Christchurch City Council Representation Review - Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election

Christchurch City Council Representation Review - Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election
Christchurch City Council
Representation Review
Initial Proposal for the
2022 Local Authority Election
Christchurch City Council Representation Review - Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election
Christchurch City Council
                                                                Representation Review
You can comment on this initial proposal                        Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election
from Saturday 20 March 2021 to 5pm on
Sunday 16 May 2021.
All submissions will be considered by a hearings panel          Representation review requirements
made up of the full Council. All submitters will have the
opportunity to present to the hearings panel at the end of      1. The Local Electoral Act 2001 (LEA) requires                         4. In reviewing its representation arrangements,
May 2021.                                                          local authorities to undertake a review of their                       councils must provide for “effective representation of
                                                                   representation arrangements at least once every six                    communities of interest” (s19T) and “fair representation
The Council will make its decision on the final proposal           years to ensure the arrangements provide fair and                      of electors” (s19V). Therefore, there are three key
by Saturday 26 June in a public notice. If anyone appeals          effective representation for communities. The Council                  factors to carefully consider:
or objects to that final proposal, or representation               last carried out a review in 2015 for the 2016 and                         • Communities of interest
arrangements are outside the +/- 10 percent range, the             2019 triennial elections. We are therefore required to
Council must refer the matter to the Local Government              undertake another review in 2021 prior to the 2022                         • Effective representation of communities of interest
Commission to decide.                                              triennial election.                                                        • Fair representation of electors.
The Local Government Commission is required to publish          2. The LEA sets out the requirements for representation
its decision by 11 April 2022. The decision is final unless        reviews which all councils must follow. This includes a             Consideration of related processes:
there is a judicial review or appeal on a point of law to the      statutory process and timeframe. All elements of the                5. In addition to the representation arrangements, we also
High Court.                                                        review are subject to rights of appeal and/or objection.               considered two other related processes. In both cases
                                                                   As part of this process, we must develop an Initial                    the status quo is being maintained for the next triennial
                                                                   Proposal.                                                              election:
More information about the representation review, including
the report and Council resolution, are available at:            3. A representation review for Christchurch City needs to                     • Electoral system: we use First Past the Post as the                                              address our shifting population, and ensure everyone                         electoral system.
                                                                   is represented fairly, with each ward representing                         • Māori wards: we sought the views of Papatipu
You can make an online submission at:                              roughly the same number of people. Representation                            Rūnanga regarding the creation of a Māori Ward. A                                            arrangements include:                                                        Māori Ward is not supported at this time. The Council
                                                                    • The number of councillors to be elected to the                            provides other mechanisms for Māori involvement in
                                                                      Council – must consist of between five and 29 elected                     decision–making, including formalising a relationship
                                                                      members (excluding the mayor).                                            with Ngā Rūnanga, the establishment of Te Hononga
Timetable for Representation Review
                                                                                                                                                Council and Ngāi Tahu Relationship Advisors, and
                                                                    • The basis of election for councillors, i.e. whether
 Date                   Activity                                                                                                                reaching a Memorandum of Understanding with
                                                                      councillors are elected at large, by wards or a mix of
                                                                                                                                                Mahaanui Kurataiao Limited.
 Saturday               Submissions open on the initial               both (excluding the mayor, who is elected at large).
 20 March 2021          proposal                                    • If elected by wards, the number, boundaries and
 Sunday                 Submissions close                             names of these wards and the number of councillors
 16 May 2021                                                          that will represent them.
 24 and 26 May 2021 Council hearing of submissions                  • The number of electoral subdivisions (such as those
 – subject to change                                                  currently in Banks Peninsula), if any, and their
 By 26 June 2021        Council publicly notifies its final           boundaries, names and number of members.
                        proposal                                    • Whether to have community boards, and if so
 By 26 July 2021        Council forwards any appeals or               how many there should be, the boundaries and
                        objections to the Local Government            membership.
 By 11 April 2022       Final decision from Local
                        Government Commission
 with one month of      Appeals on point of law or judicial
 the final decision     review (if needed)
 Saturday               Local authority elections
 8 October 2022

                                                                                                                          Christchurch City Council Representation Review Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election   3
Christchurch City Council Representation Review - Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election
Initial Proposal for Christchurch City Council

                                                                                                       Current representation                              9. The proposed arrangements in our Initial Proposal                            • The Banks Peninsula ward does not comply with
                                                                                                                                                              provide fair representation of electors by grouping                            the +/-10 per cent fair representation requirement
                                                                                                       arrangements for Christchurch                          communities of interest together, accounting for                               of s19V(2). This ward is sparsely populated and
                                                                                                       6. The current representation arrangements for         population growth and shifts, and accommodating                                some parts are distinct culturally, historically,
                                                                                                          Christchurch City Council were confirmed            the special nature and geographic isolation of Banks                           geographically, and economically. The Banks
                                                                                                          by the Local Government Commission’s                Peninsula.                                                                     Peninsula ward warrants a single member and should
                                                                                                          Determination dated 7 April 2016 (www.lgc.                                                                                         be considered as unique and an isolated community.
                                                                                                                                                           10. When determining specific representation
                                                                                                           arrangements, we considered:                                         14. As well as discussing the representation arrangements
                                                                                                          christchurch-city-2016).                                                                                                      with elected members, we also carried out a survey of
                                                                                                                                                               • Grouping recognised communities of interest, and
                                                                                                          This Determination assessed the Council’s                                                                                     a geographically representative sample of Christchurch
                                                                                                                                                                 not grouping together communities that have few
                                                                                                          proposal following a comprehensive approach                                                                                   residents. This survey was emailed to 3147 residents
                                                                                                                                                                 common interests.
                                                                                                          undertaken in addressing the profound effects                                                                                 and we received 940 responses (a 30 per cent
                                                                                                          of the earthquakes and the requirement of fair       • Accessibility, size and configuration of wards and                     completion rate). The results of the survey also indicate
                                                                                                          representation.                                        community boards.                                                      a preference for the status quo.
                                                                                                                                                               • The changing locations of communities of interest
                                                                                                       7. The Council comprises 16 councillors and the                                                                              15. Residents identified their local communities based on
                                                                                                                                                                 over time.
