A Business Case for Ajax with Google Web Toolkit - Bruce Johnson Google, Inc.

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A Business Case for Ajax with Google Web Toolkit - Bruce Johnson Google, Inc.
A Business Case for Ajax with
    Google Web Toolkit

       Bruce Johnson
        Google, Inc.
A Business Case for Ajax with Google Web Toolkit - Bruce Johnson Google, Inc.

 A Simpler-Than-Possible Explanation of GWT
 Investing in Ajax
 Why Ajax, Anyway?
 Risks Unique to Ajax
 How GWT Changes Things

                        Copyright 2007 Google Inc.   2
A Business Case for Ajax with Google Web Toolkit - Bruce Johnson Google, Inc.
What is Google Web Toolkit (GWT)?

 What is GWT?
   A set of tools for building AJAX apps in the Java language

 What makes GWT interesting?
   Write, run, test, and debug everything in Java, both client-side UI
   code and server-side business logic

 Isn’t that called an applet?
   No JVM required; GWT converts your working Java application into
   an equivalent pure JavaScript application

 So, GWT is a compiler?
   GWT’s Java-to-JavaScript compiler is a big part of it, but there’s
   really a lot more to the story than that…

                             Copyright 2007 Google Inc.                  3
A Business Case for Ajax with Google Web Toolkit - Bruce Johnson Google, Inc.

 A Simpler-Than-Possible Explanation of GWT
 Investing in Ajax
 Why Ajax, Anyway?
 Risks Unique to Ajax
 How GWT Changes Things

                        Copyright 2007 Google Inc.   4
A Business Case for Ajax with Google Web Toolkit - Bruce Johnson Google, Inc.
Ajax Buzz Abounds

   Books, Blogs, Podcasts, Magazines, Classes, Conferences

   Startups, Venture Funding, New Products

 Your Company?
   Your boss? Your employees? Your customers? Your salespeople?

   Surely you've at least fiddled with JavaScript and DHTML

 Thus begins the slippery slope...

                            Copyright 2007 Google Inc.            5
A Business Case for Ajax with Google Web Toolkit - Bruce Johnson Google, Inc.
Engineer's View of the Slippery Slope

 Product management and engineering decide to add script…
 I begin experimenting with JavaScript
    Cool! The boss loves it. I’m even having a bit of fun writing it.
    All is well in the world now…maybe I’ll get a raise!

 The salespeople love it
 We’re an AJAX shop?
 Oh yeah, we can’t just support Internet Explorer
 Wait, this is hard
 I hate browsers with all my heart
 I quit – find another sucker to maintain this spaghetti
                               Copyright 2007 Google Inc.               6
A Business Case for Ajax with Google Web Toolkit - Bruce Johnson Google, Inc.
To Be Crystal Clear

     It is very easy to slip into making a
       poorly planned Ajax investment

                ...but you'll live
            with the consequences
             for a long, long time

                      Copyright 2007 Google Inc.   7
A Business Case for Ajax with Google Web Toolkit - Bruce Johnson Google, Inc.

 A Simpler-Than-Possible Explanation of GWT
 Investing in Ajax
 Why Ajax, Anyway?
 Risks Unique to Ajax
 How GWT Changes Things

                        Copyright 2007 Google Inc.   8
A Business Case for Ajax with Google Web Toolkit - Bruce Johnson Google, Inc.
Why Ajax? IT Benefits
 Traditional                                      01111001
                                               User action
                   HTML View                                    Stateful
                                          New HTML page

 Ajax                                                 0110

                                     Remote procedure call
        Events       Stateful                                   Stateless
        handled    JavaScript UI                                (i.e. any)
                     Browser                                      Server
                                       Data only, not HTML

                                   Copyright 2007 Google Inc.                9
Why Ajax? Product Benefits

 A goldmine for sales and marketing
   Fully buzzword compliant :-)
   TCO talking points
   You or your customer can host without undue extra complication

 No installation reduces the barrier to adoption
   Prospects are "one click away" from becoming customers
   Apples-to-apples now vs. desktop apps
   Spyware and virus fears reinforce this competitive advantage

