Page created by Ray Todd
                 Registration Forms

Summer Camp


The City of West Palm Beach Department of Parks and
Recreation is ready and waiting to welcome your child
to a summer full of safe, yet fun, activities. The safety
of our campers and staff is our highest priority and we
are committed to following all current City and CDC
guidelines in each facility such as:
   • Face coverings to be worn inside all City of West      Day Camp Information      3
     Palm Beach facilities
                                                            Sports & Specialty Camp
   • Smaller groups                                         Information               5
   • Frequent handwashing, increased sanitation             Summer Swim Lessons       9
     of commonly touched surfaces, and social               Summer Sailing            10
                                                            Resident Only
   • Fewer off-site field trips                             Payment Worksheet         13
   • A COVID-19 waiver that must be signed by               Non Resident
     parents/guardians                                      Payment Worksheet         15
                                                            Sports & Specialty Camp
   Come and join in on the CityFun this year, where         Payment Worksheet         17
   your child will make new friends, have fun, and
   create a lifetime of memories.                           Registration Form         19
Day Camp Information
Enrollment is Available Online at parks.wpb.org
RESIDENT                                                                   NON RESIDENT
Your Registration begins March 1, 2022                                     Your Registration begins April 1, 2022

Registration will be accepted online and by postmarked mail.               Registration will be accepted online and by postmarked mail.
Spaces will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Resident        Spaces will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Non-
registration cannot be postmarked prior to March 1, 2022.                  resident registration cannot be postmarked prior to April 1,
Envelopes with a postmark prior to March 1, 2022 will not be               2022. Envelopes with a postmark prior to April 1, 2022 will not be
processed.                                                                 processed.

Proof of City of West Palm Beach residency required.                       For Summer Day Camp, a minimum payment of 50% of the total
                                                                           must be submitted with your registration. For all other programs, full
Enclose a copy of your City of West Palm Beach water bill for proof of     payment is required with registration.
residency. If you live in an apartment or condominium, enclose a letter

                                                                           PBC SCHOLARSHIPS
from your association or rental agency, or a copy of your lease.

For Summer Day Camp, a minimum payment of 50% of the total
must be submitted with your registration. For all other programs, full     Summer Camp Scholarships from Palm Beach County Youth Services
payment is required upon registration.                                     are accepted.

                                                                           Register on-line at pbcgov.org/youthservices. You must include 50%
                                                                           payment for the first session of day camp. Payment will be refunded
                                                                           when we receive the award letter from Palm Beach County Human
                                                                           Services. For further information please call (561) 242-5700.

     Fee Assistance*, Summer Camp Scholarships, and Early Learning Coalition must register by mail.
                        Make checks or money orders payable to City of West Palm Beach.
                           Visa, MasterCard and American Express are also accepted.
                              See payment worksheet for credit card information.
                                          NO Cash will be accepted.

                                           No priority or special delivery will be accepted.
                        Walk-ins will only be accepted after April 1, 2022, at your local Community Center
                                            Or City Center, 401 Clematis St., 3rd floor.

             FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL (561) 804-4900 (TTY: 800-955-8771)
*If you do not qualify for Early Learning Coalition (ELC) or a PBC Summer Camp Scholarship, fee assistance may be available for City of West
Palm Beach Residents ONLY; written proof from ELC or PBC will be required.

Applications are available at City of West Palm Beach Community Centers.

                                       CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 3 - parks.wpb.org
Day Camp Information

Session 1: June 6 - July 1 (No Camp on June 20)                            TEEN DAY CAMP
Session 2: July 5 - July 29 (No Camp on July 4)                            Sessions 1 & 2 • Grades 6 - 8
                                                                           Children enrolled in 6th, 7th or 8th grades, with a maximum age of 14,
                                                                           when camp begins.
DAY CAMP                                                                   7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Sessions 1 & 2 • Grades K - 5
Children currently in Kindergarten through 5th grade at time of                       Gaines Park Community Center
registration.                                                                         1501 North Australian Avenue
Proof may be required upon request.
7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.                                                                 Vedado Park Community Center
                                                                                      3710 Paseo Andalusia
        Gaines Park Community Center                                                                              WebTrac# 312102
        1501 North Australian Avenue

        South Olive Community Center                                       SUMMER CAMP
        345 Summa Street                                                   Swim Lessons
                                                 WebTrac# 312102           Swim Lessons are available for children that attend the City of West
                                                                           Palm Beach Summer Camp K–5 programs. Lessons are held during
CITYFUN 2022 SCHOLARSHIP ASSISTANCE                                        the weekly visit to the Aquatic Center.
The City of West Palm Beach Department of Parks and Recreation             Children will be placed in levels according to their swimming ability,
believes that all kids should have the opportunity to go to camp.          assessed on their first visit to the pool.

Would you like to help children with fewer resources spend their           Lessons will begin on June 13 and end on July 21. Cost is $35 for six
summer in a safe, supervised environment while learning new skills         40-minute lessons. Please call the Aquatic Center, (561) 804-4961,
and having fun?                                                            with questions.
We gladly accept and appreciate all donations of any amount to our
                                                                           Children must register for both summer camp sessions to participate
CityFun 2022 Scholarship Assistance Program. For more information
                                                                           in all swim lessons.
on how to donate, contact our Administrative office at (561) 804-
4900 (TTY: 800-955-8771).
                                                                                                                          WebTrac# 314135

                                                                    denotes lunch site

                                     CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 4 - parks.wpb.org
Sports & Specialty Camps
Enrollment is Available Online at parks.wpb.org

 RESIDENT                                                                  NON RESIDENT
 Your Registration begins March 1, 2022                                    Your Registration begins April 1, 2022

 Registration will be accepted online and by postmarked mail.              Registration will be accepted online and by postmarked mail. Spaces
 Spaces will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Resident       will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Non-resident
 registration cannot be postmarked prior to March 1,                       registration cannot be postmarked prior to April 1, 2022.
 2022. Envelopes with a postmark prior to March 1, 2022 will not be        Envelopes with a postmark prior to April 1, 2022 will not be processed.
                                                                           Payment of 100% must be enclosed with your registration form.
 Proof of City of West Palm Beach residency required.
                                                                           For more information, call Parks and Recreation Administration
 Enclose a copy of your City of West Palm Beach water bill for proof of    at (561) 804-4900 (TTY: 800-955-8771).
 residency. If you live in an apartment or condominium, enclose a letter
 from your association or rental agency, or a copy of your lease.

