$6,600,000 + 5.00% STNL TROPHY FLAGSHIP LOCATION ALONG I-DRIVE - Ground + Space

Page created by Alvin Jones
Representative Photo


                                                    STNL TROPHY FLAGSHIP LOCATION ALONG I-DRIVE

                                                                                            Michael Zimmerman

7364 International Dr.   $6,600,000 + 5.00%                                           Ground + Space, Principal
                                                                                 Chapel Hill, NC + 919.391.9901
Orlando, FL 32819                                                         michael@groundandspacepartners.com
Table of Contents
                                                 The information contained herein does not purport to provide a complete or fully accurate summary of the Property or any of the
Investment Overview		               3            documents related thereto, nor does it purport to be all-inclusive or to contain all of the information which prospective Buyers may
                                                 need or desire. All financial projections are based on assumptions relating to the general economy, competition and other factors
Investment Highlights			4                        beyond the control of the Owner and Broker and, therefore, are subject to material variation. This Offering Memorandum does not
Financial Analysis			5                           constitute an indication that there has been no change in the business or affairs of the Property or the Owner since the date of
                                                 preparation of the information herein. Additional information and an opportunity to inspect the Property will be made available to
Parent Company Profile		 6                       interested and qualified prospective Buyers.

                                                 Neither the Owner nor the Broker—nor any of their respective officers, agents or principals—has made or will make any
                                                 representations or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of this Offering Memorandum or any of its contents, and no legal
Market Overview		 7                              commitment or obligation shall arise by reason of the Offering Memorandum or its contents. Analysis and verification of the information
                                                 contained in the Offering Memorandum is solely the responsibility of the prospective Buyer, with the Property to be sold on an as-is
Market Aerial				8                               basis without any representations as to the physical, financial or environmental condition of the Property.
Epic Universe				10                              The Owner and Broker expressly reserve the right to reject any or all expressions of interest or offers to purchase the Property and/
I-Drive Development			11                         or terminate discussions with any entity at any time with or without notice. Owner has no legal commitment or obligations to any
                                                 entity reviewing this Offering Memorandum or making an offer to purchase the Property unless and until such sale of the Property is
Major Points of Interest		 13                    approved by the Owner in its sole discretion, a written agreement for purchase of the Property has been fully delivered and approved by
Orlando Overview			14                            the Owner and its legal counsel and any conditions to the Owner’s obligations thereunder have been satisfied or waived.

                                                 This Offering Memorandum and its contents, except such information which is a matter of public record or is provided in sources
                                                 available to the public, are of a confidential nature. By accepting this Offering Memorandum, you unconditionally agree that you will hold
                                                 and treat the Offering Memorandum and its contents in the strictest confidence, that you will not photocopy or duplicate the Offering
                                                 Memorandum or any part thereof, that you will not disclose the contents of the Offering Memorandum to any other entity (except in
                                                 the case of a principal) or to third-party institutional lenders for financing sought by you, if necessary, in your opinion, to assist in your
                                                 determination of whether or not to make a proposal, without the prior authorization of the Owner or Broker, and that you will not use
                                                 the Offering Memorandum or any of its contents in any fashion or manner detrimental to the interest of the Owner or Broker.

Exclusively Presented By:
Michael Zimmerman, Principal
Ground and Space, LLC
T: 919.391.9900
M: 954.290.6366
                                                 © 2022 Ground and Space, LLC | The information herein has been obtained from sources deemed reliable.
Visit us online at groundandspacepartners.com.   However, its accuracy cannot be guaranteed. The user is required to conduct their own due diligence and verification.

Trulieve + Table of Contents                                                                                                                      groundandspacepartners.com + 2
Representative Photo

                       Investment Overview

                       Orlando, Florida
                       Investment Overview

Trulieve + Investment Overview               groundandspacepartners.com + 3
Representative Photos

                                                                  Investment Highlights

                                                                                   I-DRIVE LOCATION
                                                                                   7364 International Drive
                                                                                   Orlando, FL 32819

                                              Exceptional Investment Opportunity
                                              The Subject Property boasts a 10-year lease with two options to
                                              extend. The lease features three percent (3%) annual increases
                                              within the base term and both five-year option periods, which
                                              act as a hedge against future inflation. There are no landlord
                                              maintenance responsibilities on this Ground lease, making this an
The property will be Trulieve's FLAGSHIP      ideal asset for a passive investor in a state with no income tax.
LOCATION in Orlando and will feature luxury
amenities, including a customer lounge.
                                              Trophy Flagship Location
                                              Currently undergoing approximately $1.5 million in renovations
                                              by the tenant, the Subject Property is slated to become Trulieve’s
                                              flagship property in the Orlando market. This irreplaceable
                                              real estate sits along International Drive adjacent to Universal
                                              Orlando. I-Drive continues to increase its presence as a major
                                              player in Orlando’s tourism industry. More than $2 billion of high-
                                              profile development projects are planned for 2022 and beyond.
                                              Additionally, the city of Orlando was ranked the top “buy market”
                                              in the United States according to a 2020 “Emerging Trends in
                                              Real Estate” report.

