Sunrise Middle School - Parent - Student Handbook 2020-2021 4960 E Acoma Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85254 www.pvschools.netschools/sunrise-middle/home

Page created by Eddie Taylor
Sunrise Middle School - Parent - Student Handbook 2020-2021 4960 E Acoma Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85254 www.pvschools.netschools/sunrise-middle/home
Sunrise Middle School
    Parent - Student Handbook
4960 E Acoma Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85254
Sunrise Middle School - Parent - Student Handbook 2020-2021 4960 E Acoma Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85254 www.pvschools.netschools/sunrise-middle/home
Contents ​.
A Message to Our Students                            2   Internet                               9
Sunrise Student Goals                                2   Lost and Found                         9
Values, Mission and Vision Statements                2   Makeup Work for Absences               9
Announcements                                        3   Media Center                           10
Arrival and Dismissal Times                          3   Medications                            10
Assemblies                                           3   National Junior Honor Society (NJHS)   10
Attendance, Absences, Tardies, & Truancies           3   Nurse                                  10
Bicycles, Skateboards, Scooters                      4   Parent Communication                   11
Birthdays, Celebrations, and Gifts                   4   Parent Volunteers                      11
Bullying, Harassment, and Horseplay                  4   Passing Between Classes                11
Bus Riders                                           4   Performance Testing                    11
Bus Rules                                            4   Physical Education                     11
Cafeteria                                            5   Prohibited Items                       11
Cell Phones                                          5   P.T.O.                                 12
Cheating                                             5   Report Cards and Deficiency Reports    12
Closed Campus                                        6   Restrooms                              12
Conduct                                              6   School and Bus Crossings               12
Dances                                               6   School Hours                           12
Deliveries to Students                               6   Search and Seizure                     12
Discipline                                           6   Sexual Harassment                      12
Dress Code                                           7   Solicitation and Invitations           12
Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures                      7   Student Activities                     13
Drugs, Paraphernalia, Alcohol, Smoking, Vaping       8   Student Advisor                        13
Electronics                                          8   Student Council                        13
Evacuation and Lockdown Drills                       8   Student ID Badge                       13
Extracurricular Sports Participation                 8   Textbooks and Materials                13
Hall Passes                                          9   Visitors                               13
Homework                                             9   Weapons                                13
Honor Roll and Principal’s List                      9   Yearbook                               13
Immunizations                                        9
Infinite Campus                                      9
Insurance                                            9

Sunrise Middle School - Parent - Student Handbook 2020-2021 4960 E Acoma Drive Scottsdale, AZ 85254 www.pvschools.netschools/sunrise-middle/home
A MESSAGE TO OUR STUDENTS                                            SUNRISE STUDENT GOALS
                                                                 The goals at Sunrise Middle School address several areas
This handbook has been prepared to help you become               for personal, social, and scholastic growth. The total
familiar with the general goals, guidelines, and codes of        program of this school is designed to help our students:
conduct for students attending Sunrise Middle School. In this
handbook you will find information pertaining to school              ● Understand yourself and develop a positive self-
policies and student activities that should help you become            concept based on good character traits.
the very best student you can be.                                    ● Understand and get along well with other people.
We extend our personal wishes to you for a rewarding and             ● Respect the rights and feelings of others.
active school year. Become involved and enjoy your years at          ● Become self-disciplined and responsible for your
Sunrise Middle School. We look forward to an eventful and              actions.
accomplished year for you.                                           ● Achieve success in the basic skill areas of English,
                                                                       science, math and social studies.
                                                                     ● Explore elective areas of study for enrichment.
                                                                     ● Develop new interests and pursue your talents.
                                                                     ● Have a positive attitude towards school and the
                                                                       educational environment.


                                                    Individual Excellence
                                                    Rigorous Curriculum
                                                   Integrated Technology
                                                  Differentiated Instruction
                                                 Professional Collaboration
                                                 Community Partnerships

                                                MISSION STATEMENT

The mission of Sunrise Middle School is to motivate students to achieve success and embrace responsibility within a dynamic
                                                   learning environment.

                                                 VISION STATEMENT

The vision of Sunrise Middle School is to inspire students to become innovative thinkers and doers while challenging them to
achieve individual excellence. We are committed to providing a rigorous curriculum, differentiated instruction, and integrated
                           technology within a collaborative and supportive learning environment.

ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                      Absences: It​ is the responsibility of the student’s parent or
Announcements are made daily, usually at the beginning of          guardian to report any absence by calling the school
3rd period.                                                        attendance line at 602-449-6101 before 9:00 a.m. or by
                                                                   calling the school office at 602-449-6100 no later than 9:00
ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL TIMES                                            a.m. on the day of the absence. You may NOT  ​    text
                                                                                                                     ​    your
The school day at Sunrise Middle School is from ​8:00 a.m. -       message. If no call is received, a reasonable effort will be
2:40 p.m.​ Students are not permitted on campus until 7:30 ​       made to contact a parent or guardian. If no contact is made,
a.m. and
     ​     should not arrive before that time. The only            the student is considered truant. If a student will miss school
exception to this is if a student is requested to arrive earlier   for an appointment or religious holiday, the parent or
by a staff member or teacher who will give the student a           guardian should notify the school office in advance of the
pass. The student must enter the campus through the office         absence.
and present the pass. As a parent, please don’t allow your
son or daughter to arrive on campus before 7:30​     a.m.          Tardies: ​School begins at 8:00 a.m. All students must be
                                                                   on time to school and seated in their first period class when
Students should leave the campus immediately after the             the bell rings. Students are expected to be on time to each
2:40 p.m. dismissal bell rings.​ Students are not to be on         class throughout the day. Being late to class is disruptive
campus after that time unless they are under the direct            and interferes with the learning of the class as a whole. All
supervision of a teacher or staff member. Students staying         tardies to school and to individual classes are used to
after school for rehearsals, sports activities, and/or club        calculate the number of tardies each quarter. Therefore,
meetings should be with and under the direct supervision of        Sunrise has the following consequence policy for students
their teacher, coach, or sponsor.                                  who are tardy:
                                                                       ● Excessive tardies may result in lunch detention, or a
Assemblies are designed to be both educational and
                                                                         disciplinary referral.
entertaining experiences. Proper behavior includes reporting
to the assigned class before the assembly, sitting with the        Parents must sign their child in at the office for any
assigned class, giving immediate attention to the program          tardies without written verification. Excused tardies are
when requested, and remaining at the assembly until                those that have written verification from a doctor,
dismissed. Talking, whispering, whistling, stomping of feet,       dentist, orthodontist, etc. ​These tardies are marked as
shouting, and booing are discourteous and inappropriate.           tardy excused (TE) and are not included for disciplinary
Any student who is sent out of an assembly for behavioral          action as described above. A student tardy to class without
reasons may be excluded from future assemblies and                 an excuse is recorded as tardy unexcused (TU) in Infinite
immediate disciplinary action will occur.                          Campus.
ATTENDANCE, ABSENCES, TARDIES, AND TRUANCIES                       Truancies: ​ ​ A student absent for one or more class
Regular attendance is the key to much of the success a             periods without the consent of a parent or guardian is
student may gain from his or her school program. Students          truant. ​ An unexcused absence will be dealt with by the
should only remain out of school when absolutely necessary.        responsible administrator. A student is truant if he or she:
The benefit of lectures, discussions, and participation is lost
forever to those who are absent. Once a student has been               ● Leaves school without a parent signing out in the
absent from school ten (10) times, excused and/or                        front office.
unexcused, the parent(s) may be notified in writing.                   ● Is absent from school without prior permission from
                                                                         a parent.
                                                                       ● Is absent from class without permission.

● Obtains a pass to go to a certain location and does        Students who feel they have been bullied or harassed must
      not report there.                                          immediately come to the office, fill out a blue incident report
    ● Becomes ill and goes home or stays in the restroom         form, and see the Assistant Principal to discuss the situation.
      instead of reporting to the nurse’s office.
    ● Comes to school but does not attend classes.               BUS RIDERS
                                                                 If a student lives more than 1.5 miles from school, he/she is
After the 5th truancy a conference may be held with the          eligible to ride the bus. ​Bus schedules can be found at
student, and a parent is contacted.                              Bus Stop Finder on the PVUSD website. Students​       must
                                                                 always get on and off at the same bus stop. Students should
BICYCLES, SKATEBOARDS AND SCOOTERS                               not arrive at the bus stop more than 5 minutes prior to the
Students are not allowed to ride bicycles, skateboards or        scheduled pick up time. Open enrollment and transfer
scooters on walkways at any time. While on school property       students are not eligible for bus transportation.
bicycles must be secured with a case hardened lock and
chain in the bicycle compound during the school day. The         BUS RULES
school assumes no liability for loss or damage of bicycles or    Any student causing a disturbance which may cause the
bicycle parts. Skateboards,
               ​              longboards, and all scooters       driver’s attention to be diverted from the road is
will need proper locks in order to be secured within the         endangering everyone on the bus. ​ Students who
bike rack enclosure.                                             misbehave on the bus or at bus stops may be forbidden from
                                                                 riding any school bus.​ ​The following rules are to be followed
BIRTHDAYS, CELEBRATIONS, AND GIFTS                               at all times:
We understand that friends and parents like to celebrate
various occasions. However, balloons, flowers, cakes,                ● The same good conduct is expected as in the
candy, presents, bouquets, etc. cause distractions, are a              classroom.
loss risk, and are not allowed on the bus or on campus. This         ● Students must stay seated while riding the bus.
policy helps protect instructional time and ensures that all         ● Head, hands, and feet need to remain inside the bus
students are treated equally. If a student has any of these            at all times.
items on campus, he/she will be sent to the office to call a         ● Nothing may be thrown from the bus windows or
parent to immediately come and pick up the item(s) from the            inside the bus.
office. ​Please do not bring or send any of these items to           ● The bus driver may assign seats.
school for delivery to a student at any time.                        ● The bus driver is in charge and students are
                                                                       expected to follow the bus driver’s directions and
BULLYING, HARASSMENT, AND HORSEPLAY                                    requests.
Students of Sunrise Middle School have the right to attend           ● Profane language is not tolerated and will result in
school without fear of harm, threat, intimidation, or                  disciplinary action.
harassment. Students shall not annoy or bother another               ● No eating or drinking on the bus at any time.
student physically, verbally, or visually. The use of language       ● The bus driver may write a referral for any
or gestures which insult, intimidate, or negatively incite             inappropriate behavior which may result in
another person’s feelings will not be tolerated. This                  disciplinary action up to and including suspension or
includes, but is not limited to, sexual, ethnic, gender                permanent removal from the bus.
Identity,or religious harassment. All students will attend an
assembly on harassment policies. Consequences for
harassment will be immediate and consistent with Governing
Board policy.

