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Research Center DOMESTIC POLITICAL DIVISION Expertise Agency of DPR RI Gd. Nusantara I Lt. 2 Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Jakarta Pusat - 10270 c 5715409 d 5715245 m infosingkat@gmail.com A BRIEF STUDY ON ACTUAL AND STRATEGIC ISSUES Vol. XI, No. 2/II/Puslit/January/2019 ABOLITION OF POVERTY CERTIFICATE IN NEW STUDENT ADMISSION IN 2019 Dewi Sendhikasari D. 25 Abstract The government, through the Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) has officially erased the Certification of Poverty (SKTM) route in the Admission of New Students (PPDB) 2019. This is due to the proliferation of fake SKTM which is then abused. This article will investigate the decision to erase SKTM in PPDB 2019 and the need for an integration of population data. This decision to erase SKTM should be followed by a thorough preparation, particularly concerning the data of the students that will participate in PPDB. The government should integrate the population data to ease data collecting, especially concerning students who cannot afford to pay to access education. Besides that, DPR through their supervision function needs to continue urging the government to improve their population data and Kemendikbud to make education policies oriented to public needs, because education is the right of each citizen, and it is the nation’s obligation to provide that education. Introduction Number 51 Year 2018 about New The government, through the Student Admission in Kindergarten, Ministry of Education and Culture Elementary School, Junior High (Kemendikbud) has officially erased School, Senior High School, and the Certificate of Poverty (SKTM) Vocational High School. route in new students’ admission. This decision to erase the This is stated by the Minister of SKTM in PPDB 2019 is not without Education and Culture, Muhadjir reason. The problems related to Effendy in a press conference about SKTM that happened in previous the rules concerning the New years’ PPDB are the reason PUSLIT BKD Students’ Admission (PPDB) 2019 behind this decision, namely, (kompas.com, 15 January 2019). The the proliferation of fake SKTM. rules about PPDB 2019 is regulated It is recorded that more than 78 by the Minister of Education and thousands SKTM were abused in Culture Ruling (Permendikbud) PPDB 2018, which can be seen in the
sudden upsurge in SKTM request process of issuing SKTM, which near the time of school application. shows the problems in government It is suspected that many students agencies, particularly the ones from well-off families suddeny claim responsible for issuing SKTM. to be poor, so that they can enter SKTM is a certificate released by their chosen schools. This proeblem the village government for poor of fake SKTM is not merely a families to help them in obtaining problem faced by educational social, medical, economical, and institutions, but also as one facet of educational services. a wider problem, such as taxation, SKTM was not only used in mentality and identity of the PPDB, but also used as a requirement nation, management of educational for processing scholarship programs institutions, and even good and applying for being a Welfare governance (nasional.sindonews. Fund Recipient (PBI) of Social com, 21 January 2019). On the other hand, the Security Provision Agency (BPJS). The documents needed to request 26 General Secretary of Federation of SKTM are: 1) Original and copy of Teacher’s Associations Indonesia Family Card (KK); 2) Original and (FSGI), Satriwan Salim views copy of Identity Card (KTP); 3) Proof that the government should have of Poverty from local RT/RW. These increased their supervision, rather 3 documents are used to issue SKTM than straight up erasing SKTM from by the local village. PPDB. It is feared that this decision After those documents are would screw over students and prepared, the requester would make families which has not been listed a preliminary letter from local RT/ in either Smart Indonesia Card RW, with KK and KTP attached, (KIP) and Ideal Family Program then they would bring the letter to (PKH), which includes many the local village government to issue students and families (republika. a SKTM signed by the village head, co.id, 16 January 2019). Meanwhile, ready to be used for things such as the large number of students and seeking treatment in puskesmas or families not yet listed in either leniency from schools or educational KIP or PKH programs also shows institutions. However, if validation the problems in population data is needed, it can be done through management in Indonesia. This local subregency and related offices, writing will investigate the decision because in several cases new SKTM to erase SKTM from PPDB 2019 can only be used after approval and the need for population data from subregency government and/ integration. or related offices (www.pasienbpjs. com, 21 January 2019). Requesting Certificate of The ease of requesting SKTM Poverty (SKTM) means the agency responsible The decision of erasing SKTM for issuing it can easily issue from PPDB 2019 by the government SKTM without actually knowing becomes a highlight, due to several whether the requester is poor or cases of SKTM abuse. One of the well-off. Thus, an improvement aspects scrutinized is how the in administration of government
