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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 6-29-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-29-1922 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 06-29-1922." (1922). abq_mj_news/611 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact
n LBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. CITY CITY EDITION EDITION Uatij by Carrier or Mall, 85c a Month Wrv.THIRI) YEAR. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Thursday, June 29, 1922. MiiKle Copies Bo STRIKE OF AMI!!. CHI Magic Circle " Is Safety Device CITIZENS OF REUNITED COAL OPERATORS y. s. in ARE SEIZED d ICO BY PI BY ENDORSED GENERAL 1 I SCHEDULED TO START SOON to Prevent Crossing Accidents TRIKE AMIDST CHEER Christy Mathewson Has ACS! ARE INVITED A PARLEY WITH TO Waged and Won a Great ft 'Are Held With the Cortez Oil Company's Property for Ransom, Washington Is Informed. System Patterned After BANf FORCE !A That of the United States Has Been Suggested by Southern Leader. (By Tbe Assoclnted PreM.) Peking, June 28 (by the Associ- ated Press.) General Wu MAT Two ened rl AVtK I Possible Means Warding Off the Th- Walkout r inemseives ito v I. - ' s. Pei-F- u, -- Bt t - Ev4i;f& Fight Against Tubercu- losis at Saranac Lake. (By The Ansorlafrd Prna.) Saranac like, N. Y., June 28. "Big Klx" Christy Mathewson, idol of baaelmll fans the country over, for the first time since he came here three years ago, his life de spaired of, walked out to the Saturday to Discuss Strike Settlement. LI Harding Sends Out Invita- tions to a Conference RS dominant of northern China, figure mound today, wound up and tossed today endorsed the recent sugges- a perfect strike across the plats, FATE OF CAPTURED tion of General Chen Chlung-Min- g, PRflPfiSiU flF TP while thousands who had gathered LEWIS ACCEPTS IN outstanding leader of the south, WILL BE CO' 'iRED for the occasion, cheered them- MEN IS A MYSTERY that a federal system be adopted selves hoarse. BEHALF OF WORKERS for reunited China, patterned after Fully 2,000 persons Including that of the United States of Amer- Carriers' Executives Are friends of tho great pitcher who Payment of 15,000 Pesos ica. General Wu suggested that Chi- had come here to see for them Program for Continuation Scheduled to in Is Demanded by Rebels; the reorganized republic be known selves the fruits of tho great fight of Settlement Attempt Is as the "United States of China." against tuberculosis that Matty hua A Officials Won't 'Admit The majority of the provinces al- cago Today; Hooper waged flnd won, crowded the field. Expected to Be Placed ready have signified their approval Withholds Comment. lie looked well and gave no sign ot Before Meeting. i They Feel Uneasy. of the proposal to reunite the coun- having been through his recent ill ' I try under a federal government at (Bt The Amoclnted Prt.) Asso- ness. (By Th Aaaoclnted Prfaa.) (By The Aaanclnted Preaa.) Peking, with, each province enjoy- After a procession headed by n June 28. Amer-ca- Vna.n Chicago, June 28 (by the means Washington, June 28. Invita- .Washington, ing rights similar to those accord- ciated Press.) Two possible band, players on both teams that may have happened to forty Oil ed the separate states of the off the threatened opened tno season, local otticiais tions went out from the White employes of the Cortez near American union, General Wu said. of warding and fans had escorted Matty, his House today asking the leaders of company, captured by rebels com- strike of 400,000 shopmen suggest- wife and Christy, Jr., piloting the the striking miners and the repre- The quiet little man who drove ed themselves to railroad circles Tamplco and held with the the Manchurlan war lord, Chang car, in which they rode, to a point sentatives of the employing coal pany's property for tonight, ransom, re- In rout from the gates of tonight following what B. M. Jew- behind the home plate, Matty lett operators in both the bituminous al- n ell head of the Bhop unions termed Tso-LI- mained a mystery the machine and to the lusty cheers and anthracite fields of the United il though the rebel raid occurred last Peking and recalled to office the the "last word" to the railroads in of the crowd, walked Blowlv but States to meet President Harding io,..i.. mnrnincr Consul Nn further word constitutional president, LI Yuan-Hun- the union ultimatum sent to the g, bhaw a. declared that sentiment is very firmly to the mound. There Saturday "to devise methods upon j has come from Tamplco or from any other official growing in favor of the United Association of Railway Executives last night. he straightened to tun neigw, raised the ball aloft, partly wound which negotiations for the settle- ment of tho coal strike can be ini- s' t'0 unofficial source since the con- fcular despatch of Monday saying China program with American Ideals as its guiding star. The executives, by coincidence, were scheduled to meet In Chicago up and then rubbed his shoulders he had been sent in 'cold." tiated." hat the lives 01 tna wuj Wu asserted that he had no hes- The communications made evi- tomorrow afternoon and local rail- A new system of reducing acci- center of the crossing so ar- the cars enables all drivers to As he tossed the ball to the dent that careful and complete dis- ans and $250,000 In destructiblo itation in predicting that as China road executives today said the dents at business street intersec- ranged that autoists must Blow keep their machines under control catcher, an ovation was accorded cussions with spokesmen on both property were heldnotice as security on traveled the road of progress she hours' for a pay- would be found copying and put- shopmen's proposal of a truco on tions has been declared successful down In order to get around it. while making the crossing. In him that continued until he had sides of the Industrial struggle had lorty-eig- ht pending further negotiations by the I.os Angeles police depart The width of the circle prevents the center Is a high tower, lighted returned to his car and was driven call, and ment of 15,000 pesos. Department ting Into practice America's ideals ment. The "Magic circle" consists preceded the meeting wages and working conditions, collisions from misjudgment of at night, with road direction slowly to center field, where he prompt and ready acceptances are officials would not admit in any, to an extent not reached by any would undoubtedly receive atten- of a large elevated circle in the distance, while the slow speed of watched the game. f formal way that they felt any un-- other country. i expected Immediately. tion. John L. Lewis, chief of the easiness because of the lack or In the south, Wu said, where Sun President Jewell's telegram last information. It was Indicated tn. Tat-Sen- 's followers had becomo fa- night to T. De Witt Cuyler, chair- United Mine Workers, who re- delay in a complete clearing up oi miliar with western methods, the man of the executives, left little FOR UAL HftU GOTHAM MAKIN6 REGULAR TROOPS mained In tho city after a personal the situation was not regarded as new leader there, Chen Chiung-Min- interview with the president, ac- leeway for avoiding the strike, it g, : unusual. who recently drove Sun from was felt by railroad officials today. cepted at once In behalf ot the There is known to be considerable Canton, was a particularly strong union. i J perplexity here, nowever, uvei in- - They characterized the union de- To Discuss Ways nnd Mean, I 1 fact that Consul bhaw has not .a a ..... atntAV dpnnrtment as 10 supporter