Page created by Darryl Lyons
                            Rachel Venturino, UCLA; Michael Schall, UCLA; Jonathan Solichin, UCLA

                                                                  empowering the public in unprecedented ways by increasing
Introduction                                                      the visibility and viability of remote sensing.
   Increasing availability of publicly accessible remotely        Google is a quintessential player in the information age and
sensed data and software via Google Earth has provided a          if they seek to fulfill their aim “to organize the world’s in-
unique tool for the general public, allowing them to discern      formation and make it universally accessible and useful” the
alterations of the global environment etc. which has histori-     aforementioned concepts are imperative in their business
cally been limited to industry professionals. Liberalization of   model [1].
this material permits the general public to analyze various
global phenomenon that have proven difficult to convey
abstractly. Provided pressing issues, ranging from climate        Methodology
change to real time storm tracking, these data sets can be
utilized in new ways, from preventive studies to post-              Our first step is to survey the present public and academic
analysis. While there has been much movement in ways to           usage of Google Earth, since they represent the end user’s
acquire data, platforms for processing these data into infor-     perspective. Although there were some papers and analysis
mation has been lacking. Presently, the only publicly availa-     on Google Earth, studies of the software, particularly for
ble software known to the general public for remote sensing       remote sensing, is seldom, which increases the importance
analysis is, by and large, Google Earth.                          of this paper because it suggests that Google Earth is not
                                                                  being used to its full potential in the remote sensing space.
   Despite initial, monumental changes in user access de-         To expand our search for literature we also looked for dis-
scribed above we presume that Google is neglecting to             cussion on the use of cloud computation in remote sensing,
achieve the entirety of impact they could, based on deficien-     as well as other remote sensing computation engine.
cies in further data manipulation. Applications such as ENVI
allow users greater manipulation of imagery, yielding expo-          Once we gain preliminary understanding on the present
nential benefit to analysis and processes not obtainable with     field, our next step in our project was to acquire access to
the present functionality of Google Earth.                        Google Earth Engine Beta, since this will reveal to us where
                                                                  Google is in their development in this field, and the provid-
                                                                  er’s perspective. We applied too this program, suggesting
Background                                                        that we were in the academic remote sensing space, wanting
                                                                  to survey their Data Catalog, and their current techniques for
   Presently, Google is making headway with their Google          remote sensing analysis.
Earth Engine Beta project (hereafter: EE), a software cur-
rently available by sign up that allows remote sensing via          EE’s data catalog was then compared against freely avail-
their hosted cloud computation platform. Similarly, they          able remote sensing data through governmental databases
have begun collecting data that is becoming more publicly         such as USGS, NOAA and their sundry satellites (e.g. Land-
available to augment their current remote sensing library,        sat, GOES, EOG, etc.).
employed on Google Earth, through EE’s Data Catalog.
They have similarly started projects in the academic space           We then surveyed Earth Engine’s capability. We looked at
that demonstrates their interest in developing public aware-      its ability to deal with remote sensing from their front end
ness of remote sensing, for example: Global Forest Change         graphical user interface, as well as their programming API.
in conjunction with the University of Maryland.                   In order to learn more, we also considered the present use of
                                                                  Earth Engine.
  The present paper will attempt to survey Google Earth
Engine’s current capability, and how we can augment it with
remote sensing data and processes used in academia. We            Results
hypothesize that some ENVI functions (i.e. spectral band
selection, NDVI analysis, etc.), as well as basic algorithms        At it’s core, EE allows user to tap into Google’s massive
often used in remote sensing, as well as data freely available    computation capability to apply remote sensing research to
for the public through USGS, NOAA, and so forth, can be           general public. Their first massive project, Global Forest
baked into their publicly visible Google Earth Enging soft-       Fire, was done in conjunction with the University of Mary-
ware through an intuitive GUI, Thus allowing Google to            land, to demonstrate this capability. “Google Earth Engine is
capitalize on some of the proprietary market share while          a massively parallel technology for high-performance pro-

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                                        DEC. 2014                                               PAGE NO. 1
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

