Page created by Barry Martinez


                  8 / STUDY EXPERIENCE

                    12 / CAMPUS SPACES

                14 / GETTING TO CAMPUS

                      16 / STUDENT LIFE

                 18 / STUDENT SUPPORT

                  20 / ACCOMMODATION

                      22–87 / DEGREES

                  22 / Business and Law

 38 / Education, Arts and Social Sciences

       57 / Health and Medical Sciences

68 / IT, Engineering and the Environment

               88–100 / HOW TO APPLY

                     90 / Undergraduate

                      93 / Postgraduate

                  96 / Research degrees
The journey starts here
  Welcome to the University of South Australia. We are a globally
connected and engaged university helping solve the problems of
 industry and the professions. Our teaching is industry-informed,
our research is inventive and adventurous. We create knowledge
   that is central to global economic and social prosperity. Our
   graduates are the new professionals, global citizens at ease
    with the world and ready to create and respond to change.

          We are Australia’s University of Enterprise.

                                                         City West Campus / Featuring Pridham
                                                                 Hall with a fully-equipped sport
                                                         centre, swimming pool and graduation
                                                           space, along with the award-winning
                                                                Jeffrey Smart Building including
                                                               state-of-the-art learning spaces,
                                                                 library facilities and tech zones.
Ranked 26th in                          Top 3 young                           Overall five
        the world’s                           university in                        star rating for
     top 50 under 50                           Australia                            excellence
    2019 THE Young University Rankings       Ranked #3, 2019 THE Young                 2019 QS Stars Ratings
                                                University Rankings


       Ranked #3 in                         92% overall                          No.1 in Australia
        Australia for                      international                          for research
       international                           student                             impact and
          outlook                         satisfaction rate                       engagement
    2019 THE Young University Rankings   2018 International Student Barometer    2018 ARC Engagement and Impact
                                                 – Overall Satisfaction         Assessment (EI), Combined Impact –
                                                                                Approach to Impact and Engagement
                                                                                        on Assessed Fields


#2 young university                   Ranked 8th in the                      LARGEST
  in Australia for                    world for quality                     UNIVERSITY
 teaching quality                        education
 2019 THE Young University Rankings   2019 THE University Impact Rankings


   Rated five stars                      100% of our
     in research,                     assessed research                        6,195
   employability,                     rated at or above                     INTERNATIONAL
 teaching, facilities,                   world-class                          STUDENTS
internationalisation,                   2018 Excellence in Research for
                                        Australia (ERA) – 4-digit Fields
social responsibility                             of Research

   and innovation
        2019 QS Stars Ratings



     The University of South Australia is located in Adelaide, Australia’s education city.
      Adelaide is a cultural destination, filled with many different nationalities, foods,
      festivals and sporting events. It is home to some of the country’s best beaches,
     wine regions and parklands, all in very close proximity to the city centre. Adelaide
     has been globally recognised for its education, environment, stability, healthcare,
    culture and infrastructure. It is the ideal study location and with free Wi-Fi, free tram
      and free bus services throughout the city centre, Adelaide is truly a student city.

 RANKED AS THE                                                    RATED ONE OF
                                   WORLD’s TOP 30
WORLD’s 10th MOST                                                  THE WORLD’s
                                   BEST STUDENT
  LIVEABLE CITY                                                 FRIENDLIEST CITIES
  2019 Economist Intelligence                                   2018 Condé Nast Traveller Awards
 Unit’s Global Liveability Index    Adelaide Ranked #26, QS
                                     Best Student Cities 2019

                                                                               Glenelg Beach / Located just
                                                                           12 kilometres away from the city,
                                                                              Glenelg offers classic seaside
                                                                           charm with a white sandy beach
                                                                         known for great swimming, diving,
                                                                          snorkelling and dolphin spotting.

        Designed for Life.
     Adelaide is a city shaped by stories. The first of these stories were   Surfing at Eyre Peninsula1
     created by the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains, which remain
      alive today and are interwoven with the stories of all the people
     who choose to live, work, study or spend time in the city. Adelaide
       is a celebration of diversity and inclusion with a strong sense of
    community. Its unique layout makes it the world’s only true ‘city in a
                    park’. Make Adelaide part of your story.

      Adelaide offers all the advantages of big city life
    but is still small enough to get around easily. It takes
    just 15 minutes to get from the airport to the city and
        20 minutes from the city to the beach or hills.                      Adelaide Central Market2

      Almost one in four people in South Australia were
      born overseas with ancestry tracing back to more
     than 120 countries. Australia also has a democratic
     system of government and is accepting of different
                      religious beliefs.

    Adelaide has one of the highest standards of living                      Rundle Mall3
       in the world, yet is one of the least expensive
     places to live. This means more money to spend
         on food, accommodation, supplies, travel                            Adelaide Oval4 / Based in the heart
                     and entertainment.                                      of the Adelaide CBD, this iconic venue
                                                                             plays host to national and international
                                                                             entertainment and sporting events,
                                                                             seating over 50,000 people.

                  Adelaide is up to
                  14% more affordable
                  than other major Australian cities.
                  EIU Cost of Living Survey 2019

      Adelaide is a global study destination and has been ranked in the
      top 30 best student cities worldwide by QS. Adelaide is known for
      education excellence, balanced lifestyle and ability to turn career
        ambitions into a reality through global industry connections,
     support of start-ups and leadership in growth areas such as health,
    engineering, food and wine, creative and high technology, advanced
                 manufacturing, space, minerals and energy.

                                                                             Image credits:
                                                                                South Australian Tourism Commission;
                                                                               Hirokazu Ishino; 5Brad Griffin.
Fringe Festival5 / This is the
    largest open access arts festival
        in the southern hemisphere,
        providing 31 magical days of
 events where Adelaide comes alive
        with exciting pop-up venues.


                                                            WESTERN TERRITORY
                                                            AUSTRALIA                             QUEENSLAND
                                                    WESTERN                                       NEW SOUTH
                                                    AUSTRALIA                              QUEENSLANDWALES
                                                                              SOUTH                    ACT
                                                                                           NEW SOUTH



                                              AUSTRALIA                       QUEENSLAND
                                                                               NEW SOUTH


                                                 SOUTH    QUEENSLAND
                                              SOUTH         NEW SOUTH WALES
                                                         NEW SOUTH WALESSYDNEY
                                                      QUEENSLAND      ACT
                                          AUSTRALIA        VICTORIAACT
                                                                NEW SOUTH WALES
   South Australia                                                       VICTORIA
is host to more than                                                              MELBOURNE
  400 SPORTING,                                                                          ACT
 FOOD, ARTS AND                                              VICTORIA
CULTURAL EVENTS                                                          MELBOURNE
    EACH YEAR                                                            Fast facts
                                                           Capital city / Adelaide
                                                        Metro population / 1.3 million
                                                            Language / English
                                                                Currency / A$
                                                      Climate / Mediterranean (hot, dry
                                                         summers and mild winters)

                                                Direct international flights
                                                            Doha / 13 hours 55 minutes
                                                            Dubai / 13 hours 25 minutes
                                                          Guangzhou / 9 hours 10 minutes
                                                          Hong Kong / 8 hours 20 minutes
                                                              Kuala Lumpur / 7 hours
                                                          Singapore / 6 hours 30 minutes
                                                                (Approximate times displayed for
                                                                    direct flights to Adelaide)


          World-class                                Practical                     Top ranking
           degrees                                   learning                       teachers
      The University of South Australia               Learn in a highly              Be supported by highly
          offers over 200 world-class              practical environment,           qualified academics and
       degrees across a wide range of               with opportunities to        teaching professionals. Study
        study areas. In fact, we are the           complete internships,           a curriculum based on the
      only university in South Australia         placements and projects,       latest industry knowledge and
     to offer undergraduate programs               learning from experts         trends. In fact, we are ranked
     in aviation, journalism, illustration         in real-world settings.        number two in Australia for
    and animation, pharmacy, property,            Build your networks and         teaching quality in the 2019
    physiotherapy, surveying and more.             graduate career-ready        Times Higher Education Young
      We are also the only university in         with the skills required of          University Rankings.
       the state to offer postgraduate           tomorrow’s professionals.
          programs in cybersecurity,
    communications, visual effects, and
       arts and cultural management.


