian Legion
                               Dembroski                     Stikeman Elliott LLP                                            Billy and Gail Cheung
Golda Brown                                                                                  Branch 114, Oakville
                               Duplicate Bridge and Silent   Structform International                                        Christmas Marketplace
Denys Calvin                                                                                 Shoppers Drug Mart
                               Auction Fundraiser                                                                            Clarins
John and Wendy Crean                                         TD Bank Group                   Gary Slaight
                               Nora Elgammal                                                                                 Chris and Pam Clark
EllisDon                                                     TELUS                           Christina and Brian Smith
                               Equipment Sales & Service
Estate of Frederick G. “Ted”                                 VR Mechanical Solutions Inc     Tina Triano and Linda Cavasin June and Ian Cockwell and
                               Ltd.                                                                                        Amarna (a fund held within
McDowell                                                     Jeff and Sherri Watchorn        Walton Family Foundation
                               Wayne and Isabel Fox, in                                                                    the Oakville Community
The Faas Foundation                                                                          Whitehorse Liquidity Partners Foundation)
                               memory of Roger Shorey        WB Family Foundation
FASHION Magazine                                                                             George and Letha Whyte        Stephen and Wendy Cole
                               Fulcrum Capital Partners      Wheaton Precious Metals
Lynn and Ewout Heersink                                      Corp.                           Wildeboer Dellelce LLP          Ian Collins and Olga Sanchez
                               The Garron Foundation
Longo’s Family Charitable                                                                                                    Carla Connor
Foundation                     Genworth Financial Canada     $5,000 - $9,999                 $1,000 - $4,999
                                                                                                                             Bill and Gill Cooper
Elda McDowell                  GFL Environmental Inc.        Abbott Nutrition                The A & A King Family
                                                                                             Foundation                      Stacey Cruise
PwC                            Karen Green                   Agway Metals Inc.
                                                                                             Acura of Oakville               Curtis Cusinato
Peter and Eve Willis           Holt Renfrew and Company      Allen and Marion Lambert
                                                             Fund                            The Adelaide Club               Dee’s Walk
$10,000 - $29,999                                            American Express                Luciano Agozzino                Sandra Deike
                               Innomar Strategies
A.W.B. Charitable Foundation                                 Anonymous (8)                   Alex Irish & Associates         John and Shahla Dieroff
                               Insight Technologies
ACI Brands Inc.                                              AstraZeneca Canada Inc.         Andrew Peller Limited           D’Orazio Infrastructure Group
                               Laura Isidean and Chia-yi                                                                     Ltd.
AIG Canada                     Chua                          Belden Canada                   Brian and Karen Annis
                                                                                                                             Annette Dukszta
Air Canada                                                   Don Bent and Eva Thurlow        Anonymous (36)
                               The Kensington Foundation                                                                     Dulux Paints
Anonymous (3)                                                Boehringer Ingelheim            Elise Assaraf
                               Ladies Luncheon Afternoon                                                                     Ann Dunlop
                                                             (Canada) Ltd.                   Stephanie and Peter Atkinson
Azureau Wines                  Tea and Marketplace
                                                             Christie Cass                                                   Beverley Edwards

