A fire to remember The State Office Building blaze - City Pulse

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A fire to remember The State Office Building blaze - City Pulse
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                       A fire to remember
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                                                                                                                                  VOL. 20
                                                                                                                                ISSUE 27
                                 (517) 371-5600 • Fax: (517) 999-6061 • 1905 E. Michigan Ave. • Lansing, MI 48912 • www.lansingcitypulse.com
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                                                                                 9                EDITOR AND PUBLISHER • Berl Schwartz
                                                                                                    publisher@lansingcitypulse.com • (517) 999-5061
                                                                                                  MANAGING EDITOR • Kyle Kaminski
                                                 Lansing native talks about his intern experience kyle@lansingcitypulse.com • (517) 999-6710
                                                                                                  ARTS & CULTURE EDITOR • Skyler Ashley
                                                                                                     skyler@lansingcitypulse.com • (517) 999-5068
                                                                              PAGE                EVENTS EDITOR/OFFICE MANAGER • Suzi Smith
                                                                                                     suzi@lansingcitypulse.com • (517) 999-6704
                                                                                18                PRODUCTION • Abby Sumbler
                                         Local florists gear up for a pandemic Valentine’s Day (517) 999-5066
                                                                                                   STAFF WRITER • Lawrence Cosentino
                                                                                                    lawrence@lansingcitypulse.com • (517) 999-5065

                                                                              PAGE           SALES EXECUTIVE
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                                                                                25           SALES ASSISTANT
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NOW AT 10:00 A.M.
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 PULSE                                                                                                                                 NEWS & OPINION
                                                                                                                             Among the ordinances under review, we do not
                                                                         The CP               Edit
                  Betz barbs backfire
         Just when we thought                                                                                             support repealing the prohibition against carrying
      Brandon Betz was hitting his                                                                                        various weapons in public. Jackson argues the ordi-
      stride as the newest member of                                                  Opinion                             nance violates the Second Amendment, but we aren’t
      Lansing City Council, the first-                                                                                    persuaded. The ordinance includes an escape clause
      term, First Ward Councilman                                                                                         that defers to state law on firearms regulation, which
                                                               Officer Linda Vail to say nice
      finds himself in hot water after                                                                                    means open and concealed carry are permitted in
                                                               things about him, despite her
      sending a series of hostile text                                                                                    Lansing to the extent allowed by state law. That cov-
                                                               calling his cutting the line for
      messages to Lansing firefighter                                                                                     ers the Second Amendment concerns. But the city’s
                                                               the COVID-19 vaccine a “mis-
      and Black Lives Matter activist                                                                                     ordinance applies to a much wider array of weapons,
                                          Betz                 take.” For Schor, it was a smart
      Michael Lynn Jr. Capping off                                                                                        including crossbows, slingshots and more. We’re OK
                                                               move to align himself with the
      a particularly bad week, Betz                                                                                       with a city ordinance that says you can’t brandish or
                                                               region’s most respected voice
      “parted ways” with his employer                                                                                     discharge these weapons in public. Council should
                                                               on all things related to the
      due to the incident. On Monday                                                                                      also be careful of the law of unintended consequenc-
      night, his Council colleagues                                                                 Schor                 es: When you repeal an ordinance against behavior
                                                                  Despite our concerns
      voted unanimously to censure                                                                                        like public begging, for example, it sends a message
                                                               over the narrow scope of his
      Betz, asked President Peter                                                                                         to those who engage in this behavior that it is now
                                                               remarks, we were pleased to see the mayor continue
      Spadafore to remove him from                                                                                        OK. While we prefer not to criminalize conduct that
                                                               to press forward on developing a racial equity plan for
      his committee assignments and                                                                                       is merely annoying, we think the City Council should
                                                               the city. Through the process he’s bound to absorb at
      strongly recommended that he        Lynn                                                                            evaluate each ordinance on its merits and investigate
                                                               least some measure of sensitivity and understanding
      consider resigning.                                                                                                 the extent to which each is actually used as a tool of
                                                               for the plight of people less privileged — and with dif-
         We supported Betz in his successful election chal-                                                               oppression against people of color before deciding
                                                               ferent color skin — than himself. We were also happy
      lenge against former Councilwoman Jody Washington                                                                   its fate.
                                                               to see another grant program to provide pandemic
      in 2019. We don’t regret our decision because we         relief to small businesses in Lansing, funded through
      think Betz’ democratic socialist views bring a healthy   the federal CARES program. Overall, given that this                       Cannabis cares
      perspective to the Council dais. Sadly, between          could be his last State of the City speech, we would          The booming cannabis
      cutting the line for his COVID-19 vaccine and now        have liked to hear more about his plans for Lansing        economy in Michigan is paying
      electronically assaulting one of his constituents, we    in the post-pandemic era.                                  dividends beyond creating
      wouldn’t be surprised to see a recall effort against                                                                jobs and putting vacant prop-
      him. Nor would we be shocked if he decided to                                                                       erties back into productive
      resign. Betz has already publicly suggested that                      Biased ordinances                             use here in Lansing. Local
      he may not run again in two years when his term             On the heels of yet another                             cannabis companies are also
      expires, and he told City Pulse yesterday that he will   City Council-related controver-                            stepping up to give back to the
      resign “if his constituents want him to.” We’re deeply   sy, Fourth Ward Councilman                                 community. We’re especially
      disappointed by his conduct, which was both abusive      Brian Jackson, who recently                                impressed with Homegrown
                                                               caught flak from this news-                                                                    Sheikh-Omar
      and inappropriate by any definition. Yet, because we                                                                Cannabis Co. and its owner,
      believe in second chances, the possibility of redemp-    paper for missing numerous                                 Tom James, who recently
      tion, and the power of established procedures for        Council and committee meet-                                awarded a full-ride college scholarship to Ridwan
      handling such matters, we leave it to his Council col-   ings, has rolled out a plan                                Sheikh-Omar, a promising young woman of color who
      leagues and the people of the First Ward to decide if    to repeal a series of 15 city                              attends Lansing Everett High School and plans to
      he should continue as their elected representative.      ordinances that he believes         Jackson                attend MSU this fall. All licensed cannabis companies
                                                               contribute to biased policing                              are required to have a plan to promote and encour-
                                                               against people of color in                                 age participation in the industry by people from com-
                      Underwhelmed                             Lansing. Setting aside the appearance that Jackson
         We were generally underwhelmed by Mayor Andy                                                                     munities that have been disproportionately impacted
                                                               is trying to show he’s actually been earning his city      by marijuana prohibition and enforcement to positive-
      Schor’s ultra-short State of the City address last       paycheck, we think the ordinances he would like to
      Wednesday evening. Clearly an effort to counter                                                                     ly impact those communities. So far only 37 of the
                                                               repeal are a mixed bag. Some are truly relics of the       nearly 300 state licensed cannabis concerns have
      the narrative that he doesn’t work well with African     past that have little relevance today and may well
      Americans, Schor invited Police Chief Daryl Green,                                                                  disclosed their social equity plans. None of them are
                                                               contribute to discriminatory enforcement of the law.       from Lansing. We encourage Lansing-based can-
      diversity consultant Teresa Bingman and Human            Others are a bit vague and could stand to be clari-
      Relations and Community Services Director Kim                                                                       nabis enterprises to reveal their social equity plans
                                                               fied. At least one ordinance, the prohibition against      and to follow the example of Homegrown Cannabis
      Coleman — all Black people who work for the mayor        loitering where illegal drugs are being sold, mirrors
      — to deliver prepared remarks as part of his address.                                                               Co. by reinvesting some of their profits in creating a
                                                               an existing state law. Repealing Lansing’s ordinance       brighter future for Lansing youth.
      He also somehow persuaded Ingham County Health           would have little practical effect.

