Page created by Duane Schneider
FALL 2021


                        A WALK TO

San Jacinto College offers a variety of leisure learning
courses to help you expand your horizons and have
fun! You can enjoy our short courses year-round, along
with flexible schedules and easy registration.

                              FALL 2021
                              • ARTS AND CRAFTS
                              • CAKE DECORATING
                              • FINANCIAL
                              • LATIN DANCING
                              • PHOTOGRAPHY
                              • SPORTS & RECREATION
                              • WELLNESS

For more information and a complete list of courses,
  visit sanjac.edu/cpd or call 281-542-2020.

 2 News & notes                                   3 Spotlight on faculty                 4 Prepared, not scared       5 A walk to remember

 6 Massage therapy career                                   7 Event planning             8 College’s new facilities

Questions about San Jacinto College programs and services described in this
publication should be directed to the Contact Center at 281-998-6150. Comments or
questions about the publication can be directed to the San Jacinto College External           News & notes
Relations Department at 281-998-6152.

Executive Editor: Amanda Fenwick, Vice President, Marketing and Public Relations

Contributing Writers: Courtney Morris, Melissa Trevizo, and Andrea Vasquez
                                                                                         3    Hattaway reflects on nearly
Contributing Photographers: Courtney Morris, Melissa Trevizo, and Andrea Vasquez              50 years of teaching at San Jac
Visit San Jacinto College online at sanjac.edu.
Call us at 281-998-6150.
                                                                                         4    Prepared, not scared
                      Follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/SanJacintoCollege                 Get ahead of whatever Mother
                      and Twitter and Instagram @SanJacCollege
                                                                                              Nature has in store next
About San Jacinto College

Surrounded by monuments of history, evolving industries, maritime enterprises of
today, and the space age of tomorrow, San Jacinto College has served the citizens
of East Harris County, Texas, since 1961. San Jacinto College is among the top
                                                                                              A walk to remember
five community colleges in the nation, as designated by the Aspen Institute for               Spring commencement 2021
Community College Excellence, and was named an Achieving the Dream Leader
College of Distinction in 2020. The College serves approximately 45,000 credit
and non-credit students annually and offers more than 200 degrees and certificates
across eight major areas of study that put students on a path to transfer to four-year
institutions or enter the workforce. San Jacinto College’s impact on the region totals
                                                                                         6    Veteran rehab center visit
$1.3 billion in added income, which supports 13,044 jobs. The College is fiscally
sound, holding bond ratings of AA and Aa2 by Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s.
                                                                                              prompts massage therapy career

For more information about San Jacinto College, call 281-998-6150, visit sanjac.edu,
or join the conversation on Facebook and Twitter.
                                                                                              Planning an event?
SeniorFocus is published three times a year by San Jacinto Community College
District, 4624 Fairmont Parkway, Suite 210, Pasadena, Texas, 77504, in partnership
with Academic Marketing Services.
                                                                                              It’s all in the details

All rights reserved. No part of the material printed may be reproduced or used
in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage retrieval system without the permission of
                                                                                              College’s new facilities are
the publisher.
                                                                                              put to good use
©2021 San Jacinto Community College District

Fall 2021                                                                                                             SeniorFocus            1
San Jac Athletics gives strong showing at national tournaments

