Everywhere! Learning is - TO HELP PREPARE FOR SCHOOL - United Way of the ...

Page created by Sylvia Estrada
Everywhere! Learning is - TO HELP PREPARE FOR SCHOOL - United Way of the ...
Learning is

                              Women United
Everywhere! Learning is - TO HELP PREPARE FOR SCHOOL - United Way of the ...
United Way Quad Cities Women United
                 is a dynamic and determined group of women
               dedicated to children’s readiness in school and life.

852 Middle Road, Suite #401, Bettendorf, Iowa 52722 • 563.355.4310 • unitedwayqc.org
Everywhere! Learning is - TO HELP PREPARE FOR SCHOOL - United Way of the ...
Children are Born Learning.
Make every day a “learning day” with your child.
Parents, YOU are your child’s first, best teacher.
Children begin to learn as soon as they are born and they keep learning every day. Between
birth and age five the brain is extremely responsive to experience, and reaches full develop-
ment by age 5. That gives parents 5 short years to find teachable moments in everyday life.

Children benefit when their families are involved in their learning and development. You can
help your child to be curious, develop interests, build character, get along with others, and
love words. You don’t have to be an expert to help your child learn. Having fun is an import-
ant part of learning. Your child learns best when he or she is doing fun and interesting things
with you!

School readiness is much more than knowing letters and numbers. Children who are
kindergarten-ready have good social, self-help, and physical skills and are developing
                                                                                                  VISIT A BORN LEARNING TRAIL
                                                                                                  • Buffalo Park
a love of learning.                                                                                 1115 Chestnut St., Buffalo
                                                                                                  • Camden Park
How to use this calendar:                                                                           Highway 67 & Milan Beltway, Milan
This calendar helps prepare children to enter kindergarten ready to learn. It provides:           • Fairmount Pines Housing Complex
 • Daily activities that are learning moments.                                                      4205 N. Fairmount St., Davenport
 • Educational resources.
                                                                                                  • Family Museum
 • 12 opportunities for your child to draw a picture on the top of each month of the calendar.      2900 Learning Campus Dr., Bettendorf

                                                                                                  • Marquette Park
                                                                                                    3200 N. Marquette St., Davenport
                                                                                                  • Nahant Marsh
                                                                                                    4220 Wapello Ave., Davenport
                                                                                                  • Skip-A-Long
                                                                                                    1609 14th St., Rock Island
Everywhere! Learning is - TO HELP PREPARE FOR SCHOOL - United Way of the ...
Connecting People To Plants
                                                                This coupon allows for a
                                                                    BUY ONE GET ONE
                                                                                                                       BORN LEARNING
                                                                    FREE ADMISSION
                                                                 to the Family Museum.
                                                                                                                       A series of six workshops for parents with a
                                                                          Offer is not valid for special events.       child who hasn't yet entered kindergarten
                                                                                          Expires 12/30/2021.          and/or is expecting a child. All academies are
                                                                                                                       limited to 20 families and are available on a
                                                                                                                       first come, first served basis.

$1 OFF
                                                                                                                       Academies include:
                                                                                                                        • Free dinner
                                                                                                                        • Free child care (unless held virtually)
                                                                                                                        • Giveaways for children and parents

                                                                                                                        • A tablet for each family that attends five
                                                                                                                          of the six workshops

2525 4th Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201 l 309.794.0991
                                                                                                                       Sign up at unitedwayqc.org/bornlearning

                                                            Use this coupon to receive one FREE
                                                         carousel ticket with paid general admission!
                                                                   Offer is not valid for special events.
                                                                           Expires 10/01/2021.

                                                        Plan your visit at NiabiZoo.com!

                                                        (309) 799-3482 | 13010 Niabi Zoo Rd. | Coal Valley, IL 61240
Everywhere! Learning is - TO HELP PREPARE FOR SCHOOL - United Way of the ...
                 CHILD NEEDS
                 TO KNOW BEFORE
                 Is your child ready for kindergarten?
                 Quad Cities kindergarten teachers put together
                 this list to help you.

                 1. Does your child have patience?
                 2. Does your child share with others?
                 3. Can your child explain thoughts/opinions?
                 4. Can your child get dressed or use a
                    bathroom without help?
                 5. Does your child do well in new situations?
                 6. Does your child take part in group activities?
                 7. Can your child hold a pencil and use
                 8. Can your child figure out ways to solve
                 9. Does your child explore the world and ask
                 10. Does your child like to listen to stories?

