2023 Wessex Continental Travel

Page created by Louis Graves
2023 Wessex Continental Travel
Wessex Continental Travel

2023 Wessex Continental Travel
Information                                                                                                                                                                                               Tours
                                       Essential Information
      We are pleased to present our programme for                              THE SAILING TO SANTANDER                         Classic Tours
                          2023                                                                                                  In addition to our regular programme of breaks we are planning a series of retro holidays this year in which
    We look forward to our 49th year of arranging travel for      Our crossings to Spain are based on sailings on the           we are delving back into the archives to select a few of our best trips from bygone years.
    our discerning clientele. As we’ve always done, our aim       flagship cruise-ferry “Pont Aven” and a 2-berth cabin
    to is to arrange relaxing, value-for-money holidays with      with shower and WC is provided. On board this excellent       We dropped these holidays in recent years because the progress of cheap flights from Provincial airports
      nice company, interesting excursions, good food and         40,000 tonne vessel are many facilities to enhance your       made them appear expensive in comparison. However, the cheap flights rarely turned out to be so cheap
       accommodation and above all , with no-hassle. As           journey – swimming pool, live music, live cabaret, fine
                                                                  dining, self-service restaurant, coffee shop, two cinemas     when adding the extra costs involved and were certainly a lot more inconvenient than just stepping on a
                          simple as that!
                                                                  showing the latest films, shops, piano bar and sun deck.      coach near your home or driving to the port of departure where there is easy parking.
                           ABOUT US
                                                                  Alternative cabin options:                                    We feel that coach holidays will come back into their own in 2023 for various reasons and one of the main
    We have been operating holidays since 1974 and we are                                                                       reasons is no-hassle! Another point to consider is that we have never told our hotel partners what to
    totally independent, don’t belong to any associations or      A 4-berth cabin for exclusive use of 2 persons costs an       charge. We have always accepted their price with no argument whatsoever. We use 3* and 4* hotels
        have any connection with any other company or             extra £95 per cabin, return.If you’d like an outside 4-       offering room with private facilities; breakfast and dinner with wine though on Wine Tours we take lunch
                         organisation.                            berth cabin it can be arranged for an extra £55 per cabin     rather than dinner on the estate or at a nearby restaurant.
                                                                  return (i.e. a total of £150 return).There are NO 2-bedded
                         THE COACHES                              cabins on the ship i.e. cabins with 2 ground berths.If you    Above all, we have strived to bring value for money. Doing holidays at the lowest cost inevitably means
                                                                  need ground berths you have to request a 4-berth cabin        cutting corners which is never in the passengers’ interest. Our job is to do the work, yours to enjoy and
    Our tours will be in modern vehicles fitted with reclining    for 2 persons and pay the supplement shown above.All          relax and we will go all out to maintain that ethos.
    seats, toilet and drinks machines. The coaches have seat      Single Supplements include sole use of a 2-berth
    belts and most are air conditioned. The coach travels all     cabin.There are NO 2-berth outside cabins available.We
    the way (unless otherwise stated). We operate a non           cannot obtain Club Class, De Luxe or Commodore Class
                                                                  cabins .
                                                                                                                                Short Breaks
    smoking policy on board the coach.                                                                                          Our nearest Continental neighbours are just 120 miles across the Channel, closer than travelling to Wales if
                                                                                                                                you live in the South West but you will need a passport! For a complete change of scene and an interesting
                       SEAT ALLOCATION                                          THE HOTELS AND CATERING                         break ,French-style, come with us to Brittany for a relaxing travel experience, some good food and new
                                                                                                                                sights. Nothing too complicated there!
    This is made at the time of booking. We will try and          All rooms will have private facilities ie. toilet and bath/
    satisfy specific requests but ordinarily you will be seated   shower. Generally, buffet breakfast is always provided
    in order of acceptance of booking from front to rear. We      and on tours with half board, dinner is also provided
    never place anyone in the back seats unless they have         usually with wine included. The wine is not unlimited         Wildlife Tours
    requested them or without notifying you that they are         and usually follows the convention of a quarter bottle of     Our modest programme of tours is based solely in Northern Spain . A Minicruise from Plymouth to
    all that remain.                                              wine per person. You can purchase more if you wish.           Santander starts and ends the tour with an interesting variety of locations in Green Spain in between. Good
                                                                                                                                company, nice hotels and good food are guaranteed!
                     SINGLE SUPPLEMENT                            On the vast majority of coach holidays dinner is
                                                                  normally a set meal for the group but dietary variations
    Sadly we have no control over this and usually we             can usually be accommodated within reason. You
                                                                  should note that in countries bordered by the Atlantic,
                                                                                                                                Wine Tours
    subsidise the rate charged to us. If you pay the single                                                                     We’ve been running Wine Tours for over 40 years to France, Spain and Portugal. Mostly they are for private
    supplement you will always have a room to yourself and        fish is commonly served. We limit any fish dinners to a
                                                                  maximum of two per tour.                                      organisations such as firms, associations, wine societies but we have also had a public programme each
    where applicable, a cabin to yourself. You will never be                                                                    year. Our aim is to provide an interesting holiday with friendly company and featuring an appreciation of
    required to share.                                                                                                          wine, mental and physical! Importantly, it gives you the opportunity to bring back plenty of “samples” , a
                                                                  Other dinners reflect the country in which we travel and
                                                                  we ensure that no bizarre local tastes (snails, razor         feature denied to air travellers!
                         TOUR ESCORT
                                                                  shells etc etc) are served.                                   Apart from the wine, we know that fine cuisine is an essential part of a wine tour and without making a
    On some tours we will have a Tour Escort but increasing                                                                     song and dance about it we incorporate this aspect within all the tours.
    costs have caused us to limit this aspect these days.                            THE EXCURSIONS

    Their prime function is to ensure that the trip runs          All the excursions described in the brochure are              Jazz Tours
    smoothly, they are not employed as local historical           completely free of charge.                                    We can’t emphasise enough that this is first and foremost a holiday and whether you like jazz or not, the
    experts.                                                                                                                    travel experience is what it is all about. We’ve taken Bands to France, Germany, Portugal and Spain and the
                                                                                   BOARDING THE SHIPS                           significant aspect has always been good company, nice hotels, interesting excursions and great music.
                                                                  We have no control whatsoever of this process. We are
    We take a deposit of £50 per person for tours of at least     obliged to follow the instructions of the ferry company.      Private Groups
    5 days’ duration and £20 for short breaks. The balance is     Usually passengers have to walk on and off the ships          Over the years we have arranged tours for many diverse groups to various destinations. From Firms’
    normally requested a month before departure.                  but sometimes this is changed without prior notice.           Groups, Football Clubs, Bridge Clubs, Farmers’ Groups,Marathon Runners, Golfers, Military Groups, Social
                                                                                                                                Groups - you name it, we’ve probably done it!
                                                                  If you have walking difficulties you must notify us at the    Contact us if you have a group wishing to go away for a few days.
                                                                  time of booking and we will be able to ensure that you
                                                                  go on board in the coach.