                                              Florida’s No. 1 Medical Marijuana Company
                                              With more than 100 medical marijuana dispensaries now open in
                                              Florida, Trulieve is not only the No. 1 medical marijuana company
                                              in the state, but in the nation as a whole. Trulieve has a market
                                              cap of $4.59 billion, and has reported 14 consecutive quarters
                                              of profitability. Trulieve saw a staggering 80 percent (80%)
                                              revenue increase in 2021 to $938.4 million. The company
                                              also added roughly 1.6 million square feet of cultivation and
                                              processing capacity through a combination of organic growth
                                              and strategic acquisitions.

Trulieve + Investment Highlights                                                  groundandspacepartners.com + 4
FINANCIAL                   PROPERTY DESCRIPTION                                          BASE TERM RENT SCHEDULE
ANALYSIS                    Tenant                   Trulieve, Inc.
                                                                                                      Year 1    $325,500   $35.00/SF   —
                            Property Address         7364 International Dr.
                                                                                                      Year 2    $335,265   $36.05/SF   3%
                            City, State, Zip         Orlando, FL 32819
Asking Price                                                                                          Year 3    $345,309   $37.13/SF   3%
                            Rentable Area            ± 9,300 SF
$6,600,000                                                                                            Year 4    $355,632   $38.24/SF   3%

                                                                                          BASE TERM
                            Land Size                ± 0.914 AC
                                                                                                      Year 5    $366,327   $39.39/SF   3%
                            Year Built/Renovated     Renovations Underway
                                                                                                      Year 6    $377,301   $40.57/SF   3%
                                                                                                      Year 7    $388,647   $41.79/SF   3%
  NOI                       LEASE SUMMARY                                                             Year 8    $400,365   $43.05/SF   3%
$329,658                    Guarantor                Trulieve, Inc.                                   Year 9    $412,362   $44.34/SF   3%
                            Rent Commencement        November 6, 2021                                 Year 10   $424,731   $45.67/SF   3%
                            Lease Expiration         November 30, 2031
 Cap Rate                   Lease Term               10 Years                             PARCEL OVERVIEW
  5.00%                     Lease Type               Ground
                            Net Operating Income     $329,658 ($35.45/SF)
                            Rental Increases         3% Annually
                            Options to Renew         (2) 5-Year Options
                            Landlord Maintenance     No Responsibilities
                                                                                                                                SUBJECT PROPERTY
                            Tenant Opening           Est. Q1 2023

                            PARENT COMPANY OVERVIEW
                            Trulieve (CSE: TRUL) (OTCQX: TCNNF) is an industry
                            leading, vertically integrated cannabis company and multi-
                            state operator in the United States. Trulieve is Florida’s
                            leading medical cannabis provider, and recently celebrated
                            the opening of its 100th dispensary in the state in October
                            2021. The company saw an 80 percent (80%) revenue
                            increase in 2021 to $938.4 million. For 2022, Trulieve
                            anticipates yet another revenue increase to roughly $1.2
                            or $1.3 billion.

Trulieve + Financial Analysis                                                                                                             groundandspacepartners.com + 5
MAJOR MILESTONE: On October 18, 2021, Trulieve opened its 100th Florida dispensary.
Trulieve is the leading medical cannabis provider in the state of Florida and the largest multi-state operator (MSO) in the country.

