Page created by Tina Cummings
Khedive Shrine - 4th Quarter 2021

Room Reservation   See What is Planned   February 12, 2022     March 5, 2022
     Page 1              Page 6               Page 2         Inside Back Page
David Swoope

                                    Senior Sales Executive

                     WELCOME NOBLES!
               I am very proud to be associated with Beach Ford.
 Please call or come by and see me for details on the X-Plan Buying Program!
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Fourth Quarter 2021                                                       P. 1

   2022                 150th IMPERIAL SESSION


                                Mail Checks:
                           Recorder Khedive Shrine
                             645 Woodlake Drive
                            Chesapeake, VA 23320

         A $20.00 Nonredundable fee is needed to reserve your room.
                This fee is not deducted from your total package.
          This $20.00 fee is given to Imperial. Due by February 1, 2022




  Daytime Phone                          Unit or Club
P. 2                                                                                 Khedive Hi-Noble

       For the benefit of Khedive Shrine and not deductible as a charitable contribution.
Fourth Quarter 2021                                                                                P. 3

                                    In This Issue
   Features              		             Clubs 			                    Ads
   05 - Assistant Rabban                20 - Autos                   Inside Front Cover - Beach Ford
   10 - Black Camel
                                        16 - Chevys                  07 - Chesapeake Shrine Club
   12 - Calendar January-April
   09 - Call For Help                                                04 - Franklin Shrine Club
                                        20 - Drum & Bugle Corps
   06 - Changes and Coming Events
                                                                     17 - Hoggard-Eure Associate
   05 - Chief Rabban                    14-15 - Hillbillies
   07 - High Priest & Prophet                                        18 - Janet Barringer
   22 - Hi-Noble Boosters               21 - Legion of Honor
                                                                     10 - Ramsey Equipment Co.
   16 - Membership
                                        19 - Motor Corps
   11 - Million Dollar Club Donations                                03 - Steve Owen, Esquire
   10 - Million Dollar Club Form        18 - Provost Guard
                                                                     15 - Ron Clark Century 21
   04 - Potentate’s Message
   08 - Oriental Guide                  17 - Scooter Patrol          04 - Suffolk Shrine Club
   08 - Recorder’s Desk
                                        17 - Tidewater Shrine Club   07 - Virginia Beach Shrine Club
   11 - Sportsman’s Raffle Report
   14 - Zulekia Court #35               11 - Yacht Club              17- Yacht Club

                            WILLS, TRUSTS & ESTATES
                          CRIMINAL & TRAFFIC DEFENSE
                              ESTATE LITIGATION

                 Steven G. Owen, Esquire
              2521 North Landing Road                  Office      (757) 427-3348
              Suite 200				                            Direct Line (757) 301-7530
              Virginia Beach, VA 23456                 Facsimile   (757) 430-2531

                                FAMILY LAW & DIVORCE
                                 CUSTODY LITIGATION
                                    LIVING WILLS
P. 4                                                                                                       Khedive Hi-Noble

                          Potentate’s Message
                                                  Mark Cook
E   ach year in the last issue the Potentate
    does a yearly review of his year. I would
like to review our year together. There were
                                                                               we now have a Khedive Shrine Endowment
                                                                               Fund. The purpose is to help with building
                                                                               maintenance and improvements as we move
any number of things that we did not get                                       forward. Please consider a gift outright or a
to do because of Covid. The one thing that                                     bequest.
carries the most regret was an overnight bus                                       We brought in thirty new members at our
trip to the Greenville Hospital; perhaps the                                   ceremonial. I would like to personally thank
new Pote Scott will allow that to happen in                                    the Khedive Ritualistic Divan for a great third
2022.                                                                          section. It explains Masonry in general and
    It seems that some still think that the                                    the Shrine in particular. It is visualized by the
Pote is all powerful and calls all the shots                                   building of an arch and will remain imbedded
for the year. Nothing could be further from                                    in the minds of our new Shriners. A special
the truth. The Pote is Chairman of the Board                                   thanks to Patsy Parker for the wonderful
and only votes in case of a tie. So always                                     props she built. We will remember this
remember that Divan decisions are a group                                      degree a lot longer than a Khedive chocolate
effort.                                                                        sundae.
    We had a year of some very constructive actions. A new          We did a new fundraiser this year with the 50/50 raffle,
unit and club was started. The Norfolk Shrine Club and the      a complete sell out. This brought twenty thousand dollars
Clyde Drifters are now viable Khedive entities. Thanks to       in new money for temple expenses. I saw it as a fun way to
Jay and Paul for their great effort in getting this up and      raise funds and it worked thanks to the Nobles.
going. Also, we have a hunting and fishing club in the              It was a good year and I feel honored to have been
works thanks to Scott Slocum. We did a great job in the         allowed to be your Potentate. May God continue to bless
makeover of the new club room. Check it out; a great place      our Shrine family.
to rent for special occasions. It is now a more viable rental       Thank you,
unit so take a peek and see what has been done. Finally,            Mark

         “We had a year of some very constructive actions.”

      Suffolk                                                           FRANKLIN
    Shrine Club                                                        SHRINE CLUB
                                                                       Meets 2nd Monday of Each
           Meets Each Fourth                                           Month at Fred’s Restaurant
           Wednesday Night
    500 Elizabeth St., Suffolk, VA
        Our club is available
          call us for date!                                            Kenneth Gay - President
                                                                     Hunter March - Vice President
                                                                   Kevin Insull - Secretary/Treasurer
Fourth Quarter 2021                                                                                                     P. 5

                                       Chief Rabban
                                               Scott Foxwell
 F   or my last article as Chief Rabban, I can’t
     help but state how fast the four years
  have passed. And as several Past Potentates
                                                                             on December 11, stretching your Divan very
                                                                             thin. We may need to rethink Installations
                                                                             with the limited number of weekends there
  have warned me, the next year will be a blur.                              are in the month.
     Since the last issue, we had an okay                                        We have had several Nobles decide to
  showing at Masonic Home Day in Richmond;                                   go to Las Vegas for the East/West Shrine
  a new twist to our Ceremonial with the                                     Bowl Game on February 3. Make your own
  Khedive Debut of the Arch Degree [well                                     reservations with your favorite airline’s
  done Ritualistic Divan!]; our building hosted                              vacation page to bundle the hotel with your
  the Bra-Ha-Ha with added positive publicity                                airfare. Stay as long or as little as you like.
  for our Shrine Center; the Sportman’s Raffle                               I booked for four nights on the Delta.com
  came to a close with a respectable total (see                              website for the Luxor Hotel. It’s not too late
  Dave’s article for details); and a fun group                               to join in.
  that turned out in Urbanna for their Oyster                                    I need to apprise you of events that
  Festival. Thanks to all who attended and did                               may be a bit different than what has been
  their part as Shriners.                                                    done in the recent past. Look for that article
     We look forward to the Oyster Bowl Game this weekend      elsewhere in this issue along with flyers advertising coming
  and to the many Christmas Parties and Installations          attractions. Enjoy the rest of this year! Stay tuned for a
  coming in December. Nobles, there are eight [8] events       great celebration in 2022!!

