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VOLUME 69 | ISSUE 4 | OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 ISSN 2241-4347 Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica He l l eni c a BASIC SCIENCE Muscle activity during locomotion in various inclination surfaces and different running speeds ORIGINAL PAPER Arthroscopic debridement of minor meniscal lesions: Clinical outcome of three years follow up based on questionnaire and search for causes of failure review ARTICLE The role of zoledronic acid in the treatment of post-menopausal osteoporosis Case report Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of the thenar eminence in a 7-year-old child. A case report. Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica HAOST Administrative Board President: Stamatios A. Papadakis President 2017: Pantelis K. Nikolaou A’ Vice-President: Panayiotis I. Papaggelopoulos B’ Vice President: Athanasios Th. Kostakos General Secretary: Odysseas A. Paxinos Treasurer: Konstantinos Th. Kateros Special Secretary: Alexandros A. Eleftheropoulos Simple Member: Zinon Th. Kokkalis Member’s Delegate: Panayiotis D. Megaloikonomos HAOST College Administrative Board President: Stefanos M. Proveleggios Vice-President: Aristides B. Zoubos Ex Officio: Panayiotis I. Papaggelopoulos General Secretary: Nikolaos Markeas Member: Anastasios Mourikis Residents’ Delegate: Panayiotis Megaloikonomos Presidents of HAOST Sections Reconstructive Surgery: Efstathios Chronopoulos Oncology: Theodoros Kormas Foot & Ankle: Iason Petroutsas Spine: Vasileios Lykomitros Shoulder & Elbow: Pericles Papadopoulos Research: Anastasios Christodoulou Infections: Konstantinos Malizos Intramedullary nailing: Christine Arnaoutoglou Paediatric Orthopaedics: Dimitrios Metaxiotis Primary Health Care: Athanasios Badekas Hellenic Association Published by: ZITA MEDICAL MANAGEMENT S.A. of Orthopaedic Surgery 1st klm Peanias - Markopoulou Avenue, Peania, Attica, and Traumatology Greece, P.O BOX 155, 190 02, tel.: +30 211 1001 777, fax: +30 210 6642116, E-mail:
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica Editor in chief Nikolaos Papaioannou Assistant Editors Theodoros Grivas Nikolaos Markeas Stamatios Papadakis Ioannis Triantafyllopoulos Editorial Board Dimitrios-Sergios Evaggelopoulos Dimitrios Economopoulos Efstathios Chronopoulos Konstantinos Kateros Kalliopi Lampropoulou-Adamidou Andreas Mavrogenis Scientific Committee and Reviewers Georgios Babis Khaldi Lubna Athanasios Badekas Georgios Machairas Alexia Balanika Evaggelos Magnisalis Christos Baltas Konstantinos Malizos Hippocrates Chatzokos Panayiotis Megas Anastasios Christodoulou Dionysios Mouzakis Konstantinos Demetzos Pantelis Nikolaou Ioannis Dionysiotis Elias Panayiotopoulos Ismini-Niki Dontas Georgios Panayiotakopoulos Eleni Douni Andreas Panagopoulos Panayiotis Efstathiou Panayiotis Papaggelopoulos Ioannis Feroussis Apostolos Papalois Antonis Galanos Georgios Papanikolaou Ioannis Gliatis Athanasios Papavassiliou Michael Hantes Anastasios Kanellopoulos Georgios Petsatodis Theofilos Karachalios Spyridon Pnevmatikos Aikaterini Katsalira Georgios Sapkas Konstantinos Kazakos Symeon Tournis Georgios Kontakis Georgios Trovas Theodoros Kormas Eleftherios Tsiridis Anastasios Korobilias Minos Tyllianakis Dimitrios Korres Eleni Vavouraki Irene Lambrinoudaki Theodoros Xenakis
Acta instructions to authors 1. Scope uscript and submit their recommendation is three “Acta Orthopaedica Et Traumatologica” is the official weeks. The Editor-in-chief makes the final decision journal of the Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic for publication. The Editorial office will communi- Surgery and Traumatology, first published in 1948. cate the reviewer’s comments and the decision to the This revived edition of Acta Orthopaedica Et Trau- authors. matologica, published in English, aspires to promote scientific knowledge in Orthopaedics and Traumatol- 4. Manuscript originality and copyright ogy worldwide. It is a peer-reviewed Journal, aim- The submitted manuscript should be original, ing at raising the profile of current evidence-based should not contain previously published material Orthopaedic practice and at improving the scientif- and should not be under consideration for publica- ic multidisciplinary dialogue. Acta Orthopaedic Et tion in another journal. The submission needs to be Traumatologica Hellenica presents clinically perti- approved by all co-authors and in case of original nent, original research and timely review articles. It research a ‘guarantor’ of the study is required. As is open to International authors and readers and of- ‘guarantor’ may be considered a senior author that is fers a compact forum of communication to Orthopae- deemed to take overall responsibility for all aspects dic Surgeons and related science specialists. of the study (ethics, originality, consent, data han- dling, and all aspects of Good Medical Practice). The 2. Language ‘guarantor’ of the study does not necessarily need English is the official language of the journal. All sub- to be the corresponding author. The journal will not mitted manuscripts should be written in English. hold legal responsibility should there be any claim for compensation. 3. How to submit a paper All authors need to sign the copyright transfer form All submissions for peer-review should be performed (link) and must have made substantial contributions online through the journal. as established by the ICMJE ( The Editorial office and the Editor-in-chief will per- form the initial assessment of the manuscript and if 5. Conflict of interest disclosure the manuscript is suitable for the journal and the sub- Each author needs to disclose any type of financial mission is complete, it will be sent to the relative re- interest that is related to the study and might create viewers. The reviewing process that is followed is a potential conflict. Funding of the study needs to be double blinded. During on-line submission, authors disclosed. can enter the name/s of non-preferred reviewers. If there is no conflict of interest, this should be The time allocated for reviewers to assess the man- stated in the manuscript before the Reference sec- acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica
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Acta review VOLUME 69 | ISSUE 4 | OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 C over letter: Each manuscript needs to be accompa- cal companies, biomedical device manufacturers or nied by a cover letter signed by the corresponding other corporations whose products or services have author on behalf of the rest of the authors stating been used needs to be included in the Conflicts of that the article is not under consideration in anoth- Interest Form and also mentioned in acknowledge- er journal. In case of article resubmission a point- ments section. by-point answer to the reviewer’s comments needs M easurement Units: All measurements should be to be submitted with the cover letter. mentioned in international units (SI). The full stop T itle page: It includes the title of the manuscript, the should be used as a decimal (i.e. 3.5 cm). Spac- names, affiliations and e-mail addresses of all au- es should be added around the plus/minus sym- thors and the affiliation, address, e-mail address, bol (i.e. 13.6 ± 1.2). There should not be any spaces telephone and fax number of the corresponding au- around range indicators (i.e. 15-20) or equality/in- thor. The name and affiliation of the ‘guarantor’ of equality symbols (i.e. r=0.37, p
instructions to authors VOLUME 69 | ISSUE 4 | OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 review Acta 11. References Surg 2017; doi: 10.1016/j.jse.2017.05.032 Epub 2017 The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the Jul 21. authors. or References need to be cited in the text in the order Papaioannou NA, Triantafyllopoulos IK, Khaldi L, in which they appear. The numbering needs to be in et al. Effect of calcitonin in early and late stages of Arabic numbers and placed in the respective areas of experimentally induced osteoarthritis. A histomor- text into square brackets i.e [1]. phometric study. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 2007; 15(4): References that have not been published at the 386-95. point of submission need to cited with the respective DOI (digital object identifier) number given for on- Book chapters: line first articles. Triantafyllopoulos IK, Papaioannou NA. The Effect All authors (surnames and initials of first name) of Pharmacological Agents on the Bone-Implant In- should be listed when they are three or fewer. If au- terface. In: Karachalios Th. (ed). Bone-Implant Inter- thors are more than three, the first three authors face in Orthopaedic Surgery. Springer – Verlag, Lon- should be listed, then ‘et al.’ needs to follow the name don 2014, pp 221-237. of the third author. When a book chapter is cited, the authors and ti- Online document: tle of the chapter, editors, book title, edition, city and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence. country, publisher, year and specific chapter pages Fractures (Complex): Assessment and Management. should be mentioned. Available via For Online Document, the following should be Published Feb 2016. Updated Sept 2017. Accessed mentioned: authors (if any), title of page, name of in- January 2014. stitution or owner of Web site; URL; dates of publi- cation, update, and access. 12. Review of manuscripts Acceptance of manuscripts for publication is decided Reference examples: by the Editor, based on the results of peer review. Au- thors need to make proof corrections within 72 hours Journal article: upon pdf supplied, check the integrity of the text, ac- Trianafyllopoulos IK, Lampropoulou-Adamidou K, cept any grammar or spelling changes and check if Schizas NP, et al. Surgical treatment of acute type V all the Tables and Figures are included and proper- acromioclavicular joint dislocations in professional ly numbered. Once the publication is online, no fur- athletes: An anatomic ligament reconstruction with ther changes can be made. Further changes can only synthetic implant augmentation. J Shoulder Elbow be published in form of Erratum. acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica
Acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica Contents BASIC SCIENCE Muscle activity during locomotion in various inclination surfaces and different running speeds Theodoros V. Roussos, Athanasia Smirniotou, Flora N. Panteli, Ioannis K. Triantafyllopoulos 154-163 ORIGINAL PAPER Arthroscopic debridement of minor meniscal lesions: Clinical outcome of three years follow up based on questionnaire and search for causes of failure Nick Sekouris, Evans Glyn, Antonios Aggoules 164-171 review ARTICLE The role of zoledronic acid in the treatment of post-menopausal osteoporosis S. Dellis, I.K. Triantafyllopoulos 172-184 Case report Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of the thenar eminence in a 7-year-old child. A case report. Dimitrios Begkas, Nikolaos G. Markeas, Panagiotis Touzopoulos, Leonardos Benakis 185-191