                 Go to unitedwayqc.org/ksi to read more
                 on how to help your child get ready for
Everywhere! Learning is - TO HELP PREPARE FOR SCHOOL - United Way of the ...
JANUARY 2021                                                                                                                 Women United

       SUNDAY                  MONDAY                       TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                      FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
                         1                            1                           1                           1                          1                           2
                         New Year’s Day               New Year’s Day              New Year’s Day                                         New Year’s Day              Eat dinner as a family.
                         Happy New Year! Talk         Talk about how you feel.    Kwanzaa Ends                                           Kwanzaa Ends                Have your child help
                         about what year it is.       Are you feeling happy or    Talk about what the new                                Talk about what the new     with the preparation.
                                                      sad? Why?                   month and year is.                                     month and year is.

3                        4                            5                           6                           7                          8                           9
Sort laundry with your   Practice rhyming.            Cut out paper               Look for things that are    Do a jigsaw puzzle.        Count to 10 on your         Play sock puppets.
child. What socks go                                  snowflakes.                 blue.                                                  fingers and toes.

10                       11                           12                          13                          14                         15                          16
Build a fort out of      Bounce or roll a ball        Practice tracing letters.   Talk about the letter “D”   Have a snack with one      Read a book about snow. Tell your child the story
blankets.                inside.                      Write your child’s name     and name objects that       fruit and one vegetable.                           of the day they were
                                                      & have them trace it        start with the “D”                                                             born.
                                                      with their finger.          sound.

17                       18                           19                          20                          21                         22                          23
Play with water. Use     Martin Luther King Jr. Day   Look for items that are     Talk about the weather.     Go get the mail. Talk      Teach your child how to     Stack blocks and knock
cups and spoons.         Talk about peace and         shaped like a square.       Is it cold? Snowy?          about who delivers it.     spell his or her name       them down.
                         caring for people.                                                                                              and practice reciting it.

24                       25                           26                          27                          28                         29                          30
Look in the mirror and   Lay down, close your         Learn how to do a           Practice zipping your       Talk about your favorite   Make cookies. Name the Sing “Old McDonald.”
make silly faces.        eyes, and talk about         somersault.                 coat.                       color.                     ingredients while you do.
                         what you hear.
Sing a song.
Everywhere! Learning is - TO HELP PREPARE FOR SCHOOL - United Way of the ...
               QUAD CITIES
               Sign up for texts on things to do today to help
               your child under 5 years succeed tomorrow.
               You’ll receive 4 text messages per week with
               educational and fun things to do with your

               Text BORNLEARNING to 95577
Everywhere! Learning is - TO HELP PREPARE FOR SCHOOL - United Way of the ...
FEBRUARY 2021                                                                                                              Women United

      SUNDAY                      MONDAY                     TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                 THURSDAY                    FRIDAY                    SATURDAY
1                           1                           2                         3                         4                         5                           6
Cuddle and talk about       Get out pots and pans       Groundhog Day             Sing the ABC song.        Cut out magazine          Play a game together as     Together, read a book
your day.                   and use them as drums.      Use a flashlight and                                pictures & glue them to   a family.                   and talk about what you
                                                        find shadows on the                                 paper.                                                see in the pictures.

7                           8                           9                         10                        11                        12                          13
Imitate a lion, elephant,   Use toilet paper rolls as   Talk about the letter “C” Countdown! Count          Using scissors, cut       Put 3 items out and then Put on music and dance
or other zoo animal.        binoculars.                 and name objects that     backwards from 10.        paper into shapes.        remove one. Which one    fast, slow, happy, and
                                                        start with the “C” sound.                                                     is missing?              silly.

14                          15                          16                        17                        18                        19                          20
Valentine’s Day             Presidents’ Day             Help your child write     While at a stoplight,  Pretend you are robots.      Make dinner together.       Find objects shaped like
Look for things that are    Talk about who our          his/her name with a       make up a story about                               Let your child set the      a circle.
red today.                  president is and what       pencil, naming each       someone you see. Where                              menu.
                            his job is.                 letter.                   is he/she going?

21                          22                          23                        24                        25                        26                          27
Check your school       Read two books at               Celebrate something       Make & eat a healthy      Sing “The Wheels on the   Talk about ways to make     Practice your phone
district website for    bedtime tonight.                your child has recently   snack together.           Bus.”                     new friends.                number.
updates on kindergarten                                 accomplished.
information for fall.

28                          24                          25                        26                        27                        28                          29
Invent a new song. Sing     Make & eat a healthy        Sing “The Wheels on the   Talk about ways to make   Practice your phone       Invent a new song. Sing     Dig out kitchen tongs
about the weather or        snack together.             Bus.”                     new friends.              number.                   about the weather or        and have fun picking
how you’re feeling today.                                                                                                             how you’re feeling today.   things up with them.
Everywhere! Learning is - TO HELP PREPARE FOR SCHOOL - United Way of the ...
                       READING MONTH
                       Reading to your child every day opens a whole new
                       world of imagination and excitement. It’s one of
                       the easiest ways to prepare your child for school.