              Modern                               Global                               Career
             facilities                         opportunities                          services
         Study in state-of-the-art                Take part in international      Get the support you need
          facilities fitted with the            field trips, work placements,        to achieve your career
        latest technologies. From                  internships, study tours,     goals. Our dedicated career
       simulated hospital settings            short-term programs, volunteer         team offers a range of
      and a financial trading room,            opportunities, conferences or        services, resources and
     to robotics laboratories and TV             a student exchange during       tools to help you plan your
      and sound studios, there are                your studies. Get a global       future career, prepare for
     modern, purpose-built learning            perspective and a competitive      the workplace, connect to
      spaces across all campuses.             advantage before you graduate.       industry, find short-term
                                                                                    employment and more.

                                    89 EXCHANGE                                   unisa.edu.au/careers

                                     PARTNERS IN
                                     MORE THAN
                                    24 COUNTRIES

Horizon Hospital and Health
                                                                                                 Service (HHHS) / A fully
                                                                                              interactive learning space
                                                                                               simulating a real hospital
                                                                                            setting at City East Campus.

                                     #1                           RESEARCH EXCELLENCE
                                                                  Our research is innovative, inspired by
                                                               challenges, and connected to both industry
                                                                 and community needs. We offer a range
                                                                 of research degrees including Masters by
                                                               Research, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and a
                           Ranked #1 in                       Professional Doctorate. Our research degrees
                                                                are focused on producing new knowledge,
                            Australia for                     providing solutions to global challenges and
       UniSA Cancer
Research Institute /
                         industry research                    preparing candidates for competitive careers.

    A world-leading           income
        A$247 million
     health research     2019 THE World University Rankings
        and teaching
   facility located in
  the Adelaide CBD.

                                                                                 Iress Trading Room / A state-of-the-art
                                                                          learning facility featuring live market data and
                                                                            financial analysis tools at City West Campus.

Academic insight

                         “Our graduates are highly sought after and they leave not only with the
                         right skills, but also with a hunger for knowing more about how their
                         profession can better shape the built environment. Personally, this is
                         a very rewarding job. It’s the everyday lightbulb moments and when
                         students make large shifts in their understanding about design that really
                         make my day.”

                         Andrew Wallace / Program Director: Bachelor of Interior Architecture

     Student spotlight

                         “As part of my studies I completed a number of placements including one
                         at the new Royal Adelaide Hospital in both the emergency and plastic
                         surgery departments. Placements helped me to develop my knowledge
                         and apply it to clinical practice. The University also offered pre-clinical
                         workshops and practice simulations to help us become familiar with the
                         real working environment.”

                         Winnie Zhao / Bachelor of Nursing

     Alumni in focus

                         Wawira Njiru wanted to make a               “When I came to the University
                         positive impact in her community            of South Australia, I had a clear
                         back in Kenya. She decided to               goal in mind: to do something to
                         study a degree in nutrition and             benefit my community in the long
                         food sciences with a vision of              term, she says.
                         doing something big.
                                                                     “The kids inspire me the most.
                         During her studies, Wawira hosted           I am so privileged to have the
                         a community fundraiser and then             opportunity to contribute to
                         used A$1,680 to build a make-shift          their future.”
                         kitchen in Ruiru, near Nairobi.
                                                                     Wawira now dreams about
                         From here, Food 4 Education was             expanding into other areas of the
                         born. Wawira started providing 25           continent and providing millions of
                         healthy meals a day to primary              meals over the next decade.
                         school children in Kenya.
                                                                     Wawira Njiru / Bachelor of Nutrition
                         Eight years on, Wawira’s                    and Food Sciences
                                                                     Founder, Food 4 Education
                         organisation is providing 10,000
                         meals a day, sourcing produce
                         from local farmers.

Industry connections                                 VOLUNTEER
Our learning is influenced by industry,              YOUR TIME
 and the latest trends and demands.
    We collaborate with more than             We can help you connect with an
 2,500 companies worldwide to bring        organisation and become a volunteer
   our students placement, project,       during your time at university. It’s a great
   research and work opportunities.         way to give back to the community,
                                              gain valuable life experience and
                                               add extra value to your resume.


                                                JOIN OUR ALUMNI
                                          When you graduate you will become part
                                           of our global alumni network. We have
                                           over 200,000 alumni around the world,
                                           supported by formal networks in Hong
                                            Kong SAR and the People’s Republic
                                           of China, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam,
                                             Indonesia and the United Kingdom.

                                                       TOP 10
                                                   IN AUSTRALIA
                                                  FOR EMPLOYER
                                                      QILT: 2018 Employer
                                                  Satisfaction Survey, Overall
                                                    Satisfaction Indicator –
                                                        National Report

                                                WITH MORE THAN
                                                2,500 COMPANIES


     City West                                                       City East
     City West Campus is located on the western edge of the          City East Campus features impressive facilities and learning
     CBD. The West End has been voted by Lonely Planet as one        spaces for students in health and medical sciences. It's
     of Australia’s coolest neighbourhoods. It’s an arts, food and   located in a vibrant city setting, close to some of the best food,
     cultural hub, and is home to exciting new infrastructure        entertainment and shopping venues.

                                                                     What you’ll study
     What you’ll study
                                                                     Construction Management
     Accounting                                                      Exercise and Sport Science
     Art, Architecture and Design                                    Human Movement and Clinical Exercise Physiology
     Business                                                        Laboratory Medicine
     Creative Industries                                             Medical and Radiation Sciences
     Finance                                                         Nursing and Midwifery
     Law                                                             Nutrition and Food Sciences
     Management                                                      Pharmacy
     Marketing                                                       Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy
     On campus                                                       Public Health
     Iress Trading Room / Law Clinic / Mock court / Marketing
     Clinic / Architecture studios and workshop / Visual art and
     design studios / Photography darkroom / Post office /
                                                                     On campus
     Food vendors / Business Student Hub / Jeffrey Smart             Replica hospital and community health settings / Anatomy
     Building / Student Lounge / SASA Gallery / Architecture         labs / Histopathology and Haematology lab / Biology lab /
     Museum / Samstag Museum / Pridham Hall / Pool and               Microbiology lab / Biomechanics lab / Sensory lab / Exercise
     gym facilities / UniSA Health and Medical Clinic / UniSA        Physiology lab / X-Ray suites / Virtual Environment Radiation
     Cancer Research Institute / Pharmacy Practice Integrated        Training suite (VERT) / Built Environment Experiential
     Learning Suite (PPILS) / Museum of Discovery (MOD.)             Learning Suite / Commercial kitchen / Environmental
                                                                     Chamber / Community health clinics / Health Medical Clinic /
                                                                     Gym / Food vendors and outdoor plaza / Student Lounge

Jeffrey Smart Building                                               Anatomy lab
                        Take a virtual campus tour at unisa.edu.au/campus-facilities              A$400 MILLION IN
                                                                                                  MODERN CAMPUS

Magill                                                            Mawson Lakes
Magill Campus is set in the leafy eastern suburbs of Adelaide,    Mawson Lakes Campus is located near more than 100
only a short distance from the city. There are lush gardens and   high-technology companies that make up Technology Park
open outdoor spaces coupled with industry-standard learning       – an innovation hub in Adelaide’s growing northern suburbs.
facilities and technologies.