Representative Photos

TRULIEVE (CSE: TRUL) (OTCQX:               places like Massachusetts, California,
TCNNF) is an industry leading,             Connecticut and Pennsylvania, the
vertically integrated cannabis company     company added application wins in
and multi-state operator in the United     West Virginia in its Northeast hub and
States. The company currently has          Georgia in its Southeast hub in 2021.
a footprint in 11 states, with leading        Today, with the completion of
market positions in Arizona, Florida       the acquisition of Harvest Health &
and Pennsylvania. Trulieve is poised       Recreation, Inc. (CSE: HARV) (OTCQX:
for accelerated growth and expansion       HRVSF), Trulieve has more than 100
in 2022 and beyond, building scale         stores in Florida and approximately
in retail and distribution in new and      162 operated and affiliated
existing markets through its powerful      dispensaries nationwide, along with
hub strategy.                              four million square feet of cultivation
    By providing innovative, high-         and processing capacity in the
quality products across its brand          United States. The Trulieve footprint
portfolio, Trulieve delivers optimal       now reaches into Pennsylvania              2021 Financial + Operational Highlights:
customer experiences and increases         and Maryland, as well as into the          + Revenue increased 80 percent (80%) year-over-year       + Received a notice of intent to award a Class 1
access to cannabis, helping patients       Southeast with additional stores and         to $938.4 million in 2021                                 production license in the state of Georgia
live without limits. Strong financial      cultivation and production facilities in   + Gross profit of $566.1 million and gross margin of      + Industry leading U.S. retail network of 162
                                                                                        60.3 percent (60.3%) in 2021                              dispensaries, up 116 percent (116%) from 2020
performance, driven by sales to a          Florida. New dispensaries are popping      + Cash at year end of $234 million                        + Retail operations supported by over four million
loyal and dedicated group of patients      up in California, along with new           + Closed seven acquisitions valued around $1.5 billion,     square feet of cultivation and processing capacity, up
                                                                                        including Harvest and Keystone Shops                      107 percent (107%) from 2020 (as of March 2022)
affectionately called “Trulievers,”        cultivation and production facilities in   + Added 84 dispensaries in 2021, increasing Trulieve's
positions Trulieve’s commitment to         Nevada and Colorado.                         retail footprint by 112 percent (112%) to 159 retail
continue its pattern of enormous              Trulieve saw a staggering 80              locations nationwide at year end
                                                                                      + Closed 2021 with operations in 11 U.S. states, with
growth well into the future.               percent (80%) revenue increase in                                                                    Company              Trulieve, Inc.
                                                                                        30 percent (30%) of the company's retail locations
    As the company continues to            2021 to $938.4 million. The company          outside the state of Florida                            Ownership            Public
                                                                                      + Added around 1.6 million square feet of cultivation
expand as a multi-state operator           also added roughly 1.6 million square        and processing capacity through organic growth and      Stock Exchange       CSE: TRUL/OTCQX: TCNNF
(MSO) in its hub model, Trulieve is        feet of cultivation and processing           acquisitions in 2021, increasing capacity by 89
broadening its support into new            capacity through a combination of            percent (89%) to over 3.5 million square feet           Headquarters         Quincy, Florida
                                                                                      + Commenced cultivation and retail operations in
states. In addition to new operations in   organic growth and acquisitions.             Massachusetts and West Virginia                         Website              TRULIEVE.COM

Trulieve + Parent Company Profile                                                                                                                       groundandspacepartners.com + 6
Representative Photo

                       Market Overview

                       Orlando, Florida
                       Market Overview

Trulieve + Market Overview                groundandspacepartners.com + 7
STEPS FROM UNIVERSAL ORLANDO                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 MAP KEY

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              = Shopping Center

                                                                                                                                     MARKETPLACE AT DR. PHILLIPS

                                                                                                                          AK E R
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              = Elementary, Middle
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                or High School

                                                                                                                                                                          ORANGE TREE GOLF CLUB

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Y LAKE
                                                                                                                                              SUBJECT PROPERTY                                    TURKE

                                                             CARS PER DAY                                Y LAKE

                                                                                                                                       NA   L DR.

                                                                                                                                          UNIVERSAL BLVD.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          MAN R
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    S KIRK

                                                                                                                                                                                                              ORLANDO INTERNATIONAL

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PREMIUM OUTLETS

                                                                                                                                                                                         ORLANDO OUTLET

                                                                                      D.    LV
                                                                                     RSAL B

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              THE MALL AT MILLENIA
                                                                                                                                                                         INDUSTRIAL SECTOR
                                            IN AN

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                       RAL F

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                          A PKW

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      S JOH

                                                                                                                                     SOUTHPARK CENTER
                                                                                                                                                                              INDUSTRIAL SECTOR

                                                                            N YO        UNG P
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T Trulieve
  E X A S R+OMarket
             ADHOU  Aerial
                     SE | RI NIEVREI R
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                                                  V IEGRHVLI E
                                                             I GWHTS                                                                                                                                                         groundandspacepartners.com + 8

                                                           RD.                                 194,000
                                                  Y LAKE
                                          TURKE                                                CARS PER DAY

                                                                           SUBJECT PROPERTY

                                                                 NAL D


                             A AVE.


                        UNIVERSAL BLVD.
                                                                                                                                                                                           The acclaimed I-Drive District is

                                                                                                                                                                           L  DR
                                                                                                                                                                                           home to seven of the world’s most

                                                                                                                                                                                           popular theme parks, and more than
                                                                                                                                                                                           40 other thrilling attractions.

 What sets I-Drive apart as Orlando’s most dynamic destination?
 + Seven of the world’s greatest, most popular theme parks, plus more than 40                         + More than 125 fantastic hotels and resorts
   additional tourist-friendly attractions for all ages                                               + 47,909 individual accommodations (126,000 in Central Florida)
 + Four entertainment complexes                                                                       + The nation’s second-largest convention center
 + Nearly 60 music, comedy and nightlife venues                                                       + The convenient, free and fun I-RIDE Trolley service
 + Three stadium-style movie theatres                                                                 + 14.8 million overnight and day visitors
 + More than 600 designer, brand name and outlet stores                                               + More than $2 billion in current and planned development
 + Over 300 spectacular restaurants serving up global flavors                                         Visit INTERNATIONALDRIVEORLANO.COM for more information.

