2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information, Missouri Department of Conservation

Page created by Nancy Ruiz
2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information, Missouri Department of Conservation
2022 Spring Turkey Hunting
                    Regulations and Information, Missouri
                    Department of Conservation
2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information, Missouri Department of Conservation
Table of Contents
Seasons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3   What’s New for 2022?
Hunter-Education Requirement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3                            ◾ Turkey hunting regulations have changed for several
                                                                                                                     conservation areas. See pages 8–15.
General Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4               ◾ New managed hunts have been added and others
Permit Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5               have been removed or modified. See Page 16.
Sunrise Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Landowner Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Apprentice Hunter Authorization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
                                                                                                                   Note: According to rule 3 CSR 10-5.216 of the Wildlife
Turkey Hunting Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7                   Code of Missouri, if you have been convicted of multiple
Turkey Hunting Regulations on Department Areas . . . . . . . . . . 8                                               or major violations of the Code in the past five years, the
                                                                                                                   Conservation Commission may consider suspending
Managed Hunts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
                                                                                                                   or revoking your hunting, trapping, and/or fishing
How to Tell a Gobbler from a Hen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18                            privileges regardless of any previous court action.
Rules for Safe Turkey Hunting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18                       The point system the Commission uses to assess Code
                                                                                                                   violations is explained at short.mdc.mo.gov/Zg5.
Feral Hogs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Tagging and Checking  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
How to use Telecheck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Wildlife Code of Missouri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22                 Support
                                                                                                                   Getting a daily dose of
                                                                                                                   nature nurtures our bodies
                                                                                                                   and minds. The Missouri
                                                                                                                   Conservation Heritage
                                                                                                                   Foundation is a nonprofit
                                                                                                                   founded to preserve and
                                                                                                                   conserve our state’s
                                                                                                                   beautiful places — for us
                   Director, Department of Conservation                                                            and for future generations.
                               Sara Parker Pauley                                                                  From supporting youth
                                                                                                                   and veteran hunting and fishing events to wildlife
                       The Conservation Commission
                                                                                                                   habitat improvements, we need your help to do more.
                            Margaret F. Eckelkamp
                                                                                                                   Learn more and donate today at mochf.org or
                               Steven D. Harrison
                                                                                                                   call 800-227-1488. Thanks for helping us keep
                                Mark L. McHenry
                                                                                                                   Missouri’s natural resources special!
                            Wm. L. (Barry) Orscheln
                   Missouri Department of Conservation
                                  PO Box 180
                        Jefferson City, MO 65102-0180
                                 mdc.mo.gov                                                                        Sharpen Your Shooting Skills
Equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from programs of the Missouri                                      Regardless of your skill level, you can become a safer,
Department of Conservation is available to all individuals without regard to their race,                           more accurate shooter by practicing at a shooting range
color, religion, national origin, sex, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, veteran status,                          before hunting season. The Conservation Department
or disability. Questions should be directed to the Department of Conservation, PO Box                              offers five fully staffed shooting ranges and many addi-
180, Jefferson City, MO 65102, 573-751-4115 (voice) or 800-735-2966 (TTY), or to                                   tional unstaffed ranges. To find one, aim your browser at
Chief, Public Civil Rights, Office of Civil Rights, U.S. Department of the Interior, 1849 C                        mdc.mo.gov/shootingranges.
Street, NW, Washington, D.C. 20240.
2     2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information
2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information, Missouri Department of Conservation
Turkey Seasons

Youth Spring Turkey Hunting Season
Who May Participate: Youth hunters who are age 6–15 on
                                                                 Hunter-­Education ­Requirement
opening day                                                      All hunters born on or after Jan. 1, 1967, and hunting
Season Dates: April 9–10, 2022                                   with a Resident or Nonresident Spring Turkey Hunting
                                                                 Permit must complete an approved hunter-­education
Shooting Hours: 1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset Central
                                                                 program and display their certification card before they
Daylight Time
                                                                 can purchase a firearms turkey hunting permit unless:
Valid Permits:                                                   ◾ They first purchase an Apprentice Hunter Authoriza-
◾ Resident Spring Turkey Hunting Permit                             tion. See Page 6 for requirements.
◾ Resident Landowner Spring Turkey Hunting Permit                ◾ They are ages 6–15 and will be hunting with a quali-
◾ Nonresident Spring Turkey Hunting Permit                          fied mentor. See Page 5.
                                                                 ◾ They have a developmental disability. See rule 3 CSR
Note: Landowner permits are valid only on the land for which
                                                                    10-5.205 of the Wildlife Code of Missouri.
they are issued. See Page 6 for additional information.
                                                                     Hunters do not need to show their hunter-­education
Youth Season Limit: One male turkey or turkey with a             card if certification can be verified online. If this is
visible beard.                                                   not possible, some hunters will need to contact the
Note: Youth hunters who take a turkey during youth season        Conservation Department to provide proof of hunter-­
may not harvest a second bird until April 25. This is because    education certification. Once in Missouri’s permit
the bird taken during the youth ­season counts as the bird for   database, hunters won’t have to submit this informa-
the first week of the regular season.                            tion again.
                                                                     A person must be at least 11 years old to receive
                                                                 hunter-­education certification in Missouri. Hunters
Regular Spring Turkey                                            using a Resident Landowner Spring Turkey Hunting
Hunting Season                                                   Permit are exempt from the hunter-­education require-
                                                                 ment unless they were born on or after Jan. 1, 1967,
Season Dates: April 18–May 8, 2022                               and are mentoring a firearms hunter who is not hunter-­
Shooting Hours: 1/2 hour before sunrise to 1 p.m. Central        education certified.
Daylight Time                                                        For more information or to find a hunter-­education
Valid Permits:                                                   class in your area, visit mdc.mo.gov/huntereducation.
◾ Resident Spring Turkey Hunting Permit
◾ Resident Landowner Spring Turkey Hunting Permit
◾ Nonresident Spring Turkey Hunting Permit
◾ Nonresident Landowner Spring Turkey Hunting Permit
Season Limit: Two male turkeys or turkeys with a
visible beard may be taken ­during the season, with the
following restrictions:
◾ You may take only one turkey during the first week from
   April 18–24.
◾ If you do not take a turkey during the first week, then
   you may take two during the second or third week from
   April 25–May 8, but you may not take them both on the
   same day.
Note: If you harvest a turkey during a managed hunt, it
counts toward your two-bird season limit. See pages 16–17.

  Notch your permit immediately                                                    OPERATION GAME THIEF
  and Telecheck your turkey by                                                 Remain Anonymous; Reward Possible
  10 p.m. on the day it is taken.                                                    Dial toll free 800-392-1111

                                                                          2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information 3
2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information, Missouri Department of Conservation
General Information

          ild turkeys may be pursued, taken, killed,
          possessed, or transported only as outlined in              MDC’s MO Hunting App Makes
          this booklet. For complete hunting regulations,            Permits Easy
refer to the Wildlife Code of Missouri, available at
                                                                     The Conservation Department’s free MO
                                                                     Hunting app offers a quick, easy, and
The following methods are allowed:                                   convenient option for carrying your
◾ Shotguns with shot not larger than No. 4                           permits afield, voiding a permit after
◾ Longbows, recurve bows, or compound bows. Hand-held                harvesting a turkey, and Telechecking
  string-releasing devices, illuminated sights, scopes, and          your harvest.
  quickpoint sights are allowed.                                       The app, which is available for Apple and Android
◾ Crossbows                                                          devices, allows you to:
◾ Atlatls                                                            ◾ Purchase permits.
                                                                     ◾ See all the hunting, fishing, and trapping permits you
The following methods are prohibited:
                                                                       have purchased — even if they were purchased from
◾ Shotguns capable of holding more than 3 shells in
                                                                       a traditional vendor, online, or by telephone.
  ­magazine and chamber combined
                                                                     ◾ Carry valid, electronic permits afield.
◾ Shot larger than No. 4 (in use or in possession)
                                                                     ◾ Electronically “notch” (void) your turkey permits
◾ Rifles and handguns
                                                                       directly from the app.
◾ Firearms that propel a single projectile at one discharge
                                                                     ◾ Telecheck your turkey, using an easy-to-fill form.
◾ Any sighting device that casts a beam of light on the game
                                                                       Telecheck will upload a confirmation number to the
◾ Thermal imagery equipment or night vision equipment (in
                                                                       app. You can also see turkeys and deer you have
   use or in possession)
                                                                       Telechecked in the past. Note: Wildlife labeling
◾ Recorded calls (in use or in possession)
                                                                       requirements still apply. See Page 20.
◾ Use of dogs or live decoys
◾ Flood-prone areas in southeast Missouri are closed to all          To log in to MO Hunting, you’ll need your Conservation
   hunting during spring turkey season when river levels             Number. This nine-digit number can be found on your
   exceed certain limits on local river gauges. To see if an area    Heritage Card, Conservation Permit Card, or any current
   is closed for hunting, visit mdc.mo.gov/semofloods.               or previous permit. For help locating your Conservation
◾ Use of bait, which includes grain or other feed placed or          Number, call 573-522-0107 during regular business
   scattered so as to attract turkeys. An area is considered         hours or go to short.mdc.mo.gov/ZkH.
   baited for 10 days after complete removal of the bait. A             MO Hunting is available for free in the Google Play
   hunter can be in violation if they take or attempt to take a      and Apple App stores. You can also get MO Hunting and
   turkey by aid of bait where the hunter knows or reasonably        learn more about the app at short.mdc.mo.gov/Zi2.
   should know the area is or was baited. It is illegal to place        Note: Make sure you update MO Hunting before
   bait in a way that causes others to be in violation of the        each hunting season to ensure you are using the most
   baiting rule.                                                     recent version of the app and that all of your permits
Voiding the Permit: If you harvest a turkey, you must notch          are visible while hunting.
your permit immediately. See Page 20.
Tagging and Checking: See pages 20–21 for tagging and
checking requirements.
                                                                     Coyotes may not be
Additional Information:                                              chased, pursued, or
◾ If you kill or injure a turkey, you must make a reasonable         taken during daylight
  effort to retrieve and include it in your season limit, but this   hours from April 1–17,
  does not authorize trespass.                                       2022. During the regular
◾ It is a violation to wantonly leave, abandon, or waste com-        spring turkey season,
  monly edible portions of game.                                     coyotes may be taken
◾ During the regular spring turkey season, anyone assisting          only from one-half hour
  another hunter must be properly licensed with either a             before sunrise to 1 p.m.
  filled or unfilled spring turkey hunting permit.                   and using only legal spring turkey hunting methods
◾ During youth turkey season, you do not need a permit to            by hunters holding an unfilled spring turkey hunting
  assist a properly licensed youth hunter. You must, how-            permit and a Resident Small Game Hunting Permit or a
  ever, be 18 or older and hunter-­education certified or born       Nonresident Furbearer Hunting and Trapping Permit.
  before Jan. 1, 1967.

