YOUR FUTURE IS WAITING 2019-2020 - Six Nations Polytechnic

Page created by Erik Daniels
YOUR FUTURE IS WAITING 2019-2020 - Six Nations Polytechnic
YOUR FUTURE IS WAITING 2019-2020 - Six Nations Polytechnic
Tuesday, December 4, 2018 from 4:00 – 7:00 pm
Six Nations Campus, 2160 Fourth Line, Ohsweken, ON

Wednesday, December 5, 2018 from 4:00 – 7:00 pm
Brantford Campus, 411 Elgin Street, Brantford, ON

Tuesday, February 19, 2019 from 4:00 – 7:00 pm
Six Nations Campus, 2160 Fourth Line, Ohsweken, ON

Wednesday, February 20, 2019 from 4:00 – 7:00 pm
Brantford Campus, 411 Elgin Street, Brantford, ON

Tuesday, March 12, 2019, Six Nations and Brantford Campuses
Drop by one of our open house dates or reserve
your tour in advance at
or by phone at 519.445.0023
YOUR FUTURE IS WAITING 2019-2020 - Six Nations Polytechnic
Table of Contents
W E L COME .............................................. ....... .......... 2

W HY SNP? .................................................... .......... 4

STUDENT LI FE ...................................... ....... .......... 6

UN I VERSI TY PROGRAMS ...................... ....... .......... 8
Bachelor of Arts in Ogwehoweh Languages (Cayuga or Mohawk)

Master of Professional Education

University Consortium Year 1 Program

CO L L EGE PROGRAMS ........................... ....... ......... 1 5
Culinary Skills

Early Childhood Education

Indigenous Wellness & Addictions Prevention

Mental Health & Disability Management


Social Service Worker

TRADES PROGRAMS/SERVI CES .......... ....... ........ 2 4
Mechanical Techniques – Welder Fitter

Trades Fundamentals

OTHER PROGRAMS/SERVI CES ................... ........ 2 6
Ontario College of Teachers: Additional Qualifications Courses

SNP STEAM Academy (High School to College)

Achievement Centre – Basic Literacy Skills

Deyohahá:ge: Indigenous Knowledge Centre

AP P L YI NG TO SNP ................................ ....... ........ 2 8

Money Matters

P ROGRAM C HART ........................................ ........ 32

                                                 S I X N AT I ONS P O L YTE CH NIC 1
YOUR FUTURE IS WAITING 2019-2020 - Six Nations Polytechnic

Welcome to SNP
On behalf of Six Nations Polytechnic, I welcome you to join us in preparing
for a stronger, healthier future for all who share this land.

Through this viewbook, you will discover that SNP is committed to supporting the
development of confident, knowledgeable and skilled members of society. With
distinguished instructors and smaller class sizes, SNP students
experience a culturally supportive, interactive learning environment designed
to support success.

At SNP, you will find a range of programs to choose from. What makes
SNP unlike any other post-secondary school in Canada is our ability to offer
first-hand Indigenous knowledge, education and skills training to everyone
who is committed to learning. For example, SNP is the only place
in Canada where one can attain a Bachelor of Arts in Ogwehoweh
languages (Mohawk or Cayuga).

Whether you are coming to us from Six Nations, or other
communities and cities, everyone at Six Nations Polytechnic – staff,
students and instructors included – is expected to follow the values
of Ga’nigohi:yo:/Kanikoriio (Respect and the Good Mind). These
values include fairness, sharing, honesty, kindness, integrity,
responsibility, openness and more. If these values resonate
with you and you are looking to learn in a truly unique
environment designed for your success, I encourage you
to choose Six Nations Polytechnic.


President and CEO

YOUR FUTURE IS WAITING 2019-2020 - Six Nations Polytechnic
YOUR FUTURE IS WAITING 2019-2020 - Six Nations Polytechnic
TOP 10
SNP                                                                                  Canadore College and Fanshawe
                                          As an Indigenous institution, there is a   College as partners for college
In 2018 Six Nations Polytechnic
                                          common misconception that students         programs, as well as Brock University,
was voted number one for Happiest
                                          must be Indigenous to study at Six         McMaster University, Wilfrid Laurier
Students by
                                          Nations Polytechnic, but we welcome        University, Western University,
because we’re devoted to student
                                          students of all backgrounds to come        University of Guelph and University of
success. The Student Success
                                          and learn with us. In fact, it’s our       Waterloo as our university partners.
Officers at SNP create collaborative
                                          diversity that makes us stronger and
community relationships through fun                                                  6. PROGRAM SELECTION
                                          helps to bridge gaps in understanding
and informative campus activities
                                          between cultures. Reconciliation is         You want a quality learning experience
like student lunches and barbecues,
                                          happening right now, in our classrooms     that leads to employment. Our program
seasonal events, giveaways and
                                          where students learn valuable              range is broad; from nursing, to social
educational workshops. Through the
                                          academic skills while gaining a more       work, to trades, Indigenous Studies,
Student Success Officers at SNP, our
                                          comprehensive understanding of             Cayuga and Mohawk languages, and
students have a voice, and we ensure
                                          Indigenous worldviews.                     more, there are education opportunities
that every success, big or small, is
                                                                                     for everyone at SNP.
                                          4. LOCATION
                                                                                     7. SMALL CLASS SIZES
2. INDIGENOUS PERSPECTIVE                 Both our Six Nations and Brantford
                                          Campuses are conveniently located in        On average, class sizes at SNP rarely
At SNP, we know that what
                                          the Golden Horseshoe region with easy      exceed more than 30 people in
really sets us apart are our roots
                                          access to Toronto, London, Hamilton        one cohort, meaning easier access
in Hodinohso:ni (Six Nations)
                                          and Niagara Falls.                         to instructors for questions, and
knowledge, culture, language and
                                                                                     a friendly, more familial learning
tradition. The values of Ga’nigohi:yo/
                                          5. PARTNERSHIPS                            experience with fellow classmates.
Kanikoriio (a good mind), are at
the foundation of our organization.        SNP partners with Ontario colleges
                                                                                     8. ENVIRONMENTALLY
They include: fairness, sharing,          and universities to ensure that students
                                                                                     FRIENDLY FACILITIES
honesty, kindness, confidentiality,       have access to the best instructors,
consistency, integrity, responsibility,   resources, tools, and teaching methods     Our Brantford Campus recently
responsiveness, cooperation, openness,    available. Partnerships have been and      underwent $5 million worth of
and trustworthiness and all faculty,      will continue to be a large part of our    upgrades to make it one of the most
students and staff are expected to         success and we are delighted to have       energy efficient campuses in Ontario,
uphold these values.                      Mohawk College, Niagara College,           with a solar rooftop, energy efficient