                       Benefits of Reading With Young Children
                       By reading aloud from birth or even before, you
                       are building a solid foundation, book by book, that
                       will help your child succeed in school and in life.
                       Just as important, you will foster a love of reading
                       for pure enjoyment. Books bring us experiences
                       from people, places, and times that we could
                       never have directly. They help us see things
                       differently, learn important information, and
                       expand our knowledge.

                       Source: http://www.readingbrightstart.org/
Everywhere! Learning is - TO HELP PREPARE FOR SCHOOL - United Way of the ...
MARCH 2021                                                                                                               Women United

      SUNDAY                    MONDAY                    TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                     FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
1                         1                          2                         3                          41                         5                           6
March is National         March is National          Exercise together.        Play with water. Use       Practice
                                                                                                                   a play
                                                                                                                          date.      Create a morning            Make a smiley face using
Reading Month! Read a     Reading Month! Read a                                cups and spoons.           washing.                   routine. Get dressed, eat   fruits and vegetables.
book or two every day     book or two every day                                                                                      breakfast, brush teeth,     Eat your healthy snack.
this month.               this month.                                                                                                etc.

7                         8                          9                         10                         11                         12                          13
Play hide and seek.       Talk about your favorite   Play a rhyming game       Sculpt with play dough.    Sing, “Head, Shoulders,    Do a simple puzzle.         Pretend you are a cat.
                          color. What items can      with your child.                                     Knees & Toes.”
                          you see of that color?

14                        15                         16                        17                         18                         19                          20
Daylight Savings Begins Use plastic cups to build Make your own number         St. Patrick’s Day          Recite nursery rhymes      Buy something with          First Day of Spring
Have an indoor picnic.  a tower. Knock it down! cards.                         Look for the color green   together.                  cash and talk about the     Talk about the new
                                                                               today.                                                change you receive.         season starting today.

21                        22                         23                        24                         25                         26                          27
Play “Red Light, Green    Read a story. Ask your     Time how long you can     Draw a picture using a     Look at the cover of a     Find things that start      Act like a monkey.
Light” and “Mother, May   child what his or her      balance on one foot.      pencil or crayon.          book before you read it.   with the letter “F.”        Passover begins
I?” These games help      favorite part was and                                                           What do you think the
teach patience.           why?                                                                            book is about?

28                        29                         30                        31                         28                         29                          30
Talk about ways you can   Practice zipping and       Cut a healthy food into   Think of words that start Dance together.             Sort items. Clean forks  Library Day!
help a neighbor.          buttoning.                 fun shapes with cookie    with the first letter in                              and spoons, clean socks. Read an extra bedtime
                                                     cutters.                  your child’s name.                                                             story tonight.
                   Did you know 18 percent of Quad Cities
                   children are not ready for kindergarten?

                   Why Preschool Matters
                    • Get exposed to numbers, letters, and shapes
                    • Learn how to socialize, share, and get along
                      with other children
                    • Enter kindergarten with better pre-reading
                      skills, richer vocabularies, and strong basic
                      math skills

                   Choosing the Right Preschool
                    • Preschools serve 3, 4, and 5-year-olds, and
                      many kids begin at age 4
                    • Choose from part-time or full-time
                    • Start investigating options about a year before
                      you want your child to attend. Programs fill
                    • Programs are available at private schools,
                      daycare centers, synagogues and churches,
                      and state-funded schools
APRIL 2021                                                                                                                 Women United

      SUNDAY                    MONDAY                   TUESDAY                    WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                     FRIDAY                 SATURDAY
1                         1                         2LOOKING FOR QUALITY
                                                                  1                                        1                         2                         3
Talk about what day and
                          April Fool’s Day
                          Tell a silly joke.
                                                        CHILD CARE OR PRESCHOOL?
                                                    Use scissors to cut out a April Fool’s Day
                                                    coupon or a strip of         Tell a good joke today.
                                                                                                           April Fool’s Day
                                                                                                           Tell a good joke today.
                                                                                                                                     Put on music. Grab an
                                                                                                                                     empty box to use as a
                                                                                                                                                               Passover ends
                                                                                                                                                               Look for items that are
month it is.                                            Child
                                                    paper.       Care  Resource   & Referral offices:                                drum and slap it to the   shaped like a rectangle.
                                                           Iowa Quad Cities 877.216.8481                                             beat.
                                                             Illinois Quad Cities 309.205.3070

4                         5                         6                           7                          8                         9                         10
Easter                    Sort coins by color and   Pretend you are a fish      Look through books and Sing “The Itsy Bitsy          Good Friday               Look for things that are
Look for Easter eggs      size.                     swimming in a pond.         magazines to find things Spider.”                    Line up 3-4 similar       orange.
today. Count them as                                                            that are yellow.                                     objects, smallest to
you find them. Say what                                                                                                              largest.
color they are.