4   2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information
2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information, Missouri Department of Conservation
Spring Turkey Permits                                                                                             SUNRISE AT ­JEFFERSON CITY, MO.
                                                                                                                         Central Daylight Time
Resident Spring Turkey ­Hunting Permit                                                                      		 SUNRISE SUNSET                            		SUNRISE
                                                                                                             DAY          A.M.              P.M.          DAY          A.M.
  Age 16 or older  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $17
                                                                                                            APRIL                                        APRIL
  Age 6–15  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50        9 . . . . . 6:41 . . . . . . 7:40           28 . . . . . 6:15
Resident Landowner                                                                                            10 . . . . . 6:40 . . . . . . 7:41           29 . . . . . 6:14
  Spring Turkey Hunting Permit . . . . . . . No cost; see Page 6                                              18 . . . . . 6:28                            30 . . . . . 6:13
                                                                                                              19 . . . . . 6:27                           MAY
Nonresident Spring Turkey Hunting Permit                                                                      20 . . . . . 6:26                             1 . . . . . 6:11
  Age 16 or older  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $224           21 . . . . . 6:24                             2 . . . . . 6:10
  Age 6–15  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.50       22 . . . . . 6:23                             3 . . . . . 6:09
                                                                                                              23 . . . . . 6:21                             4 . . . . . 6:08
Nonresident Landowner Spring Turkey                                                                           24 . . . . . 6:20                             5 . . . . . 6:07
  Hunting Permit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $165               25 . . . . . 6:19                             6 . . . . . 6:06
Available to nonresidents who own at least 75 acres in one                                                    26 . . . . . 6:18                             7 . . . . . 6:05
contiguous tract in Missouri and members of the landowner’s                                                   27 . . . . . 6:16                             8 . . . . . 6:04
immediate household. See Page 6 for details.                                                                This table is for ­Jefferson City and points on the same longitude
                                                                                                            north or south. For locations east, subtract one minute from the
Note: Youth age 6–15 are not required to be hunter-­                                                        table for each 13 1/2 miles (airline) of ­distance. For ­locations west,
education certified. If the youth is hunter-­education certi-                                               add one minute for each 13 1/2 miles.
fied and hunting on a resident or nonresident spring turkey
permit, he or she may hunt alone. If the youth is not hunter-­                                            ◾ Any member of the U.S. military currently assigned as a
education certified, he or she must be in the immediate pres-                                               patient to a Warrior Transition Brigade, Warrior Transition
ence of a mentor, age 18 or older, who is hunter-­education                                                 Unit, or a military medical center; must carry orders show-
certified or born before Jan. 1, 1967. The mentor does not                                                  ing such assignment while hunting and purchasing permits.
need a permit during the youth turkey season but must pos-                                                ◾ Nonresidents who are registered students attending a
sess a spring turkey hunting permit (filled or unfilled) during                                             public or private secondary, postsecondary, or vocational
the regular season. Mentors may not hunt turkeys during the                                                 school in Missouri and who live in Missouri while attending
youth season.                                                                                               school; must carry evidence of a Missouri residence and
   Regardless of age, the youth must be capable of holding,                                                 student status, such as a student ID, while hunting.
aiming, and shooting the firearm by himself or herself.                                                     Note: Nonresident students who qualify for resident
   Resident land­owners born after Jan. 1, 1967,                                                            permits must purchase them in person, over the phone, or
accompanying youths on the landowner’s property must be                                                     through the mail from Conservation Department offices.
hunter-­education certified.                                                                              ◾ Immigrants who possess an I-551 Resident Alien Card from
                                                                                                            the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service and who
Who may purchase resident permits?                                                                          do not claim resident privileges in another state or country,
◾ Any person who does not claim resident privileges in                                                      and whose actual residence and legal permanent home
  another state or country, and whose actual residence and                                                  address are both in Missouri, and have been for at least 30
  legal permanent home address are both in Missouri, and                                                    days before purchasing a permit.
  have been for at least 30 days before applying for the per-
  mit. Owning real estate or attending a Missouri school does                                             Purchasing Permits
  not in itself make you a legal resident.                                                                You may purchase turkey hunting permits:
◾ Missouri residents employed by the United States in the                                                 ◾ Over the counter from any permit vendor. No surcharges
  District of Columbia or serving in the U.S. armed forces.                                                 will be assessed.
  (Immediate family members who reside with them also                                                     ◾ Online at mdc.mo.gov/buypermits. Use your credit card
  may purchase resident permits.)                                                                           to pay. No surcharges will be assessed. Print your permit at
◾ All members of the U.S. armed forces stationed and resid-                                                 home and have it in hand immediately.
  ing in Missouri on permanent change-of-station status and                                               ◾ From your smartphone using the free MO Hunting app (see
  immediate family members residing with them.                                                              Page 4). Use your credit card to pay. No surcharges will be
◾ Any honorably discharged military veteran having a                                                        assessed. Your permit will appear on the app immediately
  service-related disability of 60 percent or greater, or who                                               after purchase.
  was a prisoner of war during military service; must carry                                               ◾ By telephone at 800-392-4115. Use your credit card and pay
  certified statement of eligibility from the U.S. Department                                               a $1 surcharge. Allow 10 days for delivery.
  of Veterans Affairs while hunting and purchasing permits.                                               Note: No-cost resident landowner permits also are available.
                                                                                                          See Page 6 for additional information.