Acta BASIC SCIENCE VOLUME 69 | ISSUE 4 | OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 Muscle activity during locomotion in various inclination surfaces and different running speeds. Theodoros V. Roussos1, Athanasia Smirniotou2, Flora N. Panteli3, Ioannis K. Triantafyllopoulos4 1 Laboratory for the Research of Musculoskeletal Disorders Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece 2 Associate Professor, School of Physical Education and Sport Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece 4 MSc, School of Physical Education and Sport Science National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece 4 Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Abstract During dynamic activities – walking, jogging and running, muscular function is affected by running techniques and foot strike patterns, inclined surfaces and running speed. In order to assess muscle function during these activities, most studies examine certain muscles such as tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius (lateral and medial), soleus, rectus femoris, vastus (medialis and lateralis), hamstrings (biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus), and gluteus. These muscles are commonly selected because they provide supportive and propulsive forces during running. Results of these studies may conclude to special training programs for runners in order to improve their performance. KEYWORDS: Running; muscle activation; running surfaces; running speeds Introduction reaction forces magnitude influences mechanical Running is a popular physical activity and a key function of the musculoskeletal system and muscle element in most conditioning programs. At each activation patterns. running step, when the foot strikes the supporting During dynamic activities – walking and running, ground, a ground reaction force (GRF) of two- or muscular function is affected by running techniques three-times body weight is generated [6] inducing and foot strike patterns, inclined surfaces and run- shock waves that propagate throughout the lo- ning speed. Inclined support surfaces affect the con- comotor system. The load resulting from ground trol of movement in terms of the maintenance of an Corresponding I.K.Triantafyllopoulos MD, MSci, PhD, FEBOT author, Tel. 210-6124007, guarantor Email: 154 acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica
Roussos VT, et al. Muscle activity during locomotion in various inclination surfaces and different running speeds VOLUME 69 | ISSUE 4 | OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 upright posture [22], the foot strike patterns used but not during the support phase. It has also been and the related centre of pressure in anterior – pos- observed that in high – mileage runners the muscu- terior direction during stance, and muscles activity lar activity of the gastrocnemius lateralis during the [24]. Sasagawa [40] assessed the active stabilization support phase was reduced compared to asympto- mechanisms on an inclined surface during quiet matic controls [4]. Probably, the pre-activation of standing and found that muscle activity changed as the gastrocnemius lateralis is in fact necessary in a function of support surface conditions. midfoot strike running technique since the plantar In order to assess muscle function during running, flexors need to counteract the dorsiflexor moment most studies examine the following muscle groups: created during the midfoot strike pattern [16]. tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius (lateral and medial), An earlier, longer and greater plantar flexors (PF) soleus, rectus femoris, vastus (medialis and later- activity, lower dorsiflexor activity, and greater bi- alis), hamstrings (biceps femoris, semimembrano- ceps femoris activity have been observed when run- sus, semitendinosus), and gluteus. These muscles ning with a forefoot strike (FFS) pattern [1,16,50]. are selected because they provide supportive and Runners adopting a forefoot strike pattern activated propulsive forces during running [21]. their plantar flexors muscles 11% earlier and 10% longer than runners with a rearfoot strike pattern. Effects of foot strike pattern and inclined surfaces Specifically, the activation phase of medial gastroc- on muscle activity nemius (MG) occurred 7.7-16.3% of the gait cycle The work performed by muscle groups is partial- earlier and lasted on average 9.7% longer for the ly affected by the foot strike pattern adopted dur- forefoot strike runners compared to rearfoot strike ing locomotion [1,16,50]. According to the heel and runners, at all speeds (2.5, 2.8, 3.2 and 3.5m/sec). metatarsal positioning at landing, three foot strike A similar trend was observed for the activation patterns have been identified: rearfoot strike (RFS) phase of lateral gastrocnemius (LG) as well. Fore- in which the heel lands before the ball of foot, mid- foot strike runners activated their lateral gastroc- foot strike (MFS) in which the heel and the ball of nemius muscles 7.7-13.1% of the gait cycle earlier foot lands almost simultaneously, and forefoot and 6.3-14.3% longer than rearfoot strike runners strike (FFS) in which the ball of foot lands before at all speeds. However, calf muscles deactivation the heel [17]. time was not influenced by running technique. This Muscle activity differs depending on foot strike earlier and longer relative activation of the plantar pattern. During level running, anterior patterns flexors is likely associated with an improved capac- (MFS and FFS) are associated with greater plantar ity for elastic energy storage [1]. flexion and knee flexion at initial contact and with Differences in muscle activity between rearfoot higher gastrocnemius lateralis activity and lower and forefoot strike running patterns were also iden- tibialis anterior and vastus lateralis activity com- tified while running on a treadmill at a speed of pared to posterior patterns (RFS) [1,16,42,47,50]. 