China" program. of the "Americanized mands that the J60.000.000 wage cut ordered by the railroad labor EUROPE; FLAYS PLANS TO AVERT UCENTS The wording of the president's lUi lllL. ,hA . federal Wu Pei-F- u pointed out that, board July 1 be stayed, the rules message was Interpreted as dem- steps taken toby the Mexican of while a central government should abolished by the board be restored onstrating the desire of the admin- authorities obtain release cap- be maintained at Peking, the great istration to hold the meeting above and that farming out of railroad ERIN 1 tive Americans. ,j Period Has Elapsed. , The period granted by Gorozave, distances that separated the boun- daries of the country made it im- work be discontinued, as "Impossi- ble" and "unreasonable." C O. P. RULE Final Legislative Action Is FOOD SHORTAGE CLASHJ the controversies which have dead- locked the unionized section ot the tho rebel chief, for payment of the perative that the provinces should Two Possible Loopholes. Industry since April 1. Official, be permitted a measure of local au- of the Taken When Senate hut Informal comment emphasized ransom, naa eiapisea even The certain rejection Ultimatum for the Surrender It was the Intention that the con- the department's advices were tonomy similar to that possessed union proposal, therefore left, in Ohioan Will Study Economic f made known here. Directions to by the several states of the Ameri- the opinion of railroad men, but Concurs in Conference Railroad Officials and Pub- of the Rebels Is Ignored ference should be held merely to ss the embassy in Mexico onCity and to can union. Conditions in Every Con- ways and means for a settle- insist This question of provincial au- two possible loopholes to avoid is- Report of Measure. lic Officers Act to Cir- and Fighting Follows at ment and not to take up the min- i : the consulforto American adequate rights and tonomy, it was suggested, should suance of the strike call. tinental Country Except cumvent Any Tying Up of ers' demands for continuance of . protection One was that a conference be- (By The AsMrl:itd PreM.) Dublin. war time wage scales, nor the op- 'i sentiment ana upon punisumeni be settled at tho next session of the tween the union leaders and the Russia. June 28. Final J tho raiders went forward. So far revived Washington, Rail Traffic. erators' demand In the bituminous republican parliament, executives might be called tomor- legislative action on the annual na- IJX as known late today no further had come from any quarter which is expected to obtain rum for a meeting In Peking by a quo- row and if no agreement was (By Ibe Aitoclatcd PreM.) val appropriation bill was taken (Bt Tb Amorlnted Prrsa.) tat Dublin, Th AaaoriuUd Preaa.) field for separate district wage June 28 (by the As- agreements supplanting the al reached, a technical dispute might New York, June 28 (by the As New York, Juno 28. Railroad sociated Press). Michael Collins, wage contracts that have 1 "to disclose what developed Tuesday August 1. be announced, over which the rail- late today by the senate, which morning when the time limit ex- sociated Press.) Taking-- fling at officials arid public officers went head ot the Irish free state gov- heretofore been made. It was fully pired. road labor board, acting under au- the Harding administration for its concurred In the conference report ahead today with plans to cir- ernment, took active measures in- to- expected, however, that when the The Washington government to- - thority of the transportation act, attitude toward the league of na of the measure. The bill, which cumvent any tying up of traffic day against the republican meeting assembled, the president still withheld any seep umi PROTEST FILED could take Jurisdiction, as it did surgents under Rory O'Connor, or cabinet members who have par- dy in the big four brotherhoods strike tions,' the tariff and other, issues, now 0s to the president, carries and necessary , food supplies of In the center might lead the way to demands last year, and prevent a walkout. James M. Cox, of Ohio, democratic' appropriations' of $289,000,000 and in their stronghold ticipated In the preliminary efforts,., The oihe'f as Wat if the strike candidate fo'r president two ye'ars provtaloiW 4or 6,00 enlisted meh. greate New- - Yoi.. In the event of Dublin, . Four-Courts- An would' hav'e a program for contin- the Americans in Jeopardystate protec- the railroad shop repair men and for tho surrender of uation of the settlement attempt to tion The attitude at the partment was the reports now de- AGIST SWI is called, the board could also take Jurisdiction under the act, on the ago,, sailed for Kurope today witness what he described as the o maintenance of way workers go the Insurgents was Ignored ani present to the assemblage. at the expiration of a brief time was no hint, however, as to the There available, serious as the situation appeared to be on the face of Con- Uul Shaw's message, did not Justify - ground tjiat the strike would in- terrupt commerce, and order the status quo maintained in other consequences of the steady flow of doing nothing by the present ad- ministration at Washington.' WRICK SATS out on their threatened strike next Saturday. Confidence wai expressed ot limit, Free State troops in be- mored cars and motor lorries ar- gan a movement against tho In- hasSecretary line such a program might follow. of Labor Davis, who conducted the negotiations as yet dispatching of warships to Mexican waters or any similar step." BILrSPASSAGE words order the men back to He said he would motor through every continental country except the offices of the eleven rail- roads entering New York City surgents, which was met with an with the union for the government, from the gave the first news of Nothing has come to hand indlcat-it-is work. Ben W. Hooper, chairman of the Russia in making his study of HE DIDN'T BUT A that all traffic would bo moved immediate fusillade building. the action that the Obregon government board, refused to comment on economic conditions overseas. and no food shortage would re- From dawn until late tonight contemplated after a prolonged The trouble with the present sult for the metropolis because conference today with the presi- not. ss it is expected to do in the Mayor of Denver Objects to action two these possibilities tonight. Tho there were heavy exchanges, al- circumstances, dealing with the of the board In the threat- Washington administration, as Gov. of the strike. Rail executives al- though at. intervals the firing dent, and were official copies of the in- Gorozave coup in the way to safe- -- Anything Being Done ened strike last October was inter- Cox diagnoses it, is Us failure to look beyond the end of its nose. HUMAN CLAND so said passenger schedules would ceased. Small artillery, trench vitations given out later. A- guard American lives and prop- - That Will as representing the board's not be interrupted. City author- mortars and machine guns were lfred M. Ogle, president of the Na- ' crty. Retard State's preted position on the first possibility, and "American trade relations with ities mado plans to supply New employed by the attacking forces, tional Coal association, was asked Consul's Message. since the board has never had oc- Europe must be promoted and that York with milk and perishable but tho irregulars confined them- to notify tho association's subord- There is one point in which the Development. casion to act in any strike of con- means the purchase of our surplus (By Tbe AMociated rmi.) foodstuffs by motor truck if