                                                                                                                         2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information 5
2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information, Missouri Department of Conservation
Landowner Permits
All turkey hunters, including landowners, must have a valid
turkey hunting permit. Resident landowners may quailfy for            Know the Rules
no-cost resident landowner permits. Nonresident landowners            Each hunter may harvest only two turkeys during the
may quailfy for reduced-cost nonresident landowner permits.           spring season. You may not harvest additional turkeys
No-Cost Resident Landowner Permits                                    using landowner permits (either no-cost resident or
To qualify for no-cost resident landowner permits, you must           reduced-cost nonresident). All landowner permits are
be a Missouri resident. A Missouri resident is a person who           valid only on the land for which they are issued. You
does not claim any resident privileges (for example, hunt-            must purchase permits to hunt on land you do not own.
ing, fishing, trapping, driver’s license, or registered voter) in
another state or country and whose legal residence or domi-         Where to Get Landowner Permits
cile has been in the state of Missouri for at least 30 days prior
to obtaining a landowner permit.                                    Once your Landowner Permit Application has been accepted,
                                                                    you may get landowner permits using any of the following
In addition to being a Missouri resident, you                       methods:
also must meet one of the following criteria:                       ◾ Over the counter from any permit vendor. No surcharges
◾ You must own at least 20 acres in one contiguous tract.             will be assessed.
◾ You must be a member of the landowner’s immediate                 ◾ Online at mdc.mo.gov/buypermits. Print your permit at
  household and have the same legal residence as the land-            home and have it in hand immediately.
  owner for at least the last 30 days.                              ◾ From your smartphone using the free MO Hunting app (see
◾ You must be a general partner of a resident limited liability       Page 4). Your permit will appear on the app immediately
  partnership, limited partnership, or limited liability limited      after purchase.
  partnership, or a general partner of a general partnership        ◾ By telephone at 800-392-4115. Use your credit card and pay
  formed by written agreement and the partnership must                a $1 surcharge. Allow 10 days for delivery.
  own at least 20 contiguous acres.                                 Whichever method you choose, please be ready to provide
◾ You must be an officer of a resident or foreign corporation       your Conservation Number, Social Security number, or driver’s
  and the corporation must own at least 20 contiguous acres.        license number.
◾ You must be a managing member of a resident limited
  liability company and the company must own at least 20
  contiguous acres.
◾ You must be an officer of a benevolent association organized        Apprentice Hunter Authorization
  pursuant to Chapter 352 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri         To help introduce adults to hunting, the Conservation
  and the association must own at least 20 contiguous acres.          Department allows hunters age 16 or older who are
◾ You must be a settlor of a revocable trust and own at least         not hunter-­education certified to hunt with firearms, as
  20 contiguous acres.                                                long as they:
◾ You must be a permissible distributee of an irrevocable             ◾ First purchase the Apprentice Hunter Authorization
  trust and own at least 20 contiguous acres.                             for $10;
                                                                      ◾ Then purchase a firearms hunting permit for the sea-
Reduced-Cost Nonresident Landowner Permits                                son they want to hunt, for example, a Resident Spring
The Conservation Department offers reduced-cost nonresi-                  Turkey Hunting Permit; and
dent landowner permits. To qualify, you must own at least 75          ◾ Hunt in the immediate presence of a properly
acres in one contiguous tract in Missouri. You also qualify if            licensed mentor 18 years old or older who is hunter-­
you are a member of the landowner’s immediate household                   education certified or was born before Jan. 1, 1967.
whose legal residence and domicile is the same as the land-               The mentor must have a filled or unfilled permit for
owner’s for at least the last 30 days.                                    the prescribed season. “Immediate presence” means
                                                                          close enough for normal conversation, without
    Submit Property Information to Get                                    shouting.
    Landowner Permits                                                 Note: The Apprentice Hunter Authorization can be
    To get no-cost resident landowner permits or reduced-             purchased twice, and it allows the holder to obtain
    cost nonresident landowner permits, you must submit               firearms permits throughout the permit year. After the
    information about your property to the Conservation               second purchase, the apprentice hunter will be required
    Department by filling out a Landowner Permit Applica-             to become hunter-­education certified if he or she wants
    tion at mdc.mo.gov/buypermits.                                    to continue purchasing firearms permits.

6   2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information
Habitat Management is Key to Increase Turkey Numbers

                        lthough wild turkeys can be found throughout                    Missouri’s wild turkeys were no exception. Although an
                        Missouri’s diverse landscapes, turkey numbers in            increase in turkey numbers above current population levels
                        the Show-Me State have declined since their peak            is possible when good production occurs, it is unlikely turkey
                in the early-to-mid 2000s. Based on recent research, poor           numbers will ever increase to the peak populations observed
                production — not poor survival or overharvest — appears             following restoration. Wild turkey populations are dynamic,
                to be the greatest contributor to turkey population declines.       and turkey reproductive success is rarely constant from year
                Unfortunately, turkey production in Missouri and neighboring        to year. In the future, hunters should expect to see consider-
                states has exhibited a long-term downward trend and has             able fluctuations in turkey numbers. There will be periods
                been especially poor the past few years.                            when poor production reduces turkey numbers for several
                    Multiple factors influence turkey production, including         years and periods when improved production will result in
                weather, habitat, predators, and food availability. Although        more turkeys on the landscape.
                land managers cannot control the weather, they can create
                and improve turkey nesting and brood-rearing habitat. In            A Comprehensive Approach to Wild
                general, this type of cover consists of a knee-high mixture         Turkey Management
                of grasses and other herbaceous vegetation. Planting native         The mission of the Conservation Department’s Wild Turkey
                warm-season grasses in open areas and thinning woodlands            Management Program is to use science-based methods,
                are great ways to establish this type of cover. If you have spe-    including public engagement, to manage wild turkey
                cific questions about how to improve turkey habitat on your         populations throughout Missouri that provide quality hunting
                property, contact your local MDC private land conservationist.      and other recreational opportunities. A range of biological
                                                                                    information is collected annually to monitor trends in turkey
                Transitional Times                                                  production, abundance, and population age-structure. The
                Missouri’s turkey population has undergone a transition             Department has conducted a number of wild turkey research
                during the past several decades. In the 1970s and 1980s,            projects, and data from these studies provide important
                when the recently restored population was expanding rapidly,        information used to make management decisions. The
                people often reported seeing flocks of turkeys during winter        Department also surveys thousands of hunters each year to
                that numbered well into the hundreds. During that time,             learn about their opinions, success, and satisfaction.
                production was extremely high as turkeys took advantage of
                vacant, highly suitable habitat. But a basic ecological principle   Looking Ahead to the 2022 Season
                eventually caught up with Missouri’s turkeys. As wildlife           The Show-Me State still offers great turkey hunting even
                populations grow, factors that limit their size exert ever-         when numbers are down. Each year, the spring turkey harvest
                greater influence. Habitats become crowded, predators find          continues to be among the highest in the nation, and despite
                easy prey, and disease spreads more quickly. By increasing          relatively poor production the past few years, the 2022 season
                mortality, decreasing production, or doing both, each limiting      should be no exception.
                factor puts the brakes on an expanding population.

                                                                                                2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information 7
Turkey Hunting Regulations on Areas Managed
     or Owned by the Conservation Department