                                                  The San Jacinto College baseball and softball          Uresti was named to the NJCAA Division I
                                                  teams competed in their respective National            Midwest Region First Team.
                                                  Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA)
                                                                                                         The baseball team ended its 2021 season third
                                                  national tournaments after super regional and
                                                                                                         at the Alpine Bank Junior College (JUCO) World
                                                  regional tournament wins in May.
                                                                                                         Series in Grand Junction, Colo.
                                                  The softball team completed the 2021 season
                                                                                                         San Jac finished the season 51-15 overall,
                                                  with a third-place finish at the NJCAA national
                                                                                                         including a Region XIV tournament victory.
                                                  tournament in Yuma, Ariz.
                                                                                                         The team’s JUCO World Series appearance is the
                                                  San Jac softball finished the season 43-10 overall     27th in program history.
                                                  after winning the Region XIV tournament. The
                                                                                                         “I am extremely proud of what this team has
                                                  third-place national finish is the highest ever in
                                                                                                         accomplished: third place in the nation,” said
                                                  school history (five appearances).
                                                                                                         Head Coach Tom Arrington. “They were a
                                                  “I am extremely proud of our entire team,”             team that faced many adversities but remained
                                                  said Head Coach Kelly Saenz. “These girls put          diligent in the work ethic and support of one
                                                  everything they had into this season, facing           another. Win or lose, they will always be a
San Jacinto College named                         some talented teams, to finish as one of the top       championship team.”
a top 5 community college                         three at the national tournament. I appreciate
                                                                                                         Infielder Sabin Ceballos was presented the Jay
in the nation                                     their dedication and work ethic throughout
                                                                                                         Tolman Outstanding Defensive Player Award
                                                  the entire season and applaud them on a job
                                                                                                         for the tournament. Ceballos, outfielder Mason
                                                  well done.”
                                                                                                         Auer, and catcher Chase Adkinson were named
San Jacinto College was named a national          Sophomore Audrey Garcia was named to the               to the all-tournament team.
top 5 community college as a Finalist with        all-tournament team, and sophomore Alexis
Distinction by the Aspen Institute on May 18
at its 2021 Aspen Prize for Community College
Excellence virtual award ceremony.
The Aspen top 10
community colleges
for 2021 are Amarillo
College (Texas), Broward
College (Florida),
Borough of Manhattan
                                                   Photo by Eric Castanos
Community College (New
York), Odessa College
(Texas), Pasadena City College (California),
Pierce College (Washington), San Antonio
College (Texas), San Jacinto College (Texas),
                                                     San Jac offers 2021 high school grads free tuition
Tallahassee Community College (Florida), and
West Kentucky Community and Technical                San Jacinto College has launched a special           successfully educate students from chronically
College (Kentucky). Amarillo College was             one-time opportunity scholarship program             underserved communities.
named the 2021 Rising Star, and San Antonio          just for the district’s graduating high school
College was named this year’s Aspen Prize                                                                 The 21Forward Scholarship was developed in
                                                     class of 2021.
winner.                                                                                                   response to the challenges COVID-19 caused
                                                     High school students who graduated                   for families in the community. The three-year
Chancellor Dr. Brenda Hellyer thanked                in December 2020 or May 2021 from                    scholarship allows students to attend full or
employees for their contributions and                Channelview, Deer Park, Galena Park, LaPorte,        part time.
commitment to providing continued support            Pasadena, and Sheldon independent school
for student success.                                                                                      Eligibility requirements include graduating
                                                     districts are eligible for free tuition for up to
                                                                                                          from a high school within the College’s taxing
“This recognition is for our people, and it’s        three years at San Jac thanks to the 21Forward
                                                                                                          district (listed above) during the 2020-2021
a recognition of our people -- our faculty,          Scholarship.
                                                                                                          academic year, enrolling in classes for the fall
staff, administrators, Board of Trustees,            This opportunity is made possible by a $30           2021 semester, applying for financial aid, and
students, and community,” said Dr. Hellyer.          million gift to the College by philanthropist        living in the College’s taxing district upon their
“Our community believes in us, and they see          and author MacKenzie Scott and her                   high school graduation. Homeschool, private
the impact we make because of the work of            husband, Dan Jewett -- the largest private           school, and GED graduates are also eligible.
each of our employees and the commitment             gift in the College’s history. Scott and Jewett
throughout the entire organization. I’m so                                                                For more information about the 21Forward
                                                     donated more than $2.7 billion to 286
proud to be a part of this College and the work                                                           Scholarship, visit sanjac.edu/21forward.
                                                     organizations throughout the country, which
that’s being done.”                                  includes two- and four-year institutions that

2          SeniorFocus                                                                                                                      Fall 2021
                                            NEARLY 50 YEARS OF
                                            TEACHING AT SAN JAC
                                                           By Melissa Trevizo

