Alee Shriners Savannah, GA August 2021
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The Fez Official Publicaton of Alee Shriners Savannah, GA August 2021 Shriners Legacy Program Take pride in family and fraternity For many men, being Shriner is a family tradition. The Shriners Legacy Program is a way to show your pride in being a Shriner and to share with your own family the special brotherhood that comes from membership. Honor yourself and family by sharing your legacy The Shriners Legacy Program is open to any male family member who is a Shriner*, including: Fathers Sons Grandfathers Grandsons Brothers Nephews Uncles In-laws *Living or deceased Display your legacy Since 1872, nearly 3 million men have been honored to call themselves Shriners. Become part of the Shriners Legacy Program and you and your relatives will be eligible to wear a special pin that represents the pride you have in your Shriners heritage. You will also be able to take pride in a variety of fun events and activities. Keep the tradition alive Shriners International will continue to grow as the tradition is passed from one generation to the next. As a Shriner, you can find out more about the Shriners Legacy Program at shrinersvillage. com
Shriner’s Pledge 0f Allegiance “ I pledge allegiance to my Flag and to the country for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all” ALEE SHRINERS OFFICIAL PUBLICATION Sponsored by Alee Shriners 100 Eisenberg Drive P.O. Box 14147 Savannah, GA 31416 Office Hours 9:00 am -4:00 pm Monday - Thursday Office 912.355.2422 Fax 912.355.0136 Colleen Humphries..............Secretary PP JJ Johns...........................Editor 2021 DIVAN Potentate - Freddie Humphries, Jr. 912.313.1450 Chief Rabban - Steve Lingle 912.658.0986 Assistant Rabban - Robbie Moore 912.856.0326 High Priest & Prophet - Carey Hodges 912.660.1302 Oriental Guide - Danny Fries 912-665-2248 Treasurer - John Farley 912.663.8888 Recorder - PP Dave Armstrong, Sr 912.695.7132 2021 APPOINTED DIVAN Ceremonial Master - Noble Earl Cox Ceremonial Master - Noble Frank Stephens Director - Noble Steve Cowart Temple Marshall - Noble Jamie Corcelius Marshall of Units - Noble Reggie Dyal Captain of the Guard - Noble Reggie Dyal Outer Guard - Noble Ken King Chaplain - Noble Carlos Ruiz REPRESENTATIVE TO IMPERIAL COUNCIL Illustrious Potentate - Freddie Humpries Elected - PP C. Mack Griffin Elected - PP James “JJ” Johns Elected - PP Dave Armstrong, Sr. Emeritus - PP Lester A. Claxton Emeritus - PP Calvin Hodges Emeritus - PP J. Brooks Gaudry, III ALEE WEBSITE Web Master JJ Johns, P.P. PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR Vacant SOCIAL MEDIA CHAIRMAN Roger Hutchinson Like us on Facebook- Alee Shriner FEZ ARTICLES To insure publication of you News Articles for the Fez, they must be emailed to A GREAT BIG THANK YOU to: no later Illustrious Sir Freddie Humphries Ladies: Ladies: 10th of the month. Not respon- CR Steve Lingle Colleen Humphries Bobbie Stephens sible for articles or ads emailed AR Robbie Moore Donna McCutchen Kathy Willis to any other email address. Nobles: Frank Stephens David Cookie Moore Melanie & Elizabeth Phillips Armstrong II John Willis Cheryl Armstrong Please do not use all caps, and Holly Humphries Lenzy Phillips Laura Grayson single spaced (keep to half a Brenda Loven P.P. Buddy Grayson page). Send articles as a word They have consistently come out, week after week to clean after rentals, reset for the next rental since Will passed away in February. document attached to the email. They were not alone as we had assistance from Nobles and Ladies that could not ome every weekend but came when their schedules permitted: P.P. Dave Armstrong and Lady Marlene, P.P. Charlie Stokes and Lady Marion (they also brought pizza), Tim Hocking and Lady Cyndi, Carey Hodg- When pictures are used - please es and Lady Julie, Danny Fries And Lady Sheila, Billy Underwood and Lady Deva & girls, Walt Pelton, Mike Morris, Frank Lackman & Lady Brenda, send originals. Files must be Paul Bennett and Lady Sharon, Pat Thompson and Lady Olivia, Garry Hendicks and Lady Cindy, Chuck Dixon and Lady Wendy, Ray Christian and doc, docx, pdf, ai, eps or high Lady Annette, Bobby Sauls and Lady Sheila, Doug Stephens, Dwayne Sutton and Lady Amanda, Bob Strand, and Caroline Grayson. We typically meet every Sunday at 10am for some fun, fellowship and cleaning. If you would like to join us, please come on down. If you want resolution jpeg. to check to be sure we are meeting call the office or Colleen on her cell (912) 373-4245. Page 2 Many hands, Make LIGHT work!!
Jesup Shrine Augusta Dune Club Go-Cart Cats 2019 CLUB OF THE YEAR Greetings from the Jesup Shrine Club, Unit WHAT A GREAT TIME TO BE AN ALEE SHRINER. It is hard to believe this year is over half over. Lady Leanne and myself attended the 147th Time sure flies when you’re having fun and this Our Unit has had a great year so far and hopefully Imperial Session of Shriner’s International in year is already more than halfway gone! What a the rest of the year will be just as good. We have Houston Texas. Alee had great representation and good time to be a Shriner, as there is plenty to do not had many parades this year, but we sure had a voted for the good of the order on some important and be involved in! great time showing out and making children smile. legislation. A fantastic time was had by all who were Jesup Hillbillies went to the Shellman Bluff St. It would be nice to get a plan to restore the Wrecker in attendance. Patty’s parade in June and brought several Hillbilly to its Luster of yesteryear. Some of our members will be riding in the buggies to show off. What a great time they had Thank you to all that had helped at the racetracks Waynesboro Farm Fest parade sponsored by the because Shellman Bluff is one of the biggest and and auction this year. Special thanks to OSP and Waynesboro Shrine Club. We sure are looking best and definitely the most look forward to parade Screven Speedway, and Southeastern Auto Auction forward to getting the carts back in parades making of the year! Also in June, the Jesup Hillbillies and for their support. some children smile. The Farm Fest will be held the Jesup Regulators went to the Let Freedom Ring Please keep Ill Sir Brooks in our prayers because September 11, 2021. We hope to have a great Parade in Rincon. This was also a fun parade and he fell while attending the Imperial Session in showing of members! All of the clubs and units of Jesup Shrine Club was represented well. Houston, TX last month and broke his hip. We need Alee Shrine are invited and welcome to attend. The Regulators are looking forward to being a to keep Delma, Amelia Thompson and Stephanie Nobles, please check your dues card and get part of the Claxton Shrine Club Inshore Poker Run Corcelius in our prayers also. If someone has been them paid before the end of May as we will be in July. This is sure to be a big event and the guys left out it is because nobody will let me know. purging our rolls to make sure they are current. If can’t wait to be a part of it. If it has been a while since you joined us for a you need to pay, please see the unit Secretary to We have a group from Jesup that just can’t wait meeting, please consider attending soon, you have take care of them. If you have a hardship, please to go to Sasa this year and we can’t wait to see you been missed, just sometimes we forget to call or let us know so we can help. Remember Shriner’s all there! We always have a great time and enjoy think you will show up next time. We do miss you helping each other! Our unit is