                                Assistant Rabban
                                                  Leon Stocks
 N   obles, as the Holiday’s are upon us, let
     us stop and think of all the things we
 are thankful for. Friends, Nobles, Brethren,
                                                                              start planning for next year. St. Patrick’s Day
                                                                              Parade is fast approaching and our Director
                                                                              of Uniformed Units is working diligently to
 Family and the freedom to live, worship and                                  get us going in Parades. MASA and SASA
 serve as we choose. May this be the best year                                Competitions were down last year but it is a
 ever.                                                                        new year and your Divan is supporting you in
    Let all Divan, unit and club officers                                     all you do. We are here to serve you.
 rededicate themselves to the service and                                         As I close, I simply ask for your love and
 good of our great Fraternity.                                                support and safety as my wife and I travel
    Times have changed and Khedive is                                         around representing Khedive in a manner it
 adapting. We are again going to socialize and                                deserves.
 break bread together. Nobles are getting out                                     May each of you and your family’s have a
 and having fun again. We are now able to                                     wonderful holiday season, never forgetting
 work at helping our “kids.”                                                  why we celebrate this time of year. May
    May next year be one of fun, fellowship                                   God bless each of you and May “God Bless
 and renewed enthusiasm as we go forward with plans to         America.”
 be active, to be in and at parades, to show ourselves to        See you at all Temple and Unit events.
 the world, and to support our Temple. It is not to early to     Noble J. Leon Stocks - Assistant Rabban
P. 6                                                                                                        Khedive Hi-Noble

       Changes and Coming Events
                                        Chief Rabban Scott Foxwell
Changes and Coming Events                                         Winter Trip to Las Vegas and the East/West Shrine Bowl
We are excited about 2022, our double anniversary year!!          Game
Some things that the Nobility have traditionally expected         Shriners International has partnered with the NFL and the
have been changed, and there are some new programs                game is offered on Thursday, February 3. We have a small
that we are going to try. Here is a brief synopsis of what is     group that have already made plans to go. Some are going for
coming your way next year.                                        a week, others only a few days. We are staying at the Luxor
Hi Noble                                                          Hotel and walking over to the stadium. We just learned that
In order to get news and events to you in a timely fashion,       there is a Player’s Banquet on Wednesday. Call your travel
we plan to publish our magazine in February, May, August          agent, book through your favorite airline’s vacation page,
and November. Deadlines are printed in the calendar. Each         or visit www.vegas.com to make your reservations. Hotel
issue will feature articles on our theme: Shriners, Past,         rooms in the middle of the week are only about $40 plus
Present and Future.                                               the resort fee.
Church Service                                                    A Country ValenShrine Concert
As in all things Masonic, we should never begin any worthy        Being a musician, concerts are important. When I was
endeavor without first invoking the blessing of Deity.            questioned about plans for 2022, I answered with what
Therefore, we have traditionally held a Devotional Service at     music acts I would like to bring. The response I got was why
the Shrine Center on the Sunday following the Installation.       not have a country music concert, since that is what most
However, in the past, it was the custom to attend the church      people like. So, I went to my expert in the field, Brother
of the Potentate. You are invited to attend The All Saints’       Doug Dunn [a local performer and Kempsville Lodge officer]
Episcopal Church with the Potentate on Sunday, January 9          for advice. Doug is planning the event and is booking the
at 10 AM. All Saints’ is located at 1969 Woodside Lane in         acts for us [one popular local act and an up-and-coming act
the Great Neck Point section of Virginia Beach, 23454. The        from Nashville]. He suggested the date, Saturday, February
Potentate will not be preaching, but does serve the church        12 and came up with the title! Luckily, the Temple was
as the Organist/Choirmaster. Following the church service,        available. Tickets will be $20 and open to the public. Come
we will gather for lunch at a nearby hotel.                       on out with the one you love for the music you love.
50/50 Raffle                                                      Potentate’s Ball
Last year began with a very successful raffle that begs for an    Khedive usually has the Ball in the month of February. I was
encore. We will again be selling 400 raffle tickets for $100.     planning on that as well until I realized that March 5 was
The drawing will be at the Business Meeting on March 31.          only a week later and would be my dad’s 90th birthday.
Someone will be up to $20,000 richer, along with us!              So, to honor him, that’s the date this year. Prices have
Khedive Cooks, Khedive Eats                                       gone up, and you will notice a significant increase in the
There was a time when Facebook fascinated me. There were          cost. However, you are getting more, too! Tessa’s Creations
several of you who posted pictures of your grill and foods        is catering the meal, which will be served!! The Tidewater
that you cooked. Some of you posted recipes. That gave me         Winds’ Little Big Band with Danielle Roby as featured
an idea! Since many of us enjoy going out to eat, and some of     vocalist and Maestro John Brewington conducting are the
you enjoy cooking, let’s marry the two and have a new event       entertainment!!! Plan to stay at the hotel and make it a most
at the Shrine. Six times a year on Friday nights, [January 28,    memorable weekend.
March 18, May 6, July 15, August 26, October 7] we will offer     More to come….
an evening out for dinner. We are limiting the number of          That gets us through the first two months. Along with the
people to 100 and the price to $25. After expenses, the           Official Visits, we look forward to seeing you out and about.
proceeds will be split between the person or group cooking        Included on the calendar are the mysterious abbreviations
and the Shrine. This will not be hot dogs/hamburgers or           of GM OV D##. That stands for Grand Master Official Visit
spaghetti. It will include hors d’oeuvres, drinks, desserts       to District ##. If that is your Masonic District, we hope to
and is intended to be a lovely evening out. Wesley King and       see you when the Most Worshipful James Winfield Golladay,
the Suffolk Bunch have stepped up for our initial offering        Jr. comes your way. Support your lodge. Support your
and are planning for prime rib, chicken breasts, and baked        shrine. Let’s have a wonderful year celebrating 150 years of
potatoes, among other things. The deadline for getting in         the Shrine and 100 years of Shriners’ Hospitals for Children.
on the deal is the Friday before or until sold out. It is hoped
that other units, lodges or individuals will step up in the
months to come.
Fourth Quarter 2021                                                                                              P. 7

                       High Priest & Prophet
                                             John Brown
 T  he fourth quarter is already upon us.
    Massa and SASA have come and gone, and
 we saw many of you out and participating
                                                                             Lady Donna and I would like to wish each
                                                                          of you and your families the Merriest of
                                                                          Christmases and a Safe, Happy and Healthy
 with your Units on parade and you looked                                 New Year.
 great. Khedive was very successful at both                                  Please come out to the January Business
 parades and the Units of the Temple have                                 Meeting to cast your vote for the 2022
 brought home awards that show your                                       Potentate, Divan and review and approve
 dedication and hard work. While many of the                              the 2022 Budget. This is your Temple Nobles
 normal parades and events at the beginning                               and you should exercise your rights and give
 of the year were cancelled due to concerns                               voice to your opinions by Voting.
 with the COVID Pandemic, we were able to                                    Nobles thank you all for your support
 get in quite a few in the last part of the year.                         this year and your continued support of the
    By the time you will be reading this most                             Khedive Shrine. We the Divan appreciate
 of the units and clubs will have had their                               your efforts in the events that we have been
 elections and installation of the new officers                           able complete this year we were not able to
 for 2022 completing the annual renewal of                                do as well as we had hoped but we were able
 the Temple. You can best show your support by getting     to have the events and that in itself is a success. We look
 out and enjoying by participating in the events. Please   forward to serving you in the future.
 constantly check the Temple calendar. (Check the Temple      Fraternally
 website for the latest schedule updates).                    John D. Brown, HP&P

         MEETS 2ND FRIDAY                                       SHRINE CLUB
           EACH MONTH                                       Dedicated to Helping Orthopedic Children
          SOCIAL 6:00 PM
          DINNER 7:00 PM
            Courthouse Horizons
              961 S Birdneck Rd.
           Virginia Beach, VA 23451
     JO GUFFEY - PRESIDENT                                      SOCIAL                              DINNER
                                                               6:00 PM                              7:00 PM
      LADIES ARE INVITED                                                       TERRY RILEY
 HOME OF BANNER SALES                                                  JOE RAMSEY
P. 8                                                                                                      Khedive Hi-Noble

