Domestic Undergraduate - Year 9-11 Guide 2021-22 - The ...

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Domestic Undergraduate - Year 9-11 Guide 2021-22 - The ...
                         Year 9-11 Guide

Domestic Undergraduate - Year 9-11 Guide 2021-22 - The ...
2   The University of Western Australia |

    Welcome to
     our community

    Welcome to The University of Western Australia (UWA), where you’ll join our
    accomplished graduates in becoming global professionals who drive change to
    shape the future.

    At UWA, we prepare our graduates to improve the lives of others. With the world
    – and the skills you need to succeed in it – changing all the time, our distinctive,
    experience-rich curriculum and outstanding learning experience will give you the
    knowledge and the adaptability to make a positive difference in society.

    We look forward to you joining our community and supporting you in shaping your
    future career goals.
Domestic Undergraduate - Year 9-11 Guide 2021-22 - The ...


Study at UWA
Our global reputation                               4

Choosing what to study                              6

Our degrees                                         8
                                                                        Join UWA
Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s                   10
                                                                        Calculating your ATAR                 68
Agricultural, Environmental and
Biological Sciences                                12                   Entry pathways                        69

Architecture, Design and Planning                  20                   Seek a future full of possibilities   70

Business and Law                                   24                   Career and industry experience        71

Data and Computer Science                          30

Education                                          34                   Your UWA community
Engineering                                        38                   A unique campus                       72

Health and Biomedical Sciences                     42                   Student life                          73

Humanities and Social Sciences                     52                   Support services                      74

Music and Fine Arts                                60                   Live on campus                        75

Physical Sciences and Mathematics                  64                   Student Exchange and
                                                                        Study Abroad program                  76

                                                                        Scholarships and prizes               77
                                                                                                                   Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |
                                                                        Parents and guardians                 78

                                                                        Glossary                              79

                        The University of Western Australia acknowledges that its campuses are
                        situated on Noongar land and that Noongar people remain the spiritual
                        and cultural custodians of their land and continue to practise their values,
                        languages, beliefs and knowledge.
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4   The University of Western Australia |

    Our global reputation
    Study at a world top
    100 university (QS 2021)



    Ranked in the world’s top 50 for
    Agriculture and Forestry
    Anatomy and Physiology
    Civil and Structural Engineering
    Earth and Marine Sciences
    Mineral and Mining Engineering
    Sports-related Subjects
    (QS WUR BY SUBJECT 2020)

    Agricultural Sciences
    Biological Sciences
    Clinical Medicine
    Earth Sciences
    Environmental Science and Engineering
    Human Biological Sciences
    Marine/Ocean Engineering
    Mining and Mineral Engineering
    Water Resources
    (ARWU 2020)
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Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |
Domestic Undergraduate - Year 9-11 Guide 2021-22 - The ...
6   The University of Western Australia |

    Choosing what
              to study

       UWA offers a wide range of courses in 10 broad areas of study. With our undergraduate course
       structure, you can pair majors and additional units from different study areas, or focus strongly on
       one area of interest. The choice is yours.

      I am interested in…                          I'd like a career in …            Study areas to explore

      Exploring environmental issues, food         •   Agriculture                   Agriculture, Environmental and
      security and sustainability                  •   Biotechnology                 Biological Sciences
                                                   •   Conservation (Wildlife and    Advances in technology and science are
                                                       Environmental)                transforming our world at an incredible
                                                   •   Environmental Management      pace. Join us and tackle global, regional
                                                   •   Natural Resource Management   and local issues to make the world a
                                                   •   Policy                        better place.

      Creating sustainable built environments      •   Architecture                  Architecture, Design and Planning
                                                   •   Landscape Design              Be part of a collaboration of creative and
                                                   •   Urban Design                  strategic thinkers who come together
                                                   •   Environmental Planning        to push the boundaries of knowledge,
                                                   •   Regional Planning             culture, habitats and landscapes.

      Becoming an entrepreneur, launching          •   Accounting
      businesses and fostering innovation          •   Business
                                                   •   Economics
                                                   •   Marketing                     Business and Law
                                                   •   Human Resources               Develop your analytical, communication
                                                   •   Management                    and problem-solving skills, and the
                                                   •   Finance                       knowledge and real-world experiences
                                                                                     to prepare you for a career in business,
      Fighting for social justice, and improving   •   Law                           government or not-for-profit sectors.
      access to legal services                     •   Legal Practice
                                                   •   Policy
                                                   •   Criminology

      Cybersecurity, making and breaking           •   Cybersecurity                 Data and Computer Science
      technology, and society’s interaction with   •   Data Science                  Drive businesses forward, shape societies
      the digital world                            •   Artificial Intelligence       and find solutions to big challenges
                                                   •   Automation                    through data and technology.
                                                   •   App and Tech Development
Domestic Undergraduate - Year 9-11 Guide 2021-22 - The ...

Shaping the future of children through       •   Teaching                             Education
teaching and lifelong learning               •   Education                            Help young people achieve their full
                                             •   Corporate Training                   potential. Join a university at the forefront
                                                                                      of teacher education and ignite your
                                                                                      passion to educate and inspire a love of
                                                                                      learning in others.

Thinking outside the box and finding         •   Engineering (Chemical,               Engineering
solutions to complex challenges                  Biomedical, Mechanical, Civil,       Are you keen to tackle global challenges
                                                 Electrical and Electronic, Mining,   through engineering innovation? Embark
                                                 Software)                            on an engineering pathway and gain
                                             •   Automation and Robotics              the skills needed to meet future global
                                                                                      needs – from creating some of the world’s
                                                                                      biggest buildings to designing minuscule
                                                                                      electronic devices to make a large impact.

