2022 January - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church

Page created by Sally Newman
2022 January - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
2022 January - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
An Epiphany
                      I had something of an epiphany (a sudden                   “The Walls” by Susan Palo Cherwien’s
                      revelation or insight) when I read this edition of NFTF.   From Glory Into Glory
                      I really shouldn’t have been surprised. While I don’t      Reflections for Worship
                      always know everything that is happening at SOTV,          How many voices have sung in this
                      I try to keep up.                                          place?
                      But there is something about reading about it all in       How many hymns have rung out in
                      one sitting.                                               this place?
                      It’s pretty remarkable.                                    How many tears have fallen in this
 Rick Summy                                                                      place?
                      The Call Committee may be finishing up its work.
  Senior Pastor       The Equity Task Force is sifting through                   How many feet have stepped in this
                      recommendations. The Reconciling in Christ (RIC)           place?
                      process is underway. Did you know that there are           How many Lord’s Prayers have
                      SOTV scholarships available?                               echoed in this place?
Our 10/20/40 anniversary observations continue, featuring an organ               These walls resonate
recital and a special celebration of our Tanzania partnership at the
end of the month.                                                                these walls vibrate
                                                                                 with the wonder
There are baptisms and more baptisms! Worship in-person and online.
Both Baptism and Communion instruction classes are set.                          of generations
And preschool registration opens too!                                            These walls echo
Look for the feature about small groups and learn opportunities.                 with the heartbeats
Be sure to check out the new ones that are available.
                                                                                 of ancestors and friends
Please read about our successful Christmas Gift Giving drive and
our busy food shelf (209,000 pounds of food shared in the last year).            Nothing disappears without a trace
                                                                                 in this creation.
If you are retired or even just thinking about retiring, you won’t want
to miss “Finding Purpose in Retirement,” presented by our Purposeful             Love and high aspiration
Retirement group.                                                                Grief and adoration
And these are just the highlights!                                               Live in these walls
Now, all of that could represent                                                 The heartbeats of generations
just a bunch of good stuff.
Which wouldn’t be bad, of course.                                                live in these walls.
                                                                                 Their yearning toward God
But there’s more here than that.
The plethora of ministries that                                                  lives in these walls.
occasioned my little epiphany have been developed because we                     Whispering to us
follow the one who is revealed in the Epiphany, which we will
celebrate this month.                                                            Encouraging us

                     The visit of the Magi (as told in the second chapter of     Echoing in us.
                     Matthew) represents the manifestation of Christ to          Singing with us.
                     the Gentiles. The child whose birth we celebrated at
                                                                                 May God, whose extravagant love
                     Christmas has not been given for a select few, but for
                                                                                 sustained our ancestors bless us.
                     the whole world. As the late Desmond Tutu said, “In
                     God’s family there are no outsiders, no enemies.”           May Christ, whose unbounded love
                                                                                 startled our world, bless us.
I invite you to take some time to read this newsletter.
Then prayerfully consider where God is calling you to participate.               May the Spirit, whose transforming
                                                                                 love shakes the world, bless us.
Perhaps you will have a bit of an epiphany too!
                                                                                 May the past be blessed.
                                                                                 May God’s future be now. Amen.

2 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                sotv.org
2022 January - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Church News                                                                                           CONTACT US
                                                                                                    Church Council:
                                                    Shepherd Scholarship                            Cheryl Seely, President
                                                                                                    Melissa Taphorn, Vice President
                                                    Scholarship applications will be available
                                                                                                    Sharon Rossing, Secretary
                                                    the end of January at the Welcome Center
                                                    and sotv.org/shepherd-scholarship.              Troy Nelson, Treasurer
                                                                                                    Rick Summy, Senior Pastor
                                                    This scholarship is open to congregation        Steve Dobin
                                                    members who thoroughly complete an              Rod Hofland
                                                    application, are currently enrolled in or are   Melissa Tapper
                                                    planning to enroll in post-secondary            Rachel Wermerskirchen
                                                    education/training. Applicants must be a        Bernie Zimmermann
                                                    high school graduate or have earned their       council@sotv.org
                                                    GED. Students may reapply annually.
                                                                                                    Main Office:
                                                    If you have any questions, contact
                                                    Linda Nelson, Preschool Director,
                                                    by calling 952.985.7370 or                      Children, Youth, & Family (CYF):
                                                    emailing linda.nelson@sotv.org.                 952.432.6385
                                                                                                    All other numbers:
                                                                                                    952.985 (+ ext)