T Trulieve
  E X A S R+OMarket
             ADHOU  Aerial
                     SE | RI NIEVREI R
                           A         A
                                       LMI EEW
                                             N TO H
                                                  V IEGRHVLI E
                                                             I GWHTS                                                                                                                            groundandspacepartners.com + 9
Universal Orlando's Epic Universe: Construction Underway
The newest addition to Universal Orlando's theme parks is the highly anticipated Epic Universe.

Located some 15 minutes down                 The park will house at lease three
the road from the North Campus           major intellectual properties: entries
of Universal Orlando—home to             from DreamWorks Animation,
Universal Studios Florida, Islands of    Illumination (the makers of Despicable
Adventure and Volcano Bay—EPIC           Me) and Nintendo, which will anchor
UNIVERSE will be the flagship theme      the whole theme park. These four
park at Universal Orlando's South        themed lands will branch off in the
Campus. Construction on this new         traditional wheel-and-spoke design
theme park recommenced on March          popularized by Disneyland back in
3, 2021 and, once complete, Epic         1955. The park will feature at least     Construction status of Super Nintendo World as of April 3, 2022,
Universe will be the largest Universal   four new roller coaster attractions,     which will be situated near the center of Epic Universe.
park in the United States (and           one based on the DreamWorks
second globally only to the upcoming     property How to Train Your Dragon.
Universal Studios Beijing).              This launched steel coaster will
   Expected to open in 2025,             have a similar experience to that of
Universal's Epic Universe will offer     Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike
an entirely new level of experiences     Adventure in The Wizarding World
that will forever redefine theme park    of Harry Potter. However, the most
entertainment. Guests will have the      thrilling ride at Epic Universe is
opportunity to travel into beloved       expected to be the dual-track racing
stories and through vibrant lands on     coaster near the center of the park.
adventures where the journey is as       This multi-launch coaster will feature
astounding as the destination. Epic      two tracks that race side by side for
Universe will feature a theme park, an   most of the ride.
entertainment center, hotels, shops,
restaurants and so much more.            Visit UNIVERSALORLANDO.com.

Trulieve + Epic Universe                                                                                                                             groundandspacepartners.com + 10
International Drive Development: 2022 and Beyond
                               I-Drive continues to increase its presence as a major player in Orlando’s tourism industry.

                                                  AV             30
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                                                     LAKE ST.

                                                                             NC DR

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SUBJECT PROPERTY
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                                                                        W   Y.                                                               TURKEY LAKE RD.
                                            R              28
27                                                                                                                                                                                      WESTWOOD
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            26                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    VE         UNIVERSAL BLVD.                                    CANADA AVE.

                                                                                                                           SE                                                                                                          .

                                                                                                                                AR                                                                                                                                                                                    10

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LAKEHURST DR.
                                                           25                                                                     BO
                                                                                                                                     RD                                                               T.
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                                                                                                   CENTRAL FLORIDA PKWY.

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                                                                            24                23

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   KIRKMAN RD.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    VANQUARD ST.
                                                                                                                                                                                                      OCCC NORTH/SOUTH

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            CARRIE DR.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           DEL VERDE WAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ADRIANA AVE.
                                                                                                                                                                 BEACH LINE EXPY.


                                                                                                                                                                                           ATION PK

                                                                     ND RD                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  DR.
                                          A               VINELA

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               FUN SPOT WAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                           19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        CARAVAN

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    OAK RIDGE RD.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ALTAMIRA DR.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CT.                                    .
                                                                                                                                                                                                                TRADESHOW                                                                         MUNICIPAL DR.                                                                                                                                                                                            KE
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       3                                                                                                              FL
                           WORLD CENTER DR.

                                                          Lake Bryan                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   INTERNATIONAL DR.                                                                                                                  15 MIN. TO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ORLANDO, FL
                                                                                                                                                    15 MIN. TO                                                                                                                                                                                                         2                         1                                                                          D.
                                                                                     31                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         LE
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                                      INTERNATIONAL DR.

                                                                                                                                                                                      JOHN YOUNG PKWY.                                                                                            JOHN YOUNG PKWY.