      his table is intended to inform hunters of opportunities             Area Name               County              1   2   3   4
      for hunting wild turkeys on public land managed or
      owned by the Conservation Department.                                Elam Bend               Gentry              ✓
   Turkey hunting is only allowed on Department areas                      Elrod Mill Access       Andrew              ✓
that are listed in the table. If an area that is owned or man-             Floyd Memorial          Chariton            ✓
aged by the Conservation Department is not listed, turkey
                                                                           Fountain Grove          Linn, ­Livingston   ✓       ✓
hunting is not allowed. For hunting opportunities on public
land that is not owned or managed by the Conservation                      Gallatin                Daviess             ✓
Department, contact the appropriate agency.                                Grand Pass              Saline              ✓       ✓
   For maps and more details of areas listed on the following
                                                                           Grand Trace             Harrison            ✓
pages, contact the regional office or visit mdc.mo.gov/atlas.
                                                                           Hadorn Bridge Access    Andrew              ✓
     Regulation key for table                                              Happy Holler Lake       Andrew              ✓
                                                                           Hardin                  Ray                 ✓
     1. Statewide turkey seasons and limits apply.
     2. Longbows, recurve bows, compound bows, atlatls, and               Helton Memorial         Harrison            ✓
         crossbows may be used. Turkey hunting with firearms               Holmes Bend Access      Daviess             ✓
         is prohibited. All other statewide turkey seasons and             Honey Creek             Andrew              ✓
        limits apply.
     3. Only nontoxic shot may be used.                                   Jamesport ­
                                                                                                   Daviess                 ✓
     4. Managed hunt. See pages 16–17 for details.                        Community Lake
                                                                           King Lake               DeKalb, Gentry      ✓
 Northwest         816-271-3100                                            Kneib Memorial          Buchanan            ✓
 Area Name                       County                1       2   3   4   Lake Paho               Mercer              ✓
 Agency                          Buchanan              ✓                   Little Compton Lake     Carroll             ✓
 Aspinwall Bend                  Atchison              ✓           ✓       Little Tarkio Prairie   Holt                ✓
 Bagley Woods1                   Mercer                ✓                   Logan Memorial          Buchanan            ✓
 Bee Creek                       Buchanan              ✓                   Lower Hamburg Bend      Atchison            ✓       ✓
 Belcher Branch Lake             Buchanan              ✓                   McClure                 Mercer              ✓
 Bilby Ranch Lake                Nodaway               ✓                   McCormack               Holt                ✓
 Bluffwoods                      Buchanan              ✓                   McGee Family            Clinton             ✓
 Bonanza                         Caldwell              ✓                   McKinny                 Carroll             ✓
 Brickyard Hill                  Atchison              ✓                   Mockingbird Hill Access Grundy              ✓
 Brown (Bob)                     Holt                  ✓           ✓       Monkey Mountain         Holt                ✓
 Bunch Hollow                    Carroll               ✓                   Mussel Fork             Linn, Macon         ✓
 Chloe Lowry Marsh               Mercer                ✓                   Nishnabotna             Atchison            ✓       ✓
 Christie                        Andrew                ✓                   Nodaway County
                                                                                                   Nodaway             ✓
 Corning                         Atchison, Holt        ✓           ✓       Community Lake
 Crooked River                   Ray                   ✓                   Nodaway Valley          Holt, Andrew        ✓       ✓
 Dalton Bottoms Access           Chariton              ✓                   O’Keefe                 Buchanan            ✓
 Davis Memorial                  Andrew                ✓                   Pawnee Prairie          Harrison            ✓
 Denton Access                   Gentry                ✓                   Pigeon Hill             Buchanan            ✓
 Deroin Bend                     Atchison, Holt        ✓           ✓       Pony Express Lake       Dekalb              ✓
 Dupree Memorial                 Buchanan              ✓                   Poosey                  Livingston          ✓
                                                                           Price Bridge Access     Chariton            ✓
 This area is landlocked. You must get permission from
                                                                           Punkin Center Access    Livingston          ✓
 landowner to gain access.
8     2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information
Area Name                  County            1   2    3   4     Area Name                      County               1    2    3    4
 Riverbreaks                Holt              ✓                  Griffiths Memorial             Macon                ✓
 Rush Bottoms               Holt              ✓        ✓         Heath Memorial                 Clark                ✓
 Schifferdecker Memorial Carroll              ✓                  Henry Sever Lake               Knox                 ✓
 Seat Memorial              Gentry, Worth     ✓                  Hidden Hollow                  Macon                ✓
 Sowards Ford Access        Worth             ✓                  Hunnewell Access               Shelby               ✓
 Star School Hill Prairie   Atchison          ✓                  Hunnewell Lake                 Shelby               ✓
  Sterling Price                                                 Indian Hills                   Scotland             ✓
                            Chariton          ✓
 ­ ommunity Lake                                                 Julian Steyermark Woods Marion                           ✓
 Sunbridge Hills            Buchanan          ✓                  LaBelle Lake                   Lewis                ✓
 Tarkio Prairie             Atchison          ✓                  Locust Creek                   Sullivan             ✓
 Thurnau                    Holt              ✓        ✓         McPike Access                  Marion               ✓
 VanDyke                    Mercer            ✓                  Mineral Hills                  Putnam               ✓
 Wagner                     Ray               ✓                  Montgomery Woods               Adair, Macon         ✓
 Wiese2                     Chariton          ✓                  Morris Prairie                 Sullivan             ✓
 Wolf Creek Bend            Holt              ✓        ✓         Mound View Access              Shelby               ✓
  Worth County                                                   Neeper                         Clark                ✓
                            Worth             ✓
 ­ ommunity Lake
                                                                 Pin Oak                        Shelby               ✓
 Worthwine Island           Andrew            ✓
                                                                 Ranacker                       Pike                 ✓
 Yellow Creek               Chariton          ✓
                                                                 Ray Memorial                   Marion                    ✓
 Northeast        660-785-2420
                                                                 Rebel’s Cove                   Putnam, Schuyler ✓
 Area Name                  County            1   2    3   4
                                                                 Redman                         Macon                ✓
 Anderson                   Ralls, Pike       ✓
                                                                 Rocky Hollow                   Monroe               ✓
 Arrow-Wood                 Shelby            ✓
                                                                 Rose Pond                      Clark                ✓         ✓
 Atlanta —
                            Macon             ✓                  Sears Community Lake           Sullivan             ✓
 Long Branch Lake
                             Macon,                              Shanks                         Pike                 ✓         ✓
 Bee Hollow                                   ✓                  Shoemaker                      Adair
                            ­ andolph                                                                                ✓
 Big Creek                  Adair             ✓                  Soulard Access                 Marion               ✓
 Black Hawk Access          Marion            ✓                  Sugar Creek                    Adair                ✓
 Bollow                     Shelby            ✓                  Sunnyside School
                                                                                                Lewis                ✓
 Callahan Mound Access Marion                                    Access
                                                                 Thomas Hill ­Reservoir         Macon                ✓
 Cedar Bluff Access         Monroe            ✓
                                                                 Tolona Access                  Lewis                ✓
 Clark                      Clark             ✓
                                                                                                  Adair, ­Putnam,
 Dark Hollow                Sullivan          ✓                  Union Ridge                                         ✓
                                                                                                S­ ullivan
 Deer Ridge                 Lewis             ✓
                                                                 Upper Mississippi —
 Dodd Access                Macon             ✓                  Angle, Blackbird, Black-
 Dunn Ford Access           Marion            ✓                  burn, Ducher, Gilbert,         Pike                 ✓
 Dupont Reservation         Pike              ✓                  Mozier, North, Pharrs
                                                                 and South Fritz Islands
 Elmslie Memorial           Marion            ✓
                                                                 Upper Mississippi —
 Ewing Lake                 Scotland          ✓                                                 Marion               ✓
                                                                 Bay Island
 Fabius Chute Access        Marion            ✓                  Upper Mississippi —
                                                                                                Lewis                ✓
 Fox Valley Lake            Clark             ✓                  Cottonwood Island
 Frost Island               Clark             ✓        ✓         Upper Mississippi —
 Area is accessible by boat via Grand River or with permission
2                                                               Fabius, Orton, Poage,    Marion                     ✓
 from surrounding landowners.                                    Whitney, Ziegler Islands

                                                                                2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information 9
Area Name                    County               1   2    3   4   Area Name                County              1   2   3   4
 White Oak Bend Access        Knox                 ✓                J.N. “Turkey” Kearn
                                                                                             Pettis, ­Johnson    ✓
 Willingham ­Memorial         Monroe               ✓                Memorial Units 1, 2
 Woodlawn Access              Monroe               ✓                J.N. “Turkey” Kearn
                                                                                             Pettis, ­Johnson    ✓
                                                                    Memorial Unit 3
 Wyaconda Crossing            Lewis                ✓
                                                                    W.R. Kearn               Pettis              ✓
 Kansas City        816-622-0900
                                                                    Kendzora                 Buchanan, Platte ✓
 Area Name                    County               1   2    3   4
                                                                    Kings Prairie Access     St. Clair           ✓
 Amarugia Highland            Cass                 ✓
                                                                    La Due Bottoms           Henry               ✓
 Balltown Access              Vernon               ✓
                                                                    Liberty Bend             Clay                ✓
 Baltimore Bend               Lafayette            ✓
                                                                    Linscomb                 St. Clair           ✓
 Berrier (Dr. Harry and
                              Cass                 ✓                Little Bean Marsh        Platte              ✓       ✓
 Mrs. Lina) Memorial
 Big Buffalo Creek            Benton, Morgan       ✓                Lone Jack Lake           Jackson             ✓
 Big Drywood Creek            Vernon               ✓                Lost Valley Fish
                                                                                             Benton              ✓
 Birdsong                     St. Clair            ✓
                                                                    Maple Leaf Lake          Lafayette           ✓
 Blackjack Access             St. Clair            ✓
                                                                    Marshall                 Platte              ✓
 Brickley Hollow              Benton               ✓
                                                                    Montrose                 Henry               ✓       ✓
 Bridger Urban                Jackson                  ✓
                                                                    Mora                     Benton              ✓
 Bristow                      Vernon               ✓
                                                                    Mount Hulda ­Towersite   Benton              ✓
 Bruns Tract                  Pettis               ✓
                                                                    Old Town Access          Bates               ✓
 Bryson’s Hope                Pettis               ✓
                                                                    Osage Prairie            Vernon              ✓
 Burr Oak Woods               Jackson                           ✓
                                                                    Paint Brush Prairie      Pettis              ✓
 Cephas Ford Access           Vernon               ✓
                                                                    Park, Guy B.             Platte              ✓
 Chapel View Prairie          Henry                ✓
                                                                    Parma Woods Range &
 Cooley Lake                  Clay                 ✓        ✓       Training Center — North Platte               ✓
 Dave Rock                    St. Clair            ✓                of Powerlines Only
 Dorsett Hill Prairie         Cass                 ✓                Peabody                  Bates               ✓
 Douglas Branch               Vernon               ✓                                         Saline, Pettis,
                                                                    Perry Memorial                               ✓       ✓
 Drovers Prairie              Pettis                   ✓                                     Johnson
 Edmonson Access              Benton               ✓                Platte Falls             Platte              ✓       ✓
 Ferguson-Herold              Lafayette            ✓                Poague                   Henry               ✓
 Fewel                        Henry                ✓                Ripgut Prairie           Bates               ✓
 Flight Lake                  Vernon               ✓                Schell-Osage             Vernon, St. Clair   ✓       ✓
 Four Rivers                  Vernon, Bates        ✓        ✓       Settle’s Ford            Bates, Cass         ✓       ✓
 Friendly Prairie             Pettis                   ✓            Sni-A-Bar                Lafayette           ✓
 Gama Grass Prairie           Vernon               ✓                Taberville Prairie       St. Clair           ✓
 Grandfather Prairie          Pettis               ✓                Truman Reservoir —
                                                                                             Henry               ✓
 Granny’s Acres               Benton               ✓
                                                                    Truman Reservoir —
 Harmony Mission Lake         Bates                ✓                                         Henry               ✓
 Hartwell                     Pettis               ✓
                                                                    Truman Reservoir —
 Hazel Hill Lake              Johnson              ✓                                         Benton              ✓
                                                                    Brush Creek
 Hi Lonesome Prairie          Benton               ✓                Truman Reservoir —
                                                                                             Henry               ✓
 Ionia Ridge                  Benton               ✓                Cedar Creek
 Kahrs-Boger Park             Pettis               ✓                Truman Reservoir —
                                                                                             Henry               ✓
                                                                    Deepwater Creek

