Regulatory Department - Information Package 8 October 2020

Page created by Brandon Jimenez
Regulatory Department - Information Package 8 October 2020
Information Package

Regulatory Department
       8 October 2020
Regulatory Department - Information Package 8 October 2020

Environmental Science & Monitoring ..................................................................... 1

   Biosecurity (Pest Management) ..................................................................................... 1

   Environmental Science ................................................................................................... 8

   Biodiversity...................................................................................................................... 8

Building Control Group .......................................................................................... 15

Alcohol Licensing ................................................................................................... 18

Resource Consents Section .................................................................................. 23

Resource Consent Approvals Under Delegated Authority.................................. 25
Regulatory Department - Information Package 8 October 2020
Environmental Science & Monitoring

Biosecurity (Pest Management)
Reporting Period (10/8/2020 – 18/9/2020)
(Report prepared by Liam Falconer, Rob Simons and Jono Underwood)

RPMP Programmes Operative in this Period
Boneseed (E315-003-004-01)
Council Biosecurity and Department of Conservation staff have completed most of this year’s boneseed
control with only a few outlying sites remaining to be visited. The total numbers of known boneseed sites
remain stable and plant numbers have continued to decline.

Anecdotal observations suggest that goat browsing activity at one of the main infestation sites at Erie Bay
(Tory Channel) has been a contributing factor to the declining number of plants found. This will be due to an
increase in young plant mortality, and reduced flowering and subsequent seed production in older plants.

Goat browsing also appears to have reduced the overall density of coastal vegetation making infestation
areas more accessible for searching and control. Ironically however, the browsing damage to the boneseed
plants themselves has made plants harder to spot. This does make the control work a little more challenging
from that perspective.

                                       Boneseed programme trend

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Removing boneseed safely in difficult to reach areas on the Tory Channel foreshore

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Broom and Gorse (E315-003-005-01, E315-003-016-01)
One complaint relating to broom and gorse encroaching on a property boundary has been investigated by the
Biosecurity Team. It was found that in this case there has been a breach of the good neighbour rule in the
Regional Pest Management Plan. Council is working with the occupiers of the affected properties to ensure
that the necessary control work is undertaken in a timely manner.

                 Broom and gorse growing up to the boundary of a property that is unaffected

Chilean Needlegrass (E315-003-009-01)
Planning is well underway for the upcoming November and December control and surveillance work
programme with multiple local contractors engaged to deliver a large portion of this service delivery work.

The Biosecurity Team continues to work with Council Project Engineers on the water supply work being
undertaken in the Marfells Beach Road area and the Wither Hills area to ensure that adequate control
measure are in place to prevent Chilean Needlegrass being spread from these work sites.

Mediterranean fanworm (E315-003-020-01)
During September the dive contractors have undertaken surveillance for Mediterranean fanworm in Oyster
Bay and East Arm in Port Underwood. During this surveillance work they have checked all of the moorings
and vessels that were present at the time of the dive. There were no detections of Mediterranean fanworm
during this round of surveillance.

Council staff also undertook surveillance on a vessel that had recently arrived in Havelock from a high risk
port in the North Island. The vessel owner had undertaken the necessary maintenance before leaving the
port resulting in no detections of fanworm.

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Moth plant (E315-003-020-01)
In mid-August Council Biosecurity staff investigated a report of a moth plant growing within the foreshore
reserve of the Pelorus Mahakipawa Arm at Moenui. In total, 20 plants were found and destroyed. Follow-up
site visits will be undertaken annually to ensure the pest plant does not re-establish itself from any seed that
may be present in the soil.

Council’s annual moth plant control programme will commence from December 2020 and Marlborough
residents are encouraged to report any sightings to Council so that these potentially toxic plants can be
destroyed in a safe manner.

                                               Moth plant flower

Parrot’s feather (E315-003-022-01)
In late August Council Biosecurity staff visited Waitui Station at Titirangi to inspect a site of a ‘historical’
parrot’s feather infestation. The GIS information relating to the location of the infestation pre-dated 2005 and
the accuracy of the historical inspection information could not be relied on to determine current status of the
site. A brief discussion with the occupier confirmed that parrot’s feather was once present in a pond outside
the old Waitui Station homestead, but the pond had long been filled in and the area re-landscaped into a
barbeque area. A search was undertaken around the former location of the pest plant and also in a nearby
waterway. No plants were found and parrot’s feather has subsequently been declared eradicated from
the site.

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Emergent Parrot’s feather                        A truck load of invasive parrot’s feather removed from
                                                         Ruakanaka Creek during the earlier stages of Council’s
                                                                            programme in 2007

Nassella tussock (E315-003-021-01)
Nassella inspections have continued after recent boneseed control efforts in the Sounds.

As a brief background, there is a standing obligation for occupiers with nassella tussock to destroy it each
year before it sets seed. This can vary around the region but is usually mid-late October.

For many years, Council has instigated an active facilitation programme where the bulk of affected properties
get reminded by Council each year to undertake their primary control work but staggered across the months
of May to September. This helps spread the load on local nassella control contractors and also allows
Council to implement property inspections to audit the level of control work achieved. This also includes the
use enforcement powers to ensure control work is carried out effectively and in a timely manner.

The graph below illustrates the progress of this year’s nassella inspections to date. It shows the prioritised
inspections undertaken (purple bars) vs the target total prioritised properties (red bars).

Of note, the target total is becoming harder to achieve due to external factors that cannot be managed
directly by Council. For example, there is a majority of land occupiers who historically undertake their primary
control works late in the season (September/October). In addition, an increasing number of occupiers who
had previously agreed to undertake their primary control work earlier in the year are deferring and requesting
extensions also pushing later in the year. There are also a small number of occupiers that have signalled
that they do not wish to work in with Council’s system of agreed timeframes and undertake control as they
see fit against the standing rule obligation. This also means any inspection work gets pushed to the same
late season period.

All of these factors above, coupled with non-compliance follow-up inspections, is reducing the time available
to Council staff undertaking new priority inspections elsewhere to meet the targeted number of ‘new’

The graph does not measure the level of land occupier commitment to meeting their obligation to destroy
nassella tussock, or the level of land occupier buy-in to Council’s staggered inspection programme. Buy-in
in large works well for the majority. However, there may not be an awareness of how individual decisions are
cumulating and can affect the broader Council facilitation and inspection programme.

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Other Biosecurity Projects/Initiatives
Investigation - Pink Ragwort Senecio glastifolius (E315-005-000-01)
The Council Biosecurity Team was alerted to the presence of pink ragwort (Senecio glasifolius) by a bach
owner at Kawhia Bay, Tory Channel. Pink ragwort is also known as woad-leaved or holly-leaved ragwort and
is widely distributed throughout the lower North Island. Isolated observations have also been recorded at
New Brighton, Christchurch and Otago Harbour, Dunedin. It can both be a pastoral pest and an ecological
pest that occupies the same habitat, and poses a similar threat to boneseed

The pink ragwort infestation at Kawhia Bay occupies the same geographical extent as the current boneseed
infestation (operationally referred to as the Tokakaroro Point infestation). As a result Council and
Department of Conservation staff were able to carry out some surveillance work during this year’s boneseed
control work to determine the extent of the infestation. In total, 41 plants were removed by hand, but many
more plants remained out of ladder-reach. Plans are being made to enable the safe management of the
infestation during next year’s boneseed operations.

