Administrator's Message - Season's Greetings! - Seine River ...

Administrator's Message - Season's Greetings! - Seine River ...
January 2022

    Administrator’s Message - Season's Greetings!
Season’s greetings to our Ste. Anne Elementary School community!

A huge shout out to our Middle Years’ Leadership staff and students who spread cheer throughout our
school last week during our, ‘Jolly Jamboree.’ ‘Kindness’ was the theme of the week, (a virtue we
encourage everyday of the year!) and activities planned were linked to both literacy and numeracy.
There was a school-wide shared write composed that will be shared during our TEAMS month-end
assembly Friday. Thanks to Grade 7/8 DeClercq and Wait for preparing Esti-Mysteries for all grade
levels in our school. Esti-Mysteries are images that invite students to wonder what number is
represented by the image. Students use critical thinking skills, problems solving skills and prior
knowledge to offer reasonable estimations.

We look forward to providing our students with a pancake breakfast on the last day of school,
compliments of our Breakfast for Learning program and thanks to school staff who have volunteered
their time to make this possible! Please note all Covid protocols will be adhered to during the
preparation and distribution of the breakfast.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to the families, students, and staff of SAE as we
continue to navigate the challenges that the pandemic has posed and the regulations that are specific
to Southern Health; together we have overcome many challenges, obstacles, and changes! Thank you
for your resiliency!

Thanks also for your generosity! We have received an outstanding number of donations for our food
drive; donations will be given to the local foodbank -thank you for supporting our community in such a
gracious way!

Over the holidays, you can easily 'sneak' reading into daily activities at home. Here are some tips:
• Have your children read holiday cards when they are received in the mail and let them write
   a message in outgoing cards.
• Let children read ingredients from holiday recipes while you bake together. It's a great way for
   them to learn measurements and temperatures too.
• Set aside time for kids to "show off" their new reading skills virtually to relatives. Children
   love being the focus of attention, and grandparents are usually more than willing to see
   their progress.
• Make special holiday readings a tradition. Find a special holiday book and have each member of the
   family read from it at the same time each year.
• Even if books do not make your child's wish list, make sure you give at least one as a gift,
   and encourage them to read it.
• Find books that focus on an interest your child has. For example, if they ask for a bike, find a book
   on Lance Armstrong, or a children's book that includes a bicycle adventure. There are books out
   there to suit every interest under the sun – it just takes a little browsing.
• (Some suggestions reprinted from

We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe 2022 and enjoyable holiday season and
remind everyone that classes resume on Monday, January 10th.

See you in the New Year! - Mrs. Mykytyn
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2     Ste. Anne Elementary School

                December Awards
Teacher                 Athletic             Music
K– Brock
   James                K– Kyra              K– Caleb
1/2A - Yuma             1/2A - William       1/2A - Alexis
       Brookes          1/2B - Dante         1/2B - Jaxtyn
1/2B - Kaine            3/4A - Ashley        3/4A - Janelle
3/4A - Zane             3/4B - Angela        3/4B - Madilynn
3/4B - Marcus           5/6A - Rylan         5/6A - Kalea
5/6A - Makinley         5/6B - Sophie        5/6B - Carmen
5/6B - Jakob            6/7 - Titan          6/7 - Tyler
6/7 - Faith
7/8A - Keenan           7/8A - Braileen      7/8A - Tyler
7/8B - Ryden            7/8B - Ashleigh      7/8B - Caylee

                               Counselor's Corner
Ross Greene is a clinical child psychologist who has authored famous books such as ‘The
Explosive Child”, “Lost at School”, and “Raising Human Beings”. Through his research he has
determined that kids do well if they can, and if they can’t there’s a reason. At SAE we try to
live by that philosophy. We know that when children come to school, they don’t wake up and
decide that they are going to give everyone around them a hard time, and although we can’t
always figure it out, we do try to look beyond the unexpected behaviours to understand what’s
really going on and respond to what the child needs.