11                        12                        13                         14                          15                        16                        17
Have your child help turn Ramadan begins            Have your child practice    Dance. Turn on your        Have a tea party.         Have your child help      Talk about
the pages as you read a Help your child write       saying mom and dad’s        favorite radio station                               with chores.              transportation. Point
book.                     his/her name.             first and last name.        and boogie!                                                                    out different vehicles
                                                                                                                                                               while you’re out and

18                        19                        20                         21                          22                        23                        24
Make mood faces. Use a    Use words that show       Go on a scavenger hunt      Mix 2 or 3 shapes of       Earth Day                 Play board or card        Invent a new song.
mirror to make happy,     order such as:            to find toys.               uncooked pasta and         Talk about recycling &    games.                    Sing about how you’re
sad, angry, afraid, and   “first”/“second,”                                     separate the pieces by     how it makes the Earth                              feeling today.
surprised faces.          “next”/“last.”                                        shape.                     happy.

25                        26                        27                         28                          29                        30                        29
Where is your nose?       Get out cardboard boxes   Have a tickling battle.     Count down from            Imitate sounds. Honk      Practice skipping.        Read a simple poem.
Eyes? Ears? Tummy?        and create! Use your                                  10 to 1.                   like a car, bark like a
                          imagination.                                                                     dog, or chirp like a
               TO ANSWERS
               PARENTS NEED
                                United Way AIRS

               Need help finding community
               programs but aren’t sure where
               to turn?
               Call 2-1-1 to get connected to the services
               you need right here in the Quad Cities. This
               free, confidential information and referral
               help line connects you to local health and
               human services 24 hours a day, 7 days a
MAY 2021                                                                                                                    Women United

      SUNDAY                      MONDAY                     TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                      FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
1                           1                           1                         1                          1                           1                         1
May Day                     May Day                     Jump up and down 10       May Day                     Schedule a play date.      May Day                   May Day
Make a May Day basket       Make May Day baskets        times, counting as you    Make a May Day basket                                  Schedule a play date.     Use toilet paper rolls as
and deliver to a friend.    and deliver them to         do.                       and deliver it to a friend.                                                      binoculars.

2                           3                           4                         5                          6                           7                         8
Create a bedtime routine. Read a simple poem.           Play “I-Spy.”             Run in place, across the   Give a small treat to the   Count to 10 on your       After playing, have your
Take a bath, put on                                                               room, and in a circle.     child who can sit still     fingers and toes.         child help clean up.
pajamas, brush teeth,                                                                                        the longest.
read a book, go to sleep.

9                           10                          11                        12                         13                          14                        15
Mother’s Day                Ramadan Ends                Play dress up. Use        Put 3 items out and then Describe what you’re          Use measuring cups.       Go to the library &
Cuddle & spend quality      Practice tracing letters.   shirts, shoes, hats,      remove one. Which one is doing, how the weather        Talk about which one is   check out 2 books.
time together today.                                    scarves and jewelry.      missing?                 feels, and the way your       the biggest and the
                                                                                                           food tastes.                  smallest.

16                          17                          18                        19                         20                          21                        22
Imitate a lion, elephant,   Learn how to do a           Eat a healthy snack.      Draw a rainbow. Name       Run errands. Where are      Put away your phones       Stack blocks and knock
or other zoo animal.        somersault.                                           each color.                you going and why?          and turn off the TV today. them down.
                                                                                                                                         Build a fort, play a board

23                          24                          25                        26                         27                          28                        29
Pick a learning app and     Memorial Day                Dig out kitchen tongs     Put on music and dance     Look for things that are    Using scissors, shred     Do a jigsaw puzzle. Count
play it together.           Draw a picture.             and have fun picking up   fast, slow, happy, and     yellow.                     paper.                    the pieces.
                                                        things with them.         silly.
30                          31
Help sort laundry.          Play sock puppets.
                      FUN & LEARNING
                      Born Learning Trails are fun, physical learning
                      activities designed for parents or caregivers to
                      play with young children. These include fun
                      games or activities such as counting, hopscotch,
                      identifying shapes and colors, and much more.

                      Born Learning Trails
                      • Buffalo Park
                        1115 Chestnut St., Buffalo
                      • Camden Park
                        Highway 67 & Milan Beltway, Milan
                      • Fairmount Pines Housing Complex
                        4205 N. Fairmount St., Davenport
                      • Family Museum
                        2900 Learning Campus Dr., Bettendorf

                      • Marquette Park
                        3200 N. Marquette St., Davenport
                      • Nahant Marsh
                        4220 Wapello Ave., Davenport
                      • Skip-A-Long
                        1609 14th St., Rock Island
JUNE 2021                                                                                                                  Women United

       SUNDAY                   MONDAY                    TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                      FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
1                         1                          1                          2                          31                          4                           5
Cuddle and talk about     Go on a bug hunt.          Go on a bug hunt.          Read Mother Goose          Do
                                                                                                              jumpinga play
                                                                                                                       jacksdate.      Play pretend. “Today, I     Draw a picture of your
your day.                 How many different         How many different         rhymes. Complete the       together.                   am a tiger. What are        family with your child.
                          kinds can you find?        kinds can you find?        rhymes. Hickory Dickory                                you?”