When Dr. Karen Hattaway set foot on                  mentored me — and to have served as a mentor
San Jacinto College’s Central Campus,                many times over the years myself,” she said.
NASA was still prepping to send a man                Finding her place at the College, Hattway helped
to the moon. Her career as an English                start the first English as a second language (ESL)
                                                     courses at San Jac.
professor spans 48 of the College’s
60-year history, making her the most                 “The College has always been reflective of
                                                     the community, and we saw a need for ESL
senior faculty member on staff.                      classes,” she said. “In the first cohort, we had 28
                                                     students from 16 countries with various levels of
Fresh out of the University of Oklahoma (OU)         competence.”
with her master’s degree, Hattaway was looking
to start her career. Her husband, David, held a      Many of Hattaway’s ESL students were
chemical engineering degree and accepted an          international students, with both language and
offer at the Deer Park Shell Refinery.               cultural challenges.
“I had never been to Houston before,” she said.      “We were teaching them English with cut-out
“I was working for the OU office of advanced         photos from Montgomery Ward catalogues and
studies, but I hadn’t found a job in Texas yet. I    homemade worksheets we created ourselves,”
heard there was a college in the area, so I called   she said. “We also helped them assimilate to a
to ask if they were in need of teachers.”            completely foreign environment.”
When Hattaway placed the call, it was                Besides her ESL work, Hattaway
commencement day 1969. With most of the staff        also helped create an early version
busy preparing, Dr. Thomas Spencer, San Jac’s        of the honors program.
first president, answered the phone himself.
                                                     “Several of our surrounding school
“Dr. Spencer told me that there was a local          districts requested that we offer an
candidate for the job, but I was welcome to          honors option for their graduates,”
come the following Monday to interview for the       said Hattaway. “We started with
position. After my interview, I thought I’d never    English and history, and the
hear from the College again,” she said.              program blossomed from there.”
                                                     In 1983, Hattway earned her                                                 In 2015, Hattaway was
Checking the mailbox one last time before
                                                     doctorate from Rice University,                                             selected by the League
leaving Oklahoma, she discovered a letter
                                                     thanks to encouragement from                                                for Innovation in the
from San Jac offering her the English professor
                                                     colleagues.                                           Community College to author the prestigious
position. In fall 1969, 25-year-old Hattaway
                                                                                                           “Cross Papers #18,” an in-depth monograph
began teaching English Composition I to the
                                                     “I thought there was no way I would get               that has shaped teaching strategies in many of
growing student body.
                                                     accepted to the program,” she said. “I didn’t         the nation’s community colleges. She has also
“We were gaining about a thousand students a         think I would pass the GRE, I didn’t have the         directed the Eisenhower and Teacher Quality
semester,” said Hattaway. “As a new teacher with     money, and I was too old.”                            Grants, which brought together Galena Park
40 students in each class, I was overwhelmed                                                               and Sheldon ISD teachers to improve student
                                                     To her surprise, she passed the GRE exam
but encouraged by great mentors.”                                                                          learning.
                                                     and received an acceptance letter to the
Veteran teachers helped Hattaway navigate            Rice program. Soon after, Hattaway won a              With nearly 50 years of experience, Hattaway
not only the College’s culture but also              Delta Kappa Gamma Society International               still loves teaching, even though the technology
relationships with department chairs and other       scholarship, which covered the program                and generations of students continue to change.
administrators.                                      expenses.
                                                                                                           “Teaching is the only profession where what
“Faculty mentors help to create a sense of           “There were no more excuses at that point,” she       is created never goes out of style or wears out.
community. I’m so grateful to the ones who have      said.                                                 Education is forever,” she said.