                                                                                                          Mayor. Councillors are elected from each ward                                                                                 areas they feel an affinity with; where they have things
                                                                                                          and the Mayor is elected at large.               11. We held 15 briefings on the representation review                        in common with their neighbours; and areas where
                                                                                                                                                               with councillors and community board members                             they use shared facilities and services, e.g. schools,
                                                                                                       8. The city is divided into 16 wards, with seven                                                                                 recreational and cultural facilities, parks, shops and
                                                                                                                                                               between November 2020 and February 2021. At these
                                                                                                          community boards. Two community board                                                                                         shopping centres, and public transport. The results
                                                                                                                                                               briefings, elected members considered the approach
                                                                                                          members are elected for each ward (and for                                                                                    show residents:
                                                                                                                                                               for the representation review, including views on
                                                                                                          Banks Peninsula, for each subdivision with the
                                                                                                                                                               representation arrangements, alternative community                          • South-West: identify strongly with their main
                                                                                                          exception of Wairewa).
                                                                                                                                                               board scenarios and whether councillors and                                   centres, particularly Hornby, Wigram and Halswell,
                                                                                                          The current Community Boards are:                    community board members should be elected at large                            tending not to cross over Memorial Avenue.
                                                                                                               • Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton                     or by ward. Elected members also considered ward
                                                                                                                                                               boundaries in detail.                                                       • South and South-East: identify their community as
                                                                                                               • Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood                                                                                                 being along the hills and to the east, as well as areas
                                                                                                               • Linwood-Central-Heathcote                 12. The Initial Proposal reflects the decision of the                             of Saint Martins, Beckenham, Huntsbury, Cashmere
                                                                                                               • Spreydon-Cashmere                             Council; that the current arrangement is the preferred                        and Somerfield.
                                                                                                                                                               representation model, though with small changes                             • North-West: identify areas around main shopping
                                                                                                               • Coastal-Burwood                               to ward boundaries to bring them into line with the                           centres as being their local communities, such as
                                                                                                               • Papanui-Innes                                 requirements for population equality under the                                Bishopdale, Avonhead and Papanui.
                                                                                                               • Banks Peninsula                               legislation and a reduction in community boards to
                                                                                                                                                               six in total.                                                               • East and North-East: indicated connections with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             communities running along the coast, such as
                                                                                                                                                           13. The rationale for this approach takes into account:                           New Brighton and South New Brighton, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Burwood, Parklands and Shirley. Overall respondents
                                                                                                                                                               • The comprehensive approach of the review for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             identify their community as being east of Marshland
                                                                                                                                                                 2016 election to address the profound effect the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Road and north of the estuary.
                                                                                                                                                                 earthquakes had on Christchurch’s population and on
                                                                                                                                                                 the need for fair representation.                                         • Central and surrounds: largely identify the central
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             city as being their community, as well as centres such
                                                                                                                                                               • Feedback from elected members and others, that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             as Riccarton, Merivale, St Albans and Richmond.
                                                                                                                                                                 city-based community boards of either two or three
                                                                                                                                                                 wards creates an uneven distribution of resources,                        • Banks Peninsula: tend to identify their local centres
                                                                                                                                                                 workload and perceived ability to fairly represent                          as the communities they identify with. There is an
                                                                                                                                                                 the community.                                                              emerging relationship between Lyttelton and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             city side of the hill.

4   Christchurch City Council Representation Review | Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election                                                                                                         Christchurch City Council Representation Review | Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election   5
Christchurch City Council Representation Review - Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election
Communities of interest
    16. We propose the following representation arrangements                                        21. The names of the wards are retained and are set out    22. Communities of interest take into account distinct and
        for future local body elections, including those in 2022                                        in the table below together with the population each       recognisable geographical boundaries, similarities
        and 2025:                                                                                       member will represent:                                     in activities and characteristics of the residents of a                24. This proposal does not recommend any changes to
                                                                                                                                                                   community and services in an area. Wards may contain                       the known existing communities of interest, however
                                                                                                                                                                   more than one distinct community of interest, but these                    some new and developing communities of interest
    Council representation                                                                          Wards, elected members and population per member:
                                                                                                                                                                   communities must have sufficient commonalities to be                       have been identified. These are largely residential
    17. We propose:                                                                                                                     Pop. per                   grouped together.                                                          neighbourhoods that are new or have been significantly
                                                                                                     Ward                  Members                   +/- 10%                                                                                  developed since the last representation review.
          • Christchurch City Council comprise a mayor and 16                                                                           member
                                                                                                                                                               23. Effective representation is not defined in the LEA but
            councillors.                                                                             Banks Peninsula           1          9,400        -62                                                                                25. We propose that the 16 wards reflect the following
                                                                                                                                                                   relates to representation for identified communities of
          • The members of the Christchurch City Council, other                                      Burwood                   1         25,380          3         interest. This needs to take account of the nature and                     identified communities of interest:
            than the mayor, continue to be elected by the ward                                       Cashmere                  1         26,700          8         locality of those communities of interest and the size,
            system.                                                                                                                                                nature and diversity of the district as a whole.
                                                                                                     Central                   1         23,260         -6
          • That the Banks Peninsula ward warrants a single
                                                                                                     Coastal                   1         26,490          7
            member because Banks Peninsula is an isolated
            community in terms of section 19V(3) of the Local                                        Fendalton                 1         26,410          7     Table of Communities by ward
            Electoral Act 2001.                                                                      Halswell                  1         22,970         -7     Communities in bold signal that the community may be split across two or more wards. As there are no official suburb
                                                                                                                                                               boundaries in Christchurch (with the exception of Cracroft), this is open to a certain level of interpretation.
