Accelerating R&D through Automation, Connectivity and Digitalization - 100% ONLINE

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Accelerating R&D through Automation, Connectivity and Digitalization - 100% ONLINE
19 May 2021
                                                                         100% ONLINE

Accelerating R&D through Automation,
Connectivity and Digitalization


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Accelerating R&D through Automation, Connectivity and Digitalization - 100% ONLINE
Your 2021 Agenda:
Innovation has continued to drive the Pharma and Biotech sector in recent times.
Largely driven by the desire to push the boundaries of scientific discovery, it has created
opportunities to unlock the true potential of R&D for enhanced drug development.
The benefits of technology are clear, but the transition to Lab 4.0 is complex due to the steep learning curve
and cultural shift required to drive change.
Identifying, selecting and implementing appropriate technology will require a comprehensive roadmap and
risk management strategy, with the right skills and knowledge to drive each project forward.

Through a series of presentations and interactive discussions, you will acquire the necessary
tools to:

 Identify emerging technology              Assess the value proposition              Digitally optimize your
    that will accelerate early            for lab automation and develop          laboratory workflows to drive
       discovery and R&D                     a roadmap for successful              efficiency, productivity and
                                                   implementation                          quality gains

     Create and implement an               Manage the mindset and               Align your strategy with the
      effective data quality and          culture shift required for digital    evolving vendor landscape and
       analytics strategy which            empowerment to successfully         create strong partnership-driven
    facilitates improved decision-        transition towards end-to-end           relationships with solutions
       making and connectivity                 laboratory automation                       providers

       Here are just some of the amazing elements of our Virtual event experience:

                       01                           02
                     Free access to            Virtual Roundtable
                                                                            On-demand access
                      ALL sessions             Discussion groups
                                                                           to all recordings after
                     and exhibitors            where you can have
                                                                                   the event
                                                 your questions

                                     04                           05
                                    Flexibility to              No travel costs
                                select the sessions             and time spent
                                that are important              away from the
                                       to you                        office

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Your 2021                                                       Who should attend:

Speakers Include:                                               Smart Labs, Automation & Technology
                                                                2021 is designed for VP’s, Directors,
                                                                Heads and Managers from:

                                                                • Automation / Robotics
                Neeraj Vyas
                Global Director, Head of Industry 4.0
                                                                • R&D
                CSL Behring                                     • Lab IT/ Research IT
                Abhishek Mathur                                 • Informatics
                Director, Global Research (Biologics)           • Technology & Innovation
                Amgen                                           • Quality Assurance / Quality Control
                Helen Li                                        • Laboratory Operations & Strategy
                Head of IT, Lilly Biotechnology Center          • Regulation, Compliance & Validation
                Eli Lilly and Company
                                                                • Data & Analytics
                Cindy Novak-DeLaurell                           • Industry 4.0 / Lab 4.0
                Senior Manager, Lab Operations, Systems
                Bristol Myers Squibb                            •	Emerging Technology / Artificial Intelligence (AI) /
                                                                   Machine Learning (ML)
                Jason Ekert
                Senior Director and Head of Complex In
                Vitro Models                                    Our sponsors include technology, service
                GSK                                             & solution providers specializing in:
                Brenden Alexander                               • Laboratory Automation / Lab Digitalization
                Associate Director, NA Engineering and          • Robotics
                Strategic Projects
                Sanofi                                          • Informatics
                                                                • Data & Analytics
                Len Blackwell
                Associate Director, Analytical Development      • Artificial Intelligence (AI) / Machine Learning (ML)
                & Strategic Analytics                           • Cloud Computing
                                                                • IoT Hardware, Software, Platforms, Infrastructure
                Felipe Albrecht                                 • Cyber Security
                Senior Scientist, Discovery Informatics

                Mary Belfast
                Senior Scientist, Automation Manager
                Teva Pharmaceuticals

                Viral Vyas
                Lead IT Business Partner, Global
                BioSpecimen and Imaging management
                Bristol Myers Squibb

                Valery Polyakov
                Head of Computational Chemistry
                Sutro Biopharma Inc

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Agenda: 19 May 2021                                                                                                     All timings are Pacific
                                                                                                                               Standard Time.

08:55 – 09:00    Opening Remarks from AMG World

09:00 – 10:00    Developing the Roadmap towards Optimized, Connected Smart Labs of the Future
                 This discussion will focus on the organizational assessment process required to identify areas ripe for lab automation, as
                 well as exploring the key benefits, potential challenges and how to formulate the strategy for successful transition.
  Roundtable     •	Evaluating the value proposition and effective use cases for lab automation: Where can we achieve the biggest
                 • Defining the roadmap: Where to start on the journey and current availability of technology?
                 •	Moving from manual to automated processes: How can we manage the successful integration of new technology with
                    legacy processes and systems?
                 •	Driving technological culture change: How should we overcome the learning curve for effective lab automation
                 • The importance of creating an effective data governance strategy: How to ensure data integrity, quality and security
                 •	Striking the balance: How can you maintain quality control and regulatory compliance whilst digitally transforming the
                    scientific lab?
                 Cindy Novak-DeLaurell, Senior Manager, Lab Operations, Systems, Bristol Myers Squibb
                 Mary Belfast, Senior Scientist, Automation Manager, Teva Pharmaceuticals
                 Felipe Albrecht, Senior Scientist, Discovery Informatics, Roche
                 Valery Polyakov, Head of Computational Chemistry, Sutro Biopharma Inc

10:05 – 10:35	Harnessing the Power of Informatics, Data and Technology in Labs of the Future: Exploring Solutions for
               Effective Data Management, Governance and Utilization
               •	Developing an informatics infrastructure: How to effectively connect instruments and robotics in an analytical lab to
                  enable the automation of information
               •	Defining a clear strategy for effective data capture, management and dissemination: Enabling enhanced scientific
                  collaboration and advanced analytics
               • How to structure and standardize big data, making it open source and easily accessible
               • Managing the data migration to cloud: Ensuring data quality, integrity and security
               • Examining how data connectivity can be leveraged to assist with regulatory compliance
               • Leveraging Intelligent Automation, AI and Machine Learning to digitally transform R&D in labs of the future

10:40 – 11:00    Technology Demonstrations
  Tech           Meet with our sponsors at their virtual booth to watch their 10-minute technology demonstration. This is your opportunity
 Demos           to meet with the team face-to-face, see their solution in action and have your direct questions answered.

