Page created by Anne Brady
2023 TROOP
On my honor,
                                    I will try to serve God*
                                       and my country,
                                  to help people at all times,
                                          and to live by
                                      the Girl Scout Law

* Members may substitute for the word God in accordance with their own spiritual beliefs.
         Welcome and Introductions
     •       About the Baker – ABC
     •       About the 2023 Cookie Program
         Getting Started
         ▪    What’s new
     ▪        Goals for 2023
         Volunteer Coordinator – Role
     •       Dates and Timelines
     •       Programs and Events
     •       Getting started
     •       Cookie Initial Orders
     •       Cookie Distribution
         Girl Participation
     •       From Digital to In Person

                                             Do you follow lemonades on facebook?

Confidential & Proprietary
Confidential: For internal
Confidential: For internal use
                                      Confidentiel: :Réservé
                                                      Réservéà àl'usage
                                                                  l'usage interne
                                                                        interne     19
ABC offers healthful features for
               consumers at no additional cost

                             ✓ 6 varieties are made with vegan ingredients

Confidential & Proprietary
ABC Bakers’ Cookie Features
  • Kosher
  • Zero trans fats
  • No partially hydrogenated oils
  • No high fructose corn syrup
  • Halal certified
  • Certified Sustainable Palm Oil/RSPO (exception is Gluten Free
  • Recyclable cartons, trays (check locally)

  Current GSUSA-owned names (IP)
  • Thin Mints,
  • Trefoils (now name for both bakers)
  • Toast Yay! (ABC’s French Toast-inspired cookie launched in 2021),
  • Adventurefuls (launched in 2022)
  • Raspberry Rally (launching in 2023)

Confidential & Proprietary
We service companies with the world’s
 most iconic brands – like Girl Scouts!
  Baking                     Refrigerated & Frozen

 Bars & Components           Packaging

Confidential & Proprietary
New For 2023
New for 2023 – The Price of Cookies - $6
✓New recipe for 2023 (no milk)
✓Made with real chocolate
✓Re-sealable pouch
Unified name “Trefoils” in 2023
What’s New!

• Minor package and graphic changes to align with Girl Scout brand standards

• Trefoils will be the Troop Sample Cookie for 2023, shipped to SU’s via
  standard process
NEW COOKIE for 2023! (Yes, that’s 3 years in a row)

              The first ever online-only Girl Scout cookie*
   Thin, crispy cookies infused with raspberry flavor, dipped in chocolaty coating

                             MADE WITH VEGAN INGREDIENTS

*Available online only to be direct shipped to consumers
Confidential & Proprietary
Raspberry Rally
 In collaboration with GSUSA, a brand new online shipped only cookie is available for
 the 2023 cookie season

        1                    1             2           2                                  3
                                               Learning for Girls                 Building Consumer
                • Less physical handling                                          Excitement & Growth
                                               • Enables girls to build selling
                • Shipped directly to            skills, pitching to her          • Product concept and
                  consumers                      customers in person, and           development grounded in
                                                 online, where shoppers are         consumer research, with
                                                 buying across channels for         strong scores for Girl
                                                 convenience                        Scout Cookie consumers
                                                                                    and overall cookie buyers

Confidential & Proprietary
Packaging updates to…….
Caramel deLites and Peanut Butter Patties

•   Simplifies supply chain
•   Minimizes overall risk to council partners
•   Increases baking flexibility (other ovens)
•   Saves ~70,000 trees per season
•   Reduces the carbon footprint from production of the cartons
•   Less diesel fuel required to ship in and out of the bakery
•   Optimizes truck loads with better pallet utilization
Our net weight and cookie count have
  not changed in nearly a decade!
   Nutritional information can be found at abcsmartcookies.com or abcbakers.com

Cookie Variety                  Net Weight      Number of Cookies         Packaging

Thin Mints                         9 oz                32            2 foil sleeves, carton

Caramel deLites                    7 oz                15             Foil wrapped tray,
Peanut Butter Patties             6.5 oz               15             Foil wrapped tray,
Trefoils                           9 oz                20           2 cello sleeves, carton

Lemonades                         8.5 oz               16            Single tray, overwrap

Peanut Butter Sandwich             8 oz                20           2 cello sleeves, carton

Toast-yay!                        8.5 oz               16            Single tray, overwrap

Adventurefuls                     6.5 oz               15             Foil wrapped tray,
For the 2023 Cookie Season, GSUSA did not enter a partnership with any mobile
ordering delivery platform. However, as councils, we have been allowed to enter into
agreements with any mobile ordering, delivery platforms.

As of today, GSCCC has entered negotiations with both Door Dash and Grub Hub.