                                                                                                     Harewood                  1         26,570          8
    Wards                                                                                            Heathcote                 1         25,470          3      Ward                 Communities                            Statistical Area 2 Name                                         Statistical Area 2 ID
    18. Section 19V(2) of the Local Electoral Act 2001 requires                                      Hornby                    1         25,710          4      Banks Peninsula      Akaroa, Barrys Bay, Birdlings          Akaroa, Akaroa Harbour, Banks Peninsula                         333500, 333300, 333100,
        the population to comply with the ‘+/-10 per cent
                                                                                                     Innes                     1         25,990          5                           Flat, Diamond Harbour,                 South, Diamond Harbour, Eastern Bays-                           332900, 333200, 332200,
        rule’ for fair representation. Ward boundaries must
                                                                                                     Linwood                   1         25,170          2                           Duvauchelle, French Farm,              Banks Peninsula, Governors Bay, Inland                          333000, 333400, 332600,
        coincide with the boundaries of the current statistical
                                                                                                                                                                                     Gebbies Valley, Governors Bay,         water Lake Ellesmere/Te Waihora South,                          332300, 332500, 331600,
        meshblock areas determined by Statistics New Zealand                                         Papanui                   1         26,270          7                           Little River, Lyttelton, Port Levy,    Inlet Akaroa Harbour, Inlet Port Lyttelton,                     332800
        and used for parliamentary electoral purposes. Where                                                                                                                         Purau, Rapaki, Takamatua,              Inlets other Christchurch City, Lyttelton,
                                                                                                     Riccarton                 1         27,030         10
        practicable, ward boundaries should also coincide with                                                                                                                       Wainui                                 Port Hills, Teddington
        any local board area or community boundaries.                                                Spreydon                  1         25,080          2
                                                                                                                                                                Burwood              Aranui, Avondale, Avonside,            Aranui, Avondale (Christchurch City),                           328600, 327500, 327800,
                                                                                                     Waimairi                  1         26,510          8
    19. Apart from Banks Peninsula, the population that each                                                                                                                         Bexley, Bottle Lake, Burwood,          Avonside, Bexley, Burwood, Dallington,                          329800, 325600, 326500,
        member represents in this Initial Proposal is within                                                                                                                         Dallington, Marshland,                 Linwood North, Linwood West,                                    328500, 327900, 318400,
        the range of 24,651 +/-10 per cent. This meant that we                                                                                                                       Parklands, Richmond, Shirley,          Marshland, North Beach, Otakaro-                                327200, 326200, 325100,
        had to adjust some of the existing ward boundaries to                                                                                                                        Wainoni                                Avon River Corridor, Parklands,                                 321300, 323700, 325900,
        ensure the fair representation requirements are met.                                                                                                                                                                Prestons, Queenspark, Richmond North                            326800, 324600, 323400,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            (Christchurch City), Richmond South                             317200, 324000, 328400,
    20. We propose the city continues to be divided into 16                                                                                                                                                                 (Christchurch City), Shirley East, Shirley                      321600
        wards with the population of each ward electing one                                                                                                                                                                 West, Styx, Travis Wetlands, Wainoni,
        member. The proposed boundaries of each ward are                                                                                                                                                                    Waitikiri
        set out in the attached maps.                                                                                                                           Cashmere             Beckenham, Cashmere,                   Beckenham, Cashmere East, Cashmere                              330600, 331300, 330300,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Cracroft, Hillsborough,                West, Hillsborough (Christchurch                                331400, 327700, 329500,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Huntsbury, Kennedys Bush,              City), Hoon Hay East, Hoon Hay South,                           331200, 329000, 330900,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Lansdowne, Saint Martins,              Huntsbury, Kennedys Bush, Opawa, Port                           331600, 329100, 329200,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Somerfield, Sydenham,                  Hills, Somerfield East, Somerfield West,                        327600, 328200, 330800,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Westmorland                            Spreydon North, Spreydon South, Saint                           329400, 329700, 328700,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Martins, Sydenham North, Sydenham                               332800, 329900, 330000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            South, Sydenham West, Teddington,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Waltham, Westmorland
                                                                                                                                                                Central              Christchurch Central,                  Addington North, Avonside, Charleston                           326400, 327800, 329600,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Edgeware, Linwood, Merivale,           (Christchurch City), Christchurch                               326600, 327000, 325800,
                                                                                                                                                                                     Phillipstown, Richmond,                Central, Christchurch Central-East,                             327100, 325700, 325300,
                                                                                                                                                                                     St Albans                              Christchurch Central-North, Christchurch                        330500, 324900, 322600,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Central-South, Christchurch Central-                            328800, 328500, 327900,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            West, Edgeware, Ensors, Hagley Park,                            323000, 323200, 328900,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Holmwood, Lancaster Park, Linwood                               325200, 326800, 324800,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            North, Linwood West, Merivale, Mona                             323900, 328100, 330100
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Vale, Phillipstown, Riccarton East,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Richmond South (Christchurch City), St
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Albans East, St Albans West, Sydenham
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Central, Woolston North

6   Christchurch City Council Representation Review | Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election                                                                                                               Christchurch City Council Representation Review | Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election   7