looking for those who watching, and being in, the BIG parade! and look forward to your return. have the need for speed while making children and Coming up on October 2nd is the 2nd Annual Our July meeting was after the deadline for the adults smile. If you are interested in becoming a Jesup Shrine Club Regulators Inshore Fishing article, so I do not have a lot to report on and I will member of the Go-Cart Unit, see any member and Tournament and we need YOU! For Sponsorships have to catch up next Month. I hope everybody had we will get you set up. We have plenty of carts to and Sign-ups Contact Noble Caleb Poppell. (Based a great and safe 4th of July. go around and we need some butts to fill them. If on 30 boats) First place $1000 payout (3 trout Our Kingfish tournament is coming is this month anyone knows of a Mason who might be interested aggregate) and $500 for biggest Redfish. There will and we expect all to have a great time. in becoming a member of the world’s greatest also be a youth payout and lots of raffle prizes. Last Happy Birthday to Earl Cox 8/14, Michael Liddick philanthropy, let’s get him signed up and extend an year this was a huge and fun event so get in there 8/12 and H.L. Waters 8/14 We hope y’all have many invite to him to join our unit. and catch you some fish and some memories!! more. Jesup Shrine Club has been busy making I cannot think of anything else, so I’ll sign off for If you are interested in visiting our meetings, we improvements to the club and would welcome any now and if anyone has been left out, overlooked or meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the visitors to our monthly meeting (second Thursday otherwise forgotten, please forgive me. Until next Augusta Shrine Club 1826 Phinizy Road Augusta, of the month 6pm social hour and 7pm eat and time remember the burnt & cripple children along Georgia. We eat at 7:00 pm and we meet at 8:00 meeting) Y’all come and see us! with those less fortunate than ourselves in our pm. Ladies are always welcome. If you would like prayers……………….Yours Truly to visit our meeting, please call our Secretary, Clyde Until next time, enjoy and be safe! Bowie P.P. at 706-945-7377 to make sure we have enough food to go around. Augusta Ladies Best regards, Jesup Shrine Club On behalf of our Captain, Noble Jimmy Atkins, thank you to all who come out, ride, support and work on the carts to keep them going while Celebrating the Past Making a Difference That Will Auxiliary Brunswick Shrine Last in 2021. We continue to be faced with the outcomes of the Clyde Bowie, P.P. COVID Pandemic, but I hope that the potential for a return to some level of normalcy is on the horizon Club Secretary as our clubs have begun to meet person to person. For so many of our auxiliary members impact of the COVID – 19 has affected our organizations as well Greetings Nobles and Ladies. as our ability to gather as we are used to doing. The Brunswick Shrine Club continues with its Temple Ladies We are more than half way through the year monthly Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser. The next one already. Things are happening! Support the clubs will be held on July 23. Feel free to stop on by, only and the temple as much as you can now that we Auxiliary $8 a plate. are able to move forward, things were slow as you The Divan came a calling in June . . .the Divan know in 2020 and it takes a little time to recoup…… visited the Club on June 10 and it was a success. Hope everyone had a safe and Happy 4th of July!! fundraisers, parades and all the things we love Vice President Butch Bishop cooked up a prime rib I can’t believe the year is more than half over. With about what we do. Augusta Shrine Ladies would like with all the fixins. Thanks Butch. A THANK YOU the month of August upon us, remember schools to remind you to support your Ladies Auxiliary as once again to the LADIES for helping this event to are open, please be careful and watch for children much as you can. The auxiliaries all need members be a success when out and about. to help with projects and to support the nobles. At the July 8 meeting the Club hosted a special Ladies, a reminder, the temple auxiliary will have The Augusta Ladies Auxiliary voted to waive the guest. That guest was Dr. Jeremy Hammond, Sea its next meeting Tuesday, 7 September at 11:00 March deadline for dues to be paid. If you have Pines Oral and Facial Surgery in Brunswick, GA. am in the Bill Porter room. Looking forward to interest in continuing your support as a member. Dr. Hammond was a Shriner child and serves as seeing everyone. The auxiliary is open to all ladies Dues for 2021 should be mailed to: Augusta Shrine an inspiration to all of us. President Joe “Jobaby” of a noble in good standing with Alee Temple. Club/Ladies Auxiliary 1826 Phinizy Rd, Augusta Thomas presented Dr Hammond a thank you plaque Please keep those who are sick or recovering Ga. 30906, your membership will continue without for his recent generous donation for the Shriner from illness or injury in your prayers and while delay. Hospitals. on bended knee say a prayer for those who are Nominations for the 2022 Officers will be coming If you are in the area and would like to visit the suffering in silence with unspoken worries. soon. Please think about the support you give to Club . . . meetings are the 2nd Thursday of each your auxiliaries when you take a position as one of month. Dinner at 6:00pm and meeting at 7:00pm. Gods Blessings the leaders. Bring your Ladies. Barbara Arnold Side Note of Interest: August is a bit unique, most Stay safe and healthy and keep those less Secretary, 2021 of the time at least. In a standard year, there is no fortunate in your thoughts and prayers. other month that begins on the same day of the week as August. In a leap year, however, August See ya . . . begins on the same day of the week as February. Ben Kates Take a look at the calendar…..I did… .. P.S. Shriners fun fact – The official Shriners song: A In prayers and blessings, Brother’s Love: Makes Anything Possible Sharon Bennett Auxiliary President Page 4 Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Values
Hinesville - Ft. Greenville Hospital Representative Stewart Shrine Club On behalf of Board Chairman, Timothy Ludwig and the entire Board of Directors we send fraternal greetings Alee Club of the Year 2016, 2017, & from Shriners Hospital for Children Greenville and hope that all are doing well. Your Greenville Hospital continues operating under budget while providing the best care possible to children with orthopedic and other 2018 conditions. Alee Parade Club of the Year 2018 These are some highlights as of May 2021: • Hospital Performance Dash Board: Spring and Summer are in full swing with a new exuberance and excitement following nearly a YTD 2020 Goal YTD 2021 year of suspended activities, restrictions, and lock Total Referrals 1,278 1,477 1,702 New Patient Visits 863 1,104 1,331 downs. It is actually difficult to summarize in words Outpatient Encounters 4,890 5,124 6,952 the renewed enthusiasm and appreciation for what Telehealth 246 712 1,012 and who we have in our lives. Outreach Clinic Visits 48 47 0 Inpatient Discharges 74 82 93 June was a busy and fun month for HFSSC. Outpatient Surgery Encounters 297 408 391 Many of our Nobles and Ladies were in full swing at OR Utilization 69.14% 70.00% 67.27% Percentage of First Case On Time 91.80% 85.00% 87.06% each of the events surrounding the Nobility Ball at the beginning of the month. Everyone had a great Starts Alee Shrine continues to do well with a total thus far of $63,135.00 being donated