Council Biosecurity staff will continue to investigate any new leads to help determine the extent of this
potentially new invasive species in Marlborough.

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Pink ragwort (Senecio glastifolius) in the centre of the picture before the plant was removed

Biosecurity Officer Shane Webber with the pink ragwort (Senecio glastifolius) removed from the Kawhia Bay
                                            area Tory Channel

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Investigation - Polypodium vulgare (E315-005-000-01)
In the last reporting period Council Biosecurity staff investigated the presence of the invasive fern Polypodium
vulgare on the Wither Hills Farm Park. Since the discovery was reported, Council has since received other
reports from members of the public. Investigations so far have only resulted in the removal of individual
plants, no dense infestations have been found to date. Council Biosecurity staff will continue to follow up on
reports to determine the extent of this plant in Marlborough.

Environmental Science

Picton Air Quality (E300-007-001)
(Report prepared by Sarah Brand)
The Picton Air Quality Study began in July 2019 and was set to run for a full year to capture a full winter and
summer season. Despite the Covid-19 lockdown the study continued and it was pleasing to see that a
substantial amount of data was captured during Levels 4 and 3. The start of September saw the completion
of the monitoring and the project now moves to the analysis phase with NIWA hoping to complete this by the
end of the year. The original grant application provided funds for the initial phase of the project and we are
currently waiting to see if we have been successful in obtaining funding to complete the analysis. Due to
capturing the Covid-19 lockdown period, we have requested some further funding to carry out a more in
depth look at this period.

Air Quality and Agrichemical Spray (E300-003-001)
(Report prepared by Sarah Brand)
In late 2019 the Council was successful in obtaining an Envirolink grant to gain advice from Lincoln Agritech
on the establishment of an ambient rural air monitoring program focusing on agricultural pesticides. The aim
of such a monitoring programme will be to increase our understanding of how agrichemicals used in the rural
environment affect both the ambient air quality and/or have localised impacts. We have recently received the
report, which presented an overview of the technologies available to establish a monitoring program and
suggestions for future research to enable a viable monitoring solution. Assessment is being made of the
information with the aim of undertaking some field trials during the next year.

Urban Growth Area Systematic Review (E355-005-000)
(Report prepared by Sarah Brand)
As reported previously, a systematic land use review of the region’s properties for identifying HAIL activities is
required under the Resource Management Act 1991. Due to the size of this task, there is the requirement to
prioritise the review. Land identified as Urban Growth Areas and land to be zoned and developed for
residential use was identified as the first priority group to undergo assessment. An initial broad scale review
has now been completed which has established those land parcels which still require full assessments and
those that have previously been identified. Detailed assessments and landowner consultation is to be
undertaken, with completion aimed for by early 2021.


Beach Aid Habitat Restoration, Katipo Coast (C230-001-E01)
(Report prepared by Mike Aviss)
A coastal restoration project, called Beach Aid, has been initiated in conjunction with Canterbury University to
develop a cost effective way of restoring indigenous habitats to East Coast beaches damaged during the
2016 Kaikoura earthquake. As part of this, indigenous planting was undertaken along the coast this winter by
Council in conjunction with community groups and volunteers. The planting zones were delineated by fence
posts, rope and Beach Aid signage to reduce the likelihood of the plants being damaged.

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Beach Aid signs and posts with sprayed marram browning off in the planting area at Marfells Beach

Up to 2000 spinifex grasses and 35 pingao sedges were planted on the uplifted beach a few hundred metres
south of the Cape Campbell lighthouse. The planting was completed by Council staff with a neighbouring
landowner and volunteers.

Another 1000 spinifex grasses and 35 pingao sedges were planted at Marfell’s Beach in a fenced off strip in
front of the camping area. Pupils and staff from Seddon School assisted Council staff and community
volunteers. Another joint planting of coastal shrubs and trees was completed at Mussel Point, once again
protected by posts and rope.

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Planting spinifex along the old high tide line, at the edge of the marram dune face
                                      south of Cape Campbell Lighthouse

Council paid for the plants and the signs, while the posts and rope, repurposed from vineyard operations and
mussel farms, were installed by Council Biodiversity staff. Prior to planting, Council’s Biodiversity budget also
paid for control of invasive marram in the planting areas.

Canterbury University will be monitoring the results as part of their RECOVER project to see how the plants
establish and whether introducing seed sources such as these into the area is enough to support a natural
recovery of this modified landscape.

Taylor River Improvement Programme (E335-021-01)
(Report prepared by James Mills-Kelly)
To date the Taylor River Improvement has received an overwhelmingly positive response from landowners,
with engagement levels such that the programme is currently oversubscribed, with more interest from
landowners to become involved than funding available to meet this demand. The programme has so far
                         2                                                  2
achieved over 45,000m of native riparian planting, with a further 55,600m of plantings planned over the next
two seasons, budget permitting. This would surpass the planting area initially proposed by the programme by
close to 100%. The programme has also assisted in the fencing of 4.9km of riparian fencing, with a further
2.3km of fencing planned over the next two seasons. Even with these successful interventions, there are still
several high profile sediment-producing sites that are yet to be included in the programme.

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Hill Country Erosion Fund (E355-019-004)
(Report prepared by James Mills-Kelly)
The Hill Country Erosion Fund has delivered a total of 350 poplar poles to landowners on dry, east coast hill
country for erosion control purposes over the past planting season, along with Dynex tree protectors. With
growing awareness among landowners leading to increased interest, the programme is aiming to deliver
approximately 1500 poplar poles in the next planting season. The fund has also been used to support the
rejuvenation of the Tasman poplar and willow nursery, in order to enhance capacity for future pole supply.

State of the Environment - Water Quality (E325-002-001)
(Report prepared by Steffi Henkel)
Monthly coastal water quality sampling continues as scheduled.

State of the Environment - Intertidal Monitoring (E325-002-002)
(Report prepared by Oliver Wade)
Planning is underway for this years’ monitoring.

Pelorus/Te Hoiere Multibeam Survey (E325-017-002)
(Report prepared by Oliver Wade)
The survey has been completed and LINZ are currently compiling the data to pass on to Council. Further
investment is required to process this data in to the products relevant to habitats as achieved for the Queen
Charlotte Sound/Totaranui survey.

Council will receive two finished products at this stage. One is the bathymetric layers for the full survey area.
The other is the exact subtidal location of all marine farms within the survey area.

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Ecologically Significant Marine Site Programme (E325-002-004)
(Report prepared by Oliver Wade)
The expert panel has met by Zoom to consider the findings of the 2019/20 monitoring season and assess
sites against the significance criteria. The recommendations from the expert panel will be presented at the
next Environment Committee meeting.

Sustainable Seas National Science Challenge (E325-016-006)
(Report prepared by Oliver Wade)
Following on from the initial Sustainable Seas case study workshop in August, a sub-group has been formed.
This sub-group consists of members of the Marlborough Sounds community, Iwi, the Ministry for Primary
Industries, the Department of Conservation and Council. This group will finalise the topic of the case study
and develop a project plan to apply for funding from Sustainable Sea for the case study.

Open Ocean Aquaculture (E325-008-002-03)
(Report prepared by Oliver Wade)
There have now been multiple workshops involving staff from regional councils, the Ministry for Primary
Industries, the Department of Conservation, the Environmental Protection Authority, Te Ohu Kaimoana and
representatives of the aquaculture industry. These workshops have been focused on developing best
practice guidelines for the monitoring of benthic and water column effects of open ocean aquaculture. The
intent is that these guidelines will inform current and future consent applications for open ocean aquaculture
around New Zealand.