What that will mean for troops.
Troop will be allowed to select a booth time and location in the FCFS booth process
Troops will need not be present, so you can choose anywhere
All troops with booths during that week, will get equal shares of cookies sold. So if we
had 10 troops and sold 100 boxes, each troop will get allocated 10 boxes of cookies
and the troop will be credited the corresponding finances - $60.
*note your SU Team’s decide for these to not go live until beginning of the sale.
Some Cookie Stats
ABC Bakers Choice Cookies

Confidential: For internal use only / Confidentiel : Réservé à l'usage interne   19   19
Our Baker’s Choice items boost sales!
                             2022 ABC Councils’ Cookie Mix

Baker’s Choice = 18%
                                                               Care to Share
                                              Adventurefuls…        2%

                                                                               Thin Mints
                                  Caramel Choc                                    25%



                                PB Sandwich,                                        deLites,
                                    7%                                                18%

                                                                  PB Patties
Confidential & Proprietary
Did you know!
  3 Girl Scout Cookie Varieties are in the top
  8 of Cookies sold in the USA retail.
                                                                          Nilla Wafer
                                                 Oreo Double
                                                    Stuff                               Oreo
                                                    12%                                 28%


                                          Peanut Butter Patties
                                                                                         Chips Ahoy!
                                            Caramel deLites                                 23%
                                                          Thin Mints
Confidential & Proprietary   Source: IRI Total US Outlet Report April 18, 2021
Council Goals…..
2023 GSCCC Council’s Goals

                         Troop Cases Sold                                     GOAL
                                                                                                       Girls Selling
                                                                             117,959                                       GOAL
     108,850           115,571                                                                                             3838
                                                             98,455                                                3,838
                                            77,112                                                        3,382

          2019             2020               2021            2022               2023   2019    2020      2021     2022    2023

         Average packages sold pergirl                                           GOAL
        244               255

        2019             2020           2021                 2022                2023

Confidential: For internal use only / Confidentiel : Réservé à l'usage interne                                                    24
▪ If your troop* has a PGA of               ▪ For troops* with a PGA of 225 on
  32 of nuts sold in Fall 2022.               their initial order (due Jan 9)
▪ Your troop* will be credited              ▪ Your troop* will be credited in
  in SMART COOKIES $.05 per                   SMART COOKIES $.05 per box on
  box sold in 2023.                           your initial order cookies (only)

                      Per every
                                                     = $.05 per package sold
                      Girl Scout

In the 2022 the total receive by troops was $26,000 in credits.
 *a troop is considered 3 or more girls and 2 registered leaders
The Girl Scout Cookie Program…is the
 Girl Scout Entrepreneurship Program
Confidential: For internal
Confidential: For internal use
                                      Confidentiel: :Réservé
                                                      Réservéà àl'usage
                                                                  l'usage interne
                                                                        interne     19
5 Skills…The Girl Scout Cookie
  Program is more than selling cookies…
Cookie Rally Dates

Jan 7 – SLO
Jan 8 – Seaside
Jan 14 – Oxnard
Jan 21 – Buellton
Jan 22 - CLU

                           Girls act honestly and    Girls decide where and     Girls set product         Girls develop a      Girls learn how to talk
                            responsibly during       when to sell products     program sale goals       budget, take cookie      (and listen) to their
                             every step of the       (nuts, cookies), how to and, with their team,      orders, and handle     customers, as well as
                          product program sales.      market their sale, and creates a plan to reach    customers’ money.      how to work as a team
                                                      what to do with their           them.                                       with other girls.
                               This matters
                            because employers             This matters
                                                                                    This matters          This matters       This matters because
                            want to hire ethical       because girls must
                                                                                because girls need to because girls need to     it helps them to do
                              employees-and                make many
                                                                                know how to set and    know how to handle      better   in school (on
                          ethical leaders in every     decisions, big and
                                                                               reach goals to succeed money-from their lunch    group projects, on
                                    field.             small in their lives.
                                                                                in school, on the job,    money to their      sports teams, and on
                                                        Learning this skill
                                                                                     and in life.         allowance to        the   playground) and,
                                                        helps them make
                                                                                                          (someday) a          later  in their career.
                                                           good ones.

GSCCC Activity Calendar
Entrepreneurship Badges & Pins

                         Check out our event
                          calendar for online
                          badge workshops

                          Event Calendar

Troop Cookie Coordinators
Troop Product Program Coordinator- 2022 23 (cognitoforms.com)

        Basics                 Communication                     Logistics                       Rewards

• Registered Adult Member     • Order card distribution to • Coordinate with families       • Create initial
                                girls                        Initial Order delivery
• Good Financial Standing                                                                     recognition order in
    with the Council          • Send outs                     • Location                      SMART COOKIES if
• Current Background
                               communication to
                                                              • Girl pickup times
                               families regarding                                           • Create main
                                                           • Assists as a volunteer at
                                 • Dates                                                      recognition order
• Works well in a team           • Deadlines                 Initial Order Drop
                                                                                            • Takes in reward
                                 • New information
                                 • Booth locations (if     • Review Troop orders in           delivery and breaks
                                                                                              down for troop
         Council                   applicable)               SMART COOKIES
                                 • Enter Initial Order     • Assists with securing            (May/June)
• All Troop Trainings            • Enter all planned         Booth locations for your
                                                             Troop                          • Communicates to
• Girl Online Training             Orders                                                     Troops – pick up info
  Engage all new Troops
  Final Delivery logistics       • Communicate with        • Collect all funds from girls      • Dates
                                                             and deposit funds
•                                  SU and council any
  Set dates, times &
  deadlines                        issues regarding
                                                             frequently into bank              • Times
• Any finance issues during        product or monies                                           • Location
                    IMPORTANT DATES
                                       January 25 - 28    January 14 - 27,     January 28, 2023
December 1, 2022    January 9, 2023        2023                2023

    SMART            Initial Orders        Initial             Girl              In Person
   COOKIES              due into           Order              Online               Cookie
   Opens for             SMART            Delivery             Only                 Sale
   Volunteers          COOKIES             Dates              Selling              Begins

