2021 Business and Management 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide

Page created by Monica Kelley
2021 Business and Management 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide
Business and Management

Course Guide
2021 Business and Management 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide
Welcome to
Business and
at the University
of Hull
2021 Business and Management 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide
Business and Management

Business and                                                                              There are two different ways to approach a business
                                                                                          management degree at Hull.
Management                                                                                                                                If you already know that you want to
                                                                                          If you want to keep it general and are

at the University of Hull                                                                 not quite sure about specialising yet,
                                                                                          choose BA Business Management – our
                                                                                          common first year lets you try different
                                                                                                                                          specialise in a particular area of
                                                                                                                                          business management (such as
                                                                                                                                          accounting or marketing), then you
                                                                                          subjects.                                       can apply for that degree directly.
All of our Business Management degrees offer real
world experience, with our Authentic Business
                                                                                          BA Business Management
Learning approach which means from day one, you’ll
get to test your skills out through live business projects,
placements, internships, and more. As well as the                                         Once you’ve tried different subjects, in your second year you can choose to
                                                                                          keep it general, or study more specialist modules and switch to another
different options to study abroad that will give you                                      degree from the options below.
valuable skills and experiences that employers actively
look for. It’s our way of putting you – and your career – at                              BA Business Management
the heart of what we do.                                                                  Combine with                            Specialise in
A number of these programmes start with a common first year to equip you with             BA Business Management and              BA Business Management with
a broad base of business knowledge, which also allows you to switch degrees in            Accounting                              Entrepreneurship
your second year once you’ve got a feel for the direction you want to take. Options       BA Business Management and              BA Business Management with
include entrepreneurship, HRM, sustainability, marketing, supply chain management         Financial Management                    Human Resource Management
and international business.                                                               BA Business Management and              BA Business Management with
                                                                                          Marketing                               Sustainability
All Hull University Business School degrees have international accreditation from
AACSB, which is held by fewer than 5% of business programmes worldwide.                   BA Business Management and              BA International Business
                                                                                          Supply Chain Management
We’ll prepare you for the challenge of staying up to date in the unpredictable, dynamic
business world. And we’ll guide your development into a confident, competitive
business professional who can take on diverse roles in any organisation or sector.

       World Explorer
 You also have many opportunities to study abroad – for a year, a semester, or
 over your summer break – at one of our highly ranked partner institutions.
 Your possible destination could range from Hong Kong to California and from
 Stockholm to Paris. These are all credit bearing – so the marks you gain while
 abroad will count towards your degree.

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2021 Business and Management 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide
Business and Management

Courses                                                                                                           Careers
     What we offer ...                                                                                            Our graduates from this subject area have gone on to
                                                                                                                  successful careers at a variety of businesses such as
                                                Typical   Example
Course                                           offer    A levels
                                                                       code        FY                             Handelsbanken, Morrisons, Next and Rolls-Royce.
BA Business Management                            112       BBC        N100      NN1G §       N121       N101           Graduate careers
BA Business Management with
                                                  112       BBC        N124      NN1G   §
                                                                                              N127       N126
                                                                                                                  •   Business development executive
Entrepreneurship                                                                                                  •   e-Commerce manager
BA Business Management with                                                                                       •   Management consultant
                                                  112       BBC       N600       NN1G §      N602        N601
Human Resources Management                                                                                        •   Product manager
BA Business Management with                                                                                       •   Project manager
                                                  112       BBC        N210      NN1G §       N212       N211
Sustainability                                                                                                    •   Training and development manager
BA Business Management and                                                                                        •   Corporate responsibility manager
                                                  112       BBC        NN14      NN1G §      NNC4       NND4
BA Business Management and
                                                                                                                        Career advice and support
                                                  112       BBC        NN13      NN1G §      NNC3       NND3
Financial Management                                                                                              Our careers team will help you learn how to apply for positions, prep for interviews
BA Business Management and                                                                                        and impress potential employers. We also run networking events on campus, which
                                                  112       BBC        NN15      NN1G §      NNC5       NN1M      often lead to internships and job offers.
BA Business Management and Supply                                                                                 You’ll benefit from our Centre for Professional Success, too. They’ll support you in
                                                  112       BBC        NJ19      NN1G §      NJC9       NJD9
Chain Management
                                                                                                                  sourcing relevant placements, employer projects and e-mentoring. You’ll also get
BA International Business                         112       BBC        N120      NN1G §       N123       N125     free online access to our alumni community, webinars and online journals.
LLB Law with Business Management                 120        BBB        M1N1      M102 §      M1N2
§ Entry requirements are different for the foundation year and top up; please contact our Admissions Service
for guidance.
On successful completion (pass) of the BA Business Management foundation year (course NN1G), you can
either continue with that degree or join Year 1 of any other undergraduate degree in the Business School,
subject to meeting any GCSE requirements for that degree. Points can be from any qualification on the UCAS
tariff, but must include at least 80 points from two or more A levels, or a combination of appropriate Level 3
Your points can be from any qualification on the UCAS tariff, but at least 80 points should be from two or more
A levels, or a combination of appropriate Level 3 qualifications.

     For more information, please visit www.hull.ac.uk/ugbusiness

We’re always looking to improve our courses. Which means we do review our modules from time to time,
to make sure they’re of a high standard and are relevant to you and to your potential future employers.
The information in this guide is correct at the time of going to print, but some of the modules could change
before 2021. Please contact our admissions team if you do have any questions or for further information on

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2021 Business and Management 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide
What extra course options do you offer?
Course structure                                                                          We offer three extra options: foundation year, industrial placement and study abroad.
                                                                                          Look out for these icons on our course pages – and here’s what they mean.

How are degrees taught?                                                                            Foundation year
Most of our undergraduate courses are made up of study units called modules.                       If you don’t quite meet our entry requirements, you can apply to do an
You’ll be assessed after each module, and the average of all your module                           extra year of study before starting your course. This foundation year
assessments for the year is your overall result for that year.                                     boosts your subject knowledge and helps you gain new academic skills,
                                                                                                   as well as preparing you to start your full degree.
Can I pick and choose modules?
                                                                                                   We look for applicants who can demonstrate an experience of a related
Yes, to an extent. Some modules are compulsory, so you have to take them.
                                                                                                   subject and an aptitude for academic work – which we establish by
Within that compulsory group are some ‘core’ modules, too. They’re essential to the                asking you to submit an essay and/or come to an interview as part of
course (to make sure our degrees qualify for relevant accreditation, for example), so              your application.
they’ll never change and you have to pass them.
                                                                                                   Fees for our foundation year are exactly the same as undergraduate
That said, some of our modules are optional – so you can pick what you study to suit               years – and you can apply for student finance as with a full degree.
your interests and career goals.
                                                                                                   Industrial placement
How many modules will I take?
                                                                                                   This means you’ll spend either a full year, one semester or one module
Usually, you’ll take six modules a year: three from the start of term to Christmas, and
                                                                                                   working in industry or on a structured work placement. This usually
three more between January and the summer. Later in your course, some modules –
                                                                                                   comes between Year 2 and your final year.
like larger-scale projects or a dissertation – might count as two modules and run for
the full year.
                                                                                                   Study abroad
                                                                                                   Many of our courses include a year abroad in Year 3. If your course isn’t
                                                                                                   one of them, you can still apply to spend a trimester, semester or a single
                                                                                                   module overseas.
                                                                                                   You can also opt to study abroad over the summer or as an exchange

