2022 Public Safety Reading List - International Public Safety Association

Page created by Katie Cook
2022 Public Safety Reading List - International Public Safety Association
2022 Public Safety Reading List

        International Public Safety Association

          Copyright. 2022. International Public Safety Association
2022 Public Safety Reading List - International Public Safety Association
This is the International Public Safety Association’s first Public Safety Reading List. We developed this list
because we recognize the value of reading. There are numerous benefits to reading that go beyond
professional development. Reading expands the mind, improves cognitive function, increases your
vocabulary, reduces stress and reduces symptoms of depression.

We recommend that you go through the pages of the Public Safety Reading List and identify a book that
interests you. Set a goal for yourself whether it’s to read one book this year, one book per quarter or one
book a month.

We included hyperlinks that take you to the book so you can learn more about it, read reviews and
purchase. Simply click on the book image.

Project Team
The IPSA convened a team of members to work alongside our Executive Director to develop the Public
Safety Reading List. We would like to thank the following individuals for their commitment to seeing this
project through completion:

       •   Heather R. Cotter, IPSA Executive Director, Project Director
       •   Sarah Guenette, IPSA Member
       •   Amy Malina, IPSA Member
       •   Sarah Saunders, IPSA Member
       •   Kevin Tarazi, IPSA Member
       •   David Weiner, IPSA Member

The IPSA’s Public Safety Reading List was made possible by the financial contributions of our donors. We
would like to express our gratitude for their donations.

       •   Dan McGuire
       •   Chris DeChant
       •   Peter Davis
       •   Judith Lukens Torian
       •   Michael Fergus
       •   James Quirarte
       •   Katherine Severson
       •   Bradley Feuer
       •   Karen Ziegler
       •   Nathaniel Hunkup

                               Copyright. 2022. International Public Safety Association
2022 Public Safety Reading List - International Public Safety Association
Recommended Books
  Functional Fitness:                                             Transforming the
     The Essential                                               Police: Thirteen Key
   Guide to Optimal                                              Reforms by Charles
      Firefighter                                                M. Katz and Edward
   Performance and                                                    R. Maguire
   Longevity by Dan
    Kerrigan, et al.

     If You Didn't
   Write It Down, It
         Never                                                     Criminological
      Happened!:                                                    Theory: The
      Developing                                                    Essentials by
     Critical EMS                                                Stephen G. Tibbetts
   Reporting Skills                                              and Alex R. Piquero
   for Paramedics
    and EMTs by
     Paul Serino

                                                                 Alone at Dawn: Medal
    People Driven                                                 of Honor Recipient
   Leadership: How                                                John Chapman and
    the Best 9-1-1                                                the Untold Story of
    Centers Inspire                                              the World's Deadliest
   Positive Change                                                Special Operations
    by Adam Timm                                                     Force by Dan
                                                                   Schilling and Lori

      Copyright. 2022. International Public Safety Association
2022 Public Safety Reading List - International Public Safety Association
Recommended Books
                                                                   A Passion for
    Start With Why:
                                                                    Lessons on
  How Great Leaders
                                                                   Change and
   Inspire Everyone
                                                                 Reform from Fifty
  To Take Action by
                                                                  Years of Public
     Simon Sinek
                                                                 Service by Robert
                                                                  Michael Gates

                                                                 First In, Last Out:
     Leadership                                                     Leadership
    Strategy and                                                 Lessons from the
    Tactics: Field                                                 New York Fire
     Manual by                                                    Department by
    Jocko Willink                                                   John Salka

                                                                    The Servant
      Extreme                                                     Leader: How to
  Ownership: How                                                  Build a Creative
  U.S. Navy SEALs                                                  Team, Develop
  Lead and Win by                                                Great Morale, and
  Jocko Willink &                                                Improve Bottom-
     Leif Babin                                                  Line Performance
                                                                 by James A. Autry

      Copyright. 2022. International Public Safety Association
2022 Public Safety Reading List - International Public Safety Association
Recommended Books

  Quiet Leadership:
                                                                   W.I.N: Critical
     Six Steps to
                                                                 Issues in Training
                                                                    and Leading
   Performance at
                                                                 Warriors by Brian
   Work by David
                                                                      R. Willis

        The 21
  Irrefutable Laws                                               Leaders Eat Last
   of Leadership:                                                Why Some Teams
    Follow Them                                                  Pull Together and
   and People Will                                                Others don’t, by
   Follow You, by                                                  Simon Sinek
    John Maxwell

