30days30waysUK 7th Annual - Bitly

Page created by Glenn Hodges
30days30waysUK 7th Annual - Bitly
                                 7th Annual
                  Programme 2021

An all-hazard multi-stakeholder emergency preparedness campaign on social media
    that connects, informs, and inspires personal and collective action to boost
                           resilience during and beyond

                   "September is Preparedness Month"

            Emergency Risk Communication – Disaster Risk Reduction
             building capacities and capabilities from the ground up

                     #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
30days30waysUK 7th Annual - Bitly
Table of contents

Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................4
Stakeholders: who can take part and how ........................................................................................................5
   Informing, engaging, and empowering via shared resources........................................................................6
Overview #30days30waysUK 2021 ....................................................................................................................6
   The importance of the correct hashtag .........................................................................................................7
   Do’s and don’t ‘s ............................................................................................................................................8
Daily Programme ...............................................................................................................................................9
   01 September (Wed): Welcome & Intro ......................................................................................................10
   02 September (Thu): WhatEmergency?.......................................................................................................11
   03 September (Fri): MapYourRisk ................................................................................................................12
   04 September (Sat): TrustedNetworks ........................................................................................................13
   05 September (Sun): MentalHealth .............................................................................................................14
   06 September (Mon): PowerCut ..................................................................................................................15
   07 September (Tue): StopTheSpread ...........................................................................................................16
   08 September (Wed): HouseholdPreparedness ..........................................................................................17
   09 September (Thu): preparedKids ..............................................................................................................18
   10 September (Fri): preparedPets ...............................................................................................................19
   11 September (Sat): WorldFirstAidDay ........................................................................................................20
   12 September (Sun): MedicineCheck...........................................................................................................21
   13 September (Mon): WeatherAware .........................................................................................................22
   14 September (Tue): SevereWeather ..........................................................................................................23
   15 September (Wed): AirQuality .................................................................................................................24
   16 September (Thu): FloodAware ................................................................................................................25
   17 September (Fri): ReadyHome .................................................................................................................26
   18 September (Sat): SafeEscape ..................................................................................................................27
   19 September (Sun): preparedAPP ..............................................................................................................28
   20 September (Mon): CyberSafe .................................................................................................................29
   21 September (Tue): Volunteer (Intl Day of Peace) .....................................................................................30
   22 September (Wed): GiveBlood .................................................................................................................31
   23 September (Thu): RespectTheWater ......................................................................................................32
   24 September (Fri): MakeTheRightCall ........................................................................................................33

                                             #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
30days30waysUK 7th Annual - Bitly
25 September (Sat): ChooseWell .................................................................................................................34
   26 September (Sun): WhatRisk – intl. travel ................................................................................................35
   27 September (Mon): HiViz - BeBrightBeSeen.............................................................................................36
   28 September (Tue): Drive Prepared ...........................................................................................................37
   29 September (Wed): ReadyHome ..............................................................................................................38
   30 September (Thu): Finale & wrap .............................................................................................................39
ANNEX ..............................................................................................................................................................40
   Resources .....................................................................................................................................................40
   Select Bibliography & References ................................................................................................................40

                                             #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
30days30waysUK 7th Annual - Bitly
Since 2015, #30days30waysUK ‘September is Preparedness Month’
aims to boost personal and collective resilience and preparedness                 "Building the UK's national
through daily themed1 information, resources links and activities via             resilience: to establish a
social media. The approach is practitioner led at LRF level and uses              'whole-of-society' approach to
positive psychology, humour, and gamification to engage and inspire               resilience so that individuals,
the public.                                                                       businesses and organisations
                                                                                  all play a part... As part of this
As in previous years and especially during this COVID-19 crisis our core
                                                                                  we will improve government
ambitions remain to
                                                                                  communications to the public
•   inspire and empower a whole of society approach , building   2                on preparedness..."
    personal and community preparedness capacities and capabilities                        Integrated Review 2021
    from the ground up
                                                                                  “The COVID-19 pandemic has
•   serve as an evidence-based, transferrable, and adaptable open                 also highlighted the critical
    source approach to emergency risk communication on social                     role of the public in preparing
    media worldwide for disaster risk reduction using positive                    for and responding to crises…
    psychology and gamification3                                                  Preparedness advice for the
                                                                                  public (1) understand the risks
•   collaborate4, run and evaluate #30days30waysUK yearly in                      (2) take steps to prepare (3)
    September (timed at the start of autumn ahead of winter with                  know how to respond (4) help
    increased weather-related risks, start of new academic year,                  with recovery…”
    ‘priming’ for other established ‘single’-hazard UK campaigns e.g.                 National Risk Register 2020
    #floodaware #winterready)

  Themes are guided by the National Risk Register 2020
  The Integrated Review 2021, page 90. 30days30waysUK aspires to contribute to” improving government
communication to the public on preparedness”
  Gamification is the downloadable bingo card/image (e.g. 2020), a light-hearted, culturally relevant, and playful way
to keep track of the campaign. It also conveys a sense of achievement and win, the participant crossing off each day
as they follow allow. All 30days completed, BINGO! Better prepared (30days30waysUK.org.uk)
  Resilience Direct space (login required) https://collaborate.resilience.gov.uk/RDService/home/108077/Welcome-to-
30-Days-30-Ways-UK-RD-Page; 30days30waysUK@gmail.com

                                #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
30days30waysUK 7th Annual - Bitly
Stakeholders: who can take part and how
#30days30waysUK is coordinated at Local Resilience Forum (LRF) level. Collaboration takes place via
Resilience Direct, email and video conferencing. Key stakeholders are local councils, health (e.g. PHE, NHS,
CCG, GPs), the Environment Agency, the Met Office, the emergency services, local/national NGOs,
charities, education, business as well as individual advocates or ‘ambassadors’ ranging from academics,
resilience professionals, politicians to members of the public taking a positive and proactive interest
towards a collective good.