Call Committee Update                                                                               Pastors:
The Call Committee is working with a final candidate for the call of Associate Pastor, Learn        Rick Summy - 7301
Ministry. Please watch for important information in upcoming emails (sign-up to receive             Lindsey Bina - 7351
weekly emails at sotv.org/email) and on the SOTV website (sotv.org/call-committee-updates).         Randy Brandt - 7302
Equity Task Force                                                                                   Mary Pottratz - 7321
The Equity Task Force has learned together, explored opportunities for congregational growth,
and made recommendations. In the remaining few months of their year-long commitment, they           Weddings:
will be fine-tuning and prioritizing their recommendations for staff and Church Council             Jill Johnson - 7381
consideration and approval. The recommendations that are adopted by SOTV leadership will            Preschool:
be shared in more detail with the congregation in the coming months. If you would like to learn     Linda Nelson - 7370
more, please contact Kari Slotten at kari.slotten@sotv.org or Pastor Randy at
randy.brandt@sotv.org.                                                                              Finance:
                                                                                                    Dawn Della Paolera - 7315
Dylan Otto Grimm. son of Donald & Kendra Grimm                                                      Funerals:
Jeter Jeffrey Kasper, son of Derek & Molly Kasper                                                   Jill Johnson - 7381
Charlie Christopher Stelljes, son of Cameron & Ashley Stelljes                                      Staff email addresses:
Everson Christopher Goulet, son of Joshua & Jessica Goulet                                          first.last@sotv.org
Harrison William Foley, son of John & Holly Foley
Iris Rose Seline, daughter of Ty & Abbie Seline                                                     Full staff directory at
Ty Christopher Seline                                                                               sotv.org/staff
Josiah Jay Whitney, son of Doug & Jenny Whitney
Rogan Arthur Erickson, son of Adam & Kirsten Erickson
Liv James Monson, daughter of Nicholas & Jenna Monson

December 11: Amanda Hopkins & Kerry Ide

Our Deepest Sympathy
Jill Nichols on the death of mother, Judy Gilbertson
Sue Carlson and Sheila Thompson on the death of brother-in-law, Mark Trebil
Chris Read on the deaths of brother and sister-in-law, Marc and Nanc Becker
Michael Kelly on the death of mother, Marlene Kelly
Phil Swiggum and Beth Siebenaller on the death of father, Mike Swiggum
Lyle and Pat Olson on the death of daughter, Sheri
DeeDee Lind on the death of father, Dan Schwappach
Marsha Brandt on the death of mother, Joann Buie
Tom Rossin on the death of brother, Tim Rossin
Paul Ice on the death of mother, Jean Ice

3 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                             sotv.org
2022 January - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Tell Me More About the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Process
By Kari Slotten, Director of Ministry

About a year ago, our Church Council approved the idea of creating an Equity Task Force (ETF). This group was
charged with looking at SOTV’s ministries and operating structures to see if there were opportunities to be
welcoming and inclusive of more people. Staff, Council, and others in church leadership have heard for years
that SOTV feels “like home.” And yet, there are people who have visited SOTV on a Sunday morning after
attending our Block Party or other community events, but didn’t come back. For being a large church, we
certainly look very homogeneous. If we spent some time looking at ourselves through an equity lens, is there
something we could learn that might help this special place feel “like home” to more people?
The Equity Task Force was set up for a one year duration, where people who expressed interest and were
approved by Council would spend time learning together, diving into ministry areas, making recommendations,
and ultimately evaluating and prioritizing recommendations that would then go to staff and Council. While the
ETF is still completing their work, one of the early recommendations made and agreed to by the team was to
begin the process of becoming a Reconciling in Christ congregation. Reconciling in Christ (RIC) is the
designation that Lutheran churches might seek to help communicate their desire to welcome and fully include
the LGBTQ+ community in their Christian community. RIC is part of the organization called ReconcilingWorks,
which is an independent Lutheran organization that works collaboratively with the ELCA. While many people in
the LGBTQ+ community seek this designation when looking for a church home, we’ve learned that this
designation can communicate a broader message to people of other marginalized groups: you’re welcome
here. While many congregations that begin the process to become an RIC congregation don’t complete the
process with a vote to formally become an RIC partner, the process includes congregational dialogue and
learning, which the ETF thought could help inform and prioritize other recommendations to come. The pastors
and Council agreed, and the process began last summer by posting in the News for the Flock that we were
looking for people to help lead the congregation through the RIC journey. More than 20 people expressed
interest, and ultimately 12 chose to be part of the team.
In order to begin understanding congregational sentiment, the RIC team developed a survey. From the survey
responses (we received 199), 77% said they wholeheartedly support becoming an RIC congregation, 15% said
they would like to learn more, and 11% said they do not support this designation. While we eventually hope to
hear from more people in the congregation, there is enough support now to continue the RIC process.
The survey also identified areas where the congregation would like more information. The biggest topics of
interest are what scripture teaches, how this impacts our congregational life, what the benefits and outcomes
are of this designation, and the ELCA’s position on human sexuality. The RIC team is currently planning
opportunities for learning in these areas and more, and will include information and time for discussion. We
intend to record the sessions and have them available on our website for those not able to attend.
After time to learn more and discuss together, we will likely offer another congregational survey. Based on those
results, the RIC team may recommend to the Church Council that we have a vote about formally becoming a
Reconciling in Christ congregation. If it seems that less than 75% of the congregation is in favor of this
designation, we would likely not offer the vote. The goal of this effort is not to divide a congregation. Instead, the
goal is to help communicate what “welcome” means at SOTV to potential members from our surrounding
communities. If we have the RIC designation, and people seeking that designation for whatever reason choose
to visit SOTV, we hope that they would feel genuinely welcomed and included, and could come to say SOTV
feels “like home” to them as it does for so many.
Do you have questions or comments? Please consider these options:
  Watch a ½ hour video about another organization’s process: reconcilingworks.org/ric/aboutric
  Read the FAQ sheet about RIC: www.reconcilingworks.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/RIC_FAQ.pdf
  Watch for upcoming opportunities to learn more at SOTV, and attend when possible
      Tuesday, January 18 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm: Introducing the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Process at SOTV (led
        by Pastor Rick and Kari Slotten)
      Sunday, January 23 from 9:45 – 10:45 am: Human Sexuality and the ELCA (led by Pastor Michael Burk)
      Monday, February 28 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm: Understanding Scripture and the Reconciling in Christ (RIC)
        Process (led by Pastors Rick, Lindsey, and Randy)
  Visit sotv.org/ric to learn more, find helpful links, or listen to recordings of our informational sessions
  Contact Kari Slotten at kari.slotten@sotv.org to discuss the RIC process
  Contact Pastor Rick at rick.summy@sotv.org to discuss questions or concerns (any pastor will happily discuss)
Thank you for your prayerful consideration of and participation in this process!

4| Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                             sotv.org
2022 January - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
Church News
Our Stories
This new section of our newsletter is dedicated to people at SOTV and their faith journeys. As we consider
becoming a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation, some of our first stories will be from members of the
LGBTQ+ community. To share your story (can be anonymous) or learn more, contact kari.slotten@sotv.org.

                                                   Ken’s story
                                           Growing up in a Unitarian church, Ken worshiped in an environment
                                           where everyone was welcomed. In Sunday school, he heard stories
                                           about Buddah, and stories that he later learned were from the bible.
                                           When his family moved to a town that didn’t have Unitarian churches,
                                           they found other welcoming congregations and more information
                                           about a triune God that resonated with Ken and his siblings. Ken has
                                           continued visiting a variety of churches throughout his adulthood,
                                           looking both for welcoming congregations and places where he can
                                           use his gifts. While many churches appear welcoming on their
                                           websites, Ken has had some experiences where no one said hi to him,
or didn’t respond when he expressed interest by signing the guest book. Other churches have been very
friendly, but don’t have anything for him to do. A wonderful example of Ken’s service was using his gifts as an
attorney to help negotiate a building purchase for a growing congregation he has attended since its inception.
Ken has found a variety of places to share his musical gifts, and is active with the wind and brass groups and
worship band at SOTV. He feels welcomed here, and would be interested in getting to know more LGBTQ+
people within our congregation. While Ken is also active at other churches closer to home, he says SOTV takes
first place (Ken says SOTV is fifteen minutes further, but four fewer stop lights).

                          Want to be a buddy?
                          We are looking for anyone interested in helping people with special needs. Interested?
                          Email Kari Slotten at kari.slotten@sotv.org. Background check will be required.

  Children, Youth, and Family Musician: part-time schedule. Job description

  Worship Assistant: 1st & 3rd Sundays. Job description

  Nursery Care Giver: part-time rotation schedule. Shifts include weekend worship hours. Job description

  Kitchen Assistant: part-time rotation schedule. Shifts include Sunday morning fellowship and special
  events. Job description

  Live Sound Technician: part-time rotation schedule. Shifts include weekend worship hours, Wednesday
  evenings, and special events. Job description

  Details and job descriptions can be found at sotv.org/employment.
  Interested? Submit an application form, cover letter, and resume to jennifer.davidson@sotv.org.

5| Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                           sotv.org
2022 January - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
WORSHIP                                            Worship is the heart of our church.
 January 1/2                                                 January 8/9
 Highlight: Holy Communion                                   Highlight: Baptism weekend
 Preacher: Pastor Lindsey Bina                               Preacher: Pastor Randy Brandt

 January 15/16                                               January 22/23
 Highlight: Holy Communion                                   Preacher: Pastor Rick Summy
 Guest Preacher: Pastor Jenny Sung

 January 29/30                                               Online (Live Stream) Worship:
 Highlight: Tanzania Partnership weekend                     Sundays at 9:45 am (or anytime afterward)
 Guest Tanzanian Preacher: Lusungu Msigwa                    Organ/piano-led service at sotv.org/live-stream

  Needed: Greeters Sundays at 11:00 am. Contact Sam Heiting at sam.heiting@sotv.org if interested.