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2021 Business and Management 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide
Business and Management

BA Business Management                                                          World Economy
                                                                                You’ll study the changing world
                                                                                economy, developing insights into
                                                                                                                             The Organisational and Environmental
                                                                                                                             Context of HRM
                                                                                                                             Develop an understanding of how
                                                                                issues related to international trade,       organisational and environmental
Typical offer        112          Year 1 modules                                international finance, regional groupings    context informs human resource
                                                                                and climate change.                          management in terms of its design,
                                  Compulsory                                                                                organisation, leadership, ethics and
Example A levels     BBC         Personal and Professional Skills for           Year 2 modules                               practice.
                                 Contemporary Organisations
UCAS code            N100        Learn about organisational behaviour            Compulsory                                 Learning and Development
                                 and HRM concepts. Areas of focus               Responsible Business in Society              This module focuses on the practice and
                     NN1G        include individual difference, personal        On this module, you’ll explore concepts      theory of learning and development
                                 development, people management and             like responsible business, corporate         – illustrating how to evaluate both its
                     N121        leadership.                                    social responsibility, business ethics and   role and its influence on organisational
                                                                                sustainable development.                     success.
                     N101        Business Environments
                                 This module introduces you to the              Organisational Management                    Understanding Entrepreneurship
                                 environments – economic, political,            Explore approaches to organisational         You will interview real-life entrepreneurs
                                 social, legal and cultural – that businesses   management and learn to integrate            and develop an understanding of the
Explore the critical areas of                                                   theory and practice. You’ll consider         factors which contribute to successful
                                 operate in and, in turn, help to shape.
business and management                                                         various practices and the assumptions        entrepreneurship, how entrepreneurship
practice. You’ll be studying     Accounting and Finance                         behind them.                                 differs around the world, and how
                                 You’ll cover topics such as financing                                                       governments encourage it.
at an accredited business        decisions; cost behaviour;                      Optional
school on this highly flexible   cost-volume-profit analysis; absorption        Information Management and
                                                                                                                             Engaging with Entrepreneurial
programme which prepares         costing; variance analysis and                 Principles of Data Science
                                 budgeting.                                                                                  Work with a local SME or innovative
future managers, leaders and                                                    Examine the role of data science in          company to solve a business problem.
entrepreneurs to succeed in      Marketing                                      consulting and explore its management        This could include introducing new
                                 This module introduces you to core             dimensions. Learn how to establish a         products into markets, developing a
the business world.              marketing theories and concepts                better connection between data and           growth plan, or undertaking a market
                                 such as segmentation, targeting and            business value.                              feasibility for a new product or service.
                                 positioning, consumer behaviour and
                                                                                Internet, e-Commerce and Emerging            Sustainable Business and Innovation
                                 marketing mix.
                                                                                                                             Develop insights into the major trends,
                                 Operations, Supply Chain and Business          Discover the emerging digital
                                                                                                                             challenges and concepts relating to
                                 Practices                                      technologies that are affecting the
                                                                                                                             business sustainability and corporate
                                 Explore how businesses develop their           dynamics of e-commerce. You’ll learn
                                 operations management and supply               how to develop a website or mobile app
                                 chain practices to increase their              without any coding skills.                   Procurement and Supply Management
                                 competitiveness.                                                                            Learn how procurement ensures the
                                                                                                                             supply of materials that businesses need.
                                                                                                                             Concepts include managing business
                                                                                                                             relationships, planning operations and
                                                                                                                             problem solving.

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2021 Business and Management 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide
Business and Management

Supply Chain Information                    Passport Languages                           SMART: Problem-Solving for Complex           Organisation in the Digital Economy
Management and Big Data                     Learn a new language or improve your         Systems                                      The internet and emerging digital
Discover the role of information            existing language skills and intercultural   Learn to evaluate complex problems –         tech present business with all kinds
management and big data in supply           competence.                                  taking into account multiple dimensions      of opportunities and challenges. Here
chains. Learn methods for big data,                                                      and stakeholder perspectives – to            you can explore the new management
text mining and social media mining          Final-year modules                          anticipate consequences and make             mindsets needed to address them.
analysis.                                                                                appropriate decisions.
                                             Compulsory                                                                              Cybersecurity and Organisational
Consumer and Business Buyer                 International Business                        Optional                                   Resilience
Behaviour                                   Focus on the core concepts and practical                                                  Discover core principles of
                                                                                         Employee Relations and Engagement
Build a deeper understanding of             applications of cross-border business.                                                    cybersecurity from a management
                                                                                         Explore the strategies that employers
consumer behaviour and learn how to         You’ll explore the controversies and                                                      perspective and develop insights into
                                                                                         use to manage their employees. You’ll
use this information to develop effective   complexities surrounding international                                                    managing a company’s cybersecurity
                                                                                         study how potential commonalities and
marketing plans and communications.         business issues.                                                                          programme.
                                                                                         conflicts are understood and managed
Integrated Marketing Communications         Business Strategies                          in the workplace.                            Sustainability Reporting and
and Branding                                Consider business strategy and                                                            Communication
                                                                                         Critical Concepts in HRM
Develop your critical understanding of      strategic decisions in diverse contexts.                                                  Society now expects companies to
                                                                                         You’ll develop a critical appreciation of
the role that integrated marketing and      You’ll learn to use strategic analysis to                                                 report on their impacts and how they’re
                                                                                         the core theories and assumptions in
communications plays in building and        make choices that create stakeholder                                                      addressing them. Explore the questions
                                                                                         human resource management (HRM)
sustaining brand identity and equity.       value and strategic advantage.                                                            of what companies should report on, as
                                                                                         policy and the pursuit of best practice in
                                                                                                                                      well as why and how.
European Business                           Then choose one of the following three       organisations.
This module enhances your                   modules:                                                                                  Supply Chain Sustainability and the
                                                                                         Assessing Entrepreneurial
understanding of the EU, both in terms                                                                                                Environment
                                            Dissertation                                 Opportunities
of internal policy and its commercial                                                                                                 Explore sustainability practices in
                                            Make your original contribution to           You will come up with a start-up idea,
relations with the rest of the world,                                                                                                 various manufacturing and service
                                            research by designing, carrying out          testing its attractiveness and potential.
including the US and emerging nations.                                                                                                organisations, covering issues like
                                            and writing up a dissertation worth          Your ideas will be assessed by a panel
                                                                                                                                      responsible procurement and fair trade,
Research Methods                            40 credits (across two modules) on a         of entrepreneurs – with the best ones
                                                                                                                                      humanitarian logistics and disaster relief.
Prepare and complete a small action         topic of your choice, supported by your      chosen to be turned into businesses as
research project. You’ll learn about        supervisor.                                  part of the ‘Creating the New Venture’       Global Logistics and Port Management
research methodology, ethical approval,                                                  module.                                      On this module, you’ll learn about
data analysis and formulating research      Research Project                                                                          the structure of global supply chains,
                                            Make your original contribution to           Creating the New Venture
questions.                                                                                                                            international procurement and
                                            research by designing, carrying out          Leading on from ‘Assessing
                                                                                                                                      transport, supply chain security, and the
Summer School                               and writing up a research project worth      Entrepreneurial Opportunities’, you
                                                                                                                                      complexity of decision making.
Broaden your horizons by studying at        20 credits (for one module) on a topic       will develop the best business ideas,
one of our overseas partner institutions    of your choice, supported by your            building prototypes, running a trial, and    Services Marketing
for up to three weeks over the summer.      supervisor.                                  ultimately present an investor pitch to a    This module is concerned with
This module can count towards your                                                       panel of entrepreneurs. You will benefit     customer experience and ensuring that
degree.                                                                                  from an entrepreneurial mentor while         an organisation is service-centric, so it
                                                                                         building your start-up.                      can achieve higher outcomes such as
                                                                                                                                      customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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2021 Business and Management 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide
Business and Management

