Page created by Byron Hicks

A Year in
A message from the Director

                                                      significant questions continue to remain about
                                                      the nature of trading conditions from January
                                                                                                            While Brexit was
                                                      While Brexit was a complication, an even bigger       a complication,
                                                      challenge was to present itself in the form of a      an even bigger
                                                      global pandemic. As Boris Johnson closed down
                                                                                                            challenge was
                                                      non essential work, car dealerships closed their
                                                      doors and production lines ground to a virtual halt   to present itself
                                                      in March.                                             in the form of a
                                                                                                            global pandemic.
                                                      Things did initially slow down for InAutomotive
                                                      and while it wasn’t ideal, it presented us with a
                                                      golden opportunity to sit back and assess how
We started last year, much like everyone else, with   we could develop InAutomotive to provide an
a significant plan for 2020 - a plan that was soon    even better product.
to go out of the proverbial window when Covid-19
wreaked havoc around the world.                       We knew we couldn’t just sit around waiting for
                                                      the storm to pass. We’re big believers in ‘control
If I cast my mind back to the start of the year,      the controllables’ so while we couldn’t change the
Brexit was the biggest threat to the industry         impact Covid-19, we could control the hard work
with concerns over job losses and Brexit related      and determination we put in to see us through
tariffs being imposed. Ironically, one year on and    these unprecedented times.
Between March and August, we contacted
                                                     About Us                              Our Motivation
thousands of jobseekers and clients to discover
the features which they would love to see. Using
this feedback, we came up with a plan to make        InAutomotive was launched in          Our sole purpose is to connect
their experience of InAutomotive quicker, more       2003 to connect employers and         employers with skilled professionals
efficient and intuitive.                             jobseekers in the automotive          for specialist roles. By doing this,
                                                     industry. Over the past 18 years,     we provide jobseekers with the
Since August, we’ve been working unbelievably        we’ve grown to become the UK’s        opportunity to flourish in a career
hard behind the scenes to bring those ideas to       leading destination for discovering   they love and we help businesses
life. More information about our exciting relaunch                                         thrive by recruiting talented
                                                     extraordinary career opportunities
can be found on pages 14 - 16, but phase 1 is                                              individuals.
                                                     and for finding and recruiting top
set to launch in January 2021 with even more
significant features to be released throughout the

While it has been one of the more challenging
periods in InAutomotive history, we’re extremely
proud of the work we’ve done and we can’t wait
for everyone to see it. We know you’re going to
love it!

I’d like to give a special mention and thank the
InAutomotive team for all their hard work in
unusual circumstances. I’d also like to thank our
clients who ‘kept calm and carried on recruiting’
in the last few months. Your support, as ever, is
much appreciated.

Dave Capper

Director of InAutomotive
How Covid-19
Impacted Jobs in
the Automotive

The automotive industry was prepared for job losses as a result of
the Brexit deal in 2020. However, an even bigger threat to jobs was
to present itself in the form of a global pandemic.
Covid-19 was a major disruption for the             The Chief Executive at SMMT, Mike Hawes, said,
automotive industry with the sector recording its   “We need a package of support to restart; to build
worst six month performance since the end of        demand, volumes and growth, and keep the UK at
                                                                                                            The UK automotive industry is
World War Two.                                      the forefront of the global automotive industry.”
                                                                                                            one of the nation’s most valuable
Just 381,357 cars were built between January        The response to the pandemic is an ever changing
                                                    situation but with the combined impact of national
                                                                                                            economic assets, estimated at
and July, representing a drop of 42.8% and a
loss of 285,164 units. The Society of Motor         and local lockdowns, economic uncertainty               £82bn.
Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) said year to       and the lack of clarity on Brexit, the industry is

year sales were almost half of those recorded in    preparing for more turbulent months ahead.

2019.                                               Industry experts originally forecast global car
                                                    sales to return to pre-pandemic levels in 2021 but
The UK automotive industry is one of the nation’s
                                                    a GlobalData report released in December 2020,
most valuable economic assets, estimated at
                                                    suggested it would be more like 2023.
£82bn, sustaining 820,000 jobs with 168,000
directly in manufacturing.                          The lack of clarity over Brexit is prompting experts
                                                    to anticipate even more job cuts in the industry
Despite the furlough scheme, job cuts were          during 2021. In late December, Andrew Farthing
announced at major car manufacturers, including     from GSM said, “I think various automotive
Aston Martin, Bentley, McLaren and Jaguar           companies are trying as best [as] they can to
Landrover.                                          retain the industry in the UK, but it is coming under
                                                    serious pressure.”
After 6,000 jobs were lost in June alone, the UK
government was accused of failing to provide        He continued, “We need clarity from the UK
additional and sufficient support. The SMMT         government and devolved parliaments in
warned that one in six jobs were at risk of         the UK about what is going to happen and at
redundancy without help from the government in      this moment in time it doesn’t look as if the
restarting production.                              automotive sector is going to be supported in any
The SMMT went on to advise that emergency
funding, permanent short-time working, business
                                                    * The statistics and quotes displayed are taken from
rate holidays and VAT cuts were needed to stem      forbes.com and bbc.co.uk. The information was correct
the flow of job losses.                             at the time of writing.
How Covid-19