Organ Recital: Sunday, January 9 at 3:00 pm
Gregory Peterson, Organist at Luther College
Gregory Peterson is Professor of Music and College Organist at Luther College in
Decorah, Iowa, where he teaches applied organ, church music, music history,
and January Term courses abroad. He is also conductor of Luther Ringers.
From 2011-2017 he was Head of the Music Department.
A respected leader in the field of church music, Dr. Peterson served the historic
Old South Church in Boston, MA as Organist and Minister of Music from 1997-
2005. At Old South, he directed the Old South Choir, Old South Ringers, and
performed regularly with the Old South Brass, Organ and Timpani Ensemble
including the ever-popular annual First Night Concerts on New Year’s Eve.
Prior to his appointment in Boston he was Visiting Assistant Professor of Music
and Christ Chapel Organist at Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN.
He has also been a visiting professor at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma,
WA, and served as music director for churches in CT, IA, MN, and WA. He serves
on the Development Committee and as a Trustee of the Association of Lutheran
Church Musicians. He was President of ALCM from 1997-2001. He is active in the American Guild of Organists,
and is a frequent workshop leader at various conferences. For the past 10 seasons, he has served as organist
for the annual Christmas Festival concerts by the National Lutheran Choir.
Gregory Peterson is an internationally acclaimed recitalist. He is featured on the critically acclaimed compact
discs “Heroic Sounds,” recommended for “nice music superbly played” (Journal of the Association of Anglican
Church Musicians) and “Dieterich Buxtehude: A 300th Anniversary Celebration,” noted for its “stylistic integrity,
energy, strength, clarity, crisp articulation, clear phrasing, and well-controlled rhythm” (The American Organist).
His most recent releases are “Songs of Peace, Petition and Proclamation” and a Christmas disc, “Air with Joy
Is Ringing.”
Gregory Peterson earned a BA degree in music at Luther College. He holds the MM degree from Yale University
in the Institute of Sacred Music where he was Hugh Giles Scholar and received the Harry B. Jepson Memorial
Scholarship. He received the DMA degree in organ performance and pedagogy from the University of Iowa
where he was a Rahn Scholar and teaching assistant. He has participated in the Summer Institute for French
Organ Study and the Gothenburg International Organ Academy in Sweden.

6 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                          sotv.org
2022 January - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
LEARN                                               Children, Youth, & Family (CYF)
Summer 2022 Camp Wapo Registration
Priority registration opens Saturday, January 15
Whether it’s your first overnight away from home, or you’ve been a long
time camper, Camp Wapo and Ox Lake is the perfect place to enjoy the
outdoors, connect with God, and have fun this summer! Watch for a CYF
email for more details in early January!
 Wapo Seeds: June 17-19 for those who completed grades 1 - 3
 Wapo Youth: June 19-24 for those who completed grades 4 - 8
 Ox Roots: June 19-24 for those who completed grades 7 - 8 & 9 - 12

Camp Kick-Off Weekend
Mark your calendars - join us for worship and ask questions at the
spotlight table in the narthex. Learn more about Vacation Bible School,
mini camps, Summer Stretch, Middle School and High School Trips,
Family Camp, Camp Wapo, and leadership opportunities at SOTV for
children and youth of all ages. Summer camp registrations will open
online (sotv.org/children-youth-and-family) on Monday, January 31.
Kick-Off date coming soon. Watch the website and emails for details.

Joint Middle School & High School Event
A Night of Sledding
Monday, January 17 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm
Register online
Calling all middle and high school youth - we're banking on having some good snow in January and want to go sledding with you. Meet us at
the sledding hill behind the Holiday Gas station at 140th Street and Galaxy Ave in Apple Valley for a night of sledding! Be sure to dress warm.
Bring your own sled(s) so we have enough for everybody. (Event is weather and snow permitting.)

Family Movie Night
Sunday, February 6 at 6:00 pm
Register online
Wear your snuggly pajamas and bring bean bags, sleeping bags, blankets, and your whole family to enjoy a free night of movies! Doors open
at 5:45 pm. Participants will be sent home with a special treat bag!

ELCA Youth Gathering in Minneapolis
Register Before Wednesday, January 19
July 24 – 29
Cost: $600 ($150 non-refundable deposit due at registration; financial support is available)
Register online
The ELCA Youth Gathering (open to students currently in grades 8 – 12) is held once every three years and is an opportunity for Lutheran
teens to gather together to learn from and serve our host city (this year it’s Minneapolis). Each day provides a different opportunity and
focus for students to grow in faith, meet new people, worship together, and learn from the community and people around us. Registration
after January 19 is available, but the cost increases to $650. Monday, January 24 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm is the first monthly meeting.

                                                          CYF Staff Contacts:
                 CYF Director: Kelsey Young                                          Grades 4 - 5: Erin Swenson-Hatzung
               Birth - 3-years-old: Katie Strand                                         Grades 6 - 8: Zach Rider
          Preschool - Kindergarten: Heidi Lawrence                                      Grades 9 –12: Wes Kimball
                   Grades 1 - 3: Ali Hohertz                                        General CYF Questions: Heidi Beranek

7 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                                     sotv.org
2022 January - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
LEARN                                               Children, Youth, & Family (CYF)
Faith To Go
Current theme is Christmas; Epiphany theme will be available on Thursday, January 6
View resources that are great for kids and adults at sotv.org/faith-to-go.