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2023 Wessex Continental Travel
Short Break                                                                                                                                                                              Classic Tour

                                  Concarneau Weekend                                                               Brittany Tour The Cotes d’Armor & Emeraude
                                                                                                                 This holiday will give you a close look at Brittany’s northern coast. Our base is the small village of Sables
An opportunity to enjoy a short break in Brittany and a relaxing cruise across the Channel. We leave             d’Or Les Pins which is situated between St Brieuc and the Cap Fréhel National Park. The small holiday
Plymouth on the overnight sailing on a Thursday and during the crossing you will have a 2-berth cabin.           resort is backed by pine woods and just 100 m from the hotel is a vast sandy beach. The Hotel de Diane has
We then have two nights at our hotel on half-board terms with excursions during the day. We return the           been tastefully modernised and the rooms are contemporary and very comfortable.There’s a conservatory
following Sunday 1500.                                                                                           bar, a nice dining room and gardens in front of the hotel. Good food is a given!
Concarneau                                                                                                       We’ll be making excursions in the area but if the sun is beating down and you prefer to work on your tan
 This fishing port and resort has been pleasing our clients for years and its attraction never fades. In the     you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do!
town itself, the main feature is the old walled town and the location of our hotel is perfect, just metres       The overall theme of this holiday is a relaxing break in pleasant surroundings, good food and wine,
away from a sandy beach and a nice stroll along the promenade to the town centre. The excursions are             interesting but non-taxing excursions and a glimpse of life in the slow lane!
very interesting, not too much driving and plenty of time to relax and take in the sights.

We leave Plymouth on the overnight Thursday sailing. We reach Roscoff at 0800 (local time) on Friday and         Sunday We pick up as indicated below and drive to Plymouth to catch the 2200 sailing to Roscoff. A cabin
after disembarkation we set off to the main market town of the region, Morlaix. We park in the centre and        will be provided.
you’ll have time for some sightseeing.                                                                           Monday We reach France at 0800 and after disembarkation we’ll set off eastwards. Our drive will take us to St
 In the late morning we set off for Concarneau with a short stop at the pretty lakeside village of Huelgoat      Brieuc where we make a sightseeing stop. We spend the morning here before resuming our journey in the
situated amongst the woodlands.                                                                                  early afternoon to Sables d’Or Les Pins to check in to the Hotel de Diane for six nights. You’ll have plenty of
We continue our drive southwards and on n arrival we check in to the Hotel de l’Ocean for two nights. The        time to settle in and explore the immediate surroundings of the hotel before dinner.
hotel is located opposite a sandy beach. It has a covered and heated swimming pool in the garden with             On Tuesday we’ll have a free day for you to relax, get in the holiday mode and generally take it easy. Dinner
Jacuzzi and Fitness room.                                                                                        and overnight.
On Saturday we drive to Quimper, the ancient capital of Cornouaille. There’s an outdoor street market            On Wednesday morning we’ll set off for Dinard, the elegant resort on the “Emerald Coast”. In the early
taking place on Saturdays near the centre where we park. We’ll spend the morning here and in the early           afternoon we begin the drive back to hotel by way of the Cap Fréhel National Park where we stop for a while
afternoon we travel to the resort of Bénodet calling in at the Hypermarket en route.                             to admire the outstanding views over the Channel. We return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.
Once again, dinner will be at the hotel.                                                                         On Thursday , we drive inland to visit Port Dinan on the River Rance. From here we continue into the
Sunday morning is free to do as you wish. Have a lie-in, use the swimming pool, stroll along the promenade ,     medieval town of Dinan with its castle and cobbled streets. There’ll be plenty of time for shopping and
visit the beach outside the hotel or visit the Old Quarter.                                                      sightseeing. We return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.
We leave the hotel in the late morning heading for Roscoff to catch the 1500 sailing. This reaches Plymouth at   On Friday morning we’ll take a little drive along the road to Matignon, a small village where it is market day.
2010 and the coach then returns to the original pick up                                                          You’ll be able to contrast this market with the bigger version we visited at St Brieuc earlier. From here we
points.                                                                                                          continue inland to Lamballe where there is a National Stud which we’ll visit and afterwards there’ll be time
    Departure dates                                                                                              for some sightseeing in the town before returning to the beach at Sables d’Or. Dinner at the hotel.
                      June 29th : September 28th Cost £335                                                       On Saturday we drive eastwards to the River Rance stopping at the dam to view the world’s first tidal
                                                                                                                 generating plant and then on to St Malo, the city of Pirates. The walled old town will give you plenty of
Cost includes: travel by executive coach; ferry passage including cabin overnight; 2 nights at a 3***            sightseeing opportunities and in the early afternoon we will return to Sables d’Or for a last chance to soak up
hotel, all rooms with private facilities, buffet breakfasts and dinners with wine; excursions as detailed.       the sun(!). Dinner at the hotel.
                                                                                                                 Sunday we leave the hotel and drive westwards .We have time for sightseeing in Morlaix before we continue
                                                                                                                 to Roscoff to catch the 1500 sailing to England reaching Plymouth at 2010.
£80 ( Cabin & Room)
Exeter-Newton Abbot-Torquay-Paignton-Totnes-Ivybridge-Plymouth(Millbay Docks)
                                                                                                                 Departure date June 25th £779
                                                                                                                 The cost includes: travel by executive coach; ferry sailings with cabin on overnight crossing; six nights at a
                                                                                                                 3* hotel, all rooms with private facilities and ; buffet breakfast each day and dinners (with wine) ; the
                                                                                                                 excursions as described.

                                                                                                                 Single supplement £150         Seaview £80 per room

                                                                                                                 Pick up point : Exeter – Newton Abbot – Torquay – Paignton- Ivybridge- Plymouth Ferryport


2023 Wessex Continental Travel
Classic Tour                                                                                                                                                                               Classic Tour

                                       Costa Verde Portugal                                                                                                      Costa Verde Portugal
    In our opinion this is the perfect coach holiday combining as it does, a mini cruise, a trip through the
    mountains, a stay by a beach, interesting excursions, excellent hotels and the opportunity to see parts of
    Europe that few British travellers visit especially this very fertile and lush region of Portugal. The 4* hotel   Next day,Thursday, we resume our drive to Santander where we catch the 1545 sailing to England. Enjoying
    sits on the long, sandy beach and is an ideal base for the holiday. There are large grounds in which there        the cruise we reach Plymouth at 1045 on Friday and then return to the original pick up points.
    are a swimming pool, tennis courts, mini golf, superb football pitch, paddling pool and inside the hotel
    are pool tables, table-tennis ,tenpin bowling, bar, poolside restaurant and fitness centre. The
    comfortable bedrooms are air-conditioned and most have a balcony The dining room overlooks the
    beach and each evening the main event is the spectacular disappearance of the sun over the horizon
    .Dinner is a buffet and offers a choice of menu and there is some form of entertainment most nights               Departure dates: May 17th - £895 & Sept 6th _ £925
    including a Folklore Show every Tuesday. The Staff are extremely courteous and helpful and, all in all, the
    hotel runs a most professional operation designed to give their guests the ideal holiday experience – we
    can’t recommend it enough and we go there ourselves! The hotel has lifts.
                                                                                                                      Single supplement (room & cabin) £210 ; Guaranteed sea view £35 per room
    We leave Plymouth at 1545 on Wednesday and cross the Channel to Spain arriving in Santander around
    1315 on the second day. After disembarkation we then drive across northern Spain and into Portugal to             Pick up points : Bath – Bristol - Exeter – Newton Abbot – Plymouth
                                      spend our first night at Chaves in the mountain region of Tras os Montes
                                      at the Hotel Aquae Flaviae with a superb Brazilian Buffet for dinner.