ne-ces- sa selves largely to machine gun ard inate operators' organizations to message of Consul Shaw does not supplies, which, in turn, Involves Chicago, June 28. Harold F. ry. riflo fire. No attempt was made nnme representatives for the meet- (Bf The Amnctutcd I'reu.) sequence, the chairman declined to credit, he said, after embarking on McCormick, head of the executive Labor leaders estimated that clutck up with what was previously Washington, June 28. Proteitt state what the federal body's in- the France. "When I get back I hope committee of the International to carry Four Courts by assault, ing, while S. D. Warrlner, of the understood in official circles hero more Than 125,000 workers would but one of the walls of the anthracite operators' committee, against the 'passage by congress of terpretation of the transportation to find Germany well on its way Harvester company, today an- be. involved In Greater New Yo".!: to tie the sttuation in the Tamplco the Swing bill, or other legislation act on that point would be. into the league, of nations. Every nounced his intention to sue for building was breached at various was invited to represent anthracite region. The consul's message said "for the construction of enormous in a strike of the car repairmen, places. operators with the understanding there were no Mexican federala day confirms my faith In the libel every newspaper whl h pub- maintenance men and clerks. The casualties are few In pro- that an additional works upon the lower reaches of PLEA FOR nnthracite forces in the vicinity of the Aguar-d- tho Colorado river, which may in- TEACHING league. The solution of all our lished the report that he purchased Traffic managers of some of portion to the nature of the fight- spokesman should participate. eamp of the Cortez Oil company economic problems lies in our entry a gland of another man to be graft- the railroads declared all of tlie terfere with the future develop- GERMAN IN PUBLIC into the league. ed into his own body. ing, and they consist for tho Discussions with the operators whire the raid and capture tooa ment of Colorado and the neces "America has a leadership both roads had a reserve supply of en- most part of civilians caught in took place in New York place. Other reports indicate that sary future diversion for municipal SCHOOLS IS FUTILE With this as the first count In his moral and financial which must be libel suits other counts, ho declnred, gines and rolling - stock which the line of fire. So far as Is Secretary Hoover speaking recently. for tho there are. at least 2,500 Mexican and irrigation supplies for Denver could be drawn upon in an emer- known tonight, seven were killed government. Owing to a large federal troops in the Tampico re- and adjoining territory," was con upheld. will include charges of telephone gency, thus doing away with the and a score more or less (Bs Tbe Ajtovlotrd l're.) "The administration's mistake Is tapping, invasion of his sick room, to seriors-l- y number of individuals and corpora- gion tained in a telegram from Mayor Sacramento. Calif.. .iun sa in bending backward in avoiding the surrounding of his house and necessity of heavy reptirs wounded. This does not In- tions engaged in bituminous pro- recently there were approx- lAitil Bailey of Denver. Dresented to the The state board of education for the the league. equipment for, some time. clude any casualties that may duction. It was said, the National imately 16,000 Mexican federals in nouse irrigation committee today third or fourth time since the close trespass upon his property. As an Indication that managers have been suffered by the Irregu- Coal association had undertaken to the 'Tamplco district. The troop- "The tariff is another case in It was Mr. McCormick's first of eastern railroads are not tak- by Senators Fhipps and Nicholson. of the world war, again has de- point on the attitude of the admin- statement since he went to the lars, these being impossible to name a representative group for concentration . ... was one of the larg- of Colorado. clined to take any action in re- ing the strike threat seriously, E. ascertain. the conference. me. ayibaiuo." .Mv.r iuim.ui.0 nrl Ino fltff istration which looks no further Wesley Memorial hospital for an jr est in it. , I 1 ' The telegram expressed surprise sponse to an appeal for restoration M. Rine, general manager of the Less than one thousand Free ahead than the end of its nose." To speak for the union, the the importance auacnea io iuuiu-- operation almost three weeks ago. Delaware and Lackawanna rail- A y that congress should give consid- of the teaching of the German State troops are engaged in the president Invited In addition to Mr. ( tainlng firm hold on the oil regions eration to the Swing bill in ad- language In high schools of Cali- and he made it plain he was chlef-l- v road and chairman of the com- prosent operation and it is known Lewis and John Brophy. head of J by the Mexico City authorities and vance of a "compact by the com- fornia. ARIZONA MAY FIGHT incensed at the repeated stories mittee of general manapers foi that the regulars number several an bituminous i,,' also presumably the condition of mission appointed by the president The appeal was made in person that he had taken advantage of the the eastern district, said today hunderd. The insurgents were ob- Clearfield, miners' district at .VOT unreal nrevalline in that section. and the governors of the seven by Miss Dagmer Knudsen, high FOR HER INTERESTS unfortunate fellow man to deprive that no meeting of his committee, Pa., twenty-thre- e other ' t v. ntki.H atiirha nppfl tn liged to evacuate several build- district presidents of the mine Colorado river states," and urged school teacher of San Francisco, IN COLORADO RIVER him of a vital organ. had been called for the specific ings during the progress of the workers' organization. th south of Tamplco a short time that there bo no "further activi who declared the teaching of Ger- "That is utterly untrue," he said. purpose of arranging unified ac- battle, but Immediately took up ago resulted In the movement of ties by congress until the future man essential, And he pointed out that when the tion in case of a strike. especially in the new positions, which evidently considerable bodies of troops to rights of those states have been cases of students preparing for (Bt Tbe Antorlatcd PreM.) rumor first became currenv, ur. Secretary of the Treasury An- had been prepared in advance. ot. er points. assured by interstate compact." scientific work in the universities. Phoenix, Ariz.. June 28. If Ari- Victor D. Lespinasse. who attended ' drew W. Mellon, who was here The free state troops did not CADET AVIA TORS Tamplco Forces Reduced. Mayor Bailey requested In the She also stated that the appea1 zona's interests are ignored in de- him in the hospital. Issued a denial today with other members of the interfere with activities at repub- The result was a heavy reduction telegram that the committee give had the backing and support of velopment of the Colorado river, that a human gland was used. cabinet Inspecting possible nev lican headquarters In Suffolk m tfc airoilaVtlo fnrrnK TlAflr Tflm- - that city an opportunity to be heard many of the instructors in both "then this state must take mat- "This denial," said Mr. Mcuor-mlr- sites for a post office, said that before preparing its report on the Stanford university and the Uni- ters Into her own hands, go into "wns nrlnted bv some, but street, where Eamon do Valera ho did not think there would be tn here today, which I pointed