CAFETERIA                                                       CHEATING
Breakfast is served from 7:30 a.m. - 7:50 a.m. Students may     All members of the Sunrise Middle School student
choose to buy breakfast items if they are on campus during      community are encouraged to take responsibility for their
that time period. Students are responsible to be in class at    own classwork and actions.
8:00 a.m. without exception.
                                                                Cheating at Sunrise is defined as any of the following
The lunch period is 30 minutes. Students are not allowed to     actions:
leave the school grounds during the lunch period. Students
are expected to help keep the cafeteria clean, neat, and            ● Incorrect grading of a paper, either by changing an
orderly. If rules are violated, disciplinary action may be            answer, adding an answer that had been left blank,
taken. The following cafeteria rules must be observed:                or not marking an error incorrect.
                                                                    ● Copying someone else’s work whether homework, in
    ● No running to the cafeteria.                                    a test or quiz situation, or plagiarizing
    ● No cutting in line.                                           ● Allowing someone else to copy your work.
    ● A “courtesy lunch” is provided if a student forgets
      his/her lunch money or has no money in his/her            Acceptable actions include:
      lunch account.
                                                                    ● Presenting ideas of others with credit to the source
    ● No food or drink other than water is allowed outside
                                                                      such as when you use a footnote or bibliography.
      the cafeteria.
                                                                    ● Helping a friend with homework by giving them
    ● Students must stay inside the designated courtyard
                                                                      similar examples or situations as models.
      area when dismissed from the cafeteria at lunch
                                                                    ● Doing makeup homework after you have been
    ● Disruptive behavior is not tolerated.
                                                                    ● Sharing notes unless they are the assignment.
    ● Permission is required to leave the cafeteria or the
                                                                    ● Telling another student what an assignment is for a
      courtyard during lunch time.
                                                                      particular class.​
    ● Students are expected to dispose of all trash and
      lunch trays before leaving their table.                   Consequences of cheating:
    ● Students with a pass may request permission to go
      to the Media Center but must stay there for the               ● Student’s work will be taken away.
      remainder of the lunch period.                                ● If occurring out of class, the assignment/assessment
                                                                      in question will be given to the proper teacher for
CELL PHONES                                                           review and any consequences.
Upon arrival at school, students must turn off their cell           ● Actions that may be taken by the individual student’s
phone, put it away, and not have it visible at any time               teacher can range from a conference with the
during the school day. Students
                          ​          may not use their cell           student and/or parent to a grade of zero on the
phone to call or text anyone during the school day under any          assignment or assessment, or an office referral.
circumstances. A phone in the office is available for student       ● See teacher’s individual grading policy for specific
use in an emergency. Sunrise Middle School is not liable or           information.
responsible for the investigation of any lost, damaged, or
stolen cell phone.
Cell phones may only be used with teacher permission in the
classroom and in conjunction with assignments and or

