Wired Broadband Special Topic: P11 - ZTE

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Wired Broadband Special Topic: P11 - ZTE
Vol. 13 No. 6 I s s u e 1 3 7   Dec

Special Topic:
Wired Broadband
Construction of National Broadband Networks                       P6

Embracing the 100G Era        P11

Green Broadband for a Green Country            P16
Wired Broadband Special Topic: P11 - ZTE
Wired Broadband Special Topic: P11 - ZTE
Operation Insight

3   European Broadband Access Business Model
    Many European operators are putting the broadband access
    business model into practice. After speeding up broadband
    connection, they have built intelligent networks to increase
    network value, reduce TCO, and create new revenue sources.

                                    Tech Forum
                                    6    Construction of National Broadband Networks
                                         An open access platform and wholesale business model are
                                         fundamental for building a national broadband network. These help
                                         create a fair competitive environment for operators and retail service
                                         providers and also offer more options to users.
                                    9    A Discussion on OFDM-PON

                                    11 Embracing the 100G Era

                                         Through the joint efforts of the IEEE, ITU-T and OIF, 100G standards
                                         have been drafted. Vendors worldwide have released or will soon
                                         release their 100G products, and the 100G DWDM era is just around
                                         the corner. ZTE is now ready for 100G commercialization.

                                    13   C-RAN Bearer Network Solution

Wired Broadband Special Topic: P11 - ZTE
Editorial Board
Success Stories                                            Editor-in-Chief: Jiang Hua
                                                           Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Huang Xinming
16    TeliaSonera: Green Broadband for a Green Country     Editorial Director: Liu Yang
                                                           Executive Editor: Yue Lihua
                                                           Editor: Paul Sleswick
18    Beltelecom: Creating a National Broadband Strategy   Circulation Manager: Wang Pingping
      in Belarus

                                                           Subscription / Customer Services
                                                           Subscription to ZTE TECHNOLOGIES
                                                           is free of charge
                                                           Tel: +86-551-5533356
                                                           Fax: +86-551-5850139
                                                           Email: wang.pingping@zte.com.cn
16                                                         Website: wwwen.zte.com.cn/endata/magazine

                                      20                   Editorial Office
                                                           Address: NO. 55, Hi-tech Road South,

20    Telkom Kenya Makes Changes with Orange               ShenZhen, P.R.China
                                                           Postcode: 518057
                                                           Tel: +86-755-26775211
22    Hi3G Simplifies Network O&M with NetNumen U31        Fax: +86-755-26775217
                                                           Email: yue.lihua@zte.com.cn

Third Eye                                                  ZTE Profile
                                                           ZTE is a leading global provider of
24    ZTE: Banking on the TD-LTE Market                    telecommunications equipment and network
                                                           solutions. It has the widest and most complete
                                                           product range in the world—covering virtually
                                                           every sector of the wireline, wireless, service
News Brief                                                 and terminals markets. The company delivers
                                                           innovative, custom-made products and services

27    Frost & Sullivan Recognizes ZTE as 2011 LTE Vendor   to over 500 operators in more than 140 countries,
                                                           helping them achieve continued revenue
      of the Year                                          growth and shape the future of the world’s
28    ZTE Debuts World’s First Cloud-Based U-Safety
      Government Security Solution

2    ZTE TECHNOLOGIES December 2011
Wired Broadband Special Topic: P11 - ZTE
Operation Insight

European Broadband Access
Business Model
By Liu Feng

Competitive Pressure                          and better quality of experience (QoE)        2015 OTT-centered video services will

                                              at a lower price and in shorter time than     account for 50% of all Internet traffic, and
           s the EU further opens up
                                              their rivals. To rally against competition    point-to-point (P2P), storage, and Web
           fixed access infrastructure
                                              from emerging telecom and cable               browsing services will make up the other
           and formulates policies
                                              operators, traditional fixed operators have   50%. Since P2P and storage services
for future broadband coverage, many
                                              worked out broadband plans. BT has an         are difficult to manage, operators focus
emerging telecom, cable, and mobile
                                              NGA initiative and DT has also devised a      their attention on OTT and IPTV. The
operators are entering the fixed
                                              GPON 2.0 plan.                                most pressing issue is adjusting network
broadband sector. Revenue from fixed
voice is declining because of increased                                                     architecture so that it offers custom-
mobile usage, so fixed broadband―a            Service-Driven Force                          made OTT services with end-to-end QoS
major source of future revenue for               In recent years, over-the-top (OTT)        and QoE guarantee. In this way, OTT
traditional operators―will surely             services have developed rapidly and           services are no longer transparent to their
become more competitive. Operators are        will eventually replace IPTV and digital      networks. To get a slice of the OTT pie,
most concerned about offering higher          TV as mainstream video services in            traditional operators have adjusted their
bandwidth, better quality of service (QoS),   the future. Informa forecasts that by         network architectures. Telefonica has

                                                                                                   December 2011 ZTE TECHNOLOGIES     3
Wired Broadband Special Topic: P11 - ZTE
Operation Insight

deployed a unified content distribution         multimedia services driven by the growth      further streamlines the existing O&M
network (CDN), TeliaSonera has built            of HDTV and 3DTV. Operators in Europe         process and cuts OPEX and labor costs.
its own OTT platform, and DT has                have a clear objective of broadband           Mobile backhaul over PON enables fixed-
defined its MPLS deployment in its              development. The EU aims to have 100%         mobile convergence in the last mile and
GPON 2.0 plan.                                  broadband coverage by 2013 and to             helps operators increase network efficiency
    Faced with stiff competition and            increase coverage bandwidth to 30Mbps         and reduce overall construction costs.
driven by emerging services, traditional        for all Europeans by 2020. It also aims
fixed operators in Europe have chosen the       to have 50% of all European households        Intelligent network to generate new
following paths for network development:        subscribed to Internet connections above      revenue streams. A unified CDN is built,
                                                100Mbps. To reach this goal, existing         and access network interfaces and APIs
Future-proofing                                 access networks need to be immediately        are open to ICPs and ISPs. A smart pipe
    building broadband access networks          reconstructed. Most operators in Europe       is also set up to ensure differentiated end-
    with super-high bandwidth to meet           are boosting bandwidth for future-            to-end QoS and to allow operators, ICPs
    EU requirements for future broadband        proof access networks by shortening the       and ISPs to share the OTT value chain.
    coverage and video bandwidth                length of last mile and adopting FTTH/        An intelligent home network connects all
                                                GPON+NG PON or FTTC/VDSL2                     home appliances and electronic devices
Resilience and intelligence                     technologies.                                 through a service gateway and also serves
    leveraging the advantages of network
                                                                                              as a media sharing center that allows
    infrastructure to extend the network’s      Simplified network to reduce OPEX.            streaming media to be shared by all digital
    value to cloud (service side) and           PON technologies are being introduced to      devices. All these household electronic
    terminals (home network side)               simplify the existing network. Less central   devices are controlled through a unified
    offering differentiated service assurance   office sites and active optical nodes are     visual user interface. This improves user
    to users, content providers, and service    used. Future-proof NGOSS architecture         experience and stickiness.
    providers through an end-to-end
    intelligent network
    QoS-based charging as opposed to
    bandwidth-based charging.