cessing of geospatial data, and houses a copy of the entire         though they promote “custom web pages designed to enable
Landsat image catalog […] what would have taken a single            those capabilities for the end-user. “
computer 15 years to perform was completed in a matter of
days using Google Earth Engine computing [2]. This project
have already been cited in recent papers for its potential in       A. Applying to Google Earth Engine
helping developing areas obtain information which may oth-
erwise be unavailable due to resource. In his survey of cloud         Without applying to EE, users can test drive basic features
computation in remote sensing, Kshetri utilizes EE’s defor-         of EE. For example, they may add data from the Data Cata-
estation data as an example in which cloud computation “can         logue and experiment with how the data is viewed (e.g.
help address environmental issues”, thereby offsetting the          bands allocation, gain, palette, range, and year). However,
environmental impact caused by large server farms [3]. In           more advanced remote sensing analysis is not possible with-
fact, EE was first unveiled during a United Nations climate         out registration.
talk in Mexico, whereby it was positioned as a resource
““for measuring, reporting and verifying anthropogenic for-           We applied to Earth Engine by submitting a request to the
est-related emissions” [4].                                         Earth Engine Beta Signup, which can be obtain through this
                                                                    form [6]. Earth Engine Beta applicants must have a Gmail
  EE provides several other processed products available for        account, but other than that there does not seem to be any
browsing to the public on its website. They provide specific        restrictions. An example of our request looks like, “Some
examples for area study through application of temporal             colleagues and I are working on remote sensing application
Landsat data such as: “Saudi Arabia Irrigation” “Drying of          and analysis, at UCLA, were hoping to be permitted access
Lake Urmia, Iran”, “Columbia glacier Retreat,” “Dubai               to the Earth Engine Beta. Our work has previously utilized
Coastal Expansion”, and “Drying of the Aral Sea,” as well           programs such as ENVI and Earth Explorer. In addition we
as products done through computation such as “Global road-          are interested to see how Earth Engine might fit into the aca-
less Areas,” “water Mask of central Africa,” “NDFI over the         demic sphere.” Within roughly 24-hours we all go emails
Amazon,” and “Landsat 7 L1T Coverage” [2].                          outlining how to access the EE workspace. Provided full
                                                                    beta access you are able to do a variety of things, which we
   Another major contribution to the field is Exelis’ Service       will discuss later in in the paper.
Engine. Service Engine is a buyable product that follows
“the concept of master and worker nodes,” whereby con-              B. Data Catalog Availability
sumers would load their product on a centralized servers
which contains the computation power, as well as the data,          Table 1. Earth Explorer sans ASTER, MODIS, LAND-
which the consumer can then access through thin clients             SAT
remotely, in other words allows ENVI analytics in the cloud
[5]. Examples provided include “environmental responder[s]           Product                          Availability
getting real-time updates on rescue efforts while in the field,      Name            Coverage         on EE           Notes
a deployed soldier getting updates on enemy troop move-                                                               NAIP:
ments, severe weather warnings going out to disaster re-                                                              National
sponse teams, or even an assessment of civil unrest within a                                                          Agricul-
region” [5]. On top of existing data on servers, Service En-                                                          ture Im-
gine enables information uploads through clients on the                                                               agery
ground to provide more real-time results. They also tout in-         Aerial          Regional         L               Program
teroperability, being adherent to Open Geospatial Consorti-          Cal/Val-
um and the Esri Geo Services REST specification, and ac-             Referece
cessible via the IDL programming language [5]. Such in-              Sites           Regional         N
teroperability is demonstrated with their example of working         Declassified
in conjunction with Milcord on dPlan which optimizes UAV             (Old-
routing and analysis [5]. In fact, Service Engine is largely         Military)                        N
only a component in Exelis’ cloud strategy, since it depends         Digital Ele-
on interfaces for users to use. One such example is Exelis’          vation                           L
Jagwire, which is a “web-based software system that is spe-
                                                                     Digital Line
cifically designed for ingest, storage, management, discov-
                                                                     Graphs          Regional         N
ery, and delivery of geospatial full motion video (FMV),
                                                                     Digital Maps    Regional         N
imagery, and derived products with near real-time access,”
                                                                     USGS            Regional         N

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                                        DEC. 2014                                                  PAGE NO. 2
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

Group on                                                                                           ing. data
Earth Obser-                                                                                       may in-
vations                                                                                            tersect
(GEO)                                                                                              with
Global Agri-                                                                                       NAIP,
cultural                                                                                           although
Monitoring                                                                                         it seems
(GLAM)                                                                                             its for
Global Fidu-                                                                                       Canada
cials Library                                                                                      only
(GFL)                      N                                                                       Orbview
Global For-                                                                                        itself is
est Observa-                                                                                       not listed,
tion Initia-                                                                                       but may-
tive                       N                                                                       be it is a
Global Land                                                                                        part of
Survey                     Y                                                                       EE’s base
Heat Capaci-                                   Orbview                         L                   map
ty Mapping                                     National
Mission         Regional   N                   Land Cover
Lidar           Regional   N                   Data           Regional         Y
                               EE has          NASA
                               surface         LPDACC                          Y
                               tempera-        GEO-Eye                         N
AVHRR                          ture from
1km global                 L   AVHRR          Table 2. Landsat Data
                               EE has
                               NDVI            Satellites    Availability on EE
AVHRR                          from oth-       Landsat 1     Available as part of Land Survey 1975
Composites                     er satel-       Landsat 2     Available as part of Land Survey 1975
(NDVI)                     L   lites           Landsat 3     Available as part of Land Survey 1975
IKONOS-2        Regional   N                   Landsat 4     Yes
                               USGS            Landsat 5     Yes
                               has de-         Landsat 7     Yes
                               classified      Landsat 8     Yes
                               aerial         Table 3. NOAA Data
                               from Co-        Name of Data                        Availability
                               rona,           VIIRS (Night fire / infrared
                               Argon,          spectral)                           No
                               and Lan-        DMSP (Night time lights)            Yes
                               yard,           Nightsat (Moderate resolution
Declassified                   originally      human settlements sprawl)           No
Military        Regional   N   for recon.
                                               GOES (Continuous atmos-
EO-1                       N                   phere monitoring)                   No
                               Joint Ex-
                               of Crop
                               ment and       Table 4. MEaSUREs Data Products Availability in
JECAMM          Regional   L   Monitor-       Google Earth Explorer