Water Resource and Climate Summary to end September 2020
(Report prepared by Val Wadsworth 1 October 2020)
This report is prepared using data from Councils Environmental monitoring network, as well as sites operated
by NIWA, and data from the Marlborough Research Centre

Executive summary
The district received some useful rain during September, generally above average, although the
Sounds/Pelorus area was slightly below normal. There was a variation in temperatures, the month was
generally warmer than normal, but there was a sharp reminder at the end of the month that it is not summer
yet. Marlborough Research Centre report that this was the sunniest September on record, and this has
significantly reduced the gap from Richmond and Whakatane for 2020 sunshine honours.

Rainfall, Evapotranspiration, and Soil moisture
After average, or below average rainfall during July, August, and early September, a few rain events pushed
September rainfall across most of the district to above normal levels, the exception being western parts of the
Marlborough Sounds, and Pelorus areas, which were slightly below normal. This should have kept soil
moisture levels at reasonable levels, which should result in some good pasture growth over the next few
weeks. However the usual seasonal increase in evapotranspiration in eastern Marlborough will counteract
that as time goes on, and as always as we move toward summer, more rainfall would be beneficial, for
pastoral farmers at least.

The following graphs show the monthly rainfall totals for the 2020 year at four representative sites, compared
to the long term monthly averages for those sites. The Blenheim graph also shows the calculated monthly
evapotranspiration (ET). The difference between monthly rain and ET indicates the likely soil moisture gain
or loss.

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The following table of rainfall totals around the district shows most areas received above normal rainfall, the
exception being the north-western parts of the district. The year to date rainfall total is still below normal at all

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River Flows – September 2020
River flows around the season were all below average (with one exception) which does not fully reflect the
rainfall patterns observed, but is probably a result of the dry July-August conditions which preceded. The
exception is Dip Flat where we do know more rainfall was received than normal, but as we have not received
recent validation of flows from NIWA who are the recording authority there, it is also possible that the rating
calibration has drifted, and requires alteration.

           River             Site               Catchment        Sept mean        Percentage         Records
                                                   area            flow           of monthly          Begin
                                                   (km )            (L/s)           normal
           Pelorus           Bryants                 375          14,700             60%              1977
           Rai               Rai Falls               211           7,240             55%              1979
           Kaituna           Readers Road            133           3,160             55%              2006
           Branch            Intake Weir             550          27,600             99%              1958
           Wairau            Barnetts Bank         3,430         101,000             76%              1960
           Wairau            Dip Flat                505          38,100            135%              1951
           Onhinemahuta      Briggs Road              33             836             68%              1998
           Waihopai          Craiglochart            764          12,100             60%              1960
           Awatere           Awapiri                 987          12,500             68%              1977
           Omaka             Gorge                    90             954             68%              1994
           Taylor            Borough Weir             64             582             62%              1961
           Flaxbourne        Corrie Downs             70             216             33%              2003

Seasonal Outlook for Marlborough, Tasman, Nelson, Buller – Issued 30 Sept 2020
NIWA report La Nina conditions appear to be developing, this is likely to be confirmed this month.
The NIWA outlook for our area for the next three months is;

       •   Air temperature          Above average
       •   Rainfall                 About or slightly below average
       •   Soil moisture            About or slightly below average
       •   River flows              About or slightly below average

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Building Control Group

Building Control - Building Consent Authority (BCA) & Territorial
Authority (TA) Activity for August 2020 (Report prepared by Bill East)
Activity across the groups functions as a BCA and a TA continue to be steady as the figures below confirm.
Figures are down on July but consistent with previous recent years.

BCA Activity for August 2020
The following figures applied to August 2020

Total Consents issued

• Total of 116 consents, with a total value of $30,849,429 (includes Library/Art Gallery).

• This total included 12 new dwellings, with a value of $3,950,405.

   That compares to August 2019:

• Total of 122 consents, with a total value of $13,001,130.

• This total included 11 new dwellings, with a value of $3,866,082.

Total Consents received August 2020

• Total of 119 consents, with a total value of $15,540,429.

• This total includes 25 new dwellings, with a value of $10,764,027.

   That compares to August 2019:

• Total of 130 consents, with a total value of $19,085,524.

• This total included 22 new dwellings, with a value of $9,075,824.

2020/2021                            This month                                             YTD
                             All             New dwellings                   All                New dwellings
                    Number         Value   Number    Value          Number         Value      Number    Value
                       119         $15.54               $10.76         276         $37.62               $20.11
received                                       25                                                 49
Consents issued        116         $30.85      12        $3.90         278         $55.60         38    $15.66
Inspections                                                            540
CCC issued                                                             289
                                $ Millions             $ Millions              $ Millions              $ Millions

Processing stats for August 2020

For the month of June the group issued 97% of the building consent applications within the required statutory
times frames of 20 days. We had three applications go over time for varying reasons including human error.

Code Compliance Certificates issued during August 2020

• Total of 128 CCC’s, 100% of these were issued within 20 days.

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Number of Inspections undertaken August 2020

A total of 459 inspections were undertaken, with an average booking time of 2.5 days.

Accreditation of the BCA: update

• All evidence presented to IANZ was accepted and all “General Non-Compliances” were cleared on 20
  August 2020. The group awaits its formal invitation to be reaccredited as a BCA.

• The BCA’s next accreditation will be May 2022.

Territorial Authority
Compliance Team:

Compliance Investigation Officer: Activity as at 31/08/2020 (Totals are for this calendar year)

                        CRM’s created this year                      78
                        NTF’s issued this year                       44
                        Compliance Achieved this year                6
                        Prosecutions this year                       0
                        Infringements issued this year               1

Pool Compliance Officer: Activity as at 31/08/2020 (Totals are for this calendar year)

                         Inspection results                          Recheck inspections results
        Pass 31%                    69                      Pass                     80
        Fail 53%                    120                     Fail                     12
        Removed pools 6%            14                      Second re check          1
        Empty                       22                      Inspections for          2
        Total to date               225                     Rechecks required from this year’s
        % Completed for this        53%                     First recheck            38
        Audits left for this year   207                     Second recheck           11

Compliance Schedule/Building Warrant of Fitness activity

CS = Compliance Schedule

BWoF = Building Warrant of Fitness

CCC = Code Compliance Certificate

CPU = Certificate for Public Use

EPB = Earthquake Prone Buildings

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Senior Compliance Officer (SCO): Activity

• 7x CS’s checked for issue with CCC/CPU.

• 5x responses to IQP’s.

• 3x owner enquiries.

• 1x meeting with owner

• 3x amended CS’s issued. (2x Form 11)

• Issued four new CS’s.

• File note and letter to three property owners of three separate building but having shared specified

• IQP push back re; Type 1 Domestic fire alarm in a commercial use becomes a SS02 system –
  discussions & file note.

• Letters sent to NUO’s re cancelling CS’s as Determination says they are not buildings for CS/BWoF

• Assisting Deepti with details on CS’s and with communications.

• Assisting BCO’s with CS info and Vetting.

• Updating CS spreadsheet.