Benefits to Operators
    ZTE cooperates closely with
European operators and understands
broadband trends on the continent.
ZTE has proposed a European fixed
broadband business model based on
terminal-pipe-cloud architecture.
This business model brings European
operators the following benefits:

Fast broadband connection to support
video growth. Video has dominated

4    ZTE TECHNOLOGIES December 2011
Wired Broadband Special Topic: P11 - ZTE
Fast deployment to shorten time to                Openness: Uni NGA supports broadband        generate new revenue streams with an
market. Network construction solutions            access over copper and fiber and allows     innovative business model.
are tailored to market environments and           for smooth evolution to NG PON.
network conditions. This ensures that             This meets EU requirements for full
                                                                                              Success Cases
operators get a head start in the broadband       and open competition. Operators can            Many European operators are putting
access market through fast network                jointly build and operate an FTTx           the broadband access business model into
construction and service provision.               network, which reduces construction         practice. After speeding up broadband
In areas with a good copper network,              costs and risks and increases network       connection, they have built intelligent
existing copper resources can be used             efficiency.                                 networks to increase network value, reduce
to quickly offer super-high bandwidth             Intelligence: Uni NGA allows operators
                                                                                              TCO, and create new revenue sources.
through VDSL2. In areas requiring new             to transform from being an extensive
                                                                                                 In Lithuania, ZTE customized an
network construction, operators can               dumb pipe to an optimized smart
                                                                                              FTTH solution for TEO, a subsidiary of
deploy cutting-edge fiber technology to           pipe. Dynamic service assurance
                                                                                              TeliaSonera. By offering speeds of up to
quickly deliver FTTH services and to              provides better service awareness and
                                                                                              100Mbps, the solution pushed Lithuania
grab a large share of the market.                 adaptive QoS. Quality-based charging
                                                                                              into the top 3 countries in the world
                                                  is implemented through enhanced
                                                                                              for average data speeds. TEO was also
                                                  service differentiation, accurate traffic
Uni NGA                                                                                       recognized by the Lithuanian government
                                                  detection, and on-demand service
   ZTE’s Uni NGA is tailor-made                                                               as the greenest enterprise because of its
                                                  provision. An innovative business
for operators in Europe and meets                                                             deployment of the green FTTH network.
                                                  model with an end-to-end smart pipe
network requirements of European                                                                 In the UK, ZTE helped local operators,
                                                  at its core allows operators to benefit
fixed broadband business models. The                                                          including IFNL, build FTTH networks
                                                  from both downstream users and
solution is based on a terminal-pipe-cloud                                                    using GPON. Supported by the EU’s
                                                  upstream ISPs and ICPs.
architecture and focuses on integration,                                                      unified plan and policies of the UK,
                                                   L o w T C O : Wo r k i n g o n t h e
openness, intelligence and low TCO. It                                                        the FTTH networks provide broadband
                                                  principle of “less consumption,
also provides operators with end-to-end                                                       access in rural areas, promote competition
                                                  lower cost and better life”, ZTE
QoS and security guarantee.                                                                   in the local broadband access market, and
                                                  helps operators build low-TCO
  Integration: ZTE’s future-proof unified                                                     boost local economies.
                                                  networks with green technology
   broadband access platform enables full-                                                       In Germany, ZTE and DT have
                                                  and equipment. ZTE’s custom-
   service access and full-scenario coverage.                                                 worked closely to develop a custom-
                                                  made, future-proof solution protects
   The platform supports access to both                                                       made GPON solution that further
                                                  operator investments and reduces
   existing services, such as ISDN, and                                                       simplifies DT’s network structure. MPLS
                                                  network construction costs. A green
   future video-centered broadband services.
                                                  network with intelligent and unified        was introduced to make the network
   It supports a diverse range of access
                                                  O&M also reduces OPEX.                      more intelligent. The solution enabled
   media, including copper wires and fibers,
                                                                                              DT to provide all SPs with end-to-end
   and various application scenarios, such        Speeding up broadband connection            security and QoS guarantee. Through the
   as FTTH, FTTB, FTTC and FTTN. In             is a core goal for operators. ZTE’s Uni       enhanced user awareness and experience,
   addition to fixed broadband services, it     NGA solution helps operators boost            DT has maintained its leading position in
   provides data traffic offload and mobile     network performance with an integrated,
                                                                                              the German market.
   backhaul through WLAN.                       intelligent, and low-TCO solution and

                                                                                                     December 2011 ZTE TECHNOLOGIES   5
Wired Broadband Special Topic: P11 - ZTE
Tech Forum

Construction of National
Broadband Networks

By Xie Jun

Trends                                             divide, create employment, and push           and regions had broadband strategies. The

             national broadband network            forward economic recovery. In recent          US, UK, and Australia have released their
             ( N B N ) i s a c o u n t r y ’s      years, there has been an upsurge in           specific plans for broadband development
             telecommunication                     NBN construction around the world.            that include goals, policies and specific
infrastructure and differs from a                  Some countries have even published            measures. Governments are now
regular broadband network built by                 their national strategies for broadband       playing an increasingly important role in
a telecom operator. The backbone of                development.                                  broadband development.
an NBN can be newly constructed                       By the end of March 2011, 98 countries
or it can be based on the existing
network of the country’s leading
t e l e c o m o p e r a t o r. D e d i c a t e d
networks, such as an e-government
network, enterprise network,
education network, and military
network, can be supplements.
    With high-speed Internet access,
there is an increasing demand for high-
bandwidth HDTV and 3D-TV. This is
driving the world’s leading telecom
operators to build networks with higher
bandwidth. The digital economy will be
an important part of the future global
economic system as governments seek
to develop new industries to stimulate
consumption, narrow the digital                    Figure 1. National broadband plans for some countries.

6    ZTE TECHNOLOGIES December 2011
Wired Broadband Special Topic: P11 - ZTE
Features                                    operators, equipment vendors, RSPs and                Model 2: Portugal and France
  Despite differences in strategic goals,   stakeholders. RSPs purchase bandwidth                  use this model. In Portugal, the
choice of technology, and construction      from network operators and compete                     telecommunications regulator,
models, NBNs in different countries have    with each other on the same platform                   Anacom, makes the open access rules.
some common features.                       to provide competitive and attractive                  Physical pipe resources in the network
                                            services for end users. The open access                are open. Through competition, the
  High bandwidth. A basic requirement       network comprises four layers:                         physical infrastructure at layer 1 is
  of an NBN is to provide ultra-high                                                               leased to each RSP for construction
  bandwidth that can cater to the needs        Layer 1: physical infrastructure                    and operation at layer 2, layer 3 and
  of high-bandwidth services into the          (including communication pipes,                     layer 4. In France, ARCEP is the
  future. Singapore’s Intelligent Nation       poles and enclosures) that is typically             telecommunications regulator. France
  2015 Plan (iN2015) will be put in            managed by an infrastructure operator               Telecom builds physical infrastructure
  place by 2012. It will be capable            (I.O.)                                              and leases it to each RSP for
  of delivering broadband speeds of            Layer 2: physical fibers that are built             construction and operation at layer 2,
  up to 1Gbps and offer bandwidth-             and operated by a network operator                  layer 3, and layer 4.
  intensive applications such as video         (N.O.)                                             Model 3: The UK uses this model. The
  conferencing, video surveillance,            Layer 3: active infrastructure (including           UK telecommunications regulator,
  streaming media, and HDTV.                   physical network equipment such as                  Ofcom, makes detailed open access
  Open architecture. An NBN requires           OLTs and ONTs) that is typically built              rules. British Telecom is C.O., N.O., and
  open network architecture rather             and operated by a communications                    I.O. and opens the network to RSPs in a
  than simple network scale-up. Open           operator (C.O.)                                     bitstream mode.
  network architecture provides an open        Layer 4: retail services (including                 The bitstream model significantly
  platform that encourages competition         voice, data and video services) that                lowers the RSP qualifications and
  between small- and mid-sized ISPs            are provided by RSPs.                               offers diverse and competitive service
  and CSPs.                                                                                        options to end users. This model
  Convergence. An NBN must allow               Open access is widely used for                      has been adopted by Malaysia and
  for fixed-mobile convergence,             building NBNs. There are five open                     Australia for their NBN projects.
  interoperability between telecom          access models.                                        Model 4: Holland uses this model.
  and private networks, transition from                                                           Rigerfiber is the N.O. and I.O. and
  narrowband to broadband networks,            Model 1: an operator’s self-built                  opens the network to other RSPs.
  and unified scheduling of diverse            infrastructure―the traditional network             Model 5: Singapore uses this model.
  services.                                    buildout model.                                    Singapore’s telecommunications
  Environmental friendliness. An
  NBN is part of a country’s long term
  strategy and must be environmentally
                                                                                        RSP RSP                     RSP RSP
                                                                           RSP RSP
Construction Model
                                                                           C.O C.O
                                                                           N.O N.O                                    C.O
   An open access platform and wholesale                  Infrastructure
business model are fundamental for                                                         N.O
building an NBN. These help create a fair                                                  I.O
                                                                                                         N.O          N.O
competitive environment for operators                                                                    I.O          I.O
and retail service providers (RSPs) and
also offer more options to users.                                ①           ②             ③              ④            ⑤
   Open access is a new network                                                    More Sharing
construction model. An open access
network can be jointly built by network     Figure 2. Open access model options.