                                 1. Deseo Grande: This five-story apartment community features 365 units                                                                            3. Club de Regatas do Flamengo Store Naçãgo Rubro-Negra: This                                                                   5. King Cajun Crawfish Restaurant: This 2,400-square-foot Louisiana-
                                 (April 2022 completion). An additional 365 units will be added in the future.                                                                      1,100-square-foot retail store is owned by one of Latin America’s biggest                                                       style seafood restaurant is now open at Four Points by Sheraton.
                                 Visit ALAPTS.COM for more information.                                                                                                             soccer teams and will sell hats, jerseys and other popular merchandise items.                                                   Visit KINGCAJUNCRAWFISH.COM for more information.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Visit LOJA-FLAMEGO.COM.BR for more information.
                                 2. Storey Drive Resort: This 77-acre mixed-use development will include                                                                                                                                                                                                            6. Rita’s Italian Ice & Frozen Custard: Completed in early 2022, this
                                 a mix of 526 single-family vacation homes, condos and townhomes. The                                                                               4. Volcano Hot Pot & BBQ: Situated on the site of a former Sweet                                                                restaurant serves over 60 flavors of Italian ice, frozen custard and gelato.
                                 property will feature multiple lakes, a community clubhouse with a resort-style                                                                    Tomatoes restaurant, this new concept will feature a menu of meats and                                                          Visit RITASICE.COM for more information.
                                 pool, a restaurant and a water park. Construction began in February 2022.                                                                          vegetables that are prepared at table grills or boiled in hot pots.
                                 Visit CASIOLA.COM for more information.                                                                                                            Visit VOLCANOHOTPOT.COM for more information.                                                                                   SEE THE NEXT PAGE FOR MORE I-DRIVE DEVELOPMENT NEWS.

                                   Trulieve + International Drive Development                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         groundandspacepartners.com + 11
More than $2 billion
                                                                                                                                                                                            of high-profile
                                                                                                                                                                                            development is
                                                                                                                                                                                            planned for I-Drive
                                                                                                                                                                                            in 2022 and beyond.