Since preparedness concerns us all at all levels, everyone,
                                                                           Preparedness and resilience
stakeholders and the public alike are welcome and encouraged to
                                                                           concern us all at all levels.
take part. Contribute positively to #30days30waysUK in line with our
                                                                           EVERYONE is welcome to
‘house rules’5. These stress our positive psychology, light-hearted
                                                                           positively contribute to
approach sharing free, quality information and resources while
                                                                           #30days30waysUK in a way
providing separate spaces for critical feedback.
                                                                           that inspires and empowers:
As previously, the #30days30waysUK aim is to disseminate the
                                                                           Like/share campaign content
‘preparedness / community resilience’ message far and wide to
                                                                           and construct attractive,
inspire and empower people in all walks of life to take steps towards
                                                                           engaging social media posts
personal and collective preparedness for all kinds of hazards.
                                                                           that tell the resilience story
Showcasing local efforts and involving a wide range of stakeholders is     positively through the daily
central to #30days30waysUK. The aim is to share existing local and         themes embedding
national resources and create new ones where these do not yet exist
                                                                           ● images
or need updating.
                                                                           ● video
The campaign approach overall, rather than being simply directive,
aims to engage, empower, inform, and connect through narrative that        ● podcasts
facilitates understanding the risks, taking steps to prepare, knowing
how to respond and helping with recovery:                                  ● FREE resources and
                                                                           support webpages
      •    this is what’s going on (hazards, risks; analogies, metaphors,
           history to aid description)
      •    this is how it works (services available, what Integrated Emergency Management does, what it
           looks like inc. limitations to help frame expectations)
      •    this is where you can find out more, sign up, report etc. (access information and resources)
      •    this is what you can do for self-care and mutual aid

For examples, please see our crosslinked 2020 twitter master thread or the ‘ThreadReader’ folder in our
shared google drive of campaign resources. The ‘Daily Programme’ below is also extensively linked.

    ‘Rules’ as per https://www.30days30waysuk.org.uk/join/

                                 #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
Informing, engaging, and empowering via shared resources
We believe that fear is not a good
motivator6, especially for preparedness.
Therefore, we take an empowering positive
psychology stance that embraces humour
and a light touch, informing and engaging
with a smile to empower change

Constructing engaging social media posts
that share attractive online resources during
#30days30waysUK such as video (e.g. our curated YouTube playlists) podcasts, webpages and
downloadables (e.g. images, PDFs) is key to inform and engage.

Overview #30days30waysUK 2021
If you are a new partner or would like a refresher, please take a
look at our interactive google slides or the narrated version on
YouTube. Additionally, links to previous campaigns, history,
annual reports etc. are via the website 30days30waysUK.org.uk
on the ‘partners’ and ‘about us’ pages.

    Fear appeals review & discussion in context of climate change communication see Reser & Bradley, 2017

                                 #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
The importance of the correct hashtag
We rely on hashtags to monitor and evaluate the campaign, so it is vitally important that you use
them correctly in all your posts and threads.

                 To identify your posts as part of the campaign
               ALWAYS (in every post) use the full hashtag phrase
                       day [X] of #30days30waysUK

Be aware that similar hashtags exist or will soon be joining (see our google slides ‘International
Vision’), for example
    • #30days30ways is used in the USA
    • #30days30waysCR is used in Croatia
    • #30days30waysOz may be used in Australia overall in addition to regional versions

  We differentiate between primary, secondary and tertiary hashtags

     •   primary hashtag is always the phrase “day [X] of #30days30waysUK”
     •   secondary hashtags relate directly to the daily theme
     •   tertiary hashtags are any additional ones you may want to use to tap into other topics or
         geographic areas

Please consider that for hashtags to be effective, they need to have a good level of specificity
unless your aim is to generall contribute worldwide to e.g. the topic of #flooding or #preparedness
(see OCHA hashtag standards). To illustrate, a good recent example is #NorthantsTogether where
many stakeholders shared in a local COVID-19 solidarity and support campaign.

Twitter recommends using only two hashtags. However for the campaign we take a different
approach, recommending up to 5 hashtags, especially if they can sensibly be incorporated into the
text of the message rather than just listed.
        Examples and supplementary hashtags are provided below. In addition, our Emergency
Risk Communication (ERC) google slides via bit.ly/ERC30days30waysUK (2018) may be of interest.

                           #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
Do’s and don’t ‘s
We fully appreciate that these are challenging times. Resources continue to be stretched yet now is the
best time to get the preparedness and resilience message out to inform and inspire people in all walks of
life. Importantly, we aim for quality. In our view there is nothing worse than our hashtag feed showing
repetitive or cut and pasted content. If you are unable to produce your own content this year you may
want to reach back to previous years and ‘re-package’ existing good resources. Simply re-posting
@30days30waysUK content with/out comment is also an effective way to support the campaign.