                                                                                                      December 2011 ZTE TECHNOLOGIES      7
Wired Broadband Special Topic: P11 - ZTE
Tech Forum

    regulator, IDA, makes detailed open
    access rules. OpenNet is N.O. and
    I.O., responsible for providing passive
    infrastructure. Nucleus Connect,
    a subsidiary of Starhub, provides
    equipment and is responsible for
    building active infrastructure and
    leasing it to RSPs in a bitstream mode.

    In these five open access construction
models, model 2 and model 4 have
physical openness at layer 1 and layer 2.
These models are not very different from
a traditional model in terms of equipment.
However, model 3 and model 5, where
RSPs and C.O. are separated, have a
brand-new wholesale bitstream mode.
These models place higher requirements
on network equipment.

Government influence and policy
    Governments are playing an increasingly
important role in constructing and operating
NBNs. Countries that have done well in
their NBN development have clear and
consistent broadband policies. South Korea
started its NBN initiative in the mid 1980s
and worked out six broadband plans. They
are the preliminary shape of the Korean
broadband strategy. Japan also laid down
its e-Japan strategy in 2001 and perfected
it in subsequent years. Broadband policies     acquisition, and permission to access      Narrowband voice networks prevail in
and strategies for different countries are     mainstream operator networks. Although     most countries around the world, and
market regulation, market efficiency, and      broadband development varies from          existing infrastructure, including ODNs,
prevalence and equity of broadband access.     country to country, equity of broadband    local communications pipes and copper
                                               access (to ensure all users in urban and   cables, need to be swapped or upgraded
Fair and efficient market mechanism            under-developed areas have access          to meet the broadband needs. A feasible
   Full competition is key to success in       to broadband) is a key issue that all      network swapover and upgrade solution
the broadband network market. Countries        governments have to consider.              that can be implemented phase by
that have been successful in deploying                                                    phase and that is suitable for different
NBNs all have complete policies and                                                       areas is a technical guarantee for NBN.
laws that encourage market competition.        Technical solution                         Any technical solution must also be
These include a free license management          Networks are evolving from low-rate      environmentally friendly.
mechanism, convenient wireless resource        narrowband to high-speed broadband.

8    ZTE TECHNOLOGIES December 2011
A Discussion on OFDM-PON

By Zhang Peihua

     nnovation in network technologies is
     driving the growth of IPTV, HDTV,
     3DTV, mobile media, and streaming
video. To meet the corresponding
explosion in bandwidth demand, 40G
and 100G optical systems have been
commercially deployed at the backbone
layer. 400G/1T systems are also being
researched. The access layer must be
capable of handling increased traffic
and supporting many more services.
Currently, access networks are passive
optical networks (PONs) with a tree
structure; in particular, TDM-PON has
been widely applied. EPON and GPON          Figure 1. NG-PON2 roadmap.
are suitable for FTTx networks. The 10G
xPON standard and industry chain have       multiplexing (OFDM) in optical              programmed to implement DFT/IDFT
matured, and 10G xPON will become           communications is innovative. OFDM          as well as digital-to-analog or analog-to-
a mainstream technology for FTTx            is a multicarrier transmission technique    digital conversion. Most system functions,
networks in the next five years.            that dynamically allocates high-speed       excluding RF front-end and antenna, are
   NG-PON2, a long-term PON solution,       serial bit streams to subcarriers with      software-implemented. The advantages of
is a hot topic being discussed by ITU-T     overlapping spectra to improve spectral     using software are flexibility, ease of use,
and FSAN. Most operators expect NG-         efficiency. High-order modulation           accurate computing, reconfigurability, and
PON2 to provide higher bandwidth,           schemes such as PSK and QAM are             efficient digital signal processing.
higher split ratio, longer transmission     used for these subcarriers. This enhances       OFDM can be used as a modulation
distance, and greater access capacity       system capacity. OFDM is effective in       technique to increase spectral efficiency
while making full use of existing optical   eliminating inter-symbol interference       and channel capacity. It can also
distribution networks. Technology options   caused by multipath and chromatic           eliminate multipath and dispersion
for NG-PON2 include WDM-PON,                dispersion in transmission links.It         effects. Subcarriers can be used to enable
OFDM-PON, TWDM-PON, and high-               increases symbol length and uses cyclic     OFDMA and to allow flexible bandwidth
speed TDMA-PON.                             prefixes. OFDM modulation incorporates      allocation for multiple subscribers and
   Orthogonal frequency division            software defined radio. DSP chips are       services. Different subcarriers can be

                                                                                               December 2011 ZTE TECHNOLOGIES     9
Tech Forum

allocated to subscribers or services such
as TDM, FTTH, FTTB, mobile station,
WiMAX repeater, and WiFi hot spots.                                                        ONU
These features make OFDM applicable to
access networks (Fig. 2).
   OFDM has been successfully applied                                                       ONU
and is a core transmission technology
for next generation wireless systems
including 3GPP LTE. OFDM-PON                             OLT
dynamically allocates bandwidth and has                                                    ONU
superior transmission capability. Cheaper
electronic devices are used instead of
costly optical devices, and ASIC based                                                     ONU
DSP and AD/DA also reduce equipment
costs. OFDM-PON can be combined               Figure 2. OFDM-based multiservice access.

