26 April 2022 - Football Business Inside

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26 April 2022 - Football Business Inside
April 2022
26 April 2022 - Football Business Inside
                                     If you think that something is dif-     Other topics in this issue include
                                     ferent than usual when reading          youth academies, sustainability,
                                     this issue, you are not mistaken.       football business in Poland, Forest
                                     Two central things are new: the         Green Rovers and salary caps in
                                     format - the FBIN Magazine is now       football. The Five Insights in this
                                     published in A4 format - and the        issue were revealed to us by Tomás
                                     font.                                   de Mello Corrêa, Digital Marketing

                                                                             Manager of the Portuguese first di-
                                     After 25 issues, it was time to bring   vision club Vitoria Sport Clube.
                                     a breath of fresh air to the layout.
                                     And the larger format as well as        If that’s not enough reading ma-
                                     the new font make reading the           terial, you can download our lat-
                                     physical edition in particular more     est report “Strategies for Football

                                     pleasant.                               Clubs: Why and how to use Ama-
                                                                             zon Brand Stores. Or not.” free of
                                     Much more important than for-           charge on our website www.foot-
                                     mat and font is the content. And in     ballbusinessinside.com.
                                     this respect, issue 26 again offers
                                     an exciting mix of topics from all      Finally, dear reader, I would like
                                     over the world. For example, the        to invite you to the FUTURE OF

                                     cover story about the long-sleep-       FOOTBALL BUSINESS Confer-
                                     ing giant Ipswich Town FC, which        ence, which will take place on 1
                                     was recently kissed awake. Or the       September in Graz, Austria. We
                                     insights into two clubs in Brazil       are expecting over 200 guests at
                                     and Egypt - Fortaleza EC and Al         the biggest FOFBC to date - and I
                                     Ahly SC.                                hope you will be one of them. Ear-
                                                                             ly Bird tickets will be available on
                                     I also spoke to Lukas Müller from       our website from 9 May and you
                                     FC Midtjylland about their social       can already register your inter-
                                     media strategy, and learned from        est and receive a 15% discount on

            PRESENTED BY             Minas Lysandrou, CEO of our
                                     FBIN Football Network member
                                     OFI Crete FC, about the club’s de-
                                                                             your ticket.

                                                                             See you there!
                                     velopment goals.                        Best regards

       4 MAY | BUDAPEST
    www.footballbusinessinside.com                              Thomas Maurer
                                                              Founder FBIN

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26 April 2022 - Football Business Inside
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    PAGE 6                                           PAGE 15                                    PAGE 18                                          PAGE 26                                         PAGE 32                               PAGE 40
    SUSTAINABILITY                                   FUTURE OF FOOTBALL BUSINESS                THAT HAS THE MOST POTENTIAL TO                   SC - THE WORLD’S MOST DECORATED                 OF POLISH FOOTBALL MARKET             GREEN?
    Key takeaways from the panel discussion at the   CONFERENCE EVER                            GROW IN BRAZIL, EVEN IN LATIN                    FOOTBALL CLUB                                                                         A closer look at the Forest Green Rovers.
    Sustainability Focus Month.
                                                                                                AMERICA”                                         Rami Aboushaara talks about the business side
                                                                                                Interview with José Carlos Gama Filho from       of one of Africas biggest clubs.
                                                                                                Fortaleza EC.

    PAGE 10                                          PAGE 16                                    PAGE 22                                          PAGE 28                                         PAGE 36                               PAGE 44
    “WE ARE BUILDING THE AIRCRAFT                    5 INSIGHTS                                 WITHOUT THIS YOUR YOUTH                          “WE ARE SIMPLY OUTGROWING                       “THERE IS ALWAYS SPACE FOR            ARE SALARY CAPS IN PROFESSIONAL
    WHILE WE ARE FLYING”                             Tomás de Mello Corrêa, Digital Marketing   ACADEMY WILL STOP WORKING IN                     OUR LOCAL AREA”                                 IMPROVEMENT”                          FOOTBALL ILLEGAL?
                                                     Manager, Vitoria Sport Clube.
    Interview with Mark Ashton from                                                             3, 2, 1...                                       Interview with Lukas Müller from FC             Interview with Minas Lysandrou from   The Hoffmann Liebs column.
    Ipswich Town FC.                                                                            Insights into the latest survey of LTT Sports.   Midtjylland.                                    OFI Crete FC.