   1. promote daily campaign email service before/throughout September
           ▪ 30days30waysUK.org.uk/subscribe
           ▪ daily email contains simplified core content and resources links (example 1, 2)
           ▪ shareable non-social media focussed
           ▪ additional reach inc. added accessibility (e.g. potentially autism friendly)
   2. promote BINGO download and game rules bit.ly/rules30days30waysUK
   3. share posts by @30days30waysUK and lead organisation daily with/out comment
   4. design your own locally relevant messages using the daily themes & icons
           ▪ always use the full phrase part of #30days30waysUK in every post/thread
           ▪ general guidance see our google slides at bit.ly/ERC30days30waysUK
   5. use secondary and tertiary hashtags
   6. at the end of the campaign (links will be published later)
           ▪ share our link for ‘customer’ feedback to help us evaluate
           ▪ fill out the partners survey via google forms to helps us improve

        Remember the correct UK hashtag in every post

                             day [X] of #30days30waysUK
                                   … most importantly
                 be creative, enjoy showcasing local resources & efforts
              have fun designing posts in your locally relevant contexts that
              inform, connect, inspire personal & collection action

Many free and intuitive open source tools are available to create effective social media posts that
  raise the bar on emergency risk communication for personal and community preparedness.
                Simply see the annex. Keep your posts positive and empowering.

                                              THANK YOU!

                             #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
Daily Programme
September is Preparedness Month 2021

         #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
01 September (Wed): Welcome & Intro

                    Scope: lead in day to the campaign now in its 7th year
                    Who, what, where, when & why of #30days30waysUK

                    Suggestion: introduce #30days30waysUK , link to the ‘How to join’ resource
                    page at https://www.30days30waysuk.org.uk/join/ . Ideally, blog or have a
                    30days30waysUK landing page you can crosslink e.g. NorthantsCC,
                    London.gov.uk; StaffordshirePrepared or Thames Valley Police [webarchive];
                    share the programme calendar

                    Some examples: intro 2020; additional inspiration e.g. @PrepareCenter

Lead & Key          ALL!
partners:           Tagging / introducing local partners and @30days30waysUK (more day 4)

How partners can    Introduce this 7th annual campaign (suggestion above)
take part:          Promote email sign-up and bingo download, link to JOIN PAGE
                    Embed our video What to plan/prepare for video in your posts/threads

Primary Hashtag     day 1 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #HelloandWelcome, September is #PreparednessMonth
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   established growing campaign, 7th year; everyone welcome
                    •   resilience/preparedness is for everyone, community resilience
Key messages:       •   everyone can take small actions towards preparedness and resilience
                    •   video What to plan/prepare for video
                    •   preparedness is easy: get equipped – make a plan – be informed
                    •   follow, like, share #30days30waysUK @30days30waysUK,
                    •   access the BINGO to keep track and mark when completed

Activity for the    Get started with the key campaign resources via JOIN PAGE
general public      Like/follow/bookmark #30days30waysUK
(connect, inform,   Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
inspire action)     Cross off one of the ‘30days logo’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
02 September (Thu): WhatEmergency?

                    Scope: past events; who manages what risks how and what does that look
                    like; what the public can do; mention + basic introduction national & local
                    risk register, understand risk (expanded on tomorrow; risks abroad day 26).

                    Some examples: #WhatEmergency 2019 , 2020

Lead & Key          LRFs & local partners; NGOs/charities & community organisations
partners:           ALL

How partners can    Discuss/showcase local risks, past events
take part:          Link your community risk registers
                    Embed 30days30waysUK CRR video in your posts
                    Embed our What to plan/prepare for video in your posts/threads
                    Embed ScotGov video How To Prepare in your posts/threads

Primary Hashtag     day 2 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #WhatEmergency #UnderstandRisk
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   emergencies happen often with little or no warning
                    •   knowing about local risks informs & empowers (CRR video; local links)
Key messages:
                    •   heed warnings, follow official advice (trusted networks day 4)
                    •   help will arrive but may take some time, there is much you can do
                        personally to be better prepared (What to plan/prepare for video;
                        day 8 will discuss personal preparedness

Activity for the
                    Find out & download the local community risk register
general public
                    Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,
                    Cross off the ‘What Emergency’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
03 September (Fri): MapYourRisk

                    Scope: emphasis on local risk, community risk registers (CRR) and resources,
                    community resilience; offline maps and useful locator apps

                    Some examples: #mapit 2019

Lead & Key          LRFs & local partners inc. SAR; NGOs/charities & community organisations
partners:           TBC: @what3words @N44Response

How partners can    Share links to your local CRR & preparedness resources
take part:          Embed 30days30waysUK CRR video in your posts/threads
                    Embed What to plan/prepare for video in your posts/threads
                    Embed ScotGov video How To Prepare
                    Mention ‘call for help’ aspects with more on day 19+24

Primary Hashtag     day 3 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #MapYourRisk #UnderstandRisk #CRR
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   local risk registers are based on the national risk register
                    •   CRR are reviewed and maintained by professionals
Key messages:
                    •   community emergency plans are in place and continually improved
                    •   community resilience volunteers help conquer the risk landscape
                    •   know your local risks, follow #30days30waysUK for practical tips
                        throughout September is Preparedness Month for community resilience

                    Get on top of your local risk landscape. Find and look through your local risk
Activity for the    register. Know and be able to communicate your physical location to call for
general public      help in an emergency.
(connect, inform,   Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
inspire action)     Cross off the ‘MapYourRisk’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
04 September (Sat): TrustedNetworks

                    Scope: misinformation confuses; fake messages can lead to fraud; find &
                    follow credible, trusted resources; report fraud, fight misinformation