                                                           February 17 - 19,
February 1, 2023   February 7, 2023   February 10, 2023

                                        Booth Sales
                      ACH Draft                             National
  Cupboards                               Begin
                        Date                                Cookie

March 12, 2023      March 1, 2023      March 28, 2023

  Cookie              March               March
   Sale               ACH #2              ACH #3
   Ends                Draft               Draft
                       Dates               Dates
Troop Information Packets

                                     1 Jumbo Envelope per troop
                                     1 Reward, order card per girl
                                     2 receipt books per troop
                                     1 Money envelope per girl
                                     1 package of trefoils per troop

Please check with your SU Cookie
Coordinator for distribution of
packets. You may get a packet, but
you need to have a form signed to
be in SMART COOKIES.                                            35
SMART COOKIES - The Registration Email
If you are the designated Troop Cookie Coordinator in MyGS, you will receive an
email from noreply@smartcookies.com with a unique link to you to get started.
This link is not universal, it is specific to your email.

If you receive the link and you are not the primary Cookie Coordinator, please
contact us at info@girlscoutsccc.org to send a link to the correct person.

We will be adding all troops and Cookie Troop Coordinators who have completed the online agreement.
SMART COOKIES - The Completion Email

Once complete you will be sent a final confirmation email welcoming you to
SMART COOKIES with your username and password. This also gives you the link
to SMART COOKIES to login.
   Step 2 – Complete Volunteer Profile

Once logged in check the following
1. Enter the number of girls you expect to be selling
2. Proceed plan – the default it to receive Troop Rewards
      a. If you want to opt out – you must select the drop down and choose the opt out option
3. Your Bank Account Info will be uploaded in January – please make sure it is correct
4. Make sure your Girl Scout level is correct, Daisy, Brownie…etc
5. You are the primary person, this means you will receive all email correspondence from SMART COOKIES,
    including any changes in cupboard hours. If someone else should receive these, please make yourself the
    secondary person and add them as the primary.
Once you have clicked the email registration link, you will be prompted to edit,
update     – Complete       Volunteer
                    your Troops information.Profile
                                             If you are not able to edit a field,
please contact us at info@girlscoutsccc.org
Troop Initial Orders
Things to consider first…..

1. Review your last years total sales
     • If you are a new Troop, our council PGA (per girl average) is 305.
2. Review your Troop PGA Evaluate your Troops goals and needs for the Girl Scout year 2023
     •   Supplies, membership dues, uniforms, program registrations
                                                                              Will there be a distribution
Thing to consider next…
1.   Traditionally 30 – 35 % of Troop sales are from booth sales              No, Typically, we take 80%
      •    Is this consistent with your Troop?                                of our forecasted sales into
                                                                              our warehouse in Stockton.
2. Traditionally troops order 70 – 90 % of their order at the initial order
                                                                              For Cookies 2023, we are
    •    You can always transfer to other troops during the sale
           •    Only 70% of troops put in initial orders                      taking 100% upfront.
Reminder –
•    Direct Ship orders are not part of your inventory – these ship from the baker and are added to your
     girls' sales along with the payment
•    You can always get more cookies through a cupboard or Troop to Troop transfers
•    Council does not “take back” any cookies
Recommendation –
•    Order what you are comfortable committing your Troop and girls to, you are financially responsible.
•    initial orders should be enough to cover potential Girl Delivery, walkabout and booth sales for at least
     the first week on the sale.
Now Sure What to Order?                                                                                                INITIAL ORDER ESTIMATE

                                                                                              Order must be entered into Smart Cookies by January 4, 2021

Use the Cookie Calculator
                                           Service Unit                                                                                                                             Troop Initial Order Estimate

How does it work?
                                                                                                                                                                         230.02020 Junior Per Girl Average

                                           Level                                             Junior                                                                           250Council per girl average goal

                                                                                                                                                                                 Packages to reach Council Goal

•    Enter # of girls registered           # Girls registered                                   9                                                                        2250
                                                                                                                                                                                                Current PGA based on 2021 Recommended Order column

•    PGA Goal for 2023                     Name                                                                                                                          201.3


•    Change the % of what you want         Phone

     to order.
                                                                                   Order - in FULL CASES

•    It will calculate based on previous                                                                ALL VARIETIES ARE SHIPPED IN CASES OF 12 PACKAGES

     year trend and data
                                                                                                                                        Recommended order in cases based on
                                                                                     2020 average order based on Junior troop of # of        percentage entered below              2021 Initial Case Order that I will
                                                                                             girls registered as listed above                                                          place in Smart Cookies

•    Not happy with the mix?
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 % Mix by Variety

               Change it!                  aDVENTUR                                                        12                                           10

                                           Adventurfuls                                                     8                                           7

                                           Lemonades                                                       16                                           14

                                           Shortbread                                                      13                                           11

                                           Thin Mint                                                       47                                           43

    This form can be found on our          Peanut Butter Patties                                           24                                           22
       Cookie+ Resource Page                                                                                                                                                                                                          13.4%

                                           Caramel deLites                                                 34                                           31

                                           Peanut Butter Sandwich                                          15                                           13

                                                                TROOP CASE TOTAL                          171                                          151                                         0