    Publisher                                        Responsible for the Content
                                                                                                                                                 The next issue will be published in June 2022.
                                                                                                All contents of the FBIN Magazine are
    FBIN                                             Thomas Maurer                              protected by copyright. Reprinting, even
    Thomas Maurer                                    maurer@footballbusinessinside.com          in extracts, only with written permission.
    Dietenberg 205/4                                                                            The FBIN Magazine accepts no responsi-
    8563 Ligist                                                                                 bility for the correctness, completeness         Order at shop.footballbusinessinside.com or office@footballbusinessinside.com.
                                                     Responsible for the Layout                 and topicality of the information provi-         Hard Copy Subscription 		               60 Euro incl. shipping per year, excl. VAT
    www.footballbusinessinside.com                   Thomas Maurer & Julia Putzger              ded, nor does the FBIN Magazine provide
                                                                                                any compensation for damages. The res-
                                                     Cover photo                                ponsibility for advertisement content lies
                                                     Richard Calver                             solely with the respective authors of the
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26 April 2022 - Football Business Inside
    FBIN hosted a Sustainability Focus Month in March, and one of the highlights was a panel discussion featuring
       three experts from three different areas, all related to football business: Andreas Hecker (Hoffmann Liebs
                                                                                                                         Interestingly, Olivier pointed out     Sustainability as a key
    attorneys), Olivier Jarosz (LTT Sports), and Ilja Kaenzig (VfL Bochum). The discussion focused on how European       those regulations should harmo-        component for licensing
       Football Clubs can embrace sustainability, the associated challenges, and what has to be done in terms of         nize with positivity because it’s                                            Olivier Jarosz Board Member, LTT Sports
                                           regulations and major future trends.                                          probably impossible to have a
                                                                                                                         perfect footprint. In other words,
                                                                                                                         we’re more motivated if given a        The panelists also discussed the
                                                       By Quang T. Pham                                                  “carrot” rather than a stick.          German Football League (DFL)
                                                                                                                                                                ‘s plan to include sustainability
                                                                                                                                                                as a part of the licensing pro-
                                                                                                                         Capitalize Sustainability and the      cess for the Bundesliga and the
                                                                                                                         next generation of football fans       2. Bundesliga. From the season
    Sustainability in the lens of          ESG framework into relevant foot-      ficult to comply with sustainability                                          2022/23, the DFL aims to tie
    football - The “Why”                   ball examples:                         requirements and guidelines.           Ilja stated that there’s always the    sustainability initiatives as crit-
                                           • Environmental: waste man-                                                   “business” part between football       ical criteria of their licensing
                                                agement, sustainable energy       Avoid “Greenwashing” - Ilja be-        and sustainability strategy. This is   program. These initiatives are
    Given that “sustainability” is such         at the stadium                    lieves that the first thing small-     because it could drive new sources     based on the United Nations’
    a vague and sophisticated phrase,      • Social: fan involvement, local       mid-sized clubs should do is define    of revenue for football clubs and at   Sustainable Development Goals
    Ilja kicked off the panel by men-           community engagement, di-         an authentic mindset. Such clubs       the same time become a motiva-         (UN SDGs) with various topics
    tioning the common sustainability           versity, and inclusion            don’t need different measures as       tion or responsibility. More impor-    like climate change, gender
    framework -ESG (Environmental,         • Governance:          league/feder-   of the elite group. Instead, they      tantly, sustainability is demanded     equality, education, and many
    Social, Governance). Many people            ation’s regulation, club’s fi-    should be down-to-earth, close to      by the next generation of football     more. Additionally, this strate-
    still perceive sustainability only          nance transparency.               local communities, cities, and re-     fans - Gen-Z/Gen-Alpha, who prob-      gy will include incentives and
    with the “Environmental” parts,        In short, all panelists agreed that    gions.                                 ably have different views on such      sanctions for clubs that do not       Ilja Kaenzig Managing Director, VfL Bochum
    while football clubs can instead re-   sustainability is the only way to                                             topics. Below are some interesting     fulfill the minimum criteria.
    alistically involve more in the “So-   safeguard the future of the whole      “At Bochum, we want to avoid any       insights in a recent survey of VfL
    cial” and “Governance” aspects.        football industry.                     forms of greenwashing and rather       Bochum:                                Andreas commented that this
                                                                                  be an ambassador of actions and        • 79% of the fans are highly in-       would be a paradigm shift for
    From the perspective of attorneys,     Overcome common challenges             continuity. We don’t want to mix            terested in sustainability        football because it’s no longer
    Andreas noticed that sustainabili-                                            sustainable activities with market-    • 70% expect their favorite club       just ideas or PR stunts but sol-
    ty is becoming more influential for    Lack of resources and ­manpower        ing gimmicks or PR stunts, which            to take a strong position re-     id hard facts and compulsory
    any new legislation or regulations.    It goes without saying that the        some clubs take advantage of                garding sustainability            criteria. He believes this would
    Besides the above-mentioned ESG,       majority of sports clubs lack the      nowadays. We want to have under-       • 82% expect realistic and hon-        give the Bundesliga two steps
    financial sustainability and team      finances and manpower neces-           standable results for all stakehold-        est sustainability measures       ahead of all other leagues and
    (youth) development have become        sary to carry out their sustain-       ers, and they can see the benefits          from their clubs                  bring more commercial op-
    crucial sustainable components in      able strategy fully. According to      themselves” - Ilja Kaenzig.            • 46% of might stop following a        portunities from different in-
    recent years, especially during the    Olivier, many football clubs and                                                   club if sustainable actions are   dustries and sponsors. It is
    Covid-19 pandemic.                     organizations will often develop       Readiness        for     mandatory          taken or implemented seri-        increasingly important for in-
                                           a strategy but have to abandon it      ­regulations - Andreas empha-               ously                             vestors and sponsors to look at
    As an advisory firm, Olivier be-       because there is no personnel to        sized that in the coming years,       • 66% are willing to pay more          the sustainable aspects of foot-
    lieved sustainability is the magic     implement it afterward. Further-        sustainability will be a vital part        for sustainable products and      ball clubs. Other major Europe-
    “buzz” word that we need to make       more, due to the nature of Euro-        of the EU’s legislation, thus push-        services (sustainable mer-        an leagues will soon follow in
    it more digestible for clubs and       pean football and the expansion of      ing certain mandatory sustainable          chandise, catering, in-stadium    these footsteps and keep this in
    leagues. He also broke down the        competitions, clubs may find it dif-    reporting towards football clubs.          service, etc.)                    mind as well.                         Andreas Hecker Lawyer, Hoffmann Liebs

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26 April 2022 - Football Business Inside
“At Bochum, we want
    to avoid any forms of
    greenwashing and rather be
    an ambassador of actions                           mate protection. Still, he believes     Focus on the right issues - The
    and continuity. We don’t want                      the green bonus system or incen-
                                                       tives is doable.
                                                                                               sustainability concept could be
                                                                                               overwhelming, so clubs, leagues,
    to mix sustainable activities                                                              and relevant organizations should
    with marketing gimmicks                            As a German club’s representa-
                                                       tive and one of the working group
                                                                                               prioritize areas where they can
                                                                                               utilize their strengths to make an
    or PR stunts, which some                           members who developed this              impact first.
    clubs take advantage of                            sustainability movement, Ilja ad-
                                                       mitted that it was not a simple         Talk less and Act more - Football
    nowadays. We want to have                          process. First, he had to convince      has an emotional relationship
    understandable results for all                     many colleagues and get their vote
                                                       on the inclusion of sustainability
                                                                                               with fans, so it is prone to talk and
                                                                                               produce a lot of hot air. Football
    stakeholders, and they can                         as licensing criteria. The next step    organizations must be more trans-
    see the benefits themselves”                       is to work on around 350 criteria
                                                       in detail and discuss again with all
                                                                                               parent, define concrete measures,
                                                                                               and implement them. In other
    Ilja Kaenzig                                       the clubs in May. Given the limit-      words, we must avoid greenwash-
                                                       ed resources and manpower, this         ing.
                                                       would be a massive task for clubs
                                                       to implement. However, DFL will         Sustainability can grow your
                                                       provide a navigation system, and        fanbase and drive commercial
                                                       each club probably should have a        opportunities - Undoubtedly, sus-
                                                       dedicated sustainability depart-        tainability is becoming a must-
                                                       ment. The journey will be chal-         have mindset for the next gener-
              Interestingly, Olivier has a more        lenging and require lots of creativ-    ation of fans. Clubs who invest in
              down-to-earth viewpoint and said         ity and acceptance from the clubs.      sustainable actions can sharpen
              that this sustainability licensing       It’s also vital to create sustainable   their brand image, which eventu-
              criteria might generate questions        digital reporting, similar in the       ally can win younger fans. Sustain-
              about daily operations. In real-         financial industry, to show com-        ability can also help clubs attract
              ity, football clubs are still busi-      plete transparency to all relevant      more sponsors and investors, thus
              ness-oriented and might need             stakeholders. Also, data collection     earning more profits or creating

                                                                                                                                       DOWNLOAD THE NEW
              to focus on their core activities        and data privacy protection are         more commercial opportunities.
              (match-day ticketing, commer-            still barriers in Germany and Eu-
              cial activities, training, etc.) to at   rope. Still, that is what it takes to   Sustainability is the only path
              least survive. Hence, the UN SDGs        be a first-mover or trendsetter.        to the future - Do or do not, sus-
              could be overwhelming for many                                                   tainability will be the future of the

                                                                                                                                        REPORT FOR FREE
              clubs and leagues out there; those                                               world and the only way to safe-
              are small-and-mid size. There is         Key takeaways for the future of         guard the football industry as a
              still a huge gap between the Ger-        Football and Sustainability             sport and a business. As long as we
              man Bundesliga and many other                                                    can harmonize and improve these
              leagues, and not to mention, even                                                three elements: people, planet,
              the German leagues, though are           Understand “Sustainability” in          and profits, we can achieve sus-

              pioneers, are still a “work in prog-     the right way - The football indus-     tainability.
              ress”. On a macroscope, football is      try misunderstands sustainability
              still far behind many advanced in-       as solely about environmental pro-
              dustries, from digitalization to cli-    tection or charitable giving.