                    Suggestion: rumours and false information can have devastating
                    consequences and affect people’s health and safety, e.g. quack cures, anti-
                    vaccine, fear mongering prompting attacks. Find, follow and share trusted
                    resources, fact check.
                    Some examples: #TrustedNetworks 2020

Lead & Key          ALL – introduce and tag your trusted resilience networks; LRFs & partners;
partners:           TBC: @tsecrime, @actionfrauduk

How partners can    Showcase local cases/avoidance of misinfo/fraud
take part:          Introduce/tag your local partners/trusted networks, encourage follows
                    Share @actionfrauduk inc. signup

Primary Hashtag     day 4 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #TrustedNetworks #BeScamSmart #CyberAware #misinformation
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

Key messages:
                    •   fight misinformation which can have serious consequences
                    •   share content from trusted resources only, fact check
                    •   report malicious content

Activity for the    Like/follow/bookmark trusted resources/key accounts, stay informed,
general public      network. Explore ActionFraud resources, sign up for alerts
(connect, inform,   Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
inspire action)     Cross off the ‘TrustedNetworks’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
05 September (Sun): MentalHealth

                    Scope: good mental health/mental hygiene is fundamental; stress affects
                    everyone; recognize signs, get support, stress bust, NHS services, PHE metal
                    health first aid online courses

                    Some examples: #stressbust #MentalHealth,2019, 2020

                    NHS, PHE, Health Foundation Trusts, GPs, NGOs/charities & community
Lead & Key
                    organisations; LRFs & local partners | TBC: @MindCharity

How partners can    Showcase local mental health
take part:          Share local and national resources e.g. NHS 10 stress busters; NHS 5 steps
                    mental well being; NHS every mind matters; NHS crisis support;
                    PHE online course Psy First Aid; PHE online course Supporting Children and
                    Young People;
                    Links/tag local/national charities inc. bereavement

Primary Hashtag     day 5 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #MentalHealth #ItsOkNotToBeOK #griefsupport
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

Key messages:           •    it’s ok not to be ok | let’s talk about it
                        •    stress bust – access self-support and learning online (see above)
                        •    access support locally

Activity for the
                    Participate in the free PHE online courses, share with your friends & family
general public
                    Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,
                    Cross off the ‘MentalHealth’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                            #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
06 September (Mon): PowerCut

                    Scope: power cuts happen (reference recent events; history power cuts), to
                    report call 105 - What to do in powercut; priority registers; candle safety vs
                    (windup) flashlights; extended power outage fridge/freezer food safety

                    Some examples: #powercut 2019 , 2020

Lead & Key          Electricity providers; Network Operators; LRFs
partners:           ALL – flashlight selfie

How partners can    Share PowerCut 105 resources
take part:          Share priority register information links

Primary Hashtag     day 6 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #powercut #powercut105
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

Key messages:           •    call 105 to report power cut
                        •    keep a (wind-up) torch handy, much safer than candles

Activity for the    Add 105 to your contacts / phone book; follow providers for alerts
general public      Take and share a flashlight selfie tagging #30days30waysUK
(connect, inform,   Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
inspire action)     Cross off the ‘PowerCut’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card

                            #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
07 September (Tue): StopTheSpread

                    Scope: hygiene, stop the spread of germs, hands – face – space,
                    handwashing & sanitisers (face coverings, social distance)

                    Some examples: #StopTheSpread 2020; for additional inspiration see
                    LincsLRF campaign tweet by @JamieMu22975883

Lead & Key
                    Health (PHE, NHS, CCGs, GPs etc), LRFs

How partners can    Embed Numpties handwashing + facemask + distance in your posts
take part:          Embed NHS handwashing song video in your posts
                    Embed handwashing Gangnam style video in your posts
                    Share NHS handwashing page

Primary Hashtag     day 7 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #StopTheSpread
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

Key messages:
                    •   many illnesses are spread through contact with hands inc. COVID19
                    •   frequent handwashing is safe and effective as are good sanitisers
                    •   current guidance (facemask, social distancing, travel etc.)

Activity for the
                    Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
general public
                    Take and share a flashlight selfie with #30days30waysUK day 6
(connect, inform,
                    Cross off the ‘StopTheSpread’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
08 September (Wed): HouseholdPreparedness

                       Scope: home preparedness, shelter-in-place/lockdown, evacuation, home
                       emergency plan & supplies, grab bag for evacuation

                       Suggestion: NRR2020 public preparedness advice p16; British High
                       Commission Nairobi list; GovUK Hurricane supply checklist (storm severe
                       weather); GovUK Preparing for Emergencies (2.4 GrabBag); NYT opinion on
                       being a modern prepper: more about homemaking and community

Lead & Key partners:   LRFs; health, EA, NGOs/charities & community organisations

How partners can       Share Home Preparedness information and resources links
take part:             Embed @30days30waysUK ‘What to plan and prepare for’ video
                       Embed Northants Numpties GrabBag video in your posts

Primary Hashtag        day 8 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag      #preparedHome
Tertiary Hashtag       #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                       •   household preparedness depends on individual needs
                       •   preparedness is easy: get equipped, make a plan, be informed
                       •   build a kit, make a plan, stay informed; update your kit and plan
Key messages:          •   grab bag with key items in case of a sudden evacuation
                       •   more on day 9+10 prepared kids/ prepared pets immediately following
                           and day 17 ‘ReadyHome’ checks inc. utility shut-off
                       •   take part in the Preparedness Survey (updated link TBC)

Activity for the       Take part in the Preparedness Survey
general public         Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,      Download your local council’s Household Preparedness booklets
inspire action)        Cross off the ‘preparedHome’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card

                           #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
09 September (Thu): preparedKids

                    Scope: involve children and young people in home preparedness, age
                    appropriate activities, (TheConversation children on coronavirus); UN parent
                    guide to disaster risk reduction. (Note: this day is also #999day.