10 2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information
Area Name                  County           1   2   3   4   Area Name                     County               1    2    3    4
Truman Reservoir —                                          Danville —
                           St. Clair        ✓                                             Montgomery           ✓
Gallinipper Creek                                           Baldwin Annex
Truman Reservoir —                                          Danville — Thornhill &
                           Henry            ✓                                             Montgomery           ✓
Gouge Eye                                                   Schulze Annex
Truman Reservoir —                                          Davisdale                     Howard               ✓
                           Henry            ✓
Grand River ­Bottoms                                        Diana Bend                    Howard               ✓         ✓
Truman Reservoir —                                          Diggs                         Audrain              ✓
                           Henry            ✓
                                                            Eagle Bluffs                  Boone                ✓         ✓
Truman Reservoir —
                           Benton           ✓               Earthquake Hollow             Callaway             ✓
Little Pomme de Terre
Truman Reservoir —                                          Fiery Fork                    Camden               ✓
                           Benton           ✓               Franklin Island               Howard
Little Tebo Creek                                                                                              ✓         ✓
Truman Reservoir —                                          Gale Access                   Camden               ✓
                           St. Clair        ✓
Sac-Osage                                                   Grand Bluffs                  Montgomery           ✓
Truman Reservoir —                                          Hart Creek                    Boone                ✓
                           St. Clair        ✓
Salt Creek
                                                            Hinkson Woods                 Boone                     ✓
Truman Reservoir —
                           Benton           ✓               Hite Prairie                  Morgan               ✓
Tebo Islands
                                                            Honey Creek Access            Cole                 ✓
Truman Reservoir —
                           Henry            ✓               Hungry Mother                 Howard               ✓
Upper Tebo Creek
Truman Reservoir —                                          Lamine River                  Cooper, Morgan       ✓
                           St. Clair        ✓
Valhalla                                                    Lick Creek                    Boone                ✓
Truman Reservoir —                                          Little Dixie Lake             Callaway             ✓
                           St. Clair        ✓
Weaubleau Creek
                                                            Loutre Lick Access            Montgomery           ✓
Urich                      Henry            ✓
                                                            Lowe                          Audrain              ✓
Wah-Kon-Tah Prairie —
                           St. Clair        ✓               Madden Ford Access            Miller               ✓
North of Highway 82
Central     573-815-7900                                    Manito Lake                                        ✓
Area Name                  County           1   2   3   4
                                                            Mansfield                     Camden               ✓
Ben Branch Lake            Osage            ✓
                                                            Marion Bottoms                Cole, ­Moniteau      ✓
                           Boone, Howard,
Bennitt, Rudolf                             ✓               Marshall Junction             Saline               ✓
                                                            Moniteau Creek                Howard               ✓
Blind Pony Lake            Saline           ✓
                                                            Moores Mill Access            Callaway             ✓
Blue Lick                  Saline           ✓
                                                            Northcutt Memorial            Audrain              ✓
Boeckman Bridge
                           Miller               ✓           Painted Rock                  Osage                ✓
Branch Towersite           Camden           ✓               Pikes Camp Access             Cole                 ✓
Bruns Access               Osage            ✓               Plowboy Bend                  Moniteau             ✓         ✓
Burnt Mill Cave            Camden           ✓                                             Moniteau,
                                                            Prairie Home                                       ✓
                                                                                          ­ ooper
Canaan                     Gasconade        ✓
                                                            Proctor Towersite             Morgan               ✓
Carpenter Memorial         Morgan           ✓
                                                            Reform                        Callaway             ✓
Charles W. Green           Boone                        ✓
                                                            Rinquelin Trail
Church Farm                Cole             ✓       ✓                                     Maries               ✓
                                                            ­ ommunity Lake
Clifty Creek               Maries           ✓
                                                            Rocky Fork Lakes              Boone                ✓
Cooper Hill                Osage            ✓
                                                            Rocky Mount ­Towersite        Miller               ✓
Danville                   Montgomery       ✓
                                                            Saline Valley                 Miller               ✓

                                                                         2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information 11
Area Name                 County                 1   2   3   4   Area Name                 County          1   2   3   4
    Scrivner Road             Cole                   ✓               Kingston Access           Washington      ✓
    Smith                     Moniteau, Cole         ✓               LaBarque Creek            Jefferson       ✓
    Smoky Waters              Osage, Cole            ✓                                         Franklin,
                                                                     Little Indian Creek                       ✓
    Spring Creek Gap          Maries                 ✓                                         Washington
    Stringtown Bridge Access Cole                    ✓               Little Lost Creek         Warren          ✓
    Tate Island               Callaway               ✓               Logan                     Lincoln         ✓
    Three Creeks              Boone                  ✓               Long Ridge                Franklin        ✓
    Toronto Springs           Camden                 ✓               Marais Temps Clair        St. Charles             ✓ ✓
    Tri-City Community Lake Boone                    ✓               Meramec — All of Area
                                                                                               Franklin        ✓
                                                                     Except Wildlife Refuge3
    Vandalia Community
                              Audrain                ✓               Merrill Horse Access      Jefferson       ✓
    Waters & Moss                                                    Myron and Sonya
                              Boone                      ✓                                     Jefferson       ✓
    Memorial                                                         Glassberg Family
    Wellsville Lake           Montgomery             ✓               Noser Mill                Franklin        ✓
    Whetstone Creek           Callaway               ✓               Pacific Palisades         Jefferson       ✓
    White                     Audrain                ✓               Pea Ridge                 Washington      ✓
    Wigwam School Access      Morgan                 ✓               Prairie Slough            Pike, Lincoln   ✓
    Wilson Camp Access        Miller                 ✓               Redhorse Access           Franklin        ✓
    St. Louis     636-441-4554                                       Reifsnider                Warren          ✓
    Area Name                 County                 1   2   3   4   River ‘Round              Franklin        ✓
    Anderson Memorial         Crawford               ✓               Saint Stanislaus          St. Louis                   ✓
    August A. Busch           St. Charles                        ✓   Sandy Island              Lincoln         ✓
    August A. Busch                                                  Sizemore Memorial         Crawford        ✓
    Shooting Range and                                               Upper Mississippi —
                              St. Charles                        ✓                             St. Charles     ✓
    Outdoor Education                                                Dresser Island
    Center                                                           Upper Mississippi —
                                                                                               St. Charles     ✓
    B.K. Leach Memorial       Lincoln                ✓       ✓       Pool 26 Tracts
    Blue Springs Creek        Crawford               ✓               Upper Mississippi —
    Bootleg Access            Washington             ✓               Stag, Sterling,           Lincoln         ✓
                                                                     Westport Islands
    Catawissa                 Franklin               ✓
                                                                     Valley View Glades        Jefferson       ✓
    Columbia Bottom           St. Louis                      ✓ ✓
                                                                     Victoria Glades           Jefferson       ✓
    Crooked Creek             Crawford               ✓
                                                                     Vonaventure Memorial      Lincoln         ✓
    Cuivre Island —           Lincoln,
                                                     ✓               Weldon Spring             St. Charles                 ✓
    Island Portion Only       St. Charles
    Cuivre Island —           Lincoln,                               White Memorial            Lincoln         ✓
    Mainland Portion          St. Charles                            Young                     Jefferson       ✓
    Daniel Boone              Warren                 ✓               Southwest        417-895-6880
    Forest 44 — Jay Henges                                           Area Name                 County          1   2   3   4
                             St. Louis                           ✓
    Range Restricted Portion                                         Alfred Newton Gossett     Dallas          ✓
    Howell Island             St. Charles            ✓               Barclay                   Dallas          ✓
    Hughes Mountain           Washington             ✓               Bear Creek                Laclede         ✓
    Huzzah                    Crawford               ✓               Bennett Spring Access     Dallas          ✓
    Kessler Memorial          Lincoln                ✓               Bethel Prairie            Barton          ✓
    Keysville Towersite       Crawford               ✓               Bluff Springs             Cedar           ✓
                                                                     Bois D’Arc                Greene          ✓
    Hunting is not allowed in the wildlife refuge.
12 2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information
Area Name                County            1   2   3   4   Area Name                   County               1    2    3    4
Boston Ferry             Taney                 ✓           Mo-No-I Prairie             Barton               ✓
Brush Creek              Polk              ✓               Mon-Shon Prairie            Barton               ✓
Buffalo Hills            McDonald          ✓               Mule Shoe                   Camden, Hickory ✓
Buffalo Wallow Prairie   Barton            ✓               Murphy Memorial             Hickory              ✓
Bushwhacker Lake         Barton, ­Vernon   ✓               Neosho Towersite            Newton               ✓
Busiek                   Christian         ✓               Niangua                     Webster              ✓
Capps Creek              Newton            ✓               Osage Fork                  Laclede              ✓
Charity Access           Dallas            ✓               Pa Sole Prairie             Barton               ✓
Clear Creek              Vernon, Barton    ✓               Paris Springs Access        Lawrence             ✓
Coffin Cave              Laclede           ✓               Phenix Access               Greene               ✓
Compton Hollow           Webster           ✓               Pilot Knob                  Stone                ✓
Comstock Prairie         Barton            ✓               Pleasant Hope               Polk                 ✓
Corry Flatrocks          Dade                          ✓   Pomme de Terre Lake
                                                                                       Hickory, Polk        ✓
Cowskin Access           McDonald          ✓               Management Lands
Cross Timbers Access     Hickory           ✓               Powell Towersite            McDonald             ✓
Dale Sare                Greene            ✓               Providence Prairie          Lawrence             ✓
Davis Memorial           Barton            ✓               Rader Access                Webster              ✓
Deep Ford Access         McDonald          ✓               Redwing Prairie             Barton               ✓
Diamond Grove Prairie    Newton            ✓               Risch                       Barton               ✓
Dorris Creek Prairie     Barton            ✓               Roaring River               Barry                ✓
Drury-Mincy              Taney             ✓               Rocky Barrens               Greene               ✓
Drynob Access            Laclede               ✓           Sentinel                    Polk                 ✓
Drywood                  Barton            ✓               Shawnee Trail               Barton               ✓
Fiddlers Ford Access     Dade              ✓               Sky Prairie                 Cedar                ✓
Flag Spring              McDonald, Barry ✓                 Sloan                       Dade                 ✓
Fort Crowder             Newton            ✓               Stockton Lake —
                                                                                       Dade, Polk           ✓
                                                           Big Sac Unit
Goodman Towersite        Newton            ✓
                                                           Stockton Lake —
Goose Creek              Laclede           ✓                                           Dade, Polk           ✓
                                                           Little Sac Unit
Hayes Spring             Stone             ✓               Stony Point Prairie         Dade                 ✓
Holland                  Stone             ✓               Stubblefield Access         Barry                ✓
Hollister Towersite      Taney             ✓               Talbot                      Lawrence             ✓
Horse Creek Prairie      Dade              ✓               Tipton Ford Access          Newton               ✓
Huckleberry Ridge        McDonald          ✓               Treaty Line Prairie         Barton               ✓
Indigo Prairie           Dade              ✓               Truman Reservoir —
Jessie Hollow            Stone                                                         Hickory              ✓
                                           ✓               Cross Timbers
Kickapoo Prairie         Lawrence          ✓               Turkey Creek                Cedar                ✓
Lanagan Towersite        McDonald          ✓               Twenty-Five Mile Prairie Polk                    ✓
Lead Mine                Dallas            ✓               Wade and June Shelton
                                                                                       Dade                 ✓
Lewis Family, Dean,                                        Memorial
Anna Mae, and            Taney             ✓               Williams Ford Access        Dallas               ✓
David D. Memorial                                          Wire Road                   Stone                ✓
Little Sac Woods         Greene            ✓               Ozark      417-256-7161
Mary Lawson              Laclede           ✓               Area Name                   County               1    2    3    4
Monegaw Prairie          Cedar             ✓               Allen Memorial              Wright               ✓