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26 April 2022 - Football Business Inside
                                          WHILE WE ARE FLYING”                                                                                       them. They then introduced me to
                                                                                                                                                     the other investors in the US, and
                                                                                                                                                                                               in a correct and proper fashion.
                                                                                                                                                                                               You must have a plan and execute
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       fan base. The club hadn‘t had a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       community trust for 10 years. And
                                                                                                                                                     I joined on June 1st. I‘ve got one,       that plan with them. We had an          yet, within seven months of being
                                                                                                                                                     two more gray hairs since June, if        amazing owner of Bristol City who       here, we‘ve got an average atten-
                                In April 2021 Ipswich Town FC was taken over by Gamechanger 20 Ltd, a newly founded company of which                 you noticed.                              continually funds the football club     dance of 22,000 fans.
                                  90% are owned by a US investment fund called ORG, co-founded by Edward Schwartz, who is also OGRs                                                            properly. And I like the fact that
                                                                                                                                                     What was the main driver for              the guys in the US wanted to do the     Retail numbers this year will be
                               representative at Ipswich Town. ORG again manages funds on behalf of a major US pension fund - the Arizona            leaving a decent Championship             same here. They don‘t just want to      a record that has increased 100%
                                Public Safety Personnel Retirement System (PSPRS), whose representative at the club is Chief Investment              club for an entirely new and prob-        buy success. They want to build         compared to last year. We‘ve also
                               Officer Mark Steed. The Three Lions fund with Brett Johnson, Berke Bakay, and Mark Detmer own another 5%              ably more challenging project?            success. So they want to redevel-       got a unique partnership with Ed
                                                                                                                                                     Many of my colleagues asked if I          op the club in all areas, facilities,   Sheeran, which gives us global
                              and the remaining 5% belong to the previous owner of Ipswich Town, Marcus Evans. In June 2021 Mark Ashton              was really sure about doing this. I       training ground, community, com-        exposure. Interestingly, when you
                                      joined the club as new CEO. We spoke to him about how he wants to lead the club into a new era.                was building a stadium, a training        mercial. I believe it‘s a unique op-    look at the location of Ipswich,
                                                                                                                                                     ground, having a really good rela-        portunity in English football right     there are actually no competitors.
                                                                            By Thomas Maurer & Quang T. Pham                                         tionship with the owner of Bristol        now to work with good logical peo-      Norwich is two hours away. We
                                                                                                                                                     City. For this, I also had to leave the   ple who want to do something for        have 750,000 people in Suffolk and
                                                                                                                                                     EFL board. Yet, when I looked at          the long term. And that just really     probably a wider 2 million if you go
                              You joined Ipswich Town a few           stayed in touch. They had a con-         League (EFL). But I thought it was    Ipswich, I saw a club that had dete-      lit a fire in me and really excited     into Essex. With sensible proactive
                              weeks after the announcement of         tinual desire to own an English          an opportunity that I didn‘t want     riorated probably over 10 years but       me.                                     marketing and a team progressing
                              the overtake. Were you in contact       football club. They always said,         to miss because I‘m a builder and     has an amazing fan base and in-                                                   on the pitch, I think we can defi-
                              from the start, or how did it all       „If we ever get to that stage, we‘d      enjoy building things from the bot-   credible history and tradition. The       So, the ultimate goal is creating a     nitely create something special.
                              begin?                                  like you to be involved and run it       tom to the top. So that‘s how I met   more I learn about Ipswich, the           sustainable football club?
                              Mark Ashton: Around four or five        for us“. Then when they got close                                              more I‘m surprised and shocked at         If you ask any football club, they      You mentioned that many things
                              years ago, I was in the US, present-    to completing the deal at Ipswich,                                             how big our fan base can be. We‘ve        will say that they want not just        weren‘t implemented when you
                              ing to the United Soccer League on      they called me and said, „Look,                                                already had crowds of 29,000 fans         sporting success but also to build      first came in (CRM, data, IT infra-
                              English football, transfer markets,     we want to do this deal. We think                                              here this season. 7,000 fans trav-        a sustainable business. For us, we      structure, etc.). But what exactly
                              and how to run English clubs. At        you‘re perfect to come in and run                                              eled to MK Dons. Our average at-          have a specific way of doing that.      was the first thing you did at the
                              that point, I met three of our inves-   it. Would you do it?“.                                                         tendance was around 22,000, and           First, it is building infrastructure    start?
                              tors - Brett Johnson, Berke Bakay,                                                                                     we got nearly 14,000 season ticket        that can drive revenues. Also,          For me, there were two things.
                              and Mark Detmer, and we always          It was difficult because I was very                                            holders. And we haven‘t even real-        when we first joined the club, there    One, I had to do a lot of listening.
                                                                      happy at Bristol City and as a board                                           ly got started. So, the opportunity       was very little IT infrastructure, no   Whether they were staff, players,
                                                                      director at the English Football                                               was so unique.                            data, no CRM, no marketing, no          coaches, commercial stakehold-
                                                                                                                                                                                               physical plan on how to build the
                                                                                                                                                     Additionally, I like working with
                                                                                                                                                     the PSPRS and ORG, the funders,
                                                                                                                                                     because this is regulated money
                                                                                                                                                     or good clean money. This means
                                                                                                                                                     that you have to build the business
Photos: Richard Calver