                                       On Friday we resume our journey southwards with a short stop at pretty
                                       Amarante before continuing to the coast and our 4*resort hotel at Ofir
                                       where we stay for the next five nights.

                                        On Saturday we travel inland to Braga which has more churches than any
    other town in Portugal. After sightseeing we continue to outskirts to visit the famous basilica of Bom Jesus
    and then return to the hotel.

    On Sunday we plan a completely free day to relax and enjoy the facilities of the hotel. We recommend a
    stroll along the beach to nearby Apulia at lunch time to have an interesting lunch with the locals at one of
    the intriguing restaurants which back on to the beach.

    On Monday we travel southwards to the main city, Porto. Here we will
    visit a Port Lodge on the river then have time for sightseeing and
    shopping. The “Ribeira” is in the Old Quarter and is a fascinating mix of
    old cobbled streets and quays along which are scores of restaurants and
    bars serving the freshest of local produce. The cruise ships which
    traverse the Douro start from here as do the harbour sightseeing boats.

    On Tuesday morning we make a short drive to the port and resort of
    Viana do Castelo where it is market day and usually a Folklore Group will
    be performing in the main square. In the afternoon we drive inland to the old Roman town of Ponte da Lima
    situated on the river of that name.

    We leave the hotel on Wednesday and drive southwards and then across central Portugal to the Spanish
    border at Vilarformosa. We stop at the lovely little town of Cuidad Rodrigo for sightseeing and refreshment.
    We then continue to the outskirts of Palencia where we spend the night at the Hotel La Centro Europa.

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2023 Wessex Continental Travel
Classic Tour                                                                                                                                                                                 Classic Tour

                                   Asturias Beach Break                                                                                                       Atlantic Cruise
                                                                                                                    The aim is to drive along the rim of the Atlantic Ocean around the Bay of Biscay and enjoy aspects of Spain
    This short holiday is operated in conjunction with our Wildlife Tour. It makes use of the coach and hotel but   and France . We use nice hotels throughout, the travelling is not arduous and we begin the holiday with a sea
    there the similarity ends.                                                                                      cruise to Spain to get you thoroughly relaxed and into the holiday mood. We’ve kept the time in the coach
                                                                                                                    down to a minimum so that you can enjoy the places we visit without rushing about. If you are looking for a
    The 4* hotel is located on a secluded beach at La Franca about 50 miles west of Santander. We use a Spanish     unique holiday with a difference – we think that this is it!
    coach for this visit as it saves on two days at sea and keeps the cost down.
                                                                                                                    We pick up at the points detailed below and make our way to Plymouth. We sail at 1545 on Wednesday and
                                    The aim of the tour is a brief glance at Asturias, a stunnungly scenic region   the facilities of the superb cruise-ferry “Pont Aven” are at your disposal as we cross the Channel - swimming
                                    which comprises of golden beaches, rolling meadows and a section of the         pool, cinemas, shops, piano bar, live entertainment etc
                                    Picos de Europa mountain range. This is a very quiet and peaceful break -       On Thursday day we arrive in Santander at 1315 . After disembarkation we then drive eastwards to the resort
                                    there are no shops, no entertainment and no crowds - just a lovely sandy        and fishing port of Castro Urdiales where we make a brief sightseeing halt. In the late afternoon we continue to
                                    beach which looks out to the Atlantic, woodland walks and a chance to           the elegant city of San Sebastian, one of Europe’s premier resorts. We check in to the Hotel San Sebastian for
                                    unwind and charge your batteries. On one day there is an optional free          two nights with buffet breakfast and dinner with wine included. The sandy Ondarretta Beach is just 300 metres
                                    excursion to Potes, a pleasant mountain village in the Picos de Europa range,   distant and this leads on to the famous La Concha beach which continues around to the fascinating harbour
                                    when the Wildlifers visit that area. The Hotel Mirador de la Franca has been    area of the city.
                                    accommodating our clients since 1994 which speaks for itself. Good food, a      On Friday we’ll leave you to your own devices in this most pleasant resort. Choose time on the beach; a trip up
    relaxing atmosphere , a bar and a lounge overlooking the sandy beach is what you sign up for. If you want       to Monte Igueldo at the end of the beach or mooching in the harbour area and city centre. Dinner at the hotel.
    some action take a look at our Jazz tour to this destination in late May!                                       On Saturday we head towards the border with a short sightseeing halt at the little town of Hondarribia which
                                                                                                                    faces France across the river. We resume our journey in the early afternoon and travel to Bordeaux where we
    You'll have company in the evenings as the Wildlife group return from their day out in the field and woods.     stay for two nights in woodlands in the outer suburbs.
                                                                                                                    On Sunday we drive along the River Gironde to the charming wine town of Pauillac where we’ll stop for
                                                                                                                    sightseeing and refreshment. In the afternoon we drive to the centre of Bordeaux for individual sightseeing
                                                                                                                    before returning to the hotel for dinner.
                                                                                                                    On Monday morning we leave the hotel and drive northwards eventually to the fishing port and resort of La
    Departure date: September 3rd              £430                                                                 Rochelle where we stay for two nights.
                                                                                                                    On Tuesday we’ve left the day free to enjoy the relaxing airs of this pleasant fishing port and resort..
                                                                                                                    On Wednesday we resume our ride parallel with the ocean through Nantes and into Brittany for the final two
                                                                                                                    nights at Concarneau.
    Costs include:                                                                                                  Our Thursday morning excursion will be to Quimper,ancient capital of the region of Cornouaille. Our afternoon
    Ferry crossing Plymouth to Santander with cabin; transport to and from hotel; three nights                      stop will be at the small coastal resort of Bénodet before our final night by the sea.
    accommodation with full breakfast and dinner with wine.                                                         On Friday we head northwards to Roscoff before catching the 1500 ferry to Plymouth. This reaches England at
                                                                                                                    20.10 and after disembarkation the coach returns to the original pick up points.
    Single Supplement £125
                                                                                                                    Departure dates June 7th 2023 £990 - September 13th 2023 £990
    Pick up point : Plymouth Ferryport                                                                              (Cost includes: travel by air-conditioned coach ; cruise-ferry crossing with 2-berth cabin; eight nights’ 3
                                                                                                                    and 4* hotel accommodation with buffet breakfast and dinner with wine; all excursions as described. Tour

                                                                                                                    Single supplement (room & cabin) £265

                                                                                                                    Pick up points: Bath - Bristol - Taunton - Exeter - Newton Abbot - Plymouth Ferryport

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2023 Wessex Continental Travel
Wildlife                                                                                                                                                                                    Wildlife

                    Castile - Steppes La Nava Wildlife Tour                                                                               Castile - Steppes La Nava Wildlife Tour
Our wildlife programmes offer some of the best wildlife watching from the open ocean to the great                    We return to the hotel for dinner and overnight
extensions of the Northern Plateau of Spain , renowned for its birding diversity and the opportunity to
experience the splendour of the ocean. The sea element offers both cetaceans and Pelagic birds and details
of sightings within the programmes will be provided within each of our 6-day holidays. In Spain our local            On Thursday we return to Santander to catch the 1545 sailing and we will once more be crossing
Guide, Fernando Jubete, one of Spain’s top Wildlife Guides will take over. He will make your visit a                 through the Bay of Biscay to look for sea birds and cetaceans. On Friday morning we will be crossing
memorable experience as you join him in observing some of the best wildlife in these incredibly spectacular          the English channel to repeat our search for birds and cetaceans. We reach Plymouth at 1045.
places. Nice hotels and good food and wine will enhance your visit!
                                                                                                                     PS This programme is simlar to the earlier visit to the region but amendments will be made according
On Sunday - Meet at the Plymouth Ferryport where we catch the 1645 sailing to Spain. A 2-berth cabin is              to prevailing conditions at the time of departure.
provided and upgrades are available as detailed in Essentail Information. Our Guide,Paul Burley, will meet you
in the Terminal Building at Plymouth Ferryport.