                                          Send letters to the editor to letters@lansingcitypulse.com.
                                                     Please limit them to 250 words
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         Embracing Black history                                                                 Stand with racial equity —
            every single day                                                                      or be part of the problem
By TERESA BINGMAN                           Negro affairs of the National Youth          By DANA WATSON                             and articles on allyship are being read.
Opinion                                     Administration. She was the first Black      Opinion                                    Just as the military can’t be the only
                    (Teresa A. Bingman      woman to lead a federal agency.                                 (Dana Watson            people advocating for the military, peo-
                    is an attorney, hired      Hamer, a voting and civil rights                             was appointed           ple of color cannot be the only people
                    in 2020 to lead         activist, was co-founder of the                                 last year to the        advocating for people of color. Silence
                    Mayor Andy Schor’s      Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party.                           East Lansing            is acceptance.
                    Racial Justice and      Having been brutally beaten and incar-                          City Council,              Either you stand with racial equity,
                    Equity Alliance.)       cerated while advocating for voting                             becoming the            or you are part of the problem.
                                            rights and racial justice, in August                            city’s first Black         We can keep the ball rolling in big
                        On Jan. 25,
                                            1964, Hamer appeared, uninvited, at                             member. Watson,         and small ways. We use our power for
                     1972, Shirley
                                            the Democratic National Convention                              a Michigan State        racial equity. Your power can lie in the
                     Chisholm, the first
                                            in Atlantic City. As she stood before        University graduate, is an Ingham          story you tell, the people you support,
Black woman elected to the United
                                            the credentials committee to disclose        County Health Department educator.)        where your money goes, the business
States Congress, announced her deci-
                                            injustices suffered by Black people who                                                 doors that you choose to walk through,
sion to run for president of the United                                                     Do you ever look around rooms
                                            wanted to vote, she valiantly demanded                                                  whom your money comes from, your
States. Confronting the racial history of                                                and become acutely aware of what the
                                            that the committee seat the Freedom                                                     voice and your time.
our country, she boldly proclaimed that                                                  makeup says about our systems? When
                                            Party instead of Mississippi’s all-white                                                   I like the checks and balances that
leadership is having “the vision of what                                                 there is a lack of representation, does
                                            delegation, which mostly consisted of                                                   our commissions, grassroots organiza-
is necessary and the courage to make it                                                  systemic racism make it OK to main-
                                            uncompromising segregationists. Many                                                    tions, individuals and staff bring to the
possible.”                                                                               tain business as usual? If people that
                                            remember Hamer’s quote: “We are sick                                                    table. Active listening with an equity
   I read about Chisholm’s bid for the                                                   look like me are not at the table, who
                                            and tired of being sick and tired.”                                                     lens will lead to an attentiveness to
presidency as an elementary student in                                                   decides?
                                               Black history stories of yesterday                                                   racial justice. We will be moving from
the Weekly Reader and became curious                                                        The city of East Lansing declared
                                            and today inspire people to become                                                      problematic practices to progressive
about her story and the stories of other                                                 racism a public health crisis. The
                                            catalysts for change. We learn from the                                                 change.
Black leaders. While reading the arti-                                                   health and economic impacts of rac-
                                            stories and become empowered. Some                                                         Acknowledging our racist system
cle, I smiled, beaming with pride and                                                    ism, not race, remain on repeat.
                                            of us choose to dedicate our careers to                                                 feels bad, but we must keep working to
joy while imagining the possibilities for                                                   Systems have been deeply rooted in
                                            help liberate marginalized communi-                                                     improve data on race in systems. How
my life. I was inspired by Chisholm’s                                                    racism. Our resolutions speak to this.
                                            ties, by fighting to address inequities,                                                else do we recognize we are failing
announcement, which validated my                                                         Therefore, doing different means creat-
                                            racism and sexism.                                                                      entire groups without looking at these
parents’ dream for their children —                                                      ing systems that were not here before,
                                               Indeed, hearing the riveting stories                                                 numbers? We do understand now why
that Black people, many of whom were                                                     asking questions that were barely being
                                            and witnessing the audacious actions                                                    this data might not have been collected
invisible to the leaders of our country,                                                 asked and demanding the end to prac-
                                            of many Black leaders have motivated                                                    or made available. Data can tell differ-
would have opportunities to earn a seat                                                  tices and systems that left people of
                                            people from all cultures to work to                                                     ent stories when it is broken down by
at tables of power in America.                                                           color behind.
                                            advance to leadership roles in state                                                    race.
   Almost 50 years after Chisholm’s                                                         We have an open canvas of parts
                                            Capitols, city and county halls, educa-                                                    We’ll keep the ball rolling because
announcement, U.S. Sen. Kamala Devi                                                      to be interrupted. In thinking about
                                            tion systems, nonprofit organizations,                                                  decisionmakers, leaders and our
Harris ran for president under the                                                       East Lansing’s progress, while I began
                                            corporations and beyond.                                                                community keep asking the harder
banner of a “For the People” campaign                                                    protesting in the summer, our city
                                               I embrace Black history this month                                                   questions and checking the work. Our
logo, paying tribute to Chisholm. In                                                     had already secured our first diversity,
                                            and every single day, paying tribute to                                                 grassroots groups have expert ideas on
December 2019, Harris suspended                                                          equity and inclusion administrator,
                                            my ancestors and role models — Black                                                    change and ways to keep this going.
her campaign and was later named                                                         Elaine Hardy. She is leading us toward
                                            pioneers who stand for positive change,                                                 And let’s support our youth voices and
President Joe Biden’s running mate.                                                      equitable, anti-racist practices and
                                            racial justice and equity: historical fig-                                              actions, like taking a knee or writing
On Jan. 20, after a hard-fought cam-                                                     actions. After my appointment with
                                            ures, family members, ministers, edu-                                                   a profound essay, and provide them a
paign, Biden was sworn in as president                                                   fellow Council member Ron Bacon,
                                            cators, friends, and colleagues.                                                        seat at the table.
and Harris became our nation’s first                                                     he became the Council liaison for a
                                               Racial justice and equity warriors                                                      Making intentional space for wealth
woman and first woman of color to                                                        study committee on an Independent
                                            continue to operate under the scourge                                                   and opportunity is complicated, but
become the vice president.                                                               Police Oversight Commission. They
                                            of the stubborn history of racial ineq-                                                 I won’t give up. I spend time looking
   On the campaign trail, Harris, who                                                    are in the middle of looking at parts
                                            uities in America. Yet, I’m grateful for                                                toward groups that are making these
is Black and South Asian, talked about                                                   of our systems and making space for a
                                            the people who support our efforts,                                                     achievements, and I also believe in my
being part of the legacy of powerful                                                     community to have an equitable voice
                                            wielding the power of their positions                                                   own community spearheading best
Black women who came before her                                                          about the practices that public tax dol-
                                            and their voices to make positive                                                       practices. I look for more equity in our
such as Chisholm, Mary McLeod                                                            lars support.
                                            changes — people who unabashedly                                                        booming marijuana business. Also,
Bethune, and Fannie Lou Hamer. I’m                                                          Next, our Human Rights
                                            find ways to help blaze trails, break                                                   implementing intentional access to
confident that their stories propelled                                                   Commission works diligently to recog-
                                            barriers, and create opportunities.                                                     wealth for Black and brown people in
Harris to remain steadfast.                                                              nize groups and call out or alter parts
                                               We must continue to fight for what’s                                                 varying degrees with varying sectors is
   Bethune, the daughter of slaves, was                                                  of East Lansing that have systems that
                                            right and remain on the battlefield,                                                    economic progress for Greater Lansing.
an accomplished educator, a cham-                                                        lack equity.
                                            while heeding Chisholm’s words: “You                                                    In conclusion, we’ll gain more momen-
pion for racial and gender equality,                                                        Finally, Hardy leads efforts to begin
                                            don’t make progress by whimpering                                                       tum, as we change more angles and
and founder of Bethune-Cookman                                                           diversity, equity and inclusion training
                                            and standing on the sidelines, you                                                      recreate polices that reduce or elimi-
University. In 1936, Bethune was                                                         for the City of East Lansing.
                                            make progress by implementing ideas.”                                                   nate the racial disparities woven into
named by President Franklin D.                                                              I witnessed a summer of white allies
                                                                                                                                    our nation.
Roosevelt to serve as director of                                                        genuinely standing up. More books
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City Pulse • February 10, 2021                                              www.lansingcitypulse.com                                                                                           7