CLOSED CAMPUS                                                         ● Only Sunrise students may attend the dances and
In order​ to
          ​ maintain a safe and orderly environment, students           student ID cards are checked.
are not permitted to leave the school campus under any                ● A student may not leave the dance early unless a
circumstances during the school day unless a parent or                  parent picks him/her up through the office. The
guardian signs him/her out in the office. All
                                          ​ visitors must               campus gates are locked during the dance, except
check in at the front office and receive a visitor’s pass               for the main gate, to enhance student supervision
before proceeding anywhere on the campus, including                     and security.
the athletic fields. No
                     ​ student may have a guest on                    ● Music is provided by a professional disc jockey.
campus during school hours. No guests are allowed at                  ● A student may be prohibited from attending a dance
school dances or at any school events during the school day.            if he/she has received a discipline referral and/or a
                                                                        suspension during the quarter of the dance.
CONDUCT                                                               ● Disruptive behavior and/or profane language is not
Adult staff members are responsible for the enforcement of              tolerated and will result in disciplinary action.
rules and maintaining order on campus. Students must                  ● Students must remain in the cafeteria and/or gym for
respect the authority of ALL
                         ​    ​ adults. Students in defiance of         the entire dance.
authority will be subject to disciplinary action.                     ● If a student is removed from a dance for
The school has legal authority to “discipline students for              inappropriate behavior, the student could lose future
disorderly conduct on the way to and from school” (ARS Title            dance privileges.
15341 A 15). Disorderly conduct includes, but is not limited          ● Students entering the dance illegally will be removed
to: fighting, smoking, verbal abuse, vandalism, etc.                    from the dance and brought to the office to call a
                                                                        parent for pick up.
Students are to conduct themselves in such a manner as to             ● No refunds will be given once a ticket is purchased.
respect the rights of others and cause no interference with
the educational process of the school. Fellow students,           DELIVERIES TO STUDENTS
classroom and substitute teachers, student advisor, office        Students and parents need to take the time to secure all
personnel, aides, custodians, and administrators deserve          necessary items prior to the start of the school day. Lunch
respect, consideration, and a safe environment. Verbal or         and/or lunch money is to be brought to school by the
physical abuse toward any student or adult is not tolerated.      student and ​NOT ​delivered by a parent during the school
                                                                  day. The
                                                                       ​    delivery of lunch money, lunch, homework,
School books, equipment, buildings, and furniture must be         notes, etc. to classrooms causes a disruption to the
given proper care. Students and their families may be             educational setting and is discouraged.
charged for damage to school property in addition to any
disciplinary action.                                              DISCIPLINE
                                                                  The staff of Sunrise Middle School believes that maintaining
DANCES                                                            a positive and safe school environment is vital for all
Sunrise Student Council sponsors one dance during the             students. The discipline policy should ensure that each
school year for all 7th and 8th grade students attending          student has the opportunity for the maximum successful
Sunrise Middle School. Tickets are sold the week of the           educational experience while he/she is a student at Sunrise
dance during lunch. A late bus, with limited stops, is            Middle School.
provided for all bus riders.
The Student Council and PTO sponsor an 8th grade
promotion dance held on a Friday in May from 6:00 p.m -
8:00 p.m. This dance is free for all 8th grade students.
Parents are responsible for providing transportation to and
from this dance. The following rules for the dances must be

The purpose of the policy is expressed by the following         Garments promoting alcohol, illegal substances, tobacco,
objectives:                                                     sexual connotations, weapons, inappropriate language,
                                                                violence, and/or any other content deemed inappropriate by
    ● To ensure that the educational process is not             the administration are not permitted.
    ● To promote self-discipline and citizenship.               Pajama bottoms and slippers may not be worn to school.
    ● To set a high expectation of standards.                   Hairstyles and/or hair colors which draw undue attention and
    ● To ensure that students understand the link between       cause disruption are discouraged.
      proper behavior and a successful future.
    ● To foster honesty, independence, and personal             Any garments and/or jewelry with straps, spikes, chains, etc.
      growth.                                                   are considered a safety hazard and prohibited.

Student conference, parent conference, buddy pass,              Students wearing any of the above items need to change
detention, school service project, suspension, and expulsion    and will be given appropriate clothing to finish the school
are possible disciplinary actions that may be taken against a   day. Decisions
                                                                     ​           as to appropriate dress rests with the
student who violates school rules created to provide a safe     school administrators. The dress code is in effect at all
and orderly learning environment. The school has                school events, regardless of the time of day, including,
jurisdiction over student behavior from the time he/she         but not limited to: school dances, sports activities,
leaves home in the morning until he/she returns home.           NJHS induction, concerts and all afternoon and evening
Abiding by the rules and guidelines given in this handbook      performances.
ensures citizenship success at Sunrise.
                                                                DROP-OFF AND PICK-UP PROCEDURES
DRESS CODE                                                      In our continuing effort to promote safety as well as
All students, regardless of gender, are expected to abide by    efficiency at Sunrise, we request parents and students abide
all aspects of the student dress code.                          by the following drop-off and pick-up procedures for car
                                                                commuting students. Areas for drop-off and pick-up are as
Any clothing that is deemed by the school                       follows:
administration to be inappropriate or disruptive to the
learning environment may not be worn to school.                 The indented curb area in front of the school on the
                                                                northside of Acoma Drive is designated as a student
Shirts must not expose abdomen or back skin.                    drop-off and pick-up zone. ​ Do not exit the vehicle until you
                                                                are in the indented curb area and have pulled up as far
Shorts and skirts must not expose buttocks or back skin.
                                                                forward as possible. Drivers need to avoid stopping in front
Any attire that exposes cleavage is prohibited.                 of the emergency vehicle access lane located immediately
                                                                west of the bicycle enclosure.​ It is necessary to approach
Any clothing allowing undergarment exposure is not              this drop-off and pick-up zone while driving west on
permitted.                                                      Acoma Drive as “NO U-Turn” signs are posted for
All students must wear shirts and/or dresses with sleeves.      eastbound traffic.​ This is enforced by the Phoenix Police
State law mandates that shoes must be worn at all times.
Sandals may not be worn on the basketball courts or during      There is no stopping for vehicles at any time on the
P.E.                                                            south side of Acoma Drive. Students who walk to
                                                                school on the south side of Acoma Drive MUST proceed
Hats or headwear of any kind are not allowed. This includes     to the marked crosswalk in front of the school for safe
bandanas and scarves, except for cultural or religious          entry to the campus.