Elle Canada Beauty Sale    J. S. Cheng & Partners    Mike Miller               Ruth Weinstock’s          Margaret Valiquette
Elmwood Spa                Inc.                      In loving memory of       Celebration of Life       Al Verma
Enterprise Rent A Car      Jackman Foundation        Carole Mitchell           Ed and Donna Rygiel       Mr. Alan Wainstock and
Entripy Custom Clothing Terry and Bonnie             MOLSON                    Ladan Sadeghi             Mrs. Susan Wainstock
                         Jackson                     Monde Du Chocolat         Rosemarie Schoutsen       Drew and Eloise Wallace
Estate of Gail Palkeinen
                         Judy and Craig Jarvis       The Murphy Family         Marilyn and Wes Scott     The Walmley
Daniel Ferguson
(WeirFoulds)             Gilles and Anne Mieke       Foundation                Sears Canada              Foundation
                         Kaars Sijpesteijn           My Custom Sports Chair                              Walter and Maria
Fernande & Marco Zevy                                                          Nancy Sedgwick
Endowment Fund at the Holger and Claudette           Inc.
                                                                               Jacques Seguin
                                                                                                         Schneider Family
Jewish Foundation of     Kluge                       Mahmoud Nazzari                                     Foundation
                                                                               Harry and Lillian
Greater Toronto            Knar Jewellery            Christopher Newall                                  Walton Memorial United
Bill and Dianne Ferris     Knights of Columbus -                                                         Church
                                                     Susan Niczowski           Hemant Sharma
Elissa and David L         Marian Council #3881                                                          Kate Waschkowski
                                                     No-Mo-Vember              Wayne E. Shaw
Fingold                    Kopriva Taylor                                                                Stuart and Esther Waugh
                                                     Oakville Futsal Club      Sherwin-Williams Paints
Laura Fisher and Gilbert   Community Funeral                                                             William R. Webb
                           Home                      Kieran O’Donnell          Victoria Shipp
Jubinville                                                                                               Graham and Judy Weeks
                           Lindsay and Bud           Pablo Cheese Tarts        Yvonne and Glenn
Flagship Audio Inc                                                                                       Vivian Weinert
                           Kronenberg                David H. Pakrul           Simmonds
Aaron Foster                                                                                             Wellness By Design
                           Robin Lampman             Numila Parker             Marty Simon and S.
Bruce Friesen                                                                                            Wellspring Zumbathon
                           Don Langill               Kanizehn Patel            Levitt
Gala of Hope                                                                                             Terry and Cathy Whalen
                           Spencer Lanthier and      Geoff Pearlstein          Donald Sinclair and
Irene and Robert Gale                                                          Grace Kelly               When We Was Young
                           Diana Bennett             Stephen and Nancy
Golf Tec                                                                       Brett Smiley              Concert
                           Leggat Auto Group         Pelletier
Brian and Helen Gore                                                           Drew Smith                The William and Nona
                           Lemonwood Luxury          Judi Perry Brinkert and
Paul Green                                                                                               Heaslip Foundation
                           Group Inc                 Allan Brinkert            Lois and Larry Smith
Florence Guy* and Terry Karina Lopez                                                                     The William Birchall
                                                     Sally Peterson and Bryan Paula J. Smith
Montgomery                                                                                               Foundation
                          Robert and Patricia Lord   Pearson                  Sodexo
Shelly Haber and Rick                                                                                    Mrs. Michael Wilson
                          Maria del Mar Lorenzo      Picton Mahoney Asset     Solar Provider Group
Greene                                               Management                                          Paul Woolford
                          Judith Love                                         M.A. South
Halton Police BBQ                                    Polar Asset Management                              Martha Wright
                          Lorraine Luba                                       Karen Spearing
In memory of Charlotte                               Partners                                            Felice Yesovitch
Hardwicke                 Linda Lucas                                         Ben Springer
                                                     Bruce Poon Tip                                      The Young Family
Hendrik Hart              Madeline Lunney and                                 Stryker Canada             Foundation
                                                     The Price Family
                          Geoff Grayhurst                                     STYLUS Asset
Eric Hartley                                         Quarrywood Foundation                               Leslie G. Young
                          Sandra Lynch                                        Management
Josh Hartway                                         Lima Ramsankar                                      David and Evelyn Yu
                          Carole Macaulay                                     Stewart Sutcliffe
Maggie Hayes                                         Tom Rankin                                          Greg and Nancy Zavitz
                          Chris MacDonald                                     Sweet Pea
Health Science                                       Ann Ranson                                          Aaron Zevy
Consultants               June Macdonald and                                  Michael Tait
                          Geoffrey Rytell            RBC Global Asset
Joe Heffernan                                                                 Elaine and Bill Tebbutt
                                                     Management Inc.
                          Ken Maiden                                          Rose and Keith Telfer
Shawn Hewitt and Deb                                 RE/MAX Aboutowne
                          Clive and Hilary Maile                              Terence & Svea
Bill Hewitt                                          Realty Corp.
                          Manitou Investments                                 McKillen Foundation
Peter and Patti Hnatiw                               Red Nose Sales
                          Holly Marasco                                       The Hope Charitable
Ann Holowchuk                                        Nita and Donald Reed
                          Dan Marinangeli                                     Foundation
Holt Salon & Spa                                     Richard Reid
                          Shelley Martin                                      Barry and Liz Thomson
Hopecaps                                             Janice and Hugh Rennie
                          The Massage Clinic                                  The Tickled Toad Pub
Bradley and Nancy                                    Holden Rhodes            & Grill
                          Health Centres
Hotson                                               Kevin and Charlotte
                          Kevin McAllister                                    Marilyn Trentos
William Hubachek                                     Riddell
                          McAughey Family                                     Umbra
Steve Hurowitz and                                   Barbara Ritchie
                          David and Marg                                      University Women’s
Diane Osak                                           Rockin’ Soiree
                          McCann                                              Club Dinner
Carol Hurst                                          Rocklinc Investment
                          Patty McDonald
Institute of Cosmetic and                            Partners Inc.
Laser Surgery             McDougall Gauley LLP
                                                     Ron Rogers
Samantha Ireland and      Dr. Craig McFadyen                                   * Indicates deceased donors
                                                     Annie Ropar and Alan
Troy Hare                  Judy McKinnon             Hibben                    Every effort has been made to ensure the
Alex Irish                 McMillan LLP              The Rotary Club of        accuracy of this list. We apologize for any
J & B Brown Furniture      Perry Mercer and Family   Oakville Trafalgar
                                                                               errors or omissions and ask that you bring
& Appliances               Millcroft Financial       Roundtable Capital
                                                                               any discrepancy to our attention by contacting
                           Group                     Partners Inc.
Financial Highlights
The Wellspring Mission at work
Responding to the program needs of cancer patients and their loved ones in GTA communities:

Wellspring Birmingham Gilgan House (Oakville)                      The Wellspring Centre of Innovation:
Program visits: 16,710                                             researching, developing, testing and
Centre cost: $ 780,000                                             sharing new approaches to supportive
                                                                   cancer care
Wellspring Westerkirk House (north Toronto)                        Centre cost: $ 385,000
Program visits: 11,934                                             Online Expenses: $ 130,000
Centre cost: $ 510,000

Wellspring Downtown Toronto
Program visits: 10,997
Centre cost: $ 770,000

Wellspring Chinguacousy (Brampton)
Program visits: 8,033
Centre cost: $ 570,000

                     41%                                                         Planned Giving and Other
                  $1.4 million

                                       Sources of Revenue

                      7%                                                            49%
           Chinguacousy Fdn
                   $250,000                                                         Donations
                                                                                    $1.7 million

                               For a copy of Wellspring’s audited financial statements,
                      please contact Eva Thurlow at 416-480-4440 x 230 or
$395,000                                                 Mission
                                                         To create the best programs
                                                         to meet the psychological,
Anonymous                                                emotional and educational needs
                                                         of individuals and families living
Aon Risk Solutions                                       with cancer, and deliver those
Stephanie and Peter Atkinson                             programs to people in Canada.
The Belbeck-Fukakusa Family Foundation
CNA Canada
John and Wendy Crean
George and Katherine Dembroski                           Wellspring is the model for
                                                         excellence and innovation in
Eric Hartley                                             supportive cancer care.
Lynn and Ewout Heersink
Colleen McMorrow and Brian Baker
The Michael and Christine Selim Foundation
(a fund held within the Oakville Community Foundation)
                                                          • Maintain excellence in all
The Muzzo Family Charitable Foundation                      Wellspring centres
The Odette Kaye Family Foundation                         • Develop innovative programs
Ozz Electric Inc.                                           and continuously improve
                                                            those in existence
Jim and Yola Rager
                                                          • Serve as many cancer
The Shorey Family                                           patients and their loved ones
                                                            as possible with regard to
Keith Powell and Cynthia Struthers
                                                            Canada’s diversity
Sara Turner and John Philp                                • Secure a sustainable
WB Family Foundation                                        funding base
Peter and Eve Willis                                      • Achieve and maintain
                                                            organizational health

Board Chair
                   For the past seven years as a member of the Board      determined, and with a shared sense of purpose, to
                   of Directors, I’ve had the pleasure of watching        see Wellspring succeed and grow. This steadfast
                   as Wellspring continues to raise the bar in terms      commitment to helping, provides us with a stable
                   of serving our members and leading the way             source of funding from which Wellspring conducts
                   in providing the most impactful and innovative         its daily operations and enables our members to
                   programs to help people through a cancer journey.      participate in programming at no charge.