                                                                                                              By KYLE KAMINSKI
                                                                                                                                                                       OF THE WEEK
          Couch cleanup fines upheld                                driving erratically with a handgun, an assault rifle and narcot-
  Lansing resident Kenneth Dagner                                   ics near St. Joseph Street and Everett Drive last week. Coolman
is stuck with $490 in fines after code                              faces multiple felony firearm charges as well as misdemeanor
enforcement hauled a couch off his front                            charges of resisting police and possession of a controlled sub-
porch and the City Council denied a claim                           stance. His bond was set at $750 as the criminal case proceeds
                                                                    later this month in 54-A District Court.
to have the fees waived. Councilwoman
Kathie Dunbar said Dagner forgot to check                                             Olivia Letts dies at 93
the mail after his son was hospitalized in                            Olivia Letts, the first Black teacher hired by the Lansing
a hit-and-run accident on the River Trail.                          School District, died at age 93 in Chicago.                               1621 Stoney Point Drive,
Had he checked it, he would’ve seen a Dunbar                        Letts, who was hired in 1951,was widely                                       Delta Township
notice that code enforcement picked up                              remembered as a champion for desegre-                                 We paused this column because,
his couch and billed nearly $500 for the                            gation and breaking barriers for teachers                          candidly, we were starting to feel
cleanup. Still, city attorneys considered Dagner notified after     of color.                                                          sort of guilty for dumping on local
the warning was put in the mail. Had Dagner carried it to the         Repeal of 15 ordinances sought                                   property owners during the pan-
curb, city trash workers would’ve hauled it away for $33. Still,       A committee of the Lansing City Council                         demic. But this eyesore in Delta
                                                                                                                 Letts                 Township was worth a mention, if
only Councilman Brian Jackson voted this week to waive the          will consider a proposal this month from
fees.                                                               Councilman Brian Jackson that aims to repeal 15 ordinanc-          only because of the relative simplic-
                                                                    es, including laws that prohibit drug paraphernalia, loitering,    ity involved in solving the problem.
   ‘More conservative’ police commissioner named                    begging and “annoying” behavior. Some laws carry a dispa-             Neighbors say this home has been
  Samuel Brewster, a neighborhood watch coordinator                 rate impact on certain segments of the population or are sim-      abandoned since late summer, and
described by Councilwoman Kathie Dunbar as “more conser-            ply unnecessary. Council President Peter Spadafore sent the        the former owner apparently decid-
vative than what we would like” on police reform, was appoint-      proposal to the Committee on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion       ed his doorless two-car garage was
ed to the Lansing Police Board of Commissioners on Monday           before it can head back to the full Council. Read more details     the best place to stash a truckload of
night. Dunbar told the Council that Brewster wasn’t interested      at lansingcitypulse.com.                                           trash. Mattresses are piled inside on
in “less punitive models for social justice.” Still, only she and                                                                      top of other furniture — all nicely
                                                                            State shares historic opioid settlement
Councilman Brian Jackson voted against his appointment,                                                                                protruding from the entryway.
                                                                      Michigan joined 46 other states this week in sharing a $573
which expires in December 2024.                                                                                                           Code enforcement officials said
                                                                    million settlement to resolve an investigation into consult-
                                                                                                                                       they’ve cited the owner — who is
       Lansing explores boozy ‘social districts’                    ing firm McKinsey & Co. and its role in working for opioid
                                                                                                                                       listed as William Richards in county
  The Lansing City Council revived                                  companies, helping those companies promote their drugs and
                                                                                                                                       property records — but haven’t been
plans this week to use alleys and                                   profiting from the ongoing opioid epidemic. Michigan’s $19.5
                                                                                                                                       able to go in and clear the trash
other downtown spaces for to-go                                     million payment will be used to help abate problems caused
                                                                                                                                       without a court order. And local
cocktails in Lansing after initial                                  by opioids.
                                                                                                                                       courtrooms aren’t exactly prioritiz-
discussions were delayed over the                                                 Lansing’s bond rating drops                          ing trash-filled garages for virtual
summer. Plans to open at least three                                   Standard & Poors recently downgraded two of Lansing’s           hearings.
“social districts” that provide added                               bond ratings, citing concerns over dwin-                              The place was vacant last week.
space for outdoor drinking and din-                                 dling reserve levels, as first reported by the                     We also didn’t have any luck contact-
ing between local bars is the subject                               Lansing State Journal. The change from                             ing Richards, but Delta Township
of a public City Council hearing set                                AA- to A+ and from AA to AA- could make                            officials assured us that the owner
for 7 p.m. Feb. 22.                                                 it more expensive for Lansing to borrow                            has promised to install a temporary
             Emergency rental funds offered                         cash, which would in turn affect the city’s                        garage door within the next 10 days
  More than $27 million in federal funding earmarked for            ability to move forward with capital proj-                         — if only to appease the neighbors,
emergency rental assistance is expected to be administered          ects and road maintenance.                                         who are sick and tired of seeing it.
through the city of Lansing this year, city officials announced              Lansing Mall cinema shifts to drive-in                       “We have to go through due
this week. A resolution to accept the funding was waiting on          The vacant Lansing Mall movie theater is on its way to           process. Neighbors don’t seem to
legislative and gubernatorial approval on Tuesday. Those who        becoming Greenwood District Studios, according to reports          understand that we can’t just take
need the city’s help covering the rent can visit lansingmi.gov/     from Fox47 News. Local comedian Amaru is reportedly lead-          property out of there without a
lansingcares.                                                       ing the project and plans to replace the existing theater with a   court order,” a township spokes-
                                                                    drive-in option. It’s expected to open in May.                     woman said “We have assurance
              Open calls for student artists                                                                                           the door will be installed soon.
  Student artists can apply for the 36th Annual Art Scholarship         Greater Lansing pot shops shield equity plans                  Otherwise, our attorney will end up
and the 11th Ingham Student Art Exhibit through the Lansing            The state Marijuana Regulatory Agency posted social equi-       getting involved.”
Art Gallery & Education Center. Selected students will have         ty plans of Michigan’s recreational cannabis companies this         — KYLE KAMINSKI
their art displayed both in-person and at an online event.          month, revealing licensure application details that have until
Scholarships are also available. The deadline for submissions is    this week been kept hidden from public view and otherwise
March 1. Visit lansingartgallery.org/education for more details.    shielded from the Freedom of Information Act But most              “Eyesore of the Week” is our look at some
              Cops report narcotics seizure                         license holders, including every pot shop in Greater Lansing,      of the seedier properties in Lansing. It rotates with
                                                                                                                                       Eye Candy of the Week and Eye for Design. Have
   Kevin Christopher Coolman, 29, of Lansing, faces several         haven’t granted permission to the state to release those plans.    a suggestion? Email eye@lansingcitypulse.com or
felony charges after Lansing Police officers said he was caught     Read more details at lansingcitypulse.com.                         call it in at 517-999-6715.
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8                                                                              www.lansingcitypulse.com                                                                       City Pulse • February 10, 2021

More contagious British COVID-19 variant arrives in Greater Lansing
   The Barry-Eaton District Health                Gov. Gretchen Whitmer also created
Department announced this week that            the Student Recovery Advisory Council                       CORONAVIRUS IN MICHIGAN                                                                 WEEK 48
a confirmed case of the B117 corona-           last week, an appointed body designed
virus variant was detected in Eaton            to provide guidance geared toward
                                                                                                                         BY THE NUMBERS…
County. No further details about the
infected individual or the possibility of
                                               supporting student learning and keep-
                                               ing schools “on track” while educators
                                                                                                                   Michigan                                               Eaton County
                                                                                                              CASES DEATHS      VACC.                              CASES DEATHS                                VACC.
wider community spread were released           continue to be prioritized for vaccine                                                                       2/2/21  5,394  137                                 15,171
by Tuesday afternoon.                          distribution.                                           2/2/21 562,510 14,672 1,339,129
                                                                                                       2/9/21 569,980 14,965       N/A                      2/9/21  5,471  142                                    N/A
   Ingham County Health Officer Linda             State officials also announced agree-
Vail also didn’t have details at a brief-      ments with nearly all health insurers                   Weekly Ç1.3%    Ç2%                                  Weekly Ç1.4% Ç3.6%
ing on Tuesday.                                to extend their commitments to waive                    Change                                               Change
   “Details about this individual are          out-of-pocket costs for COVID-19 test-                                                                                        Clinton Co.
unknown and the investigation is ongo-         ing, vaccination and treatment. The                           Greater Lansing                                       CASES DEATHS                                 VACC.
ing,” according to a release. “Barry-          agreements reportedly cover 92% of                             CASES DEATHS                     VACC.
                                                                                                                                                            2/2/21  4,264  63                                    9,875
Eaton District Health Department               the commercial health insurance mar-                    2/2/21 24,169  455                      63,647
                                                                                                                                                            2/9/21  4,322  64                                      N/A
is urging individuals to continue to           ket in Michigan.                                        2/9/21 24,668  460                         N/A
                                                                                                                                                            Weekly Ç1.4% Ç1.6%
take precautions against COVID-19,                Most staff at local hospitals and                    Weekly Ç2.1% Ç1.1%
especially as new variants of the virus        healthcare providers have received their                                                                     Change
become more prevalent.”                        first vaccine dose, the Lansing State
   The case marked the first confirmed         Journal reports. About 70% of the staff
                                                                                                                Ingham County                                The “Vaccines” category refers to
                                                                                                              CASES DEATHS                     VACC.         the total number of doses admin-
variant to be reported in Greater              at Eaton Rapids Medical Center have
                                                                                                       2/2/21 14,511  255                      38,601        istered to patients that reported
Lansing since the first Michigan case          received at least one dose of the vac-
                                                                                                       2/9/21 14,879  260                         N/A        living within each jurisdiction,
was reported in Washtenaw County               cine. At McLaren Greater Lansing, the
                                                                                                                                                             according to state data. Patients
in January. The B117 variant, which            rate is 58-60%. At Sparrow Hospital in                  Weekly Ç2.5%  Ç2%                                     require two doses.
can spread more rapidly and could be           Lansing, 64% of staff have received the                 Change
more fatal, has since been reported in         vaccine.
Calhoun, Kent and Oakland counties.               The number of healthcare employees
Research suggests that vaccines are            getting vaccines locally is also report-                would have been alive last weekend                   Michigan State University seemed to
still just as effective against the variant.   edly on the rise.                                       with parties and drunk sports fans                   keep to themselves. Read more about
In related news…                                  Ford Motor Co. recently designed                     wandering the streets. But not during                student perspectives in a recent anal-
   State epidemic orders updated last          and created clear N95 face masks so                     a special pandemic version of Super                  ysis published at lansingcitypulse.com.
week allowed for contact sports to             that hearing impaired people can read                   Bowl Sunday, where most students at                   — KYLE KAMINSKI
resume in Michigan, provided masks             lips while protecting themselves from
are worn during practices and com-             COVID-19, according to reports in the                                           INGHAM COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS
petition. If they cannot be worn, par-         Detroit Free Press. The design is cur-
                                                                                                                                NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
ticipants must be regularly tested for         rently awaiting federal approval for                        FOR MICHIGAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FUNDING FOR
COVID-19. The new order remains in             N95 status.                                                                INGHAM COUNTY SITE READINESS PROJECT
place through March 29.                           During any other year, East Lansing                    Ingham County will conduct a public hearing on February 23, 2021 at 6:30pm to be held virtually
                                                                                                         at http://ingham.org/NewsEvents/Events.aspx for the purpose of affording citizens an opportunity
                                                                                                         to examine and submit comments on the proposed application for a CDBG grant.