 Payment of 100% must be enclosed with your registration form.

                                 Sports and Specialty Camps are specialized one week,
                            Two week, or daily camps and clinics. Programming and fees vary.

                            Make checks or money orders payable to City of West Palm Beach.
                               Visa, MasterCard and American Express are also accepted.
                                  See payment worksheet for credit card information.
                                              NO Cash will be accepted.

                                    No priority or special delivery will be accepted.
                 Walk-ins will only be accepted after April 1, 2022, at your local Community Center
                                     Or City Center, 401 Clematis St., 3rd floor.

                                       CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 5 - parks.wpb.org
Sports & Specialty Camps

COUNSELOR IN TRAINING                                                     PLEASANT CITY – YOUTH
PROGRAM (CIT)                                                             EMPOWERMENT DAY CAMP
The Counselor In Training Program is designed to offer young people       Day camp activities include sports, academic activities, enrichment
an opportunity to gain experience and skills for their future success.    programs, and field trips. Lunch is provided during this camp. For
Application, interview and selection into the program is a prerequisite   more information or to register, contact Pleasant City at (561)
to registration.                                                          804-4930 (TTY: 800-955-8771).
Grades:              9 - 12*                                              Grades:            6 - 12
Days:                Monday - Friday                                      Days:              Monday - Friday
Mandatory                                                                 Session 1:         June 6 - July 1 (No Camp on June 20)
Training:            May 31 - June 3                                      Session 2:         July 5 - July 29 (No Camp on July 4)
CIT Assignments:                                                          Time:              10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Session 1:           June 6 - July 1                                      Location:          Pleasant City Youth
Session 2:           July 5 - July 29                                                        Empowerment Center,
Time:                9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                                                   501 21st Street
Fees:                $100 Resident/                                       *Children enrolled must have completed 6th grade,
                     $125 Non-Resident                                    with a minimum age of 12, when camp begins.
*Student must be entering the 12th grade for the 2022 –
2023 school year.
                                                   WebTrac# 311970
                                                                          ELITE SOCCER ACADEMY CAMP
                                                                          This fun and inspiring soccer camp will provide the highest
                                                                          methodology level in developing your soccer player! The camp will
BALLET/JAZZ/HIP-HOP DANCE                                                 feature technical development, ball mastery, healthy nutritional
CAMP                                                                      choices, smoothie making, and motivational videos to understand
                                                                          the importance of commitment in achieving life goals.
Come and learn the art of dance through expression and movement.
This camp is great for the novice dancer as well as the seasoned          Ages:               8 - 18
dancer. This camp will work on combinations of basic ballet steps,        Session 1:          June 6 - June 10
body alignment, conditioning, stretching and strengthening in jazz and    Session 2:          July 13 - June 17
the vibrant styles and uniqueness of hip-hop. This course is taught by    Session 3:          June 21 - June 24
the renowned Odinni Jones, owner of Beast Makers Studios Inc.             Session 4:          June 27 - July 1
Ages:               6 - 13                                                Half Day Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Days:               Tuesday - Friday                                      Half Day Fee: $65 Resident/
Dates:              May 31 - June 3                                                           $75 Non-Resident
Time:               9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.                                 Full Day Time: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Fees:               $125 Resident/                                        Full Day Fee: $80 Resident/
                    $175 Non-Resident                                                         $90 Non-Resident
Site:               South Olive Dance Room                                Site:               Howard Park Softball Field
                                                  WebTrac#: 311128                                                       WebTrac#: 311134

                                      CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 6 - parks.wpb.org
Sports & Specialty Camps

FISHING CAMP                                                                  PRESCHOOL SUMMER CAMP WITH
Fishing camp will consist of 5 days of fun, fishing and spending time
with friends. Campers will learn how to tie fishing knots, bait a hook,
                                                                              MS. ANGIE
                                                                              Campers will work at centers and work with the teacher one on
cast a line, and identify different saltwater fish of Florida. Participants   one, based on their ability level. They will participate in whole group
must bring their own fishing rod but bait will be provided. There will        reading and math lessons, small group learning activities, crafts and
be a fishing tournament on the last day of camp.                              hands-on activities, eat lunch and visit the playground daily. Curious
Ages:                8 - 12                                                   about what you can expect? Check out Ms. Angie at
Session 1:           June 13 - June 17                                        www.earlychildhoodadventures.net
Session 2:           August 1 - August 5                                      Ages*:              3-5
Time:                9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.                                   *Child must be fully potty trained, no accidents.
Fees Per                                                                      Days:               Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Session:             $65 Resident/                                            Session 1:          June 6 - July 1 (No Camp on June 6 & June
                     $75 Non-Resident                                                             20)
Site:                Currie Park                                              Session 2:          July 5 - July 29 (No Camp on July 4)
                                                     WebTrac#: 311110         Time:               9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
                                                                              Fees Per
KINDERGARTEN BOOTCAMP WITH                                                    Session:            $360 Resident/
MS. ANGIE                                                                     Site:
                                                                                                  $450 Non-Resident
                                                                                                  Howard Park Community Center
Campers will be introduced to a typical Kindergarten classroom
setting. Campers will participate in a whole group lesson for reading,                                                            WebTrac#: 372102
writing and math. This is a great introduction to kindergarten and will
get your little one ready for independence! Curious about what you
can expect? Check out Ms. Angie at
Ages:                Children Entering Kindergarten in
                     August 2022
Days:                Tuesday and Thursday
Session 1:           June 7 - June 30
Session 2:           July 5 - July 28
Time:                9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Fees Per
Session:             $240 Resident/
                     $300 Non-Resident
Site:                Howard Park Community Center
                                               WebTrac#: 372102