YOUR FUTURE IS WAITING 2019-2020 - Six Nations Polytechnic
lighting throughout and more. Both          classes or have families and need a
campuses strive to be environmentally       school nearby where they can obtain a
responsible, sticking very closely to our   quality education.
Hodinohso:ni roots as caretakers of
Mother Earth.                               10. FREE PARKING
                                            Because so many of our students are
                                            local and commute, we provide free
Many of our students come to us from        parking at both of our campuses as well
within a 40-kilometre radius because        as a shuttle service between campuses
they know that with SNP you don’t           for even more convenience!
have to go far, to go far. Students
often work full time while attending
                                                                                      S I X N AT I ONS P O L YTE CH NIC 5
YOUR FUTURE IS WAITING 2019-2020 - Six Nations Polytechnic

          ife at Six Nations Polytechnic      Sports: Six Nations is the self-           Canada, visible even from satellite

L         isn’t all about studying. We
          realize you need a safe place
          to live and a social life too.
Below you will find various suggestions
for entertainment, culture, shopping,
                                              proclaimed lacrosse capital of the
                                              world. In fact, thousands of years ago
                                              the Hodinohso:ni invented the game
                                              that turned into modern lacrosse.
                                              Lacrosse is sometimes referred to as
                                                                                         images taken from outer space. With
                                                                                         two beautiful parks and walking trails,
                                                                                         there’s no better place to witness the
                                                                                         leaves change to yellow and red in the
                                                                                         fall, watch the snow fall gracefully in
recreation, housing and more!                 The Creator’s Game and is of important     winter – or better yet – have a picnic in
                                              cultural significance in the community.    the shade under a magnificent maple
                                              Today, lacrosse games can be seen          tree in the summer. Veteran’s Park
Living in Six Nations                         year-round in Six Nations.                 and Chiefswood Park are a constant
Six Nations Polytechnic is located in the                                                source of activity, with different events
                                              Also, because it is centred on the Grand
heart of Southern Ontario, situated on                                                   happening year-round.
                                              River, the Six Nations community
the picturesque Grand River.
                                              is able to enjoy recreational water        HOUSING
RECREATION                                    activities such as canoeing, fishing,
                                                                                         We’ve partnered with Places 4 Students
                                              paddle boarding, water skiing and
Food and Fun: Whether you’re                                                             ( to offer
                                              more. The river also serves as a
looking to bite into a world-famous                                                      housing in the City of Brantford, about
                                              beautiful scenic backdrop and attracts
hamburger, hang out with friends at                                                      20 kilometres away. Shuttle services
                                              hundreds of visitors every year.
the local pizza joint, or curl up with a                                                 between campuses are available.
coffee at a cosy home-style café, Six          Parks and Trails: The Six Nations
Nations has it all. A wide variety of local   community is home to the largest
options gives residents and students all      single block of Carolinian forest in
the choices they need.

YOUR FUTURE IS WAITING 2019-2020 - Six Nations Polytechnic
RECREATION                                 repair and rebuild through its advanced
Living in Brantford                                                                    Sports Medicine Clinic, the RISE
The city of Brantford is located in         Food and fun: From great breakfasts
                                                                                       Centre has you covered.
Southern Ontario, with direct access to     to quick lunches and signature dinner
Hwy. 403 and within close proximity         dishes, Brantford’s numerous casual        Parks and Trails: Brantford prides
to other major highways, rail lines         dining establishments will satisfy         itself on the quality parks and trails it
and three major Canadian ports of           all of your cravings. By heading into      provides for community enjoyment.
entry (Windsor, Toronto and Niagara         Brantford’s downtown locale, you           Some parks provide a peaceful,
Falls). Known as the telephone city,        can travel the world of cuisine with       relaxing setting, while others offer
Brantford is a vibrant community            delicious sushi, Mexican, Chinese, or      the opportunity for sports, recreation
with a population of about 100,000          traditional Canadian classics.             and exercise. The city offers nearly
residents, making it the ideal location                                                70 kilometres of nature trails that are
                                            Sports: Swim, golf, play, skate, run,
to live, work, play and visit.                                                         perfect for running, cycling or hiking.
                                            or simply relax. From sports to
                                                                                       With constant upgrades and additions,
                                            day camps and four-season
SHOPPING                                                                               there’s always something new to
                                            recreational programming, Brantford
Brantford has a great balance of local      offers the recreation and leisure you
artisan and specialty boutiques, big        are looking for.                           HOUSING
box stores and a large mall. Lynden
Park Mall, offering over 95 top-name         RISE Centre: Located directly across       Find a home away from home. Six
national retailers, provides everything     from SNP’s Brantford Campus, the           Nations Polytechnic has partnered with
you need in one convenient location.        RISE Centre provides accelerated           Places 4 Students to offer housing in
The Brantford Farmers Market has 49         sport-specific dynamic training. RISE      Brantford. Information on landlords can
indoor stalls open for business all year,   is a multifaceted facility; whether your   be found at
with additional seasonal outdoor stalls.    goals are to strengthen and condition,
                                            increase speed and endurance, or
                                                                                              S I X N AT I ONS P O L YTE CH NIC 7
YOUR FUTURE IS WAITING 2019-2020 - Six Nations Polytechnic

                                                                 •   Curriculum writer
BACHELOR OF ARTS IN                                              •   Policy analyst
                                                                 •   Artist
OGWEHOWEH LANGUAGES                                              •   Education assistant
(SNP PROGRAM)                                                    •   Education resource developer
                                                                 •   Curriculum resource developer
Credential: Bachelor of Arts Degree                              •   Website developer
                                         Career Opportunities:
                                                                 •   Language revitalization strategist
Program Length: Three Years (90          •   Filmmaker
units)                                   •   Illustrator         Admission Requirements:
                                         •   Writer
Program Summary: The Bachelor                                    • Admission is on the basis of OSSD
                                         •   Principal
of Arts in Ogwehoweh Languages is a                                transcript or equivalent.
                                         •   Researcher
three-year Bachelor of Arts program in
                                         •   Translator          • A 65% admission average is required
which Mohawk or Cayuga language and
                                         •   Teacher               on applicant’s best six Grade 12
grammar are the core areas of study.
                                         •   Instructor            University or Mixed (i.e. 12U or 12M)
                                         •   Librarian             courses.