The east side of 49th Street,​ the west boundary for             EVACUATION AND LOCKDOWN DRILLS
Sunrise, is also designated for drop-off and pick-up of          Evacuation drills are conducted each month. Teachers will
students for vehicles traveling north. There is no drop-off or   give directions for evacuation according to the evacuation
pick-up permitted on the west side of 49th Street.               maps posted in each classroom. Students are expected to
                                                                 be quiet and listen to the teacher’s instructions. Talking or
The south side of Marilyn Road,​ the north boundary for          misbehaving during a drill is dangerous and considered a
Sunrise, is available for drop-off and pick-up for vehicles      discipline issue.
traveling east There is no parking allowed between 7:00
a.m. and 4:00 p.m. If a driver needs to assist a student with    Students who are in the hallway or restroom should exit to
unloading a school project, musical instrument, bicycle, etc.,   the athletic field and rejoin their class. Students in a
Marilyn Road is optimal. There is no stopping permitted for      classroom other than the one on their official schedule
westbound traffic.                                               should stay with that class and advise the teacher. The
                                                                 teacher will then report the student’s location to an
The only vehicles allowed in the school parking lot are          administrator. Lockdown drills are conducted each
district buses, staff vehicles, and visitors who have            semester. A student in the hallway or bathroom at the time
business in the school office or an appointment. ​ This          of a lockdown needs to immediately report to the closest
minimizes the exposure of students to moving vehicles.           classroom. The teacher will advise an administrator of the
Dispersing commuter traffic over the south, west, and north      student’s location.
sidewalks around Sunrise ensures student safety and traffic
flow efficiency. Please help us help your child arrive and      EXTRACURRICULAR AND SPORTS PARTICIPATION
depart Sunrise safely and expediently.                          Sunrise students are encouraged to participate in
                                                                extracurricular activities. For a student to be able to
DRUGS, PARAPHERNALIA, ALCOHOL,​                                 participate in an extracurricular activity or sport he/she must
SMOKING,VAPING                                                  be present for at least 5 of the 8 periods of the school day.
The possession, use, or sale of drugs, look-alikes,             Extracurricular sponsors and coaches may monitor students
paraphernalia, and/or alcohol at school or on the way to/from grades and behavior for participation in clubs, activities, and
school will result in suspension and possible expulsion from sports. Coaches monitor athletes’ grades on a weekly basis
school. Criminal prosecution may also result under ARS          during All-Star seasons. During this time each student must
13-3401-3411.                                                   print out his/her grades each Friday and give it to the
                                                                appropriate coach. An athlete not bringing in his/her grades
Students are not permitted to possess or bring any tobacco      or receiving a failing grade in any subject at that time will be
product or associated paraphernalia, including e-cigarettes,    ineligible to participate in games and/or competitions the
vaping items, matches, or lighters at any time in school        following week until grades are checked again the next
buildings, on school grounds, on a bus, or within the area      Friday. Selection for an All-Star team requires passing
surrounding the school grounds. This applies to all school      grades in all subjects at the time selection is made.
sponsored events and activities as well as during the regular
school day. Violation of this rule will result in suspension.   Any student receiving a conduct referral will be ineligible to
Smoking or possession of paraphernalia is in violation of the play in the next competition following the referral. Other
law. ARS 13-3622                                                infractions of behavior may also result in the loss of playing
                                                                time at the coach’s discretion. Any student having a P.E.
ELECTRONICS                                                     excuse that does not allow him/her to physically participate
Any electronic device, such as a tablet, eReader, laptop,cell in P.E. class for the day will not be allowed to practice or
phone, etc., brought to school is ​AT YOUR OWN RISK.            compete in extracurricular athletics for that school day.
Some electronics may be used with teacher permission in         He/she is expected to be at the practice or competition to
the classroom and in conjunction with assignments and or        watch, but he/she cannot physically participate. Track and
activities. Use of electronics must adhere to district, school, wrestling have competitions ahead of the festival
and classroom policies. Sunrise Middle School is not liable     tournament. An athlete is ineligible for the competitions
or responsible for the investigation of any lost, damaged, or   before the festival tournament if he/she has a failing grade in
stolen electronic device.                                       any subject. All track and wrestling athletes are eligible to
                                                                participate in the festival tournament regardless of grades.

HALL PASSES                                                       Please contact the office if you need assistance. Links to
Students are not allowed out of any class for any reason          Infinite Campus are on the Sunrise and PVUSD websites or
without a pass from the office or a teacher. When a pass is       login at:
given in a necessary or emergency situation, the pass must
be returned with the times and proper signatures noted on
the pass.
                                                                  Students participating in P.E. and other physical activities
HOMEWORK                                                          are encouraged to obtain medical insurance if you are not
Homework should be completed by the student and returned          already covered under a family medical policy. Insurance
                                                                                                                  ​            is
to the teacher on the due date. It is the responsibility of the   required to participate in extracurricular and festival
student to bring homework to school and we ask that               sports programs. ​Insurance may be purchased through the
forgotten homework not be delivered to school for student         school insurance program offered by United Healthcare.
pick up.                                                          Brochures are available in the office.