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                     DEC. 2014                                                  PAGE NO. 3
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

                                              Avai                             Annual
                  MEaSURE                     lable                            WELD
Short   Collec-   s Data       Spatial Res-   in         WEL-                  CONUS
Name    tion      Product      olution        EE         DUSLL        WELD     Lat/Long      30 m            No
                  SRTM                                   WEL-                  WELD
SRTM              Global 1                               DUSM                  CONUS
GL1     SRTM      arc second   1 arc-second   No         O            WELD     Monthly       30 m            No
                  SRTM                                                         WELD
                  Global 1                               WEL-                  CONUS
SRTM              arc second                             DUSSE        WELD     Seasonal      30 m            No
GL1N    SRTM      number       1 arc-second   No         WEL-                  WELD
                  SRTM                                   DUSW                  CONUS
SRTM              Global 3                               K            WELD     Weekly        30 m            No
GL3     SRTM      arc second   3 arc-second   No                               WELD
                  SRTM                                   WEL-                  CONUS
SRTM              Global 30    30 arc-                   DUSYR        WELD     Annual        30 m            No
GL30    SRTM      arc second   second         No
                  Global 3                              Table 5. ASTER Data Products Availability in Google
SRTM              arc second                            Earth Explorer
GL3N    SRTM      number       3 arc-second   No
                  SRTM                                                                      Avai
                  Global 3                                                           Res    lable
                  arc second                             Short    Lev   Aster Data   olu-   in      Alternative in
SRTM              sub-                                   name     el    Product      tion   EE      EE
GL3S    SRTM      sampled      3 arc-second   No                        Registered
                  SRTM                                                  Radiance
                  Water                                                 at the       15,
                  Body Data                              AST_           Sensor –     30,
                  Shapefiles                             L1BE     1B    Expedited    90     No
SRTMS             & Raster                                              Recon-
WBD     SRTM      Files        1 arc-second   No                        structed
                  SRTM US                                               Unpro-
SRT-              1 arc sec-                                            cessed
MUS1    SRTM      ond          1 arc-second   No                        Instru-
                  SRTM US                                               ment Data    15,
                  1 arc sec-                             AST_           – Expedit-   30,
SRT-              ond num-                               L1AE     1A    ed           90     No
MUS1N   SRTM      ber          1 arc-second   No                        Surface
                  WELD                                                  Reflec-
WELD              Alaska                                                tance –                     Landsat 5
AKLL    WELD      Lat/Longs    30 m           No         AST_           VNIR &       15,            Surface Re-
                                                         07       2     SWIR         30     No      flectance
WELD              Alaska                                                Surface
AKMO    WELD      Monthly      30 m           No                        Reflec-
                                                                        tance –
                                                                        VNIR &
WELD              Alaska
                                                                        Crosstalk                   Landsat 5
AKSE    WELD      Seasonal     30 m           No
                                                         AST_           Corrected    15,            Surface Re-
                                                         07XT     2     SWIR         30     No      flectance
WELD              Alaska
AKWK    WELD      Weekly       30 m           No
WELD              WELD
                                                         AST_           – VNIR &     15,
AKYR    WELD      Alaska       30 m           No
                                                         09       2     SWIR         30     No

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                               DEC. 2014                                             PAGE NO. 4
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