                                          Ogwehoweh Language                   Ogwehoweh Language
                                          Degree Courses                       Degree Courses
                                          (English/Mixed)                      (Cayuga/Mohawk Streams)

                                          OLG 1AW6                             OLC 1GR6/ OLM 1GR6
                                          Academic Writing                     Grammar I

                                          OLG 1CC3                             OLC 1LG6/OLM 1LG6
                                          Community I                          Language I

                                          OLG 1HH3                             OLC 1LL3/OLM 1LL3
                                          Hodinohso:ni’ History I:             Lifelong Learning I
                                                                               OLC 1CT3/OLM 1CT3
                                          OLG 2CC3                             Culture and Tradition I
                                          Community II
                                                                               OLC 2GR6/OLM 2GR6
                                          OLG 2SF3                             Grammar II
                                          Composition: Short and Long Form
                                                                               OLC 2LG6/OLM 2LG6
                                          OLG 2HL3                             Language II
                                          Historical Hodinohso:ni’
                                                                               OLC 2LL3/OLM 2LL3
                                                                               Lifelong Learning II
                                          OLG 2HH3
                                                                               OLC 2CT3/OLM 2CT3
                                          Hodinohso:ni’ History II: Contact
                                                                               Culture and Tradition II
                                          to 1800
                                                                               OLC 2TR3/OLM 2TR3
                                          OLG 2EA3
                                                                               Beginner Translation: Theory
• Students in good standing will also                                          and Practice
  be considered for admission from        OLG 3HH3
                                                                               OLC 3GR6/OLM 3GR6
  a college, university or CEGEP          Hodinohso:ni’ History III: 1800 to
                                                                               Grammar III
  program.                                Today
                                                                               OLC 3LG6/OLM 3LG6
• Applicants who do not meet              OLG 3TR3
                                                                               Language III
  requirements as stated above may        Advanced Translation
  also be considered on an individual                                          OLC 3CT3/OLM 3CT3
                                          OLG 3EB3
  basis for admission as a Mature                                              Culture and Tradition III
  Student to access limited enrollment.
                                                                               OLC 3SM3/OLM 3SM3
Tuition/Fees: $ 7584.00*                                                       Stories and Myths

*Based on 2018/2019 fee structure.                                             OLC 3GV3/OLM 3GV3
Subject to change.                                                             Governance

                                                                                    S I X N AT I ONS P O L YTE CH NIC 9


Credential: Master’s Degree               Description: In addition to offering         methodologies, and a thorough
                                          the core components of the educational      grounding in theories and practices of
Program Length: Two Years                                                             leadership.
                                          leadership stream, the Leadership in
Campus: Six Nations                       Aboriginal Education route considers
                                                                                      This master’s program prepares
                                          Indigenous ways of leading, knowing,
                                                                                      educators for a range of leadership
Program Summary: The Master               teaching and learning. A specific
                                                                                      roles in provincially funded or First
of Professional Education Program         emphasis on organizational and
                                                                                      Nations schools and school systems,
in the field of Aboriginal Educational    pedagogical strategies to improve
                                                                                      colleges and other adult learning
Leadership is a course-based graduate     Aboriginal student success is included
                                                                                      settings, and related agencies and
program leading to an MPEd degree.        as part of a broader consideration of the
Students proceed through the program      social, political and economic context of
together as a cohort and complete seven   education.                                  Admission Requirements:
designated courses and a capstone
project over six terms (two years).       Graduates of the program will have          • A four-year degree (20 full courses
Student choice is encouraged through      an understanding of the historical and        or equivalent) from an accredited
a process that allows individual and      contemporary conditions of Aboriginal         university.
groups to tailor course assignments,      education in Canada, a comprehensive
                                                                                      • Minimum “B” standing (70%) or
case studies and projects to meet their   knowledge of current scholarship on
                                                                                        equivalent in the final two years of
learning and professional goals.          Indigenous knowledge and research
                                                                                     Summer Term 1

                                                                                     ED 9450
                                                                                     Interdisciplinary Issues and
                                                                                     Implications in Aboriginal

                                                                                     ED 9500
                                                                                     Power, Politics and Policy in
                                                                                     Education: Historical and
                                                                                     Contemporary Perspectives

                                                                                     Fall Term 2

                                                                                     ED 9456A
                                                                                     Leadership and Social Contexts

                                                                                     Winter Term 3

                                                                                     ED 9451
                                                                                     Reading Research: Critical
                                                                                     Approaches for Educators

                                                                                     Summer Term 4

Recommended:                              • Probationary Status: If an applicant     ED 9452
                                            does not meet all of the minimum         Becoming Educational Leaders
• Minimum one-year full-time teaching       admission requirements (e.g.
  experience, or experience within the                                               ED 9453
                                            average below 70% and/or has
  field of education.                                                                Developing, Implementing and
                                            only a 3-year degree plus B.Ed.) the
                                                                                     Evaluating Education Programs
                                            applicant may be offered admission
Notes & Exceptions:
                                            as a Probationary Student with           Fall Term 5
• Bachelor of Education and Additional      Conditions.
                                                                                     ED 9454A
  Qualification course grades are
                                          • Conditions: Applicants will be           Doing Educational Research
  not used in calculating admission
                                            required to maintain a 75% average
  averages.                                                                          Winter Term 6
                                            in each of these courses to clear
• Applicants with 3-year degrees will       conditions.                              ED 9455B
  be considered on a case-by-case basis                                              Capstone/Culminating Project
                                          • The successful completion of an          - 1 term
  if seats are available in programs.
                                            MPEd degree does not lead to
  Successful experience as an educator
                                            certification with the Ontario College
  in a professional setting may be
                                            of Teachers (OCT).
  considered in the selection process.

                                                                                        S I X N AT I ONS P OL YTE CH NIC 11

Credential: Year 1 University Transfer     Educational Pathways:

Program Length: Completion of Year          Students who meet the requirements
1 University (remaining years to be        of the Six Nations Polytechnic
completed at partner institution)          University Consortium Year 1 Program
                                           are eligible to transfer into second
Campus: Six Nations
                                           year studies at any of our partnering
Program Summary: This first-year,          consortium universities, in order to
community-based university program         achieve a Bachelor of Arts degree
provides students with the opportunity     in their chosen field of study. In
to complete the first year of a Bachelor   partnership with:
of Arts degree within the Six Nations
                                           • Brock University
community. The program facilitates
obtaining five credited courses, on        • McMaster University
a full- or part-time basis, that are
                                           • University of Guelph
transferred into an undergraduate
degree program offered within the           • University of Waterloo
partnered universities.
                                           • Western University

                                           • Wilfrid Laurier University

                                           Admission Requirements:

                                           • Ontario Secondary School Diploma
                                             (OSSD) or equivalent

                                           • Mature applicants considered on an
                                             individual basis.