SCO: EPB activity

• Updated MBIE EPB Register with eight new entries with photos and documents uploaded.
• The EPB webpage is all ok for making live on the Website, as soon as IT can do so.
• Ongoing data entry on EPB Register for the Webpage – completed Blenheim CBD area.
• Picton Yacht Club Hotel – Letter to owner responding to their letter then received a completely new DSA
  as well as further responses to the Peer Review process from the owner. Discussion regarding making a
  formal complaint to Engineering NZ.
• 6x owner etc. enquiries.
• 3x owner meetings.
• 1x withdrawal of request for engineering assessment.
• Issued 5x requests for engineering assessments – one with 9 property owners to communicate with.
• Discussions re: what are Council’s options when an assessment is unacceptable.
• An in-depth study of the design, construction and seismic strengthening of Radio House together with file
  note and discussions, concluding the building is exempt under EPB Methodology Sections 1.2.2 and 3.3.

Compliance Officer

CS/BWoF activity

• Continuing background BC/CS research for upcoming CS/BWoF Audits site visits.
• 10 x CS/BWoF Audits site visits.
• 6 x CS/BWoF Audit Reports and letters issued.
• 9 x amended CS’s issued.

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Alcohol Licensing

Attached is a schedule of applications for alcohol licences issued by Marlborough District Licensing
Committee under delegated authority from 8 August 2020 to 18 September 2020.

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Alcohol Licences issued by the Marlborough District Licensing Committee
                                    From 8 August 2020 to 18 September 2020

                                                                Special Licenses
                    Applicant                     Location                                 Event                                  Date/s
SPC/022/2020   Feast Marlborough        Market Place, Wynen Street,       Bayleys Friday Night Feast              Friday 9 October 2020
               Charitable Trust         Blenheim
SPC/040/2020   Linkwater School Board   1357 Queen Charlotte Drive,       Fundraising dinner                      Friday 14 August 2020
               Of Trustees              Linkwater
SPC/042/2020   Sahara New Zealand       6 Kinross Street, Blenheim        Marlborough home and garden show        Friday 11, Saturday 12 and Sunday
               Limited                                                                                            13 September 2020
SPC/043/2020   Lions Club Of Seddon     Foster Street, Seddon             50th anniversary of lions club          Saturday 26 September 2020
SPC/044/2020   Blenheim Bowling Club    65 E Weld Street, Blenheim        Private events                          Saturday 29 August 2020, Saturday
               Incorporated                                                                                       5 December 2020
SPC/046/2020   Cardrona Distillery      6 Kinross Street, Blenheim        Marlborough Home and Garden             Friday 11, Saturday 12 and Sunday
               Limited                                                    Show                                    13 September 2020
SPC/047/2020   Rowan Lockyer James      54 High Street, Renwick           Fundraising dinner and bottle auction   Wednesday 23 September 2020
SPC/048/2020   Dog Point Vineyards      36 Godfrey Road, Hawkesbury       Charity Auctions                        Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23
               Limited                                                                                            September, Saturday 3 October, Tuesday
                                                                                                                  20 and Wednesday 21 October, Tuesday
                                                                                                                  17 and Wednesday 18 November 2020
SPC/049/2020   Awatere Rugby Football   Foster Street, Seddon             Comedy Night                            Thursday 3 September 2020
               Club Incorporated
SPC/051/2020   Clos Henri Limited       639 SH 63, Wairau Valley          Wine and Cheese pairing evenings        Thursday 3 September 2020 and Thursday
                                                                                                                  8 October 2020
SPC/052/2020   Blenheim Club            92 High Street, Blenheim          Private birthday party                  Saturday 5 September 2020
SPC/054/2020   Tasman Rugby Union       6 B Lansdowne Street, Blenheim    Ruby Fixtures- Mitre 10 cup             Friday 18 September 2020, Saturday
               Incorporated                                                                                       7 November 2020, Friday 20 November
                                                                                                                  OR Saturday 21 November OR Saturday
                                                                                                                  28 November 2020

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New Premises Licences
Licence Number    Applicant                        Licence Type     Premises                                    Expiry Date
OFF/029/2020      Seresin Estate Ltd               Off licence-     Seresin Estate                              12/08/2021
                                                   remote sales

Temporary Authority for Premise Licences
Licence Number    Applicant                        Licence Type     Premises address                            Premise Name   Expiry Date
ON/006/2020       Casa Pablo 2020 Ltd              On Licence       81 Cleghorn Street Redwoodtown              Casa Pablos    5/11/2020
ON/066/2018       Paul James Frost                 On Licence       51 Scott Street Blenheim                    Marlborough    14/12/2020
                                                                                                                Public House
OFF/018/2018      Jacob Graham Anderson            Off Licence      22 Maxwell Road, Blenheim                   Scotch Wine    4/01/2021
ON/045/2018       Jacob Graham Anderson            On Licence       4 Bythell Place                             Scotch Wine    4/01/2021

Variation to Premise Licences
Licence Number    Applicant                        Licence Type     Premises                                    Expiry Date
OFF/015/2020      Seddon Supervalue Ltd            Off Licence      Seddon Supervalue                           1/04/2021

                                                         Renewed Premises Licenses
                          Applicant                  Licence Type                        Premises               Expiry Date
OFF/030/2020   Riot and Rose Spirits Ltd          Off Licence            Riot and Rose                          11/07/2023
OFF/031/2020   Kono NZ LP                         Off Licence            Kono                                   7/09/2023
OFF/033/2020   Hunters Wines NZ Ltd               Off Licence            Hunters Wines                          5/08/2023
OFF/034/2020   Renwick Vines Ltd                  Off Licence            Gibson Bridge                          5/07/2023
OFF/036/2020   Allan Scott Wines & Estates Ltd    Off Licence            Allan Scott Wines                      11/08/2023
OFF/037/2020   Jules Taylor Wines Ltd             Off Licence            Jules Taylor Wines                     2/09/2023
ON/037/2020    Bamboo Gardens 2013 Ltd            On Licence             Bamboo Garden Restaurant               26/09/2023
ON/015/2020    Renwick Sports Centre Inc          On Licence             Renwick Sports and Events Centre       14/04/2023
ON/025/2020    Allan Scott Wins & Estates Ltd     On Licence             Twelve Trees                           10/05/2023
OFF/025/2020   Theresa Linda Joy Horton and       Off Licence            Cosy Corner                            14/05/2023
               Thomas Bruce Horton
ON/032/2020    P & B Ltd                          On Licence             Rainbow Cafe                           23/07/2023

                                                 Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 20
                            Applicant                   Licence Type                        Premises               Expiry Date
ON/034/2020     Chateau Marlborough Hotel 2014       On Licence             Chateau Marlborough Hotel              21/06/2023
ON/035/2020     Marlborough Tour Company Ltd         On conveyance          MV Sounds Exciting                     21/06/2023
OFF/028/2020    Fromm & Partner Ltd                  Off Licence            Fromm Winery                           14/07/2023
OFF/013/2020    Tupari Wines Ltd                     Off Licence            Tupari Wines Cellar Door               9/04/2023