As expected, the year started like any other with a spike in traffic
and applications. When the national lockdown was announced, we
experienced a sudden drop in activity which subsequently recovered
when dealerships re-opened and production lines started up again.

Despite furlough schemes supporting employment, traffic levels
remained fairly consistent throughout the year which suggests
candidates were either keeping their options open or preparing for any
changes to their current employment.
Jobs Posted to InAutomotive per Month
                                                                                                     The average number
                                             2019         2020                                       of jobs posted every
                                                                                                     month was 1,213, a
                                                                                                     decrease of 76%
8,000                                                                                                from 2019.

                                                                                                     The average number
                                                                                                     of applications every
4,000                                                                                                month was 2,757

                                                                                                     Employers were
                                                                                                     searching for Servicing
    0                                                                                                & Repairs, Vehicle
         Jan      Feb    Mar   Apr     May          Jun    Jul   Aug     Sep      Oct    Nov   Dec
                                                                                                     Technicians and Car
                                                                                                     Sales Reps

                                                                                                     The most applied
                                                                                                     to jobs were for Car
                                                                                                     Sales, Driver jobs and
Our CV database                 Our registered                      On average, over
                                                                                                     Service Advisor jobs.
grew by 2.72%                     jobseekers                       43,000 jobseekers
                                grew by 2.6%                      visited InAutomotive
                                                                       every month.
How Covid-19
Impacted our

Since March, we regularly interviewed our jobseekers to understand
how Covid-19 was affecting their lives and careers. We were also keen
to discover their feelings about how the government and their most
recent employer handled the pandemic.
What is your                                             Would you consider
            employment status?                                       reskilling in order to take
                                                                            another job?

                                                                                    58% Would Consider
                      37% Unemployed

                                                            3% Didn’t Apply

 5% Other

                                        49% Employed        16% Wouldn’t Consider

                                                                                                 23% Would Potentially Consider

9% Furloughed/Part Furloughed

       74%                                72%
                                                                               This is an unprecedented situation and it is easy
                                                                               to be wise after a situation. Things in hindsight
  74% are worried                   72% believe the UK                         could and should have been done differently,
 about their future                government could be
                                                                               but would anyone else have done better?
 in the automotive                doing more to help the
      industry.                    automotive industry
                                    get back on its feet.
How do you feel the UK                                                                           How do you feel your most recent
      government has handled the                                                                       employer has handled the pandemic in
        pandemic overall so far?                                                                           relation to their employees?

                                                                                                                         4% No comment
           7% No comment

    7% Very well                                               23% Very badly
                                                                                                          23% Very well                           30% Very badly

24% Well
                                                                       9% Badly

                                                                                                               10% Well
                                                                                                                                                  10% Badly

                                              30% Feel indifferent
                                                                                                                                  23% Average

  The motor trade has been badly affected by
                                                                                                                                         I got sacked due to Covid, couldn’t get another job
  Brexit and Covid. The UK government has
                                                                                                                                         during lockdown and couldn’t get ANY financial
  repeatedly refused to accept that the motor
                                                                                                                                         support whatsoever. Gone into thousands of pounds
  trade needs extra help for 2020 and beyond
                                                                                                                                         of debt due to the government’s lack of support.
  that to ensure people stay in work.

* The statistics and opinions displayed are based on an InAutomotive survey of 57 automotive professionals from October 2020.
They do not reflect the views of the InAutomotive or any of its team.
How Covid-19
Searching for

We were also keen to understand how job searches and
priorities had changed as a result of this year’s events. The
results were fascinating and paint a powerful picture of the
current automotive job market.
How long have you been                           How many jobs have you applied for                    What information is most
               job hunting?                                  during your current job search?                    important for you to see in
                                                                                                                      a job advert?

       11% Over a year                                                9% None
                                                                                                      14% Progression opportunities

                                                                                        33% 1- 5                                                        27% Salary
11% 6-12 months                                            15% 6-10
                                                                                                      9% Interview information

                                   40% Less than a month

15% 3-6 months

                                                                                                      20% Working hours                           18% Key responsibilities

                  23% 1-3 months                                 43% More than 10

                                                                                                                           12% Company benefits

                                                                      I never understand why salaries are missed off job
                                                                      descriptions. I wouldn’t take the time to apply for a job
                                                                      which might not match what I am looking for.
Do you feel most job adverts                                                                         What do you find most frustrating                       Have your career priorities
         provide the information you                                                                                about job hunting?                                changed as a result of this
               are looking for?                                                                                                                                             year’s events?