to the hospital by our Nobles time and once again we were honored with the and Ladies thru May! What a great job by all! Thank you to Illustrious Sir Freddie Humphries, our 2021 Divan, attendance our guests, Shrine Child Elliot and his Nobles and Ladies, who work so tirelessly raising money for Shriners Hospitals for Children Greenville! As of parents, Patrick & Brandi Eastlake. May, Greenville has received a total of 3,351 gifts with a year to date total of $2,086,598 being donated to the We had to split forces at one point, with a small hospital. $388,000 of the total was donated by the 18 Shrine Temples supporting Greenville. representation of HFSSC in attendance at the Lady Leanne and myself attended the 147th Imperial Session of Shriner’s International in Houston Texas. Freedom Parade while the majority of our Nobles Alee had great representation and voted for the good of the order on some important legislation related to attended the Corner Stone ceremony at the both Shriners International and Shriners Hospitals for Children. A fantastic time was had by all who were in Savannah Scottish Rite building. Special thanks to attendance. Nobles Mike Smart and Robert Boatright for taking The Parking lot in front of the hospital was reopened June 21, 2021. This parking is for Road Runners, patient up the slack during the busy weekend. families and appropriate visitors. The highlight of June was the Potentate’s Visit. Social distancing is still required on the back patio. NO MORE THANK TWO UNMASKED PEOPLE MAY SIT This may be a new standard for future events. AT OPPOSITE ENDS OF A SINGLE PICNIC TABLE, regardless of vaccination status. Indoors, the “only one This was a luau themed event complete with ugly employee per table policy remains. Only families living in the same household may share a table. Hawaiian shirts, leighs, tropical music, food, and As of May, Alee Shrine Temple referred 8 patients who will benefit from the services of Greenville. Please drinks. A huge thank you goes out to Nobles Lee keep up the hard work locating and referring those children who would benefit from the excellent medical care Smith, Robert Boatright, and Bill Badger who spent offered by the Doctors and Staff of Greenville. considerable time preparing and cooking a hog for the event. These guys are the new champs in this Your hospital continues to see referral rates improve: endeavor, and it’s been said that their pulled pork Total Referrals from Temple Areas will put any BBQ restaurant to shame. The Ladies Shriners May Year to Date Auxiliary not only provided the side dishes and Acca 1 4 desserts but were very creative in decorating the Al Sihah 0 6 Alcazar 1 8 club for this event. Some folks even commented Alee 8 31 that it was the best this club house had ever looked. Amran 4 8 Fun, Fellowship, and Laughter were the key to this Cahaba 1 2 Hasan 2 8 festive event and if anyone missed out on any of the Hejaz 245 1,231 three, it is their own fault because there was plenty Jamil 4 27 to share. Jericho 9 44 Kazim 2 22 During this event we had a very special Kerbela 6 17 presentation. We want to thank our Illustrious Khedive 3 3 Potentate for assisting us in the unveiling of an Oasis 26 105 Omar 7 32 oil portrait of HFSSC Past President and Past Sudan 3 17 Potentate (2015) Illustrious Sir JJ Johns. JJ is one Yaarab 7 38 Zamora 2 5 of two Potentates from HFSSC and now his portrait All Other Shriners 39 98 will be on display beside that of Illustrious Sir Albert Totals 370 1,703 Nelson, Past Potentate (1998) and one of the Noble’s, on behalf of Board Chairman, Timothy Ludwig and the entire Board, we would like to thank you for founding members of our club. Their contributions all the support Alee Shrine has given Shriners Hospitals for Children Greenville and look forward to your to HFSSC and Alee will be remembered for years continued support! to come. For those who have never experienced Respectfully Submitted, something like this, we actually witnessed JJ at Clyde Bowie, P.P., Member a complete loss of words – he was speechless! Dr. Ralph “Buddy” Grayson, P.P., Associate Member Unprecedented!! Board of Directors We are now getting ready for the 125th anniversary Shriner’s Hospital’s for Children Greenville of Alee Temple and many other Alee and club/unit events. We are getting closer to announcing the dates for our first, and perhaps annual, paint ball tournament so stay tuned for details. We can’t share any details yet, but we can promise a lot of fun for everyone who attends. If enough of the Divan is present, we may even make them into a separate team with possible awards for the best shot. Enjoy your summer and as always, we look forward to seeing each and everyone of you. It’s a smile, it’s a kiss, it’s a sip of wine….It’s Summertime!! Celebrating the Past t Making A Difference That Will Last Page 5
Waynesboro Alee Haunted Augusta Golf Unit Shrine Club House Lady Leanne and myself attended the 147th Imperial Session of Shriner’s International in Houston Texas. Alee had great representation and Our members continue to prepare for our Annual Boooooooooooooo! voted for the good of the order on some important Farm Festival in September. If you would be I hope I didn’t scare ya! Please note that there will legislation. A fantastic time was had by all who were interested in riding in the parade, please contact be a MAJOR work day for the Haunt on Saturday, in attendance. myself or our club secretary, Noble Jimmy Allen for August 28th! We will have coffee, doughnuts, and Our unit is quite right since there’s not much information. On behalf of our members, we would a great lunch! Please see all items needed for the going on. We will start working on the 2022 Golf like to invite all units and clubs of Alee Shrine to work day! PLEASE Nobles bring your Ladies, we Tournament soon. come and participate. We will have food for all units have something for everyone to do. We will be Some of our members will ride in the Waynesboro and clubs who came and parade with us. adding onto the maze in the back, as well as fixing Farm Fest sponsored by the Waynesboro Shrine Lady Leanne and myself attended the 147th anything and making sure it is safe for October. Club. We look forward to getting back in some Imperial Session of Shriner’s International in This is critical that you come out, all Units/Clubs, parades. Houston Texas. Alee had great representation and - bring someone who loves Haunted Houses, bring If anyone is in the Augusta area and would like to voted for the good of the order on some important a friend or relative, we can use all the help we can join us for a great game of golf, let us know so we legislation. A fantastic time was had by all who were get! It’s also a great time for fellowship and get can hit a few rounds. We have a lot of beautiful golf in attendance. Leanne and I made sure that Houston excited for this year’s Haunt. We also need more courses to choose from. Texas knew the Bird Dog Capitol of the World was pallets, special thanks to Dwyane & Amanda Sutton President, Noble Ernie Martin, would like to invite in the house! who has been bringing some, please we need a lot you to come out and be part of the Augusta Shrine Nobles, I ask that you please consider becoming more! Bring drills, hammers, etc. Club Golf Unit. Our regular meetings are back on a Fez Patron. It’s only $20.00 a year for each unit or Inside the Haunt Ladies Sharon Jacobs & Melanie track with most of our members attending. The unit club you are listed under. This helps offset the cost of Phillips will be working and we have a list of jobs for Caddies (Ladies) are always welcome to come join the Fez paper. It would be nice to see Waynesboro anyone who can’t work outside! Bring work clothes us. We meet on the fourth Thursday of the month, Shrine Club have 100% participation. If you would and gloves, a mask if needed it sometimes gets after the meeting, we usually go to one of the many like to pay through the Shrine Club, please see me pretty dusty in the Haunt! The costume room needs local restaurants for great food and fellowship. We and we will get it done. help, the makeup room, the workers concession look forward to you visiting and getting involved in As President, I would like to invite all Shriners stand, etc. we have work for everyone! this outstanding unit. and Ladies to come and visit our club. We meet An award will be given out to the Unit & Club that Noble’s and Ladies, we look forward to seeing you on the third Thursday of each month. We eat at brings the most workers, however you must stay all on the greens with a hole in one while Celebrating 7:00 pm and meet at 8:00 pm. We usually have a day to receive credit for that person. the Past, Making a Difference That Will Last in mouthwatering grilled, by Chef Jody, steak, baked Sponsorships - please get those in to the front 2021! potato, salad and dessert but you never know what office. Also, we need sponsorships from Units/ you will get to eat in Waynesboro. Just know it will Clubs/Business/Friends/Nobles who would like to Clyde Bowie, P.P. be great food! help with extra Security. We need $250-$500 to help Golf Unit Ball Washer Members, please check your dues cards and to hire extra Police Officers, the Haunt is the #1 in if you don’t have a 2021 card, please contact our Georgia again, and our lines are 2-3 hour wait time, Oriental secretary, Noble Jimmy Allen at 706-551-0727 to as we have to stop selling tickets as we have no get your dues paid. 2022 is fast approaching. If you room for guests! This is a GREAT thing! However, are unable to pay your 2020 or 2021 dues because we need more paid Police Officers, so please help of a hardship, please let our secretary know so we us! A special item will be given to anyone who Band can help. Brothers helping brothers. donates $500 or more for this cause to help offset Please stop by and see what’s going on in the the cost of security. Bird Dog Capital of the World while we Celebrate the Thank you to Illus. Sir Freddie & Lady Colleen Past, Making a Difference as well as the Divan & ladies for always supporting That Will Last in 2021! the Haunted House! Let’s make this the best year OB4LIFE! ever!!!! I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of Fraternally yours, July! The band has been busy with fundraisers! We Clyde Bowie, P.P. We hope to SCARE ya THERE! have had some great poker tournaments and with WSC President the help from Pat Sr, Garry, Tony, Craig & Annette The Scaremaster Perry it has been a good poker season! 912-429-3059 The band is participating in the First Lady Colleen’s Statesboro Coffee Table Book Project, be sure to read all about the World’s Famous Alee Oriental Band! Our next fundraiser is Wrestling! That’s right we are gonna Shrine Club have wrestling in the Arena on August 14th! Be sure to look at our flyer in the Fez or call Patrick @ 912-429-3059 for more information! We are hoping Dear Alee Nobles and Ladies, The HOBOs of Statesboro Shrine Club are to put one on every few months! comprised of outstanding Shriners and Masons. We are still looking for any Nobles & Ladies The group remains steadfast in the commitment to who would like to join the band, email us, call us, our Shriners Hospitals for Children. To this end, they Facebook us to come to an event or meeting and have successfully participated in all of the temple be loved by the millions & millions of OB fans! The fund-raisers and have planned a big fund-raiser on Ladies Auxiliary could sure use some help selling their own – a golf tournament. Shrine & Masonic jewelry and stuff, so give Lady The golf tournament is slated for Friday, October Cindy Hendricks or Lady Annette Perry a call to help 15. Teams can arrive as early as 11:00 a.m. to get out, or to buy your STUFF! signed in for the 1:00 p.m. shotgun start. Lunch is We will be having a raffle for a flat grill to be given included and will be catered by Alee Nobles Jonathan away at the Ceremonial in November! Tickets Lewis and Billy Underwood and their award-winning are $5 each, 3 for $10, and 7 for $20! See any 3 Degree Catering. Rain Date is Thursday, October Bandsman for tickets! 22. Well, that’s all for now, please come out and Four people encompass a team which includes support our wrestling fundraiser, it should be a lot lunch, green fees, and cart fees. Mulligans will be of fun! Also, happy birthday and anniversary to all available before the start of the game as well. The those in August, keep everyone sick in your prayers, four-person scramble is open to men and women and always remember our children while on bended and the tournament will be handicapped. All scorers’ knee. decisions are final. ALWAYS REMEMBER: OB4LIFE! Hole sponsors are only $100. The hole sponsors Patrick Welsh, Jr. Prez 2021 will have their name or company logo displayed. First place $500, Second place $300, Third place Round of Golf plus Cart. Prizes will be also given for Hole in One on (1 selected) Par 3’s, Closest to the pin on a Par 1. The golf tournament flyer can be found here in the Alee Fez. The flyer has a section for sponsorships and enrollment. Your cooperation in participating would be greatly appreciated. Yours truly, Tony Phillips Club Secretary Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Values
REPORT OF THE 147th ANNUAL SESSION OF SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL Nobles All: Call # 14 The effect of this amendment would allow the Temple Mobile Unit Classics This is your report on the annual meeting of Shriners International. Potentate to allow females to march in parades with units or It gives me pleasure to report on this session as your elected Imperial clubs. FAILED Representative. Your elected representatives, Lester Claxton, PP Call # 15 Jurisdictional Lines PASSED 1989 Emeritus Representative, Calvin Hodges, PP 1991 Emeritus Call # 16 WITHDRAWN Representative, Brooks Gaudry, PP 2006 Emeritus Representative, Call # 17 Jurisdictional Lines PASSED Greetings and Salutations to ALL, Phil Davis, PP 2010 Emeritus Shiners Hospital Representative, Call # 18 WITHDRAWN The Mobile Unit Classics has had a busy month. Clyde Bowie, PP 2018 Shriners Hospital Representative, Freddie Call # 19 and 20 Temple Association PASSED To start the month, while all our brothers were at Humphries, Potentate 2021, James Johns PP 2015, Dave Armstrong Call # 21 Temple Relocation. PASSED Sr PP 2016 Recorder, Steve Lingle Chief Rabban 2021 are your Call #22 Established Rules and Regulations for International the Glenville Parade, the Mobile Unit Classics were Elected Representatives. Also in attendance were Robbie Moore Associations Of Tap Rooms. PASSED out supporting our very own Noble Gary Oglesby Assistant Rabban 2021 and John Farley Treasurer 2021. Your Call # 23 and 24 Request for New Temple Dispensation in Brazil and Lady Pat at the Southern Cruisers Car Show in Emeritus and Elected Representatives attended the sessions each and Mexico. PASSED Statesboro, GA. We had a great showing from the day starting at 8:30am and ending at 4pm. Nobles that was the business of The Iowa Corporation which Mobile Unit Classics. We realize our members are The session began on Monday July 5th I will not give you