Africa Academy of Management
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October, 2020 Africa Academy of Management September, 2020 Newsletter AFAM Mission: To foster the general advancement of knowledge and scholarship in the theory and practice of management among African scholars and or Academics interested in management or organisation issues in Africa AFAM 6th Biennial Conference Theme: Management Praxis in the African Context: Sustainability, Responsibility and Ethics Dates: 8-10 January, 2022 Venue: The German University in Cairo, Egypt. As we usher in a new decade, our nations, insti- tutions, and communities are facing grand chal- lenges that include the impact of climate change, corruption, poor governance, persistent inequali- ty, and political instability which collectively, de- fine the context of management education and practice. In considering the theme of management praxis through the lens of sustainability, responsibility, and ethics, our aim is to explore answers to questions such as: a) What role does management education play in preparing responsible and ethical leaders? b) How are African institutions and organizations responding to, and preparing for, the realities and challenges of climate change and other grand challenges? c) How can African countries and communities become resilient in the face of the volatile, uncer- tain, and complex environment in which we are living? d) How are different types and sizes of business- es in the continent responding to, and mitigating against climate change? How are they engaging their various stakeholders in their sustainability efforts? - Continued in Page 3
AFAM, September, 2020. Page 2 October 17, 2020 Dear AFAM Members, Greetings! I hope you are all doing well in this era of COVID-19. Please try to keep yourself safe! You matter so much to yourself, family, school, and AFAM! I write for two reasons. First, I want to check on you as a mem- ber of the AFAM family which is in the spirit of our relational humanism to be there for each other. Each of In this Issue us is because we are! Second, I want to briefly update you on what AFAM has been doing. Obvi- Cover Page: ously, the pandemic halted the activities of organizations and nations. We Call for Papers: 6th Biennial are no exception. Given the uncertainty associated with COVID-19, we do Conference of the Africa Acad- not know how things will be in 2022. Nonetheless, we are still planning our emy of Management, January biennial conference to be held in Cairo, Egypt, in January 2022. Please look 2022, Cairo, Egypt. out for the call for papers which has been distributed and included in this newsletter. Our partners in Egypt are working diligently with us to ensure the conference is successful. As you prepare to submit, please encourage Page 2: others to join you in submitting their papers and reviewing for the confer- Message from AFAM ence when the submission system is opened in January. We expect it to be President. as successful, if not better, than previous conferences. In addition to the conference, the executives have embarked on a strategic initiative for the next decade. Termed AFAM2030, it will be the guide to Page 3 & 4 our discourse and activities for the next ten years. Obviously, we will need AFAM 2022 Egypt Conference your feedback and involvement in the activities that emerge from the stra- tracks tegic initiative. We hope you will respond when called upon. We began im- plementing one of the plans – Potential Optimization of members. It will Page 5: involve the use of webinars to train and development members. Our first AFAM 2022 Egypt Conference webinar, a dry run, was held on Sept 4, 2020. It focused on the Covid19 Track Submission details Pandemic - Managing and Leading Educational Institutions in Africa During Covid19 - and involved Deans and Vice Chancellors from African Universities. We expect to build on this in 2021. Page 6: Let me conclude by saying THANK YOU VERY MUCH for your membership Africa Journal of Management and involvement in AFAM. AFAM really cherishes your engagement. May I encourage you and your colleagues to be active members of AFAM. It is Page 7: through active involvement that we can make AFAM a transformative or- Palgrave Leadership & ANSES ganization. I also want to thank those who were able to participate in our Social Entrepreneur Webinar first webinar. I hope you will participate in future webinars that are being Series planned. Page 8:: AFAM members Publication David B Zoogah, PhD News President
AFAM Newsletter, September 2020 AFAM, September, 2020. Page 3 Page 7 Call For Papers: 6th Biennial Conference of the Africa Academy of Management on Management Praxis in the African Context: Sustainability, Responsibility and Ethics. 