                                  Recorder’s Desk
                                                 Wayne Kelly
G    reetings Nobles ~ This year has flown by
     and is quickly coming to an end.
    Although it has been and trying and
                                                                               2021 taxes we have each year for the IRS.
                                                                                   Noble, now is the time to start planning
                                                                               for the Imperial Council, MASA, and SASA
difficult year with COVID-19 and the                                           conventions. Deadline for the Imperial
restrictions.                                                                  Council is February 1, 2022. Remember, your
    I would like to thank Ill. Sir Mark Cook                                   room binder fee (non-refundable) must be
for a great year. His leadership has been                                      paid now to reserve a room ($20.00). The
excellent.                                                                     form can be found at khediveshrine.org/
    A word for the incoming Captains,                                          Imperial_Session_Deposit_2022.pdf or Files
Directors and Presidents, as well as the                                       link at khediveshrine.org.
Secretaries and Treasurers, you all have a                                         I would like to thank the Units and Clubs
responsibility as a leader of your Club/Unit.                                  that support the Transportation Fund’s
If you don’t know a requirement or have                                        plaque program. Remember when you
a question regarding a function, Temple                                        buy or sell the plaques you are supporting
Bylaws, or Imperial By-Laws, please call                                       Khedive Transportation. They purchase
the Recorder’s Office. If I don’t know, I can                                  all the supplies needed to run the plaque
always contact the appropriate person at                                       program.
Shriners International and get you an answer.                       From our house to yours Lady Cheryl, and I, would like
    To all Unit/Club leaders, remember that each of you          to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
must assign a U/C member to complete the required                   Also, from all the personnel in the Temple’s Office to all
information in WebFez.                                           the Nobility of Khedive Temple, and the Ladies, we wish
    I will email or put in mail slots in the Unit Building for   each of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
each Unit/Club Captain/President a form called “Reports             Don’t forget the Annual Business Meeting and Temple
of Shrine Clubs and Temple Units Financial Statements,”          elections on January 8, 2022. You must have a 2022 dues
better known as 990 forms. Please complete not later than        card to attend.
February 1, 2022 and mail it back to me with the supporting         Yours in the Faith,
documentation that is asked for on back of the form. The            Wayne Kelly
requirement is mandatory. This is your input for the year           Recorder

                     Next Hi-Noble Deadline - 1st Qtr - January 19, 2022
                           Send Input To: khedive.shrine@aol.com

                                     Oriental Guide
                                     Walter “Dink” Pope, Jr
S  eason Greetings Nobles. This last quarter
   of the year has been a busy and exciting
one.It has been full of parades, events and
                                                                                Looking forward seeing each of you at our
                                                                               annual business meeting and election of
                                                                               officers on January 8, 2022. It has been a
Christmas parties. I have made as many unit                                    real pleasure serving Khedive as the Oriental
meetings and events as I could. We had                                         Guide this year. I would like to wish you a
a great Sportsman Raffle again this year.                                      very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and
Thank you to everyone that sold tickets                                        a very Happy New Year from myself, lady
or helped work the event. We had a good                                        Michelle and our daughters.
time in Urbana, MAHOVA parade as well as                                           Sincerely and Fraternally,
many Holiday parades. I have also traveled                                         Walter “Dink” Pope, Jr
to other shrine Oasis visiting other temples.
Please don’t forget about being a HI-Nobel
Booster, it’s never to late.
Fourth Quarter 2021                                                                                                             P. 9

                                          CALL FOR HELP
 N    obles, this is a true “call for help”
      from one of the Temple’s long-
 standing Units. This Unit has been
                                              the street. Which means in order to
                                              carry all of the international flags, we
                                              need a minimum of 11 members on the

 around since 1957. It has won numerous       street. We also have state and city flags,
 awards, produced two Potentates,             our awesome Khedive Shrine flag, and
 supported many fundraising events,           rifles that we would love to carry but
 and represents this fine Temple with         need members to make that happen. A
 pride and professionalism for many           true example of our shortfall was seen
 years. The Khedive Shrine Color Guard        during the latest Mid Atlantic Shrine
 is in dire straits today. With only five     Association (MASA) parade in early
 active members to march at any given         September. We had to get permission                      MASA 2021
 time, the need for help from any             from the Potentate for his Chief Aide
 Noble is requested. The Unit’s oldest        (also a Color Guard member and Past
 active member is 67 years old while          Captain) to march with us because we
 the youngest is 47. To put this into         only had two members available due to
 perspective, 10 years ago we had more        COVID protocol. In our home parade,
 than 10 active members to support our        we could only carry the American flag
 efforts. Twenty years ago, there was a       and the required two guards. The
 waiting list to get the opportunity to       following weekend our Captain chose
 march on the street as a member of           not to travel for the South Atlantic
 the Color Guard.                             Shrine Association (SASA) in Myrtle
 We are asking – no - pleading, for our       Beach because of the same issue and
 Brother Nobles to consider joining this      he wanted our member that had been                       MASA 2014
 proud, and in our opinion - required,        working so hard all year as the Chief
 Unit of the Khedive Shrine. As noted         Aide to enjoy that part of his duties.       original Color Guard fez available for
 above, the Khedive Shrine Color Guard        We need help my Brothers. Just look          members to borrow or purchase to
 was founded in 1957. We are the first        at the difference in the two photos          curb the overall expense of joining the
 Unit people see when the Khedive             from MASA 2014 to MASA 2021, we              Unit. We currently do two fundraisers
 Temple takes the street. We want             must do better.                              a year by selling burgers, fries, and hot
 to be as impressive marching up the          Many people believe you need to have         dogs for the Khedive Auto’s Auto Show
 street as the Units coming behind us         military or law enforcement experience       and preparing and serving the meal for
 and be a strong representation for           to join the Unit but that is not true.       the Khedive Motor Patrol Gala. We also
 the Khedive Temple Shrinedom! We             While several active members do have         hold a small 50/50 fundraiser each
 understand the glamor of being part of       that experience, no previous marching        year as well.
 a motorized Unit, and they are critical      experience is required to join. We are       Again, we ask all Nobles out there to
 to our “Shrine Persona” wherever we          confident we can train most anyone to        consider joining this awesome Unit.
 go. However, every Shrine Temple is          do the minimal marching techniques           We are proud of what we do. Even if
 expected to have a Color Guard on            required for our Unit. We simply expect      you feel that you can only support for a
 the street and this proud Unit needs         that you march with honor, dignity,          few years, we can really use your help.
 support from those that are ready and        and pride when carrying the flags from       We do not want to fold this proud
 willing.                                     around the world as a member of the          Unit but without assistance, it is very
 For those that are not aware, there          Khedive Shrine Color Guard.                  close to being a reality. If you need
 are eight international flags that each      Our Unit meets the first Tuesday of          any information please contact our
 Color Guard Unit is expected to display      every month at the Khedive Temple.           secretary, Past Captain Pat Garrison at
 at parades. These flags represent the        The door is open around 6:30 PM              757-724-1406 or come by the Shrine
 countries of Shrine International and        with the meeting starting at 7:00. Our       on the first Tuesday of the month.
 are the United States of America,            dues are only $25.00 a year and we           Thank you so much for your time and
 Canada, Mexico, Panama, Puerto               provide your uniforms (which we are          again, please consider our plea. Color
 Rico, Philippines, Germany, and Brazil.      looking to upgrade). You simply need         Guard Proud!
 Additionally, whether we are carrying        to provide your own socks, shoes,            Submitted by Pat Garrison,
 one flag or all eight, we are required to    and white T-shirt. Additionally, some        Past Captain
 “guard” those flags when they are on         Past Captains are willing to make their      Secretary Khedive Color Guard
P. 10                                                                       Khedive Hi-Noble

                                                Please Enroll Me As a Member
                                                of the 100 Million Dollar Club