4m/sec [50]. Muscle activity was assessed just prior When adopting a forefoot strike running technique, to and after foot contact – an instant with signifi- a more compliant ankle and stiffer knee were ob- cant kinematic differences between strike patterns served during the stance phase, resulting in a great- [3,29]. In accordance with other studies, results er negative work at the ankle and a lower negative revealed that forefoot strike running pattern was work at the knee in forefoot strike patterns com- associated with lower tibialis anterior and higher pared to rearfoot strike patterns [20]. Giandolini gastrocnemius (MG and LG) muscle activity dur- [16] reported that adopting a midfoot strike pattern, ing late swing phase, compared to rearfoot strike in order to reduce loading rate during running, re- patterns. Additionally, the muscle activity of vas- sulted in a higher muscular activity of the gastroc- tus medialis and lateral hamstrings, during late nemius lateralis during the pre-activation phase swing phase, was lower in forefoot strike runners acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica 155
Roussos VT, et al. Muscle activity during locomotion in various inclination surfaces and different running speeds VOLUME 69 | ISSUE 4 | OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 compared to rearfoot strike runners. Muscle activ- square (RMS) values from raw electromyography ity recorded during early stance phase presented (EMG) signals, recorded during the 6.5km downhill no significant differences between forefoot and run, were 28.2 ± 14.5% of RMSmax for vastus later- rearfoot strike patterns. The muscle activity of so- alis, 23.5 ± 10.3% for biceps femoris, 28.1 ± 12.0% for leus – during the early stance phase – was lower in gastrocnemius lateralis and 35.9 ± 18.0% for tibialis forefoot strike runners; however this difference was anterior [17]. not significant. Although forefoot strike pattern is The lower vastus lateralis activity observed with related to a greater knee flexion angle at foot contact anterior patterns may be associated with less pro- compared to rearfoot strike pattern, rectus femoris nounced knee extension at initial contact which activity during either the late swing or early stance may decrease vastus lateralis pre-activation [42] phase presented no significant differences between and /or with a negative work developed by knee foot strike patterns [50]. This finding is in contrast extensor muscles during the braking phase [20]. In with the results of Shih [42] who reported that rear- contrast, the higher vastus lateralis activity when foot strike runners had greater muscle activity in rearfoot striking may be related to further altera- the rectus femoris during swing phase when adopt- tions in sarcolemma excitability at knee extensors ing a forefoot strike running pattern. during downhill running [17]. Similar results about foot strike patterns and re- Adopting a forefoot strike pattern during down- lated muscle activation patterns are reported dur- hill running could induce greater plantar flexors fa- ing running at inclined surfaces. Running at in- tigue and damage by increasing their recruitment, clined surfaces influences lower limb joint function and alternatively reduce knee extensors fatigue and and muscle activity. Hill running at different slopes damage by decreasing their contribution during the and varied surfaces is a commonly used method in energy absorption phase. Increasing plantar flexors training programs for distance runners. fatigue or damage in downhill sections could af- Downhill running is characterized by eccentric fect performance in the subsequent uphill sections, contractions with the associated mechanical stress where the work performed at the ankle is substan- and consequently causes damage within the muscle tial [38]. Trail running, which is characterized by fiber cytoskeleton, delayed-onset muscle soreness large positive and negative inclined surfaces, may and decreased muscle function [30,35]. Downhill mainly cause greater alterations of muscle function running also influences running economy and run- in plantar flexors than in dorsiflexors, as has been ning kinematics. Chen [8] reported that running observed after a 5h hilly run [13]. patterns were modified (step frequency was in- Changing foot strike pattern could modulate the creased, ankle and knee joints range of motion was eccentric work done by knee extensors and plantar decreased) up to three days after a downhill run. flexors during downhill running, affecting this way Kinematic changes observed after downhill run- the severity of muscle fatigue and damage observed ning might be due to reduced stretch reflex sensi- in these muscle groups after downhill sections [17]. tivity and contractile failure resulting from tissue It is speculated that altering muscle activation pat- damage. terns by switching between running techniques and During downhill trail run, the more posterior the foot strike patterns could better distribute the me- foot strike (rearfoot strike – RFS), the higher the tibi- chanical load and the muscular work done to the alis anterior (TA) and vastus lateralis (VL) activities lower-limb muscles [1,16,42,47]. but the lower the gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) ac- While during level running - at a constant speed tivity. Conversely, anterior patterns (MFS and RFS) - the mechanical work required by limb muscles is are associated with higher gastrocnemius lateralis negligible, uphill running is characterized by in- (GL) activity and lower tibialis anterior (TA) and creased demands for muscle mechanical work / vastus lateralis (VL) activities [16,17]. Root mean muscle function in order to increase the body po- 156 acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica
Roussos VT, et al. Muscle activity during locomotion in various inclination surfaces and different running speeds VOLUME 69 | ISSUE 4 | OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 tential energy [38]. It is suggested that the most of mined by the timing (in relation to the gait cycle) the work necessary to perform uphill running is and amplitude of activation. produced at the hip joint, while the knee and ankle Results revealed that during running at speeds joints performed similar functions at all inclines (0º, from 2.25m/sec to 4.5m/sec, the EMG activity for 6º, 12º). Mechanical work produced at the hip joint the quadriceps group started before foot contact increased significantly with increasing running (80% of the gait cycle) and ended at about midstance incline, as a result of either an increase in the mo- (115%). Although the profiles were very similar, ment of muscle force developed by hip extensors small differentiations were observed with speed. or through power transfer by knee extensors to the For the vastii muscles (VM, VL), the EMG ampli- hip via the hamstrings [38]. Sloniger [43,44] also re- tude increases for walking and jogging (speeds: ported an increased muscle activity (based on MRI) 1.25-2.25m/sec), while during running at higher in knee extensors with increasing running incline. speeds (2.5-4.5m/sec) it presents a more constant form with higher peaks. The amplitude of activa- Muscle function during locomotion at different tion in jogging and running is always higher than running speeds in walking. Rectus femoris (RF) presents an earli- Assessing muscle activation profiles during loco- er onset of activation at about 40 - 70% before foot motion at different speeds, it appears that many contact. As speed increases, the onset of activation muscles show a similar profile in running as in occurs from 47% at a speed of 2.25m/sec to 37% at walking. During running, basic patterns of EMG 4.5m/sec and EMG amplitude increases as well. activity presents an almost simultaneous activation During running the EMG profiles of the ham- of leg extensors. The onset of activation occurs be- string group (BF, ST, SM) present two peaks. The fore foot contact with the quadriceps activation be- first peak was recorded in the second half of swing, ing observed first, followed by the calf muscles, as a 70-100% of the gait cycle, while the second peak function of joint kinematics (maximum knee flexion was recorded in stance, 6-30% of the gait cycle. Ac- occurs earlier than maximum ankle dorsiflexion). tivation profiles of the three hamstring muscles pre- This part of the extensor activation goes along with sented differentiations with speed dependence. In a co-contraction of the hamstrings for the knee and SM both peaks appeared to be constant, while in ST of tibialis anterior for the ankle. Muscles activation both peaks increased. In BF the first peak increased, (burst) end before toe-off, however muscle force while the second peak showed maximum activity continues for sufficient time after the end of activa- at 3m/sec and decreased at higher speeds. During tion to cover the complete stance phase [15]. walking, the same two-peaked activation pattern Specifically, Gazendam & Hof [15] assessed aver- was recorded, with a 10% later onset of activation. aged EMG patterns during locomotion at different The jogging profile presents the same timing pat- speeds (1.25-2.25m/sec: walking and jogging, 2.5- tern of walking, but with higher amplitude. 4.5m/sec: running). EMG profiles were recorded The EMG profile of the calf group (SO, GM, GL, separately for tibialis anterior (TA) and adductor PL) showed a single activation peak, similar to the magnus (AM) muscles and for the following mus- quadriceps peak but with 10% later onset of activa- cle groups: 1) a quadriceps group: vastus medialis tion. Muscles activity started shortly before stance (VM), vastus lateralis (VL), and rectus femoris (RF), (86%) and ended before toe-off (125%). It seems 2) a hamstring group: biceps femoris (BF), semi- that during running, an almost simultaneous ac- tendinosus (ST) and semimembranosus (SM), 3) tivation of quadriceps and calf group is observed a calf group: soleus (SO), gastrocnemius medialis which is associated with an energy absorption and (GM), gastrocnemius lateralis (GL) and peroneus production process. In contrast, during walking the longus (PL), 4) a gluteal group: gluteus maximus activation peak was recorded at the end of stance (GX) and medius (GD). EMG profiles were deter- (26-55%) as such impact absorption and push- acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica 157