                                           Tuition/Fees: $ 7584.00*

                                           *Based on 2018/2019 fee structure.
                                           Subject to change.

Sample course selection per
2018/19 course offerings

Mandatory Courses:
Introduction to Psychology I
ENGL 109
Introduction to Academic Writing
Introduction to Indigenous
Introduction to Sociology
Choose one:
Intro to Cayuga Language and
Intro to Mohawk Language and
Mandatory Courses:
Social Determinants of Health
Communications and Public
Introduction to Contemporary
Indigenous Studies
Canadian Society: Social
Problems, Social Policy
and the Law
Choose one:
Intermediate Cayuga
Intermediate Mohawk


                                                                                         Semester 1

                                                                                         CUL 103
                                                                                         Fundamentals of Food

                                                                                         CUL 114
                                                                                         Applied Culinary Skills

                                                                                         CUL 116
                                                                                         Products Standards and Market

CULINARY SKILLS – CHEF                                                                   CUL 123
                                                                                         Healthy Living, Healthy Eating

TRAINING                                                                                 CUL 130
(PROGRAM PARTNER: CANADORE COLLEGE)                                                      Baking for Cooks

Credential: Ontario College Certificate     • Restaurant food production                 CUL 150
                                            • Food preparation and culinary skills       Sanitation and Safety
Program Length: One Year
                                            • Wines                                      CMM 125
                                            Admissions Requirements                      College Communications I
Train under experienced chefs
                                            OSSD or equivalent, ENG4C or ENG4U           Semester 2
and professors in our cutting-edge
production kitchen. Learn valuable           If English is not your first language you   CUL 118
skills in food preparation, presentation    must either provide proof of English         Cost Control I
and kitchen management.                     competency or take the Test of English
                                                                                         CUL 132
                                            as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or
Note: Graduates of this program are                                                      Introduction to Food Service
                                            International English Language Testing
eligible for direct entry into the second                                                (7 wks)
                                            System (IELTS). You must have a
year of the Culinary Management
                                            minimum overall band score of 5.5 on         CUL 160
program at Canadore College.
                                            IELTS, or a minimum TOEFL score of           Pastry Arts
Your Future Career                          550 (paper based) or 213 (computer
                                            scored) or 80 IBT (internet based) to be     CUL 182
• Chef de partie
                                            admitted to a postsecondary program          Kitchen Operations
• First cook
                                            at the college. SPP in India requires a
                                                                                         CUL 190
• Sous chef                                 minimum of IELTS 6.0
                                                                                         Restaurants Food Production
• Chef de cuisine
• Line cook                                                                              HRM 100
What You Learn
• Baking and pastry arts                                                                 GENED
                                                                                         General Education Elective –
• Food and beverage management

                                                                                           S I X N AT I ONS P OL YTE CH NIC 15


Credential: Ontario College Diploma      Career Opportunities:                    • English - any Grade 12 (C) or (U), or
Program Length: 2 Years                  Graduates will have diverse                equivalent.

Program Summary: If you want             opportunities for employment
                                                                                  • A Criminal Reference Check (CRC)
to make a difference in the future of     including; Childcare centres/ Boards
                                                                                    with vulnerable sector screening is
our children and communities then        of education full-day early learning
                                                                                    a requirement for field placements
becoming an Early Childhood Educator     programs/Extended day programs
                                                                                    and will be required at the beginning
may be for you. You will have an         for school-aged children/Family and
                                                                                    of the program term 1. All costs
opportunity to see the world through     Children’s agencies/Community pre-
                                                                                    associated with the CRC are the
the eyes of a child and participate in   school programs/Family resource
                                                                                    responsibility of the student.
a very hands on learning experience      programs/Ontario Early Years Centres/
which includes at least 600 hours of     Home childcare/Camps and hospital        Program Fees:
field work experience. This is woven     playrooms.                               $4,594.98 Year 1 *Based on 2018/19
throughout the program to provide                                                 fees, subject to change.
                                         There is also the opportunity for
optimal learning opportunities. Upon     advanced standing in domestic and
completion of this program, you will     international programs (ie. Bachelor
meet the requirements for employment     of Early Childhood Education at Brock
with school boards as part of the        University, Bachelor of Education at
provincial government’s full-day early   Griffith University Australia).
learning programs.
                                         Admission Requirements:
                                         • Ontario Secondary School Diploma
                                           (OSSD), or equivalent, including the
                                           following required courses:
CURRICULUM                            Term 2                                  SOCL1328
Term 1                                EDUC1216                                Child Abuse and Family Violence
                                      Diversity in the Early Years            PRAC1306
Working with Infants and Toddlers     PSYC1100                                Field Placement III - ECE
                                      Introductory Psychology                 EDUC1331
Essential Communication Skills for    EDUC1232                                Naturalistic Observation Research
Community Services                    Working with School-Age Children        Methods
                                      EDUC1233                                Completion of additional General
                                      Foundations of ECE - II                 Education elective 1 course required
Foundations of ECE - I
                                      Completion of additional General        Term 4
                                      Education elective 1 course required
Arts and Science I                                                            EDUC1432
                                      AND Completion of additional elective
HDEV1123                                                                      Program Administration
                                      1 course required
Child Development                                                             EDUC1433
                                      Elective Options
Completion of additional elective 1                                           Working with Families
course required                                                               HDEV1434
                                      Field Placement II - ECE 3
Elective Options                                                              Child Health and Well-Being
PRAC1101                                                                      PRAC1407
                                      Field Placement II - ECE 3
Field Placement I - Early Childhood                                           Field Placement IV - ECE
                                      Term 3
Education                                                                     EDUC1327
                                      EDUC1326                                Entry to Practice
                                      Stress and Resiliency
Field Placement I - Early Childhood
Education                             EDUC1330
                                      Arts and Science II