Baptism Class
Tuesday, January 4 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Register online
An opportunity for parents to meet with other parents, a pastor, and the Family Ministry Director to learn about the promises made at
baptism and the baptism process at SOTV. Families must attend class before their first baptism at SOTV. Children are welcome, as many
activities are participatory and age-appropriate. Baptism Preparation Class for ages 5+ will be held on Monday, February 7.

Playtime for Infants to 3-year-olds
Saturday, January 8 from 9:00 - 10:00 am
Register online
Bring your kiddos for a chance to talk with other adults while the little ones play in the nursery. Please register to help us honor our capacity
for these gatherings (7 households) and to help with planning. Next: February 12.

Programming (GodZone, Zone 45, & Confirmation) Resumes on January 9/12
All Leader Training on Wednesday, January 5
Parent Connect: Sticky Faith
8:30 am on Sundays, January 23 - February 13
5:45 pm and 7:00 pm on Wednesdays, February 9 - 23
Register online (Free nursery care available; no registration required)
All are welcome! Through a compelling blend of real-life stories and interviews with parents, this video curriculum drops you into the latest
national family research, and into the hearts of parents who share their own struggles, successes, and ideas that have shaped lasting faith in
their own families. Join other SOTV parents to watch and discuss.

Communion Class
Monday, January 31 from 6:30 - 7:30 pm
Register online
This one-night class (about 60 minutes) is a shared parent/child experience to support a meaningful communion practice. The class includes
videos, discussion time, tasting of the bread and wine, prayer, and answering children’s questions. Families are then invited to worship at a
church service the weekend following the class to participate in the celebration of communion together. If a child is curious about and asking
to take communion, we invite you listen to that cue, and consider enrolling in the communion class.

Parent Night for Grades 4 - 9 and their Parents/Guardians
“Love and Relationships” with Guest Speaker Karin Galloway Egge
Wednesday, February 2
5:00 pm or 6:30 pm (choose best time for your family; replaces regular programming)
Join us as we explore love and relationships, anchoring in principles of our faith to look at topics like healthy intimacy, connectedness,
consent, and sexual identity to better understand who we are as both sexual beings and children of God.

                                      SOTV Preschool Registration Begins January 18
                                      Applications are available at sotv.org/preschool.

                                      Questions or want to schedule a tour?
                                      Contact Linda Nelson, Preschool Director, at linda.nelson@sotv.org or 952.985.7370.

8 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                                       sotv.org
2022 January - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
LEARN                                        Small Groups
                                                           Small Groups at SOTV
                                                           Small groups have always had a positive impact on the
                                                           members in the groups. If you are looking to join a small
                                                           group, here are some upcoming options: table talk in
                                                           February, women’s bible study on Tuesdays from January
                                                           through March, ongoing Saturday Morning Women’s
                                                           Bible Story, ongoing Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible study,
                                                           and ongoing Friday morning men’s faith discussion
                                                           group. Find details and join the groups at sotv.org/events
                                                           and sotv.org/groups.

Featured Small Group: Tuesday Morning Men’s Bible Study Group
The Tuesday morning Men’s Bible Study group was started in 1995 after many of the men of SOTV attended the
first Promise Keepers’ event in the Twin Cities. One of the Promise Keepers’ tenants was the importance of
Christian men meeting regularly in small groups to help each other continue growing in faith and meaningful
behaviors through elements such as Bible study, prayer, and mutual support of one another. This SOTV group
has been meeting for an hour on Tuesday morning, ever since. The early start at 6:30 am allows working guys to
participate before they go off to their jobs and prevents any time conflicts with important family commitments
in the evenings.
One of the main objectives of the Tuesday group is to provide an ongoing opportunity to spend time in God’s
Word. By studying it collectively and using various sources to explore the meaning and context of individual
verses, we gain ongoing immersion in scripture and a better understanding of what God invites us to learn and
apply to our lives. We generally use Bible study booklets that provide structure and a starting point as we explore
themes and individual books of the Old and New Testament. The group is currently studying the book of
Romans. Bible study books are usually under $10 and will last many months at our “unrushed pace” of discovery!
A person can easily join during the current study, plus missing a few weeks won’t be a problem.
The group spends time weekly in fellowship (often takes the form of sharing current events/issues happening —
and within the lives of those we know) as we seek to be supportive of each other’s call to walk faithfully with
Christ. This often segues onto our internally maintained prayer list and then the prayer session with which we
close every meeting. Our prayer list and prayer time is a key bond to our fellowship and care for each other.
During the pandemic, we met online with Zoom. Currently we’re back to meeting at church, but we are still
simultaneously starting a Zoom session each week for participants who are out of town or are not able to make
it to the meeting site. This convenient option maintains regular connections and keeps everyone current in study.
For more than 12 years, our group has chosen to be intentional in providing acts of service. Once a month we
help provide free meals to community members at a variety of local churches (currently linked with the Loaves
and Fishes program at Easter Lutheran Church in Eagan). We find it meaningful to be able to work together in
answering Christ’s call to serve our neighbors in at least this one small way. Join this group by emailing Denny at

                                Table Talk
                                Let’s try a new idea together, and enjoy meaningful conversations along the way!
                                Pastor Lindsey Bina has developed a four-week guide that includes an opening
                                prayer, quick round-the-table check-in, discussion questions (several optional
                                questions weekly), and closing prayer. We’ll connect you with others who fit your
                                personal preferences (as you identify in the registration process). Each group of 4-7
                                people meets for one-hour, once a week, over four consecutive weeks beginning
                                the first week in February. Register at sotv.org/events.