out pr. oabiy gave uorozave ma ovvvi Swing bill, versity of California. "So far as personal information that since the war was over there She added the power business and establish a not by all of the newspapers which monopoly on her own account, the printed the original story." a strike and that Washington did not feel alarmed over It. The and his colleagues met as usual. Mr. de Valera declined to make any statement on the present war- CREIT E D 1EN tuTjty. Is concerned," Senator Phlpps told was no sentimental reason for con- same as California now proposes to That tho telepnone wires iiuu strike situation, he said; was com- like situation. n v1r nf thA Rnrtnua conse the committee, "I have been un- tinuing the ban. do,". A. G. McGregor of Bisbee, a Mr. McCormick's house had Deen plicating the outlook for busi- quinces to the Mexican government able to learn of any community of member of the Arizona resources tapped was officially reported to wrcn any injury 10 me cupuv citizens in the Imperial valley who board, declared in a rpeech at a the Chicago Telephone company ness, however. GUADALUPE CHURCH. AIRPLAN E FALLS Americans would imply, however, would feel it necessary to rush its forces back to the Tampico region are asking for the construction of the Boulder canyon dam at this time." llepresentatlve Hayden, demo- E iU IS 0 luncheon here today. jectionable features of the Swing-- during the day. Telepnone lapping, Discussing what he termed ob- , It was said, is a criminal act. Johnson bill now pending In con- RATHENAU SLAYERS , CONDEMNED MAN IS REPRIEVED WHILE HIS SANTA FE, HISTORIC EDIFICE DAMAGED Machine Crashes From a in sufficient strength to guarantee crat, Arizona, and other members gress. Mr. McGregor said that a SANITY IS TESTED ta.iciAi DiapAr-- to joumnali Height of 200 Feet at of the committee, Interrupted to AND ALL MONARCHISTS, IS protection of foreigners, should that course be pursued. It seemed direct the senator's attention to 17 HURT IN A section of that measure to nation- alize the river and give the federal (Sperinl Corrnpondenre to The Jonmnl.) lieved to have been caused by an Santa Fe, June 28. Fire, be- San Antonio: None of more likely to officials here, how- testimony given at the hearing of government the exclusive right to BELIEF OF THE POLICE Silver City, N. M., June 28. electrlo wire, ruined practically all ever, that the payment demanded representatives from the Imperial construct and control dams, would Pablo Ybarra, condemned slayer, but the thick adobe walls of the Them Was Married. by Gorozave would be made and valley, but the senator said he ad- deprtve Arizona ot any tax benefits (By The Awoclated will not" be hanged July 7. Sheriff historic old Church ot Our Lady ultimately be assumed by the cen- - hered to his declaration. NEBRASKA WRECK from her resources. Rurlln. June 28 (by the Associat John E. Casey received official no- of Guadalupe here early Tuesday. (By The Aaanclntrd Preaa.) Pointing out that the Colorado The police officially an IJ, irl government rtiiiier limn nmt any untoward event should bring- river commission was considering ed Press.) nounced that the murderers oi ui. tification Saturday, from Governor Mcrritt C. Mechem at Santa Fe, The building was one of the show San Antonio, Tex., June 28. Three aviation cadets were killed . i, a nrt in negotiations witn wasn- the allocation of the waters of the JOHN FRITZ MEDAL IS Walter Rathenau, foreign minister. that the executive had granted places for tourists and was the fa- and their bodies burned when an if ington for diplomatic river, the senator said, In his opin- (By Thft Anaoi'lnted Prtti.) were Ernest Werner uecnow, oi vorite shrine of many devout Santa iocognltlon ion, it would be strange for the fed- Lincoln, Neb., June 28. Rock AWARDED TO MARCONI Berlin; Fischer, alias Vogei, a saxon Ybarra a reprieve of 90 days, from Feans whose families had gone airplane In which they had Just f4jj of the Obregon government. eral government to make appro- Island wrecking crews were labor- alias or Kern, July 7, that time might, be given there to worship and pray for risen at Brooks field fell from a 1 L nielnskl Is Released. ' and Knauer, Koener, for a thorough inquiry by a special height of 200 feet late today. priation of the waters for the ben- ing late today in an effort to re , ' Helease of A. Bruce Blelaskl, (Bt The AMoclatcd Frr.f.) of Mecklenberg. many generations. The church was The killed are Waldren R. i efit of one section which might con- store traffic on the line near Prai- commission of physicians, to deter- Far-rel- New York, June 28. The John All tho men are said to ne mem 300 years old. Its celling, made l, ";iild for ransom by bandits near fer vested rights through priority rie Home, fifteen miles east of Lin- mine whether or not Ybarra is in- 24, of Philadelphia, who was I Fritz medal, one of the highest dis- bers of the monarchist organiza- of carved vlgas, was one of the fr j memavaca, cieareq mar situation ot use against another section. coln, where the wreck of the fast tinctions bestowed by the engineer- tion, and former members of the sane. most beautiful pieces of work of piloting the machine. Continued on huge Two.) Members of the committee explain- Rocky Mountain limited occurred ing profession In this country, has brigade of Captain Ehrhardt, who Ybarra Is the man who was con- William C. McCoy. 22. Nashville. ed that it had been intended to early this morning and which re been awarded for 1922 tn Senator last vear planned the overthrow of victed of murder several years ago that character In New Mexico. The Tenn., and George C. Thompson, provide in any bill which the com- sulted In the death of W. N. McLen famous and sentenced to bo hanged. The the mainoldaltar,painting in the rear of West Philadelphia. Ta. Gugltelmo Marconi for the Inven- the Ebert government, and whose mittee might report that the work nan, of Falrbury, Neb., engineer, tion of wireless telegraph. The name was mentioned In connection sentence was reprieved and he wa Alzlbar In 1783. made by Joseph None of the cadets was married. ;t WEATHER I contemplated in it, either for flood andTrain Injury to seventeen others. medal will be formally presented to with the assassination of Mathlas sent to the hospital for the Insane damage will amount was saved. The to or Thompson's grandmother. Mrs. I! ! protection or irrigation and power officials reported thst Senator Marconi at a big gathering Erzberger. ' at Las Vegas from which he es- $15,000 and Is covered $10,000 insur- William Martin, of West Philadel- purposes, should confer no water traffic probably would be resumed of engineers from all parts of the caped. Recently Ybnrra was cap- ance. It is believed thebybuilding phia, and the mothers of the oth- FORECAST. rights until congress had acted up- during the night. tured at El Paso and er two have been notified by the Denver, Colo.. June 28. New on a plan for the entire river basin. The condition of Fireman Henrv country here on July 6. PITCHFORK PUNCTURES can be restored. Many of the vlgas to be hanged by Judge R. R. Ryan. were not Mexico: Thursday, local thunder of Lincoln, tio was scalded The board which named Senator army authorities. warmer north Senator Phlpps further told, the Dart, Marcoai as medallist was composed ARM OF BOY AT LEVY badly damaged. Farrell and McCoy are said to showers, slightly committee that in the Boulder can- by steam and water, was Improved, of leading American engineers, in- have gone from their station at central portion, cooler southeast yon project "there is