Digital Marketing and Social Media
Social media and the internet have
transformed marketing. Working with
real businesses, you’ll develop insights
to help you use new concepts and tools
in the digital landscape.
Business Project Management
This module addresses project
management, covering a range of
concepts, tools, techniques and
approaches. You’ll explore factors
affecting project success and failure.
Managing Your Money – Personal
Financial Planning
Prepare for the financial challenges
and opportunities of life after uni. You’ll
cover topics including tax, student
loans, credit, debt, pensions, insurance,
savings and investments.
Comparative International Human
Resource Management
Consider complex workplace dynamics
and cross-cultural and multinational
factors. You’ll learn the strategies
and practice of human resource
management in international contexts.
Leadership and Change Management              “I chose Hull because of the
Consider perspectives on organisational       great reputation of the Business
change and analyse change                     School and the fantastic
management techniques, including how          facilities that the University has,
to manage resistance as well as ethical       such as the library. The course
issues, culture and diversity.                has some of the best lecturers
                                              and offers excellent support
Passport Languages
                                              – with everything from gaining
Learn a new language or improve your
                                              a placement or graduate work
existing language skills and intercultural
                                              to providing general exam
                                              Maria Goodley,
                                              BA Management and Business

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2021 Business and Management 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide
Business and Management

BA Business Management                                                       World Economy
                                                                             You’ll study the changing world
                                                                             economy, developing insights into
                                                                                                                           Optional
                                                                                                                          Information Management and

with Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                          Principles of Data Science
                                                                             issues related to international trade,
                                                                                                                          Examine the role of data science in
                                                                             international finance, regional
                                                                                                                          consulting and explore its management
                                                                             groupings and climate change.
                                                                                                                          dimensions. Learn how to establish a
Typical offer        112          Year 1 modules                                                                          better connection between data and
                                                                              Year 2 modules
                                   Compulsory                                                                            business value.
Example A levels     BBC                                                      Compulsory
                                  Accounting and Finance                                                                  European Business
                                  You’ll cover topics such as financing      Responsible Business in Society              This module enhances your
UCAS code            N124         decisions; cost behaviour; cost-volume-    On this module, you’ll explore concepts      understanding of the EU, both in terms
                                  profit analysis; absorption costing;       like responsible business, corporate         of internal policy and its commercial
                     NN1G         variance analysis and budgeting.           social responsibility, business ethics and   relations with the rest of the world,
                                                                             sustainable development.                     including the US and emerging nations.
                     N127         Marketing
                                  This module introduces you to core         Organisational Management                    Internet, e-Commerce and Emerging
                                  marketing theories and concepts            Explore approaches to organisational         Technologies
                     N126                                                    management and learn to integrate
                                  such as segmentation, targeting and                                                     Discover the emerging digital
                                  positioning, consumer behaviour and        theory and practice. You’ll consider         technologies that are affecting the
                                  marketing mix.                             various practices and the assumptions        dynamics of e-commerce. You’ll learn
Launching and running a                                                      behind them.                                 how to develop a website or mobile app
profitable business requires      Personal and Professional Skills for                                                    without any coding skills.
                                  Contemporary Organisations                 Understanding Entrepreneurship
high skill levels, expert                                                    You will interview real-life entrepreneurs
                                  Learn about organisational behaviour                                                    The Organisational and Environmental
knowledge and smart               and HRM concepts. Areas of focus           and develop an understanding of              Context of HRM
working methods. We can           include individual difference, personal    the factors which contribute to              Develop an understanding of how
                                                                             successful entrepreneurship, how
help you develop these.           development, people management and                                                      organisational and environmental context
                                  leadership.                                entrepreneurship differs around              informs human resource management
And we can provide further                                                   the world, and how governments               in terms of its design, organisation,
support to guide you toward       Business Environments                      encourage it.                                leadership, ethics and practice.
success in business – either as   This module introduces you to the
                                  environments – economic, political,        Engaging with Entrepreneurial                Learning and Development
an individual or as a member      social, legal and cultural – that          Organisations                                This module focuses on the practice and
of a larger organisation.         businesses operate in and, in turn, help   Work with a local SME or innovative          theory of learning and development
                                  to shape.                                  company to solve a business problem.         – illustrating how to evaluate both its
                                                                             This could include introducing new           role and its influence on organisational
                                  Operations, Supply Chain and Business      products into markets, developing a          success.
                                  Practices                                  growth plan, or undertaking a market
                                  Explore how businesses develop their       feasibility for a new product or service.    Sustainable Business and Innovation
                                  operations management and supply                                                        Develop insights into the major trends,
                                  chain practices to increase their                                                       challenges and concepts relating to
                                  competitiveness.                                                                        business sustainability and corporate