                                                                      2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information 13
Area Name                    County               1   2    3   4   Area Name                County            1   2   3   4
 Angeline                     Shannon              ✓                Mudpuppy                 Ripley            ✓
 Barn Hollow                  Howell, Texas        ✓                Norfork Lake             Ozark             ✓
 Barnes                       Texas                ✓                Odin Access              Wright            ✓
 Beaver Creek                 Phelps               ✓                Patrick Bridge Access    Ozark             ✓
 Birch Creek                  Shannon              ✓                Peck Ranch — Inside
                                                                                             Shannon, Carter               ✓
 Bohigian                     Phelps               ✓                Fenced Portion
 Brown                        Dent                 ✓                Peck Ranch — Outside
                                                                                             Shannon, Carter   ✓
                                                                    Fenced Portion
 Bull Shoals Lake             Ozark                ✓
                                                                    Piney River Narrows      Texas             ✓
 Buzzard Bluff Access         Wright               ✓
                                                                    Rippee                   Douglas           ✓
 Cabool Towersite             Texas                ✓
                                                                    Rocky Creek              Shannon           ✓
 Caney Mountain —
                              Ozark                ✓                Rosati Towersite         Phelps            ✓
 Outside Fenced Area
 Caney Mountain —                                                   Rose Hill Towersite      Oregon            ✓
                              Ozark                             ✓
 Inside Fenced Area                                                 Roubidoux Creek          Pulaski           ✓
 Carter Creek                 Carter               ✓                Sand Pond                Ripley            ✓
 Cedar Gap                    Wright               ✓                Shannon Ranch            Douglas           ✓
 Cedar Grove                  Dent                 ✓                Short Bend Access        Dent              ✓
 Clement Memorial                                                   Sunklands                Shannon           ✓
                              Dent                 ✓
 Forest                                                             Tecumseh Towersite       Ozark             ✓
 Cover Memorial               Oregon               ✓                Thomasville ­Towersite   Shannon           ✓
 Cover Prairie                Howell               ✓                Timber Knob ­Towersite   Ozark             ✓
 Davidson-Paris               Howell               ✓                Tingler Prairie          Howell            ✓
 Davis                        Howell               ✓                Twin Knobs ­Towersite    Douglas           ✓
 Dixon Towersite              Pulaski              ✓                Vanderhoef ­Memorial     Howell            ✓
 Eck                          Texas                ✓                Vera Cruz Access         Douglas           ✓
 Fort Leonard Wood                                                  Warm Fork                Oregon            ✓
                              Pulaski              ✓
                                                                    White State Forest
 Fourche Creek                Ripley               ✓                                         Texas             ✓
 Fuson                        Wright               ✓                White Ranch              Howell            ✓
 Gasconade Hills              Pulaski              ✓                White River Trace        Dent              ✓
 Gist Ranch                   Texas                ✓                Woods Memorial           Phelps, ­Crawford ✓
 Grandin Towersite            Ripley               ✓                Southeast      573-290-5730
 Hemenway                     Ripley               ✓                Area Name                County            1   2   3   4
 Horseshoe Bend               Texas                ✓                Amidon Memorial          Bollinger         ✓
 Houston Towersite            Texas                ✓                Apple Creek              Cape Girardeau    ✓
 Hunter Towersite             Carter               ✓                Aquilla Access           Stoddard          ✓
 Hyer Woods                   Dent                 ✓                Big Cane                 Butler            ✓
 Indian Trail                 Dent                 ✓                Bismarck                 St. Francois,     ✓
 Little Black                 Ripley               ✓                Black Island —
 Little Prairie               Phelps               ✓                Stephen C. Bradford,
                                                                                             Pemiscot          ✓       ✓
 Massengill                   Douglas              ✓                Gayoso Bend, Desoto,
                                                                    Wolf Bayou Units Only
 Midvale                      Texas                ✓
                                                                    Blue Spring Branch       Perry             ✓
 Montauk Towersite            Dent                 ✓
                                                                    Buck Mountain     4
                                                                                             St. Francois      ✓
 Mountain View
                              Howell               ✓                Buford Mountain          Iron, ­Washington ✓

14 2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information
Area Name                  County              1   2   3   4   Area Name                    County               1    2    3    4
    Cape LaCroix Bluffs        Scott               ✓               Little Whitewater            Bollinger            ✓
    Cash Memorial              Dunklin             ✓                                            Shannon,
                                                                   Logan Creek                                       ✓
    Castor River               Bollinger           ✓                                            Reynolds
    Cedar Mountain4            Iron                ✓               Lon Sanders Canyon           Wayne                     ✓
    Chalk Bluff Trail Access   Dunklin                 ✓           Mac and Zelma
                                                                                            Butler                   ✓
                                                                   Carmichael State Forest4
    Champion Springs     4
                               Reynolds            ✓
                                                                   Magnolia Hollow              Ste. ­Genevieve      ✓
    Clearwater                 Reynolds            ✓
                                                                   Maintz Wildlife Preserve Cape Girardeau           ✓
    Clearwater Lake            Reynolds            ✓
                                                                   Marquand Access              Madison                   ✓
    Clubb Creek                Bollinger           ✓
                                                                   Millstream Gardens           Madison              ✓
    Coldwater Access           Wayne               ✓
                                                                   Oak Ridge                    Stoddard             ✓
    Coldwater — Inside
                               Wayne                           ✓   Old Plantation Access        Cape Girardeau       ✓
    Disabled Hunt Area
    Coldwater — Outside                                            Poplar Bluff                 Butler               ✓
                               Wayne               ✓
    Disabled Hunt Area                                             Red Rock Landing             Perry                ✓
    Coon Island                Butler              ✓       ✓                                    Reynolds, Iron,
                                                                   Riverside                                         ✓
    Corkwood                   Butler              ✓                                            Wayne
    Crowleys Ridge             Stoddard            ✓               Sand Prairie                 Scott                ✓
                               Shannon,                            Sank                         Bollinger            ✓
    Current River                                  ✓
                               ­ eynolds, Carter                   Seven Island                 Mississippi          ✓
    Donaldson Point            New Madrid          ✓               Seventy-Six                  Perry                ✓
    Duck Creek                 Bollinger           ✓       ✓       Stephen J. Sun               Butler               ✓
    Duck Creek,                                                    Sweetgum Access              Bollinger            ✓
                               Bollinger           ✓       ✓
    Greenbrier Unit                                                Swift Ditch Access           New Madrid           ✓
    Duck Creek, Dark                                               Ten Mile Pond                Mississippi          ✓         ✓
                               Bollinger           ✓       ✓
    Cypress Swamp Unit
                                                                   Thompson Ford Access         Madison              ✓
    Flatwoods                  Wayne               ✓
                                                                   Tywappity Towersite          Scott                ✓
    Frisbee Cutoff Access      Dunklin             ✓
                                                                   University Forest            Wayne, Butler        ✓
    Funk Memorial              Iron                ✓
                                                                   Wappapello ­Reservoir        Wayne                ✓
    General Watkins            Scott               ✓
                                                                   Warbler Woods                Dunklin              ✓
    Gipsy Towersite            Bollinger           ✓
                                                                   Wilhelmina                   Butler               ✓
                               New Madrid,
    Girvin                                         ✓               Windy Bar Island             Cape Girardeau       ✓
    Grassy Towersite           Bollinger           ✓               Yokum School                 Wayne                ✓