a definite his but physicians hold slight hope for DISPUTE OVER DEBT WHITE POPULATION OF unsettled. rep- cluding Herbert Hoover. They of (Special Correpondnce to The Journal.) Kelly field to Brooks field at some portion: Friday, purpose to establish the city of Los recovery. Arlzonv: Thursday, fair west, Angeles in tho business of develop- Ray Omcr, of Mankato. Kansas. resented tho American 8ociety Low N. M.. June 28. Jewell LEADS TO SHOOTING THE UNITED STATES time this afternoon. Thompson local showers east portion, warmer and Seldon Adklns, of Omaha, mall Civil Engineers, American Institute Simms, son of Mr. and had arrived at Brooks field from ' ing, producing and distributing of Mining and Metallurgical Engi- Mrs. A. T. Stmms. Is recovering Carlstrom In Florida, a few northeast, cooler extreme north- o hydro-electri- power in competi- cierxs, surrerea injuries, but their ftPIC.Al DtaPAtOM TO UOHNIN JOURNAL! (By The aaoclateil Preaa.) field, neers, American Society of Mechan- west portion; Friday, probably fair. tion with private corporations." condition is not serious. from the effects of a fall in which ical Engineers and the American his right arm was Impaled on a Las Vegas, N. M., June 28. Washington, June 28. The total hours earlier and was on his way "I am told you have an interest Most of the passengers who suf Emelio Gonzalez is in a critical con- white population of the country, to report for duty at Kelly field, LOCAL REPORT. In a private California electrlo com- fered slight injuries and bruises Institute ot Electrical Engineers. pitchfork. The tine or tne tone dition in a Santa Fe hospital as a foreign born, or with one or both for advanced training In the bom- v Conditions for the twenty-fou- r pany,", Interjected Representative were able to continue on their nenatrate,! between tho'bones of result of being shot near Pecos late parents foreign born, on January 1, bardment group. uhours ended at 6 p. m. yesterday, Hayden. way. ... ; WIRELESS CONCERT. the forearm and appeared on the last night, and posses are searching 1920, was 36,398,958, the depart- The other two had finished their recorded by the university: Senator Phlpps replied that ha Douglas, Ariz., June 28. A wire- side. The boy was taken tne mountains for his brother, ment of commerce announced to- preliminary training some months Highest temperature 1 was financially Interested In the LEONARD LEAVES. V less concert, with music played opposite to Colmor. where tho wound was Luciano,, who Is alleged to have day In a compilation of the 1920 earlier. Lowest ; SS Nevada-Californ- Electric corpor New York, ." ne 28. Benny several thousand miles away being dressed. done the shooting. census figures. This was an In- Rang , , 26 ' ation, which had a subsldary that Leonard, lightweight champion, his amplified and sent over a local The brothers were riding In crease In the "foreign white slock" REGULATIONS MODIFIED. park so that it can be heardis one DIAMOND BROKER ROBBED. .Mean sev- 78 furnished power in the Imperial brother, Joie. who is also a boxer, Emelio's automobile when a dis- of the nation's population from Washington, June 28. Modifies,, 'umldlty at a. m........... 64 valley, but asserted that his oppo- and a party ot trainers left today eral hundred yards away, St. Louis, Mo., June 28. Morris pute arose over a bill owed to a 1910, of 4,155.676, or 13.9 per cent. tlon of federal Quarantine regula v., tumidity at 6 p. m,. 33 sition to the bill was based upon for Michigan City, Ind.. where the of the features of a big fourth of Shinderman, Chicago diamond man in Pecos. Luciano Is said to The 1920 total includes, it was tions to permit entry into tho United 0 the conviction that "possibilities of title holder will meet Rocky Kan- July celebration to be held in this broker, today reported to the police have ordered his brother to stop shown, 13,713,754 Immigrants and States of potatoes grown In the Tlnd velocity 3 the Colorado river should he con sas. Buffalo, In a contest for the city next Tuesday. A local wireless that he hd been robbeJ of S85.000 the car and alight and when he did 22,656, 204 persons horn In this Imperial valley of Lower California. rectlon of wind. ......... .East sidered and developed along na division crown. Leonard will stop class is in charge of the arrange- in diamonds and Jewelry while en so Luciano fired three shots, It is country, one or both of whose Mexico, was announced today py-th- e aracter pf day.- -. j... Partly cloudy, tional lines. off la Chicago. ments. . , route to Mexico, Mo., yesterday, alleged, one hitting Emelio. parents were immigrants. department of asrcuUur. ' " ' v. "'
-- am ? ' TvrS tfute 29. 1923 Y Fag MILLIONAIRE "'MD " - - " ; ' a THIS IS DANGER 3 GAMES PLAYED MUST GO TO JAIL IV1LLE. LENGLEN If! ALBUQUERQUE TODAY-O- WAY SEASON FOR THE i Ml LEAGUES 1TI0 IS EASY VICTOR flIWTEllS o r corn's tois HERE YESTERDAY Visitors Will Arrive at 2 o'Clock; Plans Made to Entertain Them With Reception and The Woman's Tonic (Br The Awoelnlad FreM.) Many Will Be Killed or In- - Browns Beat D. C. Whites; - Wimbledon, England, June 28 Midgets Drop Game to Automobile Trips Through the City; Fifty (by the Associated Press.) The - jured During the Vacation feature of the play in the Wimble- : Period Unless They Are Laddies; Barelas Tigers Autos Will Be Needed. don lawn tennis championship tournament today was the first ap- Guarded. Nose Out Wildcats. pearance of Suzanne Lenglen, the French girl, who holds the world's (By Thi AiMirlnled Trwf.) The Browns took the measure of championship. Although she was New York. June 28. Judging the Duke City Whites yesterday afternoon at Washington park in pitted against Mrs. M. F. Ellis, England, who was of exnected to he GOOD SOAP FOR LESS from reliable statistics of previous easy prey for her, nevertheless, the years, approximately B.uou cntmren the Senior league play by a score of will be killed and 100,000 more IB to 4. The game was close until the sixth Inning, when the Whites match attracted thousands spectators. oi Mile. THAN TWO CENTS A POUND Jured in accidents during the sum- -' As had been anticipated. blew up and the Browns made mer vacation period throughout the eight runs. Doans and Romero Lenglen won. as she Dleased. (-- you all the pure, clean soap you The French girl seemed to the Home By Thii need for Kiccnen, launary mu u' experts to be playing at the top ot Make It At 0. ; United States unless parents and were the batteries for the Whites; hmmnhold nurnoses. other guardians Rive greater atten- - Jordon and Eoybal for the Browns, her game. Proces Takei You will find simple dlrectione 4. St. Mary will meet the Giants this Easy t their charges. This warning comes afternoon at 6 o'clock In Senior The only other game m the wo Less Than 30 Minutes. lor BonpmaKiim uu War uw ' f men's singles was between Miss " irom tne safety institute ot league plav at the park. every can of Merry Lye wrtfVi lioarintinrfArQ In thin rltV. Elizabeth Ryan, of California, and also many other recipes euch aa Highland Ijiddlea Win. Miss Head, of England. Miss Ryan Nowadays, more and more wo. how to make lye hominy, how to institute Before July 1,.11.the nn points The Midgets dropped a game to took the match, 3, men are doing as their mothers soften how to make . rtAA t t the Highland laddies yesterday In -- water, out, Bomoimng uko iu.uuu.uuu will be thrown on their own n cun-ilrc- the Junior league. The score was fay did and are making their own soap. If you have never tried it, clothes T ashing easy, how to devices for amusement bv the clos- 14 