35th ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC - 2021 TOURNAMENT GRAND SPONSOR July 23-25, 2021 Pinehurst Resort Pinehurst, North Carolina - NC Beautiful

Page created by Kyle Gregory
35th ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC - 2021 TOURNAMENT GRAND SPONSOR July 23-25, 2021 Pinehurst Resort Pinehurst, North Carolina - NC Beautiful
July 23-25, 2021 • Pinehurst Resort • Pinehurst, North Carolina

               2021 TOURNAMENT GRAND SPONSOR
35th ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC - 2021 TOURNAMENT GRAND SPONSOR July 23-25, 2021 Pinehurst Resort Pinehurst, North Carolina - NC Beautiful

                     The opportunity to serve as Honorary
                     Chair of the 35th NC Beautiful Classic
                     has a special place in my heart. Playing
                     a role in raising funds to help teachers
                     conduct educational environmental
                     projects in their classrooms is most
                     worthwhile. I hope you will join me on
                     July 23-25 in Pinehurst to enjoy some
                     great golf on Courses No. 1 and No. 8,
                     savor some excellent food and join in
                     the fun of a live and silent auction.
Phil Ford
Honorary Chair

                     As President of the Board of Directors         environmental projects such as outdoor
                     of NC Beautiful, it is my great pleasure       classrooms or Boy Scouts planting
                     to invite you and your guests to our           azaleas. It is our goal to provide teacher
                     landmark Fifty-fourth Year of Service          grants in all 100 counties. We can only do
                     Golf Classic at the Pinehurst Resort.          this with your help.

                     Today, NC Beautiful is focused on              NC Beautiful is a 501 (c)(3) charity
                     partnering with our community of               and receives no state or federal
                     teachers across the state to have them         funding to support its long history
                     involve their students in bettering their      of educating our children and the
                     understanding of nature, beautification,       public on the importance of our
                     and protecting our State’s natural beauty.     State’s environmental treasures.
Jerry Oliver         We do this by providing merit-based            Our principle funding is provided
President            Windows of Opportunity Grants of $1,000        through the Golf Classic. There is
                     to K-12 teachers who use the resources         no greater place to enjoy golfing
                     to foster enthusiasm with their children,      and have fun than in Pinehurst!
                     their parents, and their community on

                     Welcome to the 2021 North Carolina             want to join with citizens committed to
                     Beautiful Golf Classic!                        educating our youth about the environ-
                                                                    ment and our State’s greatest corporate
                     As Chair of the Steering Committee, it is      sponsors for a fantastic weekend. A great
                     once again my pleasure to invite you and       cause, great golf, great entertainment, and
                     your guests to the landmark 35th Annual        legendary Pinehurst hospitality served up
                     NC Beautiful Golf Classic at Pinehurst         by you, to your guests. That’s a powerful
                     Resort. This annual event is a “must           combination that makes a statement about
                     attend” for golfers of every skill level who   you and your company.

Nick Lorenz
Steering Committee
35th ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC - 2021 TOURNAMENT GRAND SPONSOR July 23-25, 2021 Pinehurst Resort Pinehurst, North Carolina - NC Beautiful
RENOVATED - Great affordable
choice! For the best pricing for your
Pinehurst on-property stay, golfers
will seriously want to consider the
Manor Inn. This histroric site was
Arnold Palmer’s favorite place to
stay while visiting Pinehurst. Just
a couple of short blocks from the
resort! You also have access to
the new Brewery and all of the
restaurants on property, so you can
enjoy the famous breakfast buffet
at the Carolina as part of your stay
at no extra charge! Same holds true
for dinner at the Carolina, the Tavern
at the Holly Inn, the 1895 Room, or
the Ryder Cup Lounge! There are
several cool pubs, both indoor and       Registration                             We will re-flight teams after
outdoor in the Village as well, just     Friday, 12:00 – 5:00 PM                  Day 1! This year’s handicap
a few short steps away. And don’t        Carolina Hotel, Grand Ballroom           format: Saturday - Course No.
forget the pool table for those of you   Start your weekend in style:             8, Shotgun Start at 8:00 am:
for whom gold competition by itself      • Register for Classic events
just isn’t enough! This is a great       • Pick up your credentials, player       Texas Scramble: Each player
way to have access to all Pinehurst         gifts and spouse gift bag             drives on all 18 holes. Captain
amenities at the lowest possible cost    • Review handicaps, flights, and         chooses the best shot. Each
for your group!                             course assignments                    player then plays from that spot
                                         • Make player changes                    and plays their own ball until
Resort Accommodations                    • Preview auction and raffle             holed. The lowest gross score of
Enjoy all of the beautiful                  items                                 the four is used on each hole. The
accommodations offered at the            • Enjoy a glass of wine and              final team score for the round will
Pinehurst Resort at our special             chair massage from Pinehurst          be adjusted based upon a portion
group rates. All rates are per              specialists                           of the aggregate of the individual
person/per night.                                                                 player handicaps.
                        Double Single    THE GOLF
Manor:                 $173 $221         PRACTICE ROUNDS                          Sunday - Course No. 1,
Resort Wide:           $203 $299         Practice rounds are available            Shotgun Start at 8:30 am:
Carolina & Holly: $233 $334              at special rates on all Pinehurst        Best Ball: Each player plays own
Villa:                 $290 $448         courses on Friday, tee time              ball from tee through the green.
Room reservations must be made           availability will vary, so call early!   The lowest gross score of the four
no later than 6/18/2021. We              NCB attendees staying on                 is used on each hole. The final
cannot guarantee availability            property can play PINEHURST              team score for the round will be
of rooms beyond this date. We            NO. 2 for a Special Rate of $255         adjusted based upon a portion of
retain a block of rooms at the           per player on Friday!                    the aggregate of the individual
resort and have the right to                                                      handicaps.
release those rooms to the               The Green Division
resort on the aforementioned             We know some people still play           The Clean Division
date in order to avoid any               golf for fun! For teams where            Certified handicaps are
penalties to the organization.           some players do not have                 required.
Once rooms are released to               certified handicaps: all players
Pinehurst, they are available on         must provide handicap                    Teams have four players and switch
a first-come first-served basis          information or scorecards so             courses for second round.
to any Pinehurst guest, not only         that a handicap can be assigned          Saturday - Course No. 1, Tee
those participating in the NC            before play. Certified handicaps         Times start at 8:30 am;
Beautiful tournament.                    should be provided if available.         Sunday - Course No. 8, Tee
                                                                                  Times Start at 8:00 am.
Please contact Pinehurst Resort                                                   Format is two low-net best
at (877) 346-0446 for NC                                                          ball both days: Each team will
Beautiful Group Reservations.                                                     be provided a scorecard with