            Surface                                                    ASTER
            Radiance                                                   Global                        SRTM Digi-
            – VNIR &                                                   Digital                       tal Elevation
            Crosstalk                                  AST             Elevation                     Data Version
AST_        Corrected    15,                           GTM      3      Model         30     No       4
09XT   2    SWIR         30    No
AST_        Radiance                                  Table 6. MODIS Data Products Availability in Google
09T    2    TIR          90    No                     Earth Explorer. See Appendix.
                                    Land Surface
                                                      C. GUI & Programming
            Surface                 and Emissivi-
                                                        Both EE and alternative software, such as ENVI have their
            Kinetic                 ty Daily
                                                      benefits and drawbacks when it comes to UI . However, the
AST_        Tempera-                Global 1 km
                                                      breadth of manipulation in EE is highly dependent on the
08     2    ture         90    No   Grid SIN
                                                      users programming capabilities (either java or python).
                                    Land Surface
                                    Temperature          Generally speaking microscale analysis is much more dif-
                                    and Emissivi-     ficult in EE than alternative, proprietary platforms. It should
                                    ty Daily          be mentioned that this is largely with regard to non-
AST_        Surface                 Global 1 km       classified data. Imagery and analysis that has been published
05     2    Emissivity   90    No   Grid SIN          in EE allows quite intuitive manipulation. Furthermore, not
            Registered                                having to download imagery via platforms such as Earth
            Radiance                                  Explorer and then upload it into the desired program can be
            at the                                    very efficient.
AST1        Sensor –     15,
4OT         Orthorec-    30,
H      3    tified       90    No                       Macro or global scale analysis of precomputed data sets
                                                      including NDWI, NDVI, etc. facilitate tremendously power-
                                                      ful computation processed with Google’s serves. If one
            Radiance     15,
                                                      wanted to do the similar scale analysis on their own ma-
AST_        at the       30,
                                                      chine, not only would it take a tremendous amount of time
L1B    1B   Sensor       90    No
                                                      but would surely strain your computer (if even possible).
                                                      Additional benefits of EE’s platform and data repository
                                                      include pre-written java templates for image classification.
            Model &
                                                      Again the downside of this is needing Java programming
                                                      experience and the disorganization of resource material.
            at the                  SRTM Digi-
AST1        Sensor –     15,        tal Elevation        To the same end, working with imagery that is not includ-
4DM         Orthorec-    30,        Data Version      ed in the EE catalog requires laborious processes. Simple
O      3    tified       90    No   4                 functions that can be completed in ENVI such as color map-
            Recon-                                    ping, are much more complex to mimic using EE palette
            structed                                  classification (Figure 4). The ability to obtain a cursor loca-
            Unpro-                                    tion/value in ENVI is something that does not seem possible
            cessed       15,                          in EE, with or without programming abilities (Figure 3). It
AST_        Instru-      30,                          would be nice to have some basic tools, and UI function in
L1A    1A   ment Data    90    No                     EE similar to those offered in the standalone platforms. Be-
                                    SRTM Digi-        low are some screenshots demonstrating or displaying the
AST1        Digital                 tal Elevation     comments mentioned above.
4DE         Elevation               Data Version
M      3    Model        30    No   4
                                                      D. ENVI vs EE

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                             DEC. 2014                                               PAGE NO. 5
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)


                                                        Figure 4. Color Palette (without programming & Clouds)

Figure 1. Thermal (4,5,7) Band Selection-ENVI

                                                        Figure 5. Landsat 8 32-Day NDWI- Precomputed (EE)

Figure 2. Color Mapping with Color Tables ENVI

                                                       Figure 6. Landsat 8-Annual NDVI- Precomputed (EE)

Figure 3. Cursor Location/Value- ENVI


                                                       Figure 7. Thermal Band Selection(4,5,7)- EE


ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                               DEC. 2014                                             PAGE NO. 6
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

A. Data Catalog & Data Usage                                         image is processed you can can obtain an access link, where
                                                                     you copy the the EE ID (Step 2), and paste it into the search
   One of the benefits in using EE is the marriage between           bar of your EE workspace (Step 3). In theory this should
the data source and the analysis software. Unlike the tradi-         prompt the “Custom Assets” option as captured in step 3. In
tional desktop software model, EE allows the user to focus           our experience this has only worked intermittently. Assum-
on the analysis and not on acquiring data since the data has         ing it has worked, you may then manipulate the image you
been precomputed by Google for use on EE platform. A                 have uploaded.
quick search of “Night lights” will immediately show data
from NOAA’s DMSP. Moreover, some data have been fur-                   The pictures below below demonstrates the process of
ther computed for basic information. For example, a quick            uploading a satellite image into Maps Engine, where it is
search on “Landsat” will provide composites (8 days, 32              processed and then available to search In EE.
days, etc.), indices (NDVI, NDSI, EVI, etc.). It is additional-
ly useful that EE combines several temporal data into one
set–that is, a search for “Landsat 8 NDWI” will allow the
user to scrub through all available years that data is available

   However, although EE makes a venerable attempt to sim-
plify the process of acquiring data, there are quirks that
make the process limiting. For example, some data sets are
searchable through the data catalog, but at the same time
cannot be added to the workspace (e.g. Landsat Global Land
Survey 1975). It is unclear why this is, and there is no way
to filter results. Moreover, while it’s good that EE combines
temporal data together, its lack of filtering makes finding the      Step 1
right set difficult. For example: there is no way to only look
for data between a date range, which must be possible since
EE does know which years as available.

B. Uploading Imagery
   One of biggest problems encountered while using EE was
attempting to upload our own imagery. In contrast to other
platforms EE is largely designed to be stand alone. Adding
an image is extremely cumbersome, and the current docu-
mentation can be misleading. For instance you might find             Step 1.5 (Wait for Processing)
contradictory information in the google tutorials about up-
loading images, as stated, “You may wonder about upload-
ing your own imagery to Google Earth Engine for analysis.
This feature is not yet completed, but we plan to offer the
ability to upload and analyze your own imagery in the future
[2].” However, if one takes a deeper look they will find that
you can infact upload external imagery, with a few caveats.