Christchurch City Council Representation Review - Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election
Ward                           Communities                                       Statistical Area 2 Name                      Statistical Area 2 ID     Ward        Communities                       Statistical Area 2 Name                                         Statistical Area 2 ID
     Coastal                        Bexley, Bottle Lake, Bromley,                     Aranui, Avondale (Christchurch City),        328600, 327500, 330700,   Innes       Belfast, Christchurch Central,    Avonside, Belfast East, Belfast West,                           327800, 317300, 316900,
                                    Brooklands, Kaianga,                              Bromley North, Brookhaven-Ferrymead,         331800, 317100, 332300,               Edgeware, Kainga, Mairehau,       Christchurch Central-East, Christchurch                         327000, 325800, 316800,
                                    Marshland, New Brighton,                          Brooklands-Spencerville, Inlets other        318400, 330200, 327200,               Marshland, Redwood,               Central-North, Clearwater, Dallington,                          326500, 325300, 327900,
                                    North New Brighton,                               Christchurch City, Marshland, New            326200, 325100, 321300,               Richmond, Shirley, St Albans      Edgeware, Linwood West, Mairehau                                321700, 323100, 322100,
                                    Parklands, Pegasus Bay, South                     Brighton, North Beach, Otakaro-Avon          323700, 328300, 331700,                                                 North, Mairehau South, Malvern,                                 318400, 317400, 321300,
                                    New Brighton, Southshore,                         River Corridor, Parklands, Prestons,         317200, 324000, 326000,                                                 Marshland, Northwood, Prestons,                                 318600, 317600, 325900,
                                    Spencerville, Waimairi Beach                      Queenspark, Rawhiti, South New               321600                                                                  Redwood North, Regents Park, Richmond                           326800, 322200, 324600,
                                                                                      Brighton, Styx, Travis Wetlands, Waimairi                                                                            North (Christchurch City), Richmond                             323400, 324800, 323800,
                                                                                      Beach, Waitikiri                                                                                                     South (Christchurch City), Rutland,                             323900, 317200
     Fendalton                      Bryndwr, Burnside, Fendalton,                     Bishopdale South, Bryndwr North,             319000, 319900, 320800,                                                 Shirley East, Shirley West, St Albans East,
                                    Ilam, Merivale, St Albans,                        Bryndwr South, Burnside, Christchurch        319200, 325700, 322400,                                                 St Albans North, St Albans West, Styx
                                    Strowan                                           Central-West, Deans Bush, Fendalton,         321500, 324900, 322600,   Linwood     Aranui, Avonside, Bexley,    Aranui, Avonside, Bexley, Bromley                                    328600, 327800, 329800,
                                                                                      Hagley Park, Holmwood, Ilam North,           320200, 320700, 321200,               Bromley, Ferrymead, Linwood, North, Bromley South, Brookhaven-                                    330700, 330400, 331800,
                                                                                      Ilam South, Ilam University, Jellie Park,    320600, 322100, 323000,               Wainoni, Woolston            Ferrymead, Charleston (Christchurch                                  329600, 330500, 331400,
                                                                                      Malvern, Merivale, Mona Vale, Northlands     323200, 320000, 320900,                                            City), Ensors, Hillsborough (Christchurch                            332300, 328800, 329300,
                                                                                      (Christchurch City), Papanui East,           320100, 322200, 324800,                                            City), Inlets other Christchurch City,                               328500, 327900, 330900,
                                                                                      Papanui West, Rutland, St Albans East, St    323800, 323900, 321400                                             Lancaster Park, Linwood East, Linwood                                326200, 328900, 328400,
                                                                                      Albans North, St Albans West, Strowan                                                                           North, Linwood West, Opawa, Otakaro-                                 331100, 330100, 331500,
     Halswell                       Aidanfield, Halswell,         Aidanfield, Awatea North, Awatea South,                          325400, 321900, 322900,                                            Avon River Corridor, Phillipstown,                                   331000
                                    Hillmorton, Hoon Hay, Hornby, Broken Run, Halswell North, Halswell                             324700, 327300, 328000,                                            Wainoni, Woolston East, Woolston North,
                                    Kennedys Bush                 South, Halswell West, Hillmorton,                                324500, 325000, 327700,                                            Woolston South, Woolston West,
                                                                  Hoon Hay East, Hoon Hay South, Hoon                              329500, 326700, 319100,   Papanui     Bishopdale, Bryndwr,              Bishopdale North, Bishopdale South,                             317800, 319000, 319900,
                                                                  Hay West, Islington-Hornby Industrial,                           329000, 326300, 324300,               Casebrook, Mairehau,              Bryndwr North, Bryndwr South,                                   320800, 317900, 321700,
                                                                  Kennedys Bush, Oaklands East, Oaklands                           331600, 322300, 330000                Northcote, Papanui, Redwood,      Casebrook, Mairehau North, Mairehau                             323100, 322100, 318400,
                                                                  West, Port Hills, Sockburn South,                                                                      St Albans, Strowan                South, Malvern, Marshland, Northcote                            320500, 320000, 320900,
                                                                  Westmorland                                                                                                                              (Christchurch City), Northlands                                 319400, 320100, 319600,
     Harewood                       Avonhead, Belfast, Bishopdale,                    Belfast East, Belfast West, Bishopdale       317300, 316900, 317800,                                                 (Christchurch City), Papanui East,                              318600, 318800, 317600,
                                    Broomfield, Bryndwr,                              North, Bishopdale South, Bishopdale          319000, 318000, 318700,                                                 Papanui North, Papanui West, Redwood                            322200, 321400
                                    Casebrook, Harewood, Kainga,                      West, Broomfield, Bryndwr North,             319900, 319200, 318300,                                                 East, Redwood North, Redwood West,
                                    McLeans Island, Northwood,                        Burnside, Burnside Park, Casebrook,          317900, 316700, 316800,                                                 Regents Park, Rutland, Strowan
                                    Redwood, Russley, Yaldhurst                       Christchurch Airport, Clearwater,            317000, 317700, 319300,   Riccarton   Avonhead, Ilam, Middleton,        Addington North, Addington West,                                326400, 326100, 319700,
                                                                                      Harewood, Hawthornden, Hei Hei,              318400, 316400, 317400,               Riccarton, Russley, Sockburn,     Avonhead South, Broomfield, Bush Inn,                           318700, 321800, 322400,
                                                                                      Marshland, McLeans Island, Northwood,        319400, 320100, 316500,               Upper Riccarton                   Deans Bush, Hagley Park, Hawthornden,                           324900, 317700, 320400,
                                                                                      Papanui North, Papanui West, Paparua,        318600, 318800, 317600,                                                 Hornby Central, Ilam North, Ilam                                320200, 320700, 321200,