35th ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC - 2021 TOURNAMENT GRAND SPONSOR July 23-25, 2021 Pinehurst Resort Pinehurst, North Carolina - NC Beautiful
the appropriate handicap stroke                               A Classic Summer                        and third place in the Clean
allocation for each player. Each                              Evening                                 Division. Dine with fellow friends
player plays own ball for the entire                          Saturday, 5:30 – 11:00 PM               of NC Beautiful in a casual setting
hole. After each hole, gross scores                           Carolina Hotel, Grand Ballroom          to close the weekend.
are recorded next to each player’s                            •     Raise a glass and talk golf
name. Net score is determined by                              •     Check the Leaderboard
                                                                                                         LIVE & SILENT AUCTIONS
subtracting handicap strokes from                             •     Pick up commemorative team
individual’s gross score. Two lowest                                photos                               Invite your friends who are not
net scores per hole will be used as                           •     Enjoy the fun of a Live Auction      playing golf to join us Saturday
the team score for that round.                                •     Completion of the Silent
                                                                                                         night for the Live Auction and
OTHER EXCITING                                                •     Enjoy a buffet dinner                Dinner for $125 per person.
                                                                    prepared by Executive Chef
EVENTS                                                              Thierry Debailleul
                                                                                                         Bid on an assortment of items

Opening Reception                                                                                        including merchandise, vacations,
Friday, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Carolina Hotel, Grand Ballroom                                37th Hole Awards Party                     and memorabilia. Preview items

Is anything more “NC Beautiful”                               Sunday, 1:30 – 3:00 PM                     at Friday’s Registration, and
                                                              Carolina Hotel, Grand Ballroom
than a July evening at Pinehurst?                                                                        check the list provided.
                                                              NC Beautiful will present official
• Enjoy delicious hors d’oeuvres
                                                              Pinehurst Putter Boy trophies at
    and a glass of wine
                                                              the 37th Hole Awards Party on
• Visit with friends, dignitaries,
                                                              Sunday afternoon. Prizes will be
    and fellow sponsors.
                                                              given for first and second place
                                                              in each of the three flights in the
                                                              Green Division and first, second,

NC Beautiful has been part of the state’s environmental preservation community for 54 years, supporting
awareness, education and beautification efforts that affect our quality of life. Today, we concentrate on hands-on
and merit-based programs designed to empower our citizens to preserve the natural beauty of the State of North
Carolina. Whether it is school children building outdoor classrooms, graduate students developing cutting-edge
research, or a Boy Scout troop planting azaleas at an elder care facility, we make it possible for North Carolinians
to keep NC Beautiful.

Windows of Opportunity Grants                                 to undergraduate students who want      our State’s environmental challenges
provide K-12 teachers with resources                          to pursue environmentally relevant      through cutting-edge research.
to foster enthusiasm for the natural                          research outside of their regular       $5,000 grants have been awarded at
environment, build leadership for                             course load. These grants have been     NC State, UNC-Chapel Hill, NC A&T,
greater awareness, initiate a sense                           awarded at UNC-Asheville, Lenoir-       and Appalachian State.
of community service and improve                              Rhyne College and UNC-Pembroke.
stewardship. Grantees receive up to                                                                   Annual Azalea Celebration has
$1,000 awards.                                                Governor and Mrs. Dan K. Moore          awarded more than 400,000 plants
                                                              Fellowships recognize gifted            to over 4,500 non-profits statewide
NC Beautiful Environmental                                    graduate students who utilize their     to beautify their communities.
Scholars are $3,000 grants awarded                            knowledge and creativity to meet

                                                                                            6700 Old Wake Forest Road, Raleigh, NC 27616-3008
                                                                                                     T 919.828.3190 F 919.828.3028
Printing and design by Joseph C. Woodard Printing Company of Raleigh, North Carolina.
35th ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC - 2021 TOURNAMENT GRAND SPONSOR July 23-25, 2021 Pinehurst Resort Pinehurst, North Carolina - NC Beautiful 35th ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC - 2021 TOURNAMENT GRAND SPONSOR July 23-25, 2021 Pinehurst Resort Pinehurst, North Carolina - NC Beautiful 35th ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC - 2021 TOURNAMENT GRAND SPONSOR July 23-25, 2021 Pinehurst Resort Pinehurst, North Carolina - NC Beautiful
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