to B. batteries: Midgets 40 CITIZENS OF U. S. brighten cooking utensils, etc. la Gob- - William Brosa Lloyd. you will be aurprlsfd to tee how Merry War Powdered Lye ing of public and private schools. Gaskel and Jerry; Laddies IN MEXICO ARE SEIZED easy It is to make good soap, also a wonderful cleaner and The accident hazards confronting son and Baca. soft soap, hard soap or floating children throughout the year as a The Little Tildlllos will meet the ,V i. William Broas Lloyd, millionaire BY. A BANDIT FORCE soap, just by using kitchen purifier for use about the home, 1 whole will then be multiplied many Highland Laddies this afternoon at Chicago red, convicted of advo- barn, chicken house and out- 6 o'clock. scraps and waste grease together houses. Comes in convenient limes by longer hour of play, by cating the overthrow of the (Continued from Page One.) with a can of Merr War Lye, can with revolving sifting top the summer increase In automobile Pigmy League. soon will begin a one to the sat. and sure soapmaker. that cannot come off, cannot get traffic and by the lapse of school Barelas Tigers took a close gami In the old day when soap was room discipline. from the Wildcats yesterday by .1 five-ye- sentence in Joliet prison. Charge Summcrlin reported Mr. lost, recloses tightly and pre- score of 10 to 7. The Wildcats He also was fined $2,000. The su- Bielaski's release late today, saying made by the boiling process itj serves contents. It is economical Frinclpnl Causes. he was "safe and well" and was ex- took nearly all day to make a to buy and easy to use. The principal causes of acci- started out Btrong, having the preme court has just upheld the dental death among children, the Tigers 4 to 0 In the second inning. - pected to arrive in Mexico City to kettle ot soap. Now it is hardly Ask your dealer for Merry War night. There has never been much any work at all requires no " Lye be sure you get "Merry ' entence. Institute says, are fire, drowning,of No game will be played in the doubt here that the former Ameri boiling takes less than 80 min- War" the lye that has made and the automobile. The child Pigmy Iougue today. can government official should bo utes. Saves you money and gives good for 33 rears. about 7 years of age Is In the victim great- Senior Leajnie. set free and no apprehension that est danger of becoming the W. Jj. Vet DBREGON FAVORS relations between Mexico and the of a fatal accident because that 2 0 1.000 United States would become strain- seems to be the age at which moth- - St. Mary f l era begin to permit children to take De Molay 2 0 1.000 ed over the incident. High School . 2 0 1.000 There is no ouestlon. however. care of themselves. . .. i , In an effort to stem the usual nf violent deaths Tildillos Duke City White.... 1 o 1 a ." '0 COLONIZING that the Cortes Oil company inci- dent has far more serious possibili- Giants 0 2 .000 ties if full information sustains . : among young people the Institute' Browns 1 1 .600 Consul Shaw's first message. No njwnwiwiiwiiira; has issued a list oi vac.ii.iuii 0 l .out) official comment was obtainable nnd rton'ts with the recommenda-- - Firefighters JEW S MEXICO tion that teachers, parents and all Junior Iicnjnie. here nor any indication as to how W. L. Pet. i I long the Washington government t other persons who have the oppor-;- i 8. X. T 3 u miKht be willing to wait for nego tunity to reach large groups of Highland Laddies... 13 i . tiations between the Mexican offi children, pass them on to the cnll-- i 5 Little Tildlllos 3 .250 (Br The .luoelafed PrcM.) cials and the rebels to bring about El Paso, Tex., June 28. Semi- dren. The lint follows: "Swim all you can this summer, Midget 0 3 .000 official dispatches . from Mexico release of the captives. GET X0UR hut never on a full stomach, or if Pigmy League. City received in Kl Paso and Juar- W. L. Pet. PAVING WORK BEGINS overheated or extremely tired. Athletes 0 1 .000 ez today, state that President Obre-go- n "Learn how, to rescue drowning Wildcats 1 l0 M'u DR. A. T. SILL has looked kindly upon a plan AT SANTA FE MONDAY persons, hut never pretend yourself Barelas Tiger 1 LOU J Dr. Sill was the originator of osteopathic treatment 4 years to colonize persecuted Jews of " to be drowning; you may really ago and the founder of the Osteopathia school at Klrksville. Mo., JtiiBsia and Poland in Mexico. The (gperlal Correspondents to Tho Journal.) i'need help some day and not get it. from which more than 6,000 practitioners have been graduated. messages say thnt a New York syn- linnta v .lima 2 A rrn n ee- - R "Learn to paddle your own canoe 14 HUMAN SKELETONS dicate has petitioned the govern- ments have been made by M. J. but never rock the boat to scare the the More than 200 osteopathic doc than ten more cars he volunteered, ment for 4,000 acres of land near contractor, to begin worlt other fellow; this has caused and UNEARTHED BY STEAM tors will arrive here on a special and that those who will assist tele- - the border, and that the president Kenney, . , . ( u , . vi. ucai wuuu.j Mn .. rnntrnct fnr V I in- "death of thousands of boys train at 2 o'clock this afternoon, phono their names to the chamber of the government. laying T girts. SHOVEL AT 'FRISCO and will remain in Albuquerque secretary. ia in favor grantlng such a concession. 45,000 Bquare yards of con The crete paving ror tne cuy oi un AT SELLING OUT, PRICES "Fly kites but don't use copper until 5 oclock. The story of the origin and rise plan would include several millions Fe. Work will be commenced on AT THE ' wire instead' of twine; scores of San Francisco. Calif.. June 28. The doctors come from all parts of osteopathy reads like a romanco. of people the dlnpatches said. rinn ( wVltrh flDRHAM All tllO '.boys have been electrocuted when Fourteen human skeletons In plain, of the east and are on their way Only forty-si- x yars ago the school Mexican Consul General Luis east awe ot ins Biaia nuusn, mi ' their kite wire rame in contact with well preserved redwood boxes, un to their convention on the Pacific of oestopathy was founded by Dr. Montes de Oca said he understood which carries the heaviest trartic or electric wires; also don't climb tel-- f earthed by a steam shovel near tne A. T. SHI. a similar request had been made the city. The contractor who l ; '., egraph poles to recover entangled kites. "Hike out Into the country, . ut marine hospital here were held for Identification by United armv authorities today. If the States coast. While hero the osteopaths will be taken on auto trips through the city, Just as was shown Dr. A. T. Sill announced to his friends treat that In the future he would the human body r.s u.i intri- to this government, but that he building the addition to the tat9 had not been advised that the re- house will have finished the exca- quest had been granted. vation work by that time, so that MANUFACTURERS for more than one day identities cannot be established Albuquerque ) if you go to the Rotarians and the Shriners. cate machine which had to be kept "For a long time there has been the closing of Don Gaspar avenue .' carry a first-ai- d kit with you; also learn to recognize poisondrink then stay away from It; sure athat Ivy Mid lot each skeleton will be marked "un known" and buried in the national cemetery at the Presidio. They will be entertained on the in proper adjustment. He was ridi- lawn of Dr. C. II. Conner, the first culed. Deserted bv friends and a movement on foot to colonize suf- to traffio will not delay the build fering Jews in Mexico," he said, ing operations. SALE SHOE STORE