Page created by Jeffery Pham
    NACA® Live Schedule............................................................................................................................................................. 3
    Fees and Refunds.......................................................................................................................................................................4
    NACA® Live Checklist............................................................................................................................................................. 5
    Showcase Applications...........................................................................................................................................................6
    Showcase Fees............................................................................................................................................................................7
    Campus Activities Marketplace Checklist.......................................................................................................................9
    Business Connections/Block Booking..............................................................................................................................10
    Sponsorship Opportunities.................................................................................................................................................. 12
    Educational Session Proposals........................................................................................................................................... 14
    Policies and Procedures........................................................................................................................................................ 15

                                         ABOUT NACA
                                         The National Association for Campus Activities (NACA) is the recognized leader in higher
                                         education; providing knowledge, ideas and resources for campus life. We provide our members
                                         with programs and events focusing on student and professional leadership development,
                                         program planning, concert management, diversity and more. Our school and associate members
                                         also have access to one of the largest campus activities networking and talent buying resources
                                         in the country.

2023 NACA® Live Schedule
Most events take place in the Kentucky International Convention Center; location details will be finalized at a later date.
KICC Breakout Rooms: M100, M101, M102, M103, M104, M105, M106, M107, M108, M109, M110, M111, M115, M116

SATURDAY                                                                                                     MONDAY
9 AM–4 PM.................. Experience Louisville, KY..............................Off-Site                  8 AM–10:45 PM......... Make It & Take It Showcase........................KICC Various
12 PM–4 PM................. Coffeehouse Stage Showcases.................KICC Lobby                                                                                                    Locations

12 PM–8 PM................. Registration Open.........................................KICC Exhibit Hall     8:30 AM–5 PM.......... Registration Open.........................................KICC Exhibit Hall
                                                                                       Pre-Function                                                                                            Pre-Function

12 PM–8 PM................. Marketplace Exhibitor Load In.................KICC Halls AB                      9 AM–9:50 AM.......... Keynote..............................................................KICC Ballroom

12 PM–8 PM................. Career Central Open...................................KICC M113                  9 AM–9 PM.................. Career Central Open...................................KICC M113

12 PM–9 PM................. Make It & Take It Showcases......................KICC Various                   9 AM–9 PM.................. Student Lounge..............................................KICC M114
                                                                              Locations                      10 AM–10:50 AM...... Ed Programs ...................................................KICC Breakout
4:15 PM–5 PM............. Convention Kick Off.....................................KICC Ballroom                                                                                                   rooms*

5 PM–7 PM.................. Dinner on Your Own.....................................Off Site                  11 AM–11:50 AM.......... Ed Programs ...................................................KICC Breakout
7 PM–9 PM.................. Saturday Sponsored Showcase...............KICC Ballroom
                                                                                                             12 PM–2 PM................. Lunch on Your Own
8 PM–9 PM.................. Friends of Bill W. Meeting...........................KICC
                                                                                                             2 PM–3:50 PM........... Showcase 2: Speaker Showcase..............KICC Ballroom
9:30 PM–11 PM........... Campus Staff & Associate Reception/
                          Foundation Trivia Tournament.................4th Street Live                      4 PM–6 PM.................. Marketplace 2 Open....................................KICC Halls AB
                                                                        Tavern on 4th                        6 PM–7 PM................... Friends of Bill W. Meeting...........................KICC
                                                                                                             6 PM–8 PM.................. Dinner on Your Own
SUNDAY                                                                                                       8 PM–10 PM................ Monday Sponsored Showcase.................KICC Ballroom
8:30 AM–10:30 PM.. Make It & Take It Showcases......................KICC Various
                                                                     Locations                               TUESDAY
8:30 AM–5 PM.......... Registration Open.........................................KICC Exhibit Hall          8:30 AM–10 PM......... Make It & Take It Showcase........................KICC Various
                                                                                  Pre-Function                                                                                         Locations
9 AM–9 PM.................. Career Central Open...................................KICC M113                  8:30 AM–5 PM.......... Registration Open.........................................KICC Exhibit Hall
9 AM–9 PM.................. Student Lounge..............................................KICC M114                                                                                              Pre-Function
9 AM–9:55 AM........... Keynote..............................................................KICC Ballroom   9 AM–9 PM.................. Career Central Open...................................KICC M113
9 AM–10 AM............... Marketplace Exhibitor Set Up...................KICC Halls AB                       9 AM–9 PM.................. Student Lounge..............................................KICC M114
9:15 AM–9:30 AM..... Associate Member Welcome                                                               9 AM–9:50 AM.......... NACA Now (Annual business meeting).. KICC M112
                      & Networking Session...................................KICC Halls AB                   9 AM–9:50 AM.......... Ed Programs ...................................................KICC Breakout
10 AM–12 PM.............. Marketplace Grand Opening...................KICC Halls AB                                                                                                                 rooms*
12 PM–2 PM................. Lunch on Your Own.......................................Off Site                 10 AM–11:30 AM........ Professional Development Brunch..........TBD
2 PM–3:50 PM........... Showcase 1: Spotlight...................................KICC Ballroom                10 AM–12 PM.............. Showcase 3: Trending Programs.............KICC Ballroom
4 PM–4:50 PM........... Ed Programs & Featured Workshops......KICC Breakout                                 12 PM–2 PM................. Lunch on Your Own.......................................Off Site
                                                               rooms*                                        12:30 PM–1:30 PM.... Friends of Bill W. Meeting...........................KICC TBD
5 PM–5:50 PM........... Ed Programs & Featured Workshops......KICC Breakout                                 1:30 PM–2:15 PM....... Associate Member Updates......................KICC M112
                                                                                                             2 PM–2:50 PM........... Ed Programs ...................................................KICC Breakout
6 PM–7 PM................... Friends of Bill W. Meeting...........................KICC                                                                                                               rooms*
6 PM–8 PM.................. Dinner on Your Own                                                               3 PM–4:30 PM........... Showcase 4: Spotlight.................................KICC Ballroom
8 PM–10 PM................ Sunday Sponsored Showcase...................KICC Ballroom                         4:30 PM–6 PM........... Marketplace 6 Open....................................KICC Halls AB
                                                                                                             6 PM–8 PM.................. Dinner on Your Own
                                                                                                             6 PM–10 PM................ Marketplace Exhibitor Load-Out............KICC Halls AB
                                                                                                             8 PM–9 PM.................. NACA Achievement Awards
                                                                                                                                          & Volunteer Dessert Reception..................TBD
                                                                                                             8 PM–9:30 PM........... Closing Celebration & Dance Party........KICC Ballroom

