Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora

Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Background of NIIMS/HN
 The registration of births and deaths has been carried out in Kenya since
1904 under the Births and Deaths Act cap 149 and the Registration of Persons
Act cap 107 and other legislations on management of Citizens and Aliens
 In 2005, the Government of Kenya (GoK) initiated the registration of persons
using a harmonized approach to address duplication and cut costs. This
exercise has been managed and coordinated by the Integrated Population
Registration System (IPRS)
 To improve on the progress made by IPRS, the Government, through
Executive Order No. 1 of (2018), and The Statute law (Miscellaneous
Amendments) Act, 2018,Sec. 9A established the National Integrated Identity
Management System (NIIMS) programme, code-named Huduma Namba.

                     Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
What is NIIMS/HN?
 NIIMS is a national programme for registration of all Kenyan citizens and
  foreign nationals in the country
 NIIMS will establish central master population register, that will be the
  authentic ‘single source of truth’ on a person’s identity

                      Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
NIIMS’/HN Fundamental Statements
  To be the single national custodian of persons'
            identification data in Kenya
To conduct a National Biometric Registration of all
 Kenyan citizens and foreign nationals residing in
     the country for enhanced service delivery

             Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Functions of NIIMS/HN
 To create, manage, maintain and operate a national population
  register as a single source of personal information of all Kenya
  citizens and foreigners residing in the country.
 To assign a unique national identification number to every person
 To harmonize, incorporate and collate into the register, information
  from other data bases in the government agencies relating to
  registration of persons.
 To support the printing and distribution for collection of all national
  identification cards, foreigner certificates, births and deaths
  certificates, driving licenses, work permits, passports and foreign
  travel documentation, student identification cards issued under the
  Births and Deaths Registration Act, Basic Education Act, Registration
  of Persons Act, Basic Education Act, Refugees Act, Traffic Act and the
  Kenya Citizenship and the Immigration Act and all other forms of
  government issued identification documentation as may be specified
  by the cabinet secretary.
                    Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Functions of NIIMS/HN
 To prescribe, in consultation with the various relevant issuing authorities
  a format of identification document to capture the various forms of
  information contained in the identification documents for purposes of
  issuance of a single document where applicable.
 To verify and authenticate information relating to the registration and
  identification of persons
 To collate information obtained under this act and reproduce it as may be
  required from time to time
 To ensure the preservation protection and security of any information or
  data collected, obtained and maintained or stored in the register.
 To correct errors in registration details, if so required by a person or on its
  own initiative to ensure that the information is accurate, complete, up to
  date and not misleading and;

                      Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Functions of NIIMS/HN…Cont..
to perform such other duties which are necessary for expedient for the
discharge of functions under this act

                   Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Structure of NIIMS/HN
 National Steering Committee
 National Technical Committee
 National Secretariat
    Technology Sub Committee
    Registration Sub Committee
    Legal Sub Committee
    Communications Sub Committee
    Budget and Logistics Sub Committee
 47 County Committees

                   Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Registration Methodology for NIIMS/
This will involve:
Mobile registration moving from home to home and mobile centres like
shopping centres,
Visit to institutional facilities like prisons, hospitals
 The information will be captured by Use of Biometric kits and data capture
forms and will involve a one on one interview with those to be registered.
There will be physical and actual capture of biometric including finger prints
and facial features- children below 6 years will not have their biometrics
All Kenyan citizens and foreign nationals in Kenya must be registered.
What is required for registration

                     Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Registration Methodology for NIIMS/
HN Cont…..
 Physical presence
 At least an identification document e.g. Birth certificate, id, driving license,
  kra pin etc.
 Fields to be captured (refer to data collection from)
 Piloting
 All Kenyans both at home and in the diaspora and foreign nationals in Kenya
  will be registered.

                      Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Role of NGAOs in the Execution of
 Public sensitization,
 Mobilization of the public for registration
 Coordination and supervision of the registration exercise
 Actual registration of the public ( assistant chiefs as
  registration officers)
 Liaison with national committees on registration
 Ensuring safe custody of registration kits and materials
 Post NIIMS registration

                    Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Sustainability of NIIMS/HN
 NIIMS registration will continue after the mass registration exercise.
 The Assistant Chiefs will remain with the registration gadgets and continue
  registering new born and any other persons who will have been left out in the
  mass registration exercise.
 Those who will have attained 6 years will also have their biometrics captured.
 Harmonization and integration of NIIMS with other systems.
 Real time capture of births and deaths as they occur.

                     Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Benefits of NIIMS/HN
 A National biometric population register of all Kenyan citizens and foreign
  nationals residing in Kenya will be established. This will be used for
  planning purposes.
 Enhanced existing national registration databases in Kenya
 Harmonized persons’ identity data across different domains
 Easy access to government services through the Huduma Namba
 A national reference frame for stakeholders to facilitate respective
  registrations such as farmer registration, registration for universal health
  care (NHIF) registration of driving licenses
 Coordinated registration of persons
 Address duplication in registration and reduce operational costs, detect
  and prevent fraud, impersonation or any other crime.
 An enabler of the big four (4) Agenda.