                                                              New Manager Certificates
  Certificate                           Applicant                                        Premises                                Expiry Date
CERT/068/2020        Levon Conroy-Mosdell                              Marlborough Tour Company                    02-09-2021
CERT/071/2020        Andrew David Endersby                             MV Delphinus                                12-08-2021
CERT/073/2020        Nina Louise Oehlrich                              Wither Hills                                12-08-2021
CERT/076/2020        Sophie Eve Allan                                  Huia Vineyards Limited                      12-08-2021
CERT/080/2020        Nicholas Laurence Pett                            Seresin Estate Limited                      12-08-2021
CERT/081/2020        Sacha Lee Daubney                                 Pak'n Save Blenheim                         12-08-2021
CERT/085/2020        Rebecca Alys Glucina                              Marlborough Public House Limited            12-08-2021
CERT/086/2020        Gennaro Giovanni Lorenzo Romano                   CPR Coffee Company Limited                  12-08-2021
CERT/090/2020        Aran Cole Vercoe                                  The Yard Bar And Bistro Limited             26-08-2021
CERT/092/2020        Paula Vivienne Munro-Leigh                        Framingham Wines                            11-09-2021
CERT/096/2020        Alex Chandler Judd                                Greywacke Vineyards Limited                 11-09-2021
CERT/097/2020        Mitchell Simon Shepard Wiffin                     Local Beverages Ltd                         11-09-2021
CERT/099/2020        Emma Louise Regan                                 The Tamarind                                11-09-2021
CERT/084/2020        Sarah Jean Watene                                 New World Blenheim                          12-08-2021

                                                          Renewed Managers Certificates
Certificate Number     Applicant                               Premises                                            Expiry Date
CERT/160/2014          Patrick William Burdon                  Springlands Tavern                                  20-06-2023
CERT/171/2014          Howard Wilton Simmonds                  Gibson Bridge                                       05-07-2023
CERT/174/2014          Raewyn Diane Wilson                     Mikey's Bar & Restaurant                            06-08-2023
CERT/191/2014          Nathalie Elsie Gee                      Fairweathers                                        10-09-2023
CERT/192/2014          Graham Craig Beattie                    Greywacke Vineyards Limited                         24-08-2023
CERT/129/2015          Koko Tui Lambert                        The Station Seddon                                  24-07-2023
CERT/116/2016          Miu (Astrid) Cheung                     Arbour                                              11-07-2023
CERT/187/2016          Ashley Joll De Castro                   Saint Clair Vineyard Kitchen                        02-09-2023

                                                    Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 21
Certificate Number   Applicant                             Premises                                            Expiry Date
CERT/188/2016        Deborah Ann Taumoefolau               Cafe Cortado                                        02-09-2023
CERT/067/2019        Jane Susan Ollier Walkenhorst         Riot And Rose Spirits Limited                       11-07-2023
CERT/089/2019        Sela Ofa Makeleta He 'I Motulalo      Dolce Cafe Restaurant & Bar                         12-08-2023
CERT/092/2019        Susan Raewyn Van Der Pol              Grove Mill Winery                                   06-08-2023
CERT/097/2019        Paula Miyuki Kawasaki                 Punga Cove                                          22-08-2023
CERT/102/2019        Himanshu Khanna                       New World Blenheim                                  22-08-2023
CERT/116/2019        Nicola Ann Mearns                     5Tapped Limited                                     11-09-2023
CERT/120/2019        Gabrielle Jane Shaskey                Spring Creek Four Square                            11-09-2023
CERT/087/2020        Ruby Jane Dwight                      CPR Coffee 2015 Company Limited                     11-09-2023
CERT/093/2020        Abhijith Arcot Divaakar               The Lemongrass                                      15-08-2023

                                                Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 22
Resource Consents Section
Resource Consents Team Update 2019-2020
(Report prepared by Anna Eatherley)                                                             R450-004-12
Despite being impacted by the Covid-19 Lockdown and Levels Three and Two, the 2020 calendar year to
date has been relatively busy for the Resource Consent Team. Overall the number of applications received
is only slightly less than the previous 2 years. During the calendar year to date Council has received
659 applications. Of that total, 605 were new applications for resource consent. Council has also received
45 applications for variations to resource consent conditions under section 127, 7 extensions to lapse date
under section 125 and 2 objections to conditions under section 357. In the same period in 2019 Council
received 700 applications and in 2018 Council received 705 applications.

In the 2020 calendar year to date Council has issued 742 decisions. Of that total, 679 were for new
applications for resource consent. Council has also issued 57 section 127 decisions (variations to resource
consent conditions) and 6 section 125 (extension to lapse date). In the same period in 2019 Council issued
719 decisions and in 2018 Council issued 760 decisions.

Over Lockdown the team worked on improvements to the Duty Planner Service and the refreshed Duty
Planner Service was launched on the first day that we moved into Level Three. The Duty Planner Service
has been identified as a Council priority for delivery post Level 4 Lockdown to support economic stimulus.
The refresh has focussed on streamlining the service so that we can meet the demand that is expected as
we move through the Levels post the Lockdown. Improvements have been made to the information and the
form on the website and the Team have committed to responding to and recording all responses within
48 hours of receipt. The DPinbox which is where the enquiries are received is managed by the dedicated

                        Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 23
Duty Planner with assistance from other staff when required to achieve the desired level of service. The
priority is on responding to enquiries that have been received post moving into Level 3. So far the refreshed
service has received positive feedback from our customers and key stakeholders.

The latest RC team newsletter which was sent out at the beginning of September focussed on the Frequently
Asked Questions (FAQs) associated with the Duty Planner Service. There were also articles on how to move
smoothly and most cost effectively through the resource consent process; the Resource Management
Amendment Act 2020; Heritage and the Marlborough Environment Plan; Hazard Overlay; Resource
Consents Statistics for 2019/2020 and Hearing Decisions Issued. The newsletter is widely distributed via
email and is also available on the Council website. Previous issues can also be found on the Council

                        Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 24
Resource Consent Approvals Under Delegated Authority
The following applications have been approved under delegated authority pursuant to Council’s Instrument of Delegation pursuant to the Resource Management
Act 1991, and the relevant clause thereof as identified below.

     Delegation   Consent Holder         Consent     Consent(s) Issued      Proposal                              Site Location                   Date Issued
1.   104B         D J & M A Kerr         U200395     Coastal Permit         Replacing MFL147 and U110521          Hallam Cove, Pelorus Sound/Te   03/08/2020
                                                     (Marine Farm)          for the continuation, using           Hoiere
                                                                            conventional longline methods, of
                                                                            an existing 5.54 hectare marine
                                                                            farm site 8189
2.   127          M R & P H M Heard      U151051     Change/Cancellation    Change Conditions 5, 6 and 7 of       Ocean Bay, Port Underwood       04/08/2020
                                                     of Resource            Coastal Permit (Mooring) consent
                                                     Consent Conditions
3.   127          PS&CAM                 U170560     Change/Cancellation    Change Conditions 2, 3 and 4 of       Broughton Bay, Kenepuru Sound   04/08/2020
                  Alloway and Dew &                  of Resource            Coastal Permit (Mooring) consent
                  Company Trustee                    Consent Conditions     (U170560.2) for mooring M1708
                  Company Ltd as
                  trustees of the PS &
                  CAM Alloway
                  Family Trust