NACA Fees                                                                  NACA Event & Registration Policies
Associate Delegate Full Registration Fee                                   NACA Refund Policies
$470 (early rate)                                                          Refund policies for showcase fees, Campus Activities Marketplace
$535 (late rate)                                                           fees and registration fees are outlined below. Any request for refunds
For the person/people working the booth the entire length of the           that include special circumstances making it impossible to adhere
event.                                                                     to the guidelines outlined in the individual refund policies should be
                                                                           forwarded in writing to the NACA Office within 30 days of the event
Associates MUST purchase at least one full registration prior to the       for which the refund is being requested. Any request received after this
start of NACA® Live. The Early Delegate Registration deadline for          timeline will not be approved.
NACA® Live is January 19, 2023.
                                                                           Any special circumstance refund requests must include supporting
Day Pass                                                                   material documenting the circumstances necessitating the request
$135 per person, per day (early rate)                                      (e.g., a note from a physician for illness, information from local media
$155 per person, per day (late rate)                                       regarding weather-related problems, etc.). Submission for a refund
Designated for artists or persons who are staffing novelty attractions     does not guarantee a refund.
or booth demonstrations represented by associate members                     • Booth fees are non-refundable once paid.
exhibiting in the Marketplace. No meals will be included. Passes may
                                                                             • Delegate registration fees cancelled at least 14 days prior to the
be purchased for multiple days. We strongly encourage associates to
                                                                               first day of NACA® Live will receive a 50% refund.
purchase day passes in advance to reduce wait time at registration.
                                                                             • Showcases cancelled at least 30 days prior to the first day of
Campus Activities Marketplace Fee                                              NACA® Live will receive a 25% refund unless there has been a
$1220 per booth                                                                violation of policy.
All associates must purchase a booth to attend any NACA event. You           • Showcase alternates cancelled at least 7 days prior to the first day
cannot attend without one, even if there is a wait list for booth space.       of NACA® Live will receive a 100% refund.
Booths must be purchased in order to submit showcases. Refer to the
Campus Activities Marketplace policy section for more information. A         • Showcase alternates who keep their spot and are not offered a
booth purchase does NOT include a registration.                                showcase before or during NACA® Live will automatically receive a
                                                                               100% refund within 2 weeks after the last day of NACA® Live.
Booth Demonstration Fee                                                      • Event fee payments are not transferrable from one event to
$410 per agency                                                                another, or from one institution/company to another.
This covers as many booths as you have and as many demonstrations          All refund requests must be made in writing by sending an email
as want to do. If the demonstration cannot fit or an agency/artist         to memberrelations@naca.org. The NACA Office can confirm
has multiple booth demonstrations taking place, purchase of an             availability.
additional booth may be required at the discretion of the NACA
Office. Refer to the Campus Activities Marketplace policies section of
this Guide for more information regarding booth demonstrations.

Marketplace Attraction Fee
$6.00 per square foot
An area in the Campus Activities Marketplace set aside for large-
scale booth demonstrations, usually inflatable events. Please contact
the NACA Office for availability. Attraction space may be purchased
independently from a Campus Activities Marketplace booth.

Membership Fee (varies by category, see Page 7)
In order to attend an event, an agency must be a current associate
member of NACA. Regional associate members cannot attend unless they
upgrade their membership. Applications can be found at naca.org/join.

Showcase Application Fee
$160 per act, per event
This fee is non-refundable.

Showcase Performance Fee
varies by showcase category, based on the total showcase time and
whether performances are competing or not.
If an act is selected to showcase and accepts, there is a showcase
performance fee. Acts cannot showcase unless this showcase fee is
paid. The fee varies, depending on the showcase time and event.

    For the latest and most comprehensive information on all conferences, visit naca.org/nacalive

 You must be or become a member of NACA                                 Register everyone staffing your booth.
to attend NACA® Live.                                                   You must pay a delegate registration fee for each person working your
  ational membership provides access to all member schools, all        booth at the event. No delegate registrations are included in your
 NACA events and services.                                              primary booth fee. A minimum of one full delegate must be registered
                                                                        for each firm exhibiting in the Campus Activities Marketplace. You
  • Self-Represented Solo Artists = $720
                                                                        may register online at naca.org. Registrations received on or before
  • General Membership for Agencies & Other Companies = $955           the early bird deadline will be charged the early registration fee.
  • Regional associate members must upgrade their membership to        Registrations received after the early bird registration deadline will be
    National in order to attend NACA® Live.                             charged the regular rate.

Apply for membership at naca.org/join.                                   Submit an educational session proposal.
                                                                        Associate members submitting educational program proposals must
 Reserve your exhibit booth                                            have an active NACA membership and also must purchase booth
You must have a booth to present an educational session, attend         space for submissions to be considered. Associate members cannot
NACA® Live and/or submit attractions to showcase.                       showcase or be an alternate in any showcase category and present
Space is limited, so reserve your booth space early. Booths will be     educational sessions marketed to school member professional staff
reserved upon payment of the booth fee. Payment of booth fee does       and/or students during the same NACA event. Educational sessions are
not guarantee a booth will be assigned to you. However, booth space     a great way to show off your expertise and skills as well as help schools
will be assured for agencies that are offered and accept showcase/      understand how to conduct business with agencies and vendors.
alternate slots. Booth space will be assigned on a first-come, first-
served basis.                                                            Attend associate orientation.
                                                                        Whether you are a seasoned associate member or new to NACA,
 Apply to showcase                                                     orientation is a great way to refresh your knowledge of NACA® Live dos
  • Showcase applications are due by Oct. 26th at 11:59 PM ET.         and don’ts? Be sure to attend the Virtual Associate Orientation!
  • You must be a NACA associate member and purchase an exhibit

DO THIS!                                                                      NOT THAT!
DO                                                                            DON’T
 Pay attention to the deadlines.                                              Forget to purchase your booth.
Showcase applications will close at 11:59 PM ET on Oct. 26th. Late sub-       All acts submitting to showcase are required to have their booth
missions will not be accepted.                                                purchased by the showcase application deadline. Booths can be pur-
                                                                              chased at (INSERT BOOTH PURCHASE LINK).
 Pay your membership dues.
Only active associate members are eligible to apply to showcase at             Submit private video files.
NACA events.                                                                  If the showcase selection committees cannot view the links provided
                                                                              in the applications, they will review the applicants based on the other
 Be available for the entire event.                                          information provided in the showcase application.
All acts submitting to showcase are expected to be available all of the
days of NACA® Live. All acts will be slotted by the Showcase Produc-           Forget to pay.
tion Coordinator based on act type, stage set-up, tech requirements,          Only applicants that have paid the showcase application fee will be
agency diversity, etc.                                                        reviewed by the Showcase Selection Committee. The application will
                                                                              prompt for payment at the end of the form. If you have any issues, con-
 Update your NACA® 24/7 profile.                                             tact NACA Member Services at 803-732-6222.
In order to submit a showcase application, your NACA® 24/7 artist
profile must be complete.