 Add desktop-like functionality to web apps
   Auto-saving email drafts in the background
   Auto-completion of contact names while typing
   Multi-step wizards without confusing history entries…

                            Copyright 2007 Google Inc.              10
Why Ajax? Usability Benefits

    "Do not use your browser's Back button"

              What if I do click Back?
                Ajax solves this!
                     Copyright 2007 Google Inc.   11
Why Ajax? User Benefits

 Better performance than traditional web apps
   Sending deltas makes a huge difference in startup speed
   No blank "loading" pages reduces abandonment risk
   Take advantage of fast client CPU instead of overloading servers

 Better functionality with the familiar web style
   The web is popular for a reason: simplicity
   When done properly, Ajax apps are like HTML web apps, just better

 Better deployment and security than installed binaries
   Everyone appreciates not having to install software
   The mantra we teach our parents: surfing = good; installing = bad

 Universal access
   Crucial applications are no longer tied to a particular computer
   In principle, cross-browser portability
                             Copyright 2007 Google Inc.                12
Why Ajax? More Usability Benefits

   "Don't hit reload or we'll charge you twice!"

  What if the network hangs? What should I do?
                 Ajax solves this!
                     Copyright 2007 Google Inc.    13
To Be Crystal Clear

            Ajax is more than a fad
         because it genuinely benefits
               all* stakeholders

             Ajax will be important
            for many years to come

               * not counting developers
                      Copyright 2007 Google Inc.   14

 A Simpler-Than-Possible Explanation of GWT
 Investing in Ajax
 Why Ajax, Anyway?
 Risks Unique to Ajax
 How GWT Changes Things

                        Copyright 2007 Google Inc.   15
Ajax Risks – Product Risks

 Poor Usability
   No history
   No bookmarks
   Frozen browser chrome and pegged user CPUs

 Poor Browser Portability
   Hard to test
   Either wrap every single browser-related call (heavy)...
   Or be paranoid about every line of code (risky)

 Poor Speed
   Startup time is an extremely huge sacrifice...probably not worth it
   Large scripts run more slowly
   Worst: Maintainability and efficiency are conflicting scripting goals

                              Copyright 2007 Google Inc.                   16
Ajax Risks – Development Risks

 Poor Tool Support
   Limited IDE support
   Debugging = window.alert()
   Profilers? Code coverage? Findbugs? …

 Quality Risks
   New categories of runtime-only bugs
   Poor JS reuse model encourages "from scratch" or copy/paste
   Browsers are a moving target

 Long-Term Risks
   Hard to schedule (e.g. unexpected browser quirks)
   Spaghetti risk
   Poor documentation
   Hard for large teams to work on the same code base
   Hard enough to find one Ajax guru

                           Copyright 2007 Google Inc.            17
New Kinds of Bugs!

 JavaScript is a dynamically typed language
 Type errors can only be found at runtime by QA, or by…

                                                    (This was my old bank)

 There’s a reason static type checking was invented
 That's why IDEs can't do code completion for JS
                       Copyright 2007 Google Inc.                            18
Spelling Bugs

 typos + expandos = bug-o-s
 Imagine this gem on line 5912 of your script
    x.compnent = document.getElementById("x");
    // a spelling(!) bug that will bite much later

 Yes, there’s a reason static type checking was invented
 Java didn't have this problem
 And reuse is a good way to not write bugs
 And don’t forget code completion
 And this starts to matter a lot for big projects

                         Copyright 2007 Google Inc.        19

 A Simpler-Than-Possible Explanation of GWT
 Investing in Ajax
 Why Ajax, Anyway?
 Risks Unique to Ajax
 How GWT Changes Things

                        Copyright 2007 Google Inc.   20
GWT Requirements Laundry List

 Make great AJAX apps that are still very webby
    History, Bookmarks, a working Back button...