9 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                               sotv.org
2022 January - Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church
LEARN                                               Learning & Group Events
Book Discussion: Parenting the New Teen in the Age of Anxiety
A Complete Guide to Your Child’s Stressed, Depressed, Expanded, Amazing Adolescence
Tuesdays, January 18 – February 8, from 1:30 – 3:00 pm or 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Led by: Linda Nelson, SOTV’s Preschool Director
Register online
Kids are growing up with nearly unlimited access to information and unprecedented stressors. Starting as early as eight years old, children
are exposed to material that they are developmentally unprepared to process. As a result, saving the typical “teen parenting” strategies for
thirteen-year-olds is now years too late. Dr. John Duffy’s parenting book is a new guide that addresses the phenomenon of the changing
teenage brain. Learn how to sort through the overwhelming circumstances of today’s teens and better understand the changing landscape of
adolescence; come away with a revised, conscious parenting plan more suited to addressing the current needs of the New Teen; discover the
joy in parenting again by reclaiming the role of your teen’s ally, guide, and consultant. Purchase book and read the first 30 pages before the
first night of class.

Faith Basics
Christianity: It’s All About Grace
Tuesday, January 18 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Led by: Pastor Randy Brandt
Register online for in-person and Zoom (In-person and Zoom classes happen at the same time)
This engaging seminar on grace will help you understand the core elements of the Christian faith from a Lutheran perspective. Faith Basics is
designed to help answer core questions about faith in a setting of caring relationships. This is a helpful course for those rekindling their faith,
those new to Christianity, and those interested in digging deeper into Lutheran insights.

Introducing the Reconciling in Christ (RIC) Process at SOTV
Tuesday, January 18 from 6:30 – 7:30 pm
Led by: Pastor Rick Summy and Kari Slotten
Register online
Join to discuss how we got to this point and what the rest of the process might look like. There will be time for Q&A and discussion.

Bible Study: Just Love
Monday, January 24 – February 7
In-Person at SOTV: 10:00 – 11:30 am
Zoom: 6:00 - 7:00 pm
Led by: Pastor Lindsey Bina
Register online (deadline: January 23)
Consider how justice and love intersect. What does “just love” look like? How is this kind of love more than a sentimental or sanitized
emotion, but is instead a love-in-action that seeks to dismantle the various systems of sin that damage God’s creation and harm God’s people?
Sessions will explore just love in the family, community, and nation.

New Member Class
Mondays, February 28 and March 7 from 6:30 – 8:00 pm
Register online

  Sunday Forum
  9:45 - 10:45 am in the Chapel
  January 2: New Year (No Forum)
  January 9: “Gratitude: Finding Joy in All Circumstances” with Amanda Braun
  January 16: “20 Years of Blessings” with Tanzania Travelers
  January 23: “Human Sexuality and the ELCA” with Pastor Michael Burk
  January 30 - February 20: “Christianity and Money” with Walt Sundberg, Professor Emeritus of Church History

               For more details about these learn events, go to sotv.org/events or pick up a promo card at SOTV.

10 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                                       sotv.org
LEARN                                               Learning & Group Events
Women’s Bible Study: Jesus & Women
Tuesdays, January 18 – March 8 from 9:30 – 11:30 am
Facilitated by: Julie Opheim and Kari Slotten
Register online
Follow in the footsteps of the women who came face-to-face with the Living God and discover the Bible through the lens of Middle
Eastern culture.

Women’s Bible Study: God of Freedom
Tuesdays, January 18 – March 22 from 7:00 – 8:00 pm
Register for Zoom (deadline: January 17)
Learn to see Christ through the stories of his people and discover how the God who created you will deliver you from death to life.

Women, Wealth, and Wisdom
Thursday, January 27 from 9:45 - 11:15 am
Led by: Karen Groves (SOTV member and financial consultant) will share real-life stories about six women
Register online (free childcare is available; sign-up during registration)
Consider donating items for women’s self-care bags. Bring unopened mascara and eyeliner to SOTV by Sunday, January 24. We welcome
monetary gifts, which will be used to purchase these and other self-care items for the Lewis House Shelter.

Racial Truth and Justice
Movie Night: Indian Horse
Thursday, January 13 at 6:30 pm
Register online
This 2017 movie follows Saul Indian Horse’s life, a Native Canadian who survives residential school and life amongst the racism of the 1970s.