8-10 January, 2022: Venue: The German University in Cairo, Egypt. Conference themes are Public Policy, Administration and Non- Track 4: Strategy and International Governmental Organizations. Management Chairs: Tahiru Liedong, University of Conference Tracks Bath, UK ( Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management The Strategy and International Man- Strategy and International Management agement track welcomes conceptual Entrepreneurship and Small Business and empirical papers that focus on all Social Issues in Management areas of strategy and international management in an African context Sustainability and Green Management both in the private and public sector; 6. Management Practice and a comparative analysis of the Afri- can environment with other regions of the world. Papers focusing on supply - Continued from front page the world. chain management and technology strategy should also be submitted to this track. e) In what ways can leadership Track 2: Organizational Behavior development help to prepare re- and Human Resource Management sponsible ethical leaders? Chair: Bella Galperin, University of Track 5: Social Issues in Manage- Tampa, USA ( ment f) How is sustainability and ethics re- Chair: Raghda Mohamed Mamdouh flected in public policies in Africa? This track welcomes conceptual and El-Ebrashi, German University How can public policy initiatives ad- empirical papers including all aspects Cairo, Egypt vance sustainability in management of both organizational behavior and ( education and practice in the conti- human resource management, prefer- nent? ably in an African context, and a com- The Social Issues in Management parative analysis of the African con- track explores the extent to which g) What is the role of African leaders text with other parts of the world. management research can be used to and managers in addressing inequali- address social issues, such as pov- ties based on gender, ethnicity, class erty, inequality, healthcare, armed and sexual orientation? How can Track 3: Public Policy, Administra- conflict, disputes, sustainable devel- management help governance in Afri- tion and Non-Governmental Organi- opment, and child labor in the African ca through leadership, values, ethics, zations context. We also examine how social and culturally-appropriate practices to Chair: Jean Kabongo, University of issues can integrate the management transform the African enterprise? South Florida Sarasota-Manatee, of ‘unrealistic’ expectations from dif- USA ( ferent social groups including unions, students and teachers. Submission Tracks This track encourages conceptual and empirical papers that investigate any Track 1: Entrepreneurship and aspect of public and non- governmen- Track 6: Sustainability and Green Small Business tal organizations. The papers may Management Chair: Brett Anitra Gilbert, American address topics related to any of the Chair: Ali Awni, American University University, USA following: public governance; public in Cairo, Egipt ( service quality including health admin- ( istration and management; public The Entrepreneurship and SME track management; E-government; public The Sustainability and Green Man- welcomes both empirical and concep- administration and policy; educational agement track welcomes conceptual tual papers examining issues relating leadership; non- governmental organi- and empirical papers that focus on all to emergence, growth, innovation and zations; stakeholder engagement; and areas of sustainability – economic, sustainability in both entrepreneurial, public-private partnerships. social, and environmental – in an Afri- family, and small business research in can context both in the private and Africa and a comparative analysis of public sector. Studies that compare the African context with other parts of the African context with other regions
AFAM, September, 2020. Page 4 Submission Tracks ( Continued from Page 3) Track 7: PDW/Caucus/Symposia Chair: Menatallah Samir Darrag, Germany University in Cairo, Egypt. ( Submissions can either be a pro- posal for a structured discussion on a topic of common interest, or a work- shop aimed at providing a forum through which conference partici- pants can engage with each other. PDW sessions will not appear in the proceedings. Submissions should describe the activities, goals, and time/equipment required. Track 8: Management Practice Chairs: Sherwat Elwan Ibrahim, American University in Cairo, Egypt. ( ences of renowned senior faculty The Management Practice track wel- comes submissions that report or Track 9: Doctoral Consortium & colleagues. Sessions will be struc- reflect on management practices Junior Faculty Consortium tured as roundtable discussions to implemented in Africa-based organi- Chairs: Hermann Ndofor, Indiana facilitate additional development and zations. Submissions can be evi- University, USA ( coaching. dence-based studies that describe these practices, their implementation, Amanuel Tekleab, Wayne State This is also an excellent way for doc- and highlight critical success factors. University, USA toral students and junior faculty The objective is to stimulate conver- ( members to become involved in sations regarding how to enhance AFAM. These sessions will not ap- effectiveness of implementing man- These consortia, which will be pear in the proceedings. Queries agement practices as well as held on 7th January 2022, are de- about the consortium should be sent knowledge transfer. signed to provide ideas, tools, and to Hermann Ndofor strategies to be successful in aca- ( or Amanuel demia by drawing upon the experi- Tekleab ( CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Proceedings Editor: Dorothy Mpabanga, University of Botswana, Botswana ( Accepted papers may be published in the Best Paper Proceedings of the Conference. There will be a best pa- per award for each track. Winners will receive a certificate and the paper will be highlighted in the conference program. Best papers will also be considered for publication in the Africa Journal of Management (AJOM) sub- ject to the journal’s blind review process. Please check the AJOM website at