a complete is Shriners International is incorporated under. Membership involved in more than just one activity. We can’t be accounting on each bill on the call as some were housekeeping in our fraternity worldwide has decreased to 198 thousand everywhere but we try our best to make every event and or Charter or Dispensations to establish new Temples outside members, the first time in 147 years the Shrine has been below we participate at as enjoyable as possible. of the US. 200 thousand members. Imperial is expecting another loss of 40 The “Save the Date” Masonic Fun Day was a big I will go through what I believe are the important issues facing our thousand members based on Black Camel and suspensions or Fraternity and Hospitals. demits. We as a Temple must do our part in membership, look for success with several member coming out with their Election of officers to the Imperial Divan, all line officers were that candidate who would be a viable member of our fraternity. Families, their Classics and sat up a great static elected to move up to another position for the 2021-2022 year, We must hold true to that Oath we took on yonder book and not display for all to enjoy. This was a great fellowship please see the article in the FEZ informing you of our new Imperial allow our fraternity to blame membership drops on Masonry. The with all of our Masonic community. Looking forward Potentate. The office of Imperial Outer Guard had two candidates above Bills except the housekeeping were at times heated and to the next one. Noble Timothy D. Forbis a member of Keorien Shriners was compassionate debates that’s the rub of it. I will now report on On May 22nd , Several Mobile Unit Classic elected to the position. There was only one candidate for Trustee our Hospitals below. members traveled to Bloomingdale, GA to give their for Shriners Hospitals and Noble Ricky Arrocha from Abou Saad Our Shriners Hospitals have been going through drastic re- final respects at a Memorial Service held for Ill Sir Shriners was elected by acclimation. Now on to the business; organizational plan that effect how we as a fraternity will provide David Blissett, Sr. (PP 2007). This was a very somber Call #1 was an amendment to our Imperial Bylaws would allow the best care for children. I am proud to report that our hospitals anyone to petition for membership from any location directly to are on sound financial footings with assets of money and hard service where several folks were asked to stand Headquarters, and as long as they met prerequisites and paid assets worth over $10 Billion dollars. Last year at the Session we and give memories of a kind man. As each family an annual fee of $250 the Board of Directors could allow them approved the Hospital Trustees and the President of Shriners member spoke, each with different memories, it was to become Shriners. This system would have created a “Virtual” Hospitals for Children Past Imperial Potentate Jerry Gant the apparent that he loved and cherished his family and temple managed by Imperial. This Bill FAILED. authority to close, realign, remodel, down size and or establish friends. Ill Sir Lester Claxton gave a moving account Calls # 2, 3, 4, 5 were clarifications on Disaster meetings by zoom clinics to place our hospital system in the viable position to deliver of his friendship with Past Potentate/ Noble Blissett. and cleaning up other bylaws. the best treatment I am proud to say that our Trustee’s have done At the end of the memorial, I reflected on the stories Call #6 The effect of this amendment would have increased the Per the best they could in accomplishing this for us especially I was privileged to hear, I felt like part of this family. Capita Tax from the current amount of $30 to $50 FAILED during the pandemic. There are more changes coming, Shellman Bluff, need I say more. This parade Call #7 The effect of this amendment would allow a temple to there are more restrictions coming, there will be changes that accept a petition from a NON MASON. This bill was discussed in- always feels like it belongs to the Shriners. We, at we do not like but changes are inevitable if we are to provide for the Mobile Unit Classics, were few this day but were depth and I was again shocked that this keeps coming before the those less fortunate especially children. membership it FAILED very present and proud to be part of this community In Closing my Brothers your Emeritus and Elected Representatives parade. Although attendance was down, it still is Call # 8 The effects of this amendment requires the Potentate of a Temple before he could assume office or be elected to office to were PROUD to represent ALEE TEMPLE at the 147th one of the best parades ALEE is involved in. have completed either Oriental Guide Seminar or the Assistant Imperial Session and we sat in the front rows to be seen On June 12th. Thanks to Harry and Brenda Rabban seminar. PASSED and heard. I can only say thank you for electing me as one Rogers, the Mobile Unit Classics had their Annual Call # 9 Was ruled out of Order of your representatives. As many of you may have heard the Picnic at the Rogers’ House at a beautiful setting Call # 10 The effect of this amendment would give the temple up EAST-WEST Shrine Bowl has been moved to Las Vegas. Alee in Townsend Ga. There was a lot of great food and to the day prior to the start of the session to change an Elected Shriners have supported this event for many years and it was Representative, This Bill was tabled and then at a later date in great fellowship enjoyed by all who participate. This a kick-off to the new year. We will miss this event, but let’s was our 2nd year having this event and we hope to the session and amendment to the bill was submitted which not dwell on our loss but hope that this move will benefit clarified that a Temple would have up to 3 days in advance to continue for years to come. Shriners Hospitals in more revenue and attention from the Don’t forget the Mobile Unit Classics are selling submit a change based on an approved vacancy due to mitigating circumstances. PASSED public. Our Imperial Leadership has partnered with the tickets for an AR-15 Gun (22LR) Raffle with 1000rds Call #11 Jurisdictional Lines PASSED NFL to try a new approach. Remember my Brothers, these of ammo Raffle. Every member needs to get and Call # 12 The effective of this amendment would further restrict events are not to make us happy but to provide revenue for sale tickets for this Unit Project can be a success. the use of any “LOGO” “WORDS” or the use of the Trademarked our hospitals…That is what should make each of us happy. See Ken or Matt to get your tickets. “SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN” by anyone with out written On behalf of all of your Representatives thank you for what The Mobile Unit Classics Car Show on August 21st permission from the Imperial Potentate. It removes the authority you do for our fraternity, our temple and especially Shriners from Temple Potentates to allow this to be used by NOBLES or any at the ALEE Temple is just around the corner. We Hospitals for Children. A complete copy of the Call for this need everyone to get and pass out flyers to advertise other person either affiliated or not affiliated with SHRINERS. This session is available for your review in the Recorders office. bill was discussed in depth and PASSED UNANIMOUSLY. our show as much as possible. We are putting in Call # 13 Use of Nobles names for Hospital Marketing by Imperial the work and hoping for a great outcome. All Unit or their designees. PASSED “Yours In The Faith” Member