Understanding global pandemics, solving      •   Medical Research
complex problems and finding cures for       •   Biotechnology
                                                                                      Health and Biomedical Sciences
Caring for people and improving the          •   Health                               If you want to advance the health and
health of individuals and communities        •   Medicine                             wellbeing of communities, join WA’s top
                                             •   Exercise Rehabilitation              university for Clinical Medicine (ARWU
                                             •   Pharmacy                             2020). Or if you’re passionate about
                                             •   Public Health                        biomedical sciences, you can join us in
                                             •   Nutrition                            delivering knowledge and discoveries to
                                             •   Sports Management                    guarantee our healthy futures.

Understanding the mind and human             •   Psychology

Travel, learning new languages, and          •   Politics                             Humanities and Social Sciences
cultural studies                             •   Teaching                             Power lifelong career success in any field,
                                             •   Communications                       with transferable skills in critical thinking,
                                             •   Foreign Affairs                      communicating and influencing.                   Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |
                                             •   Policy

Creating ideas, content, music or art        •   Music                                Music and Fine Arts
                                             •   Art                                  Learn from leading arts professionals and
                                             •   Teaching                             release your full creative potential.

The abstract science of numbers and the      •   Data Scientist                       Physical Sciences and Mathematics
natural phenomena of the Earth and all its   •   Physicist                            If you’re a natural problem solver, develop
processes and components                     •   Statistician                         your skills to tackle the fast-paced
                                             •   Aerospace and Defence                challenges in today’s world and prepare
                                             •   Nanotechnology                       yourself for an interesting and rewarding
                                             •   Chemistry                            career in a growing space.
                                             •   Mining
                                             •   Petroleum
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8   The University of Western Australia |

    Our degrees

       We’re focused on education that helps you achieve your career goals, which is why there is a range
       of ways you can undertake study with us. Our dedicated team will work with you to develop the
       best option to set you up for long-term success.

    Undergraduate degree (your first degree)                       a second major or minor in an area that complements
    We’ve expanded our course offering to provide further          your career aspirations and allows you to create a unique
    variety in our three- and four-year undergraduate degrees.     combination of disciplines. Completion of a three-
    You can choose a bachelor’s degree that allows you to          year undergraduate degree will provide you with the
    explore different areas of interest and gain transferable      opportunity to progress to honours and/or a postgraduate
    skills and knowledge that will enable a broad range of         qualification.
    career outcomes. Alternatively, you can choose a more
    focused and planned program of study within a chosen           We also offer a small number of four-year undergraduate
    specialisation, where you’ll develop the specific skills and   degrees that integrate an honours year. These include the
    knowledge to succeed within that chosen career.                Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) (Honours) and Bachelor of
                                                                   Advanced Computer Science (BACS) (Honours).
    Our three-year degrees include: the Bachelor of Arts
    (BA), Bachelor of Automation and Robotics (BAR),               Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours)
    Bachelor of Business (BBus), Bachelor of Biomedical            The Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) is an inspiring and
    Science (BBiomedSc), Bachelor of Commerce (BCom),              unique course where you can choose any undergraduate
    Bachelor of Environmental Design (BEnvDes), Bachelor           major (and a second major, if you wish) from any field of
    of Music (BMus), Bachelor of Philosophy, Politics and          study. The degree comprises a three-year bachelor’s
    Economics (BPPE) and Bachelor of Science (BSc). Each           course and a fourth year of honours. Your study is research-
    undergraduate degree has a defined list of degree-             intensive and includes innovative interdisciplinary project
    specific majors and/or double majors available within it.      work, a scholarship-supported study abroad experience
    Your chosen degree-specific major or double major will         and intensive academic mentoring – all at the highest
    determine your undergraduate degree. Where space               standards of excellence.
    is available in your study plan, you can also complete
Domestic Undergraduate - Year 9-11 Guide 2021-22 - The ...

Direct Pathways
Direct Pathways allow you to package your undergraduate and postgraduate degrees at the commencement of your
studies. This provides you with a clear progression pathway towards a professional qualification, or the opportunity for
accelerated completion of your degrees.

                         SPECIFIC               BACHELOR’S         RESERVED
                           ATAR                                                             CAREER
                                                  DEGREE         POSTGRADUATE

There is a limited number of places available in some of         Over your first three years, you’ll complete a double
our Direct Pathways and there are separate codes to              major in your chosen discipline and a semester of
be used if you wish to apply for a Direct Pathway place.         more advanced study leading into a final full year at
If you don’t secure a place, don’t worry; places in these        postgraduate level.
postgraduate courses will still be available to apply for
towards the end of your undergraduate degree.                    On completion, you’re awarded both a bachelor’s and a
                                                                 master’s degree. You can also choose to exit the CBM
Also, UWA now offers an accelerated Direct Pathway via           after three years with an advanced bachelor’s degree in
new Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees (CBM)               the study area of your double major.
in certain disciplines. The CBM is a four-year accelerated
program for high-performing students.

Postgraduate Pathways                                            Professional courses
(your second degree)                                             Outside of our Direct Pathways, we offer a number of
After completing your undergraduate degree, you can              routes to careers that can be taken up as a postgraduate
choose to enter the workforce or undertake a second              degree after completing your bachelor‘s degree. For the
degree to achieve further specialisation. By continuing to       full list of courses available, visit
postgraduate studies, you could complete a higher-level
qualification with international recognition in less time
than some double degrees at other universities (Australian       Graduate pathways
Qualifications Framework 2020).                                  You can also choose from almost 200 postgraduate
                                                                 courses after you complete your bachelor’s degree. To      Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |
                                                                 explore our full range of postgraduate courses, visit

                        MINIMUM               BACHELOR’S
                                                                  POSTGRADUATE              CAREER
                          ATAR                  DEGREE

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10   The University of Western Australia |

     Combined Bachelor’s
              and Master’s
     Minimum ATAR 90 or equivalent, and any
     additional entry requirements
     Intake month February
     Completion 4 years full time

     The Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s (CBM) is a four-year accelerated program for high-performing students that
     will let you save on fees and enter the workforce sooner. Over your first three years, you’ll complete a double major in
     your chosen discipline, including a semester of more advanced study leading into a final full year at postgraduate level.
     On completion, you’ll be awarded both a full bachelor’s and a full master’s degree on an accelerated four-year (2.5 + 1.5)
     pathway. If you decide not to continue in the CBM, you can exit after three years with an advanced bachelor's degree in
     the study area of your double major. Note that the advanced bachelor's degree is available only as a CBM exit award; it is
     not offered for direct enrolment and is not awarded on completion of the CBM.