                                                                  What you’ll study
What you’ll study
Arts                                                              Education (Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary)
Communication and Journalism                                      Engineering
Education (Early Childhood and Primary)                           Information Technology
Media Arts                                                        Science and Mathematics
Social Work                                                       On campus
                                                                  Industry-standard engineering facilities / Specialist IT
On campus                                                         facilities / Mac and CISCO networking labs / Materials
TV studio / Sound studio / Radio studio / Journalism              and Minerals Science Learning and Research Hub / Future
newsroom / Editing suites / Theatre / Language lab /              Industries Institute / Planetarium / Flight and airport
Social Work Studio / Cognitive and Systems Neuroscience           simulators / Aviation hangar (located near campus) /
lab / Sleep and Chronobiology lab / Psychology Clinic /           Ecological precinct / Drama centre / Food vendors and
Samsung SMARTSchool / Allied Health Clinic / Gym and              outdoor dining areas / Sports centre and gym
indoor sports centre / Outdoor sports field / Swimming
pool / Food vendors / Parklands and lawn areas

                                                  TV studio                                                       Flight simulator

           Haven                                                                                    Mawson Lakes
                                                                                                      17 mins
                                                                                                         from city

                                                                                                                           Mawson Lakes

                                                                                                                                                                     Tea Tree






     West Lakes                        N                                                                                          Windsor
                                                Woodville                                                                         Gardens



                              Findon                                                                                                                     Rostrevor
                                                                                                                                          Magill              Magill
                                                                                                    City West                            Campus              22 mins
            Henley                                                                                   Campus          City East                               from city
            Beach                                                                                                    Campus
                                                                                                                        Norwood    Kensington
                                                                                                       CITY CENTRE
                                        Airport                                                                                                       ADELAIDE
                 West                    15 minute                                                                                                   FOOTHILLS
                 Beach                   drive from
                                       city to airport
                                                                                                E     Goodwood
                                                                                  A   M
                                                                                                                                     Glen Osmond

                                           Glenelg                                                                                                   Conservation


                                           direct from
                                           city to the                                               Pasadena
                     Glenelg                  beach




                                                               TONSLEY T R

                                                AF                                                                                    Belair                    Stirling

                                                                                                        Airport pick up
                                                                                                                                  National Park
                                                                                                        Did you know  we can meet you at the airport?

                          Seacliff                                                                                              A Dreception
                                                                                                        We offer a free on-arrival  E L A I D E service.
                                                                                                                               F O O T Hform
                                                                                                        Complete the online booking       I L L before
                                                                                                                                                S      you leave
                                                                                                        home and we’ll collect you and your bags as soon
                                                                                                        as you step off the plane.               Ironbank

Adelaide Zoo
                                                          Adelaide Oval
                                                                                                                                                                 Botanic Park

                                                                                                   River Tor
                                                                                                                         City East

                                      MONTEFIORE RD

                City West                              Railway Station
                                                                                                            Art Gallery
                                                                                                           and Museum
                                                                                                                        UniLodge Student
                                   NORTH TERRACE
                                                           UniSA                                       Rundle Mall
                                                      Accommodation                                                                            RUNDLE STREET
                                                        by Urbanest

                                                                             KING WILLIAM STREET
                                                                                                      GRENFELL STREET

                                                                                                                                               FROME STREET
                             WAYMOUTH STREET

                                                       Central Market

                                                                                                                         PULTENEY STREET
                                  GROTE STREET                      SQUARE                                                                 WAKEFIELD STREET

                                                                                                                                                                    HUTT STREET
                                                                             KING WILLIAM STREET

                                                            FREE                                       FREE
                                                           TRAM                                        BUS
                                                           ROUTE                                      ROUTES
                                                                     TRAM LINE

    FREE CITY TRAM                                               PUBLIC                                                                                       RIDE YOUR BIKE
    If you need to travel                                        TRANSPORT                                                                                    Adelaide is known for its
    between City West and City                                                                                                                                bicycle culture, so we
    East campuses, then jump                                     You will find bus stops                                                                      encourage students to
    on the Botanic Gardens or                                    near each campus and                                                                         ride their bikes to and from
    Adelaide Entertainment                                       train stations close to the                                                                  campus. Each campus has
    Centre tram line on North                                    city and Mawson Lakes                                                                        shower facilities and secure
    Terrace. The free tram                                       campuses. Check your                                                                         storage areas.
    service runs every 10                                        bus, train or tram options
    minutes and will also take                                   on the Adelaide Metro
    you to the Adelaide Central                                  website. You will also
    Market, Adelaide Railway                                     be eligible for student
    Station, Royal Adelaide                                      discounts after enrolment,
    Hospital, Botanic Gardens                                    including purchases of
    and the Adelaide Zoo.                                        28-day unlimited passes.

UniSA Cancer Research Institute
located on North Terrace.


                                                                                                     You can join one of our 25+ sporting
               ORIENTATION                                                                            clubs including rowing, basketball,
          Start your university adventure by                                                         volleyball, netball football, gridiron,
         attending Orientation Week. Meet                                                                rock climbing and more. Gain
          your lecturers, connect with new                                                               access to Pridham Hall with a
      friends and gain valuable insights from                                                       fully-equipped space for training and
        current students. Enjoy a free lunch                                                         competitions. You can also sign-up
      and entertainment, explore your home                                                            for a range of sports tournaments
      campus and get ready for your first day                                                         from social to national level, keep
                     at university.                                                                  active in our on-campus gyms, and
                                                                                                       participate in community events.

                                                                 EVENTS AND
             STUDENT CLUBS                                        ACTIVITIES
                                                       All sorts of great events and activities
      Discover the 100+ academic, cultural and                                                    USASA is your student association. USASA
                                                      are offered to students throughout the
        social clubs available at the University                                                    coordinates student advocacy, clubs,
                                                      year across all of our campuses. From
      of South Australia. From dance and yoga                                                      social events, production of the student
                                                        careers and volunteering events to
      to climate change, gaming and clubs for                                                       magazine, campus counters, and free
                                                      health, sport and wellbeing activities –
     different nationalities – there is something                                                          goodies and giveaways.
                                                      there is always something to discover.
         for everyone! It’s a great way to meet
                                                       Students can also explore the public               unisa.edu.au/USASA
      new friends, find common interests with
                                                      exhibitions and events at The Samstag
      fellow students and build a more vibrant
                                                         Museum, Hawke Centre and MOD.
                 university experience.


                                       Follow us on social
                                         facebook.com/unisa                                       unisa.edu.au/studentlife

                AVAILABLE AT



     We offer a full range of support services
     to help you succeed at university.
                                                                       Library services
     » Academic and personal                » Legal advice                Each campus has a library
                                                                        that provides easy access to
                                            » Accommodation support     learning resources including
                                                                         books, electronic journals,
     » Career advice
                                            » International student      databases and more. There
     » Social support services                services                   are also library workshops
                                                                       designed to help improve your
     » Mentoring                            » Language and learning      research skills. Quiet study
                                                                        spaces are available and you
     » Disability and inclusion                                        can connect to our free Wi-Fi.
       services                             » On-arrival welcome       The Ask the Library/IT service
                                                                        is also available via phone,
     » Health services                      » Orientation activities       email, video and chat.