                                                                                      Redwood North, Redwood West, Regents         319800, 317500, 317200,                                                 South, Ilam University, Middleton,                              323500, 323200, 324200,
                                                                                      Park, Riccarton Racecourse, Russley,         316600                                                                  Mona Vale, Riccarton Central, Riccarton                         325200, 319800, 324400,
                                                                                      Styx, Yaldhurst                                                                                                      East, Riccarton Racecourse, Riccarton                           323300, 321000, 322300,
     Heathcote                      Bromley, Clifton, Ferrymead,                      Beckenham, Bromley North, Bromley            330600, 330700, 330400,                                                 South, Riccarton West, Sockburn North,                          325500, 322000, 322700
                                    Heathcote Valley, Hillsborough,                   South, Brookhaven-Ferrymead,                 331800, 327100, 332400,                                                 Sockburn South, Tower Junction, Upper
                                    McCormacks Bay, Moncks                            Christchurch Central-South, Clifton Hill,    330500, 331900, 331400,                                                 Riccarton, Wharenui
                                    Bay, Mount Pleasant, Opawa,                       Ensors, Heathcote Valley, Hillsborough       332600, 332300, 328800,   Spreydon    Addington, Hillmorton, Hoon       Addington East, Addington North,                                327400, 326400, 326100,
                                    Redcliffs, Richmond Hill, Saint                   (Christchurch City), Inlet Port Lyttelton,   332000, 330900, 331600,               Hay, Somerfield, Spreydon,        Addington West, Christchurch Central-                           327100, 324900, 327300,
                                    Martins, Scarborough, Sumner,                     Inlets other Christchurch City, Lancaster    332100, 329100, 330800,               Sydenham, Wigram                  South, Hagley Park, Halswell North,                             325000, 327700, 329500,
                                    Sydenham, Taylors Mistake,                        Park, Mount Pleasant, Opawa, Port Hills,     332700, 328100, 329400,                                                 Hillmorton, Hoon Hay East, Hoon Hay                             326700, 323500, 322300,
                                    Waltham, Woolston                                 Redcliffs, Somerfield East, Saint Martins,   329700, 328700, 329900,                                                 South, Hoon Hay West, Middleton,                                329100, 329200, 327600,
                                                                                      Sumner, Sydenham Central, Sydenham           331100, 331500, 331000                                                  Sockburn South, Somerfield East,                                328200, 326900, 328100,
                                                                                      North, Sydenham South, Sydenham                                                                                      Somerfield West, Spreydon North,                                329400, 328700, 325500
                                                                                      West, Waltham, Woolston East, Woolston                                                                               Spreydon South, Spreydon West,
                                                                                      South, Woolston West                                                                                                 Sydenham Central, Sydenham North,
     Hornby                         Aidanfield, Hei Hei,                              Aidanfield, Awatea North, Awatea South,      325400, 321900, 322900,                                                 Sydenham West, Tower Junction
                                    Hillmorton, Hornby, Hornby                        Broken Run, Broomfield, Halswell West,       324700, 318700, 324500,   Waimairi    Avonhead, Burnside, Ilam,         Avonhead East, Avonhead North,                                  319500, 318500, 319700,
                                    South, Islington, Middleton,                      Hei Hei, Hillmorton, Hornby Central,         319300, 325000, 320400,               Russley, Upper Riccarton          Avonhead South, Avonhead West,                                  318900, 319000, 318000,
                                    Sockburn, Templeton, Wigram,                      Hornby South, Hornby West, Islington,        321100, 320300, 318200,                                                 Bishopdale South, Bishopdale West,                              318700, 319200, 318300,
                                    Yaldhurst                                         Islington-Hornby Industrial, Middleton,      319100, 323500, 324300,                                                 Broomfield, Burnside, Burnside                                  321800, 316700, 317000,
                                                                                      Oaklands West, Paparua, Riccarton            316500, 319800, 322300,                                                 Park, Bush Inn, Christchurch Airport,                           317700, 320200, 320700,
                                                                                      Racecourse, Sockburn South, Templeton,       318100, 324100, 322500,                                                 Harewood, Hawthornden, Ilam North,                              321200, 319800, 317500,
                                                                                      Wigram East, Wigram North, Wigram            323600, 322800, 316600,                                                 Ilam South, Ilam University, Riccarton                          321000, 322700, 316600
                                                                                      South, Wigram West, Yaldhurst                                                                                        Racecourse, Russley, Sockburn North,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Wharenui, Yaldhurst

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Christchurch City Council Representation Review - Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election
Community Boards
     26. The main roles of community boards are to:                                                  31. This results in the majority of community boards across                                                          Ward/                                   Community Pop Per                          Appointed
           • Represent and act as an advocate for the interests of                                       the city being retained; aligns with how communities in                                         Ward/                                  Elected
                                                                                                                                                                      Community Board                                     Subdivision                             Board      Elected                         members
             its community.                                                                              each of the affected wards affiliate with neighbouring                                          Subdivision                            Members
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Population                              Population Member                          (Councillors)
                                                                                                         wards to form larger communities of interest; and best
           • Consider and report on all matters referred to it by                                        provides for fair and equitable representation city wide.    Waitai/                            Burwood              25,380                   2                                                               1
             the Council, or any matter of interest or concern to                                                                                                     Coastal-Burwood-Linwood            Coastal              26,490                   2               77,040               12,840                     1
             the board.                                                                              32. We propose the community boards formally use                 Community Board
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Linwood              25,170                   2                                                               1
           • Maintain an overview of services provided by the                                            their gifted te reo Māori name, with the name of each
                                                                                                         ward that comprises the board area describing the            Waimāero/                          Fendalton            26,410                   2                                                               1
             Council within the community.