       Agribusiness Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s

       Bachelor of Science (Agricultural          Choice of the following Master of Agricultural Science specialisations:
       Science and Agribusiness Double Major)     • Agricultural Economics
                                                  • Agribusiness

       Agricultural Economics Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s

       Bachelor of Science (Agricultural          •   Master of Agricultural Economics
       Science and Agribusiness Double Major)

       Agricultural Science Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s

       Bachelor of Science (Agricultural          Choice of the following Master of Agricultural Science specialisations:
       Science and Technology Double Major)       • Agricultural Technology
                                                  • Crop and Livestock
                                                  • Genetics and Breeding
                                                  • Integrated Pest Management
                                                  • Soil Science and Plant Nutrition

       Biochemistry of Nutrition Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s
       Bachelor of Science (Biochemistry of       Choice of the following Master of Biomedical Science specialisations:
       Nutrition Double Major)                    • The Science of Food
                                                  • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Biological Science Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s

Bachelor of Science (Wildlife           Choice of the following Master of Biological Science specialisations:
Conservation Double Major)              • Conservation Biology
                                        • Zoology

Biotechnology Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s

Bachelor of Science (Molecular Life     Choice of the following Master of Biotechnology specialisations:
Sciences Double Major)                  • AQUAtech
                                        • Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
                                        • Environmental and Agricultural Biotechnology
                                        • Genetics and Genomics
                                        • Synthetic Biology

Economics Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s

Bachelor of Economics (Professional     •   Master of Economics
Economics Double Major)

Environmental Science Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s

Bachelor of Science (Environmental      Choice of the following Master of Environmental Science specialisations:
Science and Management Double           • Catchments and Water
Major)                                  • Environmental Economics
                                        • Environmental Management
                                        • Environmental Rehabilitation
                                        • Sensing and Spatial Data Science                                                Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |

Earth and Marine Sciences Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s

Bachelor of Science (Integrated Earth   •   Master of Geoscience
and Marine Sciences Double Major)

Marine Science Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s

Bachelor of Science (Marine Science     Choice of the following master’s degrees:
Double Major)                           • Master of Biological Science (Marine Biology specialisation)
                                        • Master of Environmental Science (Marine and Coastal Processes specialisation)
12   The University of Western Australia |

     Agricultural, Environmental
     and Biological Sciences
        From studying microorganisms to
        optimising industrial farms and restoring
        damaged environments, these majors
        encompass diverse areas of science.

     Agricultural Science provides the technology and
     research for sustainable, profitable and ethical food
     production worldwide. It focuses on the multidisciplinary
     challenges facing the global community, a rapidly growing      Top five reasons to study Agriculture,
     population, changing climate, and limited land and             Environmental and Biological Sciences
     fresh water resources, which all impact on the ability of      at UWA
     agriculture to meet demand.                                    • UWA is ranked 1st in Australia for Agricultural
                                                                      Sciences and Environmental Science and Engineering
     Environmental Science assesses the impact of human               (ARWU 2020).
     activity on the global environment, and develops scientific,   • Our Faculty of Science is home to a wide range
     risk-focused solutions to help secure a sustainable future.      of facilities that support world-class research and
     By choosing to major in Environmental Science, you’ll            teaching activities to ensure hands-on learning.
     help develop solutions to issues such as climate change,       • We collaborate with industry, government agencies
     carbon trading, greenhouse gas emissions, water-resource         and universities worldwide to offer diverse education
     management, salinity and deforestation.                          and forge meaningful partnerships.
                                                                    • You’ll learn from award-winning researchers and
     Biological Science focuses on understanding the                  academics who are experts in their field.
     Earth’s species and the ecosystems in which they live, to      • There is a number of prestigious scholarships available
     better value and protect life on our planet. As well             to domestic and international students, offered by
     as providing understanding of how microorganisms,                UWA and the Faculty of Science.
     fungi, plants and animals grow, adapt, communicate,
     reproduce and evolve, it also gives clues to advance food
     production, the treatment of plant and animal diseases,
     and medical science.

                             Plant Growth Facility
                             The UWA Plant Growth Facility (PGF) provides a high-quality, functional and practical
                             growing site for carrying out experiments under controlled conditions. Users are able to
                             control light quality, temperature, water, nutrients and soil composition while eliminating
                             the variability found in nature.
                             The PGF consists of 19 greenhouses, eight phytotrons, 29 plant-growth rooms and eight
                             plant-growth cabinets. Other facilities include an autoclave, soil-storage areas and sterilisation
                             equipment, ancillary equipment storage spaces and a deionised water production facility.

         #1                        #1                      #21
       SCIENCES               SCIENCE AND
       (ARWU 2020)               (ARWU 2020)               (ARWU 2020)

After graduating, you could choose to enter a career or specialise further with our postgraduate courses in Agricultural
                                                                                                                                  Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |
Science, Biological Science, Environmental Science, Geoscience, Hydrogeology, Ocean Leadership and more.

                            “I’m passionate about environmental science, and getting to share
                            that with students and see them develop their own interests and
                            careers is a real privilege. It’s great to watch as they build their
                            knowledge and future careers.”
                            DR TALITHA SANTINI
14   The University of Western Australia |

     Agricultural, Environmental and Biological Sciences
                                                                                          PREREQUISITES AND
     COURSES                                            DURATION            ATAR          RECOMMENDED SUBJECTS
     Bachelor of Science
     A key focus of the Bachelor of Science is     3 years full time or 80.00 or          Prerequisites
     understanding, reasoning and improving the part-time               equivalent        Refer to the individual majors for more
     natural world through systematic observation, equivalent                             information
     experimentation, modelling and calculation.
     You’ll be equipped with attributes that are
     highly valued and sought-after by a diverse
     range of employers around the globe.