            No.2 IN
           2018 International Student
          Barometer – Campus Central
           Student Advisory Services

Online learning                         Student app                                 SafeZone app
  and support                            Our mobile app allows all
                                     students to view their timetable,
                                                                                     Students can download this
                                                                                    free app, providing additional
     Our multi-million dollar           check emails, get important                   security and support when
     fully interactive learning      notifications, track assessments               studying on campus. The app
  environment allows students           and see course enrolments                   allows you to get help quickly
   to submit their assignments        and details. You can                          in a personal emergency. You
   online, receive their marked        also find available                           can check-in when working
  assignments, access learning          PCs on campus,                               alone or after hours and the
 resources, participate in virtual   book a study room,                             app will share your status with
    classrooms and download            check your print                               an on-site response team.
      lecture recordings. It’s        quota and library
     available 24 hours a day,         loans, and view
        seven days a week.           announcements.

                                     Each year more than 2,500 students benefit from our
Getting started                      scholarships and grants, totalling millions of dollars.
                                     We have a range of categories including support
We are here to help you              for high achievers and students in need, along with
transition into university.
We offer the following
                                     scholarships specifically for international students.
services to all new students:        unisa.edu.au/international-scholarships

        On arrival transport to
        your accommodation           AUSTRALIA AWARDS                           SPONSORED STUDENTS
                                     Australia Awards give the next             A sponsored student is someone
                                     generation of global leaders an            who has all or part of their education
        Advice on living in
                                     opportunity to complete study,             costs paid by a third party, such as a
                                     research and professional development      foreign government, the Australian
                                     in Australia. The University is proud to   Government, a partner university or
        Orientation to university    have hosted hundreds of recipients         employer. We currently host over
                                     from all over the world through this       200 sponsored students and have
                                     prestigious initiative developed by the    the support services in place to
        Understanding your           Australian Government.                     ensure they achieve their best.
        working rights in
        Australia                    australiaawards.gov.au                     unisa.edu.au/sponsored-students

        Finding community and
        government services
                                                                     CHECK OUT OUR
        Accessing academic                       online scholarships search engine
        policies and procedures


     UniSA Student Accommodation by Urbanest
     The new UniSA Student               and tram stations. Weekly
     Accommodation by Urbanest           rent includes electricity, air
     is located at 12 Bank Street        conditioning and unlimited
     in the Adelaide CBD and             internet. Students have
     offers intelligently designed,      access to great weekly
     modern studios and                  events, gym facilities, iMac      “Urbanest is not just
     apartments. The property is         stations, a secure bike           a place to stay, but a
     conveniently located near           store, outdoor balconies         place to live. Students
     our city campuses along             with BBQs and support               can easily access
                                                                           amenities, transport
     with the central railway            from a 24/7 onsite team.
                                                                              and shops. Most
                                                                            importantly, it is a
                                                                           place for students to
                                                                          foster new friendships
                                                                             here in Adelaide.”

                                                                                Scott Chow
                                                                            UniSA international
           PRICES START                                                           student

           FROM A$199
            PER WEEK

                 For more information, visit unisa.edu.au/accommodation

More accommodation options…
Adelaide has a variety of accommodation options to suit your
budget and lifestyle. We have a dedicated Accommodation Service
with support staff who can help you find the right fit.

A$ 140–A$ 200 per week
Fully furnished / utilities usually included /
inspected by UniSA / book online

A$ 150–A$ 460 per week
Fully furnished / inspected by UniSA /
very popular / book online

A$ 250–A$ 310 per week
Fully furnished / meals included / live with family /
utilities usually included / very popular / book online

A$ 120–A$ 350 per week
Highly independent living / must inspect
in person / utilities not included

Access the UniSA Rental Database at unisa.studystays.com.au

Temporary accommodation
If you have not finalised your long-term accommodation,
please ensure that you arrange temporary accommodation
before arriving in Adelaide. Plan to arrive two weeks before
the start of your program to allow enough time to select
accommodation and get settled.


              For personalised advice contact:
              (p): +61 8 8302 0877
              (e): accommodation@unisa.edu.au
              (w): unisa.edu.au/accommodation

              Under the age of 18?
              Please note that students under 18 years
              of age are eligible only for homestay
              or homeaway (organised by SAIBT or
              Eynesbury) accommodation options.


     Join one of Australia’s premier universities for business,
        recognised internationally for its quality education,                “I have combined my
      career outcomes and research. UniSA Business is the                   two passions through a
                                                                           double degree in law and
         only business school in South Australia accredited
                                                                           economics. The teaching
      by both AACSB International and EFMD (EQUIS) – the                       staff are extremely
          world’s leading accreditation bodies recognising                  supportive and helpful.
        excellence in business education and research. We                   The Legal Advice Clinic
                                                                              and internships have
      are focused on preparing students for global careers.                 also helped me to gain
        Graduate with the knowledge and skills to become                     first-hand experience
      a leader for change and growth, creating real impact                      of my profession.”
       in businesses and communities. Learn from thought                      Sulakshana Jayasekara
      leaders as they share their insights and expertise for                        SRI LANKA
                                                                            Bachelor of Laws (Honours),
         best practice in the contemporary world. Join over               Bachelor of Business (Economics,
      55,000 global alumni who are enterprising managers,                       Finance and Trade)

           legal professionals, executives and scholars.

                      Top 1% worldwide* and awarded
        TOP           five-stars for excellence^
                      *UniSA Business School is one of just ten
                      institutions in Australia and 187 globally to be
                      accredited by EQUIS (from over 16,500 worldwide).
                      EFMD, October 2019. ^2019 QS Stars Ratings.

                      World top 100 in law                                    “I like that concepts
                      2019 THE Subject Rankings                             being taught in class are
                                                                             research-based. Even
                                                                            though I’ve already had
                                                                               experience working
                                                                              professionally in the
                                                                               marketing industry,
                      Above world-class research                             I still get to learn new
                      in business, management, marketing,                    concepts every time.”
                      tourism, human resource management
                                                                                   Arvin Navarro
                      and sport and recreation management
                      2018 Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA)
                                                                          International Master of Business
                                                                             Administration (Marketing)

                      Work Integrated Learning

                         optional               required

THIRD YEAR                                                            DEGREE STRUCTURE
UNDERGRADUATE                                                           Strategic Management                                                   FIRST YEAR
                                                                        Minor 1
                                                                                                                                               Principles of Economics
                                                                        Minor 2
                                                                                                                                               Accounting for Business
                                                                                                                                               Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange
BUSINESS                                                                International Business Environments
                                                                          OR International Elective
                                                                                                                                               Business and Society OR International
                                                                                                                                                 Study Tour OR Elective
                                                                        3 x Electives
                                                                                                                                               Business Law
                                                                                                                                               Quantitative Methods for Business
                                                                                                                                               Career Development for Professionals
Bachelor of Business                                                          3+1 Pathway to Masters                                           Macroeconomics
                                                                                                                                               SECOND YEAR
unisa.edu.au/business                                                         Package a Bachelor of Business
                                                                              with a Master of Management with                                 Entrepreneurship for Social and Market Impact
                                                                              your chosen specialisation and                                   Growth Development and the Macroeconomy
        City West                         Internship/                                                                                          Economic Analysis of Business Decisions
                                          study tour                          graduate in just four years.
        Campus                                                                                                                                 Management and Organisation
                                                                              Learn more at                                                    International Business Environments
        3 years                Selection Rank............ 70                  unisa.edu.au/business3plus1                                        OR International Elective
        full-time              IELTS Total..................... 6.0                                                                           Empirical Business Analysis
                               IELTS Reading.............. 6.0                                                                                Business Finance
        A$34,300 pa*           IELTS Writing................ 6.0                                                                              Elective
        indicative 2021                                                                                                                        THIRD YEAR
                                                                       Bachelor of Business
                                  SAIBT pathway
                                                                                                                                               Portfolio and Fund Management
        February and                                                                                                                           3 x Electives
        August intakes                                                 (Economics, Finance                                                     Economics of Public Policy
                                                                       and Trade)                                                              International Economics
                                                                                                                                               International Currency and Banking Markets
                                                                       unisa.edu.au/accounting-and-finance                                     Strategic Financial Analysis
*see pages 91–92 for details