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Delegation   Consent Holder    Consent     Consent(s) Issued      Proposal                                 Site Location                   Date Issued
4.   104D         Delegat Limited   U200371     Land Use (River        Provide for the re-alignment of a        3370 State Highway 63, Wairau   04/08/2020
                                                Surface or Bed         section of Boundary Creek and an         Valley
                                                Activity) x6           unnamed watercourse; construct and
                                                                       maintain erosion protection works in
                                                Land Use (Land
                                                                       the form of rock armouring in the bed
                                                Disturbance) x4        of Boundary Creek; provide for the
                                                Water Permit (Divert   installation and occupation of a flow
                                                Water)                 control structure in an un-named
                                                Land Use (Activity)    watercourse; install a new bridge, a
                                                                       new low-level ford crossing and
                                                                       irrigation and electrical lines under
                                                                       Boundary Creek and an un-named
                                                                       creek; construct and maintain three
                                                                       30 metre long rock armoured groynes
                                                                       in the dry area of the Wairau River
                                                                       and to establish riparian plantings to
                                                                       enhance flood protection; remove
                                                                       sediment build-up from within the
                                                                       waterbodies and crossings when the
                                                                       subject water bodies are not carrying
                                                                       water; undertake earthworks within 8
                                                                       metres of Boundary Creek and an un-
                                                                       named watercourse to construct new
                                                                       channels; undertake land disturbance
                                                                       within 8 metres of an existing
                                                                       stopbank; remove vegetation from
                                                                       within the bed of the Wairau River
                                                                       where the groynes are to be
                                                                       constructed; plant poplars and/or
                                                                       willows to the western side of the
                                                                       groynes to provide additional flood
                                                                       protection and to establish riparian
                                                                       plantings on the re-aligned un-named
                                                                       watercourse; provide for the diversion
                                                                       of water as the result of the re-
                                                                       alignment of Boundary Creek and an
                                                                       unnamed watercourse; establish a
                                                                       vineyard within a Level 3 Flood
                                                                       Hazard Area

                                              Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 26
Delegation   Consent Holder         Consent     Consent(s) Issued      Proposal                              Site Location                   Date Issued
5.   104B         Snapper Point          U200400     Coastal Permit         Replacing MFL078 and U080232          Schnapper Point, Kenepuru       04/08/2020
                  Marine Farms                       (Marine Farm)          for the continuation, using           Sound
                  Limited                                                   conventional longline methods, of
                                                                            an existing 4.144 hectare marine
                                                                            farm site 8472
6.   104B         New Zealand            U200628     Land Use (Activity)    Construct six (6), three person       Wairau - Hanmer Springs Hydro   04/08/2020
                  Defence Force                                             cabins and a new ablution block       Road, Dip Flat, Wairau Valley
7.   104B         Westhaven Land         U200520     Subdivision            Create three lots as part of a        158 Dumgree Road, Awatere       05/08/2020
                  Holdings Limited                   (Boundary              boundary adjustment                   Valley
8.   125          P B Roberts            U180277     Extend Lapse Period    Extension to the lapse date of        Bay of Many Coves, Queen        06/08/2020
                                                     of Resource            Coastal Permit (Mooring) consent      Charlotte Sound
                                                     Consent                ( D050-001-E01.2) to 1
                                                                            September 2023
9.   104B         B J Cowan              U190544     Land Use (Activity)    Retrospective consent to              147 Akerbloms Road, Endeavour   06/08/2020
                                                                            authorise the construction of a       Inlet, Queen Charlotte
                                                                            deck within a natural hazard          Sound/Tōtaranui
                                                                            overlay identified on the Planning
10. 104B          Marlborough District   U200397     Land Use (Activity)    Construct a public recreational       Wakamarina Road, Canvastown     06/08/2020
                  Council                            Land Use (Land         area including a replica miners
                                                     Disturbance)           hut, pathways, and viewing area
                                                                            and associated signage within
                                                                            legal road reserve and within the
                                                                            Riparian Management Zone of the
                                                                            Wakamarina River; undertake
                                                                            land disturbance within a flood
                                                                            hazard area, within the
                                                                            Wakamarina River Riparian
                                                                            Management Zone and within 8
                                                                            metres of the Wakamarina River
                                                                            and within legal road reserve for
                                                                            development of a public
                                                                            recreational area, associated river
                                                                            viewing area and an under bridge
                                                                            access pathway

                                                   Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 27
Delegation   Consent Holder      Consent     Consent(s) Issued      Proposal                               Site Location                       Date Issued
11. 104B        Sanford Limited     U200409     Coastal Permit         Replacing U990944, MPE782 and          Brightlands Bay, Tawhitinui         06/08/2020
                                                (Marine Farm)          U110135 for the continuation,          Reach, Pelorus Sound
                                                                       using conventional longline
                                                                       methods, of an existing 4.92
                                                                       hectare marine farm site 8309
12. 87BA        N W & G M Botham    U200608     Deemed Permitted       Build a garage which encroaches        39 Green Lane, Blenheim             06/08/2020
                                                Boundary Activity      the 3 metre boundary setback on
                                                                       the southern boundary
13. 104A        Kari Limited        U200629     Land Use (Activity)    Install and operate a FrostBoss        212 Selmes Road, Rapaura,           06/08/2020
                                                                       C49 frost fan with a John Deere        Blenheim
14. 104B        M R & S K Black     U200506     Coastal Permit         Validate an existing jetty extension   Tuna Bay, Tennyson Inlet, Pelorus   07/08/2020
                                                (Structure)            alongside an existing boatshed         Sound/Te Hoiere
15. 104B        Sanford Limited     U200410     Coastal Permit         Replacing MFL393, U001311 and          Nydia Bay, Inner Pelorus            10/08/2020
                                                (Marine Farm)          MPE512 to relocate and operate,
                                                                       using conventional longline
                                                                       methods, an existing 4.6 hectare
                                                                       marine farm site 8360
16. 104A        KW&HM               U200541     Subdivision            Create two allotments                  105 Boons Valley Road, Waikawa      10/08/2020
                McCormick                       (Allotment Creation)
17. 104B        Whyte Trustee       U200568     Land Use (Dam)         Construct an off stream dam            188 Paynters Road, Fairhall         10/08/2020
                Company Limited                 Water Permit (Dam      within 500 metres upstream of
                                                Water)                 Paynters Road and within 8
                                                Land Use (Land         metres of the front boundary and
                                                Disturbance)           5 metres of the side; dam up to
                                                                       15,000 cubic metres of water
                                                                       within a water storage dam and
                                                                       place in excess of 1000 cubic
                                                                       metres of fill associated with the
                                                                       construction of a dam
18. 104B        G E & C M Moseley   U200647     Land Use (Activity)    Construct a dwelling where the         3A Boyce Street, Renwick            10/08/2020
                                                                       outdoor amenity area does not
                                                                       connect directly with the living