HONOR ROLL AND PRINCIPAL’S LIST                                   INTERNET
Scholarship is encouraged and recognized through the              The level of Internet usage is determined by individual
Honor Roll and Principal’s list. Each list is compiled and        classroom teachers. Students must follow district and school
certificates are issued to deserving students after each of the   guidelines when using the Internet at Sunrise. Privileges
first three quarters. The following is the criteria:              may be revoked if violations of any rules occur during use.

    ● 3.0 GPA with all A’s + B’s to be placed on the Honor        LOST AND FOUND
      Roll and 4.0 or better GPA with all A’s to be placed        Bins are located in the office and P.E. locker rooms for items
      on the Principal’s List.                                    that have been found on campus. Please ask in the front
    ● No grade lower than a “B” in any class for the              office for lost items such as: cell phones, money, electronic
      quarter.                                                    devices, jewelry, etc. to see if they have been found as they
    ● Grades from all classes, including electives, are           will be held separately. Items in the bins not claimed are
      used to determine the grade point average (GPA).            donated to charity at the end of each semester.
                                                                  MAKEUP WORK FOR ABSENCES
                                                                  If a student is absent from class for any reason, it is his/her
Arizona Revised Statute (ARS) 36-672 mandates that proof
                                                                  responsibility to get the classwork and homework
of immunizations is required for each student and must be
                                                                  assignment(s) from the teacher’s website or see the teacher
kept up to date. The school administrators are responsible
                                                                  upon return to class to get the assignment(s). Students have
for suspending students who are not in compliance with the
                                                                  one day to complete work missed for each day absent.
law. If suspended, a student is not allowed to return until
                                                                  Classwork and homework is available on each teacher’s
proof of the required immunizations is received by the
school. Changes to required school immunizations now
include the Tdap vaccine and Meningococcal vaccine (MV).          If a student is suspended from school, all work is due
                                                                  upon return to school. This is not considered an
                                                                  excused absence.
Infinite Campus is an online tool that allows parents and
students access to grades, homework assignments,
attendance, and other important information. Infinite
Campus is used by all Paradise Valley School District
schools and the password will change from year to year.

MEDIA CENTER                                                     Council, appointed by the principal, which bestows this honor
Students are encouraged to use the media center before           upon qualified students on behalf of the faculty of our school.
school and during lunch. When a student goes to the media
center during lunch, he/she must remain in the media center      Students in the second semester of 7th or 8th grade are
until the lunch period is over. The media center is also open    eligible for membership. For the scholarship criterion, a
after school Monday - Thursday from 2:40 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.        student must have a cumulative grade point average for the
Students use the media center with their class and on            first three quarters of 3.8 or better, all A’s and B’s. Students
special assignment from their teachers. Inappropriate            who meet this criterion are invited to complete a Student
behavior to/from the media center may result in privileges       Activity Information Form that provides the Faculty Council
being rescinded. Students are allowed to use material from       with information regarding a candidate’s leadership,
the school media center and can check out five (5) books at      citizenship, and service. A history of leadership experience
a time for up to two (2) weeks.                                  and participation in school and community activities is
Students are charged the replacement cost for any book that
is returned damaged or lost. No further book check out is        To evaluate a candidate’s character, the Faculty Council
allowed until payment is received. If payment is not received    uses two forms of input: school discipline records are
by the end of the school year, the student will not be able to   reviewed and members of the faculty are solicited for input
check out books in the following school year until the           regarding their professional reflections on a candidate’s
outstanding amount is paid for. For students moving on to        character and leadership. These forms and the Student
high school, we advise the high school of the amount owed        Activity Information Forms are carefully reviewed by the
for any lost/damaged books.                                      Faculty Council to determine membership. Candidates are
                                                                 notified regarding selection or non-selection according to a
MEDICATIONS                                                      predetermined schedule.
It is mandatory that all medications be dispensed and
controlled by the school nurse. This includes all over the       Following notification, a formal induction ceremony is held to
counter medications such as: Tylenol, Advil, cough and cold      recognize all the newly selected members. Once inducted,
remedies, antacids, etc. Students and/or parents need to         new members are required to maintain the same level of
see the nurse with any medication in its original container      performance or better in all five areas that led to his/her
with the proper form filled out and signed by a parent. Is it    initial selection.
not permissible under any circumstances for a student to         This obligation requires regular attendance at monthly
share medication with others. Medications and inhalers are       chapter meetings and participation in the chapter service
not to be carried by a student during school unless a doctor’s   projects.
note is on file with the nurse ​each​ school year.
The nurse does not have stock medications. ​ If a student        The nurse’s office is located in the main office building. The
needs over the counter medications such as: Tylenol, Advil,      nurse does hearing and vision screenings as well as fully
etc., a small bottle of each medication should be provided to    clothed scoliosis checks. If you have objections to any of
the nurse and labeled with the student’s name. The proper        these screenings, please contact the school nurse. If a
form must be filled out.                                         student is injured and cannot walk they may be transported
NATIONAL JUNIOR HONOR SOCIETY                                    by golf cart to the nurse’s office. If you do not want your
The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) chapter of              child transported in this manner, please advise the nurse.
Sunrise Middle School is a duly chartered and affiliated         The nurse maintains all immunization records and
chapter of this prestigious national organization.               emergency cards. Please help the nurse keep these current.
Membership is open to those students who meet the                Students needing to see the nurse must first get a pass
required standards in five areas of evaluation: scholarship,     from a teacher. If a student has a health issue, he/she
leadership, service, citizenship, and character. Standards       must go to the nurse’s office and make any necessary
for selection are established by the national office of NJHS     parent phone call(s) through her office phone.
and have been revised to meet our local chapter needs.
Students are selected to be members by a Faculty