                                                                               City West                         Internship/
                                                                               Campus                            study tour
Enjoy the flexibility of a broad business                                                                                                            3+1 Pathway to Masters
degree and create your own study plan                                                                                                                Package a Bachelor of Business
based on your interests and career goals.                                      3 years                Selection Rank............ 70
                                                                               full-time                                                             (Economics, Finance and Trade)
Develop a solid foundation in core business                                                           IELTS Total..................... 6.0
                                                                                                                                                     with a Master of Finance and
concepts and tailor your studies through                                                              IELTS Reading.............. 6.0
                                                                                                                                                     graduate in just four years.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      BUSINESS & LAW
a diverse range of electives, minor study                                      A$34,300 pa*           IELTS Writing................ 6.0
                                                                               indicative 2021                                                       Learn more at
areas, or majors. Gain an international                                                                  SAIBT pathway
perspective by choosing to participate in                                                                                                            unisa.edu.au/business3plus1
a one-year international exchange with                                         February and
                                                                               August intakes
Rennes School of Business in France and
graduate with a second qualification.
Complete an internship during your                                     PROGRAM CODE: DBIB | CRICOS CODE: 027743E
degree to build your practical skills and                              *see pages 91–92 for details                                           Bachelor of Business
professional network. Discover other
Bachelor of Business degrees with tailored                                                                                                    (Finance)
specialisations and transfer with study                                Develop an in-depth understanding of the                               unisa.edu.au/accounting-and-finance
credit for successfully completed courses.                             global business environment, focusing on
                                                                       currency markets, economics exchange                                           City West                         Internship/
CAREERS                                                                and global trade activities. Study core                                                                          study tour
Business owner / entrepreneur / business                               courses in analytics, accounting and
adviser / business consultant / business                               economic theory. Explore the latest in                                         3 years                           Professionally
development manager / human                                            macroeconomics, economic policy and                                            full-time                         recognised
resources adviser / marketing and                                      analysis; portfolio and fund management;
communications officer                                                 and international currency and banking                                         A$34,300 pa*           Selection Rank............ 70
                                                                       markets. Access our state-of-the-art Iress                                     indicative 2021        IELTS Total..................... 6.0
DEGREE STRUCTURE                                                       Trading Room located on campus, which                                                                 IELTS Reading.............. 6.0
                                                                       includes a market data feed and financial                                      February and           IELTS Writing................ 6.0
                                                                       analysis tools – the same technology                                           August intakes
 Career Development for Professionals                                  used by the world’s leading banks and                                                                    SAIBT pathway
 Accounting for Business OR Quantitative
   Methods for Business
                                                                       investment firms. Participate in an overseas
                                                                                                                                              PROGRAM CODE: DBCF | CRICOS CODE: 080918B
 Business and Society OR International                                 study tour, complete an internship or work
   Study Tour OR Elective                                              on an industry-related research project.                               *see pages 91–92 for details
 Principles of Economics
 Elective                                                              CAREERS
 Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange                            Economist / policy analyst / business                                  Develop the knowledge and confidence
 Management and Organisation                                           development manager / market research                                  to succeed in the fast-paced financial
 Minor 1                                                               analyst / investment adviser / financial                               sector. Focus on key learning areas such
 SECOND YEAR                                                           risk analyst / policy adviser /                                        as the borrowing, lending and investing of
                                                                       business forecaster                                                    money. Gain an in-depth understanding
 Business Intelligence
                                                                                                                                              of financial markets and institutions,
 Business Law
                                                                                                                                              international currency and banking
 Minor 1
 Minor 2                                                                                                                                      markets, portfolio and fund management,
                                                                                                                                              and macroeconomics. Broaden your
 Entrepreneurship for Social and Market Impact
                                                                                                                                              knowledge through electives in marketing,
 Minor 1
 Minor 2                                                                                                                                      management and international business.
 Minor 2                                                                                                                                      Embed an internship, study tour, mentoring
                                                                                                                                              or work-integrated learning into your

                                                                                                                                                                              unisa.edu.au/study                     23
degree. Access our state-of-the-art Iress                                                                               THIRD YEAR
                         Trading Room located on campus, which
                         includes a market data feed and financial       Bachelor of Business                                                    Portfolio and Fund Management
                                                                                                                                                 Taxation Law 1
                         analysis tools – the same technology
                         used by the world’s leading banks and           (Financial Planning)                                                    Superannuation
                         investment firms. Graduate with a degree        unisa.edu.au/accounting-and-finance                                     Risk Management and Insurance
                         professionally recognised by the Financial                                                                              Estate Planning
                         Services Institute of Australasia and the               City West                                                       Applied Financial Planning
                         Chartered Financial Analyst Institute.                                                    Study tour
                                                                                 Campus                                                          Strategic Financial Analysis OR Strategic Management

                                                                                 3 years                           Professionally
                         Business adviser / investment banker /                  full-time                         recognised
                                                                                                                                                       3+1 Pathway to Masters
                         investment fund manager / stockbroker /
                         bond trader / equity analyst / corporate                A$34,300 pa*           Selection Rank............ 70                  Package a Bachelor of Business
                         loan manager / commercial banker                        indicative 2021        IELTS Total..................... 6.0
                                                                                                                                                       (Financial Planning) with a Master
                                                                                                        IELTS Reading.............. 6.0
                                                                                                                                                       of Professional Accounting and
                         DEGREE STRUCTURE                                        February and                                                          graduate in just four years.
                                                                                                        IELTS Writing................ 6.0
                                                                                 August intakes                                                        Learn more at
                         FIRST YEAR                                                                        SAIBT pathway
                         Accounting for Business
                         Quantitative Methods for Business               PROGRAM CODE: DBRF | CRICOS CODE: 097499K
                         Principles of Economics                         *see pages 91–92 for details
                         Business and Society OR International

                                                                                                                                                Bachelor of Commerce
                           Study Tour OR Elective
                         Business Law                                    Study one of the first bachelor's programs
                         Financial Accounting 1
                                                                         in Australia approved by the Financial                                 (Accounting)
                                                                         Adviser Standards and Ethics Authority
                         Financial Markets and Institutions                                                                                     unisa.edu.au/accounting-and-finance
                                                                         (FASEA). Build specialist skills and meet
                         SECOND YEAR                                     the education requirements to practise as
                         Business Finance                                a qualified financial planner. Learn how to                                    City West                         Internship/
                         Introduction to Financial Planning                                                                                             Campus                            study tour
                                                                         develop financial and legal documentation
                         Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange      that meet regulatory requirements, and
                         Career Development for Professionals            assist clients in reaching their short and                                     3 years                           Professionally
                                                                                                                                                        full-time                         accredited
                         International Currency and Banking Markets      long-term financial goals. Explore personal