  Primarily, you are required to upload the imagery into
Google Maps Engine, another google platform, not into EE
directly (Step 1). Second, you can only upload one image at          Step 2- Copy Access Link
time, resulting in a very tedious process if you want to ex-
amine multiple bands in a given satellite. Once the image
has uploaded into Maps Engine you have to process the im-
age, which can take quite some time (Step 1.5). After the

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                                         DEC. 2014                                                PAGE NO. 7
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

                                                                      with similar data. Utilization of this resource may provide
                                                                      boonful to researchers, having access to quicker data up-
                                                                      dates, as well as EE developers themselves since they no
                                                                      longer need to do the processing.

                                                                         It is interesting to compare EE with other remote sensing
                                                                      analysis solution which encourages integration of other plat-
                                                                      forms. As mentioned before, Exelis’ Service Engine prides
                                                                      itself in its ability to integrate different platforms. In fact, it
                                                                      provides no data of its own and depends on the user contrib-
                                                                      uting the data into its repository. Even better, with Jagwire,
                                                                      users are able to upload data live, on site. Moreover, Service
Step 3- Paste Access Link in EE Workspace                             Engine’s capability to connect via OGC and ESRI rest speci-
                                                                      fications, allows Service Engine to be used as part of a
                                                                      greater workflow.

                                                                        It is possible, however, that such capability highlights the
                                                                      fundamental difference between EE and other remote sens-
                                                                      ing softwares. Whereas Service Engine seems to be focused
                                                                      on on-demand analysis, e.g. UAV and military application,
                                                                      EE is aimed for large data crunching for research, which
                                                                      precludes time insensitivity, e.g. Forest deforestation, Global
                                                                      roadless Areas, etc.

                                                                         It behooves the writer to note some issues that may have
Step 4- Finally the image in EE!                                      compromise the data catalog summary and capability. Alt-
                                                                      hough we did our best to find data, EE’s search platform is
  Beyond the issues encountered with uploading imagery,               limited to some degree. Although VIIRS data may not seem
were classification discrepancies. This becomes problematic           to be available if we search “VIIRS,” it may be possible that
since, as shown previously in the results, some data sources          it has been combined with another data set. We hope that the
are not available. Somehow google has managed to thwart               EE team provides a solution and a more robust search solu-
their search functionality within the EE workspace either             tion that searches more than the title, but includes the meta-
intentionally    or    unintentionally.     Moreover,      real       data. To note: EE demonstrates how to calculate Tree Height
time/continuous data, such as NOAA’s GOES, is unavaila-               via LIDAR data. Despite this, searching for “LIDAR” in the
ble for quick retrieval. Thus EE is largely limited by what           data catalog will provide nothing. Looking at the program-
the team deems to be important; although they provide a ton           ming layer for this demonstration, we noticed a data set
of data already, and is often convenient, processing is ulti-         named “Simard_Pinto_3DGlobalVeg_JGR”. Searching for
mately limited due to the inextensibility of the platform.            this,results in nothing as well [8].

   Additionally, unlike most data repository for remote sens-         B. EE Workspace and Remote Sensing
ing, it is not possible to search availability by region of in-
terest. It is to note, that the availability of data may be a re-     Analysis
sult of the platform’s centralized computation paradigm–that
is, since EE stores all its data on Google’s servers than the         Presets
individual users, it may be prohibitive to have a copy of all
possible data.                                                           Currently EE provides several preprocessing of images
                                                                      such as simple indices (see results). Given that EE seems to
  Another data source that we wished EE would have em-                attempt to provide public access to remote sensing analysis
ployed is NASA and USGS’ Web-enabled landsat Data pro-                (e.g. the examples), it may be beneficial to provide addition-
jects (WELD), which provides preprocessed Landsat data                al algorithms to demonstrate the power of the platform to
which has spectral calibration coefficients, solar infor-             those new to the field or EE. We propose some general algo-
mation, reflectance, brightness and temperature, as well as           rithm that has been demonstrated in the field as starting
temporal alignment is another example of data we wished.              points. Since EE already has the ability to change band com-
[7] Such data set would fit perfectly into EE since EE deals          bination, it may be useful to create presets that can highlight

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                                          DEC. 2014                                                      PAGE NO. 8
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