     Bachelor of Science – Agribusiness
     This course will prepare you to apply business     3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
     and economic principles to address global          part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
     challenges in food security, farming systems       equivalent                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
     and evolving consumer markets.                                                          mathematics unit taken in the first year
                                                                                          •   Students without ATAR Mathematics will                                                            take two first-year mathematics units

     Bachelor of Science – Agricultural Science
     Australia’s agricultural industry is a key part of 3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
     the world’s food supply system. Agricultural       part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
     Science provides the technology and research equivalent                                 Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
     for sustainable, profitable and ethical food                                            mathematics unit taken in the first year
     production worldwide.                                                                • Students without ATAR Mathematics will
                                                                                             take two first-year mathematics units                                                • Chemistry ATAR OR a chemistry unit taken
                                                                                             in the first year

     Bachelor of Science – Agricultural Science and Agribusiness (Double Major)
     This course combines practical business skills     3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
     with your interests in agriculture to tackle the   part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
     global challenge of creating a sustainable         equivalent                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
     food future.                                                                            mathematics unit taken in the first year
                                                                                          • Students without ATAR Mathematics will                                                  take two first-year mathematics units

     Bachelor of Science – Agricultural Science and Technology (Double Major)
     This course provides knowledge in both the         3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
     traditional agricultural science areas and         part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
     the emerging data-intensive agricultural           equivalent                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
     technologies.                                                                           mathematics unit taken in the first year
                                                                                          • Students without ATAR Mathematics will                                                  take two first-year mathematics units
     and-technology-double-major                                                          • Chemistry ATAR OR chemistry unit taken
                                                                                             in the first year

                                                                                    PREREQUISITES AND
COURSES                                           DURATION            ATAR          RECOMMENDED SUBJECTS
Bachelor of Science – Agricultural Technology
This course provides a broad agricultural         3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
background, along with necessary skills in        part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
data management and analysis, geographic          equivalent                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
information systems (GIS) and remote                                                   mathematics unit taken in the first year
sensing. You’ll learn how to integrate                                              • Students without ATAR Mathematics will
this information to develop strategies for                                             take two first-year mathematics units
agricultural and farming systems.                                                   • Chemistry ATAR OR a chemistry unit taken
                                                                                       in the first year

Bachelor of Science – Botany
Almost all life on Earth depends on plants.       3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
Botany is an ideal major if you’re enthusiastic   part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
about Western Australia’s unique native flora     equivalent                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
or agricultural crops.                                                                 mathematics unit taken in the first year
                                                                                    • Students without ATAR Mathematics will                                                               take two first-year mathematics units
                                                                                    Recommended subject
                                                                                    • Chemistry ATAR
Bachelor of Science – Conservation Biology
Integrate knowledge of biological sciences,       3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
natural resource management and social            part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
sciences to develop strategies to prevent         equivalent                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
species or population extinctions.                                                     mathematics unit taken in the first year
                                                                                    • Students without ATAR Mathematics will                                                  take two first-year mathematics units
                                                                                    Recommended subject
                                                                                    • Chemistry ATAR
Bachelor of Science – Environmental Management
In this course, you’ll learn how to apply        3 years full time or 80.00 or      Prerequisites
scientific, economic, policy and social analysis part-time            equivalent    • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
to help society make better decisions to         equivalent                            Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
protect the environment.                                                               mathematics unit taken in the first year
                                                                                                                                  Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |
                                                                                    • Students without ATAR Mathematics will                                                        take two first-year mathematics units

Bachelor of Science – Environmental Science
Help to develop solutions to global               3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
environmental issues such as climate change,      part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
carbon trading, greenhouse gas emissions,         equivalent                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
water resource management, salinity,                                                   mathematics unit taken in the first year
deforestation and others.                                                           • Students without ATAR Mathematics
                                                                                       will take two first-year mathematics and                                                 statistics units
                                                                                    • Chemistry ATAR OR a chemistry unit taken
                                                                                       in the first year
16   The University of Western Australia |

                                                                                         PREREQUISITES AND
     COURSES                                           DURATION            ATAR          RECOMMENDED SUBJECTS
     Bachelor of Science – Environmental Science and Management (Double Major)
     You’ll be trained to apply scientific, economic   3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
     and regulatory knowledge to help society          part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
     resolve global conflicts such as climate          equivalent                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
     change, deforestation and water pollution.                                             mathematics unit taken in the first year
                                                                                         • Students without ATAR Mathematics                                                will take two first-year mathematics and
     and-management-double-major                                                            statistics units
                                                                                         • Chemistry ATAR OR a chemistry unit taken
                                                                                            in the first year

     Bachelor of Science – Geography
     Geography is the study of the Earth’s          3 years full time or 80.00 or        Prerequisites
     landscapes, peoples, places and                part-time            equivalent      • Mathematics Applications ATAR OR a
     environments, giving you insights into some of equivalent                              mathematics unit taken in the first year
     the major challenges facing the planet today.                                       Recommended subject
                                                                                         • Mathematics Methods ATAR

     Bachelor of Science – Geology
     Geology is an applied science that covers all   3 years full time or 80.00 or       Prerequisites
     aspects of our planet, ranging from the Earth’s part-time            equivalent     • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
     surface to the deep interior.                   equivalent                             Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
                                                                                            mathematics unit taken in the first year                                                            • Students without ATAR Mathematics will
                                                                                            take two first-year mathematics units

     Bachelor of Science – Integrated Earth and Marine Sciences (Double Major)
     This course offers a research-led experience      3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
     in studying the Earth, from the planet’s early    part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
     history to its foreseeable future, and from the   equivalent                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
     ocean floors to its highest mountains.                                                 mathematics unit taken in the first year
                                                                                         • Students without ATAR Mathematics will                                                 take two first-year mathematics units