                         Management and Organisation                     budgeting, superannuation and retirement
                         Empirical Business Analysis                     planning, financial risk management and                                        A$34,300 pa*           Selection Rank............ 70
                         Entrepreneurship for Social and Market Impact                                                                                  indicative 2021        IELTS Total..................... 6.0
                                                                         estate planning. Gain practical skills with
                         THIRD YEAR                                      software commonly used by industry and                                                                IELTS Reading.............. 6.0
                                                                                                                                                        February and           IELTS Writing................ 6.0
                         Portfolio and Fund Management                   access our state-of-the-art Iress Trading
                                                                                                                                                        August intakes
                         3 x Electives                                   Room located on campus, which includes                                                                   SAIBT pathway
                         Corporate Valuation and Risk Management         a market data feed and financial analysis
                         Financial Risk Analysis                         tools – the same technology used by the                                PROGRAM CODE: DBCA | CRICOS CODE: 080917C
                         Strategic Financial Analysis                    world’s leading banks and investment firms.                            *see pages 91–92 for details
                         International Business Environments
                           OR International Elective                     CAREERS
                                                                         Financial planner / financial adviser /                                Prepare for a rewarding career in
                                                                         investment adviser / insurance broker /                                accounting and business advisory with
                               3+1 Pathway to Masters                    estate planner / superannuation adviser /                              an industry-accredited degree. Study core
                               Package a Bachelor of Business            wealth manager                                                         courses in accounting and quantitative
                               (Finance) with a Master of                                                                                       methods for business; business law;
                               Professional Accounting and               DEGREE STRUCTURE                                                       finance; business intelligence and data
                               graduate in just four years.                                                                                     analysis; economics and management.
                                                                          FIRST YEAR
                                                                                                                                                You will then explore advanced courses
                               Learn more at                              Accounting for Business                                               in financial and management accounting,
                               unisa.edu.au/business3plus1                Quantitative Methods for Business
                                                                                                                                                taxation and company law, auditing,
                                                                          Principles of Economics
                                                                                                                                                sustainability accounting, global and
                                                                          Personal Finance
                                                                                                                                                contemporary accounting issues, and
                                                                          Business Law                                                          strategic financial analysis. Develop
                                                                          Career Development for Professionals
                                                                                                                                                critical skills in problem solving, reporting,
                                                                          Business and Society OR International
                                                                            Study Tour OR Elective                                              decision-making, communication and
                                                                          Financial Markets and Institutions                                    teamwork. Learn about the economic,
                                                                          SECOND YEAR
                                                                                                                                                legal and political influences that impact
                                                                                                                                                global business and participate in an
                                                                          Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange
                                                                                                                                                overseas study tour learning about business
                                                                          Entrepreneurship for Social and Market Impact
                                                                          Introduction to Financial Planning
                                                                                                                                                practices in other regions. Graduate
                                                                          Macroeconomics                                                        with a degree accredited by Chartered
                                                                                                                                                Accountants Australia and New Zealand
                                                                          Companies and Partnership Law
                                                                                                                                                and satisfy the requirements for entry
                                                                          Business Intelligence
                                                                          International Business Environments                                   into the Chartered Accountants Program.
                                                                            OR International Elective                                           This degree is also accredited by CPA
                                                                          Management and Organisation                                           Australia and you will satisfy requirements
                                                                                                                                                for entry into the CPA Program, as well as
                                                                                                                                                the Chartered Institute of Management
                                                                                                                                                Accountants. Furthermore, this degree is
                                                                                                                                                professionally recognised by the Association
                                                                                                                                                of Chartered Certified Accountants.

               24       unisa.edu.au/study
CAREERS                                                                Study a double degree combining
Accountant / tax accountant / corporate                                accounting with finance. Build strong
tax consultant / forensic accountant /                                 foundational knowledge and skills in              Bachelor of Business
                                                                       finance and accounting practice, and
business adviser / auditor / risk
consultant / insolvency and reconstruction                             learn how external and global markets can         (Innovation and
adviser / management accountant                                        impact organisations. Explore advanced            Entrepreneurship)
                                                                       courses in financial and management
                                                                       accounting, taxation and company law,             unisa.edu.au/business
                                                                       auditing, sustainability accounting, global
 FIRST YEAR                                                            and contemporary accounting issues, and                   City West                         Internship/
 Quantitative Methods for Business                                     strategic financial analysis. Develop strong              Campus                            study tour
 Accounting for Business                                               reporting and analytical skills required in
 Career Development for Professionals                                  the financial services sector. Access our                 3 years                Selection Rank............ 70
 Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange                            state-of-the-art Iress Trading Room located               full-time              IELTS Total..................... 6.0
 Financial Accounting 1                                                on campus, which includes a market data                                          IELTS Reading.............. 6.0
 Business and Society OR International                                 feed and financial analysis tools – the                   A$34,300 pa*           IELTS Writing................ 6.0
   Study Tour OR Elective                                              same technology used by the world’s                       indicative 2021
 Business Law                                                                                                                                              SAIBT pathway
                                                                       leading banks and investment firms. You
 Principles of Economics                                                                                                         February and
                                                                       can also participate in an overseas study
 SECOND YEAR                                                           tour to learn about business practices                    August intakes
 Financial Accounting 2                                                in other regions. Graduate with a degree
 Management Accounting                                                 accredited by Chartered Accountants               PROGRAM CODE: DBBN | CRICOS CODE: 082892B
 Business Finance                                                      Australia and New Zealand and satisfy the
 Business Intelligence                                                                                                   *see pages 91–92 for details
                                                                       requirements for entry into the Chartered
 Companies and Partnership Law                                         Accountants Program. This degree is
 Cost Management and Control Systems OR Elective                       also accredited by CPA Australia and
 Management and Organisation                                                                                             Launch your career as an entrepreneur
                                                                       you will satisfy requirements for entry
 Financial Accounting 3                                                                                                  or influential business leader. Learn
                                                                       into the CPA Program. Furthermore, this
 THIRD YEAR                                                                                                              how to find creative, innovative and
                                                                       degree is professionally recognised by
                                                                                                                         effective solutions for business and
 Taxation Law 1                                                        the Association of Chartered Certified
                                                                                                                         social enterprises. Identify and develop
 Sustainability Accounting and Reporting                               Accountants, Financial Services Institute
 2 x Electives                                                                                                           new business ideas and turn them into
                                                                       of Australasia, and CFA Institute.
                                                                                                                         commercial reality. Discover how to set
 Auditing Theory and Practice
                                                                       CAREERS                                           up and market a successful business
 Contemporary Issues in Accounting
 Strategic Financial Analysis
                                                                                                                         venture by studying fundamental
                                                                       Accountant / business adviser /                   courses in economics, accounting and
 Elective                                                              investment banker / financial analyst /