                    Some examples: #preparedKids 2019; 2020 (also American Red Cross video
                    or FEMA ‘helping children cope’)

Lead & Key          Health (PHE, NHS, CCGs, GPs etc), LRFs; education; NGOs/charities &
partners:           community organisations

How partners can    Share 30days30waysUK fun kids resources
take part:          Share HEPSgov ReadyKids resources
                    Share Cambs Home Fire Escape plan video
                    Share local/national kids & flooding resources

Primary Hashtag     day 9 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #preparedKids
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   include children’s needs in household preparedness
Key messages:
                    •   teach children when and how to call for help
                    •   involve children in age appropriate ways: emergencies can leave them
                        feeling scared and confused, talk to them about what to do in an
                        emergency – prepared not scared

Activity for the
general public      Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,   Cross off the ‘preparedKids’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
10 September (Fri): preparedPets

                    Scope: preparedness with animals, safe evacuation and shelter; local
                    emergency shelter arrangements, pet first aid. In addition, e.g. adapt from
                    CDC Pet Safety in Emergencies; dogs die in hot cars

                    Some examples: #PetPreparedness 2019, 2020

Lead & Key          LRFs & partners, NGOs/charities & community organisations
partners:           TBC: RSPCA, Blue Cross, ambassacat @RubyTuesday_Ldn; @ashleighnsully

How partners can    Share StaffsLRF Pet advice
take part:          Share BlueCross ‘Flooding and Pets’
                    Share BlueCross ‘Basic First Aid’

Primary Hashtag     day 10 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #preparedPets
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

Key messages:       •   leave no one behind including animals in an emergency
                    •   include animals in your emergency plan and supplies
                    •   have a pet emergency kit inc. first aid (world first aid day tomorrow)

Activity for the
                    Share an image of your pet tagging #30days30waysUK #preparedPets
general public
                    Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,
                    Cross off the ‘preparedPets’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
11 September (Sat): WorldFirstAidDay

                    Scope: World First Aid Day 2021; anyone can learn first aid, first aid saves
                    lives in everyday and crisis situations, BRC reserve volunteers; first aid for
                    babies and children, also for pets

                    Some examples: #FirstAid 2019 , 2020

                    LRFs; ambulance, health, BRC / SJA & volunteers;
Lead & Key
                    TBC: @BritishRedCross @RedCrossScot @BRCNorthWalesER

How partners can    Share BRC & SJA first aid resources + volunteering opportunities
take part:          Share first aid app BRC – SJA
                    Embed first aid videos into your posts and threads

Primary Hashtag     day 11 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #WFAD2021 #WorldFirstAidDay
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

Key messages:       •   anyone can learn first aid
                    •   update and upgrade your skills
                    •   have a first aid kit that reflects your skills (medicine check tomorrow)

Activity for the
                    Download a FREE first aid app, consider taking a course and volunteering
general public
                    Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,
                    Cross off the ‘FirstAid’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
12 September (Sun): MedicineCheck

                    Scope: home medicine cabinet / first aid kit check, safe disposal of out of
                    date medication, stock and re-stock what you need inc. burn care

                    Some examples: #drugsbust 2019, 2020

                    Health (PHE, NHS, CCGs, GPs, pharmacies etc), LRFs, NGOs/charities &
Lead & Key
                    community organisations

How partners can    Embed ChooseWell Manchester video
take part:          Share NHS medicine cabinet page
                    Share NHS York video

Primary Hashtag     day 12 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #DrugsBust #MedicineCheck
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   never use outdated medicine and first aid supplies
Key messages:
                    •   never bin or flush medication – dispose safely at a pharmacy
                    •   stock what you need for self-care, use according to instructions

Activity for the
                    Do your own ‘DrugsBust’ today, check and update your medications
general public
                    Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,
                    Cross off the ‘FirstAid’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
13 September (Mon): WeatherAware

                    Scope: Scope: know what’s coming; sign up for warnings, understand risk -
                    weather symbols explained; know which actions to take, follow
                    local/national twitter weather feeds, be informed,

                    Some examples: #weatheraware 2019, 2020; @metoffice @alexdeaking
                    2019 video

Lead & Key          MetOffice, LRFs & partners
partners:           TBC: other wx twitter accounts

How partners can    Promote Met Office Weather App download
take part:          Promote following @metofficeUK warnings twitter feed

Primary Hashtag     day 13 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #WeatherAware #WeatherReady
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   know what’s coming: download the free Met Office weather app, receive
Key messages:           official weather alerts, personalise real time local & global forecast
                    •   understand weather alerts and which actions to take

Activity for the
                    Download the free MetOffice weather app & personalise
general public
                    Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,
                    Cross off the ‘WeatherAware’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
14 September (Tue): SevereWeather

                       Scope: types and impacts of severe weather to health and property;
                       consequences of e.g. flooding, power cut. Look back over summer,
                       heatwave impacts and how to cope; look forward to winter, cold snap and
                       how to cope; Mildly cold weather is ‘more deadly’ (NHS); hypothermia; role
                       voluntary orgs (e.g. N44R video2021)