7. Cambria Hotel Universal Boulevard: This 65,130-square-foot, five-                 15. ICON Park: New additions to ICON Park include Sloppy Joe’s, a                  23. Paradiso Grande Resort Orlando: Currently under construction,
story hotel will feature 120 rooms. Bookings will begin in September 2022.           4,275-square foot Key West saloon, restaurant and bar. The Park is also            this 157-home vacation community will include townhomes and single-family
Visit CHOICEHOTELS.COM for more information.                                         scheduled to welcome Brother Jimmy’s, a famous New York restaurant                 homes ranging from three to 15 bedrooms. The community will also feature a
                                                                                     concept, in summer 2022. This 7,200-square-foot restaurant will showcase           clubhouse, a resort-style pool and walking trails.
8. Triton Cay Universal Apartments: This apartment community will be                 Southern favorites, BBQ, drinks and live music.                                    Visit PARADISOGRANDEHOMES.COM for more information.
completed in two phases. Phase 1: 345 units in an up to five-story building          Visit ICONPARKORLANDO.COM for more information.
and an attached parking garage (now leasing as of January 2022). Phase 2:                                                                                               24. Orchid Bay Plaza: The two newest restaurant concepts to join
Construction began in September 2021 on an additional 165 units.                     16. I-Drive Dedicated Transit Lanes: New dedicated bus transit lanes               the shopping center are Parrillada Familiar Da Silva, a 6,000-square-foot
Visit TRITONCAYORLANDO.COM for more information.                                     from Sand Lake Road to the Beachline are currently under construction and          Venezuelan steak restaurant, and Asian Food Lounge, an 11,600-square-foot
                                                                                     are scheduled for completion in summer 2023.                                       marketplace featuring multiple operators and a full bar under one roof.
9. Bainbridge Sand Lake: Slated for completion in 2023, this                         Visit ORANGECOUNTYFL.NET for more information.                                     Visit FRANKLINST.COM for more information.
100,000-square-foot, four-story apartment complex will feature 330 units, a
clubhouse with a resort-style pool and a parking garage.                             17. The Pointe Orlando: This all-in-one dining, nightlife and shopping             25. Twenty Pho Hour: The year 2022 began with the opening of I-Drive’s
Visit BAINBRIDGECOMPANIES.COM for more information.                                  complex is located just off busy International Drive. Major attractions            and America’s first 2D noodle bar, Twenty Pho Hour. The spectacular
                                                                                     include Central Florida’s largest IMAX Theatre, as well as the family-friendly     restaurant concept features an interior that resembles a coloring book.
10. Legacy Universal Apartments: This brand-new, upscale apartment                   WonderWorks indoor amusement park. The newest addition to The Pointe               Visit TWENTY-PHO-HOUR.COM for more information.
community is made up of a four-story structure with 350 units. Amenities             Orlando is KAVAS Tacos + Tequila.
include a SkyDeck game room, a heated pool with a summer kitchen, a pet-             Visit POINTEORLANDO.COM for more information.                                      26. Popeyes Louisiana Kitchen: The popular quick-service restaurant
friendly Bark Park and bicycle storage.                                                                                                                                 concept that serves up customer favorite dishes inspired by Louisiana home
Visit LEGACYUNIVERSAL.COM for more information.                                      18. Sand Lake Vista: This sprawling mixed-use development will include a           cooking will open a 2,503-square-foot location that features a drive-thru lane.
                                                                                     four-story, 122-room WoodSpring Suites hotel (bookings open in May 2022);          Visit POPEYES.COM for more information.
11. Sand Lake Road Interchange: The Sand Lake Road and Interstate                    four restaurant pad sites totaling 17,500 square feet; a 30,000-square-foot
4 (I-4) interchange has been re-imagined into a diverging diamond                    self-storage facility; and the future home of Paramount Urgent Care.               27. Camden Market: Upon completion, this European village-style mixed-
configuration. Construction will be completed in 2026.                               Visit INTERNATIONALDRIVEORLANDO.COM/ARTICLES for more information.                 use development will include 380,000 square feet of retail space, 2,120 hotel
Visit I4BEYOND.COM for more information.                                                                                                                                rooms within four towers and 532 luxury apartment homes.
                                                                                     19. Catchlight Crossings Apartments: Universal’s Housing For                       Visit INTERNATIONALDRIVEORLANDO.COM/ARTICLES for more information.
12. Hollywood Plaza: New improvements include a dynamic, ribbon-like                 Tomorrow affordable housing project will consist of 1,000 apartments and
art installation facing Interstate 4 looking north toward downtown Orlando,          16,000 square feet of retail space. Construction is set to begin in late 2022.     28. Altis at Lake Willis: Scheduled for completion in late 2022, this
as well as Tom’s Watch Bar, an 11,000-square-foot sports bar concept from            Visit HOUSINGFORTOMORROW.COM for more information.                                 apartment community will feature 329 upscale, garden-style apartment
Smashburger founder Tom Ryan. The latter will be located in the rooftop space                                                                                           homes, a fitness center and a resort-style pool.
above the Hollywood Plaza parking garage and will open in late 2022.                 20. Aquatica: SeaWorld’s Water Park debuted its newest attraction, Reef            Visit ALTMANCOS.COM for more information.
Visit TOMSWATCHBAR.COM for more information.                                         Plunge, in March 2022. This 330-foot fiberglass waterslide is now home to a
                                                                                     wide variety of marine life. Another recent addition is the 650-foot dueling       29. Vineland Pointe: This three-phase retail center will include 447,500
13. Kirkman Road Extension: This project is a proposed extension                     water slide, Riptide Race, which opened in April 2021.                             square feet of retail space on 69.41 acres. Recently completed restaurants
of Kirkman Road South to a connection point at Universal Boulevard. This             Visit HOUSINGFORTOMORROW.COM for more information.                                 now open to the public include Walk-On’s, Torchy’s Taco’s, Shake Shack,
development is a result of a public-private partnership between FDOT, Orange                                                                                            Pinstripes and Crumbl Cookies.
County and Universal. The total project length is about 1.7 miles and is             21. SeaWorld Orlando: Thrilling Orlando visitors since 1973, SeaWorld              Visit VINELANDPOINTEORLANDO.COM for more information.
scheduled for completion in 2025.                                                    offers up-close animal experiences, roller coasters and a chance for visitors to
Visit CFLROADS.COM for more information.                                             make a difference. The theme park’s newest addition, completed in February         30. AREA15: The Las Vegas attraction is coming to Orlando in 2024.
                                                                                     2022, is the Ice Breaker, a multi-directional launch coaster with a 93-foot        Located on the southeast corner of Interstate 4 at the intersection of Lake
14. Universal’s Epic Universe: Epic Universe will feature a new theme                spike with a 100-degree angle. Another new attraction is Infinity Falls, where     Street and Regency Village Drive, this 300,000-square-foot art experience
park, an entertainment center, hotels, shops, restaurants and more on a              visitors can journey through the remains of a lost jungle civilization.            will act as an immersive playground for thrill-seeking visitors.
750-acre site. The new theme park will be located a few miles from Universal         Visit SEAWORLDORLANDOCOM for more information.                                     Visit AREA15.COM for more information.
Orlando’s current theme parks in Southwest Orange County. The Epic
Universe project will infuse billions of dollars into the Florida economy and will   22. Florida Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles: Troop D’s Orlando                     31. The Addison Lake Bryan Apartments: This new apartment
generate more than 14,000 permanent jobs.                                            headquarters was completed in early 2022.                                          community features 266 units and a club house.
Visit BLOG.DISCOVERUNIVERSAL.COM for more information.                               Visit FLHSMV.GOV for more information.                                             Visit TWENTY-PHO-HOUR.COM for more information.