Despite the Christmas carol telling us ‘it’s the most wonderful time of the year’ any parent
knows that the excitement and stresses of the holiday season impacts a child’s ability to stay
regulated and there is no shortage of meltdowns and attitude. The website offers parents some suggestions on how to reframe their thoughts on a
child’s difficult behaviours, so instead of reacting, they can respond in a more helpful way.

Instead of believing that your child is giving you a hard time, try changing that thought to ‘my
child is having a hard time’. This perspective will help you figure out what the child needs in
the moment and will allow you to respond in a more helpful way.

Behaviour is communication. When children are
experiencing big feelings, they are not able to
access the part of their brain that allows them to
express their needs clearly and calmly. Be curious.
What is the child trying to tell you through their

Finally, knowing that ‘misbehaviour is an unmet need’
will help you to determine what physical, cognitive
or social-emotional skills the child needs you to help
them develop so they can do better next time.
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Ste. Anne Elementary School               3

                            Kindergarten - Ms. Wait
December has been a busy writing month creating persuasive texts to share our ideas of the best
things in our world. We have been labeling our picture stories by learning how to record sounds in words
       • Saying the word we want to write,
       • Saying the word slowly and listening for sounds to link to our alphabet chart,
       • Writing a letter for each sound.
Student are developing keen ears for sounds and are making more and more connections between
letters, sounds, and words with the sound.

We continue to work on numbers and patterns, and have begun sorting items based on a single attribute
such as colour, shape, or size.


   Emily’s best season is winter. She labeled
            Hat, Dog, and Snowman.                                               James’ best animal
                                                                                 is a turtle, labeled
                                                                                      with a ‘T’.
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4      Ste. Anne Elementary School

                                     Grade 1/2 Classes
Grade 1/2s have been working on writing procedural text this month.
Some features of a great material list include a descriptive title, a list of
materials, numbered steps, detailed steps, and every step starting with a
Here are some examples we wrote:
This month the grade 1/2 students decided to celebrate December by
demonstrating an act of kindness every day. Together we generated a list
of "acts of kindness." Here is what they wrote:
Say 'Hi, Good Morning, or Good bye' to someone.
Make a heart with a message to give to someone.
Make a decoration to give to someone.
Make a friendly note for someone.
Play with someone new.
Cooperate with your classmates.
Clean up something without being told.
Make something to give to a new friend.
Give someone a compliment.
Say please and thank you as much as
Make a donation box to deliver to the local
food bank .

How to Make Apple Juice
By: Zaffari

Materials: an apple, a cup
Step 1: Get an apple
Step 2: Cut the apple in half
Step 3: Mash the apple
Step 4: Get a cup
Step 5: Pour the juice in the cup and you drink
your juice.

How to Wash your Hands
By: Alexis
                                                  How to Make Grilled Cheese - By: Quinn
Materials: Sink, hands, soap, towel               Materials: Bread, Cheese, Ketchup, Frying pan, Butter
Step 1: Turn on the sink                          Get the bread
Step 2: Rinse your hands                          Take plastic off the cheese
Step 3: Put soap on your hands                    Get a frying pan
Step 4: Rub hands together for 20 seconds         Butter the bread
Step 5: Rinse your hands again                    Put cheese in the sandwich
Step 6: Dry your hands on a towel                 Cook it
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Ste. Anne Elementary School   5

BFL Pancake Breakfast

 Food Bank Donation
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6    Ste. Anne Elementary School

                               Grade 3/4 Brown
Mrs. Brown’s class has fun! We have been writing Elf on
the Shelf reports. We have calculated Christmas tree
ornaments in open-ended math questions. Students have
been diligently working on their Far North power point
projects. We have been working on our research skills as
we are learning about the Yukon, Northwest Territories,
and Nunavut. We have also had the opportunity to learn
about the art concept of vanishing point with Mrs. Doll.
We have been very busy!