Troops can go to resources and tools. They should make sure to add a second person to the account and make sure the reward
plan is correct. Girls and Troop Bank accounts will not be uploaded until January,2023
Things to remember:
• Troop Goals,
• Number of Registered Girls in the Troop
• Initial Order Reward PGA is 180 – GS Hat
• Troop with an Initial Order PGA of 225 will receive an additional $.05 per box of
  cookies. (Initial Order Cookies Only)
• Remember to add pre-requested Gluten order to the initial order
    •   You can add less, just not more – we will adjust troops who add more
    •   New Troops - Contact me at:cookies@girlscoutsccc.org

Enter in full cases (you do not have a choice)
Put notes int the order notes – for future reference
Save – hold on submitting, in case you need to adjust – we will submit if needed. 46
Choosing a Delivery Date and Time

•   Some areas (Ventura County) will have more than one location to choose from, choose
    what is best for your troop, we cannot move orders once placed.
•   Most locations will have the time scheduler turned on, make sure to choose a pickup time.
Initial Order – Cookie Distribution
For Cookies 2023 we will be working to do as many combined mini mega drops as
possible. We are asking that SU and Counties look to combine their pick-ups.
1. This allows for a faster delivery day and timeline.
2. Volunteers will be asked to assist with the process for no more that one-hour shifts
Note: Troops again this year with 500 or more cases orders can request individual
deliveries to a residence (not on 1/28/2023)

Richmond, VA      Stockton, CA     Hollister & Simi Valley   6 Counties     600 Troops
Direct Ship
   Direct Ship is 7% of our
   Cookie Program, which is 7%
   of your Girl Scouts Sales.

   Goal for 2023 is 8,257 cases.

          Troop Cases Sold             GOAL

108,850   115,571

 2019     2020      2021     2022      2023
Changes to Direct
     Ship Program
•    Standard shipping flat rate will increase from
     $12.50 to $14.99 for every 12 packages

•    Subsidy minimum package requirements will
     increase from 6 packages to 9 packages.

•    Subsidy shipping rate will be $7.49 starting at a 9-
     package minimum (50% of the standard shipping
     flat rate of $14.99). A reminder that your Council
     pays half of the subsidized shipping cost.

     Shipping rate information in Cookie Central.\
2023 New Gift Box Design
GSUSA has updated the gift box design for the 2023 Direct Ship
program. When shopping on ABC’s Direct Ship website,
consumers will see the new gift box image, along with a message
stating, “designs may vary”. ABC will begin shipping the new gift
box design once existing gift box inventory runs out.
•   Gives customers an option to support Girl Scouts without taking
    possession of cookies
•   Helps girls think creatively in order to give back to their communities
•   Helps girls reach goals
•   Councils handle the distribution
•   Available through online sales
Cookie Cupboards
        Council Cupboards                       Volunteer/SU Cupboards                  Council Cookie Jars

 These locations are secured and          These cupboards are hosted by            These locations are secured and
 staff by GSCCC in store fronts,          volunteers in their homes, garages       staff by GSCCC in store fronts,
 trailers and storage facilities          or storage units around the council.     trailers and storage facilities
 around the council.                                                               around the council.
                                          Volunteers serve as cupboard
 Cupboard hours will be posted            managers.                                Cupboard hours will be posted.
                                          Cupboard hours will be posted            Issues in 2022, parents
                                          weekly based on volunteer availability
                                                                                   picking up a will. Do you
                                                                                   want us to allow troop
Cupboard Inventory
                                                                                   coordinators only?
Council Cupboards will be stocked beginning the week of January 30, 2023           We are working on a
                                                                                   solution here.
Planned orders
• A planned order must be placed in the SMART COOKIES system by Sunday at 11:59 pm each week
• Cupboard managers will select and post available cupboard times.
• Cupboards will fill all planned orders first
• First Come – First Served orders will be at the cupboard discretion – based on availability after planned
  orders are filled

 Exchanges will be made for damaged packages for the same variety

 Note: we will add an exchange week
Cookie Booths
Booth Sales in Smart Cookies are
Managed by Troop User
                                                                    Approve any
 What are Troops’ Responsibilities?
                                                                 orders from Troop
                                                                    Cookie Link
 ▪ Booth Sale Orders from Troop Cookie Link must
    be approved by Troop volunteer
                        23%                              +200%
 ▪ Troop Volunteer secures Inventory from
    cupboard as needed to fill orders or supply                   Secure Needed
    traditional booth                                               Inventory

 ▪ Troop Volunteer allocates cookies sold from
    troop cookie link to participating girls via Booth
    Divider. (Only option)                                     Allocate Cookies
 ▪ Troop Volunteer should use Booth Divider to               Sold at Booth Sale to
    allocate cookies to girls for booth sales but can
                                                                Girls via Booth
    choose to use transfer process.
Booth –
                 Cookie Booths  Sales
                                  Who Does What
          COUNCIL                        SERVICE UNIT                        TROOPS                            GIRLS

Uploads booth location from     With Council Secures all booth Enters FCFS booth selections       Attend booth selection as
2022 into SMART COOKIES         location within their Service unit and chooses up to 2 booths     scheduled
                                with booth agreements              each dates (if wanted)
Confirms National Booth                                                                           Come dressed in appropriate
Locations                       Provides council with troop who Requests Troop secured            Girl Scout attire
                                received priority booth locations booth in booth portion of
Secures with Service Unit all   by January 3, 2023                SMART COOKIES                   Follow all rules that booth
booth locations with booth                                                                        location has
agreements                      Confirms with council            Provides all necessary items,
                                representative all troop secured cookies, money, displays, etc.   Has Fun!
Activates FCFS booth            booth requests

Approves all Troop secured
booth requests.