 “Front-load” your video.
Make sure your video contains your best content in the first 90 seconds.
The selection process occurs in rounds. Round 1 is strictly viewing the
material submitted and voting on whether the act should continue to
the next round.

 Consider other categories.
Consider all categories your act can be eligible for. The application
has a primary category your act can be selected. It also gives you the
option to be considered for other categories if you act fits the descrip-
tion. Take the time to see all the categories you can submit for. This also
increases your chances of getting selected. (For more details, see the
“Consider Moving” suggestions in the Showcase Fee Table on Page 9.)

 Review the showcase policies section of this guide..

Showcase Category                      Make It & Take It                         Emcee                   DJ                      Coffeehouse
Type of Attractions Featured on        These showcases can include activity      Emcees introduce        This showcase is        These showcases will take place
Showcase                               kit making or live artists such as        each showcase           designated for          in the lobby of the convention
                                       caricatures, balloon artists, wire        and entertain the       DJs to open up          center during registration on
                                       writing, spray painting t-shirts, tarot   audience between        the showcase            the first day. Each act will have
                                       card reading, etc. Make It & Take It      acts.                   and bring energy        20 minutes performance time
                                       artists are allowed to perform during                             to the crowd.           with 5 minutes each for set-up
                                       all NACA® Live hours, as long as they                                                     and breakdown. Minimal
                                       do not interrupt staged showcase                                                          production will be provided.
                                       performances or other NACA® Live                                                          Solo artists and duets only are
                                       activities.                                                                               eligible.
Sound, Lights, Stage                   No stage, lighting or                     Provided by NACA        Provided by             Minimal production with no
                                       amplification is provided.                                        NACA                    stage
Available Slots (per event)            16 (4 per day)                            4                       1                       8
Alternate Slots (per event)            6                                         4                       1                       4
Performance Time                       All day                                   25 minutes              15 minutes              20 minutes
Competing                              Yes                                       No                      No                      No
Application Fee                        $160                                      $160                    $160                    $160
Showcase Fee                           $1,590                                    $1,990                  $1,195                  $795
Alternate Fee                          $800                                      $1,000                  $600                    $400
Consider Moving to                     Variety                                   Spotlight, Variety      Spotlight, Variety      Spotlight, Variety
Another Category

Showcase Category                      Variety                                   Speaker                                    Spotlight Low/High
Type of Attractions Featured on        These showcases are intended for          Speakers are chosen to cover a             Musical acts, comics, and other
Showcase                               traditional entertainment acts            diverse number of topics. Based on         established up-and-coming artists.
                                       that need a longer time showcase          a recent survey, school members are        Spotlight Low pricing must be $2,000
                                       time such as magicians, hypnotists,       most interested in topics on Diversity,    or less.
                                       illusionists, mind readers, etc. as       Equity, and Incusion, Mental Health,
                                       well as interactive and engaging          Wellness, Leadership, and LGBTQIA+.
                                       programs such as game shows,
                                       karaoke, lip sync battles, dance
                                       lessons, etc.
Sound, Lights, Stage                   Provided by NACA                          Provided by NACA                           Provided by NACA
Available Slots (per event)            6                                         6                                          11
Alternate Slots (per event)            3                                         3                                          8
Performance Time                       15 minutes                                15 minutes                                 10 minutes
Competing                              No                                        No                                         No
Application Fee                        $160                                      $160                                       $160
Showcase Fee                           $1,195                                    $1,195                                     $795
Alternate Fee                          $600                                      $600                                       $400
Consider Moving to                                                               N/A                                        Emcee, Variety
Another Category

  Showcase Performance Fee Refund Policy
  If a showcase is cancelled and NACA is notified in writing, 25% refund will be given.

  Showcase Alternates Refund Policy
  1. A full refund will be provided to alternates not selected to perform.
  2. Alternates who do not appear when asked to perform will forfeit their fee.
  3. Alternates may withdraw for a full refund up to seven (7) days prior to the first day of the event.

DO THIS!                                                                   NOT THAT!
DO                                                                         DON’T
 Submit media invitation for approval.                                     Miss your sound check.
Showcasing acts cannot invite media to attend their showcases              To ensure that all showcasing artists are on site and available as
without the prior permission of the NACA Director of Member                needed, an act’s agent or representative will not be allowed to
Development & Marketing or designee. It is preferred that requests         perform a line check for the act. The entire act must be physically
are received at least two weeks prior to NACA® Live. Once approved,        present for the sound check. If an act fails to be present for a line
the agency representing the showcasing act must provide NACA with          check, the act will be replaced with an alternate.
a complete list of credentialed reporters and/or photographers prior
to the event. If media are arriving during stated registration hours, an    Hypnotize your audience.
appropriate agency representative must be at the registration desk         NACA policy prohibits mass/group hypnosis of audience members
to meet them. If media are arriving after the stated registration hours,   and limits hypnotic induction to only the volunteers on stage. See the
the agency must make arrangements to have appropriate agency               Showcase Policies section for full details.
representatives greet and monitor press.

 Complete your stage plots/input list.
All selected showcasing acts and alternates must complete and
submit a stage plot and input list to the NACA® Live Production
Coordinator by the showcase fee deadline. Even if you just need a
microphone for your performance, please take the time to submit your
paperwork to the production team.