We will be setting off from Plymouth and crossing the English Channel towards the Ushant on the north western        Departure date
tip of France. We will be hoping to see Great skua, Manx shearwater, Kittiwake, Gannets and more. We will also
be looking for Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Harbour porpoise and Minke whale as these animals are           May 7th 2023         £585
frequently seen in these waters throughout the year.
                                                                                                                     Includes: Ferry crossings with cabin; coach transport in Spain;three nights 4* hotel
The next morning we are in the Bay of Biscay where we resume looking for pelagic seabirds and the various            accommodation with breakfast and dinner; Spanish and English Guides.
whale and dolphin species that makes the Bay of Biscay one of the best places to observe cetaceans in Europe.
We will be hoping to see the big whales, Beaked whales and a variety of dolphin species along with the many          Single Supplement : £135
surprises that Biscay has to offer.

On arrival in Santander at 1400 we drive southwards to Palencia and just before the town we check into our 4*
Hotel Europa Centro for three nights on buffet breakfast and dinner with wine terms. Here Fernando will join         Plymouth Ferryport
you for a talk about the days to come.

Tierra de Campos and La Nava wetland.

We leave the hotel after breakfast on the second day and drive to the county of Tierra de Campos where we
explore the cereal pseudo-steppe for the observation of steppebirds. We will visit a lek (a place where birds
gather during the mating season) of great bustards with more than 300 specimens. Other steppe birds will be
observed such as calandra lark, greater short-toed lark, crested lark, Montagu’s harrier or lesser kestrel. At
lunch time we visit a bar in Fuentes de Nava.In the afternoon we travel to La Nava wetland. In this shallow lake
we can expect to see birds such as the marsh harrier, purple heron, white stork, black-winged stilt, penduline
tit,Savi’s warbler, bluethroat, etc. As this is a migratory season, we can expect to see a goodnumber of waders
and gulls. We return to the hotel for dinner and overnight

El Cerrato. On the third day we leave the hotel after breakfast and travel to the county of El Cerrato. First we
visit to the village of Baltanás to follow a path through an area of gypsiferous slopes and a valley with pasture-
quejigal. At lunch time we will take refreshment in a Baltanás bar.Our afternoon exploration starts from the
village of Antigüedad, where our stroll will take place through an area of Mediterranean woodland with Spanish
juniper, holm oak and Portuguese oak. Target bird species for the day: booted eagle, black kite, Spanish
imperial eagle, european bee-eater, Eurasian hoopoe, Iberian magpie, western black-eared whetear, thekla’s
lark, spectacled warbler, western subalpine warbler, tawny pipit, Spanish sparrow, ortolanbunting, etc. Species
of butterflies targeted for the day: swallowtail, Spanish festoon, Cleopatra, western dappled white, clouded
yellow, orange tip, green hairstreak, Provencehairstreak, etc.

2023 Wessex Continental Travel
Wildlife                                                                                                                                                                                 Wildlife

                         Montaña Palentina Wildlife Tour                                                                                        Montaña Palentina Wildlife Tour
 We sail from Plymouth on the Sunday 1645 crossing to Santander.                                                      Departure date: June 18th          £580
 En route to Spain we hope to see Dolphins, Beaked whales and Fin whales as the Bay of Biscay has the deserved        Costs Include:
 reputation as being one of the best places to observe cetaceans. We will also be looking for Pelagic birds that
 can sometimes surprise us at this time of the year.                                                                  Ferry crossing with cabin; all coach travel in Spain;three nights' 3* hotel accommodation; guided
                                                                                                                      visits in Spain by English-speaking Spanish expert Guide; ocean guidance by expert English Guide
 We reach Spain at 1400 on Monday and the local coach will now take the group to Cervera de Pisuerga and the
 Hotel Peñalabra for three nights. Our local Spanish Guide, Fernando Jubete one of Spain's top experts, will join
 us for a talk about the days ahead.We'll have a stroll around the area before dinner in a nearby restaurant.         Single Supplement £120
 On Tuesday morning we will visit the Las Loras county for a walk through the Paramo de los Franceses , a
 limestone plateau of great geological interest and superb for bird and butterfly watching. Numerous species of
 butterflies will be observed such as Apollo, Berger's Clouded Yellow,Black-veined White,Twin Spot Fritillary,        Plymouth Ferryport (parking available)
 Turquoise Blue as well as birds such as Egyptian Vulture, Eurasian Griffon Vulture,Tawny Pipit, Montagu's
 Harrier etc.

 After a bar lunch in Cervera we visit San Felices de Castilleria where we'll stroll through an area of Canabrian
 landscape past oak groves and pastures. The target birds for the day are Middle Spotted Woodpecker,Golden
 Oriol,Red-backed Shrike,Common Redstart, Short-toed Treecreeper,Eurasian Nuthatch etc. We visit a
 grassland of great interest for butterflies that could result in the observation of 40 species including such as
 Marsh Fritillary,bog fritillary,Chestnut Heath,Pearly Heath,de Prunners Ringlet,Mallow Skipper, Dingy Skipper

 On Wednesday morning we will visit San Felices de Castilleria where we'll stroll through an area of Canabrian
 landscape past oak groves and pastures. The target birds for the day are Middle Spotted Woodpecker, Golden
 Oriol,Red-backed Shrike, Common Redstart, Short-toed Treecreeper, Eurasian Nuthatch etc. We visit a
 grassland of great interest for butterflies that could result in the observation of 40 species including such as
 Marsh Fritillary, Bog fritillary, Chestnut Heath, Pearly Heath, de Prunners Ringlet, Mallow Skipper, Dingy
 Skipper, etc.

 The lunch will take place at Venta Pepín, a typical mountain restaurant. Then we will visit the viewpoint of
 Piedrasluengas, where we will walk through a beech forest where birds such as Short-toed Snake Eagle, Black
 Woodpecker, Eurasian Treecreeper, Goldcrest, Common Firecrest, Eurasian Nuthatch and many more forest

 Please note that changes to the planned itinerary may occur dependent on weather and any other unforeseen

 We leave the hotel after breakfast on Thursday and travel to Santander where there will be a little time to relax
 before the sailing at 1545. During the crossing, Paul will be on hand to assist with the observation for cetaceans
 and birds as we sail through the Bay of Biscay and across the English Channel on the last day of our holiday.

 We arrive in Plymouth at 1045 on Friday.