agencies is needed, particularly in of education. As stated by Mark the low level of village government. Olsen, John Codd, and Anne-Marie Data collecting can also be done O’Niel, education policies is ket for from the level of RT/RW, which the excellence, or meven existence of should know the local population’s nation states in global competition, condition better, so that they cannot so education policies need to have give the preliminary letter of SKTM the main priority in the globalization request willy-nilly. era. One of the main arguments is globalization brings the vakues of Educational Policy and democracy, and a fruitful democracy Integration of Population Data is one supported by education In Law Number 23 Year (Tilaar, H.A.R. dan Riant Nugroho, 2014 about Local Government, 2008: 267). government matters consist of The decision to erase SKTM 27 absolute government matters, from PPDB 2019 needs to be followed by a thorough planning concurrent government matters, and general government matters. Then, and solution, particularly concerning concurrent government matters is its future impacts, especially since divided between central and local there is the problem of many government, so that the concurrent students and families not yet government matters handed over to listed in KIP and PKH. It is feared the local government becomes the that if this problem is not solved, basis for local autonomy. The local there would be poor students who concurrent government matters is failed to enter the proper school as further subdivided into mandatory assigned by their zonation due to and optional government matters. not being listed in KIP and PKH. Education is considered part of the This is what is said by the General mandatory matters, related to basic Secretary of FGSI, Satriwan Salim services. who asked that before the policy is Because it is a basic service, the implemented, the government has government should make policies to really record all the children and that are public-oriented, especially families who are not well-off to be in spreading education locally. included in KIP and PKH programs, In deciding educational policies, in order to still fulfill the PPDB the government should pass them quota (republika.co.id, 16 January through thorough steps, particularly 2019). the formulation steps. The presence Besides that, the Educational of SKTM was also part of the PPDB Monitoring Network Indonesia policy to mandate public schools (JPPI) demands that the government to reserve at minimum 20% of simplifies the process of updating their capacity for poor students, the data of poor students receiving by requiring SKTM for those poor KIP. This demand is made as SKTM students to apply to their chosen is erased from being a requirement school. of affirming poor students in PPDB The decision to erase SKTM in 2019. According to the National PPDB 2019 is an education policy, Coordinator of JPPI, Ubaid Matraji, that is, a public policy in the field until now the procedure of KIP
data update is too complicated, so it can become a population database the government needs to reform usable in all aspects, especially public the bureaucracy involved. The services. complicated bureaucracy is the reason why many poor students Conclusion have not been listed yet as a The decision to erase SKTM recipient of KIP (republika.co.id, 16 from PPDB 2019 should be followed January 2019). by a thorough preparation concerning According to this data the data of studets that will participate collection of the students, the in PPDB. This is especially for poor PPDB organizers need to cooperate students, those who are listed in KIP, with related technical units in the whose families receive PKH, and/or local government to integrate the recommended by the school. Thus, population data. This case of SKTM the government should quickly can provide the momentum for the government to integrate their integrate the population data so that 28 it is easier to collect data, particularly population data by synergizing concerning those who cannot afford the Citizenship and Civil Records school. Besides that, DPR through its (Dukcapil) with the tax office. supervision function needs to keep If Dukcapil has only dealt with urging the government, particularly population data, the tax office has Kemendagri to improve their already collected data about the population data and Kemendikbud in economic status and assets of the making educational policies oriented people. In the yearly tax letter form to public needs, because education is (SPT), citizens have included their the right of every citizen, and it is the income and owned assets, both state’s duty to providen it. moving and unmoving (nasional. sindonews.com, 21 January 2019). Reference Thus, the decision to erase Awaliyah, Gumanti dan Esthi SKTM must be followed by an Maharani, “FSGI: Penghapusan accurate data collection on the SKTM dalam PPDB Aneh dan students, particularly on those not Paradoks”, https://republika. yet listed in KIP. Besides that, a data co.id/berita/pendidikan/ updating on the families eligible education/19/01/08/pl0bjc428- to receive PKH is also needed, fsgi-penghapusan-sktm-dalam- because besides KIP one of the ppdb-aneh-dan-paradoks, requirements needed by a poor accessed 16 January 2019. student in PPDB is being from a Awaliyah, Gumanti dan Esthi family receiving PKH and/or school Maharani, “JPPI: Pembaruan recommendation. Thus, the removal Data Penerima KIP Masih of SKTM from PPDB does not Berbelit- belit”, https://republika. make it harder for them to apply to co.id/berita/pendidikan/ schools. The government, particularly education/19/01/10/pl46v5335- the Ministry of Internal Affairs jppi-pembaruan-data-penerima- (Kemendagri) needs to cooperate kip-masih-berbelitbelit?utm_ with related parties concerning the source=dable, accessed 16 January integration of population data, so that 2019.
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30 Dewi Sendhikasari D. dewi.sendhikasari@dpr.go.id Dewi Sendhikasari Dharmaningtias, S.IP., MPA., finished her undergraduate study in Governmental Studies in STPMD "APMD" Yogyakarta in 2007, and her graduate study in Public Administration in Gadjah Mada University Yogyakarta in 2009. Currently, she is serving as a Junior Researcher in International Relations, in the Research Center of Parliamentary Expertise Agency DPR RI. Some of her scientific articles that has been published, either through journals and/or books are: "Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pemilu dan Kesiapannya Menghadapi Pemilu Serentak" (2015), "Evaluasi Terhadap Pemekaran Daerah dan Potensi Penggabungan Daerah" (2016), and "Pembagian Kewenangan Pemerintahan dalam Pengelolaan Energi Nasional" (2016). Info Singkat © 2009, Research Center, Expertise Agency of DPR RI Copyright is protected by law. It is forbidden to quote http://puslit.dpr.go.id or reproduce part or all of the contents of this study ISSN 2088-2351 without the publisher's permission.
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