                                                                                                                                     9% Lack of information
                                     71% Yes                                                                                                                                        60% Yes
                                                                                                                                        in the job advert

                                                                                                         27% Lengthy & complicated
                                                                                                            application process

                                                                                                                                      46% No reply from the
                                                                                                                                      recruiter after applying

                                                                                                   18% No reply from the
                                                                                                 recruiter after an interview
                29% No

                                                                                                                                                                           40% No

           What information do you want to                                                                                                                       If yes, in what way have your priorities
           know about an employer?                                                                                                                               changed?

                                                                                              Time is valuable and not
           1.     Company culture and values                                                                                                                     1.   Salary expectations are lower
           2.     Training                                                                    knowing why the application is                                     2.   Searching for a better work/home
           3.     Career progression opportunities                                            rejected would help with future                                         balance e.g. working closer to home
                                                                                                                                                                 3.   Broadening the scope of their job
                                                                                                                                                                      search to improves their chances of

* The statistics displayed are based on an InAutomotive survey of 272 automotive professionals from December 2020.
Our Response to

The Covid-19 pandemic had a significant impact on businesses
around the world - and we were no exception. As the response
to the situation changed frequently, we knew we had to adapt, be
flexible and plan the long term future of InAutomotive.
As things slowed down from April, we took the
time to strategically review the fundamentals of
InAutomotive and search for ways in which to
cultivate. As Sir Winston Churchill said, “Never let a
good crisis go to waste,” meaning that in times of
trouble, great things can occur if the opportunity is

We started by interviewing thousands of
jobseekers and clients to establish the features
they would like to see enhanced or added. In
August, we compiled huge amounts of data into
a comprehensive plan to revamp the site. Once
equipped with our plan and goals, we set about
working hard behind the scenes to bring those
concepts to life.

For our jobseekers, the new features will simplify
the application process, offer more detailed
job descriptions and improve the job search
functionality. Enhanced search functionality means
that jobseekers can discover relevant career
opportunities quicker and easier than ever before.

We can also exclusively reveal that for the first
time ever on our platform, jobseekers will be able
to apply for jobs using their InAutomotive profile
instead of their CV. This will allow jobseekers to
showcase their talent, skills and experience beyond
the CV, which means a better chance of reaching          Jobseekers will be able to
the interview stage and landing their dream job.         apply for jobs using their
                                                         InAutomotive profile instead
                                                         of their CV
For our clients, it will be easier to post jobs and
view detailed insights into the performance of
their jobs. Clients will also be able to compare
how they are performing against other employers

on InAutomotive.

We’ll also be providing enhancement indicators
on live job posts. For example, if the salary
offered is below the industry average, we’ll flag
it to ensure job posts achieve their maximum

We’re also proud to announce that our CV
database will be the smartest version to date and
jam packed with more comprehensive data. We’ll
even suggest candidates which could be relevant
to you based on recent search data.

These features are just the first phase of the
revamp which will launch in January 2021.
Selected individuals will be exclusively invited
to try out the platform and offer their feedback.
From February, the updates will be available for
everyone to use and benefit from.

                                                                   For our clients, it will be easier
                                                                   to post jobs and view detailed
                                                                   insights into the performance
                                                                   of their jobs.
2021 and

From our extensive research, we discovered that jobseekers
were searching for more than just career opportunities from
InAutomotive which is why phase 2 and 3 of the relaunch will
focus on career development support and creating a community
in which professionals can connect.
Exciting Developments Coming
in the Next 18 Months

2021Salary and take
   home calculators

Upskilling opportunities             Expanded
                                professional profiles        Assessments

A day in the life features
                             Enhance your professional    Revamped courses
                               reputation by posting          platform
 Recommended entry
                             achievements, articles and
  points for specific
                               day in the life features
     career paths                                         End to end career
                              Community Q & A board
 CV and interview tips
                                                          Career case studies

                                                          Events integration
A Final Word
            from Dave

            To close, I’d like to acknowledge that while the industry is in a
            period of uncertainty, we are confident that things will return
            to ‘normal’ in the not too distant future. The industry has
            been rocked by major challenges throughout the years but it
            has always found a way to come back stronger through the
            resilience, determination and innovation of the exceptional
            individuals that work within it.

                                                                                Search for jobs at

                                                                                Recruit at
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