                                        CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 7 - parks.wpb.org
Sports & Specialty Camps

SK8BOARD CAMP                                                            SKATER QUEST CAMP
at Phipps Park                                                           Skate instruction and trips to other skate parks—what more can
4715 S. Dixie Hwy, Phone (561) 835-7170                                  a young skater ask for? Participants will need to bring their own
This camp is for both beginner and experienced skateboard                skateboard and helmet. Please pack a lunch, snack and drinks
enthusiasts.                                                             each. Additional waivers will need to be filled out along with the
                                                                         registration form.
Grinders (Beginner):                                                     Ages:              8 - 14
For the future ripper with less than one month of skateboarding          Days:              Monday - Friday
experience, Grinders camp will focus on the basics of skateboarding,     Dates:             May 31 - June 3
including pushing, turning, and going down banked ramps. Further         Time:              7:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
curriculum will include proper use of skateboarding equipment and        Fees:              $120 Resident/
basic terminology. This camp will also highlight basic tricks for more                      $180 Non-Resident
advanced participants.                                                   Site:              Phipps Skate Park
                                                                                                                         WebTrac#: 316203
Thrashers (Intermediate):
For the skater with more than one more of skateboarding experience,      SUNSHINE EXPLORERS
who can demonstrate board control and confidence with speed.             Explore real Florida fun with this weeklong camp. Your camper will
During the week, Thrashers participants will focus on learning new       be visiting different locations in South Florida and learning all about
tricks such as drop-in’s and ollies, as well as discuss park etiquette   our unique slice of paradise.
and skateboard maintenance.                                              Grades:              K-5
Ages:		          6 - 14                                                  Days:                Tuesday - Friday
Days:		          Monday - Friday                                         Dates:               May 31 - June 3
Session 1:       June 6 - June 10                                        Time:                7:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Session 2:       June 13 - June 17                                       Fees:                $120 Resident/
Session 3:       June 21 - June 24                                                            $180 Non-Resident
Session 4:       June 27 - July 1                                        Site:                South Olive Community Center
Session 5:       July 11 - July 15                                                                                        WebTrac#: 312102
Session 6:       July 18 - July 22
Session 7:       July 25 - July 29
Time:		          9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Fees Per
Session:         $50 Resident/
		               $70 Non-Resident
                                                   WebTrac#: 316203

                                      CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 8 - parks.wpb.org
Summer Swim Lessons

WARREN HAWKINS                                                              Learn To Swim
                                                                            Please call the Aquatic Center for specific class offerings during
                                                                            each time slot. You will be registering for a class that meets Monday
at Gaines Park                                                              through Thursday for 30 minutes each day for two (2) weeks or a
1501 N. Australian Avenue, Phone (561) 804-4961                             class that meets every Saturday for 30 minutes for eight (8) weeks.
                                                                            Please contact the Aquatic Center for placement or scholarship
Summer Operating Hours:                                                     information.
Monday - Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday:          9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.                                    Weekday Courses
Friday and Sunday: Closed                                                   Ages:           6 months - adult
                                                                            Days:           Monday - Thursday
Summer Camp Swim Lessons                                                    Times:          4:50 - 5:20 p.m., 5:30 - 6 p.m.,
Swim lessons are available for children that attend the City of West                        6:10 - 6:40 p.m., 6:50 - 7:20 p.m.,
Palm Beach CityFun Summer Camp program. Lessons are held during                             7:30 - 8 p.m.
their weekly visit to the Aquatic Center. Children will be placed in        Fees:           $35 Resident
levels according to their swimming ability, assessed on their first visit                   $44 Non-resident
to the pool. Children must register for both summer camp sessions to                        (8 classes total)
participate in all swim lessons.
                                                                            Sessions             Registration Deadline
Dates:              June 13 - July 21                                       May 30 - June 9      May 26
Fees:               $35 for six 40-minute lessons                           June 13 - 23         June 9
                                            WebTrac#: 314135                June 27 - July 28    July 11
                                                                            August 1 - 11        July 28

                                                                            Saturday Courses
                                                                            (Registration Deadline June 9)
                                                                            Ages:             6 months - adult
                                                                            Day:              Saturday
                                                                            Dates:            June 11 - July 30
                                                                            Times:            9:00 - 9:30 a.m., 9:30 - 10 a.m.,
                                                                                              10:00 - 10:30 a.m., 10:30 - 11 a.m.,
                                                                                              12 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.
                                                                            Fees:             $35 Resident
                                                                                              $44 Non-resident 8 week session
                                                                            Please Call (561) 804-4961 for more information.
                                                                            (TTY: 800-955-8771)

                                       CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 9 - parks.wpb.org
Summer Sailing