                     Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
NIIMS’/HN and The Big 4 Agenda
1. 100% Food and Nutrition Security
    NIIMS will facilitate biometric identification and registration of
    NIIMS will inform access to subsidized farm inputs (seeds,
2. Access to Universal Healthcare
    NIIMS will enhance access to healthcare through NHIF registration
    NIIMS will identify fraudulent persons through inaccurate data
3. Affordable Housing
    NIIMS will inform planning and investment in affordable housing
4. Manufacturing
    NIIMS will identify sources of raw materials for manufacturing
    NIIMS will identify  SMEs and skills gaps in employment
                      Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
NIIMS’/HN Stakeholders
 The Public
 MDAs(Ministries, Department and Agencies)
 Media
 Civil Society
 Political leaders
 Religious leaders
 Business Community

                   Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Publicity for NIIMS/HN
 Road shows
 Public barazas
 Radio and TV advertisements
 Website
 Social media activation
 Fliers and brochures
 Billboards
 Banners

                   Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Frequently Asked Questions on
What is Huduma Namba?
      Huduma Namba is a programme which was initiated through Executive
      Order No. 1 of 2018 to create and manage a Central Master Population
      Register which will be the authentic ‘source of truth’ of identity of all
      persons residing in Kenya.
Why Huduma Namba?
   To develop a national biometric population database of all persons in
   To assign a personal unique identification to facilitate access to
government services

                     Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora

Why is the government undertaking the biometric registration process?
 To guard against impersonation and fraud
 To authenticate personal data
 To enhance access to government services

How is this exercise different other government registration processes?
  It will capture biometric data of all person – both citizens and non-
citizens from the age of six
  It will capture more information on an individual
  It will integrate personal identification data of individuals existing ion
several databases

                   Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
What are the benefits of the exercise?
  It will facilitate easy access to government services such universal health
care; subsidized fertilizer; cash transfer; free education etc
Why is the registration being undertaken now?
  To facilitate attainment of Government’s Big 4 Agenda through the provision
of Citizen Data to stakeholders who are charged with delivery of Food Security,
Affordable Housing, Manufacturing, and Affordable Health Care for all.
  To assist the government in the provision of better services.
Is it mandatory for one to register?
   Yes it is. All must register

                     Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
What are the consequences of failing to register?
  A person without Huduma Namba will not access government services
including registration/renewal/replacement of National Identification Card;
Application for Passport; Application/renewal for driving license, Birth
certificate; Enrole for cash transfer for the elderly, subsidized farm inputs and
other cash services under the Big 4 Agenda like affordable housing among
Who is eligible for registration?
  All citizens and foreign nationals in Kenya.

                     Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Where will the registration take place?
 Mobile registration centres; homes; and special institutions like prisons,
hospitals, learning institutions etc.
What will be required for one to be registered?
 Identification documents
 Physical presence
How long will the (mass) registration exercise take?
  30 Days
At what time of the day will the exercise be carried out?
 Between 6am and 6pm everyday including weekends and public
                    Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Key Messaging for NIIMS/HN
Who will undertake the exercise?
  Registration officers (Assistant Chiefs) and Registration Assistants
Is this registration connected to 2022 elections?
Is there a document that will be issued after registration?
What are the consequences of giving false information to registration
  A person who gives false information will be prosecuted under section
129(a) of the Penal Code.

                   Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Key Messaging for NIIMS/HN
 Huduma Namba is a government of Kenya Programme that will create and
  manage a central master bio-data register by capturing biometric data of all
  citizens and foreigners resident in Kenya for enhanced access to Government
 The registration will be undertaken by registration officers, who are also
  Assistant Chiefs and Registration Assistants for 30 days.
 The registration will take place at homes, mobile registration centres and in
  special institutions like hospitals, prisons and learning institutions for (30)
  days between 6.00am and 6.00 pm.
 During the mass registration period, all citizens and foreign nationals
  must be registered.
                     Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Key Messaging for NIIMS/HN
 A person who is not registered under the Huduma Namba programme
 will not access government services such as registration and
 replacement of ID Card; application and renewal of driving licence and
 passport; NHIF, NSSF, Birth Certificates, Cash transfer to the elderly, and
 subsidized farm inputs among others.