6                         7                          8                          9                          10                          11                          12
Look outside and talk     Read an extra bedtime      Divide a healthy snack     Look for the color blue.   Talk about caring for       Listen for words            Find objects shaped like
about what you see.       story tonight.             evenly and share.                                     books and toys.             beginning with the          a square.
                                                                                                                                       same sound.

13                        14                         15                         16                         17                          18                          19
Take silly selfies        Flag Day                   Read a book. Talk about    Help your child practice   Find things that start      When you drive or walk      Talk about the new
together.                 Talk about the American    what you see in the        good hand washing.         with the letter U.          places, describe all the    season starting
                          flag. What does it look    pictures.                                                                         turns you make, “Now I      tomorrow.
                          like? What colors are on                                                                                     am turning right.”

20                        21                         22                         23                         24                          25                          26
First Day of Summer       Create a to-do list of 3   Practice coughing and      Help your child start      Turn the TV off. Read       Get texts to help your      Teach your child how to
Father’s Day              household jobs. Read       sneezing into the inside   practicing shoe tying.     books, build a fort, play   child succeed. Text         set the table for dinner.
Do something nice for     the list and cross off     of your elbow.                                        outside.                    BORNLEARNING to
dad or a special man in   items as completed.                                                                                          95577.
your life today.

27                        28                         29                         30                         27                          28                          29
Talk about or sing the    Listen to familiar sounds Find objects that rhyme     Read a simple poem.        Make patterns with Fruit    Play “I-Spy.” Try playing   Talk about ways you can
days of the week.         and identify what they    with “tan.”                                            Loops or M&M’s. Red-        in the grocery store next   help a neighbor.
                          are.                                                                             yellow-green-red-           time you go.
                 YOUR CHILD FOR
                 Register if your child is 5 years
                 • by September 1 if you live in Illinois
                 • by September 15 if you live in Iowa

                 Check your local school district for
                 kindergarten registration information.
JULY 2021                                                                                                                  Women United

      SUNDAY                     MONDAY                  TUESDAY                    WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                       FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
1                         1                       2                             1                         1                            2                          3
Make up silly words that Play outside. Draw a     Tap your feet to the beat     Play hide and seek.       Play hide and seek.          Download a new             While unloading
rhyme with your child’s hopscotch with sidewalk   of a song on the radio.                                                              educational app on         groceries, talk about the
name.                    chalk to hop in.                                                                                              your tablet or phone.      fruits and vegetables
                                                                                                                                                                  you bought.

4                         5                       6                             7                         8                            9                          10
Independence Day         Play a game that         Talk about what color         Act like an animal.       Talk about one nice          Use carrot sticks of       Look at a magazine.
Look for things that are involves taking turns.   your hair is. Is it long or   Pretend you are a dog.    thing you each did           different lengths. Which   Look for people or
red, white & blue today.                          short?                                                  today.                       is longest and shortest?   animals.
                                                                                                                                       Then eat them.

11                        12                      13                            14                        15                           16                         17
Use “school” tools such   Tap your feet to the    Play “Simon Says.”            Go outside. Kick a ball   Play “I Spy” or “Hot and     Look at the pictures       Practice counting
as pencils, markers,      beat of the song on                                   back and forth.           Cold.”                       while reading the book.    1 to 10.
and scissors.             the radio.

18                        19                      20                            21                        22                           23                         24
Tell stories such as      Sing the ABC song.      Go on a play date.            Tell your child what      Trace your child’s foot or   Look for things that are   Pretend you are a fish
“Goldilocks and the                                                             month, day, and year he   hand on a piece of           purple.                    swimming in a pond.
Three Bears” or “The                                                            or she was born.          paper.
Three Little Pigs.”

25                        26                      27                            28                        29                           30                         31
Find the number “2” on    Talk about ways you     Make a shopping list          Help with chores around   During the day, have         Exercise. Hop and do       Paint a picture by
different things.         can help a neighbor.    together.                     the house.                your child tell you when     arm circles, counting      dipping Q-tips into
                                                                                                          it is morning, afternoon,    them as you go.            paint.
                                                                                                          and night.
                          WITH YOUR CHILD
                          1) Improves Cooperation
                          • Routines help your child to mentally prepare
                            for the day.

                          2) Eliminates Child Anxiety
                           • Routines create a safe environment for
                             learning and success.

                          3) Develops Self-Discipline & Responsibility
                           • Routines help your child learn excellent habits
                             of responsibility.