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2023 Wessex Continental Travel
Wildlife                                                                                                                                                                                   Wildlife
                                     Asturias Wildlife Tour                                                                                         Asturias Wildlife Tour
 Our wildlife programmes offer some of the best wildlife watching from the open ocean to the mountain               The feeding point of Picos de Europa National Park, is one of the specific actions for the reintroduction
 tops in the best birding areas of Northern Spain , renowned for its birding diversity and the opportunity to       of the Lammergeier in the Picos de Europa National Park, spearheaded by the Lammergeier Foundation.
 experience the splendour of the ocean. The sea element offers both cetaceans and Pelagic birds and
 details of sightings within the programmes will be provided within each of our 6-day holidays. In Spain
 our local Guides, Javier Gil Vaquero and Angel Hererra , will take over. These two experts will make your          Once a week, the staff of the Lammergeier Foundation, in collaboration with the local slaughterhouse,
 visit a memorable experience as you join them in observing some of the best wildlife in these incredibly           leave the remains of lamb and kids as a supplementary feed to complement the natural diet of these
 spectacular places. Nice hotels and good food and wine will enhance your visit! This visit to the Picos de         carrion birds
 Europa will be of interest to those who wish to see not only the migration of the many Pelagic seabirds
 that cross our open ocean but also the most iconic birds of the Picos mountains in Northern Spain.                 This day we will participate in a guided visit to observe spectacular carrion birds at a feeding place in the
                                                                                                                    Picos de Europa National Park. Privileged spectators will learn and observe the food behaviour,
 On Sunday - Meet at the Plymouth Ferryport where we catch the 1645 sailing to Spain. A 2-berth cabin is            hierarchies of scavengers and will also learn to differentiate between various species and understand
 provided and upgrades are available as detailed in Essential Information. Our Guide,Paul Burley, will meet         the behaviour of these majestic birds.
 you in the Terminal Building at Plymouth Ferryport.
                                                                                                                    Thursday . We leave the hotel and drive to Oyambre Natural Park, a wetlands are that is ideal for
 We will be setting off from Plymouth and crossing the English Channel towards the Ushant on the north              observing migratory birds. From here we continue to Santander where we'll board the ferry for the 1545
 western tip of France. We will be sailing at the time of the migration and we will be hoping to see many of the    sailing.
 pelagic seabirds that include Skua’s, shearwaters, Petrels, Sabine gull and many more. Cetacean species
 include Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Harbour porpoise and Minke whale.                                    We will then be sailing through the Bay of Biscay to once more look for birds and cetaceans.

 The next morning we are in the Bay of Biscay where we will resume looking for seabirds and cetaceans. At           On Friday morning - We find ourselves proceeding to the English Channel for more sightings of sea
 this time of the year the Bay of Biscay can be truly spectacular and offers some amazing sightings of              birds and cetaceans before reaching Plymouth at 1045.
 migratory seabirds and a fantastic diversity of whale and dolphin species. September is a favoured time for
 the most experienced wildlife enthusiast and a must for any who wish to see nature at its very best. Both              Departure Date September 3rd                  £560
 seabird rarities and many species of whales and dolphins make this a chance not to be missed.

 On arrival in Santander on Monday at 1400 we pick up our coach outside the terminal and proceed to our 4*
 hotel, the Mirador de la Franca. The hotel is situated in a quiet cove on the Atlantic coast and it is from here
 we will be setting off each day on our birding trips in to the Picos de Europa. In the evening our local guide ,   Costs Includes:
 Javier Gil Vaquero, will join us at the hotel to discuss the following days’ birding before our evening meal.      Ferry crossing Plymouth to Santander with a cabin; transport to and from hotel and daily to
                                                                                                                    observation site; expert English Guide, local Spanish Guide(s); three nights 4* hotel
                                                                                                                    accommodation with full breakfast and dinner with wine; cable car.
 Tuesday. The Alpine birds. The Picos de Europa National Park, is one of the best places in Europe to
 observe and enjoy alpine birds like alpine accentor, snowfinch, wallcreeper, red-billed chough, yellow-billed
 chough, water pipit, and much more. It is also the perfect place to see the Cantabrian Chamois. All of them        Single Supplement £125
 can be watched easily on the upland areas in very good walking conditions and quite flat.

 In Fuente Dé, we will take the cable car up to the highest and alpine area, nearly 2.000 m. above sea level.
 From here, we have a simple walk along the easy walking old mining paths, we will try to enjoy these               Pick up point: Plymouth Ferryport
 amazing groups of birds.Furthermore, other species like raptors such as the griffon vulture, Egyptian vulture,
 golden eagle, booted eagle, common buzzard and ravens, crows and a great variety of little passerines can
 be observed in the area.

 Wednesday. The Feeding Station for Lammergeiers and Scavenger birds. Scavenger or carrion birds, play
 a key role in the functioning of mountain ecosystems. They help accelerate the process of returning
 nutrients to the system. At the same time, they help reduce the risk of disease to other species, whether wild
 or livestock.

 Although some of these species disappeared many years ago from the Picos de Europa, we can now proudly
 say that all of these species have returned to these unforgettable mountains: Griffon Vulture, Egyptian
 Vulture, Lammergeier and recently, it is not unusual to spot Black Vulture. Other opportunistic species such
 as Golden Eagle, Red and Black kite, Ravens, Common Buzzard, Crows etc. can also be found scouring for

14                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15
2023 Wessex Continental Travel
Wine Tour                                                                                                                                                                        Wine Tour

                                   Burgundy Wine Tour                                                                                           Burgundy Wine Tour
 Here’s a great opportunity to enjoy some fine cuisine and first class wines in this world famous wine
 growing area of France. Once we arrive there is very little travelling involved so you’ve lots of time to       Departure Date July 1st 2023 £1465
 relax, savour and appreciate what’s available.
 The Kyriad hotel *** is located in the heart of Burgundy’s Côte de Nuits vineyards. It has an outdoor
 swimming pool and a restaurant serving regional dishes. This property offers ensuite guestrooms with            The cost includes; all travel by executive coach; 2-berth cabin aboard ferry, six nights 3* hotel
 free WiFi and a flat-screen satellite TV. The hotel offers a garden with a shaded terrace. The hotel's bar      accommodation with three dinners; all visits and three lunches and one final dinner ; Tour Escort.
 has a satellite TV with Canal+, Eurosport and BeIN Sports channels. In the Loire Valley we’ll be staying at
 the Adagio in Saumur which has hosted us for many years.                                                        Single room supplement £240 (Room and cabin) Cabin upgrades: 4-berth for 2 - £80 4-berth
                                                                                                                 outside cabin for 2 - £95 (per cabin, return)
 On Saturday, we’ll make the leisurely crossing from Portsmouth to St Malo on the 2015 sailing and a cabin
 will be provided.                                                                                               Pick up points: Plymouth - Newton Abbot-Bristol-Portsmouth

 Sunday - Arriving at 0815 on we make our way eastwards through Rennes, Orleans and thence to Nuits St
 Georges where we’ll check into the 3* Hotel Kyriad for the next 5 nights. Dinner at the hotel this evening.

 Monday. Our First visit is to "Le Clos Saint Louis” at Fixin where we’ll meet with the winemaker. The
 property covers 12 hectares split among the appellations-Cote de Nuits (Villages, Marsannay, Fixin, Fixin 1er
 Cru and Gevrey-Chambertin. Philippe will take you in the vineyards and afterwards you will visit the cellar
 and have a tasting. We have lunch on the estate accompanied by their wines. In the afternoon we travel to
 "Domain Joliet", the oldest cellar of Côte de Nuits. We return to the hotel for a free evening.