                       Some examples: expand on #weatheraware 2019, 2020
                       and theme Heat/Cold wave 2020

                       MetOffice, LRFs & partners, health,
Lead & Key partners:
                       TBC: voluntary e.g. @N44R

How partners can       Share NHS well winter page
take part:             Share MetOffice well-being and cold alert info
                       Embed ReadyScotland video – getting ready for bad weather

Primary Hashtag        day 14 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag      #SevereWeather #WeatherReady #WinterReady
Tertiary Hashtag       #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                       •   severe weather affects your health & other risks
Key messages:          •   especially at risk are older and very young people
                       •   review day 8 HouseholdPreparedness; day 17 readyHome coming up
                       •   role of voluntary orgs is key for severe weather community resilience

Activity for the
                       Can you spot the signs of hypothermia? (MetOffice page)
general public
                       Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,
                       Cross off the ‘WeatherAware’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                           #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
15 September (Wed): AirQuality

                    Scope: awareness air quality, health impacts, transport choices; centred on
                    the DEFRA UK AIR information resource: air quality index explainer, health
                    advice, alerts

                    Some examples: #AirQuality 2020

Lead & Key          LRFs; health
partners:           automated service @DefraUKair @scotairquality | @welshairquality

How partners can    Share DEFRA ScottishAirquality WalesAirQuality AirqualityNI info page
take part:          Share automated services & encourage follows
                    Embed clean air strategy video “Air pollution can affect anyone’
                    Promote NI AirQuality app; Scots Air Quality app;

Primary Hashtag     day 15 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #airquality #cleanerair
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   air pollution can affect anyone
Key messages:       •   understand the daily air quality index
                    •   subscribe to the automated information services
                    •   follow recommended actions & health advice

Activity for the    Follow @DefraUKair @scotairquality + download apps to be informed
general public      Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,   Cross off the ‘AirQuality’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
16 September (Thu): FloodAware

                    Scope: flood risk, flood reporting & action, personal & property flood
                    preparedness, community resilience

                    Some examples: combine #FloodAware 2020 #FloodRepair 2020

                    LRFs & partners; EA; TheFloodHub; FloodMary; NewgroundFlood etc.
Lead & Key
                    NGOs/charities & community organisations
                    TBC: @NatFloodForum; @FloodRe

How partners can    Share local and national #floodaware #PrepareActSurvive resources
take part:          Share good practice (link to flood plans, CRR; flood wardens…)
                    Promote flood warning sign-up England, Scot, Wales
                    Promote local flood risk/resilience info/help pages

Primary Hashtag     day 16 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #FloodAware #FloodReady #PrepareActSurvive
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   check your flood risk, sign up for flood warnings
Key messages:       •   stay informed, be prepared, have a plan (more day 8 & 17)
                    •   know how to report a flood and access help (e.g. England or local)
                    •   connect to your local community and volunteer groups

Activity for the    Know your risk, how to prepare and ‘Get help during a flood’ e.g. England
general public      Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,   Cross off the ‘FloodAware’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
17 September (Fri): ReadyHome

                    Scope: household preparedness, utility shut off (NRR2020 p16) – when and
                    how to turn off; priority services registers; inspect gutters/drains/chimney
                    for #WinterReady

                    Some examples: Cadent GasSafety; ; NI Gas Networks video; The AA
                    prevent pipes from freezing; NorthernIreland Water (Scottish Water) video;
                    WaterSafe video; Wessex Water video;

Lead & Key          Gas & Water suppliers; LRFs & partners

How partners can    Share tips based on resources above
take part:          Promote and link to PSRs

Primary Hashtag     day 17 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #ReadyHome #WinterReady
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   utilities may be disrupted in an emergency. To minimise chance of injury
                        or property damage know when/how to turn utilities off
Key messages:       •   water leaks can cause property damage and create electrocution
                        hazards; know your stop tap and how to turn off
                    •   Cadent GasSafety advice during flooding: DO NOT turn mains off

Activity for the    Check your utility shut off points & get your home #WinterReady
general public      Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,   Cross off the ‘ReadyHome’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
18 September (Sat): SafeEscape

                    Scope: evacuation, fire safety, hazard check, safe escape day and night, clear
                    fire escape route, safe assembly point, get out stay out call 999

                    Some examples: safe escape 2019; 2020; SafeNight 2019

Lead & Key
                    LRFs, fire & rescue

How partners can    Share local ‘safe escape’ fire safety information and resources links
take part:          Share NorfolkFire video stop the clock
                    Share StaffsFire video/song get out stay out
                    Share CheshireFire video ‘escape plan

Primary Hashtag     day 18 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #SafeEscape #FireSafety #GetOutStayOutCall999
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   regular hazard checks save lives, keep exits clear at all times
Key messages:       •   have a fire escape plan, best route is your normal route + alternatives
                    •   communicate your plan to all members of your household
                    •   in an emergency, get out stay out call 999 ask for fire service

Activity for the    Make your personal fire safety plan with your family
general public      Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,   Cross off the ‘SafeEscape’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
19 September (Sun): preparedAPP

                    Scope: apps for personal preparedness, health, safety, digital grab bag, ICE
                    contacts, phone emergency alerts; offline maps

                    Some examples: #preparedAPP 2019, 2020

                    LRFs; NGOs;
Lead & Key
                    TBC: @what3words; @ThecitizenAID; @MetOffice weather app;
                    @BritishRedCross app; NHS (COVID) app

How partners can    Share insight, info & links of useful free apps for personal preparedness,
take part:          health and safety, first aid etc.