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2021 Business and Management 2021 Undergraduate Course Guide
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Procurement and Supply Management             Final-year modules                         40 credits (across two modules) on a      Global Logistics and Port Management
Learn how procurement ensures the                                                        topic of your choice, supported by your   On this module, you’ll learn about
supply of materials that businesses           Compulsory                                supervisor.                               the structure of global supply chains,
need. Concepts include managing              Assessing Entrepreneurial                                                             international procurement and
                                             Opportunities                               Research Project
business relationships, planning                                                                                                   transport, supply chain security, and the
                                             You will come up with a start-up idea,      Make your original contribution to
operations and problem solving.                                                                                                    complexity of decision making.
                                             testing its attractiveness and potential.   research by designing, carrying out
Supply Chain Information                     Your ideas will be assessed by a panel      and writing up a research project worth   Services Marketing
Management and Big Data                                                                  20 credits (for one module) on a topic    This module is concerned with
                                             of entrepreneurs – with the best ones
Discover the role of information                                                         of your choice, supported by your         customer experience and ensuring that
                                             chosen to be turned into businesses as
management and big data in supply                                                        supervisor.                               an organisation is service-centric, so it
                                             part of the ‘Creating the New Venture’
chains. Learn methods for big data, text                                                                                           can achieve higher outcomes such as
                                             module.                                     SMART: Problem-Solving for Complex
mining and social media mining analysis.                                                                                           customer satisfaction and loyalty.
                                             Creating the New Venture
Consumer and Business Buyer                                                              Learn to evaluate complex problems –      Business Project Management
                                             Leading on from ‘Assessing
Behaviour                                                                                taking into account multiple dimensions   This module addresses project
                                             Entrepreneurial Opportunities’, you
Build a deeper understanding of                                                          and stakeholder perspectives – to         management, covering a range of
                                             will develop the best business ideas,
consumer behaviour and learn how to                                                      anticipate consequences and make          concepts, tools, techniques and
                                             building prototypes, running a trial, and
use this information to develop effective                                                appropriate decisions.                    approaches. You’ll explore factors
                                             ultimately present an investor pitch to a
marketing plans and communications.                                                                                                affecting project success and failure.
                                             panel of entrepreneurs. You will benefit     Optional
Integrated Marketing Communications          from an entrepreneurial mentor while                                                  Managing Your Money – Personal
                                                                                         Employee Relations and Engagement
and Branding                                 building your start-up.                                                               Financial Planning
                                                                                         Explore the strategies that employers
Develop your critical understanding of                                                                                             Prepare for the financial challenges
                                             Business Strategies                         use to manage their employees. You’ll
the role that integrated marketing and                                                                                             and opportunities of life after uni. You’ll
                                             Consider business strategy and              study how potential commonalities and
communications plays in building and                                                                                               cover topics including tax, student
                                             strategic decisions in diverse contexts.    conflicts are understood and managed
sustaining brand identity and equity.                                                                                              loans, credit, debt, pensions, insurance,
                                             You’ll learn to use strategic analysis to   in the workplace.
Research Methods                                                                                                                   savings and investments.
                                             make choices that create stakeholder
                                                                                         Organisation in the Digital Economy
Prepare and complete a small action          value and strategic advantage.                                                        Comparative International Human
                                                                                         The internet and emerging digital
research project. You’ll learn about                                                                                               Resource Management
                                             International Business                      tech present business with all kinds
research methodology, ethical approval,                                                                                            Consider complex workplace dynamics
                                             Focus on the core concepts and practical    of opportunities and challenges. Here
data analysis and formulating research                                                                                             and cross-cultural and multinational
                                             applications of cross-border business.      you can explore the new management
questions.                                                                                                                         factors. You’ll learn the strategies
                                             You’ll explore the controversies and        mindsets needed to address them.
                                                                                                                                   and practice of human resource
Summer School                                complexities surrounding international
                                                                                         Sustainability Reporting and              management in international contexts.
Broaden your horizons by studying at one     business issues.
of our overseas partner institutions for                                                                                           Passport Languages
                                             Then choose one of the following three      Society now expects companies to
up to three weeks over the summer. This                                                                                            Learn a new language or improve your
                                             modules:                                    report on their impacts and how they’re
module can count towards your degree.                                                                                              existing language skills and intercultural
                                                                                         addressing them. Explore the questions
                                             Dissertation                                                                          competence.
Passport Languages                                                                       of what companies should report on, as
Learn a new language or improve your         Make your original contribution to          well as why and how.
existing language skills and intercultural   research by designing, carrying out
competence.                                  and writing up a dissertation worth

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Business and Management

BA Business Management                                                         World Economy
                                                                               You’ll study the changing world
                                                                               economy, developing insights into
                                                                                                                             Optional
                                                                                                                            Information Management and

with Human Resource
                                                                                                                            Principles of Data Science
                                                                               issues related to international trade,
                                                                                                                            Examine the role of data science in
                                                                               international finance, regional
                                                                                                                            consulting and explore its management
                                                                               groupings and climate change.

                                                                                                                            dimensions. Learn how to establish a
                                                                                Year 2 modules                              better connection between data and
                                                                                                                            business value.
                                 Year 1 modules                                 Compulsory
Typical offer        112                                                                                                    Internet, e-Commerce and Emerging
                                                                               Responsible Business in Society              Technologies
                                 Compulsory                                   On this module, you’ll explore concepts      Discover the emerging digital
Example A levels     BBC        Personal and Professional Skills for           like responsible business, corporate         technologies that are affecting the
                                Contemporary Organisations                     social responsibility, business ethics and   dynamics of e-commerce. You’ll learn
UCAS code            N600       Learn about organisational behaviour           sustainable development.                     how to develop a website or mobile app
                                and HRM concepts. Areas of focus                                                            without any coding skills.
                     NN1G       include individual difference, personal        Organisational Management
                                development, people management and             Explore approaches to organisational         Understanding Entrepreneurship
                     N602       leadership.                                    management and learn to integrate            You will interview real-life entrepreneurs
                                                                               theory and practice. You’ll consider         and develop an understanding of
                     N601       Accounting and Finance                         various practices and the assumptions        the factors which contribute to
                                You’ll cover topics such as financing          behind them.                                 successful entrepreneurship, how
                                decisions; cost behaviour; cost-volume-                                                     entrepreneurship differs around
                                profit analysis; absorption costing;           The Organisational and Environmental
In any business, the most                                                      Context of HRM                               the world, and how governments
                                variance analysis and budgeting.                                                            encourage it.
important resource is people.                                                  Develop an understanding of how
That means the human            Business Environments                          organisational and environmental             European Business
                                This module introduces you to the              context informs human resource               This module enhances your
resource management             environments – economic, political,            management in terms of its design,           understanding of the EU, both in terms
expertise you’ll gain here      social, legal and cultural – that businesses   organisation, leadership, ethics and         of internal policy and its commercial
will be valued around the       operate in and, in turn, help to shape.        practice.                                    relations with the rest of the world,
world. We’ll train you how      Operations, Supply Chain and Business          Learning and Development                     including the US and emerging nations.
to employ, engage and lead      Practices                                      This module focuses on the practice and      Engaging with Entrepreneurial
people - and you’ll benefit     Explore how businesses develop their           theory of learning and development           Organisations
                                operations management and supply               – illustrating how to evaluate both its      Work with a local SME or innovative
from our accreditation by       chain practices to increase their              role and its influence on organisational     company to solve a business problem.
the Chartered Institute of      competitiveness.                               success.                                     This could include introducing new
Personnel and Development       Marketing                                                                                   products into markets, developing a
which allows our graduates      This module introduces you to core                                                          growth plan, or undertaking a market
to apply to become Chartered    marketing theories and concepts                                                             feasibility for a new product or service.
Members.                        such as segmentation, targeting and
                                positioning, consumer behaviour and
                                marketing mix.