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26 April 2022 - Football Business Inside
mance recruitment analysis, and        structuring the club‘s business          There are areas we only need to
                                                                                                                            ultimately, when do we decide to       side. There are probably several         catch up on. One of the differences
                                                                                                                            change the manager? My task is         projects, but one priority is the IT     with this football club is its size of
                                                                                                                            to go and find a manager who fits      infrastructure which we‘ve spent         both the English and internation-
                                                                                                                            with the philosophy of the owner-      over half a million on. We are put-      al fan base. Once we have these
                                                                                                                            ship group and take the Club for-      ting in a new stadium entry digital      platforms in place, I believe we
                                                                                                                            ward.                                  system and upgrading concourse           can start to build revenue streams.
                                                                                                                            Another thing is that we‘re trying     catering and beverage outlets. New       Once we can provide better com-
                                                                                                                            to create a learning environment.      digital advertising will also appear     munication with our supporters in
                                                                                                                            I don‘t know it all. The manager       on our pitch. Our corporate facili-      the UK and abroad, we can attract
                                                                                                                            doesn‘t know it all. No individual     ties will also be upgraded in which      different types of sponsors and
                                                                                                                            knows it all. So, we are building      we just bought a large piece of land     commercial partners. It‘s also im-
                                                                                                                            relationships with other business-     behind our North Stand. The goal         portant to take care of local part-
                                                                                                                            es, clubs, or sports organizations,    is to develop revenue streams to         ners because they‘ve been with us
                                                                                                                            where every day, our main focus        support the club, and all of that        for a long time. If we do what we‘ve
                                                                                                                            is to learn. And I think we have a     won‘t be done this summer but            always done, we will get the same
                                                                                                                            manager who‘s a genuine learner        over the next 12-18 months.              outcome. We have to change the
                                                                                                                            and educator. And that‘s important                                              way we operate to get a different
                                                                                                                            to the ownership group.                Could you share more details on          result.
                                                                                                                                                                   the digitalization strategies?
                                                                                                                            So, are you still in the process of    We have to move into a digital           You said Ipswich is something
                                                                                                                            developing a long-term strategy,       age. We have a sponsorship with          different in your 30 years in the
                                                                                                                            or do you have one already?            Ed Sheeran, an amazing football          football industry. Could you elab-
                                                                                                                            I have my personal model of how        club supporter, and if you go on         orate?
                                                                                                                            the football clubs should work, but    Ed Sheeran tweets, we get endless        I‘ve never known a town so pas-
                                                                                                                            that model has to bend and flex        coverage. We need to maximize            sionate about its football club. And
                                                                                                                            to fit Ipswich. So, we have a real     that from a brand perspective. The       I think because it is a single-club
                                                                                                                            core plan, and the only way I can      stadium will be more digitalized         county. I was at West Bromwich
                                                                                                                            describe it is like we‘re building     with digital advertising boards, big     Albion for 16 years, and we had
                                                                                                                            the aircraft while we are flying.      screens. We are going to launch          Aston Villa, Birmingham City FC,
                                                                                                                            We don‘t have time to stop playing     Ipswich Town TV, in which we are         Wallsall within a seven to eight-
     Mark Ashton CEO, Ipswich Town FC                                                                                       games, selling tickets, or not to be   going to bring more of the stream-       mile radius. So, you would bump
                                                                                                                            active in the community. We can‘t      ing in-house. We will have our own       into Wolves, Villa, Birmingham
                                                                                                                            take a season off. We have to build    commentary team, which will give         fans. You will have the rugby at
                                                                                                                            this whilst we‘re on the journey,      us opportunities to commercialize        Bristol, Bristol City, Bristol Rovers.
                                                                                                                            but we have a very clear sense of      the digital platforms. There‘ll be       Here at Ipswich Town, it will only
     ers, or partners, I had to sit down     former chairman and directors,           Did you get any specific goals        direction.                             big changes and enhancements for         be Ipswich everywhere you turn.
     and listen to them because it was a     former players who have spent            to achieve from the ownership                                                our website and all digital chan-
     good education for me. Then, prac-      all the time with me, educated me        group?                                When I joined in June, most of         nels. So, there will be big infra-       I‘ll give you a quick story weeks
     tically, the first thing we had to do   about how Ipswich works, where           There was no such thing as you‘ve     my time was spent in the football      structure projects for a solid foun-     ago. We played Cheltenham in an
     was clean. The stadium was dirty.       the club‘s gone wrong, and what          got to be in the Championship by      department. Now we got Kieran          dation for the next 10-15 years.         evening game at home and drew
     Even on the first day when I had        this community is looking for.           this time or in the Premier League.   McKenna and his coaching staff or      Still, I keep saying this to the funds   0:0. In the morning, I was driv-
     my press conference, I couldn‘t sit                                              Instead, I was asked to develop a     Andy Rolls, who worked at Arse-        that we‘re still behind because          ing to work and was talking to my
     in the seat because they were dirty     Regarding the cleaning, I always         specific plan for how we are going    nal for performance management.        there has been no infrastructure         wife on the speakerphone. Then I
     and uncomfortable.                      tell everyone at the club that we        to build the Club.                    So, I have few people who are, in      development for the last 10 years.       pulled up in the inside lane at the
     So, we embarked on a cleaning           won‘t be trusted to do the big                                                 my opinion, world-class and set        We need to bring ourselves up to         traffic lights. This double-deck-
     program to bring the stadium back       things if we can‘t do the basics. If     Things like how are we going to       very high standards on the sport-      speed and get ahead of the curve         er bus pulled up by my side, and
     to a respectful state of life. And we   we can‘t pick up the litter, clean the   progress off the pitch? How are       ing side. Now I can move my focus      as quickly as possible.                  I thought the driver was waving
     are still working on these two proj-    seats, or fix the toilets to ensure      we going to impact the communi-       more to the business side.                                                      his arm at me. At that moment, I
     ects until now, listening to the peo-   that the stadium is presentable,         ty? How are we going to reignite                                             How would you catch up with oth-         thought I was in the wrong lane,
     ple and cleaning. I‘ve been in the      we‘re never going to do the big          the fan base? How are we going to     What are the current high-priori-      er clubs or try to bypass them in        the bus line, and was about to roll
     football industry for more than 30      transfers or commercial deals. We        build the revenue streams? How        ty projects of Ipswich?                some aspects?                            my car‘s window down to apolo-
     years, but I don‘t know Ipswich that    have to be world-class at doing the      are we going to build the playing     As I said, the football department     I think we have the opportunity          gize. The driver opened the doors
     well, so it‘s important to learn. The   basics first.                            side? How will we build perfor-       is done, and we are currently re-      to be trailblazers in some areas.        of the filled bus, leaned across, and

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26 April 2022 - Football Business Inside
                                                                                                                                                                                             FOR THE
                                                                                                                                                                                            FUTURE OF

                                                                                                                                                              Photo: Kerstin Kronabether

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Photo: Christof Hütter
     said: „Mr. Ashton, up the Town, up
     the Town!“. The whole bus started
                                             Regarding the retail revenue, even
                                             in the Premier League, it is usu-
                                                                                    retail, and hospitality revenue will
                                                                                    increase. But that‘s why you can‘t
     cheering. You can get that if you       ally only about 1.3 to 1.4 million     just build the first team. You have
     are the player or the manager, but      pounds. This season we will break      to do everything, especially the
     not as the CEO.                         through 2 million. We‘ll go be-        infrastructure, for the long term.                                                                       On 1 September, the football
                                             yond because we‘re taking a pro-       And that again, really, really ex-                                                                     business industry meets again in

                                                                                                                                                              Photo: Kerstin Kronabether
     So, you see it everywhere in the        active approach to sell. We‘ve got     cites me.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Photo: Christof Hütter
     town. People here are so desper-        the relationship with Ed Sheeran,                                                                                                              Graz for the fourth edition of the
     ate for success, and they care pas-     you know, 14,000 season tickets        You mentioned Ed Sheeran a cou-                                                                        FUTURE OF FOOTBALL BUSINESS
     sionately about their football club.    in League One is massive, but it‘s     ple of times; it‘s certainly some-                                                                        Conference, the biggest yet.
     They care how the club is present-      not our average occupancy over         thing special. What was the story
     ed and how it is built. I don‘t think   the past 10 years. It has been only    behind it?
     I‘ve experienced such a passion for     around 56%. We need to work to-        I can‘t take credit for this. Ed is a
     a club like here. Last week, we had     wards a 98% occupancy, and we          lifelong Ipswich Town fan, but I        A bit less than 200 people from                                leadership and from data to organ-    on Wednesday, 31 August. The
     the 40th anniversary of the UEFA        want to push towards an average        think the story is when he saw we       30+ countries attended the FOF-                                isational development.                conference itself takes place on
     Cup win. At the dinner, we had          attendance of about 28,000, not        had a gambling company or a bet-        BC in 2019, the biggest so far. This                                                                 1 September and on 2 September
     these fantastic players - Alan Bra-     22,000 fans. Interestingly, we had     ting company on our shirts and          year we are aiming to gather much                              We look at concrete cases of all      side events will take place.
     zil, Terry Butcher and John Walk        the biggest away attendance, in-       thought that didn‘t seem right.         more than 200 experts in Graz,                                 sizes and let renowned experts
     who wanted to spend time with           cluding the Championship and any       So he wanted to get involved and        Austria. Rights holders, agen-                                 discuss important topics on stage.    The first speakers and sessions
     me and tell me about the club. I‘ve     EFL club this season. 7.000 fans,      sponsored his tour on our shirt.        cies, companies, and media from                                Moreover, one-hour workshops          will be announced in May, after
     never quite experienced this in-        three hours down the road to MK        He‘s a fan and wants to support         across Europe and beyond will                                  make it possible to dive deeper       the Football Business Meetup in
     tensity. So, we‘d better win games;     Dons supporting us. We even had        and give to his local football club.    meet at the Messecongress Graz                                 into selected topics.                 Budapest. Early Bird tickets start-
     otherwise, I‘m in big trouble.          more fans than they had in their       I had the privilege of meeting him      on 1 September.                                                                                      ing at 170 Euro are available from
                                             stadium.                               a couple of weeks ago, and he‘s ex-                                                                    This year there will also be more     mid-May as well.
     What are the club‘s current size                                               tremely passionate about the foot-      Once again, we focus on topics,                                opportunities and additional space
     and its average revenue?                With marketing, more community         ball club. And we can‘t thank him       highly relevant for the football                               for exhibitors.                       You can already register your in-
     From a revenue perspective, we          engagement, and developing the         enough for his engagement.              business industry and especial-                                                                      terest at www.footballbusinessin-
     have incredibly been a mid-table        next generation of supporters, we                                              ly for rights holders. They range                              As usual, the FUTURE OF FOOT-         side.com/fofbc22 and claim a 15%
     League One club nearly all season,      can grow a fan base. That brings us                                            from sustainability to digital trans-                          BALL BUSINESS Conference starts       discount on your ticket!
     with 14,000 season ticket holders.      to 28,000. In doing that, ticketing,                                           formation, from innovation to                                  with a Welcome Evening, this year