                                                                                                         Ingham County proposes to use $120,500 CDBG funds and approximately $40,000 local and
                                                                                                         private partner matching funds to further prepare underutilized sites in the cities of Mason and
                                                                                                         Williamston and the townships of Vevay and Delhi for future industrial development through site
                                                                                                         readiness activities. These activities will benefit at least 51% low to moderate income persons and
                                                                                                         no persons will be displaced as a result of the proposed activities.

                                                                                                         Further information, including a copy of each municipality’s community development plan and
                                                                                                         Ingham County’s CDBG application, is available for review. Please contact Dillon Rush at
                                                                                                         dillon@purelansing.com or 517.331.0069 to review the documents. Comments to the Board of
                                                                                                         Commissioners may be submitted in writing or made virtually at the public hearing.

                                                                                                         Citizen views and comments on the proposed application are welcome.

                                                                                                         Ingham County
                                                                                                         Dillon Rush, Business Attraction, Lansing Economic Area Partnership (LEAP) | 517.331.0069


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                                                                                                                                                              Submit your classified ad to
                                                                                                                                                              Suzi Smith: 517-999-6704 or
                                                                          Courtesy State of Michigan                                                           suzi@lansingcitypulse.com
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (left) visited a vaccination clinic at the Michigan State                                                                              Contract rates available, all rates net. Classified ads also
University Pavilion on Monday, where she also met with Ingham County Health                                                                                  appear online at no extra charge. Deadline for classifieds is
                                                                                                                                                             5 p.m. Monday for the upcoming Wednesday’s issue.
Officer Linda Vail.
A fire to remember The State Office Building blaze - City Pulse
City Pulse • February 10, 2021                                                        www.lansingcitypulse.com                                                                                   9

Autistic LCC student handled mail for President Donald Trump
Xavier DeGroat looks back                                                                                                                                               Xavier DeGroat (left), an
                                                                                                                                                                        autistic Lansing Community
on ‘intense’ internship at                                                                                                                                              College student who
White House                                                                                                                                                             interned at the White
                                                                                                                                                                        House last semester, in the
   President Donald Trump often                                                                                                                                         Oval Office with President
referred to Xavier DeGroat as “X-Man”                                                                                                                                   Donald J. Trump and his
during his three-month internship                                                                                                                                       personal lawyer, Rudolf
at the White House last year. And                                                                                                                                       Giuliani, who helped him
DeGroat, a 30-year-old Lansing                                                                                                                                          secure the three-month
Community College student, said he                                                                                                                                      gig.
will remember Trump for his fierce
   “The president liked what I was
doing. President Trump asked me
questions about how I made it this far.
He was also impressed with all of the
people that I’ve met,” DeGroat said.
   DeGroat, of Lansing, is in his third
year studying for a communications
degree at LCC. He said he met former
New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani
at a golf outing in 2016 and ever since
has levied those political connections                                                                                                           Courtesy White House
to advocate for people with autism and
other disabilities.                                     ly the first person with autism to land     them said ‘Donald Trump is a dictator.’      Others were just eager to find their next
   In September, DeGroat said his                       an internship at the White House — a        I’ve seen a lot like that. Others were       day job, he added.
friendship with the mayor (who later                    badge that he wears with high honors.       thankful for the president.”                   “It was crazy. Most people didn’t
turned Trump attorney) landed him an                       “I’m breaking barriers. And I’m not         And while DeGroat didn’t interact         know my personal relationship with
unpaid internship at the White House                    just doing this for myself, but also to     with the leader of the free world on a       Giuliani. I tried to keep that private for
— mostly sorting through the thou-                      inspire others — like being a loud man      daily basis, he said he managed to score     a lot of reasons — including my own
sands of letters that Trump received,                   and speaking from your own heart            a 30-minute sitdown with Trump and           safety. It got very crazy. Trump was
writing thank-you notes and sending                     rather than to let your disability stop     rubbed shoulders with several notable        intense. Rudy was intense. Everybody
out autographed portraits.                              you from doing something,” DeGroat          names, including Ivanka Trump, Jared         there was intense, but by December
   “It was presidential correspon-                      added. “It’s for awareness and I also       Kushner, Mike Pompeo and many oth-           things got very, very quiet.”
dence, and I handled the management                     plan to publish a book.”                    er political elites.                           DeGroat remembered near constant
side of it,” DeGroat said. “Every day I                    DeGroat was reserved about his              One time, DeGroat sat at Vice             “chaos and craziness” throughout his
would read letters that were written to                 political leanings. He supported most       President Mike Pence’s desk as part of       internship, including being followed
President Trump from constituents,                      of Trump’s economic agenda and              a private tour of the West Wing.             home after work one day. Secret Service
asking for his help on stuff — whether                  “parts” of his COVID-19 response plan,         The brief Oval Office meeting also        agents later told him to stop wearing
that was following up on their stimulus                 though he admits there were mistakes.       included discussions about homeland          suit coats with the White House insig-
checks or veterans benefits.”                           And it was difficult to ignore the del-     security and ways to make friendli-          nia; DeGroat stopped riding public
   This mailroom gig also carried a bit                 uge of hate mail that found its way to      er policies with the Transportation          transportation altogether.
more prestige. DeGroat is reported-                     Pennsylvania Avenue.                        Security Administration — like a spe-          “We were afraid there would be pro-
                                                           “Basically, I’m the one that received    cial area for travelers with autism to       tests against Trump, but also protests
                                                        all the public requests, and I would        avoid the rush, noise and “intensity” of     for Trump,” he said.
                                                        write back thanking them for what           the screening process, he said.                All told DeGroat estimates that he
                                                        they’ve written,” DeGroat said. “If they       DeGroat said Trump also signed            spent $25,000 during his three-month
                                                        were more threatening or serious, those     a proclamation for World Autism              unpaid internship, but it’s a price he’d
                                                        would be put in a junk box or sent off to   Awareness Day in April after he asked        repay to rise “as high as you can go in
                                                        someone higher up to review. Bad ones       that Giuliani forward the suggestion         the political leadership world,” he said.
                                                        went to the junk box.”                      from the Lansing-based nonprofit             He said he hopes President Joe Biden’s
                                                           Friendly mail received DeGroat’s         Xavier DeGroat Autism Foundation —           administration will be just as inclusive
                                                        appreciation with Trump’s signature         formed to create and promote oppor-          and welcoming.
                                                        stamp. Some of the more meaningful          tunities for people with autism through        “Joe will meet with me somehow
                                                        responses included a signed photo-          advocacy, education, economic oppor-         and Kamala Harris will too,” DeGroat
                                                        graph of Trump, but only for his most       tunity and other humanitarian means.         added, noting he also plans to travel
                                                        loyal fans.                                    After the results of the November         to Italy to meet with Pope Francis for
                                                           “The ones that were like ‘Donald         election became clear, DeGroat said          another meeting on autism awareness.
                                                        Trump, you fucked up our country’           the White House went from “intense”            “Right now, I’m also looking for a
                                 Courtesy White House   or ‘You screwed this up,’ well, we just     to “very, very quiet.” Staffers were pack-   full-time job to get started in the public
DeGroat and My Pillow founder Mike                      didn’t reply to those,” DeGroat said.       ing things away and searching for jobs.      service world.”
Lindall, a major Trump supporter.                       “We were done with those. Some of           Some were upset that Trump lost.              — KYLE KAMINSKI
A fire to remember The State Office Building blaze - City Pulse
10                                                                            www.lansingcitypulse.com                                                City Pulse • February 10, 2021