Roussos VT, et al. Muscle activity during locomotion in various inclination surfaces and different running speeds VOLUME 69 | ISSUE 4 | OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 off are separated in time and done separately by supporting the idea of not being a hip flexor. The quadriceps and calf. With increasing running speed activation amplitude of iliacus and psoas sharply from 2.25-4.5m/sec, the activation amplitude of so- increased with running speed. leus and peroneus longus remained constant, while Running speed appears to “interact” with leg gastrocnemius medialis and lateralis amplitude in- muscles contribution to joint and body segment ac- creased at about 40%. celerations during dynamic locomotion [9]. Activa- The gluteus muscles (GX, GD) profile, recorded tion patterns of calf muscles (medial gastrocnemius during running, showed two peaks. The first peak and lateral gastrocnemius) were affected by run- is similar for both gluteus maximus and medius, ning speed. When running on a motorized tread- and its timing occurs from 88% to 118% of the gait mill, runners activated and deactivated both medial cycle. A constant amplitude for GD is appeared, (MG) and lateral (LG) gastrocnemius muscles earli- while the amplitude of activation linearly increas- er in the step as they run faster (running speed: 2.5, es with speed in GX. The second peak is observed 2.8, 3.2 and 3.5m/sec). Additionally, the activation at mid-wing (60-84% of the gait cycle) for the GX, amplitudes of medial and lateral gastrocnemius in- and at the transition from stance to swing (30-50%) creased with increasing running speed (Ahn et al., for the GD. Both muscles activation amplitude in- 2014). creased with speed. Walking patterns appeared to Kyrolainen [26] assessed electromyographic be similar with those of running, with the exception (EMG) activity of the leg muscles (gluteus maxi- of GX second peak which was lower and the ampli- mus, vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius tude of GD which was lower as well. and tibialis anterior) and the ground reaction forc- The EMG activity of the tibialis anterior (TA) es, in 17 elite male middle–distance runners, dur- extended over the complete swing phase. During ing running at different speeds. The results showed running, it started before toe-off (27%) and ended that the averaged EMG activities of all the muscles abruptly at heel contact (100%), with a peak in final increased with increasing running speed, especially swing at 90%. In walking, TA activity started later in the pre-contact and braking phases. and extended into stance, with a peak at heel con- As running speed increased from 3.5-7 m/sec, tact. the ankle plantarflexors (soleus and gastrocnemius) During running at speeds higher than 3m/sec, were mainly responsible for generating higher ver- the EMG activity for the adductor magnus (AM) tical support forces during ground contact, contrib- shows three peaks: in midstance (18%), in mid- uting this way in step length increment. At higher swing (68%) and in final swing (90%). At lower running speeds –above 7m/sec, peak forces devel- running speeds, EMG activity is low and irregular. oped by soleus and gastrocnemius decreased, while The walking profile is different from running, pre- hip muscles – iliacus and psoas combined (ILPSO), senting peaks at foot contact (0%) and toe-off (57%). gluteus maximus, hamstrings and rectus femoris A study [2] for the hip flexors (iliacus, psoas, sar- – generated increased forces and contributed in a torius, rectus femoris and tensor fasciae latae) ac- vigorous acceleration of hip and knee joints during tivity during running revealed that all hip flexors swing phase, increasing this way step frequency [9]. were active from about 30-65% of the gait cycle. The During level running at moderate speed, hip mus- rectus femoris activation recorded slightly later (45- cles generate low forces which might reflect a strat- 65%) which is in accordance with the results of Ga- egy for minimizing metabolic energy cost [38] on zendam and Hof [15], suggesting that RF function the basis of the design of the musculoskeletal sys- is more as a hip flexor than as part of quadriceps tem which has been shaped by the need to produce (knee extensor). Psoas showed a second peak in late force economically [39,45]. However, during very swing, 80-100%. Tensor fasciae latae activity was fast level running (at an exercise intensity equiva- recorded during stance and early swing (0-50%), lent to 115% of peak oxygen uptake), a very high 158 acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica
Roussos VT, et al. Muscle activity during locomotion in various inclination surfaces and different running speeds VOLUME 69 | ISSUE 4 | OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 level of activity of all of the hamstrings, gluteal and (3.84m/sec). The cadence (number of steps / min) adductor muscles was observed [43]. During uphill was significantly higher and the step time and step running at high speed, the vastus medialis and lat- length were significantly shorter for the instrument- eralis and the rectus femoris muscles found to be ed treadmill running condition. Concerning the more active compared to level slow running [49]. angular kinematics, peak knee angles were signifi- Liebenberg [28] investigated how lower extremi- cantly different between treadmill and over-ground ty muscles are influenced by body weight support running [36]. The above findings are similar with during running at different speeds. Muscle activity the results from previous studies [11,41,46]. Elliott from the biceps femoris, rectus femoris, tibialis an- & Blanksby [11] reported a shorter unsupported terior and gastrocnemius was recorded during run- (flight) phase, decreased step length and increased ning on a treadmill, which provided body weight cadence in moderate speeds (3.3-4.8 m/sec) when support, at different speed and body weight con- running on a treadmill compared to over-ground ditions. Results revealed that muscle activity (aver- running. Frishberg [14], comparing over-ground age EMG and root mean square EMG) decreased (mean velocity 8.54 ±0.09 m/sec) and treadmill as body weight decreased for all muscles, without (mean velocity 8.46 ±0.13 m/sec) sprinting, found however changing muscle activity patterns, and in- no significant differences in step parameters (fre- creased across speed for all muscles. quency, length, support