    Black Camel
      The deepest sympathy of the
    Illustrious Potentate, Divan and
       Nobles of Khedive Shrine is
  extended to the family and friends.
                                                _____I previously made a Will leaving a
  William B. Morse        10/06/2021
                                                Bequest (of $100 or more) to the SHRINERS
  William J. Barkely      10/12/2021            HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN Endowment
  Thomas C. Johnson       10/13/2021            Fund.
                                                _____I Have added a provision in my Will
  James L. Harrell, III   10/26/2021
                                                leaving a Bequest (of $100 or more) to the
  Alan W. Ormond          10/26/2021            SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN
  Irven J. Gearey, Jr.    11/03/2021            Endowment Fund.
                                                _____I prefer to make a cash donation
  Charles F. Lascola      11/09/2021
                                                at this time (of $100 or more).
  Carl W. Nolan 		        11/11/2021
                                                Make your check payable to:
  Lloyd Nance, Jr.		      11/14/2021
                                                SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN
  Alvin S. Knight 		      11/14/2021
                                                Signed _______________________________
  Floyd Goff 			          11/24/2021
                                                Temple ______________________________
                             (757) 424-9090
                          (757) 621-1654 Cell
                          (757) 523-4740 Fax

 Ramsey Equipment Co.                           State________________ Zip_____________
            Sales & Service
Automotive Equipment Disbributors               Please have the membership certificate
1128 S. Military Hwy. Chesapeake, VA
        tireman1954@yahoo.com                   ______________________________________
                                                Please return to:
                                                KHEDIVE SHRINE CENTER
                                                645 Woodlake Drive
   www.ramseyequipment.com                      Chesapeake, VA 23320
Fourth Quarter 2021                                                                                                 P. 11

                                                                          Yacht Club
       Sportsman’s                                                 Commodore Gil Clyburn
       Raffle Report                                            T   his year was kind of difficult in the beginning but as
                                                                    we all got our shots (Not the good kind!), the curve
  Chairman Dave McClellan                                       began to flatten and the Governor lifted our Covid
                                                                restrictions, we were able to return to a new kind of

 I  ll. Sir, Members of the Divan, Captains, Presidents, and    normal. We were once again able to enjoy each others
    Nobles all. The 2021 Sportsman’s raffle has come and        “Brotherly love and affection” both on the water and at
 gone. Congratulations to the winners, enjoy those new          our meetings as in years past.
 toys. First, I want to thank everyone for their diligence in      As another boating season comes to a close and
 tracking and selling the tickets. Once again, many units       preparations for winter and the holiday season begin, we
 and Nobles went above and beyond in selling tickets.           have elected a new slate of officers to move us forward
 Many thanks to the individuals that volunteered to help        into 2022.
 sell tickets at Bass Pro. As history has shown us, on those       Our new bridge for the 2022 season will be as follows:
 weekends at Bass Pro, we sell the most tickets and the         Commodore David Schroy
 get the most “new” money. Next year, please consider           Vice Commodore Raymond G. (Gil) Clyburn, Jr., P.C.
 picking up a weekend during August and September.              Rear Commodore Fred Rudiger
      Although I’m still tallying up the final results, it      Secretary/Treasurer Raymond G. Clyburn, Sr., P.C.
 appears that we sold a little less than 4500 tickets,             We welcome you to join us on any cruise or any of
 generating almost $90,000 in sales. However, after             our meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Owning
 subtracting the cost of the prizes and all the additional      a boat is not a prerequisite for membership, just a love
 expenditures, we are left with about $40,000 for the           of the Chesapeake Bay and it's tributaries and the desire
 Temple. Unfortunately, we had over 100 tickets that            for good fellowship is all that is required.
 were lost, misplaced, or just not turned in on time. If           Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.
 you think about it, those 100 tickets would have netted        Hopefully 2022 will be a Happy, Healthy and more
 us an additional $2,000 in pure profit. Every dollar that      prosperous new year for our blessed Fraternity!
 we generate is one less dollar that has to be covered by
      Good news, next year we are expecting the tickets
 around the beginning of March. This will allow us to
 get a jump on sales by selling tickets at the Chesapeake                     100 Million Dollar
 Shrine Club’s Oyster Roast. With the additional time
 to sell; hopefully, we can sell every ticket and make a                       Club Donations
 record profit for the Temple. Hoping that everybody has
 a Merry Christmas and happy holidays.
      Dave McClellan
                                                                                Fourth Quarter
      Khedive Sportsman’s Raffle                                              Paul Farley
                                                                           Michael Johnstone
P. 12                                                                                              Khedive Hi-Noble

                                                 JANUARY 2022
     SUNDAY         MONDAY           TUESDAY         WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY        FRIDAY               SATURDAY
                                                                                                            Kazim Installation

2              3                  4               5                    6               7                    8
               Drum & Bugle       Band            Williamsburg SC                      Virginia Beach SC    ELECTION OF
Kena           Khedive Carts      Color Guard                                                               OFFICERS
Installation   Mini 18 Wheelers   Motor Patrol                                                              Kazim Installation

9              10                 11              12                   13              14                   15
CHURCH         Arab Patrol        Band            Provost Guard        Divan Meeting
SERVICE        Autos              Fire Brigade                         2pm
               Drum & Bugle
               Franklin SC
16             17               18                19                20                 21               22
Acca Public    OV Chesapeake SC Band              Ritualistic Divan Tidewater SC       Sudan Ceremonial Sudan Ceremonial
Installation   Drum & Bugle     Clowns            Swashbucklers                        & Pote’s Ball    & Pote’s Ball
                                Yacht Club        HI NOBLE DEADLINE

23             24                 25              26                   27              28                   29
               Chevys             Band            Hillbillies                          KHEDIVE              UNITS & CLUBS
               Drum & Bugle       Motor Corps     Legion of Honor                      COOKS                MEETING
               OV Eastern         Portsmouth SC   OV Suffolk SC                        KHEDIVE EATS         GM OV D11
               Shore SC
               Peninsula SC
               Drum & Bugle

30             31
               LAS VEGAS TRIP

                                                 FEBRUARY 2022
     SUNDAY         MONDAY           TUESDAY         WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY        FRIDAY               SATURDAY
                                  1                2                   3                4                  5
                                  Band             Williamsburg SC     East/West Shrine Four Temples       Four Temples
                                  Color Guard                          Game             Meet               Meet
                                  Motor Patrol                                                             Sudan Venison
6              7                  8                9                   10              11                  12
               Drum & Bugle       Band             Provost Guard       Divan Meeting   OV Virginia         A COUNTRY
               Khedive Carts      Fire Brigade                         2pm             Beach SC            VALENSHRINE
               Mini 18 Wheelers                                                                            CONCERT

13             14                 15               16                  17              18                  19
               Arab Patrol        Band             Ritualistic Divan   OV Tidewater
               Autos              Clowns           Swashbucklers       Peninsula SC
               Drum & Bugle       Yacht Club       Beach Bum
               OV Franklin SC                      Brothers
20             21                 22               23                  24              25                  26
               Chesapeake SC      Band             Hillbillies
               Drum & Bugle       Motor Corps      Legion of Honor
               OV Down in the                      Suffolk SC
               Holler                              Portsmouth SC
                                                   Franklin SC
27             28
               Eastern Shore SC
               Drum & Bugle
Fourth Quarter 2021                                                                                                     P. 13

                                                  MARCH 2022
     SUNDAY          MONDAY            TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY        FRIDAY              SATURDAY
                                   1                  2                   3               4                   5
                                   Band               Williamsburg SC     Berkley Lodge                       POTENTATE’S
                                   Color Guard                            Shrine Night                        BALL
                                   Motor Patrol                                                               Hillbillies