Betz will resign ‘if my constituents want me to’                                                                                          for office forfeiture. The Ethics Board
                                                                                                                                          met Tuesday, but Lynn’s complaint was
                                                                                                                                          not on the agenda. It’s next meeting is
1st Ward Lansing Councilman                                                                                                               March 9.
ponders resignation in Alaska                                                                                                                The remaining seven members of the
                                                                                                                                          City Council would be tasked to appoint
   Lansing City Councilman Brandon                                                                                                        a replacement through the end of the
Betz said Tuesday he will resign “if that’s                                                                                               year should Betz resign from office or
what my constituents want” after the                                                                                                      eventually be forced to leave. A replace-
Council voted unanimously Monday to                                                                                                       ment would be elected to finish out
censure him, strip him of his two com-                                                                                                    Betz’ term, which runs through 2023.
mittee assignments and urge his resig-                                                                                                       Betz said he “will continue to repre-
nation.                                                                                                                                   sent the First Ward” while he ponders
   Betz said Tusday he will “continue to                                                                                                  resignation this week.
assess” whether he’ll resign early from                                                                                                      He told City Pulse last week that
his first term in response to the back-                                                                                                   his language was “unprofessional” and
lash stemming from a heated text mes-                                                                                                     claimed that he only wrote the messages
sage exchange he had with a local Black                                                                                                   in response to Lynn’s “threatening phys-
Lives Matter leader.                                                                                                                      ical harm against me and my family
   “If my constituents want me to resign,                                                                                                 multiple times.” Lynn denied making or
I will,” Betz said. “I will take the infor-                                                                                               intending threats. Betz hasn’t provided
mation under assessment and will con-                                                                                                     any evidence.
tinue to assess what it is my constitu-                                                                                                      In a letter to the City Council sent on
ents want.”                                                                                                                               Sunday afternoon, Betz repeated those
   According to the Council resolu-                                                                                                       unfounded claims.
tion, Betz made “inflammatory and             Lansing City Councilman Brandon Betz (at the lectern) shared the platform at                   “I’m embarrassed by my actions and
unbecoming statements” that “do not           City Hall last summer with Black activist Michael Lynn Jr., who is behind him.              lack of restraint,” Betz wrote. “I’m not
reflect the professionalism expected of                                                                                                   originally from this great city. I’m from
                                              through them, I was sickened by what            Betz also departed his job as a poli-
City Council members.” It also called                                                                                                     Alaska and was raised in a conservative
                                              I read,” Councilman Carol Wood said in        cy analyst with the Michigan League
for his removal from two Council com-                                                                                                     Mormon family. Life and people are
                                              explaining her vote. “To lash out in that     for Public Policy last week following
mittees, which Council President Peter                                                                                                    very different there. We thrive off hard
                                              manner is just not acceptable.”               the angry text-message exchange. His
Spadafore implemented immediately.                                                                                                        work, marry quickly and take threats
                                                 After Mayor Andy Schor’s annual            employer said they “agreed to part
   Another line “strongly suggests” to                                                                                                    rather seriously.”
                                              State of the City address, Betz sent a        ways.”
Betz that “he consider resigning” from                                                                                                       Betz said he plans to address the
                                              string of text messages to firefighter and      Former allies of Betz have also called
the Council altogether.                                                                                                                   public and offer Lynn and his family an
                                              local Black activist Michael Lynn Jr. In      for him to resign from the City Council,
   Betz, who was absent from this                                                                                                         apology “soon.” Lynn said that apology
                                              them, Betz taunted Lynn — calling him         including the local chapter of the Black
week’s Council meeting, checked in on                                                                                                     hadn’t arrived by Tuesday afternoon.
                                              a “dickbag troll who no one listens to”       Lives Matter Movement and the Lansing
Instagram from Anchorage, Alaska,                                                                                                         Betz hasn’t made any public statements.
                                              and a “weak ass bitch” who only wants         Democratic Socialists of America.
his native state, on Monday evening.                                                                                                         “He keeps talking about these threats,
                                              more political clout.                           Still, Betz suggested that he needed
Spadafore said he requested to be                                                                                                         and I just keep waiting to see any evi-
                                                 Lynn repeatedly asked Betz to stop         broader public input before making a
excused from every meeting this month                                                                                                     dence,” Lynn said.
                                              sending him messages. Betz kept them          decision to quit.
— a request that his colleagues also vot-                                                                                                    City Attorney Jim Smiertka said aside
                                              coming, later ending the chat with a            “I’m assessing whether or not to
ed to deny at this week’s meeting, which                                                                                                  from a censure, the City Council can
                                              one-liner that echoed across the First        resign, and those assessments take
triggers a 60-day window after which                                                                                                      also seek office forfeiture — but only if
                                              Ward: “I don’t represent assholes.”           time,” he repeated.
the Council could force Betz to forfeit                                                                                                   Betz is found unqualified to hold office,
                                                 Lynn sent screenshots of the conver-         Lynn said he also filed an ethics com-
his office.                                                                                                                               is convicted of a misdemeanor or felo-
                                              sation to City Pulse and later posted         plaint against Betz. If he is found to have
   “This is almost the most egre-                                                                                                         ny or if he violates a section of the city
                                              them on Facebook. Dozens of residents         intimidated or threatened a member of
gious situation that I’ve faced. When                                                                                                     charter that specifically calls for him to
                                              criticizing Betz at public comment            the public, he could be slapped with a
I received notice about the comments                                                                                                      forfeit office.
                                              pushed Monday’s meeting past 11 p.m.          misdemeanor — additional grounds
and things that were said and I read                                                                                                                               See Council, Page 11

East Lansing announces face mask photo contest winners
  The East Lansing Downtown                                                                                   alleys, I cherish the       pandemic can end soon and then we
Development Authority selected three                                                                          lights glowing above.       can eat inside at our favorite restau-
winners this week in last month’s                                                                             I think of good times       rants with others and enjoy Spartan
“Why I Wear a Mask” photo contest.                                                                            in East Lansing and         sports again, especially football tail-
Local residents were asked to submit                                                                          know that, one day, I       gating and games!”
photos of themselves along with a                                                                             will get to relive the        Honorable mentions included
short narrative about why they wear                                                                           memories that seem          Aatiyana Davis, Brittany Biddle,
face masks during the pandemic.               Arnold                Pedraza                                   so far away.”               Elise Schut, Guillermo Flores, Jacqui
  Winners received downtown East                                                                                 Second Place —           Carroll, Jill Berryman, Sarah Spohn,
Lansing gift cards and vouchers to            and continuing through at least May                            Miguel Pedraza               Tobias Vanderbush, William Rowan
shop at the East Lansing Downtown             9 in the M.A.C. Avenue parking ramp.            “I wear a mask to protect myself            and Phillip Smith. Their photos and
Underground Market — an open-air                First Place — Alex Arnold                   and those I love.”                            narratives can be viewed on the city of
market open on Sundays from 10 a.m.             “I wear a mask to protect the small           Third Place — Lynn Schupbach                East Lansing’s Facebook page.
to 2 p.m. , beginning Sunday (Feb. 14)        businesses that I love. When I walk the         “We are wearing our masks so this            — KYLE KAMINSKI
City Pulse • February 10, 2021                                                www.lansingcitypulse.com                                                                          11

 Michigan’s Senate majority leader calls Capitol insurrection a ‘hoax’
   Senate Majority                                                                          Barnes.                                        whether they want to continue with