                                                                                    S I X N AT I ONS P OL YTE CH NIC 17


Credential: Ontario College Diploma       • Interviewing, reporting, and          Admissions Requirements
Program Length: 2 years                                                           • OSSD or equivalent, ENG4C or
                                          • Addictions counselling skills           ENG4U
Campus: Brantford
                                          • Relapse preventions                   Tuition Fees
Overview: Gain the skills and
knowledge you need for employment         • Multiculturalism                      $4,276.50 Year 1 *Based on 2018/19
in a variety of addictions settings                                               fee structure. Subject to change.
                                          • Psychology and sociology
through practical, hands-on learning.
The curriculum is based on the holistic
teachings of the Medicine Wheel, with       CURRICULUM                            IWS 203
a focus on the root causes of addiction     Semester 1                            Methods - Using Traditional
within Indigenous communities. You          IWA 112                               Healing to Break the Cycle
will learn both cultural and mainstream     Traditional Healing, Learning         IWA 212
approaches to addictions counselling.       and Teaching                          Indigenous Languages in the
Training ranges from pharmacology to        IWA 113                               Modern Context
traditional methods including Sacred        Introduction to Substance Abuse       Semester 3
Circles, Teaching/Learning Circles, and     Counselling and Teaching
                                                                                  IWA 211
the use of the four sacred medicines –      IWA 114                               Placement Preparation
tobacco, cedar, sage and sweet grass.       Contemporary Challenges Facing
                                                                                  MHA 235
                                            Native Communities
Your Future Career                                                                Pharmacology for Mental Health
• Alcohol and drug treatment units          IWA 117                               and Addiction Workers
                                            Introduction to Cultural Specific
• Family resource centres                                                         IWA 207
                                                                                  Methods II - Recovery Strategies
• Young offender residential centres         GED 100
                                                                                  IWA 208
• Substance abuse prevention                Environmental Citizenship
                                                                                  The Accountable IWAP Worker
  counselling and treatment centres         CMM 125
                                                                                  IWA 209
What You Learn                              College Communication
                                                                                  Evaluating Information
• Traditional healing, learning             Semester 2
                                                                                  Semester 4
  and teaching                              GENED
                                                                                  IWA 210
• Cultural specific helping                 General Education Elective - Online
                                                                                  Methods III - Relapse Prevention
                                            CMM 230
• Challenges facing Native                                                        MHA 242
                                            Workplace Communications
  communities                                                                     Concurrent Disorders
                                            IWA 200
                                                                                  MHA 244
                                            Substance Abuse in Families and
                                                                                  The Legacy of Trauma
                                            Native Communities
                                                                                  IWA 215
                                            IWA 204
                                                                                  Field Placement
                                            Introduction to Community
                                                                                  (8 weeks @ 37.5 hrs)


Credential: Ontario College Graduate         • Learn about mental illness and           Skills Gained
Certificate                                    disabilities from experts in the field
                                                                                        • Certificate builds on previous degree
                                               who represent a multi-disciplinary
Length: 1 year or less                                                                    or diploma in the health or social
                                               team of clinicians, researchers,
Campus: Brantford                                                                         sciences by providing a specialization
                                               educators and therapists as well as
                                                                                          in mental health and disability
Program Highlights                             those with lived experiences
• First program in Ontario to focus          • Complete a capstone project that
                                                                                        • Examine case studies exposing
  on Mental Health and Disability              allows students from the Mental
                                                                                          students to a variety of client-based
  Management                                   Health and Disability Management
• Curriculum engages a variety of              and Brain Disorders Management
                                               Programs to work collaboratively,        • Examine the impact of having a dual
  learning styles including visual,
                                               using problem-based learning               diagnosis on physical health, social
  auditory and kinesthetic through
                                                                                          functioning and employment or
  lectures, field trips, hands-on training   • Receive hands-on experience through
                                                                                          housing outcomes
  and guest speakers                           a field placement that begins in May
• Small class sizes                            and involves a total of 336 hours

                                                                                              S I X N AT I ONS P OL YTE CH NIC 19

                                                                                       PROGRAM OF
                                                                                       Semester 1
                                                                                       Foundations of Mental Health
                                                                                       Foundations of Disabilities
                                                                                       Intervention Strategies Working
                                                                                       With Disabilities
                                                                                       Intervention Strategies Working
                                                                                       With Mental Health
                                                                                       Pharmacology for Non-Medical
                                                                                       Health Professionals
                                                                                       Semester 2
                                                                                       Intervention Strategies Working
                                                                                       with Disabilities and Mental Health
                                                                                       Working With Families With
• Engage in simulation exercises             Admission Requirements:
  to practice clinical interviewing
                                             • Minimum two-year college diploma        HMNS10146
  skills, reflective listening skills, and
                                               or university degree. Preference will   Capstone Project
  awareness about mental health
                                               be given to applicants with a diploma
  conditions                                                                           LAWS10186
                                               or degree in Community Services or
                                                                                       Legal Implications and Brain
• Translate information using a                Health Sciences                         Disorders
  variety of mediums including oral
                                             • Applicants should note that some        WORK10615
  presentations, reports, case studies,
                                               employment opportunities require        Field Placement Preparation Mental
  infographics, and digital poster
                                               that certain physical standards must    Health and Disability Management
                                               be met as a condition of employment
                                                                                       Semester 3
• Learn how to apply intervention
                                             • Attendance at program orientation is
  strategies including motivational                                                    WORK10616
                                               strongly recommended                    Field Placement Case Studies
  interviewing, transition planning and
  mindfulness                                • Proof of English proficiency for        WORK10617
                                              applicants where English is not their    Field Placement Mental Health
• Receive hands-on training related to
                                              first language must be submitted to      Disability Management
  suicide prevention, case management,
                                              Ontario Colleges
  multi-sensory training, digital art
  therapy and de-escalation                  Tuition Fees: $9,529.51*
                                             *Based on previous tuition fee
                                             structure. Subject to change.

Credential: Registered Practical           Career Opportunities                     applicants must have written the
Nursing Diploma to a BScN Degree                                                    Practical Nurses Registration
                                           Industries of Employment:
                                                                                    Examinations by May 31st of the
Program Length: 3 Years                    • Staff Nurses in Hospitals, Nursing      year of application and all applicants
Program Summary: This program                Homes, Visiting Nursing Agencies       must provide evidence of successful
builds on the knowledge and skills           and Public Health Departments          registration with the College of
acquired in the diploma Practical          • Care Managers for Community Care       Nurses by August 15 of the same year.
Nursing program. Students receive            Access Centres                        • Submit proof of a diploma in
30 units of advanced credit and enter
                                           • Entrepreneurs Owning and                Practical Nursing (two-year program)
at Level II. The 2 Level II ‘nursing’
                                             Managing a Health Care or Nursing       from an Ontario College of Applied
courses are designed to assist students
                                             Care Business                           Arts and Technology or equivalent,
in transitioning to the baccalaureate
                                           • Researchers in Nursing Care, Nurse      with a minimum overall average of
program. Both streams are integrated
                                             Education and Health Care               75% or higher
for most courses. The curriculum is
planned for 3 years of full-time study.    • Educators of Individuals, Families,   Program Fees:
Students are allowed six years after the     Communities and Nursing Students      Total 1st Year Fees - $8,455.09*
first ‘nursing’ course to complete the     Occupational Categories:                *Based on 2018-2019 Domestic Tuition
program requirements.                                                              and Fees. Subject to change.
                                           • Registered Nurses
                                           Admission Requirements:
                                           • Applicants must provide evidence
                                             of registration with the College of
                                             Nurses of Ontario; newly graduated