Booths will be secured with guidelines, by the Council or a SU Team Member.
All booths must be in SMART COOKIES.
National Partners
Walmart – secured only by council – new online process
Joann – GSUSA in negotiations
GNC – Approved – can secure in December – there is a list of yes and no locations
Places to contact – previous national locations but with no current national affiliations
Dunkin Donuts
Tractor Supply Company
First Come First Served Booths
First Come First Served (FCFS) Booth selection is our process to allow
troops to select booths within their Service Units.

The process is within SMART COOKIES.
 • Dates are currently: January starting a 7 pm. Dates TBD.
 • Troop may select two available booths per round.
 • FCFS Booth opportunities with then continue after January 25, 2023.
 • Beginning January 30, 2023, booths will be open no limits.
 How do this?
From your dashboard – booths – schedule booth
Available booth locations and times will appear on a calendar
Select and Save.

Make sure you login in each day and select booths, they will go fast.
First Come First Served Booths

When the FCFS Booth selection opens – you will go to your dashboard and choose “Booth” –
Schedule Booths. From their the below will appear, with the ability to choose available booths.
On the bottom, will keep track of your booths. To view them once selected – Booth – My
Step 2 – Complete Volunteer Profile
The process to secure a “troop secured in person booth” and “troop secured virtual pick-up booth
are the same”
From your Troop Dashboard – select booth, then Troop Secured.
If you check this “is this a Virtual Pick-up Booth” the location will not appear on the cookie locator,
this will be exclusive to your customers that purchase from the link.
You can however, coordinate this location for any girl delivery – curb side pickups.
If you don’t click the link – then this requests is for a physical troop booth and will appear on the
cookie locator – these are all approved by council.
What are the Troop Responsibilities
for the Troop Ship Only Link?
Before the end of the sale, the troop volunteer should
navigate to Orders > Troop Direct Ship Orders to distribute
the packages ordered.

                              23%                             +200%


Any orders that have not been distributed will show in
status as Pending Distribution in red. Scroll to bottom of
the screen to the distribute cookies button
& Troop Proceeds
Girl and Troop Rewards   Individual Girl Rewards
                         Troop who Opt-Into Rewards
                         •   Girl Rewards are cumulative
                         •   If there is a choice at a level, someone
                             needs to make a choice, anyone, if not, we
                             will, and it will not be a wearable item.
                         •   Troops need to create and complete, by the
                             end of the sale, a main recognition reward
                         Troops who Opt-Out of Rewards
                         •   If the Troop has opted out of rewards, and
                             the girls want the 2023 Theme patch, at least
                             25 packages needs to be allocated to trigger
                             the patch order for the Troop.
                         •   Troops need to create and complete, by the
                             end of the sale, a main recognition reward
                             order (remember girls still earn patches and
                             650+ level rewards, even when you opt-out.

                         Troop Rewards – Initial and End of Sale
                         All troops must create an initial order and troop
                         reward plan. Troops who reach the levels noted
                         will receive those rewards.
2023 Cookie Program - Sibling Reward
The GSCCC sibling reward is for those families that have one or more Girl Scouts           Tip: Have parents,
selling cookies. The reward earned will be determined by the total number of cookies       troop leaders, you,
sold between all siblings who have sold cookies during the 2023 Cookie program.
                                                                                           someone, anyone, go
                                                                                           onto the Cookie+
• Sibling rewards are not cumulative.                                                      resource page and
• Each sibling will only receive one additional reward.                                    complete the Sibling
• To qualify, all sibling must have sales allocated to them (at least one package)
                                                                                           Reward form.

• The sibling form must be completed, this is the only way we know.                        This link is the only
Here is how it works.                                                                      way to track siblings. It
50 – 800 rewards: For siblings, two, three, four, etc. that sell collectively 50 – 800
                                                                                           does not matter if one
                                                                                           or more person
packages of cookies, that means, we add up all sales for all siblings, no matter how       completes this form.
many there are, and if their total lands between 50 – 800 packages, each selling
sibling will receive that one additional reward.
                                                                                           We honor this reward if
                                                                                           one of the siblings is in
Super Selling Siblings                                                                     a opt out Troop,
1000 – 3500 rewards: Example: If there are two siblings, selling cookies, and they         however the needed
both want the GSCCC Destination, which is at the 2023 level, their total sales must add
                                                                                           number of cookies sold
                                                                                           process still applies for
up to the level below (1500) times two, which is 3000 packages, three siblings, this       sibling rewards.
would be 4500. Each girl does not need to have the lower level allocated to her, but
their total must equal what is needed. So, for two siblings, one could have 25 allocated
                                                                                           Please complete the
                                                                                           form no later than
to her and one could have 2975, totaling the needed 3000 packages.                         March 12, 2023.
Please note, we are the only council in the country who does this reward. This is done
behind the scenes and the information cannot be found in SMART COOKIES. Any
information about this reward will come directly from council.
Confidential & Proprietary
Money Matters
Girls earned rewards….                FROM GSUSA….