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     15
26 April 2022 - Football Business Inside
5 INSIGHTS                                                                                             Tomás de Mello Corrêa
                                                                                            Digital Marketing Manager | Vitoria Sport Clube

     Is it important as a football club     other organizations, which a lot         eration to you as a club – alterna-                      cause it takes the unpredictability     and if we know how to answer
     to transform (more) into a media/      of the time works perfectly. There       tive content, content generated                          and the beauty of football, in my       these and other questions, we are
     content company or a lifestyle         is no right or wrong in marketing.       by the players on platforms like                         opinion.                                closer to succeeding in this fan-
     brand? How do you look at that         There is only a try and analyze. If it   Twitch, the whole esports devel-                                                                 club relationship. Data centraliza-
     based on your club’s perspective?      works, replicate later (if you have      opment and other ways.                                   What trends do you see develop-         tion is fundamental for a business
                                            the budget for it, of course). The                                                                ing in the next 3 years in terms of     to be efficient and commercially
     At Vitória, it is more important to    biggest advice is to have a strategy     Crypto related with fan engage-                          new commercial opportunities            appealing. This will show the club
     transform into a lifestyle brand.      behind all the actions that we do        ment; NFTs; Dynamic and inter-                           for football and especially your        how to act strategically in every
     I believe that the club is already
     embedded in the culture of a city
     and in the daily day of any sup-
                                            and adapt the trends that suit the
                                            strategy that is in place.
                                                                                     active club app; Esports and oth-
                                                                                     er digital options like metaverse,
                                                                                     AR, VR, and other digital tools
                                                                                                                                              club? Are there any new projects
                                                                                                                                              you are currently developing?
                                                                                                                                                                                      department, and it is going to
                                                                                                                                                                                      show the road to success.                    “The biggest
     porter. They breathe and live all
     the information and content that
                                            At Vitoria SC, every major decision
                                            that changes the club´s statutes
                                                                                     that bring the fan closer to the
                                                                                     player´s routine and new ways to
                                                                                                                                              In my opinion, there are 3 trends
                                                                                                                                              to develop the club commercially.
                                                                                                                                                                                      Finally, crypto companies are tak-
                                                                                                                                                                                      ing place and I believe that those
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              advice is to have
     the club shares and publishes. For
     that reason, a strong and creative
     digital communication strategy
                                            need to be voted on and approved
                                            by the supporters in the general
                                            fan meeting (“Assembleia Geral”).
                                                                                     give the fans the ultimate decision
                                                                                     making. Platforms like club apps,
                                                                                     Discord, Twitter, and Twitch will
                                                                                                                                              First, we can never forget that fans
                                                                                                                                              still want the physical part of the
                                                                                                                                                                                      digital brands will help football
                                                                                                                                                                                      financially by investing and cre-
                                                                                                                                                                                      ating partnerships that will bring
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             a strategy behind
     should be put in place to make
     sure we give the best content to
                                            So, in our case, the fans have a
                                            word to say in the club´s path. Be-
                                                                                     be fundamental for this process
                                                                                     of interaction with the younger
                                                                                                                                              game, so it is crucial to develop a
                                                                                                                                              better stadium experience. How
                                                                                                                                                                                      value to the game. These synergies
                                                                                                                                                                                      between clubs and crypto compa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            all the actions that
     our fans and followers. You then
     reach new targets using innovative
     and interactive content, but at the
                                            sides these major decisions, in my
                                            opinion, the new fan engagement
                                            era is about giving the fans the
                                                                                     generations. Creating interesting
                                                                                     and smart partnerships with these
                                                                                     different companies, teams, and
                                                                                                                                              can we do it? Develop a club app
                                                                                                                                              that has a range of functionalities
                                                                                                                                              like live stats, live decision-making
                                                                                                                                                                                      nies are fundamental for the trans-
                                                                                                                                                                                      formation and adaptation of foot-
                                                                                                                                                                                      ball within the new generations.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               we do and adapt
     end of the day, if the “customer”/
     fan embraces our ideals and views
                                            right to make some decisions and
                                            to be involved in the club´s dai-
                                                                                     federations will help reach out and
                                                                                     interact with the new generations.
                                                                                                                                              content, live games, and others.
                                                                                                                                              Creating the best fan experience
                                                                                                                                                                                      At the same time, NFTs will be a
                                                                                                                                                                                      great commercial asset to any club
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 the trends that
     as their ones, then we are actively
     changing the mind of our follow-
     ers. For this reason, I would say
                                            ly routine. For example, the goal
                                            song, the 3rd kit design, the color
                                            and shape of merchandise, even a
                                                                                     I think this can be the future of
                                                                                                                                              possible gives fans the ultimate
                                                                                                                                              fan engagement asset. This can be
                                                                                                                                              expensive in a short period, but in
                                                                                                                                                                                      due to their authenticity. Another
                                                                                                                                                                                      big asset will be the metaverse.
                                                                                                                                                                                      This digital world is coming soon
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              suit the strategy
     that nowadays, both the options
     above complement each other but
                                            corner set-piece in football and an
                                            offensive play in American Foot-
                                                                                     How can football clubs increase
                                                                                     their financial stability and sus-
                                                                                                                                              the long run, this can turn into a
                                                                                                                                              great income creator to any insti-
                                                                                                                                                                                      into the football world. We already
                                                                                                                                                                                      can see great examples like “Nike-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              that is in place.”
     the most important, in our case, is    ball (who knows, this could be a         tainability? Do you think it needs                       tution through sponsors exposure,       land”, and I believe that this will
     to get into their daily routine with   great idea), and others. We need to      fundamental changes within                               merchandise, ticket sales, OTT          be the future of this sport. As a
     our values and feed their love with    bring them into what is the club’s       the football system, like closed                         platform, and finally, DATA.            club, we need to be ready to adapt
     what they want to hear from us.        life because they live and consume       leagues, a salary cap or similar?                                                                to what is coming, but we cannot
                                            our brand like no one else.                                                                       Data is another asset that clubs        do it alone. We need partners that
     Can you describe the process of                                                 I believe that we need to adapt                          need to explore. We know that we        help us through this journey, make
     implementing new non-sports            Answering the question, internal-        the game to not lose the new gen-                        have the fans associated with our       us understand the profitability
     projects at your club? Are you         ly we have or research ideas and         erations and future customers.                           brand because they spend their          of this world, help us understand
     asking your fans for input, do you     trends. If it makes sense within         There are a lot of competition like                      money and time on this relation-        how fans will use these tools and
     look at other clubs or industries      our strategy, we adapt and present       eSports that are really stepping                         ship, and clubs give them the best      how we can educate them towards
     for inspiration, do you work with      the project to our director. After       up into the game (even thought I                         show possible on the pitch by win-      a more efficient adaptation.
     market research?                       that, we share the project with the      believe that clubs should support                        ning games and trophies. That
                                            departments to make everyone             and integrate these new sports).                         looks easy. But who are the fans?       To summarize the question: devel-
     Marketing is the research where        aware of the idea. Then put it into      Since it is not my department, I                         What do they like? How can we           oping a club app; data centraliza-
     we look for new trends and ideas       action. Then analyze the outcome         will leave this discussion to people                     expand their experience? What do        tion; crypto, and metaverse world
     in every market. We take them and      and improve the idea.                    with knowledge of rules and reg-                         they want from us besides wins?         are the 3 main opportunities for
     adapt them to our strategy. Some-                                               ulation. Although, I just want to                        Well, those are questions for a         the next years. At Vitória, we are
     times we are pioneers in some          What opportunities do you see to         mention that I am against a closed                       million Euros. And data can help        already working with a single sign-
     actions, others simply copy from       attract and bind the younger gen-        league for European football be-                         answer those. Data is the new gold      on and with an app.