20 | HULL.AC.UK                                                                                                                   UNDERGRADUATE COURSE GUIDE 2021 | 21
Business and Management

                                            for up to three weeks over the summer.
Sustainable Business and Innovation         This module can count towards your
Develop insights into the major trends,     degree.                                      Then choose one of the following three    Services Marketing
challenges and concepts relating to                                                      modules:                                  This module is concerned with
business sustainability and corporate       Passport Languages                                                                     customer experience and ensuring that
                                            Learn a new language or improve your         Dissertation
responsibility.                                                                          Make your original contribution to        an organisation is service-centric, so it
                                            existing language skills and intercultural                                             can achieve higher outcomes such as
Procurement and Supply Management           competence.                                  research by designing, carrying out
                                                                                         and writing up a dissertation worth       customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Learn how procurement ensures the
supply of materials that businesses          Final-year modules                          40 credits (across two modules) on a      Business Project Management
need. Concepts include managing                                                          topic of your choice, supported by your   This module addresses project
business relationships, planning
                                             Compulsory                                 supervisor.                               management, covering a range of
operations and problem solving.             Critical Concepts in HRM                                                               concepts, tools, techniques and
                                                                                         Research Project
                                            You’ll develop a critical appreciation of                                              approaches. You’ll explore factors
Supply Chain Information                                                                 Make your original contribution to
                                            the core theories and assumptions in                                                   affecting project success and failure.
Management and Big Data                                                                  research by designing, carrying out
                                            human resource management (HRM)
Discover the role of information                                                         and writing up a research project worth   Managing Your Money – Personal
                                            policy and the pursuit of best practice in
management and big data in supply                                                        20 credits (for one module) on a topic    Financial Planning
chains. Learn methods for big data, text                                                 of your choice, supported by your         Prepare for the financial challenges
mining and social media mining analysis.    Business Strategies                          supervisor.                               and opportunities of life after uni. You’ll
                                            Consider business strategy and                                                         cover topics including tax, student
Consumer and Business Buyer                                                              SMART: Problem-Solving for Complex
                                            strategic decisions in diverse contexts.                                               loans, credit, debt, pensions, insurance,
Behaviour                                                                                Systems
                                            You’ll learn to use strategic analysis to                                              savings and investments.
Build a deeper understanding of                                                          Learn to evaluate complex problems –
                                            make choices that create stakeholder
consumer behaviour and learn how to                                                      taking into account multiple dimensions   Comparative International Human
                                            value and strategic advantage.
use this information to develop effective                                                and stakeholder perspectives – to         Resource Management
marketing plans and communications.         Employee Relations and Engagement            anticipate consequences and make          Consider complex workplace dynamics
                                            Explore the strategies that employers        appropriate decisions.                    and cross-cultural and multinational
Integrated Marketing Communications         use to manage their employees. You’ll                                                  factors. You’ll learn the strategies
and Branding                                study how potential commonalities and         Optional                                and practice of human resource
Develop your critical understanding of      conflicts are understood and managed         Organisation in the Digital Economy       management in international contexts.
the role that integrated marketing and      in the workplace.                            The internet and emerging digital
communications plays in building and                                                     tech present business with all kinds      Global Logistics and Port Management
sustaining brand identity and equity.       International Business                       of opportunities and challenges. Here     On this module, you’ll learn about
                                            Focus on the core concepts and practical     you can explore the new management        the structure of global supply chains,
Research Methods                            applications of cross-border business.       mindsets needed to address them.          international procurement and transport,
Prepare and complete a small action         You’ll explore the controversies and                                                   supply chain security, and the complexity
research project. You’ll learn about        complexities surrounding international       Sustainability Reporting and              of decision making.
research methodology, ethical approval,     business issues.                             Communication
data analysis and formulating research                                                   Society now expects companies to          Passport Languages
questions.                                                                               report on their impacts and how they’re   Learn a new language or improve your
                                                                                         addressing them. Explore the questions    existing language skills and intercultural
Summer School
                                                                                         of what companies should report on, as    competence.
Broaden your horizons by studying at
one of our overseas partner institutions                                                 well as why and how.

22 | HULL.AC.UK                                                                                                                          UNDERGRADUATE COURSE GUIDE 2021 | 23
Business and Management

BA Business Management                                                         World Economy
                                                                               You’ll study the changing world
                                                                               economy, developing insights into
                                                                                                                            Internet, e-Commerce and Emerging
                                                                                                                            Discover the emerging digital

with Sustainability                                                            issues related to international trade,
                                                                               international finance, regional
                                                                               groupings and climate change.
                                                                                                                            technologies that are affecting the
                                                                                                                            dynamics of e-commerce. You’ll learn
                                                                                                                            how to develop a website or mobile app
                                 Year 1 modules                                                                             without any coding skills.
Typical offer        112                                                        Year 2 modules
                                                                                                                            The Organisational and Environmental
                                 Compulsory                                    Compulsory                                 Context of HRM
Example A levels     BBC
                                Accounting and Finance                                                                      Develop an understanding of how
                                                                               Responsible Business in Society
                                You’ll cover topics such as financing                                                       organisational and environmental
UCAS code            N210                                                      On this module, you’ll explore concepts
                                decisions; cost behaviour; cost-volume-                                                     context informs human resource
                                                                               like responsible business, corporate
                                profit analysis; absorption costing;                                                        management in terms of its design,
                     NN1G                                                      social responsibility, business ethics and
                                variance analysis and budgeting                                                             organisation, leadership, ethics and
                                                                               sustainable development.
                                Marketing                                                                                   practice.
                     N212                                                      Organisational Management
                                This module introduces you to core                                                          Learning and Development
                                                                               Explore approaches to organisational
                     N211       marketing theories and concepts                                                             This module focuses on the practice and
                                                                               management and learn to integrate
                                such as segmentation, targeting and                                                         theory of learning and development
                                                                               theory and practice. You’ll consider
                                positioning, consumer behaviour and                                                         – illustrating how to evaluate both its
                                                                               various practices and the assumptions
The future of business is       marketing mix.                                                                              role and its influence on organisational
                                                                               behind them.
sustainability. And Hull’s      Personal and Professional Skills for                                                        success.
                                                                               Sustainable Business and Innovation
at the forefront of that        Contemporary Organisations                                                                  Understanding Entrepreneurship
                                                                               Develop insights into the major trends,
                                Learn about organisational behaviour
movement thanks to its          and HRM concepts. Areas of focus
                                                                               challenges and concepts relating to          You will interview real-life entrepreneurs
                                                                               business sustainability and corporate        and develop an understanding of
association with Siemens,       include individual difference, personal
                                                                               responsibility.                              the factors which contribute to
Green Port Hull and similar     development, people management and                                                          successful entrepreneurship, how
organisations. On these         leadership.                                     Optional                                   entrepreneurship differs around
courses you’ll develop          Business Environments                          European Business                            the world, and how governments
                                This module introduces you to the              This module enhances your                    encourage it.
expertise in corporate social
                                environments – economic, political,            understanding of the EU, both in terms
responsibility alongside core   social, legal and cultural – that businesses   of internal policy and its commercial
                                                                                                                            Engaging with Entrepreneurial
business management skills.     operate in and, in turn, help to shape.        relations with the rest of the world,        Work with a local SME or innovative
                                                                               including the US and emerging nations.       company to solve a business problem.
                                Operations, Supply Chain and Business
                                Practices                                      Information Management and                   This could include introducing new
                                Explore how businesses develop their           Principles of Data Science                   products into markets, developing a
                                operations management and supply               Examine the role of data science in          growth plan, or undertaking a market
                                chain practices to increase their              consulting and explore its management        feasibility for a new product or service.
                                competitiveness.                               dimensions. Learn how to establish a
                                                                               better connection between data and
                                                                               business value.