     Bachelor of Science – Marine and Coastal Processes
     This course will provide you with understanding 3 years full time or 80.00 or       Prerequisites
     of how our coastal and marine environments      part-time            equivalent     • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
     operate such that you can apply this knowledge equivalent                              Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
     to ensure coastal communities and marine                                               mathematics units taken in the first year
     ecosystems remain resilient in the future.                                          • Students without ATAR Mathematics will
                                                                                            take two first-year mathematics units

     Bachelor of Science – Marine Biology
     Marine Biology is the study of marine             3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
     organisms, and their behaviours and               part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
     interactions with the environment.                equivalent                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
                                                                                            mathematics unit taken in the first year                                                     • Students without ATAR Mathematics will
                                                                                            take two first-year mathematics units
                                                                                         • Chemistry ATAR OR a chemistry unit taken
                                                                                            in the first year

                                                                                                              PREREQUISITES AND
COURSES                                                     DURATION                 ATAR                     RECOMMENDED SUBJECTS
Bachelor of Science – Marine Science (Double Major)
This course will expose you to the full breadth             3 years full time or 80.00 or                     Prerequisites
of the marine science discipline, allowing                  part-time            equivalent                   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
deeper understanding of both the physical                   equivalent                                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
and biological components through the                                                                            mathematics unit taken in the first year
Marine Biology and Marine and Coastal                                                                         • Students without ATAR Mathematics will
Processes majors.                                                                                                take two first-year mathematics units
                                                                                                              • Chemistry ATAR OR a chemistry unit taken                                                                                 in the first year

Bachelor of Science – Molecular Life Sciences (Double Major)
This course will help you develop a scientific 3 years full time or 80.00 or                                  Prerequisites
understanding of the biochemistry, molecular part-time              equivalent                                • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
biology and genetics of all living organisms.  equivalent                                                        Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
                                                                                                                 mathematics unit taken in the first year                                                                              • Students without ATAR Mathematics will
sciences-double-major                                                                                            take two first-year mathematics units
                                                                                                              • Chemistry ATAR OR a chemistry unit taken
                                                                                                                 in the first year*

*Mid-year applicants must have Chemistry ATAR and Biology or Human Biology ATAR to complete their degree in three years.

Bachelor of Science – Science Communication (second major only)
Learn how to bridge the gap between the                     3 years full time or 80.00 or                     Prerequisites
scientific community and the public through                 part-time            equivalent                   • Mathematics Applications ATAR OR a
this major.                                                 equivalent                                           mathematics unit taken in the first year
                                                                                                              Recommended subject                                                                        • Mathematics Methods ATAR
Bachelor of Science – Wildlife Conservation (Double Major)
Focusing on unique Australian fauna, you’ll                 3 years full time or 80.00 or                     Prerequisites
learn about the processes leading to the                    part-time            equivalent                   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
exceptional biodiversity that exists today,                 equivalent                                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
the threats facing this biodiversity, and the                                                                    mathematics unit taken in the first year
management strategies and policies that can                                                                   • Students without ATAR Mathematics will
be used to limit, and in some cases reverse,                                                                     take two first-year mathematics units
the impact of these threats.
                                                                                                                                                            Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |

Bachelor of Science – Zoology
Zoology introduces you to the fascinating                   3 years full time or 80.00 or                     Prerequisites
diversity of animals and their interactions with            part-time            equivalent                   • Mathematics Methods ATAR OR
each other and their environments.                          equivalent                                           Mathematics Applications ATAR with a
                                                                                                                 mathematics unit taken in the first year                                                                                      • Students without ATAR Mathematics
                                                                                                                 will take two first year mathematics and
                                                                                                                 statistics units
                                                                                                              Recommended subject
                                                                                                              •   Chemistry ATAR

Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) (Honours)
You can choose to study any undergraduate                   4 years full time        98.00                    Prerequisites
major with this bachelor’s degree.                                                                            Refer to the individual majors for more
18   The University of Western Australia |

                                                                                          PREREQUISITES AND
     COURSES                                             DURATION            ATAR         RECOMMENDED SUBJECTS


     Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Science and Agribusiness Double Major) and
     Master of Agricultural Science
     Combine practical business skills with your        4 years full time    90.00 or     Prerequisite
     interests in agriculture to tackle the global                           equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR
     challenge of creating a sustainable food
     future. In your first three years, you’ll complete
     the Agricultural Science and Agribusiness
     double major and a semester of postgraduate
     study. You’ll then complete the Agribusiness
     specialisation in the Master of Agricultural

     Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Science and Agribusiness Double Major) and
     Master of Agricultural Economics
     This is a globally relevant economics degree        4 years full time   90.00 or     Prerequisites
     that focuses on analysis of production,                                 equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR
     consumption and trade issues in the global
     food, fibre and energy sectors. In your first
     three years, you’ll complete the Agricultural
     Science and Agribusiness double major and
     a semester of postgraduate study. You’ll
     then complete the Master of Agricultural

     Bachelor of Science (Agricultural Science and Technology Double Major) and
     Master of Agricultural Science
     This course will prepare you to meet the            4 years full time   90.00 or     Prerequisites
     demands of an agricultural industry rapidly                             equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR
     being transformed by technology and                                                  • Chemistry ATAR
     digitalisation. In your first three years, you’ll
     complete the Agricultural Science and
     Technology double major and a semester
     of postgraduate study. You’ll then complete
     your selected specialisation in the Master of
     Agricultural Science.

     Bachelor of Science (Wildlife Conservation Double Major) and Master of Biological Science
     Help preserve our ecosystems and protect the 4 years full time          90.00 or     Prerequisites
     future of wildlife through conservation of our                          equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR
     threatened animals and their environments.
     In your first three years, you’ll complete the
     Wildlife Conservation double major and a
     semester of postgraduate study. You will then
     complete your selected specialisation in the
     Master of Biological Science.

                                                                                   PREREQUISITES AND
COURSES                                           DURATION            ATAR         RECOMMENDED SUBJECTS
Bachelor of Science (Molecular Life Sciences Double Major) and Master of Biotechnology
Gain the skills needed to solve life’s greatest 4 years full time     90.00 or     Prerequisites
challenges through cutting-edge approaches                            equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR
in medical, environmental and agricultural                                         • Chemistry ATAR
advances. In your first three years, you’ll
complete the Molecular Life Sciences double
major and a semester of postgraduate
study. You’ll then complete your selected
specialisation in the Master of Biotechnology.