different water bodies, soil, vegetation, man-made materials,           EE currently has some advanced methods dealing with
and snow and ice as per common band combinations such as             time series data such as trend analysis (using covariate), and
the one given by Portland State University. In addition, other       cross correlation analysis (resulting in delta x, y and euclide-
classification system can be integrated beside band combina-         an distance difference [8]. We suggest that a basic change
tion, such as the Maximum Likelihood classification [9].             detection tool in the GUI can improve user experience. Their
Another great example of analysis that Google can develop            documentation currently suggests that change detection can
based on existing academic research is Whale Counting [9]            be done by toggling layer visibility. Although layer capabili-
[10] and building types [11]. Additionally, it may be inter-         ties is novel and other remote sensing application should
esting to compare Service Engine’s default preprocessing:            look to this feature, such feature is not a replacement for
find white planes, find red roofs, line of sight, and relative       change detection in comparing raster values. A simple im-
water depth, and look for avenues of possible improvements.          plementation of a tool that takes in two maps from the data
Blab la                                                              catalog and outputs a new map that calculate the difference
                                                                     in each pixel value may prove to be boonful to newcomers
   One of the benefits in using EE is the marriage between           and the general public not used to remote sensing analysis.
the data source and the analysis software. Unlike the tradi-         Such tool would take advantage of the fact that EE already
tional desktop software model, EE allows the user to focus           groups common data sets as well as aligning them together.
on the analysis and not on acquiring data since the data has
been precomputed by Google for use on EE platform. A                 Statistics
quick search of “Night lights” will immediately show data
from NOAA’s DMSP. Moreover, some data have been fur-                 Currently EE allows user to perform statistical analysis
ther computed for basic information. For example, a quick            through their programming layer, such as covariance, stand-
search on “Landsat” will provide composites (8 days, 32              ard deviation, min, max and so forth. However, such a tool is
days, etc.), indices (NDVI, NDSI, EVI, etc.). It is additional-      absent from the GUI layer, limiting its capability. It may be
ly useful that EE combines several temporal data into one            important to view data generated from EE in another format,
set–that is, a search for “Landsat 8 NDWI” will allow the            such as a graph. For example, in Exelis’ ENVI, users may
user to scrub through all available years that data is available     use a tool called “cursor location/values” which provide a
for.                                                                 graph of how values change within a map [9]. such graphical
                                                                     tool may provide information to the user.
Continual computation
   One of the biggest selling point for EE is its computation
capability. Recent advancement in remote sensing has al-                One of the primary benefit of cloud computing is that
lowed near real time imagery of the earth through different          computation is offloaded from the user’s device and thus a
sensors. “Today, commercial Earth observation satellites             thin client can be used for access. EE should exploit this
collect more than 4 million square kilometers of imagery             capability, allowing users to remote analysis in rural areas
daily, totaling petabytes every year “ [12]. Given that these        via mobile devices. Service Engine’s main feature points to
data are public, EE should allow for utilization of these con-       its ability to be accessible on the ground to provide real time
tinuous data feed, allowing near real time algorithmic analy-        information [5]. Since EE runs on the expansive Google
sis at the global level. Example data feed could be NOAA             network, EE should have no problem in creating a thin client
satellites: Suomi NPP (VIIRS) for weather, climate, ocean            version of EE. In doing so, EE will once again push the field
dynamic, volcanic eruption, forest fire, and global vegetation       by giving information to those traditionally without access to
analysis, GOES for severe weather, storm and hurricane               remote sensing, a goal which they seem to aim for and peo-
warning, DMSP for snow and ice cover, climate change and             ple applaud for in Global Forest Fire.
sea-level rise, cloud type, ocean surface temperatures and
currents, Jason-2 for oceanic depth and temperature, and             3D capability and Topography
DSCOVR for sun-lit face of the earth (not yet launched)
(NOAA). Such capability will be novel and could be                     Although EE can calculate elevation related operations,
groundbreaking for the industry at large.                            such as hillshadow and hillshade, it currently only has one
                                                                     way to view the data–top down. The capability of viewing
Change detection                                                     data within the three-dimensional scope is absent from the
                                                                     current EE GUI. For example: this function is referred to as
                                                                     “3D SurfaceView function” within the Exelis ENVI Classic

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                                         DEC. 2014                                                  PAGE NO. 9
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

software user interface. Furthermore, although EE has the          12Q1     Cover              ly
ability to employ layers, because there is no 3D function                   Type
within it, it is impossible to view two layers simultaneously               Land
beside color layering. For example, when using the DEM,                     Cover
the user can not overlay data on top of it without obscuring       MCD      Dy-                Year-
DEM.                                                               12Q2     namics    500m     ly       No
                                                                   MCD      –                                  MCD12Q1-
                                                                   15A2     FPAR      1000m    8 day    No     3 LAI/fPAR
                                                                   MCD      –                                  MCD12Q1-
                                                                   15A3     FPAR      1000m    4 day    No     3 LAI/fPAR
ASTER DEM ( ASTGDEMV2_0N37W123) + Landsat 5                                 Pa-
                                                                   MCD      rame-              16
                                                                   43A1     ters      500m     day      Yes
                                                                                                               Model Pa-
                                                                            BRDF-                              rameters 16-
                                                                            Albedo                             Day L3
                                                                   MCD      Quali-             16              Global
                                                                   43A2     ty        500m     day      Yes    500m
                                                                   MCD                         16
                                                                   43A3     Albedo    500m     day      No
(LT50440342011117PAC01) using ENVI’s 3D surface                             BRDF-
view.                                                                       Ad-
                                                                   MCD      Reflec-            16
Appendix                                                           43A4     tance     500m     day      Yes
Table 6. MODIS Data Products Availability in Google                         BRDF-                              Albedo
Earth Explorer                                                              Albedo                             Model Pa-
                                                                            Model                              rameters 16-
                              Tem-                                          Pa-                                Day L3
          MODI                poral    Avai                        MCD      rame-              16              Global
          S Data              Gran-    lable                       43B1     ters      1000m    day      No     500m
 Short    Prod-     Res       ulari-   in      Alternative                                                     MCD43A2
 Name     uct       (m)       ty       EE      in EE                                                           BRDF-
                                               MCD12Q1                      BRDF-                              Albedo
                                               Land Cover                   Albedo                             Quality 16-
          Land                                 Type Yearly         MCD      Quali-             16              Day Global
 MCD      Cover               Year-            Global              43B2     ty        1000m    day      No     500m
 12C1     Type      5600m     ly       No      500m                MCD                         16
 MCD      Land      500m      Year-    Yes                         43B3     Albedo    1000m    day      Yes