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Business and Management

Procurement and Supply Management           up to three weeks over the summer. This       Then choose one of the following three       transport, supply chain security, and the
Learn how procurement ensures the           module can count towards your degree.         modules:                                     complexity of decision making.
supply of materials that businesses
                                            Passport Languages                            Dissertation                                 Services Marketing
need. Concepts include managing
                                            Learn a new language or improve your          Make your original contribution to           This module is concerned with
business relationships, planning
                                            existing language skills and intercultural    research by designing, carrying out and      customer experience and ensuring that
operations and problem solving.
                                            competence.                                   writing up a dissertation worth 40 credits   an organisation is service-centric, so it
Supply Chain Information                                                                  (across two modules) on a topic of your      can achieve higher outcomes such as
Management and Big Data                      Final-year modules                           choice, supported by your supervisor.        customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Discover the role of information
management and big data in supply
                                             Compulsory                                  Research Project                             Business Project Management
chains. Learn methods for big data, text    Sustainability Reporting and                  Make your original contribution to           This module addresses project
mining and social media mining analysis.    Communication                                 research by designing, carrying out          management, covering a range of
                                            Increasingly, society expects companies       and writing up a research project worth      concepts, tools, techniques and
Consumer and Business Buyer                 to report what their impacts are and          20 credits (for one module) on a topic       approaches. You’ll explore factors
Behaviour                                   explain how they are addressing them.         of your choice, supported by your            affecting project success and failure.
Build a deeper understanding of             Here you’ll explore the questions of          supervisor.
consumer behaviour and learn how to                                                                                                    Managing Your Money – Personal
                                            what of companies should report on, as
use this information to develop effective                                                 SMART: Problem-Solving for Complex           Financial Planning
                                            well as why and how to communicate
marketing plans and communications.                                                       Systems                                      Prepare for the financial challenges
                                            it effectively to specialist and non-
                                                                                          Learn to evaluate complex problems –         and opportunities of life after uni. You’ll
Ethical and Socially Responsible            specialist audiences.
                                                                                          taking into account multiple dimensions      cover topics including tax, student
Procurement                                 Supply Chain Sustainability and the           and stakeholder perspectives – to            loans, credit, debt, pensions, insurance,
Brands are damaged by association           Environment                                   anticipate consequences and make             savings and investments.
with issues like sweatshop conditions,      Explore sustainability practices in           appropriate decisions.
counterfeit goods and pollution. Learn                                                                                                 Comparative International Human
                                            various manufacturing and service
how business ensure that they source                                                       Optional                                   Resource Management
                                            organisations, covering issues like
goods responsibly.                                                                                                                     Consider complex workplace dynamics
                                            responsible procurement and fair trade,       Employee Relations and Engagement
                                                                                                                                       and cross-cultural and multinational
                                            humanitarian logistics and disaster relief.   Explore the strategies that employers
Integrated Marketing Communications                                                                                                    factors. You’ll learn the strategies
and Branding                                                                              use to manage their employees. You’ll
                                            Business Strategies                                                                        and practice of human resource
Develop your critical understanding of                                                    study how potential commonalities and
                                            Consider business strategy and                                                             management in international contexts.
the role that integrated marketing and                                                    conflicts are understood and managed
                                            strategic decisions in diverse contexts.      in the workplace.
communications plays in building and                                                                                                   Social and Not-for-Profit Marketing
                                            You’ll learn to use strategic analysis to
sustaining brand identity and equity.                                                                                                  We’ll introduce you to marketing for not-
                                            make choices that create stakeholder          Organisation in the Digital Economy
                                                                                                                                       for-profit organisations with the aim of
Research Methods                            value and strategic advantage.                The internet and emerging digital
                                                                                                                                       prompting social change. You’ll examine
Prepare and complete a small action                                                       tech present business with all kinds
                                            International Business                                                                     fundraising as a central not-for-profit
research project. You’ll learn about                                                      of opportunities and challenges. Here
                                            Focus on the core concepts and practical                                                   marketing function.
research methodology, ethical approval,                                                   you can explore the new management
                                            applications of cross-border business.        mindsets needed to address them.
data analysis and formulating research                                                                                                 Passport Languages
                                            You’ll explore the controversies and
questions.                                                                                                                             Learn a new language or improve your
                                            complexities surrounding international        Global Logistics and Port Management
                                                                                                                                       existing language skills and intercultural
Summer School                               business issues.                              On this module, you’ll learn about
Broaden your horizons by studying at one                                                  the structure of global supply chains,
of our overseas partner institutions for                                                  international procurement and

26 | HULL.AC.UK                                                                                                                              UNDERGRADUATE COURSE GUIDE 2021 | 27
Business and Management

