Page created by Jonathan Frazier
             FIRST SCHOOL

                    SCHOOL CLOSURE POLICY
                                  Approved by Business Committee 22nd March 2016
                                               Review January 2019

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    5.   VISITORS

This policy has been written to support Beckington School when faced with a period of
disruption or decision to close in the event of extreme weather conditions or other emergency

In circumstances where a school closure is required, the decision to close is a local management decision
made by the Headteacher in consultation with the Chair of Governors. Headteachers may contact (01823)
355953 for advice on whether to close. Schools must notify the Local Authority of a decision to close and
should follow the following actions:

    School Action for Announcing an Emergency School Closure

        Although the decision to close the school is made by the headteacher in conjunction with the Chair
         of Governors, a senior teacher or nominated staff member that lives locally to the school may be
         delegated the responsibility of making an early site assessment and consulting with the head and
         chair of governors on a school closure decision.

        Staff should log on to SLP (link below), and using their email user name and password post their
         notification of closure or disruption (school closure details are found at the bottom of the page).

        The Somerset Learning Platform School Closure page has now been updated that allows schools to
         post an update on the school status on a day where disruption may occur. This may involve
         industrial action or weather related incidents and schools can now post a message to confirm
         whether they will remain open, closed or will have the facility to partially open a school site.

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   The following screen will appear. Please follow the guidance detailed in the green text boxes below.

                                     Please enter the school name and location i.e. town or village in this field

                                                                1.        Indicate whether your school will be open, closed or
                                                                     partially opened in the Impact field.
                                                                2.        Select the reason behind why your school is disrupted.
                                                                     In the Reason for Closure field.
                                                                3.         In the additional details box, provide a description of
                                                                     the schools disruption (examples below)
                                                                         Puriton Primary School will be closed today due to
                                                                         Castle Primary school will be fully open today despite
                                                                     the industrial action
                                                                         Brookside Academy will be partially open on the 15th
                                                                     March due to a power failure. Classes 1, 2 and 4 will be
                                                                     open, but classes 3, 5 and 6 will be closed.

Mark the Date Affected field
with date the school will be
closed or disrupted

Mark the School Reopens
field with the next working
day the school will reopen

  Please note that if you upload your school closure in advance, the closure will not appear on
                       the SLP notifications board until the day of closure.

      If the Somerset Learning Platform closure update does not work, please contact Steve Dorrall on
       01823 355953 or 07585 307010, James Mitchell-Cassell on 01823 355759 or email with details of your closure.

       Once you have posted your notice, your school will be added to the list of school closures on the
        Somerset Learning Platform. If you submit a notification for a closure in advance, the closure will

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appear in the ‘Upcoming Notifications’ page. A link to the school closure page is also available on
          the Somerset County Council website and will appear on the day the school is closed.

         Details of the school closure will be cascaded by the Business Support Team to all relevant
          departments of the local authority, including Health and Safety, Learning and Achievement, Senior
          Management Team, Insurance, Transporting Somerset and Council Members.

         The school closure notice on the SLP will automatically disappear from the public closures list the
          following day at 00:00 unless the closure is planned for more than one day and you select a period
          over which the school will be closed.

The following radio stations will pick up school closures from the SLP for broadcast/publication on their

         BBC – Somerset Sound. 95.5 FM, 1566 MHz
         Heart FM. 102.6 FM, 97.1 FM (Yeovil Area), 96.5 FM (Taunton Area)
         Breeze FM. 100.8 FM, 102.4 FM, or 107.4 FM
         Tone FM 107.8 FM (Taunton & surrounding areas)

In our School (Information for Staff)

In the event of severe weather or any other reason where the school has to close, the following procedure
will be put into place: -

      1. At 7.15am Headteacher / senior teacher, and Chair of Governors will make a decision
         regarding school closure. Factors to be taken into account when making this decision include
         safety both within the school and access to it; number of staff able to attend safely; first
         aiders. There should be at least 2 members of teaching staff able to access the school.

      2. Once the decision has been taken not to open the school, the Headteacher will contact all
         staff and the Caretaker.

      3. A text message will be sent to all parents (before 8:15 a.m.) The School will contact
         catering services (01373 453126/07976 222624 or 01373 461231) informing them of the
         closure. The Headteacher will put a message on the school website.

Once details have been posted of our school closure, the list of schools will be freely accessible on SLP and
local media, such as the BBC. Other parts of the County Council such as Transporting Somerset will also be
able to get up-to-date information in this way.