16                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 17
26 April 2022 - Football Business Inside
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ONE OF THE TEAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     THAT HAS THE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    MOST POTENTIAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TO GROW IN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    BRAZIL, EVEN IN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    LATIN AMERICA”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Despite spending long years in the third tier during
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      the last decade, Fortaleza EC is one of the big and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  traditional clubs in Brazil, especially in the Northeast of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   the country. Since 2017, the club has been developing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    steadily, both economically and in terms of sport. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  club was promoted to the highest division and this year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Fortaleza will play in the Copa Libertadores for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    first time ever. We spoke to the club’s New Business
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Director, José Carlos Gama Filho, about the recent
Photo: Karim Georges

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          By Thomas Maurer

                                                         Can you please tell     nancial reorganisation that reflects     ly revenue, people working at the       The current TV broadcasting deal       2021, we had only 12,000. Now, we          You start your first ever Copa Lib-
                                                         us a bit about For-     inside the field with great results:     club?                                   is running until 2024.                 have over 44.000 again.                    ertadores group stage in April,
                                                         taleza EC? A brief      2nd Place in 3rd division, in 2017;      Fortaleza in 2019 was the 2nd big-                                                                                        right? What does that mean for
                                                         insight into the his-   Champion of 2nd division in 2018;        gest club in 1st division with atten-   What does your sponsors account        You are starting your fourth sea-          the club – also financially?
                                                         tory of the club and    9th place in 1st Division in 2019;       dance of 32.999 people per game.        for?                                   son at the Serie A after getting pro-      It´s incredible. Fortaleza will play
                                                         where it is now.        1st appearance in 2020 in the Copa       In 2021, our balance was 23 mil-        In 2022, our sponsors represent        moted from the third to second             against some of the best teams of
                                                         José Carlos Gama        Sudamericana; 4th place in the two       lion. In 2022, we expect over 27        over 2,5 million Euro.                 and second to first tier. Is it a big      Argentina, Chile and Peru: River
                                                         Filho: Fortaleza has    major championship: 1st Division         million. Until now, Fortaleza has                                              difference to play in the first tier?      Plate, Colo Colo and Allianza Lima.
                            José Carlos Gama Filho       been a club for over    and Brazil´s Cup. In 2022, Fortale-      over 44.000 associates and over 300     How did the covid-19 pandemic          Yes, every detail counts. One big          But it´s just the beginning. Fortale-
                            Business Director            100 years. It’s very    za will debut in the Libertadores da     employees/partners.                     affect the club?                       difference in our club is that all         za hopes to go far in the competi-
                            Fortaleza EC                 traditional in the      América.                                                                         It affected the club a lot, because,   the payments are due to the exact          tions.
                                                         Northeast of Brazil.                                             Regarding revenues, what role           in our associate membership, the       day. This is not common in Brazil.
                                         In the last decade, Fortaleza was       How big is Fortaleza compared to         does the money from TV broad-           ticketing is included. At the time     So, it´s a big difference to get play-     Do you have any ties to Europe, any
                                         in the 3rd division, but since 2017,    other clubs in Brazil – let’s break it   casting rights play for the club?       we had 35,000 members. At the end      ers that want a team financially re-       cooperation? Basically, is interna-
                                         the team has started a process of fi-   down to figures, attendance, year-       It´s still the number one revenue.      of public restrictions, in October     sponsible.                                 tional presence a topic for you?

                       18                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   19
                                                                                                                                                            03. Mai 2022 // Wien

                                                                                                                                                         DIGITALISIERUNG VON SPORTEVENTS
                                                                                                                                                         KRYPTO, NFT & METAVERSE
                                                                                                                                                         ARENA ERLEBNIS
Photo: Leonardo Moreira

                                                                                                               Photo: Karim Georges

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            © SWpix
                                 Overall revenue distribution          ed to integrate all the systems and    Fortaleza is just at the beginning
                                                                       database.                              of this process. In long terms, we     U.A. AUF DER BÜHNE:
                                 #1 Broadcasting                                                              think it´s a market that can gener-
                                                                       You don’t own your home stadi-         ate revenues. But for now, it´s not
                                 #2 Associate membership               um and also share it with your lo-     our first demand.                      DI Doris Wendler        Christian Ebenbauer     Haruka Gruber          Max Schickler
                                                                       cal rival. Is that a problem?                                                 Vorstandsdirektorin     Vorstandsvorsitzender   Vice President Media   Brand Partnership Manager
                                 #3 Sponsorship                        Actually, since 2018 the rivals        And do you have any additional                                                                                Switzerland
                                                                       co-operate the stadium. So, it´s       revenue streams, beside the usu-
                                 #4 Player transfers                   not a problem, in fact it´s a solu-    al ones – TV rights, matchday,
                                                                       tion. We are rivals in the field. In   sponsorship and merchandising?
                                 #5 Club stores
                                                                       business, we are partners.             Our membership scheme is quite
                                                                                                              relevant. It is in fact the second
                                                                       How important are your digital         biggest revenue stream.
                               Fortaleza participated in 2019 and      platforms and social media chan-
                               2020 in the EUROCUP. It´s a under       nels to generate revenues?             Finally, what is your vision for the
                               13 competition that takes place in      It´s still not a big number. We are    development of the club over the
                               Netherlands.                            focusing on increasing our own         next, five to ten years?
                                                                       club app. There, we have special       Fortaleza is one of the teams that
                               You are responsible for commer-         content and exclusive experienc-       has the most potential to grow
                               cial topics, let’s focus on that a      es.                                    in Brazil, even in Latin America.
                               bit. How big is the club’s fanbase?                                            Brazilian football is discussing a
                               How many ‘contacts’ do you have         You recently launched a sustain-       league operated by the clubs and
                               in your database?                       ability strategy, is that also some-   some clubs are being sold, which
                               The fanbase is over 2 million fans.     thing that helps to market the         will bring more professional per-
                               More than 120.000 fans are regis-       club, to generate additional rev-      formance.                              PREMIUM PARTNER                         VERANSTALTER
                               tered in our club app. We just start-   enues?