 On Tuesday we travel to the prestigious Château du Clos de Vougeot. The castle located in the middle of the
 vineyards built by the monks of the Cîteaux Abbay in the 12th century. It is now the headquarters of the
 "Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin" (the well-known wine society) and the setting for its renowned
 banquets. After the visit of the castle, we move towards "La Grande Cave de Vougeot" (next to the castle) La
 Grande Cave is one of the must seen buildings in Vougeot. It is also the last remnant of a great Burgundy
 history, that of the Château de Vougeot built in 1850 by Augustin Grangier. There we have a guided visit of
 the cellar and wine tasting : 1 cremant, 2 premiers crus et 1 grand cru. Dinner is at the hotel this evening.

 On Wednesday our first visit is to Sophie Labry @ Domiane Labry in Auxey Duress. From here we travel
 to Meursault and Relais de la Diligence for lunch on the terrace (weather permitting) overlooking vineyards.
 Our afternoon tasting and visit is at Domaine Edmond Cornu in Ladoix. Dinner at leisure this evening.

 On Thursday we are travelling southwards into Beaujolais territory and our first visit will be to Fabien
 Ballais at Fleurie . In the afternoon we travel to Cave Buxy for our final visit today . Dinner at hotel.

 On Friday we'll make our way northwards and thence to the Loire Valley. As ever, we stay at the Hotel
 Adagio in Saumur. Before reaching it we'll stop for a visit and tasting at Chinon

 We leave Saumur on Saturday morning and head northwards to Laval for a lunch stop .We resume our
 journey and eventually reach Ouistreham where we have dinner before boarding the ferry for England. A
 cabin is provided.
 We arrive in Portsmouth at 0645 on Sunday and the coach returns to the original pick up points.

2023 Wessex Continental Travel
Wine Tour                                                                                                                                                                                 Wine Tour

                            Sancerre & Loire Valley Wine Tour                                                                                 Sancerre & Loire Valley Wine Tour
Our visit to this area of France will encompass two wine regions, Sancerre and the Loire Valley. As ever,
there is little we can add to existing tributes to these pleasant locations which we have been visiting for          Sunday - We reach Portsmouth at 0645 and after disembarkation we carry on to the original pick up points.
many years.

Saturday We pick up as shown below and travel to Portsmouth. We sail to St Malo on the overnight crossing
and a 2-berth cabin is provided(upgrades available).

Sunday On arrival in France at 0815 and after disembarkation we start our journey southwards to Rennes, the
Breton capital, and thence to the small market town of Laval where we’ll pause for refreshment. We resume
our journey and pass by Le Mans , Orleans and thus to Sancerre and check in to the Hotel Panoramic for the           Departure Date June 10th £1315
next three nights.    Dinner will be at the hotel tonight.
                                                                                                                     The cost includes:
Monday - This morning we travel to Pouilly sur Loire and our first visit is to the Museu du Vin.                     all travel by executive coach; overnight sailings with a cabin; six nights 3* hotel accommodation; four
There’ll be free time to explore the village afterwards and we’ll have lunch on its outskirts at Restaurant Le Coq   dinners and three lunches; vineyard visits and tastings; Tour Escort.
Hardi. In the afternoon we drive to St Andelain to visit and taste at Michel Redde.
We return to Sancere for overnight and dinner at the hotel.
                                                                                                                     Single Supplement £185
Tuesday - We leave the hotel after breakfast and drive to
Crezancy for a visit to Domaine la Gemiere. Afterwards we’ll                                                         Plymouth-Newton Abbot-Exeter-Bridport-Portsmouth
drive to the centre of Sancerre for sightseeing. In the afternoon
we travel to Pougny to visit and taste at Domaine Catherine &
Michel Langlois. We return to the hotel for dinner and overnight.

Wednesday - This morning we set off towards the River Loire
and we’ll reach Amboise before lunch. There’ll be time for
sightseeing in the town before we resume our drive to Saumur
where we check in to the Hotel Adagio for three nights. Dinner at
the hotel tonight.

Thursday- This morning we drive to Savennieres just outside
Angers for a visit to Domaine du Closel. Here you’ll be welcomed
by Mme de Jessey or her daughter the Vicomtesse de Pontbriand and will be taken for a stroll up the hills
through a wood to view the valley. Back at the Chateau you will sample the golden Chenin Blanc and the ruby
Anjou-Village wines and then have lunch in the chateau.

Friday - We’ll have a leisurely start to the day and in the late morning we set off to Caves Ackermann for a visit
and tasting followed by lunch on their premises.In the late afternoon we drive to Distillerie Combier in Saumur
for a visit at 1600.We return the hotel for a free evening.

Saturday - We leave the hotel after breakfast and travel to Angers and nearby St Georges sur Layon where we
will visit and taste at Domaine du Guichoux . Settle back as we now drive northwards and eventually into
Normandy to Ouistreham where we have dinner at the Restaurant Le Normandie before boarding the ship for
the 2300 sailing to Portsmouth.

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                               21
Wine Tour                                                                                                                                                            Wine Tour

                           Ribera del duero Wine Tour                                                                            Ribera del Duero Wine Tour
                                                                                                          Santoña , the other modern vessel, and have dinner together this evening. The cruise is very
 This popular tour has been part of our programme for several years. First class wines                    much part of the holiday so carry on relaxing and taking in the ocean airs.
 compete on equal terms with the better known wines of La Rioja and are not found
 wanting in comparison. It’s a rewarding and refreshing change of scene.                                  On Tuesday we reach Portsmouth at 1730 and the coach will then return to the original pick up

 We sail from Portsmouth on Thursday at 1900 on board the newest addition to the fleet, the
 On Friday we spend the day at sea and have dinner together in the evening.
 We reach Bilbao at 0800 on Saturday and drive southwards into Castile and we’ll make a stop at           Departure Date Sept 28th 2023 £1695
 the charming city of Burgos where we will have time for sightseeing and a chance to try some tapas
 in the Old Quarter by the cathedral where El Cid is interred. In the afternoon we continue to
 Valladolid where we check into the central Hotel Olid for eight nights.! We have dinner at the hotel     (The cost includes : all travel by executive coach ;ferry crossings with 2-berth cabin;
 this evening.                                                                                            breakfast and dinner aboard; eight nights 3* hotel accommodation with breakfast; meals
                                                                                                          as described; visits as described; Tour Escort
 Sunday TBA
 Next day Monday we are travelling eastwards following the River Duero towards the principal town
 of the region, Aranda de Duero. Just outside the town we head for our first visit to the historic Real
 Sitio de Ventosilla where we will enjoy a visit and
 tasting. After this visit we will now drive to Condado
 de Haza home of the legendary Alejandro Fernandez
 of Pesquera wine fame for a lengthy, gourmet tasting
 lunch at their very fine establishment. We return to                                                     Single supplement(Room and cabin) £235
 the hotel in the late afternoon.
 On Tuesday morning we drive to the Cigales                                                               Pick up points: Plymouth-Newton Abbot-Exeter-Salisbury-Portsmouth
 region and visit the Finca Museum at Corcos which
 came about as the start of an expansion programme
 by Grupo Baron de Ley of La Rioja. They discovered
 a vineyard in the region and built a spectacular
 winery. Our visit will include the winery and the
 Museum , a tasting with snacks and then we’ll travel
 to Fuensaldaña for lunch at La Dama de la Motilla.
 Our final visit will be to the Cigales Cooperativa in the
 town itself.
 Wednesday sees us travelling towards Rueda home
 of excellent white wines. Our first visit at 1100 will be with the Grupo Yllera where there will be a
 visit and tasting of their wines followed by lunch in their underground cellar “El Hilo de Ariadne”.
 Returning towards Valldolid we stop at Bodegas Sauco where Patricia will look after you in her own
 inimitable style.
 We head northwards on Thursday to Valoria la Buena and the welcoming Bodegas Pilcar. We’ll
 return to Valladolid to give you an afternoon shopping and sightseeing in this historic city. Dinner
 will be at the restaurant “Los Zagales” near the hotel this evening.
 On Friday This morning we will drive to Peñafiel and a visit to Bodegas Protos,a wine cooperative
 specialising in Ribera DoC and Rueda products. After our visit we drive eastwards to Quintallana de
 Onesimo to visit Bodegas Arzuaga Navarro and have a late lunch in their Michelin-starred
 Sunday we travel along the Duero once again towards Aranda de Duero to visit Bodegas
 Torremilanos. After the tasting we have lunch at the estate and in the afternoon on our way back to
 Valladolid we’ll stop to visit the castle at Peñafiel.
 Monday We leave the hotel after breakfast and head northwards through Burgos then pick up the
 N623 which takes us on a fascinating drive into the Picos de Europa mountain range , over the El
 Escudo Pass and down the stunning Pas Valley to Santander. We board the 1400 sailing on the