Additional Guidance

1.1       Where possible, schools should make every effort to open. However, in cases of closure staff should
          be prepared to attend school, providing it is safe to do so, or follow policy/guidance from the school
          leadership team on alternative working. Normal absence reporting procedures will apply if
          alternative working methods are not applied. There is no expectation that staff should report to
          work at other schools.

1.2       Whenever a proportion of pupils arrive at school, and there are sufficient staff to cope with them -
          even though not to provide the normal curriculum - pupils should be kept for the day, unless
          conditions deteriorate. Where school transport is cancelled during the day, alternative transport

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provision for pupils will be required, and staff must ensure that a safe collection/drop-off point at
         either end of the journey is arranged.

1.3      The Business Support Group maintains a list of home addresses and telephone numbers for all
         Headteachers, caretakers, key holders and Chairs of Governors, for use during emergencies.
         Schools must contact Steve Dorrall or James Mitchel-Cassell of any of staff keyholder changes, as
         the information is required by both the police and emergency planning service.

1.4      Health and Safety for staff, pupils and visitors on a school site remains of primary importance.
         During periods of snow, schools must complete the slips, trips and falls risk assessment on the EEC
         website, along with any other relevant risk assessments connected to the school environment during
         the winter or periods of severe weather.

1.5      Schools are advised not to clear roads outside of their site as this is managed by Highways. If a
         school did clear a road outside their site and an accident occurred, the school would be responsible.

1.6      If schools clear their own site of ice and snow, they are responsible for ensuring that cleared areas
         remain clear of ice and snow to reduce the risk of slips, trips and falls. Schools are NOT to seek
         voluntary support to clear a school site; instead, they can accept offers from volunteers and ensure
         that a risk assessment is completed for snow clearance.

In the event of early closure

Every effort will be made to keep the school open; however, should early closure be necessary, parents will
be informed by text message. It is then their responsibility to arrange for their children to be collected. If
they wish for other parents/responsible adults to collect their children, they must inform the school. The
school will not release children to other adults without permission. The decision to close the school early
will be taken jointly by the Head Teacher and Chair of Governors.

Extreme Weather Conditions

The following guidelines should be considered in icy conditions:

     Schools are advised not to clear roads outside of their site as this is managed by Highways. If a school
      did clear a road outside their site and an accident occurred, the school would be responsible.
     If schools clear their own site of ice and snow, they are responsible for ensuring that cleared areas
      remain clear of ice and snow to reduce the risk of slips, trips and falls. Schools are NOT to seek
      voluntary support to clear a school site; instead, they can accept offers from volunteers and ensure that
      a risk assessment is completed for snow clearance.
     Schools need to complete the slips, trips and falls risk assessment, available on the EEC website, along
      with any other relevant risk assessments connected to the school environment during the winter or
      periods of severe weather.
     Schools are encouraged to regularly monitor road and weather reports for the local area taking into
      account possible travel disruption and changing weather conditions.

Closures Due To Other Circumstances

In other cases (eg, failure of school heating, programmed) notification will be made in the same way via

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Action                                                     Name - Contact details            Done
Identified person has made on-the-spot
assessment of situation and consulted with
Headteacher/Chair of Governors.
Contact Transport Field Officer to check
availability of transport if necessary.
Contact coach companies/taxi providers to check
availability of transport if necessary.
Add details of closure to Somerset Learning
Platform. This information will be picked up by
local media and an LA contact who will inform all
key agencies. Details of the closure can be
uploaded by a nominated member of staff using
their SLP login.

Include name and town/village of school and
further information as appropriate, e.g.,                         Home.aspx
whether partial closure, temporary change of
hours, etc. Do not include personal contact
details/auto signatures from email as it will be
published in full.

This information must be renewed daily as it is
automatically deleted at 00.00.
Check information has been uploaded onto
Somerset Learning Platform.

Inform Staff and prompt alternative working
                                                     Follow link below for service contact
Inform scheduled visiting staff - other visitors
Inform Parents – upload closure details to school
website/issue a parental text and arrange
alternative collection arrangements etc
Assess situation during the day/consider Business
Continuity arrangements
Update SLP. Messages will be automatically
removed from the closures list at 00.00.                          Home.aspx
Inform Staff
                                                     Follow link below for service contact
Inform scheduled visiting staff - other visitors
Inform Parents Inform Parents – upload closure to
school website/issue a parental text etc

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Confidential contact numbers for Somerset County Staff, Transporting Somerset, etc, can be obtained by
                    following the link given below (a login to Somerset iPost is required).
     It is recommended that a hard copy of these numbers is periodically printed for use in emergencies.

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