                                                                                                         coverage. No changes have been proposed to any               Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood        Harewood             26,570                   2               79,490               13,248                     1
           • Prepare an annual submission to the Council for                                             other community board member representation                  Community Board
             expenditure within the community.                                                                                                                                                           Waimairi             26,510                   2                                                               1
                                                                                                         arrangement. Therefore, the number of members
           • Communicate with community organisations and                                                elected to community boards is not affected by the           Waipuna/                           Halswell             22,970                   2                                                               1
             special interest groups within the community.                                               initial proposal. Community board members will               Hornby-Halswell-Riccarton          Hornby               25,710                   2               75,710               12,618                     1
                                                                                                         continue to be elected by ward.                              Community Board
           • Undertake any other responsibilities that are                                                                                                                                               Riccarton            27,030                   2                                                               1
             delegated to them by the Council.                                                       33. We propose that the communities continue to be               Waipapa/                           Central              23,260                   2                                                               1
                                                                                                         subdivided for electoral purposes as follows:                Papanui-Innes-Central              Innes                25,990                   2               75,520               12,587                     1
     27. Every community board must consist of at least four
                                                                                                                                                                      Community Board
         members but not more than 12 members. It must                                                                                                                                                   Papanui              26,270                   2                                                               1
         include at least four elected members and may include                                        Community Board                       Ward/Subdivision
                                                                                                                                                                      Waihoro/                    Cashmere                    26,700                   2                                                               1
         appointed members. The number of appointed                                                                                         Akaroa subdivision        Spreydon-Cashmere-Heathcote Heathcote                   25,470                   2               77,250               12,875                     1
         members is to be less than half the total number of                                          Te Pātaka o Rākaihāutu/
                                                                                                                                            Lyttelton subdivision     Community Board
         members.                                                                                     Banks Peninsula                                                                             Spreydon                    25,080                   2                                                               1
                                                                                                      Community Board                       Mt Herbert subdivision
     28. We propose changing the community board                                                                                            Wairewa subdivision
         arrangement from seven community boards to six,                                                                                                              36. We propose that the Te Pātaka o Rākaihāutu/Banks
                                                                                                      Waitai/                               Burwood ward
         being:                                                                                                                                                           Peninsula Community Board:
                                                                                                      Burwood-Coastal-Linwood               Coastal ward
           • Five urban community boards made up of three                                             Community Board                                                    • comprises eight members being both elected and
             wards each (a change from the current six which are                                                                            Linwood ward                   appointed members as set out in the table below;
             a mix of three three-ward boards and three two-ward                                      Waimāero/                             Fendalton ward                 and
             boards)                                                                                  Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood           Harewood ward                • that the population each elected member will
           • A Banks Peninsula community board with four                                              Community Board                       Waimairi ward                  represent is as set out in the table below:
             subdivisions (no change from the status quo).
                                                                                                      Waipuna/                              Halswell ward
     29. This is considered to be the most equitable option                                           Hornby-Halswell-Riccarton             Hornby ward                                                                                                           Community Pop Per                           Appointed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Subdivision           Elected
         to ensure fair and effective representation as it has                                        Community Board                                                 Community Board                    Subdivision                                              Board      Elected                          members
                                                                                                                                            Riccarton ward                                                                Population            Members
         evenly sized communities and community boards                                                                                                                                                                                                            Population Member                           (Councillors)
         across the district, with the exception of Banks                                             Waipapa/                              Central ward
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Akaroa                1950                    2
         Peninsula. Having city-based community boards of                                             Papanui-Innes-Central                 Innes ward                Te Pātaka o Rākaihāutu/
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lyttelton             3080                    2
         varying sizes has resulted in the uneven distribution                                        Community Board                       Papanui ward              Banks Peninsula                                                                                   9400                 1,343                     1
         of resources, workload and perceived ability to fairly                                                                                                       Community Board                    Mt Herbert            3130                    2
                                                                                                      Waihoro/                    Cashmere ward
         and equitably represent the community. The proposed                                                                                                                                             Wairewa               1240                    1
         new boundaries for community boards incorporate the                                          Spreydon-Cashmere/Heathcote Heathcote ward
         adjusted ward boundaries. No changes are proposed                                            Community Board             Spreydon ward                          The population that each member of Te Pātaka o
         for the Banks Peninsula board area.
                                                                                                                                                                         Rākaihāutu/Banks Peninsula Community Board
     30. In order to make the current two-ward community                                                                                                                 represents falls outside +/- 10 %. The Council considers
                                                                                                     34. The boundaries of each community board area are set
         boards into three-ward community boards, we propose                                                                                                             that Te Pātaka o Rākaihāutu/Banks Peninsula
                                                                                                         out in the attached maps.
         the Linwood-Central-Heathcote Community Board is                                                                                                                Community Board warrants the proposed membership
         disestablished and the wards that currently make it up                                      35. We propose that the five Community Boards being                 due to the isolated nature of communities within
         included in other community boards, namely:                                                     Waitai/Coastal-Burwood-Linwood, Waimāero/                       community board area, the distinct communities of
                                                                                                         Fendalton-Waimairi-Harewood, Waipuna/Hornby-                    interest, and grouping together communities with
           • The Linwood ward would join the existing Burwood-                                                                                                           common interest and issues.
                                                                                                         Halswell-Riccarton, Waipapa/Papanui-Innes-Central
             Coastal Community Board area.
                                                                                                         and Waihoro/Spreydon-Cashmere-Heathcote:
           • The Central Ward would join the existing Papanui-
                                                                                                           • comprise nine members each, being both elected and
             Innes Community Board area.
                                                                                                             appointed members as set out in the table below:
           • The Heathcote Ward would join the existing
                                                                                                           • that the population each elected member will
             Spreydon-Cashmere Community Board area.