 Leverage the Java language, developers and technologies
 IDEs, debugging, JUnit, findbugs, and profiling
 Eliminate browser-specific coding with low overhead
 Facilitate reuse at the Java language level via jars
 Fast, simple remote procedure calls with rich semantics
 Scalability…server-side session state is a big drain
 Basically: the impossible…
 Unless you translate Java into JavaScript :-)

                              Copyright 2007 Google Inc.   21
Code Sample – Hello, AJAX

  Demo time...

  public class Hello implements EntryPoint {

      public void onModuleLoad() {
        Button b = new Button("Click me", new ClickListener() {
          public void onClick(Widget sender) {
            Window.alert("Hello, AJAX");



                             Copyright 2007 Google Inc.       22

Hello, AJAX
Wow, That’s So Much Easier

 Redefining the problem has been fruitful
 Session state? All client, not a server issue
 Avoids round trips for UI event handling
 Deployment? No fancy server, just compiled JS
 Leverage for the biggest AJAX headaches
    Our Mantra: Solve the problem once & wrap it in a class
    History? Create a History class
    Cross-browser? Create an abstract DOM class
    RPC? Create an all-Java RPC mechanism
                         Copyright 2007 Google Inc.           24
Rich UI: Widgets and Layout

  Build (or reuse!) widgets
    Written in straight Java
    Code without worrying about browser portability

  Separate UI style from logic
    Widgets are styled with CSS
    Automatically load the right CSS for your widgets

    "Mail" is a desktop-style application

                          Copyright 2007 Google Inc.    25
Usability: History and Bookmarks

 History is the first thing to go in most AJAX apps
 With GWT, it's easy and works well with MVC

 History support leads to bookmark support

    "KitchenSink" shows history, bookmarking, and widgets

                         Copyright 2007 Google Inc.         26
Simple & Powerful Client/Server: RPC

 Many solutions out there (JSON, XML-RPC, …)
 But a pure Java RPC interface sure is nice!
    interface SpellService extends RemoteService {
       * Checks spelling and suggests alternatives.
       * @param the word to check
       * @return the list of alternatives, if any
      String[] suggest(String word)

 Client and server speak the same language (Java)
    "DynaTable" loads records dynamically
                        Copyright 2007 Google Inc.    27
Efficiency: Bandwidth and Startup Time

                                                  Traditional HTML       GWT First Run   GWT Other Runs




    Bytes Transferred






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                                                        Copyright 2007 Google Inc.                                          28
Not Enough Time to Demo Everything

 JUnit integration
   Works in hosted mode (i.e. debuggable Java)
   Work in web mode (i.e. tests the compiler output)
 JavaScript Native Interface
   Write JavaScript by hand
   Easily integrate with existing JS libraries
 Internationalization support
   Highly optimized
   Externalized string ids are checked during compilation
 Automatic, dynamic dependency inclusion
   External CSS
   External JS

                         Copyright 2007 Google Inc.         29
Documentation Included

     Getting Started Guide                            Widget Gallery

       Developer Guide                                Class Reference

                         Copyright 2007 Google Inc.                     30
Growing GWT Community

 Community and Support
   Over 4600 members on the developer forum and growing
   Books and articles
   Meta-sites (e.g. gwtPowered.org)
 Libraries and Applications
   GWT Widgets on SourceForge
   25 projects on Google Code Project Hosting
   Diverse products built completely with GWT
      Web-based conferencing (dimdim.com)
      Virtual flashcards (notetwonote.com)
      Texas Hold 'em with live chat (gpokr.com)
 Tools, Tools, Tools
   IntelliJ IDEA plug-in for GWT
   WindowBuilderPro GUI designer for GWT
   VistaFei for GWT
   Googlipse, an open source Eclipse plug-in for GWT

                            Copyright 2007 Google Inc.    31
Did I Mention Tools?

            Instantiations GWT Designer
                   WYSIWYG Layout

                       Copyright 2007 Google Inc.   32
Did I Mention Tools?

            Instantiations GWT Designer

                       Copyright 2007 Google Inc.   33
Summary: Ajax and GWT

 Ajax is a double-edged sword…
 And it's an investment either way

 Lots of rewards, lots of risks

 Leverage is needed to use Ajax well with minimum risk

 PhD in browser quirks is no longer a hiring prereq

 Turn Ajax development into software engineering

 We will share our best work and ideas with you, and we
 hope you will return the favor

          Much more to come…see you online!
                        Copyright 2007 Google Inc.        34
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