PARENT COMMUNICATION                                            reasonable suspicion at any time without police, without
There are various ways for parent to be apprised of school      student consent, and/or without a search warrant. Any P.E.
events and communicate with Sunrise staff members.              restrictions also apply to any after school and/or sports
    ● Infinite Campus
    ● Sunrise website:                                          The procedures to be excused from P.E. class are as                follows:
    ● Messages can be sent to a staff member’s email.
      Email information is available on the Sunrise                 ● Temporary excuse: This may be requested for three
      website.                                                        consecutive days or fewer. Parents must submit a
    ● Voicemail messages may be left. Voicemail                       note to the P.E. teacher for any specific illness or
      information is available on the Sunrise website.                injury. The excuse may request no physical
                                                                      education for the day or may state specific
PARENT VOLUNTEERS/CHAPERONES:                                         restrictions.
Both Volunteer and Chaperone applications may be obtained           ● Long Term excuse: Parents are required by the
either in the front office or online. When utilizing the online       Paradise Valley Unified School District rules to
process, go to,
                 ​                    ​ select “Support PV” and       obtain a written statement from the student’s
then choose “Volunteer at PVSchools.” This will provide you           physician describing the problem, and length of time
with the information regarding both options. Approval may             for the excuse along with the exact restrictions.
take up to 4 weeks. Once approved status granted is good            ● A written or alternative assignment is given to any
for 3 school years, Chaperones are required for any off               student excused from physical participation in P.E.
campus field trip and will need a notarized criminal affidavit,
fingerprints, and background investigation. The safety and      PROHIBITED ITEMS
well-being of our students is of utmost importance              Items which interfere with safety, cause disruption, or are a
                                                                hazard at school, are prohibited and confiscated. School
PASSING BETWEEN CLASSES                                         administrators have the final say regarding the
Students are expected to move from one class to another in appropriateness of items at school. In addition, the school
an orderly manner with no running, pushing, or inconsiderate will not be responsible for the loss, theft, or damage of
behavior toward others. Walkways must remain open.              prohibited items. Prohibited items include, but are not limited
PERFORMANCE TESTING                                             to:
All students take the state mandated performance test in the
                                                                    ● Weapons or look-alikes
second semester of the school year. The results become
                                                                    ● Drugs, drug look-alikes, and/or drug paraphernalia,
part of each student’s permanent record. Student scores are
                                                                      alcohol, tobacco and/or tobacco products, including
provided to the parent or guardian at the beginning of the
                                                                      pipes, cigars, cigarettes, etc.
following school year.
                                                                    ● Matches and lighters
PHYSICAL EDUCATION                                                  ● Clothing with inappropriate or gang related wording
Students are required to wear appropriate clothing and                or symbols
sneakers during P.E. class. ​Mouth guards are highly                ● Hats
recommended for all students.​ Jewelry is not to be worn.           ● Trading cards, toys, etc.
The P.E. teachers give instructions regarding requirements          ● Cameras, MP3 players, electronic games, and other
and issue lockers for security of personal belongings. At no          electronic devices
time are students to share a locker. Each student is                ● Laser pens
responsible for purchasing his/her own lock. ​The school is         ● Mace
not responsible for loss or damage of locks or                      ● Gum
belongings.​ P.E. lockers are school property and remain, at        ● Aerosols, eg., perfume, cologne, deodorants, etc.
all times, under the control of the school. Inspection of           ● Vaping materials, paraphernalia
lockers may be conducted by school authorities with