                                                                                                                                                                                                 BUSINESS & LAW
                                                                                                                         entrepreneurship. Broaden your knowledge
                                                                       auditor / portfolio manager / stockbroker /       through specialised courses in creativity
                                                                       risk consultant                                   and innovation, enterprise design and
       3+1 Pathway to Masters
                                                                                                                         value creation, and organisational
       Package a Bachelor of Commerce                                  DEGREE STRUCTURE                                  entrepreneurship. Gain practical skills
       (Accounting) with a Master of                                                                                     through an optional internship or overseas
                                                                       FIRST YEAR
       Finance, Financial Planning or                                                                                    study experience.
       Management (with a chosen                                       Business and Society OR International
                                                                         Study Tour OR Elective
       specialisation) and graduate in just                            Accounting for Business                           CAREERS
       four years.                                                     Quantitative Methods for Business                 Entrepreneur / business owner /
       Learn more at                                                   Principles of Economics                           business development manager /
       unisa.edu.au/business3plus1                                     Business Law                                      business strategist / project innovation
                                                                       Financial Accounting 1                            manager / business consultant / franchise
                                                                       Macroeconomics                                    development manager / project manager
                                                                       Financial Markets and Institutions
                                                                       SECOND YEAR                                       DEGREE STRUCTURE
Bachelor of Commerce                                                   Financial Accounting 2                             FIRST YEAR
(Accounting)                                                           Management Accounting
                                                                       Business Finance                                   Principles of Economics
                                                                                                                          Accounting for Business OR Quantitative
Bachelor of Business
                                                                       Business Intelligence
                                                                                                                          Methods for Business
                                                                       Career Development for Professionals
                                                                                                                          Business and Society OR International
                                                                       Financial Accounting 3                               Study Tour OR Elective
                                                                       Companies and Partnership Law                      Career Development for Professionals
unisa.edu.au/accounting-and-finance                                    Cost Management and Control Systems OR Elective
                                                                                                                          Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange
                                                                       THIRD YEAR                                         Elective
        City West                         Internship/                  Introduction to Financial Planning                 Engineering Design and Innovation
        Campus                            study tour                   Taxation Law 1                                     Design Thinking and Digital Innovation
                                                                       Sustainability Accounting and Reporting            SECOND YEAR
        4 years                           Professionally               Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange
        full-time                         accredited                                                                      Business Law
                                                                       International Currency and Banking Markets         Management and Organisation
                                                                       Empirical Business Analysis                        Creativity and Innovation
        A$34,300 pa*           Selection Rank............ 70           Auditing Theory and Practice                       Small Business for Professionals
        indicative 2021        IELTS Total..................... 6.0   Entrepreneurship for Social and Market Impact
                                                                                                                          Entrepreneurship for Social and Market Impact
                               IELTS Reading.............. 6.0        FOURTH YEAR                                        Business Intelligence
        February and           IELTS Writing................ 6.0      Portfolio and Fund Management                      2 x Electives
        August intakes
                                  SAIBT pathway                        Management and Organisation
                                                                       International Business Environments
PROGRAM CODE: DBCD | CRICOS CODE: 041701J                                OR International Elective
*see pages 91–92 for details
                                                                       Financial Risk Analysis
                                                                       Strategic Financial Analysis
                                                                       Contemporary Issues in Accounting
                                                                       Corporate Valuation and Risk Management

                                                                                                                                                         unisa.edu.au/study                     25
THIRD YEAR                                                             THIRD YEAR                                                             SECOND YEAR
                          Strategic Management                                                   International Management Ethics and Values                             Business Finance
                          Enterprise Design and Value Creation                                   Strategic Management                                                   Management and Organisation
                          Project Management: Principles and Strategies                          International Business Environments                                    Property Economics
                          International Business Environments                                      OR International Elective                                            Elective
                            OR International Elective                                            Elective                                                               Empirical Business Analysis
                          Organisational Entrepreneurship                                        International and Comparative Human                                    Fundamentals of Property Law
                          International Management Ethics and Values                               Resource Management                                                  Building Evaluation for Property
                          2 x Electives                                                          World Trade Law                                                        Property Asset Management
                                                                                                                                                                        THIRD YEAR
                                                                                                                                                                        Entrepreneurship for Social and Market Impact
                                                                                                                                                                        Statutory Valuations
                         Bachelor of Business                                                                                                                           Property Development

                         (International Business)
                                                                                                                                                                        Property Investment
                                                                                                Bachelor of Business                                                    Property Practice
                         unisa.edu.au/business                                                  (Property)                                                              International Business Environments
                                                                                                                                                                          OR International Elective
                                                                                                unisa.edu.au/property                                                   Commercial Property Valuation
                                 City West                         Internship/                                                                                          Elective
                                 Campus                            study tour
                                                                                                        City West                         Internship/
                                 3 years                Selection Rank............ 70                   Campus                            study tour
                                 full-time              IELTS Total..................... 6.0                                                                                 3+1 Pathway to Masters
                                                        IELTS Reading.............. 6.0                3 years                           Professionally
                                                                                                                                          accredited                          Package a Bachelor of Business
                                 A$34,300 pa*                                                           full-time
                                                        IELTS Writing................ 6.0                                                                                    (Property) with a Master of Finance
                                 indicative 2021
                                                           SAIBT pathway
                                                                                                                                                                              and graduate in just four years.
                                                                                                        A$34,300 pa*           Selection Rank............ 70
                                 February and
                                                                                                        indicative 2021        IELTS Total..................... 6.0          Learn more at
                                 August intakes                                                                                IELTS Reading.............. 6.0               unisa.edu.au/business3plus1
                                                                                                        February and           IELTS Writing................ 6.0
                                                                                                        August intakes
                         PROGRAM CODE: DBBN | CRICOS CODE: 088328D                                                                SAIBT pathway
                         *see pages 91–92 for details
                                                                                                PROGRAM CODE: DBPY | CRICOS CODE: 024196G
                                                                                                                                                                       Bachelor of Business

                                                                                                *see pages 91–92 for details
                         Establish an international career by learning                                                                                                 (Real Estate Practice)
                         about different business types, from                                                                                                          unisa.edu.au/property
                         micro-organisations to large multinational                             Study Australia’s longest running degree
                         and high-growth organisations. Develop                                 specialising in property and the only one
                                                                                                of its kind in South Australia. Become                                         City West                         Internship/
                         professional skills and an understanding                                                                                                              Campus                            study tour
                         of how to navigate the challenges these                                a well-rounded property professional
                         organisations face in their daily operations.                          with critical advisory and management
                                                                                                skills. Learn about building evaluation,                                       3 years                           Professionally
                         Learn about business environments across                                                                                                              full-time                         recognised
                         different socio-economic and institutional                             planning and land use, property law,
                         environments, state-owned enterprises and                              property evaluation, management and
                                                                                                                                                                               A$34,300 pa*           Selection Rank............ 70
                         trade systems. Study fundamental courses                               agency, and property investment and
                                                                                                                                                                               indicative 2021        IELTS Total..................... 6.0
                         in law, economics, finance and marketing.                              development. Engage with industry
                                                                                                professionals through networking events                                                               IELTS Reading.............. 6.0
                         Gain practical skills through an optional                                                                                                             February and
                                                                                                and overseas study tours. Graduate                                                                    IELTS Writing................ 6.0
                         internship or an overseas study experience.                                                                                                           August intakes
                                                                                                from a nationally and internationally                                                                    SAIBT pathway
                         CAREERS                                                                accredited degree, which includes the
                                                                                                Australian Property Institute (API) and Royal                          PROGRAM CODE: DBRF | CRICOS CODE: 097500M
                         Business analyst / project coordinator /
                         international economist / import and                                   Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS).                             *see pages 91–92 for details
                         export coordinator / public relations
                         specialist / foreign policy adviser /
                         international business development                                     Land and property valuer / property                                    Study the only bachelor degree of its
                         officer / international business manager                               developer / commercial property                                        kind in South Australia, which prepares
                                                                                                analyst / property funds manager / portfolio                           you to practise as a professional real
                         DEGREE STRUCTURE                                                       manager / sales and leasing consultant                                 estate agent or property manager across
                                                                                                                                                                       residential, commercial and industrial
                          FIRST YEAR                                                            DEGREE STRUCTURE                                                       portfolios. Develop your knowledge in
                          Career Development for Professionals                                                                                                         business fundamentals such as economics,
                                                                                                 FIRST YEAR
                          Principles of Economics                                                                                                                      accounting and entrepreneurship,
                          Accounting for Business OR Quantitative                                Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange                            along with specialised knowledge in
                            Methods for Business                                                 Accounting for Business                                               real estate management, property law,
                          Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange                             Discovering Opportunities in Property
                                                                                                                                                                       economics, real estate investment and
                          Management and Organisation                                            Principles of Economics
                                                                                                                                                                       property asset management. Complete a
                          Business Law                                                           Professional Development in Property                                  minor in marketing to complement your
                          Elective                                                               Business Law
                                                                                                                                                                       studies and gain expertise in consumer
                          Business and Society OR International                                  Quantitative Methods for Business
                            Study Tour OR Elective                                                                                                                     behaviour, advertising, digital marketing
                                                                                                 Business and Society OR International
                                                                                                   Study Tour OR Elective                                              and marketing analytics. Engage with
                          SECOND YEAR
                                                                                                                                                                       industry professionals through networking
                          Business Intelligence                                                                                                                        events. Following graduation, you can
                          Business across Asian Community
                                                                                                                                                                       apply for registration as a land agent,
                          Australia in the Asian Century
                                                                                                                                                                       sales representative or property manager
                                                                                                                                                                       with the South Australian Government’s
                          Entrepreneurship for Social and Market Impact
                                                                                                                                                                       Consumer and Business Services.
                          2 x Electives