family, he spent eighteen ;cara of . I of water, but first make Col. Thomas A. Pearce, Nine oestopath to locate In this city. "and to take care of stranded Jews ' its source is clean. teenth Infantry, who ia directing Dr. and Mrs. Conner will be as privation. But out heart-breakin- g in Mexico who entered Mexico 301 NORTH FIRST sisted by all of the local osteopathic of it came the school at Klrksville, thinking conditions were much bet- ' "Don't use the streets for play the excavation work, is of the doctors and about thirty cars have Mo., from which more than 6,000 ter than they are, and who hoped CONTRACTOR J If there Is a vacant lot, a clean al- - opinion that the men are marines ley. or a playground nearby; It you "must use streets for playgrounds who died at the little United States public health service hospital, been volunteered by people of the practitioners have been graduated. city to take the visitors from the The osteopaths are now recog- train to Dr. Conner's residence at nized by the laws of every state, to gain entry States." into the United SALE NOW GOING ON pick a street that has no street car which preceded the marine hos- tracks or heavy automobile traffic. or forty years ago. the corner of Twelfth street and and the men and women who will THOUGHT HIS if e pital, thirty-fiv- Roma avenue. visit Albuquerque on their trip west Don't Be a Jay Walker, There were Indications, he said, FREE RECIPES FOR DE- i "Don't bo a Jay walker; In the that the shreds of clothing found The Chamber of Commerce Is come from almost every town and cltv cross streets at regular cross-- f on the skeletons were from sea uni particularly desirous that not less village of the middle west. LICIOUS HOT WEATH-E- R IS UP i of the forms of some sort. lngs, never In the middle DESSERTS TIME block; when walking on country The city authorities were aiding ; roads keep to the left instead of the In the efforts to Identify the skele ARTESIA DIVIDES A ; right hand side of the road you can see approaching so that vehicles. tons. The mystery surrounding the discovery was added to through the 20 TO $81 IS D0UBLEHEADER WITH Can canoes, you make Turkish delight, fifteen banana The Scientifically Built Watch "Finally remember thatmonth June is failure of any army, navy or city CARLSBAD, LOVING dollar pie, tulip dessert? Pos- Well Known Salt Lake Citi- ' In record to show that there ever was sibly you don't even know ' a particularly dangerous the other a cemetery at the spot. what they are. zen Says He Actually which to take chances; EARNED YEARLY (Special Corrnipnndence to The Journal.) These are desserts made by dangerous months are: July, Janu-Jar- y, Artosia, N. M., June 28. Artesia combining oranges and lemons Gained Forty-Tw- o Pounds September, April, November, divided a double-head- baseball 'March, May, December, October, EATON GETS PARDON program Sunday at the new. field with other ingredients to maka delightful dishes. By Taking Tan lac and ' August and February." AFTER NINE YEARS on Roselawn avenue. Scores: Ar- Science has recently demon- Never Felt Better in His BY YOUNG FOLK tesia, 3; Loving, 2. Artesia, 7; strated that raw foods must It Is estimated that there are 75,- -' IN STATE'S PRISON Life. 00,000 tons of freight annually Carlsbad, 8. These were the first form part of the diet in order games to be playod at home this that the body may not be un- ( moving Into and out of the port of (Special Correipondence to The Jouniil.) season. Both games went extra dernourished. The use of "My troubles had me thinking 'New York by rail and 40,000,000 Silver City, N. M.. June 28. Boys and Girls in Belen oranges and lemons Is a pleas- my days on earth would soon be tons by steamship. sentenced In Septem- innings. Harry Eaton, serve Martin, twirling for Arteala, ing and palatable way of in- over," said N. A. McDonald. 945 ber 1913, to a term of twenty Carry on Successful Gar struck out five batsmen of the suring a balanced food supply Folsom Ave., Salt Lake City. to forty years for murder, has been- den and Cooking Clubs; Loving nine, and allowed six hits. for the body. Utah, a widely known contractor given a pardon by Governor Mech- Montgomery, pitching for Loving, There, are hundreds of at- and builder. em. Action by tne governor Earn Scholarships. allowed only four hits and sent tractive ways in which they "I had stomach trouble and In- the receipt of a petition to Strong Bros. thirteen men to the bench by the Any of our digestion so bad that I often went may be used. the Bovernor containing the names (Hpeclai Correspondence 10 inc Journal.) strikeout route. Few errors were readers may have entirely free, for days at a time without a mor- of prominent citizens of Grant Belen, N. M., June 28. Belei marked against either club. The a booklet giving over 200 rec- sel of food. About a year ago I county. Federal Judge Neblett. has a strong garden club and an batteries: Artesia, Martin and ipes for serving oranges and had such a bad spell that I Wsltham No. 1420 Colonial Series who was trial judge at tne time oi Black; Loving, Montgomery and lemons attractively, by them- thought my time was up. I lost FURNITURE riiMi'i conviction, stated that evi dence since has been discovered me effective cooking club. Boys and girls are members of the first or- Nypmeycr, Fessler. The second game was exciting. selves and In combination with other foods. All that Is neces- weight until my clothes Just hung on me like a sack. Some- Cit.No. Raited sold figure dial. Price $5.oo which might have resultedwasin con- ganization to the number of thirty-fou- r, Jones, pitching for Artesia, tied the sary is to clip the coupon be- times I would double up with freeing of Eaton. Eaton while thirteen girls belong to score in the ninth inning by bring- low, mail it, and enclose two pain and often while at work I victed of the Blaylng of William HeB. the cooking club. County Agent K. ing in two scores with a clean hit. cents in stamps for return got awfully dizzy, I had frequent H00SIER Jones at the Davidson sawmill. de- denied his guilt. It Is said that sire to protect the name of hea wom- S. Conroy, of Valencia county, has Issued the following letter descrip- tive of the work: "The Belen Garden club, with He struck out sixteen men and al- lowed five hits in the nine inning's. Martin, who pitched the first postage. FREDERIC ,T. HASKIN, Director. headaches, my nerves got so un- strung I would shake like a man with palsy and my heart would Talking About "Jewels" an prevented his telling all knew game, relieved Jones in the tenth The Albuquerque Journal In- flutter badly. value of a watch isn't in the number of Kitchen Cabinets about the case. an enrollment of thirty-fou- r bers, boys and girls, held a success mem inning and struck out one man, but allowed two hits, one being a three-bas- o formation Bureau, Washing- ton. D. C: "I was absolutely surprised at getting such wonderful results THE it contains, but in the watchmaking ful meeting at the club gardens, hit. Boyles, Carlsbad pitcher, I enclose herewith two cents from Tanlac. I have now gained 'A Stors in BRAKEMAN, RUN OVER -- composed of about two acres of proved a worthy opponent for in stamps for return postage forty-tw- o pounds by actual weight skill and care that built the movement. land near the high school, on June Jones in this pitchers' battle. Tho on a free copy of the Orange and have never felt better in my A Waltham seven jeweled watch once excelled In compet- Wichita Falls, Tex., sold BY ORE TRAIN, DIES 24. The gardens are in excelien: big fellow struck out eighteen Ar- and Lemon Book. life. Tanlac the best medicine 1 condition, and the boys and girls ition for performance the finest watches in the world. tesia players, and allowed ten in the world." 