Fall 2021                                                                                                                 SeniorFocus                         3

                        By Courtney Morris

If you’ve lived in Houston long                       “Even if you haven’t accomplished everything on
enough, you may equate emergency                      the plan, at least you have a roadmap of what to
                                                      do,” Shah said.
preparedness with hurricane hustle:
                                                      Your plan should include these six steps:
the last-minute to-do list check-off as
the Gulf sends another storm our way.                 1. Choose your evacuation spot.
                                                      If you need to evacuate (and Shah says you
This February, an Arctic front reminded us            should when officials call for an evacuation),
we have more seasons to consider than the             where would you go — a family member’s
active tropics June 1 to Nov. 30. Whether the         home, statewide shelter, or community center?
disaster comes from Mother Nature, emergency          And how would you get there?                          •   Prescriptions
preparedness is always in season.
                                                      If you’ll need help getting to a shelter or another   •   Nonperishable snacks/food
September is National Preparedness Month. Want        location or accessing resources in an emergency,      •   Pet food
to get ahead of the next disaster? San Jacinto        call 2-1-1 now to be added to a statewide/local       •   Water bottles
College Office of Emergency Management Director       registry. This registry lets emergency responders     •   Phone charger
Ali Shah shares tips to help you get started.         know who you are, where you live, and what
                                                                                                            5. Consider your mental health.
                                                      help you need in an emergency.
Adopt the mindset                                                                                           Have a good support system — know whom
Shah has navigated many disasters during his 22       2. Don’t forget Spot and Fluffy.                      you can call if you feel overwhelmed. Besides
years in public safety. Lesson learned: It’s always   If you have pets, plan where you’ll take them.        family or friends, you can call 1-800-273-8255
best to have a plan — the earlier, the better.        Share details about any pets if you register with     (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) or text
                                                      2-1-1. You may not be able to go to your nearest      “HOME” to 741741 (National Crisis Text Line).
“The [preparedness] mindset doesn’t have to
                                                      shelter, but pets are allowed in certain shelters.
happen right when a hurricane is coming or                                                                  6. Communicate your plan.
                                                      You can evacuate — and take your pets with you!
when it’s starting to get cold,” he said.                                                                   Make this a family activity. Bring everyone
                                                      3. Extend your prescriptions.                         together to plan so each person has ownership.
Preparedness begins with asking yourself:
1. How will I learn about emergencies?                Talk to your doctor about getting an extra            Share what steps you’ve taken and where you
                                                      supply of your medications. Have more on hand         want to evacuate. Problem-solve together.
2. What are my specific needs?
                                                      than you need in case pharmacies close because
Will you watch TV or listen to the radio? Do you      of extended power outages.                            Go the extra mile
receive text message alerts? You can also buy a                                                             Life circumstances are always changing, so
                                                      4. Assemble a “go kit.”
NOAA emergency radio that broadcasts public                                                                 review your plan often and update. Also,
alerts.                                               “Gather the things you need to sustain you            consider learning skills like CPR and first aid.
                                                      from where you are to where you’re getting
Not tech-savvy or tuned in to media? Ask a            evacuated,” Shah said.                                Finally, Shah recommends visiting these
trusted neighbor, friend, or family member                                                                  websites:
who gets alerts to call you immediately in an         At minimum, put these items in a backpack or
                                                      small storage tub:                                    • Ready.gov: General emergency resources
                                                                                                            • Readyharris.org: Resources for residents in
Also, do you have specific medical needs, and         • 1-2 changes of clothes
                                                                                                               and around Harris County
can you take care of yourself if you stay at home?    • Printed contact information for your doctor,        • 211texas.org: State and local emergency
                                                        family, and friends                                    resources (call the free 2-1-1 hotline to
“It’s a deeper, more thoughtful discussion for
seniors,” Shah said.                                  • Printed copies of your driver’s license, Social        be added to a registry if you need special
                                                        Security card, and other identification sealed         resources/evacuation help during disasters)
Preparedness means you know how to take care            in a heavy-duty Ziploc bag
of yourself before a disaster happens. Even if                                                              If you feel overwhelmed about starting, tackle
you can’t do everything on your own, you know         If you’re checking in at a shelter, you’ll need       one step today — then another tomorrow. The
how to direct family, friends, or emergency           identifying information. Shah recommends              important thing is to start.
responders to help you.                               keeping the copies stored securely on a               “When you start a plan and your plan matures,
                                                      smartphone. But if you prefer carrying printed        you deal with disaster the way you deal with any
Develop the plan                                      copies, keep them on you to avoid identity theft.     other hurdle in life,” Shah said. “Knowing you
Once you know how you’ll learn about                                                                        have an answer to the problems you might face
                                                      Finally, slap a sticky note on the kit for last-
emergencies and what your needs are, it’s time                                                              during a stressful time can keep a disaster from
                                                      minute items to add:
to create the plan.                                                                                         becoming your disaster.”

