A great time was had by all, at the Sweethearts Luncheon! - Chico Leland Stanford ...

Page created by Kelly Stone
A great time was had by all, at the Sweethearts Luncheon! - Chico Leland Stanford ...
                      A Chico Freemasons Tradition Since 1856
             Published by Chico-Leland Stanford Lodge, No. 111, F&AM
                             Vol. 166 No.5 - May, 2022

   A great time was had by all, at the Sweethearts Luncheon!

                                       From the East

   Here we are again in the heart of spring. We have been practicing as a lodge for
upcoming degrees and even have had some School of Instruction. There has been a
lot of working with other lodges lately. It’s good to see what happens when lodges
work together. One of the major announcements is that we are planning a BBQ Rib
Cook off/Potluck. We are going to be sending invites out to Orland, Paradise,
Oroville, Forbestown and Gridley. It will be a chance for the lodges to brag about
who makes the best ribs. More details to come later. If you think of something fun
the lodge should do , mention it to me or at a stated meeting. Last but not least we
handed out three $100.00 donations to three High Schools here in Chico. They were
Chico High, Fairview High and Pleasant Valley High. They were happy with the
donations. Hope to see you in lodge.
                                                                    Glenn Story W.M.
A great time was had by all, at the Sweethearts Luncheon! - Chico Leland Stanford ...
2022 Lodge Officers:
    Worshipful Master
        Glenn Story
      Senior Warden
       Cameron Ellis
      Junior Warden
     Chris Burchfield
         Dan Heal
         Sid Crane
    Ray C. Dunham PM
      Senior Deacon
       Brett Kimball
      Junior Deacon
      George Ghawi
     Michael Gersonde
      Senior Steward
        Brad Marr
      Junior Steward
       Fritz Zanker
    Michael Johnson PM
      Officers Coach
    Ray C. Dunham PM
     Brad Marr PM

To stay informed, visit the Lodge website: www.chicofreemasons.org
A great time was had by all, at the Sweethearts Luncheon! - Chico Leland Stanford ...
Chico-Leland Stanford Masonic Lodge
                                                                   No. 111, F&AM
                                                                   1110 W. East Avenue, Chico, CA.
                                                              Chico-Leland Stanford
                                                               Masonic Cemetery
                                                                   We Support The
                                                           Chico Masonic Family Trestleboard
                                                          Darrel Hunter Trustee Chairman (530)891-6270
                                                              Fritz Zanker Secretary (530) 894-5962

                                                                              Trestleboard Submissions:
                                                                              Due on the 16th of each
                                                                              month. Please send by
                                                                              email, either as the body of
                                                                              the email, or in a word
                                                                              document. Unless it is a
                                                                              flyer, please do not send as a
                                                                              pdf. Submission email:

                                              From the West
Hello Brethren!
I bring you this May edition of the Trestle Board starting with May Day on May 1st—which marks the
return to spring. This is when we begin to see life return to the earth; the sun begins to warm, the birds
singing their songs, flowers are blooming and the gardens begin to grow.
May is named after the Roman Goddess Maia who is associated with fertility and oversaw the growth of
plants. In ancient Greek religion, she is told to be one of the seven sisters of Pleiades as well as having
mothered Hermes in partnership with Zeus. The month of May being correlated with the mother of
Hermes, holds a connection to the ancient Hermetic roots of our Craft. In this May time, I encourage you
to learn something new about these Hermetic roots whether it be Alchemy, Magic, Gnosticism,
Spirituality, Kabbalah, Theurgy, Astrology, or any other mystical approach to relating the physical reality
to the spiritual realm. It is all there in our ancient tradition! Whether the lineage to this ancient wisdom is
referred to as Thoth like in Egypt, Mercury like in Rome, or Hermes Trismegistus like in Greece is of
little consequence; what matters, is the wisdom which it holds of the Natural, Celestial, and Divine
aspects of our reality. May the month of May remind us of the lessons in the fellowcraft degree which
encourage us to always challenge our beliefs and seek knowledge!
Have a Great month of May Brethren!
                                                                                             Cameron Ellis - SW
A great time was had by all, at the Sweethearts Luncheon! - Chico Leland Stanford ...
           DeMolay would like to invite all Masonic Moms and their family to join us at
           the lodge for a pancake and sausage breakfast to give thanks to our mothers -
hosted by Chico Chapter of DeMolay.
At the Chico Masonic Family Center, in the small dining room May 8th from 9am to

            Josephine Chico No. 104, OES
              April Showers Bring May Flowers

Hello Masonic Family,

Spring has been a little wet but that is okay with Josephine
Chico Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star. At our first meeting
we celebrated our Past Matrons and Past Patrons. Those
present included Sisters Jan Smith, Dee Yount, Peggy
Glander, Marie Worthy, Cathryn Hepburn, Jill Ramsey,
Malinda Caven and of course, Brother Darrel Hunter, Past
Patron extraordinaire. We also presented Sister Dee Yount
with Eastern Star’s Service Award. Her dedication to our
chapter is appreciated.

