32 Hawkers Lane, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4QA £160,000 - Rightmove

Page created by Jordan Gonzales
32 Hawkers Lane, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4QA £160,000 - Rightmove
32 Hawkers Lane, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4QA                            £160,000
OFFICE: 76 Hyde Park Road, Plymouth, Devon, PL3 4RG TEL: 01752 229292
32 Hawkers Lane, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4QA £160,000 - Rightmove
Lawson are delighted to market this well appointed first floor apartment in a purpose-built dev elopment just a short walk
from all Peverell's amenities, regular transport links, excellent schooling, and local parks. The apartment is found on the f irst
floor of this well-appointed dev elopment and benefits from spacious accommodation comprising; communal front door
with intercom entry phone and stairway leading to first floor landing.

A priv ate front door leads to a large entrance hall with built in storage cupboard and intercom entry phone. A door opens
to a spectacular, open plan lounge/dining room with two sets of French doors and Juliet balconies ov erlooking
neighbouring parkland, Plymouth City, Plymouth Sound and beyond, with views to Cornwall and the
Eddystone lighthouse, spotlights, wall mounts with central heating control unit and a door to the kitchen; which is fitted with
a matching range of base and eyelevel storage cupboards with post formed and roll top worksurfaces, a window to the
side elev ation, stainless steel sink drainer unit, wall mounted W orcester combination boiler, integral washer/dryer,
dishwasher, fridge/freezer, electric oven, four burner gas hob, filter canopy and tiled flooring.

Bedroom one, a spacious double a window to the rear elev ation, spotlights. Bedroom two a small double with a window to
the rear and spotlights. The family bathroom is fitted with a matching white three-piece suite comprising; panel enclosed
bath with a direct feed shower unit over, pedestal wash hand basin, low level wc, attractiv e tiled splashbacks, extractor
fan, spotlights.

Externally, there is a priv ate allocated parking space, communal bin store, bike store and rear lawned garden. The property
is held on a leasehold basis with approximately 985 years remaining on the lease and a service charge of approximately
£960 per annum. The property is offered with no chain.

Listed in the Domesday Book of 1086. The estate was later acquired by the Peverell family of Ermington in Dev on, after
which it became known as "Weston Pev erell" to distinguish it from other similarly named places.

Two of the main roads are named Pev erell Park Road and W eston Park Road. The area now consists mostly of Edwardian
terraced houses. Pev erell borders Central Park, often known as "the green lung" of Plymouth which is a very popular
recreational area for, and is home to Plymouth Life Centre and Plymouth Argyle's Home Park football stadium.

Primary schooling is provided by Montpelier and Hyde Park Primary School (whilst the Hyde Park area offers a popular
shopping parade). Mutley Plain and Plymouth Station are considered to be within walking distance, by most. The Hyde Park
Pub, on the periphery of Pev erell, is a popular gastro/local pub.

Peverell is seen by residents as a safe solid and central area with a good quality housing stock and few social problems.

The terms on which the land was sold for dev elopment at the turn of the twentieth century stipulated that no licensed
premises (pubs), should be built on the land, as the seller was a strict abstainer. This has resulted in the district having a
residential atmosphere.
32 Hawkers Lane, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4QA £160,000 - Rightmove
                                   Reference made to any fixture, fittings, appliances or any of the building
                                   services does not imply that they are in working order or have been tested by
                                   us. Purchasers should establish the suitability and working condition of these
                                   items and services themselves.

                                   Mains water, gas, electricity and mains drainage.

                                   By appointment with LAWSON.

                                   We understand the property is in band ' C ' for council tax purposes and the
                                   amount payable for the year 2020/2021 is £1675.00 (by internet enquiry with
                                   Plymouth City Council). These details are subject to change.

                                   These Floorplans are set out as a guideline only and should not be relied
                                   upon as a representation of fact. They are intended for information purposes
                                   only and are not to scale. The Energy Performance Certificates are produced
                                   by an external source and Lawson do not accept responsibility for their
                                   accuracy. Copyright Lawson 2020.

                                   Law son t hemselves on behalf for t he sellers/landlords of t his property w hose
                                   agents t hey are giv en notice t hat :- (1) These part iculars are set out as a
                                   general outline for t he guidance of prospectiv e buyers/t enants and shall not
                                   form t he w hole or any part of a cont ract . (2) All descriptions, dimensions and
                                   areas, references t o condit ion and necessary permissions for use and
                                   occupat ion and ot her det ails are giv en in good fait h and believed t o be
                                   mat erially correct but any int ending buyer/tenant should not rely on t hem as
                                   st at ements or represent at ions of fact but must satisfy t hemselv es by inspect ion
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                                   or w it hdraw n.

E: plymouth@lawsonproperty.co.uk                     www.lawsonproperty.co.uk
32 Hawkers Lane, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4QA £160,000 - Rightmove 32 Hawkers Lane, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4QA £160,000 - Rightmove 32 Hawkers Lane, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4QA £160,000 - Rightmove 32 Hawkers Lane, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4QA £160,000 - Rightmove 32 Hawkers Lane, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4QA £160,000 - Rightmove 32 Hawkers Lane, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4QA £160,000 - Rightmove 32 Hawkers Lane, Peverell, Plymouth, PL3 4QA £160,000 - Rightmove
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