need to sale Trophy Sponsorships and if James “JJ” Johns PP, Elected Representative any other Unit or Club would like to sponsor a trophy or help out, please contact Trey Hopkinson (912) Mobile Unit 856-5548, Stathy (912) 663-9616 or any Mobile Unit Officer. Most Importantly, All Alee Temple Shrine Units and Clubs are invited to Participate and join in Auxiliary the fun at our August 21st Car Show. Fraternally Can’t believe it is already August. Hope everyone FastLane and the had a good Independence Day celebrating our Great Pit Crew Let’s all welcome our Ill. Potentate, Divan and Country! JJ and I were on a plane flying to Houston Alee Representatives back from Houston Texas in to attend the Imperial Session. We had a good time the hope that they have brought us back to some celebrating with our Shrine family. great news or not such great news (LOL) from Our ladies are excited to kick off our fundraiser, Imperial. I am sure there was much discussion on we will be selling Rada Cutlery. Items available the future of our Fraternity, we should be looking are knives, cooking utensils and dip mixes. We forward to those updates. Brother Nobles and have catalogs and if you are interested, please Families it’s coming that time of the year that our contact one of our members or call Barbara @ children are going back to school. I remember as 912.980.7456. We all know all hard it is to find a a kid getting new clothes, new shoes and a new successful fundraiser so this seems like a fresh lunch box with my favorite cartoon on it. I am sure ideal. things have changed since then. Be careful on your Our ladies would like to thank our Nobles, they drive to work to watch out for those children out have been providing a meal on our meeting night there. If you’re a sitting Worshipful Master or Past for everyone. I know from experience that this takes Master and desire to become a member, come join time to plan and execute. So, a big shout out to us with your family, we would be glad to have you Mobile Unit Nobles. for some fun and fellowship. We meet on every fifth Welcome to our new member Lady Pam Miltiades Thursday; dues are $5.00 per year or $100.00 for and returning member Lady Celeste Provence, we Life Member, please see our Secretary Noble Dave are very glad to have you in our auxiliary. Please Armstrong Jr. Guest and families are always invited keep Lady Judy Mosley and Lady Sylvia Hill in and welcomed. your prayers, we have missed them at our auxiliary “Enjoy the Fun” meetings We are not a large auxiliary but we have great members. I look forward to seeing everyone Carlos R Ruiz, PM (AKA Lewis) at our meetings. Knights of Mecca Until next time Vice-President
Imperial Session in Houston- Alee was well represented. Our Nobles do not take any pictures during the session. Our Divan Ladies and Representative Ladies attend 1st Lady Alice Smith’s Luncheon. Sometimes it seems Shrinedom eats all the time. We found a balcony to watch the Parade. Oriental Band was represented by Noble Gary Hendricks & “Animal”. Our favorite photographer does not get in many pictures because she is always behind the camera. Our Ill Potentate, Divan & Ladies made their official visit to the Brunswick Shrine Club...We continue the food theme no one goes away hungry. There is no better way to know Shriners are doing a GREAT JOB than when an former Shrine Child comes back as an adult gives back to the Children’s Hospital...that hap- pen recently in Brunswick. Dr. Hammond made a donation back and the club recog- nized him. Way to go Brunswick Shriners Thank you to Cookie Moore and Amanda Sutton for the pictures. Once in awhile putting together Fez I say something personal...Hinesville-Ft. Stewart Shrine Club’s Potentate Visit was beyond AWESOME! It was a very emotional night - fun, broadest smiles, astonishment, tears and speechlessness...Ill Sir JJ Johns was honored with a portrait to be displayed beside Ill Sir Albert Nelson picture. Besides that special moment, Nobles and Ladies did it up right, they know how to get in the spirit of the event and have fun. Ill Sir Freddie presented our youngest attendee and future Shriner his very own Fez. Noble Congratulation to these 25 year & 50 year Charlie White the oldest member that attended with his Lady Nordene got into the fun. Shriners
Potentate's Message What a FUN TIME to be an Alee Shriner! Thank you for the opportunity and privilege to represent Alee at the 2021 Imperial Session, Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Valves. Meeting other Reps from all over, taking care of our Fraternity and Hospital Business. Learning how Alee Emeritus Representatives vote and value our Masonic Values. A couple have represented Alee for 35 plus years and still approach each Imperial Session with enthusiasm as if it were their first and at each vote what is BEST for Alee. The Imperial Session was a huge success and encouraging for our fraternity. And in the midst of it our brotherhood was tested, and we passed. As we were departing, Ill Sir Brooks Gaudry fell and broke his hip and Ill Sir Dave Armstrong Sr and Lady Marlene stayed three more days with Ill Sir until Lady Dianne could get there for his Partial Hip replacement. Just like our creed, “…As brothers we offer each other fraternal affection and respect…so that we and our communities will be better because of our fraternity and its principle.” Our Fraternity was founded nearly 150 years ago, but for Alee it was a mere 125. I hope you were able to attend the 125th Anniversary. There was fun, fellowship and honor for our Masonic Values planned. I feel confident that Alee showed up for the celebration. Please make plans to attend the Alee Scimitar Sportsman Auction and Banquet August 21st. The excitement for this fun event is palpable. Hope you join us. And we are also making plans for the Haunted House with a Work Day this August, the Cash Raffle, SASA, the Ceremonial and the Children’s CIRCUS! First Lady Colleen’s Message All your dreams can come true if you have the courage to pursue them.~ Walt Disney I cannot believe we are halfway through the year. It did not start as planned/dreamed, but we have adjusted and rolled with the punches. The next six months are full of fun events, fellowship and courage to pursue the dream. As I write, we are planning the 125th Anniversary and I am so excited. We also are looking forward to the many Unit and Club events and the Temple events: Scimitar Auction and Banquet, Raffle, the Haunted House, Circus, and Ceremonial. And we cannot forget SASA! Big events full of fun, fellowship, and Masonic Values. I hope each Noble and Lady can attend one or all the events. We recently got back from Imperial in Houston and were fortunate that my girls, Holly and Mary, could come with us. But it dawned on me, I was surrounded by both of my families. To include my Shrine family who mean the world to me. I was reminded of something at the convention. All the ladies come from all walks of life, from every generation and different life experiences, but we ALL have one common goal and that is to help Shriners Hospitals for Children and our temples. I truly look forward to the celebrating of Alee at each event and the Nobles and Ladies that make this temple a family. Lady Colleen Humphries Celebrating the Past t Making A Difference That Will Last Page 9