                                                                                         S I X N AT I ONS P OL YTE CH NIC 21

     PROGRAM OF                               HTHSCI 2C06                              NURSING 3A04
     STUDY                                    Integrated Biological Bases of Nursing   Clinical Reasoning in RN Practice
     Electives                                Practice II                              NURSING 3SS3
     Twenty one units of electives are        HTHSCI 2RR3                              Nursing Concepts in Health and
     to be selected from disciplines          Introduction to the Social               Illness III (course code may be
                                              Determinants of Health                   changed)
     of the student’s choice of which
     a minimum of 9 units are to be           HTHSCI 2S03                              NURSING 3TT3
     chosen from courses designated           Introduction to Statistics for Nursing   Nursing Concepts in Health and
     Level II or above. Health                HTHSCI N3C04                             Illness IV (course code may be
                                              Research Appraisal and Utilization in    changed)
     Science (HTHSCI) and Nursing
     (NURSING) courses that are               Evidence Informed Decision Making        NURSING 3Y04
     required courses in any of the           10 units                                 Professional Nursing Practice V
     B.Sc.N. Program streams may not                                                   (course code may be changed)
                                              NURSING 2A04
     be used by students to satisfy their                                              9 units
                                              Transition to Baccalaureate Nursing I
     elective requirements. A maximum                                                  Electives
                                              NURSING 2AA3
     of nine units of electives may be                                                 Level IV: 30 Units
                                              Nursing Concepts in Health and Illness
     selected from NURSING and/or                                                      24 units
     HTHSCI elective course (i.e. those       NURSING 3QQ3
                                              Professional Community Nursing           NURSING 4J07
     course that are not required for any
                                              Practice (Taken either Fall or Winter    Professional Nursing Practice VI
     of the Program streams). For some
     courses the amount of duplication                                                 NURSING 4K10
     of required content will preclude        WHMIS 1A00                               Professional Practice and the New
                                              Introduction to Health and Safety        Graduate
     use for elective credit in the B.Sc.N.
     program.                                 Level III: 28 Units                      NURSING 4P04
                                              5 units                                  Advanced Nursing Concepts I
     Advanced Credit: 30 units
                                                                                       NURSING 4Q03
     Level II: 32 Units                       HTHSCI 3PA2 A/B
                                                                                       Advanced Nursing Concepts II
                                              Integrated Pathophysiology for Nursing
     22 units
                                                                                       6 units
                                              HTHSCI 4NR3
     HTHSCI 1CC6                              Nursing Research                         Electives
     Integrated Biological Bases of
     Nursing Practice I                       14 units                                 Total Units: 120

Credential: Ontario College Diploma          • Grade 12 English, C or U or            • Applicants should note that some
Length: 2 years                                equivalent (70% guideline)               employment opportunities require
                                             • Attendance at program orientation        that certain physical standards must
Campus: Brantford
                                               is strongly recommended                  be met as a condition of employment
Program Highlights:
                                             • Significant volunteer experience is    Tuition Fees: $4,456.92 Year 1
• Develop awareness of yourself, gain                                                 *based on 2018/19 fee structure.
  greater insight into who you are and                                                Subject to change
  experience personal growth
• Discover how Social Service Workers
  facilitate positive changes in the lives     PROGRAM OF STUDY                        Field Placement 1
  of others
                                               Semester 1                              Semester 3
• Learn how to focus on the
                                               COMMSO226                               HMNS10097
  relationships that people have with          Interviewing Skills                     SSW Methods of Intervention
  each other and the world around
                                               HIST10015                               HMNS10098
  them as a way of helping others
                                               The History & Ethics of Social Work     Advocacy for SSW
• Experience supervised field
                                               HMNS10100                               HMNS10099
  placements selected for you by the
                                               Intro to Social Service Worker          Working with Children &
  Field Placement team based on
  your individual learning goals and           HMNS10101                               Adolescents
  supported by experienced faculty             Community Awareness and Field           OPELXXXXZ
                                               Placement Preparation                   General Education Elective 2
• Learn about the core values of
  helping others such as the right to          HMNSSO127                               PSYCAS407
                                               Introduction To Group Dynamics          Abnormal Psychology (G.A.S.)
  choose, the right to equality, justice
  and access to service                        SSCI10047                               WORK10122
                                               Sociology for Social Service Workers    Integrative Seminar 2
• Gain core helping skills such as
  interviewing, assessing the needs            Semester 2                              WORK10123
  of others, working effectively with           COMM10260                               Field Placement 2
  groups, and assisting communities to         Case Management and                     Semester 4
  change                                       Documentation
• Develop the ability to document,             CREDSO123                               SSW Community Change
  work within legal and ethical                Professional Development
  frameworks and understand the                HMNSSO230                               Issues Related to Family
  importance of respecting the                 SSW Advanced Interviewing Skills
  uniqueness and dignity of all people         HMNSSO232                               Crisis Intervention
• Learn about anti-oppressive theory           Privilege & Oppression in SSW
  and practice as it relates to advocacy,      OPELXXXXX                               Practice in Organizations
  case management, etc.                        General Education Elective 1
Admission Requirements:                        PSYCSS156                               Social Policy & Law
• OSSD or equivalent (Mohawk                   Introduction to Psychology
  Academic Upgrading, GED)                     WORK10120                               Integrative Seminar 3
  including:                                   Integrative Seminar 1
                                               WORK10121                               Field Placement 3