Our second meeting we are honoring our Secretary Jan
Smith. Without a good secretary, an organization cannot
function. It is a hard job to take on, those who have never
served as secretary don't realize all the correspondence,
forms, and reports that need to be completed every month.
We love you Jan.

                                  Teresa Elliff, Worthy Matron
                                  Darrel Hunter, Worthy Patron
                              Josephine Chico Chapter No. 104

                                            Check out our website for an updated calendar
                                               and other up-to-date lodge information.

A great time was had by all, at the Sweethearts Luncheon! - Chico Leland Stanford ...
Masonic Bodies Info :                                  2022 Board of Directors:
                                                       •Dan Heal- President
Blue Lodge Stated Meeting: 2nd Tuesday of the          •Ray Dunham -VP
month. 7:30 P.M. Dinner @ 6:30                         •Steve Moody -CFO
Contact: Secretary . . . . . . . . . .893-3171         •Glenn Story - Ex. Officio
Royal Arch Stated Meeting: 2nd Monday of the           •Cameron Ellis - Ex. Officio
month. 7:30 P.M.                                       •Rob Peteres
Contact: John L Barneson, secretary. . .354-4754       •Darrel Roe
Chico Shrine Club Stated Meeting: 1st                  •Paul Moreno - Secretary
Wednesday of the month. 6:00 P.M.
Contact: Larry Willis . . . . . . . . .895-0156
Contact: Darrin Deatherage . . .774-7110
Eastern Star Stated Meeting: 2nd & 4th
Wednesday of the month. 7:30 P.M.
Contact: Teresa Eliff WM . . . 521-2790
Daughters of the Nile Meeting: 2nd Monday of
the month. 10:00 A.M.
Contact: Jill Ramsey . . . . . . . .893-5750
DeMolay Stated Meetings: 1st & 3rd Thursday of
                                                     Chico-Leland Stanford Masonic Lodge
the month. 7:00 P.M.
Contact: Michael Meyer . . . . . .514-0252
                                                                No. 111, F&AM
                                                          SUPPORTS THE CHICO MASONIC
Job’s Daughters Stated Meetings: 2nd & 4th
Monday of the month. 7:00 P.M.                           FAMILY CENTER TRESTLEBOARD
Contact: Kyna Hendra . . . .
                                                                   Glenn Story 2022
                                                                  Sid Crane, Secretary
Rainbow Stated Meetings: 1st & 3rd Monday of
                                                                     (530) 893-3171
the month. 7:00 P.M.
Contact: Laura Ray . . . . . . . .345-4967
Masonic Luncheon Club Meetings: 12 Noon            Curious about advertising in the Trestleboard?
every Friday Location: Sierra Sunrise Lodge
Contact: Bill Jefferies . . . . . . . .342-6711
                                                   Contact the Lodge secretary for more details and
Black Butte Scottish Rite Club
Contact: Steve Moody . . . . . . . .343-2030       *The advertisements will appear on the print and
Butte Council No. 50 3rd Monday of the month.      web versions for the duration of the agreement.
7:30 P.M. Contact: Cameron Ellis. . .345-4754      *The Master of the Lodge, Secretary and
Butte Commandery No. 5 3rd Wednesday of the        Trestleboard editor review all requests and
month. 7:30 PM                                     reserve the right to reject any advertisement
Contact: Mike Johnson . . . . . .342-2378
                                                   without any further explanation.
A great time was had by all, at the Sweethearts Luncheon! - Chico Leland Stanford ...
Chico Nile Club No.6
                         Menzaleh Temple, Daughters of the Nile

Chico Nile Club had a delightful visit from our Queen, Elizabeth Gano Marty at our April Club
meeting and enjoyed our salad bar luncheon provided by our members.
Our next meeting, on May 9th, we will be working on our sewing and quilting projects. If you
have any free time and like to sew and/or quilt, please join us at 10 a.m. We would love to have
your company.
Our purpose and goals: Daughters of the Nile is an organization where women with high moral
character, a desire to work for the betterment of others, and a drive to make the world a better
place can contribute their time, energy and wisdom of our Order for the good of all mankind.
We try to provide an environment of friendship and fellowship while working to make our lives,
and the lives of other more enjoyable.
                                                                   Jill Ramsey, Club President
A great time was had by all, at the Sweethearts Luncheon! - Chico Leland Stanford ... A great time was had by all, at the Sweethearts Luncheon! - Chico Leland Stanford ... A great time was had by all, at the Sweethearts Luncheon! - Chico Leland Stanford ... A great time was had by all, at the Sweethearts Luncheon! - Chico Leland Stanford ...
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