FRANKLIN SAILING CAMPS                                                     BASIC SAILING - This camp is geared toward beginners. Campers
on Lake Mangonia                                                           will master sailing’s most essential skills: how to capsize and right
                                                                           a small boat, how to steer and trim it’s sail, and execute sailing
Meet the Instructors                                                       maneuvers of tacking and jibing. Campers will also learn to tie several
Martin Stephan – Coach Stephan has literally sailed and raced              knots, rules of the road on inland waters, and water safety.
around the world! He has raced in Block Island, Newport, Key West,         Ages:                  8 - 11
Antigua, Hawaii, all over the Mediterranean, and Auckland New              Days:                  Monday - Friday
Zealand. Martin was a member of the winning America’s Cup Team             Time:                  9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
in 1992 on William Koch’s Team America! He has helped start high           Session 1:             June 6 - June 10
school sailing teams and was previously the sailing director at 3          Session 2:             June 13 - June 17
different yacht clubs.                                                     Session 3:             June 20 - June 24
                                                                           Session 4:             June 27 - July 1
Carrik Seemann – Coach Seemann started his sailing at age 11               Session 5:             July 18 - July 22
in the Franklin Sailing Camp! At age 15 he began to give back to the       Session 6:             July 25 - July 29
program by volunteering and later became an instructor. Carrick            Location:              Lake Mangonia
sailed for the University of West Florida and was the Fleet Captain.       Fees Per
He continued to teach sailing at the Franklin Sailing Camp during his      Session:               $125 Resident/
summer breaks from college. In 2005, Carrick became the director of                               $150 Non-Resident
the Franklin Sailing Camp after Al Franklin retired.                       Maximum
                                                                           Campers:               8
Requirements – Sailors are not expected to have any sailing skills
                                                                                                                               WebTrac#: 311122
in order to attend camp, but they must be a proficient swimmer. Each
sailor, regardless of age or number of years participating in the summer
                                                                           INTERMEDIATE SAILING CAMP - Sailors are taken to the next
camp program, must pass a simple swim test the first day of camp.
                                                                           level while keeping an emphasis on safety and fun! More advanced
What to Bring:                                                             sailing skills are covered on faster, more challenging sailboats.
• Life Jackets: All sailors are required to wear a Type 3 US               *Intermediate Sailing gets you ready to sail at Currie Park on the
  Coast Guard approved life vest. These are available at Target,           Intercoastal. All US Sailing Small Boat Sailor Certification skills will
  Walmart, and West Marine. Campers are encouraged to purchase             be taught and assessed during the week of camp. One of the skills
  a comfortable vest, as sailors will always wear one. The camp does       covered is capsizing, be prepared to pass a capsize drill during your
  have a limited supply on hand.                                           week of camp. Prerequisite: Basic Sailing
• Non-Skid Water Shoes (not crocs or open sandals)                         Ages:                   10 - 17
• Hat                                                                      Days:                   Monday - Friday
• Bagged Lunch                                                             Time:                   9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
• Sunglasses                                                               Session 1:              June 6 - June 10
• Sunscreen                                                                Session 2:              June 13 - June 17
• Refillable water bottle                                                  Session 3:              June 20 - June 24
• Towel                                                                    Session 4:              June 27 - July 1
                                                                           Session 5:              July 18 - July 22
Location:                                                                  Session 6:              July 25 - July 29
Lake Mangonia – 2957 N. Australian Avenue, West Palm Beach,                Location:               Lake Mangonia
33407                                                                      Fees Per
                                                                           Session:                $125 Resident/
                                                                                                   $150 Non-Resident
                                                                           Campers:                8
                                                                                                                              WebTrac#: 311123

                                      CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 10 - parks.wpb.org
Summer Sailing

ADVANCED SAILING CAMP - Learn basic racing techniques.
Knowledge brings confidence when you’re riding the wind in a high-
performance Laser. Prerequisite: Passing Intermediate Sailing camp
or U.S. Sailing small boat sailing standards.
Ages:               12 - 17
Days:               Monday - Friday
Time:               9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Session 1:          June 6 - June 10
Session 2:          June 13 - June 17
Session 3:          June 20 - June 24
Session 4:          June 27 - July 1
Session 5:          July 18 - July 22
Session 6:          July 25 - July 29
Location:           Lake Mangonia
Fees Per
Session:            $125 Resident/
                    $150 Non-Resident
Campers:            8
                                               WebTrac#: 311124

                                   CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 11 - parks.wpb.org
Resident Only Payment Worksheet
City of West Palm Beach Department of Parks & Recreation

please print clearly

  DAY CAMP (Grades K* – 5)                                           WebTrac#: 312102
  Session 1: June 6 – July 1 (No Camp June 20)
                                                                                                     VERY IMPORTANT
  *Children currently in Kindergarten must provide current report card.
  Camper’s Name/s:___________________________________________________________
  Residents: 1st Child:_________________________$350 = $________________________                Select your top three (3) sites.
                                                                                                 Mark 1, 2, and 3 next to the
  # of additional children:_______________ X $262.50 = $________________________
                                                                                               location for each age group you
                                                                                                        are registering.
  TEEN CAMP (Grades 6 – 8)                                           WebTrac#: 312102
  Children currently in 6 – 8 grades, with a maximum age of 14, at the time of registration.
                                                                                               If registering multiple children, write
  Camper’s Name/s:___________________________________________________________                  their names next to the site.
  Residents: 1st Child:_________________________$350 = $________________________
  # of additional children:_______________ X $262.50 = $________________________
  Session 1 Summer Camp Total: = $________________________                                     SUMMER
                                                                                               CAMP (Grades K – 5)
                                                                                               ____________ Gaines Park
  DAY CAMP (Grades K* – 5)                                           WebTrac#: 312102
                                                                                               ____________ South Olive Park
  Session 2:          July 5 – July 29 (No Camp on July 4)
  *Children currently in Kindergarten must provide current report card.
  Camper’s Name/s:___________________________________________________________                  TEEN
  Residents: 1st Child:_________________________$350 = $________________________               CAMP (Grades 6 – 8)
  # of additional children:_______________ X $262.50 = $________________________
                                                                                               ____________ GainesPark
  TEEN CAMP (Grades 6 – 8)                                           WebTrac#: 312102          ____________ Vedado Park
  Children currently in 6 – 8 grades, with a maximum age of 14, at the time of registration.
  Camper’s Name/s:___________________________________________________________
  Residents: 1st Child:_________________________$350 = $________________________
  # of additional children:_______________ X $262.50 = $________________________
  Session 2 Summer Camp Total: = $________________________