                                                                                                             represent is as set out in the table on the next page:

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37. We propose the community boards will include the                                                                                                                                Ward/                                                                                                  Statistical
         following communities:                                                                                                                                      Community Board                 Communities                   Statistical Area 2 Name
                                                                                                                                                                                         Subdivision                                                                                            Area 2 ID
                                                                                                                                                                     Waimāero/           Fendalton   Bryndwr, Burnside,      Avonhead East, Avonhead North,                                     316400, 316500,
     Table of Communities by community board                                                                                                                         Fendalton-                      Fendalton, Ilam,        Avonhead South, Avonhead West,                                     316600, 316700,
     Communities in bold signal that the community may be split across two or more wards. As there are no official suburb                                            Waimairi-Harewood               Merivale, St Albans,    Belfast East, Belfast West, Bishopdale                             316800, 316900,
     boundaries in Christchurch (with the exception of Cracroft), this is open to a certain level of interpretation.                                                 Community Board                 Strowan                 North, Bishopdale South, Bishopdale                                317000, 317200,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Harewood    Avonhead, Belfast,      West, Broomfield, Bryndwr North,                                   317300, 317400,
                                          Ward/                                                                                                    Statistical                                       Bishopdale,             Bryndwr South, Burnside Park,                                      317500, 317600,
      Community Board                                 Communities                                     Statistical Area 2 Name                                                                                                Burnside, Bush Inn, Casebrook,                                     317700, 317800,
                                          Subdivision                                                                                              Area 2 ID                                         Broomfield, Bryndwr,
      Te Pātaka o                         Akaroa               Akaroa, Barrys                         Akaroa, Akaroa Harbour, Banks                333500, 333300,                                   Casebrook, Harewood, Christchurch Airport, Christchurch                                    317900, 318000,
      Rākaihāutu/                                              Bay, Childrens Bay,                    Peninsula South, Diamond Harbour,            333100, 332900,                                   Kainga, McLeans Island, Central-West, Clearwater, Deans Bush,                              318300, 318400,
      Banks Peninsula                                          Duvauchelle, French                    Eastern Bays-Banks Peninsula,                333200, 332200,                                   Northwood, Redwood, Fendalton, Hagley Park, Harewood,                                      318500, 318600,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Russley, Yaldhurst      Hawthornden, Hei, Holmwood, Ilam                                   318700, 318800,
      Community Board                                          Farm, Lavericks Bay,                   Governors Bay, Inland water Lake             333000, 333400,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             North, Ilam South, Ilam University,                                318900, 319000,
                                                               Le Bons Bay, Little                    Ellesmere/Te Waihora South, Inlet            332600, 332300,                       Waimairi    Avonhead, Burnside,     Jellie Park, Malvern, Marshland,                                   319200, 319300,
                                                               Akaloa, Okains Bay,                    Akaroa Harbour, Inlet Port Lyttelton,        332500, 331600,                                   Ilam, Russley, Upper    McLeans Island, Merivale, Mona                                     319400, 319500,
                                                               Pigeon Bay, Robinsons                  Inlets other Christchurch City, Lyttelton,   332800                                            Riccarton               Vale, Northlands (Christchurch City),                              319700, 319800,
                                                               Bay, Takamatua, Wainui                 Port Hills, Teddington
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Northwood, Papanui East, Papanui                                   319900, 320000,
                                          Lyttelton            Cass Bay, Corsiar Bay,                                                                                                                                        North, Papanui West, Paparua,                                      320100, 320200,
                                                               Lyttelton                                                                                                                                                     Redwood North, Redwood West,                                       320600, 320700,
                                          Mt Herbert           Diamond Harbour,                                                                                                                                              Regents Park, Riccarton Racecourse,                                320800, 320900,
                                                               Governors Bay, Purau,                                                                                                                                         Russley, Rutland, Sockburn North,                                  321000, 321200,
                                                               Rapaki, Teddington                                                                                                                                            St Albans East, St Albans North, St                                321400, 321500,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Albans West, Strowan, Styx, Wharenui,                              321800, 322100,
                                          Wairewa              Birdlings Flat, Gebbies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Yaldhurst                                                          322200, 322400,
                                                               Valley, Lake Ellesmere,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                322600, 322700,
                                                               Little River, Port
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                323000, 323200,
                                                               Levy, Prices Valley,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                323800, 323900,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                324800, 324900,
      Waitai/           Burwood                                Aranui, Avondale,                      Aranui, Avondale (Christchurch               317100, 317200,                                                                                                                              325700
      Coastal-Burwood-                                         Avonside, Bexley,                      City), Avonside, Bexley, Bromley             318400, 321300,
                                                                                                                                                                     Waipuna/            Halswell    Aidanfield, Halswell,         Addington North, Addington West,                             316500, 316600,
      Linwood Community                                        Bottle Lake, Burwood,                  North, Bromley South, Brookhaven-            321600, 323400,
                                                                                                                                                                     Hornby-Halswell-                Hillmorton, Hoon Hay,         Aidanfield, Avonhead South, Awatea                           317700, 318100,
      Board                                                    Dallington, Marshland,                 Ferrymead, Brooklands-Spencerville,          323700, 324000,
                                                                                                                                                                     Riccarton                       Hornby, Kennedys              North, Awatea South, Broken Run,                             318200, 318700,
                                                               Parklands, Richmond,                   Burwood, Charleston (Christchurch            324600, 325100,
                                                                                                                                                                     Community Board                 Bush                          Broomfield, Bush Inn, Deans Bush,                            319100, 319300,
                                                               Shirley, Wainoni                       City), Dallington, Ensors, Hillsborough      325600, 325900,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Hornby      Aidanfield, Hei Hei,          Hagley Park, Halswell North, Halswell                        319700, 319800,
                                          Coastal              Bexley, Bottle Lake,                   (Christchurch City), Inlets other            326000, 326200,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hillmorton, Hornby,           South, Halswell West, Hawthornden,                           320200, 320300,
                                                               Bromley, Brooklands,                   Christchurch City, Lancaster Park,           326500, 326800,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Hornby South,                 Hei, Hillmorton, Hoon Hay East, Hoon                         320400, 320700,
                                                               Kaianga, Marshland,                    Linwood East, Linwood North, Linwood         327200, 327500,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Islington, Middleton,         Hay South, Hoon Hay West, Hornby                             321000, 321100,
                                                               New Brighton,                          West, Marshland, New Brighton, North         327800, 327900,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Sockburn, Templeton,          Central, Hornby South, Hornby West,                          321200, 321800,
                                                               North New Brighton,                    Beach, Opawa, Ōtakaro-Avon River             328300, 328400,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Wigram, Yaldhurst             Ilam North, Ilam South, Ilam University,                     321900, 322000,
                                                               Parklands, Pegasus                     Corridor, Parklands, Phillipstown,           328500, 328600,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Islington, Islington-Hornby Industrial,                      322300, 322400,