4           SeniorFocus                                                                                                                         Fall 2021
            Masks up or down for photos, San Jacinto College
            graduates were all smiles to return to celebrating in
            person May 15 at NRG Stadium.
            Both graduating classes of 2020 joined spring 2021
            graduates. Between the two spring commencement
            ceremonies, 1,671 people walked across the stage —
            the College’s largest turnout ever.
            Graduates’ ages spanned from 16 to 75, proving you’re
            never too young or too old to achieve a dream!
            Photos by Courtney Morris

Fall 2021                               SeniorFocus                 5
               By Courtney Morris

Carlene Ashworth hadn’t counted on a                 “The first month I was there, I did
new career. In fact, it would have been              more business and made more
                                                     money than I had working the last
easier for the longtime accountant to                three months for someone else,” she
stick with what she knew.                            said.

But if Ashworth is anything, it’s determined.        Her persistence paid off. Two years
When she met veterans recovering from burns,         later, she took over the building
limb trauma, and amputations at the Center for       lease, becoming owner of Pasadena’s
the Intrepid, she felt a tug to help.                Therapeutic Massage and Spa. Now
                                                     four other therapists rent space from
Many of these veterans received massage therapy      her.
to help relieve their pain and post-traumatic
stress disorder. It got Ashworth thinking: Could     “We’re a group that works together
she help others in a hands-on way too?               well,” she said.
It’s a question she can answer with a resounding     Case in point: When COVID-19
yes 10 years later. Not only is she helping          shuttered businesses in March 2020,                  need to pick up continuing education credits.
others feel their best through massage, but she      the therapists gave the facility a makeover. Until   She also chairs the massage therapy program’s
encourages the next generation of therapists.        they could reopen, they dedicated themselves         advisory committee, updating instructors on
                                                     to the three R’s — ripping up old carpet,            industry trends and advising on curriculum.
‘Best program around’                                refinishing floors, and repainting.                  In fall 2020, the program relocated to the new
After her yearlong stint as American Legion                                                               South Campus Cosmetology Center, which
Auxiliary national president, Ashworth quit          A massage for the therapist
                                                                                                          features state-of-the-art equipment throughout.
accounting and enrolled in San Jacinto College’s     Ashworth enjoys helping longtime clients
massage therapy program in 2012.                     maintain health and new ones experience pain         “The new facility will … give students a better
                                                     relief for the first time. She encourages her        outlook on what massage therapy is all about,”
San Jac was her natural choice. She had                                                                   she said.
experienced great instructors at the College in      clients to pursue a maintenance program of at
the ‘80s, and the two-semester program offered       least monthly massages.                              Ashworth also gets massages at San Jac, helping
a more well-rounded curriculum than other            “It lowers your blood pressure, helps relax you,”    current students clock their internship hours.
massage programs she found, with classes in          she said. “There are so many benefits people         “I’ve had some really good massages there,” she
business ethics, kinesiology, and pathology.         don’t understand or know about until they            said. “I felt they really were going to make good
As an older student, she appreciated both the        experience it themselves.”                           massage therapists.”
intense curriculum and instructor support.           Ashworth has also learned to take her own advice     She not only gives students feedback on their
“Everyone that’s involved in the massage therapy     when it comes to self-care. Already a widow,         techniques but also recommends potential
program is very dedicated toward helping             she faced another challenge when her oldest son      careers, like sports massage.
[students] succeed,” she said. “They give a lot of   suffered a stroke.
                                                                                                          The other side of health care
time working with individuals.”                      Since her son can no longer live alone, she
                                                     serves as his caregiver before, between, and         Although she has scaled back on her hours,
Ms. Independent                                      after work shifts. Self-care, including getting      Ashworth can’t think of anything better than
Starting out, Ashworth worked three months           massages herself, is as important for her as it is   being an independent therapist.
for an established massage practice. Then she        for her clients.                                     It doesn’t matter whose muscles she is kneading
found a massage business with a room for rent,                                                            — from the seasoned veteran to the stressed-
                                                     “I have to stay active not only for my business
and she switched to working as an independent                                                             out mom or the sore jogger. She keeps a flexible
                                                     but to take care of my son,” she said.
therapist — eager for more hands-on hours.                                                                schedule while having a hand in others’ health,
She launched a grand opening special, mailing
                                                     Altruistic alumna                                    minus the lengthy medical degree.
invitations and letters to everyone she knew. She    Since San Jac gave her a solid start in massage       “It’s a great field if you’re not pursuing medical
also worked morning to night to answer calls         therapy, Ashworth refers prospective students        — to be a part of the ‘good health’ world,” she
and take walk-ins.                                   to the program and even current therapists who       said.