                          4) Builds Confidence and Independence
                           • Routines allow your child to gain confidence
                             and achieve success.

                          5) Makes a Happier Child
                          • Routines give your child a sense of security,
                            allowing him/her to predict things and feel in
AUGUST 2021                                                                                                                   Women United

      SUNDAY                     MONDAY                      TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY                        FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
1                           2                          3                           4                          5                            6                          7
Use a song to help teach Play “I-Spy” in the           Show your child a nickel, Try a new fruit or           While crossing the           Look for things that are   Turn on some music and
your address. The “Do    grocery store.                a penny, and a quarter.   vegetable. Talk about        street, be sure your         silver or gold.            dance.
You Know the Muffin                                    Talk about money.         what it smells, feels,       child knows to look both
Man?” tune works great.                                                          looks, and tastes like.      ways for cars.

8                           9                          10                          11                         12                           13                         14
Figure out when your        Create a pattern of    Read your child his or          Look around for the        Find things shaped like      Build a tower out of       Sing your child’s favorite
child likes to talk most.   movement & ask him/her her favorite book today.        number 5 around your       a triangle.                  recycled items – toilet    song.
This is a great time to     to repeat it.                                          home. Practice counting                                 paper rolls, water
start a conversation.       Step-step-jump,                                        to 5.                                                   bottles, etc.

15                          16                         17                          18                         19                           20                         21
Spell your child’s name.    Make up silly words that   Hide an object. Have        Help your child practice   Take a “rainbow" walk.       Make a parade with         Practice opposites:
Have him/her write it if    rhyme with your child’s    your child look for it by   zipping and buttoning.     Find all the colors of the   stuffed animals. Count     “up”/“down,” “in”/“out,”
they can or help them       name.                      giving them clues.                                     rainbow.                     how many animals are       “over”/“under.”
write it.                                                                                                                                  in the parade.

22                          23                         24                          25                         26                           27                         28
Talk about “everyday        Play a game such as        Practice taking turns or    Empty your pockets and,    Look for things that are     Use a play phone to        Run, jump, climb, dance,
heroes” and what their      “Memory" or “Go Fish.”     sharing.                    as you do, talk about      yellow.                      practice different ways    and move to music!
jobs are: firefighter,                                                             each item.                                              to say hello or goodbye.
police, etc.

29                          30                         31                          26                         27                           28                         29
Read an extra bedtime       Run in place.              Visit a nearby park.        Look for things that are   Use a play phone to          Run, jump, climb, dance, Read an extra bedtime
story tonight.                                                                     yellow.                    practice different ways      and move to music!       story tonight.
                                                                                                              to say hello or goodbye.
                ON TRACK?
                Here are some abilities your child should be able
                to do by these ages:

                Age 1
                 • Plays games like peek-a-boo & pat-a-cake
                 • Tries to say words you say
                 • Bangs two things together
                Age 2
                 • Says sentences with 2 to 4 words
                 • Begins to sort shapes and colors
                 • Begins to run
                Age 3
                 • Shows a wide range of emotions
                 • Names most familiar things
                 • Works toys with buttons, levers,
                   and moving parts
                Age 4
                 • Prefers to play with others
                   than by him/herself
                 • Tells stories
                 • Uses scissors
                Age 5
                 • Is demanding at times and
                   very cooperative at times
                 • Speaks very clearly
                 • Counts 10 or more things
                For a complete listing, visit
SEPTEMBER 2021                                                                                                               Women United

      SUNDAY                      MONDAY                    TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                       FRIDAY                  SATURDAY
1                            2                        1                           1                           2                           3                          4
Take turns playing           Labor Day                Run across the room         Run across the room         Go outside. Find rocks of   Read a new book you've     Sing “Twinkle Twinkle
“Simon Says.”                Teach your child good    or in a circle.             or in a circle.             different colors and        never read before.         Little Star.”
                             manners using “please”                                                           shapes.
                             and “thank you.”

5                            6                        7                           8                           9                           10                         11
Make a card for a friend. Rosh Hashanah Begins        Have a tea party.           Make a balance beam         Talk about feelings. Are Find a Born Learning          Talk to your child about
Deliver the special card! Labor Day                                               with a piece of tape on     you happy or sad? Why     Academy near you at          what happened on Sept.
                          Play in a cardboard box.                                the floor and teach your    you are feeling that way? unitedwayqc.org/             11, 2001.
                                                                                  child how to walk it.                                 bornlearning

12                           13                       14                          15                          16                          17                         18
Grandparents Day         Use a flashlight and find Make a mystery bag.            Yom Kippur                  Go to pbskids.org for       Pick a craft and make      Look for objects shaped
Do something nice for    shadows on the wall.      Put small items inside,        Plan a healthy meal and     fun, free educational       something together.        like a triangle.
your grandparents today.                           then have your child           eat together as a family.   games for your child.
                                                   reach in and guess each