11:00 – 11:30    Networking Break and Virtual Exhibition

11:30 – 12:00    Labs of the Future: Smart, Flexible and Digitally Connected
                 •	Understanding how the synergistic alignment of science, engineering and automation is driving biotechnological
                 •	Smart and flexible integration of technology: The critical elements to match pace, scale and throughput needs of the
                    modern biopharma industry
                 •	Utilizing automation to reduce manual tasks and increasing scientists capacity for more strategic and creative aspects of
                    scientific discovery
                 •	Digital empowerment of scientific labs: How enhanced connectivity and seamless data flow facilitates collaboration for
                    accelerated decision-making during drug development
                 Abhishek Mathur, Director, Global Research (Biologics), Amgen

                  +44 (0) 113 3970 379                                     REGISTER FREE
Agenda: 19 May 2021                                                                                                        All timings are Pacific
                                                                                                                                  Standard Time.

12:05 – 12:35	Digitally Revolutionizing the Scientific Lab: Assessing Suitable Technology and Innovations for Lab
               •	How to apply the latest technology and innovations to digitally optimize your laboratory workflows: Enhancing efficiency,
                  productivity and quality
               • How intelligent automation, AI and machine learning can positively impact your lab operations
               •	Making technology integration pharma-friendly: Ensuring results can be easily validated, replicated and the critical data
               • Utilizing IoT and cloud computing for improved connectivity of instruments and optimized data sharing
               • Evaluating the ROI from emerging technology: IoT, Wearables, Voice Assistants, notebooks

12:40 – 13:15   Networking Lunch and Virtual Exhibition

13:15 – 14:15	Examining the Critical Role of Automation, Technology and Innovation for Accelerated Scientific Discovery
               and R&D
               Focusing on innovation, technology and optimization, this discussion will explore best practice methods for ensuring the
  Roundtable   successful adoption and implementation of technology at scale, as well as how this will enhance drug development.
               •	Examining the value of Lab 4.0: How can automation and digitalization accelerate early discovery and R&D within the
                  pharma and biotech sector?
               • What suitable smart and emerging technologies are available for lab optimization?
               •	Aligning your lab digitalization strategy: Understanding the vendor landscape to develop enduring relationships with key
                  business partners and solutions providers
               •	Creating an innovation Center of Excellence (CoE): How to achieve best practice and standardization for successful
                  technology adoption and implementation
               • How to scale up pilot programs and roll-out innovation projects at pace
               •	Managing the mindset and culture shift: How to digitally empower stakeholders for the transition towards end-to-end
                  laboratory automation
               •	What are the biggest barriers to lab automation and technology innovation within the sector?
                Neeraj Vyas, Global Director, Head of Industry 4.0, CSL Behring
                Helen Li, Head of IT, Lilly Biotechnology Center, Eli Lilly and Company
                Jason Ekert, Senior Director and Head of Complex In Vitro Models, GSK
                Brenden Alexander, Associate Director, NA Engineering and Strategic Projects, Sanofi
                Viral Vyas, Lead IT Business Partner, Global BioSpecimen and Imaging management, Bristol Myers Squibb

14:20 – 14:55   The Journey Towards End-to-End Lab Automation
                • Exploring the end-to-end vision of a fully automated biotechnology lab
                • Investigating the process taken to achieve lab digitalization and key drivers behind the digital transition
                • Reviewing the data journey, strategy and long-term approach
                • Examining work in progress examples of automating manual processes
                Len Blackwell, Associate Director, Analytical Development & Strategic Analytics, Biogen

14:55           Virtual Exhibition, Networking and Close of Conference Sessions

                  +44 (0) 113 3970 379                                       REGISTER FREE
How can you get involved
as a sponsor?
You will be positioned as industry experts amongst the most prominent and influential players within pharmaceutical and
biotechnology R&D. The Smart Labs, Automation and Technology Virtual Event will offer maximum coverage and exposure to a
highly engaged and motivated audience, providing a hugely exciting opportunity and platform for you to effectively position
your brand whilst highlighting your capabilities to a global audience.

What will you receive as part of sponsorship package?

J	A one hour closed door roundtable facilitation role with fully qualified delegates where you will moderate the
   discussion with qualified panellists

J	30-minute virtual presentation with both audio and visual content which is broadcast to a live audience within your
   target demographic, promoting thought leadership and generating quality leads.

J	The opportunity to establish contact with qualified budget holders prior to the event to optimize the discussion and
   ensure you topic is aligned and your time optimized

J	Virtual pre-arranged one-to-one meetings with qualified delegates that are actively looking for solutions to solve their

J Thought leadership and brand awareness

We would welcome the opportunity to discuss various options in more detail, for more information
please contact:

       			Simon Wright		                           E:
       			CEO			                                   T: +1 678 534 8541
       			AMG World		                              T: +44 7734 666 249

  Your 2021 sponsors:

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