with WDM and has therefore become a
competitive technology for NG-PON2.
                                               converged. In other words, OFDM               polarization-mode dispersion in optical
Combining OFDM and PON has the
                                               supports access to baseband OFDM,             links. Therefore, OFDM-PON can be
following advantages:
                                               UWB (MB-OFDM), WiMAX or                       used to smoothly evolve optical access
                                               WiFi, and millimeter-wave OFDM                networks to ultra-longhaul access
  Dynamic allocation of subcarriers.           signals. This significantly increases the     networks.
  Depending on channel environments            universality of access networks.              Avoiding costly optical devices and
  and application scenarios, OFDM              Enhanced spectral efficiency. Because         using cheaper electronic devices.
  can dynamically allocate the number          of orthogonality between subcarriers,         Integrated optical devices are very
  of bits carried by each subcarrier, the      OFDM allows spectral overlap of               costly, and optical modules of 10G
  modulation scheme used by each               individual subchannels. OFDM also             or higher can significantly drive up
  subcarrier, and the transmitting power       uses a simple constellation mapping           the cost of an access network. OFDM
  of each subcarrier. It does this by using    algorithm for high-order modulation           avoids costly optical devices and uses
  a simple FFT algorithm. In OFDM-             schemes such as 16QAM and 8PSK.               cheaper electronic devices. OFDM
  PON, allocation of each subcarrier           OFDM in PON makes effective use               leverages the integration and low-
  occurs in real time according to access      of spectral resources and improves            cost advantages of high-speed digital
  distance, subscriber type, and access        spectral efficiency. This lays a solid        signal processors and high-frequency
  service. Uncomplicated protocols help        foundation for WDM-PON to be                  microwave devices to develop access
  optimize the access network.                 upgraded to DWDM-PON and                      networks and make them more
  Converged wireline and wireless              UDWDM-PON.                                    popular.
  access. An optical access network            Smooth evolution to ultra-long-haul
  has enormous bandwidth potential             access network. A simple network               Work on NG-PON2 is progressing
  and good QoS but lacks mobility              structure improves the performance of       well in FSAN. An NG-PON2 white paper
  and is unable to meet the diverse            an access network and reduces costs.        is expected to be released in early 2012.
  requirements of different terminals.         Converged MAN and PON access has            ZTE led research into key techniques
  A wireless access network is more            become a hot topic in recent years, and     for OFDM-PON in China’s “863”
  flexible and mobile but has poor QoS.        ultra-longhaul access networks (longer      program and “tri-network convergence”
  OFDM is a mature technology in               than 80km) have been proposed. The          project. OFDM-PON prototype will be
  wireless communications that has been        primary issue for ultra-longhaul access     completed by the end of 2013. ZTE has
  applied to WiMAX, WiFi and UWB.              is reducing the effect of fiber chromatic   been actively involved in standardization
  By using OFDM to carry PON signals,          dispersion. Theoretically, OFDM             of NG-PON2.
  wireline and wireless access can be          signals are free from chromatic and

10   ZTE TECHNOLOGIES December 2011

  Embracing the100G Era
  By Shi Sheping

           ccording to data released by the   system has the following features:            Core chips in the system are
           OIF, the average annual traffic       The system uses PM-QPSK modulation,        manufactured using a cutting-edge
           growth of network operators is        coherent demodulation, and equalization/   40nm CMOS process. This process
much higher than their revenue growth.           compensation. An optical receiver can      allows the system to be highly
Operators have to reduce cost per unit of        tolerate chromatic dispersion of up to     integrated, consume less power, and
traffic to relieve revenue pressure. The         50,000ps/nm and polarization mode          have better signal processing capability
most effective means of lowering TCO is          dispersion of over 90ns. This means        than the 65nm CMOS process. High
to improve system transmission capacity.         that chromatic dispersion compensation     integration enables advanced soft-
Through the joint efforts of the IEEE,           modules (DCMs) for fiber links do          decision forward error correction (SD-
ITU-T and OIF, 100G standards have               not need to be used. The engineering       FEC), which allows for much higher
been drafted. Vendors worldwide have             and OAM are also simplified in 100G        error-correction performance than
released or will soon release their 100G         DWDM equipment.                            the commonly-used hard-decision
products, and the 100G DWDM era is               The system supports 80 channels in         FEC. In the system, OSNR tolerance
just around the corner.                          the C-band with the same 50GHz             is increased by about 2dB, and
                                                 channel spacing used in 10G and            transmission capacity is increased by
Ready for 100G Commercialization                 40G DWDM systems. Transmission             about 60%. The system can transmit
   Mature 100G standards will pave the           capacity reaches up to 8Tb/s, ten times    over more than 1500km (20×22dB)
way for widespread 100G deployment. ZTE          the capacity of a 10G DWDM system.         without electronic regeneration. The
has rolled out an advanced 100G DWDM             This meets the increasing demand           transmission distance is close to that of
solution to meet the need for large-scale        for data services and ensures longer       a 10G DWDM system.
commercial 100G. ZTE’s 100G DWDM                 equipment lifecycle.                       ZTE is now ready for 100G

                                                                                                December 2011 ZTE TECHNOLOGIES   11

commercialization. The company                         and Fig. 3). With each subcarrier bearing
cooperated with operators in testing                   100Gb/s optical signals, the experiment
its 100G DWDM products, and good                       realized optical signals with a single-channel
results were achieved. With the world’s                rate of 11.2Tb/s (10Tb/s net line rate plus
best high-performance 100G DWDM                        overheads such as FEC).
products, ZTE offers the most competitive
100G solution.                                         24 Tb/s transmission test
                                                          ZTE announced the world’s first
Leading the Industry with Beyond-                      24Tb/s DWDM prototype at the Opto-
   As well as developing 100G products,
ZTE has also started researching beyond-
100G optical transmission technology.
Significant progress has been made in this
research. In 2011, ZTE performed two
verification tests on its industry-leading
100G DWDM system.

11.2 Tb/s single-channel transmission test
    ZTE achieved a single-channel fiber-               Figure 2. Optical spectrum of 112 subcarriers.
optic transmission rate of 11.2Tb/s in
a first-time experiment at the Optical
Fiber Communication Conference in                      Electronics and Communications
March 2011.                                            Conference in July 2011.
    Optical signals were successfully                     The transmission rate of 24Tb/s
                                                                                                        (1Tb/s net after eliminating FEC), and a
transmitted over a stretch of 640km standard           (24×1.3Tb/s) sets a new record in optical
                                                                                                        24-channel fiber provides a transmission
single-mode fiber. ZTE’s patented carrier              networking. The 24Tb/s DWDM system
                                                                                                        rate of 24Tb/s. The transmission distance
generation technology generates 112                    has 24 wavelength channels (12 C-band
                                                                                                        is 2400km standard single mode fiber
orthogonal subcarriers with 25GHz channel              and 12 L-band) with 350GHz channel
                                                                                                        only by using the standard erbium doped
spacing and 22.4nm spectral width (Fig. 2              spacing (Fig. 3).
                                                                                                        fiber amplifiers.
                                                          Based on optical OFDM technology,
                                                       a laser source generates 13 orthogonal
                      25GHz RF
                                                       subcarriers for each channel, and each
                                                                                                           Operators worldwide have already
                     Power Driver                      subcarrier bears 100Gb/s optical signals.
                                                                                                        started planning to commercialize 100G
                                    Phase Shifter      The transmission per channel is 1.3Tb/s
                                                                                                        transmission. ZTE can provide the most
               EA                   EA
                                                                                                        competitive 100G solutions. ZTE is
  ECL               PM1       PM2             WSS                                                       continually refining its 100G products
              PM-OC             PM-OC                                                                   and creates value for operators. As 100G
                                                                                                        products become more commercialized,
                    EDFA       PM-TD                                                                    the focus of current research will
                                                                                                        turn towards beyond-100G. ZTE has
     ECL: external cavity laser
     PM-OC: polarization maintaining optical coupler                                                    developed beyond-100G technology
     PM1: phase modulator 1                                                                             that is at world-class standard, and has
     EA: electrical amplifier
                                                                                                        established beyond-100G research
     TD: time delayer
     WSS: wavelength selective switch                                                                   programs with numerous operators to
                                                                                                        jointly lead the beyond-100G trend.
Figure 1. Orthogonal subcarrier generation.            Figure 3. 24-channel wavelength spectrum.

