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An enterprise view of migrating to
Windows 7: A CIO’s guide to
stepping off the rollercoaster

Ryan McCune
November 2009

An enterprise view of Windows 7: A CIO’s guide to stepping off the rollercoaster

Table of Contents
An enterprise view of migrating to Windows 7 ................................................................................................. 3
Situation: High cost, IT paralysis ...................................................................................................................... 3
The journey to Windows 7 ............................................................................................................................... 4
            Rationalizing applications to reduce capital and operational expenditures ........................................ 4
            Using virtualization to eliminate the roller coaster ride ....................................................................... 5
                         Virtual applications .............................................................................................................. 5
                         Virtual desktops ................................................................................................................... 5
                         Presentation virtualization ...................................................................................................5
Conclusion: The right time to step off the roller coaster ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

© 2009 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.
An enterprise view of Windows 7: A CIO’s guide to stepping off the rollercoaster

An enterprise view of                        On the operational side, costs remain too    this tightly coupled architecture has been
                                             high as IT tries its best to manage an       that enterprises simply haven't upgraded
migrating to Windows 7                       aging Microsoft Windows XP platform,         very frequently. When they do, it's
                                             the software sprawl described above and      historically been a manual and costly
Many organizations are currently looking
                                             a disjointed set of point-solutions for      endeavor that brings too much pain to
at Windows 7 and beginning their
                                             management. From this perspective, it's      users. This roller coaster approach
business justification and migration
                                             simply taking too many people to             creates a pattern of sharp spikes in user
planning. In doing so, some are faced
                                             manage PCs due to a poorly managed           disruption, high-impact change, and high
with the harsh reality that their desktop
                                             and ill-architected desktop platform. And,   risk every three to five years.
estates are messy and expensive,
                                             many organizations have been ignoring
primarily due to aging management                                                         It's been too difficult and too expensive to
                                             the problem—waiting instead for the next
infrastructure and years of neglect. While                                                successfully manage so much change
                                             desktop refresh to make things right.
Windows 7 will add tremendous benefits                                                    across so many users. Benefits have to
to these organizations in the form of        In addition to increasing TCO,               be very significant, and costs (both
better security, improved mobility and       enterprises have been paralyzed by a         financial and the business impact) very
enhanced user productivity, it is not a      second major problem: a tightly coupled      well-managed, in order to justify a large-
cure-all. However, there is reason for       desktop architecture which has required,     scale desktop migration program. Over
optimism. With Windows 7’s business          in many cases, a “forklift” approach to      the past few years, many organizations
improvement, the maturation of desktop       migration. Because hardware, the             have believed that the benefits simply
virtualization and management                operating system, applications and data      haven't outweighed the costs. From the
infrastructure all coming together in real   aren't isolated from one another, desktop    CIO’s perspective, it’s been less risky to
time, there's an emerging “perfect storm”    upgrades have tended to follow a pattern     do nothing than to modernize the desktop
that has the ability to benefit business     where all of these elements must be          estate.
users, IT and the bottom line.               upgraded as a single unit. The result of
Situation: High cost, IT paralysis
Some enterprises have been stuck in a
paralyzing cycle when it comes to the
desktop. On one hand, desktop total cost
of ownership has been too high. While
Moore's Law has continued to bring down
the price of PC hardware, rising software
and operational costs have increased
enterprise desktop TCO in many
organizations. Additionally, a lack of
proactive management has led to
application sprawl yielding high software
(capital) spend and licensing compliance
challenges. That can change now.

© 2009 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.               3
An enterprise view of Windows 7: A CIO’s guide to stepping off the rollercoaster

                                             within the organization provides the same   measure of high operational cost and
The journey to Windows 7                     function. Put simply, many businesses       inefficiency.
Windows 7 provides significant benefits      are paying for software they don't really
                                                                                         A Windows 7 refresh represents the
to both the business user and IT             need.
                                                                                         opportune time to address this challenge.
departments, and there are far fewer
                                             On the operational side, high volumes of    This is the point where you can choose to
technical barriers to get to Windows 7
                                             unmanaged software create an                either ignore the problem, “move the
than there have been in the past.
                                             environment that IT cannot adequately       mess” to the new platform or you can
As a result, Windows 7 will become the       manage. When every PC has an                choose to address it. The choice is
destination for many organizations. The      unknown, unique set of applications, a      significant.
smart enterprise should step back, take a    situation is created where IT cannot
                                                                                         Choosing to rationalize an application
breath and recognize that the destination    leverage automation with a reasonable
                                                                                         portfolio based on a guiding set of
itself doesn't necessarily address the key   degree of certainty that they won't do
                                                                                         business requirements will not only
financial pains they've been facing with     more harm than good. Software sprawl is
                                                                                         reduce TCO after the transformation, but
their PC fleet. A Windows 7 refresh          a leading contributor to a high IT
                                                                                         will significantly reduce the cost and
provides a rare point when they'll have      administrator-to-machine ratio that many
                                                                                         effort of the transition itself. The total
license to make important
changes that many have been
putting off. Smart CIOs will take
this opportunity to use the
Windows 7 refresh as an
opportunity to reduce desktop
TCO and transform desktop
change from a high-cost and
disruptive event to a smooth,
business-as-usual activity.
Rationalizing applications to
reduce capital and
operational expenditures
Unmanaged, often user-
installed applications, represent
one of the largest contributing
factors to high desktop TCO.
On the capital side,
organizations spend a
tremendous amount of money
on software that isn't utilized,
doesn't have a business
justification, or where other software       organizations face today, a primary