                                              Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 28
Delegation   Consent Holder        Consent     Consent(s) Issued      Proposal                               Site Location                     Date Issued
19. 104B        D S & P J Kingsbury   U200492     Land Use (Activity)    Re-site two visitor accommodation      Tawa Bay, Endeavour Inlet,        12/08/2020
                                                                         cabins within the property and         Queen Charlotte Sound/Tōtaranui
                                                                         within 8 metres of the western
20. 104B        Harper Equities       U200542     Subdivision            Create two allotments; excavate a      22 Milton Terrace, Picton         12/08/2020
                Limited                           (Allotment Creation)   building platform for two
                                                  Land Use (Land         residential units; allow the garage
                                                  Disturbance)           of the Unit on Lot 1 to be flush
                                                  Land Use (Building)    with the front of the living portion
                                                  Land Use (Activity)    of the dwelling and allow for two
                                                                         entrances along the frontage of
                                                                         Lot 1 DP 571
21. 104B        Ashlesha Holdings     U200659     Water Permit (Take     Take Wairau Aquifer FMU water          140 Morgans Road, Dillons Point   12/08/2020
                Limited                           Water)                 from well P28w/6476 up to a
                                                  Water Permit (Use      maximum rate of 36,000 cubic
                                                  Water) x2              metres per year; use water for the
                                                                         broad acre irrigation of up to 3.5
                                                                         hectares gardens and paddocks
                                                                         and use water for domestic water
                                                                         (drinking water and ablutions)
                                                                         associated with visitor
22. 104B        G J & I H M Smith     U200319     Land Use (Activity)    Undertake a dwelling extension         247B Waikawa Road, Waikawa        13/08/2020
                                                                         within an unstable hazard overlay
                                                                         and that intrudes into the
                                                                         recession plane along the east
23. 104B        Spring Tide Limited   U200419     Coastal Permit         Replacing MFL458 to relocate,          Waikawa Bay, Current Basin        13/08/2020
                                                  (Marine Farm)          reconfigure and operate, using
                                                                         conventional longline methods, an
                                                                         existing 3.45 hectare marine farm
                                                                         site 8012
24. 104B        Ministry of           U200521     Discharge Permit (to   Discharge treated human                353 Hammerichs Road, Rapaura      13/08/2020
                Education                         Land)                  wastewater to land from two
                                                                         upgraded wastewater systems up
                                                                         to a maximum rate of 5,040 litres
                                                                         per day

                                                Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 29
Delegation   Consent Holder         Consent     Consent(s) Issued      Proposal                                 Site Location                      Date Issued
25. 104B        A H & A P Kersley      U200567     Subdivision            Create two allotments                    59 Parker Street, Blenheim         13/08/2020
                                                   (Allotment Creation)
26. 87BA        A C Coleman and T      U200636     Deemed Permitted       Construction of a dwelling that will     22 Moana View Road, Waikawa        13/08/2020
                T Harrington                       Boundary Activity      intrude into the daylight recession
27. 104B        Georgialeigh           U190108     Water Permit (Divert   Divert groundwater into Pickering        75 Pembers Road, Tuamarina         14/08/2020
                Limited                            Water)                 and Pembers Drains and
                                                   Discharge Permit (to   discharge water into Pickerings
                                                   Water)                 and Pembers Drains
28. 104B        B D & C L Abbott       U200639     Land Use (Activity)    Construct a new dwelling that            149 Taylor Pass Road, Witherlea,   14/08/2020
                                                   Land Use (Land         encroaches the recession plane           Blenheim
                                                   Disturbance)           along the eastern boundary and
                                                                          excavate up to 65 cubic metres of
                                                                          soil to facilitate the installation of
                                                                          an in-ground swimming pool
29. 104B        Clearwater Mussels     U200435     Coastal Permit         Extend by 1.532 hectares, and            Otanerau Bay, East Bay, Queen      17/08/2020
                Limited                            (Marine Farm)          operate using conventional               Charlotte Sound/Totaranui
                                                                          longline methods, an existing 5.25
                                                                          hectare marine farm site 8398 and
                                                                          to replace the existing consent
                                                                          MFL409 with one new consent for
                                                                          the 6.782 hectare site.
30. 104B        Abioli Limited and C   U200437     Coastal Permit         Replacing MFL431 to reconfigure          East Bay, Outer Queen Charlotte    17/08/2020
                Norton as trustee                  (Marine Farm)          and operate, using conventional          Sound
                for the Tom Norton                                        longline methods, an existing 3.0
                Family Trust                                              hectare marine farm site 8400l
31. 104D        Clifford Road          U200545     Subdivision            Provide for a boundary adjustment        3105 State Highway 63, Wairau      17/08/2020
                Limited                            (Boundary                                                       Valley
32. 104B        J R Hebberd and B      U200447     Coastal Permit         Replacing MFL502 to relocate,            Anakoha Bay, Marlborough           18/08/2020
                E Archer                           (Marine Farm)          reconfigure and operate, using           Sounds
                                                                          conventional longline methods, an
                                                                          existing 4.5 hectare marine farm
                                                                          site 8149

                                                 Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 30
Delegation   Consent Holder         Consent     Consent(s) Issued      Proposal                              Site Location                    Date Issued
33. 104B        Marlborough District   U200588     Land Use (Activity)    Realign the narrow gauge railway      Taylor River Reserve, Blenheim   18/08/2020
                Council                                                   where it crosses the public
                                                                          pathway between the Beaver
                                                                          Road and Monro Street
                                                                          footbridges within the Taylor River
34. 104B        Negociants New         U200047     Land Use (Activity)    Operate An Uncovered Grape            12 Rapaura Road, Conders Bend    19/08/2020
                Zealand Limited                    Discharge Permit (to   Marc Pad and Discharge
                                                   Land)                  Collected Grape Marc Pad
                                                                          Leachate to land
35. 104B        B & N A Bunting        U200450     Coastal Permit         Replacing MFL077 and U071419          Crail Bay, Pelorus Sound/Te      19/08/2020
                                                   (Marine Farm)          to relocate, reconfigure and          Hoiere
                                                                          operate, using conventional
                                                                          longline methods, an existing
                                                                          5.342 hectare marine farm site
36. 104B        Paddy Bull Limited     U200461     Coastal Permit         Replacing U120422 for the             Cutters Bay, Port Underwood      19/08/2020
                                                   (Marine Farm)          continuation, using conventional
                                                                          longline methods, of an existing
                                                                          4.0 hectare marine farm site 8455
37. 104B        P I & P R Francis      U200631     Land Use (Activity)    Build a dwelling with a height of     49 Boons Valley Road, Waikawa    19/08/2020
                                                                          8.7 metres, with an outdoor
                                                                          amenity area that is not
                                                                          accessible from the main living
                                                                          area, and with a slope of more
                                                                          than 5 degrees
38. 104B        I B & A D Cunniffe     U200664     Land Use (Activity)    Exceed the permitted site             39 Belvue Bay Road, Havelock     19/08/2020

                                                 Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 31
Delegation   Consent Holder         Consent     Consent(s) Issued      Proposal                              Site Location                    Date Issued
39. 104B        G R Oborne             U200648     Land Use (Building)    Construct a building in a Level 2     49 Te Tio Terrace, Port          20/08/2020
                                                   Land Use (Land         flood hazard area and within 100      Underwood
                                                   Disturbance)           metres of existing plantation
                                                   Discharge Permit (to   forestry; provide for 500 cubic
                                                   Land)                  metres of completed excavation
                                                                          and filling in a Level 2 flood
                                                                          hazard area and to undertake a
                                                                          further 100 cubic metres of
                                                                          excavation in a Level 2 flood
                                                                          hazard area and discharge
                                                                          secondary treated domestic
                                                                          wastewater to land
40. 104B        D F & I F Godsiff as   U200470     Coastal Permit         Replacing MFL229 and U100054          Nikau Bay, Inner Pelorus         21/08/2020
                trustees of the Doug               (Marine Farm)          to reconfigure and operate, using
                Godsiff Family Trust                                      conventional longline methods, an
                                                                          existing 3.58 hectare marine farm
                                                                          site 8385
41. 104D        R G Wilding; C M       U200510     Land Use (Activity)    Undertake soil disturbance for the    276 Old Renwick Road, Blenheim   21/08/2020
                Gatley; H E                                               purpose of installing a swimming
                Robinson and R S                                          pool on a HAIL site that does not
                Sporle                                                    comply with Regulation 8(3)© of
                                                                          the NES for Contaminated Soil