Bachelor of Science (Environmental Science and Management Double Major) and Master of
Environmental Science
Help secure a sustainable future with a           4 years full time   90.00 or     Prerequisites
Combined Bachelor’s and Master’s (CBM)                                equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR
in Environmental Science. In your first three                                      • Chemistry ATAR
years, you’ll complete the Environmental
Science and Management double major and
a semester of postgraduate study. You’ll then
complete your selected specialisation in the
Master of Environmental Science.

Bachelor of Science (Integrated Earth and Marine Science Double Major) and
Master of Geoscience
Be at the forefront of creating a more          4 years full time     90.00 or     Prerequisite
sustainable future for our planet by gaining a                        equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR
holistic understanding of Earth and its oceans.
In your first three years, you’ll complete
the Integrated Earth and Marine Sciences
double major and a semester of postgraduate
study. You’ll then complete the Master of
                                                                                                                Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |

Bachelor of Science (Marine Science Double Major) and Master of Biological Science or
Master of Environmental Science
Gain specialised knowledge of marine life         4 years full time   90.00 or     Prerequisites
and a solid understanding of the physical                             equivalent   • Mathematics Methods ATAR
processes across our coastal marine                                                • Chemistry ATAR
environments. In your first three years, you’ll
complete the Marine Science double major
and a semester of postgraduate study. You’ll
then complete your selected specialisation in
the Master of Biological Science or Master of
Environmental Science.
20   The University of Western Australia |

                                                                      STUDY ALONGSIDE         UWA GRADUATE
                                                                                              IS NSW’S 1ST FEMALE
                                                                      EXPERTS                     GOVERNMENT
                                                                         IN THE FIELD              ARCHITECT

     Architecture, Design
                and Planning
       Study Architecture, Design and Planning                     Top five reasons to study Architecture,
       to create cities, cultures and communities                  Design and Planning at UWA
       for a sustainable future.                                   • Learn from award-winning, internationally
                                                                     recognised teachers and practitioners.
     Creative and strategic thinkers come together to push         • All courses have strong practical and
     the boundaries of knowledge, culture, habitats and              creative components.
     landscapes. At UWA, you’ll be part of a community             • Impressive industry and community engagement
     that aims to understand the architecture, landscape and         allows you to work on real-world projects, ranging from
     art of Australian cities and housing, creating an impact on     housing to museums to space stations.
     Australia and the world.                                      • Make use of equipment and state-of-the-art facilities
                                                                     such as plastic-extrusion 3D printers, laser cutters,
                                                                     printmaking studios and 24/7 computer labs.
                                                                   • Our students have won national and international
                                                                     student competitions.

                                                                        Design Hub
                                                                        The Design Hub is available for students as a
                                                                        place to work collaboratively or individually. It’s
                                                                        supervised by current School of Design master’s
                                                                        students who run workshops and who are available
                                                                        to provide support to students. Towards the end of
                                                                        semester, students are provided with 24/7 access
                                                                        to the area. The space is also used for student
                                                                        workshops, exhibitions that highlight master’s
                                                                        coursework projects, and networking events.

We offer pathways to careers in areas such as architecture, building information modelling, landscape architecture,
urban design, and urban and regional planning via our range of postgraduate courses.

                            “I love that I have the freedom to dream up visions for how cities
                             could evolve in relation to the urban challenges we face. This work                              Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |
                             is important because Australian cities, despite their high liveability
                             rankings, face many critical problems in terms of deepening
                             socioeconomic stratification, vulnerabilities to climate change
                             and the destruction of biodiversity.”
                             DR JULIAN BOLLETER
22   The University of Western Australia |

     Architecture, Design and Planning
                                                                                       PREREQUISITES AND
     COURSES                                          DURATION            ATAR         RECOMMENDED SUBJECTS
     Bachelor of Environmental Design
     Environmental Design is a broad study        3 years full time       75.00 or     Prerequisites
     area incorporating architecture, landscape   or part-time            equivalent   No previous study in a particular course is
     architecture, urban design and environmental equivalent                           required

     Bachelor of Environmental Design – Architecture (Double Major)
     Architecture is the conceptualisation and        3 years full time   75.00 or     Prerequisites
     design of individual buildings and urban         or part-time        equivalent   No previous study in a particular course is
     landscapes in response to existing and           equivalent                       required
     emerging economic, technical and social

     Bachelor of Environmental Design – Environmental Geography and Planning
     This course gives students theoretical           3 years full time   75.00 or     Prerequisites
     and practical experience in planning for         or part-time        equivalent   No previous study in a particular course is
     the sustainable use of natural and built         equivalent                       required

     Bachelor of Environmental Design – Landscape Architecture
     Landscape Architecture is the planning,          3 years full time   75.00 or     Prerequisites
     design and management of natural and built       or part-time        equivalent   No previous study in a particular course is
     landscapes to benefit communities and the        equivalent                       required
     planet’s health.