Chief Assistant High Priest Rabban Rabban & Prophet Hello Nobles and Ladies, Well Hello Nobles. Hello Nobles and Ladies, What a great day to be an Alee Shriner!! WOW, what a great time full of Fun, Fellowship, What a great day to be an Alee Shriner. Some of your Divan and all your Imperial and tons of information at the Imperial session Hope everyone had a safe and fun 4th of July. Reps just came back from the 147th Imperial in Houston, TX. So that everyone knows, Alee We had a terribly busy month of July. Parades, that was held in Houston, Texas. Where they Shriners was well represented at the Imperial Imperial Session in Huston Texas, two boat attended a lot of business meetings and finding session this month. The voting members of poker runs, and to finish the month with Fun out information to be given back to all of you. our Temple (Past and sitting Potentate) did us and Fellowship, we celebrated the 125th The Alee Scimitar Sportsman Banquet is proud by ensuring that everyone’s best interest anniversary of the first meeting of our great coming up on August 21st in the Ball Room. was the #1 priority when it was time to vote. temple. There was a special ceremony for the Tickets are sold in advance so if you plan to Please speak with any of the Reps if you have Laying of the Cornerstone at the new Scottish come out to support this great event, please any questions about the issues that were voted Rite building. make a point of purchasing your tickets early on and the outcome of the votes. And BTW, We now head straight into the month of as there will not be any sold at the door. we also did our temple proud by taking part August wide open! We will have a President’s The Circus Committee is starting to meet and in the Imperial parade while in Houston, so meeting, a BBQ cookoff, a fishing tournament we need all to commit to help out and make this don’t forget to checkout out Cookies Pictures and car shows. We still have a few tables to sell a big success. on Facebook and your temple Fez for loads of for our Auction sponsorships. I am so proud Please help out the Clubs and Units with pics from the Imperial session! to see the different Clubs and Units supporting various fundraisers. Please do not forget your 10k Raffle Tickets each other and our Temple. We still have some The Haunted House will be having a work and our new and improved Alee Auction and candy left. If you need any or want any, contact day on August 28th and we need all hands-on Banquet coming up on August 21st. It will be a me, your rep, or the office. Thanks again for all deck to help with this. fantastic time with lots of fun, food, and plenty you do. As always if you need anything, do not Don’t forget about SASA in September 16th- of items to bid on, so do not hesitate to get in hesitate to call. 19th. We will be staying at the Landmark in touch with me or any member of your Divan or Myrtle Beach. The phone number is 1-843-310- the Temple office for more information. BTW I Continue to support your Blue Lodges, 3425 and tell them you are with Alee. Please think I have just about talked to everyone who Scottish Rite, York Rite and your clubs and make plans to attend. It’s always a great time would listen. units. We are Alee Strong! and we get to interact with other fellow Nobles May God Bless All Shriners, their Ladies, Our and Ladies from other temples. Shrine Children and Their Families!! Fraternally yours, Remember to attend your Blue Lodge, And until next time LOVE, PEACE, AND Carey Hodges Scottish Rite, and York Rite regularly. CHICKEN GREASE!!!! Remember our Shrine Children, Doctors, Essential Workers and our Soldiers in your IT TRULY IS A GREAT DAY TO BE AN ALEE prayers. SHRINER!!! Fraternally yours, Fraternally Yours; Steve T. Lingle, Robbie Moore AR21 Chief Rabban Approved Oriental Parades Guide Waynesboro FarmFest Parade When: Saturday, September 11, 2021 Where: Waynesboro, Ga. Hello All, Happy Summertime everyone!!!! Line-Up: 10:00am - Exchange Club Thank you to all for the awesome turnout for Fairgrounds(156 Manau Lane) the Freedom Day parade in Rincon. Great way Step-Off: 11:00am to show out our Shriners, doing what we love! Everyone loves a parade. Thanks to everyone 2021 SASA Fall Festival Parade that also showed up to the Fellowship at Riley’s. When: Saturday, September 18, 2021 Looking forward to the Alee Shriners Golf Where: Myrtle Beach, SC Tournament on October 2nd, 2021. $75, a Line-Up: 8:30 am person or $300 per Team. Bring your teams Step-Off: 9:00 am and let’s play!!! Please call me if you would like to sponsor or have a sponsor. Looking forward to the upcoming events at Jesup Christmas Parade Alee. Thank the lord for safe travels from Imperial. When: Saturday, December 4, 2021 Remember to support your Blue Lodge. Where: Jesup, GA I am only a phone call away! Line-Up: 5:00 pm SW Broad Street Step-Off: 7:00 pm NEW TIME Fraternally Yours, Danny Fries, Jr. Oriental Guide Life Blood of Shrinedom MEMBERSHIP Page 10 Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Values
AUGUST 8/6-7/21 Alee Dune Cat Kingfish Tournament 9/8/2021 8/6-7/21 Drifters BBQ cookoff 9/8/2021 8/14/2021 Directors Staff Dance Sapphire Bullets 9/14/2021 8/14/2021 Oriental Band Wrestling 9/14/2021 8/21/2021 Mobile Car Show 9/22/2021 SEPTEMBER 9/3/2021 Hinesville Paper Sale 10/4/2021 9/2/23/21 Quint Raffle 10/23/2021 9/11/2021 Waynesboro Farm Fest and Parade 10/12/2021 9/11/2021 Hinesville Golf Tournament 10/12/2021 9/25/2021 Pirate Poker Run 10/26/2021 9/4/2021 Drifters Comedy Show 10/5/2021 OCTOBER 10/2/2021 Jesup Fishing Tournament 11/3/2021 10/15/2021 Statesboro Golf Tournament 11/16/2021 10/29/2021 Hinesville Scare Crow 11/30/2021 Richard W Allen John W Martin 10/23/2021 Quint Sportsman 11/24/2021 Harold G Amerson Lee J Martin 10/16/2021 Hinesville Pumpkin Patch 11/16/2021 Sam Arazie Edward E Mast Jr NOVEMBER Curtis M Armstrong Walter A Mays Jr 11/22-12/23/21 Cabiri Poinsettia Sale 1/2/2022 Gordon D Ballance John Morris McClurd Jr 11/4/2021 Mobile Gun & Ammo Raffle 12/5/2021 Lex K Bazemore Arlie McMillan 11/6/2021 Hinesville Paper Drive 12/6/2021 Paul M Bennett Christopher S Miller 11/19/2021 Quint Run what ya Brung 12/20/2021 Matthew A Bennett Johnny R Mills DECEMBER Julian T Boaen Sr Jerry R Mitchell Now - Dec 31 Paper Sale Leon M Boyce Justin F Moore Jack A Boyett Alvia A Murdock Jr Now - Dec 31 Tybee Lite Super Club 1/4/2022 Timothy L Boyett Michael K Nichols Now - Dec 31 Brunswick Last Friday each month Benjamin S Brewer Anthony M Noles Spaghetti Dinner 1/4/2021 William E Callaway Jr Christopher J Oliver James D Campbell William C Parker Jr Robert S Carney Nick Thomas Pierce Jason L Childers Richard G Poppell Larry D Copeland Robert W Purcell Joseph G Courson Jr Loye G Pyles Willis Earl Cox Daniel L Pyles William L Cox Jr Henry J Rawl III William F Cox Jr. Franklin D Rivenbark Jeremy Crosby P.P. Henry R Crumley Jr William W Robbins Jr Thomas W Davis Steven E Scheer Norman R Davisworth Don A Scheuerle Kenneth D Dawson John A Shaver John W Deal Robbie J Sikes David R Deloach Joseph B Slaughter Bruce H Deloach Stephen A Smith Terry M Dewitt Walter Burgin Smith Richard A Dotson Sidney P Smith III Wayne Eason Jr Robert H Stalnaker Jr Daniel B Eure Robert A Standard Ryan M Fedak Frank D Stephens David A Findley James A Stillman Walter P Finley Kevin M Suhr Herbert A Gaskin Jr Terrell A Taylor Jamey Gates James W Thomas III James D Hadden Patrick L Thompson Ronald Victor Hall Daley L Thompson III Brett T Hall Richard L Towns Terry D Hatfield Richard D Tyson Harold Lafayette Hendrix Berry O Videtto Gary W Hill Gary T Vinson Jr Jerry A Hodges James S Walker Donald R Hodges Don D Walker Carey G Hodges Henry Lewis Waters John G Horton Malcolm J Watson Thurman H Howard Andrew J Watt Fred Vaughn Jennings Ben W Watts James O Jones Daniel C Weil Julius L Jordahl Thomas B West Kevin Prince Jr John B Westberry John T Kidd Jackson F Williams Harold E Koon Jr Patrick T Willis Robert L Lane Marvin L Winn Michael A Leddick John W Womble Danny E Lively Herschel G Wright Charles E Lively Jr Edward H Zipperer Jackson E Malcom Jr Alan B Zipperer August Birthdays Celebrating the Past t Making A Difference That Will Last Page 11