Leader Mike                                                                                   But lending people — some of whom            Shirkey as the face they want leading
Shirkey’s credibility                                                                       are his constituents — a sympathetic           their caucus going into the 2022 elec-
long term was put                                                                           ear is one thing. Actually, verbalizing        tions.
into serious question                                                                       conspiracy theories is quite another              It’s clearly not a question they ever
Tuesday when a vid-                                                                         (granted to an audience to whom he’s           thought they’d need to face. Until now.
eo surfaced calling                                                                         clearly pandering) is quite another.              (Kyle Melinn of the Capitol news
the U.S. Capitol riots                                                                        The comments put the Senate                  service MIRS is at melinnky@gmail.
a “hoax” orchestrat-                                                                        Republican caucus in a tough spot of           com.)
              ed by
 OPINION “puppeteers” who wanted
              to make former President
              Donald Trump and his                                                            Council                                          Betz worked with activists and
                                                                                                                                            leaders of the Lansing chapter of
supporters look bad.                                                                                                                        Black Lives Matter last June to craft
   “That wasn’t the Trump people;                                                             from page 10                                  a resolution that would’ve defunded
that’s been a hoax from day 1,” Shirkey           Shirkey                                                                                   the Lansing Police Department. It
replied in the video, which was first                                                            An Ethics Board finding or 60 days of      never saw a vote.
reported by Detroit’s Metro Times.                 The person recording asked Shirkey         unexcused absences could trigger forfei-         Afterward, those ties devolved
“It was all prearranged … . It was all          “how does this happen in government,”         ture, he added.                               into a “one-directional relationship
staged.”                                        and Shirkey replied that he believes             Betz was a vocal critic of Schor but       where I was told what to do by Black
   “Hell, Mitch McConnell was part of           “there are people above elected offi-         changed his tune this month, especially       Lives Matter, and I did it without
it,” Shirkey added after questioning            cials.”                                       after joining him and Spadafore in cut-       questioning,” Betz told City Pulse.
why there wasn’t more security that                “There are puppeteers,” he said.           ting ahead of thousands of other eligible     That included pushing a no-confi-
day. “I think they wanted to have a                More than 200 people have been             people for an early dose of COVID-19          dence vote against Schor last year
mess.”                                          charged with a range of crimes in con-        vaccine. Betz also applauded the “tone        that also never materialized, he said.
   The backstory is that Shirkey,               nection with the insurrection, includ-        and tenor” of Schor’s latest State of the        “I made calls to each Council
R-Clarklake, was meeting with the               ing at least two men from Michigan.           City remarks.                                 person in turn to determine their
executive board of the Hillsdale                   The long-term impact on Shirkey               In response to those incidents, Lynn       support and I found that I would
County Republican Party over dinner             and the Senate Republican caucus              labeled Betz as “useless” and urged him       be the only yes vote on Council on
Feb. 3, the evening before the board            could be severe. Democrats already are        to resign last week — triggering a public     that particular vote. As such, I made
voted to censure him for essentially            well into a campaign framing Shirkey          rift between two advocates with “major        the decision to not move forward
not being conservative enough.                  as a Michigan Militia sympathizer who         public platforms,” Betz explained. Lynn       because I felt that bringing forward
   The official resolution ended up             met with them to suggest they adopt           and his wife also host the “Merica 20 to      a vote of no confidence would not be
saying the Senate leader was support-           Codes of Conduct.                             Life” live talk show on Facebook.             effective at achieving the goals that
ive of banning open carry of firearms              He basically was trying to convince           This month, Betz also backed away          Black Lives Matter were seeking,”
into the Capitol and eliminating the            them to be more forthcoming if the            from pursuing a vote of no confidence         Betz said in a statement last week.
Electoral College. It also accused him          firearms they were bring to Capitol           against Schor, further eroding an “alli-         In a Facebook post, Black Lives
of a “complete and utter surrender to           demonstrations were not carrying live         ance” between Lynn and Betz in which          Matter Lansing said Betz “agreed”
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in regards to             rounds of ammunition.                         they have both called for Schor to resign.    to call for a vote of no confidence
her unconscionable and unconstitu-                 Nonetheless, the imagery of                   “I’m concerned for him. He needs           against Schor in November. His
tional shutdown of small businesses.”           Shirkey’s meeting with militiamen in          help. I’ve seen this type of behavior         failure to do so “effectively ended
   Apparently, Shirkey was aware the            the Senate gallery has remained in            before,” Lynn told City Pulse “He’s obvi-     the alliance.”
meeting was being recorded, which               circulation as Democrats question his         ously having some type of crisis. But it’s       “The community has moved on
it was by someone believed to be                sincerity in pledging that he isn’t run-      scary as a Black man. The way he was          without you to continue our work
Hillsdale Republican Party Secretary            ning for governor in 2022.                    talking to me made me feel like he was        to defund the police which began
Jon Smith. The conversation was                    Their skepticism is fueled by the fact     trying to goad me into a fight. I’ve seen     long before you ever thought about
essentially Shirkey making his case as          Shirkey helped orchestrate $500,000           this before.”                                 the Lansing City Council or build-
to why the censure vote shouldn’t take          in contributions for the Unlock                  Betz also told City Pulse that Black       ing a political career on the Black
place.                                          Michigan campaign and appears                 Lives Matter activists have repeatedly        struggle for liberation,” according to
   At a certain point in the more than          to have remained politically active           pressured him to pursue a “no confi-          a Facebook post shared by BLM last
one-hour long video, Shirkey was                despite the fact he’s term-limited from       dence” vote against Schor, but no oth-        week.
asked what he thought of the Jan. 6             office after this year.                       er Council members would support                 Schor — who is facing racial dis-
riots.                                             Hours before the “hoax” story came         it. Both Betz and Lynn acknowledged           crimination lawsuits from Lynn and
   At one point, Shirkey said, “I’m sure        out, the Michigan Democratic Party            that the divide helped trigger a dispute      several other current and former
it was fantastic to watch,” and he used         already had called for Shirkey’s resig-       between them.                                 employees — declined to comment
his finger to illustrate tears falling as       nation due to a New York Times story             “Although I had sacrificed my politi-      on the situation last week, but on
he explained that the incident made             that plainly laid out the case of the         cal career for this cause, they turned on     Monday also admonished Betz’ con-
him nearly cry because he couldn’t              Senate leader’s connection to militias        me and began harassing me both pri-           duct, labeling it “inappropriate and
believe what he was seeing.                     for a national audience to see.               vately and publicly,” Betz told City Pulse    frankly appalling” in his remarks.
   Shirkey also questioned why a U.S.              “Mike Shirkey and the Republican           in a brief statement last week.                  “As elected leaders, we should
Capitol police officer “shot that wom-          Party had every chance to denounce               Lynn said last week’s text exchange        always rise above the name calling,”
an” and how so many cameras could so            hate and violence. Instead, they chose        was the first time the two have spoken        Schor added.
perfectly record the events, including a        to bankroll it,” said Michigan Dem-           since December.                                — KYLE KAMINSKI
gun coming around a corner.                     ocratic Party Chairwoman Lavora
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                                                                                                                                                                                                        ornaments and
                that will hopefully take the fear and uncertainty out of saving:                                                              tiny last  few trees!
                                                                                                                                                   Christmas    months.     It these
                                                                                                                                                                       Yes, all will continue
                                                                                                                                                                                      ceramics are to part
                                                                                                                                                                                                       be of
                                                                                                                                                                                                              our holiday as we
                    #1 : An emergency fund. This bank account helps you                                                                            embrace
                                                                                                                                              collection,        the unknown
                                                                                                                                                           expanding                of theoffuture.
                                                                                                                                                                        our little corner               But there
                                                                                                                                                                                               Polish pottery   at theare  ways
                deal with the unexpected. You know that label you see on                                                                           that you can leverage these dollars spent. Look at what
                                                                                                                                              Starting seven years ago, when we were selling them because a customer
                                                                                                                                              specifically requested them, we now have an entire space for these
                fire extinguisher
               HYDROTHERAPY           boxes – “break glass in case of emergen-
                                  & WELLNESS                                                                                                       youBANKING
                                                                                                                                              intricate, are  purchasing.
                                                                                                                                                         detailed               Where
                                                                                                                                                                     and handcrafted       is this
                                                                                                                                                                                        pieces      item
                                                                                                                                                                                                of art. Allmade?
                                                                                                                                                                                                           the Polish pottery
                cy?” Only in a financial emergency should you “break into”
               Spring is Almost Here, Time for a                                                                                              we haveBy    purchasing       from
                                                                                                                                                        The Advantages of Using a
                                                                                                                                                       in the  gallery is hand      small,
                                                                                                                                                                                 crafted  withlocally
                                                                                                                                                                                                pride atowned     businesses,
                                                                                                                                                                                                         many small
                this account. Everyone’s definition varies, but examples                                                                           choosing companies
                                                                                                                                              manufacturing       items made       domestically,
                                                                                                                                                                              in Boleslawiec,   Poland.and
                                                                                                                                                                                                         All even    better,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of the pieces  areby
               Hot Tub Checkup
                include hospital bills, major car repairs, and unemployment.                                                                            Community Bank
                                                                                                                                                   local companies,
                                                                                                                                              individually  hand painted,you  usingare   triggering
                                                                                                                                                                                     sponge   stamps anda domino
                                                                                                                                                                                                           brushes to effect
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        paint for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the                 Kathy Holcomb
                   #2: A taxable
               Everyone     is anxiousinvesting
                                        for spring account.
                                                     — after all,Also
                                                                  it’s aknows
                                                                          great a broker- JOSE YANEZ                                               your   dollars.
                                                                                                                                              stick and floral motifs on each piece. These patterns are first hand cut
                                                                                                                                                       One of    the sponge,
                                                                                                                                                                      nice things
                                                                                                                                              by the artists in the            after about
                                                                                                                                                                                     which athey
                                                                                                                                                                                               community     bank is
                                                                                                                                                                                                  use the sponges      allbrushes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and   of your
                age to
               time    account.
                          use yourThe    invested Works
                                    tub. Hotwater    assetsoninMichigan
                                                                  these accounts        are
                                                                             Avenue offers                                                    to applyThere
                                                                                                                                                       decisionsis aare
                                                                                                                                                        the unique     movement       inpiece.
                                                                                                                                                                      pattern     each    the
                                                                                                                                                                                          You United     Kingdom
                                                                                                                                                                                                are not just           that number
                                                                                                                                                                                                               an account    has
                taxed each year.
               comprehensive       hot This  account We’ll
                                       tub checkups.     givesbring
                                                                you you
                                                                           a newtofilter,
                                                                                   a wide                                                         extended
                                                                                                                                                      or business    around      theno
                                                                                                                                                                          statistic     world;     “Just A
                                                                                                                                                                                           one knows.       The Card.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            who make  efforts        GALLERY
                                                                             complement (517)         316-5333
                                                                                                 Jessica  Graham &                          In Boleslawiec, when artists are deemed qualified enough they earn the
                range of
               change        investment
                          or check         products,
                                    your water          which
                                                 and refill yourcan
                                                                        if needed.               Michelle Humes                                   are   to    show
                                                                                                                                                      decisions          how
                                                                                                                                                                       know     purchases
                                                                                                                                                                               who    you   are.   even
                                                                                                                                                                                                   We   live,as   small
                                                                                                                                            right to create a pattern from start to finish and also sign it. These
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        andas    buying
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              play    in  the a
               We     otherfresh
                              accounts   in yournew
                                  neck pillows,   financial  foundation.    
                                                       covers,  floating lights, spa                                                        piecesgreeting
                                                                                                                                                     can           card can
                                                                                                                                                           be identified           have
                                                                                                                                                                                   as you.To
                                                                                                                                                                             by their       a dramatic
                                                                                                                                                                                         UNIKAT   keep
                                                                                                                                                                                                    stampup onincrease
                                                                                                                                                                                                              withthethe     on buta small
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       bottom,              of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (517) 482-8845
                                                                                            4112 S. Cedar St.,
                                                                                                 HOTWATER                                             bigger
                                                                                                                                            also business’         banks,    many     community        banks      are pushing      to ifkeep    up.
               scents      Anall
                      #3:and   IRA.
                                 the This  is a tax-advantaged
                                     necessary    chemicals needed   retirement
                                                                         to usher savings
                                                                                  in the                                                          stand    out for   or makers’ bottom line. Imagine is 500 peo-
                                                                                                                                                                      their  complex      and   intricate   patterns.    Come    see      you
                                                                                            Lansing, MI 48910                                         Many   thehave      up-to-date    intechnology       and    digital  banking       services — 307 E César E. Chávez Ave
               new          that you own. There are traditional IRAs (up-front
                      season.                                                                    WORKS                                            pleitall
                                                                                                                                            can spot    would
                                                                                                                                                          is  a  lot commit
                                                                                                                                                                      different   tothan
                                                                                                                                                                               pieces purchasing
                                                                                                                                                                                           our pottery
                                                                                                                                                                                           1990.Dart     between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     at $3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        an   and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             app   on$5both
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Weper       Lansing, MI 48906
                                                                                                                                            encourage folks to consider a handcrafted piece of art from Poland for
               Having     hot tubare  not taxed;
                                  problems?   We canretirement
                                                         diagnose withdrawals    are)make
                                                                    any issues and     and a                                                      month        in  a   shop.     That     $1,500-$2,500            can   mean       the    dif-      absolutegallery.net
                                                                             and can with- fullcirclefp.com
                                                                                                                                                      iPhone        and Android, and a brand new website. Online banking
               plan            (up-front
                          repair          contributions
                                 them. We’ve               are taxed;
                                                seen all kinds           retirement
                                                                 of issues                       (517) 364-8827                             their gifting
                                                                                                                                                      allowsbetweenyou to paypaying         bills and not.
                                                                                                                                                                                   person-to-person.          We Think
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    have aabout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             brand it.  new IQ
               repair and maintain your tub. We are always fair and honest.
                drawals are not, provided federal tax laws are followed).                        2116 E Michigan Ave                                  mortgage application allowing people to apply online, with a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Brennan Andrews,
              Most tubs are going to last between 10-18 years but our current