                                                 Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 32
Delegation   Consent Holder      Consent     Consent(s) Issued      Proposal                               Site Location                    Date Issued
42. 104D         J E M Bristed and   U200602     Water Permit (Take     Abstract Class A Awatere River         177 Old Ford Road, Seddon        21/08/2020
                 Cobden Farm                     Water) x3              FMU water up to a maximum rate
                 Limited                         Water Permit (Use      of 938.3 cubic metres per day
                                                 Water) x2              from an existing intake (Grid Ref:
                                                                        E1681110 N5384910); Abstract
                                                                        Class B Awatere River FMU water
                                                                        up to a maximum rate of 119
                                                                        cubic metres per day from an
                                                                        existing intake (Grid Ref:
                                                                        E1681110 N5384910):use water
                                                                        for the irrigation of 46 hectares of
                                                                        vineyard and 18 hectares of
                                                                        pasture and crops; take Awatere
                                                                        River FMU water outside of the
                                                                        irrigation season up to a
                                                                        maximum rate of 938.3 cubic
                                                                        metres per day and 6,400 cubic
                                                                        metres per year from an existing
                                                                        intake (Grid Ref: E1681110
                                                                        N5384910) and use water up to a
                                                                        maximum rate of 938.3 cubic
                                                                        metres per day and 6,400 cubic
                                                                        metres per year outside of the
                                                                        irrigation season for ancillary
43. 87BA         M D Greig and M E   U200681     Deemed Permitted       Build a boundary fence that will       55 Forest Park Drive, Blenheim   24/08/2020
                 Brownlee                        Boundary Activity      encroach the recession plane
                                                                        along the north and west
44. 127          CP&LE               U090789     Change of Resource     Change Conditions 2 and 3 of           Picnic Bay, Pelorus Sound/Te     25/08/2020
                 Wormersley                      Consent Conditions     Coastal Permit (Mooring) in order      Hoiere
                                                                        to reposition existing mooring
                                                                        M732 and increase the maximum
                                                                        vessel length from 15.0 metres to
                                                                        18.0 metres

                                               Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 33
Delegation   Consent Holder      Consent     Consent(s) Issued      Proposal                              Site Location                     Date Issued
45. 104B         The Ministry of     U200206     Water Permit (Take     Abstract Wairau Aquifer FMU           37 McLauchlan Street, Blenheim    25/08/2020
                 Education                       Water)                 water via well P28w/4518 up to a
                                                 Water Permit (Use      maximum rate of 6000 cubic
                                                 Water)                 metres per year and use Wairau
                                                                        Aquifer FMU water for general
                                                                        uses associated with running
                                                                        schools including swimming pool
                                                                        filling and grounds watering
46. 104B         B P & J A Todd      U200571     Discharge Permit (to   Discharge secondary treated           422 Kaiuma Bay Road, Havelock     25/08/2020
                                                 Land)                  domestic wastewater to land from
                                                                        a new wastewater system
47. 127          O J & W M Glover    U190065     Change/Cancellation    Change Conditions 1, 3, 6 and 9       420 Dillons Point Road, Dillons   26/08/2020
                                                 of Resource            of Subdivision (Boundary              Point
                                                 Consent Conditions     Adjustment) consent
48. 104B         M C & D L Nisbet    U200291     Coastal Permit         Construction of a new 54.5 metre      Nydia Bay, Inner Pelorus          26/08/2020
                 and A H & E L von               (Structures)           long fixed wooden jetty, floating
                 Aesch                                                  pontoon and 27.0 metre
                                                                        boardwalk and access ramp,
                                                                        fronting Sounds Foreshore
49. 104B         J G McVicar         U190366     Discharge Permit (to   Discharge treated domestic            Onahau Bay, Inner Queen           26/08/2020
                                                 Land)                  wastewater to land                    Charlotte Sound
50. 104B         J B & G M Gray      U200452     Subdivision            Create two allotments; take           70 Battys Road, Blenheim          26/08/2020
                                                 (Allotment Creation)   Southern Springs FMU water from
                                                 Water Permit (Take     well P28w/2183 up to a maximum
                                                 Water)                 rate of 10 cubic metres per day;
                                                 Water Permit (Use      use water for a shared domestic
                                                 Water)                 supply on Lots 1 and 2 created on
                                                 Land Use (Activity)    subdivision U200452.and
                                                                        temporarily use well P28w/2183
                                                                        for domestic water for Lots 1 and
                                                                        2 until Council reticulated supply
                                                                        becomes available

                                               Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 34
Delegation   Consent Holder      Consent     Consent(s) Issued      Proposal                              Site Location                     Date Issued
51. 104B         I D Timpson and     U200530     Land Use (Land         Undertake land disturbance in         Whatapu Point, Resolution Bay     26/08/2020
                 Stayrod Trustees                Disturbance) x2        excess of 50 cubic metres and on
                 (Timpson) Limited               Discharge Permit (to   a slope greater than 25 degrees;
                                                 Land)                  undertake land disturbance and
                                                                        vegetation clearance to construct
                                                                        an access track on the Sounds
                                                                        Foreshore Reserve and discharge
                                                                        treated domestic wastewater to
52. 87BA         I G M Holdings      U200689     Deemed Permitted       Build a garage and workshop that      24A Inkerman Street, Renwick      26/08/2020
                 Limited                         Boundary Activity      will be within the 5m rear
                                                                        boundary setback
53. 104B         R J & L C Roughan   U200161     Subdivision            Create two allotments                 2628 State Highway 6, Okaramio,   27/08/2020
                                                 (Allotment Creation)                                         Havelock
54. 104B         41 Degree South     U200298     Land Use (River        Undertake stream management           State Highway 6, Havelock         27/08/2020
                 Limited                         Surface or Bed         works associated with un-named
                                                 Activity)              watercourses
                                                 Land Use (Land
55. 104B         Talleys Group       U200484     Coastal Permit         Replacing U120494 for the             Nydia Bay, Inner Pelorus          27/08/2020
                 Limited                         (Marine Farm)          continuation, using conventional
                                                                        longline methods, of an existing
                                                                        3.4 hectare marine farm site 8357
56. 104B         AJ&RM               U200623     Discharge Permit (to   Discharge treated domestic            859 Rapaura Road, Rapaura         27/08/2020
                 Sutherland                      Land)                  wastewater to land from a new
                                                                        wastewater system
57. 104B         T R Stein           U200672     Discharge Permit (to   Discharge treated domestic            1048 Queen Charlotte Drive,       27/08/2020
                                                 Land)                  wastewater to land via an existing    Linkwater
                                                                        wastewater system
58. 127          J M & L C Denby     U130613     Change of Resource     Change Conditions 4 and 6 of          Ngamuka Bay, D'Urville Island     28/08/2020
                                                 Consent Conditions     Coastal Permit (Mooring) consent
59. 127          B M :& L L Delany   U190007     Change of Resource     Change Conditions 2, 3 and 4 of       Grant Bay, Pelorus Sound/Te       28/08/2020
                                                 Consent Conditions     Coastal Permit (Mooring) consent      Hoiere
60. 104B         I D Timpson and     U200330     Coastal Permit         Establish a new swing mooring         Whatapu Point, Resolution Bay,    28/08/2020
                 Stayrod Trustees                (Mooring)              M3763                                 Queen Charlotte Sound
                 (Timpson) Limited

                                               Environment - Information Package - 8 October 2020 - Page 35
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