    Graves Mountain            Wayne, Iron         ✓
    Hammer Memorial            Wayne               ✓
    Hawn Access                Bollinger           ✓
    Holly Ridge                Stoddard            ✓
    Hornersville Swamp         Dunklin             ✓
    Horton Farm                Ste. Genevieve      ✓
    Iron Bridge Access         Wayne                   ✓
    Ketcherside ­Mountain      Iron, ­Reynolds     ✓
    Knob Lick Towersite        St. Francois        ✓
    Lake Girardeau             Cape Girardeau      ✓

    T his area is landlocked. You must get permission from
     landowner to gain access.
                                                                               2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information 15
Managed Spring Turkey Hunts

 Hunt No.     Area Name                                                                      County              Date             Quota   Odds1

Archery (1 hunt — longbow, recurve bow, compound bow, crossbow, or atlatl only)

     1        Caney Mountain CA 2,3                                                          Ozark               April 18–24       30      31%

Firearms (16 hunts — shotgun only)

     2        August A. Busch CA 3                                                           St. Charles         April 18–21       40      9%

     3        August A. Busch CA 3                                                           St. Charles         April 23–26       40      13%

     4        August A. Busch CA 3                                                           St. Charles         April 29–May 2    40      19%

     5        August A. Busch CA 3                                                           St. Charles         May 5–8           40      16%
              August A. Busch Shooting Range and Outdoor Education Center     4,5
     6                                                                                       St. Charles         May 2–3            2      9%
              Mandatory pre-hunt orientation begins at 5 p.m., April 12
     7        Caney Mountain CA 2,3                                                          Ozark               April 25–May 1    30      21%

     8        Caney Mountain CA 2,3                                                          Ozark               May 2–8           30      55%

     9        Coldwater CA (Managed Hunt Area) 2,6                                           Wayne               April 18–May 8     5      N/A
              Forest 44 CA (Jay Henges Range Restricted Portion) 4,5
     10                                                                                      St. Louis           April 25–26        5      14%
              Mandatory pre-hunt orientation begins at 5:30 p.m., April 5
     11       Peck Ranch CA (Inside Refuge Fence) 2                                          Carter/Shannon      April 18–24       40      13%

     12       Peck Ranch CA (Inside Refuge Fence) 2                                          Carter/Shannon      April 25–May 1    40      20%

     13       Peck Ranch CA (Inside Refuge Fence) 2                                          Carter/Shannon      May 2–8           40      35%

     14       Weldon Spring CA                                                               St. Charles         April 18–21       40      13%

     15       Weldon Spring CA                                                               St. Charles         April 23–26       40      17%

     16       Weldon Spring CA                                                               St. Charles         April 29–May 2    40      25%

     17       Weldon Spring CA                                                               St. Charles         May 5–8           40      44%

Youth-Only Firearms for Ages 11–15 (12 hunts — shotgun only) Note: Hunter-education certification is required, see Page 17.

     18       August A. Busch CA                                                             St. Charles         April 9–10        15      25%

     19       Caney Mountain CA 2,3                                                          Ozark               April 9–10        10      77%
              Charles W. Green CA   4,8

     20       Mandatory pre-hunt orientation date and time will be announced before          Boone               April 9–10         6      N/A
              the hunt.
     21       Corry Flatrocks CA                                                             Dade                April 9–10         2     100% 7

     22       Corry Flatrocks CA                                                             Dade                April 18–27        3     100% 7

     23       Corry Flatrocks CA                                                             Dade                April 28–May 8     3     100% 7
              Fellows Lake 4
     24                                                                                      Springfield         April 9–10         4      38%
              Mandatory pre-hunt orientation begins at 6:30 p.m., March 30
     25       Marais Temps Clair CA                                                          St. Charles         April 18–May 8     2     100% 7

     26       Peck Ranch CA (Inside Refuge Fence) 2                                          Carter/Shannon      April 9–10        10      30%

     27       Saint Stanislaus CA                                                            St. Louis           April 9–10         3      50%

     28       Saint Stanislaus CA                                                            St. Louis           April 18–May 1     3      38%

     29       Weldon Spring CA                                                               St. Charles         April 9–10        15      34%

16 2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information
When to Apply: Feb. 1–28                                                     Managed Turkey Hunt Application Worksheet
Valid Permits: Resident Spring Turkey Hunting Permit,
  Nonresident Spring Turkey Hunting Permit                                   Hunt No.:
Bag Limit: One male turkey or turkey with visible beard.                     Method:
  Note: A turkey taken at a managed hunt counts toward                       Location:
  the two-bird season limit. If you take a turkey during                     Date:
  a managed hunt before April 25, you may not harvest
  another during the first week of the regular season.                       Hunter Conservation Number(s) (nine-digit ­number
Hunter Quota: See table on Page 16 for the number of                         on your Heritage Card, Conservation Permit Card, or any
  hunters who will be drawn to participate in each hunt.                     current or previous permit):
Odds: See table on Page 16 for the success rate for last                     1.
  year’s drawings.                                                           2.
Points to remember                                                           3.
◾ You may apply for only one managed hunt.
◾ You may apply individually or with one other youth for a
  youth-only managed hunt. You may apply individually or                 To apply, complete the following steps.
  with up to two other hunters for a non-youth managed                   Step 1: Designate one member of your group to go online.
  hunt.                                                                  That person must have ready the following information:
◾ Only hunters who are drawn for a managed hunt may                      ◾ The number for the preferred hunt
  attend that managed hunt. If you cannot attend, another                ◾ The nine-digit Conservation Number of each hunter in the
  hunter can’t take your place.                                             group. If you need a number, call 573-522-0107 during
◾ To participate in a youth-only managed hunt, you must be                  regular business hours. Note: A Social Security number is
  11–15 years old. To participate in a non-youth managed                    not the same as a ­Conservation Number. Your Conservation
  hunt, you must be at least 11 years old.                                  Number is located on your Heritage Card, Conservation
◾ You must attend a mandatory pre-hunt orientation for                      Permit Card, or any current or previous permit.
  some managed hunts. If you cannot attend the orientation,              Step 2: Complete the worksheet on this page before applying
  do not apply.                                                          so you will have all the information ready.
◾ You must be hunter-­education certified or exempt to                   Step 3: Go online at short.mdc.mo.gov/Z3d. If you correctly
  participate in a managed hunt. Note: You may apply for a               enter all the required information, you will receive a message
  managed hunt if you are not hunter-­education certified,               confirming your application. To change or delete your
  but you must achieve certification before the pre-hunt                 application, visit the same website and click “Change or
  orientation or, for those hunts without an orientation, the            Delete Your Hunt.”
  actual hunt. You must be 11 or older to enroll in a Missouri
  hunter-­education course.                                              To find out if you’ve been selected
◾ All youth hunters must be accompanied by an adult men-                 From March 15 through May 8, go online. Be prepared
  tor (age 18 or older) who is hunter-­education certified or            to enter your nine-digit Conservation Number (the same
  exempt. The mentor does not need a permit if the man-                  number you used when you applied).
  aged hunt occurs during youth turkey season but must                      All successful applicants will receive by mail an area map
  possess a filled or unfilled spring turkey hunting permit if           and information regarding the hunt. We must have your
  the managed hunt occurs during the regular season. Men-                correct address to send the information. If your address
  tors must attend the pre-hunt orientation if one is required           changes, call the Department during business hours at
  and may not hunt during the managed hunt.                              573-522-0107.

CA = Conservation Area                                                   5
                                                                            nly first-time turkey hunters 18 and older who have never
   dds of being selected are based on last year’s drawings.               Telechecked a turkey are eligible. Hunters will be accompanied by a
   anaged hunt occurs in a designated area; statewide regulations         mentor during the hunt.
  apply outside the designated area.                                     6
                                                                            unters must permanently need to use a wheelchair to participate
   unters permanently needing to use a wheelchair may bypass the          in this hunt. Call 573-223-4525 to apply.
  random drawing but do not displace others in the drawing. Send         7
                                                                            ecause odds are for the previous year, 100 percent odds do not
  a request with a statement from a licensed physician to: Managed         guarantee you will be drawn.
  Turkey Hunts, Missouri Department of Conservation, PO Box 180,         8
                                                                            nly first-time turkey hunters ages 11–15 at the time of the hunt
  Jefferson City, MO 64102-0180. Requests must be received by Feb. 28.     who have never Telechecked a turkey are eligible. To apply, call 573-
   o not apply for this hunt if you cannot attend the mandatory pre-      815-7900, ext. 2866 by 5 p.m. on March 1.
  hunt orientation.