19                           20                       21                          22                          23                          24                         25
Sing the ABC song.           Count out loud while     Visit a post office. Talk   First Day of Fall           Name four things that       Look for things that are   Play a game in the car,
                             reading, cooking, and    about how mail is           Take a walk and look to     rhyme with “cat.”           orange.                    “I’m going on a picnic
                             shopping.                delivered.                  see if the leaves are                                                              and I'm going to
                                                                                  changing colors.                                                                   bring…”

26                           27                       28                          29                          30                          28                         29
Go to vroom.org to get       Have a scavenger hunt    Practice how to hold        Go outside and kick a       When you’re on the go,      Run, jump, climb,          Read an extra bedtime
more daily tips &            and look for shapes      safety scissors, how to     ball together.              point out letters on        dance, and move to         story tonight.
activities to do with your   around the house.        open and close them,                                    signs.
child.                                                and how to cut paper.

Play with stickers.
                 FAMILY TIME
                 Family meals allow you to focus on eating, and
                 give you a chance to model positive behaviors.

                 Focus on the meal and each other
                  • Turn off the television.
                  • Put away your phone.
                  • Encourage your child to try new foods.

                 Have a conversation.
                 Ask questions like:
                  • What made you laugh today?
                  • What’s your favorite veggie? Why?
                  • Tell me one thing you learned today.

                 Have your child help set the table, prepare simple
                 foods, and wash dishes.
OCTOBER 2021                                                                                                                Women United

       SUNDAY                   MONDAY                     TUESDAY                    WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                    FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
1                          1                         1                            2                           1                        1                          2
Sing “If You’re Happy      Cut pictures of            Ask your child for his or   Play a rhyming game         Make an obstacle           Make an obstacle         Talk about what day and
and You Know It.”          expressive faces from      her opinions about          with your child.            course. Talk about “over,” course. Talk about       month it is.
                           magazines and make a       different things—pets,                                  “under,” and “around.” “over,” “under,” and
                           feelings collage.          trees, or the backyard.                                                            “around.”

3                          4                         5                            6                           7                        8                          9
Fire Prevention Week       Practice fire safety: stop, Talk about firemen and     Gather sheet, blankets,     Does your child know     Open the fridge and        Name body parts.
Talk about your family’s   drop, & roll.               how they help people.      chairs and make your        your phone number?       name fruits, vegetables,   Where’s your nose? Your
escape plan in case of a                                                          own tent and watch a        Teach him/her.           and condiments.            eyes?
fire.                                                                             movie from inside the

10                         11                        12                           13                          14                       15                         16
Practice buttons, snaps,   Columbus Day               Have your child twist       Play airplane or train      Do jumping jacks         Make the bed together.     Ask questions about the
and zippers.               Talk to your children      two pipe cleaners           with your kitchen chairs.   together.                                           5 senses. “What body
                           about Native Americans.    together in a knot &                                                                                        parts do we use to smell?
                                                      work to untangle them.                                                                                      Taste? Hear?”

17                         18                        19                           20                          21                       22                         23
Take silly selfies         Cuddle up and read 2       Line up 3-4 similar         Have your child trace his Look outside and talk      Look for things that are   Move like animals: run
together.                  books.                     objects, smallest to        or her hand or foot.      about what you see.        blue.                      like a cat, slither like a
                                                      largest.                                                                                                    snake. Add in animal

24                         25                        26                           27                          28                       29                         30
Look for the letter “B.”   Turn playtime into music Play “I-Spy” with             Stack blocks or Legos.      Talk about inside and    Count your fingers and     Play “Peek-a-Boo” with
                           time. Play a favorite    numbers.                      Count them. What colors     outside voices and how   your toes.                 scarves.
31                         song and dance.                                        are they?                   to use them.
Dress up in costume!
                AND ACTIVE!
                Using QCTrails.org is EASY!
                 • Visit the website: qctrails.org
                 • Search & discover local trails to explore
                 • Go for a hike, bike, trail run, or paddle
                 • Create a FREE QC Trails account to
                   plan/save your next adventure


                Why should kids especially
                move more*?
                 • Strengthens bones
                 • Reduces stress
                 • Increases self-esteem
                 • Helps with weight management
                                                     *Source: CDC
NOVEMBER 2021                                                                                                                Women United

      SUNDAY                       MONDAY                    TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                     FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
1                            1                          2                         3                           4                          5                          6
Daylight Savings Ends        Put your phone down.       Election Day              Pretend you are a turkey    Find things that are       What is the weather like   Have your child practice
Put your phone down.         Spend some time            Cast your own vote at     and say “gobble             purple.                    today? Is it warm or       zipping his or her coat.
Spend some time playing      playing a game or fun      home. Do you like pizza   gobble.”                                               cold? Cloudy or sunny?
a game or fun activity       activity today.            or spaghetti better?