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                                      DEC. 2014                                               PAGE NO.
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

                                        MCD43A4                    Sur-
       Nadir                            BRDF-                      face
       BRDF-                            Adjusted                   Reflec-
       Ad-                              Reflectance                tance
       justed                           16-Day            MOD      Bands
MCD    Reflec-            16            Global            09GQ     1–2       250m     Daily    Yes
43B4   tance     1000m    day     No    500m                       Sur-                               MOD09GQ
                                        BRDF-                      face                               Surface Re-
       BRDF-                            Albedo                     Reflec-                            flectance
       Albedo                           Model Pa-                  tance                              Daily L2G
       Model                            rameters 16-      MOD      Bands                              Global
       Pa-                              Day L3            09Q1     1–2       250m     8 day    No     250m
MCD    rame-              16            Global                     Land
43C1   ters      5600m    day     No    500m                       Sur-
       BRDF-                                                       face
       Albedo                                                      Tem-
       Snow-                                                       pera-
       free                                                        ture &
MCD    Quali-             16                              MOD      Emis-
43C2   ty        5600m    day     No                      11A1     sivity    1000m    Daily    Yes
MCD                       16                                       Land
43C3   Albedo    5600m    day     No                               Sur-
                                        MCD43A4                    face
       Nadir                            BRDF-                      Tem-
       BRDF-                            Adjusted                   pera-
       Ad-                              Reflectance                ture &
       justed                           16-Day            MOD      Emis-
MCD    Reflec-            16            Global            11A2     sivity    1000m    8 day    Yes
43C4   tance     5600m    day     No    500m                       Land
       Ther-                                                       Sur-                               MOD11A2
       mal                                                         face                               Land Sur-
       Anom-                                                       Tem-                               face Tem-
MCD    alies &            Mont                                     pera-                              perature and
45A1   Fire      500m     hly     No    N/A                        ture &                             Emissivity
       Sur-                                               MOD      Emis-                              8-Day Glob-
       face                                               11B1     sivity    5600m    Daily    No     al 1km
       Reflec-                                                     Land
       tance                                                       Sur-                               MOD11A2
MOD    Bands                                                       face                               Land Sur-
09A1   1–7       500m     8 day   Yes                              Tem-                               face Tem-
       Sur-                                                        pera-                              perature and
       face                                                        ture &                             Emissivity
       Reflec-                                            MOD      Emis-                              8-Day Glob-
MOD    tance                                              11C1     sivity    5600m    Daily    No     al 1km
09CM   Bands                                                       Land
G      1–7       5600m    Daily   No                               Sur-                               MOD11A2
       Sur-                                                        face                               Land Sur-
       face                                                        Tem-                               face Tem-
       Reflec-                                                     pera-                              perature and
       tance                                                       ture &                             Emissivity
MOD    Bands     500/10                                   MOD      Emis-                              8-Day Glob-
09GA   1–7       00m      Daily   Yes                     11C2     sivity    5600m    8 day    No     al 1km

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                               DEC. 2014                                            PAGE NO. 11
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