12     ZTE TECHNOLOGIES December 2011
C-RAN Bearer Network Solution
By Wang Huitao and Zhao Yong

        -RAN is a centralized,                           In a traditional mobile access network,       several gigabits per second using fiber.
        cooperative, clean and cloud                  the access network layer transmits               C-RAN is applied in areas where there is
        computing architecture in radio               signals at the A/lub interfaces. Signals are     abundant fiber. China Mobile’s branch in
access networks. Baseband units (BBUs)                transmitted at a typical bandwidth of tens       Zhuhai has adopted C-RAN, and Korea
in C-RAN are centrally deployed, which                of megabits per second using MSTP/PTN.           Telecom has also adopted it in its CCC
allows for baseband sharing, saves                    In C-RAN mode, BBUs are centralized,             network. In fiber-scarce regions, ZTE has
equipment room, and considerably                      and the access network layer also needs          developed an array of solutions, including
reduces energy consumption and TCO.                   to transmit signals at an Ir interface (that     enhanced fiber connection, colored fiber
Cooperative radio also significantly                  complies with the CPRI standard). Signals        connection, and OTN bearer. All these
improves network performance.                         are transmitted at a typical bandwidth of        solutions use a very few fibers to meet
                                                                                                       C-RAN bearer requirements in different
      Virtual Base Station Pool             Virtual Base Station Pool               Virtual Base       scenarios.
    ……                             X2+                                      X2+     Station Pool
    General-Purpose   PHY/MAC       General-Purpose    PHY/MAC General-Purpose
       Processor                    Processor                  Processor
                                                                                     General-Purpose   Transmission Requirements for
  Balanced Traffic Load                                                          C-RAN                    In a RAN, different wireless systems
  High Speed Switching                                                           Bearer Network        need different bandwidths. Table 1 lists
                                                                                                       CPRI bandwidth requirements for site
                                                                                                       types of three typical wireless systems.
                                               RRU               RRU
                                                                            RRU                           As well as specifying the bandwidth
                                                                                                       requirement, the CPRI standard also
                                                       RRU                             RRU
                             RRU         RRU                      RRU                                  specifies that
                                                                                                          the transmission distance should be
Figure 1. C-RAN architecture.                                                                             not less than 10km. (ZTE’s BBU can

                                                                                                              December 2011 ZTE TECHNOLOGIES   13

Table 1. CPRI bandwidth requirements for different wireless systems.

                                                                                                     Bandwidth for a Single Site
     Wireless System         Site Type        Cascading       Bandwidth for Each Carrier
                                                                                                        with Three Sectors
      GSM                      S666             Support           50Mbps                            6Gbps
      TD-SCDMA                 S444             Support           400Mbps                           6Gbps
      TD-LTE                   S111             Not Support       9.8Gbps                           3×10Gbps
      Note: The actual bandwidth of each GSM site is 1.25Gdps. When 18 RRUs are cascaded, bandwidth can reach up to 6Gbps.

     compensate a transmission length of        an independent C-RAN by means of               transmission scheme for GSM C-RAN.
     40km)                                      enhanced fiber connection or colored fiber
     jitter introduced into each RRU should     connection. The other is to use outdoor        Colored fiber connection
     be less than ±0.002ppm                     OTNs as bearers.                                  In colored fiber connection, WDM is
     time synchronization for TD-SCDMA                                                         used to configure optical multiplexers/
     and TD-LTE base stations should be         Enhanced fiber connection                      demultiplexers (OMDs) in the BBU pool
     precise to ±1.5us. When the 1588              Because bandwidth for the CPRI              and optical add/drop (OAD) devices on the
     protocol is used in C-RAN for time         link is small in a GSM network, a large        RRU nodes. Fig. 3 shows a configuration
     synchronization, the recommended           number of RRUs can be cascaded to save         of four RRU nodes, each with an OAD1.
     precision for transmission between         fibers. Enhanced fiber connection allows       Optimal modules on the BBUs and RRUs
     BBU and RRU is ±100ns.                     for cascading of up to 18 RRUs through         are colored (WDM) modules with certain
                                                the CPRI interface (Fig. 2). A mature 6G       wavelengths. CWDM is used to support a
   In a solution that does not use a            optical module can be used for each RRU.       maximum of 18 wavelengths, and DWDM
transmission device, BBU-RRU can use            Equipment at the radio side provides           is used to support a maximum of 80
CPRI overhead to perform basic OAM.             protection and OAM for enhanced fiber          wavelengths.
In current network planning, C-RAN is           connection using CPRI signals.                    Each wavelength connection between
used in the access network layer. The              With enhanced fiber connection, six         BBU and RRU is a physical point-to-point
BBU pool is located at the border of the        GSM sites can be networked with only           connection, so power budget is a key issue.
convergence layer and access layer, and 4       one pair of fibers. This is an optimal            Power budget calculation is OAD
to 6 sites are connected to each ring.

C-RAN Bearer Network Solution
   The core function of C-RAN is to
transmit data at the Ir interface. Since
IQ data at the Ir interface have large
bandwidth and high jitter requirement and
cannot be multiplexed or converged, it is
impossible for traditional SDH/MSTP/
PTN/PON/Switch bearer equipment to
carry the IQ data. WDM is therefore used
to solve the transmission issue in C-RAN.
   Fiber connection is directly used for
fast C-RAN deployment in areas with
abundant fibers resources. There are two
schemes available for areas where fiber is
scarce. One is to use a few fibers to build     Figure 2. Enhanced fiber connection with 18 cascaded RRUs.

14    ZTE TECHNOLOGIES December 2011
backbone transmission network, and
                                                                                                                                                               the cost is high. When OTN is widely

                                 Colored SFP
                                               Colored SFP

                                                             Colored SFP
                                                                           Colored SFP

                                                                                         Colored SFP

                                                                                                       Colored SFP

                                                                                                                     Colored SFP

                                                                                                                                   Colored SFP
                                                                                                                                                               used as a C-RAN bearer, its functions
                                                                                                                                                               can be implemented with an ASIC.
                                                                                                                                                               This significantly cuts equipment cost.
                                                                                                                                                               Moreover, no equipment room is needed
                                                                                                                                                               for C-RAN application. Where a compact
                                                                                                                                                               OTN is mounted on a corridor wall or
                 Colored SFP
                 Colored SFP
                                                                                                                                                 Colored SFP
                                                                                                                                                 Colored SFP
                                                                                                                                                               on an outdoor pole, small industrial
                                                                                                                                                               components reduce temperature and
                 Colored SFP                                                                                                                     Colored SFP   allow for better temperature control.
                                                                                                                                                 Colored SFP
                                                                                                                                                                  When OTNs are used in an access
                 Colored SFP