6          SeniorFocus                                                                                                                         Fall 2021
                                        IT’S ALL IN THE DETAILS
                                                   By Courtney Morris

“It doesn’t matter                                     even have a budget for that? Is anyone            ask that of the venue. Some want people
the size of the                                        going to want to pay the ticket price?            to wear masks and spread tables a certain
                                                                                                         number of feet apart.
event, planning is                                 Q How about coordinate?
essential.”                                                                                          Q What makes event planning fun for you?
                                                   A Once you create the idea, you have to
                                                     find the venue, entertainment, food.            A There’s nothing more fun than seeing
Jeffrey Reich-Hale                                   Sometimes the venue itself might not do           an event pulled off successfully. It’s even
should know. The                                     the food. Then you want to coordinate             kind of exciting to fix a flub. It’s knowing
Houston-based                                        the invitations — printing them or                it’s a job well done that you did — that
independent consultant                               creating an online invite. Get everything         everyone had a good time.
has 25 years of            Jeffrey Reich-Hale        in writing with every vendor you’re using.
experience in the                                    If they don’t want to do an agreement or        Q Last thoughts?
hospitality industry. From arranging five-person     contract, drop them. Otherwise, you’ll          A Being organized is extremely important.
corporate meetings to coordinating quinceañeras,     be scrambling if they drop you at the last        You can’t do an event haphazardly.
weddings, trade shows, hotel grand openings,         minute because they got a better offer.
and everything in between, Reich-Hale knows his
stuff.                                             Q Finally, control — what does that
                                                     look like?
Now he brings his experience to the table
serving on the Continuing and Professional         A The control comes down to one person
Development Lifelong Learning Education and          controlling every detail that is happening,
Camp Advisory Committee. He helps develop            reviewing everything and how it’s going
leisure and credit learning opportunities at San     to flow. If you want to enjoy the event
Jacinto College for the community.                   yourself, you might have someone else
                                                     making sure all the details you’ve worked
Reich-Hale shares how he has pulled off              on are under control. That person has the
successful events and you can too:                   capability of getting it back on track if
                                                     something goes wrong.
Q What’s your best advice for someone just
  getting into event planning?                         If it’s a large event, have them involved
                                                       right at the onset of booking that event.
A I learned a lot from great mentors and               If it’s a small event without a big budget,
  teachers, so the mistakes were few and far
                                                       have a planning committee to help pull off
  between. I like to pay attention to details.
                                                       the day of. One’s assigned this task, and
     Ask questions. I was never that person            another is assigned that task.
     who was afraid to ask in the beginning.                                                          The Three C’s for a
     The right teacher or boss will not mind.      Q What personality traits does an event
                                                     planner need?                                    Successful Event
Q You say it takes three C’s to plan a                                                                Planning a classmate reunion, family
  successful event. What does create               A You can’t be a wallflower — you have to be
                                                     outgoing, know when to be “on.” You have         celebration, or some other event, large or
  involve?                                                                                            small? Get tips to pull it off with Jeffrey
                                                     to step up when an emergency happens
A What’s the event? Everybody has a theme,           and know what to do. If this goes wrong,         Reich-Hale’s free workshop:
  even with a corporate event. But make sure         what would I do? Think through the “what         When: Monday, Sept. 27, 12-1 p.m.
  the theme is manageable. Run your idea by          if ” scenarios ahead of time.
  other people in your organization or group                                                          Where: Community Center, C1.108,
  to know you’ll have their support. A casino      Q What challenges does COVID-19 present            Central Campus, 8060 Spencer Hwy.,
                                                     for event planning right now?                    Pasadena, Texas 77505
  night and the Roaring Twenties are two
  different things completely.                     A Here it’s a different story than in New York     Contact: 281-476-1893 or
                                                     and other states. It’s more open in Texas.       community.engagement@sjcd.edu*
     Make sure you have access to everything
                                                     I’ve been to events already, and there are
     you’ll need to pull it off. You might want                                                       *Although this event is free, seating is limited.
                                                     no restrictions, other than staff at the
     to have several theme ideas because one                                                          Register early to reserve your seat!
                                                     venue wearing masks. You might want to
     theme might not be cost-effective. Do we