                                                                                                              Lansing, MI 48912                       Dart Bank mortgage specialist who can assist during the                                               Marketing Director
              tubs,    Jacuzzi and Nordic, have extended warranties to consider                                                                       process. We have business solutions and consumer solutions for
              before making any repairs. Nordic is even made in Michigan!                                                      COUNTY OF INGHAM       everyone. If you have a rare case, we can work with you in                                            DART BANK
              Some       think   having    a hot  tub   will require  a  lot of  maintenance,      2021 TENTATIVE RATIOS AND TENTATIVE                order to find the     FACTORS
                                                                                                                                                                                 best solution for you.When you need to reach us
REAL ESTATE                                                                                                                                 MEDICAL
              but it’s only about10 minutes a week. We want people to use                            PREPARED BY DEPARTMENTby                          OFphone, EQUALIZATION
                                                                                                                                                                        a real person will answer. The person you talk to is                                (517)244-4406
Knowing What to Do and Not Do to
              their tubs in the healthiest way. We can teach you to balance
              water chemistry and check the filter once a month to make
                                                                                                                                              Holistic Weight Loss Program for
                                                                                                                                                      a resident of the Lansing area and a member of our community.
                                                                                                                                                      You might even get the president of the bank.                                                         368 S. Park Street
                                                                                                                                             Real Property
Prepare Your Home for Sale
              sure it’s good to go. Relax Hotwater Works!
                                                                         Agricultural                Commercial
                                                                                                                                              the New Year
                                                                                                                                      Industrial                  Residential                 Timber-Cutover                 Developmental
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Mason, MI 48854
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Personal Property
Prior to meeting with new clients,      UnitI hear, “We should be Ratio
                                                                      ready for you  Factor       Ratio          Factor           Ratio     Like  clockwork,
                                                                                                                                             Factor           Ratio a new year    comes with
                                                                                                                                                                             Factor               anotherFactor
                                                                                                                                                                                              Ratio          round of weightRatioloss Factor             Ratio           Factor
in a month or two.” Which I immediately follow up with, “What are                                                                           resolutions; most of which will inevitably see their end in the first
               01 - ALAIEDON TOWNSHIP
you doing to get ready for me to see your home?”                      49.93          1.0000       50.60          0.9882           48.14      1.0386           49.76          1.0000            NC
                                                                                                                                            three weeks of January. This time, focus on breaking this cycle andNC             NC                NC       50.00           1.0000
               02 -SUPPLIES
              ART     AURELIUS TOWNSHIP                               52.25          0.9569       48.47          1.0316           43.01      1.1625 a change
                                                                                                                                            making            47.20for a healthier
                                                                                                                                                                             1.0593 lifestyle. NC Adding NC    more physical  NCexercise NC              50.00           1.0000
Recently I met   with a couple who were first-time home sellers. They
                   - BUNKER
               Slainte in style!
felt in order to         their homeHILLinTOWNSHIP
                                          the upper $200,000 price    50.06
                                                                         range they  0.9988       45.45          1.1001           49.71      1.0000
                                                                                                                                                        Nirvana, Transcendent Insight, and
                                                                                                                                               your routine   46.77
                                                                                                                                                 changes rarely
                                                                                                                                                                    and losing    weight areNC   great goalsNC for the newNC   year, but NC              50.00           1.0000
would need new 04 -stainless
                      DELHI CHARTER
                                 appliances    in the kitchen, new50.14
                                            TOWNSHIP                                 0.9972
                                                                      granite counters            47.86          1.0447           49.52      1.0000           47.31 last. Lifestyle
                                                                                                                                                                             1.0569 changes    NC that areNC    more enjoyableNC or thatNC               50.00           1.0000
and hardwood   05floors
                   - INGHAM instead                                   47.81 looking
                                      of barely worn carpet. In reality,
                                  TOWNSHIP                                           1.0458       52.37
                                                                                                  Joe Vitale     0.9548            0.00      0.0000     Insurance
                                                                                                                                            can be hobbies should be considered. Doing a detox or supplement cleanse
                                                                                                                                                              44.68          1.1191            NC              NC
                                                                                                                                            can be a great way to start the new year and stimulate weight loss. But
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NC                NC       50.00           1.0000
through the list   of recent sales of similarly priced homes in
               06 - LANSING CHARTER TOWNSHIP                           NC their        NC         49.76          1.0000           48.54      1.0301 Few       46.88
                                                                                                                                                               people     are1.0666
                                                                                                                                                                               so enlightened  NChelpto know   NC             NCmake guru
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of the insurance             NC       50.00           1.0000
subdivision, Forget
              and assessing        how  their home compared,        wenoisy
                                                                        found: Most                                                         choosing     the    right   supplement      with   the         of a  physician   can            the
               07 have
                   - LEROYaboutTOWNSHIP
                                   the over-priced      green beer,   51.46 bars0.9716 orofwaitingCOLDWELL
                                                                                                  50.67          0.9868           48.26      1.0361 who 47.71
                                                                                                                                            difference.        sits atop the      world’s highest
                                                                                                                                                                             1.0480            NC mountain     NC of paperwork-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NC                NC       50.00           1.0000
the sales didn’t            granite,  half of the  homes    had  stainless
              in line to get a drink during the annual St. Paddy’s Day pub
                                                                      48.35          1.0341       BANKER
                                                                                                  47.38          1.0553           50.42      0.9917   somewhere
                                                                                                                                                              46.79       beyond the Forest          of Regret NCand      the NC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sea of Dyspepsia.     Dr. 50.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sarah Denham,         D.O.
               08 -ofLESLIE
appliances, half
              crawl     -the
                                 in andhadserve
                                            carpetup and  thefavorite
                                                       your   other half   wood
                                                                        brew    or floors.
                                                                                    cocktail in                                             Fat  cells in our     body are1.0686
                                                                                                                                                                              responsible for  NCinflammation,         increased     risk of NC                          1.0000
                                                                                                                                                      The guru speaks of simplicity, “an insurance policy is nothing
               09 - LOCKE
Instead of spending
              style.                $12,000 to update, we looked50.19
                           nearly                                                    0.9962
                                                                      at the comparable           HUBBELL
                                                                                                  58.07          0.8610           56.21      0.8895and hormone
                                                                                                                                            cancer            44.63 imbalances.
                                                                                                                                                      more than
                                                                                                                                                                             1.1203 Complications
                                                                                                                                                                         a contract.
                                                                                                                                                                                         It is a and
                                                                                                                                                                                                  contract that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                from obesity  NC have nowNC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      says, ‘if you     give
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (517)      853-3704
sales and listed
               10in   the median       range of TOWNSHIP
                                                 sales. This proved to NCbe            NC         50.31 Delphi   0.9938           47.23     been
                                                                                                                                             1.0587linked to      a wide range
                                                                                                                                                              47.93          1.0432of physical NC mental       NC health issues
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NC    like        NC       50.00           1.0000
                   - MERIDIAN
successful: The      in time soldfor
                                   within    St. Patrick’s Day revelry, you can
                                                                                                  BRIARWOOD             Glass                         money         to  an  insurance      company       and    something
                                                                                                                                            joint pains, overall fatigue and depression. Discussing your weight loss            listed    in  the
               11 - ONONDAGA
              customize        a mug,    pilsner glass or piece of46.32
                                       TOWNSHIP                          stemware    1.0795
                                                                                       at our     47.26          1.0580           50.18      0.9964 contract  46.20comes1.0823      pass, youNC
                                                                                                                                                                               to physician       willhelp
                                                                                                                                                                                                       be givenNC money.’"    NCOf course       NC   100350.00           1.0000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           East Mount Hope
We did, however, adjust the lighting to enhance the space, decluttered
               12 - STOCKBRIDGE
              Sandblasted                 TOWNSHIP
                                  Glassware      Art a la Carte class.49.08It’s the1.0000
                                                                                      perfect     (517)       DELPHI
                                                                                                  45.69 712-4500 1.0943 GLASS     49.70
                                                                                                                                            and   exercise
                                                                                                                                             1.0000 the
                                                                                                                                                                                of deductibles
                                                                                                                                                                                               NC and
                                                                                                                                                                                         of health   should
                                                                                                                                                                                                               remain thebut
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NC  the guruNC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              focus                      50.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Lansing, MI 48910 1.0000
space, did touch-up painting and moved around furniture to showcase the                                                                               actually       preaches      theanimportance       ofdiet
                                                                                                                                                                                                             having     an insurance         agent
               13  -  VEVAY     together with friends, make some
                      to get TOWNSHIP                                 49.05   mugs1.0000
                                                                                       and        49.63          1.0000           43.34      1.1537
                                                                                                                                            throughout        44.38
                                                                                                                                                              this   process 1.1266
                                                                                                                                                                               with            NC
                                                                                                                                                                                          emphasis    on       NC changes,    NC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             exercise     plans,NC       50.00           1.0000
                                                                                                  830 W Lake (517)
                                                                                                               Lansing Rd394-4685
rooms. This totaled $1,200. The clients were able to save over $10,000 in
              memories.                                                                                                    Suite 210                  translate theimprovingwords intonutrition
                                                                                                                                                                                            English.through quality supplements,                            Scott Harris, LUTCF
out-of-pocket  14costs.     ThisBring
                   - WHEATFIELD         aTOWNSHIP
                                  is something          of yourdochoice
                                                  I regularly      with   and begin
                                                                         clients  and    your
                                                                                     0.9923       45.91          1.0891           50.93     sleep
                                                                                                                                             0.9817 improvements,
                                                                                                                                                              47.34          1.0562            NC              NC             NC                NC       50.00           1.0000
              pre-St.      Patrick’s   Dayservices
                                             drinking for warm-up.    You’ll   leave at the East Lansing,3380   MI 48823                    and better     stress    management.        Contact    Dr. Sarah Denham         at CIMA to set        up
would be happy 15 -toWHITE
                         offer the
                                OAK  same
                                       TOWNSHIP                       45.56
                                                          you if you are  even       1.0975       47.06
                                                                                                  JoeSellsMi.com 1.0625
                                                                                                                    E Jolly Rd    48.23      1.0367 Often         the
                                                                                                                                                              48.82     guru1.0242
                                                                                                                                                                              is asked,     “why
                                                                                                                                                                                               NC is insurance NC so expensive?”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              NC               In
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                NC       50.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MID-MICHIGAN 1.0000
considering end      of the night with fun glassware to raise a glass on any
              selling.                                                50.53          0.9895       46.59
                                                                                                              Lansing, MI 48910
                                                                                                                 1.0732           45.56
                                                                                                                                            an appointment
                                                                                                                                                      the mostfor
                                                                                                                                                                         your holistic
                                                                                                                                                                                              the guru
                                                                                                                                                                                                           responds, “is insurance
                                                                                                                                                                                                               NC           49.80            1.0000      50.00           1.0000
               16  -  WILLIAMSTOWN
              occasion.                     TOWNSHIP                                              Joe@Cb-Hb.com
                                                                                                              www.delphiglass.com                     expensive when you’ve been t-boned while driving westbound                                            INSURANCE
               51 - CITY OF EAST LANSING                               NC              NC         49.05          1.0000           46.32      1.0795 on Jolly  47.09  Road, 1.0618
                                                                                                                                                                             totaling yourNC     Prius and NC   lacerating NC your kidney,      NC       50.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            GROUP,       1.0000
              Call (517) 394-5364 or visit DelphiGlass.com/Cheers to register
              or   - CITY
                      scheduleOF LANSING
                                     your private party. Join us and   NC be prepared  NC for a48.57             1.0295           47.01      1.0636 and 46.67 your insurance 1.0714company     NCmust pay      NCmore than    NCyou’ve ever     NC       50.00           1.0000
               55 -night
              fun     CITY OF in -LESLIE
                                    your buddy is gonna get everyone   NC        tossedNC out of 48.31
                                                                                                   the           1.0350           48.71      1.0265 paid45.40                1.1013
                                                                                                                                                                in your premiums?”             NC
                                                                                                                                                                                             Smiling,     the NC
                                                                                                                                                                                                               guru says- NC   without NC                   517-664-9600
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         50.00           1.0000
MEDICAL bar    53 -forCITY    OF MASON
                          being    too rowdy, anyway.                  NC              NC         49.64          1.0000           49.72      1.0000 uttering
                                                                                                                                            PLASTIC           47.15a word,
                                                                                                                                                        SURGERY                 “of course NC
                                                                                                                                                                             1.0605             not.” The guru NC is wise,    NC and            NC       50.00           1.0000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            4112 S. Cedar St.
                                                                       NC              NC         48.21          1.0371           52.77      0.9475 knows     46.97insurance      can be your
                                                                                                                                                                             1.0645            NCdear friend   NC while 49.31
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            a loyal and1.0000            50.00           1.0000
All Your Meds Organized and
               54 - CITY OF WILLIAMSTON
                                                                                                     Choosing Plastic Surgery                         humble (and cat loving) insurance agent can be your dearest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Lansing, MI 48910