  Swim Lessons June 13 – July 21                           WebTrac#: 314135
  Swim lessons are available for children that attend both sessions of the City
  of West Palm Beach Summer Camp program, grades K – 5. Lessons are
  held during your child’s weekly visit to the Aquatic Center. Children will be
  placed in levels according to their swimming ability assessed on their first
  visit to the pool.
  Camper’s Name/s:___________________________________________________________
  # of children:_______________________________ x $35 = $________________________
  Swim Lessons Total                                 = $________________________

                                             IMPORTANT: RETURN THIS PAGE

                                          CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 13 - parks.wpb.org
Resident Only Payment Worksheet
City of West Palm Beach Department of Parks & Recreation

please print clearly

                                                 Total Day Camp
                  Total camp fees Session 1, 2 and Swim Lessons:            = $__________________________________
                  Annual per family Registration Fee:                       =$                            25.00
                  First Payment Amount Enclosed: (minimum 50%)              = $__________________________________
                  Final Balance Payment Due by May 6, 2022:                 = $__________________________________

                   A minimum payment of 50% of your total Summer Camp registration fees must be enclosed with:
                                               a) Registration form for each child
                                               b) Payment Worksheet
                                               c) Proof of Residency

      You are responsible for ensuring summer camp payment is paid in full by May 6, 2022.
Proof of City of West Palm Beach Resident is required. This means a water bill from the City of West Palm Beach or a letter from your
condominium or landlord stating that they pay the water bill and that you reside at the address on your application.

     Resident Registration                                                       ONLINE REGISTRATION
              begins March 1, 2022                                             Enrollment is available online at parks.wpb.org
                                                                                       beginning March 1, 2022.
            Resident Registration Forms                                     The annual $25 registration fee must be paid prior to
           cannot be postmarked prior to                                     camp enrollment at your nearest community center.
                  March 1, 2022.
         Envelopes with a postmark prior to                                           Registration is
        March 1, 2022 will not be processed.                                     first come, first served
           No priority or special delivery
                  will be accepted.                                                      Walk-ins
                                                                                  will only be accepted after April 1, 2022.

                         Mail Day Camp registration forms, payment worksheet and payment to:
                                           City of West Palm Beach, CityFun 2022
                                      1302 Parker Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

                                               METHOD OF PAYMENT:
                                                        Please Print Clearly
                               Check/Money Orders: payable to City of West Palm Beach
                            Credit Card Payments: Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ American Express ❑

Card Number:______________/______________/_____________/_____________Expiration Date:__________/__________CVV:	�������������������
Name on Card:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone Number:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                      IMPORTANT: RETURN THIS PAGE

                                   CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 14 - parks.wpb.org
Non-Resident Only Payment Worksheet
City of West Palm Beach Department of Parks & Recreation

please print clearly

  DAY CAMP (Grades K* – 5)                                            WebTrac#: 312102
  Session 1:          June 6 – July 1 (No Camp June 20)
  *Children currently in Kindergarten must provide current report card.
  Camper’s Name/s:___________________________________________________________
  # of children:______________________________ x $576 = $________________________
                                                                                                      VERY IMPORTANT
                                                                                                Select your top three (3) sites.
                                                                                                  Mark 1, 2, and 3 next to the
  TEEN CAMP Grades 6 – 8)                                             WebTrac#: 312102
                                                                                               location for each age group you
  Children currently in 6 – 8 grades, with a maximum age of 14, at the time of registration.
                                                                                                 are registering. If registering
  Camper’s Name/s:___________________________________________________________                    multiple children, write their
  # of children:_____________________________ x $576 = $________________________                    names next to the site.
  Session 1 Summer Camp Total: = $________________________
                                                                                               CAMP (Grades K – 5)
  DAY CAMP (Grades K* – 5)                                            WebTrac#: 312102         ____________ Gaines Park
  Session 2:           July 5 – July 29 (No Camp on July 4)                                    ____________ South Olive Park
  *Children currently in Kindergarten must provide current report card.
  Camper’s Name/s:___________________________________________________________
  # of children:_____________________________ x $576 = $________________________               TEEN
  TEEN CAMP (Grades 6 – 8)                                            WebTrac#: 312102
                                                                                               CAMP (Grades 6 – 8)
  Children currently in 6 – 8 grades, with a maximum age of 14, at the time of registration.   ____________ GainesPark
  Camper’s Name/s:___________________________________________________________                  ____________ Vedado Park
  # of children:_____________________________ x $576 = $________________________
  Session 2 Summer Camp Total: = $________________________

  SWIM LESSONS June 13 – July 21                            WebTrac#: 314135
  Swim lessons are available for children that attend both sessions of the City
  of West Palm Beach Summer Camp program, grades K – 5. Lessons are held
  during your child’s weekly visit to the Aquatic Center. Children will be placed
  in levels according to their swimming ability assessed on their first visit to
  the pool.
  Camper’s Name/s:___________________________________________________________
  # of children:_______________________________ x $35 = $________________________
  Swim Lessons Total                                 = $________________________