                                                                                            S I X N AT I ONS P OL YTE CH NIC 23

MECHANICAL TECHNIQUES                                                                CURRICULUM
– WELDER FITTER                                                                      Semester 1
(PROGRAM PARTNER: CANADORE COLLEGE)                                                  WFP 015
                                                                                     Blueprint Reading I
                                                                                     WFP 020
                                                                                     Welding Theory I
                                                                                     WFP 025
                                                                                     Practical Operations - Shop
                                                                                     WFP 030
                                                                                     Trade Calculations I
                                                                                     WFP 036
                                                                                     Layout and Fitting I
                                                                                     CMM 125
                                                                                     College Communication I
                                                                                     PFN 100
                                                                                     Personal Finance
                                                                                     Semester 2
                                                                                     WFP 042
                                                                                     Blueprint Reading II
                                                                                     WFP 047
                                                                                     Welding Theory II
                                                                                     WFP 051
                                                                                     Practical Operations II - Shop
Credential: Ontario College Certificate      techniques. Skills learned are highly   WFP 057
                                             transferable and versatile as welding   Trades Calculations II
Length: 32 weeks
                                             is used in several trades, including
Campus: Brantford                                                                    WFP 061
                                             electrical and automotive. Graduates
                                                                                     Layout and Fitting II
Overview: Skilled welders are highly         will have completed all position
                                                                                     WFP 066
sought after and well paid. Learn            welding training in preparation
                                                                                     Welding Metallurgy I
the specialized skills of the trade on       for the Canadian Welding Bureau
industry-standard machines in our            Certification.
4,700 sq. ft. lab. You will learn multiple   What You Learn
welding processes at one of the 33
                                             • Welding theory and practice
individual welding stations, including
shield metal arc welding (SMAW),             • Layout and fitting
Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW), gas           • Trade calculations
metal arc and gas tungsten arc welding,      • Blueprint reading
FUSION welding, brazing, and cutting         Admissions Requirements
                                             OSSD or equivalent, ENG4C or ENG4U
                                             Tuition Fees: $3,726.49*
                                             *Subject to change


Credential: Ontario College Certificate
Length: 28 Weeks
Campus: Brantford
Overview: Build a solid foundation
in the trades. Explore which trade is
right for you while you gain the hands-
on knowledge and skills required to
continue your education in a Trades
program or to start your future career
in this diverse sector.
What You Learn
• Motorcycle and Recreational Service
• Introduction to Plumbing, Electrical
  Techniques and Carpentry
• Welding Basics
• AutoCAD
• Machining Basics
• Vehicle Lube and Maintenance
                                          CURRICULUM                    Semester 2
Admissions Requirements
                                          Semester 1                    WLD 001
19 years or older, or OSSD or
                                                                        Welding Basics
equivalent, or GED                        MTH 108
                                          Trades Calculations           CAD 010
Tuition Fees: $4,176.50*
                                                                        Introduction to AutoCAD
                                          MPM 012
*Subject to change
                                          Motorcycle and Recreational   PFN 100
                                          Service                       Personal Finance

                                          PLB 010                       MST 010
                                          Introduction to Plumbing      Machining Basics

                                          ELE 001                       MPM 003
                                          Introduction to Electrical    Vehicle Lube and Maintenance
                                          Techniques                    Techniques

                                          CRP 010                       CMM 125
                                          Introduction to Carpentry     College Communications

                                                                             S I X N AT I ONS P OL YTE CH NIC 25
ONTARIO COLLEGE OF                       Inuit Children. Contact us for more    “Computer Software Engineering
TEACHERS: ADDITIONAL                     information: 519-445-0023.             Technician” college diploma. Although
QUALIFICATIONS COURSES                                                          it is a private school, there is no tuition;
                                         SNP STEAM ACADEMY                      At SNP, we want to ensure that our
Six Nations Polytechnic is an approved
                                         (HIGH SCHOOL TO                        program is open and accessible to
Additional Qualification (AQ)
                                         COLLEGE)                               everyone regardless of their cultural
provider. We offer special courses
                                         The Six Nations Polytechnic STEAM      or social background. For more
throughout the summer for teachers
                                         Academy is the first STEAM (Science,   information visit or call
to obtain additional qualifications
                                         Technology, Engineering, Arts and      226-493-1234.
in subjects such as Environmental
Education, Mathematics, Principal’s      Mathematics) focused school in
Qualifications, Science and              Canada that will build in both the
Technology, Teaching Cayuga and          regular Ontario Secondary School
Teaching First Nations, Metis and        Diploma, as well as a two-year

SKILLS UPGRADING:                       LEARNING RESOURCES                      In this way, Indigenous knowledge
ACHIEVEMENT CENTRE                      AND RESEARCH:                           is “alive” because it is about being
                                        DEYOHAHÁ:GE:                            well, living well and having the kind
The Six Nations Achievement Centre
                                        INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE                    of relationships that sustain life and
is a community-based agency that has
                                        CENTRE                                  make it all worthwhile. Deyohahá:ge:
provided service to the community
                                        Deyohahá:ge:, or the Indigenous         will work towards becoming the key
of Six Nations for over 27 years. The
                                        Knowledge Centre at Six Nations         resource for Indigenous Knowledge to
Centre provides free instruction in
                                        Polytechnic, is more than a             inform, enhance and create sustainable
basic math; English; computer and
                                        comprehensive catalogued repository     and enduring cultural content in all
other digital technology skills to
                                        of Hodinohso:ni materials; it also      programs and services directly through
adults who need to increase their
                                        provides students with a way to apply   its Hodinohso:ni collections archives.
independence or academic skills for
entry into higher levels of education   the knowledge they have learned in
and/or to obtain employment. For        class as they find their own path and
more information call 519-445-0023 or   leave their own mark on the world.
text 226-240-2554.

                                                                                     S I X N AT I ONS P OL YTE CH NIC 27

To apply to Six Nations                   To Apply to Six Nations                    Applicants may contact SNP to inquire
Polytechnic University                    Polytechnic College/Partner                about financial support for Ontario
Programs                                  Programs                                   College application fees by calling 519-
Applications to university programs       Applications to SNP College/Partner
accredited by Six Nations Polytechnic     programs are processed through             Locations
can be completed on our website by        Ontario Colleges (www.ontariocolleges.     Check the Program Chart on page 32
visiting           ca), a centralized, one-stop processing    for program location by campus.
admissions/how-apply.                     centre for all Ontario colleges.
                                                                                     Six Nations Polytechnic’s
To schedule a campus tour and get         Application Deadlines                      Other Programs and
help with your application in person
                                          Please see the program chart on the        Courses
at Six Nations Polytechnic, call
                                          last page of this book for individual      Visit our website, www.snpolytechnic.
                                          program application dates. Note: the       com to find out more about Six Nations
Submit your completed                     application portal will stay open past     Polytechnic’s other programs and
application, including:                   the deadline if the program is not full.   courses and how to apply.
• All original high school, college and
                                          Application Fees
  university transcripts
                                          University Programs: A $30.00 new
• A copy of your status card (if
                                          applicant processing fee applies.
  applicable) or other photo
                                          College Programs: There is a $95.00
                                          Ontario College On-line Processing
• Application fee
                                          Fee (fee may be subject to change).