BA Business Management                                                       World Economy
                                                                             You’ll study the changing world
                                                                             economy, developing insights into
                                                                                                                           Optional
                                                                                                                          Information Systems in Accounting

and Accounting
                                                                                                                          and Finance
                                                                             issues related to international trade,
                                                                                                                          We live in a global marketplace
                                                                             international finance, regional
                                                                                                                          dominated by flows of knowledge and
                                                                             groupings and climate change.
                                                                                                                          information. Gain an insight into the
Typical offer        112          Year 1 modules                              Year 2 modules                              nature and role of information within the
                                                                                                                          business environment.
                                   Compulsory                                Compulsory
Example A levels     BBC                                                                                                  Financial Management
                                  Financial Accounting
                                                                             Responsible Business in Society              Develop your understanding of
                                  This module provides accounting
UCAS code            NN14                                                    On this module, you’ll explore concepts      investment, financing and dividend
                                  knowledge covering basic double entry
                                                                             like responsible business, corporate         decisions. You’ll learn the techniques and
                                  book-keeping, preparing a balance sheet,
                     NN1G                                                    social responsibility, business ethics and   concepts needed to evaluate complex
                                  trading, and profit and loss accounting.
                                                                             sustainable development.                     financial management problems.
                     NNC4         Accounting and Finance
                                                                             Financial Reporting                          European Business
                                  You’ll cover topics such as financing
                                                                             This module covers the regulatory            This module enhances your
                     NND4         decisions; cost behaviour; cost-volume-
                                                                             aspects of financial reporting. It will      understanding of the EU, both in terms
                                  profit analysis; absorption costing;
                                                                             enable you to understand and evaluate        of internal policy and its commercial
                                  variance analysis and budgeting.
                                                                             financial statements according to            relations with the rest of the world,
Get an insider’s view of how      Introduction to Economics                  international standards.                     including the US and emerging nations.
businesses work – and how         This introduction covers both
                                                                             Management Accounting
to work with them – from an       microeconomics (the affairs of                                                          Information Management and
                                                                             Become familiar with concepts for            Principles of Data Science
                                  individual consumers, firms and
accounting perspective. We’ve                                                calculating costs and prices of a product    Examine the role of data science in
                                  governments) and macroeconomics
got professional-standard                                                    or service. Along with costing systems,      consulting and explore its management
                                  (the study of the economy as a whole).
                                                                             this module introduces you to the
resources, expert lecturers                                                  budgetary cost-control technique.
                                                                                                                          dimensions. Learn how to establish a
                                  Personal and Professional Skills for                                                    better connection between data and
and links to employers of         Contemporary Organisations
                                                                             Organisational Management                    business value.
various sizes. So we can give     Learn about organisational behaviour
                                                                             Explore approaches to organisational
                                  and HRM concepts. Areas of focus                                                        Internet, e-Commerce and Emerging
you the skills to succeed – and                                              management and learn to integrate            Technologies
                                  include individual difference, personal
direction toward career roles     development, people management and
                                                                             theory and practice. You’ll consider         Discover the emerging digital
to use them in.                                                              various practices and the assumptions        technologies that are affecting the
                                                                             behind them.                                 dynamics of e-commerce. You’ll learn
                                  Marketing                                                                               how to develop a website or mobile app
                                  This module introduces you to core                                                      without any coding skills.
                                  marketing theories and concepts
                                  such as segmentation, targeting and
                                  positioning, consumer behaviour and
                                  marketing mix.

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Business and Management

The Organisational and Environmental         Supply Chain Information                      Final-year modules                         Research Project
Context of HRM                               Management and Big Data                                                                  Make your original contribution to
Develop an understanding of how              Discover the role of information              Compulsory                                research by designing, carrying out
organisational and environmental context     management and big data in supply            Advanced Financial Reporting and            and writing up a research project worth
informs human resource management            chains. Learn methods for big data, text     Theory                                      20 credits (for one module) on a topic
in terms of its design, organisation,        mining and social media mining analysis.     Develop advanced knowledge of the           of your choice, supported by your
leadership, ethics and practice.                                                          critical aspects of financial reporting     supervisor..
                                             Consumer and Business Buyer
                                                                                          and the ability to solve complex
Learning and Development                     Behaviour                                                                                SMART: Problem-Solving for Complex
                                                                                          financial reporting scenarios.
This module focuses on the practice and      Build a deeper understanding of                                                          Systems
theory of learning and development           consumer behaviour and learn how to          Business Strategies                         Learn to evaluate complex problems –
– illustrating how to evaluate both its      use this information to develop effective    Consider business strategy and              taking into account multiple dimensions
role and its influence on organisational     marketing plans and communications.          strategic decisions in diverse contexts.    and stakeholder perspectives – to
success.                                                                                  You’ll learn to use strategic analysis to   anticipate consequences and make
                                             Integrated Marketing Communications
                                                                                          make choices that create stakeholder        appropriate decisions.
Understanding Entrepreneurship               and Branding
                                                                                          value and strategic advantage.
You will interview real-life entrepreneurs   Develop your critical understanding of                                                    Optional
and develop an understanding of              the role that integrated marketing and       Advanced Management Accounting
                                                                                                                                      International Finance
the factors which contribute to              communications plays in building and         Develop your understanding of
                                                                                                                                      Gain practical knowledge of foreign
successful entrepreneurship, how             sustaining brand identity and equity.        management accounting practice in
                                                                                                                                      exchange markets, international
entrepreneurship differs around                                                           the business environment and in an
                                             Research Methods                                                                         monetary and financial theories,
the world, and how governments                                                            organisational context.
                                             Prepare and complete a small action                                                      foreign exchange risk management and
encourage it.                                research project. You’ll learn about         International Business                      international investment strategies.
Engaging with Entrepreneurial                research methodology, ethical approval,      Focus on the core concepts and practical
Organisations                                data analysis and formulating research       applications of cross-border business.
                                                                                                                                      The module covers both the theoretical
Work with a local SME or innovative          questions.                                   You’ll explore the controversies and
                                                                                                                                      and procedural aspects of effective
company to solve a business problem.                                                      complexities surrounding international
                                             Summer School                                                                            auditing. You’ll develop your knowledge
This could include introducing new                                                        business issues.
                                             Broaden your horizons by studying at                                                     and understanding of key issues in
products into markets, developing a
                                             one of our overseas partner institutions     Then choose one of the following three      auditing and governance.
growth plan, or undertaking a market
                                             for up to three weeks over the summer.       modules:
feasibility for a new product or service.                                                                                             Financial Control
                                             This module can count towards your
                                                                                          Dissertation                                Develop insights into accounting issues
Sustainable Business and Innovation          degree.
                                                                                          Make your original contribution to          surrounding the application of financial
Develop insights into the major trends,
                                             Passport Languages                           research by designing, carrying out         and management controls.
challenges and concepts relating to
                                             Learn a new language or improve your         and writing up a dissertation worth
business sustainability and corporate                                                                                                 Business Project Management
                                             existing language skills and intercultural   40 credits (across two modules) on a
responsibility.                                                                                                                       This module addresses project
                                             competence.                                  topic of your choice, supported by your     management, covering a range of
Procurement and Supply Management                                                         supervisor.                                 concepts, tools, techniques and
Learn how procurement ensures the
                                                                                                                                      approaches. You’ll explore factors
supply of materials that businesses
                                                                                                                                      affecting project success and failure.
need. Concepts include managing
business relationships, planning
operations and problem solving.