                                             IMPORTANT: RETURN THIS PAGE

                                          CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 15 - parks.wpb.org
Non-Resident Only Payment Worksheet
City of West Palm Beach Department of Parks & Recreation

please print clearly

                                                 Total Day Camp
                  Total camp fees Session 1, 2 and Swim Lessons:            = $__________________________________
                  Annual per family Registration Fee:                       =$                            25.00
                  First Payment Amount Enclosed: (minimum 50%)              = $__________________________________
                  Final Balance Payment Due by May 6, 2022:                 = $__________________________________

                   A minimum payment of 50% of your total Summer Camp registration fees must be enclosed with:
                                               a) Registration form for each child
                                               b) Payment Worksheet

      You are responsible for ensuring summer camp payment is paid in full by May 6, 2022.

Non-Resident Registration                                                        ONLINE REGISTRATION
               begins April 1, 2022                                Enrollment is available online at parks.wpb.org beginning April 1, 2022.
                                                                  The annual $25 registration fee must be paid prior to camp enrollment at
          Envelopes with a postmark prior to                                           your nearest community center.
          April 1, 2022 will not be processed

         Registration is                                                                      Walk-ins
                                                                                  will only be accepted after April 1, 2022.
    first come, first served.
                         Mail Day Camp registration forms, payment worksheet and payment to:
                                           City of West Palm Beach, CityFun 2022
                                      1302 Parker Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

                                                METHOD OF PAYMENT:
                                                        Please Print Clearly
                               Check/Money Orders: payable to City of West Palm Beach
                            Credit Card Payments: Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ American Express ❑

Card Number:______________/______________/_____________/_____________Expiration Date:__________/__________CVV:	������������������

Name on Card:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone Number:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                      IMPORTANT: RETURN THIS PAGE
                                   CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 16 - parks.wpb.org
Sports/Specialty Payment Worksheet
City of West Palm Beach Department of Parks & Recreation
please print clearly
                                               # of                        Non Res.        Total Camp
                                             Children                        Fee               Fee
May 31 – June 3
Ballet/Jazz/Hip-Hop Dance Camp 311128                   x    $125     or     $175     =$                Name/s:
Counselor in Training (CIT) 311970                      x    $100     or     $125     =$                Name/s:
Skater Quest Camp 316203                                x    $120     or     $180     =$                Name/s:
Sunshine Explorers 312102                               x    $120     or     $180     =$                Name/s:
June 6 – June 10
Elite Soccer Academy Camp Half Day 311134               x     $65     or     $75      =$                Name/s:
Elite Soccer Academy Camp Full Day 311134               x     $80     or     $90      =$                Name/s:
Sk8board Camp 316203                                    x     $50     or     $70      =$                Name/s:
June 13 – June 17
Elite Soccer Academy Camp Half Day 311134               x     $65     or     $75      =$                Name/s:
Elite Soccer Academy Camp Full Day 311134               x     $80     or     $90      =$                Name/s:
Fishing Camp 311110                                     x     $65     or     $75      =$                Name/s:
Sk8board Camp 316203                                    x     $50     or     $70      =$                Name/s:
June 21 – June 24
Elite Soccer Academy Camp Half Day 311134               x     $65     or     $75      =$                Name/s:
Elite Soccer Academy Camp Full Day 311134               x     $80     or     $90      =$                Name/s:
Sk8board Camp 316203                                    x     $50     or     $70      =$                Name/s:
June 27 - July 1
Elite Soccer Academy Camp Half Day 311134               x     $65     or     $75      =$                Name/s:
Elite Soccer Academy Camp Full Day 311134               x     $80     or     $90      =$                Name/s:
Sk8board Camp 316203                                    x     $50     or     $70      =$                Name/s:
July 11 - July 15
Sk8board Camp 316203                                    x     $50     or     $70      =$                Name/s:
July 18 - July 22
Sk8board Camp 316203                                    x     $50     or     $70      =$                Name/s:
July 25 - July 29
Sk8board Camp 316203                                    x     $50     or     $70      =$                Name/s:
August 1 - August 5
Fishing Camp 311110                                     x     $65     or     $75      =$                Name/s:
Kindergarten Bootcamp
Session 1 (June 7 - June 30) 372102                     x    $240     or     $300     =$                Name/s:
Session 2 (July 5 - July 28) 372102                     x    $240     or     $300     =$                Name/s:
Preschool Summer Camp
Session 1 (June 7 - June 30) 372102                     x    $360     or     $450     =$                Name/s:
Session 2 (July 5 - July 28) 372102                     x    $360     or     $450     =$                Name/s:
Franklin Sailing Camps
Beginner (June 6 - June 10) 311122                      x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Beginner (June 13 - June 17) 311122                     x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Beginner (June 20 - June 24) 311122                     x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Beginner (June 27 - July 1) 311122                      x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Beginner (July 18 - July 22) 311122                     x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Beginner (July 25 - July 29) 311122                     x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Intermediate (June 6 - June 10) 311123                  x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Intermediate (June 13 - June 17) 311123                 x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Intermediate (June 20 - June 24) 311123                 x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Intermediate (June 27 - July 1) 311123                  x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Intermediate (July 18 - July 22) 311123                 x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Intermediate (July 25 - July 29) 311123                 x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Advanced (June 6 - June 10) 311124                      x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Advanced (June 13 - June 17) 311124                     x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Advanced (June 20 - June 24) 311124                     x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Advanced (June 27 - July 1) 311124                      x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Advanced (July 18 - July 22) 311124                     x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:
Advanced (July 25 - July 29) 311124                     x    $125     or     $150     =$                Name/s:

                                          IMPORTANT: RETURN THIS PAGE
                                      CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 17 - parks.wpb.org
Sports/Specialty Payment Worksheet
City of West Palm Beach Department of Parks & Recreation

please print clearly

                              Total Sports & Specialty Camp
                  Specialty Camps                                           = $__________________________________
                  Sailing Camps                                             = $__________________________________
                  Per Family Annual Registration Fee                        =$                            25.00
                  Total Enclosed                                            = $__________________________________

                                              100% Payment must be made in full.