time, flight time) between the two conditions, however, he reported differ- Comparison between treadmill and over-ground ences in segmental kinematics. When sprinting on running a treadmill, the thigh of the support leg was more Treadmills have often been used to investigate hu- erect at contact and moved with a slower angular man locomotion (walking and running) and to eval- velocity, whereas the shank of the support leg was uate performance parameters. Treadmill running less erect at contact and moved with a greater range is a popular training method for distance runners, of motion and angular velocity. It has also been re- as it is characterized by decreased ground reaction ported that when running on a treadmill the foot forces [36] and less stress / load propagated to their position at landing is flatter than when running bodies compared to over-ground running. When over-ground [34]. McKenna & Riches [31], assess- running on a treadmill, the supporting ground (the ing sprinting kinematics, reported no fundamental treadmill belt) is moving relatively to subjects cen- differences between field and treadmill conditions. tre of mass (CM), which is opposite to real world In contrast, Morin et al. [33] reported that 100m bipedal locomotion where subjects centre of mass sprint performance parameters were different be- moves relatively to the supporting ground [33]. As tween treadmill and field conditions, resulting in such, many studies have investigated the differenc- a lower performance on the treadmill compared es between over-ground / field and treadmill con- to field sprint running. Specifically, the maximal ditions, attempting to answer the question whether running speed variable was significantly lower on over-ground locomotion could be interpreted and treadmill (Smax = 6.90 ± 0.39 m/sec) compared to related in light of the measurements performed on the running speed obtained on the track (Smax = treadmill. 8.84 ± 0.51 m/sec). Nevertheless, the value of tread- Comparing over-ground and treadmill running, mill maximal running speed is comparable with the it was found that in both conditions running step values recorded in previous studies (ranging from was quite similar. However, differences concern- 6.10m/sec, [7]), to 11.1m/sec, [48]). Additionally, ing the kinematic and kinetic parameters were ob- the variables assessed determining 100m sprint per- served [36]. The average speed for instrumented formance – the 100m time and the corresponding treadmill running (3.80m/sec) was similar com- mean 100m speed, and the time required for accel- pared to the average over-ground running speed eration – are associated with a significantly lower acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica 159
Roussos VT, et al. Muscle activity during locomotion in various inclination surfaces and different running speeds VOLUME 69 | ISSUE 4 | OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 performance when running on a treadmill than tribute to lower intensity’s activation for certain on the track. However, the time to reach maximal muscles during stance, during the swing phase this running speed and deceleration time presented no decreased activation is not observed for all muscle significant differences between field and treadmill. groups. When using positive – pressure treadmill, Differences in kinetic parameters were also ob- compared to a traditional treadmill, some muscle served, comparing treadmill and over-ground activation patterns may not be altered during the running. In treadmill running, the ground reaction swing phase. During this part of gait cycle, the ac- forces (GRF) components (peak propulsive force tivity of hip adductors appeared to be relatively and peak medial force) were significantly reduced, unchanged as different amounts of body weight which is associated with the reduced knee moments were supported [23], which could be explained by recorded. Nevertheless, the higher ankle moments the fact that during the swing phase the function of and preserved power recorded support the preser- hip adductors is to keep the swing leg moving in vation of push-off during treadmill running [36], the forward direction [15]. During early stance, the finding which has been observed in treadmill walk- medial and lateral hamstrings remained unchanged ing as well [37]. as well - independently of body weight condition. However, Kram [25], attempting to measure the Although this phase is related to supporting body vertical and anterior – posterior ground reaction weight, it appears that the hamstrings are less in- forces in a treadmill running condition, reported volved in body support than expected. However, that when running either on a treadmill or over- high muscle activation is necessary in order to pro- ground at the same speed the GRF components duce the appropriate horizontal forces required in were very similar, suggesting that the underlying running, which were not decreased by the positive biomechanics are identical. – pressure treadmill [23]. It is suggested that familiarity with treadmill run- It is suggested that when using a treadmill and al- ning tend to influence biomechanical characteristics lowing subjects to accelerate the belt voluntarily, it of running [27], however, adaptations to treadmill is possible to interpret – not to reproduce – running locomotion differ between individuals [34]. performance and evaluate inter-subject differences As ground reaction forces are decreased while [33]. running either on an instrumented treadmill [36] or on a positive - pressure treadmill [23], it is expected Conclusion some muscles to require less intensities of