 Get insurance.
Exhibitors and/or showcasing acts that feature or include
demonstrations that involve participants physically, through the use
of equipment, the wearing of devices or apparel provided by the
exhibit/showcase, and that may place the participant at risk, must
meeting the insurance requirements outlined under the Insurance and
Indemnity section on Page 15 of this guide.

DO THIS!                                                                      NOT THAT!
DO                                                                            DON’T
 Attend Virtual Associate Member Orientation.                                 Use stickers.
The virtual associate member orientation is for associate members             The distribution of adhesive-backed stickers is prohibited at all NACA
to make sure they understand the policies and procedures of NACA              events.
events before arriving on site! Attending the orientation is a great way
to learn how things work as an associate member!                               Say you’re solo, but you’re not.
                                                                              Associate members that have joined NACA under self-represented/
 Be on time.                                                                 solo artist category cannot distribute materials promoting artists
Exhibitors will be allowed in the Campus Activities Marketplace from          or programs other than themselves. Violations of this policy will be
the start of load in until the opening of the first Marketplace. Exhibitors   address as outlined under Campus Activities Marketplace Policy
and artists will be allowed to enter the Marketplace one-half hour prior      Violations on Page 7 of this Guide.
to the start of each subsequent Marketplace. Exhibitors may not arrive/
set up after the start of the first Marketplace without prior approval         Leave early.
from the NACA Office. Violations of this policy will be addressed as          The last thing you want is for schools to be looking for you after you
outlined under the Campus Activities Marketplace Policy Violations            left. Make sure you stay the full duration of NACA® Live so schools
section of this Guide.                                                        can know where and when to find you during the appropriate times
                                                                              throughout the event.
 Know Campus Activities Marketplace attraction policies.
Check out the Marketplace policies section for more information.               Forget your neighbors.
                                                                              Do not make it hard for your neighbors to conduct business. You may
 Staff your booth(s).                                                        even find that being cordial and helpful to others makes you look
Exhibitors are encouraged to staff their booths and/or attraction             better!
spaces during all Marketplace hours. All exhibitors are responsible for
all of their registered delegates following the policies within this guide.    Overwhelm the students.
                                                                              Do not run out into the aisle and grab a school member or pull
 Check Exhibitor Kit for add-ons to your booth.                              someone into your booth, especially if they are talking with another
If you are interested in adding electricity, internet, additional tables,     associate.
seating or more to your booth, be sure to review the Exhibitor Kit and
purchase add-ons from the NACA® Live decorator. Exhibitor kits will            Leave personal items in your booth after the marketplace
be emailed by the NACA® Live decorator to all exhibitors six weeks            has closed.
prior to the start of NACA® Live. Note: NACA® Live’s provided Wi-Fi           The marketplace will be locked and guarded only during designated
will not support video/audio streams in your booth.                           times on the schedule. You will NOT be allowed back in once the
                                                                              marketplace is closed.
 Engage.
Think of creative approaches to getting school members excited about           Bring in outside food & beverage to give away in your
visiting your booth. Their first impression should be positive. Also, your    booth without prior permission from the facility.
neighbors will really appreciate your help in creating “good traffic” in      The exhibitor kits will include Sampling Request Forms with more
your aisle.                                                                   information.

 Talk about yourself.
Provide as much information as possible on what you do and what
you are bringing to the institution. Can you work with different
departments? Is your service/product virtual, in-person or hybrid?

 Work on your pitch to schools.
Make sure you are framing your pitch as a need at an institution. Let
schools know that you are able to add value­—don’t just focus on selling.

 Get the student’s opinion!
What are they wanting to bring to campus right now? What has been
their most successful event? What was the least succesfusl and how
could it have been better?

The Business Connections educational track has been created for school members to help provide a solid foundation around doing business at
NACA, as well as to provide networking opportunities to schools that are geographically close to each other. There is time dedicated each day in
the schedule to focus on specific topics, as well as to help facilitate business between school and associate members.

DO THIS!                                                                    NOT THAT!
DO                                                                          DON’T
 Update act roster on your NACA® 24/7 profile.                              Assume Block Booking is just for showcasing acts.
Before you attend NACA® Live, make sure your act rosters are up to          The Block Booking process helps illustrate the strength and
date on your NACA® 24/7 profile. The Block Booking Team and school          importance of the college market in the entertainment industry.
participants will pull from your list for their interested acts.            It also serves both showcasing and non-showcasing associate
                                                                            members as agents in the Campus Activities Marketplace represent
 Remember your calendar.                                                   thousands of acts on site. Additionally, Block Booking helps increase
Planning to take a vacation later in the year? Have a doctor’s              communication and cooperation between schools and associate
appointment you can’t miss? Make sure you come to the Business              members.
Connections meeting with your personal calendar in order to be
aware of all date conflicts you have so that you can provide schools         Change your pricing from what is printed in the program.
with your most accurate availability.                                       All selected showcasing acts and alternates will be sent a proof of
                                                                            their artist bio/pricing that will be printed in the NACA® Live program.
 Get a refresher.                                                          This is your last chance to make changes to your pricing. Do not
First time Block Booking? Need a reminder of how things work since          confuse school members by promoting a price that is different than
your last NACA event? Log onto NACA® 24/7 to review videos and              what is printed!
guides of how to make the most out of your Block Booking experience!
                                                                             Solicit schools in the Business Connections meeting room.
                                                                            The Business Connections meeting is not the time to be passing out
                                                                            demos or business cards to prospective school members — it is the
                                                                            time to solidify business. Save the connections and introductions for
                                                                            the Campus Activities Marketplace.

                                                                             Miss the Business Connections meeting.
                                                                            Schools can submit interest forms at any point during NACA® Live. You
                                                                            will be able to monitor all form submissions for you and your acts on
                                                                            NACA® 24/7 throughout NACA® Live. Stay on top of your forms and
                                                                            the meetings to ensure you get all the interest you can while at NACA®

First Time at a NACA Event?
New to Block Booking? It’s easy!
BLOCK BOOKING (noun)—when three or more geographically close schools
work with NACA® associate members in the booking process to coordinate
dates and times, maximizing routing for a given act or performer.