                                                           IF RESIDENT
Proof of City of West Palm Beach Resident is required. This means a water bill from the City of West Palm Beach or a letter from your
condominium or landlord stating that they pay the water bill and that you reside at the address on your application.

     Resident Registration                                                       ONLINE REGISTRATION
              begins March 1, 2022                                            Enrollment is available online at parks.wpb.org.
                                                                           The annual $25 registration fee must be paid prior to
                                                                            camp enrollment at your nearest community center.
 Non-Resident Registration
               begins April 1, 2022
    Envelopes with a postmark prior to appropriate                               will only be accepted after April 1, 2022.
             dates will not be processed.
                                                                            Registration is first come,
                                                                                   first served.
                         Mail Day Camp registration forms, payment worksheet and payment to:
                                           City of West Palm Beach, CityFun 2022
                                      1302 Parker Avenue, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

                                               METHOD OF PAYMENT:
                                                        Please Print Clearly
                               Check/Money Orders: payable to City of West Palm Beach
                            Credit Card Payments: Visa ❑ MasterCard ❑ American Express ❑

Card Number:______________/______________/_____________/_____________Expiration Date:__________/__________CVV:__________

Name on Card:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Phone Number:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                      IMPORTANT: RETURN THIS PAGE
                                    CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 18 - parks.wpb.org
Day Camp Registration Form 2022
City of West Palm Beach Department of Parks & Recreation

Registration Form | One Form per Child please print clearly
Child’s Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sex: M ❑ F ❑
Date of Birth:_________________________________________________________________ Age (As of June 6, 2022):_____________________________________
School Currently Enrolled in:__________________________________________________ Grade Presently In:____________________________________________
Child’s Home Address:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Primary Guardian:____________________________________________________________ Secondary Guardian:___________________________________________
Cell Phone #:_________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone #:__________________________________________________
Work Phone #:________________________________________________________________ Work Phone #:_________________________________________________
Home Phone #:_______________________________________________________________ Home Phone #:________________________________________________
Email:________________________________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________
In case of emergency, call:____________________________________________________ at______________________________________________________________
Will anyone other than you pick up the child? Yes ❑            No ❑
If yes, please identify:________________________________________________________ Relation:_______________________________________________________
Child’s T-shirt Size: Youth S ❑ Youth M ❑ Youth L ❑ Adult S ❑ Adult M ❑ Adult L ❑ Adult XL ❑
Does your child have special needs? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, indicate disability or diagnosis:________________________________________________
Does your child currently have an IEP or 504 plans? Yes ❑          No ❑
Does your child take any medications? Yes ❑           No ❑ If yes, list medications:_________________________________________________________
Does your child have any allergies? Yes ❑         No ❑ If yes, list allergies:__________________________________________________________________


I hereby declare that I am the parent/guardian of __________________________________________________________________and give my consent for
his/her participation in all activities at the 2022 CityFun Day Camp Program. In consideration of my child being permitted to participate in
this program, I hereby release, waive and discharge the City of West Palm Beach, its agents, employees and volunteers from all liability for
all injury, loss or damage, and any claim of damage to the person or property of my child during his/her participation. It is understood that
my child/ren may be photographed during the course of this program and the photographs may be used in official City of West Palm Beach
publications. It is further understood that any false information provided for in this registration form will be cause for immediate termination
based on participation safety and ratios. A service fee of $20 per child will be deducted from your refund if cancellation of your registration is
made. No cancellations will be accepted after May 31, 2022.

                                                            Signature of Parent/Guardian - date

    In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), persons in need of special accommodations to participate in the proceeding shall, within three business days prior to any
           proceeding, contact the West Palm Beach Department of Parks and Recreation at 401 Clematis Street, W.P.B., FL 33401, or call (561) 804-4900 (TTY 800-955-8771).

                                                                             OFFICE USE ONLY
1ST Payment Receipt #:__________________ Date:_______ /_______ /_______ Check #:______________Credit: Amount Paid: $_______________ Staff Initials:_____________
2nd Payment Receipt #:__________________ Date:_______ /_______ /_______ Check #:______________Credit: Amount Paid: $_______________ Staff Initials:_____________
Site Location:________________________________________________________________________________________ Camp: ❑ K - 5 ❑ Teen | Session: ❑ 1 ❑ 2

                                                  IMPORTANT: RETURN THIS FORM
                                              CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 19 - parks.wpb.org
Day Camp Registration Form 2022
City of West Palm Beach Department of Parks & Recreation