                                                                                                                                                               network, multiservice bearer requirements
Figure 3. Schematic diagram of colored fiber connection.                                                                                                       can be met by building new OTN
                                                                                                                                                               transmission networks and expanding
                                                                                                                                                               existing ones.
insertion loss on a local add/drop path +                                                                      connection is similar to that for fiber
OAD insertion loss on other nodes + OMD                                                                        connection. Wireless equipment provides         Conclusion
insertion loss + adapter loss + optical fiber                                                                  protection and OAM through CPRI                    The primary issue in a C-RAN bearer
loss + engineering margin < optical module                                                                     signals. OAD is a passive optical device        network is the cost of fiber in large-scale
power budget. For example, the power                                                                           that can be placed in an outdoor power          deployments. For GSM C-RAN, ZTE
budget for a colored 8-wavelength CWDM                                                                         cabinet or in an optical cross-connecting       provides an enhanced fiber connection
fiber connection of six TD-SCDMA sites                                                                         box. OMD and OA can be installed in the         solution that uses 18 cascaded RRUs to
with a loop length of 20km is 1 + 5 ×                                                                          equipment room where a BBU pool is              greatly save fiber resources. This solution
1+2.5 + (8 + 5 × 2) × 0.5 + 0.25 × 20 + 3 =                                                                    located. Through colored fiber connection,      has been commercialized. For TD-SCDMA
25.5dB. At present, the power budget for a                                                                     both TD-SCDMA and TD-LTE C-RAN                  C-RAN, ZTE provides a colored CWDM
6G colored optical module is 25dB, which                                                                       bearer schemes can be implemented with          fiber connection solution that supports six
meets the basic requirement for colored                                                                        only one pair of fibers.                        networked sites (18 cascaded RRUs) with
fiber connection in TD-SCDMA C-RAN.                                                                                                                            only one pair of fibers. Field tests for this
By increasing the power budget of colored                                                                      OTN bearer                                      solution are currently being carried out. The
optical modules, six TD-SCDMA sites                                                                                OTN is a WDM-based integrated               solution adopts mature DWDM, OA and
with loop length of 40km can be color-fiber                                                                    bearer device. In the C-RAN bearer              FEC technologies that can be used to fully
connected.                                                                                                     network solution, CPRI can be a service         meet bearer needs of future LTE.
   For future LTE, each site will need                                                                         type carried by OTN. Various mapping               Enhanced fiber connection and colored
three 10G wavelengths, and colored                                                                             schemes for CPRI over OTN have been             fiber connection have advantages over
CWDM fiber connection will still support                                                                       defined in the ITU-T G.709 standard. The        traditional fiber connection. Both are low-
four sites with a loop length of 20km.                                                                         stringent requirements on CPRI jitter and       cost C-RAN bearer network solutions that
When DWDM and OA are used, six sites                                                                           delay can be fully met by using a proper        save fiber resources, protect the network,
with a loop length of 40km are supported.                                                                      network design.                                 and perform OAM. With enhanced fiber
For densely-deployed LTE sites where                                                                               As well as C-RAN, OTN also                  connection and colored fiber connection,
few changes have been made to the                                                                              supports SDH, MSTP, PTN, PON and                widespread C-RAN deployment is
optical network topology, an OAD will be                                                                       Ethernet transmission. Because OTN is           feasible. Moreover, outdoor OTNs can
shared by more LTE sites. 24 LTE sites                                                                         introduced into the transmission layer, it      be used in access networks as bearers for
can be networked on a ring with a pair                                                                         provides perfect protection, OAM, and           multivendor integrated services including
of fibers, and these sites will have a loop                                                                    fault diagnosis and can support ring, tree      C-RAN, broadband access and VIP
length of 40km.                                                                                                (UniPON), and mesh topologies.                  dedicated lines.
   OAM for colored CWDM fiber                                                                                      Traditionally, an OTN is used in a

                                                                                                                                                                      December 2011 ZTE TECHNOLOGIES    15
Success Stories

Green Broadband for a Green Country

By Chen Zongcong

     n recent years, Northern Europe       and has always been concerned about           concern for TEO. GPON has been highly
     has been at the cutting edge of       environmental issues. In 2009, TEO was        recognized by operators worldwide for its
     information and communications        recognized as the greenest enterprise by      high bandwidth, low power consumption,
technology and has led the world in        the Lithuanian government, and now            small carbon footprint, and flexibility in
broadband construction. Lithuania has      TEO aims to build a low-TCO, green            the use of optical fibers and equipment.
a population of only 3.5 million and a     broadband access network.                        As part of the task of building a
broadband subscriber base of 600,000.          To offer better services, TEO has         national information system, TEO plans
Broadband penetration in Lithuania is      recently devised a new-generation             to build a highly-efficient optical network
among the highest in the world. TEO        network plan. FTTH broadband access           that has 200Mbps bandwidth and can be
is the largest telephony and broadband     is a key part of the plan that will deliver   upgraded to 1Gbps in the future. High
Internet provider in Lithuania. The        speeds of up to 1Gbps to users. Users will    bandwidth and multiservice bearing are
company is 68% owned by TeliaSonera,       be able to enjoy voice, data and IPTV.        TEO’s basic requirements for its future
a leading provider of telecommunication        TEO previously used DSL and AON in        broadband network. TEO also aims to
services in Nordic and Baltic countries.   its broadband network. DSL was deployed       build an end-to-end eco-friendly network
                                           at the early stage, and AON has been          that consumes less power, emits less
The Green Broadband Plan                   widely used in recent years. Choosing         carbon dioxide, cuts down CAPEX
   TEO began offering integrated           an appropriate broadband technology for       and OPEX, and minimizes noise from
telecom, IT and TV services in 1992        future network construction is a major        equipment. A GPON-based, low-TCO,

16   ZTE TECHNOLOGIES December 2011
green FTTH solution is preferred by TEO.

On the Way to Green Broadband
   TEO initiated a GPON FTTH project
in 2009, and 11 equipment vendors
were invited to bid for the project. ZTE
provided an end-to-end GPON solution
that could fully meet TEO’s requirements.
Its green broadband concept is in line
with TEO’s corporate culture. After many
rounds of selection and testing, TEO
finally chose ZTE as its partner to develop
one of the world’s fastest, greenest

   Using ZTE’s GPON solution, TEO
rolled out the fastest broadband network
in the world, delivering speeds of up         Artur Zajankovskij (L), sales manager of ZTE CIS office and Edvardas Linkevicius (R), general
                                              manager of TEO network development department receive the GTB innovation award
to 200Mbps to customers. The GPON
solution allows for smooth evolution,
which ensures higher bandwidth access of      TEO’s need for green broadband in five                “We are honored to accept this award
1Gbps in the future.                          aspects:                                          for providing an environmentally friendly
                                                innovative ASIC and PCB components,             telecom platform. With ZTE’s technology,
Greenest                                         highly integrated cards, and smart             TEO will benefit from over 37 percent
   ZTE’s green innovations significantly         fan speed control to reduce power              TCO savings in the first four years,
reduce power consumption. They satisfy           consumption                                    increased bandwidth and QoS levels,
                                                 lead-free design and no use of harmless        and high energy efficiency. Our GPON
                                                 materials                                      platform is helping TEO reduce its TCO
                                                smooth evolution to 10G EPON, 10G               and manage a more efficient network,”
                                                 GPON, and WDM PON to prolong the               said Li Guotao, general manager of ZTE’s
                                                 lifecycle of equipment                         Baltic Office.
                                                 small footprint to save space and energy           According to data released by the
                                                 end-to-end OAM solution involving              NetIndex, Lithuania ranks 2nd globally
                                                 zero touch, automatic line and                 for both upstream and downstream data
                                                 equipment diagnosis, and remote                speeds. Lithuania deploys fiber-optic
                                                 diagnosis and management to                    Internet technologies at the fastest rate
                                                 effectively cut labor costs.                   in Europe. At the end of 2010, 200Mbps
                                                                                                fiber-optic Internet access was used by
                                              The Promising Green Broadband                     approximately 23 percent of Lithuanian
                                                 On June 8, 2011, TEO and ZTE won               residents. TEO successfully upgraded
                                              Global Telecom Business magazine’s                the GPON network in June 2011, and
                                              Innovation Award for Fixed Network                its customers now enjoy speeds of up to
                                              Infrastructure Innovation. The award              300Mbps. With the help of ZTE, TEO is
                                              recognizes the fastest, greenest GPON             well on its way to green broadband. TEO
                                              network, and was given for the network            will embrace a more promising future for
TEO building                                  jointly deployed in Lithuania.                    FTTH networks.