activation During dynamic locomotion, muscular function is since metabolic cost is reduced [18,19]. According affected by running techniques and foot strike pat- to Hunter’s [23] findings, who investigated changes terns, inclined surfaces and running speed. The foot in muscle activation for various lower limb muscles positioning at landing influences running technique while running on a positive – pressure treadmill at and muscle activation patterns. Running at varied different amounts of body weight support, most of inclined surfaces affect lower limb joint function the lower limb muscles showed decreases in activa- and the corresponding muscle activity. Additional- tion as more body weight was supported. Specifi- ly, it is reported that running speed “interacts” with cally, the two vastii muscles (medialis and lateralis) leg muscles contribution to joint and body segment and rectus femoris activities decreased dramatical- accelerations during dynamic locomotion, affecting ly as more body weight was supported. Peroneus this way muscle activation patterns. Taking into longus activity presented a significantly descend- consideration these determinants of running per- ing trend with body weight support; however, the formance and the fact that training adaptation dif- amount of this decrease was lower compared to fers between individuals; the above-mentioned pa- other muscles. rameters should be combined effectively in order to While reduced ground reaction forces may con- design suitable and beneficial training programs for 160 acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica
Roussos VT, et al. Muscle activity during locomotion in various inclination surfaces and different running speeds VOLUME 69 | ISSUE 4 | OCTOBER - DECEMBER 2018 professional and recreational athletes. Many train- and is speculated that this training method could ing programs include running on a treadmill which provide an over-distance running benefit. A is characterized by decreased ground reaction forc- es and less stress / mechanical load propagated to Conflict of interest: athletes’ bodies compared to over-ground running, The authors declared no conflicts of interest. References 1. Ahn AN, Brayton C, Bhatia T, Martin P. Muscle ac- and acceleration. Journal of Strength and Conditioning tivity and kinematics of forefoot and rearfoot strike Research. 2008; 22 (3): 898-902. runners. Journal of Sport and Health Science. 2014; 3: 11. Elliot BC, Blanksby BA. A cinematographic analysis 102-112. of over-ground and treadmill running by males and 2. Andersson EA, Nilsson J, Thorstensson A. Intramus- females. Med. Sci. Sports. 1976; 8: 84-87. cular EMG from the hip flexor muscles during human 12. Eston RG, Mickleborough J, Baltzopoulos V. Eccen- locomotion. Acta Physiol Scand. 1997; 161: 361-370. tric activation and muscle damage: biomechanical 3. Arendse RE, Noakes TD, Azevedo LB, Romanov N, and physiological considerations during downhill Schwellnus MP, Fletcher G. Reduced eccentric load- running. British Journal of Sports Medicine. 1995; 29 (2): ing of the knee with the pose running method. Med. 89-94. Sci. Sports Exerc. 2004; 36: 272-277. 13. Fourchet F, Millet GP, Tomazin K, Guex K, Nosaka 4. Baur H, Hirschmuller A, Muller S, Cassel M, Mayer F. K, Edouard P, Degache F, Millet GY. Effects of a 5-h Is EMG of the lower leg dependent on weekly running hilly running on ankle plantar and dorsal flexor force mileage? International Journal of Sports Medicine. 2011a; and fatigability. European Journal of Applied Physiology. doi: 10.1055/s-0031-1286250. 2011; 112: 2645-2652. 5. Baur H, Muller S, Hirschmuller A, Cassel M, Weber 14. Frishberg BA. An analysis of over-ground and tread- J, Mayer F. Comparison in lower leg neuromuscular mill sprinting. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exer- activity between runners with unilateral mid-portion cise. 1983; 15 (6): 478-485. Achilles tendinopathy and healthy individuals. J Elec- 15. Gazendam MGJ, Hof AL. Averaged EMG profiles in tromyogr Kinesiol. 2011b; 21 (3): 499-505. jogging and running at different speeds. Gait Posture. 6. Cavanagh PR, Lafortune MA. Ground reaction forces 2007; 25: 604-614. in distance running. Journal of Biomechanics. 1980; 13 16. Giandolini M, Arnal PJ, Millet GY, Peyrot N, Samoz- (5): 397-406. ino P, Dubois B, Morin JB. Impact reduction during 7. Chelly SM, Denis, C. Leg power and hopping stiff- running: efficiency of simple acute interventions in ness: relationship with sprint running performance. recreational runners. European Journal of Applied Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 2001; 33: 326-333. Physiology. 2013; 113: 599-609. 8. Chen TC, Nosaka K, Tu JH. Changes in running econ- 17. Giandolini M, Horvais N, Rossi J, Millet GY, Morin omy following downhill running. Journal of sports JB, Samozino P. Effects of the foot strike pattern on Sciences. 2007; 25: 55-63. muscle activity and neuromuscular fatigue in down- 9. Dorn TW, Schache AG, Pandy MG. Muscular strategy hill trail running. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & shift in human running: dependence of running speed Science in Sports. 2016; doi: 10.1111/sms.12692. on hip and ankle muscle performance. The Journal of 18. Grabowski AM. Metabolic and biomechanical effects Experimental Biology. 2012; 215: 1944-1956. of velocity and weight support using a lower body 10. Ebben WP, Davies JA, Clewien RW. Effect of the de- positive – pressure device during walking. Arch Phys gree of hill slope on acute downhill running velocity Med Rehab. 2010; 91: 951-957. acta Orthopaedica et Traumatologica Hellenica 161
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