Can be….                              Troop proceeds can be used for the purposes of Girl Scouting in many
                                      ways that tie back to the Girl Scout program which includes implementing
 ▪ Apparel and toys
                                      the three program processes: girl-led, learning by doing, and cooperative
 ▪ Patches                            learning and which result in the achievement of the 5 Girl Scout

 ▪ Electronics                        Outcomes. Examples could include; outdoor adventures, community
                                      service and take action projects, highest awards (where applicable), Girl
 ▪ GSCCC Program Credits              Scout troop meeting supplies, troop trips, and other girl-led Girl Scout
 ▪ GSUSA online coupons               troop activities. The possibilities are limitless!

 ▪ Organized events                   However, using troop proceeds to purchase memberships in or uniforms

 ▪ Organized programs                 for another organization is not using such funds for the purposes of Girl
                                      Scouting. We encourage all councils to remind their volunteers of this
Cannot be…                            policy in order to protect the all-girl environment and to avoid diversion of
 • Cash                               Girl Scout assets.

 • Gift Cards                         Cannot be used for:

 • Used for family members, unless      ▪      Funding cost of family members who are not required
     they are a necessary chaperone            chaperones

                                        ▪      To reimburse girls for experiences and travel

How much does my troop earn in troop proceeds?
Troop with rewards - $1.05 per box
Troop without rewards $1.10 per box
• Annual Membership
• Program Activities
• Girl Scout Events
• Uniforms
• Troop meeting Supplies
• “Take Action” Projects
• Girl Scout Travel

   Troops receive between $1.05 and $1.10 per box

   Any additional money earning activities must be approved by council.
   See Money Earning Guidelines on our website – www.girlscoutsccc.org
Q: What if my troop does not have funds for the ACH?
A: You must contact us at info@ - 3 business days before the ACH date.
Q: Can we use Venmo or Zelle, etc?
A: Yes, but it the troops responsibility to keep track.
Q: What do you recommend for collecting funds from girls/caregivers?
A: Create a weekly “drop off day” Money Mondays…this could also be a day for transfers
from girl Venmo, etc to the troop. Again, this is the troops responsibility to keep track.
Q: What do you recommend to keep track of girl payments?
A: In SMART COOKIES, use the finance tab and post any funds girls give to you.
Q: Is there a report to keep track of what girls owe to the troop
A: Yes, use the girl balance summary report. This info is also on your dashboard – scroll
down to Girl Financial Responsibilities.

Remembers all sales paid online are
automatic to both the troop and girls.
                                          Girl Delivery – Per
   In Person Cookies                                                            Direct Ship Cookies                  Care to Share Cookies
                                            Paid Cookies

What Girls Do:                          What Girls Do:                          What Girls Do:                        What Girls Do:

Girl have cookies in hand and           Girl have cookies in hand and           Girl send out their links to their    Girl offer the opportunity for a
                                                                                                                      customer to “donate” a box of
are selling to customers (door to       are delivery cookies that they          customers, customers order
                                                                                                                      cookies to our Care to Share
door, workplace, etc.)                  have sold in advance using their        and pay online.                       program. The customer gives the
                                        social media app or sending                                                   girl/troop funds but receive no
What You Do in SMART                    emails.                                 What You Do in SMART                  cookies.
COOKIES:                                                                        COOKIES:
                                        What You Do in SMART                                                          What You Do in SMART
These cookies need to be                                                        You do nothing here. The              COOKIES:
allocated to the girls (troop to girl                                           cookies and payment are both
                                                                                                                      These cookies need to be
transfer in SMART COOKIES)              These cookies need to be                added to the troop and girls.         allocated to the girls via virtual
                                        allocated to the girls (troop to girl                                         cookies share. The only
How the money works:                    transfer in SMART COOKIES)              How the money works:                  exception is direct ship, these are
                                                                                                                      added automatically to the girl.
If cash or check you need to post       How the money works:                    Both the troop and Girl Scout
to the girl, using the finances tab                                             are credited for the payment.         How the money works:
then - girl transactions.               The payment for these cookies
                                                                                                                      If paid via direct ship or girl
                                        is added at the time of the sale        :                                     delivery-prepaid, these funds are
If using the SMART COOKIES              to both the troop and girl’s                                                  added to both the girls and the
credit card app or their QR code,       account.                                                                      troop. If paid from cash or check,
which is also connected to the                                                                                        these funds will need to be added
APP. The system credits both the                                                                                      to the girl's account.
girl and the troop for the sale.

Any box of cookies you give a girl – you need money, somehow, to your troop.
Cookie Share Sales in Smart Cookies
are Managed by Troop User
                                                                             Girls Sell Cookie
What are Troops’ Responsibilities?                                                 Share
▪   If a girl sells “Cookie Share” to a customer – it is
    considered a “variety” in the Smart Cookies System and
    must be accounted for – even it pre-paid.
                                23%                                  +200%
▪   If a girl sells cookie share door-to-door during direct sales
    she collects the money, reports the sale to the troop
                                                                             Girls Report Sales
    volunteer – the volunteer then enters the order using
                                                                             to Troop Volunteer
    Orders>Virtual Cookie Share.
▪   If a troop sells Cookie Share at a booth, it is entered in the
    booth divider and is divided at the time the sales are
    allocated to girls.                                                  Orders are Created
                                                                         by Troop Volunteer
Note: These need to be allocated to girls, just like any other
cookie. If cookie shares are added to girls via booth sales or
direct ship. All other care to share cookies need to be allocated
to girls via Virtual Cookie Share orders.
Girl Experience
     PRIOR TO JANUARY 28, 2023
Invitation to register on SMART COOKIES
Beginning January 14, 2023 - Girls will get their unique email registration link
from: noreply@uat.abcsmartcookies.com
This will give them options to add the girl delivery and payment option via the
social media link (their unique URL)
Girl Registration Page
The option to choose Yes or No to opt into having a social media girl delivery link, is
on the girl registration page. This is a mandatory field. We also need to encourage
families to put in their Girl Scouts correct clothing sizes and sock sizes, as this
populates to the Troop roster. However, it only populates the girls sizes.
Girl Opportunities - Channels