                                                                                                        December 2011 ZTE TECHNOLOGIES        17
Success Stories

Beltelecom: Creating a National
Broadband Strategy in Belarus

By Zhang Lei

The Largest Fixed-line Operator in            resources that provide almost all ways           The advanced FTTH solution has
Belarus                                       of accessing international digital            significant advantages, and the scale of the

         eltelecom is the largest state-      information. Mobile operators in Belarus      investment will be large. Major concerns
         owned communications                 can connect international space stations to   for Beltelecom are how to protect its
         enterprise in Belarus and has        offer international roaming. Beltelecom       investment, reduce energy consumption,
a monopoly on fixed-line and data             is the main international pipe supplier       cut OPEX, and boost profitability.
transmission services throughout the          in Belarus and plays a crucial role in its
country.                                      Internet service market.                      Building a Future-Proof FTTH Network
   As well as being the number one                                                             In September 2010, Beltelecom and
fixed-line operator and leading ISP in        National IPTV Strategy                        ZTE began discussions on selecting an
Belarus (through its subsidiary, Belpak),        Traditional DSL access has not been        appropriate FTTH construction mode.
Beltelecom also has a stake in the top        sufficient to meet the ever-increasing        After rounds of technical evaluations and
three mobile operators in the country.        bandwidth demand in Belarus, and              comparing business models, Beltelecom
   Beltelecom has built extensive             Beltelecom has been developing                and ZTE determined that a GPON-based
communications networks across Belarus,       Belarus’s national IPTV strategy. In 2010,    FTTH solution was the best fit.
and its backbone fiber-optic lines have       Beltelecom initiated a national broadband
egresses to neighboring countries.            network (NBN) that will meet user             Future-proof optical access construction
Beltelecom provides international toll,       requirements long into the future.            mode
terrestrial network, TV, and broadcast           Beltelecom chose to use GPON to               An array of ONTs, including F601,
services. It operates a satellite ground      meet its increased bandwidth needs, and       F820, F620 and F660 will be used to satisfy
station known as the “information port”       FTTH was chosen as the construction           high bandwidth requirements of different
through an international satellite channel.   mode. With a fast, integrated FTTH            applications. The GPON-based NBN
   Beltelecom owns public data                network, Beltelecom can provide their         will provide a variety of quality services,
transmission networks and Internet            customers with quality services.              including high-speed Internet, IPTV, and

18   ZTE TECHNOLOGIES December 2011
dedicated lines. In addition, it will meet    the EU standard and the required power         in a traditional network gives rise to a
the ever-increasing service and bandwidth     supply is significantly reduced. Statistics    variety of issues, including radiation, heat
requirements of users well into the future.   show that a broadband access network           dissipation, and noise. FTTH changes the
                                              using this technology saves 50% on             way a network is operated and greatly
Smooth evolution to NG-PON                    system-side power consumption per              reduces the OPEX on maintaining
   Existing GPON is inevitably                day. This greatly reduces Beltelecom’s         outdoor equipment.
incapable of handling growing broadband       electricity costs.                                ZTE’s innovative cabinet designs
                                                                                             allow Beltelecom to offer users
                                                                                             diverse broadband services and boosts
                                                                                             Beltelecom’s image as responsible
                                                                                             corporate citizen that fulfils its
                                                                                             environmental obligations.
  ZXA10 C300
                 P2MP Splitter     FTTH
                                                                                             Consolidating Market Leadership
                                                                                             Through FTTH
                1490nm                  1310nm         F820 (ONT)                                After cooperating with ZTE on GPON
                                                                                             and NG-PON for a long time, Beltelecom
                                                                                             proposed the FTTH construction mode for
                                                          F620 (ONT)
                                                                                             the first time and conducted evaluation and
                                                                                             testing. It calculated the TCO for different
  NetNumen                                                  F660 (ONT)                       construction models. Beltelecom and ZTE
                                                                                             jointly introduced a new configuration
                                                                                             management model for GPON technology.
Figure 1. FTTH solution with diverse ONTs.                                                   The FTTH deployment will have a
                                                                                             bandwidth capacity of more than 100Mbps
requirements. How can this pressing issue        Reduced power supply requirements           and will establish Beltelecom as the leader
be addressed? The ONT uplink module           in the FTTH network, allow for faster          in the Belarusian broadband market.
has to be pluggable so that Beltelecom        network construction and rollout and           Beltelecom strives to offer high-quality
can upgrade the existing GPON to NG-          quicker profit.                                telecommunication services to its customers.
PON simply by replacing the uplink               The large number of outdoor cabinets
module. This upgrade will deliver
higher bandwidth, better QoS, and more
networking options and will protect
Beltelecom’s initial investments.                            Outdoor                                               Outdoor
                                                          Large Cabinets                                       Medium Cabinets

   In FTTH, a large number of ONTs are
deployed in user homes, and all user-side
devices are passive. This greatly reduces
OPEX. Terminals are managed by TR069
in a unified manner. This helps create
a true plug-and-play environment and                                                                              Outdoor
significantly reduces OPEX.                         Indoor Cabinet                                              Small Cabinets
   The innovative, energy-saving
design of ZTE’s OLT reduces power
consumption of each PON port by 42%           Figure 2. Diverse outdoor and indoor cabinet solutions.
so that power consumption conforms to

                                                                                                    December 2011 ZTE TECHNOLOGIES   19
Success Stories

Telkom Kenya Makes Changes
with Orange
By Feng Wanli, Hu Xin and Qiu Jiayuan

          enya is the financial,              many years until the duopoly was ended            200,000 subscribers. In September 2008,
          communication, and                  by Essar Telecom and Telkom in 2007.              Telkom Kenya launched GSM services
          transportation hub of Eastern       Along with the split-up of the market,            under the Orange brand, attracting
and Central Africa. Its GDP growth            average voice tariffs across the industry         30,000 subscribers in the first month. In
was 5% in 2010, and this is expected          have plummeted by more than 80% since             November 2010, CCK announced that
to rise to 5.7% in 2011. Kenya’s area         Airtel entered and began slashing its             Orange Telkom Kenya had been granted
is 580,000km 2, and its population is         tariffs in 2010.                                  a 3G license. In March 2011, Orange
nearly 39 million.                                                                              Telkom Kenya awarded a HSPA+ 3G
   Telkom Kenya, operating under the          Rapid Development                                 network rollout contract to ZTE.
Orange brand, is the only integrated             I n 2 0 0 7 , Te l e k o m K e n y a - t h e      In September 2011, Orange Telkom
telecommunications solutions provider         government-owned fixed-line operator-             Kenya announced the launch of its
in Kenya. It offers mobile telephony          was granted a mobile license by the               21Mbps HSPA+ network at a press
services (using the GSM and CDMA              Communications Commission of Kenya                event held in Nairobi. The new network
platforms), fixed line services, and          (CCK) to provide and operate mobile               was officially launched by the president
broadband Internet.                           cellular services.                                of Kenya, H.E.Mwai Kibaki, at an
   At the end of 2010, Kenya had 24.969          In March 2007, the Kenyan                      event attended by key corporate and
million mobile subscribers and mobile         government announced a plan to privatize          government officials.
phone penetration of 63.2%. The market        Telkom Kenya to make the operator more               Mickael Ghossein, CEO of Orange
was split between Safaricom (17.451           efficient and profitable. In November             Telkom Kenya, said they intended to
million subscribers), Airtel (3.792 million   2007, France Telecom bought a 51% stake           use the new network to make their
subscribers), Orange Teklom (2.134            in Telkom Kenya for USD 390 million.              company the undisputed market leader
million subscribers), and EssarTelecom           Telkom Kenya launched CDMA2000                 in mobile internet services. Orange
(1.592 million subscribers). Safaricom        1X EV-DO service in July 2007, and                Telekom will offer the most versatile
competed neck-and-neck with Airtel for        at the end of 2007, the service had               and robust network to enhance customer