AFAM Newsletter, September 2020 AFAM, September, 2020. Page 5 Page 9 Submission Guidelines: 6th Biennial Conference of the Africa Academy of Management Please follow these guidelines and 7. Use Times New Roman 12-pitch formatting instructions to prepare your font, double spaced, and 1-inch (2.5 paper. cm) margin all around. 1. Each paper can only be submitted 8. Number all the pages of the pa- to ONE track. If a proposed idea does per. not seem to fit any of the tracks de- scribed above, authors should contact 9. No changes in the paper title, ab- the Program Co-Chairs: Samuel stract, authorship, and actual paper Aryee ( and can occur after the submission dead- Lilian Otaye-Ebede, University of line. Liverpool Management School (email: The tentative conference schedule is Your 10. Check that the PDF File of your as follows: submission will be directed to the paper prints correctly and ensure most appropriate track. that the file is virus-free. Paper, Symposia, and PDW Submis- sions– April 30, 2021 2. All papers and proposals should be 11. Submissions will be done on-line submitted electronically via the con- on the AFAM 2022 conference web- Notification of Acceptance – June 30, ference website at site, from January 30, 2021 - April 2021 www.africaacademyofmanagement.or 30, 2021. All submissions must be g submitted by the deadline of April Proceedings Submission: July 15, 2021 30, 2021. 3. Submitted papers must NOT have been previously published and if un- 12. Only submissions in English will ENQUIRIES der review, must NOT appear in print be accepted for review. Enquiries about the conference may be before the AFAM 2022 Conference. directed to the: 13. Once a submission is accepted, 4. Paper submissions will be blind all panelists in a PDW/Caucus and Program Co-Chairs: reviewed. Authors should therefore Symposia, and at least one author of Samuel Aryee ( remove all author-identifying infor- each co-authored paper must regis- and mation, including acknowledgements ter for the conference by September Lilian Otaye-Ebede (L.E. from the text, and document proper- 30, 2021. ties. If authors/panelists do not register 5. The paper (title page, abstract, by the deadline, their submissions Local Organizing Committee main text, figures, tables, references, will not be included in the Confer- (German University in Cairo): etc.) must be in one document creat- ence Program or Proceedings. ed in a PDF format. 1. Ahmed Amin 14. RULE OF 3: A participant may 6. The maximum length of a paper be listed as an author or co-author ( must be 40 pages (including tables, on up to 3 submitted papers. appendices and references). The pa- 2. Nancy Bouchra per format should follow the Africa 15. Those submitting work to the ( Journal of Management’s style guide conference are expected to serve as 1. (APA Style Guide 6th Edition) reviewers and are invited to register 3. Hania Morsy (https://www as both an author and reviewer on ( author Submission? the conference website. show=instructions&journalC NOTE: Papers that do not follow ode=rajm20). these formatting instructions WILL NOT be sent out for review.
AFAM, September, 2020. Page 6 AJOM Latest Issue: Volume 6, 2020 - Issue 3: Multilevel perspectives on leadership in the African context Editorial: Michael A. Abebe, Amanuel G. Tekleab & Augustine A. La- do (2020) Multilevel perspectives on leadership in the African con- text, Africa Journal of Management, 6:3, 145- 160, DOI: 10.1080/23322373.2020.1779575 Research Articles: Baniyelme D. Zoogah & James B. Abugre (2020) Restorative fol- lowership in Africa: Antecedents, moderators, and consequenc- es, Africa Journal of Management, 6:3, 161- 193, DOI: 10.1080/23322373.2020.1777818 Mazanai Musara & Cecile Nieuwenhuizen (2020) Informal sector entrepreneurship, individual entrepreneurial orientation and the emergence of entrepreneurial leadership, Africa Journal of Man- agement, 6:3, 194-213, DOI: 10.1080/23322373.2020.1777817 Baniyelme D. Zoogah (2020) Companionate leadership: A shemswian perspective, Africa Journal of Management, 6:3, 214 -247, DOI: 10.1080/23322373.2020.1779944 AFAM Members Only: If you missed an email detailing how to access the AJOM journal from Taylor & Francis (T&F) when they first set up your journal order, please follow the simple steps below to begin enjoying reading the journal online. Steps to access AJOM Online: arrow you will see 'Account settings' click into All paid AFAM members need to register an ac- this. Then click into 'Access entitlements' to the count in T&T website in the first instance using left of your screen. You will then see the journal only the email address associated with your title, click into this and you will be taken to the online AFAM membership account: volumes/issues. user/login. Please note that T&F cannot delivery hard copy journals to you if your personal information on Once in, click into 'Register' AFAM website is not up to date. We kindly re- top right of the screen. Your email is your quest all members to always keep your infor- username. Set a unique password. mation updated whenever new changes occur. This includes those who have completed their Once you have completed this step you will re- PhDs as it affects your membership types! ceive a validation email. Please add '' to your safe senders list to If you do not wish to receive hard copies of the ensure these types of emails are not sent to your journal, kindly email the membership coordinator: spam folder or blocked by your service provider. Once you have successfully registered and Thank you for your support. 'logged in' click into 'Your Account' under your name at the top of the page. On the drop-down Dr. Judy Muthuri AFAM Membership Coordinator