       3 or more schools                            book the same artist            coordinate their dates             everybody wins!
   (reasonably close to each other)                      (within a few days)            (minimizing artist’s      (artist gets gigs, schools save cash,
                                                                                         travel expenses)                 students see a show)

Block                                                                          SD: Single date
3 or more schools geographically close to one another                          Low level of interest, should be a specific date. Schools can
working together to coordinate times when an artist can                        upgrade at any time.
                                                                               CB: Contract if Block Forms
Form                                                                           School fully intends to execute a contract if a block forms.
The digital avenue to alert an artist or their agent that a
school has interest.                                                           CR: Contract Requested on Site
                                                                               School fully intends to execute a contract even if a block does
3/5 or 3 of 5                                                                  not form.
3 performances in a 5-day span by the same artist with
schools geographically close to one another.                                   CP: Contracted Performance
                                                                               Indicates that the artist is unavailable due to another
5/7 or 5 of 7                                                                  performance. Schools and associates are encouraged
5 performances in a 7-day span by the same artist with                         to upgrade all business to CP after schools return to their
schools geographically close to one another.                                   campuses and finalize their schedules.

SI: Strong Interest
Lowest level of interest, can be a range of dates not to
exceed 1 month. Schools can upgrade at any time.

  The artist’s price may or may not include the following: Sound (S), Lights (L), Rooms/Lodging (R), Meals (M)
  and Travel (T). For example, a price with “ + T” indicates that you will be responsible for the artist’s travel.
  Plan your Block Booking accordingly.

    Single Date Price:............................$1,000 + SLRMT
    3 Dates in 5 Days (Block Price):....$900 + SLR
    5 Dates in 7 Days (Block Price):....$700 + SLR
    Contract On-Site Discount:...........$75

Want to know more? Attend a meeting on site or visit naca.org/naca247 any time.

Sponsorship Opportunities
Premium Sponsorships
($15,000) 3 available
Each night of NACA® Live is available for a sponsored activity. The themes are:
• Saturday–DJ/Dance Party/Music Performance • Sunday–Comedy Club • Monday–Open (Sponsor’s Choice)
• 2 booths (with priority placement) • 2
                                         delegate registrations
• one 60-second commercial, played prior to a showcase
• Full Page Color ad in the NACA® Live Program
• Banner Ad* on NACA mobile app (3 days)
• Two weeks advertising on NACA 24/7 landing page
•S  ponsor Logo displayed on: Conference Website Portal & Floor Decals/Signage
•O  ther Sponsor Recognition: Event slides, event program, verbal acknowledgements during stage announcements, social
  media shout out, NACA® Spotlight and at the start of the Business Connections meetings
• Exclusive VIP Lounge during your Sponsored Night Out that can be used to host campus partners and artists. Premium lounge
  furniture, and complementary refreshments will be provided for the space, with the ability to add more by the sponsor if
  needed. The seating will be for up to 6 people.
• Designated Platinum Promenade area for use outside of the marketplace times and near the Showcase Room for the
  Platinum Sponsor to use for business development and engagement purposes. Premium lounge furniture will be provided for
  the space, with the ability to add more by the sponsor if needed.

($10,000) 3 available: one Showcase, one Business Hub and one Ed Programs
• 2 booths (with priority placement) • 2
                                         delegate registrations
• one 60-second commercial, played prior to a showcase
• Full Page Color ad in the NACA® Live Program
• Banner Ad* on NACA mobile app (3 days)
•S  ponsor Logo displayed on: Conference Website Portal & Signage and branding of the sponsored area (Showcase, Business
  Hub or Ed Programs)
•O  ther Sponsor Recognition: Event slides, event program, verbal acknowledgements during stage announcements, social
  media shout out, NACA® Spotlight and at the start of the Business Connections meetings
• Designated Gold Promenade area for use outside of the marketplace times and near the Registration Desk for the Gold
  Sponsor to use for business development and engagement purposes. The sponsor will be provided with a 10x10 space with
  two tables and 4 chairs.
• The Showcase Sponsor (only) will have an Exclusive VIP Lounge during the showcase periods that can be used to host campus
  partners and artists. Premium lounge furniture, and complementary refreshments will be provided for the space, with the
  ability to add more by the sponsor if needed. The seating will be for up to 6 people.

($5,000) 5 available
• 1 booth • 2 delegate registrations
• one 45-second commercial, played prior to a showcase
• Half Page Color ad in the NACA® Live Program • Banner Ad* on NACA mobile app (2 days)
•S  ponsor Logo displayed on: Conference Website Portal
•O  ther Sponsor Recognition: Event slides & verbal acknowledgements during stage announcements

($3,500) 5 available
• 1 booth • 1 delegate registration
• one 30-second commercial, played prior to a showcase
• Quarter Page Color ad in the NACA® Live Program • Banner Ad* on NACA mobile app (1 day)
• Other Sponsor Recognition: Event slides & verbal acknowledgements during stage announcements

                                                                                                           *Banner ad dimensions TBD

Sponsorship Opportunities
Standard Sponsorships
($3,000) 1 available
Registration Swag/Promotional Item Give-A-Way Sponsorship is available to an associate member that wishes to provide a
registration or promotional item(s) to our attendees near the registration booths. One booth and one delegate registration, one
table near registration desk for distribution included.

($3,000) 8 available
Featured Workshops have two back-to-back 50-minute sessions. Workshops should be geared towards undergraduate students.
One booth and one delegate registration, and one quarter-page B&W or Color Ad included.

($3,000) 4 available
Two (2) 50-minute demonstrations (scheduled one each on Friday & Saturday against a showcase)
Tech demos are targeted towards professional staff members & can include assessment tools, virtual convocation platforms,
virtual award ceremony platforms, ticketing/RSVP systems, etc. One booth and one delegate registration included.

($5,000) 1 available
The Career Central sponsor will have an opportunity each day to provide guided and or passive professional development
opportunities for staff members and graduate students. Includes presentation time. One booth and one delegate registration

($5,000) 1 available
The Registration Experience partner will have 4 hours (12 PM-4 PM) to provide a high-energy, interactive experience for all school
attendees during the registration check-in time. The Registration Experience sponsorship include 5 hours of demo time. One booth
and one delegate registration included

($5,000) 1 available
The Student Lounge sponsor will have an opportunity each day to provide guided and or passive professional development
opportunity for undergraduate students. Includes presentation time. One booth and one delegate registration included.

($2,500) 1 available
The Coloring Wall sponsor will have the opportunity to sponsor the 2023 NACA Live Coloring Wall, which is an event long
engagement opportunity. One booth, one delegate registration, and logo & branding on the Coloring Wall located in high traffic
area included.