     Bachelor of Arts
     Gain the lifelong, transferable skills employers 3 years full time   75.00 or     Prerequisites
     are seeking with one of Western Australia’s      or part-time        equivalent   Refer to the individual majors for more
     most diverse degrees.                            equivalent                       information

     Bachelor of Arts – Human Geography and Planning
     This course involves understanding the           3 years full time   75.00 or     Prerequisites
     complexities of, and guiding the sustainable     or part-time        equivalent   No previous study in a particular course is
     development of cities and regions.               equivalent                       required

     Bachelor of Philosophy (BPhil) (Honours)
     You can choose to study any undergraduate        4 years full time   98.00        Prerequisites
     major with this bachelor’s degree.                                                Refer to the individual majors for more

                                                                                    PREREQUISITES AND
COURSES                                         DURATION            ATAR            RECOMMENDED SUBJECTS
Master of Architecture Direct Pathway
Discover the art and science of shaping         5 years full time   92.00           Prerequisites
our built environment in this professionally    or part-time        (or 98.00       Completion of a bachelor’s degree with a
accredited course.                              equivalent          via BPhil) or   UWA Weighted Average Mark of at least 60%
                                                (3 years            equivalent          undergraduate
                                                studies + 2 years

Master of Landscape Architecture Direct Pathway
This Australian Institute of Landscape          5 years full time   92.00           Prerequisites
Architects-accredited course will prepare       or part-time        (or 98.00       Completion of a bachelor’s degree with a
you for entry to the landscape architecture     equivalent          via BPhil) or   UWA Weighted Average Mark of at least 60%
profession.                                     (3 years            equivalent
                                                undergraduate                     studies + 2 years
architecture-pathways                           postgraduate

Master of Environmental Planning Graduate Pathway
This course provides students with essential    5 years full time   80.00           Prerequisites
practical skills and workplace experience in    or part-time        (or 98.00       Completion of a bachelor’s degree with a
planning and development in urban and rural     equivalent          via BPhil) or   UWA Weighted Average Mark of at least 50%
environments.                                   (3 years            equivalent
                                                undergraduate               studies + 2 years
planning                                        postgraduate

Master of Urban Design Graduate Pathway
Develop an in-depth understanding of urban      5 years full time   80.00           Prerequisites
design theories and issues, techniques of       or part-time        (or 98.00       Completion of a bachelor’s degree with a
urban analysis, and skills for the design and   equivalent          via BPhil) or   UWA Weighted Average Mark of at least 50%
                                                                                                                                Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |
development of sustainable cities and urban     (3 years            equivalent
places.                                         undergraduate
                                                studies + 2 years                 postgraduate

Master of Urban and Regional Planning Graduate Pathway
This course is accredited by the Planning       5 years full time   80.00           Prerequisites
Institute of Australia and focuses on key       or part-time        (or 98.00       Completion of a bachelor’s degree with a
concepts and methods in planning, alongside     equivalent          via BPhil) or   UWA Weighted Average Mark of at least 50%
placement opportunities and work-based          (3 years            equivalent
learning.                                       undergraduate
                                                studies + 2 years          postgraduate
planning                                        studies)
24   The University of Western Australia |

     Business and Law
        Studying Business and Law at                            Top five reasons to study Business
        UWA will develop your analytical,                       and Law at UWA
        communication and problem-solving                       • Learn from leading academics who are conducting
        skills, and provide the knowledge and                      innovative research, currently working in their field
        real-world experiences to prepare you                      or consulting with industry on policy and practice
        for a career in business, government or                    to enhance the curriculum (including those who
        not-for-profit sectors.                                    provide all of Australia’s law schools with their
                                                                   teaching material).
                                                                • Develop high-level industry networks through student
        UWA is home to the only Business School in WA
                                                                   club events, guest lectures, our Career Mentor Link
        accredited by the European Quality Improvement
                                                                   program and corporate supporters.
        System (EQUIS) and the Association to Advance
                                                                • Graduate with a degree that can take you anywhere
        Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the leading
                                                                   in the world, with our globally recognised accreditations
        accreditations in Europe and North America.
                                                                   and our network of alumni establishing successful
                                                                   careers abroad.
        Western Australia’s premier Law School is ranked 75th
                                                                • Apply your skills in real-world situations and gain insight
        in the world (Times Higher Education World Subject
                                                                   into industry practice. We use real case studies and
        Rankings 2020) and has 90+ years of excellence in
                                                                   work with organisations to teach our students how to
        legal education, research and service.
                                                                   apply theory and give them the best insight into their
                                                                   field, preparing them for a long career ahead.
                                                                • Follow in the steps of successful students (including a
                                                                   recent Young Australian of the Year, company directors,
                                                                   eminent business leaders, an entrepreneur who
                                                                   designed a billion-dollar app, judges and even a former
                                                                   Prime Minister).

The Rosemarie Nathanson Financial Markets
Trading Room
This award-winning, world-class facility is a realistic simulation
of a trading and analysis centre, with access to real-time data
from more than 400 global markets. With more than 35 million
financial instruments – from stocks and bonds to currencies and
commodities – and more than four million gigabytes of historical
market data available, it’s an unrivalled chance to hone your
real-world skills before graduating.

Business versus Commerce – what’s the                                Undergraduate studies in Business and Law will prepare
difference?                                                          you to enter a range of careers directly, or you can
Both degrees will prepare you for a career in the future             specialise further with our postgraduate courses in
through industry placements, excellent teaching staff and            areas such as applied finance, business analytics, human
modern facilities in UWA’s Business School, but which is             resources and employment relations, international law,
right for you?                                                       taxation law or marketing.

In the Bachelor of Business, you can major in Business
Management, Enterprise and Innovation, or Global                                                                                Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |
Business. You’ll learn how organisations work, how to
                                                                       “UWA allowed me to secure internships
develop your own business ideas, and how to work
with global organisations. It aims to give you the broad                at firms I have always admired”
business skills and knowledge any future employer is                    HARRY
looking for in a modern workplace.                                      BACHELOR OF PHILOSOPHY -
                                                                        ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE

The Bachelor of Commerce is more analytical, and
more focused on the specific functions of business
organisations, such as accounting, marketing, or finance.
Once you have completed your degree, it is expected that
you’ll have gained the relevant knowledge for a career in
the specific area you majored in.

You can still choose to do a second major in the Bachelor
of Commerce if you take the Bachelor of Business and
vice versa.
26   The University of Western Australia |

     Business and Law
                                                                                         PREREQUISITES AND
     COURSES                                           DURATION            ATAR          RECOMMENDED SUBJECTS
     Bachelor of Arts
     Gain the lifelong, transferable skills employers 3 years full time or 75.00 or      Prerequisites
     are seeking with one of Western Australia’s      part-time            equivalent    Refer to the individual majors for more
     most diverse degrees.                            equivalent                         information

     Bachelor of Arts – Communication and Media Studies
     Explore your interest in the ever-changing        3 years full time or 75.00 or     Prerequisites
     worlds of digital media, social media,            part-time            equivalent   No previous study in a particular course is
     journalism, video-making, and interactive         equivalent                        required
     media and games, while perfecting your
     ability to express, persuade and argue.