                   Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora

        Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
MAIN FUNCTIONS(With additional software)
1. Enrolment
2. Id document check
3. Identification
4. Biometric acquisition(Fingerprint, portrait)
5. Smart card reading(Contact, Contactless)
6. QR Codes
7. Signature

                Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Pilot Counties
        County        Characteristics                     Region                         No. of Sub-Locations
                                                                                         for pilot

   1.   Nairobi       Urban                               Nairobi                        5
   1.   Uasin Gishu   Rural and Agricultural              Riftvalley                     3

   1.   Kajiado       Rural/Nomadic/Agricultural/Border   Riftvalley (South Rift)        2

   1.   Baringo       Pastoralist, ASAL                   Riftvalley                     2
   1.   Marsabit      Nomadic/ ASAL                       Eastern (Upper Eastern)        2
   1.   Embu          Rural and Agricultural              Eastern                        3
   1.   Makueni       Rural, ASAL                         Eastern (Lower Eastern)        2
   1.   Busia         Border/Rural                        Western                        3
   1.   Nyandarua     Rural and Agricultural              Central                        2

   1.   Kiambu        Urban/ Rural, Agricultural          Central                        3
   1.   Kilifi         Rural and Tourist                   Coast                          3
   1.   Tana River    Pastoralist, ASAL                   Coast                          2

   1.   Kisumu        Rural/ Urban                        Nyanza                         3
   1.   Kisii         Agricultural/Rural                  Nyanza (South Nyanza)          2

   1.   Wajir         Nomadic/ ASAL                       North Eastern                  3
                                                                                    Total 40

                                    Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
                                                                1.    City Centre
                                            Kibra               1.    Kibera
                                            Westlands           1.    Kitsuru
                                            Kamukunji           1.    Eastleigh North
                                            Njiru               1.    Dandora II
 1.    Uasin Gishu                          Turbo               1.    Turbo
                                            Ainabkoi            1.    Koiluget
                                            Moiben              1.    Merewet
 1.    Kajiado                              Kajiado West        1.    Shompole
                                            Mashuruu            1.    Mashuruu
 1.    Baringo                              East Pokot          1.    Kapedo East
                                            Marigat             1.    Eldume
 1.    Marsabit                             Sololo              1.    Uran
                                            Loyiangalani        1.    Kargi
 1.    Embu                                 Embu North          1.    Manyatta
                                            Mbeere South        1.    Karaba
                                            Embu west           1.    Itabua
 1.    Makueni                              Mbooni West         1.    Itetani
                                            Kathonzweni         1.    Kitise
 1.    Busia                                Nambale             1.    Sikinga
                                            Teso North          1.    Kakurkit
                                            Busia               1.    Township
 1.    Nyandarua                            Nyandarua Central   1.    Manyatta
                                            Kipipiri            1.    Mahigaini
 1.    Kiambu                               Gatundu North       1.    Kamwangi
                                            Limuru              1.    Lironi
                                            Thika West          1.    Kamenu
 1.    Kilifi                                Malindi             1.    Msabaha
                                            Ganze               1.    Petanguo
                                            Kilifi South         1.    Kanamai
 1.    Tana River                           Tana River          1.    Waldena
                                            Tana Delta          1.    Garsen
 1.    Kisumu                               Kisumu Central      1.    Manyatta ‘A’
                                            Seme                1.    Koker Kajulu
                                            Nyakach             1.    Rarieda
 1.    Kisii                                Kisii Central       1.    Bobaracho
                                            Nyamache            1.    Turwa
 1.    Wajir                                Habaswen            1.    Bula Juu
                                            Buna                1.    Basanencha
                                            Wajir East          1.    Township
                  Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
Work plan
    Activity                                          Status                             Timeline

    Communication and Sensitization                                                      1st Oct 2018- 10th May 2019
                                 NGAO Sensitization                                      21.01.2019 to 04.02.2019
                                                      Draft NIIMS Bill ready

    Legal and regulatory framework                                                       by 25.01.2019
                                                      3003 Kits yet to be delivered
    Delivery of biometric kits                                                           by 31.12.2018
                                                      Specifications developed
    Procurement for ICT                                                                  by 04.01.2019
                                                      Software under development
    Phase 1 ICT (Registration)                                                           22.02.2019
                                         Technical                                       19/20 December 2018
                                                      TOT’s identified
                                               ToT                                       11-15 Feb 2019
                                                      Pilot counties identified
                                              Pilot                                      18th-22nd Feb 2019
                                                      Trainers identified
                                           Trainers                                      11-15 March 2019
                                                      RA’s awaiting rationalization
                                           RA & RO                                       18-29th March 2019
    Official launch                                                                       30.03.2019
    Registration Exercise
                                           Piloting                                      23.2.2019 to 27.03.2019
                                 Mass Registration                                       30.03.2019 to 30.04.2019
    Phase 2 ICT (Central Systems)                                                        04.01.2019 to 05.04.2019
                                                      To start after Mass Registration

    Data Cleanup                                                                         30.04.2019 to 5th June 2019
                                                      To start after Data Clean up

    Phase 3 ICT (MDA Integration)                                                        Starts 05.06.2019
                                                      To start after Data Clean up
    Continuous Registration                                                              Starts 05.06.2019
                                      Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
 Huduma Namba kwa Huduma Bora
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