($3,000) 1 available
The Volunteer T-Shirt sponsor will have the opportunity to provide t-shirt for all volunteers to wear day 1 of the conference.
One booth, one delegate registration, and a thank you in the NACA Conference Program Guide included.

($4,000) 1 available
The Snack & Break sponsor will have the opportunity to have their logo/signage present at the
                                                                                                        Interested in
four Snack Break locations during the event. One booth, one delegate registration, and logo/
                                                                                                        sponsoring NACA Live?
signage at snack & break locations.
                                                                                                        Contact Michael Hood
                                                                                                        at michaelh@naca.org
All of the above include sponsor recognition and branding on any appropriate signage
                                                                                                        for more information.
or advertising of the space.

Raise your visibility at a NACA event.
Raise your visibility at a NACA event.
NACA associate members are encouraged to submit educational
program proposals. The opportunity is a great way to help schools
understand how to conduct business with agencies and vendors.
Associate members submitting educational program proposals must
have an active NACA membership and also must purchase booth
space for submissions to be considered.
Associate members cannot, however, showcase or be an alternate in
any showcase category and present educational sessions marketed
to school member professional staff and/or students during the same
NACA event. Upon notification of acceptance of both a showcase
and educational session for that event, the presenter must choose the
preferred format and notify the NACA Office accordingly within 10 days
of the announcement of showcase selection or educational session
acceptance, whichever comes later in the timeline. Associate members
WILL be allowed to showcase and present an educational session if the
latter is designed and intended for associate members only.
NACA requests proposals for educational programs at NACA® Live and
all NACA® Conferences. Submit your proposals for multiple events with
just one online form: naca.org/EdSessions.
                                                                                                                  • Student Development Theory
                                                                                                                  • Budgeting/Resource Management/Activity Fee Allocation
NACA® Live.......................................................................................Sept. 30, 2022   • Security/Safety/Crisis Management
NACA® St. Paul.................................................................................... Dec. 9, 2022   • Large Event Management
                                                                                                                  • Concert Management
Why present an educational session?                                                                               • Team Development/Recruitment/Retention
Presenting is a great opportunity both professionally and personally.
Present to students or professionals on nuts and bolts, new ideas or                                              Outside of programming boards, school staff members predominantly
scholarship in the field. Use one of these ideas below — school staff                                             have responsibility over the following areas:
identified the following topics in which they want/need to receive more
                                                                                                                  • Leadership Programs
                                                                                                                  • Student Organization Management
• Campus Traditions/Spirit/Culture
                                                                                                                  • Student Government
• Campus Engagement
                                                                                                                  • New Student Orientation
• Leadership Development
• Marketing/Communications/Building Attendance
                                                                                                                  Here are additional topics students and staff identified as important to
• Late-Night/Weekend Programming                                                                                  cover:
• Career Development                                                                                              • Academic Affairs/Educational Programming
• The Economy and its Impact on the Institution and Students                                                      • Alcohol and Drug Prevention Programs
• Student Retention and Success Initiatives                                                                       • Basic Programming Skills
• Community Colleges                                                                                              • Change Management and Innovation
• Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility                                                                  • Community Service/Service-Learning
• Collaborations/Partnerships/Co-Sponsorship                                                                      • Commuter Students
• Booking Acts/Block Booking/Contracts/Riders                                                                     • Lecture/Speaker Series
• Homecoming                                                                                                      • Parent/Family/Youth Programming
• Fundraising/Corporate Sponsorship/Grant Writing                                                                 • Professional Standards/Quality Control
• Mentoring/Advising                                                                                              • Working with Agencies/Artists
• Learning Outcomes                                                                                               • Light & Sound Production
• Controversy on Campus/Free Speech                                                                               • Residence Life Programming
• Staff Development/Supervision/Management                                                                        • Series Programming
• Retreat Planning/Officer Transition                                                                             • Religious Student Organizations/Spirituality
• Character/Values/Ethics                                                                                         • Student Media/Social Media and Marketing
• Technology/Online Communities                                                                                   • Volunteer Recruitment/Training/Recognition
• Research/Assessment/Benchmarking                                                                                • Or identify your own
• Risk Management                                                                                                 If you do not receive a confirmation after submitting your proposal,
• Strategic Planning/Vision/Mission/Goal Setting                                                                  please contact Sarah Keeling at sarahk@naca.org.

NACA policies are subject to change without notice.
The following policies and application forms have been standardized for all events to help simplify the application process. General questions
regarding policies for ALL events can be directed to the NACA Office at 803-732-6222. Additional information on Registration and Event Policies
can be found at naca.org.