Book Discussion: The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down
Thursday, January 20 from 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Register for Zoom (deadline: January 19)
The book tells the story of Lia Lee, a Hmong child with epilepsy, whose tragic demise reveals the danger of a lack of cross-cultural
communication in the medical profession. Every other chapter is Lia's story, and the chapters in-between discuss broader themes of Hmong
culture, customs, and history.

Empty Nesters
Ice Skating
Saturday, January 22 at 7:00 pm
Register online
Join for a night of ice skating at beautiful Centennial Lakes. Optional gathering at the Cheesecake Factory for dessert following skating.

Purposeful Retirement
Finding Purpose in Your Retirement
Saturday, January 15 from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Register online
Now that your financial plan is in place, let’s discuss some additional aspects of retirement: focus on panning for retirement; finding your
passion and purpose; fitness for mind and body; friends and family; fun, education, entertainment, and travel; furthering faith in retirement.

               For more details about these learn events, go to sotv.org/events or pick up a promo card at SOTV.

11 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                                     sotv.org
CONNECT                                           God’s Heart; Our Hands
Feed My Starving Children
South Metro Meal Pack
Monday, January 24
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Register online
Kids and adults of all ages can sign-up to hand-pack
nutritious MannaPack® meals specifically designed to assist
in reversing and preventing undernutrition. The goal is to
pack 1,000,000 meals during this week! You will pack in
groups of 10 (sign-up on our website and list your group
members). If you are unable to pack on SOTV’s designated
date and time, use the above registration link for more
dates and times.

Red Cross Blood Drive
Thursday, January 27
1:00 - 7:00 pm
COVID has caused the cancellation of many blood drives this year and the need
for blood is ongoing. Register at redcrossblood.org to make your appointment.
Walk in appointments will not be available. If you’ve received a COVID-19 vaccine,
you’ll need to provide the manufacturer name at donation time.
Nine volunteers are needed to check temperatures, greet, and serve in the canteen.
Interested? Call Linda Olson at 952.985.7329 or email linda.olson@sotv.org.

Christmas Gift Giving

                                                              Thank you!
A special thank you to all who supported
Christmas Gift Giving!
Through your generosity, we were able to serve
the following organizations:
  360’s Communities Armful of Love
  Dakota Woodlands
  The Salvation Army
  Lutheran Social Services
  Wingspan
  Our Tanzania partnership
Our congregation donated:
 $2,500 in grocery cards
 Over 550 toys
 Over 200 household items (such as sheets,
   towels, and kitchen necessities)
 Over $1,200 in gift cards
 $3,000 in cash donations
Your generosity made a difference for many people this Christmas!
We supported underprivileged families, victims of domestic violence, people experiencing homelessness, and
people with developmental disabilities. These are our neighbors who God calls us to serve.

12| Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                    sotv.org
CONNECT                                            Outreach Ministries

    What a year we had in our Food Shelf!
    With rising food insecurity, we see the growing need for food
    assistance in our growing numbers at the Food Shelf.
    Currently we are serving around 30 families each time we are open,
    translating into 60 families a week.
    So far this year (through November), we have provided food to 1,240 households, 4,866 people.
    Over the past year we have…
      Rescued 125,602 pounds of food from local grocery vendors
      Composted 21,407 pounds to a local farmer
      Distributed 209,000 pounds of food to individuals and families in need of food support
    We received donations from this congregation and community partners such as childcares, other
    churches, local schools, and businesses.
    In November, the Food Shelf gave $25 Cub gift cards to purchase a turkey for Thanksgiving, and
    gave a Thanksgiving food bag that included recipes for making pumpkin pie.
    Thank you for supporting our Food Shelf!

                                      Donate to the Food Shelf
                                      Bring items in a paper bag to the church when the building is open.

                                                                                  Brown paper bags
                                                                                   (prefer with handles)
                                                                                  Cereal
                                                                                  Syrup
                                                                                  All-purpose baking mixes
                                                                                   (example: Bisquick)
                                                                                  Oatmeal (instant packets)
                                                                                  Granola bars
                                                                                  Pop Tarts
                                                                                  Jam/jelly
                                                                                  Peanut butter
                                                                                  Honey

January Collection: Birthday Bags
We are collecting the following items to make ‘birthday
bags’ for kids who can’t afford a party. Put donations in
the wooden collection box near SOTV’s main entrance.
Items needed:
  Paper plates*                              Party favors*
  Napkins*                                   Balloons                      Frostings (new this year)
  Cups*                                      Candles
  Invitations*                               Cake mixes (new this year)      * Pack of 8 if possible.