News from Shriners International indroducing the 2021 - 2022 Imperial Potentate & 1st Lady William S. “Bill” Bailey Debra Owens Bailey Imperial Potentate | Shriners International First Lady | Shriners International William S. “Bill” Bailey, 33°, the 2021-2022 Debby Bailey was a seasoned fifth-grade Imperial Potentate of Shriners International and student in Chicago Heights, Illinois, when she his father, Robert B. Bailey, 33°, Past Imperial met an enthusiastic first-grader who was just Potentate of Shriners International in 1995-1996, starting to learn his alphabet using Braille. are only the second father and son to serve as It was at that moment that Debby realized Imperial Potentates of Shriners International. that she wanted to teach children with visual As a member of the Board of Directors, Bill impairments. Bailey has served as Chairman of Marketing Debby attended college at Illinois State & Communications, Donor Relations, Hospital University, earning a Bachelor’s of Science Operations, Temple Officers Educational Seminars degree in Special Education with a minor in and Temple Procedures. He has also served on the Strategic Planning, Elementary Education. In 1977, she received her Master of Education Building & Equipment, Membership, Investments, Budget, Insurance, degree from Florida State University. Real Estate & Natural Resources, Clinical & Basic Research Committees, Debby has taught blind and visually impaired children for 33 years, and DeMolay, as well as the Shriners Hospitals for Children Open. with students ranging from preschool, to elementary, to middle school He has been hospital liaison to the Erie hospital, the Cincinnati hospital, and even high school. She has been instrumental in organizing support which is now Shriners Children’s Ohio, the Houston hospital, which is now groups for parents of students who are blind or visually impaired. For Shriners Children’s Texas, the Greenville hospital and the Shreveport her dedication to students and their parents, Debby was recognized hospital, and is currently serving as liaison to both the Twin Cities clinic by the Council for Exceptional Children as Indiana’s Teacher of Year in and the Canada hospital. 1983. For 29 years, Bill Bailey was proud to serve on the Imperial Marshal’s Debby is a founding member of MOPS, Mothers of Pre-Schoolers, at Aide Committee, and for 16 of those years, he served as a Vice-Chairman the Ogden Dunes Community Church. She has assisted her church by of the Imperial Marshal’s Staff. serving as an alto in the church choir, as a deacon and as a Vacation At the 2005 Imperial Session in Baltimore, Maryland, Imperial Sir Bailey Bible School teacher. In addition, Debby served as a Team Leader for was awarded the Imperial Potentate’s Award of Merit – the highest honor several Great Banquets, a weekend Christian retreat. in the fraternity. The award recognizes outstanding achievement and Debby has been extremely active in several local philanthropic selfless contributions to Shriners International and Shriners Hospitals for sororities. Since 1982, Debby has been a member of PEO, a sorority Children. that focuses on providing educational opportunities for female students. Bill Bailey is an Emeritus Member of the Iowa Corporation and an She has been a member of Tri Kappa, an Indiana-based philanthropic emeritus member of the Board of Governors of Shriners Hospitals sorority that concentrates on culture, charity and education, since 1983. for Children — Chicago. He serves as Sovereign of the Red Cross of Debby served as the local Chapter President from 1994 to 1996. Constantine, is a member of the Indiana College of Rosicrucians – 8th Debby has been a member of Daughters of the Nile since 1986 and grade and is a member of DeMolay International, which recently awarded a member of the Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America since 2019. him the DeMolay Legion of Honor. Debby served as the founding Board member on the Board of Directors Bill Bailey is a member of Orak Shriners in Michigan City, Indiana, and for the South Bend Scottish Rite Dyslexia Center. served as the temple’s Potentate in 2009. He is a member of the Arab Debby and Bill will be celebrating their 43 years of marriage this year. Patrol, Motor Patrol, Oriental Band, Sportsman’s Club and the South Lake In that time, Debby has unfailingly supported Bill on his journey through County Shrine Club. He was Director General for the 1987 Great Lakes the Scottish Rite chairs, the Orak Divan line and for the last 10 years Shrine Association Business Session in Merrillville, Indiana. as an Imperial Lady. She has juggled a career as a vision teacher with Bill Bailey is a member of Porter Lodge #137 in Valparaiso, Indiana, and her commitment to her church family, service to her community and a member of the Elbert H. Gary York Rite. He is past Commander in Chief raising sons Rob and Ross. Now she is delighted to indulge her four of the South Bend Valley of Scottish Rite, where he was coroneted with a grandchildren, Parker, Henry, Beau and Finn. 33rd Degree in 1997. Debby is looking forward to sharing her program, Transforming Lives, Outside the Shrine, Bill Bailey has served as a Session Elder for the which shines a light on children who have scoliosis, which is a curvature Ogden Dunes Community Church and is currently a Trustee of the Ogden of the spine, and the treatments that are available for this condition. The Dunes Community Church Corporation. He sings in the choir and runs the physicians and staff of Shriners Hospitals for Children have pioneered sound system and livestreaming broadcast. medical breakthroughs and exciting new treatment options that allow Bill Bailey served as the Great Banquet Community Lay Leader from children who have scoliosis to enjoy rich, full lives. 1998-2004, which is an orderly and structured weekend designed to Reprinted from Shriners Village strengthen and renew the faith of Christians. He served for four years on the Ogden Dunes Town Council, including as its President in 1995, and also served as Vice-President of the Ogden Dunes Home Association. Bill Bailey and his wife, Debby, have been happily married for 44 years and are extremely proud to have two sons, Rob Bailey and Ross Bailey, to follow the family tradition of becoming Shriners. Rob Bailey is married to Jackie, and they have two children, Parker Rose and Beau Owens. Ross is married to Jessica, and they also have two children, Henry Michael and Finn Joseph. Bill Bailey was born and raised in Ogden Dunes, Indiana, a small lakeside community built on the shores of Lake Michigan, where he and his wife Debby currently reside. Bill received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Evansville in Indiana and is the third generation in his family to graduate from the university. Bill went on to receive his Master of Science degree from the University of Kentucky. Bill Bailey is Vice President of Investments for Marcus & Millichap in Chicago, where he sells commercial investment real estate with his brother, John and son, Ross. He is a five-time winner of the Sales Recognition Award. Reprinted from Shriners Village Page 12 ALEE STRONG Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Values
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