I wish that everyone has a safe winter break!
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                              Grade 3/4 Hiebert
Mrs. Hiebert’s class has been very busy this month. We are
working hard on our Canadian North research projects. We
are learning how to solve multiplication problems and are
doing esti mystery problem solving in math. We have been
practicing opinion writing and have written letters to Santa.
We loved making our Puffin art with Mrs. Doll when she
came to visit. Our class has been having so much fun looking
for our Elf on the Shelf each day. He hides in the funniest

Have a wonderful break everyone!!!
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8      Ste. Anne Elementary School

Grade 5/6 Works on an Out-of-this World Project!
This month, Grade 5/6-A has not only been thinking “outside of the box”, but also outside of this world!
connecting Science, Social Studies and Visual Art to writing, students are working on a large project
where they are inventing their own planets!
Here are all the cross-curricular connections we are working on!
In Science we are learning about our solar system. Students have been comparing their invented
planets to other planets that actually exist. Shape, size, colour and other physical attributes are
compared and contrasted, as students experiment with enhancing language with imagery in creative
ways using their imaginations.
Students will also be following the steps of the design process as they construct their planet models
(prototypes). Diagrams, safety plans, lists of materials, and reflections, brings writing into Science!
Also, writing out their step-by-step plan is good practice for our upcoming writing focus, procedural
Social Studies
Once the projects are done, students will be presenting their writing and planets to the class. Then, we
will be going through the election process (we learned about last term) and holding a formal election to
determine which planet students would like to move to (in theory)! We are using an official election box
and screen and there will be voters’ cards, ballots, and proof of I.D (student cards) required to vote!
Visual Art
Students will be sculpting 3-D models of their planets (also related to the design process) using Hey
Clay we collected. We will be focusing on the elements of colour, texture and shape as students
experiment with this new media and techniques.
Aside from practicing procedural writing (as it relates to the design process in Science with this
project), our writing form for December is persuasive writing; with a focus on ideas and enhancing
language. Students have been working on brainstorming writing ideas to create imagery (details and
adjectives that appeal to the senses). Students invented all sorts of wonderful details about their
planets, convincing others to move there! Here are some of the interesting ideas for planets…
- Winter Wonderland, a planet that’s tiny like Earth’s moon, but has rings like Saturn. (Makinley)
- The Peaceful Wonderland the colour of a dull green like the soft grass after a gentle rain (Kalea)
- A planet where when it snows the snow turns into feathers when it touches something (Selena)
-A pastel planet that smells like fresh clothes out of the washer. (Lacey)
- Water World where it sounds quiet like a calm walk and smells like the ground after the rain. (Tyson)
- A planet where the gravity can be turned on and off and smells like wet flowers in a forest. (Brody)
- A planet that is light blue like a clear lake. (Tiana)
-Revanthena, a planet with some caves adorned with exposed rock and cave streams. (Brielle)
-A 92-year-old planet that is gigantic like the sun and sounds like waves crashing against the shore like
voices singing. (Ashley)
-Void, a planet that is baby pink like bubble gum and deep blue like the ocean, with fluffy yellow
beaches. (Karmyn)
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Grade 5/6 cont...
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10    Ste. Anne Elementary School

              Grade 7/8 Wait - Drum Ornaments!!
The Grade 7/8s were treated to a drum ornament-making activity last week!

Ms. Anna, Community Liaison Support for SAE and SAC visited our classroom and led the
students through this activity, which included teachings about history and the traditional
materials used in this craft.
Ste. Anne Elementary School              11

         Leadership News - Jolly Jamboree Results!
The numbers and votes are in and here are the results from SAE’s first ever Jolly Jamboree!
For dress-up days the number of those dressed up for the week totaled 499 people. The Kindergarten
class was the most dressed up with 57 dress-up points.

Early Years made a total of 69 gingerbread bookmarks. Mrs. Hiebert’s class made the most with 18
bookmarks. Special thanks to Max St. Denis for making the procedural writing power point to go along
with this activity.