7                            8                          9                         10                          11                         12                         13
Daylight Savings Ends        Look at a pattern and      Fill a table with books   While at a stoplight, talk Veterans Day                When your child asks a     Help with chores.
Count to 10. How old are     copy it.                   and read!                 about the red, green and Thank a veteran for           question you don’t know
you? Hold up that many                                                            yellow lights.             his/her service.            the answer to, look up
fingers.                                                                                                                                 the answer together.

14                           15                         16                        17                          18                         19                         20
Imitate sounds. Meow         Find things that start     Do a simple jigsaw        Read a book. Talk about     Let your child help make   Buy something with         Make a face, and have
like a cat, tweet like a     with the letter “L.”       puzzle.                   how people read left to     choices. Would you like    cash and talk about the    your child guess the
bird, or vroom like a car.                                                        right. Point to each word   to wear a green or a       change you receive.        emotion you’re showing.
                                                                                  as you read them.           blue shirt today?                                     Take turns!

21                           22                         23                        24                          25                         26                         27
Look at coins and bills.     Use old socks, scraps of   Practice saying “please” Trace your hands to          Thanksgiving               Sculpt with play dough.    Sing a song.
Ask your child: “Did you     cloth, buttons, and        and “thank you.”         draw turkeys.                Talk about what you are
know there are U.S.          markers to make hand                                                             thankful for.
leaders on each?”            puppets.

28                           29                         30                        27                          28                         29                         30
Hanukkah Begins              Talk about your favorite   Call a favorite loved one. Draw a picture using a     Thanksgiving               Practice good hand         Put your phone down.
Hop like bunnies.            color. What items can                                 pencil or crayon.          With your family, go       washing.                   Spend some time playing
                             you see of that color?                                                           around and share one                                  a game or fun activity.
                                                                                                              thing you are thankful
                   TO HELP YOUR CHILD
FAVORITE HOLIDAY   Are you looking for quality child care?
                   Free referrals are available to local child care
                   programs and information about choosing quality
                   child care.

                   Iowa: 855.244.5301 or iowaccrr.org
                   Illinois: 866.370.4556 or childcareillinois.org

                   Have concerns about your child and
                   think they may be behind?
                   Free screenings will identify early developmental
                   concerns, what to expect, and activities to
                   encourage your child’s further development.
                   Screenings are for children ages four months to
                   five years old.

                   Mississippi Bend Area Education Agency
                   563.344.6271 or mbaea.org

                   Rock Island Regional Office of Education
                   309.736.1111 or riroe.com
DECEMBER 2021                                                                                                                    Women United

       SUNDAY                       MONDAY                       TUESDAY                   WEDNESDAY                THURSDAY                   FRIDAY                   SATURDAY
1                             1                             1                          1                        2                        3                          4
Xy xxyx xy xxyx yxy xy xyxy   Xy xxyx xy xxyx yxy xy xyxy   Draw a winter picture.     Draw a winter picture.   Make a snowman out       Give your child two-step   Decorate for an
xxyxyx xy                     xxyxyx xy                                                                         of cotton balls or       directions. “Take off      upcoming holiday!
                                                                                                                marshmallows.            your coat and put it in
                                                                                                                                         the closet.”

5                             6                             7                          8                        9                        10                         11
Point to an object and    Hanukkah Ends                     Halfway through reading Talk about a good           Read a holiday book at   Count the stairs as you    Bundle up and play
let your child guess what Sing a favorite holiday           a book, ask your child   memory you've had this     bedtime.                 go up or down them.        outside.
letter it begins with.    song together.                    what he or she thinks is year.
                                                            going to happen next.

12                            13                            14                         15                       16                       17                         18
Help your child practice      Teach your child his or       Pretend to be a statue.    Go on a scavenger hunt   Jump 10 times.           Walk like a penguin.       Pretend you are a
shoe tying.                   her birth date and age.       How long can you stand     to find toys.                                     What other animals are     snowman and melt.
                                                            still?                                                                       black & white?

19                            20                            21                         22                       23                       24                         25
Count to 20.                  Cut out paper                 First Day of Winter        Sort items such as clean Measure rice with a     Read a favorite winter      Christmas
                              snowflakes.                   Make hot cocoa. Don’t      forks and spoons or      measuring cup or spoon. book.                       Spend time with family
                                                            forget to count the        clean socks.                                                                 today.

26                            27                            28                         29                       30                       31                         29
Kwanzaa Begins                Look for things that are      Have a snack with one      Build a fort out of      Sing “Old McDonald.”     New Year’s Eve             Xy xyx xyx xyx yx
Wiggle different body         red.                          fruit and one vegetable.   blankets.                                         Practice counting down
parts to music.                                                                                                                          from 10 to 1.
You can also read