Primary Hashtag     day 19 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #preparedAPP
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   check/update your ICE contacts (download to phone /carry a card)
                    •   apps only work as long as networks/batteries operate
Key messages:
                    •   be prepared: spare batteries, offline content e.g. maps
                    •   update your contacts with key numbers

Activity for the    Explore and download useful apps for personal preparedness
general public      Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,   Cross off the ‘preparedAPP’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
20 September (Mon): CyberSafe

                    Scope: cybercrime & fraud, serious impact yet easily prevented; smart
                    devices, report@phishing.gov.uk, offline backup

                    Some examples: #CyberSafe 2019 , 2020

                    LRFs & partners
Lead & Key
                    TBC: @tsecrime, @NCSC, NHS Counter Fraud;
                    @TakeFive; @actionfraud, @cyberawaregov, @cyberEssentials

How partners can    Share top tips and official advice on cyber safety, e.g.
take part:            - CyberAware report & self-help for home & SMEs
                      - ActionFraud ; report, self-help
                      - TakeFive to Stop Fraud
                      - COVID fraud prevention

Primary Hashtag     day 20 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #CyberSafe #CyberAware #NHSFraud
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   Cybercrime fraud is ubiquitous but preventable, don’t fall victim
Key messages:       •   Be informed and stay updated
                    •   NCSC Cyber Security Guide SME equally for individuals

Activity for the    Too good to be true – it probably is. Stay #CyberAware avoid fraud
general public      Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,   Cross off the ‘CyberSafe’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
21 September (Tue): Volunteer (Intl Day of Peace)

                    Scope: kindness builds peace in everyday interactions; volunteering builds
                    strong trusted networks, community resilience, showcase and inspire local
                    community volunteering

                    Some examples: #Volunteer 2019, 2020

Lead & Key          ALL | LRFs & partners; health; NGOs/charities & community organisations
partners:           TBC: @CommunitiesPrep, BRC Emergency Response volunteers

How partners can    Showcase local voluntary groups; link to info & resources
take part:          Share UK wide resources, e.g.
                      - ScotGov video Community Ready
                      - BRC power of kindness video

Primary Hashtag     day 21 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #WorldPeaceDay #volunteer #GetInvolved #CommunityResilience
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   UN Intl Day of Peace: building a peace (resilience) culture
                    •   Kindness & volunteering builds strong networks and skills
Key messages:
                    •   Promote volunteering opportunities, sign-ups
                    •   Community reserve volunteers (BRC)

Activity for the    Find out about volunteering opportunities and sign up
general public      Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,   Cross off the ‘volunteer’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
22 September (Wed): GiveBlood

                    Scope: donated blood is vital for a wide variety of life-saving procedures
                    including accidents and emergencies. Blood cannot be manufactured. It
                    takes weeks to prepare so regular donations are needed to maintain live
                    saving stocks. Every 2 seconds someone needs blood. Give blood

                    Some examples: #GiveBlood 2019, 2020

Lead & Key          LRFs & partners; health;
partners:           TBC: @GiveBloodNHS, @givebloodscot, @GiveBloodNI @WelshBlood

How partners can    Share Give Blood info & resources
take part:            - England blood.co.uk
                      - Scotland scotblood.co.uk
                      - Wales welsh-blood.org.uk
                      - Northern Ireland nibts.hscni.net

Primary Hashtag     day 22 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #GiveBlood #CommunityResilience
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   almost anyone can donate blood easily and painlessly
                    •   blood is always needed, especially type 0, young people over 17 and
Key messages:
                        people from minority communities
                    •   register to give blood (an essential journey)

Activity for the    Find out about how to give blood locally, make an appointment
general public      Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,   Cross off the ‘GiveBlood’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
23 September (Thu): RespectTheWater

                    Scope: safety around water, drowning prevention, float to live, rip currents,
                    discourage storm watchers, call 999 ask for the coastguard, assist & first aid,

                    Some examples: #RespectTheWater 2019 , 2020

Lead & Key
                    RNLI, HMCoastguard, LRFs & partners; health;

How partners can    Share/embed water safety resources, e.g.
take part:            - RNLI float to live video
                      - NYFRS how to use life/ring buoy video
                      - NYFRS how to use a throw line video
                      - Northants numpties video

Primary Hashtag     day 23 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #RespectTheWater #DrowningPrevention #FloatToLive #WaterSafety
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   if you find yourself unexpectedly in the water: float to live
Key messages:       •   if you see someone in trouble, call 999 ask for the coastguard
                    •   never enter the water, use a life ring or throw line to assist

Activity for the
                    Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
general public
                    Cross off the ‘RespectTheWater’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
(connect, inform,
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
24 September (Fri): MakeTheRightCall

                    Scope: what happens when you call 999 (e.g. WelshAmbulance video; LFB
                    video); proper use of 101/999 including coastguard, mountain rescue. NHS
                    111; Gas emergency number 0800 111999; text 61016 British Transport
                    Police; other local numbers; silent solution 999 and 55 (e.g. Thames Valley

                    Some examples: #MakeTheRightCall 2019 , 2020;
                    Note: avoid showcasing ‘bad behaviour’ as it reinforces social norms. Rather,
                    showcase ‘good’ behaviour as positive role models.