P.T.O.                                                            SCHOOL HOURS
P.T.O. stands for Parent, Teacher Organization. Everyone          The regular school day is 8:00 a.m - 2:40 p.m. The lunch
is welcome and encouraged to join. Dues are $15.00 per            period is thirty (30) minutes. The early dismissal day is 8:00
family for the school year. P.T.O. dues and fundraisers are       a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Students should not be on campus before
the only sources of financial support for the school and staff.   7:30 a.m. unless requested by a staff member and should
Meetings will be posted on the school calendar along with         leave school grounds immediately after the 2:40 p.m. bell
upcoming events.                                                  unless requested by a staff member or participating in an
                                                                  after school supervised activity.
Report cards are produced at the end of each quarter.
Report cards will be emailed if you have provided the
necessary information, sent home with the student or sent by SEARCH AND SEIZURE
U.S. mail. Letter grades are used to designate student         Order, safety, and security are essential to a productive
achievement in each course.                                    learning environment. When the learning environment is
                                                               threatened by the presence of contraband, school officials
Deficiency reports are only sent to students earning a D or F have a responsibility and the authority to obtain contraband
in a class at the mid point of the quarter. For example, if a  from any student. School officials have the authority to
student earns A’s, B’s, and C’s in all classes except for a D  search a student and his/her personal belongings for any
in English, a deficiency report is generated and sent home     contraband items. The decision to conduct a search will be
reflecting that the student is in danger of failing English. A made by the Principal or Assistant Principal.
comment on the report will state that the parent needs to
closely monitor the student’s grades in Infinite Campus
and/or contact the teacher for more information regarding      SEXUAL HARASSMENT
the student’s academic progress. Classes not identified on     All individuals associated with Sunrise Middle School are
the progress report indicate a grade of “C” or better at the   expected to conduct themselves so as to provide an
mid point of the quarter.                                      atmosphere free from sexual harassment. Any person who
RESTROOMS                                                      violates the personal rights of another through sexual
Students may use the restroom before and after school, with harassment is subject to immediate disciplinary action
a pass during class, between class periods, and during         consistent with Governing Board policy.
lunch. Students are expected to keep the restrooms clean. If
a student is feeling ill, he or she is to report to the nurse’s
office and not remain in the restroom.                          SOLICITATION AND INVITATIONS
                                                                Students are not allowed to sell any items in school,
SCHOOL AND BUS CROSSINGS                                        including food items unless items are a part of a school
Extreme care must be used in crossing streets and               fundraiser.
crosswalks should always be used when applicable.
Students MUST follow the directions of the crossing             Students are not permitted to distribute printed material and
guard at all times. Students
                       ​          who jaywalk are endangering invitations without prior approval from school administration.
their lives and repeat offenders may receive disciplinary
consequences. Students may not cross any main streets to
go to or from the bus stops. Bus stop information is included
in this handbook and is also available on the district and
school websites.

STUDENT ACTIVITIES                                               TEXTBOOKS AND MATERIALS
In addition to required courses, elective classes and            Students are responsible for all textbooks and/or materials
extracurricular activities are offered to help develop student   issued to them. These items are to remain at home until
interest and provide enrichment. The intramural program          instructed by the issuing teacher to return them. A set of
offers various sports throughout the year. Additional clubs      textbooks are available in the classroom for daily use.
and activities are also available, such as: Debate, Student      Students are required to reimburse the school for any lost or
Council, National Junior Honor Society, and Robotics Club.       damaged textbooks/materials at replacement cost. A
                                                                 replacement textbook/materials cannot be issued until the
STUDENT ADVISOR                                                  lost or damaged item(s) is paid for. For any student leaving
The Student Advisor is available to offer support and            the Paradise Valley School District, transcripts will be
guidance for all students. She is also available to help with    withheld until any money owed is paid to the school.
any crisis situation that may arise. Students are encouraged
to stop by and see her with any questions or concerns as         VISITORS
they progress through the dynamic and challenging middle         All visitors must check in at the office, sign in, and
school years. Parents are welcome to discuss their               receive a “Visitor” sticker. No
                                                                                              ​ student may have a guest
thoughts and concerns regarding their student.                   on campus during class hours.
Communication between parents and the advisor, teachers,
and administrators is vital to maintaining a positive and        WEAPONS
successful school environment for students.                      Students and parents need to be aware that any student
                                                                 possessing, holding for another student, or having any
STUDENT COUNCIL                                                  contact with any action involving weapons or look-a likes
Sunrise Student Council elections are held at the beginning      may be recommended to the Governing Board for expulsion
of each school year. Eighth grade students may run for the       from school. We ask parents in our community to discuss
office of President, Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer.    with their student the seriousness and danger associated
Seventh grade students may run for the office of Vice            with weapons. We want to ensure that weapon-related
President, Secretary, or Treasurer.                              incidents do not happen on the Sunrise Campus or any other
                                                                 campus in our district. What can start out as poor judgement
Student Council is a positive way to be involved with the        on the part of a student can result in permanent removal
school. The policies and issues at Sunrise that affect           from school and a referral to law enforcement agencies.
everyday life for all students are the concerns of the Student
Council officers and representatives. Individuals who want       YEARBOOK
to maintain the status quo and those who seek change can         The Sunrise yearbook is produced each year by the
both find their voices through Student Council. This bridge      yearbook class and is a great way for students to remember
that connects the student body with the adult faculty and        their middle school experience. Parents may purchase
administration is the one place where the generation gap is      space in the yearbook to send their child a personalized
truly dissolved.                                                 message. Information regarding the purchase of yearbooks
                                                                 will be provided on the Sunrise website once available. We
STUDENT ID BADGE                                                 encourage you to pre-order your yearbook online early.
Each student is issued a student identification (ID) badge       Yearbooks will be sold on campus the last week of school in
which must be carried on the student at all times and readily    limited supply.
available. A student must have an ID to ride the bus and to
attend school dances. If a student ID is lost or misplaced, a
new one can be purchased for $5.00 in the office.

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