                                                                                     2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information 17
How to Tell a Gobbler from a Hen

       obblers are large birds with a black body and long beard. Hens sometimes have beards, but they are smaller, brown,
       and have blue heads. Bearded hens produce young and help increase the turkey population. They should not be killed,
       but any turkey with a visible beard is legal. Hens without beards are illegal to shoot during the spring turkey seasons.

                                                    Female              Male
                                   Breast                                                Breast
HEN                              feathers
                                 ­        ­                                             feathers          GOBBLER
                                buff-tipped                                           black-tipped

                                              Mainly blue       HEAD            Mainly red

                                                               BEARD         Long tassel-like

                                                               BREAST          Appears black

                                            No spurs SPURS                  Usually 3/4 inch
                                            			                                or more

JUVENILE GOBBLERS have spurs less than 1/2 inch long and a beard less than 6 inches long.

  Basic Rules for Safe Turkey Hunting
◾ Identify a ­turkey’s head and beard before aiming.
◾ Never shoot at sound or movement. Assume it is
  another hunter until you can clearly see a turkey’s
  head and beard.
◾ Wear hunter orange when walking through
  the woods.
◾ Use hunter orange to identify your hunting location.
◾ Wrap a bagged turkey or decoy in hunter orange
  when transporting it.
◾ Dress defensively. Never wear red, white, blue, or
  black while turkey hunting.
◾ Be sure of your target and what lies beyond.
◾ Never follow the sound of a gobbling turkey or
  attempt to sneak up on turkeys. Always call turkeys
  to you.
◾ Sit against a large tree or other natural barrier to
  shield yourself from hunters approaching from
  the rear.
◾ Shout “STOP” when another hunter approaches.
  Don’t move, wave, whistle, or make turkey calls to
  get their attention.
18 2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information
Feral Hogs

                                    eral hogs are highly destructive and prolific pests. They cause
                                    significant damage to wildlife habitat, compete with native
                                    wildlife for food, prey upon native wildlife, destroy nests
                              of birds such as turkeys, degrade natural areas and agricultural
                              fields, pollute ponds and streams, and spread diseases to livestock,
                              people, and pets. Feral hogs are a menace that must be eliminated
                              in Missouri.
                           Report Feral Hogs
                           ◾ Report feral hog sightings and damage to 573-522-4115,
                              ext. 3296.
                           ◾ Releasing hogs into the wild is illegal. If you see someone releas-
                              ing hogs, report violators to your local conservation agent.
                           ◾ During deer and turkey seasons, opportunistic take of feral hogs
                              by hunters with an unfilled deer or turkey hunting permit is
                              allowed on lands owned, leased, or managed by the Conserva-
                              tion Department. Outside of deer and turkey seasons, the taking
                              of feral hogs is prohibited on lands owned, leased, or managed
                              by the Conservation Department.
                           The Conservation Department and the U.S. Department of
                           Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, along with
                           private landowners and other partners, are working to eliminate
                           feral hogs in Missouri. Hogs are social animals that travel in groups
                           called sounders. Shooting one or two hogs scatters the sounder
                           and makes trapping efforts aimed at catching the entire group at
                           once more difficult. With their high reproductive rate, removing
                                                                                                      NOPPADOL PAOTHONG

                           only one or two hogs does not help to reduce populations.
                           Anyone who observes a feral hog or damage caused by feral hogs
                           should report it to the Conservation Department rather than
                           shooting the animal.

                                                    Feral hog tracks are distinguished from deer tracks by the rounded or blunt tips of the toes. The
                                                    toes of a hog track on a firm surface tend to be more splayed than a deer track. A hog track also
                                                    appears rounded or square; deer tracks appear heart-shaped and have more sharply pointed toes.

                                                    The presence of dew claw marks with feral hog or white-tailed deer tracks is not an indicator of sex
                                                    as is commonly thought. Dew claw marks simply mean that the animal was running or stepping on
                                                    a soft surface.

                                We Need Your Help!
                                Please participate in the Conservation Department’s wild turkey brood survey.
                                The Department has conducted a wild turkey brood survey          To learn how you can participate in the wild turkey brood
                                annually since 1959. The survey relies on volunteers to          survey, please contact the Department’s Wild Turkey Man-
                                submit observations of all wild turkeys — hens, poults, and      agement Program at WildTurkeyMgmt@mdc.mo.gov.
                                gobblers — they see during June, July, and August. The
                                information is used to gauge the hatch of Missouri’s wild
                                turkey population.

                                                                                                                          2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information 19
After the Harvest
Whether you’re using a traditional paper permit or the MO Hunting app, after harvesting
a turkey, you must notch your permit and Telecheck your bird. Here’s how.

Notch It
Immediately after harvesting a turkey, you must notch
your permit.
◾ To notch a paper permit, tear a small notch in the
  month and day of harvest on the permit.
◾ To notch a permit using the MO Hunting app, simply
  select the permit you wish to use from the list in the
  app, and follow the short, easy prompts on the screen.
Once you notch your permit, you may transport your
turkey within Missouri. Note: Notching is not the same
as Telechecking. You must still Telecheck your turkey by
10 p.m. on the day of harvest.

Tag It If You Leave It
As long as you stay with your turkey, you don’t need to
tag it. But if you leave your turkey, you must attach a tag.
◾ If you have a paper permit, you can simply attach your
   notched permit to the turkey’s leg. We recommend
   sealing the permit in a zip-top bag and attaching the
   bag with string, wire, or tape.
◾ If you’re using the MO Hunting app, you must attach a
   label with your full name and address, or Conservation
   Number to the turkey’s leg.

Check It
You must Telecheck your turkey by 10 p.m. on the day
of harvest.
◾ If you’re using a paper permit, follow the Telecheck
   instructions on Page 21. Write the confirmation
   number provided by Telecheck on your permit.
◾ If you’re using the MO Hunting app, select your
   notched permit from the list on the screen, tap
   “­Telecheck,” and follow the prompts. Telecheck will
   upload a confirmation number directly to your
   mobile device.
After you’ve reported to Telecheck, you may process
your turkey and transport it out of state.

   Additional Information
   ◾   Until checked, turkeys must have the head and plumage intact.
   ◾   Notching voids the permit. Do not notch your permit until you harvest a turkey.
   ◾   All turkeys must be Telechecked before they are removed from Missouri.
   ◾   Only the person who harvested the turkey may possess and transport the turkey before Telechecking.
   ◾   After Telechecking, turkeys may be possessed and transported by anyone, but must be labeled with the taker’s full
       name and address, or Conservation Number; date taken; and Telecheck confirmation number.

20 2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information
How to Use Telecheck


        ll turkeys must be Telechecked online, by using the
        MO Hunting app, or by telephone. If you are calling
        ­Telecheck on your cellphone, be sure you have a clear
                                                                   How to
signal. If the signal is spotty, move closer to a major highway,
go to higher ground, or wait until you get to a land-based line
                                                                   Measure Spurs
to call. Avoid calling in areas with loud background noise.        Spur length measurements help biologists

   You do not need to Telecheck immediately after harvesting       keep track of the age structure of the
a turkey. You can transport unchecked game within the state        adult turkey
as long as you have notched your permit. You have until 10         population.
p.m. on the day taken to check your turkey.                        Please
Telecheck Using the MO Hunting App

                                                                   your turkey’s
Step 1: Select your notched permit from the list.                  spurs before
Step 2: Tap “Telecheck.”                                           checking it.
Step 3: Follow the prompts on the screen.                          This will ensure
Telecheck will upload a confirmation number to your                biologists place your turkey in the correct
mobile device.                                                     age class. A difference in spur length of less

                                                                   than 1/8 of an inch can be important, so
                                                                   please take an accurate measurement.
Telecheck Using a Phone or the Internet                               Start at the outside center from the
Step 1: Before calling the toll-free number or going online,       point where the spur protrudes from the
find your Telecheck ID number on your permit. Also get a           leg scales, and measure to the tip of the
pen so you will be able to write your Telecheck confirmation       spur. Report the length of the longest spur.

number on your permit.
Step 2: Fill out the orange form to the right, which contains
the information you will be asked when you use ­Telecheck.
Step 3: Call 800-314-6828 or visit mdc.mo.gov, then follow
the instructions. If you’re using a phone, speak clearly and       → Your Telecheck ID number:

slowly. You can use Telecheck between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m.             ________________________________
Step 4: After you have provided the required information,
you will be given a confirmation number that verifies you          → Turkey type:
have legally checked your turkey. Write this number on the           □ Gobbler
permit. You have now completed Telecheck and can process             □ J uvenile gobbler (see Page 18 for
your turkey.                                                            how to identify a juvenile)
                                                                   → □B
                                                                       earded hen (see Page 18 for details
                                                                      on ­sexing a turkey)

                                                                   → Spur length (gobblers only, see

                                                                     box above)
                                                                     □ Less than 1 inch
                                                                     □ 1 inch or more

                                                                   → Beard length
                     Telecheck                                       □ Less than 6 inches

                                                                     □ 6 inches or more
                  your turkey at:
                  800-314-6828                                     → County of harvest
                  or mdc.mo.gov                                      _______________________________

                                                                            2022 Spring Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information 21
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