                          20                                                                                                                                                                                                                     21
display them in a simple manner.       opinion on the questions them-

                      WITHOUT THIS                                                                                          In turn working process is any
                                                                                                                            method that employees use to
                                                                                                                            create value for the organization.
                                                                                                                                                                   selves as a learning point for fur-
                                                                                                                                                                   ther research development. Topics
                                                                                                                                                                   were aligned in the order they nat-

                  YOUR YOUTH ACADEMY                                                                                        Understanding what working pro-
                                                                                                                            cesses are, what types of work-
                                                                                                                            ing processes an academy leader
                                                                                                                                                                   urally occur in a player’s develop-
                                                                                                                                                                   ment pathway, from talent identi-
                                                                                                                                                                   fication to leaving the club.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              “To do the best things in
                                                                                                                                                                                                           an academy normally costs
              WILL STOP WORKING IN 3, 2, 1...                                                                               might encounter and how to op-
                                                                                                                            timize them can help academies
                                                                                                                            become more efficient and pro-
                                                                                                                                                                   The starting point for understand-
                                                                                                                                                                   ing Quality Areas in relation to
                                                                                                                                                                                                             money. By looking at this
                                                                                                                                                                                                           publication and its findings,
                                                                                                                            ductive. Asking academy experts        daily activities within the acade-        academy leaders can get
                                                       By Adam Metelski
                                                                                                                            what they do has helped us gain
                                                                                                                            valuable insight across. Our initial
                                                                                                                                                                   my environment is the number
                                                                                                                                                                   of working processes connected            information on which key
                                                                                                                            list of questions in the survey was    with each of those 12 Quality Ar-     aspects they should focus on,
                                                                                                                            made by a team of football experts,
                                                                                                                            and was refined by experts from
                                                                                                                                                                   eas. When we overlay the process-
                                                                                                                                                                   es with the QAs, the one connect-      and allocate their resources
                                                                                                                            different specializations. These       ed with the most is Productivity,        accordingly, depending on
                                                                                                                            included coaches, analysts, tech-
                                                                                                                            nical directors, academy teachers,
                                                                                                                                                                   with 133 working processes. This
                                                                                                                                                                   is almost double the number of           what is available and what
                                                                                                                            psychologists, school professors       Talent Identification, second on                    their goals are”
     Youth academies can strength-         process groups, spanning the en-       in an interesting way: “Everything        and strategy experts. From this        the list, with 78 working process-
     en each other and themselves          tire youth development pathway.        is in this publication! It is up to the   list, we then identified a group of    es. This is clear evidence that for                                    Liam Brady
     through constant cooperation and      Our main interest when conduct-        clubs to use it, as providers to and      topics including talent identifi-      clubs, the results of the acade-           Former Irish football player and trainer
     the sharing of knowledge. This is     ing the surveys was to determine       producers of players!”                    cation, the people and structures      my’s work and the mechanisms by
     where our research comes in –         which of the working processes                                                   involved in an academy, transition     which they bring talents into their
     sharing knowledge, and enabling       were used by each youth acade-         Starting our research we wanted           to the first team, decision making     system, are the most crucial items
     those in the game to have a better    my, as well as what their logistics    to answer the following questions:        and more. In addition, we were         on the agenda. Other important
     understanding of the overall acad-    looked like, and how formally          what academies in Europe do to            also interested in the respondents     Quality Areas from this perspec-
     emies ecosystem. Our starting         they were used. For the qualitative    deliver for their clubs? To whom
     point was to follow-up the original   part, we carried out semi-struc-       are they delivering to? What are
     ECA publication from 2017 where       tured interviews with 18 academy       football experts doing in their dai-
     the 12 Quality Areas concept was      leaders to capture case studies        ly work to ensure they’re bringing
     first introduced, and it provided a   and best practices (among others:      up happy kids, satisfied human
     detailed explanation of the differ-   Ajax Amsterdam, Atheltic Bilbao,       beings, and football players capa-
     ent pillars and their impact on the   Sporting Lisbon and Olympique          ble of succeeding at a profession-
     youth development process. Now,       Lyonnais). We targeted certain         al level? Which working practices
     our brand new report includes         academies based on several fac-        are used most frequently? Which
     an enhanced overview of the 12        tors, such as their level of devel-    ones are used by the best acad-
     QA and each of their sub-compo-       opment, recognized success in          emies? And which ones are the
     nents, demonstrating how they         the field of youth development,        most intercorrelated? Our goal in
     interrelate with academy working      and geographical representation        asking the above questions was to
     processes, and evaluating their       of various regions around Europe.      arm academy leaders, the football
     relative significance via quantita-   The interviews allowed us to delve     experts within clubs and acade-
     tive statistical methods.             more into the ‘why’ academy lead-      mies, with insight that could help
                                           ers do ‘what’ they do, and ‘how’       deliver more efficiently and effec-
     We used two research methods,         they conduct their daily activities.   tively the aims of their youth path-
     survey and interview, to collect      As an additional step, we also met     way to the children, parents and
     our data. On the quantitive side      with Liam Brady, an expert within      communities you serve.
     we used survey, which was spe-        the youth academy landscape and
     cifically focused on various acad-    long-time former director of the       The 12 Quality Areas framework
     emy-level working processes           Arsenal academy, to discuss our        enables to recognize patterns with
     and centred around a number of        results. He summed up our work         professional youth academies and

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       23
12 Executive Key findings:
                                                                                    91% of clubs have defined selection criteria for youth players
                                                                                    86% of clubs have a scouting department or scouting service
                                                                                    dedicated to their youth academy
                                                                                    81% of clubs have a dedicated training facility for their
                                                                                    youth academy (may be shared with first team)
                                                                                    80% of clubs the Academy Director decides the style of play
                                                                                    78% of clubs have a fundamental goal of strongly relying on
                                                                                    the academy for sourcing its first-team players
                                                                                                                                                            highlighting what everyone and
                                                                                    71% of clubs have a technical committee or similar in place             almost nobody does. The inter-
                                                                                    66% use biobanding principles in age-group composition                  views enabled us to understand
                                                                                                                                                            more about the ‘how’ and ‘why’
                                                                                    66% of clubs provide a hall of residence for young players
                                                                                                                                                            and gave us a deeper understand-
                                                                                    55% of clubs have defined regular goals or KPIs for academy             ing of the survey data a first-hand
                                                                                    staff part from sport results                                           account of how academies are
                                                                                    44% of clubs have a Technical-Tactical (te-ta) coach, with              being run. Using these working
                                                                                    half of cademies having a coaching methodology depart-                  processes and Quality Areas has
                                                                                    ment in the organizational structure                                    enabled us to see the primary
                                                                                                                                                            focus areas of European youth
                                                                                    45% of clubs estimate market value of academy players
                                                                                                                                                            academies; Productivity, Talent
                                                                                    40% of clubs plan ahead for more than four years for their              Identification, Human Capital and
                                                                                    Youth Academy                                                           Cognitive Care. There appears to
                                                                                    8% of academies measure IQ of players after signing                     be no hard and fast single recipe
                                                                                                                                                            for running a successful academy,
                                                                                                                                                            but it’s clear that aligning opera-
                                                                                                                                                            tions within it, and the wider club,
                                                                                                                                                            can help academies to reach their
                                                                               tive are Human Capital and Cog-       use of inferential statistics helped   potential. It helps to identify work-
                                                                               nitive Care. This seems logical       us focus on the relationships and      ing processes which might help an
     10 most common working processes, carried out by of clubs in survey:      when you consider that coaches        the inter-correlation between the      academy to be more efficient –
                                                                               and other back-room staff are the     working processes. Those work-         whether they miss anything from
     100% bring children to the club for trial trainings
                                                                               individuals tasked with delivering    ing processes with more inter-cor-     the list of what virtually everyone
     100% make some kind of assessment of players                              the various educational and devel-    relations suggest they are more        does, or want to try to implement
     100% have full-time employees at youth academy                            opment programs to the players.       important than others, and if they     something that few academies do.
                                                                               The figure below shows a list of      do occur, others might occur too.      The latter option could include IQ
     98% explain to academy players the rationale behind different stages of
                                                                               12 Quality Areas and the number       Again, this is a learning point; an    testing, or progressing from basic
     he transition process, such as when they move between age groups, go
                                                                               of working processes included in      academy leader can analyses the        social media training, to pro-ac-
     out on loan or to a partner club
                                                                               each Quality Area.                    correlation of working processes       tively educating players on build-
     98% make an assessment of the physical capacity of players                                                      and compare that with his or hers      ing brands. We sincerely hope that
     97% scout for talented players                                            Using descriptive statistics en-      own set-up, and the intensity of fo-   the results and conclusions using
                                                                               abled us to identify which working    cus that is place on each of them.     this methodology will be helpful
     97% have a formalized football philosophy in place
                                                                               processes were the most used/ un-                                            in daily work of youth develop-
     97% film youth matches for subsequent analysis                            used within the youth academies.      Together, our survey and inter-        ment practitioners and experts.
     94% enter into communication with parents of potential players            This is a new learning point, as      views have revealed new learnings      Perhaps this methodology will be
                                                                               it detects what is a ‘must’ to do.    about how academies operate. To        also useful for club management
     94% have a formally defined coaching methodology
                                                                               This enables an academy leader to     recap, our survey revealed ‘what’      to look at their academies from a
                                                                               compare where is his or hers acad-    clubs are doing in their acade-        new perspective, and better un-
                                                                               emy in comparison to the wider        mies, including the most and least     derstand what youth academy ex-
                                                                               youth academy ecosystem. The          widely shared working processes,       perts are dealing with.