Jazz Tour                                                                                                                                                                                       Jazz Tour

     Jazz in Cantabria, Spain 6 days with The Storyville Strutters                                                      Jazz in Cantabria, Spain 6 days with The Storyville Strutters
     Cantabria is one of the four Provinces that make up “Green Spain”and our destination is the small
     resort of Isla about 25 miles east of Santander. This outstandingly scenic and unspoilt Province boasts          On Thursday morning we drive to Santander stopping at the Hypermarket en route to pick up essential
     golden beaches interspersed by rocky crags and behind the coastline is a land of meadows and rolling             supplies . Then it’s a little time for sightseeing in Santander before we board the “Pont Aven” for the sailing to
     hills which ascend to the Picos de Europa mountains. Fishing, dairy farming and tourism are the main             England at 1545.
     staples of the local economy. Sadly ,inflation has caught up this area and the 10€-12€ lunches, 3                We arrive in Plymouth at 1045 on Friday morning and after disembarkation the coach returns to the original
     courses with wine, water and coffee, now cost all of 12€-15€ - criminal!!                                        pick up points.
     Our hotel, the 4* Olimpo, sits on a small cliff overlooking the bay, has pleasant gardens, a small
     outdoor swimming pool and tennis courts. Good food, and plenty of it, is a feature of this friendly hotel
                                                                                                                      Departure date:
     STORYVILLE STRUTTERS                                                                                                                   April 2nd 2023         £590
                                     Bandleader and bassist Cass Caswell loves authentic, unspoiled early New
                                     Orleans jazz. In 2010 he formed the Storyville Strutters, carefully hand-
                                     picking from several counties outstanding exponents of this wonderful
                                     music, as performed in Storyville, New Orleans in the early 1900s. Their         (The cost includes: all travel by executive coach; ferry crossing with cabin; three nights half-board at the
                                     brilliant renditions of the classic repertoire are infectious and irresistibly   4* hotel; excursions; Tour Guide. Entertainment by the Band on three nights.)
                                     The celebrated line-up includes: Ceri Williams, trumpet ; Andy Leggett,
                                     Clarinet, ; Terry Williams trombone, Rachel Hayward, banjo ; Cass Caswell,       Single supplement- £135 : 4-berth cabin(for two) £90 : 4-berth outside Cabin (for two) £150 - NB These
                                     double bass/leader and Frank Woodford, drums. The band’s stunning                prices are for the cabin, not per person : ( There are no 2-berth outside cabins
                                     singer Sinead McCabe is passionate about recalling the early 1900s songs
     of Ma Rainey, Bessie Smith, Mahalia Jackson etc.                                                                 Pick up points : Bath-Bristol-Taunton-Exeter-Newton Abbot-Plymouth.
     The band and Sinead have appeared at many jazz clubs and festivals from the Isle of Wight to the Midlands,
     generating smiles of happiness wherever they go.

      We sail from Plymouth at 1645 on Sunday and a cabin is provided. The ship has many diversions to keep
     you occupied such as live entertainment, swimming pool, cinema amongst others and fine dining or self-
     service restaurants.
     Arriving in Santander on Monday at 1400 we leave town and travel eastwards about 25 miles to Isla and
     the Hotel Olimpo . The hotel faces a large sandy beach and there is a small outdoor swimming pool at
     the hotel. There is also a tennis court and gardens leading down to the beach. We stay for three nights
     with breakfast and dinner with wine included. The Band plays after dinner for listening and dancing.
     After check in you’ll have plenty of time to explore this pleasant coastal village. Relax around the garden
     area, stroll to the town centre or just sit back and have a glass of something on the terrace overlooking
     the ocean.

     Tuesday - Today we’re travelling eastwards to the charming fishing port and popular resort of Castro
     Urdiales. We spend the morning here. In the afternoon we stop en route to Isla at the resort and fishing
     port of Santoña before arriving at the hotel. Dinner is at 2030 followed by the Band.

     Wednesday _This morning we head off for the foothills of the Picos de Europa mountain range. Our drive
     takes us along the Pas Valley to Reinosa, a small town at the entrance to the ski slopes.After a short
     sightseeing stop we now drive along the side of the Ebro Dam to the Escudo Pass where we begin a
     stunning descent down the Besaya Valley. We’ll pause at the pleasant spa village of Puente Viesgo for
     sightseeing and refreshment. We recommend a little walk along the river bank. Then it’s back to Isla and
     the hotel. Dinner is at 2030 followed by the Band.