Trulieve + International Drive Development                                                                                                                                                           groundandspacepartners.com + 12
Major Points of Interest

1. Orange County Convention Center
2.0 miles from the Subject Property
The award-winning Orange County Convention Center is the second-
largest meeting and convention facility in the United States. Situated
only 15 minutes from the Orlando International Airport, the Convention
Center is situated at the heart of an area that boasts more than 46,000
hotel rooms. The Convention Center provides around $3 billion in
economic impact to the Central Florida region annually. The Convention
Center averages around 230 events annually, including 115 conventions
and trade shows that attract more than 1.5 million attendees. More
than 25,500 individuals are employed either directly or indirectly by the
activity generated by the Convention Center. The Convention Center
recently embarked upon a $605 million Capital Improvement Plan for            1   2
two Campus Master Plan Projects: an enclosed Grand Concourse that will
connect the North and South Concourses, as well as a 200,000-square-
foot multipurpose venue that will accommodate around 20,000 guests.
Visit OCCC.NET for more information.

2. Orlando International Premium Outlets
2.3 miles from the Subject Property
Spanning more than 773,586 square feet, Orlando International Premium
Outlets is Florida’s largest outlet shopping destination. The destination
center welcomes more than 17 million visitors annually. Located in the
heart of Orlando’s booming hospitality sector, the Outlets are only five
minutes from Universal Orlando and 10 minutes from Walt Disney World.
Visitors and locals can enjoy an array of more than 180 outlet, luxury and
name brand stores including H&M, Tory Burch, Champion, Forever 21,
Old Navy and Guess. In addition, visitors can enjoy over 20 distinct dining
options including Vinito Ristorante.
Visit PREMIUMOUTLETS.COM/OUTLET for more information.

3. Universal Orlando
2.6 miles from the Subject Property
Covering more than 541 acres of land, Universal Orlando is the second-
largest resort in Greater Orlando, second only to Walt Disney World.
Universal Orlando consists of three theme parks (the under construction       3   4
Epic Universe, Universal’s Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios
Florida) along with an on-site waterpark (Volcano Bay), eight Loews
Hotels resorts and much, much more. Universal Orlando is one of the
most visited resorts in the world with an annual attendance of more than
21 million.
Visit UNIVERSALORLANDO.COM for more information.

4. SeaWorld Orlando
4.0 miles from the Subject Property
Millions of visitors have been flocking to SeaWorld Orlando since it
first opened in December 1973. SeaWorld Orlando regularly welcomes
more than 4.5 million visitors annually and provides guests with unique
experiences for the whole family. Visitors can get up close with animals,
ride epic coasters and water slides, or just kick back on pristine beaches.
The centerpiece of SeaWorld Orlando is its main theme park, but visitors
can also explore Aquatica Orlando, Adventure Island water park and
Discovery Cove. SeaWorld also supports animal rescue, rehabilitation and
conservation projects across the globe.
Visit SEAWORLD.COM for more information.


                                                                              5   6

Trulieve + Major Points of Interest                                                   groundandspacepartners.com + 13
Spotlight On: Orlando, Florida
                                                                                It’s true: Orlando is a magical place, and not just   United States. In addition to Walt Disney World
                                                                                because it’s home to Cinderella’s castle. There’s     and Universal Orlando, the area boasts such
                                                                                an incredible mix of fun things to do in Orlando,     popular parks as Volcano Bay, LEGOLAND, Fun
                                                                                which makes it an ideal vacation spot for people      Spot America, SeaWorld Orlando and more.
                                                                                of all ages. Although the city’s tourism industry         The convention industry is also critical to
                                                                                was built upon the popularity and success of          the region’s economy. Expanded in 2004, the
  Major Points of Interest                                                      its many theme parks, the number and variety          Orange County Convention Center is now
                                                                                of Orlando attractions have grown to include          the second-largest convention complex in the
                                                                                world-famous restaurant, high-end outlet              United States. The city vies with Chicago and Las
5. The Mall at Millenia                                                         shopping centers and amazing concert venues.          Vegas for hosting the most convention attendees
4.3 miles from the Subject Property                                                Nearly year-round sunshine and a warm,             in the country. The Convention Center provides
Known as Orlando's luxury shopping destination, The Mall at Millenia
provides an unparalleled shopping experience with 150 stores, services          tropical climate help give the city the nickname      around $3 billion in economic impact to the
and eateries, including 40 market exclusive stores. This stunning center        “the City Beautiful,” so it should come as no         Central Florida region annually.
features an array of luxury boutiques and in-demand brands, including:          surprise that Orlando is one of the most-visited
Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Christian Louboutin, Rolex, Tiffany       cities in the world. In fact, Orlando regularly
& Co., Apple, Sephora, Ted Baker London, Under Armour and H&M, plus
Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdale’s and Macy’s department stores. These               welcomes more than 60 million visitors each
outstanding retail offerings are surrounded by captivating architecture,        year. Also known as the “Theme Park Capital of
breathtaking glass ceilings and one-of-a-kind art pieces to create an           the World,” the city is home to seven of the 10
impeccable destination.                                                         most-visited theme parks in North America, as
Visit MALLATMILLENIA.COM for more information.
                                                                                well as the four most-visited water parks in the
6. Orlando International Airport
14.5 miles from the Subject Property
Whether traveling to the city for business or pleasure, Orlando
International Airport (MCO) puts visitors closest to all that Central Florida
has to offer. MCO welcomes over 47 million passengers annually on more
than 35 airlines, providing non-stop service to Orlando from over 150           DEMOGRAPHICS                  1 MILE      3 MILES     5 MILES
destinations worldwide. The Airport boasts one of the lowest average
domestic airfares in the United States and serves more domestic cities          2022 Population               3,696       63,454      194,646
than any other airport in Florida. MCO acts as a hub and a focus hub
city for Frontier Airlines, JetBlue Airways and Southwest Airlines. Major       Growth (2022-2027)            7.49%       7.50%       7.53%
foreign carriers with a presence at MCO include Aerolíneas Argentinas,
Aer Lingus, Aeroméxico, Air Canada, British Airways, Lufthansa, Emirates        Estimated Households          1,452       23,675      71,911
Airlines, Norwegian Air Shuttle, Latam and Virgin Atlantic. The Airport
also features over 90 shops and restaurants, multiple airport lounges and       Growth (2022-2027)            6.89%       7.02%       7.10%
a AAA Hyatt Regency Hotel.
Visit ORLANDOAIRPORTS.NET for more information.                                 Average Household Income      $127,292    $101,502    $85,268