6               7                  8                  9                   10              11                  12
Zulekia         Drum & Bugle       Band               Provost Guard       Divan Meeting   Virginia Beach SC   SSC Fish Fry
Installation    Khedive Carts      Fire Brigade                           2pm             Greenville          Greenville
                Mini 18 Wheelers                                                          Shriners Days       Shriners Days

13              14                 15                 16                  17              18                  19
LOH BBQ         Arab Patrol        Band               Ritualistic Divan   Tidewater SC
                Autos              Clowns             Swashbucklers
                Drum & Bugle       Yacht Club
                Franklin SC
                OV Scooters
20              21                 22                 23                  24              25                  26
                Chesapeake SC      Band               Hillbillies         Spring SASA     Spring SASA         Oyster Roast
                Drum & Bugle       Motor Corps        Legion of Honor     Charleston SC   Charleston SC       Spring SASA
                                   Portsmouth SC      Suffolk SC                          Family Feud         Charleston SC

27              28                 29                 30                  31
Spring SASA     Chevys             Band                                   BUSINESS
Charleston SC   Eastern Shore SC   Knights of Mecca                       MEETING 7PM
                Drum & Bugle

                                                   APRIL 2022
     SUNDAY         MONDAY            TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY              THURSDAY        FRIDAY              SATURDAY
                                                                                          1                   2
                                                                                          GM 0V D14           GM 0V D36

3               4                  5                  6                   7               8                 9
Drum & Bugle    Drum & Bugle       Band               OV Williamsburg                     Virginia Beach SC Spring MASA
Fish Fry        Khedive Carts      Color Guard        SC                                  Spring MASA       Washington D.C.
                Mini 18 Wheelers   Motor Patrol                                           Washington D.C.
                                                                                          GM 0V D31

10              11                 12                 13                  14              15                  16
Spring MASA     Arab Patrol        Band               Provost Guard       Divan Meeting
Washington D.C. Autos              Fire Brigade                           2pm
                Drum & Bugle
                Franklin SC

17              18                 19                 20                  21              22                  23
                Chesapeake SC      Band               Ritualistic Divan   Tidewater SC    GM OV D33           Kena Pote’s Ball
EASTER          Drum & Bugle       Clowns             Swashbucklers
                                   Yacht Club         HI NOBLE

24              25                 26                 27                  28              29                  30
Provost BBQ     Chevys             Band               Hillbillies                         GM OV D12           Acca Pote’s Ball
                Eastern Shore SC   Motor Corps        Legion of Honor
                Peninsula SC       Portsmouth SC      Suffolk SC
                Drum & Bugle
P. 14                                                                                            Khedive Hi-Noble

                                                               ZULEKIA COURT #35
                                                                       UPCOMING EVENTS
                                                              CLOSED CEREMONIAL
                                                              FOLLOWED BY OPEN LUNCHEON
             Hillbillies                                      Saturday, January 15, 2022 10AM
                                                              @ Zulekia Building
          Assistant Director                                  ZUKIE LINE DANCERS CHILI BASH
          Mark Holderman                                      Friday, January 21, 2022 6PM

T   he Hillbillie Unit has had a great year. We wish our
    current Director & Directress Chester and Michele
Butler well, after serving 2 years thought the COVID
                                                              Tickets $15 Door prizes, Silent Auction,
                                                              and LOTS of Chili-regular, white, HOT, Italian with
                                                              all the extras – onions, cheese, sour cream, rice.
pandemic. They did a great job keeping the unit going
during this trying time. We didn’t slow down at all.
                                                              Additional game cards available for purchase.
Seems like we have new petitions at every meeting.            Lady Jan Lockwood 757-651-4383
    The Hillbillies spent the weekend at the Pilot House      Jlockwd13@gmail.com
Inn in Topping, VA for the Urbana Oyster Festival the
weekend of November 6th. We had our own Hillbillie            MARDI GRAS PARTY PRIZE FOR BEST
Oyster Festival that Friday night in the parking lot at the
Inn followed by a night enjoying the buffet at the Pilot      DECORATED GOLF CART
House Restaurant on Saturday. Except for the rooms            Friday, February 25, 2022 6:30PM
occupied by residents, the Hillbillies had the entire         @ Zulekia Building
motel booked along with a few travel trailers set up in       Lady Lynn Hollandsworth 757-621-7114
the parking lot. We are looking forward to another great      lhollandbooks@gmail.com
adventure next year.
    We also had an amazing family night at the Shack
on November 17th. With the upcoming Thanksgiving              OPEN INSTALLATION OF LADY BOBBIE
coming up, we moved our meeting back a week and had           GREYBECK AS HIGH PRIESTESS
a wonderful pre-Thanksgiving meal with our Ladies and         Sunday, March 6, 2022 @ Zulekia Building 2PM
families. The Shack was full, and fun was had by all. We
had 75+ in attendance.
    We always have great fun and fellowship at our            THE SECOND ANNUAL FAMILY FEUD GAME
monthly meetings. I encourage all our members, and            Friday, March 25, 2022 6:30PM @ Zulekia Building
anyone interested in becoming a Hillbillie to attend our      Lady Lynn Hollandsworth 757-621-7114
monthly meetings. Remember, the Hillbillie Unit meets         lhollandbooks@gmail.com
on the 4th Wednesday of the month. We eat at 6:00pm
and meet at 7:00 pm. We have some great cooks so the
food it always on point. And we don’t forget to include       ZUKIE COUPLES CRUISING TO SPRING
our ladies. They get together every month while we are        FASHION SHOW
meeting at one of the local restaurants in the area for       Saturday, April 2, 2022 at Zulekia Court, noon
food and fellowship.                                          Fashions from Dillard’s
    My Lady Jennifer and I are looking forward to
working with the unit next year. Hope to see all of you
                                                              Lady Jan Lockwood 757-651-4383
at the monthly meetings and all our activities next year.     Jlockwd13@gmail.com
We have some new plans and events we are working on.
Fourth Quarter 2021                                               P. 15

         Hillbillies at
         MASA & SASA
            Assistant Director
            Mark Holderman

      he Hillbillie Unit has had a great comeback from the
      Covid-19 restrictions we faced last year and earlier this
      year. We had great turnout at the Cape Charles parades
on July 4th and July 31st.
    An even better time was had at MASA in Virginia Beach
this year. We started the weekend together as a Unit at Beach
Pub on Friday night. We had around 50 Hillbilllies, friends and
family in attendance. Thanks to our fearless leader, Chester
Butler and all the hard workers behind the scenes, the
Hillbillies won a 1st place trophy in the 2021 MASA parade.
Fun was had by all the entire weekend. A smaller group of
Hillbillies made there way down to SASA in Myrtle Beach last
week and had great time as usual.
    We always have great fun and fellowship at our monthly
meetings. I encourage all our members, and anyone
interested in becoming a Hillbillie to attend our monthly
meetings. Remember, the Hillbillie Unit meets on the 4th
Wednesday of the month. We eat at 6:00pm and meet at
7:00 pm. We have some great cooks so the food it always
on point. And we don’t forget to include our ladies. They get
together every month while we are meeting at one of the
local restaurants in the area for food and fellowship. Hope to
see all of you at the monthly meetings and all our activities
for the rest of the year.