35 cabinets in 6 days, Silver City. N. H., June 28. A show interest and enthusiasm in scattered hits in ten Innings. Eight Tanlac Is sold by all good drug- A Watch may have many jewels in its "works" but if the their club work. All club members Name gists. Adv. fatal accident occurred recently at errors were marked against each "works" are not put together and Inspected with the ut--, Santa Rita when Joseph Barta, are required to keep a record oi club. The batteries: Carlsbad, Street In Boston, Mass., 72 in train, fell costs of production, and also a rec Boyles and Stewart; Artesia, Jones, ?. most skill, the jewels will not help the brakeman on an t r ore g. a mn,rnc f nf Or i 11 PafS. ord ot all produce sola or usea ai Martin and Black. City Jewels are helpful to dependability, but other factors are 10 days. He was crushed under the cars, home. The parents find this work fwind Shield Glass-Lumb- er other profitable and remunerative. Some State I J. c tremendously important. In Springfield, Mass., 38 sustaining a broken backIn andhis death of the members earn from $20 to RECORDS DISCLOSE BaLURIDOB LCMRBB CO. I 1X1 Bogtb First Street Pbons tot. This Injuries, which resulted $80 over costs of production. VAGUE DESCRIPTION e fifty-fiv- dollar Waltham Colonial Series, Catalog at the hospital Anabout annld. hour later, unmar- - The Belen Garden club is enti- No. j;, is a watch that will give you a life-ti- of service in 5 days. ii .a. vh tled to a club charter, which it will OF. BOUNDARY LINE because through and through It is built to that watch- rled. and had lived in Santa Rita soon receive from the U. 8. depart making standard which has given to the name "Waltham"' Ea6e up your housework several years. ment of agriculture. It will also (Special Correiponflenen to The Journal.)- e standard of excellence that is this summer by concen- receive a gold seal for their char- Hanta Fa. June 28. An extraor- C. H. CARNES trating your work around MISS DU PONT WEDS. London, June 28. Miss Alicia Du ter when 60 per cent of the mem-- 1 bers complete their project. Inani wafrii. rlniicrlnHnn itthe of land. SPECIALIST IN OCULAR I Ask your jeweler to show you this fine r. He time-keepe- of the powder man- - boundary line of a tract REFRACTION knows how good it truly is. a Hoosier Cabinet, Pont, daughter "Drummond Radcllffe is presi coming down from 187U, has Deen9. .iMn..iaf Alfrari T. Flu Pont. Of dent; Margaret Livingston is vice disclosed here in the transfer ofT'" 107 & Fourth, Phone 10ST.W to Wril$foravaluablebookUlthatlsaliberar'Walch"education From Wilmington, Del., was married president; Elizabeth Scheele Is sec- . ( ui nvnnwtv nncir Cant. ...... J"'. . Sent re upon request. Th Waltham Watch Company ' day to Harold sanniora who retary; Dr. William D. Radcllffe The originaliwt.vj deed, yellow with age, g, unnacn-nln- of Norwalk, Conn., is a Is local club leader, and assisted tnat tne tract is nounuou Crescent Street, Waltham, Mass. recites Rhodes scholar at Oxford. The by County Agent R. S. Conroy. This nn th nnrth lv th fnnthllls within Strong Brothers wedding took place at St. Paul'a la the second year that Dr. Rad- sight of the city of Santa Fe." Al- Sole Agents From $45.00 to $85.00 Terms Like Rent church, Knight's Bridge. RECOUNT GIVEN BILL ATKINSON; cllffe has been local leader, with successful garden clubs. "Some of the club members are working on their third and fourth year of club work. For complet- ing four years of club work, each member will receive a scholarship ferred the property has been trans though some live or six times, mio .Amnln. th. nffintfll flpHPri tit ion. The land will now be surveyed, In order to estaDiisn ine norm imr somewhat more accurately and de- LEARN THE ROAD They Can't Beat Us For Service, Quality and Prices Duke City Cleaners Phone 446. 1209 North Fourth WALTH AMl v'THE WORLD'S WATCH OVER. TIAAB finitely. This will be possible to a good position. You IHurt you mthit tit Ihty ull Wtlthtm WalAu to the state agricultural college. through use of the boundary lines Maktrt ofthtfamau ValAam Strong BIk. Copper at 2d BELL CONTESTS Cooking Club. "Belen also has a strong active or surrounding tracts. will find out the way to AuumoHU Tinu-piK- una on tht quality Sfmianultrt and world' 1 leading care Cooking club with thirteen girls en- a business success is WINDOW SHADES! GIFTS THAT LAST rolled. These girla are working on LEVY FARMERS PLOW Rollers and Shade (Special Correpondnc (a The Journal.) the first, second and third year through application and d Cloth. Let us give you an Roswell, N. .1.. June 28. Wil- UP GRAIN CROPS; DRY study. Our training will liam M. Atkinson, who was defeat- cooking club projects. Miss Mar- estimate. ed Jn the recent democratlo pri- garet Radcllffe, who has completed WEATHER IS SEVERE help you to develop your ANDERSON BROS. Free! Free! Free! mary for nomination for county as- sessor, has been granted a recount. five years or ciud wont, is tne local leader, who has also earned a (Special Correspondence to The Jonrnal.) mental processes as well Phone 70-- J Headquarters for Waltham Watches. i The recount has begun and only scholarship to the state agricul- Levy, N. M., June 28. Sections as give you the ability to 500 pounds of ice votes in the assessor's race will be tural college, which she will at- in the vicinity of Levy are suffering fill the position you I: with every refrigera- tor purchased at the considered. Mr. Hanna, Atkinson's opponent, has a lead of eight votes. Atkinson has filed a sworn state- ment In which he states that the tend after completing high school greatly from drouth. Wheat is next year. The cooking club had firing badly and a few farmers aro Its picnic last week over by the old plowing up their fields and sowing river bridge. Excellent eats were to millet and other late crops. All L 0 MB E R ' MINDLIN'S "Whit TOa K It I. l Star Furniture Co., action ot Judges in throwing out certain ballots caused his total to prepared by the girls." crops are late, and prospects look poor at present, Pastures are dry. Eeep on Beading Mr. Jewelers Diamond Merchants, s ' YOFNG KNIFE WIELDEIl. Educator's Talks. GLASS PAINT fall below Hanna's. R. D. Bell, lnf up. 113 West Gold, until who was defeated by J. II. Mulls In Douglas, Ariz., June 28. The CEMENT PLASTER FAMOUS WALTHAM WATCHES AT the race for county commission youngest knife wielder ever held stock is reduced. nomination, has asked the demo- by the local police was arrested Bring Your Roofing GOTTLIEB JEWELRY COMPANY cratic executive committee to throw today when Jesus Glmerez, aged Troubles to Raabe and Don't delay. Act out the afternoon poll box for South Roswell precinct, on the 16, confessed to stabbing a 1 6 year-old playmate because the - latter -- Albuquerque now and get the 500 Ji' grounds that the Judges failed to was alleged to have Insulted his Mauger's or Phone 1 II i; r 1, Branraa IO I 111. IV A m a" .."w w pound coupon book. seal the box and return It to the girl. His victim lies in the county democratic central committee. Such hospital with a wound in the ab- 305. Lumbr Co. 105 North First Street Opposite Y. M. C. A. action would elect Bell over Mulls, domen that attending physicians 423 North First Street who has a lead of forty-si- x votes. eay probably wi(l prove fatal, Journal .Want Ads Bring Resulti, JOURNAL WANT ADJ BRING QUICK, SURE RESULTJ i 1 1
You can also read