1. Who may attend events?                                                     6. How are violations handled?
All agencies and/or their subsidiary companies that are:                       • Violations of any of the policies may subject the exhibitor to actions
	 • Current associate members of NACA. Each national and regional              and/ or sanctions as outlined on Page 24 of this Guide.
     associate member must be a separate legal entity. Regional                • Any person not an official exhibitor of the conference who engages
     associate members must upgrade to National to attend NACA Live.             in any form of product or talent solicitation will be removed from
     In order for a company affiliated or related in any way to another          official conference events.
     company to purchase its own national associate membership,
     the requesting company must supply NACA with proof that the              7. Insurance and Indemnity
     companies are legally separate entities.                                 Exhibitors and/or showcase acts that feature or include demonstrations
	 • In good financial standing (does not appear on a NACA bad debt list).   that involve participants physically, through use of equipment, the
                                                                              wearing of devices or apparel provided by the exhibitor/showcaser,
2. What are the required registration documents necessary to                  and that may place the participant at risk, must meet the following
attend events?                                                                insurance requirements:
Submit a registration application online and the appropriate fees to          	 • Exhibitor/showcaser agrees to release, hold harmless, indemnify,
the NACA Office. Associate members must purchase Campus Activities                 defend and forever discharge the National Association for Campus
Marketplace booth space and a minimum of one full delegate                         Activities (NACA) and each and every officer, agent and employee
registration to attend an event.                                                   of NACA, from all claims, causes of action, loss, damage, costs,
                                                                                   attorney’s fees and liability for all injuries to persons or property
3. What delegate status should I select and what are the                           arising from acts or omissions of the exhibitor/showcaser or
delegate fees?                                                                     exhibitor’s/showcaser’s employees, agents or officers howsoever
All persons attending the conference in any capacity must register.                caused. Exhibitor/showcaser further agrees to waive rights of
Passes may not be shared between two or more people. See Page 6                    subrogation in favor of NACA in any claim, liability or cause of action.
for a description of different registration categories available. Please      	 • Exhibitor/showcaser shall arrange for NACA to receive a Certificate
note that delegates may only register under one membership category                of Liability Insurance naming NACA as co-insured, from the
for any activity. No delegate will be allowed to attend any conference             exhibitor’s/showcaser’s insurance company by the date specified
function or to enter the Campus Activities Marketplace until their                 in the event Guidein order to perform a booth demonstration,
registration fees are fully paid. Badges are required for access.                  marketplace attraction or showcase. The liability insurance shall
                                                                                   cover the entire period of the exhibitor’s/showcaser’s stay at the
                                                                                   event including early arrival and late departure dates. Certificates
4.What are NACA’s refund policies for events?
                                                                                   of liability should be mailed directly to the NACA Office and may
See Page 4 for all refund policies.
                                                                                   cover more than one event.
                                                                              	 • Minimum coverages are as follows: bodily injury and property
5. What other important information should I know?                                 damage at: $1,000,000 each occurrence and aggregate.
 • Associate members may not provide any demonstration to school
   delegates of an act, event, tour or any other activity that occurs
   outside the officially scheduled program, anywhere in any of
   the conference facilities, including hotel rooms. Associates shall
   not distribute any promotion or advertising to school delegates
   of a performance, act, event, tour or other activity held outside
   the conference facilities during the dates of that conference. An
   attraction that has an existing contract to perform in a conference
   facility is subject to review by the Executive Director or designee.
 • The firm representing a showcasing act must be the only booking
   contact for that act during the conference. If the representation
   of that act is in dispute and the dispute cannot be settled prior
   to the beginning of the conference, the act will not be allowed to
   perform on the showcase, and the firms in dispute regarding the
   representation of the act will forfeit their booth spaces and any
   subsequent showcases.
 • No alcoholic beverages or smoking are permitted in educational
   sessions, showcases or the Campus Activities Marketplace.
 • Stickers and other promotional items may not obscure name and
   organizational data on conference badges.

NACA policies are subject to change without notice.

We will continue to monitor ongoing federal, state, and local                 exposed to a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19.
recommendations and reserve the right to alter plans as needed. As           •D
                                                                               etails on how attendees will provide proof of a negative test will be
of August 2022, the following COVID-19 health & safety policies are in        shared in the coming weeks; it will most likely be using a specific app.
effect for all NACA in-person events.
                                                                             NACA may change, update, or add to these requirements at any time
As we continue to evaluate the changing landscape of the coronavirus         as it deems prudent to best protect the health and safety of attendees
(COVID-19) pandemic and attempt to provide a safe experience for             and others. Participants who are unable or unwilling to provide the
all attendees, the Board of Directors has updated health and safety          appropriate documentation will not be permitted to enter the event or
requirements for the Association’s in-person experiences, including all      participate in any of the in-person activities or experiences. Please note,
NACA Conferences. These changes are for the protection of all NACA           providing false information and/or failing to comply with NACA staff or
attendees, the communities they travel to and from, as well as to assist     designees’ directives may result in disciplinary action, including but not
in mitigating interruptions to the fall conference season as many            limited to immediate removal from this and any future NACA-sponsored
exhibitors, performers, volunteers, and staff attend multiple NACA           events, institutes, and experiences without warning and/or refund.
events within a short period of time.
                                                                             We have prepared a few frequently asked questions (FAQs) including
  he Association is announcing the following health and safety updates:     information on where to find testing kits and testing sites, but please
  ll participants will be required to show proof of a recent negative       don’t hesitate to contact us at any time if you have questions about our
 COVID-19 test (within 48 hours of arrival) to participate in in-person      health and safety measures. The Association would like for you to know
 activities.                                                                 that in spite of the ongoing situation of COVID-19, we are still here to
  he COVID-19 test may be a PCR or Antigen test, including at-home          support you and your institution or business as we navigate this year.
 tests.                                                                      We look forward to reconnecting with many of you at an in-person
  roof of vaccination in lieu of a negative test will no longer be          experience soon.
 accepted for participation. While we strongly encourage attendees
 who are able and eligible be up-to-date with their vaccine                  Masking
 and booster(s), attendees are not required to be vaccinated to
                                                                             All attendees are strongly encouraged, but not required, to wear a mask
                                                                             during NACA-sponsored events.
  ask-wearing is strongly encouraged during NACA-sponsored events,
 but attendees are not currently required to do so unless they have been     For more information, visit naca.org/healthinfo

NACA photographs and videotapes events and attendees. These                  7. Some forms of recording/taping may not be available at specific
photographs and videotapes may be used in any NACA materials and             venues due to union or other facility regulations.
publications, and on the NACA website and social media. By attending         8. Recording/taping of some materials may require the permission of
this event, you, your delegates and/or the acts that you represent give      the owner of such materials, and it is the recorder’s responsibility to
NACA your consent to use photographs and videotapes in which you,            obtain such necessary permissions.
your delegates and/or your acts appear. NACA delegates or other
                                                                             If audience members, showcase crew or other technical, conference or
persons may use photographic or other image and sound recording
                                                                             facility staff complain about the position of a camera/ operator, the
devices to record events and activities that take place during NACA
                                                                             camera/operator will be asked to move. If the camera/operator does
events, as long as these activities do not interfere with the audience
                                                                             not comply, they will not be allowed to continue taping.
enjoyment of or participation in NACA events. Those photographing
or recording events cannot interfere with showcase technical crew,           BY USING VIDEOGRAPHIC AND/OR OTHER RECORDING DEVICES TO
stagehands, etc. The following specific guidelines apply to any              RECORD NACA EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES, THE RECORDER REPRESENTS
photography, videotaping or other recording at an NACA event:                THAT HE/SHE HAS OBTAINED ALL NECESSARY PERMISSIONS FROM
                                                                             ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR OTHER ENTITIES WHOSE RIGHTS
1. Professional crews will not be allowed, except by NACA.
                                                                             MAY BE AFFECTED. THE RECORDER AGREES TO INDEMNIFY NACA,
2. On-stage filming or placement will not be allowed. Recording must         ITS EMPLOYEES, AGENTS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS AND INDEPENDENT
occur from the show floor.                                                   CONTRACTORS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE
3. Access to the soundboard will not be allowed.                             RECORDER’S VIDEOTAPING OR RECORDING ACTIVITIES.
4. Audience views cannot be obstructed.
5. Power must be self-contained (i.e., battery packs). Access to the event
power supply will not be allowed.
6. Use of supplemental lighting will not be allowed.