© 2009 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.              4
An enterprise view of Windows 7: A CIO’s guide to stepping off the rollercoaster

number of applications to be deployed on      enterprise to begin taking advantage of        From an IT perspective, VDI enables IT
Windows 7 will be a major factor in           these technologies is now.                     to manage the desktop platform for all
determining how long the project will take                                                   users in a single way—decoupling
                                              Virtual applications
and how much it will cost. Standardizing                                                     hardware, operating systems and
                                              Application virtualization enables you to
the application portfolio before migration                                                   applications. IT can upgrade the OS and
                                              almost entirely eliminate the software
means that fewer applications will need                                                      applications on a business-as-usual
                                              interoperability testing that is typically a
to be tested for Windows 7 compatibility,                                                    basis very easily, in one place (using a
                                              standard migration task. This is because
remediated and packaged for                                                                  single image), without having to worry
                                              isolated, virtual applications don't have
deployment on the new platform. Ignoring                                                     about client hardware and software
                                              the ability to impact one another. Each
the rationalization or taking it on                                                          obstacles.
                                              virtual application lives in its own
midstream creates excessive, unneeded
                                              separate container and doesn't share file,     However, it is important to note that VDI
transition cost and effort.
                                              component or Windows registry                  is rarely the lowest cost option. It requires
If you are looking to address TCO,            resources with other applications. This        farms of servers to implement and the
application rationalization should be the     technology alone can save thousands of         licensing can be costly. It's not typically
organization's first step down the path       man-hours for an enterprise-scale              the right answer for all users in a
toward implementing Windows 7.                migration. Post-migration, new                 company. But, for some types of power
                                              applications can be dynamically deployed       users and knowledge workers, the
Using virtualization to eliminate the
                                              and managed without worrying about             benefits can be tremendous.
roller coaster ride
Earlier, we talked about the roller coaster                                                  Whereas the desktop platform has
problem that companies face while             Virtual desktops                               traditionally been an all-or-nothing
struggling to keep their desktops up-to-      Virtual desktop infrastructure, or VDI,        proposition, VDI introduces a middle-
date. The problem is largely because          represents one of the most compelling          ground option that should be strongly
enterprise desktops have more or less         (and often misunderstood) emerging             considered for specific worker segments
been a tightly coupled smattering—no          benefits to the enterprise. With VDI, each     that require both computing horsepower
isolation between the hardware,               worker has his or her own hosted, virtual      and flexibility.
operating system, applications and data.      desktop that runs in the data center but
                                                                                             Presentation Virtualization
With isolation, an operating system or        has the experience, look and feel of a
                                                                                             Presentation virtualization is a final
application could be upgraded                 traditional desktop machine. With VDI, a
                                                                                             desktop platform option that the
independently and automatically.              user runs the machine in the same way
                                                                                             enterprise should consider. Presentation
Desktop virtualization technologies           he or she has been accustomed to, and
                                                                                             virtualization enables certain network-
provide this isolation.                       when properly implemented, has a user
                                                                                             connected user segments to take
                                              experience that is exactly the same as a
Over the past five years, significant                                                        advantage of a low-cost platform option
                                              traditional user’s. Recent advancements
technology advances have been made                                                           based on a server-based computing
                                              also bring the ability to leverage multiple
that help isolate desktop components                                                         model.
                                              monitors, audio and video and other
from one another and enable desktops to
                                              technologies.                                  Presentation virtualization should be a
be managed and even upgraded from
                                                                                             point of focus for almost every
remote locations. The right time for the
                                                                                             organization looking to optimize its

© 2009 Avanade Inc. All Rights Reserved.                5
An enterprise view of Windows 7: A CIO’s guide to stepping off the rollercoaster

desktop platform, reduce capital costs        paralysis they've been facing for the past
and lower operational costs. Like VDI,        15 years.
presentation virtualization has closed the
                                              However, by taking a strategic, business-
gap between its own capabilities and that
                                              aligned approach, you can transition
of a traditional desktop. Organizations
                                              faster, at a lower cost and be better
leveraging modern presentation
                                              positioned for the future. After migration,
virtualization products can provide end-
                                              you'll find yourself off the roller coaster—
users a Windows 7 desktop with multi-
                                              able to begin managing subsequent
monitor support and multimedia. For a
                                              desktop upgrades as a business-as-
significant number of network-based task
                                              usual activity rather than as a costly and
workers, presentation virtualization can
                                              painful event.
increase flexibility and dramatically
reduce IT operational costs.
Conclusion: The right time to step off
the rollercoaster
Organizations need to recognize a
Windows 7 transition as more than a
product, but as an important point in time.
Seizing the opportunity begins with the
development of a core strategy:

    •    Create clear guidelines around
         business applications.
    •    Enable unused or unneeded
         software to be weeded out
         before beginning the transition.
Define worker segments that enable
alternative platforms such as
presentation virtualization and VDI to be
deployed to the right users based on their
job requirements. Some organizations
will take the wrong approach. They will
“move today’s mess” with them to their
                                               About the Author
new desktop platform and remain on the
                                               Ryan McCune is the director responsible for Avanade's Workplace
same overall trajectory with increasing        Infrastructure services team. In this role he is responsible for strategy and
capital and operational costs. These           architecture around Desktop Transformation, Avanade's solution focused on
companies probably will experience the         increasing manageability and reducing total cost of ownership of the desktop
same cost spikes, cyclical pain and            environment.

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An enterprise view of Windows 7: A CIO’s guide to stepping off the rollercoaster

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