                   The continued growth and effectiveness of              Wellspring’s ability to continue to deliver the best
                   the Wellspring mission work depends on the             care for our members rests largely on the tireless,
Colleen McMorrow   organization maintaining a strong and sound core       dedication of our staff, volunteers, and program
Board Chair        at its centre. This core consists of a robust sense    leaders. I feel confident this team will excel at
                   of purpose, financial functionality, vital strategic   becoming change champions as we move into our
                   partnerships and a talented and engaged group          next quarter century of care.
                   of staff and volunteers. Ensuring we are able
                                                                          I would also like to thank the entire Board for its
                   to continually invest in this infrastructure is the
                                                                          ongoing commitment to Wellspring. This past
                   responsibility and focus of the Board of Directors.
                                                                          year of reflection has allowed the Board time
                   This past year, a report on the cancer patients’       to review our work and identify directions and
                   experience, released by the Canadian Partnership       priorities to strengthen Wellspring for the future.
                   Against Cancer, played an important role in            Among those who have brought their profound
                   validating that Wellspring has been fulfilling an      gifts, both personal and financial to the role are
                   important need. The report acknowledged that           Janice Fukakusa and John Philp, both of whom are
                   cancer patients experience significant physical        retiring from the Board after having served since
                   and emotional side effects after completion of         2009. Janice successfully led the Well Dressed for
                   treatment which, for most, go unaddressed. This        Spring Fashion Show committee to seven highly
                   has only served to strengthen Wellspring’s long-       successful events in as many years and we are
                   standing and important role in the health care         grateful that she will continue in this role, and John
                   continuum and is why Wellspring has been able to       served as Board Chair for two years, following
                   develop important and extensive partnerships with      three terms on the Board. Their continued
                   national cancer and health organizations. These        commitment to our mission, and their contributions
                   partnerships have proven essential in helping          to our members, staff and volunteers, cannot be
                   more widespread audiences gain access to vital         understated.
                   supportive care and expertise through shared

                   Wellspring continues to apply best practice
                   approaches to its philanthropy efforts. We are                                     Colleen McMorrow
                   deeply grateful for the community of faithful                                      Board Chair

                   supporters who time and time again come together,

Board of
Colleen McMorrow                        Dr. Craig McFadyen
(Chair)                                 Staff Surgeon, Trillium Health Partners
Corporate Director
                                        Gael Miles
                                        Regional Councillor, City of Brampton
John Bernhardt                          Anne Odette Kaye
Senior Vice President and               Family and Charitable Foundation
Chief Financial Officer, EllisDon       Director
Chiara Borrelli                         Lisa Pearson
Senior Vice President, Regulatory       Principal, Navigator
Compliance Management, Scotiabank

Mark Bridgman                           John Philp
                                        Partner, Fulcrum Capital Partners Inc.
Senior Vice President and President,
Interim, TELUS Retail Ltd. & Channels
                                        Mags Shorey
Dr. Sharon Campbell
Senior Scientist, Propel Centre
for Population Health Impact,           Cynthia Struthers
University of Waterloo                  Principal, Cynthia Struthers
                                        Nurse Consultant Leading Edge
                                        Advance Practice
Janice Fukakusa
Corporate Director
                                        Bill Tebbutt
                                        Managing Director, Investment
Jonathan Grant                          Banking, Desjardins Capital Markets
Partner, McCarthy Tétrault LLP

Laura Isidean                           Antonella Vergati
                                        Director, Verwest Investments Inc.
Non-profit Board Member and Advisor

Craig King                              Peter M. Willis
                                        Executive Co-Chairman,
Managing Director,                      Equipment Sales and Service Ltd.
Investment & Corporate Banking,
BMO Capital Markets

Ian Matthews
Managing Director and CAO,
CIBC Capital Markets

D’Arcy McDonald
SVP, Retail Deposits and
Day to Day Banking, Scotiabank

Wellspring Cancer Support Foundation
105 Wellness Way, Toronto, Ontario M4N 0B1
Ch. Reg. #89272 8940 RR0001

A Lifeline to Cancer Support
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