Trulieve + Orlando Overview                                                                                                                         groundandspacepartners.com + 14
Spotlight On: Orlando, Florida                          ARTS/ENTERTAINMENT
                                                                             Orlando residents enjoy a remarkable quality
                                                                             of life, highlighted by a sunny climate, plentiful
                                                                             outdoor recreational activities, world-famous
                                                                             beaches, the best theme parks in the world,
                                                                             a variety of cultural activities and more.
                                                                             The region offers health care facilities and
 Orlando Metro Highlights                                                    exceptional services like Orlando Regional              EDUCATION
                                                                             Medical Center and AdventHealth Orlando.
                                                                             Cultural opportunities are offered at the Dr.
Diverse Economic Base                                                        Phillips Center for the Performing Arts, the
While Orlando is typically known for its tourism industry, the city's        Orlando Repertory Theatre, the Opera Orlando,
economy also has strong business and professional services sectors.
Distribution, technology, defense contracting and healthcare are also        the Orlando Ballet and the Bach Festival
major players in the Central Florida region's economy.                       Society. Large educational institutions in the
                                                                             area include the University of Central Florida,         SPORTS
Pro-Business Environment                                                     Valenica Community College and the University
The state of Florida has low state and local taxes, as well as no state
personal income tax. This favorable tax structure attracts businesses from   of Central Florida. The Orlando International
around the world to the region. Inc. Magazine recently named Orlando the     Airport (MCO) is the 13th-busiest airport in the
"Top 10 Best Place in America to Start a Business."                          country thanks to Orlando's status as one of the
Fast-Growing Metro Area                                                      most-visited cities in the entire world.
Over the next five years, Orlando's population is expected to increase by    Visit VISITORLANDO.COM for more information.
more than 215,000 people as job gains outpace the national average. This
dramatic increase in population has helped fuel Orlando's retail demand
and high personal consumption.

Burgeoning Life Sciences Sector
The area's life sciences, biotechnology and medical technology industries    MAJOR AREA EMPLOYERS
are growing, bolstered in part by the 650-acre health and life sciences
park known as Lake Nona Medical City. The Medical City's pioneering          1. Walt Disney World Resort     6. Publix Super Markets, Inc.
institutions are already forming networks that are transforming Orlando
into a global destination for health care, research and medical education.   2. AdventHealth                 7. University of Central Florida
Bustling Labor Market                                                        3. Universal Orlando            8. Lockheed Martin
The Orlando metropolitan area boasts one of the tightest labor markets
in the country, with an unemployment rate that is one of the best in the     4. Orlando Health               9. Siemens Energy
state of Florida. This has helped drive income growth rates well above the
national average, further strengthening purchasing power.                    5. Orlando International Airport 10. Westgate Resorts

Trulieve + Orlando Overview                                                                                                                     groundandspacepartners.com + 15
Representative Photo

Exclusively Presented By:
Michael Zimmerman, Principal
Ground and Space, LLC
T: 919.391.9900
M: 954.290.6366                                  TROPHY I-DRIVE SITE
michael@groundandspacepartners.com               7364 International Drive
                                                 Orlando, FL 32819
Visit us online at groundandspacepartners.com.
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