                                                               Bay, South New                         Prestons, Queenspark, Rawhiti,               328800, 328900,                       Riccarton   Avonhead, Ilam,               Kennedys Bush, Middleton, Mona                               322500, 322700,
                                                               Brighton, Southshore,                  Richmond North (Christchurch City),          329300, 329600,                                   Middleton, Riccarton,         Vale, Oaklands East, Oaklands West,                          322800, 322900,
                                                               Spencerville, Waimairi                 Richmond South (Christchurch City),          329800, 330100,                                   Russley, Sockburn,            Paparua, Port Hills, Riccarton Central,                      323200, 323300,
                                                               Beach                                  Shirley East, Shirley West, South            330200, 330400,                                   Upper Riccarton               Riccarton East, Riccarton Racecourse,                        323500, 323600,
                                                                                                      New Brighton, Styx, Travis Wetlands,         330500, 330700,
                                          Linwood              Aranui, Avonside,                                                                                                                                                   Riccarton South, Riccarton West,                             324100, 324200,
                                                                                                      Waimairi Beach, Wainoni, Waitikiri,          330900, 331000,
                                                               Bexley, Bromley,                                                                                                                                                    Sockburn North, Sockburn South,                              324300, 324400,
                                                                                                      Woolston East, Woolston North,               331100, 331400,
                                                               Ferrymead, Linwood,                                                                                                                                                 Templeton, Tower Junction, Upper                             324500, 324700,
                                                                                                      Woolston South, Woolston West                331500, 331700,
                                                               Wainoni, Woolston                                                                                                                                                   Riccarton, Westmorland, Wharenui,                            324900, 325000,
                                                                                                                                                   331800, 332300
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Wigram East, Wigram North, Wigram                            325200, 325400,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   South, Wigram West, Yaldhurst                                325500, 326100,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                326300, 326400,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                326700, 327300,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                327700, 328000,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                329000, 329500,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                330000, 331600

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Christchurch City Council Representation Review - Initial Proposal for the 2022 Local Authority Election
Ward/                                                                                                Statistical
      Community Board                                 Communities                                     Statistical Area 2 Name
                                          Subdivision                                                                                          Area 2 ID
      Waipapa/                            Central              Christchurch Central,                  Addington North, Avonside, Belfast       316800, 316900,
      Papanui-Innes-                                           Edgeware, Linwood,                     East, Belfast West, Bishopdale           317200, 317300,
      Central Community                                        Merivale, Phillipstown,                North, Bishopdale South, Bryndwr         317400, 317600,
      Board                                                    Richmond, St Albans                    North, Bryndwr South, Casebrook,         317800, 317900,
                                          Innes                Belfast, Christchurch                  Charleston (Christchurch City),          318400, 318600,
                                                               Central, Edgeware,                     Christchurch Central, Christchurch       318800, 319000,
                                                               Kainga, Mairehau,                      Central-East, Christchurch Central-      319400, 319600,
                                                               Marshland, Redwood,                    North, Christchurch Central-South,       319900, 320000,
                                                               Richmond, Shirley,                     Christchurch Central-West, Clearwater,   320100, 320500,
                                                               St Albans                              Dallington, Edgeware, Ensors, Hagley     320800, 320900,
                                                                                                      Park, Holmwood, Lancaster Park,          321300, 321400,
                                          Papanui              Bishopdale, Bryndwr,                   Linwood North, Linwood West,             321700, 322100,
                                                               Casebrook, Mairehau,                   Mairehau North, Mairehau South,          322200, 322600,
                                                               Northcote, Papanui,                    Malvern, Marshland, Merivale, Mona       323000, 323100,
                                                               Redwood, St Albans,                    Vale, Northcote (Christchurch City),     323200, 323400,
                                                               Strowan                                Northlands (Christchurch City),          323800, 323900,
                                                                                                      Northwood, Papanui East, Papanui         324600, 324800,
                                                                                                      North, Papanui West, Phillipstown,       324900, 325200,
                                                                                                      Prestons, Redwood East, Redwood          325300, 325700,
                                                                                                      North, Redwood West, Regents Park,       325800, 325900,
                                                                                                      Riccarton East, Richmond North           326400, 326500,
                                                                                                      (Christchurch City), Richmond South      326600, 326800,
                                                                                                      (Christchurch City), Rutland, Shirley    327000, 327100,
                                                                                                      East, Shirley West, St Albans East, St   327800, 327900,
                                                                                                      Albans North, St Albans West, Strowan,   328100, 328500,
                                                                                                      Styx, Sydenham Central, Woolston         328800, 328900,
                                                                                                      North                                    329600, 330100,
      Waihoro/           Cashmere                              Beckenham, Cashmere,                   Addington East, Addington North,         322300, 323500,
      Spreydon-                                                Cracroft, Hillsborough,                Addington West, Beckenham, Bromley       324900, 325000,
      Cashmere-Heathcote                                       Huntsbury, Kennedys                    North, Bromley South, Brookhaven-        325500, 326100,
      Community Board                                          Bush, Lansdowne,                       Ferrymead, Cashmere East, Cashmere       326400, 326700,
                                                               St Martins, Somerfield,                West, Christchurch Central-South,        326900, 327100,
                                                               Sydenham,                              Clifton Hill, Ensors, Hagley Park,       327300, 327400,
                                                               Westmorland                            Halswell North, Heathcote Valley,        327600, 327700,
                                          Heathcote            Bromley, Clifton,                      Hillmorton, Hillsborough (Christchurch   328100, 328200,
                                                               Ferrymead, Heathcote                   City), Hoon Hay East, Hoon Hay South,    328700, 328800,
                                                               Valley, Hillsborough,                  Hoon Hay West, Huntsbury, Inlet Port     329000, 329100,
                                                               McCormacks Bay,                        Lyttelton, Inlets other Christchurch     329200, 329400,
                                                               Moncks Bay, Mt                         City, Kennedys Bush, Lancaster Park,     329500, 329700,
                                                               Pleasant, Opawa,                       Middleton, Mount Pleasant, Opawa,        329900, 330000,
                                                               Redcliffs, Richmond                    Port Hills, Redcliffs, Sockburn South,   330300, 330400,
                                                               Hill, St Martins,                      Somerfield East, Somerfield West,        330500, 330600,
                                                               Scarborough, Sumner,                   Spreydon North, Spreydon South,          330700, 330800,
                                                               Sydenham, Taylors                      Spreydon West, Saint Martins, Sumner,    330900, 331000,
                                                               Mistake, Waltham,                      Sydenham Central, Sydenham North,        331100, 331200,
                                                               Woolston                               Sydenham South, Sydenham West,           331300, 331400,
                                                                                                      Teddington, Tower Junction, Waltham,     331500, 331600,
                                          Spreydon             Addington, Hillmorton,                 Westmorland, Woolston East, Woolston     331800, 331900,
                                                               Hoon Hay, Somerfield,                  South, Woolston West                     332000, 332100,
                                                               Spreydon, Sydenham,                                                             332300, 332400,
                                                               Wigram                                                                          332600, 332700,

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