AFAM Newsletter, September 2020 AFAM, September, 2020. Page 7 Page 6 Palgrave Studies in African Palgrave Studies in African Leadership The ANSES webinar series com- Leadership prises the following 4 webinars: Almost every continent has solid repre- sentation in the field of leadership stud- Winning recipes for high-impact Recent publications research. Speaker: Sophie Bacq. ies except for Africa, despite its rapid growth. A ground-breaking series, Pal- Monday 28 September 2020, 16:00- Other titles include: grave Studies in African Leadership 17:30 SATS. fills a gap in the production of Leading an African Renaissance: knowledge and scholarly publishing on Publishing in academic journals: Africa and provides a much needed Opportunities and Challenges qualitative stud- outlet for the works of scholars inter- ies. Speaker: Michael Roy. Thurs- ested in African leadership studies day 8 October 2020, 16:00-17:30 around the world. Where many studies LEAD: Leadership Effectiveness SATS. of leadership in Africa focus solely on in Africa and the African Diaspo- one country or region, this series looks Publishing in academic journals: to address leadership in each of the ra quantitative studies. Speaker: Tom different regions and countries of the Lumpkin. Thursday 12 November Transformative and Engaging 2020, 16:00-17:30 SATS. continent. Leadership: Lessons from Indig- This comes at a time when business enous African Women and academic discourse have begun to Conducting a literature review and focus on the emerging markets across how to get it published. Africa. The wide-ranging scholarly per- If you’d like to propose a vol- spectives offered in this series allow for Speaker: Johan Bruneel. Thursday ume, please contact the series 3 December 2020, 16:00-17:30 greater understanding of the founda- editors for more information. tion of African leadership and its impli- SATS. cations for the future. To register, please fill in this Topics and contributors will come from form: ANSES launches Social fzRJfZ1pY8S3fUUt9 various backgrounds to fully explore African leadership and the implications Entrepreneur Series for business, including scholars from business and management, history, ANSES political science, gender studies, soci- ology, religious studies, and African ANSES (African Network of Social Membership studies. The series will analyze a varie- Entrepreneurship Scholars) is an ty of topics including African political academic network committed to ANSES also encourages leadership, women's leadership, reli- enabling the capacity of scholars to those who are interested to gious leadership, servant leadership, conduct research on social entre- sign up specific regions, specific countries, preneurship in Africa. for ANSES membership (at specific the bottom of the same webi- gender cat- To this end, ANSES has put togeth- er a webinar series and invites you nar registration form), which egories, is free-of-charge this year. specific to sign up. While mainly targeted at business social entrepreneurship scholars, Feel free to extend the invita- entities in the webinar series is open to any- tion to others (I attach here Africa, and one who wishes to attend. The se- an introduction about our more. ries is sponsored by VLIR-UOS’ network). Should you have Social Enterprise project, which is a collaboration between the Universi- any queries, you can get in ty of Pretoria and KU Leuven. touch at
AFAM Newsletter, September 2020 AFAM, September, 2020. Page 8 Page 4 AFAM Members Publication News Dr Françoise Chevalier of HEC Paris is glad to share information on recent publications: Congratulations One chapter in English, and a book in Anna Kim (Assistant Professor, Strategy French. Both are addressing Research Questions & Organization — Sustainability at De- in the African context. sautels Faculty of Management McGill University) F. Chevalier & E. Kamdem, 2019 « Field Re- search and Grounded Theory : An Avenue for Fu- Eivor Oborn, Michael Barrett, Wanda Or- ture Research in Africa » in Advancing Afri- likowski, & Anna Kim: can Knowledge Management and Education , H. Kazeroony, A. Stachowicz-Stanusch, & W. 2020 OCIS Best Published Paper Amann, (Eds), Information Age Publishing, USA, Award, 1st runner up, Organizational pp. 81-98 Communication & Information Systems (OCIS) Division, Academy of Manage- E. Kamdem, F. Chevalier ment. & M.Payaud (Eds), 2020, La recherche enraci- née en management : contextes nouveaux et per- spectives nouvelles en Afrique , Editions EMS, Anna Kim has also published the following Caen, France paper Oborn, E., Barrett, M., Orlikowski, W., Kim, A. (2019) “Trajectory dynamics in Our member Judy N. Muthuri at Nottingham Uni- innovation: Developing and transforming a versity Business School, UK has published the mobile money service across time and Africa edition - the second in the series discussing place.” Organization Science, 30 (5): 1097 challenges and efforts of BOP markets around the –1123. world. Muthuri, J.N., Arnold, M., Gold, S., & Rueda, X. This paper draws upon our field study of (eds) (2020). Frugal Innovation in the Base of the Pyramid Markets in Africa: Innovation and Chal- mobile money service innovation in Ken- lenges to Sustainability, Routledge, United King- ya. Anna Kim is delighted that a paper dom. based on Africa was recognized at the Markets-Africa-Sustainability/dp/1138389110 If you have news to share with AFAM Members, please email: Dr. Nceku Nyathi Royal Holloway, University of London. School of Business and Management AFAM Communications Chair Email:
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