Funding for Students

ONTARIO STUDENT                            Six Nations Band Members                 Indspire
ASSISTANCE PROGRAM                                                                  Ohsweken, ON
                                           If you are a registered Six Nations
(OSAP)                                                                              N0A 1M0 519-445-3021
                                           member you can apply for post-
Online application procedures and          secondary education assistance through
deadlines for applications are available   the Grand River Post-Secondary           Dreamcatcher Charitable
on the OSAP website at http://www.         Education Office (GRPSEO). Please          Foundation Online applications are    inquire with GRPSEO about program        Dreamcatcher Fund
available in the month of May.             eligibility.                             P.O. Box 659
                                                                                    Ohsweken, ON
POST-SECONDARY                             GRPSEO                                   N0A 1MO
STUDENT SUPPORT                            P.O. Box 339                             905-768-8962
PROGRAM                                    2160 4th Line Rd.              
If you are an eligible Status Indian or    Ohsweken, ON
Inuit student, plan to pursue post-        N0A 1M0                                  Niagara Peninsula Aboriginal
secondary studies on a part-time or        519-445-2219                             Area Management Board
full-time basis and are registered with    1-877-837-5180                           (NPAAMB)
an eligible post-secondary institution,                           50 Generations Drive, 2nd Floor, Box 9
you may qualify for financial support                                               Ohsweken, ON
through the Post-Secondary Education       ADDITIONAL FUNDING                       N0A 1M0
Support Program. Contact your              SOURCES                                  905-549-5375
local band office, Inuit designated                                                   www.
                                           New Credit First Nation Band
organization or Indigenous and
                                           Members                                  Grand River Employment and
Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) office
                                           468 New Credit Road, R.R. #6             Training (GREAT)
to apply, or search online to find out
                                           Hagersville, ON                          P.O. Box 69
more information.
                                           N0A 1H0                                  16 Sunrise Court
                                           905-768-7107                             Ohsweken, ON
                                              N0A 1M0
                                           Southern First Nations
                                           22361 Austin Line
                                           Bothwell, ON
                                           N0P 1C0

                                                                                          S I X N AT I ONS P OL YTE CH NIC 31
                                               ADMISSION                                 ACCREDITING        APPLICATION
                                               REQUIREMENTS                              INSTITUTION        DATES*

                                               UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS

BACHELOR OF ARTS IN OGWEHOWEH                   Ontario Secondary School Diploma         Six Nations        May 1
LANGUAGES                                       (OSSD) or equivalent. A 65%              Polytechnic
Campus: Six Nations                             admission average is required on
Length: 3 Years                                 applicant’s best six Grade 12
Start Date: Sept. 2019 (Part-time intake)       U or M courses
Credential: Bachelor of Arts
Next Full-Time Intake: Sept. 2020

MASTER OF PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION                A four-year degree (20 full courses or   Western            February 1
Campus: Six Nations                             equivalent) from an accredited           University
Length: 2 years                                 university. Minimum “B” standing
Start Date: July 2019                           (70%) or equivalent in the final two
Credential: Master of Professional Education    years of study.

UNIVERSITY CONSORTIUM                           Ontario Secondary School Diploma         Six Nations        May 1
YEAR 1 PROGRAM                                  (OSSD). Mature applicants considered     Polytechnic
Campus: Six Nations                             on an individual basis
Length: 1 Year
Start Date: September 2019
Credential: Bachelor of Arts

                                               COLLEGE PROGRAMS

CULINARY SKILLS                                 OSSD or equivalent, ENG4C or ENG4U       Canadore College   February 1 for early
Campus: Brantford                                                                                           consideration
Length: 1 Year
Start Date: September 2019
Credential: Ontario College Certificate

EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION                       Ontario Secondary School Diploma,        Niagara College    February 1 for early
Campus: Brantford                               Grade 12 (C) or (U) or equivalent                           consideration
Length: 2 Years                                 English, Students may also register as
Start Date: September 2019                      mature students. Additional require-
Credential: Ontario College Diploma             ments – immunizations and CPIC

INDIGENOUS WELLNESS & ADDICTIONS                OSSD or equivalent including ENG4C       Canadore College   February 1 for early
PREVENTION                                      or ENG4U. Options are available for                         consideration
Campus: Brantford                               mature applicants.
Length: 2 Years
Start Date: January 2020
Credential: Ontario College Diploma

MENTAL HEALTH & DISABILITY                      Minimum two-year college diploma         Mohawk College     February 1 for early
MANAGEMENT                                      or university degree. Preference will                       consideration
Campus: Brantford                               be given to applicants with a diploma
Length: 1 Year                                  or degree in Community Services or
Start Date: September 2019                      Health Sciences
Credential: Ontario College Graduate
                                              ADMISSION                                   ACCREDITING        APPLICATION
                                              REQUIREMENTS                                INSTITUTION        DATES*

                                             COLLEGE PROGRAMS CONT’D.

RPN TO BScN                                      Applicants must provide evidence         Mohawk College      February 1 for early
Campus: Brantford                                of registration with the College of                          consideration
Length: 3 Years                                  Nurses of Ontario; newly gradu-
Start Date: September 2019                       ated applicants must have written
Credential: Bachelor of Science in Nursing       the Practical Nurses Registration
                                                 Examinations by May 31st of the year
                                                 of application and all applicants must
                                                 provide evidence of successful regis-
                                                 tration with the College of Nurses by
                                                 August 15 of the same year.
                                                 Submit proof of a diploma in Practical
                                                 Nursing (two-year program) from an
                                                 Ontario College of Applied Arts and
                                                 Technology or equivalent, with a mini-
                                                 mum overall average of 75% or higher

SOCIAL SERVICE WORKER                            OSSD or equivalent (Mohawk Aca-          Mohawk College      February 1 for early
Campus: Brantford                                demic Upgrading, GED) including:                             consideration
Length: 2 Years                                  Grade 12 English, C or U or equivalent
Start Date: September 2019                       (70% guideline)
Credential: Ontario College Diploma


MECHANICAL TECHNIQUES – WELDER                   OSSD or equivalent, ENG4C or ENG4U       Canadore College    February 1
Campus: Brantford
Length: 32 Weeks
Start Date: March 2019
Credential: Ontario College Certificate

TRADES FUNDAMENTALS                              19 years or older, or OSSD or            Canadore College    February 1 for early
Campus: Brantford                                equivalent, or GED                                           consideration
Length: 28 Weeks
Start Date: September 2019
Credential: Ontario College Certificate

      * PLEASE NOTE: Applications for 2019-20 programs will be available mid-October 2018.
      Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis if space is available.


Phone: 519-445-0023

Location and Mailing Address:
PO Box 700
2160 Fourth Line
Ohsweken, ON

Phone: 226-493-1245

Location and Mailing Address:
411 Elgin St.
Brantford, ON
N3S 7P5
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