                                                                    101 Tough
                                                                 Conversations to
                                                                    Have with
                                                                  Employees: A
     The Power of
                                                                Manager's Guide to
    Leadership, by
   Robert Greenleaf
                                                                  Conduct, and
                                                                Challenges by Paul

     Copyright. 2022. International Public Safety Association
2022 Public Safety Reading List - International Public Safety Association
Recommended Books

  First Casualty: The                                            The Terror Years:
  Untold Story of the                                            From al-Qaeda to
    CIA Mission to                                               the Islamic State
    Avenge 9/11 by                                                 by Lawrence
     Toby Harnden                                                      Wright

      Violence and
    Extremism: New
                                                                 Homeland Security
     Psychology to
                                                                 by Larry K.Gaines
    Face and Defuse
    the Threat edited
    by Chris E. Stout

                                                                  Say Nothing: A
                                                                   True Story of
     Family Terror                                                  Murder and
     Networks by                                                    Memory in
       Dean C.                                                       Northern
      Alexander                                                     Ireland by
                                                                  Patrick Radden

      Copyright. 2022. International Public Safety Association
2022 Public Safety Reading List - International Public Safety Association
Recommended Books

  Atomic Habits: An
    Easy & Proven                                               Thinking Fast and
  Way to Build Good                                              Slow by Daniel
   Habits & Break                                                  Kahneman
  Bad One by James

       Quiet: The                                                 The Organized
        Power of                                                  Mind: Thinking
     Introverts in a                                            Straight in the Age
    World that Can’t                                              of Information
    Stop Talking by                                             Overload by Daniel
      Susan Cain                                                     J. Levitin

      Emotional                                                   For Beginners:
    Intelligence:                                                 Reclaiming the
      Why it can                                                     Present
   matter more than                                                Moment and
     IQ byDaniel                                                   Your Life by
      Goleman                                                       Jon Kabat-

     Copyright. 2022. International Public Safety Association
2022 Public Safety Reading List - International Public Safety Association
Recommended Books

    The Bulletproof
    Spirit, Revised
                                                                 WARRIOR: How to
   Edition: The First
                                                                   Support Those
                                                                 Who Protect Us by
  Essential Resource
                                                                     by Shauna
  for Protecting and
                                                                 Springer and Eddie
   Healing Mind and
   Heart by Cpt Dan

    Survival for Law                                             I Love a Cop, Third
    Enforcement: A                                                   Edition What
       Guide for                                                    Police Families
   officers and their                                              Need to know by
   families by Kevin                                               Ellen Kirschman
      M Gilmartin

    The Resilient 9-
   1-1 Professional:
                                                                      I Love A
        Guide to
                                                                    Edition: What
     Surviving and
                                                                     the Family
                                                                   Needs to Know
    Together in the
                                                                      by Ellen
      9-1-1 Center
     Edited by Jim
     Marshall and
   Tracey Laorenza

      Copyright. 2022. International Public Safety Association
2022 Public Safety Reading List - International Public Safety Association
Recommended Books

                                                                Never Split The
  Propaganda by                                                 Negotiating as if
  Edward Bernays                                                   Your Life
                                                               Depended on It by
                                                                  Chris Voss

  Instincts: Use an
    FBI Profiler's                                               The Gift of Fear:
   Tactics to Avoid                                              Survival Signals
       Unsafe                                                    That Protect Us
    Situations by                                               from Violence By
     Mary Ellen                                                 Gavin de Becker
    O'Toole Ph.D
      and Alisa

   Burning down
    the House:
   Fighting Fires
                                                                   Years as a
    and Losing
     Myself by
                                                                  Paramedic by
                                                                    Roger C.

    Copyright. 2022. International Public Safety Association
2022 Public Safety Reading List - International Public Safety Association
Recommended Books

                                                                    Collapse of
  Narconomics: How
                                                                Burning Buildings:
    to Run a Drug
                                                                    A Guide to
    Cartel by Tom
                                                                Fireground Safety
                                                                 by Vincent Dunn

                                                                 Warrior Mindset:
                                                                Mental Toughness
                                                                Skills for a Nation’s
   Answering 9-1-1:
                                                                 Peacekeepers by
    Life in the Hot
                                                                 Michael J. Asken,
   Seat by Caroline
                                                                   Lt. Col. Dave
                                                                  Grossman and
                                                                      Loren W.

                                                                  Tell Me Exactly
   Interaction Skills
         for Law
                                                                   from 9-1-1 by
    Enforcement by
                                                                  Caroline Burau
    Lt. Jim Glennon

     Copyright. 2022. International Public Safety Association
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