                          Top Producers
  Ron Clark - Associate Broker
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            Direct: 757.754.8498
P. 16                                                                                                      Khedive Hi-Noble

        Captain Mark Guyer
G    reetings Nobles and Ladies. The Khedive Chevys are
     racing to the finish line on this 2021 calendar year
and all I can say is “Wow, what a year it has been!” We’ve
                                                               Khedive in the most impressive light. With the amazing
                                                               success of this inaugural event and the blueprint in hand
continued to grow our membership and get additional cars       for hosting our next tournament, we are well on track to
road-ready and we will no doubt have an even greater           grow this event and bring in more sponsors and players next
presence in the upcoming year. This is exciting news and       year. So mark your calendars for the weekend of October
is sure to generate greater support from our communities,      14th – 16th 2022, and plan on joining us again next year at
enabling us to continue the work that Shriners do for our      the KOA (Pro tip – make your reservations early, as they are
wonderful hospitals and those amazing kids!                    already filling up).
    In October, we hosted our 1st annual Khedive Chevy             As we close out this year, we would like to offer our best
Shriners Cornhole Tournament. This fun filled weekend at       wishes to all of our fellow nobles in each of the units for a
the Virginia Beach KOA campground went off even better         safe and happy holiday season, and a very prosperous new
that we could have hoped for, and by all accounts it was       year! We are eagerly looking forward to doing more of this
the perfect weekend. Even the inclement weather held off       great work and supporting the temple and our incredible
until the very end of the night and the friendly competition   philanthropy in 2022!
amongst these world class cornhole players resulted in          YITF,
everyone having a great time and our unit representing         Captain Mark

                              Chairman Oscar Obsuna, P.P.
D   ear Nobles, we did not meet our goal this year for our
    membership. Even with the personal notes and emails
that I have sent the response was still very low. We will
                                                               Ill. Dick Wright, Treasurer
                                                               Noble Crossfield
                                                               Noble W. Kelly, Recorder
only achieve our goal if everyone participates. Membership     Noble M. Guyer
recruiting is every members duty, without your help we         Noble C. Graham
will fail. So far to date starting with 2020 to November       Noble C. Dell
2021, we have lost 104 Noble due to Black Camel. We only       Noble F. Cahoon
recruited 39 new Nobles combined.                              Noble R. Madson Jr.
   I would like to thank the following Nobles who will              Cogratulations to Noble W. Wyckoff for his tremendous
receive the “Go Getters” certificate this year for their       effort recruiting 5 nobles this year. You are now a “MacAthur
efforts in recruiting.                                         Awardee” and your name is will be added on the awards
Noble C. Lawrence                                              board.
Noble Leon Stocks, HP&P                                             Not to mention I asked you all to recruit one, I had two
Noble H. Honaker                                               again this year. I will not ask you to recruit if I myself is not
Noble S. Traner                                                doing so.
Noble Ausley                                                        Be a “Go Getter” and lets do better in 2022.
Noble D. Pope, OG                                              Yours in the Faith,
Noble E. Usita                                                 Ill. Oscar M. Obsuna,P.P.
Fourth Quarter 2021                                                                                                     P. 17

          Shrine Club                                              Scooter Patrol
                                                                Captain Michael Johnstone
           Chuck Thompson
 N    oble brothers the year is winding down with two
      events to finish off the year plus our plaque program
 which provide funds for the children who are being cared
                                                              H    appy Holidays. It is truly hard to believe that the Winter
                                                                   Holidays are upon us and another year has passed.
                                                              We are saying good-bye to 2021 and bringing in a New
 for by Shriners Hospitals. We are almost at our goal         Year. Please take the time to reflect on the challenges and
 under the guidance of Noble John Beck so step up and         successes this year has brought us. The memories of our
 help us reach our annual goal of 100 plaques.                actions, activities, parades, and fellowships we shared.
    Illustrious Sur Mark has directed and guided the          More especially on the memories of those we lost during
 Temple thru this year and will soon turn over the Reigns     the year and remember their families as we celebrate the
 to next years Potemtate. We will join a lot of other         holidays with our families near and far.
 organizations as a part of Gloucestrs Chrstman parade on         We will be installing a new class of officers in our various
 December 4 starting at 3:00 PM with expected over 60         Units, Clubs, and The Divan during this season. A special
 units having fun and finishing at the Coor Street Garage     note of thanks for serving is afforded to the leaders of
 where the Shrine Club will be available with refreshments    these groups and extended with expressions of gratitude
 and possible hamburgs and hotdogs for all that are           for your time and dedication to supporting Khedive
 hungry.                                                      Shrine Center specifically, and Shriner International in
    Finally we have our annual Christmas party at Nicks       general. The Scooter Patrol would like to congratulate
 Steak House with ur our families sharing in the excitement   the incoming officers of our organization and offer our
 and food and wishing each and all a wonderful season         support to you as we continue our noble mission within
 awaiting that holiday of Christmas. So dress up and feel     this Shrine Center and Shriners International.
 good in all the things we have accomplished this year and        On behalf of the Khedive Scooter Patrol, we wish you
 thank Noble Rob Parker, Chip Roady. Scott Trainer and        all a happy and safe holiday season. Wishing you health,
 Woodie James for all their work making this a great year     peace, and strength in the New Year. May the Blessings
 for the Tidewater Shrine Club.                               of Heaven unite and concrete us.

   Two Great Things Come Together
     When You are a Member of
         Khedive Yacht Club
        For Information Call Secretary
             Ray Clyburn 567-3590
P. 18                                                                                                   Khedive Hi-Noble

                                     Provost Guard
                                  Past Captain Wesley King
T   he country is slowly returning to
    some semblance of normalcy and
as such the Temple was able to host
                                                                                  home made items to include a breakfast
                                                                                  layout. Also available from sunrise until?
                                                                                  were a variety of libations from Bloody
the Sportsman raffle with a great turn                                            Marys to beers of all types.
out with Provost providing security.                                                 The unit expressed many thanks to
The Temple was also able to complete                                              1st lieutenant Dan Dumphy, Col. Alan
the Ceremonial welcoming new Nobles                                               Cannon, 2nd lieutenant Bobby Smith, PC
including a Units and Clubs dinner and                                            Gwin Dunbar and Col. Mike Warlikowski
dance. Provost provided Temple security                                           for manning the hospitality room the
for the Ceremonial along with providing                                           entire weekend.
the dinner that evening.                                                             Upon returning plans were completed
     MASA and SASA were finally able                                              for the Urbana parade and the trip
to be held complete with parades and                                              made with many members traveling
hospitality. Provost participated in the                                          and enjoying all of the Provost Royal
MASA parade winning a second place                                                Hospitality from Lobster dip, Urbana ham
trophy. Then the unit gathered up troops along with            biscuits, grilled burgers and dogs with all the trimmings,
Associate member Mike Donifrio, our spouses/friends(total      fabulous brownies and of course the traveling libations.
23) and trucked it down to Myrtle Beach to take First place        Thought Provoking: Climb mountains not so the world
in the Parade. Also on the scene were past Captain Jim Kelly   can see you, but you can see the world
and Associate Rick McClure both from North Carolina. Also          Provost is always looking for Nobles to join our family.
as usual Provost hosted the fabulously famous Hospitality      We meet the 2nd Weds of each month and invite Nobles to
room which included such items as Bacon wrapped scallops,      visit and see what we are about.
New Orleans Jambalaya, Urbana ham Biscuits, BBQ, many              Wesley King PC

                 Khedive Annual Election of Officers
                                Saturday-January 8, 2022
                               8am Breakfast 9am Meeting

HI-NOBLE BOOSTER                                                                       Janet Barringer
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                                                                                       A Better Way Realty
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Fourth Quarter 2021                                                                                                          P. 19