13 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                        sotv.org
CONNECT                                           Outreach Ministries

Celebrating 20 Years of Tanzania Partnership
We’re celebrating 20 years of the blessings of partnership
this year, with one of the highlights coming this month.
On January 29/30
Worship will feature songs we’ve learned from our
Tanzanian partners, the choirs will wear the colorful
Tanzanian clothing our travelers received as gifts, and
there will be a Tanzanian style auction* to raise funds for a
laboratory building at the clinic. You won’t want to miss it!
When we worship in Tanzania, we usually ask in advance
how many offerings there will be that day. The custom is
to collect one offering for the general operation of the
parish, and then additional offerings to meet particular
needs. Often, a family or group will bring forward a thank
offering for a life event, like a graduation or marriage.
You are invited to contribute a thank offering for the
blessings of this partnership. Over and above our annual
commitments to provide funds for scholarships, medical
supplies, and project support, this year we are supporting
the construction of a laboratory building for the
expanding clinic in Tungamalenga.
Dr. Randy Hurley, an SOTV member with 20 years
experience developing the Ilula Health Center into a
hospital, observes, “a laboratory facility is crucial for
accurate diagnosis of disease. This would allow rapid
diagnosis and more expert management of malaria and
HIV. It would provide the capability to assess anemia in
pregnancy and the opportunity to better manage
diabetes. Laboratory capability would lead to more
accurate diagnosis of infectious diarrheal diseases.”
How can you help?
To give, write checks to SOTV with “TZ Lab” in the memo.
Give online to the “20yr Tanzania Anniversary” fund at

   * What’s a Tanzanian style auction?
   At the end of worship, the Tanzanian congregants
   process outside the chapel and form a large circle
   (At SOTV in January, we’ll do this in the narthex).
   People who can’t afford to give money instead
   donate items like a basket of eggs, a bundle of
   firewood, a bunch of bananas, or a chicken.
   The bidding often raises extravagant prices for
   these humble gifts. A Tanzanian pastor explained
   that this is the way the congregation encourages
   its members and honors every gift.

14| Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                         sotv.org
CARE                                            Find strength in Christ, and from one another.
COVID-19 Update
Monday, January 10
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Led by: Kris Ehresmann, Director, Infectious Disease Epidemiology, Prevention and Control Division at the
Minnesota Department of Health
Register online for Zoom (deadline: January 9)
This session will provide an overview of the current status of the COVID-19 pandemic and what we know about Omicron. There will be time
for Q&A.

Healthy Ways to Welcome 2022 Using Simple Actions
Just like that, another year has come and gone. January 2022 is more than just the first month of a new year —
it’s a chance to start fresh, rethink your approach to wellness, and find a new sense of purpose.
Instead of setting your sights on major life-changing resolutions, consider making a few simple changes, and
focus on the smaller stuff; whether it’s walking more, trying something new in the kitchen, reading, meditating, or
practicing generosity. With a little bit of consistent effort and some small steps, you’ll slowly change your lifestyle
for the better. Here are a few suggestions to get started. Read the entire prevention article here.
                                                                  1. Set realistic goals
                                                                     Set specific, manageable goals like scheduling three
                                                                     visits to the gym per week or replacing cookies with
                                                                     fruit for dessert.
                                                                  2. Get creative in the kitchen
                                                                     Every week, seek out a new recipe to try; you might
                                                                     spark a newfound love of cooking, on top of
                                                                     increasing your motivation and self-esteem.
                                                                  3. Take the stairs
                                                                     Researchers have found that just 10 minutes of
                                                                     walking stairs was more effective than 50 mg of
                                                                     caffeine (about half a cup of coffee) in helping
                                                                     sleep-deprived women feel more energized.
                                                                  4. Crack open a good book
                                                                     Beyond strengthening your cognitive health, a great
                                                                     novel can actually change your approach to life,
                                                                     enhancing your ability to empathize with others,
                                                                     making you a better friend, neighbor, and loved one.
                                                                  5. Meditate more often
                                                                     We can all benefit from some form of meditation,
                                                                     whether it’s just being more present and mindful in
                                                                     each moment or a daily half-hour practice.
 6. Use your vacation time
    Don’t let your vacation time sit unused: it could actually prolong your life. Meditation and vacation time
    have roughly the same outcome on overall wellbeing.
 7. See the light
    Light therapy can be as effective for treating major depressive disorder as antidepressants. Invest in a light
    therapy lamp or get outside in the morning.
 8. Reimagine your room
    Practicing creativity can keep loneliness, disengagement, and even dementia at bay. If you need an extra
    boost, reconfigure your space to make it more suited to creative pursuits.
 9. Practice generosity
    Studies show that people feel just as good when they donate money to a charitable organization as they
    do when they are given money.

15 | Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (SOTV)                                                                             sotv.org
Connect with us!
              SOTV website: sotv.org
  Sign-up for our weekly emails: sotv.org/email
       Facebook: facebook.com/SOTVorg
Instagram: instagram.com/shepherdofthevalleyav
         Twitter: twitter.com/SOTVchurch
               Realm: sotv.org/realm
         Email communications@sotv.org.

              Visit the website at sotv.org

  Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church, ELCA (SOTV)
  12650 Johnny Cake Ridge Road, Apple Valley, MN 55124
                Admin office: 952.432.6351
       Children, Youth, & Family office: 952.432.6385
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