               26       unisa.edu.au/study
CAREERS                                                                CAREERS                                                                maximise value. Study advanced courses in
Real estate agent / property manager /                                 Project manager / general manager /                                    integrated supply networks, procurement
property agency manager / property                                     management consultant / risk manager /                                 for strategic advantage, and international
developer / sales and leasing consultant /                             business development manager /                                         management ethics and values. Tailor your
portfolio manager / agency owner /                                     account director / sales manager /                                     studies through a wide range of electives, an
entrepreneur                                                           business analyst / project lead / business                             internship or overseas exchange.
                                                                       and workplace adviser
DEGREE STRUCTURE                                                                                                                              CAREERS
                                                                       DEGREE STRUCTURE                                                       Supply chain and logistics coordinator /
 FIRST YEAR                                                                                                                                   logistics manager / inventory manager /
 Accounting for Business                                                FIRST YEAR                                                            industrial development manager / pricing
 Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange                             Foundations of Human Resource Management                              analyst / production manager / warehouse
 Principles of Economics                                                Accounting for Business OR Quantitative                               manager / operations controller /
 Discovering Opportunities in Property                                    Methods for Business
                                                                                                                                              procurement executive / logistics analyst
 Quantitative Methods for Business                                      Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange
 Business Law                                                                                                                                 DEGREE STRUCTURE
 Professional Development in Property                                   Business Law
 Business and Society or International                                  Principles of Economics                                                FIRST YEAR
   Study Tour OR Elective                                               Business and Society OR International                                  Accounting for Business OR Quantitative
 SECOND YEAR                                                              Study Tour OR Elective                                                 Methods for Business
                                                                        Career Development for Professionals                                   Marketing Principles: Trading and Exchange
 Entrepreneurship for Social and Market Impact
 Property Economics                                                     SECOND YEAR                                                            Career Development for Professionals
 Business Intelligence                                                  Communication and Organisational Practices                             Elective
 Business Finance OR Personal Finance                                   Project Management: Principles and Strategies                          Principles of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
 Fundamentals of Property Law                                           Business Intelligence                                                  Principles of Economics
 Building Evaluation for Property                                       Management and Organisation                                            Business Intelligence
 Property Asset Management                                              Entrepreneurship for Social and Market Impact                          Business and Society OR International
                                                                        Organisational Behaviour                                                 Study Tour OR Elective
 Management and Organisation
                                                                        2 x Electives                                                          SECOND YEAR
                                                                        THIRD YEAR                                                             Business Law
 Small Business for Professionals
                                                                        Managing Decision Making                                               Operations Management for Business
 International Business Environments
   OR International Elective                                            Strategic Management                                                   Entrepreneurship for Social and Market Impact
 2 x Electives                                                          International Management Ethics and Values                             Managing Services
 Real Estate Practice                                                   International Business Environments                                    Project Management: Principles and Strategies
 Strategic Financial Analysis OR Strategic Management                     OR International Elective                                            Management and Organisation
 2 x Electives                                                          Organisational Entrepreneurship                                        2 x Electives

                                                                                                                                                                                                                      BUSINESS & LAW
                                                                        Organisational Leadership                                              THIRD YEAR
                                                                        2 x Electives                                                          International Business Environments
                                                                                                                                                 OR International Elective
Bachelor of Business                                                                                                                           Integrated Supply Networks
                                                                                                                                               Procurement for Strategic Advantage
(Management)                                                           Bachelor of Business                                                    Managing Sustainability in Supply Chains
                                                                                                                                               International Management Ethics and Values
unisa.edu.au/business                                                  (Logistics and Supply                                                   Strategic Management

        City West                         Internship/                  Chain Management)                                                       2 x Electives

        Campus                            study tour

        3 years
                               Selection Rank............ 70
                                                                               City West                         Internship/                  Bachelor of Business
                               IELTS Total..................... 6.0                                             study tour
                               IELTS Reading.............. 6.0
                                                                                                                                              (Human Resource
        A$34,300 pa*
        indicative 2021
                               IELTS Writing................ 6.0              3 years                Selection Rank............ 70           Management)
                                  SAIBT pathway                                full-time              IELTS Total..................... 6.0
                                                                                                      IELTS Reading.............. 6.0
        February and
                                                                               A$34,300 pa*           IELTS Writing................ 6.0
        August intakes
                                                                               indicative 2021                                                        City West
                                                                                                         SAIBT pathway                                                                  Internship/
                                                                                                                                                      Campus                            study tour
PROGRAM CODE: DBBG | CRICOS CODE: 080993B                                      February and
*see pages 91–92 for details
                                                                               August intakes                                                         3 years                           Professionally
                                                                                                                                                      full-time                         accredited

                                                                       PROGRAM CODE: DBBL | CRICOS CODE: 080915E
Explore modern management and the                                                                                                                     A$34,300 pa*           Selection Rank............ 70
                                                                       *see pages 91–92 for details                                                   indicative 2021        IELTS Total..................... 6.0
organisation of people, money and
technology. Learn about the latest                                                                                                                                           IELTS Reading.............. 6.0
business trends and how to manage                                                                                                                     February and           IELTS Writing................ 6.0
                                                                       Specialise in the management of complex                                        August intakes
emerging issues. Develop the knowledge                                                                                                                                          SAIBT pathway
                                                                       systems for global product and service
and expertise to manage resources
                                                                       supply in both the digital and physical
and projects in a global business                                                                                                             PROGRAM CODE: DBBH | CRICOS CODE: 080603K
                                                                       marketplaces. Learn to manage the flow of
environment. You will also gain critical
                                                                       goods and services from point of origin to                             *see pages 91–92 for details
skills in problem solving and leadership
                                                                       consumer. Gain knowledge in operations,
to achieve key business objectives. Study
                                                                       warehousing, inventory, purchasing, transport
core courses including international                                                                                                          Learn about the latest discoveries in human
                                                                       and distribution of bricks and mortar
business, economics and entrepreneurship.                                                                                                     resources including recruitment, training,
                                                                       businesses, as well as online conglomerates.
Enrich your learning with an internship,                                                                                                      performance, retention, industrial relations
                                                                       Develop sophisticated supply chain skills
a business simulation project or an                                                                                                           and employment law. Develop a deep
                                                                       to create and manage an efficient flow of
overseas exchange during your studies.                                                                                                        understanding of effective management
                                                                       goods and services, to minimise waste and

                                                                                                                                                                              unisa.edu.au/study                     27
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