          Motor Corps
1st Lieutenant Dennis McEwen
W       ell, that was fast! And just like that, another year passes
        in the blink of an eye. 2021 started slow and on the
same progression as we had in 2020, which is to say, not
much going on. But throughout the year, things began to
open up a bit and started to feel a little normal once again.
The Motor Corps were no different. By that I mean we were
slow to start but as the year moved on, we began feeling a
little normal once again and gaining momentum.
     This past quarter we paraded a bit; the Neptune Festival
Parade with a small crew and the only one from Khedive, and
the Urbanna Oyster Festival, with a nice contingent of cars,
and Digger of course. It was nice to get out and stretch the
legs on our cars, even if for only a couple of events.                     Motor Corp s at U rbanna Oys te r
     Urbanna is always especially nice for the Motor Corps
as we get to spend some extra time as a unit and with our                       Festival (11.6.20 21)
ladies and families. The usual was on tap for the weekend,
with bonus shoutouts to Capt. Mike and Lady Sandy for the
well thought out plan of sharing dishes for food throughout.
And the usual local oysters on Friday to kick it off, out of
sight. Well done to the both of you! It was a great weekend
weather-wise and some good company and friendship were
had all weekend long. As for the parade itself, Khedive was
well represented and all had a marvelous time.
     The Christmas season has us involved in a few more events
before the end of 2021, so we’re looking forward to it. Notably
is the Smithfield Christmas Parade, which has historically
coincided with our Installation of Officers and unit Party at
Smithfield Station. I’m especially looking forward to this year
because it will be my first time getting to actually parade in
Smithfield, and later in the evening, being installed as unit
Capt. for 2022, the 25th year of the Motor Corps. Though the              Lastly, as we move into the Christmas season, I’d be remiss
unit has earlier beginnings, it’s 25 years as everyone knows us       to mention that we must not forget the true ‘reason for the
now, as the little NASCAR’s.                                          season’. Supply chain problems, not many presents available
     I’m both nervous and excited for the year. I think I have        to buy, angry shoppers and deal hunters abound… that’s
some good plans, including a potential new fundraising                not what it’s about. What’s under the tree is not important,
event in February, so stay tuned for that announcement. Our           it’s who’s around it. Reflect in the birth of our Lord and the
Shrimp Feast has a date set for Sunday, May 1. After missing          meaning of his life on this earth. Take plenty of moments to
our biggest fundraiser the past two years, I hope we return           revel with family and friends, bring some joy and do some
in a big way. Regardless, Capt. Mike Donofrio and his Lady            good in our societies. In this not so perfect world, we can be
Sandy has set the bar high, but my Lady Nancy and myself              an example of bringing joy onto others while still having fun.
are looking forward to the challenge in trying to keep the                Have a very Merry Christmas and let’s look positively
Motor Corps as one of the top units of the KSC, at least for          toward 2022!
the upcoming year. Thanks again Capt. for a great year. It was            All the best and yours in faith,
challenging for you throughout but you did a fantastic job.               Dennis McEwen

                         Khedive 2022 Business Meetings
                     March 31 - September 29 - November 29
                                           2022 DUES CARD REQUIRED
                                            - WEAR YOUR FEZ -
P. 20                                                                                                     Khedive Hi-Noble

                              Drum & Bugle Corps
                          Assistant Director Jessy B. Santero
B   ased on favorable development in our Temple functions,
    leading slowly to a sense of normalcy in our day to day
routine. Members enthusiasms are evident in our unit
                                                                  finished. Our Ladies did played an important role in managing
                                                                  tickets and desserts sales. During the Fall Ceremonial Open
                                                                  House we treated our house guest with sumptuous delicacies.
meetings, social gathering and in our normal conversations.           Twenty Five member of the Corps, together with the
Since the relaxation of the pandemic safety protocols,            participation of our Chief Rabban, Assistant Rabban and
we garnered several accomplishments. Our successful               Oriental Guide was inspirational as we wow the crowd at
participation in September 2021 MASA and SASA events,             Footer’s Sport Pubs, during Veteran’s Day celebration. We also
the Drum Corps earned First and Fourth place trophies             celebrated our annual Noble George Gunter’s Oysters Stag
respectively. The tireless efforts of our Drum Major Noble        party last Nov. 13 at the Rodeo field with members enjoying
Jack Bell and our Director Noble Darren Lehm, proved              fried oysters, pork barbecue, hamburgers and hotdogs under
instrumental in our successes.                                    beautiful autumn scenes.
    After a few weeks of planning on October 3, 2021, against         Our Christmas Evening Party is schedule on December
all odds, we embarked on our ambitious plan to re-start our       11, at TPC Virginia Beach Golf Course at Princess Anne Road.
popular Fish Fry fund raising event. Our Director set the wheel   What a great day and memories it will leave behind. Have a
in motion to organized an all hands evolution from start to       Great and Happy Christmas Holiday.

       Khedive Autos                                              so that we will be able to help and serve the children and
                                                                  families of our hospitals in need through Gods grace.
                                                                     Our installation of officers for the year 2022 will be held on
          Captain Dale Shenk                                      December 11 at the Aberdeen barn. The officers to be installed
                                                                  are: Captain Dale Shenk, First Lieutenant Bob Wadsworth,

W     e had an awesome time at the Urbanda parade. They
      had beautiful crafts and delicious food. I had an oyster
basket with fries.
                                                                  Second Lieutenant John Thomas, Secretary Dave Clark and
                                                                  Treasurer Skip Patnode. Our Chaplain will be Jimmy Sawyer.
                                                                     We meet on the second Monday of the month at the
   The holiday season is here and the new year will be here       Khedive Shrine Center at 7pm. Refreshments at 6pm. Come
before we know it. I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving       out and meet with us, if you’re interested in joining the Autos.
and I wish you a Merry Christmas.I pray that we will be clear        Keep your wheels rolling!
minded in the new year and offer hospitality to one another       Captain Dale Shenk
as we attend our temple activities, units and club meetings;      ldshenk@icloud.com - 757-293-8763
Fourth Quarter 2021                                                                                               P. 21

                                  Legion of Honor
                  Forrest Garland – Past Commander 2007
 T  he Khedive Shrine Fall Ceremonial was held on October         The 71th Annual Khedive Oyster Bowl game will be
    15th and 16th. The LOH provided the bar. The ceremonial held on November 27th with Old Dominion University
 ended with donations from units and clubs and the Legion playing the Charlotte 49ers. Tailgating for Khedive starts at
 presented a check for $500.00. On the 16th the Units Club 10:00AM at the Kauffman Mall.
 Ball was held and attended by the Commander and several          On December 4th we will hold our Annual Christmas
 Legion Nobles and Ladies.                                     Party and Installation of Officer’s at the Cypress Point
    At our October 24th meeting we nominated our new Country Club. Music will be provided by Patti Triplett.
 Officers for 2022. For Commander Harold Campbell, 1st            Khedive High Noble Booster Program LOH Manager
 Vice CDR Keven Wilkerson, 2nd Vice CDR Freddie Braza, wants to thank all LOH Nobles that signed up for the 2021
 Adjutant Dave Strohsal and Financial Officer PC Ron Lee. High Noble Booster Program. It is now time to sign up for
 We had a new petition from Richard Oscar Madison Jr., 2022, so please send your check for $10.00 to Adjutant
 voted on and will be installed in November.                   Dave Strohsal or bring it to the next business meeting.
    On November 4th -7th the unit attended the                    We are always looking for new members. The LOH
 International Association Legion of Honor Arlington meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month in our Unit
 Wreath Laying. It was attended by CDR Willmont Griffin, Room at the Khedive Temple. Social starts at 6:00 PM
 IALOH Adjutant Emeritus/MASA PC/PC Ron Lee and his and meeting at 7:30PM. Please remember that masks and
 Lady Helen, PC Dave Conner and his Lady Vanya, PC Jack social distancing are required at all LOH meetings.
 Laursen, Adjutant Dave Strohsal and LN Kevin Wilkerson. Yours in the Faith,
 Also in attendance was Imperial Potentate William S. Bailey. Forrest Garland
                                 “It Is Indeed An Honor To Belong To The Legion Of Honor”