NACA policies are subject to change without notice.

Who May Apply                                                                    and educational programs, but the performance must end no later
Any firm wishing to submit an act for a NACA® Live showcase must:                than five minutes before the beginning of any awards program
                                                                                 or any other activity deemed in direct conflict by the designated
  • Be a current member of NACA. Regional associate members can
                                                                                 event contact. The activity should not be should not be seen or
    only submit to showcase and attend one conference per year. (see
                                                                                 heard from an educational session room.
    “General Policies” on Page 14 of this Guide for more information).
                                                                              • Musical acts are NOT eligible for this showcase category.
  • Be in good financial standing (not appear on a NACA bad debt list).
                                                                              • Make It & Take It acts will be introduced at the beginning of the first
  • Submit a Campus Activities Marketplace Booth payment.
                                                                                 showcase that day.
  • Submit a Showcase Application and a non-refundable application
                                                                              • Set-up for acts in this category should not take more than a few
                                                                                 minutes at maximum.
For a Level 1 national membership and regional agency, no more than
three acts and two alternates per agency will be selected for each event.   Master of Ceremonies Showcase
For a Level 2 national membership, no more than 6 acts and 3 alternates     These acts introduce the other acts in Showcases and entertain during
per agency will be selected for each event.                                 set changes. This category includes acts that require a minimum
                                                                            of setup time and which can perform on the thrust. Emcees will
For a Level 3 national membership, no more than 9 acts and 4 alternates     have a total of 25 minutes to showcase their acts exclusive of their
per agency will be selected for each event.                                 introduction time. This should be divided among multiple sets. The
This will be inclusive of all showcasing categories.                        final breakdown of time between each act must be coordinated day of
                                                                            with Showcase Production Coordinator as these “sets” are necessary to
SHOWCASE CATEGORY DESCRIPTIONS                                              complete turnover between acts.
                                                                            Spotlight Showcase (High and Low)
These showcases will take place in the lobby of the convention center
during registration on the first day. Each act will have 20 minutes         This category features both established and up-and-coming artists
performance time with 5 minutes each for set-up and breakdown. Minimal      performing for 10 minutes each. Spotlight Low encompasses acts with
production will be provided. Solo artists and duets only are eligible.      single date prices of $2,000 or less, which should be approximately 50%
                                                                            of the acts chosen for the Spotlight Showcase. Isolated dates for Spotlight
                                                                            Low can be exclusive of travel, but block prices must include travel.
                                                                            Spotlight High encompasses all other pricing above $2,000. Spotlight
This showcase is designated for DJs to open up the showcase and bring
                                                                            High acts are interspersed with Spotlight Low acts.
energy to the crowd. The DJ showcases have 15 minutes of performance
                                                                            Variety Showcase
Speaker Showcase                                                            Variety showcases are a 15-minute set on the primary stage. These
                                                                            showcases are intended for traditional entertainment acts that need
Speaker acts are those that cover topics such as social awareness,
                                                                            a longer time showcase time such as magicians, hypnotists, illusionists,
political issues, health and environmental concerns, the arts, etc.
                                                                            mind readers, etc. as well as interactive and engaging programs such
Based on a recent survey, school members are most interested in
                                                                            as game shows, karaoke, lip sync battles, dance lessons, etc. Variety
topics on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Mental Health, Wellness,
                                                                            Showcases will be scheduled interspersed with Spotlight Showcases as
Leadership, and LGBTQIA+. This category is primarily non-musical and
                                                                            well as during the Trending Showcase Time.
educational. Speaker acts have 15 minutes to present. An act may take
questions from the audience or conduct a question and answer session        MATERIALS FOR SUBMISSION
within their 15-minute period. A projector and screen will be provided
for acts to use. Acts should come prepared with a laptop to connect         Showcase submissions will be accepted only through the NACA® 24/7
to the projector via a VGA or HDMI cable in the event there is not a        dashboard.
laptop onsite.                                                              It is the responsibility of associate members to ensure that information
                                                                            submitted is correct. NACA takes no responsibility for verifying artist
Make It & Take It                                                           rosters submitted for the online directory or during the showcase
                                                                            submission process. Duplications or conflicting information in rosters
This free-form category can show off any kind of interactive novelty or
                                                                            must be worked out between agencies and the NACA Office notified of
variety act/program. These showcases can include activity kit making
                                                                            the final disposition. If associate members knowingly submit inaccurate
or live artists such as caricatures, balloon artists, wire writing, spray
                                                                            information, they are subject to sanctions as outlined in the NACA®
painting t-shirts, tarot card reading, etc. Make It & Take It artists are
                                                                            Process for Dealing with Violations of Association Policy, including
allowed to perform during all conference hours, as long as they do not
                                                                            revocation of membership.
interrupt staged showcase performances or other conference activities.
Artists selected for this showcase perform in designated areas within       For an act to be considered for a showcase, submissions must be
the event facility. Four acts will be scheduled each day. NACA does not     received by the published deadline.
provide nor allow any equipment, sound or lighting for this category.       Artist pricing cannot be increased once the committee has reviewed
The following guidelines will apply to this showcase category:              the application. Artists will have the opportunity to edit their pricing,
   • Acts in this category cannot use any electrical outlets, lighting,    biography, and other program details if selected to showcase.
     staging, portable music players or anything else using batteries
     or an electrical outlet that produces amplified sound - without        Criteria for Reviewing Submitted Acts
     receiving prior permission from the NACA Office. The Make It &         1.	The Showcase Selection Committee has the sole authority to select
     Take Its will be permitted to perform from the start of the first           acts for the conference showcases.
     scheduled event until the end of the last scheduled event, in areas
                                                                            2.	Materials submitted must be an accurate representation of the
     determined by the NACA Office. Performance times and locations
                                                                                 material and personnel that will actually appear on the showcase
     may be limited due to site restrictions and facility policies.
                                                                                 and must be complete to be considered
   • Make It & Take Its may perform during meal functions, showcases
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