     Girl Delivery        Booth Sales             Direct Ship        Cookie Share

• Pre-paid Girl         • Traditional Booth    • Troop Ship Only    • Direct Ship Sales
 Delivery Orders                                Link
                          • In Person Sales                           • Troop Ship Only
• E-cards                                        • Cookie Finder        Link
                        • Troop Cookie Link                           • Girl Direct Ship
• Social Link                                    • Link
                          • Pre-paid pick-up                            Link
• Door to Door             Orders              • Girl Direct Ship
                                                Link                • Girl Delivery
• QR code                 • Walk-up                                  Orders
                           Touchless             • Social Media
                                                 • E Card

     SMART COOKIES data reporting will keep your sale on track!
How Girl Participate – In Person
Door-to-Door (aka Walkabouts)
Only in residential areas and community parks, local ordinances permitting
     • No stationary booths – must always be walking
     • Only during daylight hours
     • Girls may do walkabouts in any neighborhood within GSCCC boundaries
     • Adults must always accompany girls
     • Use door hangers and business cards! (Found at www.girlscoutsccc.org)
“Lemonade” Stands
     • Only in residential areas
     • Only where the girl or a close relative (parent, grandparent, aunt/uncle) lives
     • Stationary location in front of residence – not on sidewalk, street corner, parking lot, etc.
     • Adult must always be present
Workplace sales
With management permission, girls may walk around a workplace and sell to employees (not business
     • Displays must include a message from the Girl Scout. Keep her involved.
     • Cookies cannot be visible in any way or sold to customers of the business.
Telephone Sales
     • Girls should review their last year’s order cards and contact reliable customers
Online - How To
Pre-GO Day - Advertising – January 14
   • Girls may advertise they will be participating in the 2023 Girl
     Scout Cookie Program beginning January 28 – YES!
Pre- GO Day - Selling – January 14 - 27
   • Girls may actively sell via their SMART COOKIES accounts by
     sending emails and using their unique URL’s for direct ship, girl
     delivery (pre-paid) and care to share (online paid) only. There
     should be no pre-order, order card taking at this time.
Internet – where to – where not
   • You may advertise that your Girl Scout is participating in the Girl Scout
     Cookie Program on social media accounts but cannot complete the
     transaction through the internet (except through SMART COOKIES)
   • Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter YES! (to people they know)
        • Allows girl to email potential customers through a secure website
          and take their orders for shipment
   • Craigslist, Next Door, eBay, Mommy Blogs, Amazon, NO!

  GSCCC will not monitoring “social media” posts – see next page
Online Marketing

Girls may use the internet to share their cookie program sales links, stories, and learnings with the following
• The Girl Scout Cookie Program is a program, led by Girl Scouts; online marketing and sales efforts
    should always be led by the Girl Scout while also being supervised by parents/guardians.
• Before conducting any online marketing, girls and parents/guardians must review the Digital Marketing
    Tips for Cookie Entrepreneurs and Families and read and adhere to the Digital Cookie terms and
    conditions, the Internet Safety Pledge, Safety Activity Checkpoints for Computer and Internet Use and
    the Supplemental Safety Tips for Online Marketing.
• Sales links should never be posted to online resale sites (eBay, Facebook Marketplace, Facebook
    Swap, etc) Be aware that posts on sites containing the use of a dollar sign ($) may automatically post to
    the selling side of the site. To prevent this, the posting party, that’s the Girl Scout/Adult must disable the
    automated function.
• Social media ads should not be purchased or donated to promote sales links.
• Girls should remove their last names when using social media sites to protect their identity.
      • Why? If choosing to share the link publicly, parents/guardians and girls should be aware that the
          link can then be forwarded, allowing customers the girl does not know to place orders for girl-
• GSUSA reserves the right to remove or disable the link for any reason, including the violation of
    guidance, inventory fulfillment issues, safety issues, or if the sales and marketing activity goes viral and
    otherwise creates unanticipated disruption.

What does this all mean? Girl Scouts may advertise their Cookie Program anywhere that is not in direct
conflict of the above guidance. We, the council will not get involved unless it is a direct violation.
E Card, Social Media Links
  Girl Delivery – Pre-Paid
Social Media Link – Direct Ship or Girl Delivery
When customers open the
link, they are provided with
two options.
1. Direct Ship
2. Girl Delivery – Pre-Paid

 There is not an option with
    this link to pay later.