Lead & Key          LRFs, police, police control rooms, fire, ambulance, coast guard, SAR
partners:           TBC: British Transport Police, Cadent

How partners can    Showcase #MakeTheRightCall; what is a ‘right call’
take part:          Share links to encourage reporting online
                    Embed video resources referenced above

Primary Hashtag     day 24 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #MakeTheRightCall
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   know when to call and who to call
                    •   non-life threatening: 101 police, 111 NHS
Key messages:       •   life threatening: 999 ask for police, fire, ambulance, coastguard
                    •   for mountain rescue call 999, ask for police then mountain rescue
                    •   wrong use leads to delays with potentially tragic consequences

                    Add BTP, NHS & gas emergency number to your phone contacts and
Activity for the
                    bookmark online reporting webpages
general public
                    Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,
                    Cross off the ‘RightCall’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
25 September (Sat): ChooseWell

                    Scope: based on ChooseWellWales and ChooseWellManchester & updated
                    guidance if available; know the appropriate option for health issues: self-
                    care, local NHS, A&E; resources for self-care inc. online services

                    Some examples: #ChooseWell 2019, 2020

Lead & Key
                    Health (PHE, NHS, CCGs, GPs etc), LRFs

How partners can    Share ‘choose well’ resources, link to local contexts
take part:          Embed NHS video ‘auditions’ in your posts/threads
                    Share NHS video ‘FailTale’ in your posts/threads
                    Share NHS video ‘pharmacy’
                    Link to NHS services near you page

Primary Hashtag     day 25 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #ChooseWell
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   no need to call 999 or go to A&E for everything
                    •   call NHS 111, find advice online through trusted resources
Key messages:
                    •   choose well, choose the right service to avoid delays for you and others
                    •   help relieve pressure on health services

Activity for the    Bookmark the NHS services page
general public      Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,   Cross off the ‘ChooseWell’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
26 September (Sun): WhatRisk – intl. travel

                    Scope: current guidance and restrictions on international travel; how to be
                    risk aware and access help when visiting foreign countries; FCDO travel

                    Some Examples: move #WhatEmergency into an international context incl.
                    terrorism risk; #WhatEmergency 2019 , 2020 and #RunHideTell 2020 (CT
                    police safe abroad video)

Lead & Key          LRFs & partners; health, UK embassies
partners:           TBC: @fcdotravelgovuk

How partners can    Share & link to current guidance and restrictions
take part:          Share & link to official World Wide Organisations list
                    Share intl. Emergency Numbers:
                    - 999 (UK + many former colonies and territories)
                    - 112 (EU), 911 (US) – are universal and work from most phones

Primary Hashtag     day 26 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #TravelSafety #britsabroad #expats
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   stay current and adhere to travel restrictions
                    •   access trusted information, know how to access help
Key messages:
                    •   be risk aware when traveling abroad, have a personal preparedness plan

Activity for the    Follow @FCDOtravelGovUK to stay informed
general public      Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,   Cross off the ‘intl. WhatRisk’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
27 September (Mon): HiViz - BeBrightBeSeen

                    Scope: High-Viz clothing and items save lives, safer cycling and outdoor
                    sports, SAR can locate persons easier; road safety, car safety kit (tomorrow’s
                    theme is ‘drive prepared’)

                    Some Examples: #BeBrightBeSeen 2019, 2020

Lead & Key          ALL – hi viz selfie | LRFs & partners; NGOs/charities & community
partners:           organisations | TBC: @THINKgovuk @sustrans @95Alive

How partners can    Share local good practice
take part:          Share/embed nationally & locally relevant info and resources links; e.g.
                    - THINK BeBrightBeSeen game
                    - THINK Hedgehog roadsafety video

Primary Hashtag     day 27 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #HiViz #BeBrightBeSeen #RoadSafety
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   Be bright be seen for safety, carry/wear hi viz items
                    •   fluorescent and reflective items are cheap and save lives
Key messages:
                    •   hi viz for everyone inc. outdoor enthusiasts; prepared pets

Activity for the
                    Take and share a selfie with your hiviz items tagging #30days30waysUK
general public
                    Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,
                    Cross off the ‘HiViz’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
28 September (Tue): Drive Prepared

                    Scope: safe (winter) driving, vehicle checks, never drive through flood
                    waters, road safety, plan ahead, check before you travel, vehicle first aid &
                    emergency kits inc hi viz items (yesterday’s theme)

                    Some Examples: #DrivePrepared 2019 , 2020

Lead & Key          Highways England, N44 Response; LRFs & partners, gritters
partners:           TBC: RAC; AA

How partners can    Share local winter road safety info & resourcdes links
take part:          Embed/link regional and UK open resources, e.g.
                            - ScotGov Ready for Winter video
                            - MetOffice travel info fog, storm
                            - RAC/MetOffice/Highways fog video
                            - RAC guide snow driving
                            - The AA flood water video

Primary Hashtag     day 28 of #30days30waysUK
Secondary Hashtag   #DrivePrepared #RoadSafety
Tertiary Hashtag    #BePreparedNotScared; September is #preparednessMonth

                    •   check and equip your vehicle for safe winter driving
                    •   never drive through flood water
Key messages:
                    •   plan ahead – always check before you travel (free apps)

Activity for the
                    Share a #driveprepared selfie with your car tagging #30days30waysUK
general public
                    Share, like, comment today’s posts, tag/inform friends & family
(connect, inform,
                    Cross off the ‘DrivePrepared’ icon on the 30days30waysUK bingo card
inspire action)

                          #30days30waysUK | 30days30waysUK.org.uk
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