22                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     23
Jazz Tour                                                                                                                                                                                    Information
                                                                                                                                               Wessex Con�nental Booking Form & Condi�ons
                                          Jazz in Asturia
                                                                                                                     1. Reserva�ons                                               responsibility however for the actions of the sea
Once again we will be taking the Band to Green Spain ,so called on account of its rolling meadows,                   A contract exists between you and Wessex Continental         carriers whose liabilities are in any event, governed
extensive woodlands, tumbling streams and glorious sandy beaches dotted with rocky outcrops. It's a                  Travel Company Ltd. when we receive your completed           by International Convention. Furthermore, all
glimpse of the real Spain and you will be surprised at the landscape if you've never been here before. We will
be staying at the Hotel Mirador de la Franca in Asturias. The hotel sits on a secluded,sandy beach overlooking       booking form and deposit. You will then be sent a            bookings are subject to the conditions of carriage of
the ocean. It has pleased our travellers for almost 30 years who love the hotel's idyllic situation and the          confirmation and the balance of your holiday costs will      the relevant ferry companies.
friendly attention from all the staff. A copious buffet breakfast starts the day and no one goes hungry at           be requested 4 weeks prior to departure. All bookings
dinner! This will be the Band’s final foreign tour.                                                                  are made and accepted under the terms set out below.         5. Booking and Payment
                                                                                                                                                                                  Your reservation will be confirmed upon receipt of a
Sunday - We’ll depart Plymouth on Sunday at 1645 and sail to Santander. A 2-berth cabin will be provided for the     2. Changes                                                   deposit of £50.00 per person plus any applicable
overnight crossing. The ship has many diversions for your pleasure- swimming pool; two cinemas; fine dining;
live entertainment; bingo; quizzes ; piano bar and a large observation deck.                                         In the unlikely event that we have to make a major           insurance premium. The balance of the holiday will
                                                                                                                     alteration to the planned itinerary we will notify you       be requested 4 weeks prior to departure. If the
Monday - On arrival at Santander at 1400 we disembark and travel westwards to the 4* Hotel Mirador de la             immediately. By a major alteration we mean change of         balance has not been received by us 7 days before
Franca which sits on a secluded, sandy beach overlooking the Atlantic. We stay for three nights with buffet          resort, departure time by more than 12 hours or an           departure we will assume the reservation is
breakfast and dinner with wine. Each evening, the Band plays after dinner for your entertainment.
                                                                                                                     enforced change of hotel to one of lower official            cancelled.
Tuesday - We make a drive into the Picos de Europa mountain range along the spectacular Hermida Gorge to             category or without all the advertised amenities. If such
Fuente Dé where there is a cable car. We’ll have some time here before visiting the little mountain town of Potes.   a change occurs you will have the following options: -       6. Changes by You
Returning to the hotel for dinner, the Band will play for your entertainment until late.                             Transfer to an alternative holiday or departure date -       If you wish to amend your booking you must do so
                                                                                                                     Cancel your holiday and receive a full refund - Continue     in writing. No charge will be made. If you wish to
Wednesday -We leave the hotel after breakfast and drive to the resort and fishing port of Llanes where we’ll do
some sightseeing and have lunch before returning to our hotel for a free afternoon before dinner and                 with the revised arrangements and receive                    transfer from one holiday to another a wri�en
entertainment.                                                                                                       compensation in accordance with the following scale: If      request must be made and an administration
                                                                                                                     notified within 14 days of departure - £40 pp. If notified   charge of £20 per booking form will be added to
Thursday -We leave the hotel and drive to Santander where you’ll have some time for sightseeing before we            14-28 days before departure - £20pp. If more than 4          your final balance.
board the ferry for the 1545 sailing to England. Enjoy the cruise homewards and make the most of the ship's
amenities.                                                                                                           weeks notice - no compensation.
                                                                                                                                                                                  7. If you Cancel
Friday - We reach Plymouth at 1045 and after disembarkation the coach returns to the original pick up points.        3. Cancella�on                                               If you cancel your holiday it must be done in
                                                                                                                     It does happen from time to time that we receive             writing. If the cancellation is received at least 5
Departure date: May 28th 2023           £580                                                                         insufficient support to run a holiday. When this occurs      weeks prior to departure it will result in the loss of
                                                                                                                     we will give a minimum of 4 weeks notice and offer an        your deposit. If you cancel between 28-42 days
(The cost includes ; all travel by executive coach; ferry sailing with cabin. (upgrades available); three nights     alternative holiday. On short breaks the notice of           before departure the charge will be 30% of the cost
with half-board at a 4* hotel; entertainment by the Panama Jazz Band and excursions as detailed.)                    cancellation is 2 weeks with an offer of an alternative      of your holiday. Between 14-27 days it is 45%, 7-13
                                                                                                                     departure date. If this alternative is not acceptable you    days in 60% and 1-6 days it will be 100%. Some of
Single supplement (cabin & hotel room) £110                                                                          will receive a full and prompt refund of all monies paid.    these charges may be recoverable if you have taken
                                                                                                                     THE ONLY EXCEPTION TO THE COMPENSATION IN 3 & 4              out insurance but will be refunded by the Insurance
Pick up points: Bath-Keynsham-Bristol-Gordano-Exeter-Newton Abbot-Plymouth                                           ABOVE IS FOR MATTERS BEYOND OUR CONTROL SUCH                 company and not Wessex Continental. The contract
                                                                                                                     AS FERRY BREAKDOWN, WAR, STRIKES, CIVIL DISORDER,            is governed by English Law. This programme was
                                                                                                                     NATURAL DISASTER AND OTHER EVENTS WHICH                      produced in October 2022.
                                                                                                                     AMOUNT TO FORCE MAJEURE.

                                                                                                                     4. Our Liability
                                                                                                                     Our undertaking is to provide the holiday as described in
                                                                                                                     this brochure and to a reasonable standard, take full
                                                                                                                     responsibility for any loss, injury, illness or death as a
                                                                                                                     result of negligence on the part of our staff whilst
                                                                                                                     carrying out their duties. All claims however shall be
                                                                                                                     subject to English Law and all proceedings shall be under
                                                                                                                     the exclusive domain of the English Courts. We accept no

24                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    27
Wessex Con�nental Booking Form                                                                                       Wessex Con�nental Booking Form
Your Non refundable deposit of £50 per person should accompany this form or £20 deposit for weekend trips.           Your Non refundable deposit of £50 per person should accompany this form or £20 deposit for weekend trips.

Tour Title                            No of Days                                       Departure date                Tour Title                            No of Days                                       Departure date

From 2013 it will be necessary to supply us with more detailed personal informa�on to gain entry to France and       From 2013 it will be necessary to supply us with more detailed personal information to gain entry to France and
Spain. We will need to know your full name; date of birth and nationality in order to pass this on to the Border     Spain. We will need to know your full name; date of birth and nationality in order to pass this on to the Border
authorities in each country. We regret this intrusion and despair at the extra work entailed but we have no choice   authorities in each country. We regret this intrusion and despair at the extra work entailed but we have no choice
in the ma�er.s                                                                                                       in the matter

Mr/Mrs/Miss First name       Surname               DOB      Nationality Type of Room         Joining Point           Mr/Mrs/Miss First name       Surname               DOB      Nationality Type of Room         Joining Point

Special Requests:                                                                                                    Special Requests:

Please note the request cannot be guaranteed but will be forwarded to the Hotels etc concerned. (i.e. Cabin          Please note the request cannot be guaranteed but will be forwarded to the Hotels etc concerned. (i.e. Cabin
Upgrade; Dietary constraints)                                                                                        Upgrade; Dietary constraints)

Address to which all correspondence and travel documents will be sent:                                               Address to which all correspondence and travel documents will be sent:
Address:                                                                                                             Address:

Post code:                                                                                                           Post code:

REMITTANCE ENCLOSED                                                                                                  REMITTANCE ENCLOSED

Deposit / Full amount _____ @ £ ____            TOTAL=                                                               Deposit / Full amount _____ @ £ ____            TOTAL=

On behalf of the above named persons I confirm that I have read the booking terms & condi�ons detailed in the        On behalf of the above named persons I confirm that I have read the booking terms & conditions detailed in the
current brochure. (Please print name)                                                                                current brochure. (Please print name)

Signed:                                                                                                              Signed:

Telephone No:                                   Emergency No:                                                        Telephone No:                                   Emergency No:

Signature __________________________________________________________________                                         Signature __________________________________________________________________

    A £50 deposit is required per person and a Confirmation will be sent as soon as it is received. Thank you.           A £50 deposit is required per person and a Confirmation will be sent as soon as it is received. Thank you.
                                                    DETAILS                                                                                                              DETAILS
You can also read