Delivered     to Your Doorstep
       These Tentative Ratios and Estimated Factors are published in compliance with PA 165 of 1971. These figures are temporary in character and are intended to be informative in nature as of the
Keeping track of all your medication on a daily basis can be challenging,                                        Making a decision to consider cosmetic surgery is a highly personal one
              third Monday in February. Local aassing units and board of review activities may significantly change
involving a lot of time and effort to get them right. Luckily, your
                                                                                                                      the tentative figures. Finalized Ratios and Factors will result from the activity of the local units
                                                                                                                 and navigating through the procedure can appear overwhelming during the
pharmacist canand   through
                 have        Equalization
                       all your medicationprocedures.    The recommended
                                            filled, organized and delivered Tentative Ratios and Estimated Factorsshall
                                                                                                                 initialnot prejudice
                                                                                                                        stages. A goodthe  Equalization
                                                                                                                                        place             procedures
                                                                                                                                              to start is by           of Ingham
                                                                                                                                                             asking yourself      County
                                                                                                                                                                             why you want or the State of Michigan.
to you on time! With the Dispill medication packaging program, you can                                           surgery. One of the best reasons for getting cosmetic surgery is you want
have the convenience of an innovative multi-dose packaging system, filled                                                               William
                                                                                                                 to do something positive        E. Fowler,
                                                                                                                                            for yourself.     Director
                                                                                                                                                           Once  you have made the decision to
by your trusted pharmacist!                                                                                      schedule a consultation you should seek out a surgeon who is board
                                                                                                                                        Ingham County Department of Equalization/Tax Mapping
They’re clearly labeled by date and time of day, giving you the comfort                                          certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery. This will ensure
                                                                                                                 that you are seeing a physician who has advanced training in the procedure
of knowing you took the right medication at the right time. Each Dispill                                                                                                                                       CP#21-024
blister pack contains 28 individual blisters that contain your prescribed                                        you are interested in.
medication for a specific time (morning, noon, evening, bedtime) and            Mike Salquist                    Patients who come in with very specific requests for procedures should             Rick Smith MD
date. Additionally, this system also helps improve compliance, lower                                                                          understand that plastic surgery is meant to enhance or improve your
healthcare costs and completely eliminates the stress of organizing                                CENTRAL                                    existing features. It is important to have realistic expectations about                             (517) 908-3040
medications. This system is a safe way for you to adhere to your                                                                              the results that can be achieved. After a detailed consultation with Dr.
You can also read