     Bachelor of Arts – Criminology
     Study crime and criminal justice while drawing 3 years full time or 75.00 or        Prerequisites
     on knowledge and perspectives from law,        part-time            equivalent      No previous study in a particular course is
     psychology, history, anthropology, forensic    equivalent                           required
     science and geography.

     Bachelor of Arts – Law and Society
     Explore the impact of legal and social policy     3 years full time or 75.00 or     Prerequisites
     on our lives, in human rights, crime and justice, part-time            equivalent   No previous study in a particular course is
     freedom of expression and more.                   equivalent                        required

     Bachelor of Arts – Work and Employment Relations
     Blend politics, law, sociology, economics,  3 years full time or 75.00 or           Prerequisites
     history and more as you investigate the     part-time            equivalent         No previous study in a particular course is
     policies and institutions designed to help  equivalent                              required
     employers and employees get the most out of
     their relationship.

     Bachelor of Business
     Learn practical and relevant business skills at   3 years full time or 75.00 or     Prerequisites
     a world top 100 university to help you achieve    part-time            equivalent   Refer to the individual majors for more
     the career you want to have.                      equivalent                        information

                                                                                   PREREQUISITES AND
COURSES                                          DURATION            ATAR          RECOMMENDED SUBJECTS
Bachelor of Business – Business Management
This course covers the foundations of           3 years full time or 75.00 or      Prerequisites
business and organisational management.         part-time            equivalent    No previous study in a particular course is
Put your knowledge into practice through a      equivalent                         required
range of internships, industry projects or work
integrated learning.

Bachelor of Business – Enterprise and Innovation
In this course, you’ll develop solution-based   3 years full time or 75.00 or      Prerequisites
skills to complex real-world problems and learn part-time            equivalent    No previous study in a particular course is
to critically apply business solutions to them. equivalent                         required
                                                                                   Recommended subject                                                   • Mathematics Methods ATAR

Bachelor of Business – Global Business
Engage with a range of issues including the      3 years full time or 75.00 or     Prerequisites
principles of international management, the      part-time            equivalent   No previous study in a particular course is
future of work, and the social, cultural and     equivalent                        required
economic implications for businesses in the                                        Recommended subject
twenty-first century.                                                              • Mathematics Methods ATAR

Bachelor of Commerce
This degree develops your analytical,         3 years full time or 80.00 or        Prerequisites
communication and problem-solving skills,     part-time            equivalent      Refer to the individual majors for more
providing you with a global perspective on    equivalent                           information
business and preparing you to pursue a career
within the business, government or not-for-
profit sectors.
                                                                                                                                 Year 9-11 UWA Course Guide 2021-22 |
Bachelor of Commerce – Accounting
This course focuses on the preparation,          3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
interpretation and communication of              part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Applications ATAR AND a
accounting information essential for effective   equivalent                           mathematics unit taken in the first year
business decision-making.                                                          • Students without ATAR Mathematics
                                                                                      will take two first-year mathematics and                                                           statistics units
                                                                                   Recommended subject
                                                                                   • Mathematics Methods ATAR
Bachelor of Commerce – Business Law
This course provides you with a solid            3 years full time   80.00 or      Prerequisites
understanding of the Australian legal system     or part-time        equivalent    No previous study in a particular course is
and how it impacts on business.                  equivalent                        required
                                                                                   Recommended subject                                                      • Mathematics Methods ATAR
28   The University of Western Australia |

                                                                                         PREREQUISITES AND
     COURSES                                           DURATION            ATAR          RECOMMENDED SUBJECTS
     Bachelor of Commerce – Economics
     Develop your capacity to understand the           3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
     fundamental workings of the economy               part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Applications ATAR AND a
     and markets, as well as the implications of       equivalent                           mathematics unit taken in the first year
     economic policy.                                                                    • Students without ATAR Mathematics
                                                                                            will take two first-year mathematics and                                                             statistics units
                                                                                         Recommended subject
                                                                                         • Mathematics Methods ATAR
     Bachelor of Commerce – Finance
     Learn about the management of financial           3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
     resources, addressing real-world questions        part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Applications ATAR AND a
     about commercial financing, investments and       equivalent                           mathematics unit taken in the first year
     much more.                                                                          • Students without ATAR Mathematics
                                                                                            will take two first-year mathematics and                                                               statistics units
                                                                                         Recommended subject
                                                                                         • Mathematics Methods ATAR
     Bachelor of Commerce – Human Resource Management
     Explore how the effective management of           3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
     employees contributes to strategic staffing       part-time            equivalent   No previous study in a particular course is
     and organisational effectiveness.                 equivalent                        required
                                                                                         Recommended subject                                                • Mathematics Methods ATAR
     Bachelor of Commerce – Management
     Gain a comprehensive understanding of             3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
     managing organisations effectively within         part-time            equivalent   No previous study in a particular course is
     different economic, social, political and legal   equivalent                        required
     contexts.                                                                           Recommended subject
                                                                                         • Mathematics Methods ATAR

     Bachelor of Commerce – Marketing
     Explore areas such as consumer behaviour,         3 years full time or 80.00 or     Prerequisites
     promotion, advertising, market research,          part-time            equivalent   • Mathematics Applications ATAR AND a
     project and channel management, and               equivalent                           mathematics unit taken in the first year
     strategic marketing.                                                                • Students without ATAR Mathematics
                                                                                            will take two first-year mathematics and                                                             statistics units
                                                                                         Recommended subject
                                                                                         • Mathematics Methods ATAR

         “My course and involvement in campus culture has opened
         many doors and left me confident to enter the workforce.”
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