Fall 2021                                                                                                           SeniorFocus                           7
               By Andrea Vasquez

Construction on San Jacinto College’s                 “Our new Welcome Center and CPET are just
new campus facilities is reaching                     two of the major improvements to the Central                 CAMPUS
                                                      Campus that help students and their families
completion. Funded by the College’s                   achieve their dreams,” Van A. Wigginton,
2015 bond referendum of $450 million,                 Central Campus provost, said. “Our new CPET
additions and renovations to the Central,             facility highlights the key role petrochemical
                                                      industries play in the economic prosperity of
North, South, and Maritime Campuses
                                                      our community.”
have been in progress since 2019.
                                                      Besides these new facilities, the 60,000-square-
At the Central Campus, the $60 million                foot Frels classroom building has seen $4.2
LyondellBasell Center for Petrochemical,              million in upgrades, including more classroom
Energy, & Technology (CPET) is the largest            and lab space and a new dining area to support
petrochemical training facility in the Gulf Coast     three Pasadena ISD early college high school
region. Built for and designed by industry, the       programs. Renovations are also underway at the
                                                      McCollum Building, repurposing the space for         SOUTH
151,000-square-foot instructional complex                                                                  CAMPUS
features a multifunctional glass pilot lab and        updated classrooms and offices.
an exterior 8,000-square-foot glycol distillation     At the North Campus, construction ended last
unit for process operations training. CPET also       year on the new Cosmetology and Culinary
features 35 custom interior labs, 20 interactive      Center. The $22.3 million, 57,000-square-
classrooms, and three computer labs. It houses        foot facility gives students industry-standard
the air conditioning technology, electrical           training.
technology, electronics, engineering design
                                                      The culinary wing features a bakery, kitchens       The South Campus Cosmetology Center
graphics (drafting), environmental health and
                                                      with food prep stations, walk-in refrigerators      began welcoming students in spring 2021.
safety technology, instrumentation/analyzer
                                                      and freezers, and a bistro dining area open to      The $15.8 million, 39,300-square-foot facility
technology, nondestructive testing, pipefitting/
                                                      the public and able to host catered events. The     boasts student lounges, a full-service salon,
fabricator, process technology, and welding
                                                      cosmetology wing includes a full-service salon      and updated labs and classrooms to enhance
                                                      and spa, where clients can get massages, facials,   workforce training for future cosmetologists.
The campus’ Welcome Center has also seen its          haircuts, color treatments, manicures, and
share of students. The $16.6 million, 43,000-                                                             “Our Engineering and Technology Center
square-foot facility serves as a one-stop shop                                                            combines cutting-edge instructional tools and
for admissions, enrollment services, veteran          “The Cosmetology and Culinary Center is             beautiful, innovative learning spaces,” Dr. Aaron
services, financial aid, tutoring, testing centers,   a fantastic resource and experience for our         Knight, South Campus provost, said. “Likewise,
education planning, counseling, and the campus        students with its state-of-the-art design, modern   the Cosmetology Center is a state-of-the-art
business office.                                      labs, and new technology,” Dr. Alexander            education and training facility. Both help the
                                                      Okwonna, North Campus provost, said. “I want        College continue to provide our community
 CENTRAL                                              to thank our community for supporting us and        with excellence in workforce training and
 CAMPUS                                               approving the bond to serve our students better.”   academic transfer.”
                                                      At the South Campus, the $27.7 million,             The South Campus Building S23 is being
                                                      74,000-square-foot Engineering and                  converted into a new central plant. Other
                                                      Technology Center features a MakerSpace with        campus upgrades and renovations include
                                                      a 3D print shop, metal shop, and a woodshop         removing legacy structures in the courtyard,
                                                      where students can build their designs. New         replacing drinking water pipes, and removing
                                                      computer labs with industry-standard software       overhead powerlines.
                                                      serve the academic and technical programs
                                                                                                          The Maritime Campus also received upgrades
                                                      offered in the building. The facility houses the
                                                                                                          for its training needs — now offering a new fire
                                                      engineering technology, biomedical equipment
                                                                                                          trainer and fire house and new lifeboat davits.
                                                      repair technology, engineering design graphics,
                                                      electronics, and computer information               For more information about bond construction
                                                      technology programs.                                projects, visit sanjac.edu/bond.