     Arlington Wreath Laying Dave Strohsal, Randy Reed,                   Arlington Wreath Laying Imperial
          Willmont Griffin, Dave Conner, Jack Laursen                        Potentate William S. Bailey

                         Units Ball                                                 Units Ball
P. 22                                                                                                     Khedive Hi-Noble

                                         HI-NOBLE BOOSTERS
Arab Jeep Patrol                  Beach Bum Brothers                 Fire Brigade                  Knights of Mecca
David & Lisa Adams                Richard Rawls                      Terry Bledsoe & Lady Cheryl   Dave & Vanya Conner
Scott Benton                      Arthur Gandy                       Clyde Dixon & Lady Barbara    Bill & Dorsey Gurley
Bill & Debbie Bickel              Bruce Edwards                      Rob Kaylor & Lady Ginny       Randy Bracket
Ill. Woody & Terry Brown          Rob Parker                         Raymond McCoy & Lady Robin    Ben Austria
Robert & Susan Collins                                               Kerry Moore and Lady Jackie   Major Stephenson III
                                                                     Josh Ramsey & Lady Amanda
Chris & Amanda Dell
Glenn & Winnie Holman
                                  Khedive Chevy                      Phil Taylor & Lady Kathy
                                                                                                   Paul & Mary Beck
                                                                                                   Ray Soltis
Mark & Jennifer Holderman         Brian & Lori Adams                 Bob Travis & Lady Liza        Woody & Terri Brown, P.P.
Dan & Mary Honaker                Daniel & Heather Ausley                                          Ray & Robin McCoy
Mike Johansen & JoAnne            Raymond & Sheri Anderson           Franklin SC                   Joe & Mary Ramsey
Ill. Bill & Carol Kern            Brent & Robin Brown                                              R. Tim Jones
                                                                     Kevin & Mary Insull
Big Ed & Shirley McAlpine         John Conroy                                                      Mike & Susan Coffman, P.P.
                                                                     Kevin & Cheryl Dawkins
Walter “Dink” Pope & Michelle     Kevin & Angel Cooke                                              Ed & Doris Meise
                                                                     Hunter & Jennifer March
Terry Riley                       Terry & Shirley Douglas
                                                                     Kenneth & Debbiew Askew
                                  Mark & Kim Dykes
Gil & Marylee Sawyer
                                  Mike & Patrice Dykes
                                                                     Johnny & Juday Avent          Legion of Honor
Chris Shackleford                                                    Gerald & Jeannie Whitley
Roger & Barbara Shope             Mark & Carrie Guyer                                              Alfredo & Dolly Brazer
                                                                     Bobby & Jean Claud
Jeff & Jamie Smith                Bill & Kelly Harris                                              John Brown
                                                                     Charles & Nancy Bland
Hugh Spivey                       Billy Irvin                                                      R. G. Brown
                                                                     Butch & Patsy Ambrose
Charles Wickersham & Laura        Chuck & Debbie Lawrence                                          Harold Campbell
                                                                     John & Kay Meditz
Wilson & Linda Widgeon            Kenny & Sabrina Letner                                           Richard & Michelle Collins
                                                                     Jimmy & Venessa Jones
Michael Woods                     Ashley & Christina Martin                                        Dave Conner
                                                                     Jim & Cathy Hart
                                  Brian & Heather Martin                                           Pete & Helen Gordon
                                                                     Kenneth & Iola Gay
                                  Landis & Vivian Neal                                             Greg Gustafson
Autos                             Oscar & Violy Obsuna, P.P.
                                                                     Joel & Unha Bradshaw
                                                                                                   Herb Hurst
                                                                     George & Debbie Poston
Rickey & Patsy Akers              Jacob Pelletier & Kelsie                                         Ron Lee
                                                                     David & Tracy Francis
Clifford & Evelyn Atkinson        Mike & Sue Pelletier                                             Paul Pennybacker
                                                                     Kim & Patty Hall
Chuck Bateman                     Wesley & Lori Peoples                                            Dave & Robin Strohsahl
                                                                     Gary Crossfield
Len & Carolle Carter              David & Debbie Sawyer                                            Kevin Wilkinson
Briant Capps		                    William Scott
David & Kay Clark                 Leon & Marjie Stocks              Hillbillies
William (Willy) Creekmore         Buddy & Savonne Whittington       David Swoope                   Mini 18 Wheelers
Scottie & Spring Dyer             Dave & Fei Wikoff                 Memory of Bill Hoggard, P.P.   David & Lisa Adams
George & Jessie Eason                                               Memory of Jim Larsen           Mark Annis & Andrea
Charley & Barbara Edward          Chesapeake SC                     Tim Berkhimer                  Bill & Debbie Bickel
Bud & JoAnn Garner                                                  Chester & Michele Butler       Ron & Kathie Clark
                                  Landis Neal                       Ray & Norma Hall
Charlie & Amanda Graham                                                                            Warren Dan & Glenda Collins
                                  Freddie Cahoon                    Ethel Ward
Howard & Ann Helwig                                                                                Robert & Susan Collins
                                  Ray Teller                        Mark & Jennifer Holderman
Michael & JoAnn Johansen                                                                           Robert “Bubba” Collins
                                  The Pollock                       Dave & Sheryl Wilson
Leroy & Nancy Lane                                                                                 Joseph & Barbara Daigle
                                  Joel Bundy                        John & Seffron Boyle
Ed & Kathy Leggett, Jr.                                                                            Jeff & Debbie Hague
                                  Thomas Meiggs                     Roy Olson
Al Liverman                                                                                        Glenn & Winnie Holman
                                  Michael Denny                     Nathan Butler
Arthur (Alex) & Claire Martin                                                                      Dan & Mary Honaker
                                  Mike Cain                         Chuck & Charlee Schwender
Robert &Liz Metz                                                                                   Wiley & Paula Jernigan
                                  Steven Wayne McGowan              Jon Stillman
Joseph &Jehma Faye Miechle                                                                         Mike Johansen & JoAnne
                                  In Memory of Murray Buck          Edward & Doris Meise
William (Buddy) Morse		                                                                            Bobby & Kathy Johnson
                                  The Past Presidents               John Gearey
Charles (Skip) Patnode		                                                                           Lee & Carmen Joyner
                                  Officers & Board Members          Kim & Pat Hall
William “Bill” & Maria Peed Jr.                                                                    Edward & Kristine Foley
Terry Riley                                                         Chris Jaeger                   Melvin Fortson
Larry & Lavonne Rountree          Color Guard                       Mike & Rachel Pipis            Bob & Cassie McBride
Rudy Rudibaugh		                                                    Bob & Anne Mortenson           Bob Mills
                                  Pat Garrison      Rodney Rountree
Ronnie & Melissa Shank, Sr.                                         Don Meyer, P.P. & Betty        Walter “Dink” Pope & Michelle
                                  Mike Harrell      Eddie Salas
Lester “Dale” & Tammy Shenk                                                                        Terry & Neena Putt
                                  Gary Smith        Rick Rooseth
Michael “Dale“ & Megan Shenk      Tony Woods                        Divan                          Gil & Marylee Sawyer
Marty & Sherry Twomey                                                                              Ill. Charlie Taylor
                                  Ken Conley.                       Mark & Valerie Cook
Bob & Sandy Wadsworth                                                                              Gary & Joyce Umphlett
                                  Jason Rippard                     Scott Foxwell
Roger Ward                                                                                         Charles Wickersham & Laura
                                  Chris Dell                        John & Donna Brown
                                                                                                   Ms. Betty Tucker
                                  Freddie Gardner                   Dink Pope & Michelle
                                                                                                   Ms. Kay Lawrence
                                  Eric Dell                         Dick Wright
                                  William Reed                      Wayne Kelly & Cheryl
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