Middle Years students read a total of 6 665 minutes during the Jolly Jamboree Week! The class that
came in 1st was Mrs. DeClercq’s 7/8’s with 3, 175 points. Second place was Mrs. Lanigan’s 6/7. 5/6-
Desilets took 3rd place and Mrs. Wait’s 7/8’s came in 4th place.

For the Merry Esti-mysteries, the closest initial estimation went to Mrs. DeClerq’s 7/8’s AGAIN. They
were off by one! Special thanks again to the 7/8’s for making these awesome math activities.
For Miss Dupont’s scavenger hunt, Mrs. Brown’s 3/4’s and Mrs. DeClercq’s 7/8s were tied with finding
the most things, at 21 items.

For Rudolph’s Riddles, 5/6 Desilets got all riddles correct, coming in first place with 20 points! 6/7-
Lanigan, 7/8 DeClercq and 7/8 Wait were tied for 2nd, and 1/2 Ruggles, 3/4 Brown and 5/6 Loewen
were tied for 3rd.

129 Holiday Hero tickets were handed out by the adults at SAE, when seeing students being kind and
helpful to others. Mrs. Hiebert’s class got the highest amount of these tickets, with 49. The runner up
was 7/8 Wait with 33 tickets.

SAE collected 256 items for the foodbank. 5/6 Desilets got the most amount of Santa’s Little Helpers
points with 60.

Here are the final results:

10th place- Mrs. Lowen with 95                      5th place- Ms. Ruggles with 166
9th place- Kindergarten with 121                    4th place- Mrs. Lanigan with 191
8th place- Mrs. Stadnyk with 128                    3rd place- Mrs. Hiebert with 199
7th place- Mrs. Wait with 159                       2nd place- Mrs. Desilets with 214
6th place- Mrs. Brown with 164                      1st place- Mrs. DeClerq with 224 points

Congrats to the winning class! You will receive a
special prize soon!

SAE Leadership would like to thank you everyone who
participated in these events. Hope everyone enjoyed
the 2021 Jolly Jamboree! Stay tuned for future
12   Ste. Anne Elementary School

December 21. 2021

Dear SRSD Parents and Guardians,

Following the announcement today from our Minister of Education, this
communication is to confirm that SRSD students will now return to school on
January 10, 2022 unless new health orders change again.

Delayed return to school will provide additional time for Public Health Officials
to assess the risk of the Omicron variant. This is a provincial decision.

School staff are expected to be back at school on January 6 and 7, 2022 for
planning and professional development.

Simon Laplante
                 SCHOOL DIVISION
                ICE FISHING EVENT!
   All Students, Staff, Friends and
  Families from our SRSD Community
             are Welcome!
Date:       Saturday, February 5th, 2022
Time:       9:00am - 1:00pm
Location:   Lockport
            Meet at Lockport North of the Bridge,
            look for the large Seine River School
            Division sign, drill some holes and start
Student Prizes:   -Biggest Fish
                  -Smallest Fish
                  -Closest to the Secret Size
                  -Most Fish and more
Students can borrow ice fishing equipment if they
need. Plenty of holes will be available for anyone
who needs.
People will be around to teach anyone new to ice
fishing and lend out rods.
Come and experience a great Manitoba tradition!
If we need to reschedule due to weather our
alternate date is Feb 12th. Check the SRSD
website for updates.

                                        and Covid
                                          will be
Lost and
Found items.

 Do these
 belong to
your child?
January 2022
     Sun       Mon           Tue          Wed           Thu           Fri            Sat


2          3            4             5            6     Day 4   7      Day 5   8

9          10   Day 6   11    Day 1   12   Day 2   13    Day 3   14    Day 4    15

16         17   Day 5   18    Day 6   19   Day 1   20    Day 2   21    Day 3    22

23         24   Day 4   25    Day 5   26   Day 6   27    Day 1   28    Day 2    29
                        9:00 a.m.

30         31   Day 3
You can also read