                               •   The process from here is the same as e-cards
                               •   Customer enters physical delivery address
                               •   Places order
                               •   Makes Payment
                               •   Receives Confirmation
                               •   Receives Email
E-card Girl Delivery Pre-payment by credit card

• Select or add contacts to receive E-Card
• Personalize the E-Card invitation
• Provide the option for Girl Delivery
• Pre-Pay or Pay at Time of Delivery
• Send the E-Card invitation
• E-Card sent confirmation received
Customer who receives E-Card invitation…..
Customer can choose Direct Ship or Girl Delivery

If they choose Girl Delivery
• Customers place their order
• Customer chooses to pay at time of order (Girl Delivery Pre-Paid)
      • or can pay upon delivery

                                           This will send an email to the family to approve the order
                                           The Parent has 5 days to review and either approve or cancel.
                                           The Customer will receive an email notification, either way
                                           The Customer is charged at the time of approval.
Girl Dashboard – Manage Orders: Order pending parent approval

                                      • Checking the customer's name
                                      • Checking the customer info
                                      • Checking the interactive map!
How can troop volunteers ensure all girl delivery orders are filled?

 ▪ Navigate to Dashboard> Girl Financial Responsibility
     ▪ A girl with a negative Balance may have e-card or social link girl delivered
        cookie orders that she has not received inventory to fulfill.

                             23%                                        +200%

Online Resources for Volunteers

Confidential: For internal use only / Confidentiel : Réservé à l'usage interne   90
   1.       Complete the Troop Cookie Coordinator Agreement form. Your troop will not be in the system without it signed. This is
            on our website under Cookies+ - Cookie Central
            ▪ Our systems do not talk to each other. It may take 1 to 3 business days to get your link, if you complete it after
              November 29. Do this today, tomorrow, by November 29 and you will get your link by December 1.
   2.       Invite girls and their families to a troop in-person or virtual troop meeting to discuss the Cookie Program. Send an
            agenda, so they know it is important to attend.
            • Discuss troop goals, what the girls have planned for their 2023 Girl Scout year, your expectation of turning in any
              funds that are not credit card payments (cash, checks, etc). Expectation of the number of booths your troop might
              select and your expectation of family participation.
   3.       Review information packets and distribute to the girls/families
   4.       Sign-Up for a Cookie Rally as a Troop or encourage girls to sign up individually
   5.       Emphasize the simplicity of online girl delivered items
            •             Girls can use their QR codes for all sales
            •             Items which are ordered and paid for online do not need money collected from customers – just product
                          delivered by the girls.
            •             Direct ship items are paid for online and delivered directly from ABC Baker to the customer
   6.       Login to SMART COOKIES
            • Check you roster to make sure all girls are there
            • If girls are missing or girls are on the roster that are “taking a break” contact info@girlscoutsccc.org ASAP.
                     • We will not be making any adjustments to troops rosters after January 10, 2023. As having girls in your troop
                       will not affect any PGA rewards.
   7.       Place your troops initial order by January 9, 2023
            • Please, do not wait until 11:59 pm to enter your order, enter now and edit if needed
            • Make sure, if you put in a gluten free cookie request, that you enter it on your initial order. You can add less, you
              cannot add more, we will adjust, and this may throw of your troops PGA for ab initial order bonus.
Confidential: For internal use only / Confidentiel : Réservé à l'usage interne                                                         91
  Confidential & Proprietary
Digital toolkits and online resources in ONE place
 •       Theme clip art, certificates, etc.
 •       Selling safely video and tips
 •       Cookie information & calculators
 •       Activity tips and how-to’s
 •       Standard forms
 •       Rally Guide

 Girls & families
 •       Booth sale poster
 •       Girl videos
 •       Activity tips & how-to’s
 •       Social media kit

 Spanish language
 materials also offered!
 •       Order card
 •       Recognition insert
 •       Logo, theme assets

Confidential: For internal
                  internal use
                                      Confidentiel: :Réservé
                                                                          interne   92
2023 Flickr art gallery

All theme-related artwork is available in our Flickr gallery with access
through Smart Cookies (far right corner of every page ) or by clicking the
above link

Volunteer Program Resources Continued
Resource Location                          What Can I Find There?

ABC Bakers Facebook page                   Baker and Lemonade Facebook
Lemonades Facebook page

www.abcsmartcookies.com/cookies            Cookie variety details, nutritional

https://www.youtube.com/user/ABCCouncils   ABC Smart Cookies technology
                                           Training videos for Volunteers, Girls
                                           and Caregivers and safe selling tips

https://abcsmartcookies.com/resources/     Rally Guide, Allergen Flyer, Troop
                                           Goal Poster, Cookie Calculator,
                                           standard forms
Cookie Program Online Resources
From our art gallery of images to ABC’s YouTube channel with helpful
videos designed to navigate Smart Cookies, there are resources
available for everyone

             Create your own flyers with seasonal clip art

             Call: 1-800-853-3730
             Email: ABCSmartCookieTech@hearthsidefoods.com

             Just In Time videos for all user levels of Smart Cookies, designed to help
             you navigate through every phase of the cookie program
Thank You!
  On behalf of Hearthside Food Solutions and ABC Bakers, we appreciate you!

      Volunteers are love in
      — Anonymous

  We make a living by
  what we get, but we
  make a life by what we
  — Winston Churchill

  "The broadest, and maybe the most meaningful definition of
  volunteering: Doing more than you have to because you want to, in a
  cause you consider good.“
  — Ivan Scheier
Confidential & Proprietary
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