       Land                                              14A1     mal
       Sur-                            MOD11A2                    Anom-
       face                            Land Sur-                  alies &
       Tem-                            face Tem-                  Fire
       pera-                           perature and               Ther-
       ture &                          Emissivity                 mal
MOD    Emis-             Mont          8-Day Glob-                Anom-
11C3   sivity    5600m   hly     No    al 1km            MOD      alies &
       Land                                              14A2     Fire      1000m    8 day    No     N/A
       Sur-                            MOD11A2                    Leaf
       face                            Land Sur-                  Area
       Tem-                            face Tem-                  Index
       pera-                           perature and      MOD      –
MOD    ture &                          Emissivity        15A2     FPAR      1000m    8 day    No     N/A
11_L   Emis-                           8-Day Glob-                Gross
2      sivity    1000m   5 min   No    al 1km                     Prima-
       Vege-                                                      ry
MOD    tation            16                              MOD      Produc
13A1   Indices   500m    day     Yes                     17A2     tivity    1000m    8 day    No     N/A
                                       MOD13A1                    Net
                                       Vegetation                 Prima-
                                       Indices 16-                ry
       Vege-                           Day L3            MOD      Produc             Year-           MCD12Q1-
MOD    tation            16            Global            17A3     tivity    1000m    ly       No     4 NPP
13A2   Indices   1000m   day     No    500m                       Vege-
                                       MOD13A1                    tation
                                       Vegetation                 Con-
                                       Indices 16-       MOD      tinuous            96
       Vege-                           Day L3            44A      Cover     250m     day      No     N/A
MOD    tation            Mont          Global                     Vege-
13A3   Indices   1000m   hly     No    500m                       tation
                                       MOD13A1                    Con-
                                       Vegetation        MOD      tinuous            Year-
                                       Indices 16-       44B      Fields    250m     ly       Yes
       Vege-                           Day L3                     Land
MOD    tation            16            Global                     Water
13C1   Indices   5600m   day     No    500m                       Mask
                                       MOD13A1           MOD      De-
                                       Vegetation        44W      rived     250m     None     Yes
                                       Indices 16-                Sur-
       Vege-                           Day L3                     face
MOD    tation            Mont          Global                     Reflec-
13C2   Indices   5600m   hly     No    500m                       tance
       Vege-                                             MYD      Bands
MOD    tation            16                              09A1     1–7       500m     8 day    Yes
13Q1   Indices   250m    day     Yes                              Sur-                               MYD09GA
       Ther-                                                      face                               Surface Re-
       mal                                                        Reflec-                            flectance
       Anom-                                             MYD      tance                              Daily L2G
MOD    alies &                                           09CM     Bands                              Global 1km
14     Fire      1000m   5 min   No    N/A               G        1–7       5600m    Daily    No     and 500m
MOD    Ther-     1000m   Daily   No    N/A               MYD      Sur-      500/10   Daily    Yes

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                              DEC. 2014                                             PAGE NO.
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

09GA   face      00m                                              Tem-                               perature and
       Reflec-                                                    pera-                              Emissivity
       tance                                                      ture &                             Daily Global
       Bands                                                      Emis-                              1 km Grid
       1–7                                                        sivity                             SIN
       Sur-                                                       Land                               MYD11A1
       face                                                       Sur-                               Land Sur-
       Reflec-                                                    face                               face Tem-
       tance                                                      Tem-                               perature and
MYD    Bands                                                      pera-                              Emissivity
09GQ   1–2       250m    Daily   Yes                              ture &                             Daily Global
       Sur-                            MYD09GQ           MYD      Emis-              Mont            1 km Grid
       face                            Surface Re-       11C3     sivity    5600m    hly      No     SIN
       Reflec-                         flectance                  Land                               MYD11A1
       tance                           Daily L2G                  Sur-                               Land Sur-
MYD    Bands                           Global                     face                               face Tem-
09Q1   1–2       250m    8 day   No    250m                       Tem-                               perature and
       Land                                                       pera-                              Emissivity
       Sur-                                              MYD      ture &                             Daily Global
       face                                              11_L     Emis-                              1 km Grid
       Tem-                                              2        sivity    1000m    5 min    No     SIN
       pera-                                                      Vege-
       ture &                                            MYD      tation             16
MYD    Emis-                                             13A1     Indices   500m     day      Yes
11A1   sivity    1000m   Daily   Yes                                                                 MYD13A1
       Land                                                                                          Vegetation
       Sur-                                                                                          Indices 16-
       face                                                       Vege-                              Day L3
       Tem-                                              MYD      tation             16              Global
       pera-                                             13A2     Indices   1000m    day      No     500m
       ture &                                                                                        MYD13A1
MYD    Emis-                                                                                         Vegetation
11A2   sivity    1000m   8 day   Yes                                                                 Indices 16-
       Land                            MYD11A1                    Vege-                              Day L3
       Sur-                            Land Sur-         MYD      tation             Mont            Global
       face                            face Tem-         13A3     Indices   1000m    hly      No     500m
       Tem-                            perature and                                                  MYD13A1
       pera-                           Emissivity                                                    Vegetation
       ture &                          Daily Global                                                  Indices 16-
MYD    Emis-                           1 km Grid                  Vege-                              Day L3
11B1   sivity    5600m   Daily   No    SIN               MYD      tation             16              Global
       Land                            MYD11A1           13C1     Indices   5600m    day      No     500m
       Sur-                            Land Sur-                                                     MYD13A1
       face                            face Tem-                                                     Vegetation
       Tem-                            perature and                                                  Indices 16-
       pera-                           Emissivity                 Vege-                              Day L3
       ture &                          Daily Global      MYD      tation             Mont            Global
MYD    Emis-                           1 km Grid         13C2     Indices   5600m    hly      No     500m
11C1   sivity    5600m   Daily   No    SIN                        Vege-
       Land                            MYD11A1           MYD      tation             16
MYD    Sur-                            Land Sur-         13Q1     Indices   250m     day      Yes
11C2   face      5600m   8 day   No    face Tem-         MYD      Ther-     1000m    5 min    No     N/A

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX                             DEC. 2014                                             PAGE NO. 13
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

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International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG)

ISSN NO: XXXX-XXXX   DEC. 2014                                          PAGE NO. 15
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