20   ZTE TECHNOLOGIES December 2011
ZTE products and technologies are on the same level
           as those of European vendors. After running into some
           difficulties at the beginning, the project got on the right
           track. The rollout has run according to plan so far, and we
           are very happy with its status.
                            —Alain Bridard , CTO of Orange Telkom Kenya

                                                                                      is to be the market leader in mobile
                                                                                      Internet. The 3G network rollout will
                                                                                      help Telkom Kenya double its number
                                                                                      of subscribers by the end of 2011 and
                                                                                      secure number two position in the
                                                                                      Kenyan mobile market by 2015.
                                                                                         The new network has enhanced the
                                                                                      competitiveness of Telekom Kenya and
                                                                                      has generated a new revenue stream
                                                                                      for the company. “This network is the
                                                                                      platform with which we will provide
                                                                                      fast and reliable Internet speeds of up to
                                                                                      21Mbps. Our high-definition voice and
                                                                                      other features are designed to meet the
Kenya’s president H.E.Mwai Kibaki at the launch ceremony                              dynamic needs of our customers now
                                                                                      and into the future”, said Orange Telkom
                                                                                      Kenya chairman Eddy Njoroge.
experience. “The mobile phone has            Xu Chengrong, CEO of ZTE Kenya.
                                                                                         The 3G network puts Telkom Kenya
evolved from being a tool for basic voice       ZTE used advanced dual PA for the
                                                                                      on par with some of the best operators
and text communication to being a tool of    swap-over and new site deployment. The
                                                                                      in the world. Orange Telkom Kenya
convenience,” said Ghossein.                 dual PA technology allows for smooth
                                                                                      is becoming more effective, more
                                             evolution to HSPA+ and LTE without any
                                                                                      productive and more customer-oriented.
RAN Renewal Project                          changes to hardware.
   The RAN renewal project will see 682         Full use was also made of CAF/
Ericsson and ALU 2G sites replaced with      feeder resources to reduce equipment
ZTE SDRs. 820 new sites will be built        costs. MW cabinets were customized
over three years.                            for outdoor sites, end-to-end mobile
   “To help Orange Telkom Kenya satisfy      backhaul was integrated, and hotspot
the demand for reliable mobile application   coverage was implemented.
services, we provided them with world-
class technologies and effective solutions   Objective
with the lowest TCO in the industry,” said      Orange Telkom Kenya’s objective

                                                                                             December 2011 ZTE TECHNOLOGIES   21
Success Stories

 Hi3G Simplifies Network O&M
 with NetNumen U31
By Zhang Weihua

        weden has one of the most             OPEX, Hi3G adopted ZTE’s efficient                      unified platform to simplify software
        developed telecom markets in the      NetNumen U31 for unified network                        and hardware configuration and lower
        EU and is home to the world’s first   management.                                             O&M cost
 commercial LTE networks. Hi3G Sweden            NetNumen U31 has the following                       NetNumen U31 is built on a unified
 AB, an operator in Northern Europe,          advantages:                                          element management platform (UEP) that
 is seeking to strengthen its competitive                                                          makes full use of system resources. To
 edge and maintain the rapid growth of its
 subscriber base. At the beginning of 2011,
 Hi3G built the world’s first FDD/TDD                                                              NMS/OSS
 LTE network that offers customers diverse
 services and smooth data experience.
    Hi3G Sweden AB is now looking for
 ways to cut down the high additional
 costs of managing UMTS, LTE FDD,
 and LTE TDD equipment. There are costs
 involved in server configuration, O&M                            RNC                 Microwave                    MME   CG
 labor, complicated IT network planning,                   RAN
 capacity expansion, and network                                                          NR8000
                                                                                                    SR10           xGW   HSS

 interoperability.                                        eNodeB(FDD) eNodeB(TDD) NodeB            PR10

    To address the future trend of network
 convergence and cut down CAPEX and           Figure 1. NetNumen U31 solution.

 22   ZTE TECHNOLOGIES December 2011
manage tens of thousands of UMTS, LTE         network interoperability. ZTE took
FDD, and LTE TDD cells, Hi3G chose            the lead by standardizing northbound
to deploy only one set of NetNumen U31        interfaces. Standard SNMP, CORBA,
software and hardware rather than dozens      and DB interfaces are provided to suit
of servers. Few O&M nodes are used,           any wireless network. ZTE has also
and flat network architecture is supported.   collaborated with mainstream NMS/
This saves equipment room and power           BOSS vendors such as IBM, HP, and
consumption, simplifies network               Aircom, to build OSS interoperability
planning, and lowers the cost of regular      testing labs. This significantly reduces
network checks.                               workload, time, and costs for network
                                              interoperation and allows operators to
    distributed deployment to leverage        deliver services in the shortest time.
    old devices and protect operator
    investment                                   industry-leading plug-in design to
    Rapid subscriber growth drives the           support unified management of
need for network expansion. When                 microwave and wireless equipment
the performance threshold of network             Microwave has been widely accepted
O&M is exceeded, NetNumen U31                 as the transmission solution for wireless
uses distributed architecture to extend       networks because of its low cost, fast
its management capability. Distributed        deployment, and flexible networking.
deployment means that good use is made        Managing microwave and wireless
of old devices and operator investment is     equipment in a unified and centralized
protected.                                    manner is a challenge for operators.
                                              NetNumen U31 adopts industry-leading
   security and reliability to ensure         plug-in design that allows for unified
   smooth operation                           management of microwave and wireless
   Network security plays an                  equipment, end-to-end monitoring, fast
important role in network O&M. As             fault location and QoS guarantee.
                                                                                          system, operators can find problems with
well as integrating traditional security
                                                                                          signal coverage, frequency allocation,
management functions, NetNumen U31               integrated value-added tools to
                                                                                          and adjacent cell interference. MR also
also provides Hi3G with total security           simplify fault location and network
                                                                                          automatically converts suggestions for
solutions ranging from OS to database            optimization
                                                                                          network adjustment into scripts that can
applications. These security solutions           Traditional drive test and signaling
                                                                                          be executed by NetNumen U31. This
protect Hi3G from security threats. All       tools are time-consuming, labor-
                                                                                          helps optimize network performance.
access and operation logs are kept in the     intensive and expensive to use. Northern
                                                                                             Hi3G Sweden AB has put into service
system and are automatically uploaded         European operators are seeking new
                                                                                          NetNumen U31―the world’s first
to a third-party audit server for further     tools to replace them. NetNumen
                                                                                          unified network management system
checking.                                     U31 uses call trace system (CTS) and
                                                                                          that can manage UMTS, LTE FDD, and
                                              measurement report (MR) as a cost-
                                                                                          LTE TDD networks simultaneously.
   standard northbound interfaces to          effective replacement for these tools.
                                                                                          NetNumen U31 will be able to manage
   lower interoperability cost                CTS has cross-domain signaling trace
                                                                                          microwave networks by the end of 2011.
   Interoperability is also an important      and signal flow diagram so that operators
                                                                                          Through innovation and collaboration,
issue that should be considered when          can rapidly figure out the location of
                                                                                          ZTE will continue to help Hi3G Sweden
constructing an operator OSS. Diverse,        a faulty signaling node. MR collects
                                                                                          AB make its network O&M simple and
non-standard, unstable interfaces lead        a great deal of measurement report
to time-consuming preparation, heavy          data from all cells in the network. By
workload, and frequent changes for            analyzing them through a post-analysis

                                                                                                December 2011 ZTE TECHNOLOGIES   23
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