8           SeniorFocus                                                                                                                     Fall 2021
FALL 2021
All times and event schedules listed are subject to change. For more information, visit sanjac.edu.

           Labor Day: College closed                                                       CPD: Medicare 101
Sept.                                                                           Sept.      Time: 12 - 1 p.m.
           All campuses and online
 6                                                                               30        Register at community.engagement@sjcd.edu
                                                                                           or call 281-476-1893

           Take 2 classes begin
           All campuses and online
 7                                                                                         Hispanic Heritage Month: ¡Cantamos!
                                                                                           Time: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
                                                                                  6        Site: South Campus Atrium/Courtyard, S11
           CPD: Conversational Spanish
           Time: 12 - 1 p.m.
15         Register at community.engagement@sjcd.edu
           or call 281-476-1893                                                            Hispanic Heritage Month Luncheon:
                                                                                           Tech panel
                                                                                 14        Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.
                                                                                           Site: South Campus Student Center, S11.250
           Hispanic Heritage Month: Salsa y Salsa
           Time: 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
15         Site: South Campus Atrium/Courtyard, S11
                                                                                           Campus-based and Foundation scholarship
                                                                                           application closes for spring 2022
                                                                                 30        Site: Online
           Hispanic Heritage Month:
           Film: Stand and Deliver
20         Time: 11:45 a.m. - 1:45 p.m.
           Site: South Campus Academic Wing, S7.152                             Nov.       Thanksgiving Break: College closed
                                                                                           All campuses and online

           CPD: Special Event Planning:
           The 3 C’s for a Successful Event
27         Time: 12 - 1 p.m.
           Register at community.engagement@sjcd.edu
           or call 281-476-1893

           Hispanic Heritage Month:
           Al Ritmo de la Musica
28         Time: 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
           Site: South Campus Fine Arts Theater, S15

           CPD: How Businesses Use Credit - Business
           Series with BBVA
29         Time: 12 - 1 p.m.
           Register at community.engagement@sjcd.edu
           or call 281-476-1893
San Jacinto College
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   San Jacinto Your Success

                                 FIVE CONVENIENT CAMPUSES

         CENTRAL CAMPUS                   SOUTH CAMPUS            NORTH CAMPUS
        8060 SPENCER HWY.               13735 BEAMER ROAD       5800 UVALDE ROAD
      PASADENA, TEXAS 77505            HOUSTON, TEXAS 77089    HOUSTON, TEXAS 77049

                          MARITIME CAMPUS         GENERATION PARK CAMPUS
                          3700 OLD HWY. 146        13455 LOCKWOOD ROAD
                        LA PORTE, TEXAS 77571      HOUSTON, TEXAS 77044
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