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                           AL AHLY SC - THE WORLD’S MOST                                                                                        our budget was EGP 333 million,       and convenient financing solu-          and expanding to other relevant

                            DECORATED FOOTBALL CLUB                                                                                             increasing to EGP 1.2 billion in
                                                                                                                                                2018. In 2021, our budget already
                                                                                                                                                surpassed EGP2.54 billion, which
                                                                                                                                                                                      tions, empowering people to join
                                                                                                                                                                                      the club and pursue a lifestyle that
                                                                                                                                                                                      meets their needs and aspirations.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              This implementation of this vision
                                                                                                                                                is a tremendous achievement.          The collaboration will enhance          will include the establishment of
                                                                                                                                                We focused on boosting the club’s     one of the club’s most important        many subsidiaries: Al Ahly Foot-
                               In this article, FBIN had the opportunity to explore the business story of Ah Ahly SC - one of the most          financial resources through ex-       resources - membership subscrip-        ball Company, Al Ahly Sports Ser-
                           decorated football clubs in the world. Rami Aboushaara - Ah Ahly’s Sports Marketing Coordinator spoke about          panding our investments and es-       tions, across all of its branches.      vices Company, Al Ahly Media Pro-
                                                                                                                                                tablishing the club’s companies to                                            duction Company, Ah Ahly Sports
                                               the club’s recent business development and its long-term vision to 2050.                         accomplish the club’s ambitions.      The club certainly has its interna-     Facilities Company, and Ah Ahly
                                                                                                                                                                                      tional presence outside of Egypt.       Tourism Services Company. For
                                                                              By Quang T. Pham                                                  The club’s current sponsorship        What are the success factors be-        instance:
                                                                                                                                                contract was valued at 520 million    hind your internationalization
                                                                                                                                                EGP. Next, the satellite broadcast-   strategy?                               Al Ahly Football Company will or-
                           From a business perspective,          families. Since we have numerous         More importantly, we tried to find    ing rights which Al-Ahly earlier                                              ganize and develop all the club’s
                           what is the current size of Ahly      administrative and technical facil-      more sponsorships and partner-        sold to Presentation Sports was       As mentioned, due to our sporting       professional football activities;
                           SC? How many employees are            ities, the employment size could         ships that can help our financial     400 million EGP, putting the total    success, our brand has become           academies; local and internation-
                           currently working on both the         go up to 2000 headcounts, both on        situation. Thanks to our success      value of the club’s deal with Pre-    internationally famous. Whenev-         al competitions; marketing activi-
                           sportive and business sides?          and off the pitch.                       on the pitch, we can easily attract   sentation to 920 million EGP.         er we go around the world, there        ties such as TV rights, sponsorship
                                                                                                          new sponsors or investors in key                                            will be an Ahly’s fan there, which      rights, merchandise, advertising,
                           Put in perspective, we probably       What is the business case of the         regions such as the Middle East       Sponsorship accounts for a sub-       is a great opportunity, whether it is   transfers, new media sales, sports
                           have one of the biggest structures    club during the Covid-19 pan-            and Africa. In fact, when you win     stantial proportion of your in-       for merchandising or membership         programs.
                           in the world. We have one head-       demic?                                   trophies, you can attract anyone.     come; so, who are your major          subscription. We also have prom-
                           quarter and four branches. The                                                 Additionally, our executive board     sponsors and partners at the mo-      inent academies in Egypt, Dubai,        Al Ahly Sports Facilities Company
                           headquarter is called Gezeira,        I believe every sports club suffered     responded quickly to the pandem-      ment?                                 and soon in Africa such as Sudan        will build and manage the club’s
                           home to our famous and elegant        from the pandemic. Still, our pres-      ic by gradually moving away from                                            or South Africa.                        new Olympic city and stadium,
                           stadium - Mokhtar El Tetsh Stadi-     ident - Captain Mahmoud El Khat-         brick-and-mortar locations.           We have a diverse range of spon-                                              which has its medical, hospitality
                           um, where our first team bases.       ib - and the executive board made                                              sors and partners from different      Could you tell us more about Al         infrastructure, commercial and
                           The other four branches include       a huge effort not to cut any salaries    What is the average annual reve-      industries. To mention a few, we      Ahly Vision 2050?                       educational services.
                           Nasr city, Sheikh Zayed, the Fifth    or benefits for players or staff. This   nue of the club? Which revenue        have Umbro as our kit sponsor;
                           Settlement, and Luxor. We try to      shows the humanity and leader-           stream is the most important at       WE - a telecommunications com-        Al Ahly Vision 2050 was formed          Al Ahly Tourism Services Com-
                           spread our image all over Egypt,      ship of our management board.            the moment?                           pany; SAIB - a construction and       to adapt to the rapid development       pany: a subsidiary specialized in
                           reach all fans, and provide a great   When Covid-19 struck, we did not                                               financial investment firm; and our    in the sports industry, both local-     touristic services to manage the
                           sports environment and social en-     have fans in the stadium for six         Unfortunately, I can’t disclose       most recent exclusive strategic       ly and internationally. The plan        club’s traveling services for its
                           vironment for them. Ah Ahly is        months, which hugely impacted            the exact number, but I can give      partnership with ValU - a fintech     includes generating new revenue         teams, members, and supporters,
                           not only a football, basketball, or   us. So we tried to reach them out-       you some key insights. The club’s     platform company. Particularly,       streams and capitalizing on the         including transportation, accom-
                           handball club; it is a unified com-   side of the stadium through our          budget has increased significantly    as a strategic partner for 3 years,   club’s financial resources while        modation, and hospitality ser-
                           munity of members, players, and       branches and club membership.            over the last four years. In 2014,    ValU will provide our fans flexible   developing the club’s sports teams      vices.
Photo: CC BY-SA 4.0

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