30 | HULL.AC.UK                                                                                                                             UNDERGRADUATE COURSE GUIDE 2021 | 31
Business and Management

Managing Your Money – Personal
Financial Planning
Prepare for the financial challenges
                                              Global Logistics and Port Management
                                              On this module, you’ll learn about
                                              the structure of global supply chains,
                                                                                           BA Business Management
and opportunities of life after uni. You’ll
cover topics including tax, student
loans, credit, debt, pensions, insurance,
                                              international procurement and
                                              transport, supply chain security, and the
                                              complexity of decision making.
                                                                                           and Financial
savings and investments.
Comparative International Human
                                              Services Marketing
                                              This module is concerned with
Resource Management                           customer experience and ensuring that                                          Year 1 modules
Consider complex workplace dynamics           an organisation is service-centric, so it    Typical offer        112
and cross-cultural and multinational          can achieve higher outcomes such as                                             Compulsory
factors. You’ll learn the strategies          customer satisfaction and loyalty.           Example A levels     BBC
                                                                                                                             Accounting and Finance
and practice of human resource                                                                                               You’ll cover topics such as financing
management in international contexts.         Passport Languages                           UCAS code            NN13
                                              Learn a new language or improve your                                           decisions; cost behaviour; cost-volume-
Employee Relations and Engagement             existing language skills and intercultural                                     profit analysis; absorption costing;
                                                                                                                NN1G         variance analysis and budgeting.
Explore the strategies that employers         competence.
use to manage their employees. You’ll                                                                                        Financial Accounting
study how potential commonalities and                                                                                        This module provides accounting
conflicts are understood and managed                                                                                         knowledge covering basic double entry
in the workplace.                                                                                               NND3
                                                                                                                             book-keeping, preparing a balance sheet,
Organisation in the Digital Economy                                                                                          trading, and profit and loss accounting.
The internet and emerging digital                                                          Put yourself at the forefront     Introduction to Economics
tech present business with all kinds                                                       of financial decision-making      This introduction covers both
of opportunities and challenges. Here
you can explore the new management
                                                                                           in business. Combining            microeconomics (the affairs of
                                                                                                                             individual consumers, firms and
mindsets needed to address them.                                                           the study of business and
                                                                                                                             governments) and macroeconomics
Sustainability Reporting and
                                                                                           financial management will         (the study of the economy as a whole).
Communication                                                                              give you the tools to become
                                                                                                                             Personal and Professional Skills for
Society now expects companies to                                                           a financial specialist. And our   Contemporary Organisations
report on their impacts and how they’re                                                    accredited course offers you      Learn about organisational behaviour
addressing them. Explore the questions                                                                                       and HRM concepts. Areas of focus
of what companies should report on, as
                                                                                           a faster route to advanced
                                                                                                                             include individual difference, personal
well as why and how.                                                                       qualification.                    development, people management and
                                                                                                                             This module introduces you to core
                                                                                                                             marketing theories and concepts such as
                                                                                                                             segmentation, targeting and positioning,
                                                                                                                             consumer behaviour and marketing mix.

32 | HULL.AC.UK                                                                                                                   UNDERGRADUATE COURSE GUIDE 2021 | 33
Business and Management

World Economy                                 Optional                                  The Organisational and Environmental         Supply Chain Information
You’ll study the changing world                                                          Context of HRM                               Management and Big Data
                                             Financial Reporting                         Develop an understanding of how              Discover the role of information
economy, developing insights into
                                             This module covers the regulatory           organisational and environmental context     management and big data in supply
issues related to international trade,
                                             aspects of financial reporting. It will     informs human resource management            chains. Learn methods for big data, text
international finance, regional
                                             enable you to understand and evaluate       in terms of its design, organisation,        mining and social media mining analysis.
groupings and climate change.
                                             financial statements according to           leadership, ethics and practice.
 Year 2 modules                              international standards.                                                                 Consumer and Business Buyer
                                                                                         Learning and Development                     Behaviour
 Compulsory                                 Management Accounting                       This module focuses on the practice and      Build a deeper understanding of
                                             Become familiar with concepts for           theory of learning and development           consumer behaviour and learn how to
Responsible Business in Society
                                             calculating costs and prices of a product   – illustrating how to evaluate both its      use this information to develop effective
On this module, you’ll explore concepts
                                             or service. Along with costing systems,     role and its influence on organisational     marketing plans and communications.
like responsible business, corporate
                                             this module introduces you to the           success.
social responsibility, business ethics and                                                                                            Integrated Marketing Communications
                                             budgetary cost-control technique.
sustainable development.                                                                 Understanding Entrepreneurship               and Branding
                                             European Business                           You will interview real-life entrepreneurs   Develop your critical understanding of
Organisational Management
                                             This module enhances your                   and develop an understanding of              the role that integrated marketing and
Explore approaches to organisational
                                             understanding of the EU, both in terms      the factors which contribute to              communications plays in building and
management and learn to integrate
                                             of internal policy and its commercial       successful entrepreneurship, how             sustaining brand identity and equity.
theory and practice. You’ll consider
                                             relations with the rest of the world,       entrepreneurship differs around
various practices and the assumptions                                                                                                 Research Methods
                                             including the US and emerging nations.      the world, and how governments
behind them.                                                                                                                          Prepare and complete a small action
                                             Information Management and                  encourage it.                                research project. You’ll learn about
Financial Management                         Principles of Data Science
Develop your understanding of                                                            Engaging with Entrepreneurial                research methodology, ethical approval,
                                             Examine the role of data science in         Organisations                                data analysis and formulating research
investment, financing and dividend           consulting and explore its management
decisions. You’ll learn the techniques and                                               Work with a local SME or innovative          questions.
                                             dimensions. Learn how to establish a        company to solve a business problem.
concepts needed to evaluate complex          better connection between data and                                                       Summer School
financial management problems.                                                           This could include introducing new
                                             business value.                                                                          Broaden your horizons by studying at
                                                                                         products into markets, developing a
Information Systems in Accounting                                                                                                     one of our overseas partner institutions
                                             Internet, e-Commerce and Emerging           growth plan, or undertaking a market
and Finance                                                                                                                           for up to three weeks over the summer.
                                             Technologies                                feasibility for a new product or service.
We live in a global marketplace                                                                                                       This module can count towards your
                                             Discover the emerging digital                                                            degree.
dominated by flows of knowledge and                                                      Sustainable Business and Innovation
                                             technologies that are affecting the
information. Gain an insight into the                                                    Develop insights into the major trends,
                                             dynamics of e-commerce. You’ll learn                                                     Passport Languages
nature and role of information within                                                    challenges and concepts relating to
                                             how to develop a website or mobile app                                                   Learn a new language or improve your
the business environment.                                                                business sustainability and corporate
                                             without any coding skills.                                                               existing language skills and intercultural
                                                                                         Procurement and Supply Management
                                                                                         Learn how procurement ensures the
                                                                                         supply of materials that businesses
                                                                                         need. Concepts include managing
                                                                                         business relationships, planning
                                                                                         operations and problem solving.

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You can also read