Registration Form | One Form per Child please print clearly
Child’s Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sex: M ❑ F ❑
Date of Birth:_________________________________________________________________ Age (As of June 6, 2022):_____________________________________
School Currently Enrolled in:__________________________________________________ Grade Presently In:____________________________________________
Child’s Home Address:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Primary Guardian:____________________________________________________________ Secondary Guardian:___________________________________________
Cell Phone #:_________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone #:__________________________________________________
Work Phone #:________________________________________________________________ Work Phone #:_________________________________________________
Home Phone #:_______________________________________________________________ Home Phone #:________________________________________________
Email:________________________________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________
In case of emergency, call:____________________________________________________ at______________________________________________________________
Will anyone other than you pick up the child? Yes ❑            No ❑
If yes, please identify:________________________________________________________ Relation:_______________________________________________________
Child’s T-shirt Size: Youth S ❑ Youth M ❑ Youth L ❑ Adult S ❑ Adult M ❑ Adult L ❑ Adult XL ❑
Does your child have special needs? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, indicate disability or diagnosis:________________________________________________
Does your child currently have an IEP or 504 plans? Yes ❑          No ❑
Does your child take any medications? Yes ❑           No ❑ If yes, list medications:_________________________________________________________
Does your child have any allergies? Yes ❑         No ❑ If yes, list allergies:__________________________________________________________________


I hereby declare that I am the parent/guardian of __________________________________________________________________and give my consent for
his/her participation in all activities at the 2022 CityFun Day Camp Program. In consideration of my child being permitted to participate in
this program, I hereby release, waive and discharge the City of West Palm Beach, its agents, employees and volunteers from all liability for
all injury, loss or damage, and any claim of damage to the person or property of my child during his/her participation. It is understood that
my child/ren may be photographed during the course of this program and the photographs may be used in official City of West Palm Beach
publications. It is further understood that any false information provided for in this registration form will be cause for immediate termination
based on participation safety and ratios. A service fee of $20 per child will be deducted from your refund if cancellation of your registration is
made. No cancellations will be accepted after May 31, 2022.

                                                            Signature of Parent/Guardian - date

    In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), persons in need of special accommodations to participate in the proceeding shall, within three business days prior to any
           proceeding, contact the West Palm Beach Department of Parks and Recreation at 401 Clematis Street, W.P.B., FL 33401, or call (561) 804-4900 (TTY 800-955-8771).

                                                                             OFFICE USE ONLY
1ST Payment Receipt #:__________________ Date:_______ /_______ /_______ Check #:______________Credit: Amount Paid: $_______________ Staff Initials:_____________
2nd Payment Receipt #:__________________ Date:_______ /_______ /_______ Check #:______________Credit: Amount Paid: $_______________ Staff Initials:_____________
Site Location:________________________________________________________________________________________ Camp: ❑ K - 5 ❑ Teen | Session: ❑ 1 ❑ 2

                                                  IMPORTANT: RETURN THIS FORM
                                              CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 21 - parks.wpb.org
Sports / Specialty Camp
Registration Form 2022
City of West Palm Beach Department of Parks & Recreation
Registration Form | One Form per Child please print clearly
Child’s Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sex: M ❑ F ❑
Date of Birth:_________________________________________________________________ Age (As of June 6, 2022):_____________________________________
School Currently Enrolled in:__________________________________________________ Grade Presently In:____________________________________________
Child’s Home Address:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Primary Guardian:____________________________________________________________ Secondary Guardian:___________________________________________
Cell Phone #:_________________________________________________________________ Cell Phone #:__________________________________________________
Work Phone #:________________________________________________________________ Work Phone #:_________________________________________________
Home Phone #:_______________________________________________________________ Home Phone #:________________________________________________
Email:________________________________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________
In case of emergency, call:____________________________________________________ at______________________________________________________________
Will anyone other than you pick up the child? Yes ❑            No ❑
If yes, please identify:________________________________________________________ Relation:_______________________________________________________
Does your child have special needs? Yes ❑ No ❑ If yes, indicate disability or diagnosis:________________________________________________
Does your child currently have an IEP or 504 plans? Yes ❑          No ❑
Does your child take any medications? Yes ❑           No ❑ If yes, list medications:_________________________________________________________
Does your child have any allergies? Yes ❑         No ❑ If yes, list allergies:__________________________________________________________________


I hereby declare that I am the parent/guardian of __________________________________________________________________and give my consent for
his/her participation in all activities at the 2022 CityFun Day Camp Program. In consideration of my child being permitted to participate in
this program, I hereby release, waive and discharge the City of West Palm Beach, its agents, employees and volunteers from all liability for
all injury, loss or damage, and any claim of damage to the person or property of my child during his/her participation. It is understood that
my child/ren may be photographed during the course of this program and the photographs may be used in official City of West Palm Beach
publications. It is further understood that any false information provided for in this registration form will be cause for immediate termination
based on participation safety and ratios. A service fee of $20 per child will be deducted from your refund if cancellation of your registration is
made. No cancellations will be accepted 7 days prior to program start date..

                                                            Signature of Parent/Guardian - date

    In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), persons in need of special accommodations to participate in the proceeding shall, within three business days prior to any
           proceeding, contact the West Palm Beach Department of Parks and Recreation at 401 Clematis Street, W.P.B., FL 33401, or call (561) 804-4900 (TTY 800-955-8771).

                                                                             OFFICE USE ONLY
1ST Payment Receipt #:__________________ Date:_______ /_______ /_______ Check #:______________Credit: Amount Paid: $_______________ Staff Initials:_____________
2nd Payment Receipt #:__________________ Date:_______ /_______ /_______ Check #:______________Credit: Amount Paid: $_______________ Staff Initials:_____________
Site Location:________________________________________________________________________________________ Camp: ❑ K - 5 ❑ Teen | Session: ❑ 1 ❑ 2

                                                  IMPORTANT: RETURN THIS FORM
                                              CityFun Summer Camp 2022 - 23 - parks.wpb.org


           Return all forms to:
City of West Palm Beach, CityFun 2022
          1302 Parker Avenue
      West Palm Beach, FL 33401
            (561) 804-4900
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